Bedmas worksheets online


2020.01.11 07:19 vampedvixen SelfCareCharts

With the huge rise of anxiety world wide, we thought we'd make a slight pivot from general mental health to one focusing more on anxiety disorders with a probable underlying personality disorder. We'll use a mix of our traditional chart style graphics and add a Weekly Newsletter, Coping strategies, Video lessons, the latest research, inspirational quotes etc, all to try to make your day that much easier.

2017.01.08 00:47 dinapubu Free math activities, worksheets and lessons online.

Primary school free online and printable math activities and lessons for children. Kids can use any device to work on these activities and lessons. These resources are helpful for parents who are doing home schooling for their children

2013.04.05 02:02 yesladdd A Level

alevel is a subreddit for A Level students and aspirants. It is a place to ask, share, and learn about any A Level subject, exam, or plan. You can also find resources, memes, and friends on alevel. Join and have fun!

2024.05.14 15:45 Mersaul4 IBKR és eSZJA

Épp ellenőrzöm az eSZJA adóbevallás tervezetem online és probálom összerakni, hogy be kell-e még valamit jelenteni az IBKR-ról.
Ha bárkinek van bármi észrevétele és azt megosztja, azért hálás lennék.
Az IBKR-ról három kimutatást tudtam letölteni:
Itt a végösszeg (nyereség/veszteség) negatív, tehát úgy gondolom itt nincs mit bejelenteni.
Voltak ETF-eim régebbről, amik háromszor fizettek osztalékot 2023-ban. Itt ki van mutatva a "Withholding Tax", ami mindig pont az osztalék 15%-a. Ezt már az IBKR úgy gondolom automatikusan levonta, tehát én nem is láttam ezt a pénzt és nincs mit bejelentenem.
Itt ki van mutatva "Osztalék címén megszerzett jövedelem 58,357 és adója 8,752". Ezt nem tudom visszakövetni, hogy nonna jött. Az ETF osztalékok a Hungarian Tax Statement ennél magasabbak voltak. Van még egy "Egyéb jogcímen kapott jövedelem 27,272" és "A Szocho tv. 1. § (1)-(3) bekezdés szerinti összevont adóalapba tartozó adóalap számításnál figyelembe vett
jövedelmek és más jövedelmek összege 27,272"
Ebből van esetleg valami, amit le kéne jelenteni?
Előre is köszönök bármi segítséget vagy észrevételt.
submitted by Mersaul4 to kiszamolo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:03 Such_Disappointment8 Why do i feel so angry at myself

Context: I recently got a 60 in my math text and I've been feeling really angry, mad just I don't feel like myself. I had another math exam and I was sure I was going to ace it, I studied alot alot by alot I mean everyday till the exams every little thing, I studied all of the textbook material, did quizzes online about the material I did worksheet everything I could find online. But when I got my results (i got an 89) i just felt the same way I felt before I don't know why, my parents don't force me or get mad if I get a low grade they just tell me to improve and forget about it. I feel like maybe just to end it all I've never felt this, I just can't i don't know why
submitted by Such_Disappointment8 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:51 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Discord: jperez
Email: [](
Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
¡Nos vemos!
submitted by Jh0nPerez to Students_AcademicHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:51 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Discord: jperez
Email: [](
Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
¡Nos vemos!
submitted by Jh0nPerez to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:51 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Discord: jperez
Email: [](
Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
¡Nos vemos!
submitted by Jh0nPerez to HomeworkAider [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:51 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Discord: jperez
Email: [](
Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
¡Nos vemos!
submitted by Jh0nPerez to examhelprz [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:51 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Discord: jperez
Email: [](
Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
¡Nos vemos!
submitted by Jh0nPerez to ExamHelpers_Tutoring [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:59 Bloodlash36 PCS and Medical Record

I know in the past we always had to hand carry or have our medical record mailed to our next unit. Is that still the case or is all just online now? I don’t see it mentioned in my pre-pcs worksheet so I was just curious.
submitted by Bloodlash36 to uscg [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:38 user101604371 if you're considering Science One...

Disclaimer: This post is merely to provide knowledge, and not to instruct you to do anything. Your choice whether to choose the Science One program at UBC or not is completely up to you. I hope this helps in making an informed decision.
I just thought I would contribute to the existing public knowledge of the Science One program already on Reddit here: My post assumes you already did basic research on the program and aims to contribute more knowledge that isn’t publicly available yet (here is the Science One website:
I am an alumni in the 2023-2024 cohort, but just a disclaimer that a few things will change in the program in the years to come (see below):
Just a few small updates to the previous Reddit post:
Note about grades: While Science One is promoted as a program where the students care more about knowledge than grades, while this is very true in my personal experience, I still think that grades played a large impact on our mental health, confidence, and our overall enjoyability of the first year experience. The reason I am including grades here is to allow you to have reasonable expectations about your grades and know that if you want to go into a very competitive specialization in second year, Science One may not be the right program for you. Note that the grades published on UBC grades ( is not representative of the actual class average. There is a policy where if a student failed two or more subjects in Science One, the credit for Science One will be broken down into its individual course components and the student will not appear to have been in Science One (it doesn’t show Science One on their transcript, rather the rough course equivalents). This raises the apparent class average reported. In my year, 3 people were removed, which changed the class average from 75% to 77%.
Alright, with that out of the way, I will be filling in the gaps of public knowledge specifically with the workload of Science One. Below is a (hopefully) unbiased perspective on Science One. My personal opinion will be stated later in this post.
Note: both of our biology professors (Pam Kalas and George Haughn) are no longer teaching in the program, so this subject may look very different
Overall: 3-10 hours of work per week depending on your thinking speed and how busy that week’s schedule is
Class average over the year: 71%
Term 1 Units: Great Bear Rainforest, Metabolism, DNA, Gene Expression, Genetics
Term 2 Units: Genetics (Continued); Phylogenies, Speciation, Population and Community Dynamics; Macromolecular Self Assembly; Regulation of Gene Expression; Biological Energy Transformation
Biology Tutorials
Note: One professor is no longer teaching in Science One (John Sherman), but the other is staying (Guillaume Bussiere), so this may be different in your year
Overall: 2-5 hours of work per week depending if there’s quizzes or assignments that week
Class average over the year: 75%
Term 1 Units: Chemical Bonding and Basics, Conformations, Stereochemistry, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry
Term 2 Units: Kinetics, Quantum Chemistry, Intermolecular Forces (not really a whole unit, more like a supplementary lecture), Valence Bond Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory, Acid Base Chemistry, SN1 and SN2 Reactions
Chemistry Tutorials
Chemistry Labs (Chem 121, Chem 123 equivalents for term 1 and 2 respectively)
Overall class average (I forgot): around 85%
Overall: around 2-5 hours of work per week depending on if there’s quizzes, long assignments, or assignments
Class average over the year: 76%
Term 1 Units: Measuring and Modelling Motion, Motion and Conservation Laws, Thermodynamics, Rotational Motion, Special Relativity
Term 2 Units: Waves, Quantum Mechanics, Electrostatics, Circuits, Magnetism and Magnetic Fields, Stellar Nucleosynthesis
Physics Tutorials
Physics Labs (Phys 119, Phys 129)
Class average (I forgot): around 85%
Overall workload: around 3-6 hours per week depending if there’s assignments, and midterms that week
Class average over the year: 72%
Term 1 Focus: Derivatives and ODE’s
Term 2 Focus: Integration
Term 1 Project (partnered)
Overall workload: around 1 hour per week, but can be up to 4 hours when preparing for the presentation
Class average: around 85%
Term 2 Project (partnered)
Overall workload: anywhere from 0-8 hours a week depending on the complexity of the project
Class average: 75%
With that in mind, I want to provide some pros and cons of Science One:
Personal Opinion
While I did enjoy Science One at the start of the school year because of the pros mentioned above, over the school year, I started taking an interest in a competitive major, which put a lot of stress on myself to achieve high marks. It almost felt like no matter how hard I tried and how well I thought I knew the topic, my mark was going to be low anyways because the way the content is tested. I feel like I shot myself in the foot when it comes to getting into my major as the application process is completely based on grades.
While I don’t know if I would have done better in mainstream (I probably wouldn’t have had as many friends, and therefore my mental health would be worse, and possibly it means that I don’t have as much motivation), I definitely think that I could have done better in mainstream if I had the same motivation I do now as their way of testing and marking may be a lot more lenient. However, I am almost certainly sure that if my cohort were placed into mainstream classes in first year, we would have achieved much higher grades than we did in Science One. However, I don’t know if being in Science One could have an effect on my performance in the years to come. I do acknowledge that over the year, I was able to develop really good study habits to manage the workload and also learned to prioritize my health, which will be beneficial in the future.
However, I have also noticed that there are some “hell weeks”, where we absolutely feel like dropping out. In both terms, after term 1 and 2 conferences, where we were away at camp for the weekend (we didn’t have the weekend to do schoolwork), there was a week where there were many overlapping assessments, such as math midterms, chemistry quizzes, math assignments, and chemistry assignments, etc. These are the assessments that ended up having class averages which were below expectations, which I feel wasn’t our fault at all.
In fact, we were burnt out, but because of our wonderful Student Council, we were able to have some assignments pushed back to alleviate some of our workload and reduce burnout. Special thanks to our chemistry professors, as they were always open to planning the chemistry quizzes on days that weren’t as bad for us, and even asked us which day we wanted the quizzes. I can tell they really care about our wellbeing and our performance.
In addition, even though Science One is marketed as being prestigious, most of the people I talk to don’t even know what Science One is, and the few who do know it, know it for its intensive nature and harsh marking scheme. There is no special treatment for Science One graduates that I know of except for the occasional “wow how did you survive?”.
Generally, I don’t regret doing Science One, but if I had the chance to restart first year, I would have chosen to go the mainstream route. I feel I would have been a lot less stressed and have gotten much better grades. However, I did meet so many motivated and amazing people this year, and have generally enjoyed some aspects such as camp. Unfortunately, because of my desired major, I have seen Science One as something that may have limited my options in the future.
Do I think Science One is for you?
These are my personal opinions and please don’t take this section as the final decider for you. Be sure to do more research!
To succeed in Science One, talent can only go so far. At some point you will be challenged academically, and you will doubt yourself. But what follow is what really determines if you are a good fit for Science One. If you want to give up and do something easier, go to mainstream. If you want to persevere and to learn more, Science One may be the right choice for you. If just you want the prestige of Science One, don’t do Science One, it is not as well known as their website may make it seem. If you want to go into Computer Science, Science One may not be for you since it has little connection to Computer Science and really lowers your mark.
If you really are hard set on a competitive major which requires high marks, consider mainstream, since it is very rare and very very difficult to do well in Science One. If you really love to learn more difficult concepts, have a tight community to be by your side, to have good connections to your professors, to get some research experience, AND grades aren’t a huge concern for you, Science One is for you.
Again, take my opinion with a grain of salt. You are ultimately the right person who can make the right choice for yourself. You know yourself the best. I hope this helped and I wish you all the very best in your studies, whether you decide to go Science One or not. Feel free to DM me or reply below if you have any further questions :)
submitted by user101604371 to UBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:23 miss5533 What are 7 year olds learning in school, english wise?

My aunt has given me the responsibility (or honor?) of her 7 year old this summer about once or twice a week. Not full time or anything, so remove if this isn't allowed, but I have been tasked with teaching the kid some English while school's out for the summer. I don't know any 7 year olds so I can't ask them what they're learning in school. From some online research I've come up with worksheets about adjectives, nouns, sentence structure including action words, present and past tense...
parents: What approaches work best for kids? Do you have book suggestions I can buy online?
I'm not really that close with my aunt, but at this point I don't even know what I'm supposed to ask her to get more information.
Thank you!
submitted by miss5533 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:31 approachenglish English Grammar Class 6 Topics Syllabus CBSE ICSE (2025)

English Grammar Class 6 Topics Syllabus CBSE ICSE (2025)
English Grammar Class 6 Topics Syllabus CBSE ICSE (2025)
In the academic year 2025, Class 6 students across various educational boards will delve into the intricacies of English Grammar. Understanding the syllabus is crucial for students to excel in language proficiency and academic performance.

Importance of Understanding English Grammar at an Early Age

Grasping English Grammar concepts at a young age lays a strong foundation for effective communication and academic success. Early exposure to grammar aids students in writing coherent essays, improving comprehension skills, and achieving higher grades in exams.

Topics Covered in Class 6 English Grammar CBSE, ICSE, Other State Boards (2025)

In Class 6 English Grammar syllabi for 2025, CBSE, ICSE, and other State Boards cover the following grammar topics:
1: The Sentences
2: Subject and Predicate
3: Nouns
4: Singular Plural Nouns
5: Gender
6: Nominative Accusative Possessive Case
7: Pronouns
8: Verbs
9: Modal Auxiliaries
10: Adjectives
11: Degrees of Comparison
12: Adverbs
13: The Simple Tense
14: The Continuous Tense
15: The Perfect Tense
16: Phrases and Clauses
17: Prepositions
18: Conjunctions
19: Articles
20: Subject Verb Agreement
21: Active and Passive Voice
22: Direct and Indirect Speech
23: Punctuation Marks and Capital Letters

Overview of CBSE and ICSE Syllabus for Class 6 English Grammar

Comparing the syllabi provided by CBSE and ICSE reveals similarities and differences in the focus and structure of English Grammar education. While both boards emphasize language skills development, CBSE tends to have a broader approach, covering reading, writing, and grammar, whereas ICSE places more emphasis on language proficiency and composition.

Detailed Breakdown of CBSE Syllabus

CBSE's syllabus for Class 6 English Grammar includes comprehensive coverage of reading skills, writing skills, and grammar concepts. Students engage in activities such as comprehension passages, essay writing, and grammar exercises to enhance their language proficiency.

Detailed Breakdown of ICSE Syllabus

In contrast, ICSE's syllabus focuses on language proficiency and composition, with an emphasis on literary analysis and creative writing. Students explore various literary genres, practice writing different types of compositions, and delve into advanced grammar concepts.

Key Topics Covered in Class 6 English Grammar

Key topics covered in Class 6 English Grammar include parts of speech, sentence structure, tenses, punctuation, and comprehension skills. Mastering these topics is essential for effective communication and academic success.

Tips for Effective Learning of English Grammar

Students can enhance their grammar skills through regular practice, active reading, writing exercises, and seeking feedback from teachers or peers. Utilizing online resources, grammar apps, and participating in grammar games can also facilitate learning.

Resources for Further Practice

Additional resources such as websites like, grammar books like "Wren & Martin," and online platforms like Grammarly provide students with opportunities for further practice and consolidation of English Grammar skills.


In conclusion, understanding the English Grammar Class 6 Topics Syllabus CBSE ICSE (2025) is paramount for students' language development and academic success. By mastering grammar concepts, students can communicate effectively, excel in exams, and prepare for future opportunities.

Get the Class 6 English Grammar Book

submitted by approachenglish to u/approachenglish [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:33 ClassyWaiter737 Any useful study tips to share?

It doesn't matter what school you're in, what level you're at, what exam you're studying for or what subjects you study, anyone wanna share study tips that worked for you or mistakes to avoid when studying so we can all prepare for the june holidays grind? 😭
here are some that worked for me: tips:
  1. flashcards are actually quite effective for memorization. i prefer physical ones instead of virtual ones so you don't get tired from looking at your phone or distracted by other stuff on your phone and its also a fun way to memorize stuff, they are more portable so like I can read them on the mrt or when im walking on my treadmil and they are not so wordy compared to A4 paper notes. The only bad thing is they take a long time to prepare and make so sometimes i buy the colored plain paper flashcards so i dont have to waste time cutting paper. Flashcards helped me for my final physics test in sec 4 to memorise a few concepts at the last minute but of course dont make flashcards like one week before your exam
  2. i sort all my worksheets into 3 piles. first pile is for useless worksheets like those fun activities or reflections kind, second pile is for notes, third pile is for questions to attempt with answers at the back.
  3. actually get 9 hours of sleep or more if u can, like what lily from nmixx said "8 hours of sleep isnt enough and you'll ruin everything u worked for" (her words not mine). like if its like 10pm and u legit cant think of anything to do just go to bed early
  4. go Google and just search for something you're learning for further reference to online resources like those educational youtubers, you'll also learn better that way instead of watching other youtube content or doomscrolling.
  1. rewriting notes isnt as effective as just memorising them. i sometimes still have this bad habit of rewriting notes again and i spend so much time making spare copies which I could have used memorising the notes instead which would be more helpful
soooo if anyone got any tips or mistakes can share in comments? thanks in advance and jiayous guys we'll get through this together ✨✨✨
submitted by ClassyWaiter737 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:03 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Discord: jperez
Email: [](
Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
¡Nos vemos!
submitted by Jh0nPerez to Essayprowriter [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:03 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Discord: jperez
Email: [](
Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
¡Nos vemos!
submitted by Jh0nPerez to Do_My_Homework [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:03 Jh0nPerez Spanish help for your Spanish test/exam. Get the best deal for your Spanish homework. Native expert in Spanish assignments with vouches (VPN available) Discord: jperez

Discord: jperez
Email: [](
Hola, ¿qué tal? My name is Jhon Pérez, a native Spanish tutor with over 10 years of experience in Spanish homework. I can help you with any type of Spanish assignments: exams, quizzes, tests, worksheets and essays.
I've done many accounts on VHL Central, McGraw Hill, Blackboard, Canvas, MyLabs, Cengage, Desire2Learn, ELEteca, Edgenuity, Contraseña, WileyPlus and more.
Besides being a native Spanish speaker, I have knowledge of vocabulary, functional grammar and the functions of all levels of Spanish (Beginners A1-A2, Intermediate B1-B2 and Advanced C1-C2.)
I can work with login, TeamViewer and screenshots. If you choose the latter I will make sure to be online at the agreed time to work with you (you send the screenshots and I send the answers.)
This is not an agency. It's just me, the Spanish tutor, so you don't have to pay double fees (one to the agency owner and another to the tutor.)
Unlike other Spanish tutors, I will provide you with safe, untraceable VPN connection to your closest location and follow your instruction(s) to deliver plagiarism-free Spanish papers.
For tight deadlines I can deliver the same day as long as I am contacted at least 4 hours before deadline.
My rates are pocket-friendly and flexible to fit your budget. You can use milestone payments or pay as you go.
Proof and vouches can be seen on my profile.
Send your prompt and get a quote today!
Email: [](
Discord: jperez
¡Nos vemos!
submitted by Jh0nPerez to AcademicHelp_net [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:13 NerdusOlympiadicus 📚 US Medicine and Disease Olympiad 2024

📚 US Medicine and Disease Olympiad 2024
Dear all,
Elevate your passion for human biology, medicine, and disease to new heights with the US Medicine and Disease Olympiad (USMDO)!
🌟 As America’s premier qualifying competition for the International Medicine and Disease Olympiad (IMDO), the USMDO offers high school students across the nation the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and skills on a global stage.
📅 Save the Date: The third annual USMDO will be held on Saturday, 8/11/2024.
🌎 Whether you're in bustling city streets or serene countryside, the online format ensures that all students, regardless of location, can participate and compete for glory.
What to Expect:
🔬 One comprehensive online exam covering Cell Biology and Genetics, Human Physiology, and Human Disease.
🎯 160 multiple-choice questions to be completed within 2 hours.
⏰ A 12-hour exam period for flexibility and accessibility.
Why Join?
🌟 Gain valuable experience and insights into the exciting world of biomedical sciences and healthcare.
🏅 Showcase your talents and intellect to the global community.
💼 Open doors to future academic and career opportunities in medicine and healthcare.
Don't miss your chance to be part of this thrilling journey! Registration for the 2024 USMDO is now open. Secure your spot and embark on a path towards international success in medicine and disease!
🔗 Register **Now:**
Let your passion for medicine and disease shine bright with the USMDO.
USMDO Training Camp 2024
🌟 U*nlock Your Future in Medicine! Join Our Training Camp Today! *🌟
👩‍⚕️ Calling all aspiring young minds! Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey into the world of medicine? Look no further than our Introductory Medicine Training Course!
🏫 Designed for high school students worldwide, this immersive course is the perfect stepping stone towards a fulfilling career in medicine.
📚 Over the course of several months, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of essential medical concepts.
🏅 And here's the exciting part - our course isn't just about learning; it's about reaching for the stars! By enrolling in our program, students position themselves for success in prestigious competitions like the USA Medicine and Disease Olympiad (USMDO) **and the International Medicine and Disease Olympiad (IMDO).**
The Introductory Medicine Training Course focuses on introducing medicine to any interested high school students with the aim of inspiring the young learners to pursue a medical career.
Students will receive access to resources which include:
  • Lecture recordings
  • Handouts for each lesson
  • Class presentations
  • Weekly worksheets
Duration: from May to August 2024
Schedule: (the classes will be held on weekdays and weekends!) - The timings still need to be confirmed by all registered students
Class time: variable
Course start date: the next batch is planned to start in May 2024
Course textbooks:
  • Costanzo Physiology by Linda S Costanzo
  • BRS Physiology (Board Review Series)
  • Anatomy and Physiology by OpenStax
  • Vander's Human physiology
Every week, students will cover 2-4 chapters from this book. Each class is accompanied by homework.
If you decide to sign up and if you still have not filled in the Google form, please do it here
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at []( or on Facebook:
submitted by NerdusOlympiadicus to biologyolympiads [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:11 NerdusOlympiadicus 📚 US Medicine and Disease Olympiad 2024

📚 US Medicine and Disease Olympiad 2024
Dear all,
Elevate your passion for human biology, medicine, and disease to new heights with the US Medicine and Disease Olympiad (USMDO)!
🌟 As America’s premier qualifying competition for the International Medicine and Disease Olympiad (IMDO), the USMDO offers high school students across the nation the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and skills on a global stage.
📅 Save the Date: The third annual USMDO will be held on Saturday, 8/11/2024.
🌎 Whether you're in bustling city streets or serene countryside, the online format ensures that all students, regardless of location, can participate and compete for glory.
What to Expect:
🔬 One comprehensive online exam covering Cell Biology and Genetics, Human Physiology, and Human Disease.
🎯 160 multiple-choice questions to be completed within 2 hours.
⏰ A 12-hour exam period for flexibility and accessibility.
Why Join?
🌟 Gain valuable experience and insights into the exciting world of biomedical sciences and healthcare.
🏅 Showcase your talents and intellect to the global community.
💼 Open doors to future academic and career opportunities in medicine and healthcare.
Don't miss your chance to be part of this thrilling journey! Registration for the 2024 USMDO is now open. Secure your spot and embark on a path towards international success in medicine and disease!
🔗 Register **Now:**
Let your passion for medicine and disease shine bright with the USMDO.
USMDO Training Camp 2024
🌟 U*nlock Your Future in Medicine! Join Our Training Camp Today! *🌟
👩‍⚕️ Calling all aspiring young minds! Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey into the world of medicine? Look no further than our Introductory Medicine Training Course!
🏫 Designed for high school students worldwide, this immersive course is the perfect stepping stone towards a fulfilling career in medicine.
📚 Over the course of several months, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of essential medical concepts.
🏅 And here's the exciting part - our course isn't just about learning; it's about reaching for the stars! By enrolling in our program, students position themselves for success in prestigious competitions like the USA Medicine and Disease Olympiad (USMDO) **and the International Medicine and Disease Olympiad (IMDO).**
The Introductory Medicine Training Course focuses on introducing medicine to any interested high school students with the aim of inspiring the young learners to pursue a medical career.
Students will receive access to resources which include:
  • Lecture recordings
  • Handouts for each lesson
  • Class presentations
  • Weekly worksheets
Duration: from May to August 2024
Schedule: (the classes will be held on weekdays and weekends!) - The timings still need to be confirmed by all registered students
Class time: variable
Course start date: the next batch is planned to start in May 2024
Course textbooks:
  • Costanzo Physiology by Linda S Costanzo
  • BRS Physiology (Board Review Series)
  • Anatomy and Physiology by OpenStax
  • Vander's Human physiology
Every week, students will cover 2-4 chapters from this book. Each class is accompanied by homework.
If you decide to sign up and if you still have not filled in the Google form, please do it here
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at []( or on Facebook:
submitted by NerdusOlympiadicus to USABO [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:17 SensitiveBugGirl Why do some teachers not use the curriculum?

Hi, I've been thinking about this question and would like some outside opinions because I feel like I have to be missing something. I also don't want to ask a bunch of coworkers and come off as dissing the teacher.
I'm a teacher aide in two second grade classrooms in a Choice private school. I did go to school to be a teacher. I completed everything except one 10 week student teaching (but I made up the credits and graduated). I've worked at those school for about 3.5 years. 1.5 were spent with K4. This is my second year in 2nd grade.
Backstory: My one teacher is chronically absent. She is being forced to retire after this school year. Her back and legs are causing hee so much pain she can't come to school and work. I've been the only constant presence for these kids these last 6 months. My teacher has only been a full time teacher her for about 7 years. She subbed for a lot of her life. I end up teaching a lot, although it's been awesome having subs on most days as of late. I take care of most of the stuff in the classroom and come in early and stay late to try to make sure everything is as it should be.
She basically doesn't use the school's science or English curriculum. We have a new math curriculum (we used to use Saxon until we couldn't get any more physical books. Now we have Math Expressions), but she doesn't teach it as intended. She doesn't use a lot of the materials that came with it.
For English, our school uses Shirely which is what I grew up with. The student books are still in storage. The student workbook are in their desks, unused. They have only used the sentence books, but she doesn't teach it the Shirely way. These kids will go on to 3rd grade... behind. She thinks they have to master each part of speech before doing sentences. It never occurred to her that we could go through them... as a class. I never even knew where the TE book was until like a week ago. I'm not even convinced she knows how to do it. She uses tons of superteacher worksheets and random ones she finds online. Sometimes the answer key isn't right. Some of the stuff is confusing. Instead of using the Shirely songs and videos, she picks random stuff from on YouTube.
For science, she doesn't use the book. She prints off all these black and white packets that the kids frequently lose. Lots of repetitive questions. Everything is writing stuff out that frankly feels like wastes of time sometimes because by the time everyone has the answers down, a chunk of the kids are now talking, making noises, and distracting each other. Sometimes I don't even know what the question is asking either. Sometimes the answer isn't actually in the text (and it's not an opinion or inference question).
I've talked a little with one of subs (who taught in the upper grades for many years at the school), and she clearly thinks that not using the English curriculm is wrong. On the days she's there, it's like she makes it her mission to teach how they should be taught.
Math is now being taught by the other 2nd grade teacher. We are units behind with only a couple weeks left and won't be able to finish the book. There were too many days spent not doing lessons or using materials not from the curriculum (which they didn't master. They are still very much struggling).
I just don't understand. How do you not know where you NEED to be if at all possible? If you are picking random topics for science, how do you know you are meeting standards? All of this goes against everything I was taught in college. If the kids were thriving, I wouldn't be worried. They aren't though.
And FWIW, the other teacher doesn't use the curriculum for social studies either, and I can't say I understand. That retired teacher sub doesn't even agree with some of the stuff in these worksheets (like money being an example of scarcity).
I very much try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I naturally believe they know better than me, so I hate saying anything. Am I missing something or is/was my teacher just not great at teaching? She feels like the kind of teachers I grew up with in the 90s and early 00s, although my teachers were better I think. I understand supplementing with materials every once in a while... or if the book is missing a lot of stuff. But never using the curriculum and it's worksheets? Or using it only a quarter of the way so that it appears to confuse the kids so it must not work? To be clear, I've never heard them talk about the curriculum being awful or old or anything.
I'll say this because I feel like someone may ask, we don't have anyone in charge of curriculum or looking over lesson plans. They submit their block plans to the drive I think, but I'm pretty sure they aren't looked at.
submitted by SensitiveBugGirl to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:09 Poornima_her The Emergence of Virtual classrooms

In recent years, the meaning of the idea of classrooms has become ambiguous - it could mean either traditional places, with the desks arranged orderly, blackboards, maps, and the conversations of the students that take place in the same location and face to face, or some online platform where teachers meeting their students and teaching the same subject classes. Right now, it is a new normal. Classrooms are not only meeting rooms, but rather they can be on our screens and people from different corners of the world interact from within their virtual space. This globalization of E-learning has revolutionized teaching methods as knowledge delivery and strategies have been transformed virtual classroom is a web-based teaching spaces where teachers & students can exchange, perform different types of activities, and anyway communicate with each other. As a result, the students can get access to really good teachers from any part of the planet for a lifetime as long as they both are connected to the internet with a steady connection. This can break down most of the common barriers to synchronous learning: the cost, distance, and also time.
Key features of virtual classrooms include:
An online class is, to a large extent, a replica of the actual classroom setting. Online whiteboard assists teachers in highlighting visually their ideas and demonstrating how working out samples in an interactive manner mirrors a physical classroom. Meanwhile, the library acts as a bedrock for teachers and allows them to tap into relevant supplementary materials. In addition, it provides an avenue for teachers and students to appreciate the same content.
Virtual classrooms provide several advantages over traditional classrooms:
The advent of virtual classrooms requires teachers to partner with state-of-the-art technology systems that will provide students with contemporary methods of learning. Technology is already a reality and we should learn as soon as we can to take advantage of it in educational practices as it influences how people learn and interact with each other.
The international online education market has been anticipated to hit approximately $350 billion by 2025. One of the hallmarks of this revolution in educational technology is the virtual classroom which fosters human interaction that is lost in video-on-demand courses. A virtual classroom is all the more the space for online learning in the future. They provide a basic structure that levels the educational field on a global scale and promotes the accessibility of knowledge. Educators, who need to catch up with this transformation, will get the chance to use the cutting-edge tools that make learning a lot more fun for both students and teachers.

#talentserve #virtualclassrooms u/talentserve

submitted by Poornima_her to u/Poornima_her [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:31 Hypnotherapist-Marc French Handwriting - Online Tools?

Does anyone know where to find online free worksheets to print/learn/practice French letters/numbers/handwriting?
submitted by Hypnotherapist-Marc to Handwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:21 careerthrowaway91112 [High School Math] Slope Formula in Standard Form

Hi, I'm hoping to go back to school in the fall with college math classes. So I'm going through algebra again with the help of Professor Leonard (absolutely amazing) and other online resources.
I'm really trying to understand the math/formulas I'm learning, rather than just memorizing the formulas which is what I did a decade ago learning math.
So, in standard form m = -a/b. Rather than just memorize that, I want to understand why which is where I'm struggling.
If I get two points from the standard form equation, and use m = y2 - y1/x2 -x1 I get the same slope as m =-a/b, so I know it has to be true that it -a/b works. The y2 - y1/x2 - x1 version I get. Rise/Run which is based on the difference between the two points' X and Y axis on the line.
So why is it that in standard form -a/b works? It feels like that's saying opposite run/rise? I realize in this form we are using the coefficients of x and y rather than a specific point's x and y values like in the other format so it must have to do with that.
Bonus question if you have time -- I was playing around with a simple equation from a worksheet: 2x + 4y = 5. I found that after getting the slope and a point from that equation, and putting that in point-slope format, and then going back to standard form, I got 1/2x + y = 5/4 as my standard form equation. Which equates to the same line as the original problem. I can then multiply both sides by 4 to make it be the exact same as the original equation. So my question is are both of those equations of the line equally "correct"? They are the exact same line. Couldn't we then have an infinite number of line equations as long as we were doing the same thing to both sides of the equation? The writer of the original equation I'm guessing just got rid of the fractions to make it an easier question?
Thank you very much for any insight you can provide!!
submitted by careerthrowaway91112 to learnmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 18:15 anxietymaybthrowra What has helped you the most?

I am hoping anyone further along into this may have some advice or resources. Books, websites, resources, thought exercises, worksheets, anything at all.
It has been over a month since DDay, things are settling in more but still so fresh. I love my WP a lot, he loves me, and has been putting a lot of effort and action into recovering from this and showing me he wants to be a different person. But I feel I am at the point where I just don't know if I can 'get over' what he's already done. I know 'get over' may not exactly be the right term, but moreso it can be hard to carry on and look at him and accept all the work and progress he's made when the betrayal feels so personal and new. The key points of the betrayal that hurt me the most just have to do with the lies and secrecy, and the more emotional aspects of the affair. His AP was a friend, and it hurts a lot knowing what their relationship was like. I understand a lot of his actions stem from a large amount of unresolved trauma (not an excuse, just a reason) and I am starting to more realistically see how we got here. But the pain is still so heavy. There are some days where I am finally starting to see some semblance of normalcy, but there are still some days where I feel a wreck. Talking to him helps, more specifically when I can tell him exactly why I'm upset or hurting and what about his specific actions that are hurting me. Being able to articulate that, and discuss it with him, and see him understand it helps me a lot.
We have been using some other resources to move along this journey as well. There is a website called Affair Recovery Center that we have been using that has helped a lot for us to open up to each other and understand things. This website also has worksheets and things that we have been printing out and doing, and I've really really enjoyed that aspect of the website.
We also have been opening up more in general, whenever I find an exercise online, I suggest it and we do it. He's started journaling and has encouraged me to do the same. I write down my thoughts frequently, whether it be in this sub, in my notes, or in the journal. He is currently in the process of finding a therapist to attend, and I intend to find one in a few months once I get some other life stuff out of the way.
I don't know if reconciliation is going to happen or not, and for the time being we are just focusing on healing and feeling things out. I am not going to rush in my decision to leave him or stay with him. It has been nice connecting with him, to not only understand this situation and why and how it happened, but to also deepen our relationship, because it does give me hope.
Anyhow, with R being a possibility but not a set path, what are some things that may be helpful? What helped you the most in your journey, especially if you are further along than I am? I want to know as much as possible. We are both committed to taking actions to recover.
submitted by anxietymaybthrowra to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]