Cool first person shooter names

First Person Shooter Games

2015.02.01 23:08 BeerLateNight First Person Shooter Games

These games include Call of Duty, Battlefield, Counter Strike and a ton more.

2018.10.04 04:59 NekoPafu Call of Duty: Mobile on Reddit

The Officially Supported Subreddit For Call of Duty: Mobile - A free-to-play shooter video game developed by TiMi Studios and published by Activision for Android and iOS.

2022.06.06 05:06 Counter-Strike 2

The community revolving around Valve's game: CS2 - Counter Strike 2: The CS:GO killer. Your favorite first person shooter’s favorite first person shooter.

2024.05.14 18:36 taibliteemec Fianna Fáil candidate Shane McGuinness falsely claimed today that a criminal conviction and enforcement action for breaching planning law concerns a different person with the same name

Fianna Fáil candidate Shane McGuinness falsely claimed today that a criminal conviction and enforcement action for breaching planning law concerns a different person with the same name submitted by taibliteemec to irishpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:36 starryeyedq The Themes of The Boys

As we get into the new season, I just thought it would be fun to track and discuss the themes and motifs this show has kept up throughout the seasons so far so we can see how they play out in Season 4:)
NOTE: I have not read many spoilers. I don't mind if they come into the discussion, but please mark with a tag for anyone who doesn't want to see them!
Honestly, when I really laid all these out, it made me appreciate the writing so much more, even in moments I didn't really care for the first time around.
Plus analyzing stuff like this is fun for super cool people. Join me!
This is probably the main theme of the series and the thing that becomes the biggest downfall for all our protagonists. "Saving Someone" has now become something that puts the viewer on edge.
How many times has a character exclaimed "I'm trying to save you," when actually all they're doing is trying to serve their own selfish agenda and alleviate their own guilt or affirm their image of themselves?
I could seriously write a whole essay about this and how it ties to the idea of What it Means to Be a Hero. But feel free to discuss it more in the comments.
The Boys is constantly exploring how Vought and The Boys bend the truth to serve their own agenda and are constantly asserting that the definition of truth typically belongs to whoever has the power (Power being another big motif).
Justice vs. Vengeance is also a big one that keeps coming up. Starlight is arguably the only character who is earnestly pursuing true justice on this show and tbh, it cramps everyone's style. MM and Hughie also great characters to follow for this because they are both genuinely trying to do the right thing and are often seduced by Butcher's much more attractive Vengeance call.
This is another one that could turn into a whole essay and one that I'd probably have to go back and take more notes to explore. But I think it really ties into this idea of Power and Responsibility. Because isn't that the cornerstone of what it means to be a parent?
Children are seen by society as the ultimate innocents who must be protected at all costs, but they are so often abused and exploited by the people who are supposed to protect them - Even when it's unintentional. Parents so often see children as extensions of themselves rather than individuals. Simply tools to affirm their own existence or be mirrors of themselves (which ties into the whole selfish "I'm trying to save you" theme).
We see this explored with Ryan a lot, but this was beautifully culminated at the end of S3 when MM realizes he needs to be honest with his daughter about what he's been going through, not to justify his mistakes, but to show her respect and acknowledgement of a two-way relationship.
Oh man. This is another one that's like... A whole ass paper.
Super powers are definitely a vehicle to explore societal power with woman and POC on this show and the daunting idea that even with superpowers or wealth, race and gender can still be used as kryptonite.
We see it touched on in the ongoing discussions of how to properly "play the game" and achieve real power.
We see the Power and Women explored pretty in depth in Season 2, but Ashley is a really awesome ongoing exploration of this theme through a gender lens as she rises to power at Vought.
A Train and Noir are an obvious example of this exploration through a racial lens, but it's definitely also been touched on through pretty much every character of color on this show. I think they really got into it in a really interesting way on Gen V as well, but I don't want to bog this down any harder.
Just making sure everyone is on the same page - Toxic Masculinity does NOT mean that masculinity is inherently toxic. It is meant to focus on the unhealthy presentations and expectations of performing the role of "being a man."
Toxic Masculinity really became the focus of Season 3. We see that most clearly in the character of Soldier Boy (though I do worry that due to Jensen Ackles natural charisma, it didn't quite achieve the impact the writers intended), but also in Hughie.
Although many people (including me) felt like it was a disappointing step back for Hughie, I'm actually leaning back the other way on the rewatch. I think that the feeling powerless (which is something we feel as ordinary citizens all the time) moment Hughie had when he realized all the work he did with Neuman was built on a lie probably threw a lot out of whack. It makes perfect sense that the comments about his vulnerability and softness might start hitting a little differently than they used to.
Frenchie and MM on the other hand, are great examples of characters of healthy masculinity in their willingness to share power, be vulnerable, and self reflect so that they are able to support the interests of their loved ones.
This is the final theme I'll mention because it's a big one and I think it's going to be important in the upcoming season. Where does real power come from? Money? Strength? Social influence? Knowledge? Relationships?
Okay I'm tired of typing and it's likely that only four people will comment on this if I'm lucky.
I hope you enjoy discussing (feel free to add your own big themes if I missed any) and I hope that being aware of these themes make the upcoming season more fun to watch.
submitted by starryeyedq to TheBoys [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:36 phdthrowaway1718 What happens if an undergraduate college application is found to be incomplete (honest mistake) years after someone graduated with their degree? Does it get revoked?

Hey everyone,
Well, I have a very odd concern (even though I'm a Ph.D student at the moment). I've recently been going through a lot of my records for an upcoming internship and I'm worried I may have only sent the transcript from the last high school I graduated from in this case, rather than all of them.
For some context, I initially "attended" (this will be in quotes for a reason) the public high school in the area. I was only there for 3 days that consisted of no classes at all. Rather, it was an orientation of sorts so the would-be freshmen could get used to the high school, rules, and its layout. I never completed any classes that year (I did a summer gym class to get early high school credit and that shows up on a transcript) before my parents found a high school in a pinch.
The following high school I only attended for a quarter of the year (before I moved onto the final high school I would graduate from 3.75 years down the road). I got my old high transcript recently just in case it was necessary for future employment and I see my grades under the first quarter were listed as "NA" in this case. My guess is they probably treated it like how colleges transfer grades (where previous institution grades don't count towards GPA). No big deal on its own.
The only thing I'm concerned about is whether I submitted the old transcript from the high school where I attended for a quarter to my undergraduate colleges at all. Folks can probably tell by this post that I'm an extremely anxious person so I let my parents handle applications and paperwork (since both of those give me the most anxiety). This non ironically makes more anxious as an adult since I never knew what I took out in loans in undergrad until I applied to graduate school and had to consider my debt totals and whatnot (feel free to see one of my older posts where I list all of my neurodivergent, mental, and recent sleep apnea diagnosis).
I am also worried about what could happen if those grades from that high school I attended for a quarter of the year were uncharacteristically low at all. Long story short, that high school I attended for a quarter had what my father aptly described as "monitored home school" and I abused the retake system they had in place by not doing well on my first attempt, memorizing the answers they reused, and retaking it again. I wonder sometimes if they picked up on that and my grades were knocked down at all.
What could happen if this mistake is the case at all? What could happen to my degrees up until this point since I'm now in a Ph.D program? Could my undergraduate degree (and subsequent graduate degrees) be revoked over this at all?
submitted by phdthrowaway1718 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:36 No_Toe_9595 First in person AA meeting experience

I've been to quite a few online AA meetings which are fine but social anxiety has kept me away from the in person ones so far. It's always the worry about stupid things, like what if I don't know what door to go in, what if I can't find the room it's in. Decided I would try and push through the anxiety and finally go to a meeting. There's one posted online at a church in town, and the posting says to "go in the white door at the back of the building." Scope out the church 2 days in advance, all sides look the same and there is no obvious "back" to the building. All sides of the church have a white door. What would most likely be the back of the church has 2 white doors. Show up 10 minutes early hoping to catch someone walking in. 1 minute until the meeting starts, I'm the only one in the parking lot still. Decide to try the white doors. Go to the first one, locked, walk around to the side, also locked, church is next to a police station and I notice a cop watching me, go around to the side with 2 doors, both locked, couple walking a dog is looking at me. Start sweating really bad, heart is racing. Get back in my vehicle and go home. Catch the last 45 minutes of an online meeting.
submitted by No_Toe_9595 to dryalcoholics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:36 Akk3 Messaging a gym crush for advice. Creepy or okay? We're familiar.

Hi! TLDR at the bottom.
For the last half a year or so, I've been seeing a girl at the gym I go to. I see her practically everytime I'm there, and we seem to be doing the same type of routine, train the same days and always end up near eachother. I'm not a naturally extroverted guy, but I felt curious enough to speak to her casually over the months. Gym culture is difficult, and I often keep to myself. But I got most signs to approach her and talk a few times, other than the casual smiley greetings and looks. I've developed a little crush over time and have gotten very positive signs back. Based on what I've told my female friends, they all think I'm stupid already for not going for it.
One of the bigger talks we had recently, she told me a lot about herself: her career, her degree, her training routine, injuries and some more stuff. Pretty casual, but I found that we're in adjacent fields (she's in economics, while I'm continuing a master's in political science to further go into a PhD program of my own). She also told me that she *has* a PhD finished in economics, which impressed the hell out of me. That's my goal.
Being as stupid as I am, I never got her social media. Last week, I got called for an interview for a research assistant position and have needed to talk to her about it (to ask for advice, ask how she did to get where she is, etc.) but have not seen her at the gym. I don't know anyone else that has done anything like it, and since we're in adjacent fields, I've wanted to seek her advice. The interview is in 4 days, and I'm a little stressed out. I looked her up on Facebook, which wasn't difficult since there's nobody else nearby with her name and that specific PhD from that same specific university (all things she has told me herself). She came up very fast with just her first name. I'm thinking I want to shoot her a message, but I'm afraid of seeming stalker-ish or creepy. But I do genuinely want to connect with her, not only for this reason.
TLDR: Have had a gym crush for a little while, and our interactions have been very positive and getting deeper. But I've been too much of a chicken to actually connect with her outside, but I now genuinely need to talk to her and ask her about her career for some inspiration and advice and might not see her at the gym. I looked her up on Facebook based on what she's told me, and want to shoot her a message but afraid of... well, seeming like a stalker. Is this a no-go, or would it okay? Do you add someone and send them a message, or just send a message directly?
submitted by Akk3 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:36 dreadguy101 Midir is boring as hell

First off I’d like you to say this is just I feel personally.
For one, I despise giant bosses that can move from one end of the arena to the next quickly. I’m not chasing that shit down.
Second, he seems like a dps check which I don’t mind but it’s just really boring. He reminds me somewhat of placidusax from ER who has tons of health and big “flashy” moves but the novel wears off within seconds for me.
Like I’m not saying he’s a bad boss but people have hyped him up is either amazing or terrible but it just seems he’s a generic dragon health sponge
submitted by dreadguy101 to darksouls3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:35 PrincessOfHell13 Rant about people hating on Ginny or Georgia

Possible spoilers up ahead so read with caution!! Also would love to hear others opinions in the comments!
One of the worst things about engaging in this fandom no matter the platform is people seem to really misunderstand what the show is about. It is called Ginny AND Georgia not Ginny VS Georgia after all. The show is about their relationship and how even though yes they are both flawed, and one a literal murderer, they are both sympathetic in their own ways because it's all down to what they've been through.
Like ofc Georgia who lived her whole childhood being abused in every way by her parents would not really understand why Ginny needed emotional stability too. Her best parental figure as a kid was that woman from the Blood Eyes gang who saved her through the use of violence, so it's not shock she instilled those values into her kids too (doesn't make it right like she definitely needed a lot of therapy before actually being a mother but she never got that opportunity). This is also why the season 2 scene of her going to therapy with Ginny was so important (even if it was super invasive) because it's her starting to realise that she hasn't really been a good mother and that loving Ginny wasn't enough to protect her from other types of harm. It's like the first step in her trying to be a better person and get help. This is also why she killed Tom, Cynthia had done something great for her by helping her get rid of Gil (to an extent) and seeing her so broken up about Tom gave Georgia a way to show her kindness back in the only way she knows how. She was literally crying whilst doing it, she wasn't doing it because she's a sociopath or whatever people say, it's just all she knows. It's really sad when you think about it and I hope she gets a lot of help and gets to be happy in the end.
Now as for Ginny, I get that since we've seen first hand how much Georgia struggled (the abuse, not having food, the husbands ect), it's so easy to think she's being ungrateful given what Georgia went through trying to keep her safe and she was doing her best, but unfortunately the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And part of what Georgia did is find ways to disguise all the ugly parts (the dance parties to cover up Gil at the door, the pretty face paint to cover up her bruises, creating fry-yay since she had to miss the actual holiday) which definitely saved Ginny to an extent she just didn't know she had to do more because as a kid she didn't even have physical safety nevermind emotional safety which is why she never really realised how her other behaviours hurt her so much (like moving away and not ever giving her the chance to have friends). And this explains a lot of Ginny's annoying behaviour - which luckily she is getting help for - like cheating on Hunter and just being a bad friend in general she's never had actual meaningful relationships outside of her family before so of course she's not going to be the beat at maintaining them. And obviously she won't ever think about the actual consequences of things because Georgia moved her around so much she never really had to live with them before. And as for the poem, yes it was definitely harsh to us knowing why Georgia acts the way she does, but she's a child who has been through a lot too. Neither of them really know how to express their feelings in a healthy way (just as most teenagers don't god knows how many times me and my friends argued over the stupidest stuff but now we are all older and most of us have had therapy we are so much better off), but that doesn't meant Ginny was trying to hurt her. She has had so many feelings in her for so long and she was trying to get them out and have Georgia understand but she just took it the wrong way.
It's genuinely heart breaking watching 2 people who clearly love each other so much just completely misunderstand each other to the extent they continuously hurt each other.
Now don't get me wrong I'm not trying to say you can't dislike them, I mean it's all about personal preference, but we need to stop acting like to like one you have to hate the other because they aren't enemies. Can we please stop pitting them against each other?? Lets all be team Ginny AND Georgia <3
Anyway would love to hear if anyone has any other thoughts to add to my rant!!
TL;DR Both Georgia and Ginny have had bad childhoods in different ways which cause them to act terribly sometimes. A lot of Ginny's problems were caused because Georgia was never really given the chance to learn how to be a good mom, and Ginny in trying to express this often hurts her back. However this is part of the show, it doesn't mean we have to hate one to like the other. The beauty of it is how 2 flawed people can love each other so much but if they don't know how to comnunicate well, they will always hurt each other. I'm team Ginny AND Georgia.
submitted by PrincessOfHell13 to ginnyandgeorgiashow [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:35 National-Bluebird165 Urobuchi and Love That Wanted To Be Seen

Spoiler for every Uro works
I think one of the thing that people describe Urobuchi works and relationships as Twisted. Madoka being the poster child of the "Toxic girlfriends" but maybe because I am Killer 69 I think its trying to say Love that want to be acknowledged of course I am not the only one who observe this heck for some it may be no shit sherlock observation but to me it really become compelling when we see theme of Love that wanted to be seen is in almost every Urobuchi work. Kariya in Fate Zero , Ruili in Kikokugai and Cal in Phantom Of Inferno , Saya from Saya No Uta ... This is a VN subreddit so I will not talk about Kariya but Ruili , Saya , Cal I would focus on them.
I don't remember much from Saya No Uta since i saw it from a very very very young age and haven't re read it since then but I still remember Saya was lonely throughout her life for first time through Fumenori Saya form relationship she found someone to cry with , She found someone to love with and spend her final moment with .... I think most beautiful aspect about Saya I feel was that lonely girl for first time feel something essentially she was in the basement for most of her life she must be isolated. I remember how sad she was before she meet Fuminori she wanted to be loved she must wanted to be someone who belong to someone and she found it through Fuminori.
Ruili and Cal are different from Saya I feel like in case of Saya through her loneliness I am assuming she wanted to be loved. The case here ain't like that Ruili wanted Tauluo/Cal wanted Reiji this make some scenes really fucking hilarious especially in Kikokugai.
Since Liu Haojun is visiting to doll Ruili talking so fucking kindly to her so gently to her but inside that man is burning like really burning he is bitter about Taoluo that not only he fumble the bag but unintentionally ntr him. Like Kikokugai with hindsight is story about bag forcefully coming so main character don't fumble it again ..... Just kidding ..... or am I 😈. I think though before we get to Ruili it's kinda necessary to talk about Liu Haojun cause beside me joking about this scenario he kinda represents the theme of love that wanted to be seem , he in fact represents that too painfully. He did all kind of monstrous action and become a villain because of love , That is really painful but kinda beautiful.
Anyways back to Ruili I do think that ending scene is really beautiful a sick twisted controlled world where love that was never seen becomes acknowledged it was Madoka rebellion 11 year before it happen. I think the twist at Kikokugai ending isn't for everyone to put it kindly but maybe I am fucked in head that was really beautiful to me. The lover that wanted to be seen force the other person who have strong feelings but is kinda blind to it to see the actual love at the end is in that paradise. Ruili force her love by making Taoluo travel hell so he could see it she demand blood , she demand flash , she demands everything from him so he could become one with her.
Last one is my personal favourite from Phantom Of Inferno obviously Cal have her own route where her love was legitimately recognized .... but I like my messy Urobuchi so my favourite moment from Cal happen at end of Phantom Of Inferno. Cal is pathetic to put it bluntly she learns the reason why Reiji left her cause he thought she was dead but she is angry because he is blind he didn't see her love. She feel she is abandoned cause her love was never seen. So in her final moment when she fights him she lost to him and Reiji kill her and when Reiji kill her he is crying for her and that to her the love was really recognized and it was always there she is happy to know that in her final moment of her life and that my friend is beautiful. It's simple but it's the most effective one out of everything we see who Cal is someone who lost people who care for her twice she lost the people whom she loved and never realize what Dynamic of relationship they have she is just bitter a lost child who is hurt. Like this is not explanation but I do feel like she age herself to charm Reiji again I could be 100% wrong ... but yeah one of the best scene in Phantom Of Inferno is Ruili walking around on streets of Tokyo just being bitter that her love was never recognized that scene really hits with hindsight.
submitted by National-Bluebird165 to visualnovels [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:35 Great-Conclusion7291 How much will my insurance go up after first speeding ticket?

I have Geico insurance. I was on my way to work the other day and got pulled over for 15 over the limit but got reduced to 5. It was on the highway and I heavy footed it with a sensitive pedal. This is my very first infraction.
I know my license is okay but anybody who has worked for Geico or has experienced anything similar know the exact impact it'll have on my insurance? I'm under my father with my brother and have been driving for 9 years. I have to ask my father how long we've had the insurance for but idk how to ask him without him (rightfully) blowing up at me. The main reason I'm going on the subreddit and not calling the company itself is really because of my father. It's not a simple "oh I'm scared" it's more deep and personal of a reason. What's worse is that he's trying to switch it up. I just want to know an exact amount or a rough estimate as I've read different things and the Geico website doesn't say much.
Will it count for radar speed or what the officer reduced it to?
submitted by Great-Conclusion7291 to Car_Insurance_Help [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:35 Ghost_IXIV 25 [M4F] Central Alabama. Look for my gaming partner/gf

Hello everyone! My name is Zachary and I’m 25 years old. I have been trying to find something that is real here on Reddit and it’s definitely been difficult/different. I’m ready to settle down if it’s the right person, I don’t get out of the house much nowadays but when I do it’s mainly to work and back home. I don’t really party or socialize much in the outside world so if that’s what you’re seeking this is not the post for you. I want someone that has similar interests that I have but I’m willing to compromise on some things. I would love to find someone that enjoys gaming and possibly doing some outside activities like hiking, fishing, and going to the movies. I’m a simple guy and it’s not hard to please me, not everything has to be about sex. I would be open to moving or visiting different states if it came down to it and we hit it off really well.
I’m looking for someone who’s ready to be in a long term relationship so if that’s not what you want don’t bother. I’m very loyal, respectful, understanding, and I believe in communication. I would rather us work out our problems together so we can better the relationship. I’m a great listener and I’ll sit down with you until we resolve any issues. I would like to start slow but if things pick up speed and we both click we will see where it goes. I won’t ask you for sexual photos or anything rash, all that stuff can come later. I really would like my person to also have a interest in gaming considering I use it as a stress reliever. I’m a open book so if you have any questions dm me and we can chat about whatever. A little about me. I’m 6’2 kinda tan, on the slimmer side of things, and I have green eyes.
I’ve been ghosted way too much here and I’m beginning to think people don’t actually want someone that will stick around. I happen to be very new to Reddit and I’m still figuring things out so I apologize if the post isn’t the greatest. I rather talk about things over typing. Lol. I will send a pic of myself once I get a dm so you know what I look like and I would appreciate for said people do the same.
Hopefully someone is willing to take the chance. I’ll talk to you soon.
submitted by Ghost_IXIV to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:35 Strange_History_394 How excited are you for Columbina?

(Spoiler tag just in case) It's assumed that she will appear in Natlan and honestly, if it's true, then I am genuinely so hyped about it. Out of all the harbingers she's probably the most interesting and mysterious one. From the bits of info we've seen about her personality (official media + character voice lines), she's oblivious and unpredictable, but also extremely powerful. Not to mention that her design is angel-themed and it would be cool to see how her boss fight would look like. If she's gonna be officially confirmed to be playable I will pull for her no doubt. I don't know man, I just really love Columbina and I can't wait for her to appear in-game!!
submitted by Strange_History_394 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:35 Then_Traffic_5824 The barbarian said in public the secret of the rogue.

After entering a city my players (3) decide to split to do personal errands or retrieve information, the Goliath barbarian went to the arena where members of his former clan are imprisoned waiting for their execution, he tried to gather information about where is their camp and how many of them there are, whit little to none info (bad rolls, bad manners and no cooperation from both parts), he told to the captain in charge that the goliaths will try to escape and accelerated their execution to that same moment (a public execution), during the execution he meet with his party member (the others players) in a crowd of people, during this moment they talk about his next mission (gather a few flowers in a stone giant's garden) and the barbarian said "if talk doesn't work, do your job as assassin and murder that idiot".
The thing is, in the rogue backstory, he is one of few members of his assassin clan to survive the attack of another rival clan in the seek of power, and they have eyes in every major city, like this one.
For context:
my player doest not know wich clan destroyed his clan and murder his family, only by name.
He actually have meet members of this clan, but he doesn't know their logo and never talked about names and affiliations, to keep his identity in secret, only alias.
How do you, as DM, use this interaction?
Sorry for my bad English, isn't my native language.
submitted by Then_Traffic_5824 to dndnext [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:35 Saint_Bastion_ There’s only so many ways I can tell you “that isn’t my job” before I snap. Today I snapped.

I’ll try to keep this simple and short as possible but there is some explaining required.
My IT department does not support printers in my company beyond basic installation and making sure they’re connected to the network. This is because every god d*mn company has settings and configuration menus and processes for their products arranged in their own specific ways and we have too many issues to worry about then those printers.
For the CEOs Admin department of my company, they have a new copier and scanner they have purchased. A few weeks ago, I set up the printer, it was connected to the network 👍 my job is done, people can print and scan.
The reception for the CEOs department called me today asking for someone to be on sight. When I asked why, she said it was because she said the vendor technician was visiting to enable an auditing feature. I told her that we don’t support that, but apparently the vendor insisted an IT rep be there so for ease of mind I went.
The vendor was able to square away things on the copiers no problem, but there was a step that involved making sure every user connected to this printer copier enable a setting within printing preferences so that the copier recognizes the jobs received as approved. The receptionist insisted I learn this process so I can show others, and I told her no, we don’t support it.
USUALLY, I’m a nice guy, and will do it anyway. But when the printers were first set up I got in trouble for something similar with another feature they wanted enabled that I worked on. My boss very explicitly told me in the future not to say yes.
Fast forward to today- I’m setting boundaries, and informed her the CEO and my boss already designated someone in their office to be the person to learn this process and help people with it, but she kept arguing with me. She was giving me sass. She accused me first of not doing my job, then said why does the person in their department not get two paychecks for doing IT and their normal role.
Finally, I snapped, and said “I’m going to go. I’m not explaining my job to you.”
As I started to walk away, the receptionist said “you did explain your job” to which I responded “yet you’re not understanding it”.
I think I’m going to get reported by her and maybe in trouble because it’s the CEO admin receptionist not a normal one. But I couldn’t help it. I can only tell you so many times, previously and today, that this isn’t my job. I guess today I snapped.
submitted by Saint_Bastion_ to talesfromtechsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:34 LeadingTelephone663 Okay need help

Why allmost all m'y Furby got they speaker that start to die first one m'y blue wave boom (i think is the name) then m'y pink boom that the speaker is uhh posese? Nah like blud speak like a bot then m'y 2012 Furby That the speaker start to bug m'y only survivor is m'y last boom in almost perfect conditions idk if is the batterie fault or they just start to die...
submitted by LeadingTelephone663 to furby [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:34 watchoutfor2nd Has anyone automated the restore of an Azure SQL database

I have a request to keep an up to date copy of our production database for testing purposes. PROD uses an Azure SQL database which has it's own quirk's around backup restore as it uses bacpacs. Has anyone found a good way to automate restoring your PROD DB to a different named DB? A slight complication, I'd probably have to delete the existing DB and then restore again with the same name. For example if PROD is called PRODDB then I would restore to PRODDB_TEST, but the next restore would first need to delete PRODDB_TEST and then restore from PRODDB again. I feel like this may be a use case best suited for powershell and a pipeline, but those tools are not my strong suit.
submitted by watchoutfor2nd to AZURE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:34 Lizbian91 I once won 1st prize in a YTV pokemon contest

I once won first prize in a contest through YTV. When i entered, i had no clue what first prize was, all I knew was I was after 3rd prize : pokemon silver for the gameboy! Well a few weeks passed and my mom sat me down and told me I had won FIRST PRIZE! It was a trip to Chicago to see Pokemon The Musical. HOW COOL IS THAT? So i ended up going, my dad took me and I also brought my best friend and my cousin! I did an interview for some news station and mentioned that I was originally after 3rd prize. Well when we got to the hotel in chicago, there were gift baskets.AND GUESS WHAT WAS IN THERE. YUP. POKEMON SILVER FOR THE GAMEBOY. It was a great experience, i even spent my 10th bday there (good timing or what?!).
Anyways i just wanted to share my experience as I was thinking about it today. Thanks for reading and thank you YTV! :3
submitted by Lizbian91 to nostalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:34 JackkSkyline 21m Scotland/UK/western australia - looking for chats or gaming buddies :)

(really quickly the reason I have two vastly different locations is that there is a near 100% chance I am moving to the UK this year)
hi my name is Jack, I'm a recent cyber security and networking graduate and ideally will be moving to Scotland to do my masters :) my hobbies include games, photography, cars and F1!
if you wanna chat about anything or wanna play some games I'm down for anything
I haven't had much time recently for games since I've been studying but I really wanna get back into it! I have been playing some project zomboid though and I'll pretty much play most shooters, sandbox, open world, survival or RPG games! also really enjoyed elden ring so maybe some more souls like games (been loving helldivers 2!)
not sure what else to say, if you want to chat send me a message!
see ya!
oh and even if ur not near me I'd still be down to chat or game or whatever :)
(also my dms are open! no need to comment under my post!) (also please don't just send me a one word message, I'd like to chat but I also don't wanna interrogate you!)
submitted by JackkSkyline to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:34 endodendo Help i’m trying to find this specific manga

Hi (my first reddit post so sorry if i dont know how to behave/act), im looking for this specific manga i read at most 5 years ago and i havent been able to found it since. Read it at mangadex too.
Description: Should be considered as action and magic. The main lead character first shown is like newbie girl magician that is dispatched from her academy to investigate some magic cases (maybe most likely). And then there is this mysterious guy which is shown as just harmless guy with glasses who is actually concealing his abilities to do the same thing as her and even better because of experience outside academy but he would just take off his glasses and the aura change to something like a mad dog/actual killer which intrigued the female mc.
The early plot is like that and they investigated a murder(?) which the villain was targeting the female MC by using fog and strings iirc which already got solved by the time i read the latest chapter.
Latest plot i know of is that female mc and the guy now paired for a mission/case and female mc was interested in who this guy actually is. Oh and their name isn’t Japanese name too iirc, not isekai either.
The art and plot give me the vibe of Wistoria but i never see this one got update so maybe that’s why i forget about it but i remembered it again because of Wistoria.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by endodendo to manga [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:34 Alina8212 [HIRING] Recruiting Models From Southeast Countries (Upto $1000/m)

Good Day Beauties, we're looking for models to create lifestyle content for us. All the work details are mentioned in the video please watch it to know what we want from you.
Video Link
Models Recruited will be given $20 sign on bonus.
Location Requirements: Models only from Southeast Asia are only given priorities for now.
This is the process: 1. Screening 2. Completing of Requirements 3. Profile Registration 4. Approval
  1. Screening (DM with these details if interested)
  2. Fil up this form:
Name: Age: Birthdate: Location: Do you have kids? I yes, how many and how old? Social Media LINK (All social media LINK): And send 10 BEST PHOTOS (Must be near, not far, must not have a shades, or eyeglasses, not with facemasks, must be solo,with full body and close up)
Note: Social medias must be "Single-looking profile" or "Single". Having kids is fine, but relationship in profile is automatic reject.
  1. Completing of Requirements:
  1. Profile Registration
  1. Approval
submitted by Alina8212 to BoutineLaModels [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:33 tdds5 How to go about last name change after GC?

Unfortunately I didn’t put my new last name when initially filing for my gc which was approved a month ago. What’s the process now to get everything under my new name? Do I need a court order first or can I just change the last name at the SSA and apply for I-190 ?
submitted by tdds5 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:33 HeyYo2021 Lilly Direct Process - Hit refresh?

So I am on my second round of 7.5 and prescription was sent to Lilly Direct almost 30 days ago. The prescription shows up as Prescribed on 4-22-24 with an empty Order Date. Discount card applied and a red text still saying Medication Out of Stock. Check Back. This is my 6th box through Lilly and each time has gotten slower.
Lilly's phone tree forces you to True Pill "fufillment" for support. They do not have an option to get a live person. They basically say. We are out of stock and working to fill orders.
I finally went around the system and got back to the "intake" group which is Lilly Direct. They and I paraphrase said, yeah that sucks. You have to start refreshing your order page at 9:00am each morning, all day and maybe they will drop a few in and if you refresh at the exact right time you might get one. So I said, you mean to tell me it is not a back order que or line in order of orders placed? They said no. It is not first in first out. WTF?
So now we are just down to pure "luck" in getting these meds while I am $3000 out of pocket into the process. I think a class action is warranted.
submitted by HeyYo2021 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:32 PancakeBreakfest The Thematic Inconsistency of Rebel Moon

Thematically, these movies seem like they try to celebrate the beauty of a traditional lifestyle — the backwater village where people exist in harmony with nature and each other represents a better way to live than the brutal, hierarchal, and technology-dependent military empire society.
It just doesn’t make sense. Why are there so many lavish visuals and “Snyder shots” which make technology look so cool? Why the hell is this a sci-fi movie in the first place?? It undercuts the main theme!!!
Rebel Moon just feels cheap and shallow, like Zach Snyder took a story he liked and grafted it into a sci-fi setting without considering how the pieces all fit together, creating a horrible monstrosity whose whole is considerably less than the sum of its parts.
In all fairness, I haven’t watched the entire movie (either of them) so maybe there’s something I’m missing. However, it’s my opinion that Netflix subscribers deserve better.
submitted by PancakeBreakfest to RebelMoon [link] [comments]