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2024.05.15 08:23 Perfect-Canary-3033 Visiting gf for a 1 month as an unemployed individual on B2 visa. how do you strengthen by chances of not being sent back my CBP officer?

I intent to visit my gf on a B2 visa for a month, I am currently unemployed and was previously employed at a big tech company that I left before I got my VISA approved on ground of business school visitation, and I intent to apply for business schools later this year, and visiting some of my preferred schools will be my secondary objective for this visit, also this is my first travel abroad. I am from a developing nation.
I'll be staying with my gf, moving from West coast to east for 2 weeks each.
Considering I have sufficient funds, 6K USD for my visit.
How do I strengthen my chances of not being send back? I know the whole gf visitation, plus, being unemployed puts me at risk of being denied entry, I intent to bring along my bookings for a return flight
1.Should I make school visitation my answer to purpose of visit, and only mention my gf when asked where I'd stay?
2.will having some English proficiency exam scheduled on return in my home country help to prove my intent of return if asked?
3.would having some small loan on electrical appliances help to show strong ties or does that put things against me. ( I only have phone/cooking gas bills to show)
  1. Any other suggestions to strengthen my case.
All in all, slightly paranoid of being rejected, we have waited over 3 years through COVID caused visa restrictions, so would like to make this visit happen.
submitted by Perfect-Canary-3033 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:22 IDEFKWImDoing My dad keeps showing up uninvited

TLDR: My dad failed as a parent and didn’t help me through huge hurdles in life, now he wants to be in my life. I don’t want to cut him out completely, but can’t keep turning him away. What now?
Don’t get me wrong, my dad is a really amazing person and was a huge factor for who I am today… but this is the third time in the last two months he’s shown up at my house.
Background: My parents broke up the day I was conceived, married quickly after they found out, and suddenly had a Very dysfunctional blended family. They divorced when I was 8, and both got remarried when I was in my teens. I was the only byproduct of that failed marriage, and was the only one in my households with shared custody. In total, I have 8 siblings. Four half siblings (all older) and four step-siblings (2 on my mom’s side, 2 on my dad’s) and I’m the youngest of them… Kinda. Almost all of them have more siblings from their other parents, so I’m somewhere in the middle, but there’s 23 kids in this generation alone.
My siblings often blamed me for why their lives sucked. The oldest ones wished they had never met my sister Halsey (older than me, younger than them) or had a new dad in their lives, Halsey said I took away her only chance of having a mom and was bitter that I had both parents in my life, and most of the step siblings were very unhappy that my parents had married their parents. To top things off, my dad was fairly depressed after fighting for custody of Halsey and even more so once my mom was through with him. So he agreed to fairly limited custody and my primary caregiver was a raging alcoholic with untreated bipolar disorder.
I got kicked out by my mom when I came out as trans at 15, and my dad said he couldn’t take me in because his girlfriend (now wife) and her kids had recently moved in. I couch surfed, eventually my oldest sibling bought me an apartment to stay in, worked 2 jobs until just last year, survived chemo/radiation treatments due to cancer, and never had family I could rely on. I stopped treatment two years ago because they weren’t improving my condition at all and my grandma had gotten sick, so she wasn’t able to take care of her mom (my great-grandma). I’ve accepted my limited timeline, moved closer to those grandmas, and thankfully have a boyfriend who helps support me as I’m not working anymore.
Onto the present: Well about half a year ago my dad reached back out, he regretted not being in my life aside from occasional holidays and birthday wishes. I didn’t. He’s a great person, but was a terrible parent. Two months ago he and his wife showed up at my house without even telling me they were going to be in town. I tried to humor them and sit outside to chat, despite his wife asking for the “grand tour” several times. I’ve lived here 3 years, they didn’t help me move or visit once until that day. The final straw was when they started nagging me for “never visiting”. It’s 1.5hr drive each way and I’ve been to their house twice a year since I turned 18!
I don’t know what I was thinking, but I just laid into my dad. Told him about the constant bullying at school, growing up being abused by my mother, facing homelessness, Halsey almost getting me expelled from my high school and physically attacking me in public later that year, getting my cancer diagnosis, having multiple surgeries since I’ve been 18, going through domestic violence with my ex, taking care of my grandma and great-grandma, and never feeling as though I had any family despite having so many relatives. Just because his step-kids have moved out and Halsey is in jail, doesn’t mean he can run to me as the backup child. He didn’t show up when I asked him to act like my dad 8 fucking years ago, so he can’t decide to be my dad now of all times.
He started crying at some point while I was talking and his wife joined in when I said that final sentence. I told them to get off my property and to go back to waiting for their Christmas cards. I didn’t cry until I was back inside my house.
They both showed up again a couple weeks ago, but nobody answered the door and I texted him to go home. This past weekend he stopped by and I answered the door to ask why he’s bothering me and my family. He asked to meet them, but I turned it down. My dad tried to explain that he didn’t realize I had gone through so much and was struggling himself after he and my mom divorced, but I didn’t want to hear it. I couldn’t. My dad fought for six years to save my sister Halsey, but didn’t even try for me.
Since then I’ve been getting friend requests on social media from him, his wife, and her kids. His wife and her kids have also been sending me messages about reconciling with Halsey, despite going NC with her years ago.
I just can’t take it anymore, but I also don’t want to completely cut him out of my life. He messed up, we all do. It wasn’t malicious, yet it caused so much pain. I’m in therapy and have been since 18, but I can hardly leave my house or have the energy to do anything around the house. What do I even do from here? Why does it feel like I’ve lost my dad all over again?
submitted by IDEFKWImDoing to toxicparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:19 ddespicableme My (F28) boyfriend (M39) get very angry whenever I try preventing him from leaving me and going him.

We were in an on and off relationship for the past year and a half. I'm currently unemployed and visit my bf in the late hours of his working day (he works alone and there is usually no problem for me to be there + we used to be coworkers until recently). The reason why I do that is because he doesn't live in the same town as me and leaves almost immediately after work. So I try to be around him as much as possible. I somehow feel like if I don't go to his workplace he won't spend time with me and will just drive home. Everytime after he finishes work...we either spend some time in his car (making out, talking...etc) or we go for a brief walk. Sometimes he spends the night in my place.
Anyway...the problem is...I don't enjoy much of that time, cause me being with him at work means ...we behave just like the coworkers we were before. And our after work time is limited , because he hurries up to go home or go to the gym. Everytime he says "I'm leaving" and kisses me goodbye...I try to steal a few more kisses or hugs. And he gets extremely angry whenever I do doesn't last more than 10 more minutes, so he isn't really late for anything, but he said "when I say I'm going, you just get out of my car".
Yesterday it happened again. I tried kissing him again and he just pushed me away and left. I then messaged him for a favor. He didn't read my messages. An hour later asked him if he came home safely and he said "stop messaging me, you annoy me". I asked why. He said "bc I'm late for the gym". And I said that I know it's important for him. He replied "you are not coming tomorrow at should take some rest". I asked "are you punishing me again". He read it. Then an hour later said "yes". And I basically begged him not to. Cause last time it lasted more than 10 days. He threatened to block me if I continue. But at the same time continued answering my questions if he is in the gym right now and if I can call later. He said "yes and no" I don't know what to do.
TL;DR: Seems like he is sort of manipulating me and playing with me. I told him I'm coming on Thursday and he just left me on seen.
submitted by ddespicableme to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:12 MobileApricot532 Parasitic Entity

Hello everyone,
I wanted to hear if anyone has advice regarding how to get rid of an entity that is attached to you.
For the last few years I've felt that something is really wrong. I've moved houses a few times so it's not the house. I also have had frequent nightmares and really bad luck along with some other things that I don't really want to get into.
Eventually I turned to the occult in search of answers and discovering Paganism and witchcraft suited my worldview more.
Recently, I pulled some tarot cards with a friend who is a very experienced witch. I asked if I had an entity attachment and long story short the answer was yes and that I've had it for a long time.
I kind of shrugged it off and didn't take it very seriously although it kind of sounded like the truth in my mind. But I pulled some cards the other day and did just simple yes or no answers and they confirmed what my friend said.
Does anyone have advice how to get rid of it besides the LBRP?
submitted by MobileApricot532 to occult [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:11 InsideCauliflower212 Update: Am I wrong for rejecting my friend who I asked out a few years back?

Hi, thank you all for the responses, I feel more confident that I did the right thing in that situation. Now, this isn't really that much of an update, but to also clarify the situation and answer some of the questions I've seen you guys posted on the comments of my first post.
Last night I went to my best friend's house(I will call him R) to talk about the situation, since he is also a part of the friend group and I know him to be more mature and insightful in situations like these, as well as providing a new perspective from someone who's watched the situation from a closer standpoint. I gave him the details and why I decided to reject our friend. He supported my choice and told to have a talk with her and our other friends as well to clarify the situation and to see my reasoning, which I would try to do on the weekend or when they agree to meet me. I haven't spoken to any of our other friends in the circle to avoid any unnecessary distractions since we are all busy with our lives. He also told me to post the reason why I rejected her and to clarify some things. So here I go:
  1. The first thing I wanted to clarify is that she isn't someone who played the field during college, she did not get into a relationship until a year after her graduation and has been working. As far as I remember, she's been into one relationship that lasted for more than a year, and has been seeing other guys after, but all of their interactions where mostly on discord and other social media platforms. She is also from a religious family and is quite religious herself, so she hasn't been sleeping around. I know this because, as I've said before, we are actually close and we do talk about each other's relationships as well. If anybody should be slut-shamed, it's me. We live in a Southeast Asian country with very strong religious beliefs, and rigid traditional values including a patriarchal society that has been embedded to our history. (Not sure if I should add this information about where we are but I think it kinda helps a bit.)
  2. When I posted that I lessened contact with her, I should have said that it was as close as to no contact with her, with me not going out with her anymore for drinks, food, etc., ignoring her messages on and just greeting her on birthdays and other occasions, and that period lasted for a year, give or take a few months. The realizations that I had when I walked away from our friendship was that I was smitten with her not because of her personality or looks, but that she was giving me attention and was kind. I felt back then that she was a good person and that I had a chance with her since we've known each other through childhood. I realized that I felt that I wanted to be with her because she would be nice enough to say yes to me. I was in a place back then where I never really talked to other women with the intent of actually dating them because for me, she was already there. Once I had free time, I started actually going out on dates, and realized that I kinda fucked up our friendship.
  3. R told me to add this info, since he feels that the biggest reason why she asked me out, and that is that her family is pressuring her to get married, or at least be in a relationship. As I've said before, she was raised in a religious family and that family comes with societal values that seems misogynistic. She is the eldest of three siblings, and one of her younger female cousins is already engaged. I knew about her parents hounding her and how she feels about the situation, and I kinda feel stupid not thinking that this might have influenced her decision. I think I was caught off-guard by the situation to actually think about it.
  4. I rejected her asking me out because I just don't see her in a romantic way. I think a huge part of my rejection is that I know what my preferences are now and she doesn't have that. I prefer someone who can call me out on my bullsh*t and tell me things straight to my face, and she doesn't have that in her personality, she has a hard time saying no to her parents and to the guys she's dating, unless it's something that ignores her values and such. I have also been confused about any more reasons why I rejected her, because I know she's attractive because she gets attention from other guys when we go out, and she's also a good person, in general, but honestly, I just don't have any romantic attraction to her, and I think that would be enough of a reason. She's a close friend of mine, we talk most nights, we talk about our dating life, we shit on each other's bad dates, we use each other's dating apps sometimes to look for a date for each other, and that's just it. I have been thinking about what she said, that I was trying to get back at her for the previous rejection, but I don't feel like that was what I was doing. I never wanted to hurt her, but I also don't want to be in a relationship with her.
Right now, I agree that she feels entitled to me and that maybe she is keeping me as a back-up. R also agrees that what she did was wrong, but that the mixture of alcohol and parents resulted in her being desperate since her actions seemed to deviate from how we knew her.
I would like to say sorry for not realizing that she may have been in the wrong headspace when she asked me out, and not telling you guys more about the situation she was in, I just thought she was handling it herself and never really thought how a situation like that could affect a person. Honestly, I would like to keep our friendship, even with the others who sent me hurtful messages, we've known each other for a long time and have seen each of us grow into adults, I just don't know how. Right now, I just want to talk to them for clarification, and how it was weird for me how she handled the rejection, (and weirder that she even asked me out in the first place) and to know everything that lead to this situation. I feel like I can only decide on what I should do once I know more about the situation.
That is all for now, i don't know if I could or would update, as any progress to this situation would start only if she talks to me again about the situation. I also feel like I should delete this post since I feel like her situation with her family is a private matter and not for me to share online, even anonymously. Thank you for all the help you guys have given me in this situation, although I am still not yet prepared to cut them off, at least for now.
submitted by InsideCauliflower212 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:05 tempmailgenerator Enhancing Data Integrity in Protocol Buffers with Email Validation

Unlocking Data Precision with Protocol Buffers

In the realm of data serialization, Protocol Buffers, or Protobufs, have emerged as a cornerstone technology, offering a lightweight, efficient, and language-agnostic format for structuring and transmitting data across various systems. Developed by Google, Protobufs serve as a compelling alternative to XML and JSON, focusing on minimizing message size and processing time. Their design allows for clear, precise definitions of data structures with the added benefit of generating source code for the most popular programming languages, thereby ensuring seamless integration and data manipulation across diverse computing environments.
However, the utility of Protobufs extends beyond mere data serialization. A significant aspect of leveraging Protobufs effectively involves enforcing data integrity and validation rules, such as email validation within serialized data. This layer of validation is crucial for applications that rely on accurate and validated user input, especially for fields that require specific formats, like email addresses. By embedding validation rules directly within Protobuf definitions, developers can ensure that data adheres to specified constraints from the get-go, thus enhancing the reliability and robustness of data communication protocols.
Command Description
message Defines a message type in Protobuf, which is a data structure similar to a class in object-oriented languages.
required Specifies that a field must be provided and cannot be left unset when the message is serialized.
string Indicates the type of a field that holds a sequence of characters, used for text.
pattern Used in validation frameworks that work with Protobuf to define a regex pattern a string field must match.

Implementing Email Validation in Protobuf

Protobuf schema definition
message User { required string name = 1; required string email = 2 [(validate.rules).string.pattern = "^[^\\s@]+@[^\\s@]+\\.[^\\s@]+$"]; } 

Deep Dive into Protobuf Email Validation

Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) provide a systematic way of encoding structured data, especially useful in the context of network communication and data storage where efficiency is crucial. At its core, Protobuf allows for the definition of structured data schema through .proto files, which then can be compiled into code in various programming languages. This process ensures that the data structure is maintained across different systems, offering a robust mechanism for data serialization and deserialization. When it comes to enforcing data integrity and validation, Protobuf itself does not natively support complex validation rules out of the box. This limitation necessitates the integration of additional validation logic either at the application level or through the use of custom options in .proto definitions.
To address the need for sophisticated data validation, such as verifying that an email address fits a specific format, developers can leverage extensions and third-party libraries designed to augment Protobuf's capabilities. For instance, by defining custom validation rules, such as regex patterns for email addresses, within the .proto file, one can ensure that the data adheres to certain standards before it is processed by the application. This approach not only streamlines data validation by catching errors early in the data handling process but also enhances security by preventing invalid or malicious data from penetrating the system. Ultimately, incorporating email validation directly into Protobuf definitions promotes a more secure, efficient, and reliable data communication strategy.

Exploring Protocol Buffers and Email Validation

Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) offer a high-performance, language-neutral, and platform-neutral mechanism for serializing structured data, similar to XML but smaller, faster, and simpler. At its core, Protobuf allows developers to define data structures in a special language and compile them into native code for various programming environments, enabling seamless data exchange across disparate systems. This efficiency makes Protobuf an ideal choice for developing complex applications, where data integrity and validation are crucial. For instance, integrating email validation within Protobuf schemas ensures that only valid email addresses are processed, significantly reducing the potential for errors and improving overall data quality.
Email validation in Protobuf can be implemented through custom validation rules or by integrating with external validation libraries that extend Protobuf's functionality. This approach allows developers to specify complex validation patterns, such as regex for email addresses, directly within their Protobuf definitions. This built-in validation mechanism is particularly useful in microservices architectures, where data consistency across services is paramount. By enforcing data validation rules at the serialization level, Protobuf helps maintain a high level of data integrity and reliability across the network, laying a solid foundation for robust and error-resistant applications.

Frequently Asked Questions on Protobuf and Email Validation

  1. Question: What are Protocol Buffers?
  2. Answer: Protocol Buffers are a method of serializing structured data used by Google for nearly all of its internal RPC protocols and file formats.
  3. Question: How does email validation work in Protobuf?
  4. Answer: Email validation in Protobuf typically involves specifying regex patterns in the schema definition that match valid email formats, which are then enforced during data serialization.
  5. Question: Can Protobuf handle complex validation logic?
  6. Answer: Yes, with the help of custom options or integration with external libraries, Protobuf can handle complex validation logic, including custom regex for emails.
  7. Question: Why is data validation important in Protobuf?
  8. Answer: Data validation ensures the integrity and correctness of the data being serialized and deserialized, which is crucial for maintaining application reliability and performance.
  9. Question: How does Protobuf compare to JSON and XML?
  10. Answer: Protobuf is more efficient than JSON and XML in terms of both size and speed, making it suitable for high-performance applications.
  11. Question: Is Protobuf only used by Google?
  12. Answer: While developed by Google, Protobuf is open-source and widely used by various organizations for data serialization.
  13. Question: Can Protobuf be used with any programming language?
  14. Answer: Protobuf supports generated code in multiple languages, including C++, Java, Python, and more, making it highly versatile.
  15. Question: What is the advantage of using Protobuf for microservices?
  16. Answer: Protobuf facilitates efficient and reliable communication between microservices, thanks to its compact format and support for data validation.
  17. Question: How can I define an email field in Protobuf?
  18. Answer: An email field can be defined as a string with a regex pattern option to validate its format.

Wrapping Up Protocol Buffers and Validation

As we've explored, Protocol Buffers, with their efficient data serialization capabilities, play a pivotal role in the development of scalable and maintainable applications. The ability to enforce data integrity through validation rules, especially for critical data types like email addresses, underscores the versatility and power of Protobuf. This technology not only ensures that data is compact and fast to transmit but also maintains its correctness across different parts of a system. By leveraging Protobuf for both its serialization efficiency and its validation capabilities, developers can create more reliable and secure applications. This dual functionality makes Protobuf an invaluable tool in the modern developer's toolkit, facilitating better data management and communication in a wide range of applications, from microservices to large-scale distributed systems. The key takeaway is that Protobuf offers more than just a method for structuring data; it provides a comprehensive solution for ensuring data validity and integrity, which is critical in today's digital landscape.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:04 alittlebitweird__ Raised liver results - Due to gallbladder, or sore throat?

38 Female.
Bit of a boring question but hopefully a quick answer for you :) would really appreciate your opinions.
Recent medical history: gallbladder-like attacks under investigation.
I’ve been having gallbladder like attacks for the last 1-2 years.These are increasing in frequency and severity particularly since January. Normal HIDA scan, normal CT, ultrasound only shows multiple polyps up to 9mm. No stones seen to date. Being reviewed for SOD. So basically, loads of attacks and no medical explanation for what’s causing the pain episodes.
I had a really severe attack on Sunday night. I can handle a fair amount of pain, but this was an easy 10/10 on the pain scale. I took myself to the after-hours doctors and asked them to run bloods. They gave me a form and I did the tests the following day (so, around 18 hours later I guess).
The liver enzymes have come back very mildly raised (my usual for many years has been between 10-16, my result this time was 50. The cut off of normal here is 43). My CRP is also extremely mildly elevated at about 8. More than my usual 0-1, but I know that’s still very low for CRP (I’ve had sepsis and seen massive numbers for CRP before).
Is it more likely the liver result is due to the attack I had the night prior? OR - At the time I was also on day 6 of a virus (sore throat and sinus), is it more likely due to that? I should add I get my bloods taken on a frequent basis and my liver is never elevated even when I’ve been sick in the past. I have little kids so I’m often struggling with a cold of some sort when having my bloods regularly done.
Anyway. I’d appreciate opinions. This has been ongoing for soo long, and it’s getting so bad and I just want some answers of what’s going on. I’d feel a lot better, and relieved, if the liver result was a clear indicator of a gallbladder issue so I have something more concrete to discuss with the doctors.
Thank you
submitted by alittlebitweird__ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:03 beonewiththepyramid tired of doctors

I am so sick of doctors appointments every month, nothing in my body ever seems to go right. My gastro system is 8x slower, my reproductive system is causing me pain (endometriosis), my joints suck, and my skin has been consistently patchy with some odd allergic reaction. I wish there was a magic diagnosis that can explain most/all of this so I only have to see one doctor. It seems like no one ever has any definitive answers, but I hate having all these appointments.
I'm not asking for a diagnosis here but is anyone else in a similar predicament, or does this sound familiar?
submitted by beonewiththepyramid to SpicyAutism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:03 hinasilica Are my expectations too high or is this an issue?

Hey everyone! So I have always lived in high rise buildings with fantastic management, amenities, and maintenance. But I had a baby last year and decided it was time to move to a quieter and safer location. The apartment itself is very nice and has everything we need as a family, but it keeps having somewhat minor issues. I’m genuinely not sure if these issues are to be expected and I’m just spoiled, or are these real problems I need to address?
I’m not sure if this matters, but this is a middle class, mildly upscale, complex with about 1500 townhouses and apartments split in smaller buildings, all gated and homey feeling. I will just go ahead and list the issues I’ve had since May 1st.
  1. Power went out for about 20 mins. I called emergency maintenance and left a voicemail per my welcome packet instructions, no response or follow up on their end but power did come back on.
  2. May 4th I submitted a maintenance request because the dryer isn’t working, they came a day later and determined the knob was broken. They ordered parts, haven’t heard from them since. I have been using a power drill to turn the knob and use my dryer as that’s the only way.
  3. The gas fireplace smokes and sets off the smoke alarms. They checked it out and used a C02 detector and said it’s not leaking. When I asked why it smokes and sets off alarms the maintenance man didn’t have an answer or offer to look at it more.
  4. The hot water is “private”(?), as in the tank is in my unit and only for my use idk I’m not well versed in that stuff, but it can’t even fill a bath tub with hot water after no hot water being used for hours. This home has two extra large bathtubs and I have a baby so this one does really matter to me. I’ve been going olden days with pots of boiling water to heat it up for my son.
  5. Breakers short out almost everyday. Not a huge inconvenience but it can be frustrating when I have the oven going and I don’t even realize the kitchen just turned off.
  6. Phone service in my home is unreasonably bad, but perfectly fine anywhere else in the community. I can’t have phone calls or use data at all in my home.
  7. Secondary bathtub (my bathtub since the master bath is in the room my son sleeps in) always spews out dark black specks when I initially run it. After it drains the remaining specks leave black smears on the tub, they come off with magic eraser.
Am I overreacting and this is all just part of living in more of a townhouse situation? Is this complete bs and I should make a big deal out of it?
submitted by hinasilica to renting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:01 420daynnight Have you ever been tied down by EMTs during your seizures?

I recently had 4 back-to-back grand mals and was admitted into the emergency room in an ambulance. (I recently made a different post on here regarding this too, but it was more focused on my first time experience having a urethral catheter inserted lol)
I woke up to find abnormal bruises on my arms, especially around my wrists, and I later asked the doctor in charge at that time whether I had been tied down during my seizures. He answered yes, and he explained that it was to minimise the risk of me hitting myself or falling off of the bed during my seizures.
I got kinda pissed off and started to ask in a more aggressive manner whether it was really necessary to tie me down, as I had never seen any sources citing that a seizure patient should be tied down during a grand mal under any kind of circumstance. The doctor just replied as if he had no other choice, or that it was the best decision at the time based on his professional opinion. Obviously I’m not a doctor myself so I couldn’t dispute further.
They later returned to me with blood test results, saying that I have rhabdomyolysis and that they’re still trying to find out why. In my head my immediate thought was “Isn’t that because you made me overwork my muscles fighting against restraints during my seizure??” But I couldn’t say anything because it was technically just a hunch, medically uninformed.
Has anyone else here experienced being tied down while in the emergency room? Is this normal?? Is there an actual chance that the hospital caused further complications by medical malpractice i.e. restraining a patient during his seizures? Could i file a complaint or sue for this???
To provide a little more context, I’m currently in South East Asia where epilepsy related knowledge or awareness may not be as prevalent as in Western countries.
submitted by 420daynnight to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:01 SharkEva WIBTA if I turned down a promotion due to my original transfer being blocked?

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/Used-Register3714 posting in AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC
Ongoing as per OOP
2 updates - Long
Original - 2nd March 2024
Update1 - 14th April 2024
Update2 - 11th May 2024

WIBTA if I turned down a promotion due to my original transfer being blocked?

WIBTA? Little back story, I started working for a company in early 2022 as what they labeled as Admin, but don't let that fool you we were no admins, we worked 3 different departments that they combined into one with 3 people to cover everything, plus we were constantly fixing Customer Service mistakes.
Nov 2022 I met with the director of the Benefits Dept at work because I was interested in transferring and we went over the department, what the job entails and what I could start working on to better my chances at transferring. I checked in with the director many times as I finished different tasks such as completing the training courses, shadowing members of the team, and taking part in live trainings.
Early 2023 the director got a promotion to be the director of another department. In March a spot opened up in Benefits and it was a little outside what I knew, it was more a specialized position, but I still applied. I met with a few managers and the new director for interviews. We discussed many things and it was a positive experience, they were even happy with the steps that I had taken with the previous director. However, because it was such a specialized position they didn't want to throw me into the deep end, so they told me to apply for a different position when it opened up.
In May the other position opened up and I applied and basically skipped the interviews. The director and I meet and we discussed getting me transferred and doing it in a hybrid type manner. That worked for me and it worked for my current manager at the time too. Sadly, it feel through and I could never seem to get an answer as to why. It started out as budget reasons, totally understandable, but then it switched to not having troubleshooting knowledge that I would have if I had worked in Customer Service.
I had meeting with my (admin) manager and director, she covers both admin and customer service, I asked more clarifying questions as to why the transfer fell through but no one could give me a straight answer. We developed a plan to get me transferred to Benefits that caused me to route through Customer Service. I was transferred into Customer Service in November 2023.
Our CS team is split into basically 2 levels, 1 being online requests which is where everyone starts. You work a variety of requests and can gain a lot of knowledge. This is currently where I am. The second level is working the phones and helping the people that call in. This is more limited subject matter and can also carry a lot of "downtime" as they cannot work the online requests like the first level can because they will be on and off the phone all day.
Here is where I am wondering if I WIBTA. I have figured out, though not confirmed, that my directors boss is the one that blocked my transfer back in May and she is just a bitch/micromanager in general. Now someone from out phone team is leaving and it has been hinted that I might be the next one to move up. While it would come with a pay increase, not a lot or enough for the crap that we go through, I don't want it because I see it as more detrimental to me possibly transferring to my preferred department.
WIBTA if I said no because it would do more harm than good. Then turning around and asking how much longer I needed to be in the Customer Service department before I could apply to another position in the Benefits Dept?
Maybe helpful to also know that my customer service manager is not the best, she seems to bow down the the micromanager and she can't seem to manage a team of 10ish people, nor was she able to do half her job for moths and my admin manager was the one doing her work.


They're screwing you around. If you're good at your current role they don't want to move you. You could tell them that they transfer you or you leave, but they probably don't care about you much. Alternatively, just coast along, do what you must to keep management off your back and find a new job.
OOP: I've been thinking about coasting and just working my job description. Our phone team is technically down one person, and we have to help cover the missing persons time on phones. It's split, between most of us that work the first level. I might come out of that meeting with no phone time because it's not part of my job and you are probably right they don't want to move me because of that.

NTA you do not have to stay at a job where you feel like you’re not growing/moving up. do not let any employer trick you into thinking that you owe it to them to stay there if it no longer works out for you. time to update your resume and start job hunting to see what’s out there.
OOP: Already started. I even interviewed for the same company that my coworker is joining. It will be interesting if we end up working together again.

Update - 6 weeks later

So I was an idiot and decided to take the promotion. Not my finest moment.
However, things have taken a turn for the interesting.
A week after I took the promotion another team that I have been interested in but never thought I could work in tapped me to transfer to their team. I ended up reaching out to our HR team to gather some guidance and spoke with our recruiter that works internally and externally.
He gave me some good pointers and helped me navigate how to best approach the conversation. The conversation then turned to my manager and I let him know all the issues I've been having with her, including not approving PTO till timecards are being turned in amongst other issues. Turns out I am not the first person to bring these concerns forward and HR is actively looking into the situation.
I ended up having a conversation with my manager the following week and from the start of the conversation I knew it wouldn't have the outcome I was hoping for based off of her body language. And I was right, even with laying everything out I was denied my managers blessing because I just moved tiers.
But the fun part of all of this is that she tried to pull the 6-month rule as to why I couldn't apply. The 6-month rule is part of our handbook. "You have to be in your position for 6-months before you can transfer internally for non-exempt employees." I asked my manager to get us clarification since we both had different understanding of the rule.
I know position could be tier, however I asked our HR team and the said position is department based. A better wording would be in my department for 6-months.
The following week she director was out so can't do anything that week so the following week I asked for a follow up. Guess who forgot to follow up with me. Not the first time she has done this. She is now saying it is tier based and I have to be in my position for a YEAR.
I reached back out to HR and we are now looping in the head of HR to talk about this.


Why did you take the promotion when you knew this person was playing games with your career?
OOP: Believe me I am pissed at myself for taking it. I have been a people pleaser for so long and it's something I've been improving on and I was caught in a weak moment. I did have some hope that the agreement that was in place before this person became my manager would be honored but I was naive to think so.
I can always back out of the new position if need be, which I have been think about.

Ask HR if you can apply for jobs in the other department as an external candidate instead of an internal one. When they ask why tell them that quitting and reapplying seems to be the only way to avoid your current department managers trying to ruin your career.
OOP: This is a thought that I have. Going to wait and see what happens with my next meeting with HR. They seem supportive of my transfer so they may be able to pull some strings to make it happen, but this is on my radar.

Update - 1 month later

So it has been a month of back and forth, and we still don’t technically have a resolution but I thought I might give a quick update.
After our director was back I reached out to my manager to ask if they had received clarification and they said: “if you move tiers your clock restarts and I have to be in my department for a year”. That still didn’t sit right with me, I had previously contacted HR as a minor inquiry if the clock was tier or department and they had said department.
I reached back out to the head of our HR team and set up a meeting so that we could discuss this. In that meeting, HR agreed with me and said that they would speak with the director to get clarification on what was going on and she would get back to me by the end of the week. She did and told me straight up that I met the tenure requirements to be able to apply for a transfer. Now I was supposed to get an update but it was postponed due to people being out of the office and things like that. But I finally got the update last week. They are saying no for two reasons now, I don’t meet the requirements of the job, such as a degree, and performance. But my performance has never been addressed. When I have made mistakes, I informed and the mistakes never happened again.
As for the degree thing, that can be worked around, and that is something that the manager or that team is working on for me.
But now they are saying that it is a big concern of theirs. My question at this point is if it was such a big concern why was that not brought up from the beginning? Why were we only discussing my tenure as the reason that I couldn’t apply?
Honestly, I almost quit in that meeting right there. The only reason that I am even thinking of staying is that the team that I would be transferring to is amazing and I already know how they operate and I already work closely with them.
I should be having another meeting next week with the manager and director and I am going to likely loop in HR as well.
I have decided that if I am blocked from applying I will be leaving and I will be citing that as well as many other reasons as to why I am leaving. The least of which is the fact that I now know that the director has gone and bad-mouthed an employee to another manager that someone was hoping to transfer over to.
Edit to add: I just spoke with a coworker who left a few weeks ago. They pulled the same things with him. He wanted to go to another department but they had a meeting with him saying that they saw him on a different path, one that kept him in the department. He said they did that to our other coworker who left just before him too.


Update resume and GTFO now.

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP. Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:00 BigDefinition390 Why The Growth Matrix? (Reviews)

Program for Men or Fake Men’s Sexual Health System?
Males all over cross the world experiencing low sexual prowess due to unhealthy lifestyle, or old age. Many people try several different methods to boost their performance. most method are harm and not good waste of time money and effort so it is very difficult to other to fix there problem and looking for a serious and honest answer.
The Growth Matrix by Ryan Mclane is tested and proven to many people that use his simple method it will give you weekly gain and satisfaction about your problem it enhancement program that encompasses video tutorials, nutrition guides, and more to help members increase their penile size and girth naturally and in a non-invasive manner.
Benefits of The Growth Matrix It will help you to boost your confidence , healthy blood flow in your entire system of body No more Erectile Dysfunction , Low Libido and Testosterone Problem It will give you Guranteed Satisfaction.
Simple Join to Group to see who is using it and ask them a question and how satisfied all of them
Link To Watch Video Tutorial
submitted by BigDefinition390 to WhyTheGrowthMatrix [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:00 RepresentativeOk651 Every branch that bears fruit, He cleans it so that it may bear more fruit.

[prune/ clean]
καθαίρω (kathairō 2508) purge -ed, -eth, -ing [KJV] to cleanse from filth; as, for example, grain, by winnowing (2Sa 4:6); a tree, by pruning (Joh 15:2); sin, by atonement or expiation (Heb 10:2). (An earlier form of 3).. Reference(s)
”“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine-grower.
Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He cleans it so that it may bear more fruit.
You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.
Abide in Me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit from itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.
I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.
If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned.
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.
Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.
If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.
These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.
“This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.
Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.
You are My friends if you do what I command you.
No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.
You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would abide, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.
This I command you, that you love one another. “If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you.
If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.
Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’
If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also.
But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.
If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.
He who hates Me hates My Father also.
If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would not have sin; but now they have both seen and hated Me and My Father as well.
But this happened to fulfill the word that is written in their Law, ‘They hated Me without cause.’
“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness about Me, and you will bear witness also, because you have been with Me from the beginning.“ ‭‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭1‬-‭27‬ ‭LSB‬‬
In this chapter, Jesus lays down the foundation at which His disciples are to build His kingdom on.
  1. You must abide in Him, as He abides in the Father.
  2. To abide in Him, you must produce good fruit.
  3. The good fruit is to love, just as He loved the Father.
  4. In producing good fruit, He cleanses/ prunes/ purges you so that you may produce more fruit.
  5. If you abide in Him, as He abides in the Father, and you produce good fruit, which is to love, as He loves the Father, then you will be cleansed of your sin, and will have obeyed His commandment, and will therefore be His friend.
  6. If you are His friend, your prayers will be heard, and answered. However, if you are His friend, then you are not of the world; and if you are not of the world, but of Him, then the world will hate you because of Him.
  7. Lastly, He sends the Spirit, Who testifies of Him along side of His friends. The Spirit does this both in and through us; and this causes us to produce good fruit, after which we are further cleansed to produce more fruit, which ultimately ties the end back into the beginning.
submitted by RepresentativeOk651 to BreakBreadYESHUA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:00 spider_collider Closed door session of defense tips?

Chemistry PhD defense in 3 weeks. I have given parts of my dissertation to my primary advisor and committee members. Full draft due soon. Only one committee member has give me substantive feedback which was a godsend. My work is unpublished and I know damn well it is not good. Any tips for when I inevitably get asked a question about a glaring error, why my analysis is superficial, etc? I feel like my answer should be why didn't y'all tell me that months ago when you saw this the first time???? 😭
submitted by spider_collider to PhD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:59 That-Conversation288 AIO for telling my girlfriend she is insecure and has trust issues?

Hi everyone, To explain, I have been with my girlfriend for 2 years now. I love my girlfriend, this is our first adult relationship together, so a lot of these things were new to us during it. I don’t want to sound cocky but i’d like to think i’m a pretty handsome guy, and my girlfriend hates the fact that i’m attractive to other girls. She constantly compares herself to my exes and girls i’ve talked to in the past. Shes always been extremely jealous, she does not like me talking to other girls and or working with girls, constantly says i’m a flirt or that i have other gfs etc. Has told me that i’m probably hiding stuff from her or that I would cheat, Then she says it’s a joke which I know it’s not. She does not like me having any female friends either (which I don’t have any) and gets very upset if I do happen to talk to a female. She will full on ignore me and give me attitude and just be plain out disrespectful towards me as if I cheated on her. She also gets distant and bothered If I hang out with my guys for the night, even tho I never hit the bar or drink with them. One instance is I pulled up a famous singers page to play music, “you find her attractive don’t you?” I don’t answer this question because I know what it’s going to turn into and sure enough she starts probing and asking and asking and finally I just admitted. I had never seen her so upset, again she made it seem like I cheated on her she was furious. I kept trying to reassure her but she would push my arm away and say “ don’t touch me”. She ignored me for the whole night. I try to be as respectful as I can to her and respect our boundaries, but I feel like even that’s not enough After that I snapped and we got into an argument, where I told her she was insecure and had major trust issues. She said that was the meanest thing I could say to her. I really started to wonder what i’m doing wrong, and then I started to ask if it is even my fault ? Is this really what I want for myself? Now I’m here wondering if this behavior is normal in a relationship. I’ve never had a long term relationship up until this one so I wouldn’t know and I would really appreciate everyone’s input, I always try to make sure she is happy and i feel like i’m putting myself last because of it.
Am I overreacting or do I have a right to feel this way?
TLDR: Girlfriend constantly doubts me, thinks i’m cheating, gets extremely upset if i talk to another female and is disgusted that I think other women are attractive. AIO for telling her she’s insecure ?
submitted by That-Conversation288 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:59 ShinnigLightAsmr Yandere Lich Seeks Revenge on You [F4A] [M4A] [F4M] [M4F] [Lich] [Yandere] [Betrayal] [Death] [Magic] [Knight]

Note: Monetization is allowed, just credit me, ask before making any changes, and send a link to the audio. Also, there are 831 words of dialogue
Context: You are a knight that was once in love with a magic user. Unfortunately, you had to slay them because they betrayed you. One night, as you try to spend some time with your new lover, someone familiar seeks you out. They are seeking revenge!
Note: 831 words of dialogue
[Feet walking on ground] Well, well, well. What do we have here? Two little love birds kissing behind a tree? How scandalous! You two should really get a room.

What’s with the staring? Did you really think I’d look the same as the day you killed and buried me in that grave? That's not how resurrection works darling. As you can clearly see, I’m all bones but I managed to keep my luscious locks. Apparently even as an undead lich, I still look gorgeous.

Your new love interest is quite… underwhelming. To be completely honest darling, I never expected you to move on so quickly. Especially after all we shared together. Now I see you cuddling up with this pathetic little thing. You clearly have downgraded. If you wanted to find a new lover, perhaps you should have found someone more worth your time.

Do not talk to her like that? Please darling, you lost all rights to boss me around once you betrayed and killed me. I can talk to her however I please. [Talking to Listener's new lover] Listen sweetie, your knight in shining armor is a slug that only cares about themselves. The moment they are tired of you, they will cast you aside like garbage. Just like they did to me. If you’re lucky, they’ll make your ending painless.

From your expression you clearly have forgotten about what you did to me. You, the person I loved the most, pierced my heart with a sword and tossed me into a pauper's grave! I gave you everything! My heart, my soul, everything!

Do not give me that! I did not betray you. You betrayed me. Stabbed me in the back when I least expected it. And to think that the king knighted you.

Yes, I do expect an explanation. Why did you do it?

Because of Raven Brook? What about that stupid, little, backwater town?

I destroyed it? [Barking Laugh] But of course, they deserved it. Plotting to kill me and my family. The bunch of traitors. You would think they would be grateful for everything I did for them. Turns out they repay safety and mercy with death and destruction. Ungrateful peasants, the lot of them.

(Hurt and accusatory) Innocent people?! Don't make me laugh! You should have seen what they said about my family. Actually, you did see what they did when we walked through the town on official business for the king. They threw garbage at me! Called me horrible names. Witch, harlot, demon, and every other name in the book. And not once did you defend me. Not once did you shield me from the hurtful words or projectiles. It makes me wonder… did you also see me as a monster? Is that why it was so easy for you to kill me? I didn't see any tears on your face when you made the fatal blow. Only a cold mask.

Don’t even bother trying to defend yourself. You have no leg to stand on, nothing to say that can fix all of this. However, there is something you can do…sacrifice yourself.

I mean, tis only fair. You killed me for defending my family, I kill you for stabbing me in the back. If you’d like, your new little girlfriend can watch.

Let her go free? I don’t think so. Can’t have any witnesses darling. Afterall, that’s the first step of a revenge plan.

(Mocking) Aww! How sweet is this? Your little lady friend is using her own body to shield you. Isn’t that just precious. If I had a heart, it would be bursting at the sight. Too bad though, I need to dispose of her.

Now what to do with her? There are so many possibilities. I can feed her to my pets or toss her into the void. I could make her watch your demise, but I’d rather see your fear as you wonder about her fate. I’ll just stick her in one of my shadow pockets to be disposed of later.

[Talking to Listener’s new Lover] Now my dear, please hold still while I make sure you don’t escape.

[Clanking of chains] Hey! Hey! Don’t struggle or else these chains will tighten. Wouldn’t want your pretty skin to be ruined, now would we?

Now that’s better. Little Miss heroine is all chained up and ready to be tossed into my shadow pocket.

How do I still have my magic? My dear sweet hero, you forgot the most important rule before burying a magic user: Cut off their head before burying them. It would seem that the moment I left the world of the living, you forgot all about me. That includes everything I taught you.

What am I going to do to you? (Smirk) That answer is very simple: I am going to break you like you broke my heart. I’ll tear you apart bit by bit. You’ll feel all the pain I felt when you betrayed me and buried me in that pauper’s grave. And don’t worry about your new girlfriend. I’ll take care of her later. Prepare for your worst nightmare, my dear knight.
submitted by ShinnigLightAsmr to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:57 ZealousidealPanic552 Sort of a dumb question about modulation

I'm m a teenager who's learning about rf engineering and I have one question which I still can't get past. According to everyone I've asked they say as you try to send more symbols per second, you must increase bandwidth to avoid interference, my one question is, if it's like a highway and if you have too many cars in one lane, they crash etc. why can't we just send rockets spaced apart equally and they'll go as fast as light ? I assume their is an obvious answer but I don't understand it,if anyone would like to message me if I'm not being clear enough I would be honored to talk to an expert in the field.
submitted by ZealousidealPanic552 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:55 Worried_Setting4497 AITA for telling my sister she is ignorant for dating someone who she met while working at a prison.

Backstory, my older sister 29 was married to the most AMAZING man, let call him Chase. At the end of 2022 start of 2023 Chase raised speculation that my sister was sleeping or seeing someone at the state prison she worked at. My sister, let’s call her Sarah, denied this. Chase and Sarah went through a rough time, but it seemed to get better, they ended up becoming pregnant with their second child due later in 2023, but ended up separating before child was born. Chase tried everything in his power to make it work, but my sister just didn’t love him anymore and never even showed my sadness over this separation. Chase has been an Outstanding dad to their 2 kids, and they are great at con parenting. He is always a part of the family as the father of my sisters children.
My sister has been talking about quitting her job, at the prison. Everyone was happy to hear this, as we felt that job just changed her and the hours were ridiculous, and on Sunday she said she probably wasn’t going back to work and wasn’t going to show up Monday. Well today, (Tuesday). She sends me a message and said this is my new boyfriend. I immediately asked for details and she said she would call me and send me a few pictures, great, I’ll support it. Then she tells me that she met him though work, they worked together but he just never got to go home. I started calling, she finally answered and confirmed that she was dating an inmate. Then said he was released on Monday. (No wonder she quit her job). I was a little in shock, but she said he served his 10 year sentence for aggravated home and theft robbery, I also found out he has multiple warrants out, and she told me he used to be a gang member.
My concern is for her two kids one under 6 and one under 1. Maybe this man is changed, but I don’t think 1 day out of prison can show that. Apparently this has been going on for for a while considering he “paid” for her maternity leave, her ex husband chase noticed she was getting thousands sent to her on cashapp, and she put this large down payment on a car, my dad did the financing and was really curious to where that came from, because she always talks about not having money and has my mother paying for things.
She proceeds to tell me how great his family his, that they are super big Christians, and he is a new man, etc. obviously he was affiliated with something if he could send thousands of dollars while in prison. I told her that I hope she waits before he is around the kids, but I have a feeling she will not. And I didn’t think it was smart to date someone who has not been a part of the real world in 10 years. He is going to face his own obstacles and temptation of going back to a lifestyle he was once in. I told her I didn’t want to meet him, and I may reconsider after I have more information on how he is living a better life. But I just don’t support this choice. She seemed upset, asked me not to tell our dad. I immediately called my dad to tell him. ONLY because he needs some time to process this, or he will loose his shit on her. So I know she will be mad when she finds out. I think she likes the money and “attention” she is getting from this man, and is ignorant to what danger she is potentially putting her kids in if he is still affiliated with any gangs. The only things she could say to back how he changed was about how great his family is, to which I told her that his family can be great, but he is only responsible for his actions and his own reputation, and I do not have to trust him or be around him. My parents are divorced, so when I called my mom who knew, she fears that if she doesn’t try to support this then my Sarah will not allow her to see he me grandchildren, and will not keep her in the loop. I told my mom that I will not be around this, as I do not think she is thinking of the children or has put much logical thought into any of it. She is VERY easily influenced, and I fear what she will get involved in. If she wants to keep the kids from me, I will see them through their father Chase.
My sister texted me and asked not to judge him for his past. To which I replied that I am not judging him for his 1 day of freedom either. I said something to her about the money, and asked is she put into any thought on how this could reflect in a custody battle considering he was sending her money at the prison she worked for, while an employee for the state prison, and her ex has proof. Told her that I love her, but I don’t think this was smart to jump into and I will not support it. AITA? Or any advice to be given here?
submitted by Worried_Setting4497 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:52 Flowbb02 I get too shy

I get so shy to talk to the man I like (19m). I’m 21(f) I feel like I got too shy to the point where he asked me questions that were important to him I couldn’t answer truthfully because I would overthink. For example if I was religious. Religion is important to me but all I said was “no not ever since my grandma passed” ( she was the only one who made me pray every night) -No I am currently not going to church but not because I don’t believe there is a god but because as I grew religion was never forced on me…etc Another thing was that I never showed my emotions even if my heart was pounding with excitement my face was always blank. So many other instances I just wanted him to confess he liked me so that I could stop feeling this way. I just miss him a lot and I feel like he thinks he just met a trashy girl who’s uneducated and has no personality. How can I stop being so shy?
submitted by Flowbb02 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:52 MaayanKah Idea: WvW retention, guilds leaderboard

Hi, I'm not a very active poster in Reddit so my writing may be a bit sluggish. Please ask me for clarification for anything I wrote in an odd manner.
There has been something on my mind for a long time, ever since the early WvW restructing betas, and I am eager to hear other people's thoughts and opinions about it. (I haven't seen anyone mention this notion so I've decided to step forward and make this post!)
I've been playing GW2 since the early days, and a major portion of that time has been spent in WvW. I'm a part of a very small guild and we spens the majority of our time roaming, scouting, smallscaling & lowmanning enemy population or providing support for zergs/raisa/GvG's.
At least in my case, I have mixed feelings about some players/guilds in our server, but it still feels like home, and whenever our server is winning and climbing the tiers, it always feels like our guild's ops had its impact in tipping the scales.
I personally feel like that feeling of fame may lose some of its charm with the upcoming changes, as the teams get mixed and rematched and even if you win the matchup that week, it feels less immortalized and long term that it does now.
In the long run, it may hurt retention with smaller guilds/individual longtime roamers and scouts who are not a part of a large guild. (And yes, people could join larger guilds, but some people are comfortable with their current way of playing and old habits may die hard, in particular older players with introvert tendencies)
One of two answers I could come up with which would retain that feeling of success and fame is a leaderboard for guilds who are active in WvW.
Each matchup, a guild can qualify to get a chance to appear it in following a certain level of activity/participation.
Once qualified, score will be awarded based on the place your team finished with.
Overtime, guilds who are active and were winning a lot of matches will take their spot on the top of the leaderboard.
The number of members would not matter, only that your guild was active and that you ended up in the winning team often.
Inactivity in a match would cause decay, so in order to retain your spot in the leaderboard, your guild must keep playing actively, similarly to PvP.
The other solution which involves no fame but could still encourage "caring about winning the match" is to award the active player for currency based on their team's place in the end of the match and introduce cosmetics or titles purchased with that currency. People who are actively victorious will be able to gain those faster.
I can definitely understand if larger guilds or GvG orienated guild members may feel differently than I do. I hope this still made some sense to you and you can at least sympathize with my notion!
submitted by MaayanKah to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:51 ZealousidealPanic552 Sort of a dumb question about modulation

I'm a teenager who's learning about rf engineering and I have one question which I still can't get past. According to everyone I've asked they say as you try to send more symbols per second, you must increase bandwidth to avoid interference, my one question is, if it's like a highway and if you have too many cars in one lane, they crash etc. why can't we just send rockets spaced apart equally and they'll go as fast as light ? I assume their is an obvious answer but I don't understand it,if anyone would like to message me if I'm not being clear enough I would be honored to talk to an expert in the field.
submitted by ZealousidealPanic552 to rfelectronics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:47 juanitasdiner The Sizzling Saga of Steakhouses in Anderson, South Carolina: From Classic Charm to Modern Marvels

Ah, the allure of a perfectly cooked steak – a symphony of char-grilled goodness, begging to be devoured. In Anderson, South Carolina, this carnivorous symphony plays out across a variety of steakhouses, each with its own unique flair. Whether you're a seasoned steak aficionado or a curious newcomer, this guide will steer you towards the perfect place to indulge your inner carnivore.

Classic Charm:

Steeped in Tradition

Anderson boasts several steakhouses that have been sizzling for decades, offering a taste of nostalgia alongside their delicious cuts.

Modern Marvels: Upscale Steakhouses with a Twist

The Anderson steak scene isn't just about tradition. New steakhouses are pushing boundaries and offering innovative takes on the classic steakhouse experience.

Beyond the Beef: Steakhouse Delights for Every Palate

While steak is the star of the show, Anderson's steakhouses cater to diverse palates. Here are some additional options:

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions about Steakhouses in Anderson, South Carolina

Conclusion: Your Steak Awaits in Anderson, South Carolina

From the time-tested charm of classic steakhouses to the innovative twists offered by contemporary establishments, Anderson, South Carolina, has a steakhouse to tantalize every taste bud. So, grab your appetite, explore the options in this guide, and prepare to embark on a sizzling culinary adventure. Remember, steak night done right is a night to savor, and Anderson has all the ingredients to make it an unforgettable experience.
submitted by juanitasdiner to u/juanitasdiner [link] [comments]