Insertion of iud

All things related to birth control

2011.07.21 04:13 All things related to birth control

A place to discuss birth control methods.

2020.05.23 05:41 jeriann All about the copper intrauterine device.

For those curious about the device and those who already have one. Let’s talk about the non-hormonal Copper IUDs!

2011.03.31 06:09 sodypop TIN YEARS OF TROLLX!!!

A subreddit for rage comics and other memes with a girly slant.

2024.05.14 01:54 Fun_Suggestion_8450 Accutane Birth Control Requirement [Acne]

My doctor has said that she’d be willing to provide a prescription for accutane but it requires two forms of birth control. My boyfriend lives in a different country so I’m essentially completely abstinent and can use protection when we visit (not to mention we don’t want kids anyway). I’m not willing to go on a hormonal course of bc or the pain of copper IUD insertion just because I want clear skin. Has anyone had this issue? Is abstinence as a form of bc based on doctor’s discretion?
Edit to add: I’m in Canada
submitted by Fun_Suggestion_8450 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:48 Phroggie7177 IUD insertion with general anesthesia: my experience

Hey guys, I got my IUD a while back and I thought that I would share my experience getting one with anesthesia.
So my nexplanon at the time was giving me 2 heavy periods a month. I decided to get it removed and replace it with an IUD. But I knew that I had a low pain tolerance so I decided to look for a place that would put me under for insertion.
It took 3 calls to find a location that was contracted with my insurance to do insertion. My insurance ended up covering the IUD itself but not the anesthesia so I ended up paying 600 USD for it.
The procedure itself was very smooth. I waited in a room with a bunch of nurses attending to me and then they wheeled me to the operating room. Then they put me under and I just remember waking up. They gave me an apple juice and it smacked.
Recovery went fine but I did have cramping later that night. Fortunately a heating pad and Tylenol did the trick.
I tell this story because if you want to get an IUD but you’re afraid of the pain, don’t be scared to advocate for yourself. It’s still worth getting a consultation to see if this option would be safe for you depending on your health condition. Cost may depend on what your insurance covers though. But IUD insertion does not need to be painful.
I remember trying to find threads about this experience but didn’t see much so feel free to ask me any questions.
submitted by Phroggie7177 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:44 morbus586 IUD questions

IUD questions
Hi all. I had an IUD inserted 2 years ago and have been having some pain the last few months. I have been told everything is “fine” by feel, but recently had a hip X-ray done. Does this seem alright for placement? I have described the pain to the best of my ability but am not sure if I conveyed properly. To me this looks upside down
submitted by morbus586 to ObstetricsGynecology [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:21 avryrich when did you stop worrying about something being inside your uterus after an IUD insertion?

i just got my mirena inserted today and ive been thinking alot about how theres now a tiny thing in a very vulnerable place in my body LMAO. i guess it truly is kinda like a, plastic baby that actually lasts 8 years?
how long did it take those who have had their IUD in for awhile for you to stop thinking about the whole situation and TRULY “set it and forget it”? was it as easy as simply forgetting or did you have any technique into talking yourself out of that mindset? i’ve only had one procedure comparable (slightly) to this which was wisdom teeth, but again nothing was left in unattended.
i researched and read risks and benefits so im not doubtful of my decision, i actually think this is the best decision ive made regarding my sexual/reproductive health. its just alittle freaky thinking about how theres now something in uterus.
submitted by avryrich to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:07 beepboopbonks iud insertion gone wrong??

i don’t even know where to start with this or if there’s anything i can/should do about it?
but i went in today for a removal of my old iud and to get a new one inserted. i confirmed with the front desk, the nurse, AND my doctor (who performed the procedure) that we were doing a removal of the one i got about 5 years ago.
fast forward to the procedure, she tells me it will take about 30 seconds for the removal and under a minute for insertion. so i lay back and she tells me there will be some pressure and cramping. after about 20 seconds, she says “alright we’re all done!” and i say “you already removed it and replaced it???”
and she goes “what do you mean did i remove it?” even though WE JUST TALKED ABOUT IT???? and had even spoken about how painful my last insertion was?!?!
so she had put another iud IN WITH THE ONE I HAD ALREADY. I HAD 2 IUDS INSIDE OF MY UTERUS. when i tell you it was the worst pain of my life. oh my god.
then of course she had to remove the new one, the old one, and then actually put in the ONE iud i came in to get.
is this medical malpractice?? or just miscommunication? i don’t know if this is going to have any long term effects but as far as i know this has only happened 7 times before (now 8).
submitted by beepboopbonks to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:01 ParkingDistinct1585 My Mirena Experience (2.5 years, Pros and Cons)

Hi! Just wanting to share my experience with the Mirena IUD in case it helps others.
TL; dr:
Pros: I didn't get pregnant! I didn't get a period! It was easy to use.
Cons: I wanted to die and was super depressed. Probably contributed to weight gain.
Neutral: I didn't notice any changes to libido or acne.
Other IUDs/BC: I used the Paragard copper IUD for 1 year prior to Mirena, but stopped because I already had heavy periods and the Paragard made them insanely heavy, so I was exhausted all the time. I hadn't tried other birth controls.
Story: I had my Mirena inserted a few weeks before getting married and in the midst of a stressful/traumatic change in my living situation. I was already fairly anxious, but within 4-6 weeks of getting the Mirena I wanted to die, was crying all the time for no particular reason, and was extremely sensitive to criticism such that conflict was very difficult for me. People in my life attributed it to my marriage and I was told it would get better within 6-12 months.
My period stopped within 3-6 months, which was great!
After 6 months, I was still feeling terrible emotionally and had some unexpected weight gain (which was concerning because of my history with eating disorders and body dysmorphia). I asked my NP about this at my annual check up, and she said neither could be side effects of the IUD and that I should "eat better and exercise more", and "get a divorce". I did the first but not the latter. Didn't help.
9-12 months in I started taking an antidepressant, which really helped with the depression and suicidal ideations.
2.5 years in, the antidepressant was less helpful, I'd had more unexpected weight gain, and I began reading others' experiences with Mirena and decided to have it removed and weaned off the antidepressant at the same time. Spouse and I switched to condoms for birth control.
Within days of getting the Mirena removed I felt so much happier and like myself again. I didn't have a "Mirena crash" or even a particularly heavy period, upon removal or since then. I've mostly just felt more alive.
I've been off the Mirena for about a year now and continue to have some ups and downs emotionally, but no suicidal ideations and only 1-2 days of crying per month instead of every day. (My crying day is *usually* right before my period, but sometimes it's just random.) My period is regular again. I've had some gradual weight loss, though not pre-Mirena at this point. (Still not sure what was causing that.) I haven't noticed any change in my libido.
I know that some people have wonderful experiences with Mirena and other IUDs, so I don't want this to discourage folks from trying them. However, if you notice yourself feeling depressed or wanting to die shortly after getting an IUD, it *could* be connected to the IUD.
submitted by ParkingDistinct1585 to Mirena [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:41 NewTea6477 PSA go to Planned Parenthood for your IUD.

Don’t mess around with your doctor or a women’s clinic. Go to planned parenthood. They do multiple a day and the chances of having any problems with it is minimal.
I had so many problems with my first IUD when I went to a women’s clinic. It was in the wrong place and the insertion process hurt SO BAD. it felt like she punched a hole in my uterus. Plus, I had insane pain during sex because it was stabbing the shit out of me. Such a horrible experience.
I recently got my new one at planned parenthood and the process was 10 times less painful, and I feel nothing during sex. I’m so relieved.
Go. To. Planned. Parenthood. I don’t want anyone to experience what I did.
submitted by NewTea6477 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:18 Curious_Cheetah4084 Losing weight after IUD removal?

Hi all!
I’m getting my IUD removed in June. I’ve tried it out for about a year and a half and it’s just not a good fit. I still have major cramping around the time of my period, I bleed for a week and a half at a time, and the bloating is insane. Before I got the IUD inserted my periods were always regular, SUPER minimal cramping, and my bloating would only last for a day and it wouldn’t even be that bad of bloating.
I gained some weight before I got it inserted due to stress eating while in school. However after I got it inserted I gained about 7 more pounds. I tried calorie deficit and was able to lose about 5-7 pounds but then I hit a plateau. No matter what I did it was so hard to shed the weight. I feel like I’m much more “flabby” and it just feels like I have a lot of water weight on me. Has anyone lost weight after they got their IUD out? What about the bloating? Did that subside too?
submitted by Curious_Cheetah4084 to Mirena [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:30 sky_aura_storm Any advice on getting off the mirena (IUD)?

I have been on birth control on and off for about 5 years now since I was 15, the pill, the ring, then now the IUD. I felt “safe” on the IUD but my…… was this horrible. The actual insertion was completely fine, no biggie… it was the after math. I am trying to lose a couple pounds because some of my clothing is tight and I don’t want to buy more. I’ve been eating a calorie deficit, AND jogging every morning plus lifting… my muscle mass won’t grow (I heard this is from the lack of testosterone due to mirena) and my weight has not changed an ounce… I actually gained. these last 5 months on the mirena have been nonstop cramping and bleeding. This is in no way bragging or arrogant but I know I have a very high pain threshold (and so do we all ladies and gents) and I’m at my wits end with the mirena, I tried ripping (I’m being dramatic) the mirena out but my cervix was wayyy to high and I could not grasp the strings so I finally got an appt. to get it out next week the 22nd… does anyone have some advice on how I can truly get myself healthy again? I originally got on birth control so avoid conceiving so I had no problems before. Are there any good supplements I can take?
submitted by sky_aura_storm to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:59 nconditional_love Fluconazole for months with worsening symptoms... please help

Hi, I've been prescribed fluconazole 200mg 2x a week for over 8 months to treat my chronic reoccurring yeast infections (i say reoccurring, but they just don't go away, it's just constant). The fluconazole works but as soon as I stop taking it, it comes back. My gut health has also improved over the last 8 months which is definitely related. I've tested negative for everything (ureaplasma, STDs, etc) and my previous specialist believed I was reacting to sub-clinical levels of candidias, as I've tested positive for yeast and not BV in the past.
I have been taking it consistently for this whole duration, and feeling normal, but as my prescription is running low I thought I'd see what happens if i stop taking it. So I did for about a week, maybe missing three doses total.
So. Much. Pain!!!!
While I do feel generally itchy around my labia and entrance and the discharge I have is clumpy, I also feel really swollen and my bladdeuterus area feels inflamed and heavy. I have never had this symptom before to this level. To be honest I've been having random cramps outside of my normal cycle (since I have had a IUD inserted and removed) and certain sexual positions cause pain, but I thought it might just be my cervix position. Is this consistent with candidias or other fungi?
I literally just bought a probiotic and NAC today and will take keto seriously again as I had just gotten too comfortable with the reality of long term fluconazole.
I'd really appreciate your help or if there is anything I could be missing to ask my doctor about or investigate myself. It's really hard to stay positive. It's been about 6 years total of vaginal issues and i'm really afraid of being on strong drugs long-term if it's not actually improving my biome. I am cautious about adding in anything that is going to be disruptive to the biome further too, as that is how I got in this mess.
submitted by nconditional_love to Candida [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:39 nconditional_love Please help, been on high dose fluconazole for over a year and worsening symptoms

Hi, I've been prescribed fluconazole 200mg 2x a week for over 8 months to treat my chronic reoccurring yeast infections (i say reoccurring, but they just don't go away, it's just constant). The fluconazole works but as soon as I stop taking it, it comes back. My gut health has also improved over the last 8 months which is definitely related. I've tested negative for everything (ureaplasma, STDs, etc) and my previous specialist believed I was reacting to sub-clinical levels of candidias, as I've tested positive for yeast and not BV in the past.
I have been taking it consistently for this whole duration, and feeling normal, but as my prescription is running low I thought I'd see what happens if i stop taking it. So I did for about a week, maybe missing three doses total.
So. Much. Pain!!!!
While I do feel generally itchy around my labia and entrance and the discharge I have is clumpy, I also feel really swollen and my bladdeuterus area feels inflamed and heavy. I have never had this symptom before to this level. To be honest I've been having random cramps outside of my normal cycle (since I have had a IUD inserted and removed) and certain sexual positions cause pain, but I thought it might just be my cervix position.
My friend with endo said I need to start advocating for endo tests as it's sounding like this :/
I'd really appreciate your help or if there is anything I could be missing to ask my doctor about? It's really hard to stay positive. It's been about 6 years total of vaginal issues and i'm really afraid of being on strong drugs long-term if it's not actually improving my biome.
submitted by nconditional_love to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:34 Russian_alley_way Incomplete Abortion Trauma

I'm 22 from Ontario and it's been 9 months since my second abortion.
I'm sorry if this is at all incoherent.
I was in a pretty shitty relationship last year, not having any support in the process and having to do everything alone.
The initial abortion I thought went normal. The experience was exactly like the first time, I took the pill and waited until the next day to take the second one. Except I never stopped bleeding.
There was 3 months of heavy bleeding, hospital visits, ambulance rides and traumatic pelvic exams. Sometimes it feels like I can still feel the ER doctor inserting the plastic specculum and pulling tissue out of me.
Since then my life has changed significantly. I was able to get an IUD inserted, despite the trauma and, I ditched the guy and i'm in a better realtionship with someone who cares to listen and undestand.
I feel like I should be fine, like I should be over it, but I'm not.
I didn't feel any grief or strange feelings after my abortion. It always felt like the right decision. I still feel like it was the right decision, but I just feel so much guilt and shame for seemingly no reason.
I'm still able to have sex, but the thought of having a pap or the strings on my IUD trimmed is terrifying, anything medical is so scary. After it was all over I became anemic due to all the blood loss, so I couldn't even forget if I tried.
I also keep dreaming (while awake) about my baby what carrying to term would've been like or just what my life would've been like without those 3 months I spent bleeding. I lost so much work and I dropped out of school. I was doing medical admin and it kept reminding me of my abortion trauma so I had to quit.
I have an appointment with a post-abortion support clinic which is good i guess. I just feel so pathetic and sad.
submitted by Russian_alley_way to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:09 UnreasonableCucumber Plant medicine for IUD replacement

My experience with having my IUD inserted was truly the most painful experience of my entire life, and my body still holds that trauma. I feel cramp-like pains in my cervix and uterus any time I talk about it. It’s really unsettling to even think about it. I need something that will make me feel zero stress and zero pain. A huge fear of mine is to have my body feel extreme pain and my mind not remember it. That’s why I am scared to take whatever anxiety pill they can offer, because what if all it does is make me sleepy enough to where I can’t communicate that I’m in pain? And they won’t put me under anesthesia. I really don’t want to be retraumatized by this. I had panic attacks for months after the insertion.
Also, I’m on SSRIs, so idk what will interact with it. I smoke a lot of weed but it makes me more sensitive so it definitely would not help for this, so I’m curious what else I could do.
Edit: If I don’t get a new IUD, I still need something for the removal. Whether it’s less painful to remove than to insert is irrelevant to me because both will be unbearably excruciating, and I truly am not exaggerating. I’m sure the stress makes the pain worse, but the pain is still real.
submitted by UnreasonableCucumber to herbalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:43 Glacerose Health Insurance and IUD Deductible

Hey all.
My wife and I have Ambetter total care from the healthcare marketplace.
Last month my wife got the Mirena IUD inserted by her normal OBGYN. We spoke to the receptionist who called a few days before the procedure to verify our insurance information. She told us it would be covered, but that she was going to speak to the insurance for us and there was any copay or anything needed upfront she'd call back in a few hours. We never got a call back, and assumed the IUD was covered since as far as we were aware all FDA approved contraceptives are covered with no cost. The day of the insertion then came came and she got the IUD and we left.
Now, around 3 and 1/2 weeks later I logged into the insurance portal to view the EOB and saw that Ambetter says we owe over $1100 for the IUD. It looks like it was coded right and all, using the billing code J7298 for the IUD itself. And the other services related to the procedure including her blood tests and stuff like 'surgical trays' were covered 100%. Reading all that, I thought that this had to be an error, so I had my wife log on to her OBGYN patient portal, but the charge is on their too.
I've spent the last hour looking through all the benefit documents, but they say that they cover all contraceptives including hormone IUD's, copper IUD's, and pills. I also looked on the insurance company formulary list and the Mirena IUD is a tier 0 drug, which it states are covered with no copay. So am I missing something? Everything I can find both withhin in our plan documents and legally say that it's covered, and even our evidence of coverage documents says, verbatim, "Family planning/contraception benefits are covered under preventive care, without cost sharing, when provided by a network provider and when the care is legal under applicable law". Her OBGYN is 100% in network, and they've covered other services no problem so that's definitely not the issue.
Any advice? Should I be calling the OBGYN or the insurance company tomorrow, or both? I've never dealt with anything like this before so I'm a little lost.
For extra information, I looked further into the EOB and found some things.
This is what it says in the EOB on the IUD line item. Discounts - $0 Risk Amount- $0 Copay - $0 Coinsurance- $0 Applied to Deductible - $1,110.52. And the 1,110.52 is what it's saying we have to pay, even though everything says it should have no deductible.
And the other things that were covered like her blood tests have the Explanation Code "PV" which marks it as preventative care, but the IUD does not. Should it have been billed as that to have been covered? Wondering if I need to call the OBGYN and get them to rebill as PV if thats the case.
submitted by Glacerose to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:06 Glacerose Ambetter and IUD

Hey all.
Me and my wife have Ambetter total care from the healthcare marketplace.
Last month my wife got the Mirena IUD inserted by her normal OBGYN. We spoke to the receptionist who called a few days before the procedure to verify our insurance information. She told us it would be covered, but that she was going to speak to the insurance for us and there was any copay or anything needed upfront she'd call back in a few hours. We never got a call back, and assumed the IUD was covered since as far as we were aware all FDA approved contraceptives are covered with no cost. The day of the insertion then came came and she got the IUD and we left.
Now, around 3 and 1/2 weeks later I logged into the insurance portal to view the EOB and saw that Ambetter says we owe over $1100 for the IUD. It looks like it was coded right and all, using the billing code J7298 for the IUD itself. And the other services related to the procedure including her blood tests and stuff like 'surgical trays' were covered 100%. Reading all that, I thought that this had to be an error, so I had my wife log on to her OBGYN patient portal, but the charge is on their too.
I've spent the last hour looking through all the benefit documents, but they say that they cover all contraceptives including hormone IUD's, copper IUD's, and pills. I also looked on the insurance company formulary list and the Mirena IUD is a tier 0 drug, which it states are covered with no copay. So am I missing something? Everything I can find both withhin in our plan documents and legally say that it's covered, and even our evidence of coverage documents says, verbatim, "Family planning/contraception benefits are covered under preventive care, without cost sharing, when provided by a network provider and when the care is legal under applicable law". Her OBGYN is 100% in network, and they've covered other services no problem so that's definitely not the issue.
Any advice? Should I be calling the OBGYN or the insurance company tomorrow, or both? I've never dealt with anything like this before so I'm a little lost.
For extra information, I looked further into the EOB and found some things.
This is what it says in the EOB on the IUD line item. Discounts - $0 Risk Amount- $0 Copay - $0 Coinsurance- $0 Applied to Deductible - $1,110.52. And the 1,110.52 is what it's saying we have to pay, even though everything says it should have no deductible.
And the other things that were covered during the procedure like her blood tests have the Explanation Code "PV" which marks it as preventative care, but the IUD does not. Should it have been billed as that to have been covered? Wondering if I need to call the OBGYN and get them to rebill as PV if thats the case.
submitted by Glacerose to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:13 patheticgrill43 I was told by my doctors that my procedure would be covered, and none of it was.

I just turned 26, so I was kicked off my parents' health insurance this April. My job doesn't pay very well and has zero benefits. I made a bunch of doctor's appts in the preceding months just to make sure I was healthy and get any necessary work done before losing coverage.
I explained all of this to my gynecologist, and she urged me to get an IUD just to be safe. Then I wouldn't have to pay out of pocket for oral birth control or worry about pregnancy. I was very hesitant, but after thinking it over, I agreed to it. The week of the procedure, she messaged me saying another doctor would be inserting the IUD. I didn't think twice about this. The procedure goes well, and they have me schedule a follow up at the front desk afterwards. They wanted to schedule the follow up in April, so I explain that I only have coverage until the end of March. They ask a couple other staff, and come back saying it'll be covered because it's considered a part of the original procedure. I said I don't want to do the follow up if I have to pay out of pocket, and they insisted I won't have to. I agreed to schedule the appt for April.
Flash forward a month after the follow up. I get a bill for $1200. I call the hospital, and I say that can't be right. They say "oops we double charged you for something, it's actually only $700 you owe." I explain the situation with the front desk and insurance, and they basically shrug and say that whoever told me this was wrong. Then they say they'll check out the situation and get back to me. I also messaged the doctor who performed the procedure, because she was one of the people who said the follow up would be covered. I never heard back from anyone.
Today, I received another bill - this time for $2,000, implying that the doctor who performed the procedure was not even in network. The language was very foggy, so that might not be correct. But I'm fairly certain that's what it says.
Do I have any say in any of this? I made it clear to so many people along the way that I did not want to procede without insurance coverage. I didn't want the IUD at all if it meant paying out of pocket. I just messaged my original gyno asking her what's going on.
Any advice on how to procede?
submitted by patheticgrill43 to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 13:44 MedicalEmotionalFuck For those who became pregnant with a copper IUD, what were your pregnancy symptoms?

I had a 5 year Mona Lisa IUD inserted in 2021.
Background: I (32F) have been in a relationship with my partner (32M) for 8 months. We have had some rocky moments due to life stress, past trauma on both ends, as well as emotional availability. We have not said "I love you". We talk about the future in general terms. We talked about kids once or twice, and he mentioned he does want them in the future. I do as well. He knows I am not against abortion, but I do not recall if he gave me a stance on his position. I believe he remained quiet when it was discussed. If I am pregnant, the timing could not be more horrendous... While we are both in the same career field, he newly started out in his and I am currently in school. I won't be finished for atleast another year or two... The city I am from is around 4.5 hours away from where he lives/I currently go to school. I am undecided but leaning towards leaving the city when school finishes. He recently expressed that he does not believe he could do a long distance relationship. We technically live in two separate provinces. Because of our career field, it is not 'easy' to change provinces. I have not told him that I think pregnancy is currently an issue but I have discussed my symptoms, etc.
Recent Events: In March, after two hospital trips, I found out that I had a kidney infection caused by an untreated UTI (I have IC which masked the symptoms). I was given medication at the hospital, as well as antibiotics and pain medication to take at home for two weeks. I was advised to follow up with my family doctor if I was experiencing subsequent symptoms after the course of treatment was complete.
I was unable to get a subsequent urine test to see if the UTI was still present due to a variety of factors. However, I called my family doctor to advise that I was still experiencing UTI symptoms. He faxed a prescription for a week treatment course with a different antibiotic. I finished the medication but I am still experiencing some of the symptoms (but to a lesser degree).
Recently, new symptoms have appeared that are now making me wonder if I am pregnant. I have had extreme insomnia, fainted once, nipple sensitivity/tenderness, and most recent, heavy abdominal cramping for a few days (which I assumed was my period arriving). However, I thought it was going to come today but after wiping following urination there was only a tiny bit of brown blood...
My periods usually will be around the same time of the month for a few months, and then change. They are heavy and longer with the copper IUD, which was expected. I have experienced cramping and spotting during other times. However, the degree changed.
I know no birth control is 100% effective and people do get pregnant with IUDs. I am currentlly home for a few weeks, and I plan on taking an OTC pregnancy test while I wait for an appointment with my family doctor for a urine test. I am curious to know if anyone experienced something similar? I don't know if my kidney infection is being extremely stubborn, or if I got pregnant after my last trip to the hospital...
Summary of symptoms below:
Kidney: Increased Urination, Burning While Urinating, Blood (Pink) in Urine, Severe Lower Back Pain, Upper Back/Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Abdominal Cramping, Nausea, Vomiting, Fatigue, Dizziness, Lethargy, Dehydration, Excessive Watery Vaginal Discharge, Chills, Decreased Appetite
New: Heavy Abdominal Cramping, Insomnia, Nipple Tenderness, Nipple Sensitivity, Delayed Period, Brown Spotting, Fainting
Sorry for the novel. Any insight is appreciated!
submitted by MedicalEmotionalFuck to CopperIUD [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:28 ashm1d51lva Would an IUD hurt a year after insertion.

I (29F) got an IUD inserted about a year and half ago. It’s been great except for severe menstrual cramps. My lower belly hurts two-three days before my period starts and then on the first two bleeding days it’s quite crampy. It’s bearable with a heat pack and mild pain killers. But last couple of time I got my period the pain lasts even after the period/ bleeding is over. The pain is like a mild pulse on the right lower belly and lasts for hours. And comes and goes. Especially the last time I got my period. I don’t know if this is normal. I’ve done an ultrasound scan and a blood panel. Everything is normal. Please help. Do I need to be worried
P.S. I’m new to Reddit. Not sure if I should post on this particular space.
submitted by ashm1d51lva to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:24 Lost-Moth-300 How did you go about having an IUD replaced?

I’ve had the worst experience with OBGYNs so far, matter of fact when I had my Paragard inserted I had Kyleena removed first (a very, very painful process) and the OBGYN was just very out of touch, nonchalant didn’t seem to care and I’ve always felt so judged by my OBGYN’s. Anyway, what happens if your IUD is expelled, or you just want it removed?
Can you have it inserted again if you change your mind and want it back?
I don’t know why but I feel like for some reason they’d just tell me no.
submitted by Lost-Moth-300 to CopperIUD [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:49 hailey1245xo Did any one else not have any horrible cramps after iud insertion/first period

I had the paragard iuD 14 years ago for about 11 years. Then toook a 1 or 2 year break. I remember after my first paragard was inserted my first period was very heavy and I got those horrible cramps where I had to sit down and hug my knees lol. So after the iud I got inserted last month I never got any of those bad cramps. I think when I was ovulating, I got three little contractions. And my first period just ended a few days ago and I never got any horrible cramps, just mild ones and it was just heavier. I wanted to know if anyone else didn’t have any pain or will the next one sneak up on me 😭 or maybe my body was used to it from the one I had for 11 years ago lol
submitted by hailey1245xo to CopperIUD [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:53 catgirl1913 Period stopped after IUD

I wanted to come on here to see if anyone else has experienced the same thing. I was told by my doctor to get my Kyleena iud inserted on the first day of my period. However, after it was inserted my period abnormally stopped (only brown spotting). Is this normal? I had also taken a plan b during my last period and that one was stopped as well. Is this a continuing side effect of the plan b or was this due to the iud? Just wanted to see if anyone has had a similar experience.
submitted by catgirl1913 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:32 angelbia010520 Discharge

Edit: now I have this slightly yellow discharge. Is this normal with the iud? I’m going to the doctor soon. No burning or itching. Smell is similar to how I smell when I’m on my period Worried
I got the copper iud april 9 and was in my period already since I started on the 6th of April. I normally start 9-10 each month but I started early (before copper iud insertion) I’ve had contraction like cramps and my discharge is clear yet no period. I’ve taken 3 tests that all are negative like this. Do I need to be worried? I did have spotting like lit blood with clots April 29-3. I’m just worried as I don’t wanna be pregnant or have something wrong. I go to doctor 20 for check up. Is this a normal thing for your period to be irregular the first month?
submitted by angelbia010520 to CopperIUD [link] [comments]