Ultimate water softener


2022.08.24 15:18 InevitableVisual2561 Water_Softener

Water Softener Installation Port St Lucie

2022.08.24 15:47 Typicalelection9 Softener_Installation

Water Softener Installation Port St Lucie....

2011.03.30 19:49 squidgirl No-Poo / Natural Haircare

A place to discuss natural haircare and alternatives to shampoo.

2024.05.14 06:21 gluten_kills Excerpt from Academic Textbook on SIBO

The following short section comes from a book entitle "Microbial Inhabitants of Humans," written my Michael Wilson in 2005. I thought that some of you may find it helpful.
Contaminated small bowel syndrome:
In comparison with the large intestine, the number of microbes in the small intestine is very small. This is due to a combination of factors, including the low pH of the region, the rapid peristalsis which reduces transit time, and local host defenses. Impairment of any of these results in an increase in the microbial population, and the is known as "contaminated small bowel syndrome" or "bacterial overgrowth syndrome". The major causes include anatomical abnormalities o the gut, gut obstruction, disordered gut motility, reduced gastric acidity, and infection of the biliary duct.
The main symptoms associated with the syndrome include steatorrhoea (increased faecal fat) and vitamin B12 deficiency. The increased microbial load in the small intestine results in rapid deconjugation of bile salts, creating water-insoluble free bile acids which are not reabsorbed and recycled. This eventually depletes the levels of bile salts in the small intestine so that micelle formation does not take place. Consequently, fat is not absorbed and is excreted.
The small intestine is an important site of vitamin B12 absorption. This vitamin binds to intrinsic factor produced by the stomach, and the resulting complex is then absorbed. However, the vitamin is also needed by many bacterial species, and large numbers of bacteria will rapidly reduce its concentration, thus depriving the host of this important dietary constituent. Vitamin B12 deficiency ultimately leads to megaloblastic anaemia.
Other maifestations of the syndrome include carbohydrate malabsorption, hypoproteinaemia, and diarrhea. Treatment involves the surgical correction of any abnormalities, the administration of antibiotics, and vitamin supplementation.
submitted by gluten_kills to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:49 LupinX96 If I want to do half a butterscotch pudding recipe, do I need to decrease the cooking time?

Sorry for the long post, I am planning to do today HALF of either Sallys Baking addiction or American test kitchen butterscotch pudding recipe. The time require for the total caramelizing of the sugar is very different in both 5min VS 20min.
In sallys recipe she cook the Sugar+ Water+ Salt for 5-6 min
original Recipe
In American test kitchen recipe she cook the Butter+ Sugar+ Corn syrup+ Water+ Salt for a total of 20 min
Original Recipe (In case you don't have access to the American test kitchen website you can see this image for the details)
submitted by LupinX96 to AskBaking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:48 No-Statement1351 Finally HPV clear: my story

Hello! I just wanted to hop on here real quick and share my story because not too long ago it was me looking for answers and hope. I am a 24 year old female that was originally “diagnosed” with HPV in 2020.
Backstory: I’d had a boyfriend at the time that cheated on me with his ex and got her pregnant (so obviously no condom). Before we’d started dating we’d gotten all the checks done and were clear to have intercourse without condoms as I had an IUD. He picked up the HPV from her and transferred it to me (yes we broke up but it was too late) and that’s where my story begins.
That year while in for my annual Pap smear I was told I had cell abnormalities, but my doctor never told me specifically it was HPV, just that’d we’d keep an eye on it. This happened for the next couple years until 2022 when I had a whole bunch of genital warts pop up. Initially I’d thought they were maybe razor burn and went to a walk in clinic to be sure. That day I was told by the male PA working that I was fine, it was indeed likely razor burn. Unfortunately, that was a bad call and they continued to spread like wildfire.
Months later I went in to see my gynecologist about the spots, she did a biopsy, and confirmed they were genital warts. We were too far past cryotherapy spot treatment at this point and it was the first time I officially heard I had HPV, not just “cell abnormalities.” I’m not sure why my doctor made it sound so casual, mentioning that lots of people got it at some point in their lives. Either way, I became completely sexually inactive out of fear of spreading it, how could I ever do that to someone? A few weeks later I went in for a full laser therapy surgery on my entire vagina, it was pretty unpleasant and I was out for a few days with a huge tube of aquaphor on hand. That was Dec. 2022.
Months later in July of 2023 I had another pap that still showed the abnormal HPV cells. This was a cause for concern by my doctor who suggested a loop electrosurgical excision procedure and to come in at my earliest convenience (I’d moved from OK to AZ but kept my doctor since we’d come so far together). Well I never got around to it and decided to get a new doctor in AZ because it was illogical to fly for those appointments.
I finally was able to get in to see the doctor of my choice on May 1st of 2024, who finally took the time to explain HPV, the test, how it’s detected, etc. During my pap she took one look at my cervix, said it looked healthy, and that they’d upload the results on the portal as well as give me a call. May 10, 2024 I finally received the normal/negative pap I’d been hoping for. To say I was surprised and overjoyed would be an understatement.
As for what I did? Well… I don’t really know. I graduated college in May 2022 and around that time I became pretty health conscious. I lost 25 pounds (160lbs to 135lbs as a 5’7” F) by working out multiple times a week, cutting out seed oils, drinking purified water, focusing on whole/natural foods, and getting more sleep. I can’t say for sure if this helped specifically, but you never know.
I also had never been HPV vaccinated and got my shots in 2023, I figured it wouldn’t hurt and my doctor gave me the green light.
I hope this helps someone realize it’ll be ok, but to keep up with those tests. I was convinced I’d have it forever and then one day it was just gone. I wish HPV was talked about and normalized more because I was confused and felt so dirty. I googled my little heart out, read all the Reddit pages, and ultimately found some peace with knowledge. Please leave your thoughts and questions, I’d love to hear from you!
Signed, OP
submitted by No-Statement1351 to HPV [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:48 Hogwrangler420 Tap water quality San Francisco

Tap water quality San Francisco
Trying to decide if i can use tap water or should go the distilled + third wave water packets route? I Live in San Francisco and our tap water is typically quite soft. In the picture, the left test strip is for water directly out of the tap and right test strip is the same water ran through my lelit Mara x with water softener filter installed in the water tank. The in tank water softener may be overkill as the water is already quite soft. Any red flags based on the test results suggesting I shouldn’t use the tap water?
submitted by Hogwrangler420 to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:47 LupinX96 If I want to do half a butterscotch pudding recipe, do I need to decrease the cooking time?

Sorry for the long post, I am planning to do today HALF of either Sallys Baking addiction or American test kitchen butterscotch pudding recipe. The time require for the total caramelizing of the sugar is very different in both 5min VS 20min.
In sallys recipe she cook the Sugar+ Water+ Salt for 5-6 min
original Recipe
In American test kitchen recipe she cook the Butter+ Sugar+ Corn syrup+ Water+ Salt for a total of 20 min
Original Recipe (In case you don't have access to the American test kitchen website you can see this image for the details)
submitted by LupinX96 to AskCulinary [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:13 Such-Tea942 Broke my ankle while hiking on Mother's Day

Broke my ankle while hiking on Mother's Day
33 years of never breaking, straining, twisting or fracturing anything, gone. 1 break in the ankle and a fractured fibula. Need outpatient surgery to fix.
I was mountain hiking with my partner and my dog in the morning. On a steeper down hill area, rock gave way under my foot, went flying and landed on my back. Absolutely could not out any weight on the leg. Luckily, no head, neck, shoulder or back injuries. We were about 1.5 miles from the nearest parking lot and almost 5 miles from where we were parked. My partner picked up my dog and sprinted back to the car and to find help while I stayed put. She came back to me soon as she secured the dog in my car, and ultimately ran at least 15 miles to make sure my dog was safe and that I was safe. Yes, I insisted that she secure the dog first, as I was conscious and coherent and had my cell phone and water.
I was very fortunate that the first person who came over not even 5 minutes after my partner left was a retired paramedic familiar with the area. Got an rescue crew over to where we were very quickly. I was wheelbarrowed out and was allowed to have my partner drive me to the hospital.
What a way to spend Mother's Day. As an only child to an overprotective 70+ year old mother...
submitted by Such-Tea942 to Wellthatsucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:05 Felyne2000 “Extent to which” in thesis

can i use an extent to which in my synthesis thesis like an apush dbq? like for example for a prompt asking me to synthesize a view on hydroponics i could say:
While many supporters of hydroponics- a development in agricultural technology that allows for the efficient production of plants through means of artificial light, water, and nutrients- advocate for the efficiency of the system, the cons of vertical farming outweigh the benefits. Unless there are further developments in the field of vertical farming that improve the cost, vertical farming is ultimately detrimental to the agricultural field because it is costly to maintain and produce along with the fact that the nutritional quality of crops produced within vertical farming is dubious. However, one can not ignore the fact that vertical farming enables the optimal production of crops on a mass scale, allowing for exponential growth of the agricultural industry.
submitted by Felyne2000 to APLang [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:03 FayreDarling Water softener issues:

Hi all, I had a water softener installed and I’m confused about it. My dishwasher leaves a white residue and is destroying anything plastic now, my shower head now has buildup and it didn’t have as much before. I’ve had it for over a month and they said I would need to replace all of the salt in the tank around every 30 days, but it looks like all of the salt is still in the tank. Any advice?
submitted by FayreDarling to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:03 ECOWAYHOUSEWARE Are water bottles with straws good for you?

Examining the Benefits and Drawbacks of Straw Water Bottles

When it comes to staying hydrated, water bottles with straws have become a popular choice, you might be wondering are water bottle with straw good? But as with any product, there are both benefits and drawbacks to consider.
On the plus side, straw water bottles can make it easier to sip water throughout the day, encouraging better hydration habits. The straw design also allows for a steady, controlled flow of water, which some find more comfortable than tipping a bottle back. From an environmental standpoint, reusable straw bottles cut down on single-use plastic waste.

  1. Convenience: Allows you to drink easily without having to tip the bottle completely.
  2. Easy to use: Suitable for various situations, such as on the go, at work, or during exercise.
  3. Controlled flow: Helps you control the amount of water you drink at one time.
  4. Leak-proof: Reduces the risk of spills and leaks.
  5. Portable: Convenient to carry around and fits easily in bags or backpacks.
  6. Accessible: Makes it easier to access water, especially for those with limited mobility.
  7. Encourages frequent sipping: Helps you stay hydrated throughout the day by reminding you to take small sips regularly.

However, there are potential downsides to keep in mind. Straws can harbor more bacteria than a bottle’s opening, requiring extra diligence in cleaning. The straw mechanism may also be more prone to leaks or breakage over time. And for those concerned about sustainability, the additional plastic component means a straw bottle has a larger environmental footprint than a simple open-mouth design.
  1. Maintenance: Need to be cleaned regularly to prevent bacteria growth.
  2. Potential for damage: The straw may break or get damaged over time.
  3. Compatibility: Not suitable for all beverages, especially hot water.

Ultimately, the choice between a straw water bottle and a traditional model comes down to personal preference and usage needs. As with any product, it’s worth weighing the tradeoffs to determine the best fit. The key is finding a hydration solution that encourages consistent water intake in a safe and eco-friendly way.

Time to throw your straw water bottle to try Freestraw™ water bottle from Ecoway Houseware

The Ecoway Freestraw™ water bottle offers a unique and versatile solution for your daily hydration needs. Its innovative design allows you to choose between straw drinking or spout drinking, providing you with the flexibility to stay hydrated in the way that suits you best.
Crafted with high-quality materials, the Freestraw™ bottle is not only durable but also easy to use. The straw mechanism is designed to retract seamlessly into the bottle, ensuring a clean and spill-free experience. Whether you’re on the go, at the gym, or simply relaxing at home, this water bottle adapts to your lifestyle and preferences.
The Freestraw™ feature sets this bottle apart, allowing you to switch between a refreshing sip through the straw or a more controlled pour from the spout. This versatility caters to different drinking styles and personal preferences, making it a practical choice for a wide range of activities and situations.
Staying hydrated is crucial for our overall health and well-being, and the Ecoway Freestraw™ water bottle makes it easier than ever to incorporate healthy hydration into your daily routine. Invest in this innovative product and experience the convenience of multiple drinking options, all while maintaining your commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly choices.
submitted by ECOWAYHOUSEWARE to u/ECOWAYHOUSEWARE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:03 Amazing_Match_5103 hard water probs ...

i recently moved to a new apartment. my skin and hair is much drier now, to the point where i was itchy, so i tested the water. it's very hard. i'm planning on getting a waterstick softener, but can't afford one yet. is there anything (very very) affordable i can do in the meantime to help out my hair so it doesn't get too wrecked before i can afford the softener?
submitted by Amazing_Match_5103 to Haircare [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:59 Defiant_Fennel 10 reasons why Jesus and Moses can't be a Muslims

Moses and Jesus are seen as Prophets in Islam. They both worship the One true God, Allah ( The God ) and they preach Islam, and do miracles with the permission of Allah. Muslims will then say if you look into the bible then you will see references pointing out that this is the fragments of Islamic text like Jesus bowing to the father or Moses worshiping One God and saying your Lord is One.
But this is generally a dishonest tactic because what the Muslims do is they rely on question begging that somehow our bible originally subscribe to their ideas of what a Biblical Prophets should be. They know the bible is "corrupted", they admit they reject the bible but at the same time they will references verses of the bible while knowing our bible is corrupted and say that you will find Muhammad in the bible or "Look, this is similar to worshipping Allah".
I'm here to disprove this claim and convince y'all none of the biblical Prophets have belief similar or 1 to 1 with Islam. Therefore, none of them preach Islam and the idea of Islamic Jesus of Moses are just question begging fallacies or an appealment to a mysterious Islamic dead see scrolls.
  1. Moses worship and professes to a God eternally named Yahweh (Exodus 3:15) (Shirk)
  2. Moses practice Sabbath, a Holy day which is a day that God rests (Exodus 16:23; 20:8) (Blasphemy, God can't rest in Islam, especially celebrating a holiday where God rested is blasphemy)
  3. Moses allowed the beatings of Slave near death with a club (Exodus 21:20) ( This is Haram, Islam forbids the mistreatment of slavery, if a slaves is mistreated then the slaves must be manumitted)
  4. Moses allowed the Stoning of Children who dishonor their parents (Exodus 21:17) ( Honor killing is haram in Islam)
  5. Moses call for the destruction of the gentiles and their sacred objects (Exodus 23:24) (This is a violation of the Sharia, Muslims can't kill people unless they are combatants, Muslims also can't destroy their object of worship)
  6. Moses forbids those to make treaties to Gentiles in their lands, in future expansions and forbid any gentiles to live in their land ( Exodus 23:31-33) (Exodus 34:12-16) (This is also a violation, Sharia allows Dhimmis to have treaties, practice their religion, and live in Muslim lands)
  7. Moses commands the Jews to offer burnt offerings, spices and incense to God in his holy sanctuary, this is because God lives in them (Exodus 25: 1-9) (Blasphemy, offerings are haram because its superstition, also in Islam God can't be residing in creation)
  8. Moses commanded the Israelites to mold 2 angels on top of the Ark of Covenant (Exodus 25: 19-22) (This is Haram, Islam is iconoclastic and making living images is a sin)
  9. Moses instruct those that whoever desecrates the Sabbath shall be put to death, and anyone who works during Sabbath, shall be cut from the Community (Exodus 31: 12-17) (Again, Blasphemy)
  10. Moses ordained all Religious objects, Priestly garments and praying sites with Gold (Exodus 36-40) (Gold is haram in Islam)
  11. Turning water into wine John 2:11 (Alcohol is prohibited)
  12. Jesus spare the adulterer John 8:1-11 (Adultery is to be put to death)
  13. Jesus baptized Matthew 3:13-16 (Jesus baptized, Muhammad doesn't teach that)
  14. Jesus say marrying to divorcees is akin to adultery Matthew 5-32:33 (Islam encourages men to marry divorced women)
  15. Jesus numerous times calling God, "The Father" (Shirk by associating to him to creature)
  16. Jesus is the way, truth and life John 14:6 (Shirk, No sane prophet would say this) ( remember Mansur Al-Hallaj Ana 'l-Haqq)
  17. Jesus forgives Sin Matthew 9:1-8(Shirk, only God does that)
  18. Jesus grant Peter the ability to bind and loose laws Matthew 16: 17-20 (Shirk, When did Muhammad says O'Uthman I will grant you Keys to Jannah so you can bind laws to heaven and earth)
  19. Jesus profess that he is "The Lord" Matthew 12:8 (Again, Shirk)
  20. Jesus say Before Abraham was, I Am John 8:48-59 ( Ultra Shirk, Professing divinity and Omnipresence)
Some of you may object and say well Muslims deny our books but at the same time believe in the idea of 2 completely different persons of the bible. But then again its a contradiction because they ultimately don't know the biblical Prophets and they don't know their own books. The word Injil is Arabic word for Evangelion which mean gospels or good news. Now how can that be? Muslims believe Jesus spread the Gospel only for the Jews. But the original Gospels were Aramaic so how did it become a Greek translated scripture in the first place
submitted by Defiant_Fennel to CritiqueIslam [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:55 StoFish The Metals Company (NASDAQ:TMC) - A Quarterly Deep-Sea Mining Misfortune

The Metals Company (NASDAQ:TMC, the “Company”) - sustained heavy mining operations in abyssal depths of 3500 - 5000m using all new technology while asserting environmental friendliness in an “emerging” market lacking a regulatory foundation. Profitability is a distant and very uncertain gleam on the horizon.
Today’s “earnings” saw an overshoot in estimated loss by 60% compared to street estimate. The stock took a dive -10% aftermarket. This is your shot at a management team that already tried and failed miserably.
TMC, the Company and Management:
The Company is specialised in Deep-sea mining (DSM) and exploration, was established in 2021 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.
Members of TMC's management team, including CEO Gerard Barron, were previously associated with Nautilus Minerals, another company specialised in DSM. Nautilus Minerals' attempt to extract minerals from the seafloor within Papua New Guinea's territorial waters ultimately resulted in an environmental disaster and bankruptcy in OCT 2019.
The project was marred by instances of social, environmental, and financial mismanagement. A reported theft of $10 million was coupled with the lack of disclosure of investigation findings to shareholders.
What followed was a new DSM company called DeepGreen Metals, which in turn went public in 2021 through a SPAC merger with Sustainable Opportunities Acquisition Corp and took today’s name The Metals Company (TMC).
The Claims:
TMC possesses exploration contracts awarded by the The International Seabed Authority (ISA) through three subsidiaries: NORI, sponsored by the Republic of Nauru; TOML, sponsored by the Kingdom of Tonga; and DeepGreen Engineering Pte. Ltd., which has entered into an agreement with Marawa Research and Exploration Limited, a company owned and sponsored by the Republic of Kiribati.
All claims are situated within the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific Ocean, which is regulated by the ISA.
NORI encompasses a seabed area of 74,830 km2 and is projected to harbour approximately 866 million wet tonnes of polymetallic nodules. TOML, spanning 74,713 km2 of seabed, hosts an inferred resource totaling 756 million wet tonnes of polymetallic nodules. As for the Marawa arrangement, its resource assessment remains pending.
Their compositions are found to consist of approximately 30% Manganese, 1.3% Nickel, 1.1% Copper, and 0.2% Cobalt. Based on current assessments, the net present combined value of mineable metals is estimated to range from $6.8 to $8.6 billion. The combined claims of NORI and TOML would constitute the second-largest nickel mine globally in terms of resource size.
Deep-sea mining (DSM) for Polymetallic Nodules:
A remotely controlled undersea robot is sent down from a support vessel to dredge and suck polymetallic nodules off the seafloor. In late 2022, TMC successfully demonstrated its mining capabilities by collecting approximately 4500 t of material and extracting 3000 t of nodules with a sustained production rate of 86.4 tonnes per hour during a system test. The company aims for 200 tonnes per hour with additional collector heads and a bigger capacity riser pipe.
Profitability estimates for DSM vary widely.
The Financial Situation:
TMC has a market capitalization of ~$460 million. It incurred a loss of $25.2 million last quarter, with a trailing twelve-month loss amounting to $73 million. Total cash at hand stands at $4 million. The company has the option to access $25 million in additional proceeds from an unsecured credit facility maturing AUG 2025, which remains undrawn, and another $20 million maturing SEPT 2025, of which $2.9 million were drawn in MAR this year.
Pro forma liquidity is ~$49 million. Dept sits at ~$16 million.
The ship should stay buoyant for another 12 months from now, without resorting to measures like dilution.
The International Seabed Authority (ISA):
The International Seabed Authority (ISA) serves as the principal regulatory body overseeing the exploration and exploitation of minerals located on the international seafloor. Established under Article 156 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the ISA is responsible for developing regulations governing these activities.
As of now, the ISA has yet to finalise a rulebook for the industry.
In 2021, TMC, sponsored by Nauru, utilised a regulatory loophole to initiate a process that imposed a two-year deadline on the ISA to establish regulations for DSM within its jurisdiction. With the ISA failing to meet this deadline in 2023, countries are now permitted to apply for mining licences in the absence of official guidelines.
TMC plans to apply for exploitation rights after the ISA session JUL – AUG this year.
The application review process is expected to drag on for 12 months. Production is anticipated to commence in Q1 2026 (revised from Q4 2025).
It is noteworthy that the USA is not a member of the ISA.
Relationship highlight - TMC and Nauru:
Nauru, formerly a prosperous island nation buoyed by abundant phosphate deposits, has faced financial challenges since the depletion of these resources in the 1990s. In recent years, the country has been associated with activities such as money laundering for the Russian mafia and detaining refugees seeking asylum in Australia in conditions widely criticised as inhumane. Additionally, Nauru has been noted for its propensity to alter political allegiances in pursuit of financial benefits, recently ditching Taiwan for China.
The partnership with TMC is hoped to become the largest contributor to Nauru’s GDP, once fully operational, and vital for the country's economic survival.” This is according to Peter Jacob, a former chief of staff for Nauru’s Office of the President who now works as the NORI Country Manager at TMC.
Nauru Ocean Resources has pledged to pay corporate income tax in Nauru, where the current rate stands at 25 percent. Additionally, Nauru will receive a predetermined payment (tbd) for each ton of nodules extracted through mining activities.
Recent Development:
TMC has invested an approximate total of $100 million towards conducting environmental impact assessments as part of the regulatory process for securing mining rights from the ISA. The company submitted the biggest comprehensive dataset on the environmental impacts of DSM as of yet to the ISA, with an even bigger one announced for the ISA’s session JUL this year.
A life cycle assessment done in 2023 by Benchmark Mineral Intelligence suggests TMC’s NORI-D nodule project could outperform land-based routes in all measured environmental categories, including mining, transport, processing and refining.
Several countries, including China, Russia, Norway, Mexico, and the UK, advocate for the advancement of the DSM industry. China, in particular, already asserts claims to deep-sea mineral resources and has already undertaken mineral exploration activities in the international waters of the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean.
On JAN 9 of this year, the Norwegian parliament made a decision to open extensive areas in Arctic waters for DSM activities. In response, the European Parliament passed Resolution B9-0095/2024 in late January, expressing significant environmental concerns regarding Norway's action. The resolution reiterated Parliament's support for a moratorium on DSM and urged the European Commission and Member States to adopt a precautionary approach and advocate for a global moratorium on deep-sea mining, including at the ISA. A total of 24 countries worldwide, including seven European Union (EU) member states (Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden), have voiced their support for a moratorium or suspension of deep-sea mining activities. France has outright banned the practice.
In FEB 2024, the ISA released a streamlined draft of regulations with key areas yet to be “consolidated”.
In MAR, legislation was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives calling for the U.S. to “support international governance of seafloor resource exploration and responsible polymetallic nodule collection by allied partners”, and to “provide financial, diplomatic, or other forms of support for seafloor nodule collection, processing and refining.”
Steve Jurvetson has joined TMCs board in APR.
The Secretary-General of the ISA faces reelection in JUL. Michael Lodge, who served two terms, now faces accusations of "interfering with the decision-making process" and "sharing information with mining companies." He's not been nominated by the UK for his third term as before, but by the island nation of Kiribati. I fear Lodge's absence could spell short-term trouble for the sector, given the presence of some fiercely prohibitive candidates.
The recent earnings loss overshot was partly attributed to heightened transportation costs of nodules to a partner facility in Japan for processing. This highlights that the business model faces inherent risks, including the lack of provenness, the novelty of the technology, and the certainty for unforeseen challenges during sustained operations.
A surge in climate change and biodiversity cases indicates, DSM litigation is foreseeable as aggrieved countries, communities, and other stakeholders impacted by DSM can take the ISA, mining companies, and other parties they deem liable to international, regional, and national courts.
Profitability might face additional constraints due to anticipated seabed restoration obligations that are expected to accompany exploitation rights.
Considering the current financial situation and the expected timeframes, there is a risk of dilution due to liquidity challenges by Q3/Q4 2025.
All of these factors are compounded by a highly speculative and politically charged regulatory limbo, where states are beginning to enact regulations on a national level.
Finally, crowned by TMC's management team's prior involvement with Nautilus Minerals and the outcome of Nautilus' deep-sea mining project.
Treating TMC as a mining company at 20% - 50% of its underlying asset’s NPV, the price tag should be $9 - $11. Though TMC is everything but a “traditional” mining company.
Worst Case - a ban on DSM: Considering the lengthy processes of exploration, assessments, applications, and environmental studies, along with the current financial situation, the company may remain operational in its current structure for another 2-3 challenging years, but your investment will plummet to the depths of Hades.
Timelines shift to the future: This could be due to a prohibitive candidate becoming the next secretary-general at the ISA, or environmentally fueled initiatives to delay DSM. The more time passes, the more TMC will feel the urge to squeeze its shareholders.
TMC applies, the ISA misses the deadline again: We’ve come full circle, though with a higher potential. TMC could go to court, start operations as planned or something in between. I expect upside potential from this.
TMC applies, the ISA approves with restoration obligations: Based on the severity of potential outcomes, I anticipate the valuation range to be between $3.4 to $6 until the business model's feasibility emerges.
Bull Case - TMC applies, the ISA approves with minimal to no restoration obligations: Full potential upside is realised, until the business model's feasibility emerges.
-ISA Vote JUL 2024 -TMC Application for exploitation following ISA session Q3/Q4 2024
submitted by StoFish to ValueInvesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:47 CharmingReflection62 What you never knew about Susan Backlinie AKA Chrissie Watkins from ''Jaws 1975''

As a huge Jaws fan I've studied a lot about Jaws along with studying the actors and actresses from Jaws...and what you are about to read is based on a 14 year research study based on Susan Backlinie.
Susan Backlinie...the first actress to play the first Victim in Jaws who became the ultimate scream queen was in a few other things than we thought. First off lets start off with some facts, She was a swimmer who was skilled enough to play a mermaid at the ''Weeki Wachee Springs State Park'' in 1965 to 1966...until afterwards she went into acting and did some dangerous stunt work in the present of dangerous animals like Lions, Cheetahs, cougars, and grizzly bears, But also Susan did some modeling for magazines like penthouse and Mayfair and she would appear in some magazines from Asia.
Without most people knowing it she used one of her bears that she owned for sound designer ''Ben Burtt,'' to record the noises from the bear in order to create the Chewbacca growling sounds for star wars. And because Susan was also an animal trainer this gave her the opportunity to be on the set on Blade Runner 1982 with an ostrich.
And here is a few other things you may not know...she was in an episode of the 70s ''The incredible hulk'' including one episode of ''The Fall Guy'' from the early 80s, And she starred as one of the swimming divers within a musical scene from ''The Great Muppet Caper'' which was part of the Muppet franchise. She also worked on Men in black 2 although you don't see her within the movie but you hear her voice within the background saying ''Newton...Newton is that you? ''...''would you like some mini pizza?''...also hear her talking to Agent K in the background and quote said ''Are you one of newton's friends from group therapy?''.
Susan made a cameo scene for a movie ''Two Minute Warning 1976'' which is about a crazed sniper is set to kill spectators at an L.A. Coliseum football championship game and the police race against time to eliminate him, during one scene we see Susan within the Coliseum on a screen of her posing for the cameras but what we did not see from Susan within the movie is that she took her top off which revealed that she was braless...and she showed her bare chest to the audience buy trying to put on a show for them...we don't know if this was her being herself or if this was a deleted scene but photos were taken when this happened that made it to magazines at the time.
Let's talk about her Iconic scene from Jaws...the death of her character was such a shock to the audience it made the audience spread false rumor's by people saying that she actually died during the scene but we know that did not happen...and people pointed out that when she screamed ''It Hurts'' it made the viewers believe that she was in real pain although we are not 100% certain if she was or wasn't in real pain during the scene...rumors say it was just part of the act that she did so darn well and within the documentaries of this movie they mentioned that she did practice before the scene by putting water at the back of her throat without swallowing and trying to scream at the same time...and when she was ready to film the death scene she basically wore a harness with cables while in the water and the crew on the shoreline didn't tell her when she would be yanked back and forth so that her terrified reactions from the jolting would be genuine...and because her reactions looked genuine this is what made the viewers spread false rumors about her during the death scene...but also the death scene encouraged hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of people at the time to not swim in the waters which is something that still happens till this day for people who just watched Jaws for the first time...and in my opinion when Susan was around she deserved a medal for this because she possibly saved many lives by encouraging people to not swim in deep waters where there would be risks...this is what makes Susan one of the most or greatest scream queen of all time because not only she's just a scream queen but a hero.
2 years later after 'Jaws' she once again put back on her scream queen mode in another movie called ''Day of the Animals 1977'' but this time she wasn't eaten by a shark but this time getting attacked by a real cougar within an intense scene which she survived from that moment until later on within the movie she was killed off by these real huge eagles where she was getting eaten and dragged off by a cliff by these eagles where we see her scream to the top of her lungs then die, And another 2 years after that in 1979 she put on another decent performance from another movie directed by Steven Spielberg called ''1941'' which was a spoof of world war 2 and within this movie she recreated her iconic jaws moment that was a parody of Jaws...after that she had done 4 more roles then there was an announcement that Susan had retired from stunt work in 1982 which finished her off being in movies and shows but mind you she showed up in little projects after that like being in Documentaries based on movies she starred in and that little moment in men in black 2 where we only hear her voice.
So yeah if any of these stories are new to you then go ahead and share these stories about Susan to other people just as I've shared it you because she is after all a Legend. And as I've managed to collect tons of rare photos of Susan over the years I'll share one photo that I have for you guys which you can see below...I'm sure she's now in a paradise looking something like this or better. RIP Susan Backlinie
list of Susan Backlinie's known roles
submitted by CharmingReflection62 to Jaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:43 Fluid-Election-1952 CRash with dyndlod enabled.

I have done a fresh reinstall of skyrim SSE , and my last step was installing and running dyndlod , everything runs fine with no errors, but with it enabled i get a crash to desktop before the menu can load up. I have tried making a profile with only my tree and grass mods, and the same thing happens every single time. I have gone over the steps and cant wrap my head around what is causing this. Crash report is the same everything single time. Could really use some help or insight on what is causing this.
Crash report
Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF680D31F22 (SkyrimSE.exe+5E1F22) on thread 28796!
FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
FrameworkVersion: 15
FrameworkArchitecture: x64
GameLibrary: SkyrimSE
GameLibraryVersion: 18
ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe
VersionInfo: Successfully loaded
Time: 13 May 2024 22:25:08.857
Possible relevant objects (1)
[ 0] PlayerCharacter(FormId: 00000014, BaseForm: null)
Probable callstack
[0] 0x7FF680D31F22 (SkyrimSE.exe+5E1F22) Actor::SetObjectReference_5E1F10+12
[1] 0x7FF680D06E47 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B6E47) unk_5B6DC0+87
[2] 0x7FF680D00501 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B0501) Main::unk_5B0120+3E1
[3] 0x7FF680D085FC (SkyrimSE.exe+5B85FC) InitTESThread::Func1_5B85E0+1C
[4] 0x7FF68135D6BD (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD) StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D
[5] 0x7FFF7324257D (KERNEL32.DLL+1257D)
[6] 0x7FFF743EAA48 (ntdll.dll+5AA48)
AX: 0x0 (NULL)
BX: 0x16498558100 (PlayerCharacter*) -> (FormId: 00000014, BaseForm: null)
CX: 0x16498558100 (PlayerCharacter*) -> (FormId: 00000014, BaseForm: null)
DX: 0x0 (NULL)
SI: 0x0 (NULL)
DI: 0x16470FF7DD0 (void*)
BP: 0x768 (u16):[1896]
SP: 0x330257FAD0 (void*)
IP: 0x7FF680D31F22 (SkyrimSE.exe+5E1F22) (void*)
R8: 0x0 (NULL)
R9: 0x7FF682564C08 (SkyrimSE.exe+1E14C08) (void*)
R10: 0x1634C041B20 (void*)
R11: 0x330257FAD0 (void*)
R12: 0x768 (u16):[1896]
R13: 0x0 (NULL)
R14: 0x0 (NULL)
R15: 0x16345FC6601 (void*)
Flags: 0x10206
XMM0: (double)-2.55183119888241E+21 / (float)-5.366217E-08
XMM1: (double)-1.00476556368071E+15 / (float)-1.301458E-07
XMM2: (double)2.9213179706192E+209 / (float)1.943294E-19
XMM3: (double)0 / (float)0
XMM4: (double)0 / (float)0
XMM5: (double)1.67494828601997E+243 / (float)4.544817E+30
XMM6: (double)0 / (float)0
XMM7: (double)0 / (float)0
XMM8: (double)0 / (float)0
XMM9: (double)0 / (float)0
XMM10: (double)0 / (float)0
XMM11: (double)0 / (float)0
XMM12: (double)0 / (float)0
XMM13: (double)0 / (float)0
XMM14: (double)0 / (float)0
XMM15: (double)0 / (float)0
[SP+0] 0x16345FC6601 (void*)
[SP+8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+10] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+18] 0x768 (u16):[1896]
[SP+20] 0x2 (u8):[2]
[SP+28] 0x7FF680D06E47 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B6E47) (char*) "H?\r?"
[SP+30] 0xFFFFFFFF00000007 (i64):[-4294967289]
[SP+38] 0x2 (u8):[2]
[SP+40] 0x16470FF7DD0 (void*)
[SP+48] 0x2 (u8):[2]
[SP+50] 0x16400000000 (void*)
[SP+58] 0x7FF680B9DB0F (SkyrimSE.exe+44DB0F) (void*)
[SP+60] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]
[SP+68] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+70] 0x768 (u16):[1896]
[SP+78] 0x7FF681D4A098 (SkyrimSE.exe+15FA098) (char*) "Controller disconnected."
[SP+80] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+88] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+90] 0x7FF681D4A098 (SkyrimSE.exe+15FA098) (char*) "Controller disconnected."
[SP+98] 0x7FF680D00501 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B0501) (void*)
[SP+A0] 0x2 (u8):[2]
[SP+A8] 0x2 (u8):[2]
[SP+B0] 0x330257FBD9 (void*)
[SP+B8] 0x16470FF7DD0 (void*)
[SP+C0] 0x16498463D00 (Sky*)
[SP+C8] 0x1649842B1A0 (LoadedAreaBound*)
[SP+D0] 0x7FF683677750 (SkyrimSE.exe+2F27750) (BGSStoryTeller*)
[SP+D8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+E0] 0x7FF68253EE58 (SkyrimSE.exe+1DEEE58) (SettingT*)
[SP+E8] 0x7FF68253EE70 (SkyrimSE.exe+1DEEE70) (SettingT*)
[SP+F0] 0x7FF68253EE88 (SkyrimSE.exe+1DEEE88) (SettingT*)
[SP+F8] 0x7FF68253EEA0 (SkyrimSE.exe+1DEEEA0) (SettingT*)
[SP+100] 0x7FF68253EEB8 (SkyrimSE.exe+1DEEEB8) (SettingT*)
[SP+108] 0x7FF68253EED0 (SkyrimSE.exe+1DEEED0) (SettingT*)
[SP+110] 0x7FF68253EEE8 (SkyrimSE.exe+1DEEEE8) (SettingT*)
[SP+118] 0x7FF68253EF00 (SkyrimSE.exe+1DEEF00) (SettingT*)
[SP+120] 0x7FF68253EF18 (SkyrimSE.exe+1DEEF18) (SettingT*)
[SP+128] 0x7FF68253EF30 (SkyrimSE.exe+1DEEF30) (SettingT*)
[SP+130] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (i64):[-2]
[SP+138] 0x7FF683677BE0 (SkyrimSE.exe+2F27BE0) (void*)
[SP+140] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+148] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+150] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+158] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+160] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+168] 0x7FF680D085FC (SkyrimSE.exe+5B85FC) (void*)
[SP+170] 0x337ED2F810 (InitTESThread*)
[SP+178] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+180] 0x2 (u8):[2]
[SP+188] 0x7FF683677750 (SkyrimSE.exe+2F27750) (BGSStoryTeller*)
[SP+190] 0x337ED2F810 (InitTESThread*)
[SP+198] 0x7FF68135D6BD (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD) (void*)
[SP+1A0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+1A8] 0x337ED2F810 (InitTESThread*)
[SP+1B0] 0x16345FCCD08 (void*)
[SP+1B8] 0x16345FCCD08 (void*)
[SP+1C0] 0x337ED2F810 (InitTESThread*)
[SP+1C8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+1D0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+1D8] 0x7FFF7324257D (KERNEL32.DLL+1257D) (void*)
[SP+1E0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+1E8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+1F0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+1F8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+200] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+208] 0x7FFF743EAA48 (ntdll.dll+5AA48) (void*)
[SP+210] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+218] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+220] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+228] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+230] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+238] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+240] 0xE02E7F200000000 (u64):[1009624293052514304]
[SP+248] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+250] 0x4F0FFFFFB30 (u64):[5433133628208]
[SP+258] 0x7FFF718ECBB0 (KERNELBASE.dll+15CBB0) (void*)
[SP+260] 0x330257E5C0 (void*)
[SP+268] 0x1FFFDFE30B108000 (u64):[2305807700473184256]
[SP+270] 0x7FFF7F8C2C42 (u64):[140735333280834]
[SP+278] 0x330257E5C0 (void*)
[SP+280] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+288] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+290] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+298] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2A0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2A8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2B0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2B8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2C0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2C8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2D0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2D8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2E0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2E8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2F0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+2F8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+300] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+308] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+310] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+318] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+320] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+328] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+330] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+338] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+340] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+348] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+350] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+358] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+360] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+368] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+370] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+378] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+380] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+388] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+390] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+398] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3A0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3A8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3B0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3B8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3C0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3C8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3D0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3D8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3E0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3E8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3F0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+3F8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+400] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+408] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+410] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+418] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+420] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+428] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+430] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+438] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+440] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+448] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+450] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+458] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+460] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+468] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+470] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+478] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+480] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+488] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+490] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+498] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4A0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4A8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4B0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4B8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4C0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4C8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4D0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4D8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4E0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4E8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4F0] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+4F8] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+500] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+508] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+510] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+518] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+520] 0x0 (NULL)
[SP+528] 0x0 (NULL)
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SexLabUtil.dll: 0x7FFEB16E0000
ShadowBoost.dll: 0x7FFEBF3D0000
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Plugins (0)
Game plugins (0)
submitted by Fluid-Election-1952 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:42 raifoundnemo Employment

I’m located in North Carolina, USA.
I posted the entire story in legal advice, but basically I was having issues with my job following ADA accommodations and getting admonished for using them. Which obviously, I know was illegal but after many reports to HR I didn’t really know how else to proceed. I got to the point of burnout and constantly melting down and being overwhelmed and overstimulated and feeling physically sick. I took medical leave and when I returned I was terminated for insubordination and job abandonment. There are a lot more things that happened, but that’s not really the point of this post. This post is for advice. I got workplace accommodations to help me, I advocated for myself. I had a support person to help me. When I started at this particular store, I was very transparent about having autism and what I struggled with and what kind of support needs I had. Ultimately, I still managed to make the wrong person not like me and became a problem they wanted to get rid of. Sometimes I feel like I’m not as low support needs as I present, but I have no idea what to do about it. I constantly feel like I’m drowning but I’m so behind my peers. I started an online program to basically test the waters and see if I could handle going back to school and working while raising my toddler. It was way too much for me to handle. I’m a really hard worker and I learn things very quickly which makes me valuable. I usually am very well admired at work, but don’t really have work friends, and I don’t get invited to anything and I’m always excluded. But at work lot of people come to me for help or to teach them things because everyone is aware that I am very proficient and knowledgeable. I know that I have social issues and I am aware that I move slower for some tasks than others do, mostly because of how particular and thorough I am. This is great in some aspects, as I catch mistakes easily and small details. But I definitely have strengths. I can solve pretty much any problem I’m presented with very little help or guidance. I am incapable of rushing things or “half assing” things, I have to do everything correctly. Which is how it should be, but I’ve received a lot of criticism for it. Especially if I hyperfocus.
How am I meant to maintain a job? Especially without a degree. What am I missing? What can I do to make things easier for myself?
What is your job and how do they support your needs? Do you feel like you perform as well or better than your peers? Do you have friends at work or do you feel like everyone just barely tolerates you?
submitted by raifoundnemo to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:38 tryambakamurva Thumb suckers from childhood who corrected with jaw surgery as adults?

Where are my fellow late term thumb suckers?!
I’m looking for your experiences with jaw surgery, palate expanders, or any other treatments that were successful by your standards. What prompted you to seek treatment as an adult?
Did you have double jaw surgery or…single jaw surgery? I don’t know the terminology. What was the result?
My story: I sucked my thumb until I was 11, never had a palate expander but had braces. I was sternly told I needed the expander and would regret not having it later on in life ⏰ aaaah.
I have: speech difficulties, major confidence issues, some trouble breathing but not to the point that it’s producing anything beyond mild sleep apnea, spill water while drinking and curse at myself for it, am a messy eater, jut my lower so it meets the upper teeth, I think I have a recessed chin, and last but not least kissing has always been awkward because my upper teeth are regal bitches standing in the way; protruding away a comfortable exchange.
I’m desperately trying to solve the problem for many reasons: my TMJ is worse than ever in my 30’s—I’m constantly moving my lower jaw around and it cracks/pops. I cover my mouth in public oftentimes when I’m sitting down and it takes a lot of effort to not do this. I usually want to decline going to lunches or dinners. Smiling and speech feel unnatural because of the lower jaw meets upper teeth move I do.
Ultimately I finally developed the courage to acknowledge these symptoms I’ve denied, and how debilitating they’ve been in having physical comfort and social success.
I can’t wait to solve this problem once and for all, and I really hope to hear your stories!
submitted by tryambakamurva to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:19 NPH25 Wellbutrin & severe stomach problems

Hey there! I just wanted to weigh in with my personal experience taking wellbutrin for 2 years to manage depression, for anyone else out there who may find this helpful.
Before going into details, I want to emphasize that for managing my depression, wellbutrin was absolutely incredible and saved me from a really dark and heavy period in my life. Further, while stomach issues with wellbutrin are not uncommon, I believe my reaction was likely exceptionally severe (so I don't want to fearmonger).
The Good:
Wellbutrin was a huge help for me. I was on 150 mg for ~5 months and then 300 mg for ~20 months. It helped my depression a lot (though not my anxiety). I noticed on 150 mg my mood was quite unpredictable in a way that was really uncomfortable for me, but going up to 300 mg leveled things out.
The Ugly:
How it Started
While I was on wellbutrin, especially after going up to 300 mg, I slowly started to develop stomach issues. I had struggled with IBS-like symptoms on-and-off for a long time, but after about 3 months on wellbutrin it started to get much worse, and within 1 year of being on 300 mg it became horrifically unmanageable.
Stomach Pain & Diet
I lost over 10 pounds within a month last summer and, for context, I am already someone who has been "underweight" my whole life. I lost the weight really rapidly, none of my clothes fit, and I had no energy. I would take my wellbutrin in the morning (as is generally advised) and by around 2 pm would start to feel really bloated, and it would just get worse and worse until the evening, to the point where I could never eat dinner, or even leave the house much, and would just sit on the couch with a hot water bottle. At one point the pain was so bad a family physician sent me to the ER thinking I had appendicitis! I had multiple ultrasounds that came back clear.
I became gluten intolerant (not even a bite of bread was okay) and developed a pretty severe intolerance to soy (even small trace amounts of soy lecithin in things like granola bars and chocolate would take me out for an entire day)
Ultimately, doctors classified it just as IBS and put me on the low-FODMAP diet. It certainly helped, and it helped me identify my 'trigger' foods, but with being vegetarian, on low-FODMAP, and unable to eat soy, my diet felt impossibly restrictive. But, I felt better and stuck to it.
Eventually, the low-FODMAP diet stopped working, and this past January I had another flareup. This time was even worse. No foods were safe foods, and I was constantly in pain and bloated (to the point of looking 6 months pregnant on a regular basis). Eating became something I feared, but not eating would trigger stomach pain as well. I couldn't eat so much as a salad without taking multiple IB-Guard capsules beforehand and ginger gravol after, and even then it was painful.
Menstrual Cycle
While my stomach issues were constant, they definitely became significantly worse around my period and around mid-cycle (ovulation) for about a week at a time (so 2 out of 4 weeks, rip), and it was debilitating. For 2 days before my period and around ovulation, it felt like I had the flu. I couldn't eat, I would have the chills, throw up, be nauseous, and virtually unable to eat. This lead doctors to think I may have severe endometriosis, despite the absence of period cramps or heavy bleeding (which is possible, but unlikely).
Figuring It Out
I went to yet another doctor and she sent me for some tests, but I live in Montreal, Canada, where the wait times for those specific tests were ~8 months each, and I just couldn't handle it anymore. So, I decided to do an experiment on myself. Keep in mind that because the stomach problems evolved slowly while I took wellbutrin, I never realized it could be what was causing my issues-and for some reason no doctor suggested that either.
I realized that I took my medications in the morning, and by lunch I would start to feel unwell. So I did a trial where one day I didn't take the other prescription medication I take (sprionolactone for hormonal acne)-no difference. The next day, I didn't take my wellbutrin. I had the best day I had had in well over a year. No stomach pain whatsoever. I thought it could be a fluke, so I skipped a second day. No pain. Day 3, I took half my usual dose (150 mg)-horrible pain. So, I did what doctors would definitely not recommend and went off it cold turkey. Stomach problems=gone. It was incredible, and I felt like I had my life back.
Today I feel amazing. I have virtually no stomach problems at all, and I have started to re-introduce foods that I could not tolerate a small bite of before. My gluten and soy intolerances completely disappeared, which was shocking. Last week I had pasta for the first time, today I had tofu for the first time again. Having a restrictive diet was not super bothersome to me after I got used to it, and I know many people live their whole lives with eating restrictions like that. But it is nice to be able to expand my diet again (especially as a vegetarian, being able to eat things like tofu and seitan is sooo helpful). I don't feel horrible around my period at all. I feel like I have my life back-I can go out with friends at night and just enjoy myself and not be in pain, not have to take 3 different supplements to eat a meal, can eat whatever I want on occasional restaurant outings, etc. My stomach problems felt like they took up 90% of my thoughts and energy, and now I have that all back to put towards myself and the people I care about <3
Important: Now, for the first few weeks wellbutrin withdrawal was kind of no big deal. I was definitely tired, but it was manageable and went away after a short while. HOWEVER, a month after I had a full nervous breakdown that was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I was inconsolable for 4 days, and eventually went to the ER, and ended up taking Ativan to get through the couple days that followed. However, I was put on Lexapro (just 5 mg) and have been 100% fine and thriving since, and my anxiety is way better than it ever was on wellbutrin. I should also note that I left a very, very difficult relationship during this time, and it went quite horribly, and so while I would be amiss to not say quitting wellbutirn cold turkey didn't contribute to this "breakdown", I think context is really important.
I should also note that I have a history of having a hard time with prescription medications (so before anyone else says it first, myself or a doctor probably should have guessed wellbutrin was the culprit long before the 2 years). In any case... I had to stop taking Zoloft a few years back because it made me horribly nauseous and bloated, and the same was true for oral contraceptives (I tried 5 different ones over 4 years and all caused horrible nausea)-I now have a copper IUD.
TLDR: Wellbutrin help my anxiety but caused horrific stomach problems (severe and painful bloating, constipation, stomach cramping, nausea) and lead me to develop intense food intolerances (to gluten and soy) and made a strict low-FODMAP diet the only way to keep myself going. Stopping wellbutrin cured my stomach issues within a month, but quitting cold turkey lead to an intense emotional break.
Sorry this was so long, but I hope it helps someone
submitted by NPH25 to Wellbutrin_Bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:16 moderndaywizard956 Fallout New Vegas (season 2 fanfiction

2296, The scene is set in a post apocalyptic Mojave desert, 15 years after a joint effort of the New California Republic, the Rangers, and the mysterious benefactor of the New Vegas Strip, Mr. House pushed back an attempted invasion of the Mojave and a final battle was waved for control of the hydroelectric powerhouse, Hoover Damm.
In the aftermath, Mr. House was removed from power discreetly, due to the actions of a wasteland wanderer on a mission for revenge, known only as the Courier. Mr. House's iconic Lucky 38 casino opened its doors, for the first time, offering a single floor casino and bar, it's upstairs remained an exclusive and mysterious meeting place for the New Vegas Strip's elite. The Lucky 38 represented one of the cleanest, most secure facilities, protected, like the rest of the strip, by the Securitron Mk 2, predominantly. Their presence ensured visitors on the Strip behaved themselves, though the other casinos maintained their own security and 'house rules' internally.
The Strip defined and maintained its status as an independent entity, determining through the Courier's observations that the NCR was stretching it's military might too thin, and couldn't realistically manage over the Strip and Mojave, so a new deal was struck, similar to the prior, but with The Strip extending it's Securitron security to enforce the immediately surrounding communities and a few outlying satelites. Trade to the surrounding areas increased, the Mojave benefitting from the prewar tech, pre-programmed security forces. The drug addicted fiends and other Raider groups would never be any match for their advanced weaponry, and ultimately were cleared out of existence.
The King's continued to watch over Freeside, making alliances with the Follower's of the Apocalypse... their desire to service the needs of the belittled, disadvantaged and destitute lined up, and this is where Mr. Wolf found his place in the story... the Courier and a Follower's doctor found love in the wasteland.... and raised a child together under a Ranger's flag... 23 years later? This is New Vegas...
A handsome man in a leather jacket sat in a dusty leather booth watching one of the girls dance on a pole, shaking her ass as bottle caps clinked on the stage in front of her. It was a swanky post apocalyptic casino strip club. A man in a leather jacket stood nearby, his hands crossed in front of his chest, "Kings" embroidered across the back in silver letters. A waitress approached him carrying a glass of some amber colored liquor, and sat it down at the half moon table. She lingered a moment in her lacey body suit, following his gaze up to the girl rubbing her tits in some older cowboys face.
"You don't get jealous seeing her like that, Mr. Wolf." The girl bit her lip and met his eyes as he picked up his glass and swirled it before giving it a smell and taking a slow swig. He tilted his head looking her over. She couldn't possibly be older then 19. Tight, perky little thing.
Mr. Wolf smirked and shook his head. "I like her... nice and wet when she comes to my bed."
The girl blushed and bit her lip. "So you like to watch?" She surmised.
"I don't mind, but why do you ask?" Wolf had these intense eyes that shot arrows into your very soul. It made her incredibly nervous... but she found it deeply exciting at the same time.
"Well... I'm living in 206 now... maybe... you might stop by sometime and I could dance for you? I know I don't have her body but... if you wanted something that was a little fresher... something... just yours?" She figeted her fingers against the table.
Jason looked her over once more and smirked.
"Two-Oh-six, huh?" He tilted his head, considering.
She nodded.
"Leave your cum soaked panties on my doorknob one of these nights if you really need it and maybe I'll come see if you got the moves." His Texan accent was subdued, but enthrallingly charming with his confident, somewhat bored with reality overtones.
"M-my panties?" She stammered turning bright red. "On your doorknob?" Alexa couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"If you're gunna shoot your shot with a dom... with an alpha... you need to be willing to submit. If you can't do that... I'm not interested." Wolf shrugged, completely unphased.
"But what about... what if..." Alexa glanced at Laura, the clubs most iconic stripper in the club, perhaps even the whole Strip.
She was taking some NCR soldier to the VIP lounge for a private dance.
Alexa had been bold enough to offer herself but now she was feeling nervous. If Laura wanted her out, she could lose her job... her home.
"Oh she won't mind... if anything she'll want to watch." Wolf shook his head, sensing her anxiety.
"Assuming of course... she likes the way you smell... she's funny like that." Wolf let the conversation end and Alexa nervously retreated.
Wolf sat drinking by himself, but got bored.
"Jakey, go get yourself a drink and sit down, I'm bored." Wolf called to his body guard.
Jacob looked over and nodded, giving the lounge one last look around before approaching the bar and getting himself a mug of beer, from the tuxedo shirt and boytie bartender Gerald, and returning to the table.
"What's on your mind boss?" Jacob had his hair slicked back in the usual King's gang hairstyle.
"Heard any rumors lately?" Wold looked at him, taking a drag from his cigarette and flicking the pack over to him.
"Honestly, boss, aside from the occasional drunkard or fiend rolling through freeside, nothing out of the ordinary... well, except... a way's out.. the crazy lady... Gloria was swearing up and down she found a headless metal suit of armor.. said the Enclave would burn down New Vegas. God's wraith and all that, you know how she gets."
"Enclave?" Jason's attention was piqued.
"Yeah, I don't know, she was probably just in withdrawal from the Jet... said she found it in the hollowed out shell of the Super Duper, out by the old highway." Jacob shrugged and drank from his beer and pulled a cigarette from the pack.
Wolf finished the last drag of his own cigarette. "Has anyone validated her claims?"
"Well... no... but... I mean... you've met her, she sees things that aren't there, all the time." Jacob shrugged and lit a cigarette.
Jason squinted, considering the resident crazy ladies most recent half coherent ramblings.
"That's an oddly specific hallucination though....take a group of guys out there tonight... humor me, and make sure she's not right." Wolf lifted his glass.
"Sir?" Jacob raised an eyebrow, thinking surely this could wait until tomorrow.
"Hypothetically" Wolf pondered aloud, "If there was... for some reason, there in-fact was... a pre-war, piece of military tech out there....a T-45, let's say, or T-60, best case scenario? We want it. Even if it's not at 100% capacity? It's fusion core alone... could change up the game for Freeside, something like that could make our tiny little city independent. We wouldn't have to be reliant on the scraps of New Vegas, and forget about the Hoover Dam completely."
Jacob caught Mr. Wolf's drift.. a fusion core could mean producing its own, radiation-free water, it's own electricity.. not just a little, a lot. Powering long dead machines, not to mention the agricultural benefits... producing healthier, higher yield tobacco... expanding their income ten fold.
Jacob suddenly felt like he understood Mr. Wolf's vision for the future.
"I should... go and deploy the King's to investigate." Jacob concluded.
"I think that would be for the best, I can take care of myself here." Wolf waved Jacob off.
Jacob downed his beer and excused himself.
Wolf drank the rest of his whiskey, extinguishing his cigarette.
Laura, the dancer came up to the table, and Wolf motioned to the blushing new waitress for a round, who felt a twinge of jealousy seeing her crush with the most popular stage act in town. She bit her tongue though, bringing over two more heavy pours of whiskey.
Laura eyed the girl as she came and went.
"She likes you." Laura concluded as the waitress walked away.
"Yeah.. I think she does." Mr. Wolf shrugged, flicking her a cigarette.
"The NCR boy liked me." She giggled wiping a little bit of cum from her lips and used half her shot like mouthwash.
"Get anything out of him.. other then.. his seed?" Wolf sighed.
"Of course," She grinned mischievously, "Apparently there's been trouble out West with the Brotherhood. They had some type of skirmish? Apparently NCR lost? NCR was apparently holding some old world tech, I don't know, but apparently it lit up the west coast power grid, like... in it's entirely?" Laura tilted her head to look at him.
"The entire western power grid was lit up by a single piece of tech??" Wolf shook his head at the topless girl beside him.
"Yeah, I had to make him cum twice for more details, but apparently it's the size of a grain of rice, with quote, unlimited energy potential." Laura relayed the information. It seemed more important then a suit of power armor or its fusion core.
"Who else knows about this?" Wolf demanded with his eyebrows squinted against his eyes.
"Anyone with a functional light bulb for... like... three hundred miles?" Laura guessed with a shrug.
"You said... it was the Brotherhood that took the win on the skirmish?" Wolf clarified some details.
"Yeah... rumor has it they have a new up and coming knight that's making waves." Laura shrugged.
"Stay on the rumors... I need details." Mr. Wolf nodded at her, drank his whiskey and stood up, downing his drink.
An energy source that powerful would have a big effect on the balance of power in the Mojave. It could mean a resurrection of the New California Republic to it's former glory and then some, and potentially... might mean a renewed effort to reclaim the western part of the former United States, in time.
submitted by moderndaywizard956 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:13 RamsinJacobRealty New Listing! Extensively Remodeled Victorian, Oakland, California

New Listing! Extensively Remodeled Victorian, Oakland, California
🔥New Listing!
📍2277 E 19th St, Oakland, CA 94606 - Listing Link / Additional Photos / Information%22,%22value%22:%22BEDROOMS_DESC%22%7D,%7B%22label%22:%22Baths%20(Most)%22,%22value%22:%22BATHS_DESC%22%7D,%7B%22label%22:%22Year%20Built%20(Newest)%22,%22value%22:%22BUILT_YEAR_DESC%22%7D,%7B%22label%22:%22Square%20Feet%20(Biggest)%22,%22value%22:%22SQFT_DESC%22%7D]&timezone=GMT-0700&source=search)
🛌3 Beds
🛀🏼1 Bath
🏠1,146 living sqft
🌴5,100 lot sqft
💰Listed at $499,999
Discover an Oakland treasure like no other! Step into this extensively remodeled Victorian abode, just 2 miles west of Lake Merritt and Downtown. Fresh curb appeal, complete with an automatic watering system. Inside, soaring ceilings grace every room, bathing the space in natural sunlight throughout the day. Embrace the allure of everything brand new, from the exterior & interior fixtures to the main electrical panel, gas lines, and tankless water heater. Even the 100% brand new foundation, including all new interior posts, perimeter & footings have been meticulously crafted for enduring longevity. Spacious luxurious kitchen awaits, boasting ample countertop space & top-of-the-line appliances. New laundry hookups & forced air central heating ensure modern comfort. Indulge in the exquisite bathroom featuring a dual vanity, adding a touch of opulence to your daily routine. 2-car tandem garage. For Bay Area commuters, the home is conveniently situated just 1 mile from the Fruitvale BART stop, a perfect alternative for those seeking affordability without compromising on quality. Don't miss this chance to secure the ultimate move-in-ready sanctuary in the East Bay. True turn-key homes of this caliber are a rare find, submit your offer by Tuesday, May 21st at 1pm to make it yours.
Show less
submitted by RamsinJacobRealty to BayAreaHomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:13 CaravanOfDisPear Are boar bristle toothbrushes abrasive to enamel?

Hey there. (Never drinkesmoker).
I just wanted to ask if the boar bristle toothbrushes are too abrasive for enamel. I heard plastics from toothbrushes can be bad for marine life and might spread microplastics so I wanted to make a positive change. But recently I’ve learned soft or ultra soft toothbrushes are recommended.
To my touch the toothbrush feels a little coarse but when I soak it in very hot water before using it softens considerably. Should I switch back to a regular soft toothbrush or is it OK to use the boar hair one if I soak it in hot water first before each use? If it helps I’ve been using two fingers rather than gripping it hard with a fist and only brushing a few minutes rather than too long or too short.
Sorry if this is a strange question or if I made a stupid mistake by getting this toothbrush 😅
submitted by CaravanOfDisPear to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:48 JapaneseNJfan My School Is Having An Over Abundance of Plastic Watse

As a school environment, it is not uncommon for students to bring pet bottles into the campus. The school also has a vending machine serving beverages packaged in plastic PET bottles. As these are frequently seen in and outside of school, almost everyone has seen plastic bottles everywhere they go. However, the usage of these bottles can have a massive impact on the environment that surrounds us.
Pet bottles' impact on plastic pollution is one of the most critical issues they raise. Because these bottles are unable to biodegrade, they often end up in landfills or bodies of water, where they can linger for hundreds of years and destroy ecosystems and marine life. In order to mitigate this environmental impact, schools may play a critical role in lowering the usage of pet bottles.
Pet bottle manufacturing and disposal have a big impact on resources and energy. Fossil fuels and large amounts of water are used during the pet bottle manufacturing process, which increases carbon emissions and water shortages. Further energy resources are used in the distribution and transportation of these bottles. Schools may contribute to global efforts to tackle climate change by conserving electricity and reducing their carbon footprint by lowering the demand for pet bottles.
It is tough to ignore the effects pet bottles have on health. Research has indicated that extended exposure to specific chemicals present in plastic, such phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA), may have negative effects on human health, such as alteration of hormones and increased vulnerability to specific illnesses. Schools may encourage students and staff to reduce the usage of pet bottles and promote the use of safer, alternative choices like reusable water bottles or water fountains that are found around the school.
Another common everyday product that is used everyday and seen in schools are plastic bags. People often get plastic bags in stores across the world for free or cheap and this has grown into a serious problem. They are composed of LDPE, a polymer that is well known for being softer and having a greater stretch ability than other forms of plastic, when compared to water bottles or food containers. This is just because of LDPE's high air permeability and loosely packed molecular structure; it does not suggest that the material is fragile.
Another form of plastic that is frequently used to make plastic bottles and bags for products everywhere is called LDPE, and it is one of the main causes of water pollution. The material is composed of ethylene monomer and is a thermoplastic, which means that it may harden and soften at temperatures that vary. Due to its special qualities, it may be quite helpful in cold climates but is not the ideal material for hot temperatures where it may be weak structurally. This makes it one of the best options for plastic bags since plastic bags need to be able to expand under load while maintaining the majority of their form.
As an IB school based in Japan, I do believe that respect for enviorment is a big thing that needs to be put out there in the school community. By any chance, does anyone have any suggestions on how the school board can resort to other alternatives? (Or try to convince the school board to resort to other alternatives)
submitted by JapaneseNJfan to plastic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:37 hhenryhfb What the @$%#!!??

This dress was clean (no stains) when I threw it in the wash. I feel like I'm doing everything right. I only use 2 tablespoons liquid detergent. I have tried oxiclean. Tried adding washing soda and borax for our hard water. Descaled inner tub with CLR. Cleaned filters beneath agitator. Added extra rinse cycle. I do not use fabric softener or scent beads. What is happening, I feel like crying.
submitted by hhenryhfb to laundry [link] [comments]
