Highschool transcript templte

CS LEP application mistake

2024.05.14 00:58 Pandaa10111 CS LEP application mistake

I recently submitted my CS LEP application as I was confident that I was passing all my gateway courses. During highschool I took 3 community college courses (which all received an A in), but didn’t realize I was supposed to report it in the application. I thought the section was for people who consistently went to another institution. I was wondering since my overall gpa is higher than what’s needed and these transfer courses are on my unofficial transcript should I reach out to change it or if I’m going to be rejected from the LEP? I’m really nervous so any guidance will be appreciated.
submitted by Pandaa10111 to UMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:31 PsychologyAlert6890 transfer applicant chances

I applied for early action but there was a mix up with my transcripts and now i’m regular decision. Is there any chance of me getting accepted through regular decision with these stats:
3.3 GPA (it’ll be higher after this semester) applied test optional
freshman at a maryland university with 24 current credits + 16 pending (after this semester)
a few clubs/extracurriculars during all 4 years of highschool (volunteer work here and there, two jobs)
during this school year I did federal work study and some volunteer work (plus my job back at home but i doubt that matters)
current psychology major with a minor in sociology
submitted by PsychologyAlert6890 to UMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:25 ilikedittos I know how to fix myself, but i don't

First time actually posting something, sorry if I do smth wrong. Im currently a junior in highschool with a 3.4 cummulative unweighted gpa, weighted 4.1. I shifted to america and joined 9th grade around december 21, 2021 i think. Before coming here, i was a top scholar at one of my countrys best highschools, literally getting awards for excellence in academics. But now, I dont even have a single A. I know that the reason I stopped studying for school was when they placed me in acadamic algebra 1 for ninth grade since it was state law for me to do 4 years of math or something, even though my transcript of 8th was all A1s and A2s. I was studying in the same class as people who couldnt add 1 and 1/5. And to top it all off, english was completely different. Hell, i didnt even know what CSA paras were until I got here while my classmates were writing syntehsis essays (i waa in accelerated english). And then comes my schools restrictions for advancing classes and such, like needing to take geom in 9th if u want honors chem for 10th. Especially after me learning about the ridiculous amount of restrictions and the concept of advanced placement, I felt like an actual academic bum. I admit, i had a pretty big ego when it came to academics and finding out that i literally could not move up even though i did well in my classes just broke me. Somewhere during sophmore year, I just gave up. The only time id "study" was if by chance whatever my teachers talk about seeped into my brain, other than that I just show up for school, and leave, and show up. I know the only way out of this is to just... study again but now its like my brain has rotted. I literally cannot study anymore but I still feel guilty and stressed for not doing so. I stress about not studying, but then go back to not studying while being stressed. I dont know what to do anymore, I always cram for tests or something an hour before and get 70s-80s if im lucky. Once i was speed reading phys force problems during the passing period before my phys class. No, going to see a psychiatrist is not an option, I have a lot of fmily issues and plus its a lot of money anyway. I dont have an EAD or an SSN to start a job so I can earn money either. Or even get internships or anything that every other american highschool student has been doing ever since they popped outta middle school. I know the only way to fix this is just start studying again but I just dont. What should I do man?
submitted by ilikedittos to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:58 Felixoohlala ib student applying to scad

Hi, I applied to SCAD a couple of months ago and have already been accepted, I applied with my ib predicted scores and highschool transcripts. Would I still have to submit my final ib results after they come out in June?
submitted by Felixoohlala to scad [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:39 Single-Apple-6278 Highschool vs post-sec average

I also applied to saskpoly for next fall, and I did my first year in usask, so i submitted my post secondary transcript. How are the averages compared to highschool students applying to saskpoly? Are our post-secondary average much higher than theirs like if a highschool student has a 95 average while a post secondary applying to saskpoly got a 85 would the hs student’s average be more higher? Ik its a stupid question but just need clarification.
submitted by Single-Apple-6278 to usask [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 03:55 Even_Compote Has anyone had their transcript sent to Open School??

I’m regretting my decision with ILC after seeing they take weeks to reply, haven’t uploaded my transcript to the website so I can purchase additional courses, and take 3-6 months and someone saying they haven’t gotten their transcript or diploma for TWO YEARS as well… what are my options here? After I finish the courses I’m working on will they send my transcript to another highschool like Open School so I can do more courses and get my diploma there?? I signed up for the diploma services but I’m working on 2 courses right now and have 5 more courses I’d like to take, I cannot wait 6 months or 2 years for my diploma and for my transcript after that.
submitted by Even_Compote to ILC [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 05:40 Miserable_World_5834 I was depressed since before I was a teenager and abused substances but I found my true passion and turned my life around, now I'm the happiest I have ever been.

I'll start this with a bit of background of myself, I am currently a 20 year old male. I grew up in a small rural town with a population of around 3,000 people. For as long as I remember my parents didn't really get a long. My parents would have arguments and eventually got divorced. Not uncommon in todays society but my mom would tell me stories on how I would be depressed at the age of 8 because I would say things like "Could we just crash into one of the telephone poles because I don't want to see Mom and Dad separate and fighting anymore. School wasn't a big issue at the start, I would do okay getting anywhere from Cs to As in my class up until about the 6th grade. My parents were fighting about who gets to file me under their taxes. I lived with my Dad but my Mom was the one that had custody over me because she was on all my school transcripts and my Dad was an illegal immigrant from Mexico. A random day after school my mom picks me up and takes me to my dad's house and tells me to get all of my stuff because I'm moving into her house (it was more like one of those mobile house trailer things) I remember not wanting to go because I'd be away from my brother and wouldn't be able to play video games because the internet was worse at her house. I played a lot of video games to try and distract myself with everything going on at home. I still enjoyed going to school because it was a way out from everything going on with my personal life at home. I had a very curious mind when I was younger and became incredibly intrigued with Science. I could pass all my classes because I knew in our Science classes we would go on field trips so long as our grades were good. This was until I was living with my mom for so long (I forgot to mention it was just me and her in the house and she would leave to work when I got home from school and wouldn't come back until after I went to sleep so I spent most of my time alone at home. I would join Facebook groups of amines I enjoyed and connect with people there. Eventually the accumulation of everything got to me and I started focusing less and less on school and more on the friends I made on the internet. Although I still passed most my classes it would typically be with a low D grade.
Fast forward to my life in Highschool, my mom and dad both came to agreements and no longer fight. They both felt bad for everything that happened while I was growing up and both agreed to respect each other but remain separate. It took some getting used to but slowly I started to forgive my mom and rebuild the relationship with my dad. In Highschool I wasn't popular but I wasn't alone, I hung out with popular kids but never really formed any friendships where I would hang out afterschool or text with them. After school I would typically go home and play video games all day, I wouldn't study or do sports during my freshman year. Sophomore year I got into football because I wanted to try and become healthier because I was overweight and have never worked out. During the beginning of the season I felt I was doing great! My body felt healthier and I was glad I was finally doing something productive. Come the first game of the season and we go 0-36 (or something like that) I thought maybe it was just a really good team and I just needed to work on myself more. But every single game after that was the same result. It felt like I was working for nothing but I kept trying. The season ended and I made it my goal to become the best version of myself I could for my Junior year. During the end of my sophomore year and beginning of Junior year I started to seriously fix my relationship with my dad, I would visit him everyday and we'd go out and eat or shop on his days off. I would sleep at his house and I'd ask him to cook for me. During my Junior football season we were playing a team one town over and I asked my dad if he could come watch and he said he would love to. Come game day I call my dad to remind him and says "I'll go if I can, I'm waiting on a phone call." and I got a bit sad, confused, and frustrated telling myself the whole bus ride there "What kind of phone call would be more important than your own son's football game?" (We lost with a score around 0-40) The next day I go to school like any other day and on my last period I get a call from my brother, my mom, and my dad. I got extremely confused but I knew it was important because everyone was calling me but most importantly my dad which never calls me. My dad said he was going to pick me up from school. Once he got to the office my heart dropped because this was the first time I've seen him in tears. He told me his dad passed away that morning. I go home with him and asked him now what? He said he wanted to go back to Mexico and be there for his Dad's funeral, as stated earlier my dad is an illegal immigrant and he would not be able to return. Me and my brother agreed he should so that same night, 4 hours after getting released early from school I was driving my dad and my uncle to San Diego. About 12-14 hours later after that I said goodbye to my dad and I didn't know when I would see him again. I drove back home without any sleep and once I got back to his house I cried for what feels like my first time since I was 11 years old because the house I grew up with my dad in was empty. I laid in his bed and smelt his clothes he left behind because it was all I felt I had left of him. I missed the next week of school and when I came back I quit football despite being a center just 2 days before homecoming. Football and school didn't mean anything to me anymore and I felt like all the effort I put into strengthening my relationship with my dad went down the drain. I continued school with mainly failing grades. Almost all my classes were 0% grades except psychology and chemistry which were Ds. I passed psychology with a high C because I had an incredible teacher and I found the subject interesting. I wanted to pass Chemistry because this is the class I looked forward to ever since I was a kid. I had possibly the worst teacher ever, he would show up to class 30 minutes late and when he got to class he would either turn on a video or a slideshow. I eventually quit going to his class and tried working on all my grades in the library, this worked until I was told I had to go to class. I tried explaining that the teacher wasn't doing his job and I was actually increasing my grades in all my other subjects. They didn't listen and I was forced back into his class. On the last day of school I talked to the counselor about taking summer school and taking no electives so I could graduate and she informed me that no matter what I did I wouldn't graduate because my credits were that of a new sophomore student. I dropped out of school and went straight into the workforce.
TW: Suicide and Drug use
My life after Highschool was filled with constant dread, I was unmotivated to do anything, I got a job washing trucks and eventually moved to a graveyard shift. I loved seeing how I could turn a dirty truck and make it look almost brand new. I eventually got into car detailing as a passion and even switched to part time to pursue this. What actually happened is I would sit home depressed and wishing I could actually get out and detail cars. After going about $6,000 in debt during this one month by trying to survive and buy supplies I needed. I eventually went back to full time and gave up on trying to detail cars. I started to struggle paying off the debt and tried to get a new job because the stress of the debt was getting to me (I know it's small amount of debt but it felt crushing) I worked as a pizza delivery driver from 4pm-12am and washed trucks from 12am-8am. Eventually all stress had me making bad decisions I left the pizza job and got fired from the truck wash a day after. I would go to my cousins house and get drunk maybe once every week or so. This being the first time I've taken substances I loved it immediately despite hating the taste. It got to the point where I needed it more than just weekly and would end up stealing whole bottles from my cousins, my mom, or anywhere I'd find some lying around (I am 18 years old at this point in time) I tried to end my life twice but drinking an entire bottle of tequila in one sitting, both were unsuccessful (I forgot to mention I also attempted when I was 15 via a bridge, I sat on the railing but never pushed myself so idk if that's an attempt) I ended up getting a job at a parts store and I enjoyed it a lot there, I had a great manager and coworkers. I still dealt with alcohol problems and I would still try and drink whenever I would get the chance. I eventually quit after telling my brother and letting him know about the issue I was dealing with. The next year I decided to quit my job there and went into the blue collar field to make more money, I doubled my income and was working 12 hour graveyard shifts. I thought I was finally taking a step in the right direction despite still being extremely depressed. I met with a psychiatrist and told them about my problems and I expected to get diagnosed with maybe ADHD and depression but I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and after doing my research I found out it wasn't curable. This terrified me and since I no longer had access to alcohol I looked for anything else to shut my mind up. I landed on OTC cough medicine and I used it daily. Small doses at work and extremely high doses while at home. This went on for about 3 months until one day I entered a state of psychosis during one of the highs and took an entire bottles worth medicine, Typically I'd take about 20-25 pills and this day I took over 90 pills (I was told by my brother and doctors who counted what I had left and I remember breaking the seal on the new bottle.) My brother got back from work and when he entered my room he saw I was laying on my bed staring at my phone, he tried calling my name and i wouldn't respond, even waving his hand in front of my face and nothing. It wasn't until he physically touched me. They ended up waiting for the comedown but hours passed and I wasn't doing better. They called 911 and I got transported to the ER. I was there for maybe 4-6 hours and was later released. This shocked my whole family and I felt like the shock also got me to change for the better. I didn't want to do it again and everyone was shocked I was already doing better. Turns out I was still high and it wouldn't wear off for another 2 days. I then talked to my manager about what happened and why I missed work and he was very understanding and helpful, up until the next day when I got a text that I was fired. This immediately sent my spiraling and I relapsed almost immediately. I was unemployed for the next month and a half and all I did during this time was sit in my room scrolling social media or playing video games. I tried going to therapy but all the therapist I went to were uninterested with what I had to say because to them I was just another junkie who abused drugs and got fired. They would diagnose me with random stuff and tell me to go to detox. I eventually gave up on therapy and went to a psychiatrist and they prescribed me medication for my Bipolar Disorder and Depression. after just 3 weeks of being on my medication my dosage was doubled and my doctor said he saw no improvement and would recommend I went to someone else. I eventually gave up on my medication altogether. I gave myself a really harsh goal. If I did not get better by 2025 I would end my life because there was no hope.
Finally, I tried to better my life slowly. I remember seeing how happy my mom was when she grew tomatoes, something she worked hard on for months. I remember seeing somewhere that a plant can help with depression because it would make you get up and take care of it. I tried this before and the plant died ;( I tried to find alternatives and found out about mushrooms, they were really easy to grow but still would require some attention and rewards me at the end. I started growing mushrooms and when they finally grew I remember how happy it was cause it felt like they grew overnight. This was the start of my new life. I got my job back at the auto parts store and grew mushrooms on the side. I was still extremely depressed and was off all sorts of substances. I knew I wanted still wanted to use something so I ended up growing psychedelic mushrooms and when I first took one I felt all the dread and hopelessness leave my body and it felt like an anchor holding me down was finally removed. All my pain I thought was normal because I grew up with it disappeared. This made me realize that there is hope and that one day I can feel physically and mentally better. It still took time and ended up getting hooked on nicotine and hemp (Which I still use to this day) and it made me feel horrible because it felt like I was wasting my life. I eventually quit both of those cold turkey and the withdrawals were horrible but I powered through it. Come January of this year I turned 20 and I was finally feeling mentally and physically better. I would go to the store with my mom, I wouldn't lay in bed for hours anymore, I cleaned my room and gaming area and I felt like I finally broke through and changed my life. But now I didn't know what to do, I felt great until March where I realized I still don't have a purpose, I'm happy but I'm still not doing anything with my life. I still loved to detail cars, I picked up photography and thought I could maybe work on pursuing something with art. But the motivation was never there, I knew I wanted to do this and yet I didn't put any of the work in despite no longer feeling depressed. This eventually spiraled and I felt depressed and lost again. This time I couldn't talk to my family because I didn't want to make them feel like I lost all my progress again. I then got back into alcohol to try and silence my racing thoughts. This was until I tried DMT for the first time and nothing stood out to me more than how that 15 minute experience felt like hours. I got obsessed with learning about time perception and time dilation which eventually led me to watching videos about quantum physics and space. I was intrigued but saddened because I felt like my life purpose was to produce art and since I did so bad and never paid attention in school. This got me extremely depressed because I found it really interesting but I didn't even understand middle school math and I could barely multiple and divide. This ate me alive almost everyday until one day I told my brother "Do you support me in getting my GED and going to college" Him and my mom were overwhelmingly supportive. I finally felt like maybe this is something I could pursue, I began studying everyday and something as boring and overwhelming like math has became such a fun subject to study. I only began studying last week and I went from not understanding multiplication and division to now understanding algebra formulas and solving problems like if it was something I've always known how to do. I used to show up to work almost 20 minutes late everyday and now I'm waking up 2 hours early so I can study. I have never felt more happy with my life and that flow experience when you're so focused on what you want is better than any of the drugs I've taken. I now have a bit of anxiety because I nervous about returning to school despite doing so poorly and pursuing a major in physics. I am now studying for my GED and I'm going to get enrolled into college on the 21st of this month. I've also purchased Dr. K's guide to mental health work on my small amount of anxiety I have, also because I want to begin meditating, but most importantly to help control my ADHD (I forgot to mention that I later got diagnosed with ADHD and OCD) I am very hopeful for my future because I'm actually doing all the things I've ever wanted to do, I can focus on studying, I'm rarely on my phone scrolling social media, I'm reading books, I feel no desire to get back on any of the drugs I had issues with, and I'm enjoying every moment of my life no matter if its a positive or negative experience.
p.s. sorry this was a randomly long post of my life story, this is my first ever reddit post and I didn't know what to talk about so I talked about everything.
submitted by Miserable_World_5834 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 16:36 Folkstylekiller SSAR innacuracy

So back when i filled out my SSAR my highschool didnt provide class rank statistics, so on the SSAR i picked the option that said my school doesnt provide class rank information.
Now, months after ive gotten admitted to usf, my school released my class rank. Will it look bad when I submit my final transcript to admissions and they see that I actually have a class rank when I had said my school didn't provide one on my SSAR? Is this something worth contacting admissions to clear up, or is it trivial enough to where it wont really matter?
submitted by Folkstylekiller to USF [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 09:14 saddestbruin If Class of 2024 Commencement gets cancelled...

I will go out hating everything.
I will hate UCLA, the protesters, counter-protesters, everybody.
They. Better. Not.
We alr had our highschool graduations (class of 2020) taken away. If they take this too then I will be pissed forever and beyond.
Can we do anything to get campus opened up??
You people made your points, now stop being pricks, you're only screwing over your peers anymore. Not the school.
UCLA knows all of this blows over after summer starts so they literally are not going to do anything for you at this point. But they would, however, cancel graduation.
Don't screw over your peers. Please. That does literally nothing.
There should now be increased punishments for further disruptions such as dismissal from completing the quarter with a transcript notation 🤷‍♂️ I doubt anybody would act silly if that was a possibility.
submitted by saddestbruin to ucla [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:32 AloneHome2 Are transcripts automatically transfered?(highschool -> uni)

I put in my application for open studies yesterday, but am confused how exactly transcripts work. If I put my ASN in my application, can the university automatically access my transcripts or do I need to upload them manually to be accessed by the university? If so, where do I upload them?
submitted by AloneHome2 to uAlberta [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 20:05 Ok_Web_1877 Review: GIRL FAKES As Guy To PLAY FOOTBALL, What Happens Is Shocking

For this week's review, I will be going back to the very first Dhar Mann video I ever watched! Sometime last year, my school (I have since graduated) made national headlines for controversy over trans athletes. I fell asleep one night while watching news stories about it. I woke up in the middle of the night, and my phone was still auto-playing YouTube videos. This is the video I woke up to. I was like 90% asleep, so I couldn't tell if it was an actual news story or documentary or what. Turns out, this video has nothing to do with trans people. I clicked on the channel name after and the rest is history.
I haven't watched this video since then. I obviously didn't know the cast, tropes, or clichés of Dhar Mann at the time, so I thought it would be fun to go back to this!
Our story begins outside of (presumably) Bookside Highschool. We have our lead, Kate (Callie Walker) alongside her boyfriend and female bestie. Tbh I don't even recognize the actors for the friend or boyfriend. Straight out of the gate, we get an exposition dump from the obligatory best friend.
Already, I would like to digress for a moment. Dhar Mann is not a good writer. Not even factoring the many flaws with his messages and predictable plots, the dialogue is always so contrived. Show don't tell, Dhar Dhar. If your banter is thinly veiled exposition, go back to the drawing board. You shouldn't have to write dialogue such as "hey what's up, cousin?" in order to establish character dynamics.
Anyway, best friend is bummed because Kate is giving up cheerleading to try out for the football team. Kate has been playing football since she was 5, and now it's her time to shine! They're seniors in highschool and Kate won't get this chance again! Boyfriend objects to Kate trying out. At first I was about to rip into this guy, but come to think of it... yeah idk how I'd feel about my partner playing on the same football team as me. Like for me the gender aspect isn't a factor, but having your partner play on the same team... I can see why that would be weird. So I'll spare boyfriend... for now.
Boyfriend (I'm sorry, nicknames aren't jumping out to me this time) and Kate approach the coach. The coach is an asshole to Kate but lets her tryout anyway. Montage of her out-performing every male athlete ensues.
The next day at school, Kate and her friend check the board to see who made the football and cheerleading teams. Friend made the cheer team, but Kate didn't make the football team. Already, this video loses me. Why did the coach even have Kate tryout if he was just going to cut her? Was it just to placate her? She very clearly outperformed everyone, so the coach cutting her just makes him look sus. Is anybody in 2024 really this astonished at the idea of a girl trying out for a sport's team where no female-only alternatives exist? This discrimination case seems extra ironic considering that the coach (played by Melvin Ward) is a black man. What if some asshole didn't want him playing on a team?
Boyfriend and his way cooler best friend, Ben, arrive in time to comfort Kate on not making the team. Boyfriend seems sweet and supportive at first, but his true feelings start to show with little bits of dialogue he says. There is also an arguable continuity error. Boyfriend tells Kate "there's always next year, right?" even though they established that this is their senior year. Maybe it's supposed to imply that the boyfriend is feigning compassion or is just a bit dumb, but given the quality of Dhar's storytelling, I'm considering it a continuity error. Kate and her friend walk off, leaving Ben and Donny (Kate's boyfriend) to mourn over the tragedy that just took place.
Based on the music change, this is where we're supposed to see the true colors of Donny.... but what he said isn't that bad tbh. He said "It's too bad, but she's a big girl, she'll move on from this. At least we made the team, right?" Calling your girlfriend a "big girl" is a bit weird, but other than that, the sentiment isn't too awful.
We're treated to a few minutes of a football game with Kate cheering from the sidelines (in the crowd, not as a cheerleader). Their team sucks, Donny is bad, and they even get booed! This is almost Dhar Mann karmic retribution, because the quarterback gets injured too!
We fluctuate once again back to school, and there are flyers for a... quarterback tryout? Why? Wouldn't they just have somebody else on the team be the interim quarterback? Ben encourages Kate to tryout, but this time Donny actively objects. Later that day, Kate is helping her friend with her cheer moves, and they refer to the coach by a different name than he had earlier. Friend gets this silly idea to have Kate pretend to be a guy to tryout and make the team. This is where the video goes off the rails...
Kate agrees, taking on the info of friend's out-of-state cousin and enrolling as a transfer student. Meanwhile, Kate pretends to be sick. Before I even get into how bad the makeover is, let's discuss the many flaws with this plan:
  1. "Kyle" would need academic transcripts. Good luck bullshitting those.
  2. Given that the tryouts are yearly, is Kate going to be sick FOR THE WHOLE DAMN SCHOOL YEAR????
  3. This is identity theft, and is a legit fucking crime.
  4. There is ZERO indication that this actual person named Kyle is aware of this plan. What a good cousin you are...
  5. Is Kate basically doing double school work the entire year? Who is to say that Kyle is even in the same classes as her? They could have very different schedules!
  6. Kate is white and her friend is black. So unless there's some adoption or something going on, friend's cousin is not going to be white.
There are more issues I could discuss with this plan, but let's move on.
We get to the moral of the video, and.... it's not applicable. Friend says "If you set your mind to something, you can do anything. This is your chance to show that even a girl can kick their butts!" But that's the thing: This isn't an issue of her being non-committal. She has ALREADY demonstrated to be better than the male players, and they realize that. This is a matter of discrimination, which is mostly out of her control.
Second montage, and this time Kate gets a makeover. I didn't realize Dhar was already doing double montages. As you'd expect, it's not remotely convincing. It's on the same level of obvious as Katherine Norland in that recent video with Neela Jolene. It's completely unrealistic that nobody would recognize Kate, but I'm going to suspend my disbelief for the sake of continuing this review.
sigh once again, we fluctuate back to the field. This video seriously lacks set variety. "Kyle" outperforms the guys once again, and we continue that weird subplot about Donny's true colors slowly being revealed. Ben is actually concerned about Kate being sick, but Donny is all nah she's fine bro.
Flip flop back to school. Kyle is sitting with friend. I was about to comment how Kate is blowing her cover by sitting with her best friend anyway, but I guess it makes sense since Kyle is friend's cousin and he's new. But again, I emphasize, how would anybody even believe they are cousins? Come to think of it, schools in Dhar Mann only have like 12 people, so this would get sussed out even faster than it normally would at a huge state school. Kyle laments to friend that Donny is an asshole and saw a whole new side of him while on the field. Dhar Mann coincidence occurs, because Donny comes in and bumps into Kyle. He even goes supervillain and brags about how Kate isn't there, so he can do what he wants! Ben helps Kyle up, and goes on about how awesome of a person Kate is. It's pretty obvious where this is going.
We finally get a breath of fresh air with a new set change! Kate is outside of her house, changing out of her Kyle costume. Uh oh, Donny is here! They have an awkward run in, and Donny shows what a buffoon he is. He literally narcs on himself, telling his girlfriend that he's only checking in FOR THE FIRST TIME IN WEEKS because Ben told him to. Negative rizz, my guy.
Donny isn't the only stupid one though, because Kate makes the bad decision of breaking up with him right there. On an a super impromptu meeting. Not a good time. But that's not even the worst part! Kate cites her friend telling her how Donny has been treating "some new kid named Kyle" and uggggghhhh Kate you fuuuuucked uuuuup! Talk about blowing your cover, the LAST thing you want to do is mention your alter ego, even in passing. Not to mention, you're citing hearsay about some complete stranger you've never heard of before! She even missed the chance to play the whole cousin angle! She could've very easily have said "my friend says you've been an asshole to her cousin, and I don't appreciate that one bit. She's my best friend so picking on her cousin is like picking on family!" or some shit like that. Anything would have been better!
Donny tries to gaslight Kate into thinking she's just being sensitive, but at least she's smart enough to not fall for it. Donny asks for his hoodie back... what? What hoodie? This wasn't a plot point... Chekov items happen all the time in Dhar Mann but this is the opposite. There was ZERO mention or significance of any hoodie in this video whatsoever. It's just another example of abysmal Dhar Mann writing. He introduced this hoodie as a random excuse for Kate to temporarily leave so Donny can find Kate's backpack with the Kyle costume in it.
We cut to the team preparing for the big game in the locker room. Donny arrives late, with a big shit-eating grin on his face. He predictably exposes Kate right before the big game, and he comes damn close to unironically saying "There is an imposter among us". Kate comes clean, and the coach benches her. For some reason Donny becomes QB... even though he never was to begin with.
Coach is all "Just wait until the school finds out you lied to play on the team!" ummm dumbass, that's hands down the LEAST problematic thing of this whole scheme. Not even going to mention the identity theft or faulty physicals/paperwork/transcripts or anything like that???
Donny sucks, and the team is getting rekt. There's a bit of dialogue I find amusing. The coach says "unless Tom Brady shows up, we can't do much else." I'm from New England, so hyperbolic praise for Brady isn't unusual in the slighest, but this is in Cali... it's just weird to hear other parts of the country praise him considering anytime I ever travel anywhere I hear nothing but disdain for him.
Anyway, Ben finally convinces the coach to let Kate play, as herself. This video really came out in the wrong decade. I have a hard time believing there would be much pushback over a girl playing.
They win with Kate's help. The coach promises not to narc her out to the school on the condition that she plays for them again ne- ... really? Again?! The same continuity error has happened twice in this video?! And again, this scandal would be something way beyond the hands of the coach. He has no say.
We cut to next year, and..... I'm at a loss for words. This is now the THIRD TIME we've run into the continuity error over them still being at the school despite seniors and hammering that point home many many many times. I am astonished that the same continuity error was made less than 20 seconds later. Anyway, some freshman are there to tryout, and thank Kate for breaking the glass ceiling. They repeat the inapplicable moral of the video, and we see that Ben and Kate have become a couple.
I saw this video in Dhar's Extended cut playlist. There is no extended cut. I watched this video twice looking for changes. Needless to say, this video was much more enjoyable when my brain was 90% shut off in the middle of the night. I'm honestly surprised that this was the video that introduced me to Dhar Mann. The first half is boring, the second half goes way off the fucking rails. It's not even enjoyably bad, just tedious.
I'll be posting a review every Wednesday! If you have any suggestions for what to review next, please comment below. My only exceptions are that I will not review videos about race or autism. See you in the next one!
submitted by Ok_Web_1877 to dharmann [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 22:23 Independent_Ad_7525 Continuing course sequence during Fall

Hello, I am coming into the EFY program in the fall and I have a question regarding continuing course sequences during the fall. I graduated highschool with my associates degree and I am taking physics 1 over the summer. I would like to register for physics 2 and MAE 206 during the fall where physics 1 is a pre-req for both. I have gotten emails saying final highschool and college transcripts must be sent in before july 15th but my physics class will not end until july 25th. Has anyone had any experience with taking classes at a community college in the summer and then going to state in the fall? I have tried to contact an advisor but they told me to look at the course catalog which did not really answer the question. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Independent_Ad_7525 to NCSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 19:12 lifeiswonky Teachers are too easy

My school is a mix of college classes and then three high school classes. The college classes with professors aren’t very lenient with deadlines, but the highschool teachers I feel are way too lenient. They take essays and assignments that are over a month late. Even essays that were due the last semester and they change their grade on the transcript. I also get my assignment done on time, but I wonder why I even bother if the rest of the class never does.
submitted by lifeiswonky to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:22 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 5

[First] [Previous] [Next]
After a little ruminating, I divided the book in three parts using pink washi tape: the Rune section is the main meat of the book, full of untranslatable symbols; the Transcription section, which I think converts those symbols to their phonetics; and finally the Epilogue, which was the final chapter of the book, written entirely in some strange language I’ve learned is Hesperian.
It was almost eight in the night when I finally gave up trying to find any coincidence in Gaggle from any of the words I could catch in the Transcription section of the book. Nothing, not a single clue. With a heart full of frustration and a growing need to engage in self destructive gaming, I decided to start working with what I could understand: the Epilogue.
The translator was limited on the amount of words I could do at the same time so, I had to improvise and do several batches. In the end, this is the result I got:
A long and winding road opens before you. From the moment you pick up this book, you have three options: You can ignore this challenge and give it to someone who wants to take it; You may destroy this book and be content to destroy another line that connects us with the Tree of Origin; or dare to read and seek the meaning of these symbols. This post is for you, the brave, who want to translate the untranslatable and understand the unintelligible. It is very likely that the person destined to translate this book will not be blessed with the Arcane Infection (if we can really call it such a blessing), so here are a few words of caution.
1.- Once your mind connects signifier and signified, don't read these words aloud unless you want to confront their effects. 2.- Do not comment on this book to any uninitiated. They wouldn't believe you anyway. 3.- Your perception of reality will slowly change with each new word you identify. Don't worry, it's natural to see the colors of magic once you wake up to it. 4.- Look for the gold sign in your city, probably in libraries and hospitals. If you can't find it, you're safe to practice in your own home. If you find it, dig around and find the Elysium before experimenting. 5.- Avoid the Black Cloaks at all costs.
I don't recommend taking this book to public places, much less to the Elysée. Study him in the safety of your home, quietly, eating snacks. Take your time, this is a task that can take years, but I assure you that it is worth it.
Once you reach the end, I'll wait for you at the point where it all begins...
A couple of hints before I go:
The title means "The Butterflies of Creation." A circle means a single word combined. Follow the arrows. You'll get used to the pace of reading eventually.
I wish you the best of luck.
Please survive. Humiko
Once the process of transcribing, which was honestly quite an ordeal considering this Epilogue was written in cursive by a shaky hand, translating and recording in my notebook was done, I am left staring at this nonsense for a while.
The worst part of all this? I can’t even promise the translation is faithful, Gaggle Translate is still in its baby phases…
My eyes turn to the clock on my laptop. Already thirty past ten… it’s getting a little late for this.
Not that it ever mattered to you. What time have you been going to sleep these days anyway? Three in the morning? Maybe four?
Sigh. The voice is getting harder to ignore, but I make an effort to just bite my lower lip and keep my focus.
There’s a lot to unpack here. Magic being the most prominent deal, this seems to be implying that magic is real? The insensitive skeptic in me wants to disregard that entirely, after all I am a person of science! But the rest of my body can’t help but want it to be real… after all, what’s the worst that could imply?
At best, hell yeah, magic is real! Neat!
At worst… there’s a lot more power in the hands of a mysterious, underground government that keeps tabs on us at all times not only with technological means but now with magical means too.
I shudder for a moment there. My head has not exploded instantaneously upon the thought so, at least I can either assume they can’t read my mind or there is no little microchip in my brain just waiting to destroy me for learning ‘The Truth’.
Then again, is that technology even possible? I–
Focus, Tav.
Yes. Yes, I need to focus. What other concepts are introduced here that this Humiko just assumes I know what she’s talking about?
‘The Tree of Origin’. Okay that’s easy, it’s probably some ‘Tree of Knowledge’ kind of allegory in the mythology I am getting my nose into. Probably an equal to God with a capital G… or maybe Yggdrasil? The tree of the world? That’s another possibility they could be referencing. No idea what this goes into, but apparently it is connected to the contents of this book.
‘Arcane Infection’. Does she mean magic? Or something else? Why call it a “blessing” and then backpedal a bit? Should I be worried about my health now? I have asthma so another infection in my body wouldn’t really be welcome…
‘Signifier and Signified’. She must be talking about the runes. No idea what she’s going on about though. Maybe I have to connect each word in my mind or something? Like a huge riddle… and then, only then, something magical will happen.
This sounds like you are entering into a cult or something…
Look, if they start trying to convert me into a cult I will run away as fast as I can.
If you ever realize that. It’s not like the people making cults are experts brainwashing losers and outcasts like you.
Moving on.
‘The Uninitiated’, clearly not-mages. So there is a separation between them and us, probably some sort of magical cloak to keep entire sections of the city hidden or something like that. Like in the Wizard Boy books! I wonder if there are magical schools and such too…
Yeah, yeah.
The whole ‘Golden sign’ is pretty straightforward. I have to find some symbol hidden in the frameworks of our society. No idea what symbol, the internet is not exactly useful when I put something as vague as “golden sign” in it, but I guess I can leave that for later.
What is ‘The Elysium’ though? I mean, it probably doesn’t mean the fields from greek mythology, right? It is not telling me to go die, right?
Finally, the Black Cloaks. That’s vague, too vague. I have to avoid emo kids now? It probably will make much more sense when I get to work with deeper concepts but, it’s something to look out for…
‘The point where it all begins’. Another vague note, nonsense really.
Most of this, if not all of it, is nonsense. You should be used to it by now… why do you pay so much attention to this when you could be studying something actually useful?
Guilt pierces my heart like a frozen dagger. Saints damn it. It’s true. Why can’t I muster all this intense attention and initiative when it comes to my studies? It used to be so easy!
It was never easy. You always struggled paying attention.
And yet in highschool it was all so easy… I was the first of my generation. The most promising child to ever graduate from there, and now… look at me.
Look at all I’ve accomplished.
You wasted your future. Now you can only do your best to pick up the pieces and beg for mercy from your parents and the world at large. Squandered your potential to the worst result possible. You know the worst part? You can’t really blame anyone but yourself…
With a heavy sigh I stood from my chair, leaving the book, my notes and the laptop on the table.
Are you finally giving up? Can we go to sleep now?
Yeah… yeah I think I will.
We can always continue tomorrow! Don’t worry, it will all be still here when you wake up!
Yeah, waiting, like everything you’ve left unfinished.
My feet take the first step back towards my room.
...Don’t you want to at least check on that last couple of hints? Particularly about the title of the book?
My curiosity is picked.
I stop, and turn right around to read the translation again. It says it is translated to ‘The butterflies of Creation’. That… means nothing to me.
“Signifier to signified…”
I need to make the connections… on the notebook, I quickly scribble the words side by side with the translated text.
The Asu Butterflies tlo’ikovithiio of Creation
It’s easy to link ‘the’ and ‘asu’, but I am not even sure if the words can correlate in the same order, or something like that. The arrows do seem to tell me that. The rest of the word though… ‘Tlo’ikovithiio’, that could mean ‘butterflies of creation’, right?
I look for the runes in the first part. Particularly the one in the cover page.
Rune 2
I see one symbol, and then a circle containing several others. Saints damn it I am not even closer to understanding this than before, am I!?
The first one must be ‘asu’...which must mean ‘the’, right?
The rest of it is ‘tlo’ikovithiio’, Butterflies of creation…
We are tracing circles at this point. Let’s go to sleep.
Shhh, they’re onto something.
I am honestly tempted to simply give up, when suddenly it hits me: Look for patterns! Passing the pages, I may find the signs on their own!
Rune 3
And if the transcription is faithful, which I just have to beg for it to be now, this has to be read ‘tlo’iiio’. Again ending in ‘iio’?
Now that I think about it, that symbol, the one with two dots and a line, I can only see it in circles indicating combined words.
I know for a fact these are two glyphs now, and if they are a combined word… ‘Tlo’i’ and ‘iio’ must be the particles!
Iio must be a particle you only apply to other words, to give them a quality.
Dear, the room…
Shh! I am focused!!
So back to our original word, ‘tlo’ikovithiio’... It would be three words! ‘tlo’i’, ‘kovith’ and ‘iio’! Three symbols. And if I really squijnt my eyes, that symbol in the middle, the ‘tlo’i’, really kinda looks like a butterfly right? Or some flying creature for sure!!
Santino, really. Stop for a moment.”
So there’s the big U (that maybe represents a finger), the butterfly, and the particle ‘-iio’. Maybe ‘Creation’ means the literal creation of things, the act of making! So that U, that finger, is making the butterfly by touching it. Tlo’i and kovith would then be ‘Butterlfy’ and ‘Creation’. Putting them together maybe acts like a mixing of its properties. The butterflies, they are divine!
I snap out of my hyperfixation for a moment, only to notice that everything around me is moving. The chairs, the table, the computer, everything has been taken by sudden gusts of wind that blow around me. I am in the eye of a storm of my own making.
All that remains stationary is the old, badly bound notebook. The rune I wrote on it is shining a bright green… no, it’s purple… or golden? It shifts so quickly I can’t really tell.
Make it stop!
Deep down, I know what I have to do… I have to finish the thought. I have to connect the signifier with the signified.
‘Asu Tlo’ikovithiio’. ‘Asu Tlo’i-kovith-iio’.
Iio must indicate something, a quality, a status.
“A plural.”
Yes. The pluralism! It indicates more than one!
“I got it!”
Good! Now make it STOP!”
Raising my hand, I try to take a deep breath and touch the words on my notebook. Without really thinking on what will happen next, I focus.. and now with a full understanding of what I am saying, I whisper.
“Asu tlo’ikovithiio.”
Suddenly the tornado around me stops mattering at all.
I feel how the air suddenly escapes my lungs, pushed by some invisible force that also spreads an indescribable warmth from my heart and through my whole body. I see the same light of many colours spread through my veins, brightly shining as it pushes and escapes from the fingers of my raised hand.
Just as something forms on the tip of my fingers and spreads its wings, my body loses all strength. My eyes lose their focus, I feel myself trembling before falling down.
I can only feel the gentle, fragile touch of a butterfly for the faintest of instants before everything becomes black.
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:49 deliriousd69 Online school & transfer

Hi all, I hope everyone’s enjoying the first days of summer! As the year comes to a close, I have some questions about the transfer process (which im currently undergoing) and hope someone has a similar experience/knowledge on the subject to lend me some advice.
I just finished my first year of college at CU Boulder, with a GPA of 3.825, something which my 3.1 average high school self is extremely proud of. The “catch,” however (and my worry) is that this is online school (a continuing education program). Long story short, I began the school year attending CU Boulder in person. For many personal reasons, I decided to return to NYC (where im from) and finish the year after October 2023 online, switching all my classes to online courses. The plan was to apply to numerous NYC schools, which I did back in Janurary, some of which I have already gotten into. My highschool grades as previously mentioned were not all that great. Senior year I had a very good first semester, but suffered an awful senior slump over second (b’s, c’s, a d aswell…). I applied to schools this year and last as a film student, as its something ive been focused on for quite some time. I had and have some extra curricular experiences and achievements to back this up, bust most are a year or two old at this point. Unfortunately, I got rejected from the two schools I really wanted to get into, but quite understandably so — I applied with only a semester of online classes (12 credits) under my belt, albeit 3 A’s and a B+, and my entire HS transcript, which as ive mentioned isnt all that impressive. Now, however, I have 2 semesters of online school (27 credits) under my belt, with a 3.825 GPA. Im currently applied to 2 courses online over the summer, hopefully raising that even more, and atleast gaining some useful credit.
Heres my question: when I apply to schools next year, with a full year of good grades under my belt, with I be singled out because of my enrollment in online school vs in person school? If I, per say, have been taking courses in a new subject I’ve been recently succeeding at and enjoying (Anthropology — the one class I did extremely well in during HS, and have continued to pursue and do well in now), will that be enough, coupled with good extra curriculars and hard work on applications, to give me a better shot than I had this year?
Thank you to anyone who’s read through this post. Im happy to answer any further questions and provide any more information. I appreciate any feedback!!
submitted by deliriousd69 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:46 deliriousd69 Online School Transfer

Hi all, I hope everyone’s enjoying the first days of summer! As the year comes to a close, I have some questions about the transfer process (which im currently undergoing) and hope someone has a similar experience/knowledge on the subject to lend me some advice.
I just finished my first year of college at CU Boulder, with a GPA of 3.825, something which my 3.1 average high school self is extremely proud of. The “catch,” however (and my worry) is that this is online school (a continuing education program). Long story short, I began the school year attending CU Boulder in person. For many personal reasons, I decided to return to NYC (where im from) and finish the year after October 2023 online, switching all my classes to online courses. The plan was to apply to numerous NYC schools, which I did back in Janurary, some of which I have already gotten into. My highschool grades as previously mentioned were not all that great. Senior year I had a very good first semester, but suffered an awful senior slump over second (b’s, c’s, a d aswell…). I applied to schools this year and last as a film student, as its something ive been focused on for quite some time. I had and have some extra curricular experiences and achievements to back this up, bust most are a year or two old at this point. Unfortunately, I got rejected from the two schools I really wanted to get into, but quite understandably so — I applied with only a semester of online classes (12 credits) under my belt, albeit 3 A’s and a B+, and my entire HS transcript, which as ive mentioned isnt all that impressive. Now, however, I have 2 semesters of online school (27 credits) under my belt, with a 3.825 GPA. Im currently applied to 2 courses online over the summer, hopefully raising that even more, and atleast gaining some useful credit.
Heres my question: when I apply to schools next year, with a full year of good grades under my belt, with I be singled out because of my enrollment in online school vs in person school? If I, per say, have been taking courses in a new subject I’ve been recently succeeding at and enjoying (Anthropology — the one class I did extremely well in during HS, and have continued to pursue and do well in now), will that be enough, coupled with good extra curriculars and hard work on applications, to give me a better shot than I had this year?
Thank you to anyone who’s read through this post. Im happy to answer any further questions and provide any more information. I appreciate any feedback!!
submitted by deliriousd69 to TransferStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:48 dumpstercrow Can more generalized academic experience help me get into an MPA program?

Hey y'all! I'm a non-traditional first-year currently getting my BS in Journalism (news writing) & Political Science (public administration & policy).
I started out leaning more on the Journalism side of things with Polisci as just a minor, but I didn't wanna pigeonhole myself, so I upgraded the latter to a full major. At first, I thought I could use it for a career in political correspondence, with it further facilitating non-profit PR as a fallback option. But now after getting my first internship with a government agency, I'm considering just full on pivoting to the civil service.
I'll probably keep the double major since I like my news classes and writing for the campus paper (+ it shows some transferable skills in writing, research, etc.). But I just don't see much of a future in Journalism. As a result of this shift in thinking, I've started giving thought to pursuing an MPA. Obviously I wouldn't go for that right out of the gate, but since it's pretty much a golden ticket to a managerial position, I figure I'll have to pursue it some day and that I may as well start building toward it.
I'm already an overachiever. I've got a 3.94 GPA and am on the exec board of several clubs (including being president of a pagan discussion group); I'm also involved with HRL and have gone from being treasurer for my hall council to scoring a paid position similar to RA. So if I keep this up, I'm thinking (admittedly kinda arrogantly) that I could have a good shot of getting into a top of the line program (e.g., Princeton or IU). The question is how I build on that foundation to make myself marketable.
The sad fact is that my school's Political Science department is middle-of-the-road and underfunded. Across the university, we've got a lot of great immersive learning programs, but Polisci's the exception to that rule. There are a few fellowships and research projects I'm looking at getting involved with (I've buddied up with the director of the Institute for the Study of Political Economy), but outside of that, my options for major-specific stuff are pretty limited.
That said, I'm also pretty interested in Philosophy and have been considering picking up a minor in it. And it has two 400-level immersive learning classes that I feel could be pretty useful for grad schools. One has you editing and publishing an undergraduate journal and the other is an outreach program where you guest lecture at highschools. I've been invited to the former already, but would love to do the latter too. But this is where my question comes in:
Would classes like these actually help me get into an MPA program? I feel like I could use them to make a case for a background in academia (and I especially feel like the outreach one would be useful for selling myself as a competent TA). But given Public Administration's a more hands-on discipline, and these Philosophy classes aren't even tangentially related to the field, I'm unsure how useful they'd actually be.
Is this the type of thing you'd include on your grad school application? I'm thinking I could at least highlight them on my transcripts, but frankly, I've got no idea. Any advice'd be welcome - and thanks in advance!
submitted by dumpstercrow to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 14:50 ThatRedHair Why am I like this?

I feel so wrong in every actions of mine. Even simple stuff like trying to tell my parents that I'm sure I will not pass the highschool exam so I'll need to do the plan B that is applying to other college that doesn't need my highschool transcript. But even with the plan B I had I still feels like I'm the most pathetic piece of crap in this world. Like why am I so stupid at the time to not paying attention to class. And I always wonder what's the cause that causes me to burnout while I was in year 12 (equivelent to grade 11) and year 13 (grade 12). Was it because I had no bestfriend at the time or just me being lazy? Was it because throughtout my whole life in highschool I never really work hard for it and becomes my personality? Why am I not like those guys who aces every darn subject? Why do I feel so wrong in everything I do? Why on earth everytime I face a problem I feel crap about myself instead of looking for other plan Why can't I move on with what's over? Why do I feel so lonely even through I have my family to support me every darn way. Why can't I get rid of these toxic thoughts of mine out already? Why!??? WHY CAN'T I JUST MAKE THINGS RIGHT FOR ONCE!???
submitted by ThatRedHair to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:03 shas0236 Need Advice as an Undergrad Student

Hi, I need some advice. My junior year of highschool I did dual enrollment and took a Humanities, Chem, and I think one other course that I cannot remember. I got an F in humanities and C in chem 1. All I could simple describe that as was me being and idiot who didn’t know any better on how important these classes would actually be to me. I just finished my 2nd semester in college, and got an F in English (due to some misconduct but it was not put onto my transcript) and a POSSIBLE C in Chem 2 (grades are not final yet and I am at the brink of a B just depends on the curve). My first semester in college I had a 4.0. I know it looks really bad on me and my GPA right now is pretty low (3.0), but in reality, if I work extremely hard and try to keep my following semesters until graduation close to a 4.0, could I raise my GPA enough to get accepted into optometry schools? I know I can get my GPA up if I study enough but will the Fs and C be a red flag when applying? I work as an optician and want to do some type of research and study really hard for the OAT and to get a decently high score. I am trying to build my resume so the grades don’t look as bad.
Anyone have any advice? Words of encouragement? Anything 😭
submitted by shas0236 to PreOptometry [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 08:12 BlueSteelers Please help with transcript request form

The transcript request form is very confusing.
My school uses Parchment. So, I am guessing I need to sign the transcript request form and upload it to the Parchment request portal. Is that right?
Another question:
Will Parchment/schools send my transcript to the school automatically based on my transcript ID and AAMC ID? Or will they send it to my email and I have to attached it some where because I am not seeing a place to attached it.
Thank you
I also took like 12 credit of dual enrollment in highschool. Do I also need transcript for those or can I list it as HS
submitted by BlueSteelers to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 21:16 judebluz International student from Turkey applying to FIU, I'm so confused by the applications.

Hello there so here usually you finish 12th grade (june 15th) and apply for a colleges once you get your grades to start in the fall semester and that's what I planned on doing to study in the US but apparently I'm very late? can someone please explain how this works cause I won't have my SAT score and highschool transcript/GPA until mid june so what exactly am I supposed to do was I supposed to apply without any scores and mail them to the colleges when I got them? I just applied to FIU and there was nowhere to send any scores so I'm wondering what I'm supposed to do now was I supposed to send them before applying via email or something or are they gonna keep my application on standby until I send them and what timeframe was I supposed to be applying in and how?
submitted by judebluz to FIU [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 21:04 judebluz International student from Turkey applying to US colleges, I'm so confused by the applications.

Hello there so here usually you finish 12th grade (june 15th) and apply for a colleges once you get your grades to start in the fall semester and that's what I planned on doing to study in the US but apparently I'm very late? can someone please explain how this works cause I won't have my SAT score and highschool transcript/GPA until mid june so what exactly am I supposed to do was I supposed to apply without any scores and mail them to the colleges when I got them? I just applied to FIU and there was nowhere to send any scores so I'm wondering what I'm supposed to do now was I supposed to send them before applying via email or something or are they gonna keep my application on standby until I send them and what timeframe was I supposed to be applying in and how?
submitted by judebluz to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]
