Watery eyes sinusitis


2009.04.08 15:52 corrado1 Rosacea

Rosacea is a patient support community for those diagnosed with Rosacea, a medical disorder of the facial skin and sometimes the eyes. Diagnosing rosacea takes a pro; if you think you might have something like rosacea, see a doctor. Please see our wiki for general info about rosacea if you're trying to decide if you need professional advice.

2013.08.08 06:00 mildly pleasant

Mildly pleasant. For when you are suffering from a *Cuteness Overload*. Are you suffering from a CO? Symptoms may/may not include: *Inability to keep a straight face *Your laughing now sounds more like choking *Dry mouth *Watery eyes/Blurred vision *Shaking hands/body *Euphoric feeling in your chest *Uncontrollably rocking your torso back and forth

2024.05.14 10:46 hawker55 Goopy eyes, mangy fur, butt issue - Community Cat

Cat 7 years Intact - maybe Domestic feline 8-9lbs.
New cat showed up in the colony. Is friendly with me and other cats. Head butts and is affectionate with one of the females. Is not aggressive with other cats.
He is missing some fur on his flanks ( more like it fell out than from fighting), has watery, goopy eyes, and has some strange thing going on with his hind quarter adjacent to his butt. It doesn’t appear to be an open sore or bloody so much it looks like some kind of matted discharge. He doesn’t appear to be in any pain and has good energy. He’s not ear tipped but he looks neutered to me.
He’s in the Southeastern US. Columbia, South Carolina to be precise.
No tests or vet visits so far.
What do you think is going on with him?
I wanted to post images but it says not allowed in this forum, though the forum rules recommend posting pictures. Go figure.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by hawker55 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:37 SmolSpacePrince39 Non-Urgent Fur Loss/Over-grooming

Hi, veterinary folk!
My kitty has been experiencing some fur loss that I believe is due to environmental allergies. He is not an anxious cat and did once react to a carpet powder that my other cats had never reacted to. Eyes were extra watery and he was sneezing. Since I first got him, he has always had watery eyes and thin fur on his belly, but lately he has been losing more fur. No other symptoms.
My question is, would you recommend having him seen? During his annual exam a couple months ago, I asked the vet about his skin and eyes. They said that while it was noted, his skin doesn’t look irritated or damaged (still the case). As such, they didn’t feel the need to look into the matter. Does this sound like a fair assessment? I’m worried about his comfort.
Species: Cat / Age: 4 years old / Sex: Male, neutered / Breed: DSH / Weight: ~11 lbs / General location: Midwest USA.
History: Prescribed NeoPolyBac early 2022 for eye drainage. Otherwise unremarkable history. Vaccinated and has Advantage Multi applied during summer months (though not yet this year). Clinical signs: Chronic watery eyes with dark eye boogers. Over-grooming on belly and somewhat on both sides, near his ribs. Duration: Since rescue in early 2022. Fur loss has increased recently but can’t verify when it changed.
submitted by SmolSpacePrince39 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:03 Medical-Intention248 Sorry for jump scare

Sorry for jump scare
I’ve noticed dry eye symptoms since 2022. Things like if I would go outside suddenly my eyes would get so watery but in a way that stings and blinds me so badly that I would need to rub for relief. One time I was driving and it happened completely blinded me I had to pull over. These symptoms went away on its own early 2023. Now it’s back recently where when I would wake up my eyes would be watery and itchy and stingy and sometimes in the sun and wind same thing but not as debilitating as before. HOWEVER … the red veins honestly is the worst I’ve ever seen on the internet or on here, I already have bad vision where I need glasses and it might be getting worse. Am I gonna be blind, medically are the veins an indication of something horrible going on or just aesthetically horrid, which idc too much about.
submitted by Medical-Intention248 to Dryeyes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:08 Natural_Candle_4929 am i going crazy or am i pregnant

i’ve been having the weirdest symptoms and overall just a really strong feeling, which i realize sounds ridiculous but it’s almost a trippy feeling. i have PCOS and was told a few months back i was likely infertile, would require IVF and possibly a surrogate. my husband encouraged me to take a trip to europe to visit my family so i went on vacation by myself for 2 weeks, feeling more myself and happier than ever. got home and obviously did the deed, and then went off on another excursion for a girls weekend. now it’s been almost 2 weeks since i got home from europe and i’ve had this very intense feeling i’m pregnant…
symptoms have included: - 3-4 days of dark brown spotting (i have PCOS, last period was in march but i track ovulation and it’s about 5/6 days after i ovulated) - LOTS of discharge— like i had my husband run out and buy tampons because i keep thinking im getting my period but its just discharge (watery, white, but not as thick as when im ovulating) - VERY vivid dreams, wildly vivid for about a week. 3-4 of them a night - eyes have been really watery even with allergy meds for some reason - i’ve been an insomniac/on sleeping medication all my life and suddenly my head hits the pillow and im out like a light without meds. my oura ring tells me it’s averaging 7 minutes the past few days - generally bloated but not in a gassy way or a crampy way
tested yesterday and say a vvvvvvvvvfl, then again this morning and still a vvvvvfl (but less faint i think?). i feel like ive stared at enough evap lines to know the difference but maybe im just hallucinating!
submitted by Natural_Candle_4929 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:57 Striking_Belt6160 Dry eyes since going gf

Anyone else experience this? I appreciate that they aren't watery all the time but waking up with really dry eyes is annoying.
submitted by Striking_Belt6160 to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:55 i-am-beyoncealways Extreme fatigue on antihistamines

I’m out here in the Midwest existing as a zombie with allergies for the first time in my life. I have super dark under eyes and assumed it was something else, then the doctor said my sinuses are so inflamed and stuffed up in to my forehead (they did a scan due to extreme migraines). The Flonase has helped with the stuffy nose and headaches, but for the overall allergies and sinuses, I’m not able to take any antihistamine without CRIPPLING fatigue! I’ve tried them all, even the non drowsy. I can’t even stay awake it’s so bad. What other options have worked?
submitted by i-am-beyoncealways to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:13 Natural_Candle_4929 am i going crazy or am i pregnant

am i going crazy or am i pregnant
i’ve been having the weirdest symptoms and overall just a really strong feeling, which i realize sounds ridiculous but it’s almost a trippy feeling. i have PCOS and was told a few months back i was likely infertile, would require IVF and possibly a surrogate. my husband encouraged me to take a trip to europe to visit my family so i went on vacation by myself for 2 weeks, feeling more myself and happier than ever. got home and obviously did the deed, and then went off on another excursion for a girls weekend. now it’s been almost 2 weeks since i got home from europe and i’ve had this very intense feeling i’m pregnant…
symptoms have included: - 3-4 days of dark brown spotting (i have PCOS, last period was in march but i track ovulation and it’s about 5/6 days after i ovulated) - LOTS of discharge— like i had my husband run out and buy tampons because i keep thinking im getting my period but its just discharge (watery, white, but not as thick as when im ovulating) - VERY vivid dreams, wildly vivid for about a week. 3-4 of them a night - eyes have been really watery even with allergy meds for some reason - i’ve been an insomniac/on sleeping medication all my life and suddenly my head hits the pillow and im out like a light without meds. my oura ring tells me it’s averaging 7 minutes the past few days - generally bloated but not in a gassy way or a crampy way
tested yesterday and say a vvvvvvvvvfl, then again this morning and still a vvvvvfl (but less faint i think?). i feel like ive stared at enough evap lines to know the difference but maybe im just hallucinating!
submitted by Natural_Candle_4929 to lineporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:46 Slight_Listen7361 How can i stop this from happening? I never had this problem before and now every time I yawn and my eyes get watery the corner or end of my makeup is completely gone. I use the urban decay waterproof setting spray and the ELF pink grip primer.

How can i stop this from happening? I never had this problem before and now every time I yawn and my eyes get watery the corner or end of my makeup is completely gone. I use the urban decay waterproof setting spray and the ELF pink grip primer. submitted by Slight_Listen7361 to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:37 redalchemy This is Hoso, we trapped him 3 weeks ago to be fixed and he just got back!

This is Hoso, we trapped him 3 weeks ago to be fixed and he just got back!
First picture is the day he showed up. He had a bad sinus infection and was covered in mats on his stomach. When we trapped him for TNR, they held him for several weeks. I was starting to worry they had to put him down, but he just showed back up this week with a clipped ear and a shaved belly. His eyes are still a bit goopy but he moves around like he feels so much better now. I could barely get the after picture cause he was rubbing against my leg constantly for pets, which he gets anytime he wants!
submitted by redalchemy to notmycat [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:55 Slow_Replacement_710 What makes you feel better or worse?

2 months after an extreme food sickness in Southeast Asia in 2015 I woke up EXTREMELY fatigued, blood shot heavy eyes, miserable. Fast forward 9 years later and thats how i wake up nearly everyday. The extreme fatigue is the absolute worst.

I chronically have VERY swollen turbinates where I can barely get air through. For 3 years I just lived like that. It was extremely depressing. I have seen every single speciality of doctor, done every test you could think of, scans, allergy tests, 2 sinus surgeries with no relief at all.
In 2018 I started exercising more, doing lawn work, etc (basically being way more active). I realized my congestion would reduce when I was active and I wasn't as fatigued. I would then walk back inside sit down and within minutes my nose was congested to the point i couldn't get air through again so I'd be mouth breathing. Breathing like this and not getting oxygen to my brain of course makes me anxious, fatigued, depressed, etc.
The only things I've found that help me are being very active but of course I still have to work, sleep, drive, etc where I feel miserable because I can't breathe at all.

What does everyone do, take for supplements, etc to get them some relief?
submitted by Slow_Replacement_710 to nonallergicrhinitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:13 clromero122 What can this be? Has anyone had these results from an ECG before?

I have been recently having severe and long lasting heart palpitations (lasting all day) and visited a cardiologist a few days ago who performed an ECG on me. We did not the ecg a that appointment but I have a follow up appointment in a month. I'm confused by my test results from my ecg. Although it says normal sinus rhythm, what's concerning is the fact that it also says "abnormal QRS-T angle, consider primary T wave abnormality." And "Abnormal ECG."
Needless to say, I'm freaking out a bit. Can someone explain what this means to me and if I should push for a sooner appointment? Please and thank you for any help/advice offered to me.
Some information about me include: 40 year old male 5'7 Non-smoker Non-drinker Non-Drug user
Medications include : 125mg test a week (trt) Cequa eye drops for dry eyes.
submitted by clromero122 to AFIB [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:05 clromero122 Abnormal QRS-T angle in ECG. Should I go to Er?

I have been recently having severe and long lasting heart palpitations (lasting all day) and visited a cardiologist a few days ago who performed an ECG on me. We did not the ecg a that appointment but I have a follow up appointment in a month. I'm confused by my test results from my ecg. Although it says normal sinus rhythm, what's concerning is the fact that it also says "abnormal QRS-T angle, consider primary T wave abnormality." And "Abnormal ECG."
Needless to say, I'm freaking out a bit. Can someone explain what this means to me and if I should push for a sooner appointment? Please and thank you for any help/advice offered to me.
Some information about me include: 40 year old male 5'7 Non-smoker Non-drinker Non-Drug user No previous medical history Medications include : 125mg test a week (trt) Cequa eye drops for dry eyess
submitted by clromero122 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:43 DecentConversation74 Could it be candida?

For ten years I was struggling with mysterious symptoms all over my body until I found out that my atlas vertebrae was mislocated and I got it back to its place.
I felt amazing for few days after I got it fixed until EATING PEANUTS brought me back to dizziness and brainfog. I had second and third therapy of atlas vertebrae fixation which did not fix my brainfog and other symptoms. However back, neck, head pains are gone which were straight symptom of misaligne vertebrae.
Having vagus nerve and blood vessels supressed for 10 years made the impact to my body and now I need rehabiliation but need to find out what exactly happening.
I now think its Candida:
  1. Dizziness
  2. Blurry vision, if I have additional inflamation like fever or nose run, sinuses vision goes even worse but doctors dont see anything bad in my eyes.
  3. I cant tolerate gluten, sugar, caffeine, very sensitive stomach.
  4. I have chronic gastritis.
  5. My nose is always stuffy and MRT shows bad things in sinuses but LOR will not do me surgery because he sees my nose is still affected by something and I need to figure out whats happening.
  6. Sour taste in mouth
  7. Whiteish tongue
  8. Chronic fatigue
  9. Cant tolerate sports
  10. Bad short and long memory.
  11. Random acne appearing and dissapearing all round scalp
Many of these symptoms I had elevated after I fixed my atlas and before eating peanuts.
Anyone else have similar symptoms?
submitted by DecentConversation74 to Candida [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:15 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother Finale: CHAMPION ROYALE (The Season)

Beginnings. Illustrious. Vivacious. Monstrous. Scintillating. Star-Studded. Nautical. Creeping. Vainglorious. Luminous. Villainous. Venerable. Exuberant. Esteemed. Legendary…. Epic. Wonderful, Briliant, Victorious, Foundational, Iconic!!! Champions. Sixteen of them. One prize. One Ultimate Champion. Who will beat all other winners and become the ultimate winner themselves? As we get ready to close the curtain one last time on Bunny’s Big Brother, let’s find out who is the Shining Star of our champion cast in Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother CHAMPION ROYALE!
Season Finale: CHAMPION ROYALE!!!
Meet the Cast:
Season 1 – Lance the Escavalier
Season 2 – Carlos the Pangoro
Season 3 – Nickels the Nickit
Season 4 – Xio the Meowscarada
Season 5 – Selene the Lampent
Season 6 – Candy the Wigglytuff
Season 7 – Splaatz the Stunfisk
Season 8 – Dirk the Kricketune
Season 9 – Echo the Arctibax
Season 10 – Mobee the Bewear
Season 11 – Professor Bane the Crobat
Season 12 – Lisette the Solrock
Season 13 – Maeva the Chimeco
Season 14 – Dayley-Jane the Dewgong
Season 15 – DJ Volt Switch the Emolga
Season 16 – Benedict the Chespin
Intro: We are reporting live at the site of Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother Finale House! The crowd is thick and loud as fans from all over are excited to watch the sixteen champions enter the house LIVE! We stand in Poketopia, home of the Battle Revolution! The Shining Neon Colloseum, in a penthouse suite in the grand city is where the final bout will begin! Here come the Legendary Sixteen right now!!!! Lance the original winner is so stunning in his armor! Carlos has evolved and looks much tougher. Nickels is strutting in conifdent as ever next to Xio, who looks completely unphased by all of the winners around her! Selene fits right in with the bright lights. Looks like Candy is evolved as well and—OH—she tripped over Splaatz. That’s embarrassing and you can tell she isn’t happy even if she’s putting on a smile. Dirk and Echo are next, both eyeing up the competition already. Echo being evolved now already ups his threat level. Mobee gets an uproarious cheer from the crowd! And WOW the Professor gracefully glides over the crowd! He really did escape capture back in Mazda’s Season. Lisette seems to be meditating and Maeva is pumping herself up. She looks a bit snooty now that we know how she really is but we are eager to see how she plays. Dayley-Jane gets another huge cheer from the crowd. She really is a lovable gal ain’t she? DJ clicks a track on the DJ booth to keep one last song playing but then hops out to join the entourage. She’s still keeping up her day job too, so inspiring! Finally, Benedict walks up. Unlike the others, he looks somber. Wonder what his deal is? Oh well, let’s watch them all compete in the bright stadium for the first HOH!
First HOH: In this bright lights HOH, the houseguests all race to complete a task, with the first to complete it knocking someone out of the running. In the first heat, Maeva clears first and knocks out Bane because he came in second and is a huge comp threat. In the next round, Echo wins and takes out Maeva, who just won. Splaatz wins round three by accident and takes out Day, who was big on his original season. Candy wins next and takes out Nickels. Xio takes out DJ, followed by Benedict winning and immediately knocking Xio out. Candy wins again and takes out Dirk. Echo then wins again to take out Candy before she gets too much momentum. Carlos wins and takes out Lance, Mobee then wins and takes out Carlos, Benedict then wins and takes out Mobee! Splaatz wins again and takes out Selene as she is hiding in the background. Lisette wins the next round to take out Benedict. In the final three, Echo wins again and takes out Lisette, as she did a good job hiding til then. In Splaatz versus Echo, the fish surprisingly keeps up with the dragon and at the last second, takes over?!?!?! Splaatz is the first HOH!
Week 1: Splaatz is very confused how he won that last round but Echo comes up and congratulates him. The two get along well and Splaatz works up the courage to ask to be in an alliance, which the dragon happily agrees. Bane goes to Candy to tell her that the villains need to stick together, she agrees and they grab Maeva. She is initially reluctant, not trusting Bane, but she agrees eventually. Mobee goes to monitor the living room like before and DJ flies up to him. They end up chatting and realize they enjoy each other. At the nomination ceremony, Splaatz has decided to put up DJ and Dirk, saying how he doesn’t want to make too much waves and this seems to be the way to do it best. Dirk is unamused and DJ is frightened. Echo gets suspicious of Bane and shares his thoughts with Nickels, they pull in Carlos to form an anti-villain alliance. Benedict eavesdrops and plans his next move. He goes up to Nickels and makes up how Dirk must be playing the villain this time, because he is acting weird. Nickels considers his approach but ultimately decides to trust him as an alliance member. At the veto, Carlos, Echo, and Mobee all play but it comes down to Carlos and Splaatz. Splaatz ends up winning again but while actually trying and is exuberant! DJ pleads with him but he ultimately keeps his noms the same.
After the veto ceremony, Benedict tells DJ to do as he says and trust him, as Gigi did. She agrees and starts buttering up to the villains. She gets Candy to be even nicer to the house and apologize to Splaatz. She also helps Bane create a new game. Meanwhile, Benedict starts prodding Dirk and Day, causing them to be at odds with each other. Dirk eventually snaps and lashes out at Day, shocking everyone. Maeva can tell something fishy is happening but rolls with it since it is week one. At the eviction ceremony in the glittering colosseum, the two nominees tell why they should stay. Dirk is more bitter while DJ stays heartfelt, convincing everyone but a suspicious Maeva. In the end, by a vote of 12 to 1… Dirk, you have been evicted.
Week 2: The next HOH is a high flying roulette-themed obstacle course, based off of the Neon Colosseum’s roulette rules. DJ and Mobee work together to get to the end but Nickels keeps up with them. In the final stretch, Mobee sees Nickels catching up and throws DJ, giving her just enough of an edge to win the HOH! Nickels and Maeva both approach DJ to tell her their suspicions on Benedict’s behavior. At first, they fight, but realizing they have the same goal causes them to cut it out long enough to tell her. DJ is reluctant but Maeva reminds her how he betrayed Gigi and she is firm. Benedict and Carlos become the nominees. Day, Echo, and Maeva play in the veto and Echo actually manages to come out on top over Day. Echo talks with Nickels about saving Carlos but she is hesitant, telling him that Carlos makes a good pawn next to benedict because everyone likes Carlos. He ends up not using it. During the week, Benedict begins making breakfast early, irritating his roommate Carlos and causing him to be grumpier. Xio confronts Benedict for this, telling him he is purposefully making Carlos mad and it’s brutal. He tells her he doesn’t understand the problem if Carlos doesn’t like breakfast. She sneers but doesn’t have a comeback. The next day, Benedict holds a house meeting. He apologizes if he’s been rubbing people the wrong way but he is just trying to fit in since he is newer. Lisette says that everyone should give him a chance, which the villains, Selene, and Mobee agree with. Echo, Carlos, Nickels, and Maeva are all hesitant. At the eviction ceremony, Carlos is grumpy and bitter and doesn’t do much to defend himself. Benedict, again apologizes. In a 9 to 3 vote… Carlos is evicted.
Week 3: Several house membets are completely shocked by Carlos going home, including HOH DJ and his two allies, Nickels and Echo. Also surprised is Xio. The next HOH is an endurance comp called the floor is lava based off of the Lava Colosseum! Mobee, Splaatz, and Xio are the last three remaining. Knowing she was on the outs of the last vote, Xio fights hard to survive, fighting her pain. Splaatz eventually drops and Mobee remains with Xio. Eventually, Mobee drops and Xio wins! Xio already knows her noms. She puts up Benedict next to Selene, as she was one of the people vouching for him last round. Benedict chooses to stay back and not make too much of a scene this round, lest he blow up his cover. Meanwhile, DJ and Mobee plan how to move forward. Maeva is listening in to this convo and realizes how close they are. At the veto, a mental comp, Selene ends up winning by a landslide, saving herself. Maeva rushes to Xio about the DJ and Mobee situation, and points out how Mobee is a comp threat as well. Xio decides Mobee is a good replacement, as he is likeable and a good pawn next to Benedict. Mobee holds a house meeting and cries during it, thinking he was doing so much better at being friendly this time. Maeva calls him out for his crocodile tears and argues that he is putting on an act. Lisette calls out Maeva for being so harsh and chastises her for being such a villain. Maeva asks her if she is planning on voting for him to stay and she is silent, but says that shouldn’t matter. Maeva retorts and says it’s not jury so jury management doesn’t exist yet. At the eviction, Mobee is shaking next to a smug Benedict. Benedict’s speech touches on how Mobee doesn’t seem ready for the big leagues. The bear gets up angrily and almost picks up Benedict, shocking everyone. He stops himself and realizes what he did. The vote comes in and by a vote of 8 to 3, Mobee, you have been evicted.
Week 4: The next HOH begins as they houseguests must ascend a glimmering rock wall, themed after the Crystal colosseum. Day and Maeva take an early lead but are caught up by falling rocks. Lisette closes the gap and eventually surpasses Maeva. Day and Lisette race for the end and… Lisette win! Lisette in her HOH room ponders about who to put up and ally with. She turns to Xio, Day, and Selene as her allies. The Witch’s Coven, as they call themselves, wants to shift the focus, as Benedict is doing too well at not going home. Instead, Lisette targets Maeva, who is playing sneaky, as well as Benedict’s ally, Echo. Bane laughs at Maeva being on the block and she is enraged with him. He says “it doesn’t matter since it’s not jury yet.” Having her own words turned on her, Maeva storms out and swears she will get revenge on him and Candy. At the POV, the witches’ coven is playing with three members and Xio ends up winning! She chooses to keep the nominations the same. Splaatz goes to Lance to tell him how much it means to be there with one of his heros, but Lance mishears him and calls him out for calling him a rude name. The two get in a petty argument where Lance’s bad hearing keeps making things worse. Meanwhile, Maeva tries to get the vote off of her by spreading anti-Benedict propaganda around the house. Day has a change of heart about this and wants to vote out Echo, even while her alliance is targeting Maeva. Benedict, aware his name is still out there, pleads to DJ not to vote out his ally. At the eviction, Maeva thinks she has done enough work but the vote comes out and is a 5 to 5. The Coven is shocked, one of their own must have flipped. But Lisette gets to break the tie, and is all too happy to evict her target, Maeva.
Week 5: The next HOH is themed after the Sunset colosseum, and sees the houseguests racing to stack piles of rubble. Echo, DJ, and Xio make the highest stack but DJ’s crumbles before the time limit. Both wanting to take control, Echo and Xio try really hard to build the highest. The timer buzzes aaaand Echo is the winner! Benedict instinctively high fives Echo and celebrates with him. Later, Nickels is peeved that Echo is so publicly working with Benedict. Echo tells her she had the opportunity to have a good ally but she chose to burn that bridge and that’s her fault. Offended, she tells him to make that alliance with Benedict work out but she won’t be part of it. Echo is saddened, but doesn’t want to put Nickels up. Instead, he shifts the target to former villains, with Bane being the target and Selene going up next to him. Xio cheers that Selene could be going home, making the Lamp angry at her, since they were supposed to be working together. Benedict goes on to win the veto and vows to Echo not to use it. However, at the veto ceremony, he uses it to save Selene, shocking everyone as he winks at Xio. Echo then solidifies this by putting Xio up. Selene goes to her to tell her she is sorry for their misunderstanding but they work together. Candy turns to Lisette and tells her she is tired of working with Bane and if she helps her get the Professor out this week, she will work with her. Lisette agrees, knowing everyone wants Bane out anyways. At the eviction, Xio seemingly patches things up with everyone. The vote comes in, by a unanimous vote… Bane, you are evicted.
Double Eviction: Surprise! The Jury starts tonight and the next HOH is beginning right now with one more person leaving! A quiz colosseum is held in the Sunset colloseum, with one miss causing someone to be out of the running. It comes down to DJ, Nickels, and Lisette. But Lisette gets the last question right and the other two miss, with Lisette winning her second HOH. Lisette puts up Nickels and Day. Nickels because she is playing a lowkey game but making waves in the Benedict situation. Day because she wavered on her vote for Benedict. She doesn’t put down Benedict as he is good for drama and polarizing the house, which is good for her game. Nickels wins the veto and takes herself off. Lisette decides to put up Splaatz, because she is worried he will fumble his way to the end. Most people seem to share this idea except for Echo, who wants to wotk with Splaatz. The vote comes in. By a vote of 7 to 1… Splaatz, you have been evicted and will be moving into the jury house.
Week 6: The Next HOH begins as a race through the mysterious mansion in the courtyard colosseum. No one can tell where anyone is but Candy comes out first and wins! As HOH, Candy calls in Benedict. She tells him he has been playing a sloppy and obvious villain game and he is gonna get evicted too soon if he doesn’t simmer down and get some real allies. He is shocked and admits he just wants to win. She says they all do and the least they can do is help each other. She says she will help him if he keeps causing more chaos and also gets DJ on their side. He agrees and talks to DJ. The squirrel is hesitant but decides it would be a great way of getting revenge on Benedict if she gets the chance. Candy puts up Lance as the pawn next to her target, Xio, who has been against Benedict’s chaos this whole game. DJ goes on to win the veto and chooses to not give Candy any suspicion by not using it. Meanwhile, the witches coven fractures, with Day not agreeing with Lisette and Xio feeling not supported on the block by Selene. DJ infiltrates this meeting after storms out, telling them about Xio being the real target but she has a plan to keep her without drawing suspicion if they can get Day to play nice. Xio borrows an item from Lisette and breaks it. Lisette then goes to “rant” to Day, who is being nice with her, thinking they both will vote Xio. Echo, meanwhile, confirms his alliance with Benedict, and feels like he is finally gaining more traction. But the house takes this the wrong way. At the eviction, the vote comes in, and by a vote of 4 to 3… Lance, you have been evicted.
Week 7: The next HOH begins, a waterfall diving competition, based off of the Waterfall Colosseum. Whoever makes the biggest splash wins! With her natural watery prowess, Day dives in and wins the HOH! Day is approached in the HOH by Candy and Benedict, who ask her to work with them. DJ sees whats happening and goes back to Lisette and Selene. The two talk and realize that they can’t beat Benedict’s control of the house by just going against him, but they have to work with him. So the three of DJ, Lisette, and Selene enter the HOH “accidentally” and propose the six will control the house. They say they want Echo to go on the block, as he is getting too good at the comps. Benedict is hesitant but Candy nudges him, as secretly this will be great for her game. He agrees and tells Day he won’t be mad if this happens. Echo goes up next to Nickels. The two former allies face off in the veto, both bitterly making jabs at the other for turning on them. It comes down to just the two nominees and… Echo edges her out, winning the veto. Echo saves himself and puts the power in Day’s hands to put up a replacement. Her choice is the person not in her alliance who has made affronts to her, Xio. Lisette has the whole house do tarot readings to ease the tension which goes down well. Lisette gets the Sun, a symbol of positivity and creativity. Benedict draws the Moon, symbolizing Illusion and inner conflict. He shudders when the white moon of the card turns red in his hands. Echo draws the Fool, a card of new beginnings but also endings. Selene draws death, the card of change in the game. Nickels draws the Hermit, a card of isolation and reflection. Candy draws the Lovers, with the card representing connections and pairs, symbolizing her manipulation of Benedict. Day draws Strength, a card of inner strength and Willpower. Xio draws the Tower, representing sudden downfall and incredible sudden changes. She shudders and uses the moment to apologize to everyone, saying she wants to be a beacon of hope but got lost. The house receives this well. Benedict considers flipping to Xio because of her show of faith being bad but Candy reminds him that Xio is on the bottom of the pecking order on that side, likely meaning they don’t even have to take her out. He relents and the eviction goes through. The vote comes in and by a vote of 5 to 1, Nickels you have been evicted.
Week 8: The Next HOH begins in the Sunny Park colosseum, with contestants having to hunt for pellets and use them to knock out targets. DJ and Echo prove the most adept but in a last second victory, Echo wins. Benedict goes to Echo in the HOH but Echo has realized too late that Benedict is working with everybody, even causing him to turn on Nickels. Benedict doesn’t try to hide his smug smirk as he agrees and walks out, daring him to put him on the block. He feels this must be hiding something and starts asking around the house for their opinions. Xio reveals the existence of the Witches Coven, and how they have been together for weeks, including saving her last week. Knowing of this alliance, Echo saves Xio and puts up Selene and Day. At the veto, Selene wins. Selene approaches Echo, telling him she knows of someone playing both sides, revealing DJ trying to play double agent. After she pulls herself off the block, DJ goes up as the replacement. Candy works on ingratiating herself with the outsiders in Xio and Echo, trying to forge paths ahead. But is unsuccessful at breaking Echo. Echo is accosted by DJ for putting her up over Benedict. He asks her to say why she was double crossing and she says its because she was trying to sabotage Benedict. If anything, Day, Selene, and Lisette should be the real double agents. Echo goes to rage to Selene for how she tricked him but she swears it was the truth completely, and he chose to believe it in a negative light, not her. Day joins the fight and lashes out at Xio and Selene for being the reason she is on the block. Lisette stays out of it, knowing the time to jump ship is coming up. At the eviction, Dj and DayJay give their pleas, but the votes are tallied. By a unanimous vote… Dayley-Jane, you have been evicted.
Double Eviction!!: Second double eviction because you know we gotta! The HOH starts with a lightning round of dodgeball on wooden poles. Selene is knocked out first. Then DJ gets knocked out by Candy. Lisette falls off on her own. Xio goes after Benedict but is taken out by Candy. Then Candy expertly dodges and takes out Benedict, winning the HOH. She nominates the two people who are on the bottom of the pecking order, Echo and Xio. The veto plays out with Benedict winning. Echo pleads for Benedict to help him out, as they were friends. Benedict doesn’t even look him in the eye as he chooses to not play the veto. Echo pleads to the voters to let him keep playing and he will take out Benedict, but Lisette and Selene have basically already jumped ship and moved on. The vote comes in, and by a vote of 4 to 0… Echo, you have been evicted.
Week 9: With Six houseguests remaining, they are taken to the Gateway colosseum to have mock Pokemon battles. In the first round, Xio beats Lisette and Selene beats DJ, with Benedict drawing a spot in the top 3. In a first to win two times in a row scenario, Selene beats both and comes out victorious. Selene and Lisette decide that they have to cut ties and work with the more devious players to have a better shot at the end. Selene puts up DJ and Xio, with DJ being the target. Benedict is alone in his room when he hallucinates more blood on his paws. He shouts and Xio comes in to see whats up. She helps him calm down and he realizes he is down a bad path. She helps him calm down and he thanks her, even with him harassing her all game she still helped him. Candy witnesses the two help each other out and is beyond irritated, she goes to Selene, who is still iffy on Xio, to warn her. At the veto, Candy wins it. She takes off DJ and Selene spitefully puts up Benedict, who trembles going to the block. Lisette confronts Selene for making such a rushed decision, as the goal was to keep Benedict and his threat around longer. At the eviction, Benedict argues that he has realizes how the game has changed him and he wants to prove how he changed. Lisette doesn’t believe him but DJ seems to be enamored. The vote comes in, and by a vote of 2 to 1… Xio you have been evicted.
Week 10: Five stars remain and there are five points in the Stars of the Main Street colosseum, where the houseguests go to do a full BPBB quiz! Lisette misses one question and gets behind as the other get ahead. It comes down to a tie-breaker between Dj and Benedict and the winner is… DJ! Benedict goes to apologize to DJ for real and she forgives him, happy to see his true self back again. She feels played by Selene and Candy so they go on the block. Lisette is still suspicious of Benedict and starts watching him for suspicious activity, noticing him look at his paws a lot. She decides to talk to him with the ruse of working together. At the veto, DJ wins again and claims her game, choosing not to use the veto. Realizing the danger they are in, Selene and Candy go to their respective closest allies, Benedict and Lisette. The two touch base with Benedict telling Lisette he is fine voting Candy with her, as he doesn’t want to force DJ to have to break a tie. At the eviction, the votes are read and by a vote of 2 to 0… Selene, you have been evicted. Benedict looks over at Lisette with a shocked look, realizing she caught on to him.
Week 10: As the final HOH starts, the houseguest are in the Stargazer colosseum for an epic triathlon of quizzes, endurance, and races. In the first part, Benedict pulls ahead, with Lisette on his tail. He falls behind in part two, giving Lisette and Candy a chance to catch him. The three are neck and neck in part three but Lisette comes out on top! Benedict goes to Lisette on her HOH to grovel but she stops him, saying she misheard the vote last week and though the vote was for Selene anyways so its good he didn’t make poor DJ break the tie. He feels reassured and goes back out. Lisette puts up DJ and Candy as the nominees. Lisette reassures DJ about how Benedict likes her and she wouldn’t go home. Benedict touches base with Lisette, claiming that he knows DJ has too much social traction and needs to go next because of this. On his way out, Candy enters the room and chats with Lisette. She says that the noms should stay the same so DJ can be evicted for sure this week. Lisette doesn’t trust her and tells her to her face she is no better than Benedict, but is powerless without him. The two stare each other down. At the veto, Lisette wins it, and Benedict sighs a sigh of relief. But Lisette shocks everyone by saving Candy and puts up Benedict. Lisette calls him out for faking his turnaround to play with everyone’s emotions. He breaks down, claiming his intense want, no, NEED to win the game. He can’t get it out of his head and it burdens him with the thoughts of betrayal, including the allies he betrayed this season, with Nickels, Echo, and even Xio who showed him so much kindness leaving because of him. DJ is in tears and even Candy can’t watch. Afterwards, Benedict goes to his only real ally, Candy. He begs her for advice on how to get out of this, as she helped him so much. She looks him in the eye as she tells him that he did this to himself. At the eviction, Candy gets the sole vote to evict and casts it to evict, Benedict.
The Reunion: Folks we are live again right outside the Neon Colosseum for the Finale of Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother Champion Royale! Our Sixteen winners have been whittled down to three and it is not what we expected at all! In a house where everyone wants to be the biggest truck on the highway, we have three mid-sized sedans who have slipped through the gaps and swept their way to the end. DJ VOLT SWITCH, Elesa’s iconic Emolga who created the jams we are listening to even right now! She plays up her social game very well with honesty and loyalty, but is no slouch in the competitions. Though she has been left out of some secrets in the game, she was well=liked in the house and leveraged her position between alliances to get information! Sweet Candy the Wigglytuff who played Sickly Sweet last but downright Sick this time. She got in close with all of the villains but managed to be the cherry flavored licorice that was easier to manage. She avoided detection aligning with big villain Benedict and hiding behind the scenes of his chaos, even almost controlling his moves at points. The Sunstone herself, LISETTE the Solrock, who foresaw victory once, but is this a double reading? Lisette bided her time throughout the game, getting whatever information she could and waiting to play it until the time was right. She was at the center of multiple alliances but always stayed just far enough away from the drama that no one was even targeting her. The Sun? No Lisette is after The World!
Joining us on stage now are the 9 jurors! Starting with Splaatz—Ope watch your step, you gotta be careful or else you’ll trip. Here comes Lance the OG! Though he is old he is still our knight in shining armor. Nickels struts up so casually ooh lala. Here comes Echo, kind of sheepishly, don’t be shy buddy! Day gracefully swims up on stage, still to audience cheering. Wait, the cheering is getting louder? Oh it’s Xio! She is surprisingly well-received. Selene keeps the applause growing. She seems to be goading the audience on with her behavior, not wanting to stay out of the spotlight hmm. And then—oh wow I can’t hear anything with the thunder of the crowd for… Benedict? Interesting outcome here that our little villain has become a real crowd pleaser. Even as he walks to his seat with his head held low.
The jurors speak with our lovely reporter. Lance speaks about how great it was to come back and how this game is way changed from when he won season 1. Xio and Nickels agree, but they still worked hard to adapt to the changes. Selene scoffs a bit, another early winner, she notes that herself and Candy were very well integrated, they just needed to change their approach. Xio says it was much harder playing from the bottom rather than the top and it was a fight, but she had a ton of fun doing so. Day mentions she felt the same way. A house full of winners is not to be underestimated for a second, as they all could be planning many different things behind each other’s backs. Splaatz is—oh he’s asleep… moving on. Nickels asks Echo about how he changed his game this time, and why he turned on her. He apologizes, saying he was blinded by seeing opportunities with Benedict because he didn’t fight with him, only told him what he wanted to hear. And he realized too late that that was a ruse. She accepts his apologies and all eyes turn to Benedict. He looks up, seemingly just noticing eyes are on him. He looks down at his paws. “All I’ve seen since last season is blood on my paws. The need to win never left me. I had to do it at all cost. I lost myself in that game and resorted to every trick in the book to make the winners trust me. And it worked… but I fell deeper and deeper down the hole. And now, I don’t feel like I deserved to win at all.” Xio jumps up and makes him look up. “You deserved your win as much as we all deserved ours. It’s a game, it doesn’t have to define you. You define you, so get up and prove it.” Benedict is in disbelief that Xio is still defending him. “You hear that crowd? They were entertained, we entertained them! Your devioushness entertained them! You gave them a show by tricking a bunch of winners, so own up to it and be the entertainer we know you are.” He gives off a small, barely noticeable,but definitely real this time, smile. Xio turns to the crowd “ARE YOU GUYS READY FOR OUR FINAL THREE???” The crowd erupts in excitement!! “THEN GET READY BECAUSE HERE THEY ARE!!”
Final HOH Part 1: The HOH opens on top of the rotating Roulette wheel in the Neon Colosseum, with the audience now filled and the three houseguests circling in the middle, holding on for dear life. At the same time, they are throwing dodgeballs at each other. Candy is targeting Lisette out of spite, putting on a performance for the audience about how Lisette is a traitor to their alliance. DJ is caught in the crossfire but expertly dodges. She manages to catch a ball that Candy threw and chucks it back, knocking her out. Lisette smiles at DJ but DJ knows she still has to win. She tells Lisette she is sorry but she is done working with people and has to take her game into her own hands, not relying on others to fail but herself to succeed. Lisette agrees, but she wants to be the one to succeed. Lisette lobs a ball at Dj and knocks her out, winning Part 1.
Final HOH Part 2: Part begins with Candy and DJ on the Rotating Roulette platform again, racing around to land the colored balls in order of the competitions and the winners of each one. DJ takes an early lead, having been very aware of the game the whole beginning. Candy struggles at first but when she catches up to leaving the villains alliance and joining Benedict, she takes off, knowing how well she played Benedict as her own puppet that she controlled votes for that she easily crushes the midgame part. Her lead takes her ahead on time going into the endgame. DJ misses a key vote and has to go back, but Candy remembers who saved Benedict countless times, and gets it right, winning part 2.
Final HOH Part 3: The crowd is in uproars as Candy and Lisette reach the stage for final quiz, again on our roulette platform (we paid a lot of money for that). Each juror question goes by, with Lisette and Candy answering in tandem, Both get question after question correct, eventually reaching the last question about Benedict. The crowd is shocked as they both answer together again and… get it wrong. Well, that’s anticlimactic. Benedict sighs, no one knew his true self. But the tie-breaker is revealed, how many rotations has the rotating platform made? With both answering two numbers away from each other, Candy goes just over, eliminating her, and crowning Lisette the final HOH. Lisette has both DJ and Candy in front of her. She doesn’t say much but looks at them. She says that DJ played an impeccable social game and is incredibly loved by the fans and the house. Candy, meanwhile, played a strategic game and almost fooled her a couple times. She turns to Candy “I made a gamble with bringing a social threat to the end before with Amni, but not this time. Candy, let’s give em a show.” And casts her vote to evict DJ.
The Jury Questioning: DJ isn’t shocked, she did a lot this time around and knew she made herself a bigger threat. She exits the house and gets cheers from the audience! She hops to the DJ booth and begins playing the final epic track for the showdown between Candy and Lisette. Both have been in this position before in the final 2 and both have won, but now, only one can become a two-time winner and be crowned the ultimate Champion! Lisette opens with her speech first. She pitches her game strong, how she gravitated towards groups in the early game without committing too strongly, so she didn’t go down with the ship. She still managed to control so many votes in the house by having reach with her Witches Coven and eventually jumping ship and siding with Benedict, as she knew he was under Candy’s thumb and she could infiltrate that alliance to get to the end and destroy it. The jury is impressed by her showing and all eyes turn to Candy. Candy starts saying how she knew her game was already known going into the house and she had to play different. Her main strategy was to fall into the background and connect with the players playing sloppier than her so she could be the puppetmaster and sneak to the end. And for her, that was found in Benedict, who she found it very easy to manipulate. She is the villain they all knew she was but she wasn’t targeted because of her great strategy. She saved Benedict’s game and carried him to the end so that she could have a guaranteed extra life in the endgame with him. Murmurs arise from the jury, Benedict looks incredibly hurt. Xio asks Candy what her biggest move was outside of controlling Benedict. Candy says that she made sure that the villains she worked with got cut before she could get too powerful, even working with Lisette to get out Bane and Maeva. DJ gets up from the booth and asks Lisette why she went to the end with Candy instead of her if she thought Candy was going to be tougher. Lisette clarifies that she thought Candy would be good at explaining her game, but she knows not to rely on other’s failing but on herself to succeed, and DJ has a great story and was well-loved and if she wanted to win, she had to cut DJ and masterfully explain her game to the jury. Benedict finally speaks up to ask Candy if he meant anything to her at all throughout the game. She hesitates, caught off guard, before replying in all honesty that, she wanted to mentor him to be a better player. He says he did well enough for making it to the end twice and didn’t need her to do all that. In their final speeches, Candy says that she used other people as her pawns and navigated a really good game to make it to the end hidden amongst the other players. Lisette says that she played a perfect game, not even touching the block and noting that she has not received a vote against her in either of her games, this one being perfect. She finishes by saying how she played more up front and aggressive to counter the sneakier players of the season and did not back down from the threats that all the winners possessed. The jury is impressed and goes to cast their votes.
Jury Voting: Splaatz says he had a fun time playing again and wants to vote for someone who played really good, even showing him more how to play. Lance says that while some people are old school, some people are REALLY old school, but can still play with the best of the best and be even better. Nickels says she is honored to be in the winners season but one winner played like how she thinks a winner should. Day says she worked with both finalists, but she always felt the house pulling towards one player, as the sun has a lot of gravity and control over the tides. Echo says point blank that he felt the manipulation from both sides, but one felt malicious, and another felt like game, and he knows which he respects more. Xio says that some lines shouldn’t be crossed. Selene says that she was honored to be so thoroughly outplayed, turning from the Queen to the Pawn who was merely a stepping stone in someone elses game, it was thrilling. Benedict silently casts his vote. DJ cues the final tune before hopping down with her vote, saying that it should be obvious. The votes come in… by a vote of 9 to 0… the winner is…
Winner: Lisette!
Runner-Up: Candy!
Confetti cannons and flamethrowers start lighting up the sky with neon streams shining bright all over the sky! Though it is the dead of night, it is as bright as the sun, and Lisette is feeling absolutely radiant. Candy sits in shock, in disbelief. Lisette throws her the Lovers card again. “You misread it the first time so maybe you can learn before you try to tell the fortune teller what her fortune is.” Candy throws the card on the ground in anger and pouts. The jurors go and cheer for Lisette, the ultimate champion and two time winner, STILL having never received a single vote to evict in two entire seasons. The fan favorite vote comes in and… IT’S A TIE???
Fan Favorites: Benedict and Xio!!!
Benedict goes up to Candy, still fuming, and looks her in the eyes. “You know what, you really did teach me something. You taught me that some people never change, but I don’t have to be one of them.” Xio comes up and takes Benedict back to the celebration, sticking her tongue out at Candy as she leaves. The party goes through the night. The sun eventually rises, as Lisette has risen to the top of the competition, as this era of Bunny’s Pokemon Big Brother has come to an end.
My Thoughts: I enjoyed this season a lot. It kept me on the edge as the winners played their games again, some way better than others. Gameplay-wise, I think I preferred last season but I think it’s more so because of the subtle moves made in the dark as no one wanted to be too big of a target. The villains ended up flopping early, which kind of was to be expected, given that everyone else is a relaly smart player to have won. Candy surprised me this time, sneaking in to take over Benedict, being a key player in his storyline, even a bigger villain than he tried to be. It really helped me tie up the storyline really well and I like how it happened. She also played a stellar game again, controlling things from the chaos in the shadows. The other side of the house was not slouching though. Lisette, Selene, Xio, and Day all played smart games, not committing too much to each other but still working well enough to not crumble. Lisette as a winner for this season is great! She put in work to keep her position, as it was in danger of falling apart so much. She leveraged every ally she had and every competition she had to get forward every week. And it worked as she got to the end without hitting the block AGAIN and played a PERFECT game, not receiving a single vote to evict and getting every vote to win. She did that in a winner season too, ultimate winner for sure!
So whats next? Well... that's the end. I knew since the beginning that Season 17 would be the end but it coming up still feels so weird. I am about to start a busy summer and don't have as much time for all of my hobbies but I still feel sad finishing this series. I think I am going to make a series epilogue soon so stay tuned for that but... otherwise that's it. I thank you all again so much for sticking with me the whole time, it's been a wonderful journey!
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:09 no_one_important09 Do I call out for waking up with Pink Eye?

I worked last night and I think I caught it from profusely sweating while in residents rooms and sweat getting under my contacts.
I woke up with obvious pink eye (matted shut, watery, and the white of my eye pink). I don’t know if I should call out or not. CNAs are naturally in close contact with patients which is the only thing that concerns me but I do need the money and need to work if it’s allowed.
What do you think?
Update: I ended up calling at 4:42 to call out. I talked to a nurse and she said she was going to let them know. That is how our facility calls out. Anyway she never notified anyone and I have too many bosses texting me right now saying things like “OP, you’re on the schedule…” and “now that only leaves us with 3.” I don’t know if I should offer to go in to be sure I don’t get like fired of anything for a “no show” even though I called but I also don’t want to spread it to 16+ people. I’m conflicted especially with the DON texting me and making me feel bad
submitted by no_one_important09 to cna [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:54 reimbirtheds Two ways to stop thinking immediately (for short while) if you want to.

  1. Move your head slightly to the left until you are looking over your nose with your left eye. You can also tilt your chin up and to the left ever so slightly. The goal is to use your left eye instead of your right eye. It’s called eye dominance. You can also just close your right eye.
This should unblock your sinus if it is blocked (meaning if you have a flu and you do this, it unblocks your sinus)
But what it does for your mind is it switches hemispheres. You will no longer be able to have words attached to your thoughts, for a while. So your mind will be blank.
I personally know it works every time I try it, but I don’t do it for long, maybe only half an hour.
When we think, we identify as our thoughts. “I need to do this” we attach the value of “I” to the voice inside our heads, so you just focus on the true idea “I am not my thoughts”….. you have to realise this and then it’s up to you when to use it. You then can start immediately being aware of your breath, and then if you focus on how the breath makes your belly/chest expand and contract, and control it by slowing it down and feeling it, a peace comes over you.
But everyone you think again, it will go away.
Sometimes we need to identify as thoughts in order to figure something out or we are forced to by psychosis, I am not claiming this is the cure, I am claiming it is for a while.
submitted by reimbirtheds to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:58 ComprehensiveWord896 Anxiety filled moron

I’m not handy. I paid for a company to refinish floors in my parents house because they me wanted their old floors redone for a while. They advertised as dustless but said some dust does escape and you’ll need to clean a bit after. They had over 100 5 star reviews and only one mentioned dust saying their system wasn’t perfect but did a pretty good job. So I figured I could handle that. I went in and the floor work looked really good. And there was no dust on the floors. But window sills, counter tops and cabinets had a thin layer. Enough to fill up a wet disposable wipes pretty fast. I cleaned about 5 days after they were done so that the floors would finish curing. With the help of some friends I also put their furniture back.
I have been a total mess since. My tongue felt scratchy after I left. Then my sinuses slammed shut and my eye itches. I didn’t think to mask up because this isn’t my lane/ I’m a moron and from what I saw the workers didn’t either, though I only saw them actively applying the topcoat not sanding.
I had to go back a few more times to do some other projects for my parents but even with a 3m respirator symptoms would return after I was done. My parents refused not to move back in and to make matters worse by brother and niece and two nephews live above them.
My symptoms havnt gone down in a month, I have runny snot or super weird dry crumbly gooey snot and super dry sinuses and I’m worried about the health of my family. I have been having soul crushing anxiety. I’m not usually like that and I’m very cautious generally.
After reading about wood dust and floor sanding dust in particular I am spiraling about long term health consequences. Anyone out there have any experience in fuck ups like this?
I’ve been to a doctor but basically they just treat the symptoms.
submitted by ComprehensiveWord896 to Flooring [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:20 LookinAtTheFjord Was Katherine Parkinson OK?

I'm on Series 10 now and every moment in studio looks like a second away from a breakdown for her. Her eyes are constantly watery and bloodshot. Is she just stoned as hell?
Also a side question as a first time viewer, will anything ever be as good as Series 7?? Like anything in life, ever?
submitted by LookinAtTheFjord to taskmaster [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:14 UnusualConcept2023 Please can you offer me some advice?

I've had dry eye for a few years now and until about 2 weeks ago I hadn't really taken it seriously. I foolishly allowed my symptoms to become bothersome until they were starting to make me uncomfortable. I endured many months of itching, burning and stinging. 2-3 weeks ago I started experiencing tears streaming from my eyes and I noticed that I was more sensitive to sunlight (something that only occurred very occasionally in the past gradually became a regular occurrence).
In the past two weeks or more I've been using daily eyelid wipes (optase tea tree oil), preservative free artificial tears 3-4 times a day ('Hylo-Forte' which are 0.2% sodium hyaluronate) and heated eye masks/gel packs. I've noticed a significant improvement in some of my symptoms - there is now very little itching/burning/soreness, but I'm still experiencing sporadic photophobia, which can be a nuisance (I wear a baseball cap and occasionally sunglasses to help with this).
I have some questions and I hope that people on here will be able to help:
1) I have a history of GERD/LPR and chronic sinusitis. I have chronic inflammation. Could not treating these conditions adequately be impacting my dry eye symptoms? Do you think it's possible that systemic inflammation can have a significant impact on symptoms?
2) Should I continue the same routine long term or should I take breaks? Is it safe to use the heated eye masks daily for years? If so, is it normal for one's eye to be blurry after using it, or is this a sign of the cornea being warped? How hot should the mask be and for how long should one apply it?
3) Is the reduction in symptoms likely to be attributed to the combination of the heat pack, wipes and tears, or is there one of these things that is likely helping more than the others?
4) I regularly sit in a dark room without the curtains open. I don't get exposed to a lot of natural sunlight until I go outside. Could this be impacting my symptoms? I also sit in front of the computer a lot, so I imagine that making sure I blink more is essential?
5) Does a lack of sleep/sinus issues affect your dry eye?
6) Would you recommend putting an ointment in just before bed? If so, are these ointments safe to use long term? There is a preservative free, OTC product here in the UK that contains white soft paraffin and liquid paraffin. Do you think this will be safe to apply long term or should I take breaks occasionally?
7) When should I ask my optometrist to refer me to an Ophthalmologist on the NHS? He will be happy to refer me if I ask him to but I don't want to be referred unnecessarily. I would like to try self care measures first.
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
All the best.
submitted by UnusualConcept2023 to Dryeyes [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:12 scoobs35 Dog sick for over a month with flu-like illness.

Species: Dog
Age: 13
Sex/Neuter status: M, neutered
Breed: Beagle mix
Body weight: 48
History: 1 month flu-like symptoms; began with reverse sneezing, now includes typical coughing, a lot of mucus, occasional watery eye; Vet had him on 14 day dox, has extended that to 28 (we are at the tail end of this)
Clinical signs: cough, mucus, watery eye on occasion
Duration: 5 weeks
Your general location: New England
Links to test results, X-rays, vet reports etc: Vet assumes respiratory infection.
WRITE UP: About 4-5 weeks ago, my 13 year old beagle-mix developed the "reverse sneeze." It progressed into some typical coughing as well as a lot of mucus. Vet put him on 14 day doxycycline. He seemed to get better after a few days, but regressed. Vet added another 14 day cycle. We're at the end of that, and unfortunately, he seems to be about the same or worse.
His appetite has been fine, but he hasn't been touching his dry food (occasionally if mixed with warm water) and recently stopped showing interest in wet food. He'll still eat other things like carrots, bread, and still begs for table scraps. So he's clearly interested in food.
His energy has been pretty good, such that if he gets excited he'll still run around the house, he'll bound outside, but he is definitely less energetic than his normal self (even at 13).
My vet wants to try X-rays with sedation next. I have no problem with this, but wanted to check in here to see if others have recently been through a sickness like this. Did you try anything different? Did your vet give you any more insight?
I feel like this is that mystery canine flu that has been circulating, though in our one vet appointment they didn't 'mention that (this is before I knew about it so I didn't ask).
submitted by scoobs35 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:24 CitronAdventurous756 Is eye irritation / pain normal ?

Hellooo, I’ve gotten diagnosed with chronic sinusitis because of recent flare ups.
I had discovered there was mould in a room I was sleeping in and so I had terrible sinus flair up (terrible head and ear pressure in left side which later moved to my nose and eye area).
Whats worrying me is I have issues with my left eye where it is a bit heavier than right, and isn’t focussing as well as it used to. On top of that there was very mild pain at night until recently. It also feels like there’s something in my eye (the feeling you get when theres sleep or dust) but there is nothing there. Aside of that there’s just this feeling of pressure in my eye and it feels like its my eye itself
I’ve been using Nasonex spray 2 times at night as instructed by doctor and told to follow up with her in a few weeks.
Just wanted to check if this is a common symptom before I freak out! Thanks
submitted by CitronAdventurous756 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:14 Kingdaddyftm666 So wtf

So wtf
I have had two sets of antibiotics in the last couple months for sinusitis and now it’s back again . The antibiotics help when I have them but after I finish it seems like my sinuses go back to hell. I believe my sinuses are causing me eye issues as well (I’ve had an eye problem for a year now where it gets swollen etc) What do I do next ? I legit feel like shit about myself and I’m tired of dealing with it . It’s making me depressed and just unhappy
submitted by Kingdaddyftm666 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]
