Buy farmville cash at fv bucks

23 y/o 10k in capital one savings 3.5% but wanna get btc

2024.05.14 21:34 OkEfficiency4179 23 y/o 10k in capital one savings 3.5% but wanna get btc

Hey guys! I’m a pretty well off 23 year old with about 10k in a savings account 7k in my checking and 20k in cash savings with expenses ~1100 a month. Anyways, what would be the best way to use the money in my savings to buy and hold btc as a saving account, should i buy it all at once, little by little, wait for a correction? any advice ? i’m worried about the banks collapsing and the stock market crashing. Ty for any advice
submitted by OkEfficiency4179 to BitcoinBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:24 CloudFlood Finally joining the club!

Finally joining the club!
I'm finally joining the club! As a husband, father of 3, and only coffee drinker in the house I couldn't justify a new fancy machine or 100+ grinder. However I found this ecp3420 at goodwill for 25 bucks! I was gifted an Amazon 40 dollar machine years ago that never tasted good and always just lurked around on this sub while drinking my 5 dollar Starbucks americano. I've already cleaned everything and after using the descaler I plan to make my first real espresso.
Anyone have any tips for making espresso(for an americano) on this machine? I know the k6 grinder is recommended but I wouldn't be able to grab that yet so I'll probably buy ground for now.
submitted by CloudFlood to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:24 Electrical_Ad_1939 State of ranking needs some serious help

A long read, if you take the times thanks if not. Sorry
As the title says, the state of league ranking system is in a horrible state and I feel that we’re near a tipping point of will it recover or continue to fail.
With the implementation for vanguard I feel this was a step in the right direction but one that’s probably too late.
After leveling several accounts to different areas of the system I can honestly say at this point trolls and throw away accounts and smurfs have infected all lvls of play some worse than others.
For example Bronze and Iron are horrible experiences. Iron itself is just a miserable land of giving up, trolling and ragers purposely losing games for the sheer purpose of just what ever. Instead of it being an area where true beginners can develop and learn it’s instead a prison for trolls , and any one unfortunate enough to drop in never get out from this bottomless pit of despair.
Bronze and instant this off with this . “Bronze should NOT be this hard to climb out of.” This should be a beginners climb as they develop their skills and improve to silver but instead. Bronze is a cesspool of trolls, toxic Smurf’s and throw away accounts mixed with your average players who wants to climb
It’s a horrible frustrating experience I’ve seen for these players as they try to climb and loose multiple games in a row. We all get that you can learn and grow from a loss that not all games are going to have trollers or int feeders. But from my experience here on one of my climbs this is not true.
I’ve learned to not play on the weekends, as there is a huge increase on getting trolled. Personally for me last two weeks I’ve had 5-6 games in a row of int feeders trolls or a Smurf one tricking a lane and trash talking the individual till they gave up. It’s just horrific. From a veiger claiming he was having a mental break down as he ran it down cause a friend told him to play league To a Darius who died two times to teemo the left his lane and started sabotaging his team. Thats literally a rank and a half if not two in losses a player can’t control.
I was in a game where a jungle was going top, stopped to get a grub. Then ganked had the enemy top beat when his own top flashed in to steal the kill and died cause he had possibly 50hp left. That top then raged and ran it down saying jungle did not deserve to win because they stopped for a grubs and caused the top to die.
Silver and gold kinda settle down as this seems to be far enough away from iron and lower bronze where players can actually play and build more on their skill and understandings.
Plat and emerald are basically bronze and just in reverse
Plat is the try Harding players excited to climb and emerald just seems to be the cesspool where lower rank players bought accounts to get out of bronze and iron and are now on their downward drop. While also dealing with Smurf’s boosting accounts up to emerald to sell as one trick accounts and this plague that range or ranked with the exact same issues that are in lower bronze / iron
Diamond which is the highest I ever tried to get seems to be split. Lower ranks of diamonds your dealing with the spill over from emerald. Which is frustrating. While upper diamond seems to be slightly far enough away so you don’t have to deal with that hot mess.
At this point it just feels like the lower ranks are in a chaotic shamble where new and low players can’t improve and instead just get frustrated give up and plunge the ranking system in to chaos cause their only recourse at this point is to just go buy an account for 5-10 bucks and play in emerald. But the. Cause issues as they gradually fall down the system to their proper ranking
I get vanguard stopped the bot account farming and lvling. But it doesn’t really fix any issues with the ranking system because the flood of Smurf / trolls and one trick accounts has stagnated any growth out of the lower elos so instead of a bottom to top elevation development. We are season a top down de elevation in development.
submitted by Electrical_Ad_1939 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:20 Historical-Jaguar970 Question about overdraft

So I have 10 dollars in my cashapp account and I set up direct deposit and everything and it is offering me the free overdraft of $50. I know you can’t use that $50 to send and can only access that money by swiping the card. Does that mean I can buy something and get the $50 dollars with cash back at a gas station because I’ll swipe the card and I’m pretty sure it just charges $50 as if I bought that much worth of goods. Need answers asap thank you for your time :)
submitted by Historical-Jaguar970 to CashApp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:19 Worldly_Advisor007 I’ve spent over half an hour trying to find specifications on mental health status, and gun purchase in Colorado - am Ohio resident, and gun owner.

I’m not anti gun. I legally have a licensed firearm. Now that’s out of the way my sister, and her husband weren’t/aren’t, they own multiple firearms, and are Colorado residents.
In a mere few months my sister went from a happy wife, loving mother of two, with a phd in psychology working with special needs children - to insane.
She has gone from being sweet natured the first 35 years on this planet to so manic and delusional and full of rage the only thing I can compare it to is how actors in movies behave when they are possessed by a demon, and the priest is trying to pull it out. Not hyperbolic.
What’s very bad here is she’s convinced her husband wants to kill her. All guns were removed from their home weeks back. Things have continued to escalate - my brother in law, and nieces are living with my parents who moved to Colorado to be near the grandkids.
She’s so manic/paranoid/delusional she did $12,300 in damages to their home. Not factored into that insurance estimate, she threw away everything wardrobe wise tied to her daughters from bows to shoes - she was meticulous. Put it all in the trash, and poured gasoline over everything. Thankfully, whatever reason she didn’t light it - probably, lack of lighter. Then took off in a car with no wallet or ID. Her car was found abandoned in New Mexico with the keys in the ignition. She was picked up by the police 48 hrs later on some random highway, and a seven day psy hold was done.
She is now out.
You all have ZERO idea how hard it is to force psychiatric care - we even found an ad she typed for Craigslist (but didn’t post) looking for a hitman. Police said because it wasn’t posted with a monetary amount it’s not enough of a sign of “grave risk of violence”.
I’ll skip the other insane things she’s done.
She is a threat to others - that’s reality.
She has no psychiatric record in Colorado as the 1001 things she’s done aren’t enough for forced evaluation - you must have solid proof someone is “grave threat of suicide or homicide”.
In Ohio it is very easy to get a gun via private buyer. Out there, Colorado, it’s private sellers have to start background checking in 2025 correct? Currently, private sales can/do take place. Regardless, everything is vague on psychiatric history… a judge has to rule an individual unable to purchase a gun?
My sister is beautiful, poised (well was), and can appear sane long enough to buy a gun. Odds are if this occurs, and she’d have to have cash hidden somewhere she hasn’t used - she will end up in prison for attempted murder or murder.
I sound hyperbolic. Again, I’m not.
Her husband is consumed with emergency full custody/restraining order that states she can’t be anywhere near her daughters.
My 75 year old father asked me to look up Colorado gun laws, but you just had all this stuff hit the floor for a vote. The law doesn’t mean it’s followed. I can’t find what Colorado considers mental health illegibility - and this entire thing is upsetting to even be doing.
Turns out bi polar can develop at any age and turn a loved one into an unrecognizable monster. Pretend this is your sister, and like you she’s in Colorado. How easy will it be for her to get a firearm? Cash. As easy as Ohio?
Appreciate your time.
Also, she does have a conceal carry permit.
submitted by Worldly_Advisor007 to COGuns [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:59 EchoOfNovember AITAH for getting my ex's ex arrested?

My(f35) ex (m37) has two daughters ( lets call them Lily and Mia) with two different women (Cara- Liliy's mom and Maya- Mia's mom). Liliy turned 18 this weekend and Mia is 16.
My ex and I are still friends, we split after 6 years, there was no drama, no fighting no abuse, we had another one of "what is next for us" talks, and he added he thought that my "I don't want kids" stance was just a phase I would have got out "by certain age". He wants more kids. I don't want kids. I have/had a good relationship with both of his daughters. Maya and I had a friendly relationship while I was with him. She asked for my number and asked to meet me before she was okay with me meeting her daughter - Mia. I had no issues with this; in fact, I instantly respected her for it. Cara, on the other hand, was always hostile.
I'm financially well off. Earning significantly more than him, we had a joint account that was mostly funded by me (98% of the funds in it came from me). I was okay with him spending that money on his family and daughters. The only rule I had was that I didn't want it to be used for lavish gifts to his ex. He was okay with this. But during one of the family gatherings, Cara asked if she could borrow some cash from him; he said yes and to take what he had in his wallet. She took a card to our joint account and went on a spending spree. I was pissed. But I was furious when he didn't make her pay it back. She is the mother of his child, and what do I expect him to do, blah blah.
Last summer, while we were still together, I promised Lilily we/ I would take her to Taylor Swit's concert in Paris and a proper shopping trip for her 18th, we extended invitation to Mia as well and her mom agreed. So I bought 4 concert tickets ( for the girls, ex and me) and booked a hotel. Fast forward to winter and we had our split.
Last month, I asked him what he wanted to do. I couldn't transfer my ticket to his new girl (or anyone), but I was willing to give it up and told him to go with the girls. I would even pay for plane tickets. He admitted he had forgotten all about it and that he had already booked all his allowance of annual leave, so he couln't take them. He asked if I would find it awkward to go on the trip with girls instead. As mentioned, I have a good relationship with his girls and have said okay if their moms agree. Mia's mom - Maya, said no problem, but Liliy's mom- Cara, insisted that the only way "I was taking her daughter out of the country was if she was going." I offered not to go and have Cara take them. She wouldn't be able to get into a concert venue, but the hotel was paid for, and I would still pay for plane tickets. But Maya said she wasn't letting Mia anywhere with Cara. Here, in order to make a minor over the border, you need a form signed by both parents. Not wanting to punish girls for something that was out of their control, we agreed I would take the girls and Cara would join us. As I also promised a shopping trip to Liliy, her dad set up a spending limit, and I asked Maya to allow me to buy something for Mia as well so she wouldn't feel excluded; reluctantly, she agreed and also set a limit.
Of to Paris we went, we arrived the day before the concert and were due to go back in the evening on the day after the concert. From the moment we landed Cara complained about everything. When we got to the hotel she demanded separate rooms ( I have originally booked a two-bedroom suite), and thought Mia and I could take one room and Liliy and her another ( she knew this before we left). She proceeded to yell and make a scene until the receptionist said they had another smaller suite available. I ended up taking that one for myself and Mia.
Next day after breakfast we went shopping. Lily said she would prefer one or two higher-quality pieces of clothing rather than brands she could get at home. So we went to Galeries Lafayette. About two hours in I got a call from a client that there was an issue that needed immediate attention. I gave Lily my card, reminded her of the limit her father set, and told Mia that we could go somewhere else afterward if she didn't find anything she liked that would honor the limit her mom set. Both girls said they understood; Cara gave me a side-eye. So I sat at a nearby bench dealing with my client's issue while they shopped. Not sure how much time has passed when Lily came crying, saying her mom made her give her my card and was buying things for herself. I went to a till, and indeed, Cara was paying with my card for things that were clearly for her. She didn't even have the decency to look guilty when she saw me marching towards her; she even smirked. So, in a fit of rage, I said to a cashier that she was paying with a stolen card, my card. Cara tried to insist I gave her the card, but I stood my ground, security was called, I continued to insist she stole it. Eventually, they called the police. Since it was my name on the card and the cashier confirmed Cara was one that used the card, and I continued to insist she stole it they arrested her. We had to go with them to give a statement. Few hours later when we left the station, I sat down the girls and explained we would go back in the morning to get Cara, but that right now she needed to learn there were consequences.
Neither of the girls was in the mood to go back to shopping, so we went to the hotel and got ready for the concert. By the time we reached the concert venue, both girls were in good moods again. In case you are wondering, we had a blast.
The next morning, I returned to the police station and retracted my statement, saying it was a misunderstanding. I gave the card to one of the girls, and she gave it to her mom. Two fines ( both myself and Cara got fined) and a few snide remarks from the officer later Cara was free. She refused to speak with me for the rest of the trip. Fine by me. I don't even mind the fine I got, it was worth it.
Girls and I went for one more round of shopping before it was time to catch the plane.
When we got back, chaos erupted. His family is now divided, some saying I was petty and b**ch for what I did, and other side clapping, saying it was well deserved.
My ex stopped by my work this morning and said that what I did to Cara was bullying. And I was an a**hole for dangling my money in front of her, that I should have left it be, and he would have paid me back if I told him.
I don't think I was. Was I petty, maybe, probably, but I don't think I was A**hole, she literally tried to steal.
submitted by EchoOfNovember to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:59 LiteraryHedgehog MEGATHREAD: Camp and Chill Event, May 14-16

A new Camp and Chill Event starts today!
This 2 day event will run from Tuesday, May 14 until 19:00 GMT Thursday, May 16, and is open to all players with version 11.3.0 or above, a minimum of 250 dragon power, and a stable and reliable internet connection.
Points are earned by tapping items, opening chests, and other simple tasks completed in Camp. The Event Capsule Store appears after earning 500 points; free Bronze Capsules containing Event Points can be collected every 3 hours after that.
Please keep questions and strategy discussions about the event in this thread while it is live; good luck and happy merging!


Event Notes
Elsewhere in the Game


  1. Sprouting Dragon Tree, lvl 2 - requires earning 70 points
  2. Prism Flower Buds, lvl 2 - 1,290p
  3. Blue Belly Shrooms, lvl 5 - 1,840p
  4. Daily Chest (Super Egg Fragment) - 3,190p
  5. Watering Hole, lvl 5 - 4,790p
  6. Aged Glowing Dragon Tree, lvl 4 - 6,420p
  7. Nice Zen Temple, lvl 3 - 7,990p
  8. Golden Sapling, lvl 2 - 9,610p
  9. Wood (A) Dragon Kid, lvl 2 - 11,210p
  10. Jester (AS) Dragon Kid, lvl 2 - 13,590p
Total to collect all prizes: 60,000 points


This is the only type of event where point producing items can be stockpiled ahead of time; for info and links to guides on bubbling as a storage option, please visit the Community FAQ.
The following are the most efficient or most frequently recommended ways to earn points:
  • Tier 2 Nests of most breeds yield 900 points per tap, for a total of 3,600 to 6,300 points per nest.
  • High level Goal Stars are an excellent source of points; the exact number of taps available varies by level and random chance.
    • L6 Star- 1056, L5 Star- 330, L4 Star- 99
  • Level 2 Materials Chests offer unlimited quick and easy points; stockpiling stone bricks gives more flexibility than buying specific chests ahead of time:
    • Spectral Chest- 1305, Summoned Chest- 820, Chest of Beasts- 300, Solid Gold Chest- 80, Phobos Chest- 40
  • Higher level free chests all yield well:
    • Treasure: L7- 1690, L6- 530, L5- 165
    • Grimm: L4- 792, L3- 240, L2- 72
    • Season: L4- 330, L3- 100
    • Bountiful (Level) Chests- 150
    • Kala’s Rucksacks- 250
  • High level Life Trees can be harvested for quick points:
    • Life Orbs: L9- 1560, L8- 500, L7- 160
  • These chains recharge fast and give unlimited taps; note that multiple mid-level items may earn more than one or two higher-level items.
    • Fruit Trees: L10 Watermelon- 34, L9 Pineapple- 30, L8 Dragon Fruit- 26, L7 Pear- 23
    • Prism Flowers: L7- 42, L6- 36, L5- 29, L4- 23
    • Midas Trees: L11- 145, L10- 135, L9- 125, L8- 115, L7- 105, L6- 95, L5- 85, L4- 75, L3- 65, L2- 55
    • Bushes: L5- 35, L4- 25, L3- 15
    • Graves: L8- 75, L7- 65, L6- 55, L5- 45, L4- 35
    • Fountains: L6- 136, L5- 105, L4- 75, L3- 45


(Tap the name of the chain to go to its wiki page)
Alien Obelisks (Requires cash purchase)
  • Alien Obelisk - 45
  • Radioactive Alien Obelisk - 135
  • Pulsing Alien Obelisk - 450
  • Galactic Alien Megalith - 1485
  • Tiny Cabin - 10
  • L1 Shrub Sprout - 1
  • L2 Budding Shrub - 5
  • L3 Nice Shrub - 15
  • L4 Flowering Shrub - 25
  • L5 Gorgeous Shrub - 35
Fruit Trees
  • L4 Grape Tree - 10
  • L5 Raspberry Tree - 14
  • L6 Banana Tree - 18
  • L7 Pear Tree - 23
  • L8 Dragon Fruit Tree - 26
  • L9 Pineapple Tree - 30
  • L10 Watermelon Tree - 34
Goal Stars and Dragon Stars (points per tap)
  • L1 Star - 3 (2-3 taps)
  • L2 Star - 9 (2-3 taps)
  • L3 Star - 30 (3-4 taps)
  • L4 Star - 99 (3-4 taps)
  • L5 Star - 330 (3-4 taps)
  • L6 Star - 1056 (6-7 taps)
  • L1 Dragon Star - 30 (2-4 taps)
  • L2 Magnificent Dragon - 90 (7-11 taps)
  • L4 Doom Cross - 35
  • L5 Fiend’s Resting Place - 45
  • L6 Tomb of the Innocent - 55
  • L7 Tomb of the Forgiven - 65
  • L8 Tomb of the Righteous - 75
Life Orbs (single tap)
  • L0 Life Essence - 1
  • L1 Tiny Life Orb - 1
  • L2 Small Life Orb - 2
  • L3 Life Orb - 3
  • L4 Furious Life Orb - 5
  • L5 Wondrous Life Orb - 15
  • L6 Great Life Orb - 50
  • L7 Giant Life Orb - 160
  • L8 Life Orb of Souls - 500
  • L9 The Life Orb of Heavens - 1560
Midas Trees
  • L2 Golden Sapling - 55
  • L3 Golden Tree - 65
  • L4 Midas Tree - 75
  • L5 Glowing Midas Tree - 85
  • L6 The Orb Holder - 95
  • L7 The Crystal Catcher - 105
  • L8 The Moon Bearer - 115
  • L9 The Star Mother - 125
  • L10 Greater Midas Tree - 135
  • L11 Divine Midas Tree - 145
MonsteMythical Idols (single tap)
  • L1 Kattryx - 3
  • L2 Guardian Sphinx - 9
  • L3 Young Cerberus - 30
  • L4 Noble Gryphon - 99
  • L5 Mythical Ogopogo - 330
  • L1 Gromblin - 5
  • L2 Capricorn - 15
  • L3 Dragon Idol - 50
  • L4 Rising Phoenix - 165
  • L5 Mythical Pegasus - 550
Mystic Topiaries (single use only, number of taps depends on level)
  • L1 Bunny - 10 (1x tap)
  • L2 Bear - 90 (1x tap)
  • L3 Rex - 150 (2x taps)
  • L4 Swan - 250 (3x taps)
  • L5 Seahorse - 550 (5x taps)
  • L6 Dolphin - 880 (10x taps)
  • Tier 1 nest - 20 per tap, 60 to 140 total
  • Tier 2 nest - 900 per tap, 3,600 to 6,300 total (except for Star Dragons)
  • Mystery Egg Nests - 10 per tap, 40 to 70 total
  • Supernest - 20 per tap
  • Meganest - 20 per tap
  • Ultranest - 20 per tap
  • Shimmering Ultranest - 20 per tap
  • Activated Super Eggs - 600 (30 per dragon)
Prism Flowers
  • L1 Sprouting Prism Flower - 3
  • L2 Prism Flower Buds - 10
  • L3 Opening Prism Flowers - 16
  • L4 Prism Flowers - 23
  • L5 Blossoming Prism Flowers - 29
  • L6 Gorgeous Prism Flowers - 36
  • L7 Brilliant Prism Flowers - 42
  • L8 Spectral Prism Flowers - 49
  • L9 Glowing Prism Flowers - 55
ShimmeSecret Fountains (per tap)
  • L1 Fountain of Legend - 3
  • L2 Ancient Spring - 15
  • L3 Shimmering Spring - 45
  • L4 Fountain of Faith - 75
  • L5 Fountain of Rebirth - 105
  • L6 Heroic Dragon Spa - 135
  • L1 Secret Lifespring - 30
  • L2 Spectral Lifespring - 150
Coin Vaults and Stone Yards
  • L1 Tattered - 1
  • L2 Basic - 5
  • L3 Nice - 15
  • L4 Great - 25
  • L5 Opulent - 35
  • L6 Mythical - 45
  • L7 Gigantic - 55
  • L8 Bottomless - 65
Chests (single tap only)
Camp and Chill Event Items
  • Capsules - 0
  • Pile of Camp Event Points - 5
  • Great Rucksack of Event Points - 10 per tap, 20+ total
  • Wondrous Chest of Event Points - 25 per tap, 125+ total
  • Mythical Coffer of Event Points - 50 per tap, 450+ total
Miscellaneous Items
Combo Merges Note: this is a partial list — most chains seem to work, with points increasing by item levels and length of chain.
  • Coins - 5, 10, 30, 60 (started with L2)
  • Life Flowers - 5, 10, 15, 20, 40 (start w/L1)
  • Life Flowers - 15, 40 (started w/L5)
  • Life Orbs - 5, 10, 15, 20, 40 (Started w/ heart)
  • Life Orbs - 5, 20, 45, 80 (started w/ L3)
  • Living Stones - 5, 10, 15, 40 (start w/fresh stones)
  • Stone bricks - 5, 10, 15, 40, 60 (start w/L1)
No Points Given
  • Currency (Coins, Stone Bricks, and Gems)
  • Loot orbs
  • Dimension Jars
  • Dragon Homes
  • Haunted Houses
  • Boutique exclusive chains
  • Lobelia Topiaries
  • Ornate/Jeweled Statues
  • Small Fluffs
  • Chocolate Fountain chain
  • Dust Bunny Crates
  • Weekly Den Chests
  • Opulent Chests
  • Season Bonus Chests
  • Star Chests
  • Star Dragon T2 nests
  • New items and anything in limited release for beta testing


If the event is not showing up correctly or if glitches are affecting your play:
  1. Check that you meet the version and dragon power requirements.
  2. Try hard-closing and then relaunching your game.
  3. Try rebooting your device (ie, turn it completely off, then back on and allow it to fully boot up before relaunching the game). If you are on wifi and have access to the router, try rebooting that, too.
  4. Try switching to a completely different internet source.
  5. Try clearing your game’s cache (google for instructions for your specific phone type).
  6. If you’re suddenly experiencing multiple issues like lagging or error messages (or if the event vanishes completely), close the game and try again after 2-3 hours. Events are internet-based, and sometimes issues with the servers can cause temporary problems — all we can do for that is to wait it out.
  7. If none of the above helps, contact Gram Games Support through the in-game link or the Support Web Portal for help figuring out what’s wrong.
  • NOTE: Cloud Save is still unreliable: according to the developer, it is not safe to be used and should be left turned off.
  • NOTE: Saving your Progress: Make sure to save your progress by traveling to the World Map screen (and waiting there until everything’s fully loaded) regularly, and especially before closing your game.
Edits are ongoing
submitted by LiteraryHedgehog to MergeDragons [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:45 TheHeavierSigh Can I complain about my parents for a minute?

I remember being 12 and looking up unclaimed bodies around my area because I called my dad for 2 years straight and he never picked up.
My mother used to tell me that I’m worthless anytime I did something that she didn’t agree with. It could be over the stupidest things too. She was always deliberately cruel.
Like when my job promoted me to another store, and I was bragging to her about my accomplishments, she said “they’re just doing that to get rid of you. Nobody likes you”.
I’m turning 24 soon and it just sort of hit me that I could never be like either of them. It’s hard to be a good parent, but it’s not that hard to just be an ok one.
I want to reconnect with them so bad, because what am I doing that’s so bad that I don’t deserve parents?? I never argued with them as a kid/teenager. I never drank/smoke/ snuck out or talked back to them. I got excellent grades in school. But it’s like I got dealt a shitty hand.
I got a job at 16 and i was apparently deemed good enough to parent myself. My mom stopped grocery shopping so I had to spend my paycheck to buy groceries/food and then when I got home she would yell at me for hours because I didn’t “get the right food” and I must hate her because I didn’t buy the organic stuff she wanted. But I was only working part-time at a restaurant for $9 an hour and couldn’t afford it. She also gave me $600 a month bill that was also my responsibility with the rest of my paycheck.
Or when I graduated high school and needed to go college, she wouldn’t fill my Fafsa out (she did the same thing to my brother and he had to drop out and go to community college) and kept pushing it back. I had to get a 2nd job to pay my tuition, so I was going to school full-time, and then had a full-time and part-time job.
She figured out the days I got paid, and would drive me to a check cashing place and take most of my money. I couldn’t keep that life up of working 12+ hour days every day and flunked out of my college. I reenrolled in my local community college, but I was just so lost that I ended up quitting.
She brought a new house when I was in college that had a run-down in law suite. She told me if I fixed it I could live in there and pay rent and have some more privacy. I worked extra hours and got a 3rd job, found a plumber and electrician, and would spend hours every week to fix the place, and wouldn’t you know it as soon as I was done she sold the property and took all the profit. She did the same thing to a broken down car that she had, I paid $4k to take it to a mechanic and when we got it back, she “never said that” and still drives that car to this day.
When we were moving (again) i decided to just get an apartment with my boyfriend because I was getting sick and tired of being used. She found out and hid the leasing information that I got from a complex, and guilt tripped me by saying she wouldn’t be able to afford things on just her paycheck and would starve. So I quit looking, just for her to scream at me a week later that I was a useless burden and that I was the one financially abusing her.
So I packed my bags, slept on the dirty floor of my boyfriend’s parents trailer for 2 weeks, got a round of the stimulus checks, and moved out to our own apartment. When I went back to her place to pack the last of my stuff she was snatching things out of my hand, threw my boyfriend’s laptop and tried to choke him/throw him out.I pushed her away from him and she told the family that we both were hitting her, so they don’t talk to me anymore. She was also insulting him for his family bring poor, and making fun of his dead grandmother.
And as I’m getting older and my prefrontal cortex is developing I just don’t understand them. I can understand hurtful things being said in the moment, but to continually be like that means you are making a conscious effort to be a terrible person.
But I miss them so much. I want a mom to talk to about my day and complain about my co-workers with. I want to watch movies at her place again and eat junk food. But she doesn’t deserve it, and I feel like I do. I don’t know what to do. There’s plenty of more terrible and down right weird things that she does. Like she used to beat me and my brothers with electric wires as a kid. Or recently, she was renting out one of our old homes and my partner and I moved in and we were paying MORE THAN market rent. And she forced us to move out after only 6 weeks because I said no to helping her on a side project because I was busy. But I “owed her” because she could’ve “charged me more”.
Which I should’ve known it would end this way honestly.
My parents are divorced and my father lives in a different city. He only calls me when he needs something and honestly I have stopped answering.
I’m not sure what to do. Advice?
submitted by TheHeavierSigh to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:43 mind_the_gap No unsettled cash?

I scalped some options, in and out like usual and I look at my account tab and it shows unsettled cash as 0.00 and my options buying power at the total account value. This is a cash account and it used to reduce my options buying power by the amount that should be reflected in the unsettled cash column. This is a recipe for a GFV if not worse for me. I asked help about and he told me that’s just how Schwab does it. Dumb. He suggested I add the cash available for withdrawal to my widget which I did and it helps but I still want ToS to stop me from overspending by accident. If this is a sign of things to come I’m not impressed.
submitted by mind_the_gap to thinkorswim [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:41 Banana_banana666 Booh-muhs

It’s a little wild to think about that grandma and grandpa could really be extra barrels of powder for this if they chose to divert buying in their 401ks or even if they pulled up a brokerage app and just started firing away with their cash on hand
It’s wild because you know it would help them and help the movement
And they’ve got the fire power to do it
But god dang old people gonna be as stubborn as a double cemented fence post
(I have no tried to convince my grandparents anything I’ve actually tried to at least get my parents on board as they are from a level to where a 10k throw away would of been near to no risk to them at this point in their lives but yet here we are.)
No real DD just a rant and opinion
Buy, hold, DRS
submitted by Banana_banana666 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:38 ExcitingInitiative46 To buy or Not to Buy and if I buy how?

To buy or Not to Buy and if I buy how?
Hi I’m unsure of what to do next for the best and how to proceed myself and my partner have been living in our house now for nearly 4 years we have to remortgage in October. We have noisy neighbours with lots of kids and are not massively happy with where we are.
We are both 28 nealry 29 Our financial situation is as below
Income My income - £46,500 + 10% annual bonus Partners income - £28,000 + £300 monthly bonus (she’s on a training programme to increase this by 8k over the next 18 months, in 9 month gaps, performance dependent)
Savings My savings - £30,000 cash isa, £2,000 savings Partners savings - £2,000 savings, £2000 cash isa
I have a S&S isa worth £5,000
I have 22k pension partner £12k
We have a help to buy loan on our house of 20% of the value, mortgage is currently £150k, value is £253 according to the bank but realistically 240-250k. Developers are still building on the estate so it’s hard to sell. Market rental value between £1100 & £1300 a month.
I have inherited a property worth around £320,000 and about 12,000 cash 50/50 with my sister still in probate. We plan to rent it out market value between £1300 & £1500 a month.
We have fell in love with a house on the same development in a quiet location for £367k developer has said they will give us 5% to go towards whatever we choose so £18,350. There is a 2nd property that we are not so In love with but it’s still great at 325k with the same 5% offer..
I have a few options here such as using cash to buy one of the new houses and renting mine out but I need advise on stamp duty and BTL tax. My partners parents could gift her 10k towards the deposit. Ideally wanted to form some way to buy the house and use cash flow from the others to help fund the higher mortgage payments and take advantage of the capital appreciation longer term.
Thanks in advance for your input
submitted by ExcitingInitiative46 to uklandlords [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:35 ExcitingInitiative46 To buy or Not to Buy and if I buy how?

Hi I’m unsure of what to do next for the best and how to proceed myself and my partner have been living in our house now for nearly 4 years we have to remortgage in October. We have noisy neighbours with lots of kids and are not massively happy with where we are.
We are both 28 nealry 29 Our financial situation is as below
Income My income - £46,500 + 10% annual bonus Partners income - £28,000 + £300 monthly bonus (she’s on a training programme to increase this by 8k over the next 18 months, in 9 month gaps, performance dependent)
Savings My savings - £30,000 cash isa, £2,000 savings Partners savings - £2,000 savings, £2000 cash isa
I have a S&S isa worth £5,000
I have 22k pension partner £12k
We have a help to buy loan on our house of 20% of the value, mortgage is currently £150k, value is £253 according to the bank but realistically 240-250k. Developers are still building on the estate so it’s hard to sell. Market rental value between £1100 & £1300 a month.
I have inherited a property worth around £320,000 and about 12,000 cash 50/50 with my sister still in probate. We plan to rent it out market value between £1300 & £1500 a month.
We have fell in love with a house on the same development in a quiet location for £367k developer has said they will give us 5% to go towards whatever we choose so £18,350. There is a 2nd property that we are not so In love with but it’s still great at 325k with the same 5% offer..
I have a few options here such as using cash to buy one of the new houses and renting mine out but I need advise on stamp duty and BTL tax. My partners parents could gift her 10k towards the deposit. Ideally wanted to form some way to buy the house and use cash flow from the others to help fund the higher mortgage payments and take advantage of the capital appreciation longer term.
Thanks in advance for your input
submitted by ExcitingInitiative46 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:33 PattoPendo Kamvas 13 2021

So i know a lot of ppl have had issues with the 3 in 1 cable, and so have i. I got about 11 months of use out of my tablet and then i tossed it to the side cause it was clearly not able to be used as intended. I have a drawing tablet. I wanted a display tablet.
Alas, it is 2024 and i decided to pick up drawing again, and also my tablet. Like 60 bucks CAD for a cable is wild... so i bought usb c to hdmi, cause the display is not working and tried to continue using the rest of the cable and tried using the other ports, still no luck, i did have to file down the usb c so it could fit in this recessed small tolerance ass hole.
I think id rather just go buy from another company at this point. Any fixes for this that arent "Buy a New 3 in 1". We all know the cable gives out.
submitted by PattoPendo to huion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 Hungry_Measure86 Lucid Short Squeeze Brewing?

LUCID MOTORS STOCK had Out of The Ordinary Buy Orders on Thursday and Friday with large unknown entity on Thursday purchasing orders exceeding $116MM representing 35,434,174 shares at $3.30 price.... This was similar on Friday with tranches exceeding more $30MM in aggregate. Is there something brewing in LUCID MOTORS which coincidentally has almost 30% Shortsellers piled in. These are usually how Short (Gamma) Squeezes tend to begin. Time will Tell.

stocks #money #markets #trends #trending #investors #traders #money #wsb #wallstreetbets #ev #tech #time #value #lol #shortsqueeze #futbol #CristianoRonaldo #business #ai #undervalued #oil #rally #future

crypto #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #blockchain #ethereum #btc #forex #trading #money #cryptonews #cryptocurrency #investing #eth #FOMO #Buy #altcoin #altcoinseason #maga #ECONOMY #interest #rates #traders #investor #futbol #cristianoronaldo #💯 #followforfollowback #instagram #markets #futbol #money #world #global

submitted by Hungry_Measure86 to wallstreetsmallcaps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 ChuckD30 Schwab no spreads with less than $5k. Need a new broker

I have $4k or so in a mess around account that got transferred from TD and logged in today to see no buying power available. It turns out that you can't even trade spreads at schwab with less than $5K lol, even though their risk is very low since the liability is cash secured when we open the trade. Sure, pin risk is a consideration, but most people aren't holding into expiration and you would think they have a risk team to handle this anyway.
In any event, I'm leaving scwab after less than 2 days. Recommendations for a new broker?
submitted by ChuckD30 to tdameritrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:22 Hungry_Measure86 LCID Short Squeeze

LUCID MOTORS STOCK had Out of The Ordinary Buy Orders on Thursday and Friday with large unknown entity on Thursday purchasing orders exceeding $116MM representing 35,434,174 shares at $3.30 price.... This was similar on Friday with tranches exceeding more $30MM in aggregate. Is there something brewing in LUCID MOTORS which coincidentally has almost 40% Shortsellers piled in. These are usually how Short (Gamma) Squeezes tend to begin. Time will Tell.

stocks #money #markets #trends #trending #investors #traders #money #wsb #wallstreetbets #ev #tech #time #value #lol #shortsqueeze #futbol #CristianoRonaldo #business #ai #undervalued #oil #rally #future

crypto #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #blockchain #ethereum #btc #forex #trading #money #cryptonews #cryptocurrency #investing #eth #FOMO #Buy #altcoin #altcoinseason #maga #ECONOMY #interest #rates #traders #investor #futbol #cristianoronaldo #💯 #followforfollowback #instagram #markets #futbol #money #world #global

submitted by Hungry_Measure86 to DeepFuckingValue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:10 russian-rabbit Why do short-term corporate bonds have a lower yield than short term treasuries?

I'm shopping around for someplace to put my cash short-term and was looking at corporate bonds through the Schwab platform—and noticed they carried a yield lower than that of short-term treasury bonds. Short term treasuries are around 5.4%, while almost all corporate bonds are significantly less than that — most less than 5%. I would have assumed that corporate bonds, since they carry more risk and are less liquid, would yield a higher rate. Why is this the case, and why would anyone buy a short term corporate bond?
submitted by russian-rabbit to investing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:03 BalurogeRS You should REALLY try this server

After going through ratemyserver at least 1 time/day and getting disappointed with almost 95% of the servers there, and after searching endlessly for a non-p2w pre-renewal SA server without success, I ended up trying Rise of Legends aka evolve-ro, and I must tell you, this server is GOOD.
Here are some reasons for you to consider playing in this server. 1 - Great Community, staff and players are a bunch of sweethearts 2 - Proxys that really works, no lag at all for SA players 3 - Great Systems for solo players (Monster and DG of the day), for monster of the day, you get a fixed amount of exp as bonus which scales with your level, for dungeon of the day, every mob on the listed DG will give you %bonus exp. On both cases players have a chance to drop grape juice, potions, and a hunting coin. Lots of things that other servers have on their cash shop can be bought with those coins. 4 - No P2W (at least for now) 5 - Lots of zenny sink for economy 6 - Random OPTS are not exaggerated, but you can also feel a difference of an item with and without it 7 - Great rates and bonus at weekends 8 - the staff is always on, and do a ton of events.
9 - Hat quests are doable to complete, different from other servers that make it impossible for you to buy it on the cash shop 10 - Sitting regen increase
Again, if you're a solo player, I HIGHLY recommend this server, tons of fun, and there is much more than what I listed.
submitted by BalurogeRS to RagnarokOnline [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 ExcitingInitiative46 To buy or Not to Buy and if I buy how?

Hi I’m unsure of what to do next for the best and how to proceed myself and my partner have been living in our house now for nearly 4 years we have to remortgage in October. We have noisy neighbours with lots of kids and are not massively happy with where we are.
We are both 28 nealry 29 Our financial situation is as below
Income My income - £46,500 + 10% annual bonus Partners income - £28,000 + £300 monthly bonus (she’s on a training programme to increase this by 8k over the next 18 months, in 9 month gaps, performance dependent)
Savings My savings - £30,000 cash isa, £2,000 savings Partners savings - £2,000 savings, £2000 cash isa
I have a S&S isa worth £5,000
I have 22k pension partner £12k
We have a help to buy loan on our house of 20% of the value, mortgage is currently £150k, value is £253 according to the bank but realistically 240-250k. Developers are still building on the estate so it’s hard to sell. Market rental value between £1100 & £1300 a month.
I have inherited a property worth around £320,000 and about 12,000 cash 50/50 with my sister still in probate. We plan to rent it out market value between £1300 & £1500 a month.
We have fell in love with a house on the same development in a quiet location for £367k developer has said they will give us 5% to go towards whatever we choose so £18,350. There is a 2nd property that we are not so In love with but it’s still great at 325k with the same 5% offer..
I have a few options here such as using cash to buy one of the new houses and renting mine out but I need advise on stamp duty and BTL tax. My partners parents could gift her 10k towards the deposit. Ideally wanted to form some way to buy the house and use cash flow from the others to help fund the higher mortgage payments and take advantage of the capital appreciation longer term.
Thanks in advance for your input
submitted by ExcitingInitiative46 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:56 x3whatsup Looking to open my next credit card for the purpose of earning points for travel! Looking for recommendations

Template is below. So my SO and I typically fly 2-3 times per year, we typically always rent a car when we do, 50/50 split whether we stay at an airbnb or hotel, just depends.
I currently only have one credit card which I do the majority of all of my spending on, except for things like rent or that can’t be on a CC. I get 1-3% back on spending and usually get between 40 to 70 bucks a month.
Anyway, we are hopefully planning a wedding and a trip abroad in the next few years , including a big expenses this November on travel for a destination wedding. So many opportunities to earn points. I’d like to start building some points and hopefully save some money on our flight this November, and on flights in general moving forward.
Current cards:
-Bank of America Customized cash rewards platinum plus Mastercard
FICO score:
-745 according to Bank of America
Oldest account age:
-opened April 2018, so 6 years
-84000 salary plus 20 to 25k in capital gains/distributions
Average Monthly Spending $2500
Dining $137
Groceries $600
Gas $132
Travel $511
Open to business cards: not applicable
Purpose of card: earn points to use toward flights, hotels, (air bnb if points for that exist lol). To continue building credit.
Cards I’ve been looking at: chase preferred, capital one, but open to anything. Many friends had recommended JetBlue but I’m not committed to one airline
Category spending or general card: not sure what would be more beneficial
submitted by x3whatsup to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:52 Mental_Show_9636 RBC vs WealthSimple FHSA

Hey guys finally starting to take my finances/future/saving/retirement seriously and want to start a FHSA. My #1 goal in the next few years (2-3) is to buy a home/condo/town house. I'm going to open a FHSA this weekend and max it out this year. (Live at home, very low expenses). My girlfriend is going to do the same.
Just wanted to pick your brains on if I should go with RBC or WealthSimple. Also what I should be using the money in the account towards for interest. From what I have researched would be a good way to go?
Looking for any advice etc as I am just dipping my toes in all of this and have so much to learn/become familiar with.
submitted by Mental_Show_9636 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:47 So_Help_Me_OwO help with vbucks dilemma

I'm a big fan of my hero academia and toga is my favourite character, so obviously I want her as the skin. I don't have any money set aside for v-bucks right now and so I'm running short on my PS4. However, on my Nintendo Switch I have 2,100 v-bucks, because v-bucks don't carry over correctly in some instances. if I were to buy the toga skin on my switch (which is the same epic account as the one on my PS4) would I end up at 0 vbucks or in the negatives? (Sorry if this is badly worded, I'm tired :<)
submitted by So_Help_Me_OwO to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]