Another way to say goodnight in text

Confess your secrets

2008.12.19 21:11 Confess your secrets

Get that nasty secret off your chest or simply use this as a place to vent. See the unfiltered opinions of strangers.

2017.08.30 15:05 RadicalLemma Incorgnito

Corgis in disguise.

2015.07.14 17:49 aclockworkporridge Look how stupid these kids are

Just look at some of these can they be so dumb? Like what, you seriously can't hula hoop? Jesus Christ. And babies know literally nothing. God damn, kids are so dumb.

2024.05.14 19:59 sexiestsuicide My younger brother (17) is turning into an incel because of his height

I'm 5'10, he's 5'2. Not sure how that happened, but I guess genetics are unpredictable sometimes. He's always complained about being short, but usually in a joking way. But recently he's become more and more depressed and idk what to do. Girls reject him for his height both online and irl, he doomscrolls on tiktok for jokes and insults about short men (these tiktoks usually have hundreds of thousands of likes), he says his own reflection makes him suicidal. Anything I say to him is ignored because I'm significantly taller than him, so it just comes across as me being an aloof tall guy.
Thankfully he doesn't hate women like so many incels out there do. But he does make statements like 'tall and short women want tall guys, nobody wants short guys' and 'women hate short men' so it's still pretty bad. I don't know how to convince him otherwise.
submitted by sexiestsuicide to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 Inciter_of_vibe Cyberpunk 2077 Analog Movement with Wooting Keyboard Guide, Updated for Patch 2.12

Cyberpunk 2077 Analog Movement with Wooting Keyboard Guide, Updated for Patch 2.12
Hi all, this is a guide on setting up analog walking and driving for Cyberpunk 2077 with the analog capability in a Wooting Keyboard (or other analog-capable keyboard depending on if you can replicate the advanced key setup). As the Wooting Keyboard allows you to "spoof" controller inputs due to the analog nature of its magnetic switches, you can setup many games to allow you to moderate your speed based on how far down you press the key, rather than simply being binary like "walk" or "don't walk".
This guide serves as an update to the original written here, because the original was written 3 years ago and has outdated mappings/keybindings, and the author had since had their account deleted. Additionally, the original sets up the movement for walking and driving both on one joystick, instead of two, and this is an issue as explained below:

Why two joysticks?

It is much easier to setup the movement for walking and driving to only use the left joystick, but there is a downside. If you are driving a vehicle, and you accelerate (Right Trigger via the W key), and try to turn left or right at the same time (left joystick left / right via the A / D key), you will find that you will only be able to make very wide turns, despite pressing the A / D key to the maximum. This is because, due to the setup for walking, the W key not only activates Right Trigger as needed for vehicle acceleration, but also moves the left joystick up so that you can walk forward.
This means that you unintentionally move the left joystick up as you accelerate, which limits how much the left joystick is able to move left or right, as its range is confined to a circle.
The first pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the W key (aka accelerate)
The second pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you press both the W and D key (aka accelerate + turn right)
The third pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the D key (aka turn right)
The fix for this that I found, as the gamepad tester screenshots imply, is to set the steering control to the right joystick instead of the left joystick, and leave the left joystick solely for walking. This is done specifically by setting the "LeftX_Axis_Vehicle" mapping/keybind to use the "IK_Pad_RightAxisX" controller input instead of "IK_Pad_LeftAxisX".
This setup assumes that you will use the analog controls for walking and driving (+ a few minor things like extra photo-mode control) and regular keyboard input for everything else, preserving the use of the regular WASD keys.


First, in the main Wootility settings, enable the Xbox Controller:
Make a new profile dedicated to this game, then setup the following advanced keys in the "Advanced Keys" section:
Then make sure the settings are set like this in the "Gamepad Mapping" section:
You may change the curve in "Analog Curve" but I cannot recommend a specific curve to follow


This is for Steam, if you are on GOG or another platform you will need to figure these steps out on our own
Right click on the game in your steam library, hover over "Manage" and click on "Browse local files" to open the game's directory folder:
While you're here, also make sure steam input is enabled for Cyberpunk 2077, by instead clicking on "Properties..." and going to the following setting:
Once you're in the "Cyberpunk 2077" folder, open the "r6" folder, then open "config", then either replace the inputUserMappings.xml file with the one provided or open it with a text editor and make the changes listed below.
Here's the file with all of the edits implemented, rename the file to remove the ".Analog.txt" part before replacing it with the one in the game folder:
Otherwise, here are the changes you will need to make in the file. Beware, its a big list...
1. For:
2. For:
4. For:
5. For:
6. For:
7. For:
8. For:
9. For:
10. For:
11. For:
12. For:
13. For:
14. For:
15. For:
16. For:
17. For:
18. For:
19. For:
20. For:
And remove:
21. For:
22. For:
23. For:
24. For:
25. For:
26. For:
27. For:
28. For:
29. For:
30. For:
31. For:
32. For:
33. For:
34. For:
35. For:
36. For:
37. For:
38. For:
39. For:
40. For:
41. For:
42. For:
43. For:
44. For:
45. For:
Here is a backup of the original file if you messed up or wish to undo these changes (or you can delete the file from the game folder and verify integrity of game files thru steam):


That is all that is to it! While the original guide said to change the keybinds for walking / driving to something other than the WASD keys ingame, this seems to be unnecessary as the setup still works despite not changing them.
  1. WASD (aka left joystick) still moves the cursor in the game settings / inventory, I found that none of the mappings control it. Only an issue if for instance you liked to use A and D to navigate submenus, etc.
  2. The game will rapidly switch between displaying keyboard icons and controller icons on your HUD, as of course it is detecting both keyboard and controller inputs at the same time. Wish there was a fix for this but I have not found any
Note: This mappings setup may become invalid (like in the original guide) if an update changes everything again, but I bet that will not be the case since the game has probably already received most of the updates it was going to get
Thanks for reading, let me know of any suggestions or issues
submitted by Inciter_of_vibe to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 BackgroundIce158 Long term partner keeping secrets

Throwaway account as people I know use this. Sorry this will be a long one.
I [F32] found out my partner [M33] has been keeping a lot of secrets. One of which was a secret girl best friend for the past 2-3 years (he hasn't cheated). I found out after finding him chatting to other women on this site, no sexting or anything horrible, but day to day chat, (I read through all the messages). I confronted him about this and we talked it out, I was hurt more that he felt he had to talk to strangers and not me.
He went out for 30 mins but left his phone home, after the discovery of his reddit acc i wanted to confirm nothing more had happened, so something in me felt like he had left it for me to look through the contents. While searching through all his social media's, on one particular platform, I found thousands of messages between him and someone he had told me he didn't really know that well. They had been meeting for coffees, going to the gym together amongst other things.
He walked into the house while I was looking through the messages, I didn't want to hide it, and continued scrolling through as he looked on. He confidently told me that there was nothing sexual between them, that he was afraid I would be angry that he was friends with another girl, that he had left it too long to tell me and didn't want me to think he had an affair. I told him that him keeping her a secret has made me think this and he's an idiot, we cried, I had stern words, I told him no more secrets. We made up.
He gave me her number and free reign of his phone if I wanted to contact her and confirm they were friends, I do trust him in this.
Unfortunately, it still hurts, my female ego is still a bit broken from it and I told him that I'm embarrassed to go to the gym because they go together and act all buddy buddy and close (he told me people have commented on their relationship being more than it is and he's told them no way). But I still feel like I'll be looked at as the poor girl being strung along.
That was all the backstory, which leads us to today, he told me he doesn't deserve me, he's a disgusting human, that he's destroyed our trust, that he needs to leave and let me get on with my life and find someone that will treat me right, I told him that I make my own decisions and I don't want him to leave me, I don't need anyone else, that I love him too much to break up over a few stupid secrets. He's human and we make mistakes. But I'm worried, he's been depressed for a long time and refuses help, I feel like he's trying to self destruct so he can leave this world. That he's trying to make everyone hate him, so that when he leaves, people will be relieved.
I'm so worried, what should I do?
My partner kept his girl best friend a secret for 2-3 years and I found out. (No cheating). Now I fear he might do something stupid to himself. Help.
submitted by BackgroundIce158 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 toxicwaste_throwaway Psychedelic treatment - family history of psychosis

I have severe cPTSD. I've been in trauma therapy since 2015. (EMDR, some attachment, DNMS.) I have ADHD as well. (ADHD is medicated.)
I've gone from a completely shell shocked, quasi feral rabbit who had nightmares every night to a quasi functional adult who burns out at her jobs every six months to a year. I can have normal friendships and participate in my hobbies.
But I can't have sex. I can't have a roommate. I am still hyper vigilant, and I still have problems accomplishing my goals. For awhile, I thought my ADHD was getting worse, but I think I've been "freezing" at work. Recently, during an attempt at professional/personal development, I ended up fleeing. (The situation was stupid, a waste of money and time, definitely made my PTSD worse, and it was the right decision to leave. But I can't help but feel I could have toughed it out if my PTSD wasn't so bad.)
I feel like I've hit a trauma wall sometimes. I still can't approach certain topics without having a deep somatic reaction. It's been 10 years since I started PTSD therapy!
I would like to stay at a job for at least two years, have intimate relationships, and accomplish my life goals, without massive road bumps.
I am considering going the psychedelic/ketamine route. (My therapist is open to it, need to talk to my psychiatrist.) I want the reset overhaul I hear people talk about; I want to be normal.
However, my mother is bipolar and has a history of psychosis. I'm 32, never been manic or had psychosis, but I'm still nervous about psychedelics. (Needless to say, developing bipolar or severe psychosis is unwanted.)
Is there a way to try psychedelics without risking mania?
submitted by toxicwaste_throwaway to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 UnifiedQuantumField The Physics of Consciousness

tldr; If We live inside a box, the only way to understand it is to think outside the box.
If consciousness is a non-physical property, what does Physics have to do with anything?
As another user mentioned recently "I am conscious, I am part of the Universe, therefore the Universe is conscious."
So what's the physical part of the Universe?
Spacetime. And we exist as conscious beings in physical bodies that are made up of Matter. That Matter is "anchored" to Spacetime.
We also know that particles of Matter are essentially equivalent to Energy. And we believe that everything started out as Energy.
So it's safe to say that Energy "pre-dates" Matter. It's also plausible to state that Energy caused Matter... and not the other way around.
So then comes the Big Question that seldom gets asked by Materialists (even though it's a perfectly valid question). Is there more to the Universe than just Spacetime?
The Big Bang Theory states that, before Spacetime, there was almost infinite Energy in a singularity. So you've got something (Energy) and there's no Spacetime because a singularity is a dimensionless point.
And then, as we are told, the Universe "unfolded" from the singularity. And from that point onward, there was Spacetime, Light and Matter.
So if there's something that existed before Spacetime, that suggests there's something (dimensionless) that can exist outside of Spacetime. In fact, when you're talking about Spacetime, saying something existed before is the same as saying outside.
And if Consciousness is one of those things?
Then that's your Idealist model explained in the terms favoured by Physicists.
For the Math people.
E = MC2
Before there was M or C2 , there was only E.
submitted by UnifiedQuantumField to consciousness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 SuckitRedditMods Looking for details on Fuddruckers burger & fries to cook at home

Fuddruckers is my favorite restaurant - ever. Their burger & fries were my go-to meal. Unfortunately, the chain has been in a death spiral for the last couple decades, and now the end seems very near. I'm trying to reverse-engineer their burger and fries to cook them myself at home.
There's a Facebook post from the Fuddruckers in Bahrain that says they use "USDA Choice beef ground fresh": . The question then is what cut of USDA Choice beef? Sirloin? Chuck? Round? Some blend?
This guy claims to have figured out a recipe with more ingredients that Fuddruckers uses for seasoning their burgers: . I have seen several people on various forums post that recipe as what they use (or even link to it) for seasoning both the burgers AND fries, and swear they taste just like Fuddruckers. So, it seems like the seasoning aspect of the puzzle has been solved.
As for their fantastic wedge-cut fries, a Fuddruckers manager that knew me as a customer for a decade told me they fry them in Canola oil. I'm pretty sure they cut their own potatoes fresh on site, but the question is whether they just fry them straight from the cutting board the way In-N-Out Burger does (I think their fries are WAY overrated), or are there the kinds of intermediate steps that "do it yourself fries" online recipes recommend, such as soaking them in ice-water to remove starch and/or pre-cooking them (either first frying them at low heat or first par-boiling them in water) before freezing them. I've read that contrary to intuition, fries actually fry better when frozen than fresh - I presume because it lengthens the time it takes to cook the interior, while the exterior gets more crispy in the meantime.
submitted by SuckitRedditMods to burgers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 Exotic_Charity2265 Fire stick black screen bug

Hi everyone, I wanted to ask you how to fix this bug that I've been having for weeks, it consists of the screen blacking out randomly after a certain time of use, I can still press buttons on the remote and hear that it receives them, but the only way to get the screen work again is to unplug the stick and plug it back in (just to get the bug another time). Thank you all for helping.
submitted by Exotic_Charity2265 to firestick [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 Global-Elite-Spartan I think my girlfriend 19F might be emotionally abusing me 20M

I 20m have been with my 19F girlfriend for a little over 2 years. We've lived together for about a year now. I work 30+ hours a week and my GF 40+ hours week.
For context me an my girlfriend have always had a rocky relationship. In the beginning it would be small things like me falling asleep on call at 2AM when she was talking about something she liked. Me being late for stuff or just plain braking promises I shouldn't have made because I knew I properly wouldn't be able to live up to them. For the first year we would have 2 good weeks and then a bad week because I messed up by falling asleep, being late, buying the wrong fries/burger, not calling early enough among other things. I had a hard time apologising in the beginning, but learned how to do it after hard work. Whenever we would get in an argument I would apologise immediately and tell her how sorry I was. I understood I had made a mistake that hurt her and I should be better. I started seeing a mentor at school to work on why I had such a hard time keeping promises and breaking them. After a few sessions the mentor flat out told me I shouldn't be with my girlfriend and called it "emotional terror" on her behalf. I talked with my girlfriend about what I had discussed with my mentor. My GF told me that what I was telling wasn't the whole truth so of course that was the response I was getting from the mentor. I agreed and everytime I went to see the mentor I would also defend my GF in every scenario we talked about.
Cut to some time later where this cycle of 2 good weeks 1 bad week had continued and we had moved in together. She worked a lot and I tried my best to handle all the cooking, cleaning laundry while working my own job and my other hobbies. I started feeling really drained and began to slip on my chores. During this time my GF would also work a lot more (around 65-75 hours a week) primarily cleaning at night. She would get paranoid around 02:30 to 03:30 so I would drive to her work and sit in my car. Some times for more than 5 hours just so she had me close(for the record it was a brand new top of the line car warehouse(picture lambos, Ferrari and such) so she was safe).
When I finished school it's tradition to party in a truck with your classmates and so of course I did. We drove around for 10 hours and with me being drunk I didn't text my GF at all. We drove for 2 days and on the last day I had arranged with her to meet me at a bar so we could celebrate my graduation together. I ditched my classmates to go see her and when I met up with her she wasn't happy at all. Long story short she was mad I hadn't texted her and it ended up in me following her home apologising and crying until I feel over and had to be driven home by a stranger. I still regret not celebrating my graduation more than what I did.
I talked with one of my coworkers about all of this and more like me seeing a therapist to work on the problems from earlier, driving spending hours on hours waiting for her to finish school and work. Her having full access to my so she could check it whenever she wanted and I wasn't allowed to see hers (I've never really suspected cheating. One time I spent my lunch break at work to drive home and make sure she got up and drove her to work because she got up too late and didn't answer my calls. Anyway my coworker said the same the mentor said and this time I made damn sure to tell the whole story and showed proof so I could get straight answers. He suggested she might be a narcissist. I ended up spending a night at his place where she spammed my phone with calls and messages which I didn't respond to per his advice. He along with every else I have talked with has suggested I should break up with her, but I just love her much. I eventually went home to her and talked with her. She said she was sorry about everything and would be more forgiving of me making small mistakes like buying the wrong fries or not having done the dishes. It's been 4 months since that happened. I talked with my long time friend about it and he told me the same. He had just come out of a 2 year relationship at that point so he knows how hard it is. He suggested I set a date in my head where if things haven't gotten better by that date I should end it. So I did. The date came and went and I couldn't make a decision. Some things had gotten better, but some didn't. I still do all the chores except laundry. She works less so she's taken that. I couldn't bring myself to make a decision by the date so I just didn't. I haven't kept her up to her promises to me since I have forgotten what they were. My memory hasn't always been as bad as it is now though.
Anyway that bring us to today. She asked me to wake her up at 11:00 am today. I'm home with a bad ankle sprain (trying to find transport to see a doctor) and she took a day off from school. I woke her up at 11:00, 11:02, 11:05, 11:07.... I tried to wake her for 15 minutes, shaking her and talking to her, but she would get up. If I could get a lift by 11:25 I could see the doctor today (I didn't) so I after she only woke up a little bit at went back to sleep I gave up. I tried again at 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, but she just wouldn't wake up more than a quick second. She woke up now at 18:30 being really mad at me for not waking her up. I tried to tell her that I did my best at waking her, but she just wouldn't get up. She wasn't having it a told me it was my fault she didn't get up and missed her own doctors appointment which I had no idea about. It apparently was a meeting to get a new prescription for her ADHD medication which she needs this week. She noticed she was running low last week so I don't understand why she waited until now since she also had Wednesday to Friday off last week. I don't think it's my fault she didn't get up as I told her I'd try to get her up and she "knows I'll disappoint her". She's said this a lot in the past and did today.
I know I wrote a lot, but I feel like I'm going crazy some days. I know I'm far from perfect, but I can't be that bad. I wish I could have followed her when said she was leaving 45 minutes ago to "go somewhere not here", but since I can barely walk I didn't follow her.
I just want to know if I'm as bad as she says. What should I do? I do truly love her and want to be with her, but some days it seems like a big mistake.
Tl;dr I have made mistakes which friends, family and professionals have told me isn't my fault and I'm being abused, but I fear I explained things so poorly they're not giving me real/biased answers/advice in the situations me and my GF have been in.
I'm really emotional right now so let me know if I did anything wrong or just have questions.
submitted by Global-Elite-Spartan to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 Alluriann Fear of flying starting to disrupt my life

Hey all,
Even though I’m a frequent flyer and never allowed my fear to disrupt any plans or wishes, I’m starting to get so unreasonably afraid of flying lately that I’m afraid it might affect my plans very soon. It has always been a fear of mine but it’s growing recently.
To give a bit of background, I abhor turbulence and especially a possible sudden drop mid-sky during cruising. It happened to me a few times and it’s so frightening it got me literally screaming for life before. I’m writing this in a flight from MRS to AMS where a massive weather system was on the way, looking like a hurricane on the map. The takeoff inside the clouds was terrifying.
I live in the Netherlands and the weather is often horrible, with shear wind, endless cloudy skies, where I can’t see anything! I also often travel to South America which is bumpy like crazy.
That said, I have a few questions / beliefs that, if someone can weigh in, would help me a lot in coping with this debilitating fear!
  1. Assuming there are thousands of flights all the time in Europe, I expect that, within Europe, there’s so much feedback between pilots / airports that the chance of sudden unexpected turbulences are lower. Is that true?
  2. Is there any chance the pilot may turn on the breaks mid-flight by mistake, forcing a fatal nosedive?
  3. Pilots love to do everything at the same time when landing. Instead of turning, then opening flaps, then doing another turn, they like to do it all at once. Im dying seeing the land so close to me while everything is shaking when the plane extends the wings. How dangerous is it? Isnt it better to do one thing at a time? Sometimes they add cloud + turbulence to the mix to my misery.
  4. How likely it is that a cumulus nimbus will randomly form in front of me suddenly, to the point the pilot unavoidably enter it?
  5. The sounds of the plane, to me, are completely random. Sometimes it sounds like the engine is full on for 5s for no reason, sometimes it sounds like the pilot is using the brakes mid-air. How often do they mistakenly press these things they shouldnt?
  6. I try to gaze directly into the eyes of the flight attendants in moments of difficulty, but they are way too good at hiding their fear. Are they ever afraid of anything? Not even in a severe turbulence?
Thanks for your input!!
submitted by Alluriann to fearofflying [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 ArkOfTheCube Nukes are a hoax. Don’t let decades of Illuminati programming fool you

Nukes are a hoax. Don’t let decades of Illuminati programming fool you
The following documentary explores the surprisingly abundant evidence that nuclear weapons are a hoax.
This man actually analysed the city of Hiroshima after the act and testified the following:
"In Hiroshima I was prepared for radically different sights. But, to my surprise, Hiroshima looked exactly like all the other burned-out cities in Japan. There was a familiar pink blot, about two miles in diameter. It was dotted with charred trees and telephone poles. Only one of the cities twenty bridges was down. Hiroshima’s clusters of modern buildings in the downtown section stood upright.
It was obvious that the blast could not have been so powerful as we had been led to believe. It was extensive blast rather than intensive.
I had heard of buildings instantly consumed by unprecedented heat. Yet here I saw the buildings structurally intact, and what is more, topped by undamaged flag poles, lightning rods, painted railings, air raid precaution signs and other comparatively fragile objects.
At the T-bridge, the aiming point for the atomic bomb, I looked for the “bald spot” where everything presumably had been vaporized in the twinkling of an eye. It wasn’t there or anywhere else. I could find no traces of unusual phenomena.
What I did see was in substance a replica of Yokohama or Osaka, or the Tokyo suburbs – the familiar residue of an area of wood and brick houses razed by uncontrollable fire. Everywhere I saw the trunks of charred and leafless trees, burned and unburned chunks of wood. The fire had been intense enough to bend and twist steel girders and to melt glass until it ran like lava – just as in other Japanese cities.
The concrete buildings nearest to the centre of explosion, some only a few blocks from the heart of the atom blast, showed no structural damage. Even cornices, canopies and delicate exterior decorations were intact. Window glass was shattered, of course, but single-panel frames held firm; only window frames of two or more panels were bent and buckled. The blast impact therefore could not have been unusual."
This study was never published for some reason.
I’ve been to both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The whole thing is propaganda. There isn’t a trace of residual radiation anywhere in either city. I checked using a Geiger counter purchased after the “Fukushima” nuclear hoax, which at the time I thought was real.
The few bits of footage of the nukes exploding is laughable. It’s Hollywood effects, matte screens and identical mushroom clouds composited for different angles. Totally fake.
There is a reason these magical super weapons have never been used for an act of “terrorism” or in any war zone since and it has nothing to do with mutually assured destruction, unless you take that to mean the global unravelling of the lie itself.
It’s because nukes don’t exist, have never existed and cannot be made to work. They are a myth.
While looking for info on how "feasible" an all out thermonuclear war scenario was, because I already figured that nuclear weapons are a joke and a remnant way of thought from the Cold War era of thinking, I stumbled upon this massive article about the supposed Nuclear Weapons hoax.
Some highlights of it, after skimming through it last night include:
  • Nuclear weapons are a result of a collusion between USA/USSR (With Stalin keeping the East of Europe to remain a "threat" to the west) and Japan with many other countries joining later.
  • Explaining the impossibility of making an Atomic bomb work in the first place, and why it cannot possibly produce radiation that can cause harm to any biological matter, including humans.
  • The Hiroshima and Nagasaki "atomic bombs" were most likely faked: No nuclear bombs were detonated, Napalm carpet bombings were used instead, and nobody died from radiation. It also explains how could a lie like that be kept in Japan for 60+ years and shows plenty of photos from ground zero.
  • "(...)Nuclear radiation is harmless. It is just easy to detect by Geiger meters, etc, but cannot harm anything. Only uranium and plutonium metal dusts are poisonous."
  • Clearing misconceptions related to the Fukushima 2011 incident
  • Explaining why the B61 nuclear bombs are a fraud.
  • A timeline showcasing the USA-North Korea talks from 2017 and 2018 and explaining why they were only done to put on a show, because, it is very likely that North Korea, does not have any in the first place.
And many other stuff.
Here it is, divided in 9 parts.
The people and organizations creating the lies:
The atomic bomb killed nobody in Japan:
How does an atomic bomb work? It doesn't!
Plenty O' manipulations:
Explosive fission is a scam:
All about real fission:
The fake B-61 atomic bombs:
All about no radiation at Fukushima:
About radiation itself:
The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki appear not to be the result of one large explosion, but rather the result of a fire-bombing campaign comparable in pictures to Tokyo's fire-bombed remains. Hiroshima and Nagasaki also never experienced anything like the hundreds or thousands of years of radiation predicted by nuclear scientists, in fact, vegetation began growing within a month after the bombing, and the Japanese people began rebuilding almost immediately!
Some nuclear physicists even claim nuclear weaponry fraudulent based solely on the technical impossibilities of fission material not to be incinerated before triggering the necessary nuclear chain reaction.
Tesla even famously tried to split the atom him self and came to the conclusion it didn't release energy:
"Let me say that has nothing to do with releasing so-called atomic energy. There is no such energy in the sense usually meant. With my currents, using pressures as high as 15,000,000 volts, the highest ever used, I have split atoms — but no energy was released. I confess that before I made this experiment I was in some fear. I said to my assistants, ‘I do not know what will happen. If the conclusions of certain scientists are right, the release of energy from the splitting of an atom may mean an explosion which would wreck our apparatus and perhaps kill someone. Is that understood?’
My assistants urged me to perform the experiment and I did so. I shattered atoms again and again. But no appreciable energy was released."
This was from an interview he did with time magazine back in 1931 so it made me wonder if these anti nuke guys were on to something. The government has a lot of reasons to create a weapon of mass destruction psyop it spreads fear porn thats one thing and convinces people they can cause nuclear armageddon at the flick of a button. Einstein as some people know tried to steal Tesla's spotlight putting him into obscurity but his technology and experiments were very peculiar and show us there's a lot of high strangeness about this reality that's still not well understood.
Also In 1986, Galen Winsor a Nuclear physicist Exposed the Nuclear fear scam by licking a pile of highly radioactive uranium off the palm of his hand and ignite a chunk of plutonium into a shower of flaming dust to show how safe these materials were. The guy also drank reactor cooling pool water for fun and liked to go swimming in the pool to relax.
submitted by ArkOfTheCube to AgainstTheIlluminati [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 OutrageousDraw6625 Mean friend in kindergarten

I’m so sad to be dealing with this already. My daughter is 6, gets along really well with all her classmates and has a few close friends. She is wild sometimes and sassy with me but has always been so kind and generous with her peers. I’ve noticed that her friend “Jenna” is mean. Nasty and rude to her parents, makes fun of her older sibling, runs away from other friends trying to say goodbye, and at the park yesterday I heard her making fun of my daughters speech (my D is in speech therapy for a lateral lisp among other things). These are just a few things off the top of my head, I have noticed others. Anybody have any insight? Ways to start productive conversations and help my daughter think about this situation for herself? I know this child is only 6, and I don’t really know what her life is like… I have grace for a child who doesn’t know the right way to treat other people, but I also recognize an instinct to hurt others when I see one. I don’t want my daughter to lose her sweet friendliness or get hurt by a “friend” who tears her down.
submitted by OutrageousDraw6625 to raisingkids [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 Ok_Dragonfruit_1794 A subreddit about the discord server(SCC)

server rules still apply here. 1. Be respectful You must respect all users, regardless of your liking towards them. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  1. No Inappropriate Language The use of profanity should be kept to a minimum. However, any derogatory language towards any user is prohibited. This rule applied to both voice messages, text messages and images. This rule applies to statuses too but is more lax
  2. No spamming Don't send a lot of small messages right after each other or a lot of markdown header messages (# xxx). Do not disrupt chat by spamming.
  3. No pornographic/adult/other NSFW material This is a community server and not meant to share this kind of material.
  4. No advertisements We do not tolerate any kind of advertisements, whether it be for other communities or streams. You can post your content in the media channel if it is relevant and provides actual value (Video/Art)
  5. Use Common Sense Just because a rule isn't explicitly stated here doesn't mean its allowed. If you encourage someone else to break the rules then you're going down with them :P
submitted by Ok_Dragonfruit_1794 to SkittleChanCafe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 THCrunkadelic "ERROR: Exception in ASGI application" while trying to move model after successful finetuning (AllTalk)

I have tried the finetuning 3 times, including re-installing the entire text-generation-webui, and the 3rd time even doing "run as administrator" in the powershell. It errors trying to move the model at the end, and spits out a long line of code I will post below, that begins with the error in my title, and ends with "TypeError: Type is not JSON serializable: WindowsPath". I also get a JSON error when I try to refresh any of the dropdowns, which is weird.
Every time I get the same thing happen. Preflight checklist is good to go. Steps 2, 3, and 4 of finetuning are successful. I can load the model, I can test the model, and it sounds 95% accurate. Then when I try to move the model (I've tried option A, B, and C, they all error the same), I get the below response:
ERROR: Exception in ASGI application Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 265, in __call__ await wrap(partial(self.listen_for_disconnect, receive)) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 261, in wrap await func() File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 238, in listen_for_disconnect message = await receive() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\uvicorn\protocols\http\", line 568, in receive await self.message_event.wait() File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\asyncio\", line 213, in wait await fut asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError: Cancelled by cancel scope 1e2a26f79d0
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
+ Exception Group Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\uvicorn\protocols\http\", line 411, in run_asgi result = await app( # type: ignore[func-returns-value] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\uvicorn\middleware\", line 69, in __call__ return await, receive, send) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\fastapi\", line 1054, in __call__ await super().__call__(scope, receive, send) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 123, in __call__ await self.middleware_stack(scope, receive, send) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\middleware\", line 186, in __call__ raise exc File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\middleware\", line 164, in __call__ await, receive, _send) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\gradio\", line 689, in __call__ await, receive, send) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\middleware\", line 65, in __call__ await wrap_app_handling_exceptions(, conn)(scope, receive, send) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 64, in wrapped_app raise exc File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 53, in wrapped_app await app(scope, receive, sender) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 756, in __call__ await self.middleware_stack(scope, receive, send) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 776, in app await route.handle(scope, receive, send) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 297, in handle await, receive, send) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 77, in app await wrap_app_handling_exceptions(app, request)(scope, receive, send) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 64, in wrapped_app raise exc File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 53, in wrapped_app await app(scope, receive, sender) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 75, in app await response(scope, receive, send) File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 258, in __call__ async with anyio.create_task_group() as task_group: File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\anyio\_backends\", line 678, in __aexit__ raise BaseExceptionGroup( ExceptionGroup: unhandled errors in a TaskGroup (1 sub-exception) +-+---------------- 1 ---------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 261, in wrap await func() File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\starlette\", line 250, in stream_response async for chunk in self.body_iterator: File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\gradio\", line 885, in sse_stream raise e File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\gradio\", line 849, in sse_stream response = process_msg(message) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Automatic1111\text-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env\Lib\site-packages\gradio\", line 797, in process_msg return f"data: {orjson.dumps(message.model_dump()).decode('utf-8')}\n\n" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError: Type is not JSON serializable: WindowsPath +------------------------------------
submitted by THCrunkadelic to Oobabooga [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 Informal-Orange1068 AITAH for telling my sister I will not cater to her like her family does.

So, I( F30 ) am married to my husband (M27) and he has 1 sister F(25) that lives with her parents.She is healthy and capable of working but she always have excuses not to work, and moves in and out of her boyfriend's, the reason being is due to him not making enough to support her at times.i know and understand this is not my bussines but It becomes my business when she keeps asking my husband for money every week for her personal use like perfumes, clothes, hair products,stuff like that.Specially because my mother in law and father in law gives her an she has wreked 2 cars that her parents bought for her(the recent one being 3 months ago). My husband and I have 2 kids. I work full time and going to school. So the issue becomes when she comes to my house she only wants to use my master bathroom to shower and do her business, and my room to chill and relax I had told my husband to let her know she has the guess room to chill and the bathroom in the hallway to use, he don't see an issue with her being in our room while we are all in the living room or using our bathroom when we have the one on the hallway that my kids use. I told him it's an issue for me anyways, we were discussing with my inlaws that we might move to another state and my sister inlaw said she will need her own bathroom when she moves in with us, I looked at my husband he just said well maybe in the future you can. I told him infront of her she will not be moving with us and she said why was I being an jerk to her and I said because I will not have a grown woman that is capable of working living free in our house. She said I have to adapt to it since I married her brother I told her I don't have to adapt to anything and stormed out. My husband said I was being to harsh on her and my inlawas are calling me and texting me telling me inconsiderate I am trying to decide their family. I don't think I did nothing wrong but it has me thinking. AITAH?
submitted by Informal-Orange1068 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 rocketsocks A lot of you need to hear this: The reason you don't see the hate is because you sub-consciously ignore it.

I've seen so, so many people say "I don't get it, I never see it". It's there, it's abundant, you're just ignoring it or not registering it. This is the classic way that micro-aggressions work. They don't seem that significant when you just run across one or two, especially when they aren't directed at you. They can easily seem innocuous. But for someone who is on the receiving end of them they are noticeable, and for someone who has done the work to be sensitive to picking them up they are noticeable too.
And let's be clear, there has long been a history with this sort of toxicity in TTRPG fandoms. It's driven players out of some social media spaces, for example. It's real, it's impactful, and it continues. I would kindly suggest to those who "don't see it" that they do the work to become more sensitive, educate yourself on how discrimination works day to day in the real world.
To be clear, the way to tackle systemic discrimination is not to just ignore it and hope it goes away with lack of engagement. It needs to be talked about, people need to be educated about how it works and how to recognize it, and people who aren't the victims of it need to speak up about it, repeatedly, and highlight how problematic it is and how it's not ok and not welcome in our community.
submitted by rocketsocks to Dimension20 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 Erwinblackthorn Review: Tales of the EdgeWorlds Volume 1

Today’s review is for Tales of the EdgeWorlds Volume 1 by Shawn Frost. I was given an ARC copy back in July of 2023, but didn’t finish reading it until recently because I bogged myself down with too many activities, and something this long takes me a while. I will go through the things I liked about it, the things I hated, and wrap it up with a score from 1-10. My scoring system goes through 5 key components, with each one going over the creative aspect and the technical aspect. I will explain that part when we get to scoring later on, so let’s plow on through.
This is a collection, about 266 pages long, and is meant to be the first installment of a comedy series. Shawn runs a Youtube channel where he covers lolcows and does gaming streams, so comedy should come naturally to him. As a volume, this holds 4 short stories, each one holding about 8 chapters, with each story running for about 20k words. Technically, we can say it’s 4 novelettes, but as I explain the situation, you’ll see why they are so long. The plot may seem complex but the main characters go through the same situations: the dimensional merge occurred, between all of our creative properties and C-197, with a group of rambunctious penguins doing mercenary work.
Sadly, it’s not really the Chris-Chan version of a dimensional merge, so we do not see Sonichu or any of that wacky world… yet. It's volume 1, so it's too early to say it's not open to the possibilities. The style runs close to internet memes and those old Newgrounds cartoons, with the focus aimed at action scenes and descriptions of the creative world around their setups. But, as you read through the massive amount of descriptions and banter, you'll realize that very little happens in each story. I would say each one is very simple and with a low reading level needed to get through them, which is a double-edged sword in this case.
I say this because the writing tries too hard to claim a joke was made when it wasn’t really a “ha-ha” joke to begin with. It’s more like “ah… humor is detectable somewhere in these pages” kind of comedy. It relates to the offensive animals of Fritz the Cat, where the comedy comes from the absurdity of a setup, rather than a punchline that is found. Unfortunately, because the satire is absent and it focuses too much on the premise, the result becomes more like my favorite episode of Heil Honey I’m Home, minus Hitler and his annoying neighbors. The banter bogs down the pacing, turning each chapter into a short, yet overly long, sample of a scene, chained together by constantly shifting points of view.
Thankfully, this simple way of approaching a story allows a casual reader to speed on by. Things are easy to follow and characters are easy to remember. The main cast of Edgy, Jeff, Todd, and Hylus are separated by their brand of chaotic addictions. Addiction to drugs, addiction to hentai, addiction to video games, addiction to murder; all greatly expressed in what are meant to be running gags that resemble a sitcom cast. The ship they travel around in, from job to job, can easily be imagined as a "That '70s Show basement" version of the ship in The Orville, as each story goes to different planets where they meet different aliens.
There is enough in each story to understand what is going on, with the stories more as an exploration of lore than an exploration of character or theme. The lack of focus, as well as the indifferent prose, harms the way each tale is told. I would never say these are bad ideas or bad concepts, just bad ways to get them across. High concept, low composition. I would say the main value is from the promise of more to come than what is presented in the pages.
Time for the rating, which will be given between 0-2. 1 point goes to the technical aspect and 1 point goes to the creative side of things. Flaws within a point will reduce it into smaller decimals, but a single aspect is not able to entirely kill a story on its own. If it’s all technical or all creative, a story will be treated as mediocre. Even if I like something, it is still possible to get a 5/10, meaning it’s not suitable for the average reader who is more accepting of a 7 or an 8.
Plot: 1.5 Things happen and people go places in the form of a violent travelog. The pacing bogs down the destination with tourist traps.
Characters: 1.5 The characters play their roles well, even though their roles don’t play well with the plot. Their banter and quirks fall flat in parts.
Prose: 1 With clear points between A and B, wet and sloppy ideas are delivered dry and brittle. With each paragraph shoving lore down the reader’s throat, it can become death by a thousand detours.
Theme: 1 There is a great message about how chaos and anarchy transforms people into primitive animals. Unfortunately, the author couldn’t find it in the infinite vastness of subspace.
Setting : 2 It is a world you want to know more about and look forward to the next bit of info. Creative, exotic, to the proper point of chaotic, yet still comprehensible. Everything about this book is in the setting.
Final verdict: 7/10
The book is niche, it takes a while to heat up, and even then it’s as appealing as a mystery flavor hot pocket. If you’re into absurdity, you will enjoy it. I just wish the absurdity had some life behind it. There is room for expansion and I hope that opportunity is taken.
submitted by Erwinblackthorn to TDLH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 k1zzykk Why do so many men dislike anything to do with women’s sports

Every time I come across a post on social media about a woman’s sporting achievement there are always boat loads of men in the comments just straight up hating.
Or let’s say for example in boxing when there’s a big fight promotional boxing channels often ask other boxers to be interviewed about the up coming fight asking them questions like “who do you think will win and why?”, I’ve noticed when female boxers partake in these interviews there is often a lot of hate in the comment section basically implying that the female boxer’s opinion is not valid.
What is the problem and why do so many men go out of their way to hate upon female athletes?
submitted by k1zzykk to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 Stock-Pomegranate181 Won in Twitch Drops, wasting an hour of my life, accounts hooked up before clicked my drop, told watch another hour, on main page no beta download. To those twitch streamers got money for promoting this. Site policy said wait 24 hours, not work? Day 1 Launch Looks Like MassHacks. Nvidia fix inside🔥

My Story, below covers account activation after winning and a nvidia fix and I implore everyone to write there problem below as one hot thread with drama make change happpen quicker than anything. so we raise mass awareness to the issue and Developers are either forced to fix it or Day 1 Launch Game Tanks.

Won in Twitch Drops, wasting an hour of my life, had all accounts hooked up before clicked my drop, brought to a page telling me to watch another hour, and on main page no beta download. To those twitch streamers that got views n money for promoting this. Fix this or
Day 1 will be mass-cheats Day 1. Their own on site policy reads
"The Non-Steam Key, like the Steam keys, serves as a voucher for beta
access eligibility. Please note that keys obtained from Twitch Drops
cannot be activated by the user. Once you obtain a Steam or Non-Steam
key from the Twitch Drops event, your linked Level Infinite Pass account
will be activated automatically within one business day. No further
action is required on your part; simply be patient and wait for us to
grant your beta access."

Someone who is not me can easily recode an older version of Unreal 4, and why the hell yous wrapped your mobile port into Unreal 4 instead of 5? Faking the amount of accounts to be in the beta. Day 1 and the playerbase is gonna be rageful rants about people 360 spinning, headshotting and pre-aiming through walls.
Diplomacy for the keys is over as of now, waited 24 hours exactly - but if that fails the public can decide. Also your banned new cards etc is because its a mobile port still in its base-code, ported to Unreal 4 which will already have conflicts with newer graphics cards past its era, but they probably expect Nvidia to retrofit their little high advertised but poorly executed marketed F2P title.
FIXING FPS DROPS, STUTTERING ETC THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE UNLESS NVIDIA RETRO PATCH A GAME THATS FREE 2 PLAY UNLIKELY, ESPECIALLY ONE THATS ARCHITECTURE IS BASED IN MOBILE SOFTWARE AND THEN A WRAPPER IS USED TO RUN IT THROUGH UNREAL 4 - a cheap way of porting. My only clue for using Unreal 4 is maybe theyd have to pay royalties to Unreal 5. But combine the OG mobile architecture + UE some new cards will conflict with old tech, below is my solution:
It's this or by their own site I've screenshots for all this - they lied, community needs to stand together on this cause its bullpoop 🔥
Nvidia Fixs & Mouse Poll Rate:
Stuttering Fix for Nvidia cards
Win + R
Paste the following: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache
Delete everything in the folder or sort by date and only delete the ones after the game was installed & ake your polling rate on your mouse 1000hz
It's still gonna be janky on the newer cards running on an old UE4 engine. Its cause they ported a mobile game which clearly is still fundmentally running mobile graphic software, and got retrofitted with Unreal 4 (NOT 5 FOR NO REASON AS A WRAPPER ON THE GAME WOULD OF SOLVED IT FOR EVERYONE)
So the newer cards dont run well with a combination of mobile port into Unreal 4. They need nvidia to be bothered to patch the new cards to word with UE40.

Everyone post your own description of events and raise awareness, this is bullsh!t Larry!

submitted by Stock-Pomegranate181 to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 Emergency-Ad792 Hey devs listen up

I’ll start by saying this is not one of those SnOw dAy iS sOo bAd posts. So let’s keep the hate to minimum.
What would you(the new kids) like to tell/ask devs about the game?
We all want more content added that’s a given so what features would you like added? What possible story lines or side quests? Maybe a quality of life feature not yet in the game?
For me I just want some in game communication..a ping system or pre set chat phrases anything lol. I also think there needs to be some elites. Not quite a boss but more strategy required than the trash mobs.(6th graders/adults I would hardly call elites lol). A higher difficulty too. This game got way easy way fast.
Let’s keep the discussion constructive. 🖤
submitted by Emergency-Ad792 to SouthParkSnow [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 TheErzats12 Quirk Idea : Frightening aura

An idea that came to me recently.
The user can emit an aura that instills fear and uneasiness in anyone that feels it, making them feel like a prey being hunted by a predator or like a threat is looming.
Uses :
submitted by TheErzats12 to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 ResponsibleBerry6764 How do I resolve communication issues with this girl (19F) I'm (21M) seeing?

So I've been seeing this girl for a while now. We have kissed already but it's nothing too serious so far. Today, she messaged me asking how I was doing. I replied that I was just heading home from another city and asked "Why do you ask?"
Suddenly, out of the blue, she responded with: I see that you're already tired of me.
I replied: What do you mean?
She answered: I feel like you’re already tired of me.
I asked: Why do you think that?
She said: Because we hardly have any contact with each other and when we do, it’s only for a short time. That makes me feel like you’re tired of me.
I replied: Well, you had your final exams recently, so I didn’t want to bother you.
She said: I told you that you never bother me.
I replied: I understand. But besides the exams, I feel like I haven't really been able to catch a common language with you.
She said: so what's next?
I replied: I don't know, maybe we should talk about it, like back when I told you about my feelings, but you ignored me?
I replied with another one: From the start, it’s been a bit awkward. I’ve tried to have conversations, but it rarely work out. (she would always answer with a really short sentence or just single word and don't ask me back anything) You never initiated any conversations, physical contacts or gave compliments, (yes, she never gave me any compliments, even a simple "you too" after my compliments towards her or something like that) so I thought you were just shy and decided to give you time to open up. I’ve been patient, but after a couple of months not much has changed. The last time I told you face-to-face that I struggle to talk with you, you didn’t say anything. No reaction at all, which honestly discouraged me a bit.
She responded: I told you I’m quiet and I can’t keep a conversation going, even if I want to. (I don’t remember her ever saying this)
Her response to the part where I mentioned telling her I struggle to talk to her face-to-face was: What was I supposed to say to that? (anything???)
Her response to my part about discouragement was: So I discouraged you, I see 🙂
I didn't respond to this because I had to think about this whole situation.
Then she sent another text: So I was right, you are tired of me. If you don’t want to have contact with me, just fucking tell me.
So, what do you guys think about this whole situation? What should I do? She seems to be manipulative and gaslight all the blame on me when I try to discuss the situation. I like her but don't know if it's worth pursuing anymore.
TL;DR: I've been seeing a girl recently, and she accused me of being tired of her due to our limited communication. Despite my efforts to be patient and understanding, She gets defensive and manipulative when I try to discuss it. Looking for advice on how to handle this situation and improve our communication.
submitted by ResponsibleBerry6764 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 eventuation Closing scheduled for tomorrow and I am a complete mess. I am so freaked out

We are supposed to close tomorrow at 10:30. We asked our LO earlier this week how the transfer of funds for closing costs will work and they told us we'd get instructions for a wire transfer.
Today, I talked to the attorneys office who is the settlement agent, then they followed up with an email saying they want us to bring a cashier's check.
This is a problem and I start having a panic attack: our down payment is in an online-only bank (SoFi), we don't have time to transfer it back out to our brick & mortar bank to get a cashier's check. Plus, we also did a dumb thing and transferred the rest of the money we needed too late and it's still in limbo (this is less of a big deal, because we have enough to cover the difference in another account, so I think it should be fine as long as we can do two transfers from two different banks). The final CD also shows a seller credit of $7k when we'd agreed on $10k.
So my husband calls our agent to try and get this figured out, this was like 3 hours ago. She told us she'd follow up with us. We still haven't heard back from her.
The deadline to do the wire transfer with SoFi is 3pm... it's 2 now and I'm starting to get afraid we aren't going to make it and that this all might get fucked up. I'm feeling now like I should've just called the attorneys office myself but I felt like I wouldn't be able to without having another panic attack and my husband keeps telling me we should just wait to hear back from our agent now. I have been having panic attacks off and on all day because of all of this
submitted by eventuation to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]