Recipe to cook methamphetamine one pot method

One pot recipes & meals

2015.10.14 05:35 morganeisenberg One pot recipes & meals

Are you a new chef? A lazy chef? Or just someone looking for new recipes that cut down on prep and clean up in the kitchen? Well you are in the right place! Our focus is on meals that are cooked in one pot.

2014.05.11 07:56 parasocks Instant Pot


2010.11.03 18:01 mmmyum Slowcooking: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Slowcooking is a food-related subreddit for sharing ideas, recipes or pictures in which a "Crock-Pot®" style slow cooker was used. Slow cooking is an ideal method for cooking less expensive portions of meat to make them more tender and tasty than by other forms of cookery. Vegetarian and vegan dishes can also be made via slow cooking. - crockpot, slowcooker, crock, crock-pot, slow cooker

2024.05.15 07:05 tvibabo Giant protein waffle (143kcal, 18p, 3f, 10c)

Giant protein waffle (143kcal, 18p, 3f, 10c)
Made this waffle and it came out amazing with the low cal ice-cream. You could probably make 2 with the same amount of batter, but I opted for one giant one.
Recipe: - 15g protein powder of choice. I used strawberry because it’s what I have. - 2 egg whites - Cocoa powder - used a teaspoon, but I guess you can use more or omit it completely. - Vanilla extract - also optional - 45g milk - can be substituted with other liquid - 0.5 tsp baking powder
Step 1: Whip egg whites until stiff peaks.
Step 2: Whisk together other ingredients in a separate bowl until smooth.
Step 3: Fold egg whites and protein batter together. Don’t over mix otherwise you miss out on fluffy crispy waffles.
Step 4: Cook.
The texture is like a wafer and the taste is quite neutral. I forgot to add sweetener which I am sure would help. Macros including ice cream powdered sugar and frozen blueberries was 253 kcal - 24p, 5f, 26c which is crazy considering the volume of everything.
submitted by tvibabo to Volumeeating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:49 Pleasant-Cupcake-517 Cymbidium bulb care

Cymbidium bulb care
Mum got me these from her recent trip to Sikkim, India. The lady at the nursery didn’t know what they are called but my Mom took a pic of the plant that one of them is from (second pic) which appears to be a Cymbidium. Sikkim is also known for it’s Cymbidiums so I’m guessing that’s what they are. Found a video that suggested the sphag and bag method or to pot it in orchid bark. Should I then water just the bark or even the bulbs? And how often? I only have phals so no idea about any other types of orchid. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.
submitted by Pleasant-Cupcake-517 to orchids [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:43 Trendaddy445 Honest question

I’ve been seeing this girl I met online and everything seemed fine in the beginning. However I have an intuition that something is off about her. She never asks how I’m doing and I sense a feeling of coldness from her let me explain. One night she came over to my house for the first time we started making out then she stops me and tells me “I don’t want to waste your time” I ask her what do you mean she tells me I like you and I want to take things slow. I say I respect that then stop kissing her then talk for a little bit then drop her home (My friends told me she could have worded it any other way 😭). Another time we are discussing cooking recipes she sends me on instagram then I mention hey we could probably try this in my kitchen. She then says “yeah by two months you should learn how to cook atleast two things. In my head I think she’s implying after two months she’s not going to know me anymore. All I say is wdym by that she says nvm and laughs. Fast foward two weeks we end up sleeping with each other and the following week is my birthday so we agree on going out for dinner she makes a surprise reservation for me with her email and says “don’t spam my email you fan”. Which completely threw me off because I never showed fan/ simp behavior. I tell her I’ve never spammed anyone in my life she me “That would be your final option of contacting me” then once again quickly transitions to another topic when I ask for clarification. Which was so out of line for no reason and off tempo to a light conversation. Reason why I’m asking you guys is because I’m a 24 year old with my life together who busts his ass working hard and I genuinely don’t want to waste my time with the wrong person and don’t know how to go about this. I have a feeling she is breadcrumbing me. I don’t mind dropping a person out of my life if I have to just wanted more experienced answers before making a decision.
submitted by Trendaddy445 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:02 ejrole8 Bone-in Skin-on Chicken thighs are great on a budget for more than just meat!

Making this post because I had a less-than resouceful friend buy herself the boneless, skinless chicken thighs for way more than she should’ve. These tips also work for different cuts of chicken with skin and bones (though with drumsticks I usually just cook them in soup as-is).
Yes, the ones with skin on and bones included are cheaper by weight than the alternative, but if you’ve been just throwing the skin and bones away, stop! I have some budget friendly tips for you.
1) Collect the skin and bones and put them in separate gallon-sized freezer bags. You will be adding to them as you get more chicken. For the skin, keep adding chicken skins and fat to them. For the bag with the bones, you will also want to add veggie scraps such as the skins of onions, garlic, carrots, ginger, and celery. There are others you can add, but if you aren’t familiar with cooking times and qualities of vegetables yet, I’d try to just stick with those. Again, it’s better to use organic veggies or ones sourced from someone you know uses less pesticides when growing as you’re using the skins for this.
2) when you have a good amount of skins(like 3/4lbs or more), make shmaltz (rendered chicken fat). It’s basically the Jewish alternative to lard and tallow. It’s healthier than most cooking oils aside from avocado, olive, and coconut. It has a high smoke point so you can use it to fry, roast, bake, or whatever it is you do with your cooking oils. Because it is animal based, the chemical structure is easier to digest. You might want to steer clear if you have heart problems, though. I used a recipe from Serious Eats which goes like this:
3) When you eventually collect enough bones and scraps to fill the ziplock bag, you can make bone broth (or stock, for the anti-hippies). I sometimes add pork bones if I get any with my meat. I make mine in an instant pot so I’m going to use that recipe.
Bone broth(stock) is really good for your bones and adds a really nice flavor to whatever you use it for. Consider using it instead of store-bought stock or Better than Bouillon. You can use it for a healthy egg-drop soup. Supposedly some people use it in smoothies, but personally that’s not for me!
I like to get the crunchier packs of chicken when I can afford to (think free-range, organic, locally sourced), and if you have the means to, you should too since you can utilize all parts of the cut.
submitted by ejrole8 to budgetfood [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:46 Kirenia_Ayako How best should I go about cooking a modification of a family recipe?

Ok so we have a family recipe for Crunchy Garlic Chicken that I'm playing around with an I decided I wanted to make the mix for it but instead of coat a chicken breast with it, I would instead mix it into ground chicken then make it into a patty and cook it. Now my question is how best would I cook this? Should I cook it like a hamburger patty or place it into the oven and cook it like the recipe says (at 425 for 35 minutes until cooked through). I should also add that I am using ground turkey this time as I couldn't find ground chicken anywhere and don't own any kind of meat grinder nor can I afford one.
submitted by Kirenia_Ayako to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:56 adie_masalsa Should I refund if they opened a sealed package?

I sold a pair of Le Creuset knobs to someone and now that she’s opened them and put them on her pots she doesn’t want them.
My problem is that she’s opened the packaging. It’s not one of those plastic inserts you can just snap back closed, it’s sealed to the point you have to cut it apart. If I take the knobs back then I technically CAN’T repost it as “new in packaging” even though she probably hasn’t cooked with them. The listing literally had all the specifications on it including the measurement size on the package which was included in the picture.
What do I do? Should I go through with giving her a refund and take a loss or just let her deal with it? Btw I only sold the pair for $25 so it’s not like I’m getting over on her.
submitted by adie_masalsa to offerup [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:53 TheDesiPlayboy Iron and Spices: Building Muscle Pt. 1

So there I am, The Desi Playboy, back in my scrawny college days, just a couple of lean dudes fresh off a bar-hopping spree, chilling at the bus stop. Out of nowhere, this hulk of a caucasoid frat bro comes up, gives me a slap on the back that damn near sends me flying into next Tuesday. "Owww!!" I couldn't help but yelp. Dude struts past us, throwing over his shoulder, "Time to hit the gym, boys!!" I brushed it off, ego slightly bruised. After all, I'm the guy who’s been repping out with 20 lb dumbbells in my apartment gym like I’m training for the Olympics. That’s got to count for something, right?
Growing up, our idea of exercise was running away from aunties at family gatherings or maybe the occasional cricket match that was more about snacks than sports. The gym? That was uncharted territory. Our parents, bless their hearts, equated physical fitness with being able to sprint for the bus without wheezing. The notion of lifting weights, tracking macros, and chugging protein shakes was as alien to them as ketchup on biryani.

Attraction: It’s More than Just Physical

Have you ever had a girl flirtatiously squeeze your biceps, reinforcing the stud that you are? How about playfully slapping your ass when you’re not looking? That moment, my man, is raw, primal attraction at its finest—a kind of magnetism most men sadly never get to feel. Are you getting that type of attention from the ladies? Going to the gym and lifting weights is the first step into becoming that fuckable specimen. Picture this: you're strutting around, radiating confidence, and women gravitate to you, captivated, before you even utter a word. Arguably, muscles on a man is the equivalent of nice tits and ass on a woman. It's like you've got this invisible force field of allure, and all it took was a little sweat, discipline, and iron at the gym.
Think about it. In a world where first impressions are made in the blink of an eye, your body speaks volumes before you've even had a chance to dazzle with your wit or charm. It's not superficial; it's literally science. Physical fitness signals health, vigor, and, let's be real, the ability to handle business, whether that's lifting heavy things during a move or just looking damn good in a fitted shirt. An unfortunate reality is that women often manipulate men to get their needs met. However, men can simply manipulate the environment themselves to get their needs met. You think your crush is opening those pickle jars by herself? A nice, jacked body signals to women that you are good at manipulating your immediate physical surroundings.
So, if you're lounging on the fence, wondering whether hitting the gym is worth it, let me spell it out for you: Hell yes, it is. Not for the fleeting attention or the shallow compliments, but for the undeniable boost in how you perceive yourself and, subsequently, how the world sees you including women. It's about becoming a magnet not just for looks, but for respect, confidence, and yes, a whole lot of that good old-fashioned primal attraction.
Get ready to be the guy who walks into a room and commands it, not because you demand it, but because you've earned it, one rep at a time. Let's ditch the excuses, embrace the grind, and transform not just our bodies, but our entire damn aura. The iron calls, gentlemen.

Built Different

Our Desi genes serve us a mixed platter when it comes to body types. Some of us are fat fucks, while others are fragile twigs no matter how many samosas we demolish. For those of you guys on the overweight side.. Do you have Ananth Ambani money? No? Then you literally can’t afford that body if you want pussy. And if you can afford that body it is gonna bite you in the ass when you have heart disease.
Those of you scrawny sticks? Stop looking down at the more muscular bros and start looking at the women they’re pulling. Don’t get me started on that weird gray area a lot of us brown dudes fall into. I’m talking about the skinny fat phenomenon—a term as oxymoronic as 'jumbo shrimp'. It’s that peculiar body type where you look slim clothed but are a marshmallow in disguise. It’s the bane of many a Desi dude, a sneaky reminder of all those laddoos and no leg days. Ready to get rid of the bitch tits?
Look around at the next family gathering. Notice how cousin Rohan is built like a tank, but you got that uncle bod? That’s your first clue that genetics play a bigger role in this game than you might’ve thought. Tailoring your workout to your body type isn’t just smart; it’s crucial if you want to see real, lasting results.
Custom Cuts: Here’s the deal—
Alright, which of these body types are you rocking? Lean Machine, Easy Gainer, or Natural Athlete? Time to design a workout routine that suits your unique build. Yes, The Desi Playboy is dishing out homework, but trust me, it’s for a mighty good cause: to make you irresistible to the ladies. Now before we actually start integrating that workout routine let’s not forget to revisit the food on our plate.

Desi Diet Doom

The Desi diet is a freakin’ carb fest—a glorious, tasty trap that’s basically a middle finger to your muscle gains and fat loss goals. You probably recognize the following: plates piled high with rice, naan, and rotis, with a side of “Are you even eating enough?” from every relative. Navigating this when you’re trying to get ripped or ditch the belly fat is like being on a diet in a candy store.
Every meal’s a carb carnival, and while you love it, your body’s begging like, “Bro, where’s the protein?” It's like trying to build a house with all bricks and no cement. And oh, the ghee and oil. Delicious? Hell yeah. Conducive to abs? Hell no. It’s like slathering your goals with butter—tasty but terribly counterproductive. Add to that the mountain of sweets at every family function—those jalebis and gulab jamuns are seductive, but they’re saboteurs hiding in plain sight, wrecking your waistline one sweet bite at a time. If you’re gunning for that sculpted look, it might be time to negotiate a peace treaty with your sweet tooth and get serious about sneaking more lean meats and greens onto your plate.
Now let’s be honest, are you cooking all these Indian meals yourself? Or have you become completely dependent on your mom’s cooking? Is the extent of your cooking skills limited to boiling water and maybe, on a good day, making a mean cup of chai? Let me guess you top off the chai with some of Amma’s sweet sweet titty milk too? Listen up, because here’s the deal breaker—women are attracted to guys who’ve got their life sorted, including what’s on their plate. And if you’re letting mom choose whether it’s dal or paneer for dinner tonight, don’t be surprised if she’s also the one choosing your bride.
This, my dudes, is precisely why I’m all about preaching the gospel of DIY in the kitchen. It’s more than just about mixing spices; it’s about mixing independence into your life recipe. Grabbing the reins of your culinary journey isn’t just about impressing dates; it’s about fueling your body right, especially if you’re looking to bulk up and carve out those gains.

Protein Power Moves

There’s a way to keep the flavors of home without turning into a samosa yourself. It’s about being smart with your choices, making swaps, and still being able to face your grandma without guilt.
Lean and Mean: Start mixing in more lean meats, tofu, and legumes. Think chicken tikka, dal tadka with less tadka, and grilled paneer. Your muscles will thank you. But why stop there? Venture beyond with dishes like Thai grilled chicken or Turkish lentil soup. These global cuisines offer high-protein dishes that still dance on the tongue.
Smart Swaps: Ditch the white rice for quinoa or brown rice. Swap some of those rotis for a big-ass bowl of salad. Sprinkle some Mediterranean zest with a Greek salad, or bring a burst of Japanese flavor with a side of edamame. It’s about keeping the essence of Desi cuisine but making it work for your gains.
Supplement Smartly: Yeah, protein shakes might look like drugs to your folks, but they’re your BFFs on this journey. Mix that stuff with some milk or water, and chug. Think of it as a cheat code for muscle building—quick, efficient, and straight to the point.
Explore and Expand: Don’t be shy to sprinkle some culinary curiosity into your diet. Try Korean BBQ for a protein-packed meal, or if you're feeling adventurous, a Peruvian ceviche can offer a refreshing twist packed with high-quality protein. These flavors not only enhance your palate but also fuel your fitness goals.
So, there you have it. Turning the Desi diet dilemma into a muscle-building manifesto doesn’t have to be a soap opera. Keep the flavors, ditch the excess carbs and fats, and for the love of all that is holy, make protein your main homie. Expand your culinary horizons to keep your meals exciting and your body guessing.

From Diet to Dates

Alright, my fellow Desi bros, let’s wrap this up. If you’re serious about leveling up your game with the ladies, it’s time to get real about your diet, fitness, and lifestyle. Tailor your workout to your body type—whether you're an ectomorph, endomorph, or mesomorph—and make the gym your second home. Ditch the carb-loaded Desi diet for protein-packed meals. Whether you’re eating lean meats or are a vegetarian, make smart swaps like quinoa for white rice and grilled paneer for fried snacks.
Start cooking for yourself to fuel those gains and show you’ve got your life together. These changes lay the foundation for attracting women by boosting your confidence and health. The journey starts now. Let’s make those gains and turn some heads. The iron awaits, gentlemen.
Stay tuned for Part 2, where we’ll dive into lifting and integrating your workout routine to get you on track.
Check out the full article here:
For more such insights and to continue the conversation, follow me on Twitter at
submitted by TheDesiPlayboy to SouthAsianMasculinity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:41 LookingForTheGirl25 31 [M4F] Florida/USA - Looking for my person that I can spend the rest of my life with!

Hey there everyone, I never know how to start these, so I'm just going to jump right into it! My name is Austin, I'm 31 years old, and I live in Orlando, FL! 🌴
Here is me: I'm on a journey to find that special someone who makes my heart skip a beat. I believe in creating a safe and nurturing emotional space in a relationship, where we can be vulnerable, open, and truly ourselves. Let's build something amazing together and have a ton of fun along the way. Whether it's sharing our deepest feelings or just laughing at YouTube videos and memes, I'm all in!
One of my life goals is to have a family and kids. If that's not your cup of tea, no worries – it's not for everyone, and I respect that. 😊
Here's a quick snapshot of the things I'm passionate about:
🍳 Cooking: I love whipping up delicious dishes, and I'm always up for trying new recipes. Let's cook up a storm together!
🎮 Video Games: I'm a gaming enthusiast and can't resist a good gaming session. Whether you're a fellow gamer or just curious to learn, I'd love to share the joystick with you.
📺 TV/Anime/Movies: I'm a big fan of all things screen-related, from binge-watching TV series to exploring the captivating worlds of anime and film.
🏋️‍♂️ Going to the gym or Batting Cages: Staying active is important to me, and I used to play baseball. I'd love a workout buddy or someone to join me at the batting cages.
🐱🐶 Playing with my cat and dog (Licorice and Wade): My furry friends are a big part of my life, and I hope you'll adore them as much as I do!
🎺 Playing my trumpet (recently started again from high school): I've picked up my trumpet again, and I'm eager to share some tunes with you. Maybe you can be my number one fan!
🎶 Music: If music could be a love language, it would be my top choice! I'm a massive music lover, and I'm always excited to share playlists and discuss our favorite artists. My musical taste is pretty diverse, but I particularly enjoy Rock, Metal, EDM, Punk, and Musicals.
If you're looking for a partner who's genuine, caring, and ready for a serious and fun relationship, let's chat and see if we click. I'm excited to get to know you, share experiences, and build a future together. Feel free to reach out, and let's start this adventure! 💫
submitted by LookingForTheGirl25 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:40 CharacterAfternoon14 Roommate tries to "kick me out" because I won't allow them to eat up all of my groceries.

So, I'm in an unfortunate living situation for several reasons. The main one being that I wanted to try to get back together with my ex. Which is the WORST idea I've had in my life BTW, but that's what lead me here living with his brother and his step-dad. So- I've already asked nicely on more than one occasion for them to not eat my groceries because they're not considerate (AT ALL) I can buy a 5lb bag of french fries and get only literally ONE serving out of a 5lb bag of fries and they will eat all of the rest of them. (This has happened TWICE) it's incredibly RUDE, DISRESPECTFUL and INCONSIDERATE. I don't appreciate it at all. They'll take my microwavable breakfast bowls- which I very clearly and obviously bought for myself when I bought the microwave. Individual meals. Then when I ask them not to touch my food, as a deliberate "screw you" they cook and eat the last two hamburger patties that I had in the freezer. While I'm gone out to a job interview. They NEVER replace anything that they take or ruin. They've ruined cooking pots and never replaced them, the brother will bum cigarettes, pop, laundry detergent and never replace it. He bummed cigs from me for 4 days in a row here recently and already after the 2nd day you're just already like "wow- really? You just gonna KEEP asking?" And whenever he got paid he gave me 3 back. Lmao. Any decent person would have bought you a pack to replace 4 days of bumming cigarettes from you. I gave those 3 to someone else. It's annoying. So after I go to the store and bring back just a little bit of stuff that's supposed to last me two weeks and they STILL haven't been to the store and like I said they ate the very last of my food while I was gone prior to this-- and you STILL have the audacity to KEEP taking my things from the fridge when I've already made it crystal clear that I don't want you to touch my food?!?!? Excuse me- but NO. So I said- "you ever gonna go to the store and get yourself some groceries or are you really just going to KEEP taking mine?" BOTH of these assholes were up in my face yelling and screaming at ME as if I am in the wrong and furthermore trying to kick me out. All because I refuse to allow you to continue to eat up and drink up the tiny amount of groceries that I have to feed myself for 2 weeks?!?!?!?! They threw a couple of my belongings outside, and the 70 year old step-dad of my ex put his grimey disgusting hands on me- trying to push me out the door- ripped my shirt AND left scratches on my arm...... The brother called the cops. Or at least pretended to. They never showed. 🤷🏻‍♀️ ALL because I won't just sit back and allow them to continually disrespect me and take- take- take- take from me. Wow. Such. Fucking. ASSHOLES. !!!!!! Yea- go ahead and kick me out because you can't just keep taking from me. Because that makes perfect sense. 👌🏻 Make it make sense. I definitely want to say here, that REAL MEN don't act like that or treat people like that. I can't stand it. Now I'm trying to find another place to go. I might have to go to a shelter. If I stay here they're just going to keep doing the same thing and god only knows what else. I'm not going to stick around to find out or allow either one of them to put their hands on me AGAIN. Said "boyfriend" is such a low life that he knows that all of this happened and ue won't even come pick me up with my belongings to help me get somewhere else that's safe. Needless to say- he and I will never be together again. I never should have come here in the first place. Can't wait to leave here and NEVER see any of these pieces of shit again in my life.
submitted by CharacterAfternoon14 to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:28 Alcide0104 From Culinary Adventures to DIY Projects: Why Cut Resistant Gloves Are a Must-Have

From Culinary Adventures to DIY Projects: Why Cut Resistant Gloves Are a Must-Have
In the bustling kitchen or amidst the whirlwind of DIY projects, our hands are constantly in motion, facing a multitude of hazards. From sharp knives to power tools, the risk of injury looms large, underscoring the importance of hand protection. It’s in these moments, where culinary adventures meet DIY endeavors, that the need for reliable safety gear becomes evident. In this blog post, we delve into the realm of cut resistant gloves, exploring why they have evolved from mere accessories to indispensable tools in our daily lives. From the sizzle of the stove to the whirr of the saw, these gloves offer a shield against potential harm, allowing us to pursue our passions with confidence and peace of mind. Join us as we unravel the reasons why cut resistant gloves have transcended from being optional to essential, safeguarding our hands in every culinary creation and DIY project we undertake.

Exploring the Culinary Realm

In the bustling kitchen, where creativity meets precision, the risks of accidental cuts and nicks are ever-present. From chopping vegetables to filleting fish, every culinary adventure comes with its share of hazards. It’s in this dynamic environment that the need for reliable hand protection becomes paramount.
Traditional kitchen gloves, often made of cloth or silicone, provide minimal defense against sharp blades and kitchen tools. While they might shield against heat, they lack the robustness required to withstand the sharp edges of knives or the slicing action of mandolins.
Enter cut resistant gloves, the unsung heroes of culinary safety. Crafted from high-performance materials like HPPE (High-Performance Polyethylene) fibers, these gloves offer a level of protection unmatched by their conventional counterparts. With their innovative design, they provide a barrier against cuts and slashes without compromising dexterity or comfort.
Imagine confidently slicing through an array of ingredients, knowing that your hands are shielded from potential harm. Cut resistant gloves make this scenario a reality, allowing chefs and home cooks alike to focus on the artistry of cooking without the fear of injury.
From the bustling kitchens of bustling restaurants to the intimate confines of home kitchens, cut resistant gloves have become indispensable tools for culinary enthusiasts. They offer peace of mind and confidence, empowering cooks to explore new techniques and recipes without hesitation.
In the culinary realm, where precision and safety go hand in hand, cut resistant gloves are more than just accessories—they’re essential companions on every gastronomic journey.

Venturing into DIY Territory

As we step out of the kitchen and into the realm of do-it-yourself projects, the need for hand protection remains just as crucial. Whether you’re tackling woodworking, crafting, or home improvement tasks, sharp tools and materials abound, posing significant risks to unprotected hands.
In the world of DIY, creativity knows no bounds, but neither do the dangers. Sharp blades, power tools, and abrasive materials can turn a simple project into a hazardous endeavor in the blink of an eye. Without adequate protection, the thrill of creation can quickly turn into an unexpected trip to the emergency room.
This is where cut resistant gloves shine as indispensable companions for DIY enthusiasts. Engineered with advanced materials and innovative design, these gloves offer a reliable defense against cuts, abrasions, and punctures without sacrificing agility or tactile sensitivity. Whether you’re wielding a chisel, operating a power saw, or handling rough materials, cut resistant gloves provide a sturdy barrier between your hands and potential harm.
Picture yourself confidently tackling a woodworking project, carving intricate designs with precision and ease, knowing that your hands are shielded from the sharp edges of tools and splinters of wood. With cut resistant gloves, DIY enthusiasts can unleash their creativity without fear, exploring new projects and techniques with confidence and peace of mind.
From crafting personalized gifts to renovating your home, cut resistant gloves are the ultimate safety gear for DIY adventurers. With their reliable protection and ergonomic design, they empower individuals to turn their creative visions into reality, one project at a time.
The Science Behind Cut Resistant Technology
Cut resistant gloves are not just ordinary gloves; they are engineered marvels designed to provide unparalleled protection without compromising dexterity. Let’s delve into the science behind these innovative gloves and understand why they are essential for both culinary and DIY enthusiasts.
Advanced Materials:
Cut resistant gloves are typically crafted from high-performance materials like HPPE (High-Performance Polyethylene) fibers. These fibers are incredibly strong yet lightweight, making them ideal for protecting against sharp objects.
Understanding Cut Resistance Levels:
The effectiveness of cut resistant gloves is measured using the EN388 standard, which assigns gloves a cut resistance level based on their ability to withstand cuts from various sharp objects. Gloves are rated on a scale from 0 to 5, with level 5 offering the highest level of protection.
Enhanced Design Features:
Modern cut resistant gloves employ innovative design features to maximize protection and comfort. Seamless knitting techniques ensure a snug fit, while coatings or reinforcements in key areas enhance durability and grip.
Breathability and Comfort:
Despite their robust construction, cut resistant gloves are designed to be breathable and comfortable for extended wear. This is achieved through strategic ventilation channels and moisture-wicking materials, ensuring hands stay cool and dry even during intense tasks.
Durability and Longevity:
Unlike traditional gloves that may wear out quickly, cut resistant gloves are built to last. The combination of advanced materials and superior construction techniques results in gloves that withstand repeated use and washing, maintaining their protective qualities over time.
Whether chopping vegetables in the kitchen or handling sharp tools in the workshop, investing in quality cut resistant gloves is a smart choice to safeguard hands against potential injuries.
In conclusion, whether you’re navigating the intricate world of culinary arts or delving into the realm of DIY projects, one thing remains constant: the importance of hand protection. From sharp kitchen knives to power tools in the workshop, the risks are plentiful. However, with the advent of cut resistant gloves, safeguarding your hands has never been easier. These gloves offer a seamless blend of comfort, dexterity, and, most importantly, protection. By investing in quality hand gear, you not only mitigate the risk of injury but also empower yourself to fully immerse in your culinary and creative pursuits. So, as you embark on your next culinary adventure or DIY project, remember: safety first, hands down.
Product link:
submitted by Alcide0104 to woodworkwithslides [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:04 Leading-Radio-2915 WIBTA for telling my partner her family sucks?

I (24m) am considering taking a break with my gf (25f) because her family sucks. Let me explain.
I’ve been dating my girlfriend for about three years now, and it’s been great. We go on dates often, communicate well, and have a great connection. Currently, we are in the “messy middle,” where we both live at home with a long distance separating us. It can be inconvenient at times, but we usually meet up every weekend or so as we save for a house or apartment.
The issue isn’t her, it’s her family.
Her brothers are the least motivated and accomplished people I know. One spends hours at a time packed away in his room gaming away, with no sense of the world. The other is distant, ignoring calls and texts until a bank transfer is needed.
Her mother is newly engaged and barely spends time at home, so this behavior goes unchecked. My girlfriend has to take care of everything at the house— cooking, cleaning, laundry, and so on. Currently, neither brother is working (despite being out of college for over a year each), and they wake up at 5-6pm, expecting their every whim to be taken care of. They don’t even mow the lawn, the one semblance of responsibility they have.
When her mother does come home, she dumps her laundry, pots, pans, and everything off at the house, expecting my girlfriend to take care of it. The stress is debilitating, and she feels no escape. Unfortunately, we both are still in a position where we cannot yet move in together.
It’s gotten to the point where each time I call to check in with her, she’s crying about her family and how she’s treated (yes, almost every day, multiple times a day). Initially, I was able to offer support and visit, spending time to make sure she’s okay and feels appreciated. More recently, I’ve been admittedly short with these calls and complaints. I still listen to her concerns, but I’m struggling to sympathize anymore; it feels redundant, and I can’t comprehend a family being so vindictive and lazy. At this point, I occasionally question the “truths” I’m being told, as there’s surely no way I’m getting the full story, right? It seems like a modern-day Cinderella story.
This complaints have been ongoing for the past six months, with no end in sight, and it’s draining to think about. I’m an easygoing and tolerant person, but I have my own concerns to voice as well, and I recently have felt that I can’t share those stresses, as it seem infinitely lesser in comparison to her situation. This has taxed my mental health, and I’m at the crossroads of standing up to her family, or taking a break (or more) on the relationship.
Does this make me the asshole? I understand as her partner I should listen and care for her concerns, but when it’s reoccurring so often, I can’t help but mumble and grumble. What’s truly been eating away at me is the thought that down the road, these people could be uncles, grandparents, or godparents to my kids. It scares me, because I don’t foresee any change.
I appreciate any advice, recommendations, or reality check the community can offer, and will happily provide additional details if needed.
TLDR: My gf’s family is among the laziest and most inconsiderate people I know. While it isn’t my gf’s fault, it makes me consider taking a break on the relationship, or just up front telling her they need to be better. WIBTA for this?
submitted by Leading-Radio-2915 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:59 Righteous_Fury224 The Sign of the Angel

The Sign of the Angel
I recall that recently that Max said that he and Jose were planning a trip to the UK.
You guys may have already filled your itinerary however if not then I highly recommend that you stay a couple of nights at The Sign of the Angel, a 14th century Inn located in the village of Lacock (yes that’s its name, settle down there in the back row 😉) ahem... The village is in Wiltshire and is about 30 or so minutes drive from one of your favorite places, the city of Bath. The village itself is truly delightful, having been used as a background filmstrip for Harry Potter, has another historic pub which has relevance to Tasting history as there was a ceryain method the pub used to cook the food but I won't go further as it will spoil the story if you decide to present it Max. Also the Abbey there that was home to William Henry Fox Talbot, the inventor of the photographic negative.
But it's the Inn that's the best. Truly a trip in time and you can feel the history. Possibly haunted too 👻 but that's another story... just watch your head as the door lintel are low...
Anyway, I'll stop now by saying that I have no connection to the establishment but stayed there once for 3 nights and loved it.
submitted by Righteous_Fury224 to TastingHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:49 pangolin_of_fortune Suggest me a pepper!

I've grown a single shishito for the last two years, and had great harvests, which I freeze whole. They've lasted me almost all year. This year I'd like to switch it up. One downside to shishitos is the roulette aspect where one in ten is really hot. I'm cooking for some spice wimps, and even tasting carefully in advance, I've sometimes added too much heat. So I'd like a replacement which is consistently mildly hot, which I intend to pick green and use for flavoring the Thai/Mexican/Indian food I cook frequently. I'm in the Seattle area and will grow it either in a pot or one of my new raised beds (yay!), and will buy a start from Carpinitos or another local grower this weekend.
Oh! I'm also considering the "lunchbox" style peppers, sweet and small. Got a rec for those? Last year my King of the North bells only got about lunchbox sized anyway...
submitted by pangolin_of_fortune to pnwgardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:33 senpai_of_da_pool Need help coming up with recipe ideas for prostart competition.

I have a recipe in mind but need other opinions, suggestions, and corrections. I will compete in a 4 man team.
app: salmon tartare with a vinaigrette sauce on a flatbread cracker and white fish tartare (still haven’t decided on which white fish) with a orange sauce also on flatbread cracker
entree: duck confit on a farro salad (probably not gonna do it cause it takes too long)
dessert: napoleon crème brûlée ( found it in a cook book)
requirements - 1. semi low cost so we are able to practice a lot (around 25 total cost can go a little over)
  1. must be completed in one hour
  2. we are only able to use 2 burners
  3. no electrical equipment but can use dry ice if needed
  4. not too complicated yet not too simple (able to display skills)
  5. must follow a theme ex. french, asian, Italian, etc. can be fusion.
Thank you.
submitted by senpai_of_da_pool to AskCulinary [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:08 Calm_Carry_3017 Lasagna Spaghetti

My favorite food is lasagna spaghetti because it's one of my mom's recipes from when I was 7 years old, and I liked it. And I know how to cook lasgna spaghetti
submitted by Calm_Carry_3017 to 11stgcnf [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:04 romanticroman01 Finally happy with my mini baguette results

Finally happy with my mini baguette results
I was getting flate and soft crusted baguette due to just baking them on a flate tray my benchtop convection oven.
I ended up revising the whole process taking into consideration my oven limitations. I first got a baguette tray which was way too big for my oven so I ended up cutting one edge. I also got a proper scoring knife at the same time to get deeper scoring.
The method I was using to create steam was not great so after a few trial and error I ended finding a better way to create steam and keep most of it on the bread.
I basically put a tray upside down on top of the baguette tray and another tray under it where I pour boiling water after the oven is hot. So sandwiching ( pun intended) my baguette tray between the 2 for the first 12min works quite well. Then I remove both tray and cook it for another 12min.
Anyone else as any other tips for a nice baguette?
submitted by romanticroman01 to Breadit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:50 LookingForTheGirl25 31 [M4F] Florida/USA - Looking for my person that I can spend the rest of my life with!

Hey there everyone, I never know how to start these, so I'm just going to jump right into it! My name is Austin, I'm 31 years old, and I live in Orlando, FL! 🌴
Here is me: I'm on a journey to find that special someone who makes my heart skip a beat. I believe in creating a safe and nurturing emotional space in a relationship, where we can be vulnerable, open, and truly ourselves. Let's build something amazing together and have a ton of fun along the way. Whether it's sharing our deepest feelings or just laughing at YouTube videos and memes, I'm all in!
One of my life goals is to have a family and kids. If that's not your cup of tea, no worries – it's not for everyone, and I respect that. 😊
Here's a quick snapshot of the things I'm passionate about:
🍳 Cooking: I love whipping up delicious dishes, and I'm always up for trying new recipes. Let's cook up a storm together!
🎮 Video Games: I'm a gaming enthusiast and can't resist a good gaming session. Whether you're a fellow gamer or just curious to learn, I'd love to share the joystick with you.
📺 TV/Anime/Movies: I'm a big fan of all things screen-related, from binge-watching TV series to exploring the captivating worlds of anime and film.
🏋️‍♂️ Going to the gym or Batting Cages: Staying active is important to me, and I used to play baseball. I'd love a workout buddy or someone to join me at the batting cages.
🐱🐶 Playing with my cat and dog (Licorice and Wade): My furry friends are a big part of my life, and I hope you'll adore them as much as I do!
🎺 Playing my trumpet (recently started again from high school): I've picked up my trumpet again, and I'm eager to share some tunes with you. Maybe you can be my number one fan!
🎶 Music: If music could be a love language, it would be my top choice! I'm a massive music lover, and I'm always excited to share playlists and discuss our favorite artists. My musical taste is pretty diverse, but I particularly enjoy Rock, Metal, EDM, Punk, and Musicals.
If you're looking for a partner who's genuine, caring, and ready for a serious and fun relationship, let's chat and see if we click. I'm excited to get to know you, share experiences, and build a future together. Feel free to reach out, and let's start this adventure! 💫
submitted by LookingForTheGirl25 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:29 slower_sloth I've conquered my favorite take out dishes

My favorite take out foods are Pad Thai, mussels, and tikka masala. About a year ago, a friend told me how easy Pad thai was and I didn't believe them until I saw a Halfbakedharvest recipe and it was super simple and tasted amazing! That built up my confidence to try and make white wine garlic mussels and I was blown away by how simple and delicious they were so the next week I tried chorizo mussels. Since then, I've conquered various desserts like lemon loaf, worlds vest chocolate chip cookies, brookies, various blondies, etc. My confidence has grown with each recipe. I even made thai mushroom soup! I made olive gardens Tuscan kale soup.... and this last week I finally mastered tikka masala on the first try. I was certain the first one would be a practice run but it was perfection! The homemade naan wasn't great but bread sucks anyway. Cooking has become my favorite hobby and it's so fun to see something and simply make it. My lebanese father in law is going to be so happy when he tastes the homemade baklava I made last night!!!
submitted by slower_sloth to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:18 Antique_Gur_8017 Haven't seen a dietician promote so many desserts/treats and so few fruits and vegetables?

There's a lot of Crumbl cookies, cookie dough, shamrock shakes, etc. and not a ton of produce from what I've seen. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems some of her older content didn't include as many sweets and was more balanced. I think it is good to destigmatize eating processed food and desserts. And there aren't zero veggies, Colleen's made salads and she eats those small peppers and cauliflower, but I've definitely seen other dieticians promoting a more varied diet with more produce. Abbie Sharpe isn't perfect but she definitely includes fruits and vegetables in a lot of her recipes and meals and talks about the importance of them. As does Nutrition by Kylie. Both are also registered dieticians and speak about nutrition from multiple angles and cover a variety of topics. Kylie talks about incorporating foods from her culture and how to cook on low energy days. Abbie delves a lot into what the research says on different foods and diets. It seems much of Colleen's content is very one note, that note being anti-diet culture. That's a fine message, but with how much content she puts out there and how long she's been doing it, it's surprising how little information is provided considering she has the credentials and education. Maybe it's because she's selling her coaching or meal plans or app or whatever, so why give away free tips/info?
submitted by Antique_Gur_8017 to NoFoodRulesSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:10 Queenme10 Is this normal behavior?

First of all I want start by mentioning I have not been formally diagnosed yet but my family thinks I have OCD tendencies. Is this normal behavior, tbh I don't see it as abnormal but looking for feedback.
  1. I have a fear of getting sick. For example, I might eat mac and cheese and I am scared I will get sick. I have this a lot and this restrict what I eat due to my fear of getting sick.
  2. I cant cook in the same kitchen as my parent and also their ingredients cannot touch mines, not sure why. I am also very particular about my pans and pots when I cook.
  3. No one can come into my room and touch my belongings or I freak out tbh. I freaked out the other way because my mom touched my hair tie.
  4. No one can touch my clothing or actually wash my clothes or again I tend to freak out. I have insistences where I washed clothes twice because someone else touched them..
submitted by Queenme10 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:09 suckmyfungaltoes Just started as a sous. Advice?

Im 26f and i just started my first sous position at a resort lodge. I was only a cook there for 6 months and then we shut down for renovations. It was brought to my attention right before shutdown that i would be next best pick for sous, as the previous chef had family troubles and had to move back across the country. I never went to culinary school but gained line cook experience for about 8 years. I definitely feel i have a calling in this field, and its not just i love to cook, i want to learn everything down to the science and create something of my own rather than copy and execute others' recipes, but for now im limited. The new chef is really throwing me a bone and working with me and how to manage a kitchen, giving me the basics of the culinary world, and I know what i should do, but i have one issue. I lack confidence and some social skills, especially if im going to be in management.
My question is, have any of you experienced this same feeling? And how were you able to overcome it? Any and all advice and constructive criticism is appreciated!
submitted by suckmyfungaltoes to Chefit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:08 Queenme10 Is this normal behavior?

First of all I want start by mentioning I have not been formally diagnosed yet but my family thinks I have OCD tendencies. Is this normal behavior, tbh I don't see it as abnormal but looking for feedback.
  1. I have a fear of getting sick. For example, I might eat mac and cheese and I am scared I will get sick. I have this a lot and this restrict what I eat due to my fear of getting sick.
  2. I cant cook in the same kitchen as my parent and also their ingredients cannot touch mines, not sure why. I am also very particular about my pans and pots when I cook.
  3. No one can come into my room and touch my belongings or I freak out tbh. I freaked out the other way because my mom touched my hair tie.
  4. No one can touch my clothing or actually wash my clothes or again I tend to freak out. I have insistences where I washed clothes twice because someone else touched them..
submitted by Queenme10 to mentalillness [link] [comments]