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Crimson Fists: The Latest News and Tactics

2015.11.05 07:11 d36williams Crimson Fists: The Latest News and Tactics

The Crimson Fists, successor chapter of the Imperial Fists and attendants to Rogal Dorn. Crusader chapter for 9000 years, and for 1000 years the stewards of Rynn. Bathed in blood, our successes sorely won, we are the all mighty bolt throwers.

2016.01.26 17:34 K3zzeR Inversion Therapy: Hanging Upside Down!

Discuss everything related to inversion therapy - the art of hanging upside down to improve blood flow through the spinal column. You're free to discuss Inversion Tables in general, and we welcome the publication of new research into the sector. All claims must be backed by factual evidence and/or case studies. Do not make unrealistic claims that are based only on your opinion.

2016.06.22 19:09 Aidensman One True Accelerator

A place to talk all things Accelerator and other related topics.

2024.05.14 01:10 Brilliant-Lychee-518 Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic

What is Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is an innovative, all-natural formula that promotes healthy weight loss. This tonic has been carefully crafted to help people lose excess body fat while providing long-term results. It contains a unique combination of eight natural ingredients, each of which is known to target potential causes of unexpected weight gain.
This formulation stands out because it addresses issues related to blue light exposure and a lack of N-REM sleep, both of which have been linked to weight gain. By incorporating Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic into your daily routine, you can expect to see overall health benefits.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a unique combination of science and nature that aims to revolutionize healthy weight loss. This one-of-a-kind tonic, more than just a drink, provides a captivating experience by combining a variety of exotic and mysterious ingredients. Let's find out more about Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic and its enchanting ingredients.
Take a trip to Sumatra with the Sumatra Blue Tonic, a combination of Oriental Blue Tonic and exotic ingredients. This creates a unique Weird Blue Tonic that stands out. The roots and plants in this formula produce a bizarre blue liquid that promises a transformative experience.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic contains the ancient Oriental Blue Tonic, a remedy with an exotic twist, going above and beyond to provide an Exotic Blue Tonic that targets the underlying causes of unexplained weight gain.

How Does Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic Work?

Sumatra Tonic Awakens Metabolism and Burns Fat Overnight. Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a natural solution designed to help with healthy weight loss by addressing key factors contributing to unexplained weight gain.

The Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic recognizes the impact of blue light from electronic devices on the body's metabolism, disrupting the circadian rhythm and leading to weight-related challenges. Lack of non-rapid eye movement (N-REM) sleep is another critical factor. The Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic addresses disrupted sleep patterns, which can contribute to weight gain by affecting natural energy regulation and metabolism.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic contains a unique blend of eight natural ingredients chosen for their proven abilities to counteract the effects of blue light exposure and enhance sleep quality. Together, these ingredients create a powerful formula with various benefits.
The blend boosts metabolism, helping the body process nutrients and break down excess fats. Users often report higher energy levels, supporting a more active lifestyle and improved overall well-being.
Beyond weight loss, users may experience clearer thoughts and improved cognitive function.
The Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic supplement contributes to a healthy inflammatory response, promoting overall wellness. The Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic encourages better sleep quality, ensuring individuals enjoy a restful and rejuvenating night's sleep.
Users notice improvements in skin and face, such as a brighter and healthier complexion, potentially reducing the appearance of fine lines.

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic Active Ingredients

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic’s science is based on its powerful ingredients. The ingredients are natural and clinically proven to have beneficial effects, which justifies their inclusion in this formula. Let’s have a closer look at each of them and their respective advantages:-

  1. Valerian Root: Known as the natural melody of relaxation, Valerian root helps in restful sleep, helps in abnormal weight loss by aiding metabolism Acts as a night watchman, make sure your body is fresh for another day’s challenges.
  2. Humulus Lupulus: Commonly known as hops, this tonic has diuretic, digestive and anti-inflammatory benefits. Its soothing properties promote peaceful sleep, while antibacterial properties maintain a balanced internal environment, laying the foundation for weight loss.
  3. Griffonia simplicifolia or 5-HTP: Derived from the seeds of the Griffonia simplifolia plant, 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, improving mood, improving sleep and improving appetite.
  4. Spirulina Blue: Packed with antioxidants, Spirulina Blue fights inflammation and free radicals, creating the ideal environment for weight loss.
  5. Berberine: Found in plants such as barberries, it supports normal blood sugar levels and is beneficial in general metabolism.
  6. Black Cohosh: Known for its detoxification properties, it can support the body’s natural detoxification and relaxation processes.
  7. Lutein: Lutein is found in abundance in fruits and vegetables, and protects eye cells from oxidative damage, contributing to overall health.
  8. Inulin: Inulin, a dietary fiber found in certain plants, supports digestive health, promotes good gut flora, and promotes a sense of fullness, helping to improve weight management.

Benefits of Using Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is packed with the goodness and potency of natural ingredients such as valerian root, berberine, and others, providing you with a variety of major health benefits. Here are some benefits:

submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:08 PastAtticus I don’t think Olyv realized her sister was on a call with several neighbors…

I don’t think Olyv realized her sister was on a call with several neighbors…
Feel free to make character reactions lol-
Guard name is Sophie
The blood on Olyv is Doppelgänger blood, she loves killing them lol-
submitted by PastAtticus to ThatsNotMyNeighbor_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:07 nutterbuttertime Suddenly having light periods?

So for the past three months I’ve been having periods that are extremely light which isn’t like me at all. I usually have extremely heavy periods, especially in the first few days, and the bleeding used to last for a week. Recently, I’ve only had about three days of bleeding and they’re very light compared to what I’m used to. I don’t think this is implantation bleeding because it says online the color should be lighter whereas mine is a dark brown. I’ve had very little red blood this period and although it’s a relief not to have a heavy flow unfortunately the pain hasn’t lessened any whatsoever, it’s actually been a bit more painful than usual. Not on birth control and haven’t been for over a year. Does this warrant a doctor’s appointment or am I stressing over nothing?
submitted by nutterbuttertime to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:04 PickleJarred8 May 20-22: Minneapolis clinic offering quick blood test for heart disease research — pays $45

May 20-22, a pop-up clinic at Minneapolis' Greater Mount Vernon Missionary Baptist Church (Sumner-Glenwood neighborhood) is offering free blood tests as part of a national study about heart disease. This study is run by Care Access. They test your Lp(a)* levels, an indicator for heart disease risk, and call you later with your test results.
You get a $45 Visa prepaid card at the end of your appointment. The appointment takes 15 minutes.
You can use this link to schedule your appointment :
* Lp(a) tests are not part of routine cholesterol screenings and are not covered by most insurance, so this is a great chance to get a free screening and get rewarded too.
submitted by PickleJarred8 to stpaul [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:03 Beautiful_Loan3780 My Own Rock Bottom

Hey everyone,
Let me preface this by saying: I am an addict and completely addicted to Feel Free, primarily Kratom as well. There is no one in my life that I am able to share this with for a variety of reasons, so I just kinda wanted to write my thoughts and story on this thread.
I’ve been taking Kratom on and off for the last few years, and had my first Feel Free at some time in October. My usage was innocent enough at first, up until the end of December I would never take more than two in a day. During the beginning of January, I took three in one day for the first time. What happened next was one of the more terrifying events that has ever happened to me. I had the worst panic attack I have ever had in my life, it was so bad that I went to the ER because I thought I was having a heart attack. Everything was great, and I even got an ECHO done to make sure I was in good shape.
Believe it or not, that event did not stop my usage. It only increased it significantly. Over the past few months, I have been taking anywhere from 4-7 bottles per day.
Every day and night is the exact same for me. I start my day at the gas station buying a few bottles, will occasionally leave work to get more, and then end the night by stopping at a different gas station to get one or two more for the night. While I lay in bed at night, I am filled with the worst self-loathing and hate that anyone could imagine. I truly hate myself for using, which is so sad. That is not who I am, I am a happy and loving individual who has taken steps throughout my life to be the best version of myself possible. I recently graduated college and have my dream job, and am in a long-term relationship with the person I intend to marry.
Around the time I had my ER visit, I came clean to her about my usage and swore to never use again. That was five months ago, and as we know, I did not quit.
Feel Free is truly an evil and terrible product. I would never lie to anyone, especially the love of my life. But Feel Free has manipulated my mind to the point where I feel like I have to keep going back. Over the last month or so, I have began to throw up once I take more than 5 bottles in a day. That is so fucked up, how can I continue to use something that is consistently making me physically sick?
I hit my own personal version of Rock Bottom a few hours ago. I took 7 Feel Frees today. Not long after my last bottle, I went to the grocery store. I became so nauseous and dizzy that I immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up. Throwing up at a grocery store in the middle of the day was one of the most demoralizing things that has ever happened to me, and I am deeply ashamed and saddened.
The money is an entirely different topic, but I am starting to see the negative repercussions from spending $70 per day on a bottle from the gas station.
I feel like I have tried so many different methods to quit. I’ve written myself notes, recorded voice memos that I listen to in the morning, but nothing has been successful. I WANT to quit more than anything. It’s beyond time. I actually just scheduled a doctor’s appointment for next week so that I can get blood work done in order to find out if I have damaged my body. I am going to do everything in my power to not use again. I do not want to lie once again to my doctor about my usage.
Thank you all for reading and for being there. I have a lot of things to be greatful for in my life, and this burden is preventing that from happening.
submitted by Beautiful_Loan3780 to Quittingfeelfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:03 Paramallas Healthy Eating: Tips and Recipes for a Balanced Lifestyle

Adopting a healthy eating lifestyle is a transformative journey that can lead to a more vibrant, energetic, and resilient life. This comprehensive article provides a roadmap for incorporating nutritious whole foods into a balanced diet. Readers will discover simple tips and delicious recipes to build a foundation for optimal nutrition and well-being.
In this guide, we'll explore the importance of healthy eating, the benefits of a balanced diet, and strategies for overcoming common obstacles. You'll learn how to create plant-based meals that are satisfying and nutrient-dense, as well as how to manage food allergies and intolerances. Additionally, we'll delve into the principles of clean eating and the role of weight management through mindful consumption.
Whether you're seeking to improve your energy levels, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, or simply cultivate a more vibrant, healthy lifestyle, this article will empower you to make sustainable changes that will positively impact your overall well-being.
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Key Takeaways

Understanding the Importance of Healthy Eating

Maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle is crucial for overall well-being. A balanced diet rich in whole foods, plant-based options, and organic ingredients can provide a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond physical health. By embracing clean eating habits and adhering to dietary guidelines, individuals can experience enhanced energy levels, improved weight management, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
Full Meals and More Healthy Diet Tips Here!

Benefits of a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet that incorporates a variety of nutrient-dense foods can have a profound impact on an individual's health and wellness. Such a diet not only supports weight management but also contributes to better cardiovascular health, improved cognitive function, and a stronger immune system. Moreover, a plant-based approach to eating can help mitigate the risk of food allergies and intolerances, allowing individuals to enjoy a wider range of delicious and nutritious options.
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Overcoming Obstacles to Healthy Eating

Despite the numerous advantages of healthy eating, individuals often face various obstacles that can hinder their ability to adopt and maintain a balanced diet. Common challenges include time constraints, budget concerns, and a lack of knowledge about whole foods and clean eating principles. However, with the right strategies and resources, these barriers can be overcome. By planning meals, exploring affordable nutrient-rich options, and expanding their culinary skills, individuals can seamlessly integrate healthy eating habits into their daily lives.
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Benefits of a Balanced Diet Overcoming Obstacles to Healthy Eating
Improved energy levels Better weight management Reduced risk of chronic diseases Enhanced mental clarity Mitigation of food allergies and intolerances Time constraints Budget concerns Lack of knowledge about whole foods and clean eating Strategies for cost-effective meal planning Exploration of affordable nutrient-rich options

Building a Balanced Plate

Creating a well-rounded, nutritious meal is the foundation of a healthy eating lifestyle. When building a balanced plate, it's essential to focus on including protein-rich foods, fiber-filled vegetables and fruits, and whole grains to ensure your body receives a comprehensive array of essential nutrients.

Protein-Rich Foods for Satiety

Incorporating protein-rich foods into your meals can help promote a sense of fullness and satisfaction, preventing overeating and supporting your weight management goals. Opt for lean sources of protein such as chicken, fish, legumes, tofu, and eggs to create meals that are both nourishing and satisfying.

Fiber-Filled Vegetables and Fruits

Filling your plate with an abundance of fiber-rich vegetables and fruits is a key component of a balanced diet. These plant-based foods are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and well-being. Aim to include a variety of colorful produce, such as leafy greens, bell peppers, berries, and citrus fruits, to ensure you're getting a diverse range of nutrients.
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Whole Grains for Sustained Energy

Incorporating whole grains into your meals can provide a steady stream of energy throughout the day, helping to prevent mid-afternoon slumps. Opt for whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, and oats to reap the benefits of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and other essential nutrients that support your overall nutrition and clean eating habits.

Healthy Eating: Tips and Strategies

Incorporating healthy eating into your daily routine doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. By embracing practical tips and strategies, you can seamlessly integrate nutritious whole foods into your lifestyle and reap the numerous benefits of a balanced diet. This section delves into the key elements of successful healthy eating, empowering you to make sustainable changes for a healthier, more vibrant life.

Meal Planning and Preparation

Planning and preparing your meals in advance is a game-changer when it comes to healthy eating. By dedicating a bit of time each week to menu planning, grocery shopping, and meal prepping, you can ensure that nutritious, whole foods are readily available, reducing the temptation to reach for less healthy options. Experiment with plant-based recipes and organic ingredients to create balanced, flavorful meals that nourish your body and satisfy your taste buds.

Reading Food Labels

Navigating the aisles of the grocery store can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to identifying healthy, minimally processed foods. Develop the habit of carefully reading food labels to make informed choices. Look for products with a short list of recognizable, whole food ingredients and minimal added sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats. By becoming a savvy label reader, you can easily spot clean eating options that align with your dietary goals and nutrition needs.
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Healthy Eating Tip Benefit
Meal Planning and Preparation Ensures the availability of nutritious, whole foods, reducing the temptation for less healthy options.
Reading Food Labels dietary guidelinesweight managementHelps you identify clean, minimally processed food choices that support your and goals.

Incorporating Whole, Plant-Based Foods

Embracing a diet rich in whole, plant-based foods is a cornerstone of a healthy eating lifestyle. These nutrient-dense options not only provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they also offer a wealth of benefits for overall well-being.

Benefits of Plant-Based Diets

Research has consistently shown that plant-based diets can have a positive impact on heart health, weight management, and environmental sustainability. By focusing on a variety of whole, plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, individuals can lower their risk of chronic diseases, achieve a healthier weight, and reduce their carbon footprint.
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Nutrient-Dense Whole Foods

Whole, plant-based foods are packed with essential nutrients that support a balanced diet. From fiber-rich leafy greens to antioxidant-dense berries, these nutrient-dense options provide the body with the necessary building blocks for optimal health. By incorporating a diverse array of whole foods into their meals, individuals can ensure they are meeting their nutritional needs while enjoying the flavors and textures of a clean eating lifestyle.
Nutrient-Dense Whole Foods Key Nutrients Health Benefits
Leafy Greens (Spinach, Kale, Arugula) Vitamins A, C, K, Folate, Calcium, Iron Promote eye health, support a healthy immune system, and aid in maintaining strong bones.
Berries (Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries) Antioxidants, Vitamin C, Fiber Help fight inflammation, improve brain function, and support a healthy heart.
Whole Grains (Brown Rice, Quinoa, Oats) Complex Carbohydrates, Fiber, B Vitamins balanced dietProvide sustained energy, promote digestive health, and contribute to a .
Legumes (Lentils, Chickpeas, Black Beans) Protein, Fiber, Iron, Folate managing food allergiesSupport weight management, aid in , and help maintain stable blood sugar levels.
By embracing the versatility and nutrient density of whole, plant-based foods, individuals can create healthy eating habits that nourish the body and support long-term well-being.

Mindful Eating and Portion Control

Achieving a balanced lifestyle encompasses more than just the foods we consume. It also involves cultivating a mindful approach to our eating habits. Mindful eating encourages us to become more aware of hunger cues, savor each bite, and practice moderation to prevent overeating. By fostering this mindful relationship with our meals, we can develop a healthier and more sustainable relationship with food.
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One of the key strategies for mindful eating is to slow down and be present during mealtimes. Rather than rushing through our meals or multitasking while we eat, we should take the time to appreciate the flavors, textures, and aromas of our food. This heightened awareness not only enhances the enjoyment of our meals but also allows us to better recognize when we have reached a state of fullness, preventing us from consuming more than our bodies need.
Portion control is another essential aspect of mindful eating and healthy living. Overeating, even of nutritious whole foods, can lead to weight gain and other health concerns. By being mindful of our portion sizes and focusing on balanced plates that incorporate a variety of plant-based foods, lean proteins, and whole grains, we can ensure that our bodies receive the necessary nutrients without consuming excessive calories.
Implementing practical strategies, such as using smaller plates, eating slowly, and listening to internal hunger and fullness cues, can help us cultivate a more mindful approach to eating. This, in turn, can lead to sustainable weight management, improved digestion, and a greater sense of overall well-being.
By embracing mindful eating and portion control, we can unlock the full benefits of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. This holistic approach to food consumption not only nourishes our bodies but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the joy and satisfaction that can be found in every bite.
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Managing Food Allergies and Intolerances

Navigating a healthy eating lifestyle can pose unique challenges for individuals with food allergies or intolerances. However, with the right strategies and a little creativity, it is possible to enjoy a balanced diet while effectively managing these dietary restrictions.

Identifying Allergens and Triggers

The first step in managing food allergies and intolerances is to identify the specific ingredients or foods that trigger adverse reactions. Common allergens include gluten, dairy, nuts, soy, and shellfish, while intolerances may be linked to lactose, fructose, or histamine. By being mindful of these triggers, individuals can make informed choices when selecting and preparing meals.

Adapting Recipes for Special Diets

Adapting recipes to accommodate food allergies or intolerances is essential for maintaining a balanced, plant-based diet. This may involve substituting whole food, organic ingredients for traditional allergens or using specialized alternatives, such as gluten-free flours or non-dairy milk. By experimenting with ingredient swaps and exploring clean eating techniques, individuals can discover a world of delicious and nutritious meal options that align with their dietary needs.
Through a thoughtful and proactive approach, individuals with food allergies or intolerances can navigate the complexities of healthy eating and enjoy a wide variety of whole foods while maintaining their overall well-being.
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Clean Eating: Minimizing Processed Foods

In the pursuit of a healthy eating lifestyle, one crucial aspect to consider is the minimization of processed and packaged foods. The clean eating movement emphasizes the importance of consuming whole, minimally processed ingredients to maximize the nutritional value of our meals.

Recognizing Unhealthy Additives

When it comes to clean eating, it's essential to be aware of the common additives and preservatives found in many processed foods. These can include artificial colorings, flavors, and sweeteners, as well as preservatives like sodium nitrite and trans fats. By learning to identify these unhealthy additives, you can make more informed choices and avoid products that may compromise your balanced diet.

Organic and Local Food Options

Incorporating organic and locally sourced whole foods into your healthy eating routine can have numerous benefits. Organic produce and products are typically free from synthetic pesticides and hormones, and they often contain a higher concentration of nutrient-dense compounds. Additionally, supporting local farmers and producers not only reduces your carbon footprint but also provides access to fresh, seasonal offerings that are rich in plant-based goodness.
By prioritizing clean eating and minimizing the consumption of processed foods, you can unlock a world of whole, natural ingredients that nourish your body and support your overall weight management and wellness goals. Embrace the simplicity and vibrant flavors of clean, whole-food eating for a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
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Weight Management Through Healthy Eating

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is an integral part of a balanced healthy eating lifestyle. By understanding the principles of calorie density and macronutrient balance, individuals can make informed choices to support their weight management goals.

Calorie Density and Satiety

The concept of calorie density refers to the number of calories per gram of a particular food. Whole, plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains tend to have a lower calorie density, meaning you can consume a larger volume of these foods without exceeding your daily calorie needs. This can lead to a greater sense of satiety, or feeling full and satisfied, which can support sustainable weight management.

Balancing Macronutrients

In addition to considering calorie density, it's important to focus on balancing the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Each macronutrient plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy eating habits and supporting weight management. By incorporating a mix of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats into your meals and snacks, you can help regulate your appetite, stabilize blood sugar levels, and fuel your body with the necessary nutrients for overall well-being.
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Healthy Eating on a Budget

Maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle doesn't have to break the bank. With strategic planning and savvy shopping, it's entirely possible to enjoy a balanced, nutrient-rich diet while staying within your budget. In this section, we'll explore cost-effective meal planning strategies and highlight affordable whole food options to help you achieve your healthy eating goals without straining your finances.

Cost-Effective Meal Planning

One of the keys to healthy eating on a budget is mastering the art of meal planning. By taking the time to plan your meals and create a grocery list, you can avoid impulse purchases and make the most of your food budget. Start by identifying affordable, nutrient-dense ingredients that can be incorporated into a variety of recipes. Batch cooking and freezing portions can also help you maximize your time and money, ensuring you always have healthy options on hand.
Another practical tip is to embrace the versatility of plant-based whole foods. Beans, lentils, and whole grains are not only budget-friendly, but they also provide a wealth of essential nutrients, fiber, and complex carbohydrates to keep you feeling full and energized. By making these nutrient-dense foods the foundation of your meals, you can stretch your grocery budget while nourishing your body.
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Affordable Nutrient-Rich Foods

When it comes to healthy eating on a budget, there are numerous nutrient-rich foods that won't break the bank. Some of the most affordable and nutritious options include:
By incorporating these affordable, nutrient-rich foods into your meal planning, you can enjoy a balanced, healthy diet without breaking the bank.
Affordable Whole Food Nutritional Benefits Average Cost per Serving
Frozen Broccoli High in fiber, vitamins C and K, and antioxidants $0.50 per serving
Eggs Excellent source of protein, vitamin D, and choline $0.25 per egg
Canned Tuna Rich in lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids $1.00 per 2-ounce serving
Rolled Oats High in fiber, complex carbohydrates, and B vitamins $0.10 per 1/2 cup serving
Lentils Packed with protein, fiber, and essential minerals $0.20 per 1/2 cup serving
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By incorporating these affordable, nutrient-rich whole foods into your healthy eating plan, you can enjoy a balanced diet without straining your budget. With a little creativity and strategic planning, maintaining a healthy lifestyle on a budget is entirely achievable.


As we conclude this comprehensive guide on healthy eating, it's clear that embracing a balanced diet filled with nutritious whole foods, plant-based ingredients, and organic options can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. By understanding the importance of healthy eating, learning to build a balanced plate, and incorporating mindful eating strategies, readers are now empowered to embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, more vibrant life.
Whether you're seeking to manage food allergies, reduce your intake of processed foods, or achieve your weight management goals, this article has provided a comprehensive roadmap filled with practical tips and strategies to overcome common obstacles and make sustainable changes. By prioritizing clean eating and embracing the wide variety of nutrient-dense whole foods available, you can nourish your body and mind, ultimately leading to improved energy levels, reduced disease risk, and a heightened sense of overall vitality.
Remember, the journey to healthy eating is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It's about finding the right balance and incorporating the strategies that work best for your individual needs and preferences. With dedication, creativity, and a willingness to experiment, you can cultivate a nutritious, affordable, and enjoyable eating lifestyle that serves as the foundation for a healthier, more fulfilling tomorrow. Embrace the power of healthy eating and embark on a path towards a more vibrant, resilient, and joyful existence.


What are the benefits of a balanced diet?

A balanced diet offers numerous benefits, including improved energy levels, better weight management, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and enhanced mental clarity.

How can I overcome obstacles to healthy eating?

Common obstacles to healthy eating, such as time constraints, budget concerns, and lack of knowledge, can be overcome through effective meal planning, learning to read food labels, and exploring affordable nutrient-rich options.

What are the key components of a balanced plate?

A balanced plate should include protein-rich foods for satiety, fiber-filled vegetables and fruits, and whole grains for sustained energy.

How can I incorporate more whole, plant-based foods into my diet?

Incorporating more whole, plant-based foods into your diet can provide numerous benefits, including improved heart health, better weight management, and greater environmental sustainability.

How can I practice mindful eating and portion control?

Practicing mindful eating, which involves becoming more aware of hunger cues and savoring each bite, can help you achieve portion control and develop a healthier relationship with food.

How can I manage food allergies and intolerances while following a healthy eating plan?

Identifying common allergens and triggers, as well as adapting recipes to accommodate special dietary needs, can help you manage food allergies and intolerances while still enjoying a variety of delicious and nutritious meals.

What are the benefits of choosing organic and locally sourced foods?

Organic and locally sourced foods often have a superior nutritional profile and a reduced environmental impact compared to processed and conventionally grown options.

How can I achieve weight management through healthy eating?

Understanding the concept of calorie density and the importance of balancing macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) can support sustainable weight loss or maintenance through a healthy eating lifestyle.

How can I maintain a healthy eating plan on a budget?

Cost-effective meal planning and incorporating affordable nutrient-rich food options can help you enjoy a balanced diet without breaking the bank.
Sign up Here for 32 FREE Healthy Meal Plans With Low Calories and High Protein!
submitted by Paramallas to u/Paramallas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:54 Blacksavage1994 Should I go back on blood thinners

Male 30 6 foot 230
This will be a bit of a long post
So I had an unprovoked blood clot in February, 5 cm greater saphenous vein in my right calf, was put on Eliquis. 2 months later did another ultrasound and they took me off the Eliquis. I requested to see the hematologist, but they came back and said they won’t see me unless I have a second clot. Dumbest thing ever in my opinion, I’m trying to avoid a second clot. But anyways, they send me to vascular medicine who determines that I do not need surgery. So I go off the Eliquis on April 10th, all is well until about a week ago. I slowly feel the familiar pain creeping back in and it’s getting worse every day rather than better. I scheduled an appointment but I can’t be seen until next Friday and I’m going out of town for my sisters wedding for 2 weeks so I won’t even be in town. I called the doctor and explained that I’m having the familiar pain but I don’t want to go to urgent care because the pain is not severe at this point. When I went in before I could barely walk. The nurse told me the doctor was busy and I had to wait till my appointment to talk to her and my triage tells me I need to go to urgent care. I’m not gonna do that because I don’t think imaging will show a significant clot if a clot at all. I still have plenty of Eliquis left over, would it be a good idea to restart this medication just to be on the safe side until I can be seen? I do flooring installation and I’m on my knees all day, I’m wondering if maybe I have some fluid built up behind my knee that’s maybe blocking blood flow to that region. If I had a clotting disorder I would think I would have a clot in a different area not the exact same spot but this is just a hunch of mine? Good idea to start back 5 mg Eliquis 2x daily and see if the pain goes away?
submitted by Blacksavage1994 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:49 Ambitious_Guest_2453 Help Needed: My cat throws up everyday

My cat, a 3 year old Bombay, throws up everyday and I’m not sure what to do next. I have tried everything from changing to different types of stomach sensitive dry foods to wet food as well (gradually of course). I’ve bought an automatic feeder that dispenses about 3/4 a cup of a food a day in 4 portions. I also bought a fountain for her water as well to make sure she’s hydrated. I have blood work and fecal tests done for her each year and they’re always healthy and pathogen-free. Each time the vet says she might be eating too fast but I do not think that this the case, especially with how i’ve portioned her food. Im not sure where to go next because she seems to be a healthy weight (9.5 pounds) and extremely active. Is there anything you guys recommend? Thank you!
submitted by Ambitious_Guest_2453 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:40 ferianis Blood Stain Child's new releases- what happened?

Alright, here we go. Blood Stain Child is one of my favorite bands, full-stop. They helped to pioneer trance metal, created a string of five excellent releases, and though they've struggled in the past ten years Amateras was an incredible return to form. Silence of Nothern Hell was CoB and Nightwish blended to perfection. Mystic Your Heart was the same CoB-styled sound with trance and electronic elements that gave it a futuristic sheen. Idolator has one of the strangest, creepiest atmospheres of any melodeath album I've heard, placing the trance elements to the forefront and using them to put the listener in a cold, alien dystopia that they never knew they lived in. Mozaiq took that sound and made it a positive power play with an ecological and societal lyric focus. Epsilon was their mainstream breakthrough, featuring a female singer that, though she sadly left right after, blended bubblegum j-pop and melodeath in a way that- somehow- worked!
Then, five years later, they announced a double album-one with each half focusing on the trance and metal elements on their own terms. Those albums are out now.
I feel like I asked a genie for a new BsC album and he gave me this.
Both sides are half-baked, barely finished. Metalia brings back some of the earlier riffing, but those riffs are stale, half-cooked in an attempt to cobble together something fresh. Sadew, an amazing vocalist, sounds horrendous here. They have new female vocals that sound just as bad, even though she's trying her best. The songs are too simple but too long, and the electronic effects have been turned all the way up. Instead of being there to create an atmosphere like on albums 1-4, the tracks are full of overbearing 2010 dubstep noises that grate on the ear, of drilling saw synths that overwhelm the mix, of cheap Casio choirs and orchestras that haunt the original Nightwish demos. Nothing flows, very little works, and the ambition of the band I loved is gone.
Cyberia is even worse. This is BsC without the metal elements that make the mix intriguing. In its place is bad EDM that has been made by better, more focused musicians in that genre. You can find everything here, in a better form, from classics of the Trance genre from decades past. No, really- Trance is an amazing genre. Please, just find a classics playlist and jam to that. It's a better use of time than Cyberia.
So, I guess, I'm very disappointed in this band, and this album. There are rumors that this is their last, and I'd hate for that to be true. They're one of the most interesting, innovative bands in the genre, and even if they won't make another Idolator or Mystic your Heart, I thought at least they'd make something enjoyable. Better luck next time, guys. I know you have it in you.
If anyone reading this post hasn't checked the band out, I implore you to do so. They've made some wonderful, meaningful music over the years, and I want to support them, even if it is just through Spotify listens and streams.
submitted by ferianis to melodicdeathmetal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:36 underthemoon36 What do you do? Work related stress

Ever since starting my new job my sex drive has been basically zero and I just took a blood panel. Total test is between 500-600 and My free test is at 5.4 ng/dL so very low... It is a high stress job. sleep is an issue, so no surprises. Love the job but I miss having a sex drive more.
Genuinely curious what everyone here does/did for a living and if it affected your testosterone at all?
submitted by underthemoon36 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:35 HylicWarrior 20[M4F] Europe/Anywhere. Searching for you in this sea of stars.

Where are you,dearest?
That's what i wonder sometimes.
Drifting alone through here,waiting for your existence.
Alright alright,enough of this corny stuff.
Hey there! I'm here looking for a very special woman who wants a life next to me. Well,is it too much to ask? Hope not. If you're looking for the same,i do hope you find my post!
About me: -I'm a 20 years old cis male from Europe. Bilingual,so maybe i could teach you! I'm mixed. Physically speaking,i'm like between 5'11-6'0,181-182cms height wise. My body is between not slim and not obese,i'm just like a teddy tbh. Hope you don't mind a bit of extra love but hey,i'm good for warming ya during winter season! Due to some personal problems i've been free a lot but i want to be an author. Fantasy wise,since it's my favorite genre. I guess you could say i'm a romantic man,can be silly but i have my serious side as well. I'm chill,going with the flow.
My interests:
-Gaming: I love mainly rpgs and open worlds,but i do play Fortnite multiplayer wise haha. Main sagas i love are Fallout,The Witcher and Elder Scrolls.
-Movies: I ain't a movie critic or expert,i just enjoy what i feel like. I love Ghibli. Also any horror film that isn't just zombies or ghosts. I also love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.
-Anime/Manga: Honestly i'm not much of a weeb don't worries i won't call you waifu or shit like that. My fave ones aree: Gantz/Berserk/JJBA/D-Gray Man.
-Music: I'm into rock mostly,or old pop. Some metal as well. Classical one too. Main bands for me are :Muse/Queen/System of a Down.
So,what am i looking for in you? -Be yourself. Know what you want,of course. My main aspirations with my partner are basically the typical. Get a ring on your hand and well,have kids. But that's for the future of course,no rush at all. But i do hope you aim for the same! I don't mind your race,country or whatever thing you are. Everyone is beautiful. As long as you like me i'll like you. Age wise? I guess 19-22/23 is fine. Soo i hope this was enough for you to decide if you want to give me an opportunity and see if we end up on the altar somewhere in the future,lmfao. I don't mind about distance. If you are interested and you saw the whole post,dm me with the word "Malevolent." Also feel free to introduce yourself. Give me details about you! I'm all ears. Well,eyes. You get me.
See you,maybe!
submitted by HylicWarrior to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:31 poiseona Feeling guilty over my feelings towards my alcoholic brother

This is my first ever Reddit post and I thought it may be a healthy way to express how much build up anger and resentment I (26, F) have towards my 31 year old brother who takes 0 accountability for his action and his addiction. Bare with me.
When my brother was in highschool, he dabbled around in pills, alcohol and other drugs. That is what set off his absolutely insane alcohol addiction he’s currently still battling with. In 2017 he was hit by a car because he was walking down a highway while intoxicated and was in a coma for a month and had to have multiple brain surgeries and leg surgeries. He had to have multiple months of PT once healed to get back to walking and functioning. After his accident and healing he was in and out of relapses until about 2021 when he got completely sober. After 3 years of sobriety, a few months ago he relapsed and has been fucking spiraling since. Within the last 3 months, he’s gotten a DUI, lost custody of his 7 year old child to CPS, has another baby mama who is 26 weeks pregnant who he’s no longer dating, quit his job.. like ROCKBOTTOM..
A few days ago my entire family went to his house to hold an intervention and we sourced multiple ways for him to get help (rehab, mental health facility) before his court date for the DUI at the end of May, and his response was “I’ll think about it over the weekend..” to a 30 day program.. mind you, he has no job, lost custody of his daughter, is POOR, has another kid on the way, and doesn’t even pay his own bills because my PARENTS HAVE BEEN.. (dad is on his mortgage)
Today he is arguing with my mom and playing victim about how he has “so many problems, keeps them all to himself to figure out, helps everyone around him, and that ‘blood isn’t thicker than water because everyone in the family is against him’” because we are trying to hold him accountable for his own actions and find him a program for him to get into to get clean, and his life back together before he fully loses custody of his daughter, and his house..
He constantly talks about how he wishes he would’ve died in his accident and has no empathy towards what his entire family went through during his 6 months of being In the hospital and through the rehab healing from his accident. Any time anybody tries to hold him accountable he somehow manipulates it in his mind that you’re against him and you are the bad person. My mom and I decided we are going to write a letter to the judge for his DUI case asking if they’ll legally place him into a inpatient rehab in which he can’t leave. It’s really our only option at this point.
At this point I’d honestly rather him sit in a jail cell then be free out on the streets with no job, no kids in his custody, drinking his life away. At least I’d know he would be less self destructive and putting my nieces life on the line. It would also be relieving to not have to constantly worry about what he is doing, where he’s at, getting phone calls of him completely plastered apologizing but then going right back at it the next day, and routinely repeating this cycle.
Dealing with an unhinged alcoholic family member is so fucking draining. As if my 26 year old self doesn’t have enough daily life shit to worry about. Bills, working, finding insurance, staying mentally healthy, etc. to be dealing with my 5 year older alcoholic mentally unstable brother.
My therapist told me to start writing out how I feel and this was actually slightly healing to write out even if I feel guilty for saying all of this. I’ve just put so much work into healing emotional trauma and he just dumps all of his on to me any everybody else. Pray for me smh.
submitted by poiseona to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:30 SpoiledTint NEW PLAYER ROUNDUP! [online] [5e] [time/date TBD] [new player friendly]

Hello! I’m Moss, a DM of 5 years and a player for many more. Have you been wanting to play DND but are hesitant because you’ve never played before? Are you confused by the many rules of combat and DND as a whole? Have you had trouble with dialogue and the flow of a DND game? Or have you played in a couple of games and want to surprise your group with newfound skill?
Let me help! I want to get a group of entirely new players to introduce to DND! You and your compatriots will be set through some “tutorials” getting you acclimated with combat, dialogue, critical/creative thinking, character creation, and many more! At the end you’ll be set on a REAL hombrewed adventure to showcase what you’ve learned!
Want to be a DM? Absolutely! Follow along with me and build your skills as a newfound master of the world! Work with me personally on creative writing, on the fly thinking, and encounter building!
This is a growth experience for you and me! Mutually beneficial to build confidence and interest in the game!
Free for players: 15 bucks for comprehensive DM boot camp.
DM me here or on Disc: SpoiledTint on Reddit. MossTroy on disc.
submitted by SpoiledTint to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:29 Fuego1050 MSOS ETF ripe for a squeeze with underlying fundamentals exceeding market expectations

Underlying equities short ≈100mil + short on the ETF ≈17%
Represents 335+mil in short interest.
See finra data.
Short sellers did not expect blowout quarters from top constituents Greenthumb and Trulieve with positive forward guidance.
Ohio just legalized - starting sales next month which is a huge tailwind on earnings and FCF.
ATB analyst Take: sector remains undervalued, trading at an average 2024e EVI EBITDA of 8.8x compared to an analyst's base-case sector valuation of 11.8x. According to an ATB analyst, as most companies have reached positive Free Cash Flow (FF) generation, investors could start valuing the sector based on FF multiples or yields, offering significant upside potential. Additionally, with US cannabis poised for exponential growth upon federal legalization, MSOs are trading at an attractive average 5.2% 2024e FCF yield.
The sector is ripe for a move… should a retail avalanche move in.
submitted by Fuego1050 to Shortsqueeze [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:29 Able-Connection9445 Create a over-complicated murder plan for a AA7 final case

It takes place in a giant beach resort with multiple levels
You play as athena
You must defend two people
The murders happened at night when everybody was in the beach throwing a party,only 10 people stayed in the hotel
Defendant 1 is the security guard,defendant 2 is the detective of a mysterious case
There are two murderers,one is the doctor who does the autopsy reports and the other is the journalist who is reporting the case and also reported cases 1 and 3 who is actually a mafia leader
Victim 1 is the owner of the hotel,victim 2 is the rival of the doctor and victim 3 is the mafia leader's rival
In day 1,the case seems impossible,the room was covered with blood that had the first defendant's name written on it,the room was also locked and the defendant was inside it,not only that,but the weapon also belonged to the first defendant
Meanwhile,the second defendant has a strange situation,since the body was found in the middle of the garden,with no blood,with only the second defendant's fingerprints being found in the victim
But then,athena realizes something while analyzing the photo took in a closet inside the room of the first victim,there is a blood stain in the top of the closet,and then she realizes,there is a secret passage in the top of the rooms that leads to a secret room in the floor above,she then requests one more day to investigate the new-found discovery,and then the lights go out for 10 minutes
When the lights come back on,the second defendant is missing,they then start a search for her,they find her in the basement of the resort,tied and with ammenesia,but while searching for her,two witnesses go missing
Pearl fey and trucy join you in your investigations this day
In the day 2 investigation,you discover that the victim was killed in the second floor secret room
Day 2 has you try to discover who kidnapped the second defendant and the two witnesses,who killed the first victim,and who killed the second victim
Through hints,evidence,witnesses and clues you discover that only three people could have killed the first victim,the butler,the maid and the guard
Its revealed tho,that the second victim was killed in the second floor secret room by being stabbed,and then cleaned before being dropped from the second floor into the garden,the culprit then killed the first victim when they came into the room,before dropping them into the first floor,the culprit then made it so that it looked like the victim was killed in the second floor,but then the defendant entered,due to him losing his sleeping pills,he then knocked him out and made him look like the culprit,but paranoid that they would discover the second floor,he cleaned the blood from the second victim and then replaced it with the blood from the first victim,he then cleaned the blood from the second victim
They then discover that the maid saw something unexpected in the hall,a man standing there in the hallway,but while checking the basement where defendant 2 was kept,they found a trace of a mannequin,and then while checking the locks of the emergency basement exit,they find oil,and then they realize,the doctor was the murderer
His reasoning for murder is that victim 2 ruined his life by revealing his big secret,that he had to secretly work as a mafia doctor so that he could cure his daughter,victim 1 just entered the room by accident
Day 3 then has something crazy happen,a third body was found,three days old,and the doctor is blamed for it due to the victim being a mafia leader who was blackmailing the doctor for money
The doctor is innocent tho,even through he did admit he planned to kill the third victim
So,now you must defend the doctor from this one crime
Meanwhile,a radio appears in the courtroom,and in it the two kidnapped witnesses can talk,but limited
Its then revealed that in the night,while everybody was in the front of the hotel,partying,the third culprit was commiting a super complicated and complex murder
The two witnesses saw the presence of a strange figure who seems to be the doctor,but then,while looking through the photos taken in the party by lotta hart who was there to report it,trucy notices something,a figure in one of the windows,said figure is the journalist who reported cases 1 and 3
He is called out to court,he then discovers that he was caught,so he calls his workers and force everyone to let him get away free,athena calls for a investigation of a past trial that caused the murders in case 3,4 and 5,where its revealed that he was the culprit,he the says congratulations to athena for figuring it out,before attempting to kill her,but then a big twist happens
His man were actually,the 5 culprits of case 3,the attempted murder victim of case 3,the witnesses of case 4,and half of the characters in case 5,who were all victims of this past case
He then has a breakdown before being taken out of court and then shot by them all(only sounds)
What did you guys think?
submitted by Able-Connection9445 to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:22 arrogant_ambassador F-k the Jews! Free Palestine!” Scrawled in Blood Red Ink at Kings Highway Academy in Midwood

submitted by arrogant_ambassador to newyorkcity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:22 GreatJothulhu Microsoft 3D Movie Maker & Project Caligula

Do you remember Microsoft 3D Movie Maker? A free demo of it came with Windows 95. If you really liked it, you could buy the full version on CD-ROM. Basically, you could make your own 3D movies using preset actors, props, and scenes. You could even add your own dialogue & sound effects using the computer's mic. It was such a hit that it developed its own cult fanbase.
A little-known fact is that if you go to the intro page of the talent book and type in “socrates,” you'll find a live-action featurette on the making of 3D Movie Maker, originally known as “Project Socrates" to the developers. It's a pretty fun watch, and I highly recommend it!
What I do not recommend, however, is “Project Caligula.”
I am (very begrudgingly) going to explain the process by which you can access Project Caligula. To start, you must make a movie, choosing Misty City as the scene, and the small café as the camera angle. As a prop, select the sphere, color it red, flatten it all the way, and put it under the left most table. As actors, select S'kelly and Augustin. Change Augustin's outfit to the tuxedo and put him in front of the café door, between the tables. Place S'kelly horizontally at his feet. You can do this using the adjustment tools in the part of the toolbar that is initially covered up.
Next, change the music to “Geist Evil Theme.” Select the Sound effect “Laugh Maniac" and place it on Augustin. Finally, make his action “At Rest" and have him stay like that for EXACTLY 17 frames.
Conclude by clicking “New Movie.” A prompt will ask you if you want to save your movie. Do so and save it as “caligula” (all lower case, no quotes). When the screen comes up, go to “Open Movie" and select caligula. Unlike other movies, whose preview pics are the first frame of the film, the screenshot will be a 3D graphic of the phrase “Welcome To Hell" in the font Bloody (which is not available in the original edition of the game) in front of a black background.
When you open the movie, instead of the preview pic, you will see a blood red background. Again, this is the first of many things you'll see that are not presets of the game. Clicking play will play 21 frames of the screen with an off-key version of Lacrimosa by Mozart playing on piano in the background. The screen will then spiral wipe to the actor Bongo in front of the black background for 13 frames. Then, his skin appears to melt off quite graphically, followed by subsequent layers of muscle, tissue and even organs, until it reaches the skeleton. This skeleton, unlike the default S'kelly, looks eerily... well…
…like it belongs to Bongo.
The shape, lines, and even proportions, are fitted to Bongo's unique build. The music gradually fades, replaced with a crescendo of tortured screams. The skeleton then opens its mouth and says one of the preset lines:
“Those bullies won't bother me now!”
While this IS a line attributed to Bongo, the line is distorted to sound deep and very demonic.
The final thing you see is a text in front of one of the basic backgrounds from the Nickelodeon edition of 3D Movie Maker. The front is hard to read, not only because the color almost completely blends in with the background, but also because it's in a strange font. When translated, it reads:
“Let all those who see this film beware! For whosoever seeks to make it their own shall suffer a fate worse than death.”
I had heard about a member of the 3DMM community who did try to modify the movie, so I found out where he lived to ask him about it. When I got there, the lawn looked like it hadn't been mowed for days, and there was several days worth of mail & papers present. I knocked on the door, but no one answered.
I looked in a nearby window and saw that most of the house was covered in blood, urine, feces, and various entrails. I opened the door only to have the severed torso of the person I was seeking fall towards me. His skin was gone, as were his legs & hips, he was covered in blood, and I thought he was dead.
Until he grabbed my ankle and gasped:
“Why… why won't he let me die?”
“Who,” I asked.
“E… Edgar…”
I called 911 immediately. The doctors made a startling discovery when they examined him: A piece of his brain was missing. According to some psychologists, this part of the brain…
…alerts the body when it dies.
As to the identity of Edgar, according to my research, he was apparently a programmer for Microsoft working on Project Socrates. He was fired for making horrifically graphic movies and later committed suicide. His suicide note read:
“You'll regret this."
I know I did...
submitted by GreatJothulhu to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:21 unniepower [F4A playing M] Leon x Ashley roleplay (Resident Evil)

“He's still the same.”
This thought, an unexpectedly quick shadow flashing somewhere on the border of the conscious and unconscious, for some reason gives Ashley a strange feeling of peace. It seems to her that nothing good could have happened in Leon’s life since their last meeting, and she would be sad to see him upset about something bad.
However, one cannot say that he is delighted with the upcoming “mission”. Ashley can understand this, although under the pressure of stress she probably underestimated how difficult it was for him, and at that moment she couldn't have fully empathized with him... these were probably excuses that she came up with later, rethinking the experience.
One way or another, Leon was here again, and Ashley was sure of one thing - she missed him no less than on the first day after separation. But noticing that all his attention is directed exclusively at her father, she allows herself to relax and sigh.
He is not here for her, he's here because this is the president's order. It was stupid and inappropriate for someone like agent Kennedy, but apparently, the government didn't want to leave him completely free, and there were no more important things to do. Well, that, or Ashley's dad just made his own adjustments to the priorities. One way or another, Leon didn't seem to agree with it, and, to be honest, neither did Ashley, although she was happy to see Kennedy again.
“Thank you for...” she doesn’t even know how to start a conversation, and even opens her mouth only because the prolonged silence could lead to misunderstanding. ”Um... I'm sorry... sorry you had to...”
Ashley waves her hand vaguely and finally causes the flow of speech to dry up again. Fortunately, the situation also helps her.
“Here is your room,” Ashley carefully points to the door, which looks more like the entrance to a hotel room than a room in which anyone would be comfortable staying longer than the vacation required. ”Tomorrow after classes I was going to take a little walk. You'll probably have to come with me, but if you want to stay, you just need to avoid getting noticed by dad, I... won't be knocking at your door.”
It seems that she is ready to turn around and run away like a frightened, big-eyed deer, but then she slightly tilts her head to the side and for the first time in the entire “conversation” looks Leon in the eyes. Not to say that it is very bold, but it is clearly testing the waters, and this is already something in comparison with cowardly caution and quiet apologies.
“You were in a lot of trouble back then. How are you feeling now? Are you tired from the trip?”
P.S.: Here's the starter message. If you'd like, we can roleplay on Discord. This isn't a sexual RP. Timeline is sometime after RE4, Leon is hired to be Ashley's personal bodyguard.
submitted by unniepower to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:15 ciudadvenus Multiple fMRI brain scans reveals brain damages caused by Lions Mane

Going to the doctor doesn't helps much, so they don't see anything wrong in you, the ones that did an MRI brain scan it doesn't shows up anything wrong too, but there's a much more specific type of brain scan which is called fMRI and it revealed in already 11 people that has been affected by Lion's Mane that it caused brain malfunction in the pallidum, dorsal striatum, and temporal lobe areas of the brain.
THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT DISCOVERY in the progress of understanding what this extremely dangerous substance is doing on some people.

fMRI is different from a normal MRI scan, which shows the structure of the brain. An MRI scan allows doctors to examine a patient's organs, tissue, or bones, while an fMRI looks at the function of the brain.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a type of MRI scan that shows which parts of the brain are active when a patient performs certain tasks. It uses a technique called blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) contrast to evaluate blood flow in the brain. BOLD contrast detects changes in blood flow to metabolically active neurons instead of neural electrical activity.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures the small changes in blood flow that occur with brain activity. It may be used to examine which parts of the brain are handling critical functions, evaluate the effects of stroke or other disease, or to guide brain treatment. fMRI may detect abnormalities within the brain that cannot be found with other imaging techniques.

Note: If you undergo an fMRI and it reveals damage as well, it is important to share your results with* u/ciudadvenus *to raise awareness about the dangers of this substance, also, your anonymity will be respected if you wish to.

submitted by ciudadvenus to LionsManeRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:14 LycanChimera Do you bring magical servants/slaves with you to new Jumps?

Currently doing a Fire Emblem Themed chain and found this perk in Geneology of the Holy War.
Deadlord Creation ​(400 CP, Discount Loptyr Blood) - Using Dark Magic, you can turn a captive person into a “Deadlord” to fight for you. This is easier to do when you have turned someone to stone with a stone spell, as you will need to overcome their will to turn them into a Deadlord. You can also kill people and bring them back to life as a Deadlord. The Deadlords will fight unquestioningly for you, but they cannot socialize or form bonds or benefit from social perks. They are intelligent, and need minimal supervision. You may have up to twelve Deadlords at a time. Deadlords have dark magic flowing in their veins, and are superpowered versions of the original people. They are exceedingly skilled and can also be customizable in their creation. They cannot be forced to turn against you.
My question is would I be able to bring characters turned into Deadlords with me without them being companions or followers? From what I can tell they aren't really "people" anymore so I figure they should be as fine as anything else you put in your warehouse, but what are your interpretations?
Edit: Same question for this one as well from Fire Emblem Valentia
The Teachings of Duma ​(600 CP, Discount Mage) Duma and Mila were Divine Dragons that shaped the world, and they had no shortage of magical power and knowledge. Duma’s arcane teachings are considered ghastly and violent by many people, but to those who practice it, it is seen as a necessity.
You have become so strong that some would say a single word from your lips is enough to snuff out life in all but those blessed by fate. You may sacrifice someone to power, making them your mindless servant in the process. You could also curse people to where if they share certain information about yourself, they will die on the spot. You may also consume powerful souls to grant yourself vast power and extend your lifespan, and create illusions of those most precious to your enemies by gazing into their hearts. You could also curse the landscape to cause earthquakes, and cause or clear rockslides.
You also, in terms of power, count as a “witch”, but unlike other witches, you keep control of yourself intact.
This is but an example of the things you are capable of accomplishing.
submitted by LycanChimera to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:14 arrogant_ambassador F-k the Jews! Free Palestine!” Scrawled in Blood Red Ink at Kings Highway Academy in Midwood

submitted by arrogant_ambassador to nyc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:13 Patient_Chocolate411 I am about to make a FemPrimarch OC to feed to the AU gods of this sub

Hello people ! If you read the title, then yes. I am using the vast, fertile soil that are the II and the XI legion to make a new fem primarch to feed to you guys. Now, I am not a great artist, nor a good writer, which is why I am asking you guys for ideas !
Here is the main idea/concept :
And that is the basic of things. Do you have any ideas on how I could developp this concept ? And if you have any name suggestions, feel free to give them in the comments !
Have a nice day/night everybody !
submitted by Patient_Chocolate411 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]