Short declamation speeches example

My thoughts on how to bring back stealth

2024.05.14 10:09 Fr33dumb7 My thoughts on how to bring back stealth

The family members should start at the same time as the victim’s, putting more pressure early on in the game when it’s needed the most. 3 solid examples: there’s been times where I’ve been stabbed as LF before I even had the chance to start my chainsaw (it might be a victim spawn location issue). Also some of the family spawn so far away from the objectives that by the time they get to the main area of the map, the victims already got multiple doors open. And with the current rush meta, the family have no way to counter it. No way to place locks or traps faster. Nancy’s trap placing speed is unnecessarily long and should be cut in half.
Next idea is giving victims a short lasting noise notification (like when you slam a door) when they sprint for an extended amount of time (eg 5 seconds or something). Because if you play like I do, I’m sprinting all the time. I think this would encourage more passive/ stealthy gameplay.
I had a 3rd idea but I forgot it while I was typing this lmao.
Lemme know your thoughts! (1500 games played feedback)
submitted by Fr33dumb7 to TXChainSawGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:01 ShKhatibi Level of dressing actually does show who you are as a human being.

First of all, I want to put a disclaimer that I have nothing against wearing what you want, regardless of gender. I'm just saying that there is a visible correlation between clothing and personality. Most of the people that I have seen who wear modest clothes, little or light makeup, and generally more simple looks, have been better people. They're kinder, they're calmer, and even in team projects, they're more cooperative. But on the other hand, people who dress in a 'free-spirited' manner, or in a way that might be considered revealing (I dislike the word 'slutty' and can't think of another term—English isn't my first language), who wear a lot of makeup, or it's visible that they have had plastic surgeries, tend to be more entitled, angry, aggressive, selfish, and self-centered. I've seen people trying to say that you can't judge anyone based on what and how much they wear. It's true that you can't judge them on JUST what they wear. But fr example, if I see a man with no shirt on the street in a city with no nearby beach, or a woman with skirts so short you can see her underwear, they're probably assholes, and nine times out of ten, they really are.
submitted by ShKhatibi to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:01 S_apphir_e Advice please: Contract cut short due to complaints about my ED skills and attitude

Today I got a call from my agency that my contract was going to be cut short due to a few complaints. I need other nurses’ opinion on this please.
Context: I’m contracted at a rural multi purpose hospital, combined emergency, acute medical and residential care. It’s purely nurse-led with medical officers on call who can get on the telehealth/screen in ED if needed. Plus a doctor who physically visits approx 3x a week in AM shifts.
There’s a senior RN who works casual shifts. We never really got along, although we’ve never had any direct conflict or arguments. She just makes a lot of comments about travel nurses, questioning our ED skills, how we made the nurses accomodation a “pig sty” (even though it’s spotless, no dishes on the sink, always dried and put away on the spot etc). Anyway she complained to the management that I don’t do complete handovers- for example I didn’t hand over to their shift that I gave a slow IV push of digoxin to an ED patient. Another nurse who was in the handover room 100% remembers that I did in fact hand it over including the period of time I took to push the drug in and what time. On top of that, all the drugs given were charted and co signed by us, all available for her to read. But she says I never handed it over.
Number two, there’s a complaint that I argued with the doctor and have “abrupt attitude.” I have never ever argued with anybody there- not the admin, nit the cleaners, not the medical team etc. I have opinions about the people but I always keep it to myself to avoid the work politics. The closest thing I can think of is the doctor DECLINED to see a head injury patient I handed over, because she would rather suture a non urgent wound on the limb in another room. Without asking who, what, how, when, she just replied “I don’t want to see him” with a smile on her face. I said “They’re actually in that other room right now and have timed their arrival to see you.” And she went “Well I’ll be too busy suturing in there.” And that was end. She refused to see him 100%. Fortunately, the same coworker who is vouching I handed over the digoxin also witnessed this interaction. The patient was clinically well and neuro obs okay so he was discharged with a minor traumatic brain injury fact sheet. I explained all the warning signs and to come back if so. He returned the next day unwell and I texted her again to come SEE him, that’s when she finally saw him. And the kid ended up getting a CT scan in a bigger hospital. Luckily, there was no brain bleed. This was an INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS situation and I have so many regrets because I didn’t advocate for that patient enough. Luckily he was okay and he went home. I also had another chest pain patient who presented twice on the same day- I followed protocol, did the ECG and bloods. The dr was giving me attitude that it was clearly non-cardiac and non-urgent, rather mental health related. Regardless, I did my job and followed protocols for chest pain. Then the pharmacy called me asking about a loratadine script not matching the online med chart, and wanted to clarify which drug the doctor wanted. Obviously I was not going to tell her which drug to dispense (as I’m not a doctor) so I passed it on to the doctor. Her response was “This question is so petty. I don’t really care.” As you can see, despite this doctor’s attitude, I’ve been very patient and kept things to myself to remain professionalism. These are the closest interactions I can think of to an “argument.” The only person other than my witness who knew about this interaction was the same RN above who complained about the digoxin
Fourth, we do our own blood pathologies onsite due to being rural. So when I had a chest pain, I placed a 24 gauge IV cannula on a 71 year olds r) forearm SOLELY for the collection of bloods. My thinking was rather than poking her 3x for repeat bloods I would cannulate her to collect from the same cannula (you only need 1 mL or less each time). I already told this to the LPN/LVN who questioned the size of the cannula. I assured her at the event we had to administer IV drugs, it would be given in a bigger cannula on the L) forearm (as I avoid collecting blood from the same IV where drugs and fluids are being pushed into). This is also documented in her acute folder, cannulation form (under reason for cannulation is BLOODS). Anyway this LPN complained that I’m using the wrong IV size. Iwant to clarify NO IV DRUGS were given. Only ORAL. That IV was purely for bloods. But you know what, thinking about it, even if I were to push fluids through there, it wouldn’t be wrong. 24 gauge is used on paediatrics AND elderly AND adults with miniature sensitive veins.
But despite all of this, my contract has been cut shorter by weeks and the agency has asked me not to approach the management. And to finish my contract quietly and in peace. They won’t pass my feedback on out of fear it will cause conflict in their relationship with the client. Additionally, moving forward, they cannot place me in ED contracts anymore until I’ve completed a medical/acute contract and gotten good feedback.
To me this absolute bullshit so I told them this will be the last contract with them (I have other agencies). Did I do the right thing? Was I wrong in any of these scenarios? Please give feedback as I want to improve myself as a nurse…
submitted by S_apphir_e to TravelNursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:56 LynnWalton [Get] Paul Ross – Secrets Of Subtle Sales Mastery Deluxe Download

[Get] Paul Ross – Secrets Of Subtle Sales Mastery Deluxe Download


Part #1:The Subtle Art Of Superior Mindset – How To Conquer Self-Sabotage, Blast Past Old Limiting Beliefs, And Show Up Aligned And Ready To Win!

Have you ever felt that, no matter how sincerely you consciously wanted to win, another part of you was holding you back?
When it comes to selling, have you ever had what seemed to start out as a really good day where you were performing at your best, only to then find yourself backsliding into old, stuck patterns that made you wind up feeling defeated?
In short, have you ever had those days where despite all your “positive thinking”, pumping yourself up, and getting into peak states, something you couldn’t quite put your finger on made you drop the ball at the one-yard line?
Well, you can kiss those days goodbye forever, using the proven and powerful methods in this section that will teach you:
  • A simple, 3-word phrase that 100% defuses and erases any and all limiting beliefs (I know this seems an impossible, even BAT-SH*T crazy claim, but once you put this into use and see how powerful it truly is, you’ll be thankful you allowed yourself to believe me)
  • How to avoid the ONE word that will guarantee you keep reprogramming yourself for failure – and what to replace it with instead
  • Secrets of “Ownership Language” – these three words will supercharge your motivation and keep you in unstoppable motion
  • The RFM Principle – how to use the “operating system” of the unconscious mind to ensure you show up congruent, aligned, and fully ready to win
  • And a lot more in perhaps the most innovative, original, and completely revolutionary part of this training

Part #2:Foundations For Your Fortune: The 4 Gold-Key Secrets That Power Your Subtle Selling $uper Succe$$

Listen: I’m first to admit, this training will give you word-for-word, fully-fleshed-out phrases and “mini-scripts” you can immediately use to see your cash flow take some nice jumps.
But, as with any set of tools, if you know what they are designed to do, their power and precision increases exponentially.
That’s why this section of your training is crucial.
In it, you’ll learn:
  • No matter what your industry or profession, you are ALWAYS selling first, and what it will cost you if you don’t
  • How to conquer the one “kill-the-sale” obstacle you must overcome if you really want to crush your numbers
  • No, it’s NOT lack of rapport, or “know, like, and trust”, or any of the traditional bullcrap explanations
  • The two top questions you must ask yourself before every pitch, presentation, or meeting that will wildly increase your odds of making the sale, before you even open your mouth (I know, I know: this one sounds especially batBLEEP crazy, but once you get this, it will bring you a massive increase in your sales)
  • The jaw-dropping secret to get your prospect to feel instantly understood, respected, and eager to be led, without you stating a single fact, specific, or data point about your product or service

Part #3:How To Double Or Triple The Effectiveness And Bottom Line Results Of Your Sales Presentations (Across Any Platform)

Here’s where the rubber really hits the road as I present the “building block” tools and word for word, “mini-scripts” that will powerfully get your prospects to convince themselves to buy so you close your deals in record time at record numbers!
You’ll learn:
  • How to leverage a simple 3-word phrase that unconsciously triggers your prospects to “impulse buy” even when you are moving high-ticket products and services (Hint: you do this to yourself every time you fall in love or find yourself reaching for that refrigerator door without even knowing you’re doing it. What, oh what could it be????)
  • Two simple tools that awaken your prospect’s child-like desire to believe you, BEFORE you give any facts, figures, or numbers
  • How To “pre-seed” your prospects for a friction-free close in the first 5 minutes of your conversation
  • And a hell of a lot more in this mind-blowing section that will leave you reeling!

Part #4:The Subtle Art Of Smashing Objections: How To Increase Your Sales And Closings By Up To An Additional 15-20% With The Power Of Verbal “Jiu-Jitsu”

For many of us in sales, objections can be a last minute, even shocking “deal killer”.
You’ve established rapport.
You’ve asked your qualifying questions.
You’ve done your presentation of your “marketing plan” and think you’ve got it all wrapped.
Then, suddenly, like a (metaphor) the client/prospect/customer whips out that BS excuse, smokescreen, or stall.
In this section of your training, I’m going to teach you how to verbally “flip” that stuff on its head and get your prospects to powerfully talk themselves out of their objections.
In essence, you’ll be able to instantly transmute the reason they state they can’t buy – into the reason they MUST buy.
(Truly, this is by far the most fun section of the training – many of my students report they have to bite their cheeks from laughing when they see this stuff working in the real world.)
You will learn:
  • When and how you MUST break rapport, and even shock your prospect past their objections
  • How to use counter-examples to create virtual objection amnesia – by far the most fun of all the fun methods this section teaches
  • How to use “Illusion Of Agreement” to devastate the “I’ve Got To Talk To My Spouse” objection
  • How to use “Meaning Reframes” to transform “Fee Negotiators” into willing clients who pay you what you’re worth
  • And much, much more in this power-packed, super-enjoyable section that will turn you into an objection crushing machine!
submitted by LynnWalton to u/LynnWalton [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:45 PoppyProcastinator Is feeling stupid a Gen Z thing?

Hi guys, I (m20) feel like I've been getting dumber and dumber over the past 5 or more years. I can't concentrate properly on solving relatively simple tasks, especially calculations in school. I usually look at the task, try to understand it and get overwhelmed by the complexity of the task. I feel like my brain has rotted from the huge media consumption, especially YouTube, Instagram... I wish I could throw my phone at the wall but it's still such an important tool. I don't want to blame anyone because ultimately everyone is responsible for their actions, consumption and life but it's so addictive to scroll through YouTube shorts or Instagram reels because it's easy, interesting, entertaining etc. I can't bring myself to do concentration-intensive tasks like reading or studying. For example, when I read task descriptions in some exams I forget things before they even enter my short-term memory. It wanders around and makes me think about everything else but what I'm trying to think about at the moment. I think the essence of this text corresponds to the common problems of Generation Z. What can I do about it? My countermeasures are the healthy implementation of good habits into my life and mindfulness, but I'm not ambitious enough because I'm used to short-term gratification, not long-term, and I can't imagine where I will be in the future and where I could be if I embark on this approach because I don't even know if it's the right one.
I read Atomic Habits, High on Life and Can't hurt me but as I mentioned I forget most of what I read.
submitted by PoppyProcastinator to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:45 manuelandremusic Using TileMaps for grid-based building?

I can’t find anything on the internet, and reading the lists of properties/funcs in the doc is sometimes very abstract to me, and therefore hard to implement in my project. But I’m sure this must be doable with tilemaps.
When I think of games like stardew valley, or anno, then the maps there are basically grids where you can move freely, but only build on the grid. Where can I start conceptually to achieve this? Is this possible through tilemaps? Or do I need an array that calculates the grid and then looks at the mouse pos every frame to know which cell we technically are in?
What I did for now was using % on my mouse pos Vector2 together with my grid size (64) to make a building shilouette, that followed my mouse, always snap to an imaginary 64x64 grid. But this seems like a very short term workaround to me. It wouldn’t work in a stardew valley scenario for example.
Are there any good tutorials/resources to this you can recommend? (Except the doc, I read it but it’s hard for me to grasp without practical examples). Or do you have a tip for me as a beginner on where to start with this?
Thank you guys, and have great day!
submitted by manuelandremusic to godot [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:45 josefinarally What are some pros and cons of hiring a freezer instead of buying a new one?

There are several advantages to hiring a freezer from a top Freezer Trailer Hire company instead of buying a new one. However, whether or not these advantages apply to you will be a function of the specific circumstance which you need them for.
For example, for short-term occasions and events, it is always infinitely more advisable to go with a hire service instead of making an outright purchase. This way, you can save on the costs while enjoying all the benefits that come with refrigeration.
Additionally, going with a worthwhile freezer hire service also gives you the luxury of enjoying add-on services such as emergency repairs, maintenance, and more.
Of course, the opposite applies when it comes to long-term commitments. If you're going to be needing your freezer for a long period of time, then it is always better in the long run to make an outright purchase than a hire.
submitted by josefinarally to u/josefinarally [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:27 SnooPineapples5971 Being multiple people

I think I witnessed this from my mom at a young age and now its who I am and I don’t know how to change it, any advice helps.
My mom used to externally glamorize herself in the public. She was really good at having a nice home on the outside but the inside was horrible, only the areas where guest would be were fully furnished for example. Also, she would always, always be presentable in the public, the makeup, hair, outfits were always nice, but for example at home, she’d sleep in tee shirts and shorts with holes in them, she wouldnt do her hair or makeup while at home, only for work or if she needed to go impress someone. On the outside she looked very organized and put together but things were a mess.
Sadly, I find myself unconsciously being the same but im not sure if this is normal. For me, if I dont care to be judged I won’t do my hair or makeup when I go to work. But if im going out for my second job I’m like a completely different person.
I can understand we wind down at home and are in our comfortable space, but is this normal? Do most people maintain themselves even when at home doing nothing? Or does everyone only get excited to care for themselves when they have a partner or a place to go?
submitted by SnooPineapples5971 to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:26 Cultural_Pea8773 My girlfriend tried manipulating me and forcing me to have a threesome with her friend

My gf (19) and me (20m) have been dating for almost 2 years. For anonymity we’ll call her “Mary” me and Mary started dating in late 2022. Previous to her I had dated a girl who for anonymity we’ll call “Liz” I broke up with Liz to date Mary. Because I felt I couldn’t trust Liz to be loyal.
Mary is bisexual which I thought was really cool when we started dating because even the small possibility of a threesome sounded amazing. When we started dating I had 2 other bodies and Mary had 0. It took a very long time for us to be able to be intimate with each other due to her being a virgin. Even after I took her v card the sex wasn’t good and hasn’t ever been very good. I know this might sound douchey. But I’ve only ever heard compliments from previous partners. I was always able to make them finish and last for 20+ minutes. But ever since me and Mary started being intimate I’ve never been able to make her finish. The douchey part about it is I refuse to believe I’m at fault. She takes a lot of mood stabilizers and anti depressants so that’s what I blame it on. For example she takes lexapro and I’ve heard it’s virtually impossible to finish while on lexapro. After months of havin terrible unsuccessful sex. Mary decided she wanted to have a threesome and I was thrilled with the idea as most 18 year old teenage boys are. It was around this time that Mary and Liz had become close friends. (Yes they became friends after we started dating) eventually Liz brought the idea up to Mary about having a threesome and I said yes and we should do it. However shortly after I had rediscovered my relationship with god and had become more spiritual which led to me wanting to be strictly monogamous. When I told Mary she said she didn’t want to force me to do anything and said nothing would happen but they remained to be friends. Fast forward a couple weeks I looked through my gfs phone (yes I look through her phone idc, I have valid reasons) I had discovered that they had begun a full fledged emotional affair behind my back. When I confronted Mary and told her she had to cut off Liz she actually agreed. But when she no longer had her best friend in her life she became more depressed and moped around every day. So trying to be the bigger man and to look out for my gfs feelings I had a talk with Liz and tried to set boundaries. Whenever I talked to her tho she seemed to only want to talk about our relationship which I thought was weird and still do to this day. Lemme state this. I have 0 feelings towards her anymore. Yes she’s still attractive, but I no longer have any feelings beyond that. After that talk Liz and Mary were friends again. I guess they had talked about wanting to have a threesome. Because Mary had repeatedly brought it up. Even after stating I didn’t want to. She tried saying she was unhappy with our bedroom life and wanted more. I told her I’m not comfortable with it and if she wants more then she can leave and do it. She chose to drop it and stay. UNTIL August 23rd 2022. When I looked through Mary’s phone and discovered AGAIN that they had formed a full emotional affair. On top of that. Mary said how in love she was with Liz and said “that 1 time u put ur hand on my thigh made me so wet and I still masturb*te thinking about it” she proceeded to say that she hates being intimate with me and wishes it was her instead, she said she feels she has to force herself to be with me.
When reading these texts on her phone I immediately broke down. Yes being lied to and cheated her a lot. But to this day the worst part was her saying she felt she had to force herself to be intimate with me. It felt like I had been roping her for our entire relationship and that in of itself made me s*icidal. Even now almost a whole year later it still hurts me to think abt. When I read those messages immediately left Mary’s house without waking her up or saying bye. I went home and played videos games with my cousin and best friend and told them what had happened. They were just as shocked and told me I needed to confront her and discuss it with her. When she woke up I texted her saying how I found the messages and wanted to break up. She apologized profusely and said it meant nothing, and said what she said abt us wasn’t true and she wishes she could take it back. I told her I can’t see her for a while and don’t even know if I still love her. I took a week or 2 away to see how I felt. I decided to take her back and forgive her. Why? U may ask. Because I love her and I want to have kids and a future with her. This is when prob my biggest regret is. That night I saw her we were intimate…a lot, and she was more enthusiastic about it then she ever had been. I knew it was about of pity. I knew I shouldn’t. I still did. Because I’m weak. I wish I could tell u it only happened once but it didn’t. It continued like that for a while and I never turned it down. The post nut clarity after each time was terrible. She had cut off Liz and we were trying to get back to normal. I don’t remember how because that whole time was such a blur but Liz and Mary became friends AGAIN. I know I said it was okay. I just don’t remember the context behind it at all. Unfortunately. The problem is I’m very nonchalant and it’s hard for me to stay mad at things because everything feels so small to me. The reason I’m making this post is because I need to know if I’m crazy. Anyways. Fast forward to December of 2023. Me n Mary were going through a rough patch. A 2-4 month long rough patch. I just didn’t see her the same and still held resentment. We agreed to take a break from each other. The night before we broke up I went through her phone…and you’ll never guess what I found. YEP THE SAME EXACT THING. Them having an emotional affair. But this time on top of that. Mary stated that she was going to break up with me so she could be with Liz. That’s not what she told me. Obviously she said she wanted to take time away from each other and then get back together. When I saw this I was livid that this could happen 3 TIMES!!! This 1 didn’t hurt me as much because we were breaking up anyways. So when we broke up I had no intention getting back together with her. she still kept in contact with me reminding me she loved me and that she wanted to get back together. Funny part is. We were intimate more often during that time than we were when we were in a relationship. I’m sure there’s a reason why. But I couldn’t tell u. I’m sure someone else knows why.
1 of the last times we hooked up I looked through her phone. But this time I actually got a pleasant surprise. Mary said she didn’t want to date Liz and wanted to be with me. Liz obviously furious blocked her. But don’t worry not for very long. We ended up getting back together and she still to this day doesn’t know what I found the night before we broke up. We got back together in January. In February Mary and Liz became friends again. Mary continued to ask for a threeesome even after I said no. She said it would make our s*x life so much better and more fun. She wouldn’t talk to me and would belittle me whenever I would say no. She would withhold being intimate because I said no. If you’re still reading this btw I’m so appreciative and would love some advice on how to fix this and what I should do. Why am I still with her?? Because I love her. More than I’ve ever loved anybody. She’s the reason I do anything other than lay n bed. What do I do now Reddit??
submitted by Cultural_Pea8773 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:21 HulloTheLoser Creationists don't understand the Law of Monophyly

Over time, I've encountered creationists who've insisted that macroevolution is completely different from microevolution. Every time I ask them to elaborate on the actual fundamental differences between them, they change the subject (which is to be expected).
But, as someone who prefers to accurately define terms, I've always used the definition of "change in species or higher" as the definition of macroevolution, as that's what it objectively is according to every biologist who understands basic evolutionary theory. Due to this, macroevolution is effectively synonymous with speciation. So, to demonstrate that macroevolution is possible, all you must do is demonstrate that speciation is possible. The fact is that we have observed speciation several times, but creationists time and time again will consistently deny that these instances are macroevolution.
This is most likely due to creationists believing in the idea of "created kinds", and define macroevolution as "change in kind". Of course, they don't define what a kind is nor do they provide a taxonomic equivalent nor do they provide any methodology of distinguishing between kinds. But one of the most common slap backs to observed instances of speciation is "it's still x". Use "x" as any plant, animal, fungus, or bacterium that you provide as evidence. Use Darwin's finches as an example, creationists will respond "they're still finches". Use the long term E. coli experiment as an example, creationists will respond "they're still bacteria". Use the various Drosophila fly experiments as an example, creationists will respond "they're still fruit flies".
This, in my opinion, showcases a major misunderstanding among creationists about the Law of Monophyly. The Law of Monophyly, in simple terms, states that organisms will always belong to the group of their ancestors. Or, in more technical terms, organisms will share the clade of their ancestors and all of their descendants will reside within their clade. In creationist terms, this means an animal will never change kinds.
I believe this misunderstanding occurs because creationists believe that all life on Earth was created at the same time or within a very short span of time. Because of this, they only draw conclusions based on the assumption that all animals existed in their present forms (or closely related forms) since forever. For any creationists reading this, I implore you to abandon that presumption and instead take on the idea that animals were not created in one fell swoop. Instead, imagine that the current presentation of animals didn't always exist, but instead, more primitive (or basal) forms of them existed before that.
What the Law of Monophyly suggests is that these basal forms (take carnivorans, for instance) will always produce more of their forms. Even when a new clade forms out of their descendants (caniforms, for instance), those descendants will still reside within that ancestral clade. This means, for an uncertain amount of time, there were no caniforms or feliforms, only carnivorans. Then, a speciation event occurred that caused carnivorans to split into two distinct groups - the caniforms and the feliforms. Those carnivorans are "still carnivorans", but they now represent distinct subgroups that are incompatible with the rest of their ancestral group.
This pattern holds true for every clade we observe in nature. There weren't always carnivorans, there were only ferungulates at one point. And there weren't always ferungulates, there were only placentals at some point. This pattern goes all the way back to the first lifeforms, and where those initial lifeforms came from, we don't know. We certainly have some clues, and it's seeming more and more likely that life originated from non-living molecules capable of self-replication, and thus subjected to selective pressures. But the question of where life came from is completely irrelevant to evolution anyways.
That's really all I wanted to rant about. The Law of Monophyly is something creationists don't understand, and perhaps helping them understand this first may open up effective dialogue.
submitted by HulloTheLoser to DebateEvolution [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:20 glim-girl Differences in what survival means between men and women; does it influence the abortion debate?

Im not sure if this is more a discussion or debate about the differences in mentality that shapes the issue of abortion. I welcome whatever opinions people have on this topic.
We teach men and women fundamentally different things about their own bodies and their personal protection.
For example, self defense.
Men are taught to fight and if two guys get in a fight then one may overpower the other or scares one off. They are taught to beat each other and inflict damage but not permanent damage to stop the other. They are also more likely to be cleared when it comes to killing in self defense.
Women are taught to fight but self defense is considered a separate type of learning, because the chances a women holds her own against a man in a regular fight according to rules isn't great. Adding a weapon may give her an advantage but can lead to her being charged with murder over self defense.
So self defense for a woman includes fighting with the intention to incapacitate or kill your attacker. You attack areas that could blind or cripple someone. You are also taught that you claw, bite, leave marks across them or get their blood on you so if you lose, they can find the person that attacked or killed you. It's better to die at the sight of the attack vs being taken to another location.
If a woman doesnt think that she can cause that level of harm without a good change of success or isn't comfortabled thinking she might kill someone, then she is told to do whatever she needs to to survive. That usually leads to, well you must have wanted it, you didn't fight back or hard enough.
Men are taught that people, police or healthcare, will listen to them, take them seriously, and help them.
Women are taught that people, police, and healthcare, won't and that what happens. Rapes aren't investigated, kits go untested, womens fear is seen as being emotional, or that health issues arent that bad she just complaining.
So bringing that over to abortion, women see another situation where they will have to go it alone. Where help is dependent on if people believe you vs need. Where help might not exist because women are suppose to give birth so it doesn't matter what they go through, theyre built to deal with that, and whatever other nonsense people believe about women and pregnancy.
We just had an entire debate about a strange man and a bear where it was made clear death isn't the part most women fear. That there are worse things than death to them. Is it a surprise then that death of the unborn is seen as a lesser evil than giving birth into abusive or other less than ideal circumstances or for cases where the child will likely die before birth/shortly after and have a life of pain?
Do you think that the differences in how we teach men and women about protecting themselves along with the way we are obviously treating each other is leading to this vast divide in beliefs?
submitted by glim-girl to AbortDebate [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:15 Time_Confection_1187 I can feel and see my pulse when resting

I am a 26-year-old fit male (178cm, ~70kg, do calisthenics, wall climbing, running regularly, not drinking, not smoking, not on any medications) having issues with a bounding pulse. I have a normal heart rate (~50 when sleeping, 60-80 during the day, 187 was the largest I have measured during running) and normal blood pressure (110/70, sometimes it goes slightly over 120, which is "elevated"), but, for more than a year, I can feel and see my pulse when resting.
How it started: More than a year ago, I was really stressed. Many things added up, including family issues, a lot of work to do, finishing exams for the master's, starting a PhD, I was not sure what career path to choose, and preparing for my first public speech at a conference was also frustrating. That was the time when it started. I started to notice my heartbeat when resting, and then, at meetings, when I had to pay attention to others, I was entirely distracted by my heartbeat. I felt it mainly in my temple and neck. The strongest pulsation was the night before my conference presentation. I had a flight at night and arrived at my apartment, but there was no receptionist. As it turned out, there was an automatic check-in system, but my department (who booked the accommodation) forgot to forward me the email and the code. It was hard to reach anyone at night, but the awkward situation was solved after an hour. In addition, I was already nervous because I had never been to a conference, had never had to do small talk in English, or had never given a presentation to a lot of people in English. That night, I had difficulties falling asleep. All I could hear was my heartbeat, and the pounding in my temple was the strongest I had ever felt, which, of course, also increased my nervousness. Since then, although not that profound, I feel my heartbeat when resting.
After a while, I started to feel the pulse in my chest and some arrhythmias as well. I went to my GP, who sent me to a cardiologist. They were not really concerned about the pounding heartbeat, only the arrhythmias. My heart rate and blood pressure were normal, and the echocardiography and electrocardiography showed nothing. Then I had a Holter monitoring and had some NSVTs near bedtime that I could feel precisely. I was told to take magnesium, which made sense as I exercise regularly, and I always had muscle twitching basically all over my body. Since I take magnesium supplements, the arrhythmias and muscle twitching are gone, so I consider this matter closed.
I did some blood tests but found nothing worrying. As always, my total cholesterol and LDL are around the top, while the HDL is around the bottom threshold of the acceptable region. I have also checked for lipoA and apoB, as strokes have appeared among my ancestors, but they were also in the normal range. My morning serum cortisol was slightly elevated (789.4 nmol/L). My TSH was also slightly elevated (6.840 mIU/L), while free T3 and T4 levels were normal (which might be subclinical hypothyroidism, but I do not show the other symptoms).
This year was much less stressful. I tried to pay attention to not be anxious (I even started to meditate, although it did not go well, as all I could focus on when I calmed down and closed my eyes was my heartbeat). However, I can feel my pulse bounding ever since. (maybe it always was, but I have never attended to it before)
Do you have any ideas about what can be behind this? Maybe stress, something with my TSH, or perhaps all of it is normal, but I started to attend to it after my arrhythmias.
submitted by Time_Confection_1187 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:10 madyb Demo of the Day (or of the week) - Idea Feedback

Hi folks,
IDEA 1 - Demo of The Day
I've come up with an idea to both reward games that made long strides and also to help their game be seen more even if it's a tiny bit. What I'm thinking is pinning/stickying a demo to the top, and keeping it there for 24 hours. The rules I have in mind are:
Note: This is an unpaid effort, no sponsorship deals or anything similar won't ever happen here. If this gets an overwhelmingly positive reception, I'll fine-tune the details, and of course all ears for your suggestions.
IDEA 2 - Demo of The Day
This would be more similar to how IGN First functions. I was one of the core members of IGN First when it first launched. The idea back when we launched it was to dedicate a whole month to a specific game, all with exclusive never-seen-before type of content. Now, we can't do exclusive content here, because first, that would go against the idea of this sub helping you promote your indie game. If your game is a promising one, then exclusive news and content is a powerful weapon you have for media coverage. However, if you're selected we can ask for 5 pieces of content that'll be updated daily form Monday to Friday. However, if we go this route, only the best of the best demos would get a pass here.
Note: This is an unpaid effort, no sponsorship deals or anything similar won't ever happen here. If this gets an overwhelmingly positive reception, I'll fine-tune the details, and of course all ears for your suggestions.
submitted by madyb to indiegames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:09 ScopedFlipFlop The prerequisites to walking, autonomous robots:

Robots capable operating as a human: - walking (achieved decades ago) - manipulating objects (achieved) - similar speed to a human (achieved)
Vision: - ability to see pictures (achieved) - ability to see video (achieved very recently!)
Audio: - ability to understand instructions through speech-to-text (achieved) - ability to understand real-time audio (achieved very recently!)
Reasoning: - ability to reason (achieved) - ability to reason reliably (achieved) - ability to reason in new situations (achieved) - ability to apply reasoning to audio and video (achieved)
Action: - ability to perform basic action based on prompts* (achieved) - ability to perform complex, digital action based on prompts (not yet achieved) - ability to perform real-world action based on prompts (not yet achieved)
In summary:
Technologically speaking, after last night's announcements, we are pretty much in a situation where autonomous humanoid robots can be given the "brain" of GPT-4o and are able to function.
The only missing stages are actually translating the prompts into action. Compared with the difficulty of audio-to-audio reasoning, for example, this appears fairly straightforward.
I predict that in < 2 years, humanoid robots will be mass-produced and publicly available.
submitted by ScopedFlipFlop to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 aryan_redditor BPD or OSDD

Hey folks, I have symptoms of Checking OCD and few symptoms of BPD like emptiness, splitting and unstable self image etc.. Haven't got a diagnosis yet, but I'm planning to sort it out next week.
So, here's the deal: I've got these voices/thoughts in my head, kinda like two roommates with very different vibes. I named them Michael and Lucifer (yes, like Angel and Devil) to sort out my thinking.
Michael is like a goody-two-shoes type, morally white, gullible, timid, shy, selfless.
Then there's Lucifer, who's morally greyish, confident, selfish, egotist etc.... in short both are quite opposite to each other and have different perspectives and belief systems
These guys influence me big time, like I'm caught in a tug-of-war between them. Sometimes I lean towards Michael, other times towards Lucifer, depending on what's going on around me. I consider them as states instead of alters.
For example, while I'm in Lucifer's state, Michael's influence is very low. If I do something bad that goes against Michael's belief system, I won't feel anything at that time. But later, when I'm in Michael's state, I feel guilty and bad for what I've done while in Lucifer's state, even if those things benefited me. By the way, no amnesia here. I remember everything.
I used to think this was just classic BPD stuff with unstable self-image, Black and white thinking and all that jazz. But then I heard about OSDD, which sounds kinda similar-like undeveloped and less distinct alters, minus the amnesia.
So, any thoughts or similar experiences to share? I'm not looking for a diagnosis, just some friendly advice to help me wrap my head around things. Appreciate ya!
submitted by aryan_redditor to OSDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:40 Fun_Salamander_4304 Introduction to scaling

Here i will try to make a simple introduction about scaling if i say things wrong please correct me
Okay so first of all what is powerscaling? Simply put powerscaling is looking at fictional characters and putting them in a tier to determine how powerfull they are kinda like a tierlist
The tierlists that are most used in powerscaling are vsbattle wiki and characters stats and profiles (vsbw and csap for short)
To determine how strong a character would be in a fight between characters from different verses the following things are most commonly considered: speed, attack potency, endurance, battle intelligence, hax and durability.
Most of these can be divided into further categories.
Hax might be the most difficult to understand since a lot of scalers have different opinions on what is considered a hax. Simple definition might be that hax are just abilities that are not direct attacks or that can be used in different ways besides a straight up attack. For example teleportation or reality manipulation (Although some attacks might also be considered hax i know it is confusing).
Sometimes powerscaling is a bit up to interpretation since almost every verse is not made for powerscaling which means we cant directly compare powerscaling terms to the terms used in the verses.
Other important things to consider in discussing powerscaling is different versions of the same character sometimes specific versions are used and sometimes composite versions.
Composite versions means that we take the strongest feats and statements of characters and put them all together in a scale or matchup for the character.
A feat is any action that a character takes in the story
I hope this short explenation of powerscaling helps new powerscalers get into powerscaling
(I also hope i didnt make any mistakes)
Anyway if any veteran powerscalers want to add important info about powerscaling feel free to comment
submitted by Fun_Salamander_4304 to powerscales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:39 Fearless-Summer6222 How to Register a Business Name - 2024 Guide

I've been reading on a lot about registering a business name and I think we need to make a clarification. Some people think that registering a business is not the same as registering a business name, but in fact, it's one and the same thing.
Here's a short guide on how to register a business name just to clear this misconception.
  1. Brainstorm & Check Availability:
  1. Consider Business Structure:
  1. Business Name Registration:
Additional Tips:
If you need help you can visit:
submitted by Fearless-Summer6222 to llc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:32 TheBigGuns69 Need help finding artillery turrets for references.

Need help finding artillery turrets for references.
So the last time I asked for some references I did a horrible job explaining what I was looking for so now I have a proof of concept turret cap to use as an example.
Proof of concept artillery turret
I don't use OBS much so the video isn't that good but here is the proof of concept I made.
The turret I am making is going to have 2 main features. 1. Left offset barrel. 2. "Autoloader" that elevates with the barrel
The turret will have about 30 degrees of azimuth. The design intent is to leave the visual space on the right empty so I can put a forward facing missile battery there. The "Autoloader" is a bunch of mimics tethered to the AA mantlet. The idea is to make it look like a super heavy gun that has to have the autoloader move with it. The main reference I used was this leaked Automaton artillery from Helldivers 2.
IDK how it actually works cause we can't see it elevate but it looks like the large autoloader on the back elevates with the gun. For a better look at how a system like this should work, take a look the the Swedish Bandkanon.
I can't find any short videos that showcase how the elevation mechanism works so I recommend looking at some Warthunder videos.
Now what I need help with is finding some references in the game/workshop. The end goal for this turret is to make it look like the Automaton artillery but shifted to the left. I'm mainly looking for turrets like the one I made and any cool futuristic artillery. Any help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by TheBigGuns69 to FromTheDepths [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:30 Budget-Caregiver5496 Ideas for a new planet/environments + some of my own thoughts to help balancing

New Planets/Environments
Hey guys, I've been thinking a lot about the issues surrounding balance and I hope some of my ideas can give the dev team some fresh takes on how to combat this issue. One idea I had was creating a planet with some sort of underground cave system that is very dark so flashlights can finally be of use. I'm sure many of you remember the ewok hunt game mode from Battlefront 2, and I think Helldivers can create a similar sort of atmosphere and feeling by creating a dark environment where you are constantly turning around and checking your 6. Even in a relatively mid game, I remember being scared shitless of those tiny little Ewoks sprinting around in the darkness, but also having the time of life. Obviously Helldivers does not need to create such an extreme environment, there could be sources of light like bioluminescent bugs or water to create some light, but the point is that players would have to rely on their flashlight. Right now, it seems like the dev team increases difficulty by introducing environmental elements and the widely disliked stratagem modifiers which range from relatively tame and boring to just plain frustrating. Not only would environments like the cave be more challenging and unique compared to the current environmental factors (imo), but this could take some pressure off of the balancing issues because there is more incentive to give the player powerful weapons due to the added difficulty. These sort of environments would also provide opportunities to introduce new enemies, since right now new enemy additions are basically thrown into the horde and there's no real conceptual reason why they have appeared now.
For automatons, a new potential planet could be a dystopian city-like environment that is designed similar to the automaton factories, but much more expansive. The automaton's "cities" are probably closer to where they originate, but creating a more structured planet for them would be very interesting. Imagine laying down on a road or sniping from a window, I think that would be more fun than the bland landscapes we have now. This environment probably wouldn't make the game harder in a similar fashion to the cave system since there would be more cover, but automatons are significantly harder than bugs, and I will absolutely die on that hill.
Anyways, the point of these new ideas is to increase the game's difficulty so that the players enjoy a greater variety of gameplay and the devs can rely on changes like this instead of nerfing guns. After all, nerfing in a PvE game is always going to hurt the player's effectiveness no matter the scenario. Also, the Helldivers' enemies have totally lost their aura, at least in my eyes. Part of this is because obviously I'm going to react more strongly to a bile titan the first time rather than the 1000th time, but part of this is also because most planets are basically featureless expanses of plains. A bile titan is not scary or threatening if I can see it walking from a kilometer away, but seeing a stalker running up to you in a dark cave will probably always inject me with adrenaline (let players join a session and play as enemies? haha).
TLDR: Dark cave systems for bugs and a city-like planet for the automatons so that the increased difficulty of the game comes from the game presenting challenges rather than nerfs to weapons.
Some of my own thoughts
I also have some personal thoughts and opinions on the current state of the game, so take them with a grain of salt. I'm also going to make some assumptions, and I'll try to back them up with a little bit of reasoning. To me, it seems as though the Helldivers dev team lacks big data on their own game. I'm not sure if I'm totally correct, but I believe I heard that the balancing team makes changes based on what percentage of the playerbase uses a certain weapon. This is why I believe the eruptor was nerfed, not because it was overpowered but because a comparatively large portion of the playerbase was using it. Naturally, players will use a relatively strong weapon that is new and eventually the usage will drop once the novelty wears off. However, the eruptor was nerfed a week or two after it was released, which I believe is way too short of a time frame to judge properly how much the players like the weapon. And this is not just the eruptor specifically, many weapons seem to get changed very quickly after they have been buffed or added, and I think the dev team might be overreacting to surges in usage from the playerbase. In general, I hope that the dev team takes a little bit more time to consider their decisions, since right now major changes are being made basically weekly. Already the game is a totally different beast compared to launch, imagine what it would look like in a year.
Another reason why I believe dev team lacks proper analytical data is their inability to track basically any statistic within the game, or at least that's what it looks like to me. The most prevalent example is the 2 billion bug counter which was counted very incorrectly. I know very little about coding, only took one class in college, but creating a simple kill counter like this should be well within any game dev's abilities. They have also failed to track accuracy, kill count, damage, and basically every other statistic you can think of at some point in the game's lifetime. They claim to have fixed some of these issues, but I still have doubts. If they are unable to do create these basic data-tracking tools, then there is no wonder the playerbase reacts so strongly to the balancing changes, and in turn why some certain high-ups have in turn responded critically to the public response because in their eyes they are making the correct decision based on the data presented to them.
To summarize my thoughts, in my eyes the dev team is rushing changes before they have the proper analytical data, which might be corrupted in the first place anyways. They definitely do not properly test the higher difficulties, otherwise they would have known the patrol rate change is absolutely ludicrous. However, I want the dev team to have faith in the quality of their game and know that even if they do not touch the game at all, most of the playerbase will have a fun time. This only emphasizes the importance of changes; positive changes have a greater impact on a good game than a bad game, but the vice versa is also true. I know that Arrowhead was completely crushed last week because of Sony, and I can literally see the palpable stress in some of the higher-ups' messages. Please, take your time, and do not feel forced to make a change unless somehow a game-breaking feature was introduced.
TLDR: The dev team seems to be inundated probably do not have experience trying to manage such a large population, and because they are constantly being hammered by thousands of people and outside factors (Sony), they feel a sort of obligation to make the "perfect" changes which end up being too hasty. It seems to me they make these changes based on the limited data they can scrap during a week timeframe, which might be incorrect in the first place anyways (again I may be totally wrong on this take).
submitted by Budget-Caregiver5496 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:21 Such_Fruit_2765 are short balances investable?

On TDAmeritrade, you couldn't go long/short in an efficient way. they had a short balance category that you couldn't use to buy positions. Is it the same at Schwab? Could I for example short SGOV and buy agency (as an example)?
submitted by Such_Fruit_2765 to Schwab [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:10 apathetiken Please help - how to stop comparing myself

Reading and reflecting, I understand that I'm coming under the definition of a "nice guy". I can feel myself being the weakest among my roommates, even though we're in the same program of grad school. I'm always looking up to someone - I constantly see other people as better than me. Smarter than me. Stronger than me. More experienced than me (dating, relationships, academics, work, health, you name it). I'm glad that I'm - well - me with the world and life I've been brought into and the circumstances. I worked hard through college to get into grad school. I'm grateful for the things that have been given to me.
But lately I keep wishing to acquire parts of other people. I want to be respected like that guy. I want to be knowledgeable and well read like that guy. I want to be desired by girls like that guy is. And yet - can I ever?
After my breakup four years ago, I took the time in college to work on my fitness, health, and academics (probably could have done a better job with the last one). And after moving to grad school, I have learned some things I never would have living with my parents. I can cook now, I work part-time while doing a full-time graduate degree.
But again, it's nothing compared to the people around me. I don't feel like and have never felt like an equal. Today was a perfect example.
I matched with a girl last week, we exchanged numbers, and even set a date for today but I got ghosted shortly on Friday (I'm very sure of this). I'm not thinking too much about why she ghosted me. And today, my roommate had a date with that same girl. He didn't even swipe - she liked his Hinge profile upfront. Of course my roommate didn't know, but it was clear what it meant to me, and why he wasn't bothered by the fact that I had matched with her and had a date planned too.
What's worse is that I kept apologizing for mentioning that I matched with the same girl - that my first thought was "Did I say something wrong?".
I take more time than these people on projects and assignments. They do way cooler things than I do. I got an internship at a leading company in the US, but I still feel beneath them. I still feel I'm a joke to these guys. I'm not respected, am I?
I can't think of anything that can make things different - I'm roped into watching movies and plans with a guest who they invite every weekend night for dinner and a movie. I can cook for everyone, but even then I can't help but do the dishes even though the rule is that one person cooks and another person cleans. I don't have control. If there's any hint I do, it's my fault for not stepping up. Even if I do step who who will take me seriously?
Even this is an example of being a textbook nice guy - I'm claiming to be a victim here, aren't I? The only solution I can htink of for things being different is if I could live alone. If I had complete independence over my time and what I want to do. If I din't have to answer to any roommate or anyone. I imagined with a Master's I could acquire deep knowledge, spend time actually learning this subject I'm passionate about but I'm barely getting by. Life, this social life gets in the way from living with these people. If I'm not agreeing I'll be disliked and life will be uncomfortable. Not that I'm in the position to move out anytime soon - I often rely on help from the more experienced roommates to figure out problems I get stuck on with assignments.
It's all on me. It's up to me to make a change. But I feel like I can't. I feel helpless and guilty and angry. I can't imagine any empathy to this post, but if there's any chance or hope you can sense from what I shared... Please help by commenting. Anything helps. I don't know where to turn to right now - what time I can afford, who to tell.
submitted by apathetiken to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:10 fauxneige Scenes that made me pause in E1

Scenes that made me pause in E1
One: In an interview, Sam said they played with the gash in his throat (he smoked from it for example) but most of the scenes didn't make it into the show. So when I saw the bird fly out his throat, I did the Leo in OUATIH meme.
Two: The fact that Louis got Lestat's reaction here right. Lestat would indeed think it was a perfect betrayal. He would say so in a book, praise Louis and especially Claudia's tactic but moan about it forever to Louis though.
Three: That Dreamstat neck bite was reminiscent of their wedding night scene at the altar, how Louis got turned. It's good Louis is reminding himself that he betrayed his husband and not just any vampire.
Four: Daniel calling bullshit on Louis & Armand's "love of my life" deal. "Your love is a box pondering a neck wound". You tell him Daniel!
Loustat forever!
Five: Mr. Molloy is still not impressed. Also, the Dubai vampires are real performative in speech and action. Almost like theatre
Six: Yes, Armand. That's all the kiss you get
Seven: Audacity over fear - that should be Daniel's motto.
Eight: It should be Andrei's too, the little scamp.
Nine: Andrei being the one to hand the axe to the soldiers. I had the impression that Morgan and Emilia had more or less adopted him. Then I remembered he had a to be bribed with a cigarette to go entertain Claudia.
Ten: Sam does the dead eye look very well. All the time. Almost looks like something carved out of marble.
Bonus: In the woods, the colored hand print on the trees to mark how far each child reached. What a macabre children's game to play at night. And Claudia won.
submitted by fauxneige to InterviewVampire [link] [comments]