Pennsylvania colony

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2008.12.28 07:46 Today I Learned (TIL)

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2011.08.28 07:07 Artrw AskHistorians

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2024.06.07 02:01 HarlemSquirrel Which exterior paint for my barn-like garage with historic color?

So I've been in this house for over two years now and it's long past time to paint the garage. My painter has done a great job of power washing, scraping, and sanding to prepare the wood. The paint has been peeling off and I had to replace a few small places where the wood rotted. We have large trees all around here in rural southeastern Pennsylvania so the garage does not see a ton of sun and some areas get no direct sun ever.
The house and garage are supposed to look old like colonial era but the house was built in the 90s and the garage was built in 2004. The paint color is Benjamin Moore Historical collection Hodley Red HC-65 but my painter uses Sherwin Williams paint which I'm fine with.
So these are the paints he told me he recommends. What do you all recommend?
submitted by HarlemSquirrel to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:43 HarlemSquirrel Which exterior paint for my barn-like garage with historic color?

Which exterior paint for my barn-like garage with historic color?
So I've been in this house for over two years now and it's long past time to paint the garage. My painter has done a great job of power washing, scraping, and sanding to prepare the wood. The paint has been peeling off and I had to replace a few small places where the wood rotted. We have large trees all around here in rural southeastern Pennsylvania so the garage does not see a ton of sun and some areas get no direct sun ever.
The house and garage are supposed to look old like colonial era but the house was built in the 90s and the garage was built in 2004. The paint color is Benjamin Moore Historical collection Hodley Red HC-65 but my painter uses Sherwin Williams paint which I'm fine with.
So these are the paints he told me he recommends. What do you all recommend?
submitted by HarlemSquirrel to sherwinwilliams [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:28 Apprehensive-Art-696 Century Old American Book about the US occupation of the Philippines. This copy dates back to 1898, is largely still intact and well preserved. AMA.

Century Old American Book about the US occupation of the Philippines. This copy dates back to 1898, is largely still intact and well preserved. AMA.
Around a year ago I bought this book from an antique book store in a small town in Pennsylvania. I just wanted to share this because of how cool of a relic I think this is. I've only skimmed the book but it offers a lot of insight regarding the point of view the Americans have regarding the Philippines after newly aquiring the country as a colony. Ask me anything regarding it, and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability what this book has to offer.
submitted by Apprehensive-Art-696 to FilipinoHistory [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:05 Peacock-Shah-III The Election of 1952 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

The Election of 1952 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections
October 3rd, 1952
A date heralded for a year as the coming Armageddon by Manuel Herrick and followers of his claim to be the reincarnation of Christ saw Americans admire the beautiful blue sky of clear weather nationally, go to work as they would, and laugh off the street corner evangelists of the new Immanuel. Yet, for those awake to hear the bells of midnight toll, those young lovers left under the stars, prisoners behind bars, and night workers just entering their cars, the anxious tones of Walter Cronkite would break through the air to announce that the French State, that global bulwark of authoritarianism, had conducted its first test of the most destructive weapon known to humankind, splitting the atom to transform into an inferno the prison colony off the coast of Guiana known aptly as Devil’s Island.
With an economy growing at a record rate and a global position at new heights, the nation once more treks to the polls for a referendum on its soul, even as a Damocles sword of annihilation hangs over our heads with the dozens of satellites sent to the final frontier by the La Follette Administration, for no longer is the destructive power of the universe the sole dominion of the United States of America.
Caesar and Cincinnatus.
With Farmer-Labor opposition leaders John L. Lewis and Joseph McCarthy imprisoned on a variety of charges related to union racketeering and, in the latter’s case, homosexuality, 55 year old incumbent President Philip F. La Follette of Wisconsin has resoundingly won renomination for a third term alongside 55 year old incumbent Vice President Michael A. Musmanno of Pennsylvania, a mere year after surviving the first presidential impeachment in American history. Loyal Blackshirts by his side and intra-party opposition at a nadir, the man who has carried America into the age of space and atoms now rallies his masses once more in a final crusade to “win the peace.” With a vision of a nationalized Federal Reserve and a litany of executive orders held back by the promises that prevented his removal, La Follette has criss-crossed the nation fiercely in his bid for a record breaking third consecutive term, promoting his support for international anti-communist decolonization and defending his prosecution of prominent opposition politicians, pointing to the violence of Lewis’s union men and the slurry of corruption allegations surrounding arrested oppositionists such as Fulgencio Batista. Meanwhile, La Follette has instead shifted criticism to the “reign of terror” he has accused oppositionist Speaker of the House Joseph McCarthy of instituting in his hunt for communists in government, alleging that an opposition President would “use a shotgun instead of a rifle” to fight communism.
Pointing to the nation’s record low unemployment and falling inflation rates, La Follette implores voters for a mandate to “win the peace” by using the reorganized cabinet Departments of Peace, Production, and Prosperity to implement his executive orders nationalizing the healthcare industry, constructing an interstate highway system, and building a hydroelectric power grid. Further, decrying the allegations of executive overreach crucial in bringing Congress to the point of impeachment, Phil has sought the passage of a constitutional amendment reducing the legislative power to that of a veto and expanding that of the presidency while instituting a nationwide referendum system. While inevitably turning the nation’s memory once more to the retaliatory nuclear strikes on the Japanese Empire that claimed the lives of two million civilians, La Follette has made a dual vow to pursue the deescalation of Franco-American relations in his third term alongside a continuance of nuclear testing, yet has promised a firm anti-communist line, pointing to his two terms of experience as the republic’s Commander-in-Chief and his role in final victory in the Pacific Wars. In the aftermath of a wave of post-impeachment violence by pro-administration Blackshirts, La Follette has firmly denounced any violence committed in his name and backed the statement up with prosecutorial action from the Justice Department, however, Vice President Musmanno has refused to recant his own statements calling for vigilante action against the opposition.
With Progressive and Liberal leaders alike in jail and Will Rogers the victim of Blackshirt violence, the Committee for the Preservation of the Republic has brought the two parties together under a joint banner of opposition. After two dozen ballots of discord, Preservationists sought inspiration from the Roman Republic in using the name “Cincinnatus League” for their presidential ticket’s organizing, alternately the “Cincinnatus Party” and “New Order of Cincinnatus,” as they turned to 48 year old retired Air Force General Elwood R. Quesada, a dashing baseball player turned fighter pilot who married into the media empire of Joseph Pulitzer and personally oversaw years of atomic tests on occupied Sakhalin, alongside 41 year old California Senator Will Rogers Jr., son of the two time presidential nominee. Where President La Follette has taken his appeal to the people, the famously inspiring yet hot tempered General Quesada has run a cautious campaign at the imploration of party leaders after an incident where he referred to President La Follette as “pathetic” but branded members of his own party “paranoid.” Instead, supporters focus on the aeronautical exploits, devout Catholicism, and heroic status of the man they tout as the American Cincinnatus. A massive funding effort has churned out millions of “Can’t Beat Pete” pins and produced polished television slots promising a “return to normalcy” with the freedom of all arrested opposition leaders, denationalization of the General Trades Union, and an end to the imperial presidency, as a cartoon Quesada is depicted taking to the skies. Promoting an increasingly active foreign policy with a military pact by pro-American nations in the Pacific, the campaign has also addressed bread and butter issues by promising tax cuts and government downsizing alongside a complete rejection of President La Follette’s reorganization of the cabinet into umbrella departments of Peace, Prosperity, and Production.
While stating opposition to the New State and “win the peace” proposals, Quesada has refused to echo imprisoned 1948 Progressive nominee Ben Gitlow’s accusation of a La Follette “dictatorship of executive orders,” pointing to his much vaunted managerial experience as a war hero and his role as an aid to New State architect Hugh S. Johnson to promise a cautiously delayed repeal and supported La Follette’s interstate highway system, while promising to secure a congressional mandate for it rather than act by executive fiat. However, Quesada has promised the immediate end to La Follette’s push for healthcare universalization. The son of a Spanish banker and Irish mother who describes himself as “basically an immigrant,” Quesada has also opposed the La Follette administration’s imposition of immigration restrictions while promising immediate statehood for the plurality Jewish territory of Tannenbaum in contrast to President La Follette’s moratoria on executive consideration of the issue, while stating an openness to the possibility of annexing Quebec. Though President La Follette himself has campaigned above the fray, Vice President Musmanno has led Farmer-Laborites in attacking Quesada. Noting that oppositionists call for a two term amendment, supporters of La Follette have noted that almost all supported Aaron Burr Houston in his 1940 quest for a fourth term, a campaign that has led others to mock Quesada’s call for age limits on elected officials as the nominee of a party that was last led to victory by an 86 year old widely believed to suffer from dementia; others go so far to allege that, as a personal friend of Charles Lindbergh who has refused to denounce him even today, Quesada himself may have supported Farmer-Labor’s heroic Lone Eagle against the Progressive’s Old Raven in the crucial election of 1940.
Third party and independent candidates in the 1952 United States presidential election.
The Straight-Out Liberty League and Social Credit minor party tickets lack full ballot access and thus results are subject to limitations and adjustment.
Chairman Frank Chodorov and the libertarian leadership of the Liberty League has won the right to the name and formal legal status in court against the majority Preservationist Liberal faction after a six month long court battle. However, with their fundraising sources lost and in a struggle to maintain ballot access without the organization’s electoral machinery, the organization has managed a small scale campaign functioning largely as a series of ideological lecture tours. To that end, the Straight-Out Liberty Leaguers have endorsed 66 year old author Rose Wilder Lane for the presidency alongside 65 year old organizational Chairman Frank Chodorov, so committed to his anti-government principles that he has pledged to not even vote for himself. This independent splinter Liberty League ticket has called for the immediate abolition of all New State legislation, the minimum wage, income tax, NSA, and Social Security; however, both members of the ticket have been indicted for tax evasion.
On the other side of the spectrum, 76 year old Mormon Church President and former Representative Israel A. Smith has reluctantly mounted a bid for the presidency alongside Representative Solon Earl Low in an attempt by erstwhile Farmer-Labor Senators Hans Enoch Wight, founder of the old Union Party, and John Horne Blackmore to build the foundations of an independent Social Credit Party in the mold of the old Union Party. Smith, considered personally to be significantly more conservative economically than the party itself, has campaigned as a candidate for all Americans, not merely Mormons, and . Low, however, has led the way on policy, focusing on a platform of "economic democracy" through the issuance of $25 “prosperity certificates" to every American, protectionism, farmers' subsidies, and an end to interest in credit and banking alongside general ideas of Christian governance, a term objected to by those unwilling to consider Smith’s sect Christian. Despite the best efforts of the neo-Unionists, notable social creditors such as W.A.C. Bennett and Robert A. Heinlein have remained loyal to La Follette and the Farmer-Labor Party.
Please note that votes for the following minor candidates must be cast by write-in.
The Single Tax Party has nominated 84 year old former Representative Charles R. Eckert for President alongside 68 year old Boise Mayor James P. Pope in what is seen as a move to protect their ballot access amidst swirling rumors of a possible 1956 candidacy from California Senator Jerry Voorhis.
Committed Farmer-Labor socialists unwilling to sit the election out have mounted a third party Socialist effort once more, securing limited ballot access for 55 year old Catholic Worker editor Dorothy Day and 37 year old De Leonist activist Georgia Cozzini on the Peace and Freedom banner. Endorsing a complete transition to a socialist and eventually anarchist economy, Day has promoted the consistent life ethic and called for nuclear disarmament, universal healthcare, pacifism, and federal restrictions on abortion.
On the ballots of Georgia and Florida, a separate independent Socialist ticket has been nominated by local organizers, consisting of 72 year old former Senator Helen Keller, a former Revolutionary, and 37 year old Georgia Cozzini once more as her running mate. A consistent socialist who breaks with Day's views with her support of abortion and birth control, Keller remains internationally famous for her tenacious journey from dual deaf and blindness to status as a renowned author and activist.
Finally, followers of the Church of Immanuel have placed their messiah Manuel Herrick of Texas on the ballot in several plains states alongside ally Wallace Dodd Fard, who have campaigned on declaring Herrick to be god and thus legally the nation’s supreme power in light of the Jesus Amendment. Pointing to the French nuclear test on Herrick’s day of Armageddon, the Immanuelites argue that the prediction affirms his claim to Godhood.
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submitted by Peacock-Shah-III to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:52 Louis-Capet-XXVI Pine Valley / Pine Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19115 USA - House of Orleans

Pine Valley / Pine Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19115 USA - House of Orleans
Wider than NYC, at 2.5 miles, built in the 1950's by the Royal Family.... This is a photo of my parents home. My mother's name is Arlene, and so also is the shape of the streets inside Philadelphia 19115. It also says, #Orleans if you switch the last two letters, the "NE" in Arlene to "AN" in the #HouseofOrleans. It spans 2 miles, bigger than Central Park and wider than Manhattan, NYC. Starting at Pennypack Park on Pine Rd. at Kingsfield Rd and concluding at Red Line Road. My parents were the inaugural homeowners in the 1960s, the 1st owners.
Within this neighborhood, the streets are named after distinguished military figures from England, spanning various eras from the American Revolution to World War II. Streets like Lockart, Darlington, Welsh, and Clinton allude to espionage and historical military significance.
British Commander-in-Chief during the #Revolution Clinton Rd 19006,_born_1730))
Lockhart Rd & Place 19115
Darlington Rd. 19115
Welsh Rd. 19115 - - or - -
Grant Ave 19115 - There's Ulysses S. Grant, and then the British have 7 different British Military leaders named Grant:,_born_1720))
Contrary to what one might assume, the street name is unrelated to Ulysses S. Grant and instead commemorates British military leaders.
In the 1950's Grant Ave. was named and mostly completed, as prior it had many different names. Frankford Ave. aka The King's Highway was built by #King George II from 1682 to the late 1790's. - Those dates were all before The American #Revolution and Civil War, so regardless of the construction date of Grant Ave, I would still say the name Grant Ave. has absolutely nothing at all to do with Ulysses S. Grant.
We also have Portis Rd. which is a combination of 2 words = La Porte + Paris = Portis - - La Porte was named Intendant of the Civil List (Minister of the Royal Household) in December 1790 which gave him direct control of the large sums of #money that were considered the private wealth of the King of France and so not subject to public audit.
Across the street from my home is Durand Road. Durand was the name of the fake ID they gave to the King of France during the #French Revolution when the King of #France and his family tried to escape with Barron Batz. See p24 hosted on the University of Chicago's website:*.html - More on Barron Batz can be found in your local library, or here:,_Baron_de_Batz - Keep in mind, Louis XVI's grandfather Louis XIV had 30 children.
When my parents moved in, the area was all farmlands. Directly across the street from us at 1855 Melmar Road 19006 was the country home of Nicholas Biddle w/ 33 Rooms, & 9 Bathrooms. Though, there was nothing in between us except empty fields, there house was about 1,000 feet away. - He was the President of the Second Bank of the United States. It is now called the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. That's where everybody gets there monthly $600 social security checks from... and, there still located here very close to this zip code printing checks for the majority of #America. His original home is still there, but... In the 1980's, they turned his land into a development of multi-million dollar homes now called Biddle Estates.
His brother, married a #Falcone girl, and members of their family built Drexel University and also Lippincott Medicine, who are book publishers, and also the name of the next street across from me, Lippincott Rd. 19006.
A lot of the homes here go for over 1 million dollars. My house was right there in the middle, on Pine Road at the top the shape of the "L" that looks exactly like the Boston Red Sox logo. We're on the city line, so I'm inside #Philadelphia, but the homes on the other side of Pine are not. Were on very high elevation here. At the bottom of the hill is Huntingdon Valley aka Lower Moreland. Bryn Athyn, and #Hollywood, PA are at the top of the valley.
On the other side of the valley, at the top of that hill, is Abington, PA. Coincidently, also the same place based on the TV show, The Goldbergs.
Additionally, The Golden Girls which aired on NBC from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992 also talk about us in every episode, "Shady Pines" was the retirement home Rose burnt down... as in Shady Lane & Pine Rd located at Fox Chase Farm, and the World Headquarters for the Medical Mission Sisters, who bring justice and healing to women, children and men in 17 countries on five continents. Their 2nd office is in London. []( They also speak frequently inside the United Nations.
Previously, that property belonged to the oldest home in Pennsylvania, the Ury House, & it was located here. Built in 1640 it frequented visitors such as: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and even George Washington slept here. The school located on the grounds, has now relocated as the Valley Forge Military Academy.
In addition, one of the 4 main actresses in the show, Blanch Devereaux, coincidently the United States DoD - Department of Defense is located on Devereaux St & Oxford Ave, about 10 minutes from here, as Pine Road changes names to Oxford Ave & Rising Sun Ave at a 5 points. This DoD site encompasses over 134 acres, in which its warehouse offices and other buildings amount to 2,250,000 square feet.
The rap group N.W.A Music w/ Dr Dre sings about us in a lot of songs, in "Straight out of Compton" They say, "Until them dumb motherf*ckers see clearly, that I'm down with the Capital C-P-T" ...and, at the same time in the video, they keep showing a picture of map with areas marked out in red marker. (That's C-P-T as in #Capet, as in Louis Capet XVI)
There's a lot going on here, too much for me to type on Facebook.
ABC daytime soap opera "All My Children" with Kelly Ripa, which aired January 5, 1970, to September 23, 2011, is based in "Pine Valley" PA, a suburb of Philadelphia, the same name as my neighborhood, but in the soap opera, they are actually located on the other side of Philadelphia.
Get it? "All My Children" as how Louis XIV had 30 children.
In 2023, the TV series "Pine Valley" aired as a prime time spin-off of the daytime drama soap opera “All My Children.” Their description reads as, "Set in a fictional Philadelphia suburb called Pine Valley, it delves into the dark and murderous history of the town." It also starred the same cast, Kelly Rippa & Susan Lucci again from "All My Children."
Unrelated, but the first 10 years of "All My Children" ...The original recordings from the 1970's were destroyed in a fire.
The highest elevation inside #Paris & oldest Military Base in #Paris is Montfaucon - now called the Parc des Buttes Chaumont - as in my name, Mont Faucon / Matt Falcone. The word Falcon in English translates to Faucon in French.
Also, the City of MonFalcone in Italy.
Also, the City of Falcone, in Sicily.,_Sicily
Also, the Falcone International Airport in Italy -
Billionaire Empire, The Falcone Group in the USA -
A different entity, Billionaire Empire, Phillip Falcone - with 20% ownership of the The New York Times - plus owner of 5,000 different Television Station Networks, and 5,000 Satellites in space, & 5,000 Satellite repeaters on land, such as the Hollywood Sign in Los Angeles California. - - In addition he owned & controlled Harbinger Capital aka HRG Group which was created by former President George H. W. Bush Senior -\_Group#Glazer\_era\_and\_the\_birth\_of\_Harbinger\_Group\_Inc.
In 2019, he sold one of his homes in NYC. It went for a record breaking most ever paid for a residential townhouse in New York City -
9643 pill (My address 9643 Pine Rd.) = Prochlorperazine is a phenothiazine (FEEN-oh-THYE-a-zeen) antipsychotic medicine that is used to treat #schizophrenia. It is supplied by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
9643 PILL IMPRINT - - - Ruger® PC Carbine™ Autoloading Rifle Model 19115 < - - - 19115
Royal Pine Litte Tree's Air Freshener's since 1952 -
On the east side of the words, in the "E" in Arlene, or the "N" in Orlean on the map of 19115, we have Geiger Road. A Geiger Counter is an instrument that measures radioactive levels.
In the 1990's Lockheed Martin had a factory here on Geiger Road. They are a leading American aerospace and defense corporation, specializing in cutting-edge technology and solutions for air, land, sea, space, and cybersecurity challenges. [](
On Red Line Road, we had "The Budd Company" who specialized in manufacturing Railroad Cars. They were a 20th-century metal fabricator, a major supplier of body components to the automobile industry, and a manufacturer of stainless steel passenger rail cars, airframes, missile and space vehicles, and various defense products. - During WW2, they switched production from rail cars to war heads & various Military Equipment. During their tenor, they left behind contaminated land, from PCB's oil leakage, and Radioactive Waste. Though, I had the radioactive reports 5 years ago before covid, which described the radioactivity levels, stretching as far south as Bustleton Road, via an underground creak, that crosses Red Line Rd just about 100ft north of Bustleton Ave, I do not have those links anymore, ...maybe on an old computer.
I did recently find the reports where the NCR, The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has terminated the license held by the Budd Company for another facility in Philadelphia, which may have occurred at both locations, as this location, which consisted of 75 acres was their main manufacturing facility, and the other may have been primarily used for offices, mailing address, and smaller manufacturing. -
The Budd Company operated a hot cell facility in Philadelphia from l956 through l967 to manufacture sealed sources for use in industrial radiography. (A hot cell is a heavily shielded enclosure in which radioactive materials are handled by persons using remote manipulators, such as mechanical arms, and viewed through shielded windows or periscopes.) A small amount of unsealed cesium-137 was also used for a brief time at the facility.
In addition, we also have Laramie Road. I always wondered what the meaning of Laramie meant, as I have seen roads all over the world with the same name, such as in Canada.
The Laramie Mountains in Black Hills / Paha Sapa, USA was one of the largest Uranium mining sites in the USA.
The Black Hills are considered a sacred place by the Lakota people and are representative of the entire four-state region of South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and North Dakota, where thousands of uranium mines or exploration wells are located. For more than 40 years, the local population has been exposed to the radioactive legacy of the former uranium rush.
Behind my house at 9643 Pine Rd. inside Buckley Place, and also Buckley Terrace, Almatt Place, Almatt Terrace, Myers Circle, Mark Place, Johnathin Place, Kismet Place, etc... etc... and so on, whatever... we have various dead end streets, which the locals refer to as a "cul-de-sacs" as they strikingly resemble a cement covered missel silo's, aka launch sites, in which the process requires the cement cover to be blown off by explosives, so the missile underneath can launch intercontinentally.
We also have, "Flagstaff Rd." ...Get it? Flag, like the American Flag & Staff.
In the 1985 movie, Back to the Future, Marty Visits Hill Valley, as in Pine Valley / Huntingdon Valley -
Also, in Back to the Future, the Mall Scene where the Libyans arrive to get back their stolen Plutonium, the name of the mall is "Twin Pines" ...there is also a "Lone Pine" Mall in the movie. So, the Twin Pines Mall in the movie, is almost an exact replica of the Plymouth Meeting Mall, which is about 25 minutes away from Pine Rd. Though, the mall had a makeover in around the year 2010. or here
Also, in Back to the Future, Marty's mom's name is Lorraine. As a play on words in French, "Reine" means "King" in France, So, Lorain would translate in French to King Louis, Lou, Lo.
In the South Park SE 8 EP 1 2004 Paris Hilton inserts a Pine Apple up her vagina. Get it, Paris as in France, like how the streets here are shaped into the words: Arlene & Orlene, ....and, a Pine Apple like Pine Rd. and/or - The 1993 movie, the Coneheads as in Falcone, Fal-cone, in this clip, ...they say, "Were from France" and also their homes look identical to ours.
In addition, as explained above + http://www.LaserLightShow.ORG as myself... also in the movie, plus many more:
Eminem - Slim Shady like Shady Lane Road & Pine Rd.
In the movie, Trading Places Movie with Eddie Murphey, that was filmed in Philadelphia, ....his name is Billy Ray Valentine, but, it sounds like Billy Revel on Pine, as in the French Revolution.
Did you ever hear the saying, "We'll that's the word on the street?" or... "The word on the street is..."
My parents were my best friends. I bought my 1st home in 2004, in the 19115, When they got old & sick, I had to move back in w/ them & keep my home vacant. We wanted to prevent them from going into a nursing home, and also having the nursing home take away their home. We had nurses, round the clock for 24 hours. I was not embarrassed living with my parents. I actually enjoyed it very much. We would eat dinner together every day. We never argued. My whole life I was never yelled at. They were a lot older than me, and as their age progressed, things became tough. I had to cook for them 3 meals a day, and do everything for them... because I didn't want to put them in a nursing home. One time, my vegan diet gave my father low iron, low hemoglobin (which requires a blood transfusion to fix immediately), it makes you weak, and you can't move.... So, I had to sleep on the floor next to him for a month. I didn't know about the Nutrition Tracking Meal Diary Cell Phone Free App called []( at that time. I miss them very much, and think about them all the time.
My father was a prominent Book Publisher, similar to myself also a publisher. He was the VP at Ruttle, Shaw & Wetherill. One of their notable works that they published was the Merck Manual Professional // Merck Manual Consumer, an indispensable resource for medical professionals; it was the most popular reference guide for Medical Professionals, on how to treat hospital patients. It's what Hospitals used before the internet & computers.
My mother worked at Orleans Technical College & also the School District of Philadelphia as a part time substitute #teacher, and hemy friends worked in operations. They also owned a printing company specializing in medical forms. They both retired around 1990.
I think this is the best home in #America. I don't care about those big homes in California or Florida nor Donald Trump's home in Key Largo.... I don't think his home is better than mine. I only mention that b/c I hear it in the news every day for the past 5 years... but, maybe that's why the Donald Trump National Golf Club Philadelphia in New Jersey is located in a city, with the same name as mine, Pine Hill / Pine Valley. Here, we have the Fox Chase Farm, it's 117 acres, 1 hour walk to loop it.
The only homes or Cities that might even come close, might be Dubai, United Arab Emirates - World Islands, or Dubai Palm Island ....but, we did this in the 1950's, and they just started.


"l'état, c'est moi"
Capet XXI (My Grandmother's Maiden Last Name)
🔴🔴🔴🔴 ⚡ Louis XVI & The American Revolution
Louis XVI's financial support to the United States during the American Revolutionary War primarily came in the form of loans and supplies. The financial assistance was crucial for the American colonists in their fight against British rule. Here are the details of how the money was distributed:
Financial Agreements: In February 1778, France and the United States signed the Treaty of Alliance, formally allying France with the American colonists. As part of this agreement, France pledged its support, including financial aid, to the United States.
Loans: France provided substantial loans to the United States to fund their war efforts. The most significant loan came in 1778 when the French government arranged a loan of 2 million livres (a French currency) from the French banking house of Le Couteulx et Cie. This initial loan was followed by additional loans, including a total of 10 million livres in 1779 and 24 million livres in 1780.
Supplies and Military Aid: In addition to financial assistance, France also provided military supplies and aid to the American colonists. The French Navy played a crucial role in the war by assisting in naval blockades and engaging in key battles, such as the Battle of Yorktown in 1781, which was a decisive victory for the Americans. The French military support included troops, warships, weapons, and ammunition.
Benjamin Franklin's Role: Benjamin Franklin, the American envoy to France, played a significant role in negotiating and securing French support. He worked closely with the French government to secure financial aid and other resources for the American cause. Franklin's diplomacy and influence were instrumental in obtaining French assistance.
Distribution of Funds: The funds received from France were primarily managed by the Continental Congress, the governing body of the American colonies during the Revolutionary War. Congress used the funds to pay for various war-related expenses, such as purchasing supplies, equipping troops, and maintaining military operations. Some funds were also used to pay off existing debts.
It is important to note that while Louis XVI and France's support was crucial for the American cause, the financial aid alone did not guarantee victory in the war. The American colonists faced numerous challenges throughout the conflict, and the outcome of the war was determined by a combination of factors, including military strategy, perseverance, and the support of other nations such as Spain and the Netherlands.
⚡ Family Relationships of France & England
Louis XVI's wife, Marie Antoinette, and King George III's wife, Queen Charlotte, were sisters-in-law as they both came from the House of Habsburg-Lorraine through their mother, Maria Theresa. This made Louis XVI and King George III brothers-in-law by marriage.
In addition, there were also related by blood by former ancestors.
The British and French royal families have a long history of intermarriage, resulting in blood connections between the two dynasties. Here are some key relationships that link the British and French royal families:
The House of Stuart and the House of Bourbon: One significant connection between the two royal families was through the marriage of Mary, Queen of Scots, a member of the Stuart dynasty, to Francis II of France, who belonged to the House of Valois-Bourbon. Their son, James VI of Scotland (later James I of England and Ireland), became the first monarch of the Stuart dynasty to rule over England and Scotland, effectively uniting the crowns from 1567 to 1625.
The House of Hanover and the House of Bourbon: The Hanoverian dynasty in Britain began with the accession of George I in 1714. The Hanoverians were related to the French Bourbon dynasty through Sophia of Hanover, whose mother was Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of James VI and I. Sophia's uncle, Charles I of England and Scotland, married Henrietta Maria of France, a member of the House of Bourbon. Therefore, there was a blood connection between the Hanoverians and Bourbons through the Stuart lineage.
The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and the House of Orléans: In the 19th century, the British royal family, known as the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (later renamed the House of Windsor), had a connection to the French royal family through Queen Victoria. In 1840, Victoria married Prince Albert, who was a member of the German noble House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Their daughter, Princess Victoria, married Prince Louis of Battenberg, whose mother was a member of the House of Orléans, a branch of the French royal family.
Edward III and Isabella of France: Edward III of England, who reigned from 1327 to 1377, was married to Philippa of Hainault. However, a significant blood connection between the British and French royal families came through Edward III's mother, Isabella of France. Isabella was the daughter of King Philip IV of France, making Edward III a grandson of a French king.
These are only a few examples of how the British and French royal families were related.
While these connections highlight the historical ties between the British, The Royal Family, and French royal families, it is important to note that they represent a small portion of the complex web of intermarriages among European royal houses throughout history. The relationships between the two dynasties were often influenced by political considerations, diplomatic alliances, and the desire to strengthen familial connections among European monarchies.
Matt Falcone -
submitted by Louis-Capet-XXVI to u/Louis-Capet-XXVI [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:41 DarwinLizard Ants in our skylight

Ants in our skylight
Have a colony advance around our skylight ceiling area. Removed trim and found them. Can someone help identify so I can choose a proper remediation? In Eastern Pennsylvania.
submitted by DarwinLizard to ants [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:43 eichy815 Magnas: The Pluralistic Generation

I've been chronicling generational cohorts who contributed to American history prior to the beginning of the 20th Century. My most recent profile is of a generation that I've dubbed "Magnas":
The older portion of what Strauss and Howe refer to as “the Glorious Generation” (plus the youngest tail-end of the Strauss/Howe-designated “Cavalier Generation”), I’d place this generation’s birthyears at 1645-1656.
Their stats:
Primary Birthyears: 1645-1656
Preceding Cusp: "Emerald Knights" (born approximately 1640-1644)
Succeeding Cusp: "Royal Raiders" (born approximately 1657-1661)
Origin of name: Due to how British propagandist Henry Care was a member of their generation, I coined this namesake as a wordplay on Care’s transfer of Magna Carta principles published via his groundbreaking book, The English Liberties. Magnas were the cohort who really honed in on the concept that no individual monarch should be above the law. This generation was born into the first Anglo-Dutch War. They fought in the second and third Anglo-Dutch Wars. They witnessed “The Glorious Revolution,” the Salem Witch Trials, and the first two of the French and Indian Wars – with their generation dying as the Tuscarora and Anglo-Spanish Wars commenced.
Major childhood events: Narragansett & Hudson River Valley Tribes Sign Peace Treaties, Peter Stuyvesant Becomes Dictator-General of New Netherland, Rhode Island Colony Develops Blueprint For Separation of Church & State, King Charles I Executed For High Treason, Maryland Toleration Act, Navigation Act of 1651, Rhode Island Colony Statutorily Bans Slavery, Maine Colony Absorbed By Massachusetts Bay Colony, Anglo-Dutch Wars Begin, William Fuller Bans Catholicism in the Colonies, Battle of the Severn, Swedish Driven Out of North America, Anti-Quaker Crackdown in the Colonies, Josias Fendall Becomes Governor of Maryland Province, Mary Dyer Arrest, Navigation Act of 1660, Massachusetts Bay Colony Chartered With Anglican Religious Freedom, Harvard Publishes Elliot Bible in Algonguin, Second Navigation Act, Hudson Valley Falls Under Dutch-Then-English Control, Six Of The Colonies Prohibit Freeing Black Slaves, Massachusetts Colony Refuses To Swear Allegiance To The British King, Peace of Breda Ends Dutch-Anglo War
Major adolescent events: Anti-Quaker Crackdown in the Colonies, Josias Fendall Becomes Governor of Maryland Province, Mary Dyer Arrest, Navigation Act of 1660, Massachusetts Bay Colony Chartered With Anglican Religious Freedom, Harvard Publishes Elliot Bible in Algonguin, Second Navigation Act, Hudson Valley Falls Under Dutch-Then-English Control, Six Of The Colonies Prohibit Freeing Black Slaves, Massachusetts Colony Refuses To Swear Allegiance To The British King, Peace of Breda Ends Dutch-Anglo War, John Locke’s Fundamental Constitutions Issued, Founding of Charles Town in the Future South Carolina Colony, William Berkeley Restricts Prior Voting Rights From White Men Who Don’t Own Land, Metacomet (King Philip of the Wampanoag) Surrenders to the British, Massachusetts Colony Copyright Law of 1672, Marquette & Jolliet Expedition Begins, Treaty of Westminster Ends Third Dutch-Anglo War
Major young adult events: Harvard Publishes Elliot Bible in Algonguin, Second Navigation Act, Hudson Valley Falls Under Dutch-Then-English Control, Six Of The Colonies Prohibit Freeing Black Slaves, Massachusetts Colony Refuses To Swear Allegiance To The British King, Peace of Breda Ends Dutch-Anglo War, John Locke’s Fundamental Constitutions Issued, Founding of Charles Town in the Future South Carolina Colony, William Berkeley Restricts Prior Voting Rights From White Men Who Don’t Own Land, Metacomet (King Philip of the Wampanoag) Surrenders to the British, Massachusetts Colony Copyright Law of 1672, Marquette & Jolliet Expedition Begins, Treaty of Westminster Ends Third Dutch-Anglo War, 1675 Wampanoag Attacks Ignite King Philip’s War, Battle of Bloody Brook, Mohawk Attack on Metacomet, Bacon’s Rebellion, King Philip’s War Ends With Treaty of Casco [King Philip’s War Begins and Ends], French Explorers Scout Out Niagara Falls, Province of New Hampshire Created, French Colonists Claim La Louisiane Territory, William Penn Publishes “Frame of Government of Pennsylvania,” King James II Takes The British Throne, New York Becomes Royal Province, King Louis XIV Drives French Huguenots to North America, Dominion of New England Created, Edmund Andros Initiates King William’s War, The Toleration Act of 1689, Quaker “Petition Against Slavery” Drafted, The Glorious Revolution, Boston Revolt of 1689, William & Mary of Orange Become King & Queen of England, Province of Massachusetts Bay Established, Salem Witch Trials, College of William & Mary Charter Signed, Iroquois Turn Against the French, The Navigation Acts of 1696
Major middle-age events: King James II Takes The British Throne, New York Becomes Royal Province, King Louis XIV Drives French Huguenots to North America, Dominion of New England Created, Edmund Andros Initiates King William’s War, The Toleration Act of 1689, Quaker “Petition Against Slavery” Drafted, The Glorious Revolution, Boston Revolt of 1689, William & Mary of Orange Become King & Queen of England, Province of Massachusetts Bay Established, Salem Witch Trials, College of William & Mary Charter Signed, Iroquois Turn Against the French, The Navigation Acts of 1696, Treaty of Ryswick Ends King William’s War, Catholic Priests Driven From Massachusetts Colony, Fort Pontchartrain Built, Founding of Yale College, William Penn’s Charter of Privileges, Queen Anne’s War Begins, Virginia Black Code Enacted, 1706 Chitimacha Raid, Benjamin Franklin is Born, Quakers Maintain the Peabody Essex Meeting House in Boston, Tuscarora War, Treaty of Utrecht Ends Queen Anne’s War, George the First Becomes King of England, San Antonio and New Orleans Founded, Spanish Surrender of Pensacola, Building of the Alamo
Major events of their golden/twilight years: Tuscarora War, Treaty of Utrecht Ends Queen Anne’s War, George the First Becomes King of England, San Antonio and New Orleans Founded, Spanish Surrender of Pensacola, Building of the Alamo, Founding of Fort Drummer, Anglo-Spanish War of 1727-1729, Founding of the Philosophical Society of Newport, Founding of The Library Company of Philadelphia, Methodist and Catholic Movements Take Hold in the Colonies, Poor Richard’s Almanac First Published, The Hat Act of 1732, The Molasses Act of 1733, John Peter Zenger Trial
Notable members: Nathaniel Bacon, Samuel Sewall, Joseph Dudley, Kateri Tekakwitha, Juan Sebeata, Robert Calef, Sarah Good, William Phipps, Alida Schuyler, William Randolph I
submitted by eichy815 to generationology [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:48 kd12346789 First foray with FacMatic 126 adapter

First foray with FacMatic 126 adapter
Just developed a couple of rolls of Kentmere 400 35mm that I rolled into a FacMatic 126 adapter and shot in a Kodak Instamatic X-15F. Here’s my favorite photo taken with it so far. This is the Colonial Theater in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, USA. I am absolutely loving shooting with the Instamatic. Sure it only has one shutter speed and no light meter, but it has been so much fun shooting with so far.
submitted by kd12346789 to analog [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:02 No-Figure-8676 The Day I Met Mr. Wellers

 ​I hadn’t slept for nearly 3 days as I crossed the border into Louisiana. This intense fatigue had left me in a state of body and mind that I know I could never return to again with any hope of recovery. Though I was more exhausted than most people have ever experienced, my focus would rarely waiver from the road. It was a very difficult task to keep my mind solely on my driving, and to not think of things like, “Should I have seen the warning signs?” or “How could I explain this to my mother”. The topics that my brain pondered in those infrequent moments of weakness were more than enough to push my attention back to the street signs and traffic signals. I wasn’t even sure what I was doing. Chasing a ridiculous myth from a half-baked storyteller. I knew it was impossible to be true, but without that 1-in-a-trillion chance at some hope, I was certain that I wouldn’t be able to continue living. ​The bundle of air fresheners hanging from my rear view mirror swung intensely from side to side as I followed the road in front of me. Every stop I made for the past three days saw me purchasing more and more of them in vain, and now the increased mass of tangled string and tiny pine trees could no longer sit still perched above my dashboard. The skin below my eyes was near purple from days of tears and lassitude. Those same eyes had begun to see spiraling shapes and flashes of light hours ago as sleep deprivation commenced its toll on my psyche. I doubted my sanity once more as, after driving for hours through thick Creole swamp land, I ran into a structure that seemingly had no business being stood where it was. And I mean “ran into” almost literally. As I followed the path around a blind curve ahead, I saw the structure directly in the middle of the road no more than 30 yards in front of me. I slammed on my brakes and came to a stop a few feet from a set of steps leading up to a pristine, white house. I sat in my car, staring forward for a few moments to allow for this most recent hallucination to pass. Once some minutes went by, and the building persisted, I finally allowed myself to believe what I was seeing. A mid-sized colonial cottage was erected in the middle of the road, in the deepest part of a Louisiana swamp that I could ever imagine. The house was two stories, with dark green shutters, and a wraparound porch complete with a few rocking chairs. It was picturesque and idyllic in nature, almost as if it was plucked from the pages of a magazine on quaint country living. I was so distracted by the pompous juxtaposition of this beautiful home and the dreary swamp surrounding it that I didn’t notice him at first. A man stood on the corner of the porch watching me as I sat in my car. Upon realizing this, waves of intense optimism, then deep dread, shot up and down my spine repeatedly. I had followed the instructions exactly, but this wasn’t what was described to me. “This can’t be real” I thought, as I turned off my engine and pushed open my driver side door. The now unmuffled sound of cicadas and bullfrogs was near deafening. The man who had made his way nearer to the steps on the porch was tall and hearty. He looked older, maybe late 60s or early 70s, with white hair and a nicely pressed suit. He stood leaning on a cane with the smile of a man who had just happened upon an old friend by chance while out in town. Over the cacophonous sounds of the swamp, I heard the man yell out to me. 
“Well hello ‘dere Pennsylvania!”, he called over with an inviting tone. “Now pray tell what y’all are doin all the way down yere.”
“What did you say?”, I called back with haste and confusion.
“Your tags boy!”, he said as he pointed to my license plate. “You a long way from home. Long way from home!”
“Oh, right sorry, I haven’t... I’m just really tired, my apologies.” I said still utterly confused by the events that were unfolding around me.
“Well if you’re weary, come on up for a spell and rest your bones! You’re welcome to sit yere with me as long as ya wish.”
 He gestured to one of the rocking chairs beside him as he sat down in the chair next to it. Hesitantly, I took him up on his offer and climbed the porch steps toward the old man. He groaned as he sat in a way that reminded me of my grandfather on my dad’s side. He looked and acted like he could be anyone’s granddad, with his jolly demeanor and inviting nature. He reached to the side of his chair to retrieve a pitcher of pink lemonade that I hadn’t previously noticed was there. He sat the pitcher on the small table between us and poured some into the glasses that awaited there. 
“Thirsty?”, he exclaimed with a smile.
“No, I’m fine”, I said without even thinking.
“You’re fine?”. He said with a chuckle. “Boy, you look about the farthest thing from fine right naw. Come on naw it’s my special recipe.”
“No!” I said more definitely. “No thank you, I’m not thirsty.” I continued realizing my emotions had gotten the best of me. My aggression made the old man’s face deflate for just a moment.
“I’m sorry, I just haven’t slept”
 The man’s smile and joviality returned as he spoke. “That’s fine, that’s fine, the pink kind ain’t for everyone anyhow. So, tell me what brings ya out this way Pennsylvania.” 
“Just exploring, driving through different places.” I said unsure of how to answer the stranger and unable to put the truth in words.
 The doubt on the old man’s smiling face was palpable as he asked, “All the way down in the Bayou? From Pennsylvania? Come on naw boy!” 
“I don’t know, I just kind of ended up down here I guess.” I said hoping he would change the subject.
“Ended up down yere?” he said with a hearty laugh. “I can’t think of many souls who would wind up in a place like this on account of an accident.”
“Hey, do you ask everyone who drives by your house what their business is? I’m just saying man, I’m sorry I don’t have a good enough answer for you.” I said unable to hide my growing frustration and worry.
“I don’t mean nothin by it friend, I figured ya looked like you could use a rest and, dare I say, a chat. I availed ya some refreshin lemonade, excuse me for thinkin some small talk may be in order.” He said innocently.
 I shouted “I’m not your friend! I don’t even know who you are, and all of this shit is very fucking weird so excuse me if I’m not acting like a fucking Chatty Cathy sitting on some spectral porch with some weirdo in the middle of a fucking swamp about a thousand miles away from my home and my fucking life!” I said, futilely attempting to hold back tears. I put my head in my hands and cried quietly as the exhaustion and sorrow had finally caught up with me. After a few moments, the weight of the silence I was sitting in hit me. The old man hadn’t said a word but the cicadas and bullfrogs had ceased their noises as well. It was as if the entire swamp was waiting to see how the man would react to my disrespect and frustration. I looked up to see the once cheerful man staring at me with the most serious expression I have ever noted on another. The man shouted, “You ever speak to me like that again and I’ll rip the tongue straight from your stinkin mouth!” His words pieced through the silence that surrounded me and hurt my ears with their strong vibrations. After a moment his smile was back, but it was no longer the innocent and welcoming smile of an old friend. It was more sinister, like the smile of a conman or a huckster. He spoke softly and politely but his true intentions were evident. 
“Ya say we don’t know each other but the thing is I do know you! Now when you arrived here at my stoop I was inclined to give you my assistance. You is in a sorry state and I can sure pity ya for all ya been through the last few days, but then ya lie to me a few times, and ya cuss at me a few times, and I got half a mind to send ya back the way ya came naw.”
“I’m... I’m sorry. I just haven’t been sleeping and, this has all been... This wasn’t how I was told all of this would look so I wasn’t sure what was going on at first”
“Mmhmm” he said judging my earnestness.
“Such a shame what that “wife” of yours did to your family. And to you! And herself by that matter! Pretty little thing, but so selfish! I remember a time not too long ago when folks was just different ya know? Ha, and I remember a time long long ago when everything was just so very different, you’d barely even recognize nothin at all. But even back then folks was goin through the same stuff you is now”. He pondered his own words for a moment before he continued. “What’s my name, Joshua?”.
After a long pause I finally gave him his answer.
“Mr. Wellers, sir.”
 With a big smile he clapped his hands once, so loudly that it seemed to restart the various sounds and songs of the bayou. 
“See?! We are friends after all ain’t we? I’ll help ya boy, I’ll help ya.”
 In that moment, the relief I felt cannot be described by any word or phrase that I have yet to find. I was still scared and it was very evident to me how wrong this entire situation was, but I didn’t care. I wouldn’t be driving home alone and that’s all that mattered to me then. 
“Thank you sir, you don’t understand...”
“Just fetch me the boy.”, Mr. Wellers interrupted.
 I sprinted to the hatch of my car without considering how difficult the next part would be. As I peered into the back window, I could see that the small, once blue, satchel had now been stained all over with reds and browns. I took a moment to push aside my grief, held my breath, and closed my eyes as I opened the hatch to retrieve the bag. I made my way back up the bright white steps of Mr. Wellers’ porch and handed him the bag. He opened the flap and looked inside as he spoke. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, such a shame”. He inspected the contents quickly before he continued, “I’m sorry to say this Joshua, but I think ya may be missin a couple pieces here.”
 His words made me vomit. I leaned over the railing of the porch for a moment until my nausea subsided. 
“Is that going to be a problem, sir?” I asked.
“No, no shouldn’t be no problem at all!” he said as he entered the home without giving the indication that I should follow.
 While he was gone, I sat in the chair I had previously occupied and closed my eyes. I thought with how exhausted I was that sleep would come easily, but that wasn’t the case. After what was probably about a half hour of trying to rest, I realized that simply wasn’t going to happen, so I sat on that chair with my hands clasped in front of me as I waited for Mr. Wellers to return. A while later, I thought I heard a rustling in the brush a little down the road from where I was sat. I looked up, and for the first time, I really took a moment to inspect my surroundings. There was the solitary road surrounded by patches of green brush and watery marshland with Cyprus trees and Weeping Willows towering overhead. Looking closer in the direction I heard the sound, I could see what I thought was a person standing at the base of one of the tall Willow trees in the distance. I looked around more closely and could see at least a dozen more people just standing in the swamp. Some were so far I could barely see them, and others were so near that I could clearly make out their facial features, but they all just stood there staring in my direction. 
​It was about this time that the front door to Mr. Wellers’ home opened again. He walked out holding a squirming and cooing baby boy, but it wasn’t my son.
 He handed him to me and simply said, “Well, here ya are!” I took the baby and looked him over in disbelief. It actually looked quite a bit like him. There were a lot of similar features, but it was undoubtably and most certainly not my son that I was holding. 
“This one should slide in nicely where your little one left off”.
 I stood in disbelief and confusion as the child I was holding playfully batted at my shoulder and tried to grab my ear and nose. Mr. Wellers spoke up, sensing my unease. 
“I’m not sure what you was told, but this is what I have to offer ya. If you play it right nobody will know any difference. It ain’t like your wife is around to protest none.”
 I stood silent, looking at the child in my arms, trying to process everything. 
“Do we have a deal son?” He said as he stretched out his hand toward me. After a moment, I shook his hand and quietly thanked him for his help. I turned around to walk back to my car and gasped at what I saw. The people I had seen in the swamp were now much closer to the house. One was standing just 30 feet or so from my car.
“Oh, don’t worry none bout them. Nosey neighbors and that.” He said under his breath to me. “Just get right in your car, turn around here, and keep on driving till you out of the bayou. I’m assumin you have a car seat?”
 I nodded my head without looking away from the small crowd in the distance before me. 
“Alright, be on ya way then! Thank you for comin to visit me!”
“Oh, and for your lovely gift!” he added as I walked away.
 ​I followed his instructions as he described them, and I wasn’t bothered by anyone or anything as I left the swamp. It took some serious gas-lighting but eventually, our friends and family accepted that everything was normal with my son. Babies grow so fast at that age, it wasn’t inconceivable for his appearance to change some. It was much easier to clean up what my wife did. I destroyed her note and without a second body, the case was open and shut. It took several years and a lot of mental gymnastics, but I can say now that I truly do love the son that was gifted to me by Mr. Wellers. It’s been eight years since then, and for the most part things have been normal. I’ve noticed some odd behaviors here and there but that’s to be expected with any kid. I didn’t think much of any of that until two nights ago. My son woke up in the middle of the night screaming. I rushed to his room to find him lying in his soaking wet sheets. I pulled the blankets away to find his bed covered in Spanish moss and Devil’s Horse grasshoppers. We live in Philadelphia so this was very confusing and concerning to me. But the worst part was after my confusion subsided and I was able to truly process the situation I realized that it wasn’t screaming that I heard from his room, it was laughter. A small part of me wishes that I asked more questions that day, to better know what this all meant and what I was getting myself into. Mostly I was just happy to have a family again. I thought I was ready to live with whatever consequences would come from the deal I made, but now I’m less certain. I don’t know if the swamp is trying to take him back, or if somehow the evil that lives in that place is finding its way back to us. All I know for sure is my dog went missing yesterday, and I think my son knows more about it than he’s admitting. 
submitted by No-Figure-8676 to creepcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:13 dancergirl9742 Brick Wall - Andrew McClure

I am trying to search for records of one Andrew McClure. I have information that Andrew was born in 1721 in Edinburgh, Scotland and eventually emigrated to the American colonies at some point during the eighteenth century. He eventually married a woman by the name of Janet or Jean, and they had a son together.
The son's name was Abdiel McClure, and he was born June 8, 1751 (in Cumberland County or Lurgan, Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Abdiel was a Lieutenant in the Pennsylvania Flying Camp during the Revolutionary War. He later married Mary Cummins born September 6, 1747, in Belfast, Ireland. Abdiel and Mary eventually passed away in Wheeling, West Virgina. Mary passed away April 25, 1837, and Abdiel passed away on the 14th of June 1828.
Abdiel and Mary had the following children
I'm descended from Robert and his wife Agnes McLeod.
I have no information in regard to how Andrew and his wife ended up in America (what their passage was/what ship they came on), who else they came with, or when they came over. A marriage certificate for Andrew and his wife would be great as well.
All of the information that I currently have has been done by an older family who passed long before I ever could get a chance to speak with her and the rest was researched by me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!
submitted by dancergirl9742 to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 16:44 Elcho_ Israel this Israel that…

Israel this Israel that… submitted by Elcho_ to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 19:46 SlumLorbBibbons Camping/Suggestions for Lake Michigan Road Trip
We (wife and two dogs) have a family reunion to go to at the end of June in Milwaukee and have taken the week of June 24th thru the 28th off, so we have from Sunday to Thursday/Friday to drive from Atlanta, around Lake Michigan and end up in Milwaukee.
We are really hoping to camp the entire trip up so any suggestions for state parks or good camping spots (w/ showers a plus) would be great. The stops we really want to make are
So we have basically 4-5 nights to make the trip up. Some questions:
I know this is a lot but trying to provide a helpful info. Looking forward to y'all suggestions any help would be really appreciated.
\One thing we know we are going to skip is Mackinac Island since it kinda seems like a tourist trap.*
submitted by SlumLorbBibbons to roadtrip [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 17:05 Ok_Macaroon5452 The Walking Dead Universe.

submitted by Ok_Macaroon5452 to thewalkingdead [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:09 oldhousesunder50k The Historic c.1920 Windber Mansion For Sale With 2 Apartments in Pennsylvania $150K

$150,000 Windber Mansion For Sale! We first featured the Windber Mansion back in August 2020 when it was selling for $79,900. The c.1920 Colonial Revival has extraordinary woodwork, built-ins, inlaid floors, and gorgeous fireplace mantels.
submitted by oldhousesunder50k to oldhousesunder50Kplus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:16 kiwasabi The Metallica Conspiracy: The reason Metallica hasn't made a good album since The Black Album (1991) is because they were all replaced sometime in the early to mid 90's.

The Metallica Conspiracy: The reason Metallica hasn't made a good album since The Black Album (1991) is because they were all replaced sometime in the early to mid 90's.
While listening to the radio the other day, I had a thought. What if the reason Metallica has sucked since 1996 is because they aren't actually Metallica, but an entirely different band? To me this logically is the only explanation for how Metallica's music changed so drastically and permanently between the release of their self titled album "Metallica" (The Black Album) on August 12, 1991, and their next album "Load" which released June 4, 1996. All of a sudden they changed from being a thrash metal band at their peak to being a mediocre grunge rock Bush wannabe band who cut off their long hair and started wearing eye shadow and earrings.
The whole theme of Metallica's self titled album (generally referred to as "The Black Album") appears to be "Don't Tread On Me". This is confirmed by the cover image of the album itself. On the bottom right corner is the "Don't Tread On Me" snake from the Gadsden Flag which is a rebel flag first created in 1789. The history of the rattlesnake representing American rebelliousness goes back to 1751 when The Pennsylvania Gazette suggested that since the British kept using the United States as a prison colony by sending us their convicts, that we should pay them back by sending them a "cargo of rattlesnakes". (LINK) Three years later a political cartoon was created which depicted a snake cut into 8 segments with the caption "Join Or Die". Each section of the snake represented a colony and warned of the dangers of disunity. The rattlesnake symbol caught on and became a part of several other Revolutionary War flags. Before the departure of the United States Navy’s first mission in 1775, Continental Colonel Christopher Gadsden from South Carolina presented the newly appointed commander with a yellow rattlesnake flag to serve as a standard for his flagship.
According to this video titled "Don't Tread On Me" Gadsden Flag Symbolism & Meaning (LINK), since the flag was designed for the Navy, the meaning of a yellow Navy flag in 1789 meant "capital punishment on board". Thus the yellow color was meant to be a warning to any other ships who might impose on the independence of the United States colonies. Also mentioned in the video is the fact that the snake consists of 33 sections if you include the head and tail, which could be a reference to the 33 degrees of Freemasonry, or the 33 vertebrae of the Kundalini. Also, I noticed that the snake itself is basically a reversed 666. Finally, the shape of the snake symbol is triangular like an Illuminati All Seeing Eye Pyramid. So there's definitely a lot of hidden meaning behind the "Don't Tread On Me" flag it seems.
Anyway, the lyrical content of The Black Album is full of references to a slave who is oppressed by a cruel master such as "With this whipping boy done wrong" (The Unforgiven) and "Do my dirty work, scapegoat" (Sad But True). The overall theme is about rebelling against this cruel overlord, and there's literally a song called "Don't Tread On Me" with the lyrics repeatedly warning what will happen if the message is not properly heeded. "Enter Sandman" appears to be about Project Monarch Trauma Based Mind Control as well as Satanic Ritual Abuse. When it talks about, "Exit light, enter night. We're off to never never land", it's encouraging the traumatized victim to disassociate from reality by splitting off into a new personality and "going off to never never land" (referring to the fairy tale world of Peter Pan, which is a mind control theme). But the song that seems to put it all right out there what happened to Metallica is "The Unforgiven". The lyrics discuss being born into Project Monarch mind control and "learning their rules" and being "deprived of all his thoughts". Then it talks about how the child swears that they will never take away his (free) will. It then speaks about how he has turned into a bitter man who has tried to please them all. Then finally he decides it's a fight he cannot win and he no longer cares, and the old man prepares to die regretfully, "That old man here is me". This all seems to tell me exactly what happened to the original members of Metallica.
Metallica "The Unforgiven" lyrics (LINK)
New blood joins this earth,
And quickly he's subdued.
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules.
With time the child draws in.
This whipping boy done wrong.
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own,
That never from this day
His will they'll take away.
What I've felt,
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown.
Never be.
Never see.
Won't see what might have been.
What I've felt,
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown.
Never free.
Never me.
So I dub thee unforgiven.
They dedicate their lives
To running all of his.
He tries to please them all –
This bitter man he is.
Throughout his life the same –
He's battled constantly.
This fight he cannot win –
A tired man they see no longer cares.
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully –
That old man here is me.
"On August 8, 1992, during the performance at Montreal's Olympic Stadium; several songs into Metallica's set, during the song Fade to Black, frontman and rhythm guitarist James Hetfield was accidentally burned by improper pyrotechnics forcing the band to cut their set short as Hetfield was rushed to the hospital." (VIDEO LINK)
I've long had a theory that Michael Jackson was replaced by a new body double in 1984 after his Pepsi commercial pyrotechnics disaster which badly burned him. So I made the connection that when James Hetfield was engulfed in flames in 1992 in Montreal by a pyrotechnics failure, it could have been a very good opportunity to switch him with a replacement. This is only a theory of course and I'm not sure if this was when James Hetfield was actually switched out, but as you'll see in the photo comparisons below, he clearly was replaced at some point (it seems likely it was in 1995 sometime before the recording of the album "Load" which took place May 1, 1995 – February 1, 1996). I also find it a little more than coincidental that Metallica was playing "Fade To Black" when this supposed accident took place.
Metallica "Fade to Black" lyrics (LINK)
Life it seems will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free
Things aren't what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Can't stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone
No one but me, can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems, as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye (goodbye)
Load was released June 4th 1996 and was a major departure from The Black Album. The first track on he album is "Ain't My Bitch" which could be about the new Metallica members disposing of the original lineup. Load in general is a very mediocre grunge rock album that sounds literally nothing like any previous Metallica album. My theory is now that the reason the band all cut their hair and changed their facial hair around this time in their careers was to disguise the fact that they were imposters. As the evidence will show, all 4 original members of Metallica were replaced sometime around 1995 which is why Metallica has never made another good album since 1991: it's because IT'S NOT ACTUALLY METALLICA. Honestly this album is so terrible that I can't listen to it enough to go in depth on my analysis. So I'm just going to say that I find it significant that the first song of the album with Metallica 2.0 is "Ain't My Bitch" which speaks about getting rid of someone who is dragging them down who is so useless, and now it's time to say goodbye. I also find the opening lines extremely significant, "Outta my way. Outta my day. Out of your mind and into mine". This seems to be talking about how a transfer of consciousness is taking place between the old band and into the new members. Of course what this is really referring to is demonic possession.
"Ain't My Bitch" Metallica lyrics (LINK)
Outta my way
Outta my day
Out of your mind and into mine
Into no one
Into not one
Into your step but out of time
What’s wrong?
I’ve already heard this song before
You arrived, but now it’s time to kiss your ass goodbye
Dragging me down
Why you around?
So useless
It ain’t my fall
It ain’t my call
It ain’t my bitch
It ain’t my bitch
Down on the sun
Down and no fun
Down and out, where the hell you been?
Damn it all down
Damn it unbound
Damn it all down to hell again
The following photo comparisons on the left have photographs from 1994 and earlier, whereas the photos on the right are from 1996 and later. As you can see, all four original members of Metallica were very clearly replaced sometime in the early to mid 90's. There are major changes in the shape of the jaw of all 4 members. The smoking gun evidence is the comparisons which show Kirk Hammett and Lars Ulrich smiling. There's no explanation for why their teeth would have changed completely with five or so years. These are very clearly completely different human beings.
Ever wondered why Metallica seems like a mediocre cover band which is trying (and failing) desperately to sound like it used to? Ever wondered why all four members of Metallica suddenly decided to cut off their iconic heavy metal long hair and started wearing eye shade and earrings? It's because THIS IS NOT METALLICA. The last album that was recorded by the original members of Metallica was The Black Album in 1991. James Hetfield and the other members of Metallica were tired of being "Whipping boys done wrong" who were "deprived of all his thoughts". They decided to tell the Illuminati, "Don't Tread On Me" with their magnum opus "The Black Album", and they unfortunately paid the ultimate price. Notice this line which is a direct reference to The Illuminati and it's All Seeing Eye, "Shining with brightness, always on surveillance. The eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance". Metallica is literally telling The Illuminati, "Don't Tread On Me".
Don't tread on me
I said, don't tread on me
Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
Once you provoke her, rattling of her tail
Never begins it, never, but once engaged
Never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage
I said don't tread on me
So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it
Settle the score
Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore
Don't tread on me
Love it or leave it, she with the deadly bite
Quick is the blue tongue, forked as lighting strike
Shining with brightness, always on surveillance
The eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance
Ooh no, no, no don't tread on me
submitted by kiwasabi to conspiracyNOPOL [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:51 eichy815 Glory Warriors: The Upheaval Generation

I've been chronicling generational cohorts who contributed to American history prior to the beginning of the 20th Century. My most recent profile is of a generation that I've dubbed "Glory Warriors":
The younger portion of what Strauss and Howe refer to as “the Glorious Generation,” I’d place this generation’s birthyears at 1662-1673.
Their stats:
Primary Birthyears: 1662-1673
Preceding Cusp: "Royal Raiders" (born approximately 1657-1661)
Succeeding Cusp: "Pre-Continentals" (born approximately 1674-1678)
Origin of name: Due to how this generation was born and came-of-age during the two decades that led up to “The Glorious Revolution,” I devised this moniker as a reference to what battle-hardened attitudes meant for British, French, Spanish, Indigenous, and Black inhabitants of North America during the transition from the Seventeenth to the Eighteenth Centuries. This generation was born as the British seized New Amsterdam from the Dutch, and the French and Indian Wars began as England shifted its attention from the Netherlands to France. They fought in King William’s War and Queen Anne’s War. They witnessed the Salem Witch Trials and the rise of French competition against the British in North America, with their generation dying as colonial society was grappling with the news of the Anglo-Spanish War, pluralism of The First Great Awakening, and direct confrontation with King George’s War.
Major childhood events: Massachusetts Bay Colony Chartered With Anglican Religious Freedom, Harvard Publishes Elliot Bible in Algonguin, Second Navigation Act, Hudson Valley Falls Under Dutch-Then-English Control, Six Of The Colonies Prohibit Freeing Black Slaves, Massachusetts Colony Refuses To Swear Allegiance To The British King, Peace of Breda Ends Dutch-Anglo War, John Locke’s Fundamental Constitutions Issued, Founding of Charles Town in the Future South Carolina Colony, William Berkeley Restricts Prior Voting Rights From White Men Who Don’t Own Land, Metacomet (King Philip of the Wampanoag) Surrenders to the British, Massachusetts Colony Copyright Law of 1672, Marquette & Jolliet Expedition Begins, Treaty of Westminster Ends Third Dutch-Anglo War, 1675 Wampanoag Attacks Ignite King Philip’s War, Battle of Bloody Brook, Mohawk Attack on Metacomet, Bacon’s Rebellion, King Philip’s War Ends With Treaty of Casco [King Philip’s War Begins and Ends], French Explorers Scout Out Niagara Falls, Province of New Hampshire Created, French Colonists Claim La Louisiane Territory, William Penn Publishes “Frame of Government of Pennsylvania”
Major adolescent events: Marquette & Jolliet Expedition Begins, Treaty of Westminster Ends Third Dutch-Anglo War, 1675 Wampanoag Attacks Ignite King Philip’s War, Battle of Bloody Brook, Mohawk Attack on Metacomet, Bacon’s Rebellion, King Philip’s War Ends With Treaty of Casco [King Philip’s War Begins and Ends], French Explorers Scout Out Niagara Falls, Province of New Hampshire Created, French Colonists Claim La Louisiane Territory, William Penn Publishes “Frame of Government of Pennsylvania,” King James II Takes The British Throne, New York Becomes Royal Province, King Louis XIV Drives French Huguenots to North America, Dominion of New England Created, Edmund Andros Initiates King William’s War, The Toleration Act of 1689, Quaker “Petition Against Slavery” Drafted, The Glorious Revolution, Boston Revolt of 1689, William & Mary of Orange Become King & Queen of England, Province of Massachusetts Bay Established
Major young adult events: French Colonists Claim La Louisiane Territory, William Penn Publishes “Frame of Government of Pennsylvania,” King James II Takes The British Throne, New York Becomes Royal Province, King Louis XIV Drives French Huguenots to North America, Dominion of New England Created, Edmund Andros Initiates King William’s War, The Toleration Act of 1689, Quaker “Petition Against Slavery” Drafted, The Glorious Revolution, Boston Revolt of 1689, William & Mary of Orange Become King & Queen of England, Province of Massachusetts Bay Established, Salem Witch Trials, College of William & Mary Charter Signed, Iroquois Turn Against the French, The Navigation Acts of 1696, Treaty of Ryswick Ends King William’s War, Catholic Priests Driven From Massachusetts Colony, Fort Pontchartrain Built, Founding of Yale College, William Penn’s Charter of Privileges, Queen Anne’s War Begins, Virginia Black Code Enacted, 1706 Chitimacha Raid, Benjamin Franklin is Born, Quakers Maintain the Peabody Essex Meeting House in Boston, Tuscarora War, Treaty of Utrecht Ends Queen Anne’s War
Major middle-age events: Queen Anne’s War Begins, Virginia Black Code Enacted, 1706 Chitimacha Raid, Benjamin Franklin is Born, Quakers Maintain the Peabody Essex Meeting House in Boston, Tuscarora War, Treaty of Utrecht Ends Queen Anne’s War, George the First Becomes King of England, San Antonio and New Orleans Founded, Spanish Surrender of Pensacola, Building of the Alamo, Founding of Fort Drummer, Anglo-Spanish War of 1727-1729, Founding of the Philosophical Society of Newport, Founding of The Library Company of Philadelphia, Methodist and Catholic Movements Take Hold in the Colonies, Poor Richard’s Almanac First Published, The Hat Act of 1732, The Molasses Act of 1733, John Peter Zenger Trial, The Walking Purchase of 1737, The First Great Awakening Begins
Major events of their golden/twilight years: Anglo-Spanish War of 1727-1729, Founding of the Philosophical Society of Newport, Founding of The Library Company of Philadelphia, Methodist and Catholic Movements Take Hold in the Colonies, Poor Richard’s Almanac First Published, The Hat Act of 1732, The Molasses Act of 1733, John Peter Zenger Trial, The Walking Purchase of 1737, The First Great Awakening Begins and Is Just About to End, War of Jenkins’ Ear, War of Austrian Succession, Famine Leads to Irish Immigration into North America, Franklin Stove Invented, King George’s War, Six Nations Land Grant of 1744, The Iron Act, Paper Money Prohibition, Calendar Reform of 1752
Notable members: Cotton Mather, Peter Beverley, José Naranjo, Ebenezer Cooke, Kakowatcheky, Adolphus Philipse, William Tennent, Opessa Straight Tail, Benjamin Harris, Theodorick Bland Jr. of Westover
submitted by eichy815 to generationology [link] [comments]

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Elmore Summerdale New Market Geraldine Coosada Parrish Holly Pond Carrollton Grant Egypt Clio Notasulga Phil Campbell Excel Brantley Millport Sterrett the small Giant TIE Section and Leighton Magnolia Springs Littleville Leroy Autaugaville Dunnavant Vandiver Leesburg Pine Hill Brilliant Lexington Forkland Snead Ivalee Shelby town TIE Hayneville and Baileyton Skyline Triana Cherokee Brantleyville Mulga TIE White Plains and Mignon Susan Moore Mosses Minor New website metropolis Ariton TIE Gallant and Walnut Grove TIE Wadley and New Union Wedowee Pickensville Hollins Perdido Woodville McKenzie North Courtland Courtland Hobson town carpeting Kinston Edgewater Pisgah Addison Reece town Grimes White Hall South Vinemont good-king-henry depression Head Jacksons' Gap Millry Our city Coker Midway Ider Hollis Crossroads Columbia Bristow Cove metropolis Silverhill Clayhatchee Oakman Maplesville Lynn Franklin tockton Dodge City TIE West purpose and Epes Calvert Louisville Gurley Trafford Hillsboro Avon watercourse Falls Lisman Pinckard Arley McDonald Chapel Belle Fontaine Oak Grove Babbie Garden City Somerville Eva Elkmont Hurtsboro mathematician Field Coffeeville Silas Perdido Beach Rock Mills Fairview Repton Castleberry Nances Creek Pine Ridge Colony St. Florian West President of the us Bellamy Ranburne Hammondville Sand Rock Kennedy TIE St. Stephens, Pleasant Groves, and Boligee Newville rosid magnoliopsid genus Hytop Cuba TIE Highland Lake and Hackneyville Hissop Vina Twin TIE Sweet Water and Red Level Vinegar Bend Dutton Thomaston Nectar Sipsey Berlin Glen Allen Mount Olive Rutledge Shorter TIE Malcolm and Maytown Carolina Shiloh Madrid TIE Pennington and Dozier Uriah city eating apple Union Mentone Gordon Heath Ray Weogufka Lockhart Delta Whatley Reeltown Hodges Boykin Glenwood TIE East purpose and Gulfcrest Detroit TIE Gilbertown and bound Morrison Crossroads Sanford Fruithurst Kansas Horn Hill Vredenburgh Woodland physicist Belk Anderson Waldo inventor TIE Fredonia and Cullomburg TIE Newbern and Bakerhill Goshen TIE Beatrice and Loachapoka Chunchula Daviston Langston TIE Black and Edwardsville TIE Macedonia and Paint Rock Ethelsville TIE Banks and Eunola Spring Garden Millerville TIE Gordonville and Beaverton Waverly Spruce Pine Coffee Springs TIE Broomtown and Abanda Kellyton Gaylesville Standing Rock town, Talladega Springs TIE Gantt and Providence, Lester Hobson Orrville, Eldridge, Myrtlewood, Peterman North Johns Waterloo, Nauvoo, Pine Apple-Lakeview, Deer Park, Pollard ,Gu-Win Haleburg, Fairford, Toxey, 5 Points Riverview Fruitdale TIE Billingsley and Yellow Bluff Penton Emelle Lowndesboro Cusseta TIE Union Grove and Bon Air
TIE Movico and Ridgeville Mooresville Tibbie Blue Springs Onycha Needham Hatton Petrey Libertyville
Goldville Cardiff TIE Putnam and Graham Panola Belgreen
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submitted by taitaigarvin to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:01 oldhousesunder50k Under $100K Sunday - c.1928 Brick Colonial Revival Move-In Ready Pennsylvania Home $85K

OHU50K Notes $85,000
Check out this c.1928 move-in ready Pennsylvania home with two bedrooms, one bath. The Colonial Revival has a fireplace, eat-in kitchen, super clean basement, a rear patio and fenced backyard.
Agent Comments Nestled on the quiet, tucked-away 115 Koehler St.,
submitted by oldhousesunder50k to oldhousesunder50Kplus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:43 brianmontecalvo Brian Montecalvo Biography

Brian Montecalvo is a seasoned tourist guide based in Pennsylvania, United States, known for his expertise in crafting personalized tours that reveal the state's rich history and hidden treasures. With a profound passion for travel and a deep understanding of Pennsylvania's cultural and natural heritage, Brian has established himself as a go-to guide for travelers seeking authentic and immersive experiences.

Early Life and Passion for Travel
Born and raised in Pennsylvania, Brian developed a fascination with travel and exploration from a young age. His family's road trips across the state sparked his curiosity about its diverse landscapes, historic sites, and unique cultural heritage. These early experiences ignited Brian's passion for showcasing Pennsylvania's beauty and history to others.

Education and Career Beginnings
After completing his education in tourism and hospitality, Brian embarked on his career as a tourist guide. His initial years were spent honing his skills and knowledge, exploring every nook and cranny of Pennsylvania to uncover its hidden gems and untold stories. Brian's dedication to his craft and his genuine love for his home state set him apart in the field of tourism.

Personalized Tours: A Signature Experience
What sets Brian apart as a tourist guide is his commitment to providing personalized experiences for each of his clients. Rather than offering cookie-cutter tours, Brian takes the time to understand his clients' interests, preferences, and expectations. Whether it's a historical tour of Philadelphia, a scenic drive through the Pocono Mountains, or a culinary adventure in Pittsburgh, Brian crafts each tour with care and attention to detail.

Expertise in Pennsylvania's History and Culture
One of Brian's greatest strengths as a tourist guide is his in-depth knowledge of Pennsylvania's history and culture. From the colonial era to the present day, Brian can provide fascinating insights into the state's past, bringing history to life with captivating storytelling and engaging anecdotes. Whether it's the founding of Philadelphia, the industrial revolution in Pittsburgh, or the Amish culture in Lancaster County, Brian's tours are both educational and entertaining.

Sustainable and Responsible Tourism
Brian is a firm believer in sustainable and responsible tourism practices. He emphasizes the importance of respecting the environment, supporting local communities, and preserving Pennsylvania's natural and cultural heritage for future generations. Brian's tours are designed to minimize impact on the environment while maximizing the benefits to local communities.

Client Testimonials
"Brian's tour was the highlight of our trip to Pennsylvania. His knowledge and passion for the state's history made the experience truly unforgettable." - Sarah, New York "Brian's attention to detail and personalized approach made our tour of Pennsylvania truly special. We learned so much and had a great time!" - John, California

In conclusion, Brian Montecalvo is a dedicated and passionate tourist guide who is committed to providing unforgettable experiences for travelers visiting Pennsylvania. With his deep knowledge of the state's history and culture, his personalized approach to tour planning, and his commitment to sustainable tourism practices, Brian is a true ambassador for Pennsylvania's tourism industry. Whether you're a history buff, a nature enthusiast, or a foodie, Brian's tours are sure to delight and inspire.
submitted by brianmontecalvo to u/brianmontecalvo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:50 FilmGuy97 List of Pizza Huts with Dine-In (2024)

I saw a post here about a year ago asking about Pizza Hut locations that still had dine-in. I fed the replies to AI and got a list broken up by State. Feel free to respond with additions or corrections; I'll update the list.
Heads up, this list is user-generated, so if you know for a fact that Pizza Hut has dine-in, comment below, and it will be added.


























New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina





South Carolina







West Virginia



























New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina





South Carolina







West Virginia



submitted by FilmGuy97 to pizzahut [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:49 OkStorm5020 I'm Black American descendant of the "lee family " of Virginia who were related to the 12th president Zachary Taylor, anyone else ?

I'm Black American descendant of the
I can't trace my African ancestry obviously so I thought this was interesting even tho they were colonizers lol, I never heard of this family before. I'm from North Carolina btw.
submitted by OkStorm5020 to AncestryDNA [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:02 oldhousesunder50k c.1932 Pennsylvania Handyman Special Colonial Revival $57K Built in 1932, this four bedroom, one bath Pennsylvania handyman special is a 1,700-square-foot Colonial Revival. The home has a brick fireplace, archways, hardwood floors, sunroom, built-ins and a basement.
submitted by oldhousesunder50k to oldhousesunder50Kplus [link] [comments]