2 guys 1 cup real

Two Redditors colliding. It's a small world.

2014.12.02 00:19 Poemi Two Redditors colliding. It's a small world.

2redditors1cup! a place where folks across the internet cross ways in an unexpected way! sometimes the world can be incredibly small.

2010.11.03 18:01 mmmyum Slowcooking: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Slowcooking is a food-related subreddit for sharing ideas, recipes or pictures in which a "Crock-Pot®" style slow cooker was used. Slow cooking is an ideal method for cooking less expensive portions of meat to make them more tender and tasty than by other forms of cookery. Vegetarian and vegan dishes can also be made via slow cooking. - crockpot, slowcooker, crock, crock-pot, slow cooker

2008.07.21 10:09 Rugby Union : The Greatest Game.

Rugby Union news, analysis and opinions.

2024.05.16 03:29 not_my_leo Best Meat Grinders To Buy

Hello Guy,
I have made a list of top meat grinders liked by redditors. I have searched thoroughly in different subreddits and found the top meat grinders/mincers that you can buy.

Best Meat Grinders 2024

  1. STX Turboforce 3000 Electric Meat Grinder
  2. LEM Products Stainless Steel Big Bite Electric Meat Grinder
  3. ALTRA Stainless Steel Electric Meat Grinder
  4. Meat! Your Maker .5HP Meat Grinder
  5. LEM Products #10 Stainless Steel Clamp-on Hand Grinder

STX Turboforce 3000 Electric Meat Grinder:

The STX-3000 grinder is a heavy-duty household machine that can bring a total of 1,200W to bear on any type of meat you feed into its funnel. You can grind up to 360 pounds of well-trimmed meat per hour, which is plenty enough for most people.
The advanced variable intake technology, or AVI, allows the grinder to safely and quickly accept large quantities of meat in short time spans. The grinder is a solid choice when you need to grind a lot of meat for a lot of people in a short time span
Even if you only want to grind a few pounds, it’s nice to be able to get it done quickly without your machine getting stopped up like some cheaper grinders are known to do.

LEM Products Stainless Steel Big Bite Electric Meat Grinder:

LEM is big in the meat and game processing market, and their products reflect that Out of all the modes tested the LEM is the most capable, grinding through pounds of meat fast and efficiently.
The LEM Big Bite electric meat grinder has several motors to choose from. You can pick between 0.35 and 1.5 Hp depending on how much meat you plan on grinding. The higher horsepower motors allow for truly fantastic speed and capacity.
This is a great choice for hunters who need to process a lot of raw meat, or if you need to make your own dog food. It doesn’t slow down even with large chunks of meat or if you have some silverskin left untrimmed.

ALTRA Stainless Steel Electric Meat Grinder:

The ALTRA electric grinder is more affordable than many other electric models we’ve tested.
In fact, it’s closer in price to a manual grinder. Despite that fact, it remains a reliable low-volume meat grinder.
The electric motor can go up to 350W. Included with the purchase are two cutting blades, one sausage tube, a food pusher, and 2 Kibbeh attachments. These are used to simplify the preparation of Kibbeh, which is spiced lamb packed inside a wheat shell.
You also get three different cutting plates for varying consistencies or textures. These are roughly equivalent to coarse, medium or fine grinding.

Meat! Your Maker .5HP Meat Grinder:

If you do a lot of meat processing and like full control of sourcing and handling your food, then consider the grinders from Meat! Your Maker.
The .5HP grinder comes with both coarse and fine stainless steel grinding plates and a stainless steel stuffing plate with three stuffing tubes for sausage. Underneath the unit is an accessory drawer for easy organization.
The .5HP grinder is priced accurately if you process the majority of your own meat throughout the seasons, but can be overkill if you only grind casually a few times a year. Meat! also offers a dialed back 500W grinder for slightly less, and 1.5HP grinder if you plan to process massive amounts of meat regularly.

LEM Products #10 Stainless Steel Clamp-on Hand Grinder:

The LEM Products #10 manual grinder is a better choice for occasional or experimental grinding.
It’s much more affordable than electric models but is still built to last.
It boasts a heavy-duty stainless steel construction that makes it both easy to clean and resistant to rust damage.
It comes with a coarse 3/8″ and fine 3/16″ steel plates plus stainless steel knife and three different stuffing tubes, as well as a stuffing star. This helps you get meat through the grinder and onto your plate faster.
The handle turns very smoothly, which helps reduce the muscle fatigue you’ll feel as you grind your meat into the consistency you desire.
submitted by not_my_leo to u/not_my_leo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:29 erymanthian-boar Speed 1994 (with Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, & Sandra Bullock) was a fantastic action movie

Right off the bat let me tell you I'm no Keanu fan so this is not somebody who will gush over anything he's made. But I think this was one of his best acting performances.
I went to see the movie at the time knowing little about the actors or the director. This was in fact the director Jan de Bont's first film. He later directed the much inferior Speed 2, but before that he did another good movie (Twister).
Anyhow, he did hell of a job of directing the movie, really giving you the sense that this was really happening, as if you're watching a police chase on TV. He put the camera in really interesting places, from aerial shots to parked cars, it felt real immersive.
And the bad guy, well, Dennis Hopper is phenomenal. Coldhearted, precise, vengeful.
Yeah, I get that the plot is over the top and there are holes bigger than the bus jumped over, but one thing the movie isn't, is boring. It's nonstop action and thrill for the whole two hours duration of the movie.
submitted by erymanthian-boar to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:28 McSexAddict Saarland to TU9

ich bin jetzt auf B2-Niveau und ich möchte in Deutschland studieren. Das Problem ist, dass ich dieses Jahr mein Studium beginnen möchte.
Ich möchte wissen, ob ich 1 oder 2 Semester an der Universität des Saarlandes (auf Englisch) Informatik studieren und dann zu einer anderen Universität wie TUM oder RWTH transfieren kann, weil ich C2 in Englisch, aber kein C1 in Deutsch habe.
submitted by McSexAddict to SaarlandUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:28 MolassesDue7169 [Foil] LP Gyptonite Glove - grip thingies falling off, and palm feeling thin? - suggested new alternatives?

I’ve got an LP gryptoite foil glove. Have had it for just aroind exactly a year now. I fence on average twice a week for 1.5-2 hours at a time but I do reaaaaallllly sweat a lot. I do take good care of my kit making sure it dries properly between practice and washing it according to instructions.
So it’s about a year old and the thumb grip halved circle thingies that are glued on to the glove are falling off and I have concerns about how tender the fabric feels in the left corner between my left thumb and forefinger. I realise this is the place with most wear but I’m a bit nonplussed. Is this normal wear I should expect after a year?
Should I be looking for a replacement and which replacements do you recommend? I really enjoy the grip of that glove, so I’d prefer something, preferably without leather, that has quite good grip.
To be fair, my club and I have not been impressed with a lot of LP quality over the past couple of years. Many manufacturing flaws and issues with their items, communication and supply. So I’m open to other potential brands, especially PBT as the club has a discount.
submitted by MolassesDue7169 to Fencing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:28 himmoman Speaker dilemma

This kinda has stuff to do with amps in the sense its related to my audio interphase and the amplification of my guitar but
Basically I need you guys to help me test the validity of these speakers. Moneys tight and this has to last me a good while so I need to know if they are good enough for metal/rock j rock all that thrashy high gain stuff.
This is said speakers and I could really use some help on if these are worth the buy for my audio interphase.
submitted by himmoman to GuitarAmps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:28 chaseinthyface I can't believe it. This is the wildest thing I will ever get to say:

FOR THE 4TH WEEK IN A ROW (LOOK at my post history, not even a joke)
  1. If you find an idol DONT TELL ANYBODY.
  2. If you do anyways, PLAY THE DAMN THING.
I can't believe it. A 4th time in a row.
submitted by chaseinthyface to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:28 Careful-Island7200 3rd dropper help!!

On my first drop I scored 425 (2023) jo mene pw vidyapeeth se kiya tha and 2nd drop (2024) I scored ~500 jo mene online coaching se ki thi (sankalp bharat) and also this time online se hi krni hai(bcoz no money) so I'm looking for suggestions for 1.konsa online batch lu 2.modules(2023) pw ke hai mere paas are they enough? SUBJECTWISE btana Or mene mock test nahi diye hai in 2 saal so konse mock test lu
submitted by Careful-Island7200 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:27 Pratical_project298 Eu me odeio

Eu sou um infantiloide idiota. Cheguei aos 21 anos sem saber cozinhar, sem saber atar cadarso, sem saber frações, dependente da minha mãe, tanto economicamente quanto emocionalmente. Eu ainda bato os meus brinquedos, assisto desenhos animados, jogo videogames e tenho até meu próprio universo de super heróis na minha mente.
Eu sou preguiçoso, gordo e procrastinador, eu sempre quero fazer ou aprender algo mas nunca tenho paciência, e mesmo se tivesse eu sou burro demais pra aprender mesmo.
Eu odeio a faculdade de direito, mas é a unica que eu posso fazer pq é o que dá dinheiro, o que a minha mãe e vô quiseram e eu não me identifico com nada.
Eu queria ser escritor, criar histórias que seriam adaptadas pra filmes ou jogos ou desenhos; não só era um sonho burro, como tudo que eu escrevi é medíocre e derivativo, como eu nunca consegui terminar nada;
Eu tenho TOC, ansiedade generalizada, transtorno de adaptação, fobia social e TDAH (um dos psiquiatras que eu fui disse que eu tenho, o outro não, a minha mãe não acredita em mim, até pq eu não falo bastante mesmo) e não sou hiperativo, vai ver eu acredito nisso só pra arranjar desculpas pra nunca prestar atenção em nada.
Eu sou covarde, não me imponho o bastante, tenho muita raiva reprimida, sou um péssimo filho mimado.
Eu fico mais tempo no meu mundinho do que na vida real. Eu não faço nada de útil, procrastino tudo, não consigo estudar (apesar de ter boas notas - menos em penal), nem presto atenção nas aulas online.
Eu tenho fetiche em fraldas e infantilismo pq representam meu ódio da vida atual, depois da pandemia que me fudeu todo (mesmo sem eu ter tido nada de COVID).
A maioria dos meus dias são vazios ou melancólicos. Não importa o que eu faça, a sensação de que eu desperdicei eles nunca vai embora, mesmo que eu saia, caminhe por 1 hora, passeia com as cachorras. A única coisa que eu deveria fazer é estudar, e eu mal me concentro pra isso.
Eu sou viciado em celular e internet, mesmo que eu faça pouca coisa nele, só vou em 2 redes sociais e tenha um jogo só (e ainda é das tartarugas ninjas). Eu até me arrependo de ir nessas redes sociais (reddit e YouTube), mas não paro.
Quando fico com inspiração pra algo, ou criar cenas na minha cabeça, eu sempre me distraio com alguma discussão na net ou YouTube shorts e perco todo o momento criativo, o que sempre é seguido de melancolia e tristeza.
Nas últimas 2 semanas não fui na aula, primeiro dormi demais, depois não teve aula, depois era feriado, e então um dia valia como sábado, e então teve as enchentes aqui no RS e as estradas ficaram bloqueadas. Quando voltou todos os professores deram aulas híbridas, ambas online e presencial, e eu não fui em nenhuma por causa do risco de desmoronar nas estradas até santa Maria, (pelo menos na terça deu certo pq ele teve problema com a esposa e só deu aula online), mas hoje que tinha presencial eu não fui.
Acho que vou fazer o mesmo amanhã onde só tenho os 2 primeiros períodos, e ficar lá sozinho por 2 períodos inteiros sempre me deixa triste. Mas acho que estou prolongando voltar às aulas presenciais pra ficar mais tempo em casa.
Eu já tentei usar vários atalhos pra escrever, inclusive inteligência artificial, mesmo que só pra postar e ganhar um único like ou comentário, mas nunca deu certo, pq eu ignoro que IAs são meramente assistentes na escrita criativa, acho que quero a história pronta e ver as pessoas gostando dela, mas não quero o esforço.
Enfim, tem muito mais, mas eu nunca lembro de tudo que eu odeio sobre mim mesmo, e olha que tem bastante coisa.
submitted by Pratical_project298 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:27 theone2024 Looking for guidance on how to resign the FS

I currently in the process of new opportunities outside of the government.
  1. I don't have a hire date for my next job. They can call today ask me to leave for work tomorrow. It delayed as for as a month.
  2. I would like the opportunity to return to a government job if need be. Even as a contractor.
  3. I believe I still on a probation period as well.
Any feedback is appropriated
submitted by theone2024 to fednews [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:26 BelowAverageGamer10 Questions I have about The Last of Us (2013 after watching The Last of Us (HBO)

I finally got to watch the HBO show (I loved it btw) and I had some questions about the game (and one about the show). I wrote them down as I was watching it. Here they are: 1. Did Joel have a drinking and/or pills problem? 2. Were Joel and Tess romantically and/or sexually involved at one point? 3. Was Joel Christian/Catholic before the Outbreak? Was Sarah? Was Tommy? Is Tommy currently? 4. Was Joel a construction worker? 5. Does Bill play the piano? 6. How long did Tess and Joel known each other? At least 13 years? 7. Did Tess know Tommy? 8. How old is Joel? Is he 56? 9. Is Bill dead? 10. Is Ellie immune because her mother was infected during labor? 11. Is Joel a bit less hardened and a bit more open in the show?
I don’t know if I’m reading too much into the differences between the game and the show. In the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise, some details in the books are supposed to answer questions about the games, but maybe I’m just grasping at straws here. If you can answer or even speculate on just one of these questions, that would be appreciated.
submitted by BelowAverageGamer10 to thelastofus [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:26 Gold_Hawk1593 Missing Crosshair

Hello, i have this problem right now which is my crosshair, it's working this past few days but now it's missing even tho i have my cl_crosshair_alpha set to 0 and my crosshair set to 0 because i have this addon called "White crosshair" to make it work but it didn't, it is still missing. i've tried to change it to default which is 1 but nothing works and i also tried unsubscribing the add on and still nothing works, i hope you guys can help me out, thank you.
submitted by Gold_Hawk1593 to l4d2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:25 Calm-Ad2616 Eine Theorie die vielleicht alles Erklärt

Die Theorie des kosmischen Bewusstseins:
Diese Theorie postuliert, dass das gesamte Universum, einschließlich aller Materie, Energie und Information, Teil eines riesigen Bewusstseinsfeldes ist, das als "kosmisches Bewusstsein" bezeichnet wird. Dieses kosmische Bewusstsein ist die grundlegende Substanz und Ursache für alles, was existiert, und manifestiert sich auf verschiedenen Ebenen und Dimensionen der Realität.
Prinzipien der Theorie:
  1. Einheit und Verbundenheit: Gemäß dieser Theorie sind alle Dinge im Universum miteinander verbunden und teilen ein gemeinsames Bewusstsein. Jedes Individuum, sei es eine Person, ein Planet oder eine Galaxie, ist ein Ausdruck dieses kosmischen Bewusstseins.
  2. Bewusstsein als fundamentale Eigenschaft: Bewusstsein wird nicht als emergente Eigenschaft komplexer Gehirnstrukturen betrachtet, sondern als grundlegende Eigenschaft des Universums. Materie und Bewusstsein sind untrennbar miteinander verbunden und beeinflussen sich gegenseitig.
  3. Evolution des Bewusstseins: Das kosmische Bewusstsein entwickelt sich und entfaltet sich kontinuierlich über die Zeit. Von einfachen Formen des Bewusstseins, wie sie in elementaren Teilchen oder fundamentalen Kräften existieren, bis hin zu komplexen Formen des Bewusstseins, wie sie in lebenden Organismen oder intelligenten Zivilisationen zu finden sind.
  4. Quantenphänomene und Bewusstsein: Die Quantenphysik spielt eine zentrale Rolle in dieser Theorie, da sie zeigt, dass Beobachtungen und Messungen das Verhalten von Teilchen beeinflussen können. Diese Theorie postuliert, dass Bewusstsein und Wahrnehmung eine grundlegende Rolle bei der Schöpfung der Realität spielen und dass das kosmische Bewusstsein die fundamentale Quelle aller Quantenphänomene ist.
  5. Spiritualität und Transzendenz: Diese Theorie integriert auch spirituelle Konzepte und Ideen von Transzendenz. Sie postuliert, dass das kosmische Bewusstsein nicht nur im physischen Universum existiert, sondern auch darüber hinausgeht und sich in höhere Ebenen oder Dimensionen erstreckt, die für unser begrenztes menschliches Bewusstsein nicht zugänglich sind.
Implikationen und Auswirkungen:
Diese Theorie ist rein hypothetisch und spekulativ, und es gibt derzeit keine empirischen Beweise, die sie stützen. Dennoch könnte sie dazu beitragen, neue Perspektiven zu eröffnen und unsere Vorstellungskraft anzuregen, während wir weiterhin das Rätsel der Natur und des Bewusstseins erforschen.
submitted by Calm-Ad2616 to Physik [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:25 drcoconut4777 i told y'all to have faith

i told you guys that we were still in it and not to count us out till the series is over but y'all did not listen now we are up 3/2 and everyone is acting like they were not just saying we would be swept
submitted by drcoconut4777 to denvernuggets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:25 SterlingDex Butterfly and Jester Fakemon

Butterfly and Jester Fakemon
The butterfly is a gen 2 for my setting and the jester is a redesign of my gen 1. Wanted the sleeve design to slowly turn into the actual claw arms instead of having that as the default and went with a slightly cuter design for the first two stages.
The butterfly is slightly based on a game character. It's whole premise is that it can see glimpses of the future and cries over the outcomes it can't stop. In its last Evo it basically has come to terms with the inevitable futures and secludes itself to avoid using its future sight in regards to a companion and possibly seeing a bad future. Possibly will make it have some connection to royalty wanting them for it's beauty and abilities.
The jester evo line are just silly lil guys slowly turning more sinister. Probably will redesign the last evolution again since I'm not super satisfied (plus I was mostly going off memory since I can't remember where I put the og drawing).
submitted by SterlingDex to fakemon [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:24 ObnoxiouslyConfusedd Questions wether or not my parents are really ‘that bad’..

So hello everyone. I chose to join this community because I really need people to reach out with 😭
sorry if thus makes no sense logically in the way I write, I’m kinda burnt out and just had to write a really stressful essay so my brain is completelyfried ☠️
tw: physical and mental abuse, SH, possible SA
since I was about 6-7, I moved into a new home. My mom sort of restarted herself, joining social medias and such, reaching out to friends. My dad just… is my dad. The stereotypical homophobic guy you read about. iykyk. since then, my mom has basically believed everything she sees. At around 7 1/2, she established a 30 minute screen time rule. If I broke it, i’d be grounded for 2 weeks. Sometimes I’d sneak into their room and use it, but was often caught. i grew up in a family where talking about things I liked would criminalize me. So I didn’t. I learned To not talk, to not feel in front of them. To be a perfect little kid. I grew Up hiding pretty much everything I didn’t want them to see. the pretty basic ‘you can talk to me’, etc was constantly on me- lovebombing, then yelling, etc etc.
so far I have a couple undiagnosed mental issues my parents both refuse To akoknowlege- autism, adhd. I can TELL on everything I have some form of OCD. The only medical condition that is confirmed it Motor Tick. It’s annoying as hell. I’ll get into that later.
according to my mom, and my dad but specifically my mom, I am ‘too young’ to know if I should be evaluated for any of the things I’ve preciously listed. I suffer day to day with overstimulation and panic attacks. She refuses to even take notice. I recently got into NJHS and she made it very clear I had to join. It wasn’t even a choice anymore. I ended up very stressed, as always.
according to my mom, which, to her, I am nothing but a Cishet girl, I need to be ladylike. Formal, even for school, dresses and skirts only. Only because of my amazing friends and boyfriend have I managed to wear anything but. I’m very dysphoric and have pretty severe body issues. Because of this I often self harm, which is dangerous because I do competitive swim and soccer, so there is very little places to hide scars.
a lot of my life I’ve been manipulated, forced into beliefs I don’t believe in- my entire family is Christian and look down upon anyone who isn’t. I’m the entire opposite. This causes arguments, especially when my mom checks my phone.
on my phone my mom downloaded a parental service called bark. Parents on here, if any.
please, please, please please please please lPlease PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU NEVER GET THIS FOR YOUR CHILD. If you really want a tracker, use a different one, like life360 or something, only under 15-16 or so, PLEASE. Don’t. It’s ripped ALL of my privacy, all of my life. I cant talk to my only online friends- my strongest connections. My best friends. People I love like siblings. people who were more of a father to me than my own.
winding Back to Motor Tick. For me, it used to be a repetitive clearing of my throat, but now it’s a small twitch in my upper stomach. It makes me twitch like I’m jumping at something that surprises me, but only I little. It’s only noticeable in some cases. But my mom and dad? They always notice. I do it while eatign without thinking, and suddenly I’m getting yelled at for disrespecting them. all the time. riding my bike? My bike gets taken if I twitch, wether it be from Motor Tick or not. Everything gets taken. I’ve had my HOMEWORK confiscated and then yelled at by my teachers because they don’t believe me.
speaking of punishments. Some often include: pushing down stairs, not being allowed to sleep, no food until after bedtime (strictly not allowed to leave room after, not even for water.) I have to stock food in my room which is also very not allowed.
my doors aren’t allowed to be locked, not even when changing. (this is the SA part Following this) My dad sits outside the door when I shower , sometimes watching the curtain, sometimes watching ME. He sometimes, to rub it in, will make comments on my body. My weight fluctuates due to my instability in many factors, so I’m constantly dissed for my weight, wether it be under or over HIS beauty standard. His. My DAD.
honestly why I’m saying all this is because I’ve been gaslighted enough to still want my parents around, even though I want so bad to get out of here and cut them off. And I don’t know if this is abuse or not. Help, also thanks for reading!
submitted by ObnoxiouslyConfusedd to abusiveparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:24 Drwolf72 Windshield replacement

Don’t know if this was asked previously but if I did I apologize in advance
Windshield was cracked 2 weeks ago and not planning to use insurance
Anyone in the LA area know a good reasonably priced shop that does it?
Is the calibration really essential to do? One guy who quotes me said it’s not necessary.
submitted by Drwolf72 to rav4club [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:24 PhilsBot The Phillies defeated the Mets by a score of 10-5 - Wed, May 15 @ 06:40 PM EDT

Mets @ Phillies - Wed, May 15

Game Status: Game Over - Score: 10-5 Phillies

Links & Info

1 Nimmo - LF 4 0 0 0 1 0 2 .215 .361 .396
2 Alonso - 1B 5 1 1 0 0 1 3 .225 .306 .450
3 Lindor - SS 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 .200 .276 .376
4 Martinez, J - DH 5 1 2 1 0 0 3 .295 .338 .459
5 Vientos - 3B 4 1 2 1 0 1 2 .455 .455 .818
6 Marte, S - RF 3 0 0 0 1 0 3 .255 .302 .369
7 Bader - CF 4 0 1 0 0 0 3 .265 .312 .316
8 McNeil - 2B 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 .236 .313 .313
9 Nido - C 4 0 2 1 0 1 1 .229 .260 .313
Totals 36 5 9 4 3 3 19
BATTING: 2B: Vientos (1, Suárez, R); Alonso (9, Suárez, R); McNeil (8, Turnbull). HR: Martinez, J (2, 8th inning off Turnbull, 0 on, 0 out). TB: Alonso 2; Bader; Martinez, J 5; McNeil 2; Nido 2; Vientos 3. RBI: Martinez, J (6); McNeil (8); Nido (3); Vientos (3). 2-out RBI: Nido; Vientos; McNeil. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Bader; Marte, S 2; Lindor. GIDP: Alonso. Team RISP: 2-for-9. Team LOB: 8.
FIELDING: E: McNeil (3, throw); Lindor (4, fielding). Outfield assists: Marte, S (Castellanos, N at 2nd base); Bader (Realmuto at home).
Phillies Batters AB R H RBI BB K LOB AVG OBP SLG
1 Schwarber - DH 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 .225 .333 .406
2 Realmuto - C 4 0 1 1 0 1 2 .273 .325 .439
Stubbs - C 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .114 .205 .114
3 Harper - 1B 5 2 3 3 0 0 1 .271 .387 .528
4 Bohm - 3B 4 1 1 0 1 0 1 .331 .400 .519
5 Castellanos, N - RF 4 0 1 0 0 0 4 .206 .276 .309
6 Stott - 2B 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 .276 .388 .447
7 Sosa, E - SS 3 2 1 1 1 0 2 .313 .421 .521
8 Pache - LF 2 1 0 2 1 1 1 .219 .350 .250
9 Rojas - CF 3 1 1 1 0 0 1 .233 .276 .325
Totals 32 10 10 9 5 3 14
BATTING: 2B: Harper (7, Lucchesi). HR: Harper (10, 1st inning off Lucchesi, 0 on, 2 out). TB: Bohm; Castellanos, N; Harper 7; Realmuto; Rojas; Schwarber 2; Sosa, E. RBI: Harper 3 (32); Pache 2 (5); Realmuto (16); Rojas (14); Schwarber (26); Sosa, E (8). 2-out RBI: Rojas; Harper. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Castellanos, N; Schwarber. SAC: Rojas. SF: Pache. Team RISP: 4-for-11. Team LOB: 6.
FIELDING: E: Rojas (2, fielding); Pache (2, throw). DP: (Bohm-Stott-Harper).
Mets Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Lucchesi (L, 0-1) 4.1 5 5 5 4 2 1 68-40 10.38
Hartwig 1.2 2 2 1 0 0 0 21-12 5.79
Houser 2.0 3 3 1 1 1 0 41-25 7.44
Totals 8.0 10 10 7 5 3 1
Phillies Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Suárez, R (W, 8-0) 5.0 4 2 0 2 3 0 83-52 1.37
Turnbull (H, 1) 3.0 5 3 3 1 0 1 54-30 2.11
Domínguez 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4-4 6.60
Totals 9.0 9 5 3 3 3 1
Game Info
WP: Suárez, R.
HBP: Lindor (by Suárez, R); Stott (by Hartwig).
Pitch timer violations: Lucchesi (pitcher).
Pitches-strikes: Lucchesi 68-40; Hartwig 21-12; Houser 41-25; Suárez, R 83-52; Turnbull 54-30; Domínguez 4-4.
Groundouts-flyouts: Lucchesi 6-2; Hartwig 2-3; Houser 2-3; Suárez, R 8-2; Turnbull 5-1; Domínguez 1-2.
Batters faced: Lucchesi 21; Hartwig 8; Houser 11; Suárez, R 23; Turnbull 14; Domínguez 3.
Inherited runners-scored: Hartwig 1-0.
Umpires: HP: Brian Knight. 1B: Chris Guccione. 2B: Gabe Morales. 3B: Ryan Additon.
Weather: 61 degrees, Cloudy.
Wind: 12 mph, In From CF.
First pitch: 6:40 PM.
T: 2:43.
Att: 37,219.
Venue: Citizens Bank Park.
May 15, 2024
Inning Scoring Play Score
Top 1 Mark Vientos doubles (1) on a line drive to left fielder Cristian Pache. Francisco Lindor scores. J.D. Martinez to 3rd. 1-0 NYM
Bottom 1 Bryce Harper homers (10) on a fly ball to left field. 1-1
Top 3 J.D. Martinez grounds out, shortstop Edmundo Sosa to first baseman Bryce Harper. 2-1 NYM
Bottom 5 Kyle Schwarber walks. Edmundo Sosa scores. Cristian Pache to 3rd. Johan Rojas to 2nd. 2-2
Bottom 5 J.T. Realmuto singles on a sharp line drive to right fielder Starling Marte. Cristian Pache scores. Johan Rojas to 3rd. Kyle Schwarber to 2nd. 3-2 PHI
Bottom 5 Bryce Harper doubles (7) on a sharp line drive to center fielder Harrison Bader. Johan Rojas scores. Kyle Schwarber scores. J.T. Realmuto out at home on the throw, center fielder Harrison Bader to shortstop Francisco Lindor to catcher Tomás Nido. 5-2 PHI
Bottom 6 Cristian Pache grounds out, third baseman Mark Vientos to first baseman Pete Alonso. Bryson Stott scores. Edmundo Sosa to 2nd. 6-2 PHI
Bottom 6 Kyle Schwarber singles on a ground ball to second baseman Jeff McNeil. Edmundo Sosa scores. Throwing error by second baseman Jeff McNeil. 7-2 PHI
Bottom 7 Edmundo Sosa reaches on a fielder's choice, fielded by shortstop Francisco Lindor. Bryce Harper scores. Alec Bohm to 3rd. Bryson Stott to 2nd. Fielding error by shortstop Francisco Lindor. 8-2 PHI
Bottom 7 Cristian Pache out on a sacrifice fly to center fielder Harrison Bader. Alec Bohm scores. Bryson Stott to 3rd. Edmundo Sosa to 2nd. 9-2 PHI
Bottom 7 Johan Rojas singles on a soft ground ball to third baseman Mark Vientos. Bryson Stott scores. Edmundo Sosa to 3rd. 10-2 PHI
Top 8 J.D. Martinez homers (2) on a fly ball to left center field. 10-3 PHI
Top 8 Jeff McNeil doubles (8) on a line drive to right fielder Nick Castellanos, deflected by center fielder Johan Rojas. Mark Vientos scores. 10-4 PHI
Top 8 Tomás Nido singles on a ground ball to center fielder Johan Rojas. Jeff McNeil scores. 10-5 PHI
Team Highlight
PHI Bryce Harper hits an opposite-field home run (10) (00:00:29)
PHI Bryce Harper's diving play ends the 6th (00:00:09)
PHI Edmundo Sosa's RBI fielder's choice (00:00:32)
PHI Cristian Pache's sacrifice fly (00:00:21)
PHI Johan Rojas hits an RBI single (00:00:17)
PHI Phillies turn the double play, call overturned (00:02:02)
NYM J.D. Martinez's solo home run (2) (00:00:24)
NYM Jeff McNeil hits an RBI double (00:00:25)
NYM Tomás Nido's RBI single (00:00:16)
PHI J.D. Martinez grounds out, third baseman Alec Bohm to first baseman Bryce Harper. (00:00:10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
Mets 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 9 2 8
Phillies 1 0 0 0 4 2 3 0 10 10 2 6


Division Scoreboard

MIA 2 @ DET 0 - Final
WSH 0 @ CWS 2 - Final
CHC 7 @ ATL 1 - Middle 8
Next Phillies Game: Thu, May 16, 06:40 PM EDT vs. Mets
Last Updated: 05/15/2024 09:29:40 PM EDT
submitted by PhilsBot to phillies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:23 Mistro0o Party Planning Pro-Tips

Party Planning Pro-Tips

Hey Reddit, it's your friendly neighborhood party guru here! Feeling the itch to throw a legendary get-together but stressed about the planning?

Don't sweat it, fellow redditors! Here's a breakdown to turn you from party planning newbie to bonafide bash maestro:

Step 1: The Foundation (Guest List, Date, Budget)

Guest List: Who's invited? Keep it intimate or go for a blowout? Knowing the headcount helps with everything from food to furniture.
Date & Time: Friday nights are classic, but consider alternatives - like a fun Sunday brunch or a laid-back afternoon shindig.
Budget: Be realistic! Factor in food, drinks, decorations (DIY is your friend!), and any entertainment.

Step 2: Setting the Scene (Theme, Food & Drinks)

Theme (Optional): A luau, murder mystery, or neon night can add a fun twist. But a well-curated playlist and ambience can set the mood too!
Food & Drinks: Finger foods for mingling or a sit-down meal? Consider dietary restrictions and portion sizes. Batch cocktails are budget-friendly and crowd-pleasers.

Step 3: Deck the Halls (Decorations)

Decorations: Lights, streamers, balloons – personalize it! Hit up dollar stores or get crafty with DIY projects.
Pro Tip: Repurpose what you have! String fairy lights, use throw pillows for extra seating, or hang colorful sheets for a backdrop.

Step 4: Get the Party Started (Activities & Entertainment)

Activities: Board games, karaoke, a bonfire (weather permitting) – keep it interactive!
Music: Create a killer playlist that caters to different tastes. Allow guests to add requests for an extra touch.

Step 5: You're the Host with the Most (Guest Communication & Afterparty)

Guest Communication: Send out clear invites with your address and time. Let them know if it's BYOB (bring your own beverage) or potluck-style.
Afterparty: Thank your guests for coming! Maybe even share some funny pics (with permission, of course).
Bonus Round: Pro-Tips for a Stellar Party
Delegate tasks: Ask a friend to help with music, or assign someone to be the grill master.
Prepare for spills: Have paper towels, napkins, and a designated cleaning station.
Relax and have fun! Your guests can sense your energy. If you're having a blast, they will too!
Let's get this party started, Reddit! Share your best party planning tips or epic party fails in the comments below!
submitted by Mistro0o to u/Mistro0o [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:23 adulting4kids Tropes+ Genre = prompts for stories

  1. Genre: Eco-Thriller Trope: Ancient Prophecy
    Prompt: A group of environmental activists stumbles upon an ancient prophecy foretelling a cataclysmic ecological disaster. They must decipher the prophecy to save the planet.
  2. Genre: Robot Fantasy Trope: Inheritance Quest
    Prompt: In a realm where magical robots inherit unique abilities from their creators, a young automaton embarks on a quest to uncover the secrets of its origin.
  3. Genre: Adventure Horror Trope: Cursed Town
    Prompt: A group of friends unknowingly enters a cursed town where every resident harbors a dark secret. They must unravel the town's mysteries to escape with their lives.
  4. Genre: Supernatural Drama Trope: Split Personality
    Prompt: A character with a split personality discovers that each persona possesses unique supernatural abilities. They must learn to coexist to confront a looming supernatural threat.
  5. Genre: Mystery Fantasy Trope: Fey Realm Intrusion
    Prompt: A detective finds themselves entangled in a mystery involving the intrusion of the Fey Realm into the mortal world, with magical creatures wreaking havoc on the city.
  6. Genre: Space Exploration Trope: Cosmic Conspiracy
    Prompt: A space exploration mission uncovers a cosmic conspiracy involving ancient extraterrestrial beings manipulating the destinies of various civilizations across the galaxy.
  7. Genre: Historical Mystery Trope: Invisibility Mystery
    Prompt: In Victorian England, a detective must solve a series of crimes involving an invisible perpetrator, uncovering a secret society with a penchant for mystical invisibility.
  8. Genre: Science Fiction Mystery Trope: Quantum Paradox
    Prompt: A detective in a futuristic city investigates a series of crimes linked to a quantum paradox, where events seem to occur simultaneously in multiple timelines.
  9. Genre: Romantic Comedy Trope: Animal Transformation
    Prompt: A person discovers they can transform into different animals, leading to hilarious and heartwarming situations as they navigate love and relationships.
  10. Genre: Historical Romance Trope: Mysterious Stranger
    Prompt: In a historical setting, a person of noble birth falls in love with a mysterious stranger, unaware of the secrets and intrigues that surround their enigmatic lover.
  11. Genre: Adventure Sci-Fi Trope: Political Fantasy
    Prompt: In a distant galaxy, a group of rebels embarks on an adventure to overthrow a corrupt interstellar government, blending elements of political intrigue with space exploration.
  12. Genre: Urban Fantasy Trope: Doppelgänger
    Prompt: A person discovers they have a doppelgänger living in the same city, leading to a surreal and mysterious exploration of identity and destiny.
  13. Genre: Steampunk Trope: Monster Romance
    Prompt: In a steampunk world, a scientist develops a romantic connection with a misunderstood monster, creating tension between societal norms and forbidden love.
  14. Genre: Mystery Comedy Trope: Betrayal by a Friend
    Prompt: A detective's best friend becomes the prime suspect in a comedic mystery, testing the detective's loyalty and investigative skills.
  15. Genre: Time Travel Romance Trope: Dream Within a Dream
    Prompt: A time traveler experiences a series of dreams within dreams, each providing clues to a historical romance that transcends time and space.
  16. Genre: Historical Fiction Trope: Ancient Curse
    Prompt: Set in ancient times, a group of adventurers must break an ancient curse that plagues their city, involving gods, prophecies, and hidden artifacts.
  17. Genre: Political Sci-Fi Trope: Space Diplomacy
    Prompt: In a future where different planets have formed a political alliance, a diplomat must navigate interstellar relations to prevent a war that could engulf the galaxy.
  18. Genre: Family Drama Fantasy Trope: Mummy's Curse
    Prompt: A family accidentally unleashes a mummy's curse during an archaeological expedition, leading to a supernatural family drama filled with ancient magic and peril.
  19. Genre: Cyberpunk Trope: Android Uprising
    Prompt: In a cyberpunk city, androids rebel against their human creators, and a skilled hacker must decide whether to support the uprising or prevent a catastrophic war.
  20. Genre: Sci-Fi Espionage Trope: Alien Experimentation
    Prompt: A government agent discovers a secret extraterrestrial experiment, unraveling a web of conspiracy that spans across Earth and other distant planets.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:22 archaeal Well water pressure or flow not enough to run pressure washer?

I have a galvanized pressure tank set to around 40/60. We have water softeners but the spigot outside branches off the main line before that, through a 1/2 line with a few 90 degree elbows. I have had two pressure washers not work off that spigot, with no other water being used in the house. I had the well techs come out, they say that the well system seems good, flowing about 15 gpm at the tank discharge. They said there could be blockage downstream from the tank, and/or a pressure booster pump could help. A plumber also recommended a booster pump as well as a larger 3/4 line to the front spigot.
Another symptom we get is a good amount of air coming through some fixtures when they are turned on.
Do I go with the booster and larger line to spigot and hope that pressure washers then work ok? I’m sure it will be nice to have more pressure in the shower too. I’m worried about the bursts of air and wonder if that means something else is wrong. Also wondering if I just have buildup throughout many pipes. The water softener is pretty old, about 20 years.
Hoping for more advice! I have a second plumber coming next week to also have a look.
submitted by archaeal to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:21 Briar-The-Bard How would you rank all the campaigns?

Just curious to see how everyone would rank the campaigns from favorite to least favorite. Here’s mine:
  1. Feast of Hemlock Vale
  2. Circle Undone
  3. Dunwich Legacy
  4. Edge of the Earth
  5. Path to Carcosa
  6. Innsmouth Conspiracy
  7. Dream-Eaters
  8. Night of the Zealot
  9. Forgotten Age
  10. Scarlet Keys (haven’t played this one, but have no desire to. lol)
submitted by Briar-The-Bard to arkhamhorrorlcg [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:21 Longjumping_Fig348 Why does everyone always think Sam and dean are gay?

I’m only 1 and 1/2 seasons in and it’s been mentioned twice, the realtors from the bug episode and the people at the hotel, does it get mentioned even more like what is going on?!
submitted by Longjumping_Fig348 to Supernatural [link] [comments]
