Welch allyn scanteam 3400

New haircut

2024.05.10 16:37 Dapper-danimal New haircut

New haircut
I’ve had the same undercut for about 10 years now and am thinking I’ve grown out of it. Any suggestions for a new style?
submitted by Dapper-danimal to malehairadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 19:17 FastNefariousness419 Übungsleiterpauschale überschritten - andere Möglichkeiten?

Hi zusammen,
ich bin gerade vor einer kleinen Herausforderung und komme mit einfachem Googeln nicht weiter.
Ich wurde von einer Hochschule angefragt, ob ich nicht eine Vorlesung übernehmen möchte und habe zugesagt. Fast forward stehe ich vor dem Problem, dass ich die 3000€ Übungsleiterpauschale weit übersteigen werde im Jahr 2024. Klausurkorrektur, Anfertigung von Skripten, 2-3 Vorlesungsreihen, Workshops (auf Honorarbasis) etc. lassen grüßen.
Natürlich wird das vergütet nur habe ich mir fatalerweise noch keine Gedanken darum gemacht. Für 2023 lag ich leicht drüber ~3400€ und versuche die Härtefallregelung geltend zu machen.
Jetzt zu der eigentlichen Frage: Wie zum Henker schaffe ich es nicht alles zu versteuern? Wenn ich jetzt für 2024 meine Steuererklärung machen muss werde ich einen Batzen nachzahlen müssen (alles über 3000€ und dann die Gewinnrechnung). Welche Möglichkeiten habe ich?
Laut Vertrag bin ich als freier Dozent unterwegs - mein Verständnis nach Google: Ich bin nicht angestellt an der Hochschule = ich bin freier Dozent = Freiberufler in diesem Fall? Hier noch ein aber, ich habe noch meinen Hauptberuf (40 Stunden) somit wäre ich eigentlich nebenberuflich Dozent? Hier darf ich dann nur 450€ pro Monat verdienen sonst schlägt die DRV zu...
Ein Teil aus dem Vertrag: "...die Leistungen des freien Dozenten gemäß § 4 Nr. 21 b) UStG nicht der Umsatzsteuer unterliegen und diese nicht in Rechnung gestellt wird." aber die Übungsleiterpauschale liegt bei 3000€, alles drüber muss ich versteuern?
Welche Möglichkeiten habe ich? Sehe derzeit nur den sauren Apfel einer saftigen Nachzahlung für 2024...
Danke für eure Hilfe :)
submitted by FastNefariousness419 to Steuern [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 18:19 BubblesDahmer I look like a blobfish

I look like a blobfish submitted by BubblesDahmer to Wellthatsucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 04:58 Far-Speaker8024 Love when this happens at the doctor’s office!

Love when this happens at the doctor’s office! submitted by Far-Speaker8024 to GymMemes [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 21:08 Rojo_cong0 Alguien sabe cómo se calibra un Bauma WelchAllyn?

Esepecíficamente el modelo DS 44, es el modelo base de la marca. ya busqué por todos lados y parece secreto...
submitted by Rojo_cong0 to Medicina [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 22:50 Lil-Teapot BP Bulb Question

BP Bulb Question
My clinic has been having an issue with our Welch Allyn manual BP cuffs. When the cuff is on the arm and we begin inflating with the bulb, the bulb sticks and needs to be massaged before it will re-inflate for us to continue filling the cuff.
I tried googling ideas for troubleshooting, but I haven't found anything about them sticking closed. It's all been the bulb not being compressible or the cuff leaking or troubleshooting and calibrating the machines.
Any ideas or tips?
Thanks for the consideration!
submitted by Lil-Teapot to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 21:48 dickerjesus Ich bin ratlos...

Hallo zusammen,
ich bin gerade ein bisschen ratlos und brauch mal bisschen Tips aus der Schwarmintelligenz. Bin gelernter Einzelhandelskaufmann mit Fortbildung zum Handelsfachwirt (beides Titel die das Papier nicht wert sind auf dem sie gedruckt sind) und hab nach einem Quereinstieg in den IT Support bis Juni 2023 als solcher gearbeitet.
Ich kam als Supporter für Arztpraxen, welche eine unfassbar undankbare und stressige Beschäftigung mit mehreren Wochen Überarbeitungsausfall meinerseits war, in eine neue Beschäftigung. Leider wurde ich dort nach 8 Tagen krank und 2h nachdem ich mich krank gemeldet hatte klingelt es an meiner Tür und ein Kollege steht mit der Kündigung in der Hand vor meiner Wohnung.
Daraufhin war ich 3 Monate, nennen wir es mal, nicht in der Lage mich um irgendwas zu kümmern.
Als ich dann wieder anfing mich zu bewerben, bleib es erfolglos. Bis heute.
Habe bereits meine Bewerbungsunterlagen prüfen lassen, war beim Bewerbertraining der Arbeitsagentur und habe über 70 Bewerbungen abgeschickt. Alle erfolglos. 3 Vermittlungsagenturen haben erklärt, dass sie keine Stellen für mich finden können.
Ich habe daraufhin im Februar eine Fortbildung zum IT Projektmanager angefangen, welche bisher sehr gut läuft und ich im Juni abschließen werde.
Doch auch Bewerbungen in diese Richtungen wurden bisher alle abgesagt.
Ich bin 34, alleinstehend, habe keine Kinder und keinen Führerschein (welcher hier in der Stadt zwischen 3400€ und 3800€ kostet, was ich nicht auf Tasche habe). Im technischen Support habe ich 4,5 Jahre Erfahrung, meine Arbeitszeugnbisse sind alle gut bis sehr gut.
Gibt es irgendwas, was ich noch machen kann?

Liebe Grüße
submitted by dickerjesus to arbeitsleben [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 01:49 pigeons_flight HELP: Learning Retinoscopy and Ophthalmoscopy for my community

hello, I am a layperson learning retinoscopy and ophthalmoscopy because many folks in my area do not have a way to get their eyeglass prescription due to significantly rates of poverty. I am a teacher who is hoping to improve the quality of life of my students, and to lessen the burden on the parents of my area, who are already working incredibly hard. I am incredibly committed to learning retinoscopy and ophthalmoscopy, so I am hoping that folks on here are able to answer some of my questions below. But first, I will list what is in my possession.
Currently I have a...
  1. Am I working with a spot retinoscope? If so, is my streak halogen bulb going to work, or should I buy a spot halogen bulb?
  2. Does it seem that my halogen bulbs are dying? If so, where should I order a replacement bulb? Amazon?
  3. Is it safe to use Halogen bulbs? I know they can emit significant amounts of Ultra Violet radiation. My bulbs are encased in glass but I do not know if that makes them safe enough to use.
  4. Are there any resources that you can direct me to help me understand the practice of retinoscopy and ophthalmoscopy? For example, I learned a lot from the Retinoscopy Simulator on the American Academy of Ophthalmology website

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and I hope someone can assist me, as this is a service many of the folks in my area need!
submitted by pigeons_flight to Ophthalmology [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 02:41 ZCM1084 Ramya trying to hide in the sink while waiting for the vet.

Ramya trying to hide in the sink while waiting for the vet.
Everything went well.
submitted by ZCM1084 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 05:25 Montyd2 Testing the best blood pressure monitors of 2024

In a recent research initiative, we sought to evaluate the most reliable and user-friendly blood pressure monitors available in 2024. This study aimed to provide clear, evidence-based recommendations for individuals seeking effective health management tools for home use. Through rigorous testing against medical-grade monitors and consideration of user experience, we identified the top performers in the market.

Study Criteria:

Our evaluation was thorough, prioritizing accuracy, ease of use, innovative features, design and comfort, battery life, consumer feedback, and overall value.

Top 5 Blood Pressure Monitors of 2024:

  1. Oxiline Pressure X Pro: Distinguished by its precision, thanks to the Vibra technology, the Oxiline Pressure X Pro emerged as the standout device in our study. It combines advanced accuracy with an intuitive design and robust app support, making it the top choice for comprehensive home health monitoring.
  2. Omron Platinum Wireless: Renowned for its consistency and reliability, the Omron Platinum proved to be exceptionally user-friendly. Its ability to support multiple user profiles and integrate seamlessly with health management apps makes it a versatile option for family use.
  3. Withings BPM Connect: The Withings BPM Connect excels in design and user experience. It offers straightforward operation and accurate readings, along with easy integration with health apps, embodying a perfect blend of functionality and aesthetics.
  4. Welch Allyn Home 1700 Series: The Welch Allyn monitor brings professional-grade accuracy into the home. Its simple operation and clear display cater to those who prioritize straightforward, reliable health monitoring without unnecessary complexity.
  5. QardioArm Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor: The QardioArm is noted for its portability and innovative features. It facilitates easy health data management through cloud storage and sharing capabilities, ideal for individuals actively collaborating with healthcare providers.


The Oxiline Pressure X Pro was the definitive leader in our analysis, offering unmatched accuracy and ease of use. Each device listed has been recognized for its specific strengths, catering to a variety of user needs and preferences.
Your thoughts and questions about our findings are welcome. This study was conducted to assist you in making informed decisions regarding your health monitoring equipment.
submitted by Montyd2 to AskConsumerAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 22:05 Ok-Book7529 NSV!

At the Dr. today I got to use the regular blood pressure cuff, instead of the larger one!
submitted by Ok-Book7529 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 17:28 AlfEBME Welch Allyn CSM VSM reliability/BP failures

Are any of my international colleagues experiencing issues with frequent BP failures on these devices. It appears that poor design, build quality, frequent failures in use and leakage failures during PPM testing are the main issues.
It may be the OEM has acknowledged these issues are widespread as some colleagues in the UK are reporting that Baxter are offering exchange BP modules Free Of Charge. Has this offer been made to you?
submitted by AlfEBME to BMET [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 22:14 BurstSuppression Gift ideas for a incoming resident

Gonna call in the audience here for suggestions.
I need ideas for a graduating med student (applied for Path and IM, not sure which that he matched to yet).
I am not that far removed from residency/fellowship, but here are a few ideas that I had so far:
-Embroidered light jacket (Under Armour)
-Satchel/messenger bag with name embroidered on
-Customized Yeti Ramblethermos
-Engraved stethoscope (not useful if it is Pathology, but could be nice for IM - I'm quite partial to my Welch Allyn DLX Triple Head)

submitted by BurstSuppression to medicine [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 04:08 Leredditthrowaway200 Making sense of an ekg

Making sense of an ekg
Hello I am a 32 yr old male with a normal bmi. Seven years ago I was diagnosed with mild mitral and tricuspid valve regurgitation. Additionally I have extremely high triglycerides which has resulted in multiple episodes of pancreatitis. I recently had an ekg done. I was referred to cardiology for further testing. I've felt quite off the past month since having an episode of bizarre symptoms lasting several days. If those ever happen again off to the ER I go now that doing so won't kill me financially. Anyway I am curious as to what others may see in this ekg. Thanks!
edit: Forgot to actually post the ekg. Additional obvious disclaimer but stating anyway: Am not seeking medical advice
submitted by Leredditthrowaway200 to askCardiology [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 05:36 Ashamed_Engineer_621 best bp cuff?

hey y'all, i'm just starting emt school but i have some street experience from volunteering at my local fire department. just looking to see if anyone has good recommendations for bp cuffs, i have experience with welch allyn and mckesson, but i'm more than open to other suggestions!!
submitted by Ashamed_Engineer_621 to emtb [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 17:40 ShouldworkNow The Vitals Machine at work

The Vitals Machine at work submitted by ShouldworkNow to Pareidolia [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 02:46 thestonedjellyfish Does it matter which Oto/Ophthalmoscope Set I pick?

Does it matter which Oto/Ophthalmoscope Set I pick?
I got my equipment list for my school and these are some of the options they mentioned that are discounted. I can also try to find some on Ebay for cheaper but I saw the first one is the Student one? and it's 389 in comparison to the others so was wondering if there was a real difference in which I get
submitted by thestonedjellyfish to PAstudent [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 21:07 Advanced_Gazelle988 Explorando el Esfigmomanómetro

submitted by Advanced_Gazelle988 to laleo [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 21:06 Advanced_Gazelle988 Iluminando diagnósticos

submitted by Advanced_Gazelle988 to laleo [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 21:14 Amitafamitaf Buying an otoscope

I am a GP ST1, the equipments at the practice is sort of shared between people and because of this I’d like to buy my own otoscope.
Found this one: https://www.hce-uk.com/product/welch-allyn-3-5v-professional-otoscope-set-with-c-cell-handle-25090-bi/
Do you guys think this is a good one? I don’t need anything too fancy 😄
Thanks in advance
submitted by Amitafamitaf to GPUK [link] [comments]

2024.02.13 01:13 Ok-Rabbit8714 Doctors appt today. Finally after 4+ years of uncontrolled HP…(3 of that on meds) my anxiety is almost completely gone and my BP is good! Woohoo!

submitted by Ok-Rabbit8714 to bloodpressure [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 10:28 pokequeer Picture from my consult the other day in the incredibly fashionable paper gown, but my top surgery is March 8th!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I’ve done a bunch of research to prepare but if anyone has any advice/tips for recovery, please let me know!

Picture from my consult the other day in the incredibly fashionable paper gown, but my top surgery is March 8th!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I’ve done a bunch of research to prepare but if anyone has any advice/tips for recovery, please let me know! submitted by pokequeer to TransMasc [link] [comments]
