Hand jobs mothers


2023.06.16 16:07 AJ_Abundance Sensual_Hand_Jobs


2009.11.30 07:50 Support and knowledge about breastfeeding

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2024.05.14 17:49 HovercraftUnable5333 The psychiatric industry perpetuates temporary mental conditions

This might seem very uneducated of me to say, but it's not. In my neuroscience course we learned that no doctor or neuroscientist understands what medications do. And in my personal experience with my bipolar mother, she only gets worse and worse. The meds don't help, but she does end up taking more and more.
When I became depressed to the point of agoraphobia, I did not go to doctors. I instead got a job and went back to school, and held myself accountable. I recovered fully. Part of me wonders how different I would be if I had gone to a psychiatrist and been sedated under the assumption that I TOO have bipolar (just because my mother "has it.") It's unfortunate my generation is so gullible and trusts the word of doctors as if they are not human beings who too make mistakes.
It's an interesting thought anyway.
submitted by HovercraftUnable5333 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:48 water_elaborate 23M Bulgaria, looking for a weird one

Looking for a (weird?) wife, and I’m not sure if I’m supposed to have multiple wives or not I am saying this for your due consideration.
I have dark hair white skin, am underweight 5’6 with acne scars
NSFW questions in DMs bc Idk if its allowed to talk about on this sub. details in DMs for this reason unless i get confirmation that it's ok.
I have autism, OCD, ADHD, synesthesia and others (all self diganosed but i have obvious things idk if i should get into that)
I don’t mind piercings, I enjoy them, but someone is not more or less attractive for not having them. I don’t like gauges and some of those extreme circles and cuts. I don’t have any body modifications nor had planned to make any.
I don’t mind tattoos at any place either besides health concerns n I doint have any either.
I don’t like when ppl have big round lumps of flesh that stick out, I do mean big, small/medium maybe ok or even attractive
Need to find her attractive without make up – yes I do mean without make up and there are women who I find attractive without and I do mean without make up of any age. I don’t think I care if she wears make up or not, but I have concerns it’s toxic and the other one if I turn out to be hypersensitive or irritated by it because I am autistic.
I don’t care about race or ethnicity or nationality or anything or location.
I don’t mind how she decides to cut or dye her hair, besides that im concerned about toxins and damage, but I am not imposing on her.
I like appreciate and enjoy alternative fashion (and before it was cool), ive also liked fashion that some alt people have called “too basic" (which may partially be their own insecurity), i just like what looks good. There is fashion I find too basic and kind of anti fashion in that sense too maybe bc I feel like is what people who don’t want to be judged for being anything thats not basic would wear. I don’t like it when people are mean to others based on what they wear or other pointless hierarchical stuff like that.
I don’t recall ever saying “cover up” (regarding clothing), especially wouldnt say it in an imposing way I don’t like to talk in impositions that kill a person’s invidivuality or there’s smth like you know that feels like it kills you when someone commands you. I don’t like to impose on people in that way.
If she cheats, Im not gonna attack, physically emeotionally or otherwise abuse , im not looking to hurt someone I love (besides BDSM and that stuff you know). Men have been allowed to have many wives but wives only 1 husband. I didn’t become christian bc I wanted to opress or restrict women but I believe bad things happen when you sin.
Is reflective and tries to not mistreat others
body count? Isn’t it irrelevant if she’s the right one, I never cared if she’d be a virgin until I understood more about christianity and the spirit world.
I need to be properly emotionally supported, and I want and hope to be good in her life too. I can also have irrational emotions where ik now something is not so but I am procsesing those emotions a certain way you know.
I am interested in very dark and mature topics and things, even if there are times where I may not be able to handle them properly.
Ive been interested in esoterics, occult and c0n5p1r4c135 and I do believe the c0n5p1r4c135 are real and this is important to me.
I don’t care if she talks to others to men or has male friends, idk if I even carei if she’s flirting, there’s no intention to cheat so why would I care??
I can flirt with others too but I haven’t done it much out of concern of leading them on + it doesn’t by itself have any intentions to do anything further. i can be possessive but it will be in the cute way and it can be fun to tease or be teased like that maybe idk but i dont want ot be abusive posessive.
i have female friends she can have male friends that doesn't mean anything and i find the discussions regarding that ridiculous, maybe very low vibrational or of low conscience. i havent done anything with any of them ever except with 1 who is kinda like a relationship but there's painful and difficult topic and even then not physically tho we never met physically.
If its God’s will for her to be with me and she messes up then I will just forgive her. I don’t care to check her phone besides out of curiosity, I think all those games are very below me and maybe obviously should be below anyone who claims to be in a christian marriage, granted im careful regarding eating my words.
I have to eat mostly carnivore diet with vegetables, some fruits and carbs sometimes for my health, but I have nothing against vegans if they are actaully healthy, also I know a lot of ppl can not be healthy on a vegan diet based on long story also some even on the carnivore maybe, im open to sharing details at some point but maybe not worth it here.
ethically wild, I can handle dark humor, I have enjoyed it and used it a lot myself, im not legalistic christian (if you know what that is) but im still trying to be right than wrong so I want discernment on the issue and how to handle it, if smth is actually wrong then I will try to just not do it.
I don’t care if she shaves or not.
I don’t like it when ppl make the same kind of jokes or have the same locked in interests that don’t evolve or aren’t inherently somehow stimulating and genuine. For example ofc I understand enjoying the same food or listening to the same music (except ofc that can get old at some point). I understand what feels samey to a person can vary between people and across time, but I don’t think I mean that. If a bunch of ppl make the same kind of jokes and turn it into something hierarchical and baisc, like they think everything else is dumb cuz theyh aren’t open to perspectives, ideas, growth and improvement hence they fixate on doing the same thing thats too bland over and over.
A lot of ppl have very juvenile if thats even the right word mentality to look down on others for vapid reasons including interests, when you don’t even understand them. while ive had those intrusions I figured its wrong and foolish to just give into such a lowly hostile urge, whilst I understand being overwhelmed and misreacting/just getting mad at smth for no raeson but u can figure out u shouldn’t be mad or its not that deep.
Ive looked donw on ppl for thing I saw as them being lowly about it like getting high off of the same joke instead of improving ur brain cuz I think u can even feel like when u are stupidifying urself and ingoring improvements just to do the same thing over and over again, like u can prolly feel like smth inside telling u maybe u should look elsewhere now or this could be betteur losing cognition bc ur stupidifying urself. I understand again being overwhelmed and looking for some stability but I don’t think that susually it. Al ot of those ppl may be doing the same stupid things to be liked by others and t hus disingenuous to their real self, bc as soon as u start growing improving going in different directions ppl start getting weirded out and ostracizing u. I look down on that.
I don’t need her to shave. Idk if I wont find some body hair too extreme, but so far I haven’t
! respect boundaries. If one of us doesn’t want something or anyhthing at all be it months or years even that should be respected. This is for love first not exploitation. Not any exploitation from either side and look for each other’s well being.
I want to have her walk around the place flashing me, trying to tease me and show off her body in various and subtle ways. She can be naked too if she wants or wear anything she wants
I think how someone moves can be very attractive and also developed, this goes for me too
I want to learn to dance so we can have fun and I can arouse her
I think women have qualities and do things in a way I value, enjoy and admire
I think men and women have different patterns in positive and negative ways (with individual differences of course too) and analysing them and acknowledging them with honest attempt to understand is not wrong, while exploitation abuse and denial is wrong.
if im smarter than her I recognize she can have important and valuable things to say, similarly if she’s smarter than me she also doesn’t know everything and isn’t abusive about it
about money, I have wanted money to help myself and others, not out of greed I think.
I have thought of if I need or have to or if its better to to live in the right kind of community. Takes a village to raise a child but maybe even to function, maybe the people who function not in it are the abnormal ones. I don’t think of a cold community or one that forces warmth and makes you sick, there’s a kind of higher understanding or spirituality.
I don’t mind if she’s richer smarter or more competent than me. I however want to be richer smarter and more competent regarding improving myself and growing, not to feel less insecure than her, and of course I want those things so ican be able to support her and others too anyway.
I don’t mind if she’s a girlboss or not or whatever I think its irrelevant and If she has gifts and drive and doing God’s will why would that be bad? Of course I don’t want her to be stressed out
I don’t wear deodorant or fake odors, maybe if they were natural or non toxic. I also don’t like perfume and would prolly prefer if she doesn’t use it but idk.
I think children are a very serious matter, over time in my life I was thinking about how I’d do things differently and how I’d treat children and communicate and teach them, and I’d feel like I’d see how other ppl are failing children and also children are not attempting to learn how to treat their future children or other children or ppl better like it’s weird but I think someone is going to get what I mean. Bc of my physical and mental issues I am concerned how well I wil lbe able to take care of children of course I hope to improve and God to heal me.
I don’t want my weird movements adjustments or whatever to be judged.
I don’t mind pets or maybe even can enjoy them but again am a bit concerned about my health issues. I don’t have allergies to animals that I know of. I don’t like making their health worse I don’t like selective breeding for that reason unless you’re selecting for improving health maybe.
I am usually not afraid of bugs but I don’t like killing them. If its pests like bed bugs or some kind of infestation it can make sense, but I don’t like killing random harmless spiders or others. Maybe if harmful even I’d prefer to take them away. No im not afraid of bees or wasps esp if they are alone or very small numbers, tho I may prefer to not be around a hive.
emotionally sophisticated and doesn’t criticize my whining, while my whining isn’t attempting to get her attention, pull or control her. If I need some sort of emotional support I can ask and if she is able to provide it then she is, and if she has to prioritize something else I understand and I mean I genuinely understand. Emotional support should be mutual and not leeching. I understand it may not be completely equal or if its not possible to be, but we should both care as much as we can in our respective situations.
needs to care about her health, I don’t mean exercise and exercises can be damaging and forced too, thus again neesd to care to even know of that/unless she’s managing to be really fine anyway. I am not against smokers or alcoholics, but I’d prefer it if she stops. I want her to be happy and healthy.
If she’s over or underweight bc of health issues I understand
I don’t drive part related to health issues and concern it may be too dangerous for me to drive.
God first. I don’t believe anything works without him.
I won’t k1ll her if she cheats nor 4bus3 her. I am saying bc I thought some men hide things and reveal them after they are deep. I don’t want ot be like that.
Ive had emotional and rage issues about perceived injustices (towards me and others, even when im not lcose to them or don’t know them. I have thought and speculated maybe I care more with strong emotions about ppl that I’ve never met or are very far away than most people directly that I have observed and felt out of place for it.) and I know sometimes I wasn’t actually right other times I wanted to know what is the right thing to do say and experss cuz I had thoughts like if I hurt them they wont get better, they may even get worse, I don’t even enjoy hurting ppl especially in the brain or if its smth permanent (even if I believe God can heal, ive even had angry thoughts ofc like if He can heal why don’t I beat these wrong doers up cuz they have no qualms about doing it to others unfairly He can just heal them, I also thought if I had the right words and perception I could lead them away from their wicked ways) , and sometimes I wasn’t able to, ive physically hurt people out of being pushed too much and rage and with that I think I have let people off and not confronted them a lot in part bc I wasnt sure if I was even right to confront them other parts bc ofc of fear they will mistreat me if I reveal I think what they did or said was wrong instead of discussing it and thinking about it/ they already expressed they didn’t care or justified it in twisted ways that im not sure I could argue with or if thats even human.
I have to live and I think everyone in a spacious place. Too narrow will cause muscle issues and variety of issues that will worsen over time you are not sick becaues you are old you are sick because you ignroe and distort your body. I didn’t last long at all, some ppl last longer than me just to make excuses that im lazy + their brain melts and they don’t use it much anyway so superficially they last.
Im anti v4xx I think a lot of health info is a scam and ive experienced it and saw others experience it, I think some things can be true or not have better ways at a moment to deal with some issues but it doesn’t mean its not inherently flawed or manipulated information to make u a lil bit less sick or make u sick in a different veiled way even if it makes it “better” in some kind of way, I don’t mean its ok to let someone die or suffer more bc of too much skepticism, my point is I believe in honesty and integirty cuz u cant heal soemone with lies,
and medicine like other sciences is corrupted . be careful and discerning unfortunately u cant leave ur health in the hands of conventional doctors u have to research and fight for urself.
I have experienced various synchonicities. I think God has helped me and guided me.
Throw things away and tidy when we’re ready to. Tired or health issues is not the same as lazy. No tartorship or tyranny about it. Im not growing black mold either ofc
if a woman gets SA’d, and she doesn’t want to tell exactly what happenned, but she wants help, is it right for her to be upset at you and hide information, provided you live in the 20th century without internet and much media information, and if you don’t have personal experiences with SA or almost anyone has ever talked about it to you in your life, and you are just confused at why this person is refusing to communicate, and u have to take care of this and that issue, yet u don’t know if they are mad at u even for something that’s not even your fault or related to you if that happens a lot, then then u pressure her too much and now she’s hurt, you didn’t even think to make the situation accessible bc u’ve never even heard about that. If someone has an issue and they don’t tell your previous experiences and imagination so far suggest that they have stolen smth or messed up smth and don’t want to talk out of selfishness, not even bc they are scared of you.
I think I have went through humiliation, and doing things I didn’t want to, and failure to do what I wanted and weakness, to the point of not being able to process things and I think losing braincells and personality bc of it, trying to recover it and my functioning and health. I think most ppl are too fake and superficial, not learning anything maybe. Not reflecting, not trying, if they have gone throuhg something like that I think some people amy be just letting themselves go insane and hurt others while in denial instead of processing it, while I understad how difficult is to process it especially when people around you shame you and oppress you for it. I think I need someone who has at least the cognitive understanding for that. I don’t want to put others down for enjoying things.
Ive liked variety of media and art over time, vareity of criticising it and ideas of improving it too, and lately after understanding more about the world and Jesus Christ some of it was interestingly seen in different light. Also over the years I may have seen media nad the world in different light. I have synesthesia autism, adhd and maybe some form of OCD, besides maybe others. I’ve beebn able to induce things in my mind and some information that seemed so obvious to me others had said they realized from psychedelics, you have probably already heard some people’s minds can work like that too. Well some of the media is ofc immature since it doesn’t align with christian principels that seem true after trying to understand more and and a lot of the media is for brainwashing
ive wanted to do art music dancing and others but have struggled with health issues that I hope to resolve. If she wants to do any I am generally worried about toxicity from paint so I wouldn’t use it and wouldn’t recommend using it.
Semi ex astrologer. Bc im not sure if its all considered divination since I’ve had synchonicities related to it that I’ve felt like or wondered if God sent them to me. I do think He communicates with us somehow in various ways.
I think its importan tto be able to explain to a child why something is or isnt a certain way, bc I felt alienated from a lot of christians who just seemed to “know” things and judge things as evil or whatever with no explanation and cringe when I ask for one. I als orealize it can be hard to talk about, both bc of the content, how traumatising can be to think about again and again from an adult’s perspective + being too busy or struggle too much, not able to expalin anyinthg and everything one thinks.
I have health issues that can make it hard to think or process emotions bc of maladjustment in my cranial bones related to the whole body and pinched nerves and wiring issues, that I hope to resolve , and may need miracle healing for some of the damage, this is also why i write this way in the state i am its difficult and straining to write and use the exact corrects words and format everything in perfect order
I don’t want to hold her back from God in any way.
I sought for spiritual answers if spirituality was real until I started figuring out more and then about witchcraft, but I observed patterns in my life regarding a sin I was commiting and other reasons that made me think that it can’t be a coincidence any more + someone claiming he stopped m4g1c p0rt4l by saying “Christ is King” (but I will say Jesus Christ) and that the bible was telling the truth. The bible had upset me before in part due to things taken out of context and difficulty understanding, and of course Jesus does things a bit differently than the old testament, even if the law is still important, He teaches forgiveness.
I care a lot about the gifts of the spirit and the presence of God in my life but also in everyone else’s.
I think awareness or pcoessing of emotional nuance and self control are attractive as well as being free spirited but not exploitative
I don’t smoke or drink or do drugs I don’t even take medicine nor intend to for the most part, I don’t judge anyone who does but I’d discourage them. If my wife does I’d discourage her, I wont pester her about it unless I get discernment that I should and that it will be helpful, but I won’t judge her and I never judged anyone who did, except when they were hypocrites. I have never ingested more than a small cup iirc, if even that from alcohol and only on occassions, and then barely on any occassions. I have never smoked a cig or a joint or anything besides 2nd hand air. I stopped taking medication for illnesses years ago and I only took sweet drugs as a child bc they were sweet after being told not to.
I have however engaged in various parts and ways of PMO for various reasons
I think everything we have is given to us by God, or if we eorked for it opportunities or what was needed to achieve it was also given, so no one can be proud.
I have done weird things for health, personal amusement and other reasons includingi finding people who may relate and enjoy them but have been accused of attention seeking and I find that deeply repulsive because im sorry for trying to find people to connect with? I didn’t push things that others arent intersted in on them, I was jst trying to exist, some ppl don’t make the difference bc they have a really small world and don’t even think about others much and why they do what they do thus make the wrong assumtpions and attempt to harass and antagonize you. I find that very repulsive simultaneously ive known what other people’s intentions and results of actions and thoughts would be, and they would be confused and hostile towards me for acting like I know them, but I DID. And what I thought would happen happenned so I was just used and hurt and bc they are soo deep in to their own mess they don’t realize what they are doing wrong and a lot of the time don’t even remember that I said what would happen. Ive spent too much time and effort on ppl hoping they would change. I am not looking to be used up by a partner nonetheless. I don’t pretend to know everyhting or be perfecct but I think some ppl are so lost, esp after ive been also judged for my mistakes and not explained like I deserve respect so many times.
Narcissist abuse mention below line warning. Hoenstly you shouldn’te ven read it because I am concerned it may just upset you. I am posting it because I think its important to show that I am aware. Specifiaclly mentions narcissistic “whatever” podcast men who project it on the women.
Ive had a habit over the years of engaging with media that infuriates me bc I overthink how to react in those situations bc I don’t understand how that in front of me can be a human being with a brain who cares about others and if I showed distress or anger I’d be judged and harassed for it again, despite them being harassers and controllers I nthe first place, and I am afraid of forgetting about it and walking into such situation and being unable to control it. For example the “whatever” podcast the narcissist men were saying in an imposing way how a woman only thinks for herslf bc she wanted to be aborted bc her mother didn’t have neough money to raise her. Obviously u need money to raise someone properly for various reasons, and if he himself odenst understand that a lot of ppl like that are controlling demanding and imposing, while bitter about the sacrifices their toxic environmetns forced them to make (or they made out of their own inferiority hopelessness and lack of faith) or weere actually spoiled, but bc of that they imposed themselves on other people bc I know such ppl and how they grow up and how they treat other children, and are “thankful for being alive”, but obviously don’t have enough empathy for someone who is emotionally intelligent and has struggled to not be exactly like them, bnc those ppl also harass and abuse minorities and vulnerable groups and I have storie about that dotn wanna get into, and they pretend they don’t know what im saying when I do. No I shouldn’t have to remember everything u did and ddi wrong with ur life to expali nto you how you are mistreating me and beg for you to stop. This is a narcissist. I don’t like abortion after understanding that it’s actually alive very early own and has a soul already I think or smth, but before I didn’t know that when I was more justifying it, but I can explain to someone, instead of abusing them into making them lose any ounce of respect for themselves, bc growing up in harsh environment can also often invite other people to mistreat you, even if not always the case.
Bc of ppl like that cotnrolling my own life Ive also had a lot of bitterness and thoughts of revenge and this is part realted to my health issues, and there’s evil that I don’t know if ppl do it just bc they don’t understand genuinely, bc its demons or bc they have to be done something actually important for. I knew better as a child than 30 something year old men, and I have all these issues and I am still better, how can they justify it now? So I have wanted discernment regarding what should be done about various issues. No I will not talk to you or bother you with the dark stuff over and over again I even try to avoid it or build self control bc it can make you go insane im just putting it here to show that I am at least aware and thoughtful of that.
submitted by water_elaborate to ChristianDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:48 OhanaSlime Cost Vent/Rant

Cost Vent/Rant
Ok so I have a feeling this is going to be a bit of an unpopular post, but I'd have to say something. As someone who buys slimes for reviews, and someone who owns a slime shop, I know how much it sucks that prices are going up everywhere. I get how much it sucks that the cost for a premade jar of slime is going up, shipping prices are going up, it sucks. Occasionally, I see pet peeves regarding slime proof labels and borax not being automatically included, dome lids, etc. or just prices of slime going up in general... It's nice to have slime proof labels and dome jars to get that extra ounce or so of space. Believe me, I get it. But those all cost extra! Occasionally I go over the average price of certain items required to run a slime shop as a business or even just as a side hustle. Well my friends, I wanted to show something to back up my words. Parkway Plastics is a jar company used by SEVERAL slime shops of all different sizes. Last time I ordered, shipping was $50 as a "quote" (meaning your shipping price could go up) and that was for a jumbo case for a 6oz cap and lid combo and 50 8oz jar and lid combos. Usually, for that they'd hit me up for an extra $25 for shipping so that ups it to $75ish. This last order was for 1 case of jars only, no lids (typically you have to buy lids separately because they charge different prices for different style of lids). Now shipping is $100?! And I've seen a handful of posts regarding the sudden increase in glue prices, and you'd be shocked if y'all knew how often that BS happens. Now, I'm nowhere close to being a big shop. I don't have daily orders which is fine, totally not my point (just using my shop as an example). In the last year, the profit I made from my shop, was an average of only $667 per month. That doesnt include the cost of hours of labor. Now like I said, I'm just using my shop as an example. My website isn't great, we are nowhere near perfect, in fact we are WAAAAY far from perfect 😅. But y'all, $667 per month. That's not even enough to pay half of the rent for a shabby 2 bedroom apartment.
I guess what I'm trying to say is yes, shops are increasing their prices. But it's not because we want to. Most shops aren't big enough to get glue or jars and those super low wholesale bulk prices. Most of us get glue at Walmart, Michael's, Target, Amazon, etc just like everyone else. I personally have cut back costs by printing out my own labels (even then slime proof labels cost a lot more), borax is not automatically included because 9/10 times, it's just tossed. Please know that I'm not trying to come across as mean or hateful or disrespectful. Remember I also buy slime, and I'm also on disability so besides that measly $667, I only get about $1000 each month for my son and I to live off of. I physically cringe when I buy slime because they are expensive. And shipping costs just make it even worse. Believe me, we hear you. We feel your pain. But just please, keep in mind that we're not some twisted shady gas company or insurance company. We're not upping prices just so we can blow our noses with $100. We have to increase prices to keep our shops going. 98% of us don't have warehouses or staff, and we are not Amazon. Most of us have a kitchen, slime room, occasional help from family (if any at all), and if we're lucky, a nice commercial grade mixer or at least a decent kitchen aid (I'm lucky I have a basic kitchen aid mixer). The majority of shop owners do this while holding a full time job and raising a family (I tip my hat to them I honestly don't know how they do it). I want to say that I'm not speaking for any other shops... everyone has their own opinions. But just seeing posts that complain about the little things (which like I said, I do understand) but also get upset that prices are going up (I'm not singling out any particular post) it's like, what do you expect from us? It can get really discouraging. It can hurt. We are people with feelings just like everyone else. We don't make and sell slime for the money because it's oh so glamorous. We do it because it's what we love, and we love bringing joy and (hopefully) relaxation and smiles to our customers. I guess, in the end, I just humbly request to please keep that in mind.
Now as I've said, I know this post is going to be unpopular. Please please PLEASE know that I in no way mean any disrespect to anyone and I'm definitely not trying to single anyone out nor am I speaking up for any other specific shop. I know I say "we" often, but this is my personal opinion and not necessarily the opinion of any other shop. If someone wants to make their own slime to save money, go for it! If you want to start your own shop, go for it! I honestly mean that and dont mean it in a condescending way. I mainly wrote this in hope that there would be a bit more understanding. That's all. I'm happy to reply to any comments that have sincere questions, but I will not be replying to anyone who wishes to instigate. If I have in any way hurt someone's feelings, or made someone feel disrespected, or hostile in anyway, I'm so sorry. It is not my intention to do that. I hope everyone has a great rest of the day. 🥰
submitted by OhanaSlime to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:47 Independent_World915 My partner does not love me at all

Hello Reddit. First time to post here. I badly need advise but dont want to tell my friends and family about this.
My partner (37m) does not love me(30f) at all. We’re together 7 years and we have a son (5m) Im trying to figure out what his love language is, and I realized that the reason why I cant figure it out is because he doesnt feel anything for me.
I feel so trapped in our relationship even if we’re not married. I dont want my son to not have a father. But Im not happy anymore. I feel so little and so lonely and so unloved.
Just this mother’s day, he wouldnt have greeted me if I havent reminded him to greet his mom. When he’s away for work, (he’s an owneoperator of our van rental) he would never update me but I could see his messenger that he updates his friend group about his whereabouts. I told him many times to atleast update me whenever he stops somewhere because I worry about him, but he always says that he’s busy driving (but he could update his friends. Lol). So I stopped bothering him when he’s away. We used to argue about this but I taught myself to not care so much cause he doesnt.
One time he went to his aunt’s funeral for 2 days without updating me. (My son and I couldnt go). No calls, no texts, no chats. None at all. But I saw from his brother’s facebook live that he’s always holding his phone. When he got home, I asked him if it is so hard for him to check up on me and our child. Of course his response was that he’s busy with whatever he is doing there. I pointed out that I saw him holding his phone all the time but not once did he bother checking on us. He snapped at me and I dropped the issue.
He’s never intimate with me. Im not just talking about sex, but in all aspects. He doesnt like talking to me, he’s always on his phone. He doesnt hug or kiss me, I dont even remember a time when he held my hand, or walk beside me whenever we’re out. He never looks at me when we’re crossing the street. Whenever I ask him to pass me something, he wont give it to me directly, he will set it down within my reach even if handing it to me is easier. He always avoid my kisses and hugs. Either telling me that he havent showered yet or that the weather is too hot for all that. Lol. Sex was never great. He’s selfish.
I could never cry in front of him. When my father died in 2020, he wasnt even there for me. He left for work when he could’ve given the booking to one of his friends. Months after my dad died, I am still grieving and he asked me what Im crying about. He sees crying as weakness. He’s so insensitive to my feelings that I run and hide whenever I cry about something.
We dont really argue anymore. The only reason that our relationship is quiet is because we dont talk about our issues, instead we bury it. He is more like a roommate to me than a partner.
I always wonder what our lives would be once I leave him, but my heart really aches whenever I think of my son. He is still a loving father to him.
I dont really know what to do or how to start again. I dont believe in love and in marriage because of him. I dont know how to endure more years of this torture. I feel so trapped and drowing from all this negative emotions that I tried to hide from everyone. Both our families ask me when we would get married. I really dont know how to answer them so i would just change topic. If I get cornered, I just end up raising my voice telling them that I DONT WANT TO.
I know people will tell me that im stupid for staying despite of what Im feeling but my heart would ache more if I see my child asking about his father. They are close. I dont want to take that love away from my son.
I badly need advise as to what i can do. I feel lost. Please help me find my way again. Thank you.
submitted by Independent_World915 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:47 marcoxnt93 [H] A lot games [W] Offers

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
9 Years of Shadows
12 is Better Than 6
911 Operator
A Blind Legend
Aarklash: Legacy
Acorn Assault: Rodent Revolution
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Agent in Depth
age of wonders 3
Agents of Mayhem
Alien Spidy
AI War 2
A Juggler's Tale
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Almost There: The Platformer
Alter Army"
Akka Arrh
American Fugitive
A Musical Story
Ancestors Legacy
Ancient Enemy
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aragami 2
Arcade Spirits
Arena Renovation
Armada 2526 Gold Edition
Arma X
Arx Fatalis
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
Ascension to the Throne
Ashina: The Red Witch
Atari Vault
Attack of the Earthlings
Axiom Verge
Back 4 Blood - Only for good offers
Band of Defenders"
Banners of Ruin
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
Battle Academy 2: Eastern Front
Battle vs Chess
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
BioShock Infinite
Bizango Blast
BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition
Blacksad: Under the Skin
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Blood Bowl 2
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced
Borderlands handsome collection
Bots Are Stupid
Bot Vice
Breakout: Recharged
Brunch Club
Broken Age
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Bunker Punks
Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Call of Juarez
Carmageddon max damage
Cats and the Other Lives
Caverns of Mars: Recharged
Caveman World: Mountains of Unga Boonga
Centipede: Recharged
Chambers of Devious Design
Chess Ultra
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
Children of Morta
Chaos on Deponia
Circuit Breakers
City Siege: Faction Island
Close to the Sun
Clunky Hero
Colt Canyon
Constructor Classic 1997
Conglomerate 451
Cookie Cutter
Cook Serve Delicious
Cook Serve Delicious! 3?!
Corridor Z
Cosmic Express
Craft Keep VR
Crazy Belts
Creeping Terror
Creepy Tale
Crown Champion: Legends of the Arena
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit
Cubicle Quest
Cursed Sight
Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior
Darkest Dungeon
Dark Strokes The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collectors Edition
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage
Danger Scavenger
Day of Infamy
Dead Age
Dead Age 2
Dead by daylight
Dead End Job
Deadlight: Director's Cut
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Space 3 Origin key
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Degrees of Separation
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Devil Daggers
Devil's Hunt
DIG - Deep In Galaxies
Dimension Drifter
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Only for good offers
dirt 5 - Only for good offers
Divide By Sheep
DmC Devil May Cry
Doodle Derby
DOOM (1993)
Dorke and Ymp
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Double Dragon IV
Doughlings Arcade
Doughlings Invasion
Draw Slasher
DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Drink More Glurp
Dub Dash
Duke Nukem Forever
Dungeons 3
Dust to the End
DV: Rings of Saturn
Eagle Island
Elven Legacy Collection
Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Escape Dead Island
Escape Game Fort Boyard
Escape from Naraka
Eternal Edge +
Eternity: The Last Unicorn
Etherlords I & II
Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends
eXperience 112
f1 2019 Anniversary - ONLY FOR VERY GOOD OFFERS
Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises
Fantasy Blacksmith
Farming World
Farm Frenzy: Refreshed
Final Doom
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS
Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Deluxe Edition
Fractured Minds
Freaking Meatbags
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Frick, Inc.
For the People
Formula Carr Racing
Funk of Titans
Furious Angels
Fury Unleashed
Game Dev Studio
Gas Station Simulator
Generation Zero
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
God’s Trigger
Go Home Dinosaurs
Going Under
Golden Light
Golf Gang
Goodbye Deponia
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Grid Ultimate Edition
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing - Cygon Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Nyvoss Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Terra Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Vintek Garage Kit
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son
GTA VICE CITY - only for very good offers
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hack 'n' Slash
Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage
Hauma - A Detective Noir Story
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
Heroes of Hellas 3: Athens
Heroes of Hellas Origins: Part One
Hidden Memory - Neko's Life
Hidden Object 6in1 bundle
Hidden Object Bundle 5 in 1
Hidden Shapes - Trick or Cats
Hiveswap Friendsim
Hitman Absolution
Holiday Bonus GOLD
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Homebrew - Patent Unknown
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home EP2
Horizon Shift
Hospital Tycoon
Hyperdrive Massacre
Hyperspace Invaders II: Pixel Edition
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
In Between
Inside My Radio
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Into the Pit
In Other Waters
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi
Iron Danger
Iron Lung
Iron Marines
Island Tribe
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery
Jewel Match Atlantis Solitaire - Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour
Jewel Match Solitaire Winterscapes
Just Cause 3
Just Die Already
Just Ignore Them
Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim
Kao the Kangaroo (2000 re-release)
Kerbal Space Program
Killing Floor 2
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Kitaria Fables
Kingdom Rush
King Oddball
Knight's Retreat
Koala Kids
Konung 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Landlord's Super
Laser Disco Defenders
Last Oasis
Last Word
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager
Lego Marvel 2 Deluxe
Looking for Aliens
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Lovecraft's Untold Stories + OST + Artbook
Lords and Villeins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Luxor 3
Machinika Museum
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
Mad Max
Mad Tracks
Magenta Horizon
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
Mask of the Rose
Mass Effect 2
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
Medieval Kingdom Wars
Men of War: Assault Squad - Game of the Year Edition
Men of War: Red Tide
Meow Express
Metal Unit
Metro last light redux
Metro Redux Bundle
Micro Machines World Series
Middle-earth : Shadow of Mordor Goty
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi
Midnight Protocol
Mini Ninjas
Mini Thief
Minute of Islands
MirrorMoon EP
Mob Rule Classic
Modern Tales: Age of Invention
Moon Hunters
Moss Destruction
MotoGP 15
Mortal Kombat XL
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
Mount & blade
Mr. Run and Jump
MXGP - The Official Motocross Videogame
My Big Sister
Nadia Was Here
Nigate Tale
Neon Chrome
Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder
NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
Nobodies: Murder Cleaner
Noir Chronicles: City of Crime
Noitu Love 2: Devolution
Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition
Northern Tale
Non-Stop Raiders
Now You See - A Hand Painted Horror Adventure
OlliOlli World
Old School Musical
Omen Exitio: Plague
Orbital Bullet
Orbital Racer
Oriental Empires
Orn the tiny forest sprite
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength
Outcast - Second Contact
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Out of Space
Overlord: Ultimate Evil Collection
Pang Adventures
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Paper Beast - Folded Edition
Paper Fire Rookie
Paper Planet
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Persian Nights 2: The Moonlight Veil
Pathfinder Wrath
Paw Patrol: On A Roll!
Paw Paw Paw
Peachleaf Pirates
Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders
pillars of eternity
Pill Baby
Pirate Pop Plus
Pizza Express
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
PixelJunk™ Monsters Ultimate + Shooter Bundle
Planet TD
Plebby Quest: The Crusades
Planet Zoo
Police Stories
Post Master
portal knights
Post Void
Prehistoric Tales
Primal Carnage: Extinction
pro cycling manager 2019
Project Chemistry
Professor Lupo: Ocean
Prophecy I - The Viking Child
Quantum Replica
Quake 2
Quake Live
Raining Blobs
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
Railway Empire
Radio Commander
Rebel Galaxy
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Rebel Inc
Recon Control
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Regency Solitaire
Regular Human Basketball
Regions of Ruin
Remnants of Naezith
Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition
Resort Boss: Golf
Return to Mysterious Island
Richard & Alice
Rise of Insanity
Rising Dusk
River City Girls
River City Melee Mach
Road to Guangdong
Roads of Rome 3
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
Rym 9000
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Safety First!
Satellite Reign
Satellite Rush
Savage Lands
Save Jesus
Say No! More
Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning
Sea Horizon
Serial Cleaner
Sentience: The Android's Tale
SEARCH PARTY: Director's Cut
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Severed Steel
Shadowrun Returns
Shadows: Awakening
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
Shooting Stars!
Shoppe Keep
Shutter 2
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim
Sid Meier Civilization V
Sid Meier Civilization VI
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
sim city 4
Sir Whoopass™: Immortal Death
Sky Break
Slain: Back from Hell
Slinger VR
Smart Factory Tycoon
Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe Edition
sonic all stars transformed collection
Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
Sonic Forces
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
Sorry, James
Soul Searching
Space Robinson: Hardcore Roguelike Actio
Sparkle 2
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection
Spirit Hunter: NG
Spirit of the Isand
Spooky Bonus
Spring Bonus
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Star Wolves
star trek bridge crew
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition - only for good offers
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Steel Rats
Stick it to The Man!
Stick Fight: The Game
Stirring Abyss
Strikey Sisters
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Sudden Strike 4
Suffer The Night
Summer in Mara
Superhot VR
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Super Mutant Alien Assault
Super Panda Adventures
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Super Star Path
Survivalist: Invisible Strain
Switchball HD
Sword of the Necromancer
Syberia 3
Syberia 3
System Shock Enhanced Edition
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
Team Sonic Racing
tekken 7
Telefrag VR
Tesla Force
Teslagrad Remastered
Testament of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure Pals
The Amazing American Circus
The Assembly
The Big Con
The Black Heart
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Crow's Eye
The Darkside Detective
The Deed
The Deed II
The Deed: Dynasty
The Dungeon Beneath
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dream
The Escapists
The Fan
The Final Station
The Flame in the Flood
The Horror Of Salazar House
The Inner World
The Invisible Hand
The Last Crown: Midnight Horror
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Long Dark: Survival Edition
The Lost Crown
The Long Reach
The Knight Witch
The Metronomicon - The Deluxe Edition
The Myth Seekers 2: The Sunken City
The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan
The Next Penelope
The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
The Spectrum Retreat
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead – Season 1
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
The Wild Eight
The Whispered World Special Edition
They Always Run
They Bleed Pixels
Think of the Children
This War of Mine
Through the Woods
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tilt Brush
Time on Frog Island
Time Loader
Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition
Tom Clancy's The Division Uplay + Survival dlc
Total War: MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Tower of Time
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul
Toybox Turbos
Toy Tinker Simulator
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trine 2: Complete Story
Trine 3
Trine 4
Tropico 4
Tyrant's Blessing
UFO: Afterlight
Ultimate Zombie Defense
Undead Horde
Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy
Unto The End
Vambrace: Cold Soul
Vampire of the Sands
Vampire Survivors
Vanishing Realms
Velocity Ultra
Viking Saga New World
Viking Saga The Cursed Ring
Voidship: The Long Journey
walking dead the new frontier
War Solution - Casual Math Game
war tech fighters
Wasteland 2: Director s Cut - Classic Edition
Wayout 2: Hex
Wayward Souls
We Are Alright
When In Rome
White Night
White Noise 2
Witch it
Without Within 3
World Keepers Last Resort
World Ship Simulator
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms Revolution
Worms Rumble
Wounded - The Beginning
Verdant Skies
XBlaze Code: Embryo
X-Com 2
X-Com Chimera Squad
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
Xpand Rally
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yesterday Origins"
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yoku's Island Express
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Zarya-1: Mystery on the Moon
Zombie Derby 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by marcoxnt93 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:47 ikusababy I Got Disability!!!

i received shocking news on mother's day- i won my disability case! on the first hearing! i remember coming to this sub searching for advice when i first applied. it seemed mostly just others asking the same questions i had or talking about being denied, so i figured i'd post about my rare case that got approved (in the US.) i can't give legal advice of course, just share my experience and hope it helps someone.
my migraines became chronic october 2020. i quit my job after being denied fmla leave. i had only worked on the record for 3 years at minimum wage jobs. the income was just enough so my husband (bf at the time) and i never really had to worry about bills. i first applied for ssdi in november 2022 (i wish i had applied sooner, i just was so stressed and didn't think i had a chance anyway.) got my first denial letter i think in april 2023. my MIL gave me the info of a few good local lawyers from her local MS facebook support group. i googled some of the names, checking reviews of some of them. called the first one on my list, was told they wouldn't represent me since i'm under 60 (or maybe 50? point being: 26 is a bit younger.) fair enough, so i called the next on my list. answered some basic screening questions and got a phone appointment set up.
i applied for migraines but also listed my mental health diagnoses. usually my mental health is manageable, but with the migraines it started to decline. i had the feeling this lawyer thought i was more likely to get ssdi for my mental health rather than migraines. but i maybe i was reading that wrong and he had to ask more about the mental health since it's a bit more complex to understand than migraines for some people idk. regardless i was honest and he agreed to represent me and was really upfront about how the process works. he told me i'd likely lose the first and maybe 2nd case, but he thought i had a shot. that gave me some hope since he had a lot of positive reviews and i'm sure wouldn't take me if he thought it was hopeless!
still, i stressed a lot because i struggled to find a doctor willing to make a disability statement. it was mostly an issue for me because i had just been forced to switch insurance (turned 27 yay) which made me have to find new providers that don't know me well. luckily my psychologist said he was willing and gave a letter of support! and so timeskip after some more denials, i'm set for a hearing over the phone. my lawyer called me the day before to go over everything; checking that i'm not exaggerating answers, pointing out possible things they could ask about, stuff like that. (not like coaching, moreso just checking that i can give clear answers and not panic lol.) he said he knew the judge and thought she was very fair.
i was super nervous but the hearing seemed to go well from what i could tell! it was so gratifying to hear the job expert say exactly what i've been saying; that i only have experience in low-med labor jobs and those jobs won't hire someone who must be absent multiple days a month. the judge mentioned possibly asking a doctor about applying a special rule they use for seizures to my migraines that would classify me as disabled. the judge was very nice and at the end gave me a "sorry you have to go through this" that felt very genuine tho idk if that's something all judges say. my lawyer called afterwards to say he thought it went really well, i answered things well, and the job expert seemed to agree with us. things seem like they could go either way, but my lawyer sounds more hopeful now too so i'm cautiously excited.
so then mother's day i get a call from my lawyer. i rush to pick up because my social security online account status updated to final review 2 days prior so i knew a decision was coming. and my lawyer tells me, "congratulations, you won" !!!! I contain a scream and say in disbelief, "oh my god, i didn't expect to win my 1st at all!" he explained that actually the judge had written to the doctor about my migraines and the doctor disagreed. my lawyer wrote to the judge that he disagreed with the doctor's descision as he was off about some facts in his report, and the judge agreed with my lawyer!!! so i won for the migraines! he told me about how much i can be expecting and that i'll have to switch my primary insurance to medicare soon.
so i think the moral is: roll a nat20 on lawyer and judge selection and you're good! jk. kinda. i know i'm incredibly lucky to have gotten approved and i know there's so many of you out there that absolutely deserve it but have to fight til the end of the legal system. i mean even my dad was told by his doctor to stop working after a heart attack, but he had to go to the final hearing (in which that judge apologized to him that he wasn't approved earlier.) but if you're considering applying or going thru it and are scared now, just know it's not impossible! i was an anxiety-ridden mess right before my trial and even had a mild migraine during the whole thing, but it went really well! and soon i'll be able to pay off my debts and once again contribute financially!!
submitted by ikusababy to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 existing_animal11 For those of you who work minimum wage jobs, do you get condescendingly stared at by Indian customers?

I work part time as a deep frier, mostly chicken and fries at a small town chicken restaurant alongside community college. Before this job, I used to work at a trampoline park. For whatever reason, at both places, I’m always stared at by Indian customers and even treated like shit. I’m not referring to ABCDs, mainly adults who probably immigrated recently.
My kitchen has a window open to hand food out to the servers, and every Indian f@mily that comes in sits themselves in front of the window and stares at me. It makes me so fucking uncomfortable that it’s hard to work. And it’s not just the adults, if they have teenage kids as well, the whole lot likes to stare.
When I was working at the trampoline park, these Indians with very heavy accents would always treat me like shit. They frequently refused to address me respectfully and just called me “waiter boy” and I wasn’t even a waiter. They would leave their trash everywhere and remind me to clean it with the most angry tone. It drove me nuts, but thankfully Indian f@milies were a once every two weeks occurrence at the park, and are a once a week occurrence at the restaurant.
Does anyone know why they do this? Has this happened to you guys before?
Edit: For some more context, I was born in Anchorage Alaska and worked as a trampoline park employee there. I recently moved to Tennessee about a year ago, where I’m working at a chicken place.
submitted by existing_animal11 to ABCDesis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 marcoxnt93 [H] A lot games [W] Offers

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
9 Years of Shadows
12 is Better Than 6
911 Operator
A Blind Legend
Aarklash: Legacy
Acorn Assault: Rodent Revolution
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Agent in Depth
age of wonders 3
Agents of Mayhem
Alien Spidy
AI War 2
A Juggler's Tale
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Almost There: The Platformer
Alter Army"
Akka Arrh
American Fugitive
A Musical Story
Ancestors Legacy
Ancient Enemy
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aragami 2
Arcade Spirits
Arena Renovation
Armada 2526 Gold Edition
Arma X
Arx Fatalis
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
Ascension to the Throne
Ashina: The Red Witch
Atari Vault
Attack of the Earthlings
Axiom Verge
Back 4 Blood - Only for good offers
Band of Defenders"
Banners of Ruin
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
Battle Academy 2: Eastern Front
Battle vs Chess
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
BioShock Infinite
Bizango Blast
BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition
Blacksad: Under the Skin
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Blood Bowl 2
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced
Borderlands handsome collection
Bots Are Stupid
Bot Vice
Breakout: Recharged
Brunch Club
Broken Age
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Bunker Punks
Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Call of Juarez
Carmageddon max damage
Cats and the Other Lives
Caverns of Mars: Recharged
Caveman World: Mountains of Unga Boonga
Centipede: Recharged
Chambers of Devious Design
Chess Ultra
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
Children of Morta
Chaos on Deponia
Circuit Breakers
City Siege: Faction Island
Close to the Sun
Clunky Hero
Colt Canyon
Constructor Classic 1997
Conglomerate 451
Cookie Cutter
Cook Serve Delicious
Cook Serve Delicious! 3?!
Corridor Z
Cosmic Express
Craft Keep VR
Crazy Belts
Creeping Terror
Creepy Tale
Crown Champion: Legends of the Arena
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit
Cubicle Quest
Cursed Sight
Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior
Darkest Dungeon
Dark Strokes The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collectors Edition
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage
Danger Scavenger
Day of Infamy
Dead Age
Dead Age 2
Dead by daylight
Dead End Job
Deadlight: Director's Cut
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Space 3 Origin key
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Degrees of Separation
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Devil Daggers
Devil's Hunt
DIG - Deep In Galaxies
Dimension Drifter
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Only for good offers
dirt 5 - Only for good offers
Divide By Sheep
DmC Devil May Cry
Doodle Derby
DOOM (1993)
Dorke and Ymp
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Double Dragon IV
Doughlings Arcade
Doughlings Invasion
Draw Slasher
DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Drink More Glurp
Dub Dash
Duke Nukem Forever
Dungeons 3
Dust to the End
DV: Rings of Saturn
Eagle Island
Elven Legacy Collection
Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Escape Dead Island
Escape Game Fort Boyard
Escape from Naraka
Eternal Edge +
Eternity: The Last Unicorn
Etherlords I & II
Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends
eXperience 112
f1 2019 Anniversary - ONLY FOR VERY GOOD OFFERS
Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises
Fantasy Blacksmith
Farming World
Farm Frenzy: Refreshed
Final Doom
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS
Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Deluxe Edition
Fractured Minds
Freaking Meatbags
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Frick, Inc.
For the People
Formula Carr Racing
Funk of Titans
Furious Angels
Fury Unleashed
Game Dev Studio
Gas Station Simulator
Generation Zero
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
God’s Trigger
Go Home Dinosaurs
Going Under
Golden Light
Golf Gang
Goodbye Deponia
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Grid Ultimate Edition
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing - Cygon Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Nyvoss Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Terra Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Vintek Garage Kit
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son
GTA VICE CITY - only for very good offers
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hack 'n' Slash
Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage
Hauma - A Detective Noir Story
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
Heroes of Hellas 3: Athens
Heroes of Hellas Origins: Part One
Hidden Memory - Neko's Life
Hidden Object 6in1 bundle
Hidden Object Bundle 5 in 1
Hidden Shapes - Trick or Cats
Hiveswap Friendsim
Hitman Absolution
Holiday Bonus GOLD
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Homebrew - Patent Unknown
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home EP2
Horizon Shift
Hospital Tycoon
Hyperdrive Massacre
Hyperspace Invaders II: Pixel Edition
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
In Between
Inside My Radio
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Into the Pit
In Other Waters
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi
Iron Danger
Iron Lung
Iron Marines
Island Tribe
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery
Jewel Match Atlantis Solitaire - Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour
Jewel Match Solitaire Winterscapes
Just Cause 3
Just Die Already
Just Ignore Them
Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim
Kao the Kangaroo (2000 re-release)
Kerbal Space Program
Killing Floor 2
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Kitaria Fables
Kingdom Rush
King Oddball
Knight's Retreat
Koala Kids
Konung 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Landlord's Super
Laser Disco Defenders
Last Oasis
Last Word
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager
Lego Marvel 2 Deluxe
Looking for Aliens
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Lovecraft's Untold Stories + OST + Artbook
Lords and Villeins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Luxor 3
Machinika Museum
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
Mad Max
Mad Tracks
Magenta Horizon
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
Mask of the Rose
Mass Effect 2
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
Medieval Kingdom Wars
Men of War: Assault Squad - Game of the Year Edition
Men of War: Red Tide
Meow Express
Metal Unit
Metro last light redux
Metro Redux Bundle
Micro Machines World Series
Middle-earth : Shadow of Mordor Goty
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi
Midnight Protocol
Mini Ninjas
Mini Thief
Minute of Islands
MirrorMoon EP
Mob Rule Classic
Modern Tales: Age of Invention
Moon Hunters
Moss Destruction
MotoGP 15
Mortal Kombat XL
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
Mount & blade
Mr. Run and Jump
MXGP - The Official Motocross Videogame
My Big Sister
Nadia Was Here
Nigate Tale
Neon Chrome
Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder
NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
Nobodies: Murder Cleaner
Noir Chronicles: City of Crime
Noitu Love 2: Devolution
Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition
Northern Tale
Non-Stop Raiders
Now You See - A Hand Painted Horror Adventure
OlliOlli World
Old School Musical
Omen Exitio: Plague
Orbital Bullet
Orbital Racer
Oriental Empires
Orn the tiny forest sprite
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength
Outcast - Second Contact
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Out of Space
Overlord: Ultimate Evil Collection
Pang Adventures
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Paper Beast - Folded Edition
Paper Fire Rookie
Paper Planet
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Persian Nights 2: The Moonlight Veil
Pathfinder Wrath
Paw Patrol: On A Roll!
Paw Paw Paw
Peachleaf Pirates
Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders
pillars of eternity
Pill Baby
Pirate Pop Plus
Pizza Express
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
PixelJunk™ Monsters Ultimate + Shooter Bundle
Planet TD
Plebby Quest: The Crusades
Planet Zoo
Police Stories
Post Master
portal knights
Post Void
Prehistoric Tales
Primal Carnage: Extinction
pro cycling manager 2019
Project Chemistry
Professor Lupo: Ocean
Prophecy I - The Viking Child
Quantum Replica
Quake 2
Quake Live
Raining Blobs
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
Railway Empire
Radio Commander
Rebel Galaxy
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Rebel Inc
Recon Control
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Regency Solitaire
Regular Human Basketball
Regions of Ruin
Remnants of Naezith
Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition
Resort Boss: Golf
Return to Mysterious Island
Richard & Alice
Rise of Insanity
Rising Dusk
River City Girls
River City Melee Mach
Road to Guangdong
Roads of Rome 3
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
Rym 9000
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Safety First!
Satellite Reign
Satellite Rush
Savage Lands
Save Jesus
Say No! More
Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning
Sea Horizon
Serial Cleaner
Sentience: The Android's Tale
SEARCH PARTY: Director's Cut
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Severed Steel
Shadowrun Returns
Shadows: Awakening
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
Shooting Stars!
Shoppe Keep
Shutter 2
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim
Sid Meier Civilization V
Sid Meier Civilization VI
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
sim city 4
Sir Whoopass™: Immortal Death
Sky Break
Slain: Back from Hell
Slinger VR
Smart Factory Tycoon
Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe Edition
sonic all stars transformed collection
Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
Sonic Forces
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
Sorry, James
Soul Searching
Space Robinson: Hardcore Roguelike Actio
Sparkle 2
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection
Spirit Hunter: NG
Spirit of the Isand
Spooky Bonus
Spring Bonus
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Star Wolves
star trek bridge crew
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition - only for good offers
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Steel Rats
Stick it to The Man!
Stick Fight: The Game
Stirring Abyss
Strikey Sisters
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Sudden Strike 4
Suffer The Night
Summer in Mara
Superhot VR
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Super Mutant Alien Assault
Super Panda Adventures
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Super Star Path
Survivalist: Invisible Strain
Switchball HD
Sword of the Necromancer
Syberia 3
Syberia 3
System Shock Enhanced Edition
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
Team Sonic Racing
tekken 7
Telefrag VR
Tesla Force
Teslagrad Remastered
Testament of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure Pals
The Amazing American Circus
The Assembly
The Big Con
The Black Heart
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Crow's Eye
The Darkside Detective
The Deed
The Deed II
The Deed: Dynasty
The Dungeon Beneath
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dream
The Escapists
The Fan
The Final Station
The Flame in the Flood
The Horror Of Salazar House
The Inner World
The Invisible Hand
The Last Crown: Midnight Horror
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Long Dark: Survival Edition
The Lost Crown
The Long Reach
The Knight Witch
The Metronomicon - The Deluxe Edition
The Myth Seekers 2: The Sunken City
The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan
The Next Penelope
The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
The Spectrum Retreat
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead – Season 1
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
The Wild Eight
The Whispered World Special Edition
They Always Run
They Bleed Pixels
Think of the Children
This War of Mine
Through the Woods
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tilt Brush
Time on Frog Island
Time Loader
Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition
Tom Clancy's The Division Uplay + Survival dlc
Total War: MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Tower of Time
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul
Toybox Turbos
Toy Tinker Simulator
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trine 2: Complete Story
Trine 3
Trine 4
Tropico 4
Tyrant's Blessing
UFO: Afterlight
Ultimate Zombie Defense
Undead Horde
Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy
Unto The End
Vambrace: Cold Soul
Vampire of the Sands
Vampire Survivors
Vanishing Realms
Velocity Ultra
Viking Saga New World
Viking Saga The Cursed Ring
Voidship: The Long Journey
walking dead the new frontier
War Solution - Casual Math Game
war tech fighters
Wasteland 2: Director s Cut - Classic Edition
Wayout 2: Hex
Wayward Souls
We Are Alright
When In Rome
White Night
White Noise 2
Witch it
Without Within 3
World Keepers Last Resort
World Ship Simulator
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms Revolution
Worms Rumble
Wounded - The Beginning
Verdant Skies
XBlaze Code: Embryo
X-Com 2
X-Com Chimera Squad
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
Xpand Rally
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yesterday Origins"
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yoku's Island Express
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Zarya-1: Mystery on the Moon
Zombie Derby 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by marcoxnt93 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 marcoxnt93 [H] A lot games [W] Offers

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
9 Years of Shadows
12 is Better Than 6
911 Operator
A Blind Legend
Aarklash: Legacy
Acorn Assault: Rodent Revolution
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Agent in Depth
age of wonders 3
Agents of Mayhem
Alien Spidy
AI War 2
A Juggler's Tale
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Almost There: The Platformer
Alter Army"
Akka Arrh
American Fugitive
A Musical Story
Ancestors Legacy
Ancient Enemy
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aragami 2
Arcade Spirits
Arena Renovation
Armada 2526 Gold Edition
Arma X
Arx Fatalis
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
Ascension to the Throne
Ashina: The Red Witch
Atari Vault
Attack of the Earthlings
Axiom Verge
Back 4 Blood - Only for good offers
Band of Defenders"
Banners of Ruin
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
Battle Academy 2: Eastern Front
Battle vs Chess
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
BioShock Infinite
Bizango Blast
BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition
Blacksad: Under the Skin
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Blood Bowl 2
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced
Borderlands handsome collection
Bots Are Stupid
Bot Vice
Breakout: Recharged
Brunch Club
Broken Age
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Bunker Punks
Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Call of Juarez
Carmageddon max damage
Cats and the Other Lives
Caverns of Mars: Recharged
Caveman World: Mountains of Unga Boonga
Centipede: Recharged
Chambers of Devious Design
Chess Ultra
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
Children of Morta
Chaos on Deponia
Circuit Breakers
City Siege: Faction Island
Close to the Sun
Clunky Hero
Colt Canyon
Constructor Classic 1997
Conglomerate 451
Cookie Cutter
Cook Serve Delicious
Cook Serve Delicious! 3?!
Corridor Z
Cosmic Express
Craft Keep VR
Crazy Belts
Creeping Terror
Creepy Tale
Crown Champion: Legends of the Arena
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit
Cubicle Quest
Cursed Sight
Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior
Darkest Dungeon
Dark Strokes The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collectors Edition
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage
Danger Scavenger
Day of Infamy
Dead Age
Dead Age 2
Dead by daylight
Dead End Job
Deadlight: Director's Cut
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Space 3 Origin key
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Degrees of Separation
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Devil Daggers
Devil's Hunt
DIG - Deep In Galaxies
Dimension Drifter
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Only for good offers
dirt 5 - Only for good offers
Divide By Sheep
DmC Devil May Cry
Doodle Derby
DOOM (1993)
Dorke and Ymp
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Double Dragon IV
Doughlings Arcade
Doughlings Invasion
Draw Slasher
DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Drink More Glurp
Dub Dash
Duke Nukem Forever
Dungeons 3
Dust to the End
DV: Rings of Saturn
Eagle Island
Elven Legacy Collection
Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Escape Dead Island
Escape Game Fort Boyard
Escape from Naraka
Eternal Edge +
Eternity: The Last Unicorn
Etherlords I & II
Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends
eXperience 112
f1 2019 Anniversary - ONLY FOR VERY GOOD OFFERS
Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises
Fantasy Blacksmith
Farming World
Farm Frenzy: Refreshed
Final Doom
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS
Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Deluxe Edition
Fractured Minds
Freaking Meatbags
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Frick, Inc.
For the People
Formula Carr Racing
Funk of Titans
Furious Angels
Fury Unleashed
Game Dev Studio
Gas Station Simulator
Generation Zero
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
God’s Trigger
Go Home Dinosaurs
Going Under
Golden Light
Golf Gang
Goodbye Deponia
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Grid Ultimate Edition
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing - Cygon Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Nyvoss Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Terra Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Vintek Garage Kit
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son
GTA VICE CITY - only for very good offers
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hack 'n' Slash
Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage
Hauma - A Detective Noir Story
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
Heroes of Hellas 3: Athens
Heroes of Hellas Origins: Part One
Hidden Memory - Neko's Life
Hidden Object 6in1 bundle
Hidden Object Bundle 5 in 1
Hidden Shapes - Trick or Cats
Hiveswap Friendsim
Hitman Absolution
Holiday Bonus GOLD
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Homebrew - Patent Unknown
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home EP2
Horizon Shift
Hospital Tycoon
Hyperdrive Massacre
Hyperspace Invaders II: Pixel Edition
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
In Between
Inside My Radio
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Into the Pit
In Other Waters
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi
Iron Danger
Iron Lung
Iron Marines
Island Tribe
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery
Jewel Match Atlantis Solitaire - Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour
Jewel Match Solitaire Winterscapes
Just Cause 3
Just Die Already
Just Ignore Them
Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim
Kao the Kangaroo (2000 re-release)
Kerbal Space Program
Killing Floor 2
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Kitaria Fables
Kingdom Rush
King Oddball
Knight's Retreat
Koala Kids
Konung 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Landlord's Super
Laser Disco Defenders
Last Oasis
Last Word
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager
Lego Marvel 2 Deluxe
Looking for Aliens
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Lovecraft's Untold Stories + OST + Artbook
Lords and Villeins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Luxor 3
Machinika Museum
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
Mad Max
Mad Tracks
Magenta Horizon
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
Mask of the Rose
Mass Effect 2
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
Medieval Kingdom Wars
Men of War: Assault Squad - Game of the Year Edition
Men of War: Red Tide
Meow Express
Metal Unit
Metro last light redux
Metro Redux Bundle
Micro Machines World Series
Middle-earth : Shadow of Mordor Goty
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi
Midnight Protocol
Mini Ninjas
Mini Thief
Minute of Islands
MirrorMoon EP
Mob Rule Classic
Modern Tales: Age of Invention
Moon Hunters
Moss Destruction
MotoGP 15
Mortal Kombat XL
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
Mount & blade
Mr. Run and Jump
MXGP - The Official Motocross Videogame
My Big Sister
Nadia Was Here
Nigate Tale
Neon Chrome
Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder
NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
Nobodies: Murder Cleaner
Noir Chronicles: City of Crime
Noitu Love 2: Devolution
Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition
Northern Tale
Non-Stop Raiders
Now You See - A Hand Painted Horror Adventure
OlliOlli World
Old School Musical
Omen Exitio: Plague
Orbital Bullet
Orbital Racer
Oriental Empires
Orn the tiny forest sprite
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength
Outcast - Second Contact
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Out of Space
Overlord: Ultimate Evil Collection
Pang Adventures
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Paper Beast - Folded Edition
Paper Fire Rookie
Paper Planet
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Persian Nights 2: The Moonlight Veil
Pathfinder Wrath
Paw Patrol: On A Roll!
Paw Paw Paw
Peachleaf Pirates
Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders
pillars of eternity
Pill Baby
Pirate Pop Plus
Pizza Express
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
PixelJunk™ Monsters Ultimate + Shooter Bundle
Planet TD
Plebby Quest: The Crusades
Planet Zoo
Police Stories
Post Master
portal knights
Post Void
Prehistoric Tales
Primal Carnage: Extinction
pro cycling manager 2019
Project Chemistry
Professor Lupo: Ocean
Prophecy I - The Viking Child
Quantum Replica
Quake 2
Quake Live
Raining Blobs
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
Railway Empire
Radio Commander
Rebel Galaxy
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Rebel Inc
Recon Control
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Regency Solitaire
Regular Human Basketball
Regions of Ruin
Remnants of Naezith
Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition
Resort Boss: Golf
Return to Mysterious Island
Richard & Alice
Rise of Insanity
Rising Dusk
River City Girls
River City Melee Mach
Road to Guangdong
Roads of Rome 3
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
Rym 9000
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Safety First!
Satellite Reign
Satellite Rush
Savage Lands
Save Jesus
Say No! More
Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning
Sea Horizon
Serial Cleaner
Sentience: The Android's Tale
SEARCH PARTY: Director's Cut
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Severed Steel
Shadowrun Returns
Shadows: Awakening
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
Shooting Stars!
Shoppe Keep
Shutter 2
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim
Sid Meier Civilization V
Sid Meier Civilization VI
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
sim city 4
Sir Whoopass™: Immortal Death
Sky Break
Slain: Back from Hell
Slinger VR
Smart Factory Tycoon
Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe Edition
sonic all stars transformed collection
Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
Sonic Forces
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
Sorry, James
Soul Searching
Space Robinson: Hardcore Roguelike Actio
Sparkle 2
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection
Spirit Hunter: NG
Spirit of the Isand
Spooky Bonus
Spring Bonus
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Star Wolves
star trek bridge crew
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition - only for good offers
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Steel Rats
Stick it to The Man!
Stick Fight: The Game
Stirring Abyss
Strikey Sisters
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Sudden Strike 4
Suffer The Night
Summer in Mara
Superhot VR
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Super Mutant Alien Assault
Super Panda Adventures
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Super Star Path
Survivalist: Invisible Strain
Switchball HD
Sword of the Necromancer
Syberia 3
Syberia 3
System Shock Enhanced Edition
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
Team Sonic Racing
tekken 7
Telefrag VR
Tesla Force
Teslagrad Remastered
Testament of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure Pals
The Amazing American Circus
The Assembly
The Big Con
The Black Heart
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Crow's Eye
The Darkside Detective
The Deed
The Deed II
The Deed: Dynasty
The Dungeon Beneath
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dream
The Escapists
The Fan
The Final Station
The Flame in the Flood
The Horror Of Salazar House
The Inner World
The Invisible Hand
The Last Crown: Midnight Horror
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Long Dark: Survival Edition
The Lost Crown
The Long Reach
The Knight Witch
The Metronomicon - The Deluxe Edition
The Myth Seekers 2: The Sunken City
The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan
The Next Penelope
The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
The Spectrum Retreat
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead – Season 1
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
The Wild Eight
The Whispered World Special Edition
They Always Run
They Bleed Pixels
Think of the Children
This War of Mine
Through the Woods
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tilt Brush
Time on Frog Island
Time Loader
Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition
Tom Clancy's The Division Uplay + Survival dlc
Total War: MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Tower of Time
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul
Toybox Turbos
Toy Tinker Simulator
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trine 2: Complete Story
Trine 3
Trine 4
Tropico 4
Tyrant's Blessing
UFO: Afterlight
Ultimate Zombie Defense
Undead Horde
Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy
Unto The End
Vambrace: Cold Soul
Vampire of the Sands
Vampire Survivors
Vanishing Realms
Velocity Ultra
Viking Saga New World
Viking Saga The Cursed Ring
Voidship: The Long Journey
walking dead the new frontier
War Solution - Casual Math Game
war tech fighters
Wasteland 2: Director s Cut - Classic Edition
Wayout 2: Hex
Wayward Souls
We Are Alright
When In Rome
White Night
White Noise 2
Witch it
Without Within 3
World Keepers Last Resort
World Ship Simulator
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms Revolution
Worms Rumble
Wounded - The Beginning
Verdant Skies
XBlaze Code: Embryo
X-Com 2
X-Com Chimera Squad
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
Xpand Rally
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yesterday Origins"
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yoku's Island Express
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Zarya-1: Mystery on the Moon
Zombie Derby 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by marcoxnt93 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 Theborgiseverywhere Denis, Timmy... go quietly... no fan must ever know of the Brian’s involvement in the film. The entire fanbase would turn against the Brian and the film.

Denis, Timmy... go quietly... no fan must ever know of the Brian’s involvement in the film. The entire fanbase would turn against the Brian and the film.
My father, the author, took me by the hand one day and I sensed in the ways my mother had taught me that he was disturbed. He led me down the Hall of Directors to the films of Alejandro Jodorowsky.
submitted by Theborgiseverywhere to dunememes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:42 greyyybean My sister (25F) is letting her unemployed fiance (25M) move in with her

My older sister (25F) is going to be proposed to this Thursday by her unemployed boyfriend (25M). This dude (we will call him Frank) is atrocious and I honestly don't think he is good enough for my sister, this seems like a last resort/rebound since it seems like no one wants him. However, my sister has been wanting to be with him for about 3 years and after a lot of rejection she was losing hope until he asked her to be his girlfriend.
They have been dating for around 4-5 months and Frank plans on proposing to her this week, the day before my little sister has her high school graduation, which is just so infuriating because WHY of all weeks would you choose to propose this week?! AND he was thinking to do the proposal THE DAY OF THE GRADUATION but I advised him not to since my older sister would never forgive herself for taking the spotlight away from my little sister on her big day. So he settled to do it the day before which isn't better but I can't make him change the week lol.
And do not get me started on the ring he got my sister, he got it on Amazon as a last minute thing and tried to make an excuse about how hard it was to get something from California so fast so he had to settle for Amazon. Don't get me wrong Amazon has great rings, I have taken a look at some but he could've chose something that at least looks a little real or pretty?
I showed my mom the ring and she was a bit disappointed with how much effort he put into choosing the ring because my sister doesn't like rings that have large jewels on them, she likes simple and small. And this really made me question whether Frank even knows her well enough to be marrying her.
My parents said they are moving him in with my sister at her apartment next week, even though Frank has no job and the job my sister found for him might not work out. So my sister will be the main breadwinner and most likely the cook and clean for the apartment because he doesn't believe in men doing "all of that".
There are some things I am not going to go completely into but Frank has spoken to my mom in the rudest way possible, like he told my mother (the kindest and most hardworking woman I know) that she can't raise her kids right and he has told my little sister that she is insecure and a brat.
Sometimes he would shove my sister off of him with a disgusted look on his face when she is trying to be affectionate with him and my mom's side of the family (my uncles and aunts) thinks he is going to be "tough one" for my sister because:
1.he doesn't interact with ANYONE except my sister
2.always glued to his phone (especially at Christmas and other events with my family)
3.doesn't act like he likes our food lol
Sometimes my uncles and aunts bring up my boyfriend and appreciate how curious he is about our culture and always interacts with them/their kids. However, Frank does the bare minimum and just says "hi" then sits on his phone like a toddler and then makes my sister fetch him food and water.
If my sister and Frank live together, I am scared to get a call from her crying because he isn't helping her or she's too stressed. I feel like living together is a pretty big must before marriage, for instance, my bf and I are living together right now and even though sometimes it can be rough, we work through our arguments together.
I don't see Frank doing that because he has a huge ego and doesn't like to admit when he's in the wrong. He also lovesss to live a high end lifestyle when he can't afford it which is one of the many things I find so crazy. Like he loves eating out at fancy restaurants, especially with my parents because he would order the most expensive steak or meal since he knows he isn't paying for it ... but that seems rude, imo.
Anyways, I hope my older sister knows what she's doing because even though I have politely mentioned some concerns she's too in love with him to care how he treats my mother and other family members.
TL;DR My older sister (25F) is letting her unemployed fiance (25M) move in with her
submitted by greyyybean to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:42 Charming-Clue-2761 getting a job in Vaughan

I am 19 years old, graduated high school in 2023 but had to move to another country until I moved back to Vaughan just at the end of April. I've been applying at Vaughan Mills and in the plazas nearby. I've applied by handing out resumes, applied on Indeed and on the companies website since the beginning of May, still not getting any responses, I've had 3 jobs before at Pizza Nova, Subway and Winners all in another city. Do you have any tips looking for a job or places that are hiring? Any job will do just fine, as long as I do 20 hours or more, open availability as well.
submitted by Charming-Clue-2761 to Vaughan [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:41 nocomment413 I got my first Mother’s Day gift

So I (23F) have been with my boyfriend (23M) for a couple months now. Not a long relationship, but it’s been fast moving and honestly it’s been wonderful. My bf has a son (3, we’ll cal him Timmy) who I absolutely adore and it’s very obvious that his son loves spending time with me. I never force anything on his son, but if we’re all together walking through a mall or park he wants to hold my hand, if I’m spending the night he will wake me up over his dad to get him a bottle, and there are times where I’ve been in my own home and he is crying for me. There are other things, but it does have me feeling like a stepmom
Timmy’s mom is in his life, but barely and only because her parents pressure her to be there. However, she does not enjoy spending time with her son and is constantly calling my bf to pick him up because she wants to go out clubbing or she just doesn’t want him there at her place anymore. Timmy is autistic and it’s been a learning curve for everyone as he was just diagnosed about two months ago.
There are things I keep finding out about Timmy’s mom that honestly make my blood boil. The fact that when Timmy was born premature and spent nearly 100 days in the NICU and it was mostly my bf visiting solo, the fact that for the first few months of Timmy’s life she went MIA and blocked my bf so she didn’t have to watch her son, the fact that my bf has never had a weekend off unless he specifically asks for a singular weekend, to which she will whine and complain how she has plans to go to the club. There have been times where Timmy was being dropped off at his mom’s and he was just crying and screaming saying he doesn’t want to go, trying to open the car door to get back in the car. One thing that really did it for me was that she has never spent a Mother’s Day with Timmy. Like ever. Not even a phone call with him. My bf gets him on all the holiday’s because she can’t be bothered. There is far more she’s done to piss me off, but his sister flat out told me “I’m sorry my brother chose someone so stupid to have a kid with.” His mom told me, in her best English possible (she’s an immigrant) “you are a strong girl. Fuck that b.”
So for Mothers Day this year my mom invited my bf and Timmy over. My parents both seem to really like them, and even asked if they wanted to spend the night. My dad has never been okay with me having a partner sleepover before so this was big news for me. Since we didn’t prepare for a sleepover, we made a late night run to target to grab a bottle, some milk (my parents only drink almond milk), and a little snack for us. While at checkout, the cashier told me Happy Mother’s Day. It caught me by surprise, but I realized I did look like Timmy’s mother in that moment with the three of us shopping together and buying mainly baby stuff. When we were walking out I giggled to my boyfriend about it.
It’s important to note that I had an unwanted abortion mid last year. I wasn’t in the best place, I wasn’t dating the person, and the guy had driven me the clinic because he wasn’t ready and he didn’t want to be a deadbeat dad. Everyone else in my life said it was for the best, but I still mourn that loss.
On Monday when we got back to my bf’s house he said he had something for me. He gifted me a vinyl of Harry’s Styles’s Fine Line album (something I lost years ago) and a little stuffed Care Bear since I have a thing for 80s cartoons. It was really sweet and almost brought me to tears but I held them back. He went on to explain how he wasn’t sure if I would be okay with it, but he wanted to get me something anyways, not only for the baby I lost, but also for the way I’ve stepped up and immediately accepted Timmy as part of my life. He said in the three years he’s had his son, no one has helped him out as much as I have and he is forever grateful for that. It just made me feel really lucky and blessed and appreciated. I’m so happy to have these two in my life.
submitted by nocomment413 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:40 Chico237 #NIOCORP~ Tariffs Are Coming For EV's & Critical Minerals In US, Washington places NEW tariffs on $18 billion in Chinese imports in a new warning to Beijing, & a bit more....

#NIOCORP~ Tariffs Are Coming For EV's & Critical Minerals In US, Washington places NEW tariffs on $18 billion in Chinese imports in a new warning to Beijing, & a bit more....

MAY 14th, 2024~Tariffs Are Coming For Critical Minerals In US

Tariffs Are Coming For Critical Minerals In US the deep dive

US President Joe Biden recently unveiled a series of measures directed for an increase in tariffs on $18 billion worth of imports from China. This directive, made under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, is aimed “to protect American workers and businesses” from the adverse effects of “China’s unfair trade practices,” including technology transfer and intellectual property violations, as well as market flooding with artificially low-priced exports.
As part of this initiative, tariffs on critical minerals and components vital for the electric vehicle (EV) industry and clean energy sectors will see substantial hikes. Beginning in 2024, the tariff rate on lithium-ion EV batteries and battery parts will rise from 7.5% to 25%. By 2026, tariffs on lithium-ion non-EV batteries and natural graphite will also increase to 25%. Additionally, certain other critical minerals will face a tariff increase from zero to 25% starting in 2024.
These measures align with Biden’s broader economic strategy, encapsulated in the Investing in America agenda, which the White House has already boasted to have spurred “more than $860 billion in business investments” across future-focused industries such as EVs, clean energy, and semiconductors. This agenda is further supported by legislative frameworks like the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, and Inflation Reduction Act.
Currently, China dominates over 80% of specific segments in the EV battery supply chain, especially in critical minerals mining, processing, and refining. This concentration poses significant risks to U.S. supply chain resilience and national security, prompting the Biden administration to invest nearly $20 billion in grants and loans to expand domestic production capacity for advanced batteries and battery materials. The Inflation Reduction Act also offers tax credits to stimulate investments in U.S.-based battery production.
In connection, Biden has launched the American Battery Materials Initiative to secure a reliable supply chain for batteries and their components, employing a comprehensive governmental approach to build domestic industrial strength.
Some observers note that this law could further exacerbate the inflation situation. “Not only are we killing fossil fuel investment. But we’re making the green energy transition even more expensive,” said industry observer Brandon Beylo on X, adding to highlight that “the US doesn’t have domestic infrastructure to pick up the slack.”


Biden Raises Tariffs On Chinese EVs, Critical Minerals (fordauthority.com)

Biden Raises Tariffs On Chinese EVs, Critical Minerals (fordauthority.com)In recent months, more than one Ford executive – including CEO Jim Farley himself – have expressed concerns about the possibility that cheap Chinese EVs may wind up making it to U.S. soil, flooding the market and making life quite difficult for domestic companies like The Blue Oval. While Ford continues to work on developing its own low-cost EV platform and consumers admit they’d be willing to buy Chinese EVs if they’re cheaper than American-made ones, many politicians are also calling for those vehicles to be banned from U.S. soil, and Mexico recently took steps to prevent that from happening, too. The Biden Administration has been mulling its options for months now, and has long been expected to at least raise tariffs on Chinese EVs – and now, that’s precisely what has happened.
Additionally, the Biden Administration will also move to increase the tariff rate on EV batteries and the raw materials that are used in their construction. Lithium-ion batteries will get a tariff rate boost from 7.5 percent to 25 percent in 2024, while others will jump to 25 percent in 2026. Battery components will get an increase from 7.5 percent to 25 percent this year as well, while natural graphite and permanent magnets will increase from zero to 25 percent in 2026 and certain other critical minerals will go from zero to 25 percent in 2024.

MAY 14th 2024, ~Biden to increase tariffs on $18 billion in Chinese imports in a new warning to Beijing:

Biden to increase tariffs on $18 billion in Chinese imports in a new warning to Beijing CNN Politics

Washington — is increasing tariffs on $18 billion in Chinese imports across a handful of sectors deemed strategic to national security – an attempt to cripple Beijing’s development of critical technologies and instead prioritize US production.
The increases will apply to imported steel and aluminum, legacy semiconductors, electric vehicles, battery components, critical minerals, solar cells, cranes and medical products. The new tariff rates – which range from 100% on electric vehicles, to 50% for solar components, to 25% for all other sectors – will take place over the next two years.
“China’s using the same playbook it has before to power its own growth at the expense of others,” said Lael Brainard, director of the White House National Economic Council. “China’s simply too big to play by its own rules.”
Biden’s predecessor, former President Donald Trump, enacted a sweeping tariff program on $300 billion in Chinese imports during his administration, drawing authority from a provision in US trade law that allows tariffs to be used to stifle competition that would threaten national security interests. That same trade law also requires the effectiveness of such tariff programs to be evaluated every four years, and the Biden administration decision is the result of that study. CNN previously reported on the forthcoming changes.
White House officials said they also redrew the parameters of the program to reflect the Biden administration’s policy priorities, most notably the transition to clean energy.
“China can’t be the only country that produces clean technology for the world we need,” a senior administration official said. “We need diversified, not concentrated, production of our most critical goods and technologies. … That’s the kind of dynamic we think will produce resilient supply chains and clean technology.”
Electric vehicles imported from China will see their tariffs more than quadrupled from 27.5% to 100% – a policy lever meant to challenge Beijing’s practice of encouraging aggressively low pricing by domestic EV manufacturers while levying a 40% tariff on US car imports. Chinese manufacturer BYD’s Seagull electric vehicle retails for roughly $10,000, a fraction of what rival American products cost.
“It was important to have a large enough step-up in the tariffs to ensure that we try to level the playing field,” a second senior administration official said.
Beijing has been known to introduce costly counterpunches. Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin told reporters Tuesday that China opposes “the unilateral imposition of tariffs which violate (World Trade Organization) rules, and will take all necessary actions to protect its legitimate rights.”
After Trump unveiled his wide-ranging tariff policy, China slapped tariffs on $101.4 billion in US exports, retaliation that the Brookings Institute estimated affected 294,000 American export-related jobs.
The White House has declined to speculate on how Beijing may hit back now. Officials have pointed to parallel investigations by partners in Europe, Brazil and Turkey as bolstering their position.
“China is producing [goods] at a rate and with a trajectory that’s far in excess of any plausible estimate of global demand,” the first senior administration official said.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Secretary of State Antony Blinken each raised that point with Chinese counterparts during formal visits to the country in April. Administration officials discussed releasing the changes in April to set the stage for a tariff speech Biden delivered mid-month, but ultimately held off to preserve the diplomatic visits, according to two sources familiar with the matter.
On April 17, Biden spoke at the United Steelworkers headquarters in Pittsburgh, calling for a tripling of tariffs Trump placed on certain steel and aluminum products imported from China, and a new investigation into unfair shipbuilding practices. The Chinese government, Biden argued, is providing state money to Chinese steel companies to make more steel than the economy demands, pushing down the price and making it impossible for other companies to compete.

“They’re not competing,” Biden said of China. “They’re cheating.”

It’s a message that plays favorably across the so-called blue wall, the handful of Midwest manufacturing-heavy states that will be critical for either candidate during an election where trade will once again figure prominently.
It played less favorably across the Pacific, with China’s Ministry of Commerce accusing the US of “false accusations” and “wrong practices.”
In a separate executive order issued on Monday, Biden forced MineOne, a Chinese-backed cryptocurrency mining company, to sell its land near the Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming. The order said MineOne’s close proximity to the Air Force base raises national security risks due to the company’s use of “specialized and foreign-sourced equipment potentially capable of facilitating surveillance and espionage activities.”
The decision comes amid recent attempts by Washington to limit Chinese companies’ influence on US consumers and national security, especially ahead of the 2024 presidential elections in November.

MAY 14th, 2024 ~Australia to invest $15 billion in renewable energy, critical minerals:

Australia to invest $15 billion in renewable energy, critical minerals Reuters

SYDNEY, May 14 (Reuters) - The Australian government on Tuesday announced a A$22.7 billion ($15.0 billion) package to boost domestic manufacturing and renewable energy as the country seeks to reduce its reliance on foreign suppliers for key technologies. Details of the Future Made in Australia package announced in the government's annual budget included billions in subsidies for the emerging critical minerals and clean energy industries and efforts to reduce red tape for investors in the sector.
The spending will be made over the next decade and comes as major economies invest billions to support clean energy projects and compete with China in manufacturing electric vehicles and semiconductors, seen as vital for prosperity and national security. Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers said the budget invested in the country's ambitions to become a "renewable energy superpower". "The world is committed to net zero by 2050," Chalmers said in his budget speech. "This will demand the biggest transformation in the global economy since the industrial revolution."
The package will introduce tax incentives worth A$7 billion for the processing and refining of 31 critical minerals and A$6.7 billion for renewable hydrogen production from the fiscal year ending June 2028 to the 2039-40 fiscal year. Additionally, A$1.5 billion will support investment in the domestic production of solar panels and the battery supply chain. While Australian factories enjoy close proximity to essential raw materials used in production, they have for decades struggled to compete globally due to high labour costs and distance from major international markets.
Australia wants to build a battery chemicals industry to reap more value from its mineral wealth, but the nickel sector is facing thousands of job cuts after a jump in Indonesian supply saw prices plunge. Earlier this year, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's government classified nickel as a "critical mineral", allowing the local industry access to billions of dollars in cheap government loans.


Should be interesting for U.S. Critical Minerals & Mining operations, U.S. Automakers like Stellantis & other industries like U.S. Steel & Aluminum as the playing field continues to even out! Bodes Well for Niocorp & everything they will produce once FINANCED!
submitted by Chico237 to NIOCORP_MINE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:37 newgreyarea Writers, Artists help

So T Mobile is always trying to get me to buy an iPad and I’m finally tempted to. Though I’ll probably get it elsewhere. There are too many models!! I want to draw with Procreate, would like to be able to write using a pencil and do a little more of the general reading/internet on a larger screen than my phone.
Does the iPad with Apple Pencil do a solid job of writing? I’ve kinda lusted after that Remarkable tablet for years but could not justify it. I’m a songwriter so I’m constantly writing and even though it’s cool to have stacks of notebooks full of writing, it’s damn near impossible to go back and find a thing. Can we search what we’ve written? What app would I use? Is there a better one that I should purchase?
So I guess my overall Q’s are: Which iPad will give me the best writing and drawing experience for the price? Which pencil? Which writing app? I have a smaller iPad that the kid uses and we have procreate on there and I really like it but feel the Apple Pencil will do more than the Logitech Crayon that she uses. Plus I don’t like the way the crayon feels in my hand.
There are too many options. I wish Apple understood the idea choice paralysis! 😂
submitted by newgreyarea to ipad [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:36 Realistic-Lack4256 The father of my 1 month old is talking to his ex. Not just any ex. THE ex.

Here's some context: My bf (28M) and I (28F) have been good friends since we were 14. We always cared for each other but never had a chance to be together until adulthood. We have been together for 3 years after reconnecting. I just gave birth to our first and only baby a month ago and I'm still recovering from a traumatic emergency c-section and grieving the recent and sudden loss of my mother and horrific sudden losses of my two best friends.
In the past I have told him I would be okay with bringing in a second woman for fun (I'm bisexual) as I do miss the intimacy of a woman sometimes, but only if we talked about it beforehand, there is no going behind each other's backs and it couldn't be someone we knew from before. And this should go without saying but nothing can happen until I'm physically and emotionally healed from having our child, as well as having had to come off all my anti depressants and anti psychotic meds cold turkey. I am nursing so I'm choosing to stay off things for now. It's just been really hard. And I'm still in a ton of physical pain and discomfort. My self esteem is the lowest its ever been.
Well, about a week ago he came right out and told me he has been messaging with his ex. The one that really screwed him over some years ago and his last serious relationship before me. She has two children that he had a hand in helping raise…
He said they have put their past behind them and that he's forgiven her and they were just catching up, but that he was curious if I would ever be interested in having her come down for some no strings attached fun. He said he asked because he was familiar with her and somehow he thought that would make it easier for me or something…
He said he's told her about me, our life and that it wouldn't be serious. But obviously I said I didn't think I would be comfortable with that and I thanked him for being honest with me. I also asked if they have flirted and he said no.
Well, I know this is wrong but earlier tonight his phone was open and I had the sudden feeling like I needed to look at their messages.
What I found made me sick to my stomach.
Not only did he initiate the conversation but he's said some pretty intimate things to her, like how he's missed her. They've exchanged at least two nudes (that I know of)
but worst of all he sent her intimate pictures of he and I…
and all of this happened while I was heavily pregnant! They apparently also talked on FB Messenger but I didn't look… I'm afraid to. She asked if I “knew yet”.
He has always treated me with such love and respect. Had my back and taken incredibly good care of me since day 1. He is my best friend… He is an amazing father.
(TW) He saw me come out of a seriously abusive, painful relationship where my ex committed suicide when I left after years of abuse. I only bring that up to convey just how much we've been through in such a short time.
We have always been honest with each other up until this. I don't understand… Why is he lying, especially if he brought it up in the first place? He knows he could have just been honest when I asked. I've never given him a reason to lie or feel like he can't talk to me about anything. I'm heartbroken, and PISSED. he knows me self esteem is in the gutter right now. How could he do this? With HER?
Even if I wanted to get away for a bit I have no family or friends to go to. He's literally all I have and I could never separate him from our daughter. We really love each other…
What do I do? I can't keep this bottled up, but I also don't want to ambush him. Do I ask him straight up if I can see the messages? I feel like asking a vague question may just get another bullshit answer. Please help...
submitted by Realistic-Lack4256 to relationship_advice2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:36 buffenstein How important is assertiveness as an accountant?

A little more on the subjective opinion side, but I'm curious how assertive I should be as an accountant.
This is the first time I've been fully put in charge of books and I'm about 6 months into this gig. Part of the job is presenting trends, financials and budget vs. actuals to the director. I've already provided financial advice on a few occasions which has been disregarded and then immediately back fired on them. Part of me is like "whelp. Should of listened" and other part of me is wondering if I should have been more assertive with my opinions. How do you guys navigate the whole social aspect of these things? Feels like there's pros and cons to taking on more of an invested demeanor in operations or just throwing your hands up and saying "I'm just the accountant" and letting the fires burn on their own.
submitted by buffenstein to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:36 arrrsalaaan Mercor is getting out of hand with obvious scams getting users to do their work in hopes of getting jobs.

I had a mercor AI interview thrice. and just to be sure i was not being shat on, i used the exact same words for all the interviews and steered the interviews in the same direction.
For the first 2, i got the response along the lines of "due to low quality of the interview, we won't be able to share your profile with our clients. schedule another interview". After the third interview, i got the confirmation that i had been "added to the 99-th percentile pre-vetted pool" (whatever the f-word that is supposed to mean). In addition to the name of the interviewer "John Sharma" (they might aswell have used Wolf Gupta, the prodigy), it was outright a red flag due to the following reasons: - Being the exact same interview, how did i get selected on the third attempt? was it my camera angle? was it my mic? was it my lighting? i am pretty confident all of them were good enough in all the "interviews". - When this happened, I was barely with 9 months of full-time experience. How can i even fall in the 99-th percentile of developers, that too globally?
I was still very skeptical until they gave me an interview with a YC startup. The interview went well, except that the interviewer ghosted me afterwards. Now my questions went deeper. Came across the following posts and discussions. https://www.reddit.com/resumes/comments/18qo0g2/is_this_legit_mercor_interview_anyone_eve - The comments are filled with obvious bot accounts https://www.reddit.com/developersIndia/comments/1azkwcp/mercor_interview_john_sharma_a_scam_with_ai/ https://www.reddit.com/developersIndia/comments/18suxu5/is_mercorcom_legitimate/
What I can gauge from the above is that they are taking User data to train their AI. Not sure if I did sign a clause to allow them to use my data for training, but capitalism.
Not only is that the issue, they seem to be promoting another scam, Remotasks. Where anyone who has a degree is super under-qualified
We’ve shortlisted you for an exciting opportunity with Remotasks (a subsidiary of Scale AI) because you passed our AI interview and have an impressive background. This role would pay 20 USD/hr.
Here is a description of the role: •⁠ ⁠Remotasks (a subsidiary of Scale AI) is looking for experienced software engineers to complete data generation tasks to improve the performance of cutting-edge AI models. •⁠ ⁠These tasks involve receiving a prompt that a model is unable to properly answer (for example, “plot the Mandelbrot set in Python”). Your responsibility will be to complete these tasks each day by writing both high quality code and an English explanation of your work. •⁠ ⁠Each task takes anywhere from 1-4 hours to complete and you will have the flexibility to finish them on your own time. The total workload is 40 hours per week. •⁠ ⁠If you excel in this role, you may be promoted to higher-paying opportunities by Remotasks and the Scale AI team in a management role.
If this opportunity excites you, please confirm your availability (meaning: when can you start working) to work 40 hours a week. We can arrange to send you the final short assessment.
XYZ Person
Recruitment Manager @ Mercor.com
I have hid the name of the person who sent me this (unless public demand), but it is someone who has not even finished college yet. I looked into this person's linkedin too and the career path seems bullshit at the best.
Now, they are apparently hiring for someone to manually rate the recorded interviews. Check the guidelines here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FIBpgorDbkq3cjCM1DA_fLEL7mzzHUjZsuGPSaRWmyc/edit#heading=h.b49v7mviz4ba
We are supposed to rate 15 of these 20 minute interviews, about 5 hours of work. If 50% of their "pre-vetted" pool candidates rate 15 interviews each, pretty sure that would be all the data required to train their entire AI.
What can we do to stop their evil schemes?
submitted by arrrsalaaan to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:34 X23bunny Thinking of Chapter 7

Ive been toying with the idea of chapter 7.
Since the pandemic my employment has not been stable which is part of the reason why I'm in this mess. Ive been layed off 3 times, taken lower and lower paying jobs, and my most recent employer has just told me he can't afford to keep paying me so I'll be unemployed once more. Its gotten so frustrating. My last lay off left me unemployed for 6 months! I just cant keep doing this. I'm ready to crash and burn.
I have about 8 grand left to my name from a custodial account i found out my late mother left me.That will hopefully be enough for a lawyer and to finish paying off my car ($1500) I made under the median income for my state (NJ) for the past 2 years so i should be clear for Chapter 7. I'm 35k in debt and recently had a 4 day hospital stay that I'm going to try and get charity care for.
If anyone has any advice about Chapter 7 or know any low cost attorney/lawyers id greatly appreciate it. 🙏
submitted by X23bunny to debtfree [link] [comments]

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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:31 FareAssessment How would you approach a job as head chef at a new (or struggling) restaurant when you're not invested in the business? How do you guard against getting fired once you've gotten things up and rolling with recipes on hand? Is there a separation between chef and consultant?

For example, let's say an owner with no experience approaches you to head up BOH at their new bar and grill. They ask you to setup a kitchen, write the recipes, hire staff, etc. What's to prevent that owner from letting you go as soon as you have all the systems in place and things are running smoothly? Can you ask for a contract?
The way I see it is setting up a new kitchen (or fixing one that is poorly organized) when you're not invested in the business is akin to consulting and should demand a bit more than just being a chef. There's also major liability involved bc you can be replaced with a KM or a chef that's willing to work for less since they're not being asked to implement systems or design a menu. Seen it happen a few times. (I've also seen the old "I can pay you more later once the business is up and running successfully." Never falling for that one.)
How would you approach this scenario, chefs?

submitted by FareAssessment to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:31 Realistic-Lack4256 The father of my 1 month old is talking to his ex. Not just any ex. THE ex.

Here's some context: My bf (28M) and I (28F) have been good friends since we were 14. We always cared for each other but never had a chance to be together until adulthood. We have been together for 3 years after reconnecting. I just gave birth to our first and only baby a month ago and I'm still recovering from a traumatic emergency c-section and grieving the recent and sudden loss of my mother and horrific sudden losses of my two best friends.
In the past I have told him I would be okay with bringing in a second woman for fun (I'm bisexual) as I do miss the intimacy of a woman sometimes, but only if we talked about it beforehand, there is no going behind each other's backs and it couldn't be someone we knew from before. And this should go without saying but nothing can happen until I'm physically and emotionally healed from having our child, as well as having had to come off all my anti depressants and anti psychotic meds cold turkey. I am nursing so I'm choosing to stay off things for now. It's just been really hard. And I'm still in a ton of physical pain and discomfort. My self esteem is the lowest its ever been.
Well, about a week ago he came right out and told me he has been messaging with his ex. The one that really screwed him over some years ago and his last serious relationship before me. She has two children that he had a hand in helping raise…
He said they have put their past behind them and that he's forgiven her and they were just catching up, but that he was curious if I would ever be interested in having her come down for some no strings attached fun. He said he asked because he was familiar with her and somehow he thought that would make it easier for me or something…
He said he's told her about me, our life and that it wouldn't be serious. But obviously I said I didn't think I would be comfortable with that and I thanked him for being honest with me. I also asked if they have flirted and he said no.
Well, I know this is wrong but earlier tonight his phone was open and I had the sudden feeling like I needed to look at their messages.
What I found made me sick to my stomach.
Not only did he initiate the conversation but he's said some pretty intimate things to her, like how he's missed her. They've exchanged at least two nudes (that I know of)
but worst of all he sent her intimate pictures of he and I…
and all of this happened while I was heavily pregnant! They apparently also talked on FB Messenger but I didn't look… I'm afraid to. She asked if I “knew yet”.
He has always treated me with such love and respect. Had my back and taken incredibly good care of me since day 1. He is my best friend… He is an amazing father.
(TW) He saw me come out of a seriously abusive, painful relationship where my ex committed suicide when I left after years of abuse. I only bring that up to convey just how much we've been through in such a short time.
We have always been honest with each other up until this. I don't understand… Why is he lying, especially if he brought it up in the first place? He knows he could have just been honest when I asked. I've never given him a reason to lie or feel like he can't talk to me about anything. I'm heartbroken, and PISSED. he knows me self esteem is in the gutter right now. How could he do this? With HER?
Even if I wanted to get away for a bit I have no family or friends to go to. He's literally all I have and I could never separate him from our daughter. We really love each other…
What do I do? I can't keep this bottled up, but I also don't want to ambush him. Do I ask him straight up if I can see the messages? I feel like asking a vague question may just get another bullshit answer. Please help...
submitted by Realistic-Lack4256 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]
