The pooh bear cell phone keychains

Rakhi Gifts for Brothers Celebrating the Bond of Love and Protection from

2024.05.14 13:24 himanshukhatri704 Rakhi Gifts for Brothers Celebrating the Bond of Love and Protection from

Rakhi Gifts for Brothers Celebrating the Bond of Love and Protection from
Raksha Bandhan is a special occasion that celebrates the cherished bond between brothers and sisters. While the Rakhi ritual symbolizes a sister's love and prayers for her brother's well-being, it is also customary for brothers to give thoughtful gifts in return. Choosing the perfect Rakhi gift for your brother can be a delightful way to show your love and appreciation for him. Here’s a guide to selecting the best Rakhi gifts that will make your brother feel special and valued.
1. Personalized Gifts
Personalized gifts are a great way to add a special touch to your Rakhi present. They show thoughtfulness and can be treasured for years to come.
  • Customized Accessories: Consider items like engraved wallets, keychains, cufflinks, or bracelets with his initials or a special message.
  • Photo Gifts: Personalized photo frames, photo albums, or custom-made collages featuring memorable moments can be heartfelt gifts.
  • Customized Mugs and T-Shirts: Everyday items like mugs or T-shirts with personalized messages, his favorite quotes, or images can bring a smile to his face.
2. Gadgets and Electronics
For brothers who love technology, gadgets and electronics can be the perfect gifts.
  • Smartphones and Accessories: A new smartphone or cool accessories like phone cases, screen protectors, or wireless chargers can be exciting gifts.
  • Smartwatches: A smartwatch with health tracking and other smart features can be both a stylish and functional gift.
  • Headphones and Earbuds: High-quality headphones or earbuds for music, gaming, or calls are always appreciated.
  • Gaming Consoles and Accessories: If your brother is a gamer, consider the latest gaming console, games, or accessories.
3. Fashion and Accessories
Fashionable gifts can add to your brother’s style and wardrobe, making him feel confident and trendy.
  • Watches: A stylish watch, whether classic or sporty, can be a timeless gift.
  • Clothing: Trendy shirts, jackets, or a pair of his favorite brand of jeans can be a great addition to his wardrobe.
  • Sunglasses: A pair of high-quality sunglasses can be both a practical and stylish gift.
  • Wallets and Belts: A premium leather wallet or a designer belt can add a touch of elegance to his attire.
4. Health and Fitness
If your brother is health-conscious or into fitness, consider gifts that support his lifestyle.
  • Fitness Trackers: Devices that track steps, heart rate, and other health metrics can help him stay on top of his fitness goals.
  • Gym Equipment: Compact gym equipment like dumbbells, resistance bands, or a yoga mat can be useful for home workouts.
  • Sports Gear: If he’s into a particular sport, consider sports gear or accessories like a new tennis racket, football, or gym bag.
  • Health Supplements: Quality health supplements or protein powders for his fitness regimen can also be thoughtful gifts.
5. Books and Stationery
For brothers who love to read or are into writing and organization, books and stationery can be wonderful gifts.
  • Bestsellers and Novels: A book from his favorite genre or a bestseller that you think he’d enjoy can be a great gift.
  • Personalized Notebooks and Planners: Stylish notebooks, planners, or journals with his name or initials can help him stay organized.
  • E-Readers: An e-reader can be perfect for a brother who loves to read on the go.
6. Hobby-Related Gifts
Consider gifts that align with your brother’s hobbies and interests.
  • Musical Instruments: If he loves music, a new instrument or accessories for his existing instrument can be an inspiring gift.
  • Art Supplies: For a brother who enjoys painting or drawing, high-quality art supplies can be perfect.
  • Cooking Gadgets: If he loves to cook, unique kitchen gadgets or a set of premium knives can be both useful and enjoyable.
7. Subscription Services
Subscription services offer the gift that keeps on giving and can cater to a variety of interests.
  • Streaming Services: A subscription to Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Disney+ can provide endless entertainment.
  • Book Clubs: A membership to a book club or a monthly book subscription box for the avid reader.
  • Magazine Subscriptions: A subscription to his favorite magazine on topics like technology, sports, or fitness.
  • Meal Kits: If he enjoys cooking, a meal kit subscription can provide new recipes and ingredients delivered to his doorstep.
8. Experience Gifts
Sometimes the best gifts are experiences that create lasting memories.
  • Travel Vouchers: A travel voucher for a weekend getaway or a trip to a place he’s always wanted to visit.
  • Adventure Activities: Gift him an experience like skydiving, bungee jumping, or a hot air balloon ride.
  • Concert or Event Tickets: Tickets to his favorite band’s concert, a sports event, or a theater show can be exciting gifts.
Choosing the perfect Rakhi gift for your brother from is a beautiful way to show your love, appreciation, and the special bond you share. Whether it’s a personalized item, a gadget, a fashionable accessory, or an unforgettable experience, the right gift can make Raksha Bandhan even more special. Remember, the best gifts come from the heart and reflect the unique relationship you have with your brother. This Raksha Bandhan, let your gift convey your love and the promise to always be there for him, adding joy and meaning to the celebration.
submitted by himanshukhatri704 to Gifts [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:18 ireallydon_tknowwhat How do we go from here?

This is a long story, so bear with me please. English is not my native language, so sorry for any mistakes. I don't by any means want to point a finger to anyone, just want to explain the background of our relationship.
I am together with my BS for 5,5 years. We know each other for 6.5 years. Our relationship started rather rocky. BS has commitment issues and didn't want a relationship at first. This has led them to cheating (kissing only) on me four times (that I know of). Three times during clubbing and under influence and one time while they were on vacation with family. This was during our first 1.5 year together. I found out and they confessed. They texted with some people and one of them was one who BS cheated on me with.
During our relationship they had a friendship with one of their coworkers. They told me them was interested in BS, but BS not in them. They had been friends before BS and I knew each other. During New Years Eve 2022 they said under influence: 'I met with coworker two times behind your back'. They said that I was too fragile and wouldn't understand them meeting with coworker, because I voiced that I was a bit intimidated with their relationship (they would spend long evenings together at each others house while being drunk and sometimes driving with their car). They met with coworker some other times and eventually I didn't hear anything from coworker again. I only met coworker once, they were drunk, but friendly. I went to a psychologist several times to discuss everything what happened.
Fast forward to New Year's eve 2024. I was clubbing with my BS, and two friends. There was someone who wanted my friends instagram, but my friend didn't give it to them. So I took their phone and entered my friends name. BS saw this and thought I was giving my instagram. I tried to explain what happened, but they wouldn't listen. They pushed me away so I went upstairs with said friend. The day after they barely remembered anything. I let them know that if this would happen again, I would leave (this wasn't the first time BS was acting not okay while drunk).
Fast forward to January 2024. We went on a ski vacation with friends. I had a really good connection with one of BS friends (AP). I have known AP for more than 4 years. We always had a good friendship, but it developed even more during the vacation. AP was very kind, caring and helpful. AP is in a relationship of 10 years, their partner was also there on the vacation.
Me and BS met a few times again with AP after the vacation, nothing happened. AP texted me beginning of March saying they would like to meet with me. I didn't say this to BS. We went for a run and had a very good talk about our relationships. They expressed their doubts about their relationship. AP texted me some time after again to go for a run. This time there was more tension in the air and they kissed me. We met five times in total and had foreplay once and sex once. I didn't know how to tell my BS, even though I should have told BS immediately. I made an appointment with my psychologist mid April to help me approach the situation. But on the 24th of april, AP's parner called my BS and told them they found evidence that we cheated on them. My BS' world collapsed. They would have never imagined I would do something like that and I completely understand BS. This is so out of character for me (I don't want to minimize what I have done, but when I go out there are people who will flirt with me, but normally I am very good at maintaining boundaries).
BS first wanted me to move out and didn't want to talk to me. But in the meantime we have met four time. The first two times were pretty heavy. BS was angry (understandable of course), sad and everything in between. BS was very harsh to me and told me I was a psychopath. Of course I understand that they were filled with anger. BS doubted everything about me and that I could lie so good. BS is also very angry that I, BS and AP met occasionally while the affair was happening.
AP and I cut off contact immediately.
I showed BS the mail I send to the psychologist that I made an appointment before it came out, but I don't think that it made any difference (understandable again).
The third time we met, we talked about the situation and how this could have happened. I had a meeting with the psychologist the day before and told BS about our conversation. I told BS about our sex life that was rather dead (I tried to work and discuss it several times before, but nothing changed), I told BS about our future perspective and that I was the one who always had to initiate talking about buying a home together (I lived in an appartment BS bought) and lastly our communication pattern. BS bottles a lot up and when BS finally says what bothers them, it comes out rather harsh. Because of that, I am hurt and it makes it difficult for BS to discuss something again.
We have met yesterday again. I was there for like nine hours. We discussed the situation again. BS had some questions and I answered them truthfully. BS says that I deal very well with the situation and that they see that I do my best. BS said that they feel 50/50 about our relationship. BS said that they don't know if they sees a future with me. BS says that I had the right reaction to see my psychologist again. BS, unfortunately, doesn't want to do counseling. BS says that they can block what happened sometimes, because the pain is too much. Other times BS let the pain come. BS said they miss me and still love me. I asked if I have to move within a certain period. BS said 'no'. I asked if they want me to move away and BS said 'I think it is better that you do.'
After the serious talk, we watched two episodes of a series and played some boardgames. I told BS that if they want me to go away or if it is too much, they need to tell me. But BS said that it was a fun day. I told BS that I am scared that we would rug sweep to much and don't talk about the elephant in the room. I also told BS that I am aware that BS can decide anytime not to talk to me again and that I know that one good day doesn't make everything right. BS said that they can see that I know that. I asked BS if they want to work on our relationship together, but I think this question was too early because BS deflected this question. I said I want to do everything in my power to make it work and even want to go to couple counseling.
When I left, BS gave me a big hug and we cried a lot together. They said 'maybe we can meet again this week.' BS asked me if I got home safe.
I really don't know where to go from here. I have hope that we can work on this together, but it is such a rollercoaster that I caused. Do you have any advice for me? Do I approach this the right way or not? Thank you so much in advance!
submitted by ireallydon_tknowwhat to SupportforWaywards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:15 arnavjadhav23 My first monthly salary deposited into some random account and I’m helpless

I’m sorry I was unsure what sub to post this on, so bear with me if this is off topic but it happened in the city w me so, yesterday eve i went to deposit my monthly salary which was in cash for some reason, and the ATM machine only asked me my number, took my money, deposited it into some random account and even after spending hours at an HDFC branch they are telling me that according to their log i put the benefitted ccount number twice and my phone number after. I vividly remember this NOT happening. I was only asked my number and my monthly salary was gone just like that. I have asked for the CCTV proof of me doing that, but till now I’m in deep trash. To add to the sadness, this was the first salary of my life and it’s gone like that. I’m looking for solutions.
submitted by arnavjadhav23 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:09 Teaside Some (...maybe lots of..) gentle hints please! :') Endgame spoilers!

Hello! I feel like I might be reaching my limits with this game - would really appreciate some gentle hints! I want to keep trying but I'm just completely stuck now..! 😭
I've just finished collecting all the eggs without hints today, proud of that :D But the rest escapes me... I've had just a glance at the posts here and HELLO? There's so much more I'm still missing - like what on earth is that neon paint I've seen in some posts... This is why I'm here, I don't wanna spoil too much for myself by just browsing so I'd rather ask..!
PLEASE don't give me direct answers, hints are so much better! :')
Endgame spoilers below! I kept any pictures further down in the thread but beware - couldn't figure out how to spoilertag pictures.
I have: Beat the boss manticore, got the multi-bubble wand, got the remote, hamster wheel, bouncy ball, (among all the easy to find things like frisbee, slinky etc.) and found 2 secret rabbits - the one disguised as a duck with the flute code, and the one at the beginning of the map, on the ledge. I've also check-marked every single room in the map that I could access, after trying my best to thoroughly check if there's anything at all that stands out to me..! These are the things I've found but can't understand:
  1. I've put the 65th egg in the incubator - needless to say the manticore respawning is not the reward I wanted or expected, not the horrors again!! 😭 I can't save with phones while it's following me, so it must be that I have to take it somewhere... But I can't figure out where. I tried the big 3d ring thing behind my house. I've tried the dog/wolf spirit to see if they'll fight each other. Tried the cave bear, tried the big bat (later realised I can scare it off with multiple firecrackers, that took me way too long lol), I've also noticed the manticore-coded chained boxes (like the dog and mouse ones) in that final stretch of the map, the hidden ones behind some breakable tiles? But the hamster wheel platform next to them let me move them, so I assumed it's a metaphor that I'm the manticore..? Idk. (I've seen the me/seedling-coded boxes too, I think that's where one of the secret rabbits was, which is why the manticore-coded boxes are throwing me off...) Couldn't do anything there with the manticore though... I've also taken it to the flower I/my little guy/the seedling (idk what it is tbh) was born from, the lynx/cat mama, the eggs bird... No clue what else to try 😭
  2. There's a circular recess I couldn't figure out - I understood the kangaroo one, it has firecracker flowers growing next to it, but what do I do with the fish one? All I can see is fish pointing up with sparkly eyes. I've tried giving the bubble fish the ball to play with, I've tried figuring out if that dolphin(?) is giving me some sort of flute code but it didn't look like it, didn't seem like I could use anything for the seahorse either, really no clue where to get the key for the fish circular recess.
  3. I was given a stopwatch after the first manticore, but I can't see it in my inventory and have no idea what it's for... Is this something I shouldn't worry about for now?
  4. I've noticed the stone pillars? Runestones? Those little stone thingies in the backgrounds all over the map that have a symbol from the map-markers at the top, and 1-5 dots at the bottom. I've been noting them down, but please tell me if I'm on the right track - does the game expect me to use the correct map-marker icons for each stone I found and mark them on the map with that specific symbol, 5 of each? I've only used flame icons to mark them initially cause I was using other symbols for other things, but now with most of the map filled out I could make do without them. But I don't want to walk around the whole map again marking them off if I'm completely off-base here. Not a clue what they're for.
  5. Is there a point to putting the M. disc back down below? I'm surprised I can take it out of the shrine and re-summon the dog/wolf spirit, that's sus. Can it be taken anywhere else? I thought this would have been the circular recess thing but nope :/ Now it's just sitting in the bottom shrine.
  6. Is the monkey with baby monkey throwing rocks at me just a decoration/flavour? Suspicious!
  7. That bear that retreats to the cave - decoration, or something? I've tried using everything in my inventory on it... Suspicious!
  8. WHERE IS THE LAST MATCH STICK!!! I get a feeling that I should be able to finally get through glass if I light the last candle, but I haven't been able to find the last match stick! 😭 I have some areas with no other access than through glass marked off to visit, I just know it'll let me go through glass at some point and I'm heavily leaning towards candle completion... But WHERE IS THAT DAMN MATCH STICK 😭
  9. Giraffe statue right before the room with a couple of guards... Is it anything? Seems like a big and significant statue for just flavour, but I haven't even seen giraffes in the game... Suspicious!
  10. Statue of three green penguins just before the water domain - anything there? Suspicious!
  11. Another thing I saw in someone else's post was warp codes...plural?? I immediately got the home warp code which takes you where all the teleports are, from the fish "singing" below, that felt great and reminded me of my fav game, Tunic ;W; 💖 But where on earth are people getting the other ones from??
  12. There's a room full of crows not far from where the duck-secret-rabbit faces flute code is. Initially I actually thought the code was for them because of the bird in the picture next to the face codes... What do I do with those crows, if anything? There's a lot of them sitting on 4 separate branches/shelves - I've tried playing multiple versions of flute notes, like how many crows are on each branch, didn't get anywhere.
  13. There's a tiny grid hidden under the LED bunny neon sign area... A 4x4 grid with 1-4 dots on each side. Absolutely not a clue what this is, man, not even a single thought.
  14. Is this anything? I noticed the other savegame icons have slightly different seeds, like these, but... surely I'm not expected to make more savegames?
  1. The skull pile blocking a chest, where the faces flute code is explained. Threw everything I had at it. Tried playing flute notes depending on which way the skulls are facing. Nada. That chest is taunting me.
  2. There are two remote-controllable walls in this spot, but no remote control tower... It's in the other room, but that's not helpful. I can't access it from that room on the right either cause it's just a wall. How do I get in there??
no remote tower in this room (left)
wall in this one, but has remote tower (right)
  1. Two questions about the below: is the big garden pot just a decoration? And what I've circled in particular - I noticed the exact same thing next to the duck-secret-rabbit... Am I looking into it too much? It feels like nothing in this game is accidental, so I'm always sus... :')
  1. Are the pillars here a flute code? Same for the ones in the turtle room - initially I started playing the flute to play numbers corresponding to how tall each pillar is, but the turtles just came out as soon as I started playing, and didn't seem to react to me playing anything specific. What about here? Do I need to write down a sequence of them from the leftmost shore and play the full thing?
  1. I have some sort of a key in my bag. Can't remember where I got it... No clue what it's for, or if I've used it before..!
  1. I'm sure the huge clock behind my house is meant to do something, it has doors and all... But no clue. I was there on the hour and just saw the little bird come out, (feels like there's some sort of purpose to time, but I haven't picked up on anything yet, initially thought that's when the kangaroo switches areas...) and I can see there's a few "000"s above the doors... That's about it... The only thought so far is that maybe characters from other savegames can come through here, but that seems VERY far-fetched, and not sure what purpose that would have... I also feel like I'm too early to figure out the clock, and the big 3d ring, before figuring out the rest. Should I not worry about it for now?
I... think that's it??? Sorry for the wall of text, if I can get some gentle hints on any of these I'd be grateful - I'll come back and edit the post to strike out what I've figured out, if anything. I know people on the Tunic sub like helping each other out with hints, feels like this game should have a very similar crowd, by the looks of it :D
submitted by Teaside to animalWell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:52 milkteau How come ang daling mag sabi ng boycott at maging vocal sa issues ng ibang bansa, pero walang stand para sa nangyayari sa sariling bayan?

I am super curious paano. I just saw a short video kasi na ang vocal nitong poster sa issue ng ibang bansa — for Palestine. May protests pa nga. May fundraisers and joining this or that for a country where they aren’t living in. Wala naman mali na sumali and defend what’s right.
It’s unfortunate at nakakagalit yung nangyayari abroad, pero when it comes sa sariling bayan na unti-unti nang sinasakop walang say? They would criticize you pag kumain ka ng McDo pero ang cellphone nila iPhone, umiinom ng Nestea, Coke, gumagamit ng Google or nanunuod ng Disney.
Tapos upon checking their profiles? No stand sa local issues?
No stand sa WPS? Walang masabi sa amnesia girl na si Guo? Walang say sa naaaping mga fisherman at coast guard na binobomba ng tubig? Have they even heard about the POGO issues sa sariling bayan?
Tapos baka sabihin “nakakapagod ka na ipaglabas pinas kaya…” luh, I mean if you reside sa PH and you’re doing activism naman, maybe say something lalo na if may platform ka? Kasi anong pake ng simpleng Pinoy sa nangyayari sa ibang bansa, pero if you create content targeting the locals, baka makatulong?
Add ko lang din, may isang beses nagtanong yung isang content creator, ano ba nangyayari at binoboycott nanaman ang ganito-ganyan. Pinutakte ng hate yung comment section rather than explaining kung ano ba talaga nangyayari. Eh di ang ending, walang natutunan ang creator.
I don’t know, baka isa lang ako sa nagiisip at hayaan nalang sila na suportahan kung ano at sino gusto nila. Or baka pro-Winnie the Pooh sila kaya walang stand sa WPS. Kaya I almost find it hard to ‘boycott’ kung sila ay walang stand sa sariling bansa, or siguro I should find a way to understand these people on their goals or just let them be, let it go. 🤷
submitted by milkteau to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:40 EquivalentFinance106 [REVIEW] BV Jodie in Black and BV Pouch in pink from Leo, Jing Factory

Imagine me as a newbie astronaut, stepping into the world of reps for the very first time. I’m untrained, like a fresh recruit, and everything is new and exciting, like exploring an alien planet. This is my first reps purchase; my maiden voyage into the galaxy of fashion. I’m over the moon with my purchase! It’s like finding a hidden treasure in the vast cosmos. But hey, I’m still learning to navigate this starry expanse, so please be gentle with me, like the soft glow of the moon in the night sky.

Disclosure - No incentives were offered, but Leo did ask if I could pen down a review if I was satisfied. And guess what? I’m super satisfied!

Seller - Leo. I discovered him after diving deep into the sea of reviews, he was also on a trusted sellers list. I contacted a bunch of sellers, comparing prices, shipping, factories, you name it. I read review after review, like a detective on a mission. But honestly, I am super happy I took the leap of faith
Contact Info - WhatsApp :+86 19120637469 and WeChat: LEO_7868

Price – 173 usd for the Mini Jodie, 154 usd for the pouch

Shipping - 50 USD (This cost covers the shipping of 2 bags without boxes, but with dustbags, all very carefully packed). The parcel arrived at my location via DHL

Timeline -
April 24th - I reached out to Leo, on Whatsapp. “Hello, do you have these two bags?” I asked. He responded with the price, and like Indiana Jones, I took the leap of faith mentioned above and sent the funds for my order through PP Friends & Family.
April 25th - PSP pictures received. I gave the GL to the Jodie, but the color of the pouch was not the right one. Fear not, Leo contacted the factory and returned on April 27th with the right pouch. I gave the GL to the pouch too.
April 27th - Leo,sends me a picture of the box.
May 7th - The tracking number arrived, like a secret code in a spy movie. Leo reassured me he would choose a safe route for my package to avoid any customs shenanigans, like a skilled navigator avoiding stormy seas. The journey of my package began, setting sail from Germany.
May 13th - The items arrived, like long-awaited gifts on Christmas morning. To be honest, I hoped that my package would arrive earlier, but we had holidays where I live due to Orthodox Easter. Everything moves at a snail’s pace during holidays over here, like a sloth on a lazy Sunday!

· [Factory photos]: I don’t have them, I never browsed his album for these; I Was on a mission to buy these two)
· [PSPs]( )
· [Your Photos]( )

Quality - These bags are hitting a high note with a 9,5/10! They’re like a symphony in leather, every stitch hitting the right beat, no off-key notes here. The leather is woven to perfection, just like the intricate lattice on the top of a freshly baked apple pie. But please bear in mind; my eye is not trained, as already stated! :-D The zipper on the Jodie? It’s smoother than a jazz solo. Logos are stamped with the precision of a master craftsman, like a sculptor chiseling a masterpiece. The leather on both? It’s as soft and deep as a soulful ballad. Delicious and SOFT! There’s a tiny hint of fufu, but hey, it’s like a catchy chorus that fades out (no points deducted for this, it’s it’s like a temporary tattoo, it’ll go away).
Accuracy – Since love is the scale, I give them both a solid 5. They’re like well-trained show horses. These are bags born and bred in captivity and they’re mirror images of the authentics, measurements matching the Bottega website like a well-tailored suit.
Rep Satisfaction Rating - 10/10, I’m so smitten I’d probably get another color in both these bags, like a kid in a candy store.
Seller Satisfaction Rating - 10/10. This was my first rodeo with any seller, and all of you made it feel like a magic carpet ride. Leo was a saint, handling my questions and my customs phobia like a seasoned therapist. The service was as prompt as a waiter in a five-star restaurant, and the prices were a steal. I even got a Bottega keychain as a gift, just because, which was the cherry on top of a perfect sundae.
CPR [Cost Performance Ratio] - It’s looking like a perfect 10/10. I didn’t have to rob a bank for two bags that are going to be my go-to party pals.
The Wrap Up -
I’ll be strutting these bags around town without a second thought, like a rockstar on a world tour. 🎸
submitted by EquivalentFinance106 to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:38 cheriaspen Update on the Cyber attack Francis Scot Key Bridge- Biden Admin admitted it is a cyber attack, Crew is trapped onboard crashed ship still! FBI confiscated their cell phones! Planning to blow remaining bridge Up, with people on board the ship? Very Fishy, I smell a Cover Up, do you?

submitted by cheriaspen to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:26 aaliyanamirrajput Somehow found a way to learn more while studying... less

Recently came across this formula from Cal Newport, and it's genuinely helped me supercharge my focus and productivity. It goes like this:
⭐ Work accomplished = ⏱️ Time x 😤 Intensity of Focus
In other words, if your focus is low, it'll take you more time to do the same work than if your focus was high. (Alright, I know, "duh", but bear with me 🐻).
It's an obvious fact, but not something we're taking advantage of, and here's how you can:
The next time you need to study, don't just head straight into it. Instead, decide exactly what needs to be done, prepare your materials, choose an isolated study-space, chuck away your phone, and plan a short (>1 hr) but high-intensity study session.
Just try it once, and it will leave you invigorated (energised).
And, if you do find it as incredible as I did, you're welcome to join along our study group where we share study tips exactly like these - the ones that genuinely bring a change. It's a community of students from around the world trying to study better, and I hope to see you guys there too :)
submitted by aaliyanamirrajput to studytips [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:14 arnavjadhav23 My first monthly salary deposited into some random account and I’m helpless

I’m sorry I was unsure what sub to post this on, so bear with me if this is off topic but it happened in the city w me so, yesterday eve i went to deposit my monthly salary which was in cash for some reason, and the ATM machine only asked me my number, took my money, deposited it into some random account and even after spending hours at an HDFC branch they are telling me that according to their log i put the benefitted ccount number twice and my phone number after. I vividly remember this NOT happening. I was only asked my number and my monthly salary was gone just like that. I have asked for the CCTV proof of me doing that, but till now I’m in deep trash. To add to the sadness, this was the first salary of my life and it’s gone like that. I’m looking for solutions.
submitted by arnavjadhav23 to navimumbai [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:13 arnavjadhav23 My first monthly salary deposited into some random account and I’m helpless

I’m sorry I was unsure what sub to post this on, so bear with me if this is off topic but it happened in the city w me so, yesterday eve i went to deposit my monthly salary which was in cash for some reason, and the ATM machine only asked me my number, took my money, deposited it into some random account and even after spending hours at an HDFC branch they are telling me that according to their log i put the benefitted ccount number twice and my phone number after. I vividly remember this NOT happening. I was only asked my number and my monthly salary was gone just like that. I have asked for the CCTV proof of me doing that, but till now I’m in deep trash. To add to the sadness, this was the first salary of my life and it’s gone like that. I’m looking for solutions.
submitted by arnavjadhav23 to mumbai [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:03 KittyCandie Is there anything that can be done to prohibit exes, new wife from forcing me to contact her and instead of him?

So my ex ex met this woman in November and after 28 days of knowing her proposed to her. I have three little girls with him. However, from the beginning, this woman has manipulated me unknowingly texting from his phone pretending to be like him, and then other times via his his phone, pretending to be him tells me that he would rather I go through this new fiancé (who is now wife). Who has zero boundaries. She literally came onto the scene as a random stranger, him having known her only a month. And then them getting engaged two weeks later, trying to take over the scene and telling me I'm going to deal with her instead. And I try to tell her I do not have any interest to coparent with a strangerand she always replies with. I'm his wife now it's so bizarre.
t's been this way all along long, since November, and then they got married in January. Since he married this girl, he's maybe total out of the entire year had maybe six or seven weekends. And before, he would never miss a weekend with his kids. She comes up with these bogus excuses, whenever I don't wanna bend to her will.
They don't attend our kids events, i've literally told my kids the reason being because I'm going to be there clearly it's a matter of jealousy and hatred for whatever reason I have no idea this is wicked. Anyway, I have not seen or spoke to their dad ever since they got together. And I mean that. Maybe on an occasion of once or twice on a house phone and which he just repeatedly kept telling me I'm gonna learn to respect his wife. It was so strange. It was like a broken record. But it's just so bizarre anyway, if I'm not able to do what, she desires which sometimes it's insisting that I go through her with coparenting like literally telling me any problem I have the girls I'm gonna go through her, down to cutting off his cell phone and not any of us allowed to have the new phone number and limited to a house landline That he never calls me back and every time he talks to my kids, he always mention things like did I tell them to, to listen or stalk?. or making statements, insisting that the reason they're calling me is because I told them to Call him for whatever reason. It has really affected the entire scheme of things because this woman has cut off and blocked all contact that I've attempted only to address parenting things, my kids are not allowed to call me when they're there, and my oldest has to turn in her cell phone. Which point now she doesn't even bring it. She's afraid. And as per my Childrens report, when they're there all she does is scream at him and they fight.
Additionally, anytime that they're with their dad at their new house that technically is both of their homes. (Dad moved into her place before marrying all so soon), this woman loves bombs the crap out of my kid, the oldest. And the youngest who is 2. But stonewalls the middle child and makes like she's the problem sort of. It's so messed up. And then she pulls these things where they're showing my girls. It's totally OK and easy for them to just drop out of their lives as they've done a few times. With no contact.It's so emotionally confusing and honestly traumatic to them especially because she imposes these ridiculous periods where dad is not gonna be able to care for the children because of all these impairments that come up and I'm not allowed to know what they are. She told me none of my business. So the fact that she's cutting off my kids from contact with her dad and he doesn't even call and then all of a sudden they wanna pop back in their life like nothing changed It's very very very detrimental to my girls.
What can I do legally? To where I don't have to deal with her at all. Or where it's a violation for her to even contact me? She keeps referencing the court order between he and I which she knows is so entirely vague. It literally just says " three weekends a month, visitation as mutually agreed by both parties" and that's about it. As, it says as mutually agreed which was fine with us because we definitely had our own thing going for a few years that was totally fine, but she keeps mentioning it that the court order there's a lack of mention on the Transportation, which she keeps forcing me to bring them out there, knowing I don't have a vehicle and uses that as a reason to not take them, it's also messed up
. What can I do to cut her out of our parenting? And force him to talk to me?this lady is so twisted. I can't imagine what is being told to him, that he's just totally OK with this
submitted by KittyCandie to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:56 cheriaspen Francis Scot Key Bridge Cyber Attack Update. The Crew has been trapped on the crashed boat this whole time & the FBI took their cell phones away. No reporters are allowed on. The only information gleened is from FOIA requests. The Biden Admin did admit it WAS a cyber attack. Very fishy.

submitted by cheriaspen to ProtectAndAlert [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:53 KittyCandie [New York] new wife blocking all contact to my ex. Insisting that I coparent through her, refusing the children for visitation if I disobey

So my ex ex met this woman in November and after 28 days of knowing her proposed to her. I have three little girls who care for by myself. He was abusive anyway, and I left him. However, from the beginning, this woman has manipulated being on his phone, pretending to be like him, and then threw his phone, pretending to be him tells me that he would rather I go through this new fiancé. Who has zero fucking boundaries. It's been so long, got married in January. Since he married this girl, he's maybe total out of the entire year had maybe six or seven weekends. And before, he would never miss a weekend with his kids. She comes up with these bogus ass excuses, whenever I don't wanna bend to her will.
They don't attend our kids events, because I'm going to be there clearly it's a matter of jealousy and hatred for whatever reason I have no idea this is wicked. Anyway, I have not seen or spoke to their dad ever since they got together. And I mean that. Maybe on an occasion of once or twice on a house phone and which he just repeatedly kept telling me I'm gonna learn to respect his wife. It was so strange. It was like a recording. But it's just so bizarre anyway, if I'm not able to do it, she desires which sometimes it's insisting that I go through her with coparenting like literally telling me any problem I have the girls I'm gonna go through her, down to cutting off his cell phone and not any of us allowed to have the phone number and limited to a house landline That he never calls me back and every time he talks to my kids, he always mention things like did I tell them to, to listen or stalk?. or making statements, insisting that the reason they're calling me is because I told them to Call him for whatever reason. It has really affected because this woman has cut off and blocked all contact that I've attempted only to address parenting things, my kids are not allowed to call me when they're there, and my oldest has to turn in her cell phone. Which point now she doesn't even bring it. She's afraid. And as per my Childrens report, when they're there all she does is scream at him and they fight.
Additionally, anytime that they're with their dad at their new house that technically is both of their homes. (Dad moved into her place before marrying all so soon), this woman loves bombs the shit out of my kid, the oldest. And the youngest. But stonewalls the middle child and makes like she's the problem sort of. It's so fucked up. It's so emotionally confusing and honestly traumatic especially because she imposes these ridiculous periods where dad is not gonna be able to care for the children because of all these impairments that come up and I'm not allowed to know what they are. She told me none of my business. So the fact that she's cutting off my kids from contact with her dad and he doesn't even call and then all of a sudden they wanna pop back in their life like nothing changed It's very very very detrimental to my girls.
What can I do legally? To where I don't have to deal with her at all. Or where it's a violation for her to even contact me? She keeps referencing the court order between he and I which she knows is so entirely vague. It literally just says " three weekends a month, visitation as mutually agreed by both parties" and that's about it. As, it says as mutually agreed which was fine with us because we definitely had our own thing going for a few years that was totally fine, but she keeps mentioning it that the court order there's a lack of mention on the Transportation, which she keeps forcing me to bring them out there, knowing I don't have a vehicle and uses that as a reason to not take them, it's also messed up
. What can I do to cut her out of our parenting? And force him to talk to me?this lady is so twisted. I can't imagine what is being told to him, that he's just totally OK with this
submitted by KittyCandie to Custody [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:37 Mysterious_Ad_4696 dream about a polar bear

it’s this little part in my dream that keeps happening, the first part of the dream is something different inside my house but then i leave my room and i see this big polar bear in my kitchen and it gets closer to me and this thing on my phone says it’s from a gore video and i have to go past him into the kitchen so i try going past while he’s distracted by some things in the hallway and then he runs in and attacks a fish on the ground by our fridge and then runs at me and after that i wake up every time
submitted by Mysterious_Ad_4696 to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:22 Adventurous-Pie1361 Ms access contact info query

Hi Im currently enrolled in a hospital administration program In ms access we have to set up a criteria query We need contact info of patients that are from a specific city The query runs fine however i was confused what other fields to add from the patients info table I have chosen first name, last name, city, cell phone number Should I add the address field too? Other fields are postal code State And date of registration Please help Its for a project
submitted by Adventurous-Pie1361 to MSAccess [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:16 ireallydon_tknowwhat I (F,31) betrayed my boyfriend (M,34)

This is a long story, so bear with me please. English is not my native language, so sorry for any mistakes. I don't by any means want to point a finger to anyone, just want to explain the background of our relationship.
I am together with my BS for 5,5 years. We know each other for 6.5 years. Our relationship started rather rocky. BS has commitment issues and didn't want a relationship at first. This has led him to cheating (kissing only) on me four times (that I know of). Three times during clubbing and under influence and one time while he was on vacation with family. This was during our first 1.5 year together. I found out and he confessed. He texted with some girls and one of them was one of the girls he cheated me with. During our relationship he had a friendship with one of his coworkers. He told me she was interested in him, but he not in her. They had been friends before BS and I knew each other. During New Years Eve 2022 he said under influence: 'I met with x (coworker) two times behind your back'. He said that I was too fragile and wouldn't understand him meeting with her, because I voiced that I was a bit intimidated with their relationship (they would spend long evenings together at each others house while being drunk and sometimes driving with their car). He met with her some other times and eventually I didn't hear anything from her again. I only met her once, she was drunk, but friendly. I went to a psychologist several times to discuss everything what happened.
Fast forward to New Year's eve 2024. I was clubbing with my BS, and two friends. There was a guy who wanted my friends instagram, but didn't give it to him. So I took his phone and entered her name. BS saw this and thought I was giving my instagram. I tried to explain what happened, but he wouldn't listen. He pushed me away so I went upstairs with said friend. The day after he barely remembered anything. I let him know that if this would happen again, I would leave (this wasn't the first time he was acting not okay while drunk).
Fast forward to January 2024. We went on a ski vacation with friends. I had a really good connection with one of BS friends (let's call him Jasper). I have known Jasper for more than 4 years. We always had a good friendship, but felt it developed even more during the vacation. He was very kind, caring and helpful. He is in a relationship of 10 years, she was also there on the vacation.
We've met a few times again with Jasper after the vacation, nothing happened. Jasper texted me beginning of March saying he would like to meet with me. I didn't say this to BS. We went for a run and had a very good talk about our relationships. He expressed his doubts about his. He texted me some time after again to go for a run. This time there was more tension in the air and he kissed me. We met five times in total and had foreplay once and sex once. I didn't know how to tell my BS, even though I should have told him immediately. I made an appointment with my psychologist mid April to help me approach the situation. But on the 24th of april, Jasper's GF called my BS and told him she found evidence that we cheated on them. My BS worlds collapsed. He would have never imagined I would do something like that and I completely understand him. This is so out of character for me (I don't want to minimize what I have done, but when I go out there are guys who will flirt with me but normally I am very good at maintaining boundaries). He first wanted me to move out and didn't want to talk to me. But in the meantime we have met four time. The first two times were pretty heavy. He was angry (understandable of course), sad and everything in between. He was very harsh to me and told me I was a psychopath. Of course I understand that he was filled with anger. He doubted everything about me and that I could lie so good.
AP and I cut off contact immediately.
I showed him the mail I send to the psychologist that I made an appointment before it came out, but I don't think that it made any difference (understandable again).
The third time we met, we talked about the situation and how this could have happened. I had a meeting with the psychologist the day before and told him about our conversation. I told him about our sex life that was rather dead (I tried to work and discuss it several times before, but nothing changed), I told him about our future perspective and that I was the one who always had to initiate talking about buying a home together (I lived in an appartment he bought) and lastly our communication pattern. He bottles a lot up and when he finally says what bothers him, it comes out rather harsh. Because of that, I am hurt and it makes it difficult for him again to discuss something.
We have met yesterday again. I was there for like nine hours. We discussed the situation again. He had some questions and I answered them truthfully. He says that I deal very well with the situation and that he sees that I do my best. He said that he feels 50/50 about our relationship. He said that he doesn't know if he sees a future with me. He says that I had the right reaction to see my psychologist again. He, unfortunately, doesn't want to do counseling. He says that he can block what happened sometimes, because the pain is too much. Other times he let the pain come. He said he misses me and still loves me. I asked if I have to move within a certain period. He said 'no'. I asked if he wants me to move away and he said 'I think it is better that you do.' After the serious talk, we watched two episodes of a series and played some boardgames. I told him that if he wants me to go away or if it is too much, he needs to tell me. But he said that it was fun. I told him that I am scared that we would rug sweep to much and don't talk about the elephant in the room. I also told him that I am aware that he can decide anytime not to talk to me again and that I know that one good day doesn't make everything right. He said that he can see that I know that. I asked him if he wants to work on our relationship together, but I think this question was too early because he deflected this question. I said I want to do everything in my power to make it work and even want to go to couple counseling.
When I left, he gave me a big hug and we cried a lot together. He said 'maybe we can meet again this week.' He asked me if I got home safe.
I really don't know where to go from here. I have hope that we can work on this together, but it is such a rollercoaster that I caused. Do you have any advice for me? Do I approach this the right way or not? Thank you so much in advance!
submitted by ireallydon_tknowwhat to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:12 Fangyuan___ New indian mythology novel Dropped. Check it now. Help this senior...

Author note:-
How should i start. Lets say. I am just a student[19 M] And today i am going to start a writing a novel. Well... ...its always good to start a new work.
thats what i am now feeling. I can't describe it in words. I can say that my grammar is bad. Umm so bad.
English is my second language. But i am going to try. I am going to persevere.
I am starting a novel on indian mythology. Well like indian sects.
Months ago.
I am just scrolling reddit. Seeing the memes on fy. And laughing my ass off.
unknowingly i stumbled on a comment and the comment is-
just think how if a cultivation novel based on indian mythology. Like There are 28 states in india. So.
We can make 28 sects and like this. And india is also a sacred country.
Just think there are so many mystery like kailash parvat( Kangrinboqe Peak).
So many mystries...
I was just staring at the comment something was rising in me.
Like this is my destiny. I am going to be a great writer. I will make millions of money. So i procrastinated this idea. Well i am a good procrastinater..
Months later today at 1 am on night while wasting my time on scrolling reddit.
I am suddenly feeling something. I am feeling like i have to do something productive. i have to make money So i thought to write a novel. Well its not going to the level of RI or Lotm. But i can try to make it good. I will daily use my 4 hours in this work.
I know i am not going to make any money on this.
But i am atleast trying to make something new. I am not good in studies.
No no no...
Its like i had never focus on studies.
From 2 years daily minimum 5 hours... I am reading novels.
Just novels. To cultivation to progression fantasy. Just novel.
But the idea of writing novel I always procrastinated that.
But today i am feeling so much enthusiasm i am going to start it now.
Special note-
If anyone wants to be a part of this journey. join me in this wonderful journey.
Well its going to be not paid. Its like internship. You will learn something. Like i need a editor. If any of you who is interested in this journey. You can dm me. Lets start.
I am clarify now this first chapter is something i am just writing it to describe. What is my potential. Like it will be my first novel and there are so many challenges i am going to face it. I am human afterall... I will going to make mistakes obviously. Day by day my writing will just going to improve.
Just adjust a bit.
You will definitely going to enjoy.
Chapter 1 - ITS STARTING
This is hilarious I have just wrote that I am going to make a wonderful novel and see I can't even type anything on my keyboard.
As i am seeing on my laptop. My frustration is increasing. How should i start. My patience is dropping. What should i do.
Lets make a boy first
Indeed hes going to be a poor and orphan.
Its going to same cliche novel. I have to make something new. Something like Fang yuan.
First chapter of REVEREND INSANITY is goated Hes just standing hes hair floating and his clothes are in blood. He is smiling.
A cold smile. And then sac and boom
Wait wait wait... This is going to be edgy. I have not any experience i have not any talent. How can i make a sacred novel like RI This is my first novel. I have to start with good mc.
.. My mood is swinging. I am feeling frustrated. How can anyone will going to read this garbage. I had not even make a world building. I had not even decide the name of the novel. Stupid so stupid. As i am staring on the screen. My patience paid off.
I turned off my laptop I stand up from my chair. And saw the time.
Its 1 am.
If my father found about that i am wasting my time in these things instead of studying. Than raj you just say goodbye to your writing passion.
I am just a average person.
Your average who got always average marks . Average look
Average talking skill.
Average money.
Well i am going to make it. But HOW. i am thinking what to do How to write something great
. Suddenly my electricity gone.
Its rare. Well where i am living i had never seen electricity gone. Because i am living in a hostel. College hostel. And it is very expensive one. So when electricity goes out generator works.
Glad part about its. All of my study expenses is on loan. I am belonging from a middle class family.
But my father agreed for my private college as i convinced him that i will pay. I will pay everything believe in me last time. ...
I opened my room gate and went to the main hall while adjusting my torch light.
I can hear students are shouting. Well it is because human always find fun in everything
so many of students always wait when will the electricity goes and they will shout loudly. Its a fun thing. Really. its first time that electricity gone. So students are shouting too loudly. Make it more fun. Well i also join them. And also start shouting at high pitch.
Suddenly i stopped. Staring at the wall.
No no.
I am staring at the void.
In front of my eyes.
There was a blue screen.
 『Welcome to the gods heir』 
It was so unrealistic. I thought that this is my dream. I touched the screen with my limb. But the funny part is. My limb goes through it. Like it is a hologram.
My thoughts are spinning.
How can this happen. Its utterly impossible.
I had read so many webnovel i had already assumed so many scenarios like this. That there will be screen come from nowhere in front of you and you will say status and-
Wait status How can i forget this.
In my rough voice i said - "status" And i am believing that there will be a status screen will come.
And my life will take a 180. Degree turn But to my surprise there is no screen came.
1 sec...
2 sec...
Sudden a somber expression appeared on my face. A kid who always growed up while reading novel. A system is always his dream.
3 sec... 3.4 sec- And than
A voice heared in my mind.
 『 STATUS Name- Raj aggarwal Level- 1 Class- homo sapiens Sub class- None Stats/skills/shop/?¿? 』 
As i stared at the screen. My lips raised upwardly. This is what i want This is like my dream I always wanted a magical world.
A rpg type world where gods and demons are fighting. I will increase my level while fighting monsters. What..What is there any chance of my being alive in this scenario. This world is going to change. I have to change. I have to protect my family. Family...
**Shit.. shit..
My family lives 100 miles from here.. If this system is real and everyone can see it. Then soon chaos is going to erupting. What should i do now.. Take a bus or metro. No no .. Think think.. Well lets call them first..**
I opened my phone screen and saw the battery.
8 percent. It can work for few minutes or one hour max I called on my moms number.
My heartbeat is increasing
*Ring... *
A women voice heared in my ear
-"Hlo, raj are you fine. What.. what is this screen. Everyone can see it. Everyone is panicking. You have to hurry.... come home as soon as possible".
I am glad that my mom answered my phone. While I staring at my screen i answered-"
don't worry mom.
There is nothing as panicking. Calm down. Just prepare some weapons like your knife, baseball. And locked the house. Do not open the door.
And tell my little brother that i am coming. Theres nothing to worry. Everything is fine."
I convinced my mom that there is nothing. But a gloomy senstation was felting in my body. I has to hurry.
As i glanced to the main hostel reception. A men with black beared.
Brown skin. Black eyes and in red shirt and black pant is standing there My warden was also in the state of shock. I went to him. Seeing me his eyes became focus. He called my name.
He remembered my name indeed worthy of warden position I nodded. "Well its strange-he said to me while looking at the main gate. The gate was big and transparent Made of glass. I also see outside. Utter Darkness
Worrying if any type of dragon come here and just make this college campus in ashes. I glanced to other direction.
More and more students came from there room. Many were studying in their room. Many were gaming in their room. But i don't care because i don't have any friends. ..
But what i am doing here... When a sytem comes to the world You will granted with many powers. But what i have to do. As i thinking.
I stepped out on a ant.
Well its there problem being a short and came under my limb.
...The words on my screen crazily gone and swapped by a another words
 『 You are 137th one to killed a living being. 』 『 you got 5 true points』 
A crazy expression came on my face.
Here is the link of webnovel site -
submitted by Fangyuan___ to MartialMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:50 Blacksmith_More Camera versus printer

Hello! I'm a relative novice at the whole camera thing... I am a big time photographer with my cell phone though and use all the manual settings to my benefit. With it I can get artsy shots with different feels as well as hyper accurate shots that make you feel like you're looking at the real thing.
Now my question is should I get the mini evo or would I be happier with the link printer to just print out the final results of my workflow on my phone? Also, does anyone know if they're planning a hybrid camera that takes the wide film? I think that I would like to give people the slightly bigger ones.
Maybe I can get the wide standalone printer?
Any insight would be appreciated.
submitted by Blacksmith_More to instax [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:32 Glum_Truck_724 Rant Session Part 2: Family/Friends who will never get it

This is a followup very much related to my last post
I have been in a cycle ever since that day where I’ve been consistently getting clusters every 2-3 hours at night. Sleep —> cluster —oxygen —> sleep repeat. Needless to say, I’m exhausted both mentally and physically. They wake me up at night so I’m tired throughout the day but a nap is a sure way to start one a few hours later.
Anyways, mother’s day comes along. My grandmother had a dinner reservation for my mom and I to celebrate. On the car ride there it was particularly hot and the sun was blaring. The car had been in a parking lot in the sun for quite a while so it was very hot on the inside. I’ve come to learn one of my triggers is strong heat and a cluster begins in the car. I can be quite good at masking my physical pain (I’m not the type to be verbal n stuff) but it was pretty obvious I was uncomfortable. I was hoping it would just be a shadow or my paranoia getting the better of me because it’s rarer for me to get them mid day but it wasn’t.
By the time we had sat down in the restaurant it was starting to hit its peak and I just couldn’t bear it anymore, so I profusely apologized and said I really needed to call an uber home to use my tank (we live like 10 min away).
My mom and grandmother were extremely upset when they came home and started going on a rant about how it’s my fault that I can’t manage my headaches. My mom is probably one of the only person who has some kind of knowledge about cluster headaches so I was surprised she was spearheading this argument since, at this point, she should certainly know better about the causes and treatments (I’ve had them since I was 15-16 was properly diagnosed 2 years ago at 20, I am now 22).
Essentially they blamed me and my habits and said I am at fault for starting my headaches. They were saying I bring them on upon myself because I have a poor sleep schedule (not entirely untrue depending on how you see it, I regularly sleep around consistently 2-3 am every day regardless of clusters but get 5-8 hours of sleep depending on school/part time job), and because of my eating habits (we eat the same food together that is never particularly unhealthy lol?). I am by no means a health master but I wouldn’t put myself on the opposite end of the spectrum either (I exercise regularly), not to mention I have never smoked a day in my life and almost never drink, which I know are some significant markers or triggers for cluster headache sufferers.
It was a very frustrating (and pointless/misinformed) fight where I asked them if they genuinely think my clusters will suddenly disappear into thin air if I start going to bed at 10 pm and only eat vegetables. In this particular situation, I didn’t ask for any help, I took responsibility for myself and managed to resolve it on my own (as I always do anyhow) so I felt what they were demanding was simply unfair and completely unrealistic. They told me it was my fault I had to leave because I’ve been using oxygen “as a crutch.”
Girl a fucking crutch? What do you mean a crutch? That is quite literally my PRESCRIBED MEDICATION. I don’t have anything else. It is the most effective remedy that doesn’t cause you to be impaired for the rest of the day. I was absolutely livid.
Everything ends in a crying/screaming match. I am to blame for “ruining mother’s day” over a medical condition I certainly did not ask for, try to bring upon, or can fully control.
Today, I could hear my mom talking about it on the phone again withy grandmother. I am just so tired of these stupid fucking headaches and never being taken seriously.
Today was my off day, so when I go to sleep tonight I can expect to wake up with one. How exciting.
submitted by Glum_Truck_724 to clusterheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:27 ProjectLow4761 Not knowing my own worth for a new job

Hi everyone, I’m at 28 year-old male from the Pacific Northwest currently work in the cell phone retail industry for the past 7 years & I have been in Management for 4.5 years. I feel like I’ve been stagnant(with job position not sales record) and also have been wanting to get a new job. Just don’t know what I qualify for or the next steps to get me a different job been looking for remote/hybrid with more pay just seems overwhelming and I feel like I’m behind since I don’t have a degree of any sort. Also been looking out of state and willing to relocate.
submitted by ProjectLow4761 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:24 Best-Application-411 The filter button on the menu bar in my excel book is not working, I have filters applied to the individual columns that work but would like the 'big filter button' to be functional also

I cannot work how to make the filter button in the menu bar(?) work again.
I have a woksheet with protected cells and it is shared.
I have managed to apply filters to the individual columns however my colleagues have been missing the convenience of the menu filter button.
(Sorry for bad formatting I'm on my phone and Reddit confuses me)
I tried Google but it was a lost cause..
submitted by Best-Application-411 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:23 Gldfsh_vinillaCronch Chapter thirteen

Chapter thirteen ~Kayara~
They had to ride through grass fields so tall and unruly that even their ponies, easily twelve hands high, were struggling. Only an hour or two more and they would be back in the Elven territories.
Anataya led. Flanked by her guard and her lady in waiting. The kid took up the rear and Kayara had to fight to not look behind her to make sure he was ok and still there. She could hear his pony trying to feast on the grass and the glorious wildflowers, and that would have to be enough. She knew it would only cause upset if she were to bruise his ego as such.
They had seen glorious sunsets and pitch black nights, steep grass-slick hills and uneven forests. The others seemed quite up to the task and readily familiar with camping. With killing their meal. With sleeping on the hard ground.
She had spent the night in a jail cell before, but there had been fresh straw and a blanket. She was indeed glad that it was a warmer season or she surely would have frozen to death thanks to the princesses scheme!
“What’s with that face?” Asked Tyren, a wolfish grin at the ready. She rode her gelding with the proficiency of a soldier. Hers was the only pony that could keep its head up when riding through the tall grasses. The rest of them had to keep their calm and keep a stern, short rein.
“I’m hungry.” Kayara said simply. “You didn’t want the hare that I caught for you!” The boy chirped up behind them. It had looked like a much meaner version of the pet she had kept as a child. Its eyes were so the same as the fluffy piebald bunny she had once adored. She thought back to the now vacant cage in her room. The hand painted river rock that had been made upon her death. Seventeen year old Kayara had horrid penmanship but hadn't been bad with a paintbrush.
She had buried the bunny in the family's pet cemetery just off the main garden, right below her window. The rock was painted with various pinks and purples and yellows. The colors of energy that floated over the bunny when she pet it. Like static on a blanket.
“We should be nearing the city by tomorrow afternoon. If that helps.” Tyren offered. Her eyes were so cold. As if no emotion flickered behind them, so at odds with the olive branch she voiced.
“Thank you Tyren.”
Houses and farms began popping up in clusters, like the fungus on the trees in the woods. They were built in the style of elven homes. Three stories high and dome shaped. Elven country homes were more like live-in garden centers. Massive living walls of braided living cedar formed the exterior and wildflowers grew out of the cracks. Some of the bigger homes had towers protruding, miniature tree castles amongst the most luscious gardens.
“For the last time, we are not going to steal from my people.” Ana said with a voice that threatened violence. No bullshit, no stealing, she wouldn't have it.
“Ana, they'd likely offer you their food if we rode closer to their homes. Close enough that they could see who you are.”
“I said no. If you don’t drop it I will have you whipped when we return.” Anataya said slowly, anger burning in each word spat. Then suddenly kicked her pony into a faster pace. Then faster again and again; grass and dirt from the road flying into Kayara and Tyrens faces and nearly spooking their own equestrians out of control.
They gave chase and found the princess heading towards the fields below a wealthy man's mini palace. You could tell he was an old wealth by the way they grew their fields in circles with trees and flowers that had specific old timey jobs in the garden.
Anataya ran into a corn and bean field. Sunflowers, growing in bunches, stood tall and bright against the cobalt blue skies. Onion flowers were blooming in the underbrush. Likely other crops could be found in the field but Ana was racing ahead into the center where the tangles of beans and such grew the thickest. Then she stopped.
She hopped off her pony and stood for a moment in the center of the now partially trampled field. Then she collapsed to her knees. Tyren rolled her eyes hard as she banked her pony to a stop near the now hysterical princess. Ana wept and screamed and dug at the dirt. Kayara jumped down from her pony in sync with Tyren, and the two of them tried to hoist the princess to her feet. To no avail, Anataya was too far gone into madness to register their words.
A Violet Corona of light began to bleed into sight before Kayaras eyes. It wrapped around the princesses crown as if it was such. Illuminating the man who appeared in the corn and vines, flashlights and shotgun at the ready. Dogs were being held back by another man. Both were Elves, old and wealthy looking. “The Princess- Braeden the Crowned Princess is in our garden!” “Yes Olh K see that.” The one with the gun, lowered the weapon and nodded at his partner to make the dogs stand down. A whistle and the barking ceased. A stray yap came from the tiny brown dog carried by the third man that came into view with another source of truly very bright light. He was clearly the one in charge. He wore a simple pair of baggy trousers and a tight fitting top. An army issued long sleeves meant to endure cold temperatures. Kayara recognized it because her fathers eldest son had been issued the same one.
His silver chain, a bear head pendant, violet eyes. This was a high ranking officer in Antayas dead brother's army. Fucking hells.
Ana stopped crying at the sight of the necklace. On the back of the head would be the officer's information, although it wasn’t really needed. That pendent was named in stories and songs. Kayara had once seen an opera about the living hero, the mantatur slayer and peace keeper of his own kind. The Great Grizzly of Craephen— and this man before them was one of his main commanders. Maybe an advisor!
“Geraeld!” Ana said as if she’d seen a ghost.
“Antay?” Getaeld seemed to be at a loss for words.
Kayara had no idea what to do or where to look as the princess rushed to embrace the man. He held her awkwardly as the dog in his one hand tried to wiggle free. “It has been so long!”
“Not long enough princess.”
“Geri, you know her?” The one holding four big dogs on fine leather leashes, he held them with a farmers grip but his hair and his robes spoke only of wealth.
The other man, the one with the gun now uncocked and limp in his arms; he said “what are you doing here?”
Maybe he was in charge. His unbuttoned trousers and puffed up boxers told Kayara he was the first to be up and alert that there was something going on in his backyard. The one with the little dog passed it to the shotgun guy and strode forward to assess the damage to his property. “You’ve terrorized my boyfriend's property and terrified our dogs. What do you have to say for this, your majesty?”
“I am so terribly sorry Geri… Geri, please forgive me Geri.” The princess dropped to her knees and widened her eyes at him, hands clasping together at her chin.
“You are a child, Majesty.” He glared but yanked her to her feet, hauling her away to his boyfriend’s house. “I shall take you home. Follow me.” The princess began stumbling and pushing him or tripping him up and so, with a heavy and exhausted sigh, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Like a sack of potatoes! The princess proceeded to prop herself up on her elbows and smirk at the amassed crowd. She looked directly at Kayara and winked! Kayara could have sworn the woman's back arched up a notch…
submitted by Gldfsh_vinillaCronch to TheSongofKithandKin [link] [comments]