Simethicone false positive urine test

HPT and OPK Line Scrutiny

2014.04.11 18:31 dabeezkneez HPT and OPK Line Scrutiny

Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! Please read all rules for the subreddit before participating or posting. Thank you!

2011.05.25 04:04 Avalon81204 Taking the journey to parenthood together.

This group is for anyone trying for a baby! Come discuss fertility, sex, conception, and learn all about how your body works!

2014.11.03 22:55 mrswaka Calling all chart stalkers!

This sub is for everything related to charting your cycle while trying to conceive.

2024.05.15 15:40 Brilliant-Medium-182 CD 31 BFN

I have read almost every discussion and I am looking my mind! We have been TTC for over 12 months. It is my first cycle on letrozole and metformin. My progesterone level on CD21 was healthy at 119. But I have been testing for a week and just BFNs. I have PCOS and my cycles are usually very long, about 50 day but that is probably because I always get annovulatory ones. I don’t know whether I am having PMS or early pregnancy symptoms or just full blown imagination. Any positive stories of testing late in cycles or BFN changing to BFP.
submitted by Brilliant-Medium-182 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:37 RationalSchizo812020 *PSA* Real life Street Stars: Possibly a Controlled Influencer Psyop

*If anyone takes the time to read and would like to share, feel free to repost and accept the credit, I don't have enough karma to share anywhere else relevant and could care less. All I ask is that you repost it in full and not cherry pick the information you agree or disagree with or whatever will get the most karma. I would like to avoid exactly what I'm describing in the post below. If any claims I make turn out to be false, I'll update and eat my words.*
(I obscured celebrity and influencer names to prevent fans from seeing the post and flagging it)
I saw someone posted an interview with (O *rlando Brow *n) from the channel Real life street Stars and wanted to put out a little PSA for this community. The channel has recently been growing in subscribers because of a 2020 interview with a 90's R&B artist named (J -aguar W r:ight ), who claims to have suffered abuse of all types that she during her time in the industry, and claims she was blacklisted for fighting back. Now she claims she's been on a mission for the last 20 years to bring down the vast networks of famous sex criminals she has firsthand knowledge of. In her first two interviews she speaks pretty eloquently and drops a lot of facts about the industry. Enough to get people sucked in. You'll see in her latest interviews the lady is clearly struggling heavily with some serious mental health and rumored substance issues.
I truly have empathy for her and (O rland,o B row-n,) because they are obvious examples of the Hollywood machine chewing up celebrities, especially with mental illness, and spitting them out. Both of them have publicly struggled for years, and around 2020, were both homeless and started doing YouTube interviews with obscure content creators where they were paid next to nothing to share their traumas with their viewers and creators who use these traumas to form false narratives and clickbait video titles that either are completely false or that are buried in an 8 hour live stream containing a thirty second audio clip that was stolen and reposted from another exploitative content creator's interview. Not only is it taking money out of their pockets, but also monetizing off their trauma, stealing their content and viewers, and harming their credibility even further due to them being blatantly false or misleading the viewers into thinking their all day live stream talking about the aforementioned video and accompanied by a slideshow is the primary source. One thing I've learned is most people will believe or immediately dismiss most information without even trying to read it. If you choose to go down this rabbit hole you should definitely start with their Insta pages and check out the last couple months. Without people majorly censoring and heavily editing their content, you can tell that they are doing this intentionally to hide the fact they are exploiting trauma survivors for petty cash. If you're still not wary, start with their latest interviews they're both total shit shows. Recently with the (Di +ddy stuff and Ka;tt William ,s) interview going viral, the channel "real life street stars" has blown up. Even more so in the last couple weeks with all the K- Anon stuff attracting people to their channels. If you choose to go down the rabbit hole I just beg you to please research ANY claims from ANY content creator and find a source before sharing. A lot of the time they are spitting celebrity fan fiction juxtaposed with occasional pieces of truth and (Jagua /r Wri /ght) was pretty damn convincing until about a year ago.
A lot of people get sucked in with ( Jag !uar W !right's ) first two interviews because she clearly had them prepared for a long time and was reading from a script. Now she's just exploiting the algorithm and spamming clickbait interviews with the craziest titles possible, thus contributing to the same exploitation she claims to be fighting against. This is not to say all her claims are bullshit, both most are recycled 90s and early 2000's gossip that is new to Gen z mixed with any breaking celebrity news or gossip that is big in the media. To make her stories sound more legit she'll Forrest Gump her way into every story and leading people into believing she was a big time celebrity, but these interviews and her instragram scamming are what she's most known for. The last interview she claims to have taken a boat to Epstein Island where she rescued two young girls who were trafficked and then talks about the Dark Web, "Red Rooms," that are pretty well known to be internet myths because if they were real they'd be invite only and require blackmail to access so no one is gonna talk about it even if they do exist. It amazed how many videos popped up overnight repeating her claims as facts and spreading the virus of media manipulation. If you're still thinking, "Hey, you never know!" She also claims these snuf. f videos and videos of celebrity orgies sell for 500 million dollars, which would be enough to build a whole chain of your own red rooms or throw your own Hollywood sex parties and join the fun. I know some people will probably still be curious, but just watch her 2020 interview the rest are trash, also anything with (O r.lando B,rown) is recycled lies mixed with more lies, with a couple buzzwords he's probably required to say so they can add trending topics to their video tags and get a lascivious title.
Another recent example of blatant manipulation is all the shit with (D j A ^kademics) the past couple days. His court records have been public for months with a vivid description of him and two friends drugging and raping a girl that was obviously premeditated and not his first rodeo. He is also now being sued for defamation because he pretty much told his fans she was drunk and asking for it then regretted it later and went on to say he didn't even know she was at the house until the next morning and blamed it on his friends. Meanwhile the court documents clearly show a rap with an e kit being administered and them finding his spermicide which was the same type found in the r word kit. They also describe video evidence of his two friends doing the same thing while she was unconscious, but he screenshotted a section and posted it in his defense saying clearly she was down. There are also identical allegations to the ones made against (D-rake) stating he has a history of hitting up sixteen year olds and grooming them until they turn eighteen and repeated history of similar drug related s. crimes. It took one post on his twitter and his fans started harassing the poor girl for months. The same thing happened to the lady who was a victim of (N$icki Min _aj's) husband who was doxxed by her fans for not dropping the charges. The next day AK was acting like it was all gravy and if anything gained even more followers. This is a brilliant example of why (Dra! ke's) line about being too famous to be a predator is so stupid. Almost as stupid as blatantly defaming the woman who appears to have more the enough evidence to beat him in a civil suit. Which is almost as stupid as he pretended to be during the (e- bony kin g) livestream where he was obviously ignoring the thousands of comments mentioning anything related to sexual crimes, while talking shit on the guy who successfully blackmailed his handler even after possibly being blackmailed himself on the same stream. This stupidity can only be surpassed by the millions of fans who are still watching his content instead of the news and continue regurgitating the lies of someone so fucking stupid who is most likely a s offender. These are the same ones who automatically dismissed the rumors and instantly believed the dog in the kennel story, the same who believed his alibi, and the same people who are the reason most survivors don't come forward and choose not to accept inconvenient truths right in front of their eyes.
Interestingly enough the site containing A.k's full court documents were offline for hours last night and a certain sight has banned reposting it for fear of doxxing, another great way to quell any dissent amongst the the ranks. Server's crashing often happens when there is a huge influx of web traffic or a site has been a victim of a DDOS attack, which is just an artificial version of the former that uses bots instead of people. I could talk forever about how fucked things are, but this is simply the world we live in. I really want to drive home the point that in order for any movement to retain credibility, everyone needs to stop sharing any type of info unless they're from a verified, reputable source and define the difference between facts and your opinions as clearly as possible. A couple million hits on youtube, twitter memes and tiktoks, and gossip blogs with broad information being deciphered by mostly idiots don't count as credible. Most of these influencers and blogs have been bought and paid for years ago and usually are biased toward certain celebrities based on the perception of whoever's sharing or whoever pays them the most. For a while now rumors have been circulating of influencers doing shady shit in Dubai for the ultra wealthy. Lot's of ties were made to Dra .ke, but have very little supporting evidence. The blind items containing the rumors also made it so anyone could decode the clues, and as soon as these posts made it on to the Kendric kl amar the moderator crew began the "conspiracy," crackdown. It took one mention of q-anon and the majority of the community jumped ship out of fear of association because "Q-anon bad, they're all scizophrenic." Overnight theories that once had been consensus were completely dismissed after being deemed conspiratorial. A couple of days later, the were forced to place a blanket ban on anything them deem, "conspiracies," regardless of it's validity due to their inability to moderate the amount of incoming posts which are almost always spammed at least ten times a day for the next week. This is the exact thing that was done with q, anon and pizzagat, e stuff back in the day. They'd find the nuttiest people to use as an example so they could paint the whole movement in the same light, then dismissed all related information, and completely censored any discussion on most major platforms. I don't subscribe to either, but they were undeniably on to something. The problem was the disinformation campaigns and general stupidity. One was quashed almost overnight because a crazy guy shot into the front window of a pizza shop and it somehow hit their computer and obliterate their hard drive containing possible evidence. The lessons is truth in every lie and it's not hard to find if you know where to look, it's what you do with it that defines who you are as a person. Some people can't handle the truth because it conflict's with their world view and those who do usually suffer because of it. If everyone does their part though, no one would have to die a martyr in its pursuit.
I've noticed a recent pattern of influencers proliferating the spread of false information especially in relation to any sa allegations. This trend really took off when (Kat -t Will/iams's) interview went viral and helped to revitalize his career and reputation. Since then many copycats have come out of the woodworks, hoping to cash in on the trend. Some other common media suppression trends and manipulation tactics to watch out for are synthetic smear campaigns dedicated to destroying the credibility of anyone with alternative beliefs, and it's gotten exponentially worse throughout the years. A great example is all the shit (Y,e). had to deal with through the years, even prior to his antisemitic remarks and all the other famous people who spoke up about their industries and were silenced. (D av+e Chapp? elle) used to talk a lot about the tactics used to humiliate and destroy many influential black men who dared to challenge the system. Another case that's similar to Ak's is the (T/or y La^ne z and M ,egan T (hee Stallio, n) trial. If you look at the court records, it's obvious the shooting was part of a larger altercation. He still might have shot her, but she at the least totally lied her ass off about the actual story to avoid incriminating friends while ensuring they could hit him with a ten year sentence. Not long after (Me ..gan THE" E S !tallion) won three Grammy's and was voted woman of the year, then disappeared off the face of the earth until her manager sued her a couple weeks ago for having sex in front of him and threatening his job over it. There are countless other celebrities and influencers who are clearly wiling to say anything for money, and those who aren't usually have some blackmail on them. There is such an abundance of glaringly obvious disinformation campaigns in the media and most are accepted as gospel without question or are suppressed if they reveal too much, raise too many questions, or start to sway public opinion. Another very common example of this phenomena is the mass release of information that paints a positive image of the celebrity while containing the same buzzwords related to controversies they don't want popping up on anywhere near the top of Google. This keeps any relevant information limited to the most recent AI generated bullshit that plays the algorithm game the best. While doing my investigation, it was unbelievably difficult finding any relevant information from before 2020, and often had to use Duckduckgo to filter out any articles written after 2023. Even then every search engine required extremely specific search terms, which would often still provide me with the exact same results. It got so bad I considered switching to Yandex.
Recently all the things I've discussed have seemingly been kicked into overdrive, especially over the last few weeks. This leads me to believe that a lot more is going down behind the scenes than most realize. I believe the day will come soon when everyone who actively fought to dismiss peoples opinions out of ignorance will be forced to accept these truths whether they like it or not I was a victim myself last week when I shared a detailed, neutral commentary on a rap feud and was shadow banned from a popular subreddit and ignored by it's moderators. This same subreddit is currently deleting any and all information related to the subject I covered. This is why I wanted to raise awareness if this doesn't get suppressed as well. Karma requirements and shadow bans that can sometimes circumvent the use of Vpn's on all connect devices, lead me to believe Reddit as a whole may also be at least partially compromised.
Chances are the same people who promote biased garbage and obvious lies are the same ones who will scroll right past any post containing more then three sentences and the ones who spread any lie they are told without question and accept everything at face value. My personal favorites are the ones who don't read past the title and clog up the comments while obscuring valuable information because they want the spark note version. This is all by design. They are the sheep the government count on to help them consolidate their wealth and power. More and more people are waking every day though. I encourage anyone new to conspiracies to really keep all this in mind going forward, especially with the proliferation of AI powered disinformation bots that dominate your front pages and control the majority of content. If you want to fight against this and keep your freedom of speech, this is a call to arms. To anyone who values the truth, the powers that be will do anything they can to try to censor any public dissidence. Remain steady in your search for truth, and learn how to effectively help other join you in lifting the veil. Stay strong in your convictions and don't allow other's to moderate your options, your beliefs, or your truth.
Thanks for Reading
-The Original Random Moniker
submitted by RationalSchizo812020 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:37 AntelopeMedium2401 5 day PAO recovery update

Hi all, I thought I should post an update to my PAO recovery since many of you were very helpful in the weeks leading up to surgery. I am 17 (female) and got a PAO on my right hip. I was admitted and operated on Friday and was discharged Monday evening. I was nervous leading up to it, but since it was an early morning surgery, I didn’t have much time to spiral. The best part is that the drugs knock you out so the worst is over quickly. So when I woke up I didn’t need to worry about the surgery, it just happened and now then I needed to deal with the recovery. I was surprisingly in good spirits, but I don’t remember much from the first night. I did throw up above five times and did not eat a thing until the next day. I wasn’t in too much pain thanks to the nurses who were really kind and caring. The night time nurses were a bit abrupt however. I needed to change positions every few hours and the night nurses did it rather violently and did not seem to care much when I specified what hurt.
That was the first night. They made me walk the next afternoon which was terrible. The drugs made me lightheaded and I only walked about ten steps and then fell asleep once I was back in bed. They made me get up a second time later in the day and it was much better. I didn’t go any further, but I didn’t feel dizzy and I was able to stay awake once I was back in bed.
On Sunday, so the second night, they took out my catheter, the drain leading from my hip, all the monitors and the IV. Some friends visited and I was a lot more comfortable with my pain levels.
On Monday, after the third night, they prepared to discharge me. I had to pass the stairs test and actually did more than the physio expected of me. I practiced going to the bathroom multiple times, got my X-rays, talked to a resident and went over my medication plan. A really kind nurse washed my hair and helped me take a sponge bath and change my clothes. Then I was cleared to leave.
Back at home I wished I was in the hospital just one more night. It was a little scary doing everything with just the help of my parents, but I survived and was much more comfortable in my own bed. I am taking less medication than what was prescribed and I think I am progressing a good amount each day. Even if the progress is that I can squeeze my abs for three seconds longer than the day before.
If you’re still reading here, thanks I know this is long, but if anyone has questions I’m happy to answer or post more updates as time goes on. Overall, I would say the hospital team really contributed to how I feel, I can’t stress how kind the nurses were. I would also say that a lot of my worries have been eased mostly just because the surgery has happened, which would be the best advice I would give someone who is stressed about their upcoming surgery.
Anywaysssssss that’s all!!!!
submitted by AntelopeMedium2401 to hipdysplasia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:35 karenvideoeditor The Zoo [Part 6]

First / Previous
Back on the job, my eyes kept going to the camera that was on enclosure one. Andrew told me its real name, but I think that’d be a step too far, putting that out on the internet. I’d just stick with ‘Steve the bear’. Whatever it was, I just knew I’d have a nightmare about it eventually. Last night I slept fitfully but okay. But I know my brain, and I’d already had a nightmare about Yui stabbing me with one of her legs (they are not needle-sharp in real life, this was dream logic) and walking around, having not noticed I was a Ripley-kebab on her leg. I kept trying to get her attention but for some reason I’d been worried about sounding rude.
On my third walk around the zoo, at about 12 a.m. I saw Leila again, who I’d been noticing more and more often. She never looked interested in talking, only walking through the enclosures, and by that I meant any and all of them. She didn’t seem to have a favorite. I assume that however much of her mind that was left over from being alive still gravitated toward looking at the animals, since getting too close was what killed her in the first place.
Then, in enclosure eight, I saw a new creature and stopped abruptly. This one looked chill, but I wasn’t about to make any assumptions. It looked unique in a strange way, shaped like a giant lizard but built like a big cat of some sort. It had an uncanny valley human face, green hair for a mane, and also a horn like a unicorn. It felt like something drawn by an imaginative five-year-old brought to life, but was still somehow oddly endearing.
“Hello,” she spoke, noticing me noticing her. Her voice was distinctly female and oddly deep.
“Hello,” I responded with false cheer.
She pushed herself to her feet and I took an instinctive step back, but she seem to notice, much less take offense. “You’re the guard here?”
“Yup. That’s me.”
“Thank you.”
I blinked, taken aback. “Ah…you’re welcome. For what?”
She cocked her head. “For guarding me.”
That was different. Most of the impressions I had gotten from the animals so far were that they wanted to eat me. And the idea that this one was thankful for me doing my job was refreshing, don’t get me wrong, but made me wary. Call me a cynic, I guess.
“My name is tàiyang. You can call me Sun,” she told me.
“Hi, Sun. I’m Ripley.”
Then she looked toward the sky. “It’s going to rain tonight.”
After a thoughtful moment, I asked, “Does that make you sad?”
“Why would it make you sad?”
I smiled. “Because your name is Sun.”
She paused and then said, “I don’t understand.”
Honestly, I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, telling a pun to one of the animals. “Never mind.” I glanced up at the sky. “I thought the rain is supposed to stay away from here. Are the ones who told me that wrong?”
“Well that’s good to know,” I murmured to myself, thinking of my raincoat hanging in the security office closet. It wasn’t that surprising, honestly. Sometimes I felt like the meteorologists in Arkansas try to read the entrails of goats to figure out the weather. It’s all a mess and it’s all made up.
At that, the animal looked to the sky and fell silent. She appeared to be the most uneventful introduction I’d had so far, and I was incredibly grateful for it. Except then the animal kept talking. “He’s under a spell.”
I blinked. “What?”
She looked back to me. “Andrew. He’s under a spell. He’s very unhappy.”
I had no idea how to react to that. For a second I just stared. The sudden jolt of being told my boss was currently being afflicted by magic left me floundering. “He… What?” I finally asked. “Where is he?”
“In his office.”
Oh shit. My eyes instinctively darted in the direction of the main office. I always just entered through the door on the west side of the building, of course, since it led to the security room. It was unnecessary for me to go through the door that first led into the lobby-slash-office Andrew worked out of. Sometimes he even left early, so it was locked anyway. I had the key, but again, it was unnecessary.
Whatever had happened, assuming this animal wasn’t joking around (she seemed completely serious), I needed to establish whether she was right. Leaving the enclosure of the animal I’d just met, I quickly walked back to the small building.
Taking a deep breath, I knocked loudly. “Andrew, are you in there?”
The only reply was silence. I stood there until enough time had passed that it was obvious that no one was coming to answer the door. Taking out my phone, I dialed his cell number and wait as it rang. Then I grimaced when I heard it ringing inside.
Hanging up and shoving the phone back in my pocket, I stared at the closed door.
Trying the doorknob, I found that it was unlocked, and my heart skipped a beat. Andrew always locked his office before leaving. Opening the door slowly, the lights were off in the room, leaving only the faint red glow of the lights outside peeking around his curtains, so I turned on a light. Then my heart plummeted into my stomach, because there was Andrew, splayed limply on the ground, his eyes only half open.
I bolted to him and dropped to his side as he let out a whimper.
“Andrew,” I said, putting two fingers to the side of his neck. He remained silent, and despite his relaxed, wilted appearance, his heart was racing, and I wondered if he was in pain. The room smelled, and it was clear to me that he’d lost control of his bowels. I couldn’t believe I’d been working here for hours without knowing he was in the next room like this.
“Fucking hell. I’m so sorry it took me so long to find you. Can you hear me? What happened?” He made a small sound, unfocused eyes attempting to meet mine, but it was as if he were severely deprived of sleep or something, unable to focus. His mouth opened and he tried to say something, but he couldn’t speak. All I got was halting words mushed into each other. I felt for him; he must’ve been mortified by his condition. I would’ve been, at least.
The obvious solution would be to get Suzanne’s number from Andrew’s phone, so I searched him for it and found it in his right jacket pocket. I pressed the button the iPhone, swiped, and let out a sigh of frustration. He was security conscious enough to lock his phone with a code, of course.
“Can you… You can’t tell me the code,” I said knowing. He grunted quietly.
“What happened?”
I shrieked and jumped to my feet. Leila stood in the doorway, staring in shock at Andrew’s body. “You scared the bejesus out of me,” I exclaimed. I stopped myself before asking if she could make some noise when she moved or if I could put a bell on her. “What does it look like happened? Someone put a spell on him.” Abruptly, my stance changed, standing up straight. “Wait. Do you know how to get in touch with…anyone?” I asked desperately.
“I know Ms. Cooper’s phone number,” she said frankly.
My eyes widened. “Seriously? How?”
“Andrew gave it to me after I worked here for three months.”
That stopped my brain dead in its tracks. “You…used to work here?” I whispered. I remembered Andrew telling me that one of the night shift managers had been killed, but he hadn’t told me it was Leila. Whether it was for her own privacy or her dignity or some other reason, it didn’t really matter. What mattered was that I could call Suzanne.
“I worked here for three months,” Leila confirmed as I took out my own phone.
“Okay…what’s her number?” I asked, ready to dial. She rattled off the number and dialed it.
The phone rang twice times before someone answered. “Hello?”
“Hi, is this Suzanne?”
“Yes, who’s this?”
She had a British accent like Andrew did. I took a deep breath and said, “It’s Ripley Mason. I got your number from Leila. I’m here in Andrew’s office and he’s in really bad shape. Someone cast a spell on him and it’s like he’s lost control of the part of his brain that lets him move around and speak.”
“What?” she snapped. “What happened?”
“I-I don’t know,” I said, glancing back to Andrew. He actually looked calmer now, and I hoped that was because he knew Suzanne could fix this. “I was doing my rounds and I met Sun; she’s the one that told me and that’s why I came into his office. I don’t- Who would do this? What do I do?”
“It’s okay, Ripley. I’ll leaving now and will be there soon,” she told me. I heard rustling in the background, the sounds of getting out of a chair and footsteps. “Did you check the security cameras?”
My eyes shut in irritation against my stupidity. It hadn’t even occurred to me. “I’m sorry. Of course, I’ll do that right away.” Proof positive that I was completely out of it. Some security guard I was, not even able to keep my head in an emergency.
“Don’t apologize, Ripley, you’re quite within your rights to be discombobulated at the moment,” she said. “And I’d like you stay with Andrew, but I would prefer to know what happened. Leave his side just for a second to check the footage.
“Okay.” I crouched down to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll be right back.” His eyes flicked to me, but he didn’t make a sound. Getting back to my feet and walking over to the security room door, I went in and sat at my desk, putting the phone on speaker so I could more easily navigate the footage.
After fidgeting around with the unfamiliar aspect of the program, since I’d never needed to look back before and Andrew only showed me how to do it once, I finally went back to the point where the spell had been cast. “Okay, he walked into his office with two men at…4:08 p.m. and it looks like he was fine with it. He wasn’t under duress, from what I can see.”
“That’s likely Michael Wise and Eric Henry,” Suzanne told me. “They were allegedly making a donation, a herd of Bagot goats.”
“Well, I’m operating under the assumption that they lied if Andrew is spelled.”
I grimaced. That was a good point. Watching them have a conversation, I saw Andrew tense, and then turn to dart toward his desk, but he only made it two steps before one of the men raised what looked like a wand, snapping it in my late boss’s direction, speaking something. As I saw Andrew’s body seize like he’d been hit with a taser and collapse, I hissed in a sharp breath. “Cripes.”
“What is it?”
“One of them had a wand,” I managed. “He-He did something with it.”
“I’m here, Ripley. Come back to the office.”
My eyes widened and I did as I was told, stunned to see her opening the front door. “How did you get here so fast?” I asked.
The woman gave me a small smile, rendered grim by the situation. “Call it a trick of the trade.”
“Oh. Gotcha.”
Suzanne was all hard edges, her pin-straight blond hair cut at an angle just below her ears, and she wore a smart blue pants suit with matching pumps. But then she looked to Andrew and her face softened, despair and fury flashing across it as she quickly walked to him and knelt at his side, taking his weak hand in hers.
“Oh, Andrew,” she whispered. “I’m so, so sorry. You’ll be okay. I already texted a healer and asked her to come by. A friend of mine named Janine.”
I looked back to Andrew’s face, his eyes open and his expression one of exhaustion, but then quickly looked to Suzanne. “Why would someone do this?” I asked.
“I have a feeling at least one of our animals is missing,” she told me, her voice low and hard.
Anger flared up in me. “What?” I asked tersely. I glanced back in the direction of the cameras. “Should we check the cameras to see which enclosure they went to? Do we- Are there cops you can call for this? What do we do?”
Suzanne’s face slowly faded to sadness. “I’ll take care of it,” she said. “You’re accurate in that I do have a different police I’ll call about this. But there’s a good chance we won’t get the animal back.”
“Wait, why? Come on, there’s got to be magic you could do, right?” I asked anxiously.
“The animal will have been warded and sold to someone immediately,” she explained. “They would’ve had a buyer set up, and gone straight there to reduce the risk of being caught with it. Anyone who is buying an animal like this is extremely powerful, which means that even if we catch the men who stole it, they’d go to prison, but they wouldn’t risk angering the buyer. They won’t tell the authorities who it was, even for a lesser sentence. Losing an animal to robbery has only happened twice in the zoo’s history, this is the third time, but that’s how it played out both times. Actually, in the first instance, the police didn’t even catch the people who took it, since they were wearing masks.”
Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Suzanne pushed herself to her feet, walking over and opening it without hesitation. “He’s in here.” I took the opportunity to open the windows and turned down the thermostat so it would start displacing the smelly air.
A woman walked in, Janine presumably. “Oh, goodness,” she breathed, going quickly to Andrew. She took his pulse with one hand as she pulled a wand out from her purse with the other. “It’s good he’s staying calm. Redire orior can be terrifying to be subjected to.”
“He wasn’t calm when I got here,” I told her quietly. “I’ve been here for hours and didn’t know he was here until just a few minutes ago.”
Janine swore softly. “All right. Let me get started.”
I didn’t know what that meant, so I turned to Suzanne. “What did she call this?”
“The spell is ‘redire orior’. It’s a regression of part of the mind, basically all the way back to when we were first born,” she said tightly, anger flickering across her face. “He has no more control over his body than he did when he was a newborn baby.”
I grimaced, looking back to him. “Oh my god,” I whispered. It meant exactly what it had looked like when I’d walked in: Andrew had been rendered completely helpless. Rage welled up inside me, despising the men who’d done this and wishing desperately that Suzanne had been more confident in finding them.
Suzanne took the opportunity to walk into the security office and I heard her sit in my chair. Janine put down her wand to have both hands free and told Andrew, “Just relax, concentrate on breathing slowly,” she said, carefully pulling both of his legs out and rolling him onto his back. She then put his arms at his sides and, picking up her wand, pointed it at his forehead.
I took in a sharp breath of surprise as I saw a faint glow coming from the wand, through the top of it and then to Andrew’s forehead. She held that position for a while, muttering under her breath.
A few minutes later, Suzanne came out and took her phone from her pocket, saying, “I don’t recognize either of the men in the footage. But they seemed distressed, particularly the one that didn’t hurt Andrew. I don’t think that’s what was meant to happen.”
“Meant to or not, it happened,” I muttered through clenched teeth. I’d already decided that my new to-do list every day included first checking the office cameras.
“Andrew,” Janine said, letting the glow fade. “Can you speak?”
“I…yeah,” he whispered.
Suzanne came over to my side. “Thank goodness. How are you feeling? How’s the vertigo?”
“Pretty much gone,” he said, closing his eyes for a long moment, though he didn’t try to stand up.
“Andrew, I pulled up the cameras in the office and listened to the audio,” she told him. “I know what happened.”
My eyebrows furrowed. “The cameras have audio?”
“It’s under admin privileges, but yes. Andrew, you should have known better,” she said softly, looking back to him. “The gun in one of the desk drawers? I presume that’s what you were lunging for, because those two men had just made it clear they were here for an animal.”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “I just…” He looked distraught.
“They told you to just let them get what they came for,” Suzanne said. “Why didn’t you?” My lips parted in shock.
“The last time this happened, I cooperated, but…I regretted it,” he growled. “We never saw Harriet again. I couldn’t just stand here and let them do whatever they wanted. Not again.” I assumed Harriet was one of their animals, but I didn’t ask.
“Don’t ever do something so foolish again,” she told him, on the verge of being upset, her emotions likely tempered by his condition. “I want to make it clear to you that this job, these animals, they’re immensely important, but they are not worth your life. He could have killed you. If someone gains access to the zoo again to steal an animal I want you to cooperate fully. Understood?”
“Yeah,” Andrew muttered.
The idea that Andrew had tried to bring a gun to a wand fight was staggering. Something heavy curled in my stomach at the thought. It was clear he cared about the wellbeing of the animals to a degree I hadn’t comprehended.
Janine took one of the small pillows from the couch and tucked it under Andrew’s head as Suzanne continued. “All right,” she said with a sigh. “I’ll go through the footage to determine what they stole and then call the authorities to report the theft. Janine, can you continue to treat him?”
I wasn’t sure what that entailed, but Janine apparently did, since she nodded and knelt back down as Suzanne went back into the security office. Janine did the same thing that she’d done before, that soft glow channeling light into Andrew’s head. Obviously, I wanted to ask what she was doing, but I knew better than to think I’d get an answer. Instead, I sat in one of the loveseats in front of Andrew’s desk, turning it to face them.
I heard Suzanne’s voice faintly speaking to someone on the phone and the minutes ticked by. Eventually, Suzanne came back out again and she stood next to me for a long moment, watching the healing process before turning to me.
“Andrew told me you were attempting to create some enrichment activities for the animals?” asked my boss.
“Oh, uh…yeah, I am,” I answered. I assumed she was trying to make small talk to distract me from the current situation, and I appreciated it. “The first one went well. Spike loves artichokes, pecans, and hazelnuts. I went with things that made it a challenge to eat, like it’s a challenge to pull out fingernails of its prey.”
Suzanne’s expression brightened just enough for me to notice. “Ripley, that’s wonderful. Very clever.” She let out a breath. “It’s becoming more and more obvious to me that Andrew chose well in hiring you.” I gave her a small smile. “Listen, I’m going to hire someone else to be here with you on duty,” Suzanne told me, “and by that, I mean someone from my neck of the woods. Andrew explained that to you, correct?”
“Not much. Just that you’re not from Earth.”
Suzanne smiled. “That makes me sound like an alien, but yes, I’m not from this dimension. I can hire someone who has similar abilities to mine, who can check in every few hours, make sure everything’s all right, but generally make themselves scarce unless there’s an emergency. He wouldn’t have been able to do much if he’d already been here, but he’d have known what was going on. Andrew would have received assistance immediately.”
I was curious of what those abilities were, aside from being able to see the animals, but I wasn’t bold enough to ask. Also, I was curious about who this new ‘employee’ would be, but presumably I’d find out sooner or later. “That would make me feel a little better,” I said, nodding. “Knowing there was someone else here.”
She nodded once. “It’s as good as done, then. As for Andrew, he’ll need to take a few days off to recover. Would you be willing to give the tours until he’s back in ship-shape?”
My eyes bugged out of my skull. “Wait, what? I can’t even see all the animals!”
Suzanne chuckled at my expression and shook her head. “I can enchant a pair of specs for you to wear,” she told me. “It’ll give you a bit of a headache, but you’ll be able to see all of the animals. Also, I’ll give you the background for each of them, because you’ll be speaking about them to the tourists.”
I blinked, thinking of how awesome it would be to finally know all about them all. And it was flattering, the fact that she had such confidence in me that, without hesitation, she asked if I could take over for Andrew. The best thing for me to do, of course, was to be confident and assure her that I could take any temporary promotion in stride. “I’m…I’m not great with people,” I managed.
Yup. Nailed it.
“You can be a little harsh with them if you need to,” she said with a small, knowing smile. “I assumed that signing up for a job where you interact with a screen of cameras the whole time means you aren’t great with people. And Andrew did brief me on you when he hired you. How good are you at couching your insults in polite talk? The British are quite skilled, but I know Americans aren’t too bad at it.”
I smirked, remembering how a coworker friend of mine once told a customer, “Oh, bless your heart,” in her thick southern accent and it sounded like the worst insult. “I can manage that, I think.”
A buzz from the gate that went to the panel on the wall drew our attention and Suzanne walked over to let the visitors in. It was three people, a man and two women, with a gurney.
Walking over to Andrew, I folded my arms with a small smile as Janine released his head from the glow the wand was emitting. “Hey. Sorry you had to lay on the floor for so long knowing I was cluelessly reading a book in the next room.”
“Eh, not the end of the world,” he whispered. “I’ll be back on my feet soon. So, no parties while I’m gone.”
I snorted and my smile widened, and he returned it.
Going back into the security room, I pulled the system back to the multi-camera exterior view, and I sat there and listened to Suzanne talk to one of the medics, explaining everything that had happened in detail. Once she’d done that and they brought Andrew outside on the gurney, presumably to a waiting ambulance, I gave my statement, and then…it was back to work.
Obviously going back to work like nothing had changed felt weird, but Suzanne stayed, letting me know that she would get some work done at Andrew’s desk until my shift was over. It was likely the opposite of necessary, the robbers were gone, but it did make me feel a tiny bit better knowing that she was in the next room with her wand.
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submitted by karenvideoeditor to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:34 Firm-Celebration2142 Slight dilatation of the venous plexuses of the pelvic floor

I just received a pelvic MRI results from the hospital. The test showed that I had a slight dilatation of the venous plexuses of the pelvic floor. Could this be directly responsible for erectile dysfunction? I have already discussed this with my urologist and he said that even if it is, there is not much that can be done about it but he said I could discuss it with an angiologist.
I read on the Internet that various surgical procedures can be used to narrow the dilated venous plexuses of the pelvic floor. One option is a procedure called internal saphenous vein embolization, which involves blocking or narrowing dilated venous plexuses using small catheters inserted through blood vessels. Another option is to surgically remove the dilated vessels.
Does anyone know this area or have any experience? Can this even be the cause of my ED?
I have been dealing with pretty bad ED for 11 years. I am still young - 29 years old, but at the moment I have no morning wood, I can only achieve an erection while taking a pde5 inhibitor but only really big doses work on me, and not always. Big doses I mean 200 mg of sildenafil sometimes mixed with tadalafil - 20 mg or 40 mg and even that gives me up to 80% of erection. 10 years ago PDE5 was way more effective for me, but now it barely works, and pretty often my penis still needs physical stimulation.
Expect pelvic MRI, I did :
All the above tests were good and did not indicate any abnormalities.
I’ve also tried shockwave therapy, PRP, and stem cells but without any effects.
I am fit and healthy, I sleep well, I eat well and I do not stress much. I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs and I drink occasionally. Psychological factors were also ruled out by doctors. I take and I took loads of supplements helping for ED, I don’t even want to list them because it would be too long
submitted by Firm-Celebration2142 to erectiledysfunction [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:33 night_sparrow_ What are the different types of asthma?

What are the different types of asthma?
I've been struggling with shortness of breath, dry coughing, and a host of other symptoms for the past 10 to 15 years. Back then I was in my late 20s, never smoked, and underweight.
I had my first PFT done 10 years ago, see image. I could be interpreting it wrong but it says I have severe obstruction. I'm not sure how accurate this test is. I also had a clear chest X-ray and when they read my O2 on my finger it is usually 98%. My CT scan was also good, except it said I have a nasal mucus cyst or polyp. Anyway, the pulmonologist said I may have reactive airway syndrome. I took this to mean asthma. I was put on Advair 250/50 mcg and Albuterol 90 mcg hfa for 2 weeks and had no relief. Along with nasal spray and singular.
The pulmonologist then put me on budesonide 0.25 mg nebulizer and proair 90 mcg hfa for 2 weeks and I saw no relief.
The last thing they tried was trellogy for 2 weeks and I got no relief.
So I have been suffering all these years with no medication. I had to quit my job a few years ago because I was having such a hard time breathing. The resting really helped me so I went back to work the following year. Then my symptoms started right up which prompted me back to the pulmonologist who started down the same path as before. I believe my PFT was normal or close to it this time.
This prompted me to reach out to a respiratory therapist friend and ask if there were different classes of asthma medication and he said there were 3, smooth muscle, inflammatory, and mucus suppression. He also told me the FeNO test is helpful in looking for inflammation in asthmatics.
So are there different types of asthma? If so, what is the best way to test for each of them?
I should also mention that my Anti-SSA 52kb is positive (found on the interstitial lung disease and myositis panels) and I know I carry the delf508 variant for CF. I need to get further testing there. I'm not sure if those are a factor in how I present and respond to treatment.
Any insight into how I could better advocate for myself would be helpful.
submitted by night_sparrow_ to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:31 acnhwoo Could today be ovulation day? Nervous about first cycle using TempDrop

Could today be ovulation day? Nervous about first cycle using TempDrop
Hi all! This is my first full cycle using TempDrop (previously 2 cycles I tracked with oral BBT, and started also using my TD when it came in mid-cycle last cycle). My sleep isn’t great and my schedule has me waking up at different times, so my oral BBT charts always felt reaaaaally rocky. Although this did ultimately show ovulation patterns. Anyway…
Does today look like it could be o-day?! The drop in temp confuses me. I got my first positive OPK test early yesterday AM, and it got gradually weaker throughout the day. Negative last night and this AM. This morning I woke up sooo bloated/with weird twinge-y pain low down. Possible ovulation pain. So far I’ve noticed I get realllllly bloated the day after my first +OPK, and so far that’s aligned with ovulation day.
Just nervous about relying solely on TempDrop, and nervous about the delayed shifts I’ve read about. Including my previous 2 charts for comparison (those were with oral BBT)
submitted by acnhwoo to TFABChartStalkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:30 anotherhomosapien00 Doxy resistant ureaplasma

Doxy resistant ureaplasma
Hello I (M31) been suffering with testicular pain since 2022. It started as burning while peeing…went to the doctor. Had an std Panel. Everything came back negative ( the regular ones ). But I was already treated with one Ceftraxone IM shot and 7 days Doxycycline and nothing changed.
I did bunch of doctors form neurologist, to orthopedics to urologist to PT session. Bunch of tests and ran tons of scans but no one tested for ureaplasma. They blamed it on my varicocelle or back pain or my imagination..( shout out to everyone who goes through this while doctor are just telling them it’s normal)
One year later I went to a new doc. Tested me for ureaplasma, he brushed it off as non pathogenic but prescribed doxycycline for 14 days x2 because I begged him to give me something or refer me to someone.
Pain sort of disappeared for a while all the symptoms came back. And I went and got tested again and it’s positive for ureaplasma… This time they did a resistance test. Sorry it’s in French. But I found out the ureaplasma I have is doxycycline resistant…but this doctor prescribed me 20 days of levofloxacin 500 once a day.
I saw a lot of post about the use Floxies and people who suffered from long term problems for this.
So I’m confused , I told him about what I read online he said. Take one. If you have any side effects stop and call me and we will change to another line of treatment…but he mentioned based on the test this is what will kill the infection you have.
So any suggestions/ advice would be great here. I just bought the meds…and looking at them…
Thanks ! P.S : mentally I’m exhausted, tired and I’m done with this. I just want to get it over with and workout again. Sensible means effective. :)
submitted by anotherhomosapien00 to Ureaplasma [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:29 tempmailgenerator Implementing Email Validation and Uniqueness Check with jQuery

Ensuring Data Integrity in Web Forms

In the world of web development, ensuring the accuracy and uniqueness of user input is paramount, particularly when it comes to email addresses. Email addresses serve not only as a primary method of communication but also as a unique identifier for users across various platforms. As such, validating the format of an email address and verifying its uniqueness against a database becomes a critical task for developers. This task ensures that the data collected is not only formatted correctly but also unique, preventing issues such as duplicate accounts or incorrect user data.
jQuery, a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library, offers an efficient way to perform these validations on the client side, improving user experience by providing immediate feedback. However, the challenge doesn't stop at client-side validation. Developers must also implement server-side checks to ensure data integrity and uniqueness across their databases. This dual-layer approach to validation ensures a robust and error-free user registration process, laying the foundation for a secure and user-friendly web application.
Command/Function Description
$.ajax() Sends asynchronous HTTP requests to the server.
emailRegex.test(email) Tests if the email string matches the specified regex pattern for emails.

Deep Dive into Email Validation Techniques

Email validation is a critical component of modern web development, ensuring that user input is both correct and useful. The process involves two major steps: format validation and uniqueness verification. Format validation is typically achieved using regular expressions (regex), which are patterns designed to match character combinations in strings. In the context of email validation, a regex pattern verifies that the email address entered by the user adheres to a standard format, such as including an "@" symbol and a domain name. This step is crucial as it helps prevent users from accidentally entering incorrect information, such as missing the "@" symbol, which is a common mistake.
However, format validation alone is not sufficient to ensure the quality of data. Uniqueness verification steps in as the second layer of validation, ensuring that the email address has not been used to register another account in the system. This is typically achieved through a server-side check against a database. Implementing both levels of validation requires careful consideration of user experience and system performance. For instance, performing an asynchronous request to check for email uniqueness can provide immediate feedback to the user without requiring a page reload. This enhances the user experience by providing instant validation results, making the registration process smoother and more efficient.

Email Validation in jQuery

jQuery & JavaScript
const emailRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/; $("#email").on("blur", function() { var email = $(this).val(); if(emailRegex.test(email)) { // Proceed with uniqueness check $.ajax({ url: "/check-email", data: { email: email }, type: "POST", success: function(data) { if(data.isUnique) { alert("Email is unique and valid."); } else { alert("Email already exists."); } } }); } else { alert("Invalid email format."); } }); 

Enhancing Web Forms with jQuery

Email validation and uniqueness check are crucial components of web development that ensure user data integrity and prevent common issues like duplicate registrations. Validating an email involves checking whether the input matches a pattern that resembles email addresses, a process typically achieved using regular expressions. This client-side validation improves the user experience by providing immediate feedback, helping users correct errors before submitting the form. However, client-side validation alone is not foolproof since it can be bypassed, emphasizing the importance of server-side validation for security and data integrity.
On the other hand, checking the uniqueness of an email address against a database is a server-side operation. It ensures that each registered email is unique within the application, preventing multiple accounts from being associated with the same email address. This check is particularly important in applications where the email address acts as a primary identifier for users. Implementing both email validation and uniqueness check requires a combination of client-side and server-side programming, with jQuery being a popular choice for the former due to its simplicity and efficiency in handling DOM elements and Ajax requests.

Frequently Asked Questions About jQuery Email Validation

  1. Question: Why is email validation important in web forms?
  2. Answer: Email validation ensures that users enter information that follows the correct format, improving data quality and communication efficiency.
  3. Question: Can jQuery be used for server-side email uniqueness checks?
  4. Answer: jQuery is primarily used for client-side scripting. Server-side checks require a server-side language like PHP, Python, or Node.js in combination with jQuery for Ajax requests.
  5. Question: How does client-side validation improve user experience?
  6. Answer: It provides immediate feedback, allowing users to correct errors before submitting the form, reducing frustration and unnecessary server requests.
  7. Question: What is the best practice for email validation and uniqueness check?
  8. Answer: The best practice involves combining client-side validation for immediate feedback and server-side validation for security and data integrity.
  9. Question: How do you handle false positives in email validation?
  10. Answer: Implementing a more comprehensive regex pattern and allowing users to correct their input based on specific error messages can reduce false positives.

Wrapping Up Our Insights

Implementing robust validation mechanisms for email addresses in web applications is not just about enhancing the user interface or experience; it's a fundamental aspect of securing and maintaining the integrity of the system's data. Through the use of jQuery for client-side validation and the incorporation of server-side verification, developers can ensure that an email is not only formatted correctly but is also unique within their system. This dual-layered approach minimizes potential security risks, such as unauthorized access or data breaches, and operational issues, like duplicate records or miscommunications with users. Furthermore, it underscores the importance of a thorough understanding of both client and server-side scripting among developers, empowering them to create more reliable, secure, and user-friendly web applications. As we've explored, the combination of immediate feedback on the client side and definitive verification on the server side constitutes best practices in modern web development, ensuring that user data is both valid and unique.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:29 According-Top-7025 Negative Tests but Had Lesions

I'm attempting to determine what to do next because the results of my blood test and swab tests for GHSV2 are negative. I started experiencing tingles, soreness, and irritation a while ago. Since I've had OHSV1 since I was a kid, I assumed it was most likely GHSV2.
I get a blood test more than six months after I may have been exposed. For HSV1, the results were positive; for HSV2, they were negative. A few months later, I have what appear to be HSV lesions on my inner thigh. I have them swabbed, and the results show that I am negative for HSV1 and 2.
After waiting another month following the swab, I receive the same results from a blood test. HSV2 is negative and HSV1 is positive.
Should I just accept that all of the tests were accurate and that I dont have HSV2 or should I wait till the lesions reappear, which could take months or years?
submitted by According-Top-7025 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:28 ComplexNo6661 ES & NQ Morning Analysis 5/15/2024

ES & NQ Morning Analysis 5/15/2024
Morning Everyone,
CPI data hit today, with YoY in line with expectations at 3.4% while MoM was softer at 0.3% vs expectations of 0.4%.
How consensus can get one right and not the other is baffling to me. But that's a discussion for another time.
Notably, the VIX is down below a key range from 14.10-14.73. This promotes bullish activity.
Markets naturally spiked on the news, creating a symmetrical move on the 2-hour chart using the 2PM candle from 5/14, bringing us to 5301.25.
5300 is a natural resistance point because it's a round number.
We've now tested all but the tippy top of the ATHs. While I don't expect we'll get there today, I do believe markets are setting up to get there soon.
However, and this is an opinion, I believe markets will top out short-term around 5310.25, today or tomorrow, and then come back down to test 5280. From there, they'll either punch to new ATH or drop down to 5200 and set up a lower high.
For today, I have 5301.25 as the key resistance to get and stay over. I don't believe it's tradeable as resistance. But if we get over there and start closing candles above it, you could be long with a stop on candle closes below that level.
5310.50 is the main resistance I see for this move, possibly pushing up to 5321.25, but that seems like a stretch to me. A safer trade would be to wait for a punch through to around 5314 or so before stepping in.
Does this conflict with what I just said about buying and holding on candle closes over 5301.25?
Not necessarily. The two things aren't mutually exclusive. But, it makes good entries and risk management imperative.
On the support side, I'm looking at 5288, 5280, and 5272.25.
If we get below 5280, then I expect we may have put in a short-term top for a few days.
The NQ is in a similar position, hitting the last resistance at 18493.25 before reaching the ATH at 18711.
There might be short term resistance at 18594 today if we make our way up there.
For support, I like 18355.75. Candle closes below that would remove some of the bullishness in the market and bring up the next support at 18234.25.
Of the two indexes, the NQ appears to be the easier trade today IMO.
Quick thoughts....
There's a lot of Fed speak over the next two days. The only thing I can see them saying that might boost market confidence is that inflation data is coming in softer.
But make no mistake, we're still nowhere near the 2.0% level for the Fed.
Oil prices have declined, which should help out next month. But until housing gets substantially changes that isn't going to happen.
You only need look at the National Association of Realtor data to see this.
Single family inventory is at 1.11M, which isn't enough to meet demand. And after a short decline from October through January, home prices are back on the rise.
Let me know what you are trading and drop me a line to tell me how you've done so far this year.
Source: Optimus Flow
submitted by ComplexNo6661 to FuturesTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:26 ApprehensivePain9565 I Hate My Son's Mother, Can I Abandon Them All, To Start My New Family.

Disclaimer: English is not first langauge, if you detect any grammatic error, you may ignore it.
  1. Backgroung of My Misfurtune.
I started dating this young lady, that I've known for several years in 2020. When I say I've known her before we started a relationship, I'm talking about knowing her from a distance not on a personal level. My judgement of her was based solely on how I perceived her from a distance. She seemed like a collected and well mannered young lady. That is what exactly attracted me to her at the first place, her beautiful personality so I thought. Only If I knew that I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life that would completely ruin and change my life as I knew it.
Months in our relationship, I came to the realisation that the girl was far from what I thought she was. It turned out she was a pathological lier, blackmailer, and very slow intellectually. Exactly the type of girl that I would not date under any circumstances. In order not to waste our time, I started to plan my exit way out of the relationship without hurting her feelings. I reduced the number of times that I would call her and I stopped inviting her to my place. One day I told her the truth, that I'm no longer interested in the relationship, and it's better we end the relationship since we have been only dating for a few months. And at first she was okey with it, we parted ways.
  1. Things Get Interesting
After being away from her for a month, I received a sms saying that she is pregnant. At first I did not believe her, so I had to call her to do a pregnant test in person and it was positive. She was pregnant. I had my paternity doubts but I accepted the pregnancy and I told her that I will support the baby and support her during pregnancy but I made myself clear that I did not want a romantic relationship with her. I had paternity doubts because this is the girl that I had sex with only 5 times. Four was with condoms, and one was unprotected sex but we used withdrawal method.
  1. Things Got Worse
I dont know whether I made a mistake by promising to support her during pregnancy but she took it as if we are back in a romantic relationship. She would demand attention from me, and she would fight girls that people saw me hanging out with. Things were getting out of control to the point that I was led into depression. The drama that she created became the talk of the neighbourhood and this was very embarrasing to me because I held a highly respected job in the community.
  1. The Blackmail
She started threatening me with ruining my life, saying stuff like either she have me or nobody will have me. I dismissed most of her threats and atributed it to mood swings of a pregnant woman, and I must admit that I was so foolish for dismissing her threats. I shoud've have taken her threat seriously, the earlier the better.
  1. Getting fired from work
One day at work right after morning breafing, the management called me in their office to have a word with me. I knew the management call you in only if you are getting promoted, transfered, served with a warning for misconduct or get fired. I was curious, why the management wanted to talk to me. I entered the office and I was told that my ex girlfriend had reported me at work for sexually abusing her, and to protect the image of the company they would investigate these sexually allegations leveled against me by my ex.
Some of my co-workers and managers did not like me at all, and the opportunity that they had been waiting for to destroy me has finally presented itself. Also, later along the line, I was informed by one of the manager who was my friend that, it was one of his collegue who told my ex that if she want to hurt me really bad, she should lay false sexual harrassment allegations against me at work.
  1. A Kangaroo Hearing
The girl was not present at the hearing, It was only me, a 29 year old man against a panel of powerful managers and directors. I was told that they don't care whether the allegations are true or false, unfortunately they have no choice but to fire me in order to protect the reputation of the company. The hearing lasted 1 hour, and I was told to leave their work premises. This was September 2020 during the height of pandemic. I packed my bags, and bid farewell to my teary co workers who knew I was innocent.
  1. Shame and Stigma
Here I was, unemployed at 29 during the pandemic, with a tag of sex offender on my neck. I was confused and lost. How would I tell my friends who held me in high regard? How would I tell my mother who spent so much on my education both high school and university? How would the young men in my family who look up to me react? Where can I go from now onwards? Luckly enough neither my friends nor family judged me because they know the type of a person I am.
  1. Poverty and Recovery
When I lost my job, I literally lost everything. My house and car was repossed, I was literally stripped of everything. I would had been homeless had I not have a supporting family. My married brother had pity on me, and he invited me to stay with him. I was so ashamed of myself being taken care of by another man at age 29 knowing very well that months ago, I was an independent man and I had my life together. I was ashamed finding myself, sleeping on a matress. I was very shamed of myself that I could not even afford basic stuffs like toiletries. I leaped into depression, withdrew from friends, stayed indoor for 24 hours. I contempleted and attempted suicide several times. I lost weight, and I was ashamed and scared to meet people who knew how I was looking before I lost my job because my body was very emanciated. I looked as if I had been in a hospital for a year.
In the midst of my hopelessness and depression, I kept praying to God to come at my rescue. In 2022 things started getting better for me. Through a friend, we started a business which is doing fine, eventhough we are not yet where we want to be. And should everything go according to the plan, next year we plan to extend our opperation to other cities. I can see that God has answeared my prayers, and I must say the future look bright. I've gained weight, started going to the gym and Im starting to regain everything that I lost in 2020.
  1. What About My Son?
The problem I have is I truly hate this girl with every fibre of my being. Just by the thought of her my mood instantly change. I cant see myself co-parenting with her, after all what she put me through. And if I happen to die, I cant stand the thought of my son sharing his inheritance from me with his mother. I have moved on but I haven't forgiven her, and I dont think I will ever forgive her. It is by God's grace that Im still alive today, because only a few can bounce back from the hell that I have been to.
Can I move on and completely close that door to start another family, or should I stay with my son and co-parent with the devil? I need advice from fellow men.
I would read comments.
submitted by ApprehensivePain9565 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:17 Curious_Person316 Buchrezension "Verhaltensbiologie für Hundetrainer" und persönliche Take-Aways

Link zum Buch:
Als Buch- und Hundeliebhaber habe ich mir vorgenommen jeden Monat ein Fachbuch zum Thema Hund zu lesen. Das erste Buch was ich mir vorgenommen habe war "Verhaltensbiologie für Hundetrainer". (Hinter-) Grund der Idee ist, dass im Internet sowie bei Trainern oft altes oder falsches Wissen verbreitet wird und ich mich auf den neusten fachlichen Stand bringen wollte.
TL;DR schon hier oben falls jemand keine Lust auf viel lesen hat: Buch ist absolut empfehlenswert, wenn auch keine einfache Lektüre, besonders wenn man nicht viel Berührung mit fachlicher Literatur hat.
Warum dieses Buch zum Anfang?
Öffentlich sind einige interessante Studien zur Verhaltensforschung und Verhaltensbiologie verfügbar. In vielen Fällen behandeln diese Studien jedoch ein sehr spezielles Thema und bieten keinen allgemeinen Gesamtüberblick. Darüber hinaus kann durch verschiedene Faktoren das Ergebnis einer Studie verfälscht werden, weswegen sogenannte Meta-Analysen sehr interessant sind. Das Buch behandelt viele verschiedene Bereiche um so eine Wissens-Grundlage anhand der Befunde verschiedener Studien herzustellen.
Allgemein kann ich das Buch jedem empfehlen der sich für Verhaltensbiologie beziehungsweise Neurobiologie interessiert bzw. ein tieferes Verständnis für Hunde entwickeln möchte. Es werden viele verschiedene Themen beleuchtet die für Hundehalter und Hundetrainer interessant sind. Es wird eine Grundlage geschaffen, für tieferes Wissen sind die herangezogenen Studien oder Bücher direkt referenziert.
Besonders schön empfand ich, dass gewisse Mythen bezüglich Training und Erziehung geschildert wurden und nochmals mit Hilfe von Studien darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass diese widerlegt sind. Gerade, da es immer wieder vorkommt dass ein Trainer oder anderer Hundehalter "es besser weiß", war es für mich persönlich hilfreich mein(e) Vorwissen / Bauchgefühl / Erfahrungen bestätigt zu bekommen, sodass ich mich nicht weiterhin verunsichern lasse. Gleichzeitig habe ich auch neue Dinge mitnehmen können beziehungsweise umdenken können.
Ein Kritikpunkt am Buch wäre für mich, dass besonders in den ersten Kapiteln wenig Bezug auf Hunde genommen wird. Es ist mir bewusst, dass viele Erkenntnisse an anderen Säugetieren auch auf Hunde übertragbar sind. Genau diese direkte Übertragung und Schlussfolgerungen fehlten mir jedoch teilweise. Lehrreich war es dennoch, mir persönlich fiel es teilweise nur schwer die Aufmerksamkeit zu halten, wenn es um beispielsweise vogelspezifisches Verhalten ging, welches im ersten Moment noch keinen direkten Bezug zu unseren Haushunden hatte.
In einigen Kapiteln gab es sehr viele Fachbegriffe die nicht sehr tiefgehend erläutert wurden. Persönlich war / bin ich vertraut mit diesen, sodass ich es als unproblematisch empfand. Eine leichte Lektüre zum Abend ist das Buch nicht weshalb ich es nur empfehlen würde wenn man so etwas mag.
Meine wichtigsten Takeaways / was ich aus dem Buch mitnehmen konnte: Reihenfolge ist ohne Hintergrund und es wird lang
  1. Thema Ressourcenverteidigung:
  2. Viele Hundetrainer und Halter empfehlen, dem Hund eine Ressource (Nahrung, Spielzeug) zu entziehen oder danach zu greifen um dem Hund beizubringen, dass man "Rudelführer" und somit Besitzer dieser Ressource ist. Häufig wird auch Unterordnung geübt indem ein Hund eine Ressource freigeben soll. Es wird oft vom Hund erwartet Ressourcen abzugeben wenn wir danach verlangen. Bei Hunden die ihre Ressourcen verteidigen wird von vielen mittlerweile empfohlen, das Futter nicht weg zu nehmen sondern zu tauschen oder die Hand zur Schüssel zu bewegen um noch etwas hineinzutun.
  3. Von Beginn an hielt ich nichts davon, dem Hund grundlos eine Ressource zu entziehen die ich ihm überlassen hatte. Wir hatten von Beginn an über Freigaben gearbeitet. Da er vom Tierschutz kam haben wir präventiv während er gegessen hatte mehr high value Leckerlis hinzugegeben. Grundsätzlich haben wir auch viel über Handfütterung gearbeitet. Da Giftköder und andere Themen natürlich dennoch zu beachten sind haben wir auch das "Abgeben" von Ressourcen trainiert. Hier haben wir aber immer getauscht. Was Giftköder betrifft haben wir ihm beigebracht dass nichts ungefragt ohne Freigabe vom Boden aufgenommen wird. Findet er etwas zeigt er dies an und es erfolgt entweder die Freigabe oder das Verbot hier jedoch mit Tausch im übertragenen Sinne.
  4. Probleme mit Ressourcen hatten wir mit unserem nie. Ein neuer Trainer, der aufgrund territorial motivierter Aggression mit uns arbeitete gab uns jedoch einen Alltagsleitfaden. In diesem war beschrieben, dass wir dem Hund das Essen welches er bekommt nach Zeitraum X entziehen sollen und keine Spielsachen frei zugänglich lagern sollten. Persönlich fand ich das blöd, zumal wir an der Stelle keine Themen hatten und begann eine Diskussion mit dem Trainer. Wir wurden uns nicht einig, jedoch war ich danach verunsichert, da der Trainer rational gesehen mehr Ahnung haben sollte.
  5. In einem der Kapitel ging es eben um das Thema Ressourcen. Die interessantesten Ergebnisse waren, dass in Hundeverbänden ein Leittier oder ranghöheres Tier NICHT einfach weil es den Rang hat eine Ressource des anderen beansprucht. Wer zuerst etwas findet "malt zuerst". Ein rangniederes Tier, welches zB ein Stück Futter findet oder bekommt darf dieses behalten. Nettes Fragen oder Tauschen gibt es wohl. Das Aufgeben einer bereits "geclaimten" Ressource an den Ranghöheren nur aufgrund dessen Ranges findet aber nicht statt und ist für Hunde somit nicht verständlich. Auch interessant, ist dass die Reihenfolge und Menge der Futteraufnahme nicht vom Rang abhängt. Ebenso trifft dies nicht auf beanspruchendes Verhalten bezüglich der Menge oder Dauer zu. Es fordert ein Tier mehr ein und isst mehr, wenn es dies braucht, nicht weil es den höheren Rang hat.
  6. Konkret für uns bedeutet das, dass unser bisheriges Doing korrekt war. Auch hat die Studienlage bestätigt dass es in unserem Fall gut ist, weiterhin mehr zu füttern wenn der Hund dies einfordert, da dies nichts mit verwöhnen zutun hat sondern seinem Bedarf. Da er eher an Untergewicht leidet statt anders herum ist dies für uns also die passende Lösung.
  7. Thema Angst:
  8. Unserer kam mit einer Angststörung zu uns. Hier hatten wir uns zu Beginn an Hilfe geholt und anfangs große Probleme. Offen gesagt halfen die Tipps der Trainerin nicht und wir mussten quasi selbst herausfinden wie unser Vorgehen ist. Tipps wie ihn absitzen lassen beim Trigger oder andere Tricks verlangen, konditionierte Entspannung über Worte oder auch beruhigendes Streicheln halfen damals nicht. Erst als wir ihm erlaubten zu Triggern Distanz zu halten (zB mehr Leine oder ausweichen) wurde es besser. Mittlerweile sind wir an einem Punkt, an welchem Ablenkung oder konditionierte Entspannung möglich sind. Mein Partner und ich gerieten jedoch öfters in Diskussionen bezüglich des Vorgehens wenn der Hund aufgrund der Flucht-Reaktion an der Leine zog. Einige Trainer und Bekannte rieten uns dazu das Ziehen zu korrigieren und zu bestrafen worauf sich mein Partner oft berief. Aufgrund meines Hintergrundwissens bezüglich Traumata und Panik war ich jedoch strikt dagegen. Meine Begründung war, dass der Hund in diesem Moment die Info "Leine ziehen ist verboten" nicht abrufen kann und die Erwartung dass er nicht zieht wenn er in der Flucht-Reaktion ist somit nicht gerecht ist. Darüber hinaus war / bin ich der Auffassung, dass eine Korrektur in diesem Moment keine Lernerfolge erzielt.
  9. Das Thema Angst wird im Buch beleuchtet. Hier werden die Reaktionen fight flight fawn freeze und die hormonellen Vorgänge sowie Hirnprozesse beleuchtet. Fakt ist, dass bei einer Panikreaktion je nach Veranlagung und Erfahrung des Tieres einer dieser Mechanismen greift und das Tier keinen Zugang zu gewissen Hirnbereichen wie dem präfrontalen Kortex hat, welcher u.A. fürs kognitive Denken und Entscheidungsfindung verantwortlich ist. Darüber hinaus wird beschrieben, was lange Erhöhungen der mitwirkenden Hormone für Einflüsse auf das Immunsystem haben. Auch erstaunlich war zu lesen, dass Hunde welche chronischen Stress haben und dadurch (Muskelmasse) abnehmen NICHT von einer stark proteinlastigen Ernährung profitieren, da die Aminosäuren u.U. nicht verarbeitet werden können und es somit "nur" zu einer erhöhten Belastung der Niere kommt. Weiterhin wurde beleuchtet, dass das Strafen oder Ignorieren in Stresssituationen die Beziehung belastet, sowie die Anwesenheit einer Bezugsperson sich vorteilhaft auf den Stresspegel auswirkt. Letztlich interessant war, dass auch hier beschrieben wurde, dass ein Hund langsam an Trigger herangeführt werden muss um Ängste zu überwinden.
  10. Mitgenommen habe ich hier für mich, dass ich weiterhin dafür einstehen werde bei einer Panikattacke den Hund nicht fürs Ziehen zu bestrafen. Interessant war auch, dass das Thema Untergewicht und Futter bei uns zugetroffen hatte. Eine Gewichtszunahme hatten wir erst erreicht nachdem die Angst besser wurde.
  11. Thema Wesenstests
  12. Gerade bei Welpen werden oft Charaktertests gemacht um zu schauen wie der Charakter des Hundes zu einem potentiellen Halter passen könnte. Weiterhin müssen Listenhunde oder als gefährlich eingestufte Hunde den Wesenstest absolvieren. Hierüber hatte ich mich informiert und war geschockt, was der Hund beim Wesenstest aushalten muss.
  13. Studien ergeben wohl, dass jegliche Tests bezüglich Wesen und Eignung vor dem Alter von circa 1,5 Jahren nicht aussagekräftig sind. Auch wird beschrieben, dass die Wesenstests nicht alltagsnahe Situationen abbilden und keine wirkliche Korrelation zwischen allgemeiner Aggressivität und dem Verhalten beim Wesenstest festgestellt werden konnte.
  14. Thema Genetik bzw Nature vs Nurture
  15. Interessant war hier, dass bestimmte Eigenschaften oder Eignungen von beispielsweise Jagdhunden eine sehr geringe Erblichkeit aufweisen.
  16. Aggression kann wohl unter Umständen erblich sein.
  17. Eine große Rolle spielt nicht zwingend der Charakter der Elterntiere sondern besonders der Hormonstatus der tragenden oder stillenden Mutter sowie die Aufzuchtbedingungen. Fun fact hierzu: wenn Welpen in der Aufzucht nicht die Möglichkeit haben drei dimensional zu erkunden werden sie nicht die Fähigkeit entwickeln drei dimensional zu denken und somit Höhen und Tiefen nicht gut einschätzen können.
  18. Thema Kastration
  19. Es gibt bei Hunden wohl keine Korrelation des Ranges und Testosteronspiegels. Ein kastrierter Hund ist somit nicht "unterwürfiger".
  20. Es gibt bei Hunden wohl keine Korrelation zwischen Aggression und Testosteronspiegels. Ein kastrierter Hund ist nicht weniger Aggressiv.
  21. Es gibt wohl Korrelationen zwischen gesteigerten Jadgtriebes und Kastration. Kastrierte Hunde sind demnach oft jagdlich motivierter.
  22. Allgemein wird zur Vermeidung ungewollter Fortpflanzung empfohlen, Vasektomien statt Kastration zu wählen, da dies weniger in den Hormonhaushalt des Hundes eingreift und das Kastrieren entgegen mancher Annahmen keine Verbesserung bestimmten Verhaltens wie Aggression bringt.
  23. Thema Dominanz/ "Alpha"
  24. Leitung hat der, der die meiste Erfahrung / Führungskompetenz aufweist. Das Leittier beharrt nicht immer auf seine Position und unterdrückt auch nicht immer Randniedere. Im Gegenteil eher zeigt ein Tier Führungskompetenz wenn es sich in wichtigen Situationen durchsetzt. Das Leittier läuft NICHT vor der Gruppe weg, sondern meist eher mittig hinten. Es ist aber dazu bereit die meiste Distanz zur Gruppe einzugehen und entscheidet wohin sich bewegt wird. Dominanz an sich ist keine Eigenschaft sondern eher eine Beziehung. Die Dominanzbeziehung etabliert sich meist nicht, weil der dominante Part seinen Status aggressiv einfordert, sondern weil der Rangniedere die Überlegenheit anerkennt.
  25. Trainingsmethoden wie den Hund in eine submissive Körperhaltung zwingen, den Hund nie vor einen laufen lassen und ständig den eigenen Willen durchzusetzen weil man kann sind also nicht sinnvoll. Wer vom Hund als Führungsperson akzeptiert werden will muss Führungsqualitäten zeigen.
  26. Thema Beziehung und Bindung
  27. Ein Hund baut eine Beziehung nur zu einem Individuum auf, wenn dies einen Zweck hat. Böse ausgedrückt muss das Individuum etwas zu bieten haben (Führungsqualitäten, Futter, Schutz, etc.). Auch in der Hund-Mensch Konstellation kann es zu verschiedenen Bindungsformen kommen (sicher gebunden, unsicher gebunden etc). Eine sichere Bindung zu einer Bezugsperson senkt das Stressniveau des Hundes. Gleichzeitig erhöht Oxytocin ("Bindungshormon") die Lernfähigkeit von Hunden.
  28. In der Pubertät den Hund zu ignorieren oder für Fehlverhalten mit Ausschluss zu bestrafen (wie es von manchen Trainern empfohlen wird) führt nicht dazu, dass der Hund besseres Verhalten zeigt. In der Pubertät würde natürlich unter gewissen Voraussetzungen eine Abwanderung von der Gruppe stattfinden. Solche Voraussetzungen sind beispielsweise vertrieben zu werden, wobei Hunde hier nicht zwangsläufig aggressiv vertreiben sondern über sozialen Ausschluss und Ignorieren arbeiten.
  29. Bindung lässt sich in vier Aspekte teilen: Nähesuchen, Trennungsreaktion, Bindungspartner als sichere Basis und Bindungspartner als sicherer Hafen.
  30. Thema Aggression
  31. Aggression ist keine Eigenschaft sondern ein Verhalten, welches zu verschiedenen Zwecken zB der Kommunikation eingesetzt wird. Es gibt keine Art Rückstau und somit Abbau von Aggression. In den meisten Fällen ist Aggression eine Angstreaktion, bei welcher Noradrenalin produziert wird (Flucht = Adrenalin). In welche Richtung die Angstreaktion schlägt ist u.A. von Veranlagung, Charakter, Erfahrungen und Situation abhängig. Jedoch kann Aggression für Hunde belohnend und somit positiv sein, in diesem Fall kann gegen Aggression nicht rein mit positiver Verstärkung vorgegangen werden. In der Regel gibt es verschiedene Vorstufen bis zur Eskalation/ Beschädigungsabsicht. Gut sozialisierte Hunde lernen durch Spielen die "Fitness" anderer korrekt einzuschätzen und neigen weniger zu aggressivem Verhalten.
  32. Thema Prägung
  33. Hunde, deren Muttertier in der Schwangerschaft und / oder Aufzucht ein bestimmtes Futter gegessen haben werden dieses Futter bevorzugen. Es gibt zwei Phasen, wobei eine richtige Prägung nur besteht wenn sie in beiden Phasen stattfindet. Die erste Phase ist in den frühen Lebenswochen (8-12) die zweite zwischen dem 6ten und 9ten Monat. In der zweiten Phase muss das Erlernte der ersten bestätigt werden, dann hält es lebenslang. Ein Hund der als Welpe mit verschiedenen Reizen vertraut gemacht wurde (zB Menschen) wird wenn diese Reize nicht nochmals in der zweiten sensiblen Phase bestätigt werden die vorangegangene "Prägung" vergessen (zB Angst vor fremden Menschen).
  34. Thema Erziehungsstil / Lernen / positive Verstärkung
  35. Hunde lernen am besten und effektivsten mit positiver Verstärkung.
  36. Schreckreize oder Strafen führen zu keinem Lerneffekt, sie unterdrücken nur ein bestimmtes Verhalten. Falsch eingesetzt können sie zu Fehlverknüpfungen, Angst- oder Aggressionsverhalten führen. Hierbei müssen die vier Regeln beachtet werden (guter Artikel:
  37. Trotz des Faktes dass positive Verstärkung an effektivsten ist, kommt man nicht darum herum klare Grenzen setzen, sowie Konsequenz zu zeigen. Siehe autoritativer Erziehungsstil.
Und letztlich noch eine kurze Erläuterung, da manche Menschen positive Verstärkung mit gewaltloser Erziehung verwechseln:
Positive Verstärkung / Belohnung: etwas angenehmes Hinzugeben.
Negative Verstärkung / Belohnung: etwas unangenehmes Wegnehmen.
Positive Strafe: etwas unangenehmes Hinzufügen.
Negative Strafe: etwas angenehmes Wegnehmen.
submitted by Curious_Person316 to hundeschule [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:10 mschreiber1 Question about symptom timeline and attending an event

Myself, wife and 8 month old baby all tested positive on 5/11. We all have symptoms. I have the worst symptoms (fever, congestion, etc) This weekend is my nephew’s bar mitzvah. My brother in law and wife are both physicians and are extremely “covid casual”. When we informed them of the situation they said we can still attend, don’t take any more antigen tests and don’t tell anyone we have covid. I’m not conflicted about not attending but my wife is because her brother will be upset if we’re not there. I know the CDC has new guidelines but I’m not sure how it applies to our symptom timeline. My fever seems to have gotten better but we’re all still congested. We still have a few days to assess our symptoms. What should the protocol be in terms of going to an event with about 150 people there?
submitted by mschreiber1 to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:10 Mephisztoe Tiles misaligned when using smooth camera movement interpolation / lerp / visual glitches

I am kinda frustrated at this point.
I am using Tiled for creating a Map.
I use Monogame.Extended.Tiled for importing and rendering the Map.
And I use MonoGame.Extended for a 2D Orthographic Camera.
I don't want the cam to just follow the player by "attaching" it to every movement, but rather have it really follow the player with a "delay" including acceleration and decelleration.
This is my setup:
protected override void Initialize() { // TODO: Add your initialization logic here var viewportAdapter = new BoxingViewportAdapter(Window, GraphicsDevice, 320, 180); camera = new OrthographicCamera(viewportAdapter); camera.LookAt(player.Position); graphics.IsFullScreen = false; graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1600; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 900; graphics.ApplyChanges(); base.Initialize(); } 
Updating all stuff, including interpolation of the cams movement:
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) Exit(); player.Update(gameTime); tiledMapRenderer.Update(gameTime); Vector2 delta = player.Position - camera.Position - new Vector2(152, 82); //Distance from player to cam camera.Position += (delta * 0.08f); //Move the camera by 8% base.Update(gameTime); } 
And finally Draw stuff:
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); var transformationMatrix = camera.GetViewMatrix(); spriteBatch.Begin(transformMatrix: transformationMatrix, samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp); tiledMapRenderer.Draw(transformationMatrix); player.anim.Draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime); } 
While this works in a way that the camera nicely follows along the player, this results in visual glitches.
For a couple of seconds - when walking into one direction - everything looks nice, then, suddenly, vertical or horizontal lines appear between the tiles depending on the direction the players moves to. These lines disappear as soon as the player stops.
I took screenshots of this effect and put them on top of eachother in Gimp and noticed, that the tiles don't correctly align when these lines appear. It is as if the tiles are rendered with one pixel space in between when this issue happens.
Well, I do actually know how to get rid of this:
My rounding the cameras position right before drawing and restoring its original position right after, these glitches are basically gone:
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); // Backup the current camera position Vector2 oldCamPosition = camera.Position; // Calculate the rounded camera position camera.Position = Vector2.Round(camera.Position); var transformationMatrix = camera.GetViewMatrix(); spriteBatch.Begin(transformMatrix: transformationMatrix, samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp); tiledMapRenderer.Draw(transformationMatrix); // Restore the old camera position (for pixel-perfect rendering) camera.Position = oldCamPosition; player.anim.Draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime); } 
However, since I am working with a lowres viewport, and now fixing the cameras floating point vector position to integer values, 1 Pixel equals 5 Pixel on my render target (since it is 5 times larger) and thus this rounding results in a jittery movement of the cam (which appears to be jumping in 5 Pixel steps now).
So I am wondering:
How do achieve a smooth moving camera with NO visual glitches? :)
submitted by Mephisztoe to monogame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:10 Lou_Mennatti Urine sample came up positive for alcohol but I absolutely did not drink

As the title says, I’m currently attending IOP treatment after a stint in rehab and we are tested weekly for alcohol and other drugs. I submitted a sample last Friday and when I came in on Monday my therapist told me my test came back positive for alcohol. I was at a loss for words. I have not had any alcohol or drugs, aside from prescription medication, for 78 days. Some people said it could be my vape that caused it but the research I read doesn’t seem to support that. I have no idea what it was and my therapist seems to believe me but now I feel like some trust has been lost and I have to apologize for something I didn’t do. Has anyone ever experienced this and were you able to determine what caused the positive result? I’m really frustrated and just wanted to vent. Thanks to everyone in this sub and IWNDWYT.
Edit *I have 78 days sober not 73 :-)
submitted by Lou_Mennatti to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:09 BaBaBuyey Weighing positives post earning report: many qtr’s great ER stock has been down always testing support. ER huge premarket and then falling many days preceding. This time is opposite. If can hold 200 move day average and break a five day_free again. &{PE just 15} Stock Connect can be huge in August.

Weighing positives post earning report: many qtr’s great ER stock has been down always testing support. ER huge premarket and then falling many days preceding. This time is opposite. If can hold 200 move day average and break a five day_free again. &{PE just 15} Stock Connect can be huge in August. submitted by BaBaBuyey to baba [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:09 GayBro97Yo Delayed seroconversion on PreP?

26M here.
I’ve done a post about this already but wasn’t quite specific enough so I do apologise.
I’ve had an exposure to someone HIV positive and about 13-14 days later started having a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in my neck only, vomiting, headache and a temperature of 39.5 that lasted only a few hours.
Before meeting the person I was on prep for about 3 weeks but about 3 days beforehand I’ve stopped it and only took two pills an hour and a half before I met him.
I’ve had a negative test at day 19. My question is with delayed seroconversion would I have experienced my symptoms after 14 days? Assuming if I am positive and that’s as in fact seroconversion, would prep delay the production of antibodies or would it delay and seroconversion symptoms as well? It’s hard to explain but what I’m asking is if it’s possible that I’ve had seroconversion symptoms “on time” and yet not have antibodies?
I’ll also post a separate question about p24 and antibodies.
submitted by GayBro97Yo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:09 phunkydisco33 Ok what is happening and yes I did get beta but stilllll.

Ok what is happening and yes I did get beta but stilllll.
The top clear blue and the first easy@home under it is from last night at 9p. The first easy@home was my last test from that box. The second test is from this morning at like 6a and the last test was at 9a. I know these tests aren’t as accurate as beta, but I’ve been through this where the line starts getting lighter and I end up with a chemical. But I’m also trying to remain positive, yet realistic. Thankfully I got my beta and progesterone drawn this morning through fertility.
submitted by phunkydisco33 to lineporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:07 GayBro97Yo HIV delayed seroconversion on PreP?

I’ve done a post about this already but wasn’t quite specific enough so I do apologise.
I’ve had an exposure to someone HIV positive and about 13-14 days later started having a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in my neck only, vomiting, headache and a temperature of 39.5 that lasted only a few hours.
Before meeting the person I was on prep for about 3 weeks but about 3 days beforehand I’ve stopped it and only took two pills an hour and a half before I met him.
I’ve had a negative test at day 19. My question is with delayed seroconversion would I have experienced my symptoms after 14 days? Assuming if I am positive and that’s as in fact seroconversion, would prep delay the production of antibodies or would it delay and seroconversion symptoms as well? It’s hard to explain but what I’m asking is if it’s possible that I’ve had seroconversion symptoms “on time” and yet not have antibodies?
I’ll also post a separate question about p24 and antibodies.
submitted by GayBro97Yo to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:06 GayBro97Yo HIV delayed seroconversion on Prep?

I’ve done a post about this already but wasn’t quite specific enough so I do apologise.
I’ve had an exposure to someone HIV positive and about 13-14 days later started having a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in my neck only, vomiting, headache and a temperature of 39.5 that lasted only a few hours.
Before meeting the person I was on prep for about 3 weeks but about 3 days beforehand I’ve stopped it and only took two pills an hour and a half before I met him.
I’ve had a negative test at day 19. My question is with delayed seroconversion would I have experienced my symptoms after 14 days? Assuming if I am positive and that’s as in fact seroconversion, would prep delay the production of antibodies or would it delay and seroconversion symptoms as well? It’s hard to explain but what I’m asking is if it’s possible that I’ve had seroconversion symptoms “on time” and yet not have antibodies?
I’ll also post a separate question about p24 and antibodies.
submitted by GayBro97Yo to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:05 hotpotato128 The relationship of primary and secondary psychopathy to different types of empathetic deficits.

The present study examined the relationship between the constructs of psychopathy and empathy in 180 undergraduate students. This study addressed discrepancies in previous research concerning these constructs (Blair, Jones, Clark, & Smith, 1997; Lishner, 2012). Assessing different types of psychopathy and empathy did this, as participants completed measures of primary and secondary psychopathy, implicit and explicit cognitive and affective empathy, social desirability, and anxiety. Analyses did not support the part of Hypothesis 1, stating that primary psychopathy would be positively related to explicit cognitive empathy, as a negative association was found. However, as hypothesized, primary psychopathy was unrelated to implicit cognitive empathy. Further mixed results were yielded for Hypothesis 2, that secondary psychopathy would be negatively related to both implicit and explicit cognitive empathy, as a significant negative interaction was found only for secondary psychopathy and implicit cognitive empathy. Finally, when looking at the use of implicit affective physiological measurements, the current study found secondary psychopathy to be significantly negatively related to implicit affective empathy while there was no relation between primary psychopathy and implicit affective empathy. Limitations, directions, and implications for future research of these mixed results are discussed.
Gretak, A. P. (2015). The Relationship of Primary and Secondary Psychopathy to Different Types of Empathetic Deficits [Master's thesis, University of Dayton]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.
I actually don't know what type of empathy I have. It would be fun to get tested on it. Maybe my cognitive empathy is lacking. I score higher on secondary psychopathy.
submitted by hotpotato128 to psychopath [link] [comments]