Quatrain end line rhymes

Rhymes On A Dime

2016.09.18 23:48 killlameme7 Rhymes On A Dime


2010.12.05 14:45 Get Your Bars Up


2024.05.15 07:43 Cartmanshonkerz Mother

I love my mummy. She grew me from her insides, encased by the flesh that we share. She nourished me with the liquid pulsing through her rotten body. Together we play games, mummy shows me how to make dolls from the scraps of daddy’s meat, pretty girl dolls with long floppy limbs that reek of decay. I don’t like mummy after the sun goes down. She tells me we can’t make dolls anymore, tells me my dolls are stupid. At night I hide. I have to find a different hiding spot tonight; mummy found my last one at sunrise. I can see the claw marks from when she found me in the linen cupboard. Long nails attached to long fingers, penetrating the cheap wooden door until there was nothing but torn up paint and inch deep fleshless lacerations.
The sun is setting. The final flash of orange sky and her eyes will gloss over like daddy’s did when mummy found him. Wet film slicked over green ovals of empty rage. She still looks like mummy, only her mouth is a tight line that reaches from ear to ear and it can’t open very well. It’s all muffled words now. Mummy looks like a tree after the sun sets. Her arms and her legs grow longer, they get too heavy so she hunches over. I am going to hide under her bed. Daddy’s bulge is hidden under there. Mummy keeps it a secret, but I know. Her bed is thin and much too long and her black hair is tangled up in the sheets. The scent of her sweat stained cushion lingers into my nostrils and down to my lungs as I crawl under, deeper into the dark stinking pit at the center.
I see the warm shadows from the final seconds of sun dance through the handmade curtains at her window. Mummy took the skin off daddy’s body to make those. His bellybutton, still attached to his torso skin, looks like a little crystal in the golden light. The pretty shadows disappear, and the room is black. I can hear mummy looking for me. She’s laughing through that muffled slit on her face. There is death in her eyes and a tremor in her shrieking that makes me nervous. She is angry now. I wasn’t in the linen cupboard this time. I am too smart for her.
I curl in on myself in the safety of the dark and wiggle my loose teeth in waiting. The nights are slow because I cannot sleep. I never sleep. Mummy is still running around the house looking for me, grunts of anticipation much louder, much more feral, than any wild animal. A pool of blood starts to swirl under my head where a loose tooth has fallen. Not good. Mummy smells blood as much as she craves it. The door creaks open. Two long feet stand still in the doorway, toes curling from excitement at the scent of her baby’s blood. I pray I do not end up as curtains and dolls like daddy. Mummy is on the bed; she is digging up the insides of her mattress. Maybe if I stay still enough, she won’t find me. I want to be brave, like daddy was.
I roll onto my back, there's a big hole in the mattress above my head. My eyes take seconds to adjust to the darkness above before I see Mummy’s dewy eyes beaming into mine. “My baby is here” the tight line where her mouth has been stretched starts to open slightly and she drools on me through her words. Her hand pokes through the slats in the bed and she pinches my cheeks until blood pours out. “We need more dolls, baby. We need this skin”. Warm water leaks from my eyes onto the tips of her fingers where blood gushes. She draws her hand away and I feel her tugging at my feet, grunting like an impatient child. I cannot kick, for her fingers reach from her palms to my thighs. I am paralyzed in her grip, and I let her pull me out from under my final hiding spot. I am dragged by my blood-stained hair to the backyard where mummy likes to play.
“Mummy is thirsty, baby? You can’t keep all that blood. You’re not selfish”
Her muffled words are comprehensible enough to foresee the fate at which I am now destined for. I am here to feed her, to fuel her life, as she once did me. In the way shadows chase the light, how the moon must always put the sun to rest, birth must give way to death. In turn I must give life, my flesh and bone, to the creator of my life and my light. To return to the darkness that will always encompass her. it is her right.
submitted by Cartmanshonkerz to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:38 shutuprightnow Interview Process Questions

Hello LAUSD teachers!
I am in the process of interviewing for LA elementary schools for the 24-25 school year. I have 7 years of teaching experience out of a nearby district. I have interviewed for three schools. 2/3 I felt went well. One I really love and I hope to hear back from.
I am starting to get nervous because my current district requires me to sign my contract again soon (by end of June) for next school year. However, I need another job lined before I can officially resign.
How long did it take you to get through the process and receive an offer?
My first two interviews were in late April. The school I am most excited about told me next steps and asked for references, but I have heard nothing since the interview.
Is it normal to wait this long to hear back?
Am I also competing with interdistrict transfers?
Are schools still waiting for enrollment numbers to be finalized?
Thank you for any help/advice you can provide!
submitted by shutuprightnow to LAUSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:38 UhWhateverworks MIL is nuttier than a fruitcake

My husband and I have been married for nearly 8 years and are parents of soon to be 3 young children (I’m due with our last kiddo next month). We are in our early 30s but have known each other since our early teens. We both have established, full time careers, are well educated, etc. We are in many ways what I would say is the suburban modern family. Life is hectic but we also have been very fortunate due to a combination of luck and consistent hard work and good decision making.
My husband’s family is quite the opposite. His dad has worked construction/carpentry since his early teens and been the breadwinner of the family, but has, for the most part, struggled to make ends meet. He is all in all a very charming, kindhearted guy though, and despite our vastly different lifestyles, I genuinely like him.
My MIL…she’s something else. While we have a mostly cordial relationship, she is truly one of the most self-absorbed people I’ve ever met. And not in a malicious manner— she just genuinely is narcissistic and thinks she knows best. Mostly this an annoying nuisance to occasionally deal with. She has said and done some unsavory things in the past that have resulted in short NC periods.
But this mentality ramped up to an 11 on a scale of 1-10 back in late February/early March.
My husband and I were going through an extremely stressful period in our marriage due to a number of issues. I was— and still am— pregnant with our third, we have a 5 and 2 year old, we were both working full time, and my husband’s job kept requiring him to travel out of state for a couple weeks at a time. Running a household as essentially a single mother while working full time was very stressful in itself, but then my grandmother had a stroke while he was out of state. By the time he got back, it was clear she wasn’t going to recover. She died with 48 hours of his return— which had given me just enough time to travel to visit her.
Almost simultaneously, my MIL was diagnosed with CLL. MIL has dealt with recurrent minor illnesses for some time (sinus and ear infections, the flu, etc.), so the cancer diagnosis wasn’t particularly surprising to me. But as most would do, we all spent some time reading up on this particular form of cancer, the general prognosis and treatment, etc.
My own parents happen to have both had cancer. My dad is a stage 2 prostate cancer survivor, having undergone treatment about 15 years ago. My mom unfortunately was not so lucky with her diagnosis— anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid— and from diagnosis to death was less than ten months. It’s been about a decade now. Needless to say, I feel I am fairly well versed in the oncology world for an average person and able to provide some insight on the experience.
CLL, as I understand, and from what I’ve now heard from her original oncologist, is generally not a very aggressive cancer. I have heard some people refer to it as more like autoimmune disorder. It often requires little treatment and more “watchful waiting” of symptoms. My MIL was told by the oncologist that this is exactly what their plan was, that her cancer was not aggressive or requiring treatment, and that she could essentially live a normal life with occasional blood draws for monitoring purposes.
From the moment she was diagnosed though, it has been all about her. Her cancer diagnosis overshadowed my grandma’s actual death. My husband had to be gone for a day and a half to attend her first appointment, even if I was balancing life as a single working mom who was grieving at the moment. Before her first consultation, everyone was sure she was dying, even though it didn’t take an expert to look over her bloodwork and realize that she was likely in a very low stage of this non-aggressive cancer.
When she attended her consultation, her, FIL, SIL, and my husband had to go to support and were relieved to hear the good news. MIL was mortally offended that the oncologist poo-pooed her ridiculous made up, self-enforced diet that had already caused her to lose 10lbs. She’s not a big boned lady, so that was not weight she needed or should be losing. MIL is convinced that homeopathic and naturopathic remedies are the way to go, that “big pharma” is out to get us and make a buck off of our treatment, etc. She quite literally took ivermectin for covid previously, folks. So the fact that an oncologist would tell her that her diet was downright silly pissed her off and she quickly tried to find others more aligned with her viewpoints.
Life resumed more normally for a couple of weeks, but her random “cures” added to her diet and lifestyle have gotten increasingly bizarre and frankly inconvenient for her entire family.
This past weekend, we visited them, and MIL was insistent that she was dying and the next oncologist would recommend chemo for treatment. I fail to see why one oncologist would be so nonchalant about treatment and another would propose aggressive treatment, but I digress. She brought up Dr. Oz, a holistic massage therapist that uses oils and massage to cure cancer, and worst of all, a new item she’s added to her diet— roasted apricot pits. Now if you’re like me, you might be wondering what would possess someone to eat an apricot pit— after all, don’t they have cyanide in them? Precisely. My MIL is intentionally ingesting apricot pits because “cyanide kills cancer.”
As my husband eloquently put it, “No, cyanide kills *everything.”
Today my husband received a phone call asking if he’d be willing to petsit for them this weekend. We have a follow up ultrasound for a small abnormality detected in our baby on Friday, but MIL wants him to drive to their home two hours away and spend the night so he can watch their cat and SIL’s dog. Meanwhile MIL, FIL, and SIL will drive eight hours (and eight hours back) to visit this massage therapist/oil salesman to “cure her cancer.” Mind you, they are using SIL’s car because they have no other vehicle that works well enough to drive that far, they are constantly tight on money, and again, her oncologist has stated she does not need treatment.
I am at a loss. My husband, FIL, and SIL are all frustrated and have come around to the idea that maybe she is being a little over the top finally, but no one is putting their foot down to stop her. SIL is going to drive them instead of just saying no and not letting them take her car. FIL repeatedly drives to the store to pick up whatever weird ass product she wants to try next. And my husband despite having way too much to deal with at home, keeps dropping everything to tend to her.
It is mind boggling obnoxious and honestly in some ways offensive given my family history with cancer. My mom’s diagnosis was death sentence from the get go and she faced it with bravery and tenacity and selflessness. My MIL has a minor health scare and everyone is expected to drop everything to help her.
I am glad my husband is finally seeing reason and logic— but what now? I have told him I strongly believe he needs to speak up and encourage her to follow legitimate medical advice— both for her own good but also to bring himself peace of mind in the long run— but it’s like this woman WANTS to die.
I could go on for hours, but really I’m just wondering how the heck to toe this delicate line of supporting my spouse while prioritizing my family.
submitted by UhWhateverworks to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:38 TheJawz15 Thoughts on the Portrayal of the NCR in the Fallout TV Show

Thoughts on the Portrayal of the NCR in the Fallout TV Show
Tl;dr when the NCR are portrayed in the Fallout TV show as being a far cry from their power in Fallout 2 and New Vegas. This is because they were already collapsing and dying a slow death. From hiring people like Fantastic and not being able to vet or produce new scientists and talents, to the loss of essential resources like water that they have to use Lake Mead to get water and power they need, coupled with incompetent leadership and land owners that could easily secede and become warlords over their own domain, it is easy to see why
When the Fallout television show first came out, I noticed a lot of people complaining and criticizing the portrayal of the New California Republic and how it should not have fallen that far between Fallout New Vegas and the TV show. But I think that in New Vegas, it quite clearly stated that the NCR are on the precipice of collapse and that the play for Vegas is a Hail Mary of a dying empire. There are four instances that point me to the idea that the NCR is weaker than people think. They are: Fantastic, the guy met at Helios One, and the accompanying scientist, Dr. Ignacio Rivas, Chief Hanlon at Camp Golf, General Lee Oliver and Aaron Kimball, and the Brahmin Barons and the NCR economy. These four, in my view, show that the NCR was already starting to fall apart when they tried to make the play for Vegas in Fallout New Vegas.

The Smartest Character to Ever Appear in Fallout
Let's start with Fantastic and what he does in Helios One. What he does at Helios One is nothing. Despite the caption and official stats, this guy is running with a 3 INT, 10 CHR. He is the epitome of the incompetence within the bureaucracy in the NCR. Through his dialogue, the player will learn that the way he obtained the position he did at Helios One is some NCR officials went door to door asking for scientists and he pulled a wonderful little trick where he said that he had a theoretical degree in physics. This means that there is no vetting of candidates. That they just took a guy off the street and said, "Hey you are going to be in charge of a solar power plant that we used quite a bit of resources to gain from the Brotherhood of Steel." And if that ain't wild, I don't know what is. This also points to a lack of schools and education centers that could make scientists that the NCR can tap into when they need them for problems like this. OSI exists, but doesn't seem to have the resources to do fill the gaps made in the expansion of the NCR. But hiring an incompetent person is not the worst thing in the world most of the time. Every company and government has done it before, and will do it again. But the worst thing is that Fantastic would probably have been caught earlier for his incompetence if it wasn't for Dr. Ignacio.

The Man Behind the Fantastic
Dr. Ignacio Rivas is a simple man who wants to help everyone. But he is also emblematic of the incompetence and inability of the NCR to audit their own people. Dr. Rivas is a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, a bunch of good people who in Fallout New Vegas, act as a sort of Red Cross organization. They handle illnesses, addictions, and other types of medical problems along with running education programs as well. But Dr. Rivas is a different type of member, one who is more akin to another member of the Followers of the Apocalypse that siphoned water away from the NCR sharecropper farm. He is acting to keep the NCR from learning about the secret of Helios One, while also making sure that its repairs do not go along with what the NCR wants, but what he wants. He wants the power to go to everyone, the NCR wants it to go to the Strip and Camp McCarran. Dr. Rivas doesn't help Fantastic and the NCR with the power situation, and is probably actively These two people at Helios One shows that the NCR either doesn't care or doesn't have the resources to audit and vet the people they put in these important areas.

Even if I side with the NCR, I still don't like this guy
The story of General Lee Oliver is one that just kind of reeks of corruption and nepotism. He is essentially the general you don't want to be serving under if you are in the military. He is egotistical, lazy, and just doesn't do well with those below him. When talking to Boone about General Oliver, he mentions that he is kind of distant, only being a signature on his discharge papers. That there was talk that Oliver wouldn't be in that position even if he wasn't buddy-buddy with the president Aaron Kimball. Without even seeing much of him, you know when you first meet him that he is not prepared for any plans that the Legion is going to throw at him. He seems to do no information gathering, no consolidation of resources to deal with the situations at Nipton, Camp New Hope, or anywhere else. He looks like the ineffectual general that people make fun of when talking about real life wars where you wonder how they even got into the position they are in. He is the hint of the level of corruption that is present within the NCR, and that if there are others who are like Oliver in positions of leadership, then it is no wonder that the NCR wasn't able to do any recovery operation in the ruins of Shady Sands.

The Man Who Started This Post
What made me think about the state of the NCR in the Fallout TV show and how it actually made sense that the NCR wouldn't be able to reclaim Shady Sands after the nuke fell on it and that the only presence they have are remnants led by Moldaver. It was a specific line that he says when you first talk to him. As he looks out over Lake Las Vegas, he mentions how beautiful the sunrise, or sunset I can't remember, is over a lake, and that there are no lakes in California. That they all dried up. This made me think that the resources that the NCR holds is actually very limited and most likely dwindling rapidly. This may also explain the desert look of a lot of California in the TV show, since there are no lakes, rivers, or bodies of water to sustain any agriculture in the area. This one set of lines shows that the NCR is probably desperate for the water and power that Hoover Dam can give and is probably the place that will save and sustain the NCR's empire. He is also a sign of the NCR incompetence that is just rampant throughout the game because they never found out that he was the one that was causing the communications problem unless the player says that they are going to arrest him and then he confesses and commits suicide.

Future Warlord
This final part is about two things that are connected, the NCR economy and Brahmin Barons. During the NCR-Brotherhood War, the NCR's gold reserve was destroyed in a Brotherhood attack, causing the NCR currency to crash in value. This in turn, caused an economic downturn of the NCR. While this was happening, the Brahmin Barons, like Heck Gunderson pictured here, took advantage of Kimball's expansionist policies to sweep up vast swathes of land for themselves. Now that there was economic instability and the way that people moved away from the NCR dollar back to bottle caps showed that people like Heck Gunderson could very well secede from the NCR and the NCR itself could fall into a state of multiple factions. It is mentioned in the quest Pheeble Will that Gunderson uses raider and warlord type tactics in gaining land that he desires. The Brahmin Barons are the ones in the greatest spot to leave the NCR while they waste resources in the Mojave. The Barons and the economy collapsing caused places like Shady Sands to fall into turmoil that was only exacerbated when the capital was moved. In the Fallout show, we see a library book that has the final check out date in 2276. There is also a chalk board with the very basic history of Shady Sands and how it "fell" in 2277. This fall is probably referring to an economic fall and the public services, like the library and schools, probably became quite limited due to the economic downturn in the NCR. Multiple states in the NCR might have also pulled away causing the NCR to consolidate around a few states like the Hub and Vault City. Which is why when Shady Sands was nuked, the NCR never came back. The only NCR presence there, were the ones that were already there, with no reinforcements or anything else.
In the end, New Vegas showed an NCR that was masquerading as a powerful force by being everywhere while doing nothing. They were an empire in their death throes and I believe that through these people we meet and what they say and represent, it shows that if the play for the Mojave doesn't work, then the NCR will collapse. The show may have shown that the NCR has actually collapsed due to the events of New Vegas not going the way of the NCR. The NCR has collapsed under its own weight, and the bear has bled out through a death by a thousand cuts.
If you made it this far then thank you very much. I am sorry if this is kind of incoherent and I rambled on too long. Let me know if I got any information wrong. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.

submitted by TheJawz15 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:37 monkeygoneape Most satisfying moment in the game

For me, it was playing as venom and mopping the floor with Kraven with ease finally ending that stupid plot line. I really don't like kraven as a Spiderman villain lol
submitted by monkeygoneape to spiderman2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:35 Lavendergeminis Catholicism, Queerness, Sex, and Sexuality.

Hey everyone, I'm curious to hear people's take on this topic. I'm sure its been talked about before but I can't seem to find it specifically in this thread and so I wanted to check in.
What are people's thoughts on Sex/Masturbation/Porn in relation to their Queerness and their Catholic faith?
Is there absolutely no room/space for Porn when committing ourselves to Christ?
I ask because on one hand our Queer communities very heavily focuses on Sexuality and the physical act of sex. So much so we are incredibly sex positive, call for more support to sex workers, and really tap into freedom in regards to hook up culture, sex positivity, and a hard attack on sex shaming. I even came across a Queer Christian (Non-Catholic) take on this idea that Queer people are hyper sexual because we are so admonished for our rights to act on sex that in turn, by acting on it we're rebelling against repression and permitting ourselves the gift which God gave us.
On the Catholic side of things, we're basically taught that sex and sexuality is more in line with monogamy, marriage, and procreation and that anything outside of that is wrong and immoral.
I personally struggle with both sides of things. I'm an Gay male and Demisexual and I very heavily lean on romance and emotions over sex. I would 1000 % would rather hold hands and go on a romantic date with a man than hook up all day any day. I've always been in line with monogamy and am open to sex however only in a committed and monogamous relationship.
Sadly, I have not met the right man yet, maybe never will, and so direct physical sex has not been something I have experienced in a long time. The extent of my experience with sexuality in the past 10 years has been watching porn and having common kinks which I indulge in through porn but other than that I do not seek hook ups out.
Off late though I have been wondering about porn/masturbation/lust and just have felt a pull away from that too. My main inner dialogue has been that by watching porn , and with my fetishes, I seem to internally objectify other men and desire them in a way that doesn't make me feel good.
I try to remind myself that there's MORE to my queerness than just sex and however I can't seem to reconcile that by fully committing to Christ I am giving up on my queerness to an extent.
Just a few minutes before writing this, I was watching a Catholic Priest on Youtube who prays on different topics. The one I watched was a prayer to "Break contracts with satan". The priest talks about how the contracts can be formed inadvertently and during the prayer he asks us to pause and let whatever thought or message come through.
When I paused, the thought that organically came to me was "Masturbation" . When I analyzed it, I organically felt it was not the actual act of masturbation that was being brought up but the intentions lay behind the act ie; hyper fixating on men and in effect using their image as a means to an end which I fully agree isn't right. It dehumanizes them.
I feel that this is satan's entire goal, to dehumanize, objectify, and then toss away humans when we clearly are God's children and infinitely filled with his love and compassion.
Anyways, this sparked my question and makes me wonder where do I go from here?
I personally have cut down on masturbation and porn A LOT and feel quite good.
I just wonder however if this compromises my Queerness. I wonder if this makes me abnormal ? But also I don't think it does . I prayed to God and an internal revelation has been that he is preparing me , cleansing/purging me from old obsessive ways of operating so that when he does send me a partner one day, if he does , I will be ready and capable with my capacity to love instead of being "stunted" which porn seems to do.
Sorry for the long post but thank you for letting me share!
submitted by Lavendergeminis to LGBTCatholic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:30 SectionFantastic3577 Question about Science Fiction

This always bothered me - and I apologize in advance if this has already been covered.
In the song Same Logic/ Teeth there is in fact an outro but it’s just an instrumental.
In the song Out of Mana, there is a separate outro with words that contains the line “and I’m more than the skin of my teeth”.
Is the track listing wrong? Should Teeth really have been at the end of Out of Mana so the track listing would look like:
  1. Same Logic
  2. 137
  3. Out of Mana/Teeth
Or is the instrumental outro of Same Logic truly called Teeth?
It just doesn’t make sense to me and I feel it should have been the other way around.
submitted by SectionFantastic3577 to brandnew [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:25 just_kash 30 [M4F] Canada/USA/Anywhere - Quick chat before bedtime?

Hey! How about a chill voice chat to end the day? Ever wanted to debate the best zombie survival strategies or geek out over films and tunes with a complete stranger?
Here’s me: traveler, adventurous eater, and aspiring entrepreneur who serenades his shower with tragically off-key Bruno Mars covers. I try to lead an active life, interspersed between my quest to find the perfect almond croissant!
If you’re up for swapping the day's quirkiest moments, discovering new music, or just sharing a laugh (I promise at least one good joke!), drop me a line!
P.S. Just moved to L.A. and in desperate need of local tips—got any to share?
submitted by just_kash to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:24 vwsalesguy Cross country trip complete N. Texas to North Carolina and back

So, I posted before that I was preparing a trip in my ID.4 to attend my daughter’s graduation in NC and that I would post an update when I returned. I just rolled back into town and wanted to get this all down before going to bed.
We left out early last Thursday and had our first recharge at the EA station in Mt. Pleasant, TX. Horrible location and the only one that doesn’t work with plug and charge. It’s set too far off the main road (2+ miles from I-30) in the center of town. I hadn’t yet understood that I need to run my battery down to the 20% range before charging so I was at 50ish% and it took all of 30 min to get me back to 80%+. I did this the rest of the day until I entered Tennessee.
Stopped again in Hope, AR, better location just off the highway, all 4 chargers seemed to be operational and plug and charge worked perfectly.
Stopped again in Little Rock, and the location was ok, but I think they need 1 closer to the merge with I-40 and I-30 tbh. Plug and charge worked fine in all location except Mt. Pleasant, so I’ll forego talking about that again.
Our next stop was the worst. Forrest City, AR showed to have 3 or 4 working chargers. 2 were completely off line and the remaining 350 Hyper fast charger only had one connector that was allegedly working. I plugged in and it would only get to 13kW. That would have taken 4 hrs to charge so I called support. After too long discussing this issue it was suggested I try the 1 station I didn’t even look at that has the ChADeMo charger and 1 150 CCS. I plugged in there and got charged fine. I chose this location because the Memphis location was definitely showing 2 chargers off line and the other 2 seemed to be used pretty often. EA is running a huge risk of having a dead spot in their coverage if they don’t get both of these stations repaired soon.
Next was Jackson, TN. Nice clean location, and it was here that I learned all about state of charge. My friend who works for VW Academy told me before my previous stop to only charge to what I would need to leave 20% or so on the battery when I stop for my next charge to get the faster speeds. I did that and rolled into Jackson with 19%. The charge speed was 139kW.
We had a hotel booked in Nashville that night so we rolled into there and got checked in, met up with my dad who arrive 2 hours earlier and he went with me to the Willow Commons station and I got myself squared away for the next day.
My efficiency on Day 1 was atrocious at 3.1 mi/kWh. I was running 75-80 the whole way keeping up with traffic and driving that 12 hours like a madman. I also have notes for the Tennessee DOT about their potholes on I-40, like, why spend the money on an electronic sign warning people about them instead of sending a road crew out to fill them? But I digress…
The next day, with my newly found knowledge, we stuck to my plan and stopped at Cookeville, Knoxville, Asheville, Statesville and Hillsborough where I was easily able to achieve much higher charge rates because I rolled in with +/- 20% charge left. This decreased my charge time exponentially. My efficiency on day 2 climbed to 3.3 mi/kWh because of driving sport mode in the mountains. I’m so glad I read about that here.
Graduation was awesome, the speaker was funny, hundreds of pictures were taken and my daughter was ecstatic to see us and spend time together.
So, the trip back is where this gets fun.
I decided we weren’t going to keep up with traffic. We were going to drive no faster than 70 by god we stuck to that plan for the most part. My efficiency ended up at 3.6 - which is what I get rolling around Dallas. Had good experiences at all the same stops coming back, but a lot shorter times charging since I only needed to get to 65-70% to optimize my next charging. Stayed in Sport mode the whole way home and got better performance for it.
Now, Nashville to my home is about a 9.5 hr stretch if you do it straight through. Realistically it’s a 12 hour day with charging stops and all.
Due to traffic in Memphis and Little Rock, we ended up making it in 14 hours. Now, 1.5 of that is due to a little issue with the Taco Bell in Jackson, TN. If you ever go through there and feel like Taco Bell, give them your business but be patient. They are horribly understaffed and probably should have hung out a sign saying “drive thru only”. Anyway, we ate for free and got loaded up with coupons from the apologetic manager and we made it home in one piece.
Great learning experience and a fun trip and we got my daughter home for a couple of months before she goes off to grad school! Happy traveling y’all!
Edit: I forgot to mention, all of these charge stops were EA stations since I have the free charging. Travel cost was $0 for this entire trip, dad picked up the tab for the AirBNB in North Carolina so we paid for a hotel room 1 night in Nashville and an AirBNB in Nashville coming home. I think once we factor in food cost it just shy of $500 for the whole trip.
submitted by vwsalesguy to VWiD4Owners [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:24 just_kash 30M - Quick chat before bedtime?

Hey! How about a chill voice chat to end the day? Ever wanted to debate the best zombie survival strategies or geek out over films and tunes with a complete stranger?
Here’s me: traveler, adventurous eater, and aspiring entrepreneur who serenades his shower with tragically off-key Bruno Mars covers. I try to lead an active life, interspersed between my quest to find the perfect almond croissant!
If you’re up for swapping the day's quirkiest moments, discovering new music, or just sharing a laugh (I promise at least one good joke!), drop me a line!
P.S. Just moved to L.A. and in desperate need of local tips—got any to share?
submitted by just_kash to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:24 KingKalii Finding Myself

I grew up with a very religious background. Church was a big part of my life. I was enrolled in private christian schools from 3rd grade til graduation. I honestly lived the life for a while. Chapels during school, attending Wednesday night services, church on Sundays. I knew a good bit of the bible like the back of my hand; I prided myself in that fact. But somewhere along the line, I began to question everything. I drifted away from it all slowly because i couldn't understand how someone who created and loves us could punish his creations for being what he created them to be.
This left me empty and searching for new meaning. I looked for something external to fill the void I felt within. The closest things I could find to heaven, the things that filled the emptiness within were substances. For years I experiment with whatever I could get my hands on. This lead to my downfall; a life of addiction, homelessness, despair, loneliness; all the things I was trying to avoid. The answers I found were no longer relevant. The ups I felt quickly turned to downs. I thought I found a solution but I was entirely misguided.
I didn't love myself at all. I always felt alien like I didn't belong here. I tried to be what you wanted to be just to feel loved. On my own, I felt worthless.
I eventually took grasp of the little hope I had and checked myself into rehab. There began my search for a higher meaning. I ended back on the God road, asking all the "big" questions; What's the meaning of life, why am I here, what's my purpose, who are you, etc. I honestly never received or found an answer but it never stopped me from trying. I keep searching for a meaning, searching for something outside of myself, searching for anything, any answer.
It wasn't until recently I found the answer I've been looking for. It was right in front of me this whole time. It's me. I'm the answer. I'm the thing I've been looking for. The love I sought, the peace I wanted, any and everything I need I already have, I've always had. I'm the creator of my reality. I'm who I need. I can answer the questions within. When all else fails, I have me. There isn't anything external I need; It's all within. If I'm not connected with myself, nothing will ever make sense, nothing will ever be good enough. I am the universe personified and I'm capable of so many great things. It's a blessing to have found myself. I will make my dreams a reality and nothing outside of me will stop my shine.

I can be a little all over but thank you for reading. I'm making an effort to put myself out there more and push past my fears. I've always let being judge stop me from expressing myself so this is my way of pushing my own boundaries. I appreciate you all

submitted by KingKalii to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:24 Hungry_Total_441 PULLING DATA

i think what Superstonk is saying is that whoever purchased those LEAPS, what I call LONG ASS CALLS, was because they SHORTED Gamestop when it was at its high and have been carrying the short and interest for all this time. By purchasing the LEAPS at the time, they also lowered whatever margin requirement they had when they shorted but now its time to "PAY THE EMERALD PIPER!" SO, they can get out three ways.
1st if the stock climbs high enough they can then close out their shorts with less of a loss buy buying back the stock they shorted 3 years ago.
(Only HEDGIES can afford to carry something for that long.)
Then, they can set up the LEAPS with a more recent credit call spread and make whatever money they can on the credit to off set the LEAP cost.
2nd. Since its all about the bottom line, the Hedge Funds can buy the targeted stock, in this case GME in a different set of accounts then once the stock rises, simply transfer ownership from one account (trader) to another who has the short position, thereby offsetting the shorts from 3 years ago. Essentially, the same as the first but with a twist.
3rd. Sell a series of staggerd PUTS that will be definitely exercised so they end up having the shares put to them (buying them) at a lower strike than what they shorted at. A little risky but if the stock price keeps going up so does the value of their puts and if they're ITM and executed they can use it to cover the short they put on way, way back when the earth was cooling.
The PUT SALES are bullish so they'd be used in ALGO trades to more the price of the stonk up and set up an artifical horizon of projected stock price going up until the thing deflates.
What I think needs to be done is look back all those months ago, see what days had the highest number of shorts and at what prices. Looking a the highest prices first, and presuming that is when the short took place, look ahead then 36 months to see what the projected Leap date is and then you can triangulate and determine how high the stock price will go before it really starts to tumble.
If i had the data I could pop this into a set of SQL Tables, run the queries and BAM we'd have them cold and know what the internal target prices are for the hedgies. Advantage APES. Finally, they have to close out, rolling is not an option (pun on word) since they have stockholders or investors. Again, Advantage APES, since no single individual APE can take a position like a full blown hedge fund.
Oh, last thing I think, the short float is near 50% last I looked so, what they previous scholar was referring to in his post was to look at other companies with similarly high percentages of short float and there be the target.
(just guessin)
submitted by Hungry_Total_441 to DeepFuckingValue [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:21 DerBK [Ancient Evils] The Silent Heath Also: Update to the site, the buying guide and reviews

Heya, the scenario page for The Silent Heath is now up on my site.
It's a pretty cool scenario featuring giant ants, what's not to love.
[EDIT: I just realized that i didn't link my Written in Rock page on here last week. Here you go for that: https://derbk.com/ancientevils/written-in-rock/]
More importantly (at least to me), I did another thing over the last week, and that is updating some of the existing content. This is still a work in progress, there is a lot more that i want to go over, but i started with what i thought was the most important thing, the Buying Guide.
I brought it up to date with notes on Hemlock Vale, the death of the Return To line and some other details. Related to the buying guide, i also went over all of the Investigator Set Reviews i have, where i evaluate the cards in each box on how good they are individually and whether that set stands on its own. This lead to a good amount of adjustments on single card rankings, of which i kept a change log and some general notes here:
Finally, i overhauled the header menu, hopefully making the site easier to navigate. Ancient Evils got too big to have every single encounter set linked in the menu, updating the menu has actually caused my Wordpress to freeze. By slimming it down, i not only made it work on a technical level again, i also got the real estate to highlight some of the content i am more proud of, like the buying guide, the set reviews and the campaign deep dives. A lot of what is now readily available in the header was previously buried in the submenu of some submenu on the arse end of a submenu.
This restructuring and updating isn't completely done yet, i am probably going to go over a lot more over the next weeks (months?). I will probably even go over the encounter set pages, some of them are as old as the site itself and can use some touching up.
As usual feedback on changes or suggestions for what could be improved is welcome. Cheers o/
submitted by DerBK to arkhamhorrorlcg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:17 Kridha781 How do you think Real Madrid will set up their lineup next season?

Real Madrid are planning to bring Mbappe in the next season. And with an already star-packed team, how do you think they would line up their stars? And what would be the best formation for them? Plus there will be some players that might be leaving the club at the end of the season. And some players who might lose their permanent place on the team. What would be the best tactics for Ancelloti's team for a season that has a huge number of games?
submitted by Kridha781 to realmadrid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:17 Worldly-Walrus-23 Am I in the wrong?

25M, had a clique of friends from high school and junior college that we were really close with. We used to hang out every week, but over the last two years I felt that I was slowly drifting apart.
First of all there were two friends from high school that I'd slowly grown out of, and we reached a stage where we didn't go beyond exchanging mutual pleasantries and surface level banter and small talk. These two people had also betrayed me in the past in school, so I was well aware of their behaviour. There was also another mutual acquaintance from junior college that I never really talked to. But, there was one friend that I was extremely close to - we'd known each other for 11 years. We were able to talk about anything and everything, and we used to meet every week.
We also used to drink very often, but it got to a point where the behaviour was extremely problematic. The one friend I was close to had no conception of limits, and every session was a binge drinking affair. While I liked it initially, I realised that alcohol was simply a coping mechanism and was more firm with my limits. I became firmer on this limit when crazy incidents started happening, namely fights over petty insults. There was a huge turning point, when a hotel room was trashed, that made me think of finding a new social circle. But I had no idea how to, and I was extremely scared.
Fast forward to last year, and people slowly started drifting away, and the friend that I was close to was deliberately cutting off people for extremely petty reasons (e.g. this person is of no value to me, this person is too sensitive when I make fun of them, this person has weird habits). At this point, I'll admit that I was complicit in this gossiping behavior too. When my father had a stroke shortly before my overseas internship, I also gifted my friends a bottle and beer the day before, but when I told them I was coming, was met with the response of 'no one asked you to rush down' despite telling them that I wanted to meet them one last time.
However, things really reached a turning point in June last year, when I was doing an internship overseas and the friend I was close with came to visit with someone else. At that time, I was sick and on medication, and I really couldn't drink because my bronchitis was really bad at night, but my friend wasn't really concerned [I also forced myself to drink just to blend in]. On one night, I left early because the smoke around that area was really bad, and I couldn't talk. I'll admit that I didn't communicate that clearly, but I was coughing really badly.
The next day, while we were having a normal conversation, I was calculating my expenses and decided to split our share evenly because I had paid my friend everything. Out of nowhere, I got a long message about how I was not a good friend for entertaining him and always paid the victim and that we should no longer be friends anymore. I was profusely apologetic and accepted the blame, but my friend refused to concede, repeatedly crossing the line with remarks such as 'lying piece of shit' because I went hiking the next morning, after my cough had cleared, or 'always blaming everyone for my misfortune' [at a time when my dad had a stroke], 'not entertaining him because people are there to drink if not there's no fun' and being ' the worst person that he's happened to meet', and 'regretting ever meeting me'. Not knowing what to do, I called my brother, who told me that cutting off this person was the best thing I can do.
After two months, when I came back home, my friend apologized for his behavior. But during that period, he was extremely adamant about his saying things like 'I was taking things too seriously and behaving petulantly'. At that point, I had already made my mind to cut that friend off, and unsurprisingly, no one from that social circle reached out.
The subsequent year has been tough. To rebuild my social circle at 25 hasn't been easy. Its forced me to confront my flaws - yes, I admit that I never made the effort throughout school because I always thought that these people would be around. Occasionally, the thought of following up with these friends has popped up. But deep down, I know that this split was long overdue.
All in all, this split has left a gaping hole in my life that I haven't made the effort to fill, with caregiving responsibilities + school making it harder. However, after going on a couple of dates, I've realised that this gaping hole is preventing me from being the best that I can be. It really hit me when two 'dates' that ended after a couple of months hit me very hard.
As a result, I've decided to focus on myself before getting into anything. I've registered for counselling, and I've started trying out hobbies such as book clubs, dancing, volunteering, and reaching out to people I've known before. I feel that finding a balance between, work, family, self care, and social life is priority for now. This experience, coupled with caregiving, has forced me to take extreme ownership and honesty over all aspects of my life. Its made me much better at school, work and physical health.
Long post I know, but the questions I have are: (1) Am I right to not keep in contact with these people, knowing that it was a decision long time coming? (2) Am I right to focus on myself for now, carving a social life? Its a lonely journey, but I feel that its the most important step.
submitted by Worldly-Walrus-23 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:16 TrueMetalSmiths SLA VS SLS: Differences

SLA VS SLS: Differences
If you’re interested in 3D printing, you’ve likely heard of stereolithography (SLA) and selective laser sintering (SLS). These two technologies are popular choices for creating custom parts, but they have distinct differences in how they work, strengths, and environmental impact. In this post, we’ll break down the basics of SLA vs SLS, so you can better understand which technology might be right for your needs.

How SLA and SLS Work:

SLA and SLS are both additive manufacturing technologies that use a layer-by-layer process to build parts. However, they use different materials and methods to achieve this.
SLA uses a liquid photopolymer resin that is cured by a UV laser. The printer contains a vat of liquid resin, and the laser is used to selectively cure the resin, layer by layer, until the final part is complete. The process results in high-resolution, smooth parts with fine details and excellent surface finish.
On the other hand, SLS uses a powdered material, typically nylon, which is fused together by a laser. The powder is spread in a thin layer on a build platform, and the laser selectively melts the powder to create the desired shape, layer by layer. SLS is ideal for producing parts with complex geometries, and it does not require support structures like SLA.

Why Should You Choose SLS and SLA for Prototyping Project?

Both SLA and SLS have their strengthsd if you choose them below:

Advantages of SLA:

  • High resolution and accuracy: SLA can produce parts with intricate details and precise tolerances.
  • Smooth surface finish: SLA parts typically have a smooth surface finish with minimal visible layer lines.
  • Wide range of materials: SLA can use a variety of materials, including plastics, resins, and even metals.
  • Low post-processing requirements: SLA parts require minimal post-processing, as they are already relatively smooth and accurate.

Advantages of SLS:

  • Wide range of materials: SLS can use a variety of materials, including plastics, metals, and even ceramics.
  • No support structures needed: SLS parts are self-supporting during printing, which means that complex geometries can be created without the need for support structures.
  • Durable parts: SLS parts are typically strong and durable, with good mechanical properties.
  • Larger build volumes: SLS printers can create larger parts than SLA printers.

Cost Comparison of SLA and SLS Rapid Prototyping

When choosing between SLA and SLS printing technologies, one important factor to consider is the cost. While both technologies have their advantages and disadvantages, the cost of ownership and operation can vary significantly between the two. In this section, we will compare the costs of SLA and SLS printers, as well as the materials and other factors that affect overall cost.


  1. SLA printers are typically more expensive to purchase than SLS printers, with prices ranging from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars for industrial-grade machines.
  2. The cost of resin for SLA printing can also be relatively high, with prices ranging from $50 to $200 per liter depending on the type and quality of the resin.
  3. Post-processing techniques such as curing and sanding may also add to the cost of SLA printing, as they require additional time and materials.


  1. SLS printers are generally less expensive to purchase than SLA printers, with prices ranging from a few thousand dollars to around $20,000 for industrial-grade machines.
  2. The cost of powder for SLS printing can also be relatively low, with prices ranging from $20 to $100 per kilogram depending on the type and quality of the powder.
  3. However, SLS printing may require additional post-processing techniques such as sanding and polishing to achieve a smooth surface finish, which can add to the overall cost.


  • The cost of materials is an important consideration for both SLA and SLS printing. While resin for SLA printing can be relatively expensive, it can also offer a wider range of materials and properties, including flexible, tough, and heat-resistant resins.
  • Powder for SLS printing is generally less expensive than resin, but may be more limited in terms of available materials and properties.

Other factors:

  • The overall cost of SLA and SLS printing may also depend on other factors such as the size and complexity of the part, as well as the level of detail and precision required.
  • Labor costs for post-processing and finishing may also affect the overall cost of printing, as well as any additional equipment or software needed.

What Are Applications of SLA and SLS in Different Industries?

SLA and SLS are used in a wide range of industries, from aerospace and automotive to medical and consumer products.
SLA is often used for applications that require high accuracy and surface finish, such as jewelry, dental models, and prototyping. It can also be used for creating master patterns for investment casting.
SLS, on the other hand, is ideal for creating complex parts with high strength and durability, such as functional prototypes, jigs, and fixtures, and end-use parts. It is also used for producing aerospace and automotive parts, where high strength and lightweight properties are critical.

Comparing Results:

When it comes to the end result, SLA and SLS produce parts with different properties.
SLA produces parts with a high level of accuracy and fine detail. The surface finish is smooth, and the parts have good dimensional stability. However, the parts can be brittle and may not have the same mechanical strength as SLS parts.
SLS produces parts with good mechanical strength and durability. The surface finish is not as smooth as SLA, but it can be improved with post-processing. The parts can also be porous, depending on the material used.

Environmental Impact:

Both SLA and SLS have an impact on the environment, and it is important to consider their sustainability.
SLA produces liquid waste that must be disposed of carefully. The photopolymer resin used in SLA is not biodegradable, and the curing process can consume a lot of energy.
SLS produces powder waste, which can be recycled but also requires careful handling. The materials used in SLS are often not biodegradable and require a lot of energy to manufacture.

Beska’s SLS and SLA Rapid Prototyping Services

Are you looking for high-quality rapid prototyping service provider? The Beska team is willing to supoort you by custom SLS and SLA rapid prototyping services. If you are not sure about how to choose the best printing technology or material, the Beska team gets professional engineers to support you. Contact us here for more details!
submitted by TrueMetalSmiths to BeskaMold [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 d3vi1ma7cr7 Bosses didn't train me enough.

I don't think this would count as malicious compliance, but I think I'd be doing my company a favor with it, and somewhat stick it to my bosses who likely would take issue with it. I generally like my job and my bosses. This is moreso a result of my district manager; let's call him John. That's not to say I wasn't, at fault. I did in fact fuck things up royally, with no one to blame on certain aspects but myself. A while ago, I wanted to become a key carrier for my store, I thought it'd be nice to earn 25 more cents for every hour at my store, and be a bit more capable. For context, the company uses an online training system we're expected to do at work when we have no customers, or, if it wasn't a station that dealt with customers, just straight up nothing to do. Becoming a key carrier was something you had to go out of your way to find on the training site, and do. Finding and doing it wasn't hard. In fact, I got it done within an hour. I told my general manager; let's call him Matt, the next day that I was looking to be a key carrier, and had already done the online part. I could tell by his look that he was impressed with my taking initiative, but not much came from it. About a month later, Matt finally got me started doing actual in-person training with other key carriers, and seeing as how I could only close on Fridays and Saturdays, it would've been a slow process. At least it should've been. Given how Matt had been cutting back on people's hours, with everyone saying that John was pressuring him to do so, I have reason to believe that John is responsible for how long it took me to actually get started with in-person training. However, I only got 2 weeks until I had to close the store on my own. That was 4 nights' worth of learning, and safe to say: I WAS NOT READY. I couldn't remember where I was supposed to look to see how much I was supposed to take out of each register or how much variance there was. Not helping was how the other 2 people up front were a little new, the guy in the back was a bit lazy, and the 2 of the 4 computers we had to ring people up were crapping out for some reason. Things weren't going smoothly, and I was losing patience as the night went on. Once we closed for the night, I sent 2 of my coworkers home for the night, as we weren't allowed to count registers or safe without at least one other person in the store. The registers ended up being incredibly short for the next day, but confusingly to my general manager in training, let's call him Elliott, the deposit that was accurate. He ended up having to scrub through security footage to be sure that I didn't steal any money, which I didn't. The most damning thing I did was forget to ask about actually getting the physical key. This is one area where I am objectively at fault. No denying it. So when the other guy and I left for the night, we locked the front door, put in the alarm code, and made a mad dash for the back door. It was about an hour and a half after we were supposed to have left, and we were very tired, so we didn't bother to make sure the door closed all the way, and just went home. It was just left open, and I am INCREDIBLY lucky that no one snuck in. I showed up the next day and asked just how horribly I fucked up. Elliott calmly said that it was by a lot, but understood that I wasn't entirely at fault. We quickly made a few schedule changes so that a key carrier would be watching over me, ensuring that I actually knew what I was doing. A while later, I would be closing with someone who was previously a key carrier for another company; let's call him Greg, and he is a pretty solid guy. I asked Greg why he wasn't a key carrier for our company, to which he said: "The amount of added duties weren't worth the 25 cent raise. You're pretty much a manager, with all of the overrides you'd get access to, and things you'd be responsible for signing off on, but you aren't called a manager, or payed like one." After seeing me close a few times, he noted how, at least compared to his previous company, the closing process had way more room for error. I don't know just how much better the closing procedures are at Greg's previous company, but I found it noteworthy. What Matt and John might take issue with is my plan to head straight to my store and ensure that any new key carriers were capable whenever someone was being trained to become a key carrier. I fully intend to do so for every night they close without another key carrier scheduled until they can confidently do so with me just watching them. I imagine my John and Matt will be taking issue with the fact that I'll be off the clock when helping with closing procedures. My response to that would be: having a key carrier come in for an hour at most for a few nights would be less expensive to the company than the two people already be there for 2 hours longer than they're supposed to be, combined with someone coming in early the next morning to fix whatever mistakes were made, and maybe scrub through footage, for the same amount of nights. Again, I don't think this counts as malicious compliance, but I'd be sticking it to an incompetent boss and saving the company a bit.
Edit: I changed some lines to be a bit more accurate and did a bit of formatting, so it's not one massive paragraph. Sorry.
submitted by d3vi1ma7cr7 to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:09 goodsads anyone with one of those boring 6-figure jobs want to tell me how they got it?

i went to a UC, was an excellent student, but had very little direction after school and ended up in childcare. my BA is in poli sci so i’ve tried working in law firms (found the culture to be stifling, but maybe i just didn’t find the right one). i’ve also worked (unpaid) in independent publishing and nonprofits (also unpaid) as well as a media internship in college. i have also tried going back to school with the goal of getting into nursing, but it’s slow going when you’re living at the poverty line and life gets in the way. i graduated from college ten years ago and i’ve never made more than $40k in one year, even working full-time. all this to say, if anyone wants to sponsor my continued education or tell me how they found themselves making a ton of money without feeling like they’re “growing,” i would be genuinely grateful to hear.
submitted by goodsads to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:09 Gin-Akutagawa-Fan A Couple of Questions:

  1. In episode 1 of season 2, when building Nell a statue, what happens if you just place one block? Do her voice lines change or does she still say that the build is awesome? Similarly, when building Fred in "Below the Bedrock" or building a statue to scare away further visitors at Romeo's place, if you only place down one block, does the dialogue of the characters change or does it stay the same?
  2. When Petra tells you that you're her best friend in "Below the Bedrock", if you choose to remain silent how will that decision impact the ending of episode 5 of season 2? Will she still invite you go on adventures with her, or will she say something else at the end?
submitted by Gin-Akutagawa-Fan to MinecraftStoryMode [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:08 Ulisex94420 r/Games discusses the ethics of generative AI

link to post: https://www.reddit.com/Games/s/a2k5J5rQBs
The videogame Stellaris, developed by Paradox, has gotten a DLC about AI, wich has used AI generated voices for some characters. r\Games discusses the implications of this:
The main discussion happens in this comment, wich is too long to copy-paste
some noteworthy replies:
Fair, but let's be honest, just because it's human-made, doesn't make it not-slop automatically. There's plenty of trash human artists that produce slop, and/or rip off each other. They're just really upset right now because AI is about to rip them all off, and it will do it with the brutal efficiency that they can barely even conceive of.
AI doesn't steal any more than human artists do.
Other interesting comments:
This is a whole nothing burger, actors are paid for every single line generated by AI. This isn't about cutting costs, but rather to make their development easier.
At the end of the day, AI is here to stay and there's really no stopping it now. At least in this case, the developer is being transparent about it and compensating/crediting those involved. I'm sure we're going to see a lot more games by less ethical developers that won't even disclose it.
Are games with procedural generation taking money away from level designers?
Definitely not touching anything that uses AI voice performances. Hard line. There are more than enough great games that don't replace artistic performance with cheap slop.
Please use AI voice as much as you can. Don't let them tell you it's unethical lol. Every studio is fighting for survival today because of the exploding costs and crunch times, so if modern technology allows you to save costs on something else then developers, please do so. I want good studios to survive.
The post is very controversial so act quickly and grab some popcorn before the comments get locked.
submitted by Ulisex94420 to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:06 Sam-56 Viva Las Vegas (Elvis Presley’ 68)

Viva Las Vegas (Elvis Presley’ 68)
Viva Las Vegas (Elvis Presley’ 68)
I did Presley 1968 and I am going to flat be honest I absolutely loved it. A vast majority of states were only separated by a 1% precent difference something that I have never done before in my entire time playing this game
(If there is a slide that I am missing I have information for both slides below)
Slide 1: Viva Las Vegas Despite naysayers across the country, angry lobbyists and Nixon himself, you have managed a sweeping victory across the United States of America. Against even your most optimistic polling, you've created an incredible electoral majority and presidential mandate through a combination of charisma, negotiations and sheer luck. Through your tenacious leadership, the Democratic Party has not only survived, but rebounded at unimaginable levels. You have successfully brought youthful and powerful leadership, and now the whole country awaits in bated breath to see what you will do with your mandate. Vietnam may be going on, the economy may be bad, but by God you know exactly what to do. You will transform this country into its true soul, and bring salvation to its people. God bless you Elvis, God bless America, and in God we Trust!
Slide 2: Viva Las Vegas The King of Rock N' Roll and U.S President, Elvis Presley, Dies, Aged 57
The Financial Times, December 12, 1991 Elvis Aaron Presley, 37th President of the United States and "King of Rock N' Roll" has died peacefully in his sleep, aged 57. As millions of fans, impersonators and politically active people visit his state funeral's premises even before his coffin arrived, and as millions more clear their schedules to say goodbye to the King, we at the Financial Times figured it would be a good idea to discuss his achievements, and his time in office. Elvis had gained an incredible landslide victory in the 1968 elections, and won a comfortable re-election in 1972. His day-one executive orders ranged from the creation of a Bureau Of Cultural Affairs, a tax cut for the middle class and abolishing the draft for Vietnam. As his Presidency went on, his musical career had practically become a menagerie of reissues, unreleased demos and other similar releases, almost as if they were released posthumously. In 1971, President Presley passed the "School Grants Act", which redefined the American education system to include more emphasis on creative self-expression through curriculum standardization. Besides these landmark policies, Elvis' term was perceived as a high moment for the United States as the economy survived -- and even thrived -- as the Yom Kippur War and the wider Iran Oil Crisis occured in the Middle East, which crippled US imports. However, by 1976, when Elvis had ended his 2nd term as President, a "Comeback Tour" had been declared across the United States, all broadcast through cutting-edge satellite technology. Playing across a range of genres, the comeback tour revived Presley's musical career and propelled him to the status of legend, as many believed he had become a founding symbol of America itself. As his tours and albums dropped off by 1984, Elvis retired from the public in 1989, but notably had continued contact via the brand-new technology of the World Wide Web, especially through his e-mail. Elvis Presley thus was last seen tending to his Graceland mansion's garden, only two days before his death. Lisa Marie and the rest of Elvis' family have not commented yet, but many expect the address will be delivered on-line.
submitted by Sam-56 to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:05 firstimettc LH TESTING

I’ve been testing my LH since my period ended and the line is still super dark! Is this normal ?
submitted by firstimettc to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]
