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2018.03.12 21:42 Haigen64 Satisfactory - A game by CoffeeStain Studios

This is a subreddit for the game developed by Coffee Stain Studios currently in Early Access.

2024.05.14 17:05 CheeseHotdogTTV M 24 Howdy Partner, Let's Chat!

HOWDY Partners 🤠 I type this important message from the southern region of the United States. If your lookin for someone who will respond back to your messages in 1.2 milliseconds, well look no further. My interest include and are not limited too (if our hobbies are different please tell me about yours I’m always looking for new ones for my ADHD brain): •Gaming, of course who doesn’t game in this day in age. •Watching 10 movies in a row and not feeling bad about it. •Blasting music at night daydreaming scenarios in my head staring at the blank void filled walls. I have a ton more but I’d figured I’d save them for the meat of our chat. Hope to hear from whatever soul is reading this post. Peace and Love ✌️&❤️
submitted by CheeseHotdogTTV to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:05 Neversummerdrew76 Help me! Having trouble liking the system.

Am I the only person in the 616 universe that thinks the math in this game is ridiculously bloated and unacceptable? I mean health in the 160 + range? Really? Thor rolls 18 on the dice and then multiplies that by 5???!!! to get a MINIMUM of 90 plus damage!?!? Oh, and let's not forget to add the +2 modifier because, you know, + 2 to that 90 really makes a difference! 🙄
I don't really mean to be rude and snarky, but it is just the way this system makes me feel. I am a huge fan of Prowlers and Paragons and I also like Mutants & Masterminds. I am just trying to figure out where this game fits in all of the other awesome superhero TTRPGs out there. I feel like there must be something I am missing because everyone seems to love this new TTRPG. The bloated math is just SUCH a huge turn off for me!
In fairness, there have been other things in life that I have initially disliked in life that eventually ended up growing on me. I am just trying to figure out if this game is going to be one of them. Any adivce?
submitted by Neversummerdrew76 to MarvelMultiverseRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:05 Impossible_Roof204 Sprint should have been introduced in H2 not H3

Sprint should have been introduced in Halo 2 not Halo 3. 344 messed up big time.
Ok ok my mom and I argued that master chief should have sprinted way before halo 1 but I cut him some slack because he was sleep and he was tired so no sprinting until breakfast. And to his credit he did sprint once in halo 1 when Cortana warned him about the ring so he was scared so he went to go save Keyes and the galaxy from the primordial’s grand kids. But then I downloaded mods and zoomed out of the cutscene and found out Chief stopped sprinting the moment he was outside of Cortana’s line of sight. So it was all a front to impress her and make her think that he’s “him”. Forgivable but chief is on thin ice after that clear display of insecurity after trying to impress a womon with his athleticism rather than his personality.
Fast forward to halo 2….
“You know how expensive this gear is son?”
“Tell that to the covenant.”
Tell what, chief?!?!?? It was a simple question. The other guy who asked should have followed up by accusing chief of dodging the question. Then berate chief for his obvious lack of math skills.
“Uhhh that’s not relevant but can you tell me how expensive you think this gear is, son?”
-chief gets nervous and remember that one time he sprinted in halo 1 so he starts running away-
-he doesn’t account for the fact that the other guy could sprint also-
Chief will then spend the rest of of the game SPRINTING away from the gear guy, who is hunting him down to challenge him as to whether or not he knows how expensive the gear is….until the finale when he’s trapped on the prophets ship with the gear guy and he is forced to confront his balance sheet. No more sprinting or running away….it’s been disabled
“Master chief you mind telling me what you’re doing on that ship?”
“Sir…finishing up on my accounting”
Perfect cliffhanger for halo 3. I suspect you all will have the urge to upvote my script but I challenge you to dislike if that’s even possible given how perfect this rewrite is.
submitted by Impossible_Roof204 to HaloCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:05 ApprehensiveCook3826 My girlfriend 27F only have sex with me 30M because I want, not because she want. What should I do?

Me and my SO have been unofficial together for almost 2 years. We made our relationship official 5 months ago after I walked away (we had some problems in our relationship). I went back to her again after she said some nice things, like she loves me so much and dont want to be alone. She opened up to me and shared a lot of stuff, which she never did before. So I gave it another try. It was good for a month, but today I feel a little sad and dont know what to do. Im really sure she loves me, and I love her too, but im not sure if she loves me as a "partner" anymore when our sex life has changed a lot. Let me explain:
In the beginning she used to flirt a lot and initiate sex with me. She is a very sexual person and on her social media she only likes sexual stuff and pictures (99% of the stuff she likes are sexual stuff, even today). Now she initiates sex sometimes, but she only do that to please me (she said she only want to please me), she never ask me to please her back (and this is why im having a problem). When I try to please her back she looks bored or fakes it. She told me a few months ago that she is not really interested in all the sex stuff, she said she dont need it. This is what bothers me, I dont trust her when she says that because of many reasons I will write below. And I dont know what to do, because I love her. But I also love myself. We are in a long distance relationship btw, so most of the time we do sexual stuff together online (via games, writing, etc).
Reasons I dont trust her when she says she's not interested in sexual stuff or sex are:
In my opinion, when someone loses sexual attraction to the other one there can be no long term love in a relationship. I would be fine if we had less sex than before, no problem. But when she never wants me to please her, or when she never initiate/send me flirty stuff anymore, it feels like she's just holding on to me as an emotional support. I know some people have different sex drives, and thats okay, but in this case I just dont belive her sex drive has changed. I love her, and Im trying to accept her being this way, but im not sure if she's being completely honest with me. What would you do in my situation?
submitted by ApprehensiveCook3826 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:04 Koolman02 [Ari Meirov] Bills vs Dolphins will be the first Thursday Night Football game of the season on Amazon in Week 2.

submitted by Koolman02 to nfl [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:04 Calm_Bread_313 What is the chance that my contract will lead to a permanent position?

I landed a great job in my dream company but unfortunately, they are only able to offer a 10-month contract instead of a full-time permanent job.
I have a few questions for my contractor brothers or folks who have gone through their contractor phrase:
  1. What are the chances that my contract will lead to a permanent position?
  2. Is it better to let HR and/or managers know I am interested in full-time early on?
  3. How can I stand out to make sure my contract gets extended/becomes permanent?
  4. How can I tell my offer is "contractor employment" vs "fixed-term contract"?
Sorry for the questions, but overall an anxious person. Getting my dream job has made me more anxious, so help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Calm_Bread_313 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 pasquallys_ The Frights "secret show" (FULL SET) @ Tower Bar (2/21/2024)

The Frights submitted by pasquallys_ to SurfPunk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 KaleidoArachnid Is if just me or was the Darklurker boss so easy in general?

Because the thing is that I had read on a fan wiki saying that she was not only well hidden, but was supposed to be the most difficult boss in the entire game, but using my sorcery build, I was able to wreck her very quickly.
For instance, I had used a Northern Ritual Band +2, plus a Crystal Soul Spear, and basically what happened was that after a few casts of the spell, she strangely went down very fast.
However, I don’t know how hard she was for other builds such as say Dexterity based builds, so I am not sure if the difficulty level remains the same for again other builds therefore regarding her battle.
submitted by KaleidoArachnid to DarkSouls2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 1funnydancer Limited Variance Mini-Rant (OTJ)

Worst feeling ever is having an amazing deck just get destroyed due to variance. UB 17 land 40 card deck, commited 2 colors with 2 dual lands (crime land and conduit pylons). Great removal, two bombs, and card draw.
Game 1: Opening hand has both duals, unlicensed hearse, two other 2 drops, and 2 removal spells at 4 mana. On the draw I keep and proceed to not draw land 3 until turn 9 and lose on that turn.
Game 2: Opening hand on the play has two island, two swamp, 2 drop creature, uncommon lazav, and hostile investigator. Proceed to draw 8 lands in top 9, with only non-land being a loan shark I had to tempo out to avoid lethal. Opponent removed my 3 on turn 3 and got 3 for 1nd by hostile investigator after killing it and won by by just playing out creatures after as I flooded.
Game 3: Opening hand on the play with a dual and two swamps, two twos and two fours (removal and hostile investigator). Proceed to not draw a land until turn 8, which is the one tapped dual in the deck. Opponent has no hand and one removal spell isnt enough to stop their pretty standard curve out for black green graveyard value. Die a few turns after.
I legit feel like I made 0 impactful decisions in my games, would never have mulliganed my openers, and got a crisp 0-3 with a great deck. Rant over magic sucks sometimes.
submitted by 1funnydancer to lrcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 JustANiceGirlYall Be honest Austin…. You Love Capitalism! 😈

Proof Austin Loves and SUPPORTS Capitalism:
  1. Austin begs for the $$ made from capitalism every single day through his enablers work.
  2. Austin wants to buy another car, built by capitalist.
  3. Austin begs for $$ on social media websites - created and run by capitalist.
  4. Austin traveled the country via our railroad system. Run by capitalist.
  5. Austin pays for an internet service owned by capitalist.
  6. Austin skipped out on a hospital bill when he had a foot infection. When medical bills are left unpaid, this gives capitalists who are running hospitals systems reasons to charge those who do pay our bills a reason to charge more for services via our insurance. And so, our insurance premiums rise as well. So, Austin assisted multiple capitalists with this one.
  7. Austin purchased his coat and bought lots of supplies for his apartment last year at Walmart - one of the biggest capitalists on the planet.
  8. Austin purchase video games, is a PS4/PS5 gamer - owned by Sony, a major capitalist.
  9. Austin *wrote and *tries to *sell his book on Amazon for a profit. Amazon is one of the biggest and most profitable capitalists entities on the planet that supports capitalists.
Yep, Austin. You love and support Capitalism. You have a choice. You always have. You could live off the grid, live off the land. Seek out a self-sustaining community of communist. But baby wants his weed and his toys. And most important, baby doesn’t want to work. 😂
submitted by JustANiceGirlYall to austintamargo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 keylord82 I lost all passion for my hobby and now I don't know what to do, any advice?

Hello everyone, I 28M, lost all passion for gaming. I have been playing videogames for over 20 years and now that I have a wife and a daughter of 2, I don't have time to play. For almost a year, I have been blaming not playing on lack of time. However, lately I had some time and the happiness and passion I used to have is no longer there. I don't find new videogames interesting enough to spent my time on them and old videogames that I already played do not have the same effect as before. I recently started playing fallout again since the show just came out and I could not stand it even when in the past was one of my favorite games. I came to the realization yesterday that I don't enjoy playing anymore. I feel I'm abandoning a part of myself by leaving it. I don't know what to do. Do I keep playing? Do I close that chapter of my life? What other hobbies would you recommend to someone with few frends?
submitted by keylord82 to Hobbies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 oldhousesunder50k 2 For 1. c.1880 Ohio Multi-Family Home For Sale Under $40K Here is a 2 for 1 deal. A three bedroom, one bath home, and a one bedroom, one bath home are included in the sale. Both homes have full kitchens. Love the gingerbread porch.
submitted by oldhousesunder50k to oldhousesunder50Kplus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 secretsocietyofsalt Need help wording how to tell my son that his trans sister needs me more right now.

I'm sharing here because I feel the listener base to this podcast might have some good points for me. Y'all have been helpful before. TYIA.
Some context: My daughter (mtf16) has been out to the family for around 2 1/2 years now (I've known something was different about her since she was a toddler). My husband and son (18) don't accept her. I'm also in a very red town in a very red state that is very anti-trans (so bad that an online mob doxxed a trans girl nearby a few months ago and threatened her, her family, and her place of employment with bomb and death threats). This is on top of teachers deliberately misgendering and dead-naming because they don't have to respect trans students. She doesn't really get outright bullied, but snide slurs and comments are made randomly a few times a week. She dresses neutral, so as not to draw attention, she sticks with her small group of friends, and generally keeps her head down because being herself at school, home, anywhere, just gets met with hate and disgust.
She's in therapy, but there's only so much that can be done as long as she keeps being forced to hide herself. There are no rights or protections for her, and I see this weighing heavily on her. She has lost interest in most things she used to love, rarely smiles anymore, and just doesn't care about passing school or even brushing her teeth. She's on the max dose of meds for severe depression.
My husband's solution is to ignore it. Our "son" has a mental illness is all. God made us with penises and vaginas for a reason, and if we ignore it, maybe it will go away.
I've tried giving him the science behind being trans. I've tried to give him multiple resources-scientific, religious, anecdotal (this is an experience as a trans child stuff)- but he refuses to look at any of it and claims the Bible is all he needs. We've even been to couple's therapy.
To keep from going into more detail, I'll just say that I realized some months ago what I needed to do: I was going to have to leave the state with my child. She won't make it to adulthood if I don't.
Now to my son (18). He graduates from high school this week. He was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder around 10/11 years old. His major difficulty is disseminating information. If something requires multiple steps, he can't remember or take in all the steps at one time. He also has some other typical signs of ASD like anxiety, especially when he's doing something new or has a change in routine.
And he doesn't accept that his sibling is trans either. Just like his father, he repeats the religious talking points. We have a good relationship otherwise. But if I try to provide information on any subject he disagrees with, he just dismisses it with religious or political talking points that he's heard from others, mainly his dad and older half-brother. He's been dismissive and disrespectful of me as well. I didn't realize until recently that it is the same way my husband treats me. It's the passing down of the fucking patriarchy. My husband didn't have much of a hand in raising him through the hard stuff (discipline, for one; his dad never disciplined and wouldn't back me up, and instead would treat me as if my discipline of my child was a sibling rivalry). But apparently just seeing our relationship in motion convinced my son that's how things should be.
I feel like I failed my son. I've tried to tell him that his attitude and outlook will hurt his future relationships (they have already had an effect on some recent ladies he's dated). And I don't think he gets that his attitude about trans people will (and probably already has) put a rift between him and his sister. I know they love each other and despite his misgendering, they laugh together and still game together. But when my daughter decides she doesn't want to put up with the disrespect anymore, that will put an end to any reconciliation.
At this point, with his attitude, taking him with us isn't an option. My daughter needs to feel open and safe in order to flourish and reach her full potential. I want to see her love life again, and that can't include anyone in the household who invalidates her existence.
When I go, I know my husband will likely bad-mouth me. I know can't control what my son thinks and feels, and he will probably be hurt that he can't go with us and/or that I won't be close by. I apparently am not very good at persuasion and need some help with how to word that I'm leaving to save his sister's life. I want him to know that I love him and will talk with him anytime, but I feel like he should get a footing in the world without me for a while. At the same time, he'll be hearing the anti-trans, ultra-conservative crap from his dad and brother. I don't want to lose him. My heart has already been through hell.
What do I need to say to him to show him that if there is a God, God doesn't give two fiddly fucks about genitals and that just because he doesn't understand something, doesn't mean he can't be respectful and supportive. How do I tell him that I'm not "leaving him," I'm leaving to save my daughter's life? I want him to understand the gravity of the situation, and that dysphoria is not a "mental illness." It relays who a trans person really is. I'm at a loss because not only is my 20-year marriage ending from a man I realized I never really knew, but that I also have to leave my home, career, family, and even my dog. It's hurting me worse though that I have to leave my son behind. Yes , he's technically an adult, but he still needs help navigating his new post-high school world. We've never spent more than a few days apart since he was born.
I'm decent at writing, but suck at verbal articulation. Help me please.
TLDR: Sorry, can't make this shorter without all the info and context. Scroll on if you're a bigot or not interested. Thanks. ✌️
submitted by secretsocietyofsalt to redditonwiki [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:02 Ok-Pianist1211 S2E7: "Harmony"

My Goodness, I really can't imagine that we've made it to the penultimate episode of season 2. We're just two days away from the premiere, we've seen the first five minutes of the episode which feature Benedict heavily, and the red carpet was last night. I really did not think we'd ever get here.
"Harmony" finds the Bridgertons and the Sharmas embroiled in scandal and ousted by society after the fallout from Anthony and Edwina's aborted wedding. Eloise is falsely accused of being Lady Whistledown by the Queen herself, leaving Penelope between a rock and a hard place. With that in mind, let's get into it.
Benedict makes his first appearance in this episode seated in the Bridgerton drawing room with his sketchbook. He groans loudly when his mother suggests the family all promenade together. He asks Anthony if there is something more he should know regarding his brother's situation when Anthony grumbles that a respectable family is headed by a gentleman, but Anthony rebuffs his brother's offer to help. I feel like we see this all the time in the show: Benedict offering to lend a hand to Anthony, or attempting to connect with him, but Anthony doesn't often accept his brother's help.
Benedict later promenades with the family, looking tight-lipped, like he knows before the rest of his family what's coming. Still though, he smiles, because Benedict I've learned in this rewatch is a master at not letting things get to him. This comes to a boiling point in the finale, and I believe we will see it continue in season three as well (but... more on that tomorrow). After Eloise's stand off with the Queen, we see Benedict again, always at Anthony's side as they walk together through Hyde Park, looking just lovely as he often does.
Just shy of the twenty minute mark, we find Benedict enjoying the revelry of his art school life, sitting next to Tessa, when Anthony stops by to see him. Anthony appears disappointed to find Benedict partying rather than studying, and when he inquires if Benedict does this every night, he groans and asks, "Did you come to admonish me?" before pouting. Anthony reminds Benedict that being the second son doesn't completely exempt him from duty, and Benedict catches on that his brother's attitude has something to do with Kate. Benedict finally admits out loud that he notices how Anthony looks at her. He tells Anthony that he should do with his life what Benedict does with his art: remember that it's simply a matter of perspective. Anthony coldly accuses Benedict of "taking the tea" again before leaving his brother behind. This scene is very telling of their relationship. It seems they can never really get on the same page: when Benedict offers help, Anthony doesn't want to hear it, and when Anthony seeks him out, he's in an inebriated state that leads Anthony to wave off anything his brother says. It's a tale as old as time, the ballad of the heir and the spare. One honor bound by responsibility, the other merely waiting on the sidelines for the day he might be needed. It's obvious that Benedict is confident Anthony isn't going anywhere in how he leans into the parties, drugs, drinks, and women (or, really, woman, singular, as we discussed yesterday). But underneath it all is in fact the soul of an artist who sees more than he lets on, and may even be better at managing society than Anthony himself.
Later, as Violet discusses her Harmony Ball in the drawing room, Eloise and Benedict play chess off to the side until Eloise sticks her head out the window, sweating from stress. Benedict then suggests Violet change the theme of the ball.
Finally the day of the Harmony Ball arrives. Benedict descends the steps of Bridgerton House, not exactly looking surprised that the plan has failed. He approaches Anthony, insisting he doesn't want to be around the misery and decides to head to his studio. Though, Anthony finally takes his advice, saying he's looking at things with a new perspective, and tells Benedict to stay for a dance. We get the lovely moment where the Bridgertons and Sharmas engage in the country dance. Benedict first dances with Eloise, looking quite happy, and this may be the first time Eloise is happy to be dancing as well. Benedict's next partner is Hyacinth, followed by Violet. I love that he dances with his two younger siblings and his mother, because it just shows how much he does care for his family, ultimately seeking them out more than the others in the room. This is only the second time in the show that we see Benedict dancing in full clarity, and it's such a wonderful moment, one of my favorites from the series. When the Bridgertons learn why no one is at the ball following the Whistledown paper arriving, Benedict looks worried for his sister and his family in the background. When Eloise runs from the room, he and Colin exchange worried looks, and when Anthony goes as well, Benedict turns to him, lifting his arms in question of exactly what is happening.
This is the last we see of Benedict before the season two finale, and while he didn't necessarily have a lot of screen time here, the time he does have is telling. Benedict's word for this episode is "perspective." We learn that Benedict is always taking perspective into consideration when working on his art, but also that perhaps Benedict's perspective on his family and brother is a bit wider than we originally thought. We learn in this episode that Benedict suspected Anthony's feelings for Kate all along, and we also see him being a bit more privy to the fact that Violet's plans to right the family's reputation may not work they way they wish it to. It's Benedict who finally gets Anthony to see things differently, if only for a moment, and in turn, it's because of Benedict that the Bridgertons and Sharmas have a mere moment of pleasure when they all dance together. It's a lovely notion that Benedict is kind of a harbinger of joy in that sense. But as we enter the finale, we do so with the awareness that Benedict's happiness as we've seen it the last three episodes is fleeting.
Tomorrow is the very last day of our Benedict focused rewatch, and I really don't have words to explain how crazy it is that we're so close to having more Benedict scenes to break down soon! And who knows... we may be merely eight episodes away from meeting Sophie! Even if Benedict himself doesn't meet her yet. See everyone tomorrow for "The Viscount Who Loved Me."
Best Benedict quote from this episode: "Things may seem bleak now, Brother. But if I'm learning anything from my art studies, it's that it is almost always a matter of... perspective. I look at my art, and if I do not like what I see, I may always alter the color palette, but I certainly do not toss the entire design aside. Perhaps you, too, could do the same in your own life."
submitted by Ok-Pianist1211 to Benophie [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:02 GameOnBrother Microsoft Announces Xbox Game Pass May 2024 Wave 2 Lineup

Microsoft Announces Xbox Game Pass May 2024 Wave 2 Lineup submitted by GameOnBrother to GamesAreLife [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:02 jrbill1991 [Adam Schefter] In Week 2, the Bills and Dolphins will play the first Thursday Night Football game of the season on Amazon.

submitted by jrbill1991 to miamidolphins [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:02 cattasstrophy Crashing on ipad outside of Robin’s place 7th time today

I recently started playing and bought it on apple arcade and had no issues playing on my ipad air. But today, it keeps freezing going to the mines from Robin’s place. I can see the energy bar and one tool on the top left. And it has sounds but it stopped. I kept repeating the same day all over again.
I did see a lot of small glitches here and there like I have 2 cats but not like this at all. I’m on my winter of 2nd year. Pls help.
(Extra info: Performace-wise, the ipad hasn’t had any issues with bigger games. I play with apple pencil. I have enough storage. All other apps don’t crash at all. I do use VPN to watch amazon prime but the vpn had been off.)
submitted by cattasstrophy to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 mason240 Patch Notes for 1.18

Here we go, we've started rolling out 1.18 😄 While I format the full notes, enjoy the TLDR:
New Battle Pass Season: Featuring Tjark, starts on May 19
New ‘For the Blood God’ event to unlock Azkor the Eightfold starts on May 26
New Guild War Season: Starts on May 29
First ‘For the Skull Throne’ event to unlock Khârn the Betrayer starts on Jun 16
Tournament Arena: The Live synchronous PvP event returns on May 22 and Jun 5
New Campaign Battles: ‘Elite Saim-Hann’ Part 2 and ‘Elite Saim-Hann’ Part 3
New Feature: Machines of War
The Machines of War are coming to Tacticus, adding a new tactical layer and a whole lot of extra firepower to battles!
Get your hands on your first Machine of War in the inaugural Incursion event, starting on June 10. Incursion will be a recurring event, so this is only the first of many.
Please note that this is our first iteration of this new feature, and as always we're looking forward to getting your feedback to improve the experience further. Join our Discord to share your thoughts and ideas directly with the development team!
New Battle Pass Season: Featuring Tjark, starts on May 19
New Guild War Season starting May 29
New Campaign Battles: ‘Elite Saim-Hann’ Part 2 and ‘Elite Saim-Hann’ Part 3
New collectable character: [World Eaters] Azkor the Eightfold, Exalted Eightbound, unlockable in the ‘For the Blood God’ event, starting on May 26
Upcoming Legendary event: [World Eaters] Khârn the Betrayer, Champion of Khorne, unlockable in the first ‘For the Skull Throne’ event, starting on June 16
Upcoming Quest events: [World Eaters] Macer Bloodgrin, Jakhal Dishonoured, on May 29 with all Chaos as allies. [Necron] Aleph-Null, Canoptek Spyder, on June 19 with Necrons and Adeptus Mechanicus as allies
Tournament Arena: May 22: Draft Power-Ups ruleset (72h) June 5: Conquest ruleset (72h) IMPROVEMENTS
Daily deals now occasionally offer an Energy pack purchasable with Raid Tickets New Damage type: Eviscerating (50% pierce ratio)
(NOTE: 1.19 and 1.20 are still our targets for Guild War tweaks – what follows is what we were able to get done sooner than expected:) Guild War - Preparation phase: -- Power score of defensive lineups now visually updates when changes are made to the included characters -- Improved Welcome popup to be more clear on the Guild War setup -- Guild leaders can now see player requirements to participate in a War -- Improved text informing players and guild leaders if no battlefield has been selected -- Improved tooltip explaining requirements for battlefield selection -- Improved tooltip explaining that multiple changes to defensive lineups are possible up until the War Phase starts
Guild War - War Phase: -- Added counter to show the total remaining attacks of the opposing guild -- Added timer in battle to show how long is left before the battle ends. The timer was also changed to 20 minutes in total. -- Improved the tooltip breaking down how many points are scored for defeating an enemy lineup
Guild War - Other: -- Improved tooltip and added inspection for War Crates -- Added text after a war is finished to indicate that rewards are still pending -- Popup for promoting a member to co-leader now explains Guild War powers for the co-leader role
Improved AI behaviour for Abraxas Archimatos’ active ability was renamed to Daemonic Incursion, to be distinguishable from the new event name (no change to gameplay) Updated icons for several upgrade materials Improved ability description for Guild Boss Eldryon’s Phantasm to more accurately describe the behaviour World Eaters upgrade crates added to the Departmento Munitorum Moved the button for the Danger Zone to the right side of the screen (this change will make more sense once Machines of War get going)
submitted by mason240 to WH40KTacticus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 RecentMatter3790 Why is the final boss of Metroid Fusion way different than its own appearance and strength in other appearances?

I am talking about the Omega Metroid:
Why is it so overpowered when hitting Samus herself and the SA-X at the end of Metroid Fusion? It even STAGGERS you if you get hit by it (Samus kneeling for a bit). In other games, the Omega Metroid doesn’t stagger Samus, and is weaker and has more vulnerability in some way. This one however, has only 1 hitbox, it being its front-chest.
In Metroid 2 (original) , the same species can be damaged by missiles, but this specific Omega Metroid can only be damaged by the Ice Beam, not the missiles of Samus (nor SA-X missiles I assume).
submitted by RecentMatter3790 to Metroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 Equivalent-Ad7207 Free Swans v Carlton tickets.

Howdy ho.
Ive got 2 spare Platinum tickets available for the match on Friday night if anybody's after them, in the Churchill stand.
Hit me up here and I'll flick them over neutrals & oppo are welcome.
Massive game and I dont want them to go to waste.
Mandatory " fuck Carlton" nah hope its a good game Blues.
submitted by Equivalent-Ad7207 to AFL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 Hellopainful420 Fire all my favorite colleagues? I'll get YOU fired and get your position.

This is an old story some of my friends told me (29F) I should share here.. so here I am. Sorry for the long text, but there's a lot to unfold.
This started a few years ago, after I got ghosted by my ex, I decided to switch careers and took the proposal of my brother to work for one of his friend in an organic grocery store in my area. I was 22ish at the time, maybe 21 turning 22, but anyways.
I started working in the fruits and vegetables aisle. Despite having a crazy director, I liked my job and my department manager. After a few months, I got the title of "third key" which is basically I'm the assistant manager when the assistant is gone. Then, they decided to hire a new customer service manager that I will call Linda. That woman was CRAZY. While I was 23 at the time, she was only 20 acting like she owned the world.
To give you an idea, in the span of 8 months being here, she got 11 employees fired for stupid reasons and since our director at the time was just as crazy... it was easier for her to get her way. Also, when I say stupid reasons, I'll give you a few examples: Benji got fired because he was "talking too loud" in the break room and it was disturbing her peace and supposedly making her harder to rest to come back fully ready to finish her shift. Marie got fired because she HAD to take off work to go to a relative's funeral and couldn't give her 2 weeks notice. Rose got fired because she was getting "too old to do her job properly and it was ruining the pace of the team's work" (which is bs, I've never seen someone cut veggies and fruits as fast as her). And I could go on. Yes, some of them could've been able to be protested against and even file a complaint against her. Mind you, outside of Rose, everybody was too young to just wanting to fight for a grocery store job. Even Rose just decided to take her retirement earlier and fucked off the work world lol.
Anyways, she took it too far when she tried to mess with me. To give you the context, we had a huge special on lemons and sometimes, those fruits can get rotten and you don't notice it because there's no smell. The only way you'd know is by going through the several small boxes of like 10ish lemons and look at them all one by one. Which I did regularly, but hey, I'm not a robot, sometimes some of them slipped out of my eyes. I was leaving the backstore with more boxes when I saw Linda with a customer that seemed more than pissed. So I go see both of them because mind you.. she has a LEMON box and I work in the fruits department. So it's kind of my job to help IF I CAN. That's when I asked her "Hey Linda, do you need help with the lemons?" And right away she told me "Fuck off, I don't need your help, I already spoke to your manager. Go do your job for once." My face was literally like this 😳 as I went to my department. Even the pissed customer did a bombastic side eyes.
A few minutes later, I go back to the backstore to fulfill the missing products and my manager pulls me aside. "Hey OP, stay out of Linda's business. I can't protect you all the time for talking back." I stopped him right away asking what does he means cause as soon as she told me to fuck off, I did fuck off. He looked at me surprised and said he'd come back to me with it, but only tomorrow because he's finishing his shift and for some personal reason, he can't stay longer to solve the issue. Since Linda was the manager on guard that night, he told me to stay in the back as much as possible to stay in her good graces. That's what I did.
One hour after my manager left, I heard my name being called in the front office (shared by the customer service manager and director). Big wtf. I go in the front and all of my colleagues are looking at me like I'm a prisoner going to their death sentence. Mind you, I know my laws and my rights. I might be young, but as soon as I got called, I started reciting in my head the main laws and rights she has to respect. I open the door's office and Linda is FUMING. And she is alone. She asks me to close the door and I tell her "No, it is my right to have someone in the room with us for this talk. I am not comfortable being alone with you." She starts freaking out and starts to speak louder, on the verge of screaming. "Linda. This room is recorded 24/7 and the customers can hear you talking to me like that. Lower your tone and find a witness to be in the room or I'll go back to work." She stands up to look outside the office and sees that indeed, there's a line in front of the cash looking to the office's direction. She takes a few deep breaths and calls Gabrielle who takes care of the finances of the store so she can be a witness. From the moment Gab got into the room, she seemed like she wanted to get away, so do I.
Gab took a seat in the back and Linda starts her whole speech. I'll be paraphrasing cause the meeting took almost an hour.
L: You know why I brought you here, right? OP: Not really, I've been in the backstore minding my business. Why? L: Well you disrespected my authority in front of a customer and that's a big no no for the company. OP: For the company or for you? L: OP, this is not the topic. You shouldn't be disrespecting authority in front of customers. It makes the managers look bad. OP: I was honestly just trying to help because you had a box of products from my department. I just wanted to help because the customer looked pissed and I didn't want him to ruin your fragile mood. L: My fragile mood?! Are you fucking serious?! OP: Linda, we are being recorded and we have a witness. I'm asking you to stay polite and not scream or I will file a complaint against you. L: Are threatening me??? OP: No, I am stating my rights and making you aware of where your attitude will lead you. I won't accept being talked like that by someone that ain't even my manager. L: Okay OP, let me remind you where your position stands in this business.
That bitch started to draw a triangle, put her name at the tippidy top and mine at the bottom. I didn't even let her finish what she had to say, I stormed off the office, went into the employees lockers, took my stuff and headed out. Linda ran after me, yelling like a psycho "YOU CAN'T LEAVE LIKE THAT! YOU'RE STILL SCHEDULED FOR THE CLOSE!" I stopped on my steps, making Linda almost run into me and said with the most blank expression I could have "Linda, you crossed a line and since you're so good at your job, close my department for me. I will be filing a complaint against you." And left the work place.
Next morning, I came to work as usual and had to see my manager and the director. I explained them the whole situation and showed the papers I was about to send to file a complaint against Linda. Also, this dumb bitch didn't even throw her pyramid in the trash. It was still on display when the director came in to work and asked me what it was. I asked her to look at the cameras, put the sound on and listen to the whole meeting. We watched it to my director's horror and who came in to work in the middle of our screening time? Linda! She came into the office and Linda being a poc turned white as a ghost. I've never seen her being so so pale. "W-what are you doing?" The director asked Linda to sit down and we watched again the video. Mind you, it took us one full hour to watch because she was in a never ending power trip. She used to be smart when she was bullying and making stories about past employees, doing it far from the cameras and usually using the other office that doesn't have cameras or a microphone, but she wasn't with me. I guess she got comfortable or whatever, but check mate on her ass.
My director said I could go back to work with my manager, that she would take care of the rest. Two weeks later, Linda still had her job, but our director resigned from her job right away. Which was hella weird, but whatever. We got a new director, she was a total sweet heart and she noticed Linda's crazy power trips right away. She decided to launch an intern investigation, but sadly, all the employees Linda bullied were fired. There was only me and my little complaint waiting to be served. When Nancy, our new director, came to me asking if I knew anything about Linda. I gave her the file, the time stamps of the video tape, all the employees she fired for stupid reasons with the old director and also phone numbers of those employees.
Flash forward 2 weeks later, Linda left work earlier, balling her eyes out yelling how Nancy was a bitch and didn't deserve her job. How she always came in earlier, put in the work and yadi yada. Nancy waited a few more days before asking me to come into the office and again, I'll be paraphrasing because a lot have been said.
N: HI OP, don't worry, you're not in any trouble. I just saw your CV and noticed you've had a lot of experience in customer service. OP: Yes, I used to be a cashier for almost 5 years, it was my first job. Why? N: I've seen your file, your CV and how you managed the conversation with Linda. We are actually looking for a new customer service manager since Linda have been let go. OP: What about my actual position? N: It's easier to find a fruits and vegetables commis than it is to find a competent service manager.. as you experienced.
I ended up accepting the position and all my co-workers cheered for my raise. I don't want to brag, but I've always been the one to defend everybody in the place, making sure I'll keep my job in the process and following the laws and rights. A few months later, Linda came back to the store as a customer and the look she had on her face when she saw me at the cash with the manager uniform was priceless. It was even more priceless when she asked me when I got the promotion and I told her the exact date, which matched her departure. "So you got my position when I left?" I just nodded and asked if I could do anything more to help have a better experience in the store. She didn't answer to that and just left after paying her things.
To this day, it's still one of my favorite moments to have been through. I'm not a petty person, but if I can ruin you in the process of me trying to defend my people, I'll be more than happy to do so. Last I've heard of Linda, she was working for the competitor, but never had any promotions.
submitted by Hellopainful420 to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 CapitalPersimmon9515 Do you think Cowboy bebop and Titanfall takes place in the same universe

Do you think Cowboy bebop and Titanfall takes place in the same universe
I have an interesting theory. Please do not take it with a grain of salt, but do you think Cowboy Bebop, both the anime and live-action, takes place in the same universe as Titanfall? Cowboy Bebop is set in the year 2070, while the Frontier War in Titanfall takes place in the 2100s. I noticed that the cities look identical, and even some of the ships resemble each other. Additionally, there's a reference in Titanfall 2 where, upon ejecting from your titan, it says "see you, cowboy." What are your opinions on this?. Not to be forgotten, humanity advanced faster in a short amount of time in both Cowboy Bebop and Titanfall. For instance, in Cowboy Bebop, the moon destroyed Earth in the 2010s, and Faye Valentine was only in her 20s despite being born in the 90s. However, humanity was able to create warp gates, which allowed for fast space travel and spaceships, while in Apex Legends, the technology appears to look like magic and it takes place after the Titanfall games.
submitted by CapitalPersimmon9515 to cowboybebop [link] [comments]