Shortened menstrual cycle


2020.08.27 18:05 tripulet menstruationstation

A community where people can come together, regardless of gender, to discuss the menstrual cycle.

2019.02.12 03:47 spinderella69 A sub for female stimulant users to find fellowship, friendship, and harm reduction!

A sub for female stim users/tweakers to post without shame or stigma. Men, please only post if you have something of actual value to add to the conversation.

2012.04.10 06:24 atrophying Fertility Awareness


2024.05.15 04:13 twof907 Gut and hormone testing?

Has anyone taken more advanced hormone tests like the DUTCH test or done gut microbiome testing?
If so were you able to alter lifestyle, take supplements, change eating habits to help with either BP symptoms or med side effects?
I have BP 2 and am currently only on Lamictal and some supplements. I'm still really struggling with depression, fatigue, and apathy.
I do not tolerate ssris or welbutrin, and don't want to just keep taking more and more medications.
My symptoms do seem somewhat related to menstrual cycle, and though I have a clean diet I wonder if there is something I could do to get my body sort of working a little better so I could fight this apathy and lethargy.
Any experience appreciated. Oh I'm not trying to get off my meds or anything, just additional information/treatment interest.
submitted by twof907 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:00 Odd-Poet9982 Spotting? Light period? ??

I’m on TriSprintec for birth control (28 day norgestimate/ethinyl estradiol). I usually prolong its use if I don’t want to get a period, especially since I was going on vacation. I started spotting anyway on day 40 of my cycle, which sometimes happens if I keep taking it beyond the 28 days. This time I think I messed up my cycle entirely.
Once I started spotting on the 3rd decided to skip the trisprintec. I skipped for 2 days, the 7th and the 8th, thinking this would shorten my period. This did the opposite. I have still continued to have a very light period and brown spotting…today is the 14th. Usually this lasts only a week but I think I messed up by skipping 2 days then going back on the pill.
Idk if should keep taking the pill hoping it will go away on its own or skip the pill again as a reset. I don’t want to leak anymore please advise 😭
submitted by Odd-Poet9982 to period [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:47 ddeb09 Effexor & Missed Period?

I’ve been on Effexor for a little over 2 months at this point, (always 37.5mg and have not yet missed a dose, thankfully) for anxiety & pain management.
This week is the first time I had no bleeding or any sort of period. The last two months were normal. I’ve been on hormonal birth control for 5+ years, and had horribly heavy, irregular periods before that. Since starting bc I have had a very on-schedule & predictable period. Which, is why I was confused/slightly concerned when I went my 5 placebo days without even a hint at starting my menstrual cycle.
I’m well aware that medications affect our bodies in different ways, and that it may just take time for my body to get used to the new hormones interacting with each other.
Just curious if other people with uteruses have experienced the same sort of thing? And if you have, did it stay gone? Bc honestly good riddance lol.
Thanks in advance for any replies! Just trying to understand the medication better since I’m new to the effexor club.
Also…. The eye dilation ??? Wheewww
submitted by ddeb09 to Effexor [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:05 Safe-Ad-3696 1WPO second surgery update

Following up on on my latest post TLDR: had failed a hysterectomy in February and second surgery was successful.
34 y/o, high BMI, stage IV endo, suspected adeno, (not confirmed in biopsy)dense adhesions and scarring. Had my LAVH, robotic assisted on May 7th. I found a super compassionate doctor who reassured me and gave me hope after I lost it when my first surgery had to be aborted. Surgery went better than expected, with no complications. It took about 6 hours and took forever for me to wake up. I went home the day of the procedure, only took oxy twice and been managing pain with over the counter meds and gabapentin before bed. Hot water bottles and heating pads. Bloating is annoying, I am lonely and bored but I am happy to be done with it. I felt immediate relief, pain peaked on day 2 - gas pain is no joke. I wanted to thank this community for the advice and support provided, it has been crucial for my journey and I am grateful 💗
My hysterectomy was the culmination of more than 13 years of seeking relief from my discomforts that only worsened over time.
It started with anemia on the verge of blood transfusion that had no explanation other than hypermenorrhea. Each menstrual cycle became more tortuous with the passage of time, heavy bleeding, clots, leg cramps, lumbar pain and chronic fatigue.
I will have seen more than a dozen gynecologists and various doctors.
Blood studies, ultrasounds, resonances, endometrial biopsies, colonoscopy, contraceptives, hormonal IUD that ruined my mental health, I tried absolutely everything. I even went to the middle of the Amazon rainforest to seek relief in the medicine used by the Shipibo people.
I came out of many consultations crying, medical gaslighting and gordophobia were 98% of my experience.
They sent me to the psychiatrist because my pain seemed to have no other explanation than to be psychological.
Since I knew about endometriosis I KNEW that surely it was what happened to me, but finding a doctor who would take me seriously and believe me cost so much. It cost time, money, energy, tears, mental health, putting the body.
First they confirmed fibroids, then suspicion of adenomyosis (waiting confirmation of the biopsy), in February I was operated on for 3 hours without being able to remove my uterus due to the intensity of the adhesions and the advanced endometriosis (phase 4 that was confirmed in said failed surgery)
I had my second operation with a specialist and an interdisciplinary team of gynecologists, urologists and general surgeons.
They took out my uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes. The uterus was attached to the abdominal wall, bladder, intestines and basically everything around it. They drained cysts in the ovaries that I keep. I was cleaned of endometriosis of the sacrous ligaments and mainly of the bladder that was very compromised. They took adhesions from me and I'm sure I forget more.
I feel like I was born again and although this disease is chronic and has no cure, I already hope to see improvements and have a better quality of life, make up for lost time ❤️‍🩹 I can’t wait to see if I can ride a bike again.
Now slowly recovering and feeling very emotional and tired, otherwise happy and excited for my new healing era.
Will include surgery notes, biopsy report and pictures for the curious ones, Hope everyone is having a lovely pre surgery or recovery journey, it’s not easy, but we got this 💪 we are stronger and more resilient than we give ourselves credit for, we fight relentlessly and we show up for each other, our bodies are amazing and can do incredibly things. Sending lots of love your way, internet strangers ✨ 💗
Surgery notes:
Findings: Laparoscopy: Smooth diaphragmatic peritoneal surfaces and liver without gross lesion. No injury under site of injury at umbilicus and no umbilical adhesions. Intraabdominal adhesions in the right lower quadrant at the site of prior appendectomy, with bowel and omentum adherent to the right abdominal sidewall. Once this omentum and bowel was taken down, there was a divot with a small amount of fat seen in the RUQ. Dr. Kim evaluated this did not require intervention. Similarly, no clear indirect R inguinal hernia seen without bowel and omentum involved, so Dr. Kim similarly did not recommend intervention. Omentum, bladder adherent to the lower uterine segment anteriorly. Extensive pelvic adhesions and evidence of endometriosis. Thickening of the bladder peritoneum and tacked up to lower uterine segment. Fallopian tubes and ovaries adhered to pelvic side wall, with left hematosalpinx noted in the setting of tortuous left tube. R ovary with small ~1cm functional-appearing cyst. L ovary with hemorrhagic ~2-3cm cyst. Rectum free, no posterior adhesions but extensive serosal endometriosis between the uterosacral ligament and on R posterior serosa overlying R uterosacral. Due to the ICG and use of firefly technology, the course of the ureters were well visualized. Procedure Details: After discussion of risks, benefits and alternatives to the procedure, written consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the operating room. The patient was positioned in the dorsal lithotomy position in yellowfin stirrups with arms padded and tucked at her sides. An exam under anesthesia was performed with findings as noted above. Urology completed a cystoscopy (no endometriosis) and placed ureteral stents with ureteral indocyanine green dye placement. See their operative note for further details. The cervix was dilated with tonsil forceps. Paracervical block was placed. The Rumi uterine manipulator with medium Koh ring was secured to the cervix. A Foley catheter was placed to drain the bladder intraoperatively. A 0.8 cm incision was made at the umbilicus, kocher used to elevate the fascia, and a Veress needle was inserted. Intraperitoneal placement was confirmed. The abdomen was insufflated until an adequate dome was achieved. A 8 mm robotic port was placed and the robotic scope was inserted. Under direct visualization, 3 additional ports were placed, two 8 mm robotic ports to the right of the umbilicus and one 8 mm robotic port to the left of the umbilicus. The patient was placed on steep Trendelenburg and the bowels were swept into the upper abdomen. The Da Vinci robot was then docked in position. The filmy adhesions in the RUQ were taken down with combination of cautery and sharp technique. The omentum was taken down off of the uterine fundus with bipolar and monopolar cautery. The left fallopian tube was followed out to the fimbria. The salpingectomy was then performed, starting at the distal fimbriated end of the tube and sequentially coagulating and transecting the mesosalpinx adjacent to the fallopian tube and well away from the ovary. The fallopian tube was left attached at the cornua. The procedure was repeated on the contralateral side. Good hemostasis was noted. The bladder was noted to be densely scarred to the LUS/cervical junction. The junction was incised with monopolar cautery and the bladder was meticulous dissected off of the underlying uterus/cervix to the level of the KOH ring as marked cephlad traction was placed on the Rumi device. Due to the anterior compartment scarring, round ligaments were not clearly identified. The thickened tissue in this area was grasped, cauterized with bipolar and divided with monopolar. Both ureters were seen using firefly technology. The left utero-ovarian ligament was ligated with bipolar cautery and divided with monopolar. The same procedure was performed on the right side. Marked cephlad traction was applied to the KOH ring. The uterine vessels on either side were skeletonized and ligated with bipolar cautery. The remainder of the cardinal and parametrial attachments were ligated with bipolar and divided with monopolar. The vagina was opened over the Colpo device circumferentially. The fibrotic uterosacral ligaments with overlying endometriosis was incised below the implants and fibrosis, taking care to avoid the ureters. The endometriotic implants over the right uterosacral ligaments were excised. The uterus and fallopian tubes were then removed through the vagina. Given the extensive adhesions and fibrosis, this portion of the surgery took an additional 60 minutes longer than expected. After that, the vaginal occluder was placed into the vagina to maintain the pneumoperitoneum. Dr. Kim then came to assess the inguinal hernia. He deemed no intervention was necessary for the R inguinal hernia or the RUQ divot. The functional ovarian cyst in the R ovary was drained. The 2 cm hemorrhagic ovarian cyst in the L ovary was felt to represent hemorrhagic corpus luteum. Two <1cm nodules on the R uterosacral were excised using cautery, taking care to avoid the right ureter. The vaginal cuff was closed using 0 V-lock in a running fashion in 2 layers . The area was irrigated, and hemostasis was evident. All instruments were then removed under direct visualization. The skin was closed with 4-0 Biosyn . Sterile dressings and Tegaderm were applied to all port sites. The ureteral stents were removed and inspected by urology and noted to be intact. A foley catheter was placed for routine voiding trial in PACU. Sponge and needle counts were correct times x2. The patient tolerated the procedure well and went to the recovery room in stable condition. There were no complications to the case.
Final Diagnosis A) Uterus, cervix, bilateral fallopian tubes, hysterectomy and salpingectomy: - Myometrium with leiomyoma. - Serosal/subserosal endometriosis. - Early secretory endometrium, negative for neoplasm. - Bilateral fallopian tubes and cervix negative for neoplasm. B) Peritoneum, right utero-sacral, biopsy: - Fibrotic squamous epithelium-lined tissue with scattered lymphocytic inflammation. - Negative for neoplasm and no definite endometriosis. Clinical Information Pre-op diagnosis: Adenomyosis [N80.03] Dysmenorrhea [N94.6] Menorrhagia with regular cycle [N92.0] Pelvic peritoneal adhesions, female [N73.6]
Gross Description A. Uterus, with or without tubes and ovaries, other than neoplastic/prolapse. Received fresh labeled, "Goni, Jimena; 1)Uterus,cervix,bilateral tubes" is a uterus with attached bilateral fallopian tubes.. The uterus alone is 105 g, 9.5 cm cervix to fundus by 6.0 cm cornu to cornu by 5.0 cm anterior to posterior. The cervix is 3.3 cm long by 3.0 cm diameter with a 0.6 cm diameter os. The ectocervix has punctate areas of hemorrhage. The serosa has scant fibrous adhesions anteriorly and extensive cautery and disruption posteriorly. The endometrium is ragged, hemorrhagic, 0.1-0.4 cm thick. The myometrium is up to 2.6 cm thick and is mildly trabeculated with cysts up to 0.1 cm greatest dimension filled with hemorrhagic material, suggestive of adenomyosis. There is a 0.2 cm diameter intramural well-circumscribed nodule with a whorled cut surface. No areas of softening are identified. The right fallopian tube is slightly serpentine, congested, 5.3 cm long by 0.5-0.6 cm diameter and has attached hemorrhagic fimbria. The left tube is 5.0 cm long by 0.5-0.6 cm diameter, purple-tan with attached hemorrhagic fimbria. Representative sections are submitted: A1-anterior cervix A2-posterior cervix A3-anterior endomyometrium A4-A5-posterior endomyometrium with possible adenomyosis (A4 with leiomyoma) A6-right fallopian tube and entire fimbria A7-left fallopian tube tube, entire fimbria. (MUA) B. Soft tissue, OTHER. Received in formalin labeled, "Goni, Jimena; 2)right utero-sacral biopsy" are 2 tan red rubbery tissue fragments, 0.7 and 1.0 cm, that are entirely submitted in B1. (AA) Case Report Value Surgical Pathology Report Case: SU24-15696 Authorizing Provider: Chiang, Seine, MD Collected: 05/07/2024 03:42 PM Ordering Location: UWMC Main Operating Room Received: 05/07/2024 05:21 PM Pathologist: Garcia, Rochelle Lorraine, MD Specimens: A) - Uterus, with or without tubes and ovaries, other than neoplastic/prolapse, 1)Uterus,cervix,bilateral tubes B) - Soft tissue, OTHER, 2)right utero-sacral biopsy
Surgery pics
submitted by Safe-Ad-3696 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:28 Ashton1516 SUPER early period after first IUI. Why??

Could someone please help me understand this? I am a total IUI novice!
Background: I just started IUI. I have no known fertility issues and am using a sperm donor to conceive.
Right before the IUI, my doctor had me take an injection of “Ovidril” which triggers ovulation.
Soon after the trigger shot, I got the IUI and was told to wait two weeks before I take a pregnancy test.
However, I just got my period, only 9 days after my IUI!!!! My entire menstrual cycle this month is only going to be 19 days long.
Prior to this IUI, my menstrual cycles were always super regular at ~26 days per cycle.
Can anyone help me understand why I got my period so early? Did the Ovidril make me ovulate way too early or something?
submitted by Ashton1516 to SingleMothersbyChoice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:38 Good-Nectarine8246 MJ on holiday and weight gain but body fat loss!

I decided to take my 2nd dose of 5mg on the morning of my flight. I was super nervous how my body would respond but figured at the least it would be help me to curb my choices at the all inclusive.
Just wanted to share my experience: - day 1 mostly on the flight and found I couldn’t finish my meal or pre landing snack - day 2 and 3 very little appetite in the evening (almost as if my stomach turned off for the evening) and could barely manage more then 3/4 mouthfuls however I did feel hungry in the day and would often have an omelette and fruit. The temperatures were in the 30s so was extremely humid so at times I did feel dizzy - day 4 - little less food noise but more appetite - day 5-7 - back towards being more hungry but when I say hungry, able to eat 3 full meals that were still generally healthy but with a side of indulgence (chocolate ice cream).
Other than the above I found, whilst my energy waxed day 2-5 I was still able to withstand yoga and tennis. Also I couldn’t bare wine and it made me sick.
In terms of weight, I was 70k at the start of the holiday and took an InBody measurement (which shows muscle mass, water retention etc) and on the last day of my holiday I took the same test and found I had put on 5lbs! Now usually I would be so demotivated but with the the weight gain came the following; - 1.5% body fat reduction - 2lb muscle increase - water retention increase of 4lb
Bear in mind, when measuring today, I was on day 3 of my menstrual cycle so feeling bloated af!
Just wanted to share the above as usually I would be so hellbent on the weight gain but actually the body is doing more than we realise! So if you’re feeling like the weight loss is slow or non existent, hang in there!
submitted by Good-Nectarine8246 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:17 Original_Armadillo_7 Menstrual cycles are exhausting

Currently on day 2. I am sitting on the toilet at work. I don’t think I have the energy to get up. I think I’m just going to die peacefully right here.
submitted by Original_Armadillo_7 to women [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:13 WhoLickedMyDumpling DFV is a time traveler and his tweets are a countdown

DFV is a time traveler and his tweets are a countdown
Gather around you regards and degens, this is going to be an EPIC fucking prediction. I'm highly regarded and nothing here is confirmed, but I don't give a shit what you think, this is what I believe, not financial advice.
Let me start by saying that I was originally forged in the meme stock rally. I've stayed up months and years lamenting why tf I didn't invest sooner, buy more FDs, but enough about the goddamn past. We're here to make some fucking money for the present, and I believe I have cracked the enigma code behind the sudden return of u/deepfuckingvalue tweets and his regularly timed memes.
It all started out as a hunch late last night when I was looking at DFV's tweets to find some material to jack off myself to, and counted that there were 12 tweets in total for the day. Something itched at my brain after post-nut clarity, because... what do the fucking numbers mean mason? Strap the fuck in boys, I think I found out.
First, Check out this rule change from the SEC that was announced on 3/27/2024:
Typically, trades in securities are settled in a T+2 settlement cycle. Everyone knows this, it's what results in a GFV if you are regarded enough to buy and sell shares with unsettled funds. you might be one of the regards calling up your broker asking "why is my account restricted??????" atleast That's how I found out.
DFV's original thesis, prevailing into today as is assumed by his recent activities and memeing about his favorite stock, is that there is an unreasonable amount of negative sentiment on the stock, where short sellers could have potentially sold short massive amounts of shares that they could possible not deliver. I'm not going to get into the whole details about the short interest or the funky pictures because all I end up doing is just start jerking to it.
Short sellers short, never deliver on actual shares, buyer is now holding "phantom shares" that no longer exist in the market place, yadayada read about it here if you're willing to take a break from jerking off:
DFV was holding 3 years ago because he was convinced that his shares were worth a lot more than what is being shown on the ticker. He posted and I quote:
"Dude everyone thinks I’m crazy, and I think everyone else is crazy. I’ve dealt in deep value stocks for years but have never endured bearish sentiment this heavy."
"What volatility? It’s been trading in an impressively tight trading range between $5.40-$6.40 for three months now. That’s a swing of only 15-20% - that’s noise for a deep value stock."
"Well as a longer-term investor I have the benefit of heavily discounting daily moves. I care much more about the longer-term charts, and these have been fairly constructive for months now. Even today, after the typical quarterly sell-off, the longer-term chart still looks decent so there’s been nothing to panic over. Let’s see what the price does over the next few weeks.
Of course charts are only a minor part of the equation in my opinion. The fundamentals are much more important in a situation like this."
If you need more jacking material, here's some fucking posts you can read from way back when:
All this came to me last last night, and I predicted last night that he will tweet EXACTLY 11 times today:
Check my comment history if you doubt, but it's self-explanatory at this point: DFV tweeted 12 times on 5/13, DFV tweeted 11 times on 5/14. It's a motherfucking countdown.
Keep in mind you regards, his tweets are timed and set to post automatically. He has put in work to make these meme reels, and he's been methodical about posting his tweets. It's not the timing, it's not the content, it's all in the goddamn numbers Mason, and there's a BIG game changing rule that totally fucks up the FTD schedules across the map for all short sellers with a potentially huge short position they cannot possibly cover unless.. they buy a huge goddamn amount.
I'm sure you're all thinking: So What's fucking different this time you regard?
I believe the market conditions have changed. Equity market liquidity is more tight than we ever were since the post-covid world. Interest rates are elevated and will stay elevated for longer. Treasuries yield an impressive 5%, but that's not even the fucking main point. We have indications that GROWTH is slowing, which is why earnings were so wack for Q1, investors are becoming increasingly worried that there is a growth slowdown, while the disinflation process has stalled, and the Fed is busy un-printing dollars. There is a deterioration in growth momentum that's becoming more and more evident in the recent weeks, which makes treasuries look better for the risk/reward. I'm bullish for treasuries, even if the yields drop for whatever reason, I don't give a fuck if you think I'm a gay bear, that's not the point I'm making here.
I'm not a genius and even I know that It's not a great time to be short in a low liquidity, high-interest rate market with QT. SPY volume is holiday-time lows at the moment. I wonder why...
Will DFV tweet again? can he possibly pump out 55 more fucking scheduled meme videos for you regards without interference for the next 10 days? Who the fuck knows. Doesn't mean I'm wrong, and according to my regardation there are 8 more trading days to slap the nuts on the table and say if he's still in, I'm fucking in.
  • DFV is tweeting equal to the number of days before SEC rule change from T+2 settlement to T+1 settlement for securities (5/24). This shortens the timeline for deliveries of shares that were sold short. Fed is unprinting dollars, and it's time to unprint some phantom shares.
  • The current market conditions are poising to drain liquidity from equity markets to treasuries. This makes it tough for short sellers to stay short, potentially causing massive sell-offs in the broader markets, and squeezing shorted stocks.
  • It is too early to tell, but the indication of a stalling broader market volume, and increasing GME volume is more than evident, even if you discount the daily moves.
  • Fuck your puts.
submitted by WhoLickedMyDumpling to u/WhoLickedMyDumpling [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:56 Fearless-Echilada Long menstrual cycles?

Has anyone else had really long menstrual cycles after starting Levo?
I was put on 50mcg in March and my cycle has been 45-47 days on average. Looking the same for this month too (ovulated around day 27).
My numbers are back to normal and I’m feeling better so my endo said he won’t lower my dose. I also lost a ton of weight after starting Levo and I’m having a hard time gaining it back.
Does it even back out? I just want a normal cycle!
submitted by Fearless-Echilada to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:31 iofhua "I am not a CAT"

Just a reminder that the CAT goes into effect later this month.
On February 15, 2023, the SEC adopted rule changes to shorten the standard settlement cycle for most broker-dealer transactions from two business days after the trade date (T+2) to one business day after the trade date (T+1). The SEC set May 28, 2024, as the compliance date for the rule changes.
May 28, 2024, also will be the date for firms to begin to comply with updates to FINRA rules conforming to the T+1 settlement cycle.
Did DFV know about this 3 years ago? Was his post basically a coded message to the SHF's that said "I know you aren't playing by the rules, and you are going to feel pain if you keep naked shorting this stock?"
In two weeks we find out. Will the Consolidated Audit Trail reveal exactly how many shorts are being hidden in dark pools, offshore accounts, swaps, and wherever else the banks and hedge funds are trying to hide them?
Is the reason for the current run a desperate attempt to close before they get caught by the CAT?
Combined with the CAT, T+1 goes into effect the same day. Does that mean if they get caught naked, and over 100% of the float is short sold, do the short sellers have exactly 24 hours to close?
Of course, this is all predicated on the assumption that Gensler will actually enforce the rules. I don't have much faith in him, personally.
submitted by iofhua to GME [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:58 ulanivel Menstrual cycle after injections

My normal cycle is every 29-30 days, and my period is 2 days long, and as much as I hate periods (who likes them) I’m thankful for the consistent briefness of my cycle, and I wasn’t properly informed by my doctors that irregular cycle could mean MORE of your period not less. they said It’s likely I could miss mine, so I was given an opposite answer from what I’ve unfortunately seen from other women after receiving mine. What was most of y’all’s experiences?? How long were your cycles off? was yours more frequent? less frequent? Is my cycle screwed? I’m on mine now and leave for a 2 weeks trip overseas soon and I’m not sure how to prepare with the cycle irregularity. I’m a little freaked 😭 If anyone has advice please let me know!! I need it! A spontaneous second period or prolonged period is not the outcome I’m hoping for on my first international trip but 🥹🙏🏻
submitted by ulanivel to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:50 shane-jay222 Doctors Gaslighting Young Girls: My Journey with PF and Bunions

I understand your pain all too well. Doctors often dismiss young women's concerns, leading to misdiagnoses. I was once told my pain was all in my head, especially during my menstrual cycle. Turns out, it was all due to my bunions causing plantar fasciitis. Don't ignore your symptoms, advocate for yourself! 💪🏼🩺 #bunions #womenshealth #bunion
Learn More:
submitted by shane-jay222 to HalluxCare [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:21 unlimitedtokens Sick on CD12

Hi all, new-ish to Natural Cycles + Oura and on my third menstrual cycle since it just returned for me postpartum (it took a while!). We are currently trying to conceive our second child. I’m on cycle day 12, and unfortunately have come down with a cold that’s got me feverish, chills, and overall feeling rundown so I know it’s going to exclude this temperature.
For those of you who’ve used NC to try to conceive, have you ever gotten sick during the ovulation window and if so, did that throw things off for you?
submitted by unlimitedtokens to NaturalCycles2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:02 Successful_Fact_4961 Two periods in one month?

Has anyone experience two menstrual cycles in one month? I am 34, just ended my last cycle 8 days ago and got another period today. I’ve had this happen once before when I was like 12 or 13, but that was ages ago. I’ve been off birth control for 10 years, have a mostly on time 32 day cycle on average, and have suffered one miscarriage. I really want to have children in the future and sometimes get afraid that I won’t be able to conceive. Is this early menopause? I’m so confused. Don’t have great access to a doctor either. Help if you can! Thanks.
submitted by Successful_Fact_4961 to u/Successful_Fact_4961 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:44 ilyadelphia Adrenal PCOS and treatment

I was recently diagnosed with adrenal PCOS after getting into a second endocrinologist. I was having high cortisol readings for years and my first endo dismissed me saying it’s “normal”. Thankfully I have a PCP that urged me to find another practice, who did way more blood tests. My results came back with high cortisol, high DHEA and high testosterone.
As for symptoms, in the last 2-3 years I’ve had severe cystic acne (never had acne before) and rapid weight gain in my midsection. I’ve also had a few ovarian cysts that have painfully resolved on their own. My GYN dismissed my cysts, among other concerns. I am regularly fatigued. I have a regular menstrual cycle and I ovulate…literally clockwork. I stopped oral BC in 2017 (on it for 13 years!) after having breakthrough bleeding. I went to the nexplanon and had awful side effects, including bleeding for 46 days straight. Needless to say, the GYN removed it. Been off of BC since 2017.
I live a very active lifestyle: CrossFit and running. When the weight started happening I added more days and times…but it wouldn’t fall off. I’m currently active for about 2 hrs 6 days a week. I also have healthy eating habits, usually calorie deficit, and I have good sleep habits/schedule.
My endocrinologist prescribed me metaforin. My insulin is fine so I’m uncertain if this is the right move. I am adverse to hormonal contraceptives. I’m looking for feedback and advice because this is all new to me and I’m desperate to get my health (and body) back. Eventually I’d like to try to have children too!
Thanks for reading.
submitted by ilyadelphia to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:48 OwnMusician418 Hashimotos and other hormones imbalances?

Hey guys. I'm new to all of this... Recently diagnosed (about 6.5 weeks now) with profound Hypothyroidism FT4 .10 TSH 192 and TPO 201 showing Hashimotos. My doctor started me on 100mcg of Synthyroid and I had updated labs drawn on Saturday to see where I've ended up so far. I also have PCOS and have since I was 20. I had normal cycles until I started becoming more Hypo, then they spread way out (which is why I made an appointment), a long with other crazy symptoms.
Some things have shown slight improvement, and I highly doubt I'm on my correct dose yet... But man, I feel like my hypo and menstrual/ovulation cycle are really exacerbating and making things so much worse. Does anyone have any personal experience with odd hormonal symptoms? I know this can all take time, but I feel like I'm losing it mentally. I feel like I'm in hell and I will never have my life back.
submitted by OwnMusician418 to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:40 Rinatenshi Unsure if I should even try to get diagnosed...

Hello everyone! I've been reading up on endometriosis on here and medical websites, scientific papers etc. for a while now but I feel like the symptoms are so diverse that I don't know if mine are "normal" or might be a sign of endometriosis. This is likely going to be a long post and frankly, I'm just not sure who to talk to concerning these issues. Most likely gonna be TMI and potentially bad English too, please excuse me once more.
When I started getting my period in my early teens, I had horrible pains, would throw up each and every time and basically was bedridden for one to two days until the symptoms eased up. It got better afterwards, so I thought and was told it was normal. A few years later I took the pill and everything was going fine until a couple of years later (I must've been around 19 at the time) when I got my period, I threw up, screamed in pain and passed out on my bf's bathroom floor. He ended up calling an ambulance because I was in so much pain. After being examined in the hospital, I was told that "You have your period" (No shit, Sherlock!). Literally nothing else. I was given pain killers and went home again the next day. Fast forward 10 years of no big troubles, except for heavy PMS and pre-menstrual depression along with medium to heavy pains on the first day of my period. I've been off the pill for two years now and since I got rid of it, my period was incredibly irregular at first, with one cycle lasting up to 128 days. Others were shorter at around 42 to 57 days. Now it's slowly getting better and I'm between 31 to 44 days. Not sure if it's relevant, but my pains have been stronger the longer my cycle takes. I also notice my ovulation a lot and it's linked to diarrhea and pains, similar to my PMS symptoms. In March of this year, after my 44 day cycle, I had one of the worst periods so far. I was screaming, sitting on the toilet with diarrhea (experiencing gut-wrenching pains while pooing) and puking my soul out into the sink next to me. I've been afraid of getting my period since. Weirdly enough, the one I got in April was relatively mild in comparison, but the pains lasted longer and came in flashes. I also get "butt lighning" every now and then. So much for my periods.
I've been having troubles with my stomach and abdomen/colon as well though. I've had a gastroscopy to get checked for reflux disease but they didn't find anything. I still have to cough up or feel mucus sitting in my throat after most meals and I can't stomach spicy foods (among others) anymore. My digestion has been nothing but stop and go - diarrhea for the most part, or complete constipation. My doctor thought it might have been my appendix, but luckily it wasn't. I've been dealing with stomach aches and digestive issues for several years now. Everyone thinks it boils down to stress. I'm a student and about to graduate and I've been through quite a lot in my life, so I get that and almost believe it myself. But that doesn't feel like a solid base. I've been having pains while I was relaxed and on vacations as well, so it's hard for me to fully believe that it's just stress. I do believe that stress does take a toll on me and my health though, partly. I've been to the hospital last year because they found free fluid between the intestinal loops and I've had pain to the touch around the height of my right ovary. Adding to that, I've had quite the luck with cystitis over the years (/s) if that matters, and I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, depression and PTSD.
Now, my gyn has just told me that I should get back on the pill, but if possible I'd like to avoid that. I'm also afraid of infertility, especially because I'm already aware of the risk that Hashimoto's disease brings for that. I have been told over and over again by professionals and non-professional women that my period pain is normal. I'm not sure if a couple of throw-ups and heavy pains are enough to justify seeing a doctor about this. But I'm at my wit's end and in pain almost everyday. Maybe it's just IBS? I'm also afraid of a laparoscopy when it might be nothing. I'd be glad to hear about your experiences. Thank you for your time. I hope you're having a good day. Stay strong!
submitted by Rinatenshi to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:46 LiteratureExtreme515 Neuro appt next week, suggestions?

LSS, I have spent the last 2 years trying to figure out the source of my daily dizziness. Had MRI, CT, VNG, hearing tests etc. MRI, CT, hearing is all normal, VNG showed hypofunction in my left ear at the time (this will be repeated in a few months to see if it was due to a recent ear infection at the time, or has been sustained this entire time) Anyways, my otologist has landed on VM and referred me to a Neuro migraine specialist. I have some migraines, mostly menstrual cycle related, but my dizziness is what I need to treat the most. I can live with the migraines after experiencing feeling horribly dizzy every single day. Going into this appointment, what do I need to push/advocate for? I know medication efficency varies for everyone, but anything in particular that has helped the dizziness the most? Beta blockers are my only no-go because my HR is already low sometimes. Any tips or suggestions with medications or treatment to inquire about is appreciated.
submitted by LiteratureExtreme515 to VestibularMigraines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:28 Terrible-Internet-28 Is this a miscarriage or a surprise period?

I (22F) thought I was pregnant recently. My breasts were sore and tender and felt fuller and firmer than normal, which started about 2-3 weeks ago. I also was having cramps that felt similar to menstrual cramps for that amount of time. I was nauseated, dizzy, and had trouble keeping food down. I was going to the bathroom constantly too. I had a lot of discharge, normal color and smell, but I don’t normally have much of that in my cycle. Overall, I also just had a feeling that it wasn’t PMS symptoms (usually those only begin the week before my period, not 2-3 weeks before like this did).
I took a pregnancy test a few days ago and it came out negative, but this was before a missed period (it was 4 weeks from my last menstruation but I had 2 more weeks before I was due for my next one).
Yesterday I started my “period”, but it’s extreme heavy flow. I bleed through overnight pads in less than two hours, and I’ve never seen this much clotting before. The bleeding is a normal color, but there is extreme excessive clotting that I don’t normally get. My periods are normally medium-heavy, but this level of flow and clotting is very uncommon for me.
My nausea is not strong anymore but I’m still dizzy and having horrible cramping pains.
It was never confirmed that I was pregnant, but I wonder if I’m miscarrying or just having an unfortunate surprise period.
submitted by Terrible-Internet-28 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:12 starklover14 I'm not Pregnant, so why am I Missing my Period this week?

All my females out there who experience periods, I have an issue that I wanted to ask you all about! I was supposed to start my period on Sunday, May 12th, but I haven't bled yet. I'm writing this post on Tuesday, May 14th. I go back on my birth control this coming Sunday, May 19th.
What could be the reason for me missing my period when I'm not pregnant? There are a couple things that I started doing more frequently lately like taking care of my skin and drinking more mocha cookie crumble frappuccinos from Starbucks, but I wouldn't think those could affect my menstrual cycle. Could they though due to more caffeine intake and new chemicals being introduced to my body? If so should I stop for a bit and see what happens? I'm 27 and still figuring my body out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, ladies!
submitted by starklover14 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:04 starklover14 I'm not Pregnant, so why am I Missing my Period this week?

All my females out there who experience periods, I have an issue that I wanted to ask you all about! I was supposed to start my period on Sunday, May 12th, but I haven't bled yet. I'm writing this post on Tuesday, May 14th. I go back on my birth control this coming Sunday, May 19th.
What could be the reason for me missing my period when I'm not pregnant? There are a couple things that I started doing more frequently lately like taking care of my skin and drinking more mocha cookie crumble frappuccinos from Starbucks, but I wouldn't think those could affect my menstrual cycle. Could they though due to more caffeine intake and new chemicals being introduced to my body? If so should I stop for a bit and see what happens? I'm 27 and still figuring my body out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, ladies!
submitted by starklover14 to u/starklover14 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:41 Resident_Phrase_5943 Prolong periods

My menstrual period was fine normal But due to complications in pregnancies and loss of baby after delivery, during pregnancy and abortion also Doc recommend me Loprin Q10 max Fatty acids Vit D supplements Folic acids Myoinositol + D chiro Inositol Used the mentioned medicine 2 months and then got prolonged heavier bleeding that lasts for 21 days after transamine use to stop it Now again same problem prolonged and heavier periods Now another doc suggest me this medicine I do not have children so I am worried about Are birth control pills good for me at this stage for 3 months to regulate the cycle and also to stop the periods having no children. I am v upset is this combination good for me or not Myoinositol 2200mg D. Chiro Inositol 300 mg Folic acid 400mcg With combination of Norethisterone 5mg L. Methyl folate 600mcg Metformin Hydrochloride 500mcg
submitted by Resident_Phrase_5943 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]