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2020.05.02 11:17 La_Paperbag Memelaysia

Memelaysia! Ini ialah sebuah komuniti memes untuk para penggemar memes, atau secara khususnya untuk penggemar memes dari Malaysia. Walaupun begitu, para pengguna Reddit dari luar negara turut dialu-alukan. ~~~~~ Memelaysia! This is a memes community for memes enthusiasts, or specifically for memes enthusiasts from Malaysia. However, Redditors from other countries are also welcomed.

2024.04.28 18:42 Uklane Bald im Gulag

Bald im Gulag submitted by Uklane to ichbin40undSchwurbler [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 15:35 S4K4T4T Bisikletimi fazla seviyorum

Bunu anlatmak benim için çok çok zor ama artık birilerine bundan bahsetmek istiyorum. İnternette aradığımda benim gibi pek insan bulamadım zaten ingilizcem de yok varsa da konuşamazdım muhtemelen. Hiç gerçek arkadaşım da yok dertleşebileceğim, en fazla ödev sormak falanlık okuldan insanlar. Uzun lafın kısası artık buraya yazmak zorunda kaldım. Çocukluğumdan beri pek arkadaşım yok, neden bilmiyorum mahalledeki çocuklar benle hep alay eder aşağılarlardı beni. Yine de 6 yaşlarıma falan kadar çıkar top mop oynardım bu orospu çocuklarıyla. En büyükleri benden 2 yaş büyüktü herhalde günün birinde gıcır gıcır bi bisiklet aldı. Önceleri kimseye dokundurtmadıysa da yakın arkadaşlarıyla paylaşmaya başladı bi süre sonra. Tabii bu iş böyle olunca mahalleliler ağlaya zırlaya bisiket aldırtıyordu ebeveynlerine. Benimkiler düşersin müşersin dedi almadı. Durumları yoktu garibanların. Zamanla top oynamayı bile bıraktılar neredeyse, varsa yoksa bisiklet sürmekti işleri. Ben bunların yanında gariban kalınca daha çok alay ettiler, daha çok aşağıladılarm En son bi gün beni bağırta çağırta ağlatana kadar zorbaladılar. Ben ağladıkça yüzlerine bakıyorum belki acırlar diye, bunlar daha da garezleniyor. İnsafsız orospu çocukları. Ben de girdim eve koştum odama orda devam ettim ağlamaya. Anam kapıyı çaldı bi kez bi daha da bakmadı. Bi daha da okula kadar çıkmadım zaten evden. 1-2 kez sordular neden çıkmıyon diye benle aday ediyolar diyip kestirip attım vs. derken yapacak iş olmayınca anamın telefonunda epey vakit geçirmeye başladım, hep youtube bisiklet videoları falan izliyodum. Bu videoları izleye izleye hiç sürmesem de manyak şeyler öğrenmiştim. Tamirinden yapımına her boka bakıyodum. Çok anlamasam da izliyodum. Hayatım bisiklet videosu izlemek olmuştu adeta. Gel zaman git zaman okula başladım ama hala hiç arkadaşım yoktu. İnsanlarla konuşmaktan yüzlerine bakmaktan korkar olmuştum daha da gaddarlaşırlar diye. Her gün eve çok acıkmış olarak geliyor yine de ilk iş anamın telefonu lim kgeçene kadar ağlanıp zırlayıp video izliyordum. Artık bıkmış olacaklar, biraz da acımış ki napıp edip elden düşme bi bisiklet aldılar. Her gün saatlerce sürdüm. İlk edindiğimden beri de tek arkadaşım oydu. Onla sohbet ettim derleştim. Gel zaman git zaman büyüdüm, babam yeni telefon alıp eskisini bana verdi, küçüleni satıp boyuma uygun bir bisiklet aldım, yine büyük ölçüde bisiklet videoları falan izliyor artık telefo benim olduğu için de 7/24 böyle devam edebiliyordum. Tutoriallerden zaten odamda tuttuğum bisikletime süs yapıyordum vs. Ama nadir de olsa farklı şeyler izlemeye başladım ve bel altı şakaları merak edip sorunca falan cinselliği keşfettim. Hiç ilgimi çekmedi ne kadın ne erkekler. Derken bir süre sonra yine gece bisiklet sürerken pusete sürtünen penisimin uzadığını fark ettim. Daha önce de olmuştu aslında ama oralı olmamıştım. Bu sefer ne olduğunu bildiğimden o işi yapmak istedim. Evet bisikletimle. Geçtim bir kuytuya, şortumu hafifçe indirip başladım sürtmeye. İnanılmaz hissettiriyordu. Bi süre sonra kalkıp sikimi lastiklerine pedallarına sürtmeye başladım, lastiğin tutuculuğu inanılmaz keyifliydi, hele o üstündeki ufak sillerin sikimi okşaması delirtiyordu beni. En son artık şortumu iyice çıkarıp bisikletin arka tekerinin üstüne koydum ve metalle arasında sürte sürte ileri geri gide gide boşaldım. İlkin sokağın ortasında kendimi çırılçıplak bulunca inanılmaz bir pişmanlık çöktü üstüme ama tekrar istedi canım zamanla. Ben de her istediğimde yapmaya başladım. 4. seferden sonra apartmanın bodrumunda yaparsam kimsenin fark etmeyeceğini anladım ve hep orda yaptım. Hatta yaz bitip okul açılınca okuldan her geldiğimde bodruma girip hemen bisikletimi sikebileyim diye bodrumda tutmaya başladım bisikleti. Yıllardır inatla küçücük odama koyduğum bisiklet artık bodrumdaydı ve her gece farklı şeyler yapıyordum. Arada bir yere yatıp bisikleti üstünden geçirmeye, jantlarını yalamaya, direksiyon demirlerini veya pusetin uç kısmını götüme sokmaya başladım. Günde bir defa böyle, an az bir defa da telefonumdan pahallı bisiklet modellerine vs. bakarak boşalmaya başladım. Aradan yıllar geçti ve ben çalışmaya başlayıp paramla bisikletimi birkaç kez güncelledim. Hatta son seferinde eskisini satmadan yeni bir bisiklet aldım. Eskisine kıyamamıştım. İki bisikletmin birden olması seks hayatımı feci derecede güzelleştirdi, birini yere ters koyup birini diğerinin üzerinde tutup lastikleri arasında sikimi sıkıştırmak mı dersiniz, aynı şekilde dilimi sokmak mı, birinin pusetinin ucu götümdeyken diğerinin lastiklerini jantlarını mi, hepsini yaptım. Büyüdükçe kendime daha garip gözle bakmaya başladım. Yaptıklarım tuhaf geliyor ve her an bunun ortaya çıkmasından korkarak geçiyor. Şu an 10. sınıfım okuldan hala merhabalaştığım sadece sırama yakın oturanlar var ve onlarla da samimiyetim bundan ibaret. Ailemle hiç iletişimim yok zaten. Belli ki dünyaya benim gibi birini getirmekten utanıyirlar ve arada sorumluluk duyguları zuhur edip bana derslerimin halinden şikayet etseler de aslında ben yokmuşum gibi davranıp yarattıkları ucubeden alabildiğine uzak durmaya çalışıyorlar farkındayım. Tüm bu durumlardan kurtulmak istedikçe kendimden daha da nefret ediyoru ve mutlu olduğum tek yer olan bodruma daha çok uğramaya başlıyorum. Sonuç olarak çıkışsızım. Her şeyin sebebi bisikletlerim gibi hissediyorum bazen. Ama bazen de her şeyin tek çıkar yolu onlar gibi. Sonuçta sarılıp da ağlayabildiğim tek şeyler onlar bu dünyada. Hem sarılıp hem sikip hem sevebildiğim, hem dertleşebildiğim. Napacağımı hiç bilmiyorum. Odamda 5 paket ağrı kesici var gizlediğim. Günün birinde hepsini alıp intihar edeceğim ama hala bisikletlerimle vedalaşmaya hazır değilim. Sanırım bu yazıyı yazdıktan sonra da kafa dağıtmak için uzun bir bisiklet yolculuuna çıkar sonra bodrumde yine seks yaparım onlarla. İyi günler.
submitted by S4K4T4T to vlandiya [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 15:39 Historical-School792 Tengok artis freehair berhijab buat aku nampak keburukan sebenar orang islam

So recently i saw a few influencers hijrah from freehair to hijabi. Personally i dont mind this bcs i believe women can choose what they want to do, but i realized i dont like something about this and sad when i realized it.
I notice influencer tak bertudung kena kecam everytime on their page. Thay can talk about something random and non controversial ada je yang tegur aurat dia, tanya bila nak insaf,istiqomah etc. These people is the same people yang cakap hidayah milik allah and hidayah comes at the right time etc. They think harsh words and hatred will change people for the good (melayu kan suka jaga dosa org). For a religion that says 'islam sayang wanita', islam disrespects women so badly.
But then when the girl wears hijab, the comment suddenly turns 360.everyone suddenly love how brave she is for wearing a hijab like shes a soldier coming from war. My problem is, did these people forget what they said to her before she wears hijab? Dulu kutuk now puji. God its so obvious. Every celebrity that wears hijab once gets backlash for being themselves.
And if men do this i understand at least, but perempuan melayu yang terpaling berhijab tu yang always shame on other women. When you think about it being a muslim women is exhausting. Tengok video perempuan berhijab,always ada 2-3 comments asking them to cover their neck ankles etc.
So now that every malay women obsess nak berhijab when negara arab pun ramai lagi freehair, i'm thinking about how hard it is for non hijabi malay girls out there. Berapa ramai yang kena paksa bertudung by their family members and gets hate comments? And they dsre to say hijab is a choice
submitted by Historical-School792 to MalaysianExMuslim [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 20:24 tersxin Bahasa pengantar ilmu

Apa pendapat anda??Mengapakah USA,Singapura,UK dan negara Eropah lain maju??Kerana mereka mempunyai golongan bijak pandai yang ramai??Puncanya kerana mereka boleh berbahasa Inggeris…Bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa penghantar ilmu…untuk melahirkan generasi berilmu,perlu lebih banyak bahan ilmu di Malaysia yang menggunakan bahasa majoriti di Malaysia iaitu Bahasa Melayu..Mengapakah orang di Malaysia sekarang lebih alim..
Kerana,banyak ceramah dan bahan ilmu disebarkan di dalam Bahasa Melayu dan mudah difahami..Di Malaysia,video ilmu kebanyakannya berkaitan agama yang berbahasa melayu…Namun,video berkaitan isu-isu semasa dan subjek lain masih tidak ada berbahasa Melayu..Ini mengehadkan pendengar kepada yang berbahasa Inggeris sahaja…Kita perlu banyakkan bahan bacaan,video,dan bahan ilmu lain dalam bahasa melayu kerana lebih mudah difahami dan dekat kepada rakyat Malaysia untuk melahirkan rakyat yang cerdik dan pandai..
submitted by tersxin to NegarakuMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 04:50 vannon0911 Why do my views always fall in the basement?

Why do my views always fall in the basement?
It doesn't matter if I create a new account Using a different device Or something else, no content is well received And from one video to the other I have from 1000-3000 views 15-80 views This is too striking a difference to be seen as a coincidence
submitted by vannon0911 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 20:52 Opening_Tailor_3908 pink aura on video?

pink aura on video?
why does this pink glow happen when i watch a youtube video? it happens no matter what video i watch.
submitted by Opening_Tailor_3908 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 02:54 EnergyDrinkEnjoyer What are some upsides and downsides of using TPB?

What are some upsides and downsides of using TPB? submitted by EnergyDrinkEnjoyer to torrents [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 13:45 mussiest_woman_alive Spiel schmiert dauernd ab - After Humans (updated) - Allocated Memory 100%

Ich hatte vor Kurzem einen Anflug von Nostalgie und wollte mal wieder After Humans spielen. Technic Launcher runtergeladen, Modpack runtergeladen, Spiel gestartet.
Nach einer Weile friert es mir grundsätzlich ein, zusammen mit dem Rest vom Rechner. Ca. 30 - 60 sek später, wenn sich alles wieder gefangen hat, erscheint folgende Fehlermeldung:
Die Anweisung in 0x00007FFF3E0079F9 verwies auf Arbeitsspeicher bei 0x000000044C37FE8C. Der Vorgang written konnte im Arbeitsspeicher nicht durchgeführt werden.
Die Zahlen varriieren.
Ich habe Minecraft im Launcher bereits alle möglichen Mengen an Arbeitsspeicher zur Verfügung gestellt, aber das scheint überhaupt nicht das Problem zu sein. Used Memory bewegt sich immer zwischen 15 und 60%. Allocated Memory hingegen steht immer bei 100%.
Ein Freund sagte mir dazu:
Du weißt ja das ich nicht der Gamer bin aber anhand Deiner Screenshots ist der zugewiesene RAM (Allocated RAM) bei 100%. Das darf sicher nicht so sein, denn wo soll Windows im Hintergrund noch Daten ablegen können?
Ich sende Dir hier mal eine YT_Link der das Problem wohl behebt.
Hat er aber nicht. Ich habe etliche weitere Seiten und YouTube-Videos gefunden, die das Problem auf die eine oder andere Weise lösen sollen, aber die befassen sich alle mit dem Grundspiel, nicht mit Technic-Modpacks. Ein Testversuch mit zur Verfügung gestellten alternativen JVM-Argumenten hat auch nichts gebracht.
Bei anderen Modpacks tritt dieser Fehler übrigens ebenso auf. Beim Grundspiel ohne Mods steht Allocated Memory ebenfalls bei 100%, aber das schmiert mir nicht ab.
Ich will eigentlich einfach nur mal wieder 'ne Runde Minecraft spielen und hoffe, dass hier irgendjemand eine brauchbare Lösung für dieses Problem für mich hat.
submitted by mussiest_woman_alive to MinecraftDe [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 12:29 NLEBomba Please help me pick a Laptop for 10,000 SEK in Sweden

submitted by NLEBomba to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 18:10 TheGoodCaptainPickle I am Building 2 decks in Jund Colors. Please Help put my Cards to Good Use

I have a pile of cards sitting on my desk doing nothing. Which two commanders should I build around? I'm hoping to come out of this with deck that are 2 or 3 colors and aren't too similar Not listed are a ton of artifacts and artifact matters cards that are in cards on my chopping block if that helps anyone recommend something interesting.
In the past I have made various decks, including Prossh, which turned out to be too strong and linear. I tried Sek'Kuar MLD, which I could never get to work. I also tried Vaecictis Asmadi, the Dire in a Primal Surge deck. My favorite decks are Toshiro Umezawa because it allows me to find work arounds to solve problems on anyone's turn, and Hazezon, Shaper of Sand because of the synergy.
"Lovely Bois" are cards that I'd really like to use in some way.
Thank y'all for your time. Here's my pile of cards and a video an old sage.
submitted by TheGoodCaptainPickle to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 11:27 windofdeath89 First draft for 2K UWQHD gaming + work

Hello Everyone,
I have come up with a draft pc build. Will be my first time building a pc so trying to get help and see how I could improve it. The prices are in Swedish crowns (Approx. 11 sek is 1 USD)
I have some leeway of around 100 USD more, though would prefer not to spend if its unnecessary.
What would I use it for? Honestly a bit tricky. I used to game titles such DotA, Counter Strike and NFS around 10 years ago on a PC. ( Haven't played since, so maybe I am overdoing my build). Currently I play games such as Assassin Creed and Cities Skyline on my XboX series S and would probably play similar ones on the PC.
I have already ordered an MSI Optix MAG342CQR (UWQHD).
Any and all help will be appreciated.
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU *AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor kr4689.00 @ Amazon Sweden
Thermal Compound ARCTIC MX-4 4 g Thermal Paste -
Thermal Compound ARCTIC MX-4 4 g Thermal Paste -
Thermal Compound ARCTIC MX-6 4 g Thermal Paste kr63.13 @ Amazon Sweden
Motherboard Asus TUF GAMING B650-PLUS WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard kr2339.00 @ Amazon Sweden
Memory *Corsair Vengeance 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-5200 CL40 Memory kr1149.00 @ Amazon Sweden
Storage *Solidigm P44 Pro 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive kr1856.00 @ Proshop
Video Card *Asus TUF GAMING OC Radeon RX 7900 XT 20 GB Video Card kr9990.00 @ Proshop
Case *Corsair 4000D Airflow ATX Mid Tower Case kr1040.42 @ Amazon Sweden
Power Supply Corsair RM750 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply -
Operating System *Microsoft Windows 11 Home OEM - DVD 64-bit kr1563.00 @ Computersalg
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total kr22689.55
*Lowest price parts chosen from parametric criteria
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-04-18 11:29 CEST+0200
submitted by windofdeath89 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 22:57 BlindKnowledge A new episode is available - Podcast Harassment March 19, 2024 The title alone will probably keep this video suppressed.
Leave a message:
Other things
submitted by BlindKnowledge to BlindKnowledge [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 09:35 Gold_Reality_6758 Found one on youtube vid

Found one on youtube vid submitted by Gold_Reality_6758 to foundthemobileuser [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 12:59 _Dumbass_Writer_ Social media warfare

To counter Islamic conservatism in Malaysia you need to win the social media war. You need to create multiple social media accounts(YouTube and Facebook accounts for example) for political purpose. Whenever you use these accounts you should pretend to be Muslim even if you don't like it. What's matter the most isn't the method but the result. You can try these tricks:
  1. Be a social media influencer and upload educational videos
If you live in a state that have no apostasy laws such as Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Sarawak you can try uploading interesting videos related to science and mathematics. Pretend to be a liberal Muslim but don't voice your opinions to anything related to politic. Just teach your viewers about science and mathematics but don't forget to teach the scientific facts that oppose what written in the Quran for example Charles Darwin's evolution theory. Teach evolution without mentioning Islam or Quran. Talking about Muslim scientists is fine but don't promote the Quran. You know really well that the Quran is full of scientific errors. Also, if you're in the least religious states in Malaysia you won't get arrested for posting these videos as long you don't cause controversy. To avoid controversy just avoid talking about Quran or Islam. Don't reply to any comments that criticize you for teaching scientific facts that oppose what written in the Quran. Just ignore them. Just keep teaching your viewers these scientific facts. Even if the authority find out you're an atheist what are they gonna do when there's no apostasy laws? And besides, it's not illegal to teach evolution in states like Kuala Lumpur and Sarawak. There should no problem because you're not breaking any laws. Also, the videos you upload should be colourful to attract the gen z. Don't forget to use anime avatar as well, improve your editing skill and make sure your videos aren't too childish. Also, don't forget to tell the audience about the real life applications of things you taught to them. Teaching the history of science and mathematics would also make your videos interesting.
  1. Science vs Religion bait
Create bunch of "Islamic" spam bots on YouTube/TikTok/Facebook/Reddit/etc+ and annoy everyone(but your target is scientific thinkers). Try spam words like "For those who love science you must read the Quran! Science in the Quran is 100% accurate. There's no scientific errors in the Quran. None! Islamic science is the greatest in the world! For those of you who disagree with me tell me any scientific errors in the Quran!!!". You must sound as confident as possible to show everyone how uneducated, ignorant foolish "you" are. What I mean by "you" is not actually you but that fake account you're using. The goal of doing this is actually to bait the scientific thinkers into science vs religion argument. And when they enter the argument make sure to secretly help them win the argument. But make sure to not make it seems obvious that you purposely lose the argument.. so once you "lost'' the argument, start insulting them and tell them that they will be sent to Jahanam(hell) soon. Doing this would damage the reputation of Muslim community.
  1. Learn Islamic concepts such as "Jahaham" and use it as weapon of social media warfare against Islam
Think of any famous people(that's not Muslim) that many people idolize for example Christiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Lee Chong Wei, any athletes, celebrities, historical figures, scientist, and etc+. In social media you tell everyone(but in your mind, your specific target of audience are the Muslims who idolize these famous people) that _(insert name) will be punished in Jahanam(hell) for not believing in Islam the one and only true religion. By doing this you annoy both the non-Muslims and the Muslims(including the conservative Muslims). If a Muslim got angry just say that as long _(insert name) doesn't believe in Islam then he/she will be sent to Jahanam(hell) then "explain" to them that you're speaking "facts" and "facts doesn't care about their feelings". If they say you're not true Muslim then say "Whether I'm a true Muslim or not it doesn't change the fact that those who don't believe in Islam will be punished in Jahanam. " Make sure to sound as Muslim as possible by saying Islamic word like "Jahanam" instead of hell or Jannah instead of paradise so that the Muslims won't jump to conclusion that you're a Jew, or Westerner or India Pajeet or Cina DAP or whatever bullshit they think of. Don't forget to "explain" to the non-Muslims why they must "repent" and worship Allah before it's "too late". Tell them that by the time they're in Jahanam(hell) it would be too late for them to repent. Doing this would make them more skeptical of Islam. Of course Jahanam doesn't exist but you can use this concept as a tool for social media warfare against Islam.
  1. Divide the majority and provoke the minorities
Tell every Malaysian minorities(for example eastern Malaysians, Chinese Malaysians, Indian Malaysians, etc+) that you will screenshot their comment and viral them on social media if they support Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia or if they keep questioning about hak Melayu and agama Islam. Tell them "Kalau tak sukar ko boleh blah dari Malaysia" or "Jangan sampai kami cari rumah kau" to continue provoking them. You can also post things that the conservative Malays would support and the minorities don't.. for example you tell everyone that Malaysia must have Islamic laws(the goal here is to separate liberal Muslim Malays from Malay community) and when the liberal Muslims disagree with what you said then tell them that they're not true Muslim. If they keep questioning Islamic laws then you should continue annoying them by telling them something like "Ko ni memang pengkhianat bangsa agama dan negara" and then your other accounts must insult that liberal person to make him/her more annoyed of racial religious politic of Malaysia. At the same time tell the Malays about how Allah will punish Malaysia for not being Muslim enough because Malaysia have casino, nightclubs, no apostasy laws in KL and Sarawak and other stuffs that's not allowed in Islamic countries. You can also provoke the non-Muslims until they insult Islam. Once they do that try pretending that you're threatening them by saying stuffs like "Ko buat lawak tentang Islam ko ingat ni lawak ke sial? Sekali lagi kau cakap camni aku akan report kau ke polis." This would make them dislike Islam and our government more. Make sure to sound like an offended Muslim so that no one would suspect you're pretending to be a Muslim.
  1. Secondhand phones and public wifi
If you don't want to pretend to be Muslim you can create a lot anti-Islam social media accounts if you're rich enough you can buy multiple secondhand phones from other countries. And also make sure to use public wifi when using these phones so that it would be difficult for people to find you.
  1. Plant a seed of doubt
When using anti-Islam accounts you can try planting a seed of doubt in the mind of Muslims by critizing Islam or questioning things that make Muslims skeptical of their religion. Question or criticize Islam instead of provoking them. Avoid wasting your time trashtalking because doing this would only make Muslims(including the liberal Muslims) more distrustful towards the non-Muslims. You must remember that the goal here is to plant a seed of doubt in the mind of some Muslims in our country who are slightly skeptical of their religion. Of course they're not the majority but they exist. Most of them are probably in the least religious states such as Kuala Lumpur and Sarawak. Doing this would also make the non-Muslims in our country skeptical of Islam.
submitted by _Dumbass_Writer_ to MalaysianExMuslim [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 10:44 DOW-r Youtube against adblocker, i get it but..

Well youtube, this is stated in a swedish forum " For those users who want to watch YouTube without ads, the platform instead proposes its paid service YouTube Premium, which offers an ad-free experience. "
I get it! youtube premium is super! no ads, video in the background, but you charge 149 SEK (swedish krona) a month.
Almost same a streaming plattform for TV, Can we meet at 99 SEK a month, i think you would get more subscribers and longlasting subscribers as well
submitted by DOW-r to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 17:25 HolyDiver98 Corgi, Mini Beluga, and Mica

Timestamp and photos
SOLD - Vosteed Corgi - SV: $35 - 1st Owner. Has button stick after hard deployments of the blade, but not after gentle ones. Disassembled once. Never sharpened. Carried on multiple occasions, used to cut paper or tape a few times. Comes with vosteed pouch.
Petrified Fish Mini Beluga - SV: $45 - 1st Owner. Carried once. Cut paper once. Excellent condition. Great centering and action. Disassembled once. Only selling because I want a different knife with the same Gmascus scales. Comes with Petrified fish box along with extra hardware and an optional set of washers incase you prefer those to the bearings.
SOLD - CJRB Mica - SV: $30 - 2nd Owner. Unsure on previous owners usage and disassemblies. Seems to have been resharpened by previous owner. It has just sat in a case since I bought it. Action and centering are great. There are some scratches on the blade.
Mica VideoMica Video
submitted by HolyDiver98 to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 04:04 Educational-Salt-157 stupid malay stupid obsession rant

I'm a 23 years old Malay and I'm annoyed af.
melayu pemalas baca buku taknak, tapi bab illuminati freemason bagai tiba tiba jadi pakar. Anyone can make video/write a book and be successful if they put "Bangsa melayu adalah bangsa yang akan membantu Imam Mahdi di akhir zaman".
Geng tanjak will get so horny from that they will start doing silat. They preach about going to Gaza and stuffs but barely go to mosque. and don't let me start on those who can't wake up without their parents repeatedly attempt to wake them up.
Ekonomi dan tanggungjawab peribadi pun bersepah. Kalau orang Palestine nampak, diorang akan cakap takpelah awak uruskan la awak punya urusan dulu, kami okay je kat sini. That's how pathetic some malays are. Fuck off.
submitted by Educational-Salt-157 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 22:51 Kooky_Zombie1511 17000 sek build

I need help making a 17000 sek build

submitted by Kooky_Zombie1511 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 19:26 Kooky_Zombie1511 17000 sek build

What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.
What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?
When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?
If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.
Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?
Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?
Extra info or particulars: I do not mind buying from the used market
submitted by Kooky_Zombie1511 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 20:08 Snus4ever What metric to improve?

What metric to improve?
In the beginning I got 700-1k views with an average watchtime of 1-2%, now I improved my content and get this as an average watchtime but my views are always stuck around 250, what metric do I need to focus on improving?
submitted by Snus4ever to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 19:52 Status_Share_211 What is this

submitted by Status_Share_211 to computer [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 15:35 Boring-Spirit5898 THE TYPES OF DREW DURNIL FANS

THE TYPES OF DREW DURNIL FANS submitted by Boring-Spirit5898 to DrewDurnil [link] [comments]