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McGill University

2010.02.06 05:43 McGill University

This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord.gg/HDHvv58

2019.01.08 23:54 All Elite Wrestling

The Most "Official" Unofficial Subreddit for All Elite Wrestling fans! (Support LGBTQ+ Youth https://www.thetrevorproject.org)

2013.03.15 04:51 IGiveFreeCompliments FreeCompliments: we won't let you leave without a smile! 😃

A SFW subreddit created specifically for giving out free compliments! Want to contribute to the happiness of random humans? Come here and give out a few compliments! Feeling all right but just want a compliment? You're totally welcome here as well! Important disclaimer: this subreddit is not for dishing out advice! We're here to give out compliments and bring smiles - don't expect more! :)

2024.05.13 23:51 WDEera Am I utterly unlucky or are the people I know too lucky?

Am I utterly unlucky or are the people I know too lucky?
I have been playing Genshin Impact since release. I have been paying blessings for two years now, too. And I feel utter frustration seeing how, despite all the money and time I have spent in this game I do not seem to see any result. This feeling has existed for a few months now but with all the annoyance I felt beforehand + Arlechinno’s banner I believe I have reached my limit with this.
I saved 100 wishes for Arlechinno. I had 60 something pity on the limited-event banner. I spent more than ninety wishes on that damn banner just to loose 50/50 at 80 smth pity and later get her at almost the same point. For me, it has always been like this. I noted down my bad luck for half a year to check if I was only focusing on the negative side, but EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER goes like this. I loose at almost 90 and get the character at almost 90 too. I only had one exception with Ayaka at 30 smth 50/50 secured, character I didn’t want to pull for and which I currently dislike and refuse to use or build at all.
I had 100 wishes to get Arlechinno and her weapon at the start of the banner. I have been farming for her weapon until just now, to find myself getting Lyney’s weapon, which I do not desire to have if I lose Alrechinno’s. What is worse is that I knew that was going to happen because it always does. All the limited-time weapons I have exist because I lost 50/50. I got two Venti weapons instead of Cyno’s one. I got Yae Miko’s weapon instead of Wanderer’s. I got two of Yelan’s weapons instead of Lyney’s and Jade’s. I got Nahida’s weapon instead of Cloud Retainer’s. I got Eula’s instead of Kazuha’s. I got Baizhu’s instead of Furina’s. I have NEVER gotten a weapon I wanted. (I have also lost a few 75/25.) And I am not complaining about the weapons. They are great. The issue is that I never won and I never will. And I don’t have any of the characters whose weapons I do have, besides Baizhu and now Lyney.
Not only this. But I also have terrible luck with artifacts to the point in which, after farming 5 months for Alhaitham’s domain, I still haven’t managed to fully build him. (For basic standards, not 1% or whatever crazy folks manage to do.) I am not even close. After farming two months for Neuvillete’s domain I have gotten a total of zero decent pieces of any of the two sets and same thing for Dehya’s desert domain. When a decent piece has the luck to appear, it goes almost always to defence. Either % or plain. Most of my characters have artifacts with high defence. And the worst of all is that, the only character I have that can use defence is Noelle because I do not like geo and I have zero geo five stars. So… yeah. I literally cannot do the Abyss with all stars yet because the only well-built character I have is from 1.0, a four star and a sub DPS. Really falling behind if I cannot even get Kazuha 1000 EM because he’s busy with his 1,200 DEF stats.
I hope this post is relatable for many people who play the game because two friends, also players of this freaky game, NEVER save up. And I mean it. My comrade gets to a new version with 4 wishes, no pity and no guaranteed and gets the character without breaking a sweat. (And they both make sure to say that they’re unlucky when the weapon doesn’t magically appear in their account with 5 pity no guaranteed.) I am happy that they don’t need to suffer to enjoy the characters they like, but it makes me wonder if Hoyoverse hates me as much as they hate Genshin Impact as a game. Or if I simply am a statistic possibility and it is what it is. Please tell me you are like me and they’re just incredibly lucky.
submitted by WDEera to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:50 TTYY200 MVVM (specifically for WPF) clarification needed. Can someone help me understand?

So long story short, through my self guided learning over the last year or so, I've pretty well absorbed all the knowledge I can around WPF and XAML. (Furthermore on the XAML side thanks to some legacy code that needs to be maintained using Expressions Blend and no C# code-behind- but that's another story) In all of this time ... I am still a little confused around my specific needs regarding my desktop application and what constitutes a Viewmodel vs. a Viewmodel.
Lets get through the basics. I am creating a document writer of sorts. Its purpose is to autogenerate values, and edit default values, as well as load existing documents values into memory and be able to edit values from a loaded document. The UI is mostly ON/OFF for values and fields can be added, removed, etc through the UI. The GUI directly represents the data in the documents being generated. However, I have logic for all of my Viewmodels that prevents users from entering certain values. as well as locig that checks other parameters (if they exist) in the document (the loaded document in memory that the ui directly correlates to) to see if the values are in or out of bounds, as well as a plethora of other error handling for validation and verification like non-zero values, alpha values in a number box etc. As well as a bunch of logic that should automate the process of generating this document. For example if you add a parameter and turn it on(or true) that value will autopopulate another parameter and inform the user they must enter a value in the new input field.
I am assuming all of this is corect to assume this is Viewmodel specific logic - it has to be otherwise I have no easy way to assert this logic.
Hoever I have been reading online regarding what is and what is not 'business logic' in my application and i am unsure as to whether or not I might even have a 'model' ... Or i may be confusing some of my 'services' with what should be a 'model'. Ive been reading that business logic could be called domain logic, but that doesnt really help me..... vm should contain input logic. the view should contain output logic. It seems like everything in my case is a viewmodel....
I have a few services for reading/writing XML, reading/writing JSON, an error handler, a logger, a library for hashing, a PDF builder, an XDoc writer, user security, etc. Some of these are purely services. libraries that wrap functionality like reading and writing files using data passed to them. Others are services that consume c++ DLL's and they simply wrap the extern calls. Some just store data to help decide what to display to users. (like units for a value) using enums and static dictionaries in a static class. I would for the most part consider these to be 'services'. custom libraries that i am using in the view models. and in my only model class 'configuration'.
The configuration class reads in some configuration data on startup and these files are only ever change when the application receives an update. The configuration class holds the configuration data in a dictionary for the viewmodels to pull form as they need it. The data is already processed but the config class and all its data is packaged neatly for the viewmodels to grab.
Does this seem like an appropriate way to organize my program in an MVVM architecture? I am maybe confusing my services for what models should be doing, the services i am using are doing the 'business/domain logic'?
anybody who has some experience with MVVM standards that can chime in, my ears are open :P
submitted by TTYY200 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:50 Spartabrave Kingmaker: A Game of Thrones in Brevoy [5e][Discord][ERP]

Kingmaker: A Game of Thrones in Brevoy
System: Dungeons & Dragons 5e
Format: Discord Text pbp
No. of Players: 5
[Notice: This is a 18+ campaign. It contains NSFW and adult elements.]

The same message has appeared on bounty boards and in taverns across Brevoy.
Those able of body and brave of heart are invited to the mansion of Lady Jamandi Aldori, Swordlord & Chief Defender of Restov, to embark on an expedition into the Stolen Lands.
Bandits and monsters have been allowed to infest our southern borders for far too long. Those selected will be divided into groups and given a charter to reopen old trade routes and secure the surrounding territory. The brave-hearted mercenaries and adventurers who choose to take on this quest will face unimaginable danger, but whomever succeeds shall receive honor, glory, and a noble title granting dominion over the lands they've claimed to pass on their children.

For generations, the Stolen Lands have spanned the southern border of Brevoy. Many attempts have been made to settle them, but to date, none have succeeded, making these 35,000 square miles of wilderness the largest swath of unclaimed land in the entire region. As tensions mount in Brevoy, one ambitious swordlord hopes to change that fact.
Lady Jamandi Aldori is issuing charters to several groups of adventurers, sending them south into the Stolen Lands to reopen old trade routes and defeat the bandits and monsters who have made them too dangerous to use. By sending free agents south, this swordlord of Rostland hopes to alter the political balance of power in Brevoy without sacrificing her own position or forces. Yet, as with most complex and brilliant plans, the future holds plenty of opportunities for disaster.
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
Hello! I'm a longtime DM and a huge fan of A Song of Ice & Fire. I'm looking to run a campaign that's heavily influenced by the series I hold so dear. If you're a casual fan who's only seen Game of Thrones or House or the Dragon, you're more than welcome! The main things I'm looking for here are quality roleplay and enthusiasm. If you've got that, I promise we can have a good game together.
"Winter is coming."
Kingmaker is an Adventure Path originally designed by Paizo for the Pathfinder RPG but has been converted to be compatible with the 5th edition D&D ruleset. I'm taking so serious liberties with it but the bones of the adventure remain the same. Kingmaker is a high fantasy campaign that thrusts the player characters into a unique situation of building their own kingdom and carving out their own niche upon the world. You may be a scion of a lesser branch of the great families with ambitions that can't be hindered by your place in the succession. You could be a commoner whose witnessed your humble community suffer at the hands of the lawless bandits pillaging the countryside and will take on this great challenge so your family can live free. Perhaps you are a bastard child of a powerful figure and now seek to carve out your own kingdom knowing that you stand to inherit nothing you don't build for yourself.
"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
I've got a couple of expectations for the characters that will be brought into the adventure. I am looking for characters with reasons to have a desire to venture into hostile territory and work as a team to build a kingdom. Good or evil doesn't matter but chaos doesn't serve to further the group. So, no chaotic alignment will be allowed. This is not the campaign for chaotic evil players looking to betray the other players, loners or free-spirited vagabonds.
"Backstabbing doesn't prepare you for a fight, and that's all the realm is now. Backstabbing and scheming and arse-licking and money-grubbing."
Political intrigue is a pillar of the series inspiring this and a big part of my plans, but in order to keep charisma from being everyone's primary stat I will be using a reputation system to even the playing field when dealing with individuals of consequence. In certain circles, a knight renowned for their honor and bravery is going to be as respected and influential, if not more, as a traditional face will be anywhere else. I think this will do a lot to allow the party to have a proper balance of classes with no one feeling handicapped in the social aspects.
"Let me give you some counsel, bastard. Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you."
You may have noticed the tag, and the catch is: This is an adult only game, featuring erotic roleplay where characters can engage in sexual activities with no fade-to-black, etc. Lewd events, plans, consequences, and more are all on the table in this campaign. If you've watched either of the shows on HBO, this probably isn't much of a surprise to you. I'd like to be clear that just because it's on the table, this game will not become a raunchy, never ending orgy. There is usually meaning behind how sex is used in the series and that's what I'm looking to emulate.
"Distrusting me was the wisest thing you've done since you climbed off your horse."
GRRM often uses the intimate scenes to peel back layers to a character. Sometimes to paint them in a different light, other times to drive them further into the role he wishes to present them to the reader in. Some examples would be Tyrion's lingering trauma and emotional vulnerability, driving him to purchase the closest thing he believes he can have to real love being a way to earn Tyrion the reader's sympathy. Contrast that with Cersei's narcissism making her seek lovers, she can view as idealized male versions of herself, the only match worthy in her deranged mind. Or how Littlefinger justifies his pitiless ambition, being something forced on him by a cruel and unfair world that's kept him and his one true love apart by no fault of their own.
"Love is the death of duty."
PCs are encouraged to find and nurture romantic relationships with other characters or NPCs. Weddings are considered the truest way of sealing alliances, after all. Beyond the love lives of the characters, there are many other scenarios. A corrupt noble might be willing to trade information to carry on an affair on their spouse. A sex scandal could undermine the legitimacy of a claimant in a contested succession. Barbarian raiders may attack a village under your protection and take the women as slaves. Spies might attempt to seduce you in order to secure a position in your court and feed information to a rival house. A neighboring tyrant might earn your ire when reports of him abusing his authority to take advantage of an unfortunate captive or innocent reaches you.
"The things I do for love."
Because I'm sure it needs to be said. ERP will not be my main focus while running this; it may or may not even happen on my end. I'll already be responsible for the story, so trying to match everyone's taste in smut on top of that might be biting off more than I can chew. That being said, I'm all for your characters sharing a tent during the long weeks of adventuring because I think a good amount of sexual tension adds player investment and fun to the story. While I'm not promising anything, I'm not firmly ruling things out on my end either. You all could charm your way into a few NPC's pants to loosen a secret from their lips or secure a favor down the road. You might decide to blow your coins on prostitutes while visiting the capital. If the scene serves the story (or I'm just feeling horny that day), I may indulge you! Just wanted to make sure you're aware that just because I am open to ERP does not mean I'm making a commitment to provide it to everyone, expecting all players to take part in it, or putting it ahead of the actual campaign in any capacity.
"There are no other men like me. Only me."
If it's not apparent by now, I'm very serious about making this game something great. I love the ASOIAF books; I love the adventure path; I love the cRPG, and I desperately want to do justice by all three influences. Expect a bit of gritty realism and tragedy in this story. Your triumphs will be hard fought. Your holdings will face constant peril. Your enemies will always be lurking with their knives out for the moment you drop your guard. However, the rewards for your success in this campaign are unlike any other. I truly don't think there is another adventure that matches the sense of accomplishment that comes from taking a stretch of hostile wilderness and carving your own thriving kingdom from it.
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
A little bit on my approach to DMing this. I plan on running this very differently from traditional D&D 5e. Combat is obviously what the system does the most of, but if you've ever watched GoT or HotD you'd see the main characters don't draw their swords all that often. In fact, a lot of the main cast never have their own fight scenes. I like this less is more approach a great deal and think it'll bring a lot to the pbp experience. Outside of encounters with a named enemy, I won't be using initiative. This is so the RP isn't held up by any individual's schedule. I'll also be utilizing the minion rule from 4e where all the monsters have 1 HP. Their AC remains the same, so if you have trouble hitting them, the danger remains but low damage rolls won't cause encounters to drag unnecessarily.
"Hard truths cut both ways."
Matching the tone of the books this campaign is inspired by will take collaboration. I want the heroes of this story to have lives that involve more than their swords and spells. If you’re just looking to roleplay a non-stop fantasy porno, this isn't the game for you. But if you are interested in writing a character who is enriched by getting to explore their desires, be influenced by lusts, make compromises out of attraction, and maybe even experience heartbreak if their trust and affection wound up in the wrong hands-- then you're exactly who I'm looking for!
"If I do not press my claim, my claim will be forgotten. I will not become a page in someone else's history book."
If you can't be bothered to respond to the RP for days at a time, I'm going to kick you out! Plain and simple. I won't be reaching out. I won't be constantly giving you reminders. There will be no stoppages for you to get your shit together. It's a big world, and I'm not going to hesitate to find someone else interested in actively participating in the adventure if you go ghost. I understand that IRL always comes first, so if you have the common courtesy to reach out and explain your circumstances that prevent you from putting together a couple paragraphs every day, then I will still be replacing you, but I will move your character out of the story for you to pick up later on when you can. If you can't manage to let me know what's going on, then I'm just going to forget about you and move right along so everyone else can continue the fun!
"I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things."
My plan to be pretty rules-light with this campaign since while I run a lot of D&D, I haven't run that many text games. I'm still confident I can handle it, but I'm just throwing it out there in case there are bumps along the road. If you're more experienced in the pbp arena than I am, I'd greatly appreciate your advice as things are coming together. We will be using dndbeyond and the standard discord bots. In my experience, these games work a lot better when the story is put above mechanics, so keeping things to PHB races and PHB/XgtE subclasses. If you're looking to do some awesome game-breaker build you've theory crafted for months. This may not be the game for it. I don't plan on meticulously tracking things to make sure you get your sentinel feat trigger each turn. I also won't be allowing you to play an obscure race/subrace that doesn’t fit the setting just because you really like a specific ability.
“Oh, my sweet summer child, what do you know about fear?”
Alright! That's my pitch. Sorry you had to read all that, but hopefully you're still interested and can see I don't have a problem handing out paragraphs, so this game ought to be in good hands. I look forward to reading your applications and will be leaving the form open for the next week while I work on the discord server.
“The night is dark and full of terrors.”
So that was a lot, but any of you who are still interested please don't hesitate! I'll be happy to have you and look forward to playing with you. As well as hopefully some fun debates about who we're rooting for in HotD season 2 as it airs.
“There is only one god, and His name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: 'not today'.”
The application link is down below! I'm going to leave it open for a week so folks don't miss out. I will be checking it regularly, so if I find a bunch of folks I like over the first couple days, I'll reach out to them, but I'm sure we all know how these sorts of games go. People may drop out or prove unreachable, so even if you're not someone who hears back from me immediately, we might be writing together soon!
The Stolen Lands await you!
submitted by Spartabrave to pbp [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:50 infosec-jobs [HIRING][USD 139K - 179K] Senior Cyber Security Analyst in San Jose, CA

Senior Cyber Security Analyst
Valley Water
Salary: $139,963.20 - $179,192.00 Annually
Job Type: Full-Time
Job Number: 01782-E
Location: CA, CA
Department: Information Technology
Closing: 5/31/2024 11:59 PM Pacific
Overview: Do you have Six (6) years' experience supporting…
Read more / apply: https://infosec-jobs.com/job/120075-senior-cyber-security-analyst/
submitted by infosec-jobs to NetworkingJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:49 Repulsive_Union2244 Vendor-Neutral vs Vendor-Specific Certifications: What is Best for Me?

The IT industry offers a vast array of certifications, each promising to catapult your career to new heights. However, with so many options, selecting the right one can be a daunting task.
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To make an informed decision, it's essential to understand the differences between vendor-specific and vendor-neutral certifications.
Vendor-Specific Certifications
Vendor-specific certifications focus on specific technologies, products, or software platforms, such as:
These certifications demonstrate expertise in a particular tool or platform, showcasing your ability to work with specific technologies. However, the skills acquired may not be transferable to similar products from other vendors. Additionally, the specific product or technology may become obsolete, requiring costly and time-consuming reskilling with other vendor-specific certifications.
Vendor-Neutral Certifications
Vendor-neutral certifications, on the other hand, focus on best practices and concepts in areas like:
These certifications showcase your adaptability, versatility, and knowledge of industry-standard concepts, making you highly employable across various companies and industries.
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CompTIA is a trusted and well-established provider of vendor-neutral certifications, offering a range of certifications that meet industry-standard requirements for hiring practices. Many CompTIA certifications are recognized by government agencies and are a prerequisite for IT jobs in these sectors.
Cyber Security Certifications
If you aspire to become a cyber security expert, consider the following certifications:
Choosing the right certification depends on your career goals, current skill level, and desired area of expertise. Consider the cost, time commitment, and how valuable the certification will be to current and potential employers. By selecting the appropriate certification, you can enhance your IT career, increase your earning potential, and stay competitive in the ever-evolving IT industry.
submitted by Repulsive_Union2244 to CompTIA_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:48 TheRetro_Misfit How do I get a trespass lifted?

Over a year ago, right after I turned 18, I was being stupid and I shoplifted from Walmart. I got caught because of course I did, and I was told that I am banned from all walmarts in the world from the rest of my life. I was not charged and the police were not called. The security guard told me that I could appeal to have the ban lifted after some time passed, and I was wondering how much time needs to pass before I appeal, as well as how I am supposed to actually appeal. I’m not a frequent shoplifter, I was just stupid and broke and I didn’t want to pay for some ugly shirt I thought was cool. I live in a really small town and it is incredibly inconvenient for me to have to go to the next town over every time I need to go shopping. Target is also expensive :(
submitted by TheRetro_Misfit to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:47 definedmatrix One state solution

Dear ladies and gentlemen, citizens of this Earth, esteemed members of the international community, and representatives of the Israeli government,
It is time not only to speak words but to show actions. It is time for the Israeli people and its government to demonstrate the character that distinguishes them: a character of humanity, justice, and reconciliation. In a time where we stand after so many years of oppression and suffering, it is time for us to confront the past and shape the future together.
Declaration of the Initiative: Introduction of a commitment from all governments to protect the people affected by emergencies. If we should have learned anything from the Holocaust, it is that the Jewish people relied on the international community's intervention to halt Hitler's genocide. It was the only chance to curb blind hatred and dehumanization, out of reason, duty, and to counteract ethnonational theories. A state against diversity is an illegitimate state, subjected to national racial theories. Emergency Initiative Palestine The initiative to temporarily secure Palestinian interests and human rights before the international community is a step that unequivocally asserts that the Palestinian people are entitled to political representation that can fully exercise and defend their rights. This is about more than just principles; it is about restoring dignity and justice for every individual Palestinian.
Argument against a Two-State Solution: Advocating for a two-state solution is an insult to every Palestinian and Israeli alike. Such a solution would merely shift the walls of the prison without eliminating the fundamental injustices. Every Palestinian deserves exactly the same rights and securities as an Israeli, including an Israeli passport and effective protection of their interests in court.
Explanation of Basic Rights:
  1. Human Dignity and Protection against Discrimination: Every individual Palestinian deserves respect and dignity, free from discrimination and oppression. The past has shown that this dignity has often been violated, but it is time to restore it.
  2. Right to Freedom and Equality: In a two-state solution, equality would not be ensured, as economic and social disparities would persist. Every Palestinian should enjoy the same opportunities and freedoms as an Israeli.
  3. Right to Physical Integrity and Security: The security of Palestinians can only be ensured through a comprehensive solution that guarantees their full integration and equal rights. A two-state solution would not guarantee this security.
  4. Protection of Family and Right to Assembly: Palestinian families deserve protection from violence and repression, as well as the right to assemble freely and organize politically.
  5. Right to Equal Opportunities and Economic Stability: A two-state solution would not create fair opportunities for the Palestinian population but would continue to disadvantage them. Every Palestinian deserves the same economic opportunities as an Israeli.
Conclusion: It is time for us to confront the past together and correct the mistakes of history. It is time for the Israeli people and its government to show that they are a people of humanity and justice. A two-state solution is no longer an option but a just and comprehensive solution that respects and protects the rights and dignity of every individual Palestinian.
Let us walk this path of reconciliation and peace together, for only together can we shape a future based on the principles of justice, equality, and humanity.
Citizenship and full rights. For each Palestinian acceping the State of Israel.
Same rights. Same schools. Freedom of Travel. Same opportunities
submitted by definedmatrix to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:47 General_Ad7381 I guess I finally realized the obvious?

I've recently started a new job, and new job means new people.
Without staying on him for too long, one guy in particular is, as far as I can tell, interesting, and I do genuinely want to get to know him. more (strictly as friends, which I've expressed to him). However, in just under two weeks it's become abundantly obvious that he heavily leans more towards the anxious side of this scale.
Since becoming more aware of my own attachment issues, I make a point to observe my own reactions to people. This is the first time I'm really able to see my internal reaction to someone who is most likely AP (most of the people in my life are actually FA or secure).
I've realized that despite my own interest in getting to know him, his eagerness, I guess, revolts me. My instinct is to distance myself as much as possible. In self-reflecting, I think I've come to realize that a lot of this is simply because I don't trust him and don't understand why he wants to know so much if there's not an ulterior motive.
Which is what books and whatnot tend to say about us a lot of times anyway, but sometimes reading something like that is different from actually realizing it.
submitted by General_Ad7381 to AvoidantAttachment [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:47 Minespidurr Seriously considering military or trade route after graduation

Long story short, I’m about to graduate with my engineering degree that’s taken me 7 years to finish (due to pandemic and other emergencies) without a job lined up and huge uncertainty as to whether I’ll enjoy working in the engineering field for a living. I’ve considered going the military route (specifically the Air Force as an officer) or some other route involving the trades (electrician, plumbing, carpentry, IT). Basically, I’m open to anything I can fall back on if I’m unsuccessful in finding a job in a very competitive engineering field.
I’ve tried finding internships in college but they’re very competitive. I’m competing against peers of mine who have much more resources than I do that hard work alone honestly can’t compensate for. I’ve tried doing engineering projects outside of class to help me stand out, but it’s hard to do anything unique when I barely have enough money to afford food. I’m a low income student with no support from my parents, which makes standing out for entry level positions a lot harder as I don’t have time for extracurriculars because of my financial situation.
As a result, I’ve been rejected to well over 100 internship roles I’ve applied for over the last 4 months. I’ve had interviews that I thought went well end in rejection or being ghosted completely. While I do need to make some improvements (I.e making an online portfolio, networking), it’s made me seriously begin to doubt I can break into this field and actually start making money. This is why I’ve considered other routes such as the trades and military.
I guess I’m just wondering what other options could be available to someone like me. I’m 24M, relatively physically healthy, no criminal record, about to have a B.S in engineering, and am very eager to learn any skills necessary to secure a decent living and escape poverty. I’ve had friends go both the trade and military route who were satisfied with their decisions, but I have also heard the opposite too.
submitted by Minespidurr to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:46 CenTexChris Vengeance RGB Pro RAM upgrade woes

Vengeance RGB Pro RAM upgrade woes
Howdy folks,
I built my mostly-Corsair PC back in 2019 and it's been a champ up until last night, when I tried to increase the RAM from 32GB to 64GB and was met with BSOD after BSOD after BSOD. Everything returns to normal when I remove the new RAM.
System specs:
  • Ryzen 7 2700X (not overclocked) on a GigaByte B450 Aorus PRO WiFI running Win 10 Pro
  • 2x16GB (32GB) Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro DDR4 3200MHz RAM in slots A2 & B2
  • Corsair RM750X, GigaByte GeForce RTX2060 Super
  • Inland Premium 1TB NVME M.2 SSD, Corsair K70 Mk. 2 & M65
  • Corsair 220T RGB -- recently replaced Corsair Commander Pro, Lighting Node CORE and six SP120s with Corsair ICUE Link System Hub and six RX120s... works wonderfully
Yesterday I bought another 32GB of what I think is the exact same RAM (see box photos above; original on the left for $195 and new on the right for $80 currently at Best Buy).
I'm pretty sure I had the new sticks properly seated in slots A1 and B1 as I heard them click into place with the plastic holders snapping shut. ICUE picked them up on the reboot and lit them up. Windows reported 64GB of RAM. And then I started getting a series of continuous BSOD crashes, to wit:
  • CRITICAL PROCESS DIED (this one occured several times)
  • KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED (win32kfull.sys)
From the Command Prompt, I ran sfc / scannow along with DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth with no errors reported. I ran the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool which made two passes without detecting any issues.
When I remove the new RAM, the BSOD problems all go away and it's back to smooth sailing with Corsair.
I took the original RAM out of A2 & B2 and put the new RAM in its place and it seemed to run fine, but I didn't leave it in for very long.
The ver. numbers are different between the two sets. The original is 3.44 and the new is 5.32.
The SKU on the original box is CMW32GX4M2Z3200C16 and on the new box it's 4M2E instead of 4M2Z.
I suppose I should just return the new RAM and try to sell the old and then just upgrade the whole thing to 3600MHz with all four sticks of the same version number, but I thought I'd check with you folks first to see if I'm doing anything wrong. Thanks in advance!
submitted by CenTexChris to Corsair [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:46 Lothere55 Six Decants from u/Hype_Moments: Reviewed!

Decant Reviews Part II: The Revenge! This batch came to me from the most excellent u/Hype_Moments, who thoughtfully reached out to me to inform me of his services after I expressed dismay at my inability to obtain samples directly from Montagne. The decants arrived promptly and packaged securely enough to withstand a nuclear blast! I also appreciate the attention to detail when it comes to labeling: matching Montagne's font and including the notes makes the sampling process feel very deluxe. Great experience, would order again!
On to the fragrances. Unless stated otherwise, I have not smelled the inspiration fragrances, so I am judging these on their own merit. For your reference, I typically prefer unisex fragrances, but I decided to roll the dice and included three feminine scents this time. I'm 29, and I work in both office and classroom environments. Let's get into it!
Eau Vanille: This one is not for everyone, but it's definitely for me. The rich, deep vanilla combined with the guiac wood and incense smells like going to mass at a grand Cathedral. Sophisticated, solemn, mysterious. I imagine that Notre Dame smells like this on Good Friday. Honestly, it kind of reminds me of my confirmation. I swear, the oil the bishop puts on your (greasy, 13-year-old) forehead smells a lot like this. That said, I love this because it reminds me of a positive moment in my faith formation, but it may evoke complex or negative reactions in others. The incense calms down after a couple of hours, which allows the vanilla to shine. Definitely not too sweet, and reads straightforwardly unisex to me. If you're a vanilla-lover looking for something a bit different with some oomph, this could be for you. Maybe not the best choice for the heat of summer, but I will be looking to purchase the full bottle come autumn. Would wear to my arch-rival's funeral.
Strawberry Milk: The wildcard of the bunch. I did not think I was going to like this because I thought it was going to be extremely juvenile and sickly sweet. I ordered it out of pure curiosity after hearing about the ungodly sums folks were shelling out to get their hands on a bottle. While it's definitely a sweet gourmand, it's not syrupy sweet. It's kind of fruity and powdery and just a bit herbal. There's something in here that comes off a little minty to my nose, which is baffling considering the notes. I'm not getting anything particularly strawberry-like, though. Maybe a hint of something lactonic, like malted milk powder, and a burnt-sugar note that could be caramel. Very wearable if you like sweet scents. Not obtrusive, kind of like if you gave a your-skin-but-better scent some moxie. Certainly not your typical celebrity scent. I could see a lot of women liking this. The longevity wasn't the best on this one, though: I think I got about four hours out of it. I'm not personally in love with it, but I'm glad I tried it.
Pink Rose Exclusif: Good Lord, y'all. This THE hot girl perfume. The most attractive woman you can think of probably wears this. It's a really beautiful, sweet, creamy, powdery rose wrapped in a veil of incense and supported by vanilla and woody notes in the base. There's some fruitiness in there too, particularly in the opening. Despite the powderiness and incense, it's quite edible smelling; like a fruity sponge cake that's also drenched in rose syrup, served immediately after the Confirmation service (callback!). I recognize this scent because I have encountered it in the wild on women wearing Delina Exclusif or its dupes, and it definitely... affects me, shall we say. This will turn heads for sure. It also lasts forever with excellent projection. I put on 3 sprays, wore it all day, went to sleep, and then my pillow and sheets smelled like Pink Rose Exclusif for DAYS, just from coming into contact with my arm. You absolutely do not need much of this. As much as I love it, I'm on the fence about whether to buy it, because I'm not sure how often I would actually wear it. It's a little more femme than my personal style usually calls for, imo. Plus, I'm not sure I want all the attention this would garner. That said, it's a 10/10 frag, I'd go for it today if I were single and ready to mingle. UPDATE: After writing this review, I got the opportunity to test the OG in-store, and I can confirm that this is a 1 to 1 dupe. I don't detect any difference whatsoever. Nice work, Montagne!
Pink Rose: This one humbled me. I had already tried the Exclusif version, and figured this was the more wearable, daytime version. I did my normal application (1 spray each on wrists & inner elbows, 2 sprays on the neck, 1 on the front of my shirt) and then headed to the office. When my coworker told me I smelled good from 6 feet away, I knew I had overdone it. I was smelling this all day long, from the 8:30 AM application until bed time. And not just little whiffs here and there, I'm talking constant presence in my olfactory organ. A little distracting, if I'm honest. Luckily, it's a beautiful fragrance. Florals are hit or miss for me, but I have a soft spot for rose. Whereas the Exclusif smells like rose dessert, this smells like a living rose growing fresh and vibrant in the garden. The litchi and rhubarb bring in a little sharpness, and there's a green accord in there that's really refreshing. This is rose done in a modern, interesting way, and I dig it. Feminine, but in a way that feels manageable for my typical presentation. Despite my initial blunder, I do think it's more every-day wearable than its sister as long as you are conservative with your application. Will buy for sure, and probably sooner rather than later.
Carnal Gray Extrait: In a word: exquisite. This smells like being wealthy, well-traveled, and the hottest person at the function. Charisma in a bottle. Effortlessly sexy without being provocative. It's well blended, but not linear. We start with a spicy, herbaceous opening; you get the cardamom right away, with some sweet green undertones. Then, a beautiful dry down. It becomes more powdery with a bit sweetness thanks to iris, tonka, and vanilla. The woodiness from cedar and sandalwood and earthiness from vetiver and patchouli keep it from going gourmand, and the result is something deep, dark, and complex. Perfect for special occasions where you want to dress to impress, this would be the ultimate companion to a well-tailored suit or a fancy cocktail dress. Apparently folks are somewhat divided on whether Gris Charnel Extrait leans feminine or masculine, but to me, CGE is perfectly unisex. Great performance; three sprays lasts me all day with moderate projection. This is my favorite fragrance from Montagne so far, and in the running for my favorite fragrance of all time. It's probably not the best choice for the hot, humid summer that's coming my way, but I don't even care, this is going to the top of the queue. 12/10, I am writing in my will that I want this sprayed on me before I go in the casket.
Brooklyn Jazz: At last, a fragrance that I can compare to its inspiration! I have smelled and fallen in love with Maison Margiela's Jazz Club, and was super excited to see how the wallet-friendly version from Montagne stacks up. Indeed, it's a very close match. We have a nice peppery opening that gives way to boozy, rum tobacco heaven. It's not in the notes, but this definitely comes off leathery to my nose. It smells like sitting in a leather armchair, sipping on dark liquor, and smoking... some kind of tobacco product. I want to say a pipe rather than a cigar, but neither is my vice of choice, so I can't be sure. Either way, old school badass. Think Ron Swanson in Duke Silver mode. If anything, there is perhaps more of an herbal accord here that I didn't notice in Jazz Club, but that could be due to the translation from EDT to EDP. Masculine leaning, but still suitable for ladies who appreciate smokey scents. Altogether, a lovely warm and cozy scent. Decent longevity, but the projection could be better (maybe needs maceration). I do like it, but I'm more motivated to get my hands on Carnal Gray Extrait and Eau Vanille, both of which are certainly different, but occupy a similar region of the fragrance family tree. I may pick it up after I make it through the summer.
Thanks for reading my reviews! And special thank-yous to both u/Hype-Moments and u/AyybrahamLmaocoln for supplying this community with decants and saving us from the anxiety of blind-buying. Let me know if you have any recommendations for my next decant order, particularly more masculine scents that are good for summer; I want my collection to have a little of everything. What do y'all think of Afternoon Dive and Torino 2021? That's all, over and out.
submitted by Lothere55 to MontagneParfums [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:46 Upper-Albatross3601 Dear honda insight 2001

This is a small story, I bought this vehicle, you know that old saying "they don't make them like they used to." That's basically what happened.
I had to take a trip from Arizona to California to simply get back home and survive the night.
I did not have enough money, so I simply added $20 dollars, so I say this...
For my dear $20 dollar honda insight 2001 I've used on gas.
I am a college student trying my best to save money, but never expected to be in a car that literally I had enough tank to take the trip back and forward to AZ and CA TWO TIMES AND MORE IF I WANTED TO! Dear honda thank you so much you have made a car that is better at saving gas. Poor little 3 cylinder engine that if you get someone else in the car, now the engine is at the max power which cannot go any faster XD
When I was driving, I was getting between 100 mpg and 50 mpg back and forward.
Now my next goal is to make this car more comfortable by creating some 3D printed materials lol.
submitted by Upper-Albatross3601 to hondainsight [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:45 Is-atlen Thoughts in this mix?

Thoughts in this mix?
Decided to mix something today kinda SOF stuff around some time I would’ve e loved to have a Mich2000 but I haven’t got it yet. Wanted to know yall thoughts. (Everything is almost rep btw) By far this is what I used for this “loadout try” I have more stuff and I need to get more stuff eventually sorry for English kit name list and etc if I’m wrong correct me. Greetings from Puerto Rico. -Kit list by far: Atairsoft High Cut helmet Rep Wilcox FMA GPNVG18 Rep HelStar IR strobe TAC-SKY C3 comtac AVIATOR shades (from my grandpa)💀
USGI ACU field jacket TQ (Torniquete) on right arm Call sign patch (G-25) IR U.S. flag BW IR Square 1x1 USGI DSCP shirt tan Sport TanBlack watch from Walmart👍 Garmin Foretex 401 GPS VISMIX plate carrier Rep U94 PTT EDC Gear scissors Emerson gear Velcro zipper (top and down for secure storage) iPhone 13 case mount (3d printed) All weather universal notebook with sharpie, pen and pencil Mechanix Gloves Emerson gear flap triple mag pouch Hydration holder ITW nexus military carabiner Emerson gear single mag pouch Eagle Industries frag granade pouch Prop funtional M67 frag granade Emerson gear multipurpose pouch (using it as a IFAK) 25KN carabiner Rep AN/PRC 152 Radio (no function) Haley strategic Prc radio pouch Rep blade antenna TRI Avis gear back panel pouch Emerson gear FLASHBANG/SMOKE GRANADE pouch Rep FLASHBANG model 7290 Chemlights functional (ir chemlights rep) USGI DSCP belt Folding Multifunctional tool with black pouch K9 tactical deployment dog lead quick and release
USGI M81 (WOODLAND) Trousers Lowa boots MK2 GTX
Daniel Defense MK18 Emerson gear Multicam sling RVG Grip vertical Rep EOTECH EXPS3 HSW Rep G33 Magnifier Rep PEQ-15 Rep SUREFIRE light (Full set from WADSN)
If I forgot something let me know ofc. Extra things: Hard Plastic plates for realism (took out the foam ones) No hydration bag it was in the freezer, I was in a rush 👍 Yes I have a dog tag on me (I was in a cuasi-military academy) Clif shot energy gel (100mg caffeine) Marlboro pack of cigarettes (prop) In the back panel pouch⬇️ 1 American Flag Orange Tape in a ziplock bag 1 MRE Filter for the vibe I’d say. Thanks.
submitted by Is-atlen to MilSim [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:44 Future_P HugeWin Casino - Daily Innovative Games with Endless Bonuses

HugeWin Casino is the most current industry-leading cryptocurrency-based online casino to make ripples in the market. Operating under a Curacao license and managed by Dynamic Group N.V., Hugewin provides players with over 6000 games, a substantial welcome bonus, daily bonuses, and reimbursement for any games they lose. The stalwarts of the business, Pragmatic Play, and Evolution Gaming, created the games. HugeWin appears to be a great option for crypto enthusiasts when you take into account the simplicity of speedy cryptocurrency transfers and withdrawals.
Hugewin Casino is a packed functional cryptocurrency gaming platform with thousands of incredible slots, tables, live dealers, and live betting options for sports that are powered by top studios. HugeWin is a sportsbook with a similar objective that accepts bettors of all skill levels. HugeWin stands out as a smooth, successful central betting location thanks to its constant promos and competitive odds on more than 30 sports and specialty leagues.
Live, in-play betting is available at HugeWin Casino as soon as the game begins. This allows bets to be modified in response to events as they happen and changes in momentum. Players also have the option of paying out their current wagers early in order to lock in earnings or limit losses. HugeWin provides its customers with a wide range of casino games, sports betting, strong security, and a few more extras to make their experience even better.
Even on a boring day, if you still can't get enough sports, try out Hugewin Casino's virtual sports simulator. In these computer-generated, photo-realistic contests, you can wager on virtual football, horses, greyhounds, and other sports. Hugewin Casino consequently provides you with these enjoyable additions that blend seamlessly with their website. While you're not working, you can utilize these to kill time by playing slots with characters from your favorite movies or wagering on virtual games. Their goal is to offer a complete entertainment experience in a single location.
submitted by Future_P to BitcoinGambling [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:44 AnAnOgg Bitcoin can't survive long term with a fixed cap

Been lurking here a long time, but I wanted to post this because I don't hear anyone really talking about this:
Once all of the bitcoin has been mined, miners will need to rely solely on transaction fees for income. The bitcoin network can handle a maximum of around 220 million transactions per year.
Let's pretend the last bitcoin got mined today. If the average transaction costs, say, $10, that means that miners will only generate a maximum of $2.2 billion in total revenue per year going forward. This number is simply too small for bitcoin to function, especially if it's meant to secure trillions of dollars of value.
A single musk-rich person in that future era could absolutely wreak the network by just spending a few billion usd on mining to overwhelm it and not allow any legitimate transactions through. (A 51% attack has the power to prevent any/all transactions)
Even if it's $1,000/transaction, that's still only $220 B. If bitcoin is supposed to be a global reserve currency, that's an awfully small number required to crash the system.
And this is only if there are enough people willing to spend $1000/transaction to fill up all the blocks! In reality, people will do whatever they can to avoid doing actual transactions on the blockchain because it will be too expensive. (By using custody services such as etfs or the beloved lightning network)
All of this means that ultimately, if bitcoin is to survive and thrive, they MUST eliminate the cap and make it inflationary! Inflation is the only way to spread the cost of securing the network to all hodlers.
You might think you could just make changes to increase the number of transactions the network is capable of making, but that won't be enough. There simply aren't enough people willing to spend enough money on transactions fees for the network to be secure enough to be a global reserve currency, especially when custody services will always exist for people who want even lower transaction fees.
The only other possibility I can think of is that bitcoin simply doesn't grow all that much and it's market cap stays somewhere around a few trillion in today's terms. But if that's the case then it's just not that good of an investment going forward...
And it won't even be difficult to increase the cap when the time comes. Just a few lines of code and for enough miners to agree; hodlers don't get a vote.
Does anyone have an answer for this? Is it even theoretically possible for bitcoin to be deflationary, secure, and successful long term in its current form? The answer is no, you can only choose two.
(Yes, PoS chains don't have this particular issue, this is specific to PoW chains. PoS comes with a new set of issues, but that's a discussion for another thread. I am not claiming that PoS chains are any better overall.)
submitted by AnAnOgg to Buttcoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:44 latelyfired Early 30s, self made, seeking for investment advise

Hello everyone,
I've recently became ready to RE, I have a tax-free sum of a few million dollars and am seeking advice on investment strategies to secure my financial future.
My goal is to generate a sustainable income equivalent to 2% of my portfolio annually, while also accounting for inflation, cost of living adjustments, and occasional increased expenditures. I'm planning for a time frame of approximately 60 years. Additionally, I don’t have any plans to buy a house, family costs are including within the 2%.
I’m debating between investing in high-performance index funds versus high-dividend yield funds. At the moment, I'm inclined towards the former due to its potential for higher long-term gains.
Here’s an outline of my proposed portfolio: - 40% in a mix of S&P 500, Nasdaq-100, and total US market indexes - 15% in a global stock market index - 20% in a mix of 10-year and 30-year bonds - 10% in real estate - 5% held as cash - 5% in a Gold ETF - 5% in alternative investments
I would appreciate insights on the following: - The structure and distribution of my portfolio - Whether I should prioritize cash flow generation over a growth-oriented portfolio to avoid potential losses from selling assets - Recommendations for specific ETFs or securities for stocks, bonds, and gold - Strategies for effectively accounting for inflation and cost of living adjustments in my financial planning
Thank you in advance for your help! 🙏
submitted by latelyfired to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:43 DaizisMom Please help me save Daizi

My 4yr old Yorkie, weighing just 2.5lbs. Daizi has been diagnosed with Chronic Ulcerative Paradental Syndrome (CUPS), which has caused severe lesions and infections throughout her mouth, making it difficult for her to eat and drink. To ensure she receives the necessary nutrients, I have been hand-feeding her with liquified food through a syringe. She is in constant pain and running fever. The CUPS has also led to the separation of her bottom jaw, causing her major pain. We have been battling this for three months. Initially, she was misdiagnosed with gingivitis and underwent multiple antibiotic treatments, but the ulcers persisted, leading to the discovery of CUPS. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition. The only way to save Daizi's life is through a full mouth extraction and setting her jaw with long-term sutures. I have expended all my resources on vet visits, medications, special foods, and supplements. I am pleading for help to afford the costly surgery and aftercare that Daizi urgently needs. Without the surgery, Daizi's condition will worsen, and she may not survive. To make matters worse, I was recently laid off from my employment. I cannot bear the thought of losing her. Your support, no matter the amount, will bring us closer to the goal of securing her surgery before she turns septic & it's too late. I understand how difficult it is to ask for help, but Daizi's life means everything to me. Your kindness will mean the world to us, and I cannot express enough gratitude for any assistance you can provide. Thank you for taking the time to read Daizi's story. With love and appreciation, thank you for being a part of Daizi's journey to recovery
submitted by DaizisMom to donationrequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:41 NthBlueDream Facebook Messenger - setting up end-to-end encryption without losing anything

There are many posts about this, but I hope to gather some clear information about this change, as the Help page is of limited use.
On my phone, the Messenger app is asking me to set up a PIN (or another option) to access chat history across devices.
This official Q&A says that chat history will now be stored on devices (presumably with a knock-on effect on both device storage, and phone backup file size), unless you turn on secure storage, then data remains on Facebook's servers.
I can still use messaging in a desktop web browser as normal at facebook.com. It appears that message history is loaded from the server as I scroll.
The choice about how to access chat history - I guess PIN in the best choice if you use Messenger cross-platform. (I note that it is only the key, not the chat history, which is stored with Apple or Google if you choose that option.)
Grateful for any thoughts on these interrelated questions, do let me know if I've made incorrect assumptions. Main aim is to avoid losing any data. I'm now concerned about deleting the Messenger app in case chat history is lost.
In reading about this I also found out some other things: the website messenger.com; the Messenger desktop app; there was for a while an app called Messenger Lite; and the fact that messaging has been added back into the main Facebook app having been removed some years ago. So it's all a bit of a mess.
It occurs to me that this implementation is quite different to WhatsApp, which does not retain messages on a server. Facebook bought the former, and at one time announced an intention to merge the platforms, so you might have expected them to switch to the same model.
submitted by NthBlueDream to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:40 infosec-jobs [HIRING][USD 139K - 179K] Senior Cyber Security Analyst in San Jose, CA

[HIRING][USD 139K - 179K] Senior Cyber Security Analyst in San Jose, CA submitted by infosec-jobs to WebDeveloperJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:40 InevitableSyrup7913 Need some help

Need some help submitted by InevitableSyrup7913 to JeepGladiator [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:39 CapableSecretary420 Fort Nelson Fire resource megathread

Please use this post to consolidate relevant info and resources relating tot he current fire in Fort Nelson.
Current emergencies in B.C. https://www.emergencyinfobc.gov.bc.ca/
“I think we need to realize that this is a very active situation right now,” Ma said, when asked to rate the probability of property damage. “The focus is on fighting the fire and on keeping evacuees safe and supporting evacuees during what is likely to be one of the most difficult times in their lives.”
Ma acknowledged that people will have questions about existing and projected damages.
“Now is not the time to talk about that,” she said. “We need to focus on fighting the fire together.”
Ma said fire activity will likely become more volatile beginning Monday afternoon. She said the majority of people under evacuation order have left as directed, but some people have chosen to stay. She urged those people to leave as soon as possible.
Evacuees from the region are receiving food and accommodation at reception centres in Fort St. John, Dawson Creek, Chetwynd and Prince George.
Ma said she hasn’t heard of any evacuees who haven’t found accommodation, but added that her ministry is launching a Service B.C. call centre that anyone can call if they need assistance.
submitted by CapableSecretary420 to britishcolumbia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:38 thematrix1234 Help on missed and rebooked flight

Hi all-
Looking for some help/advice on a missed and rebooked flight.
A few weeks ago, I missed a domestic Delta flight due to a series of very unfortunate circumstances (I’ve been flying for decades and this is my first missed flight).
After unusual traffic both before and at the airport, I arrived at the airport 45 min prior to departure. I had to check a bag - many of the self check kiosks were nonfunctional and the rest had long lines. I asked a Delta agent for help, who started checking my bag in, but then told me the flight time had been moved up earlier by 15 minutes and I therefore missed the bag check cut off time. I was directed to customer service downstairs, where I had to go and rebook on the next available flight for an exorbitant cost (This was for a work trip, and I could not afford to wait until the next day). After rebooking and checking my bag in, I was able to go through security, and arrived at my gate for the original flight only to find out that they had moved the time back up to the original flight departure time and were still boarding 😭 so I could have checked my bag in and made it, had they not changed the flight time twice.
I understand this is all on me, and I’m supposed to arrive at the airport at a reasonable time, etc, and I realize I need to give myself even more time in the future. I’m generally a very responsible flyer, so this was all very frustrating for me. My work obviously won’t reimburse the rebooking cost, but just wondering if there’s anything I can do in terms of writing to customer service, or should I just suck it up and let this go, and arrive 3 hours early to the airport next time?
Appreciate any helpful advice, thank you in advance.
submitted by thematrix1234 to delta [link] [comments]
