Cheap laptop

Solutions to life’s most frustrating problems!

2018.12.21 01:30 81isnumber1 Solutions to life’s most frustrating problems!

Ever spent hours, days, or even years trying to solve a problem when no online resources had a solution? So have we! This is a subreddit dedicated to posting solutions to those nagging problems so that some poor bastard out there can keep the rest of their hair.

2010.09.27 18:10 rynvndrp Get laptop suggestions from geeks that know

A place for prospective laptop buyers to get suggestions from people who know the intimate details of the hardware. Please use the laptop form while posting a new request:

2011.06.21 03:00 HardwareSwap

Welcome to Hardwareswap! A marketplace to Buy, Sell, and Trade your new and used computer related hardware. Also come swap and hang out with us on Discord!

2024.05.15 21:04 Distinct_Flan3852 What cable do I need to connect a 24” Apple LCD Cinema Display to a non-Mac laptop?

Pretty much what the title says. my laptop only has HDMI hook ups. I read that I can do a HDMI to mini display port hook up, (Not the other way around) but I can’t find one. Is this accurate and does anybody know where I can find a cable? This is temporary until I get a Mac the monitor is so cheap. I had to get it lol
Thanks in advance •ᴗ•
submitted by Distinct_Flan3852 to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:04 shiningaeon How would the newest framework 13 compare to a macbook?

Hello everyone! Before I got my macbook, I used a Thinkpad T430. I liked how repairable and durable it was, plus it's keyboard was great for a laptop. But I never liked using it because it's screen was a tad hard on my eyes and It was just heavy enough that didn't like lugging it around.
I found a 2017 macbook pro for pretty cheap, and while it was supposed to just be for testing apps, I've grown to exclusively use it because it's screen is easy on my eyes and it's much lighter. But It's keyboard is mediocre, it's not expandable at all, and barely repairable. The lack of a USB-A port is also pretty bad.
I'm really hoping that a framework laptop is the best of both worlds. Everything I see about it so far, I like, but how would you personally rate the screen, keyboard, and weight of the newest Framework 13?
submitted by shiningaeon to framework [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:50 KingKilo9 Do you find a touchscreen useful for graphics design?

I was wondering if those who do graphic design professionally or frequently found touchscreen monitors or laptops to be beneficial. I've had cheap drawing tablets in the past and found them quite awkward to use, so I'm also curious if a touchscreen laptop would make a drawing tablet redundant.
submitted by KingKilo9 to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:49 Secure-Commercial179 AITA? Roommate downloading weird software, internet is slow and my text sent them over the edge

A household member has recently taken to purchasing cheap hardware from random overseas companies, torrenting supplementary software, and even expressed concern of a virus on their laptop. Our internet stopped working almost entirely yesterday after some new hardware came in. My message today is as follows “So. something is up with the internet. T-Mobile can’t see anything on their end, it all looks good. I don’t see anything but your phone and my computer for devices. It’s even happening with the laptop off. Please figure out what happened with it? I can’t get work done with it this slow and am concerned about connecting with my work laptop, especially because the laptop here was not connected to [network 2] like we had discussed a while ago, it was on [network 1]. If it can’t be fixed I’ll just pay $50/mo for another gateway that can just be mine so I don’t have to think/worry about it anymore and you can do your thing on yours. I wonder if deleting both networks and making two new ones would fix it.”
They told me they couldn’t believe that I would text them this kind of **** while they were at work, that they “cannot do this.” And they’re “going to get fired or arrested” because I made them so upset, that I was being extremely passive aggressive with my message, irate that because I couldn’t figure out what the problem was I automatically blamed it on them, and that I need to take accountability when someone calls me out for being a jerk.
I’m confused as I wasn’t even upset, just unsure of how to proceed, but I also don’t want to be biased or blind toward what I could do to improve future problems. I regularly feel that they don’t take accountability for their actions but I also get defensive when problems are brought to me. I need a reality check one way or anothe. So, Reddit. AITA?r
submitted by Secure-Commercial179 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:39 DarkMysteryNinja Legion 7i Gen9: Touchpad Rattle

Legion 7i Gen9: Touchpad Rattle
I've had multiple Lenovo Thinkpad laptops before. Whenever I touch the touchpad, including the clickable touchpads, there has always been a solid thump, absolutely no rattle.
However I just received a new 2024 Legion 7i, and the first time I touched the touchpad I noticed there is a tingy rattle sound and feeling. Then when I click the touchpad, the same weird loose(ish) rattle sound is there. I noticed the top of the touchpad is fairly solid, it's only when I touch the center and bottom. (video here).
Definitely nothing I've ever experienced with Lenovo, but I'm curious if this is a defect, or if the Legion touchpads are simply like this. I'd be surprised if it's supposed to be like this, it just feels really cheap, like an aluminum can.
Also I noticed the touchpad is a bit crooked inside the cutout, like it's shifted counter clockwise.. so maybe this is the reason? Does anyone else see this in their Legion 7i Gen 9?
submitted by DarkMysteryNinja to LenovoLegion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:08 MGMC_327 Lost as an Adult Child of Hoarder

Sorry this will be long and is a rant/ asking for advice - I just need help :/
I (24F) and my mom (50F) have always had a complicated relationship. She has been a hoarder for as long as I can remember (i would say she’s a level 4). We had pathways going through the house to cut through the piles mounting on either side in every room of the house. In bedrooms the only carpet you would see if the area where the door opened, the basement was practically taped off because it was full to the brim, the kitchen sink was always full of dishes and sludge.. you get the picture.
At the same time, i was the only person in the house to actually care. I was the only one who would fight my mom on it and would just get shut down and told “i have a headache I don’t want to talk about this now.” (This was a common theme even to now, a few months ago I called her and this got brought up and I told her how much it hurt me and she turned it around about how it was basically my fault because I made her feel like she was never enough, the guilt was never ending). I tried cleaning and it never mattered. We’d clean for holidays and it would just go right back. It even seeped to the outside. I was embarrassed to have people drop me off outside the house - I could obviously never have friends over. I actually walked home from school in the rain one time instead of accepting a ride because I didn’t want me friends to see my house.
To add onto this, I was treated like a maid. I did my laundry, my mothers, my fathers, and my 2 younger brothers. When holidays came I was the only one who HAD to help clean - forced to clean the horrible kitchen the living room etc. it kept going until the summer before I went to college, our internet went out that summer and no one could come into the house to fix it so I spent that summer watching Netflix on my laptop with a hotspot from my phone. At this point I decided I couldn’t do college from here. I was going to be commuting and I just couldn’t do it, so I moved in with my grandmother who only lived a block away and it was the best decision I’ve made (even though my parents were incredibly angry that I did)
Now, both of my brothers have moved in with my grandmother (15M and 17M) and as much as I’m happy for them part of me is hurt that they get to live the life I wish I had (my parents were also incredibly strict with me blaming the fact I was the first child and a girl - I’m talking 1 minute past curfew and I was grounded for the next week)
It also doesn’t help that 10 years ago she started a travel agency which has taken off (and good for her) but now she’s gone traveling for “work” 50% of the time when no one else is allowed to touch her mess, so everyone just has to suffer while she gets to escape (she still does this - she also rented an office space for her company and filled it with stuff too and even worse has 3 cats there, I took our family cats because I couldn’t watch them live there)
I’ve now moved in with my husband (23M) but we live in the same town as my family (grandma has a condo she’s renting to us for CHEAP) but I still struggle with my relationship with my mother. I don’t know what to do. I probably need therapy but I don’t know what they’re going to tell me I haven’t already thought of. The problem is my mom has her good qualities she is always very supportive and in your corner no matter what but the resentment I have is still there and I feel stuck. I feel so guilty like whatever choice I make is wrong. I don’t know if I can cut her out, I just don’t know what to do
Sorry this is so long, if you’ve read this far I hope both sides of your pillow are cold and you only get green lights <3
submitted by MGMC_327 to ChildrenofHoardersCOH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:07 Distinct_Flan3852 What cable do I need to connect a 24” Apple LCD Cinema Display to a non-Mac laptop?

Pretty much what the title says. my laptop only has HDMI hook ups. I read that I can do a HDMI to mini display port hook up, (Not the other way around) but I can’t find one. Is this accurate and does anybody know where I can find a cable? This is temporary until I get a Mac the monitor is so cheap. I had to get it lol
Thanks in advance •ᴗ•
submitted by Distinct_Flan3852 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:43 DeltaKnight191 Looking for a Cheap Laptop for coding and games

I accidentally spilt water on my current device, screwing it completely. I'm looking to get a replacement but it has to be cheap since I'm a student. The highest specs game I play is probably Elden Ring. Seeking recommendations.
submitted by DeltaKnight191 to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:02 mingmingt Semi-Non-Trad Reapplicant Sankey! I almost didn't reapply, lol

Semi-Non-Trad Reapplicant Sankey! I almost didn't reapply, lol
Long post below, but you do not have to read 😊. There’s more to the story than the final cycle results. I put a lot of data on the Sankey and am putting more down here in case it helps another semi-non-trad down the line. I was going to try to make a throwaway account, but it's too hard to farm the karma, so just don't doxx me, lol (jk I trust ya'll)
*all hours were at time of app, not including projected.
I grew up lower middle class to highly educated parents, but not from a social circle that produced doctors, and I honestly almost threw in the towel after my last unsuccessful cycle two years ago.
I was told by several people (very correctly, I think) that the weakest part of my first app was somewhat cringey writing but mostly just severe lack of clinical experience, thanks in part to COVID but also in part to being a lane-changer and working/studying 50-60 hours a week as an MS student. By the end of the 2021-2022 cycle, I still hadn’t been able to get a clinical volunteepaid position that would work with my engineering program obligations, and my MCAT was expiring. I was at least another year out from being competitive and I wasn’t getting any younger, and I would have to retake the MCAT. To pursue the clinical opportunities that would best give me the chance for medical school would mean creating a giant glaring gap in my engineering resume that would tough to explain if medical school didn’t work out. Engineering can be a very unforgiving industry, especially to new graduates with less experience to leverage. If I pursued a clinical experience after my MS instead of an engineering R&D job and then failed to matriculate again, my career would likely never recover. To reapply in 2023-2024 would mean med school or bust.
I decided to hell with it and went for broke with my career. As soon as my research phase wrapped up that tied me geographically to the clinical-opportunity desert I had been in, I left town and found a clinical job as a PCT for a second app while retaking that failed class, studying for an MCAT retake, and trying to write my thesis. The hospital that took me on with no clinical experience and no certs did so because I had worked part time as a barista through college and so I understood the service industry and leveraged that experience when interviewing. You never know what experiences will end up being important in your journey.
With Pitt, I had a particularly strong “why us” due to already living in the city due to my husband’s work, working in an affiliated teaching hospital, and becoming integrated with my local community. Relative to my other “why us” essays, I feel pretty confident I got the Pitt A because I blew the “why us” out of the water.
Altogether, nothing groundbreaking about this Sankey, just an N=1 datapoint, and an N=1 story. Honestly this just goes to show how absolutely critical clinical experience is, as well as writing. My stats and EC hours were very comparable between my first cycle and reattempt except for clinical employment as a PCT. Outside of that, this process is a wash and hilariously unpredictable based on stats or ranks or tiers. You can be rejected/waitlisted at your “targets” while accepted at one of your “reaches”. For me, the end results correlated with essay quality more than anything else, particularly with the “why us”, which can be based on mission-alignment, geography and location ties, or a combination of multiple factors. The schools I was most excited to apply to ended up being my II’s and A’s because that came through in my writing and interviewing.
Misc. tips to upcoming applicants:
  • Don’t force yourself to overapply. Secondary burnout is real, and if applying to 40 schools means you’ll be sacrificing quality for the most important submissions, consider applying to fewer. I was really burned out after my priority 10, and in retrospect, I could have enjoyed the same results if I hadn’t punished myself with 17 more applications. I think more than 30 is overkill for most applicants and risks spreading yourself too thin where the quality of your essays takes a significant hit if you are juggling multiple obligations during your gap year.
  • If you worked in the service industry, include that in your app.
  • Invest in your interviews. This is one of the most important interviews of your life. If using the money to do the following means applying to one or two fewer schools in primary/secondary fees, I still think it’s worth it.
    • Clothing: Bite the bullet and buy the suit (I know, I was on the fence about this, but so glad I made the investment). If you start thrifting now, you can probably find a really nice option at discounted price. Fellow ladies, think about color analysis (trending right now). Do you look best in black or navy, or gray? Do you look best in ivory or white.
    • Background: Set up/clear out a polished zoom backdrop that looks as professional and minimally distracting as possible. It’s a little bit obvious if you’re sitting on your bed with your legs up. Posture is different than if you're sitting on a chair.
    • Lighting: Use soft diffused natural lighting if possible (and test run at same time of day as interview. Morning? Afternoon? Light from windows is coming from different directions, and the sun at different times of the day and ambient artificial lights can cast your face in harsh lighting or even harsher shadows). Southeast or southwest sunlight diffused through light blinds or sheer curtains is your friend, sometimes even better than ring lights.
    • Camera:
      • Most laptop cameras are meh, while modern phone cameras are quite good, especially newer ones. Consider getting the hardware to set up your phone/ipad as a higher-quality webcam, or if you have a hobby camera, using that instead.
      • Elevate the camera to eye level or slightly above. Just use a book or something, or a cheap tripod.
      • Consider minimizing/hiding self-view during the entire interview. Even if you’re only occasionally checking out your visual, your eyes dart around a lot, obvious to the interviewer if there’s only two of you. Keep the interviewer on the screen, and look into the eye of the camera when talking to them.
  • Tip to fellow engineering applicants: I know, we tend not to have great cGPAs, especially those junior-year courses, am I right? Put your low-grading engineering classes in the All-Other (AO) GPA, and your high-grading engineering classes into the BCPM GPA if they can reasonably qualify as applied physics, chemistry, bio, or math, (most of them can, but don’t have to). For example, I crushed statics and dynamics, and so counted those as applied physics. I really struggled with EE, so guess what? That was “engineering”, which is AO, not BCPM. My AO GPA was pretty bad (<3.0 in grad, yikes), but my cumulative BCPM GPA was good (>3.8), which is the main GPA that matters. I can confirm, the majority of schools don’t really see it as a red flag if you got a C- in Mechatronics or failed and had to repeat Computational Fluid Dynamics if you blow the med school prereqs out of the water and do well on the MCAT. If you get an A- in Ochem even if you subsequently barely scrape by in your electrical engineering classes, they still can gauge your academic ability and likelihood to succeed in med school, which is NOT electrical engineering heavy. So med school is not off the table because you struggled with certain engineering classes.
Also thank you to this subreddit. You guys kept me sane! Congrats to all accepted applicants, and good luck to those heading into the application cycle!
submitted by mingmingt to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:27 HershsTechStuff_734 Cheap video laptop for editing

I'm looking for a new laptop to edit videos. I mainly edit with DaVinci Resolve. My videos are usually 4K, around 10-20 minutes long, and use minimal effects.
My requirements are: Ryzen 5 or 7/Core i5 or i7 16GB of RAM 512GB or more Storage RTX 3050 or 4050 Under $1,000 Upgradeable RAM and SSD Export times must be under 30 minutes
submitted by HershsTechStuff_734 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:13 Inevitable_Board7107 Which laptop should I buy?

Hi, I want to get a cheap used laptop. I have several offers, but just don't know which one will be best. My use case: mainly students tasks, ms office, watching media and browsing the web. So I came up with few options (they're about the same price (+/- 100$ difference), some of them have different screen sizes, I prefer lighter options, but 15 inch is also fine, also ignore the disk size, I want at least 256GB SSD): - Dell Vostro 5515 Ryzen 5 5500u/16 GB RAM/1TB SSD - I assume it has the best spec, but it's Vostro and the screen is not that great) - Samsung Galaxy Book Flex i7 1065G7/16GB RAM/256GB SSD - I'm all Samsung guy (watch,buds,phone,tablet), so I think it has some additional features for the ecosystem, but sadly the wifi adapter is broken here. - Thinkpad X13 i5-10310U/16GB/512 - it is nice, but what about the speakers? Thinkpads aren't good in that regard. - HP Elitebook X360 G7 i5 10310U/16/256 - it is more expensive, but maybe worth it for the speakers? Processor might be outdated nowadays. - Thinkpad T495 Ryzen 7Pro 3700U/16/256 - don't know many about this one, is the Ryzen 3rd gen better than the 10th gen i7? - and finally Dell Latitude 5520 i5 1145g7/16/256 - it might have the best processor, but I read that the screen is weak, and again it is more expensive.
So which one should I choose? They're all used, so I don't know exactly how the battery performs, but I assume newer=betteless degraded battery
submitted by Inevitable_Board7107 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:12 Inevitable_Board7107 Which one should I buy?

Hi, I want to get a cheap used laptop. I have several offers, but just don't know which one will be best. My use case: mainly students tasks, ms office, watching media and browsing the web. So I came up with few options (they're about the same price (+/- 100$ difference), some of them have different screen sizes, I prefer lighter options, but 15 inch is also fine, also ignore the disk size, I want at least 256GB SSD): - Dell Vostro 5515 Ryzen 5 5500u/16 GB RAM/1TB SSD - I assume it has the best spec, but it's Vostro and the screen is not that great) - Samsung Galaxy Book Flex i7 1065G7/16GB RAM/256GB SSD - I'm all Samsung guy (watch,buds,phone,tablet), so I think it has some additional features for the ecosystem, but sadly the wifi adapter is broken here. - Thinkpad X13 i5-10310U/16GB/512 - it is nice, but what about the speakers? Thinkpads aren't good in that regard. - HP Elitebook X360 G7 i5 10310U/16/256 - it is more expensive, but maybe worth it for the speakers? Processor might be outdated nowadays. - Thinkpad T495 Ryzen 7Pro 3700U/16/256 - don't know many about this one, is the Ryzen 3rd gen better than the 10th gen i7? - and finally Dell Latitude 5520 i5 1145g7/16/256 - it might have the best processor, but I read that the screen is weak, and again it is more expensive.
So which one should I choose? They're all used, so I don't know exactly how the battery performs, but I assume newer=betteless degraded battery
submitted by Inevitable_Board7107 to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:47 Quiet_Appearance Trackpad grounding issue.

Hey, y'all. So a week ago, the OEM charger of my laptop ( it's an HP Probook G2 645.) finally took its last breath after six long years of use, so I bought a cheap replacement charger, and the laptop was good to go again, except for the fact that the touchpad has a slight jitter to it that has been driving me crazy. It goes away when I touch the metal parts of the laptop so I think it's a grounding issue, which I'm assuming means either that the charger's grounding is fucked or it isn't grounded at all. Now I know that the first piece of advice someone would give is to get a new charger, but I'm a bit strapped for cash, so that's not exactly an option right now Now here comes the stupid part. For context, my knowledge of how electricity works is limited to high school physics, so this may sound stupid to someone who knows their stuff, so go easy on me. I was wondering if there's a way to ground the touchpad internally to stop it from jittering? Is that even possible? If not, I would appreciate any suggestions.
submitted by Quiet_Appearance to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:48 Ill-Atmosphere4609 New to music production, where to start?

Regarding my musical background, I have been playing piano, from 6 years, I have great knowledge of music theory and I play guitar too. I have been using fl studio from past 1-2 years, but only to edit audio for my covers and merging sounds, I bought a cheap course from udemy long ago and learnt the basic structure of fl studio and how things work, nothing too serious, but I recently got a new laptop when I turned 16 and I want to learn music production and sound design seriously, I write few stuff in sheet-music, I have the image of how the song would be like, but I am not skilled enough to implement it. I downloaded a few paid kontakt libraries and serum for sound design, but I don't know how should I continue further, should I watch YouTube videos, write notes on what I learnt, which topics should I learn? Should I buy a course? Help me out please, thanks!
submitted by Ill-Atmosphere4609 to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:35 Ill-Atmosphere4609 New to music production, where to start?

Regarding my musical background, I have been playing piano, from 6 years, I have great knowledge of music theory and I play guitar too. I have been using fl studio from past 1-2 years, but only to edit audio for my covers and merging sounds, I bought a cheap course from udemy long ago and learnt the basic structure of fl studio and how things work, nothing too serious, but I recently got a new laptop when I turned 16 and I want to learn music production and sound design seriously, I write few stuff in sheet-music, I have the image of how the song would be like, but I am not skilled enough to implement it. I downloaded a few paid kontakt libraries and serum for sound design, but I don't know how should I continue further, should I watch YouTube videos, write notes on what I learnt, which topics should I learn? Should I buy a course? Help me out please, thanks!
submitted by Ill-Atmosphere4609 to musicproduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:06 coolknight09 cheap laptop for school

decent keyboard, and a build quality that’ll last at least 6 years
i’m looking for a cheap laptop for school. i have a gaming pc so i’m not worried about gaming in this laptop. as long as it’s portable and runs decent, that’s all i need. i’m willing to go up a little bit on the price if necessary.
submitted by coolknight09 to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:15 Teemslo Attempted repair on Asus v277u

So randomly one day my wife's monitor just went black the backlight is still functional on the unit and on. I figured it was pretty cheap to replace the video board in the panel so attempted that first without results then threw a psu at it same result.
The monitor will power up, Will NOT show the monitor power-up splash screen also the menu buttons do nothing, no OSD. When I plug the monitor in the output device (laptop) dings as if it see the monitor but nothing is displayed and when checking in display properties it does not show there as an active display.
Anyone seen this before? What would be my next step in troubleshooting? Thanks!
submitted by Teemslo to diyelectronics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:05 dania_hanif Windows laptop

Hi, I’ve always been a MacBook user but I’ve bifurcated MacBooks in Mac OS and windows and mostly used windows for my work but currently I don’t want to spend too much money in buying the new Mac, I’ll buy it in end of June with my money and currently need any windows laptop which is cheap and has a good resale value so I can sell it off in a months or two. My current laptop is of no use and is causing hindrance in my work. I bought new MacBook Pro year before last year but someone close to me insulted me so much in buying it that I had to give it off to my brother as it was kept idle for a year and was not used by me. Anyways, pls suggest any company laptop with good battery life Thanks
submitted by dania_hanif to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:58 up--Yours [DIY server build]: sync two PSU without 24pin connector?

Hello there,


Im rebuilding the neighbor's kid's laptop to a server and i need your help on a matter regarding power supplies. He obviously want to do it on a budget. I'm trying my best to help with the budget without him knowing as well 😅☺️.

The problem:

I disassembled my old laptop and removed the motherboard to convert it into a small server. I also got a mini PCIe SATA expansion card with 4 SATA ports to connect HDDs. The mini pcie is placed instead of the wifi card.
For power, I have an old 12V 15A brick power supply with a circular output (dont know the special connector name) while the laptops will use their original charger that outputs 19v 3A. The laptop operates without a battery and is connected to the charger 24/7. the PSUs (the laptop charger + the brick power supply) would share the same 220v input from the same socket using a common c14 inlet.
However, I'm having trouble syncing the two power supplies. By sync i mean make the hdd power supply power upon powering the laptop 👍☺️. Turning the on button would turn both PSUs but if for whatever reason the laptop does a soft shutdown (software guided shutdown - sudo shutdown now) the hdd psu would still be on providing the hdd with constant power.
Same applies on soft start up such wake on lan ☺️.
The add2psu solves this exact problem by getting a signal from 15 pin sata from the main motherboard to signal to the secondary psu to turn off/on.
The add2psu requires a 24-pin connector from the secondary PSU, which the brick psu doesn't have..
Any suggestions on how to sync these power supplies without a 24-pin connector?
The only solution that i see is to buy a cheap pc power supply and use it to power the hdd. But the case he chose is very limited on size 🥲.

how you can help?

Suggest a solution. Avoid discouraging arguments such as whyyy just buy new server!". He loves hardware problems we both are learning a lot and i want to encourage him to solve problems ☺️👍
Thanks for the help in advance 🙂
Edit: small question one the side: the hdds require only 12v or 12v & 5v? As far as i know hdd would work fine on 12v or am i mistaken?
submitted by up--Yours to servers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:14 amazonianscone KVM/USB-C Monitor advice

Hi All, apologies if this is the wrong place to post, I'm just looking for advice and suggestions based on solutions I'm sure many of you are already using.
I've recently bought my first house and I'm using it as an opportunity to upgrade my office set up. I currently work from a HP Probook 440 with a usb-c docking station (work provided), and outside of work hours I am having to swap the cables from my monitor and peripherals between the docking station and my own PC which is becoming tiresome.
I've been looking into KVMs however I'm aware of performance issues with cheap ones and I'm hesitant to purchase something £500+ if there are any better options.
I'm looking into getting a new monitor anyway, would I be better off getting a usb-c monitor that I can daisy chain to my 2nd monitor alongside a USB switch? I imagine then I could dock/unlock my work laptop as required and the rest of the time use my normal PC?
Sorry for the wall of text, I hope you can help!
submitted by amazonianscone to UsbCHardware [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:44 amazonianscone KVM/USB-C Monitor advice

Hi All, apologies if this is the wrong place to post, I'm just looking for advice and suggestions based on solutions I'm sure many of you are already using.
I've recently bought my first house and I'm using it as an opportunity to upgrade my office set up. I currently work from a HP Probook 440 with a usb-c docking station (work provided), and outside of work hours I am having to swap the cables from my monitor and peripherals between the docking station and my own PC which is becoming tiresome.
I've been looking into KVMs however I'm aware of performance issues with cheap ones and I'm hesitant to purchase something £500+ if there are any better options.
I'm looking into getting a new monitor anyway, would I be better off getting a usb-c monitor that I can daisy chain to my 2nd monitor alongside a USB switch? I imagine then I could dock/unlock my work laptop as required and the rest of the time use my normal PC?
Sorry for the wall of text, I hope you can help!
submitted by amazonianscone to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:05 Inner-Incident5573 Recomended refurbished laptop for work(browsing-emailwork) for 300-350 dollars in 2024

Hello Laptops community!
I read comments/recommendations about budget working laptops for minimal use from IT LloydRobie17.
I would like to ask for tips on buying a cheap laptop with a Windows operating system for my Mom. She only need it for browsing and work (emailing). European based laptop we want.
I prefer a refurbished laptop.
Here, typically refurbished laptops, which cost around 300-350 dollars, have the following configuration:
i5-6300U-3Ghz dual core turbo
i5-8350U-3.5Ghz dual core turbo
256GB M.2 SSD
Display panel:
Full HD, Ips
Intel UHD Graphics 620
I think the i5 or i7 series processor should be the starting point.
What can you recommend nowadays that is of ideal age and current support (update, driver) and can optimally use the battery?
Overall, what do you recommend?
Thank you very much for any help.
submitted by Inner-Incident5573 to laptops [link] [comments]