Care map for stroke patient

Gardening, Plants, and Agriculture.

2008.03.20 07:13 Gardening, Plants, and Agriculture.

A place for the best guides, pictures, and discussions of all things related to plants and their care.

2011.08.12 15:13 Dermatology Subreddit for Medical Professionals

The Dermatology Subreddit for Medical Professionals. (This is not the place to ask for personal medical advice)

2014.08.01 12:14 SixgunGorgonDynamo Psychiatric Nursing

A community for psychiatric RNs, LPTs, MHWs and others involved as caregivers and advocates for individuals with mental health disorders.

2024.05.15 16:28 timbersofenarrio odors

Curious to hear any tips and tricks that others might have with managing strong odors in office spaces. For context, I work as a behavioral health clinician in a primary care clinic (FQHC), I work with a lot of vulnerable patients who might be experiencing homelessness, substance use disorders, or severe mental illness, and sometimes that can contribute to strong body odor or lingering cigarette and/or marijuana smells. I also work with teenagers :)
I'm anticipating getting pregnant again, and during my first pregnancy these types of strong smells would make me retch and sometimes vom!! Would love to get ahead of this with anything that you find helpful. And while I do believe that there are appropriate ways to address hygiene in a therapeutic space, that's just not realistic or the best use of time for a lot of my patients.
submitted by timbersofenarrio to socialwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:24 Rafaelkruger The Secret Reasons You Procrastinate and How To Overcome Them

Hi! … I’m a MOD at Jung and I’ve been sharing my articles there for a few years now. I thought this sub could be a good fit for some of them. I read the rules and it seems to me that it’s ok for me to share, if it isn’t, I apologize in advance. Please let me know what I’d need to change.
The Secret Reasons You Procrastinate and How To Overcome Them
The first thing you have to understand is that procrastination isn’t about laziness and rarely about the task we’ve been avoiding.
Simply put, procrastination happens because of the meaning we attach to certain tasks, and because of this hidden meaning, procrastination becomes a strategy to avoid facing something deeper.
For instance, since I launched my book and I have more people paying attention to me, I started procrastinating on posting about certain topics and telling my stories.
Why? … Because I’m afraid of being judged and not being good enough. This evokes my desire to be perfect, which leads to being identified with my productions and being attached to the outcome.
When I was overweight, I’d constantly procrastinate on buying new clothes.
Why? … Because I’d have to look myself in the mirror. I knew my clothes were getting tighter and I didn’t want to buy a bigger number of pants. I was avoiding facing I wasn’t taking good care of myself.
Recently, I lost my credit card and to get a new one was very simple. All I had to do was make a phone call, but I avoided it for weeks.
Why? … Because the call had to be done in Spanish, and I don’t feel very confident speaking Spanish yet.
This makes me feel insecure, because I feel like my Spanish should be way better now that I’m living in Argentina. Of course, this is all in my head, the truth is that I can already hold conversions in Spanish, but I’m judging myself too harshly.
Do you see? … Procrastination is just a symptom of something deeper.
It’s about the meaning and heaviness we attach to certain tasks and while this is unconscious, they feel much bigger than they actually are. In fact, even using the word “procrastination” detracts us from the real experience as it’s a way to avoid uncovering the real truth.
People believe that just because they know a word they know everything there is to know about something. The truth is that using terms provides an illusory sense of control because now “we know what the thing is”.
However, we have to look for the secret reason behind procrastination, just like the examples I gave you. I wasn’t “procrastinating”, I didn’t want to feel rejected or judged.
When we unwrap the real reason, it becomes conscious and we can finally do something about it. It’s no longer this invisible master of puppets making us feel ashamed and guilty for constantly postponing certain tasks.
The Root Cause of Procrastination
During my practice as a therapist, I understood that procrastination is a very common symptom in people under the influence of a mother or father complex, and this took things to a whole new level.
In very simple terms, these are people who don’t want to grow up and take any responsibility for their lives. Some people know that as the Peter Pan syndrome, but nowadays people call it the man-child or the woman-child. in Jungian Psychology, we call it the Puer and Puella Aeternus.
When I realized that, I understood that the problem of procrastination is something much deeper, it’s not about postponing daily tasks, It’s about postponing growing up and fully living life. New studies are showing that adolescence is extending to 30 years old and people are doing everything they can to remain childish.
Why? … Because this is the easy way out, while you’re childish you don’t have to take responsibility for anything and you can always blame your parents, your family, and society.
All of this passivity and lack of responsibility leads to people feeling lost and having no sense of purpose and direction. This obviously leads to massive amounts of anxiety and depression. Procrastination is just a symptom of something deeper and that’s why simply giving you a list of habits won’t solve it, we have to address the root cause first.
We have to talk about our attitude towards life and what lies underneath procrastination:
For some it’s the fear of becoming independent, truly growing up, and making their own decisions.
Others feel like they’re not good enough to do what they truly desire.
Others procrastinate to avoid disappointing their families or partners.
Others procrastinate because they don’t have the right motivation,
they’re just trying to please someone else. On a deeper, level, they’re living their entire lives with someone else’s map.
Others procrastinate because they lack self-esteem and don’t feel like they deserve to accomplish anything.
Others procrastinate because they’re afraid they’ll be rejected if they put themselves out there.
While others procrastinate because they’re afraid of failure.
The First Thing
If you’re under the influence of a mother and father complex, the first thing you have to realize is that there’s a part of you that wants to remain a child and sabotages all your attempts to become independent and accomplish your goals. This part is also very clever, as it’s a master in creating the perfect excuses to avoid doing all the tasks you have to do.
Now, I know that many people were dealt a bad hand, I had to deal with CPTSD and severe derealization. However, the first thing that ought to be done is to emotionally and psychologically separate yourself from your parents. Until you do so, you’ll never be your own person and you’ll be forever doomed to repeat their stories.
Simply put, psychologically speaking, being under the influence of the parents entails that you unconsciously adopt their worldview, beliefs, fears, and all of their patterns around work, money, relationships, and life in general.
I won’t go into full detail here because I already wrote extensively about it in my Conquer The Puer and Puella Aeternus Series, I’ll focus on expanding these ideas and how they apply specifically to procrastination.
What I’d like to add is that you won’t be able to carve your own path if you don’t take the responsibility upon you to craft your own values and create your unique sense of meaning.
These answers won’t come from anyone else but you, and if you don’t actively engage in this process, you’ll operate with goals and a belief system that have nothing to do with your personality and authentic desires. You’ll be trying to please others and fulfill their expectations instead of following your soul. That’s what most people choose to do and that’s also why they lead meaningless lives.
Just a quick note here, when I say that people have to emotionally separate from their parents some people tend to assume this is a bad thing. But this is not about cutting ties with your family and shutting them off, this is about becoming your own person, it’s about developing your own personality, beliefs, and values.
It’s about becoming independent and letting go of the need for their approval. It’s about individuation, which means carving your own path. In some cases, this will require keeping a certain distance from the family while for others this might not be necessary, you have to discern what’s your scenario and not use your family as an excuse.
Comfort – A Poisonous Drug
Being under the influence of the parental complex means that you either live a life trying to fulfill their expectations or trying to prove them wrong, in this second case, you do everything they wouldn’t approve. Either way, it’s not a conscious decision because everything is done in reaction to the parents, it’s not an expression of your individuality.
Taking things into a procrastination context, the quickest way to realize if you’re under the influence of a negative mother complex is if you’re constantly seeking COMFORT.
In other words, you’re procrastinating because you HAVE the perfect
I know, a bit of a mind fuck…
The problem is that you got used to your current level of comfort and this keeps you stuck. Comfort is one of the most powerful drugs that exists. I love it when I can just brew myself a great cup of coffee and simply stare into the void. I just want to do nothing and pretend that I don’t have any adult responsibilities for a while, lol.
The problem is that people usually fall in love with this “pretending” and it quickly becomes an escapism. Whenever there’s a situation demanding growth, instead of facing it head-on, they choose the easy way out.
When you do that, you also open the door to a mediocre life. This mediocre spirit whispers in your ear, “It’s ok to eat that extra cookie”. “It’s ok to spend all of your time doom scrolling or watching adult videos”.
Quickly, it converts into a master of puppets keeping you hostage of your own “comfort”. The mindset “If I just had the perfect conditions I could start”, perfectly encapsulates it. There’s always one more book you have to read, there’s always one more thing you have to buy, the list never ends!
The first thing you have to realize is that comfort is subjective. You might not think that your current life is objectively comfortable, yet, you got used to it. Worse, you keep lying to yourself saying that everything is ok.
Avoiding making a decision doesn’t make things magically disappear, it just makes the imaginary monster bigger.
Until you admit to yourself that things must change, I’m sorry to tell you, but you’ll just keep wasting your life. This “comfort” is poisonous and will corrode your health, relationships, and all your potential to live a great life.
Now, looking on the bright side.
Once you understand that you’ve been lying to yourself, you also realize that you had the perfect conditions to start all along. Let’s be serious, if you’re reading this right now, I’m sure you have all you need to start whatever you want to do.
Instead of choosing comfort every time, you have to learn how to intelligently apply friction to yourself and we’re gonna explore that in future articles.
I’d like to end with this quoting Kant – “You’re only free when you choose to do what you don’t want to do”.
Many people have this childish idea that if they form a lot of habits they’ll stop having fun and life will become boring, but it’s exactly the other way around. If you don’t develop discipline, your destructive desires will continue to ruin your life.
It’s not fun having bad financial habits and never knowing if you’ll have enough money. It’s not fun not being able to control what we eat, constantly put on weight and feel disgusting when we look in the mirror.
It’s not fun not being able to accomplish our tasks and feel guilty, ashamed, and like a failure. Not only that, when you don’t have good habits you waste a lot of time in meaningless tasks, such as thinking about what you’re gonna eat or wear.
However, when we form good habits everything becomes automatic and we don’t have to think about it anymore, it becomes effortless and this frees a lot of mental energy. We stop being worried about meaningless stuff and we can apply this energy to deep thinking and creativity.
Having good habits and deciding exactly how we’ll spend our time, resources, and energy is extremely powerful and brings immense freedom. It’s time to stop being a slave of your illusory comfort. You’re not lost, you’re afraid of responsibility and carving your own path.
Lastly, here’s a deep dive into the mother and father complex – Conquer The Puer and Puella Aeternus
Rafael Krüger – Jungian Therapist
submitted by Rafaelkruger to getdisciplined [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:22 NomenMortis Visiting Morocco for the 3rd time in less than a year

So, I'm German and my boyfriend is Moroccan. I'm mostly the one visiting because I don't need a Visa so it's way easier for me to come. I've been to Morocco last September and February, one week each, now I'm going to go again on Saturday for another week. My passport is empty besides the Morocco stamps because even if I do travel a lot, normally only within the EU. Now I am kinda worried about them asking me questions why I'm traveling to Morocco so often at border control. Of course I wouldn't say the truth, I even booked an alibi hostel stay if they ask me where I'm staying (in reality I'm staying with my boyfriend). Is this something I should be worried about? Or don't they care? If they care, what should I answer?
I'm a medical student and I'm actually planning on doing a one month internship in a Moroccan hospital next February, to have some more time with my boyfriend. I was thinking I could use that as excuse why I'm traveling to Morocco so often, I want to learn some Darija to be able to talk with the patients better (I have C1 in french so getting the unpaid internship won't be a problem I think)...
submitted by NomenMortis to Morocco [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:20 Honest-File9357 Why I'm vehemently FTP

Tl;dr Version for anyone who doesn't want to read a bit of a rant: This game is way too damn greedy.
Some Various disclaimers and background information before the rant:
  1. No, this is post is not to shame people who aren't FTP. Do what you want with your money, I just want to explain why I don't think I'll ever support this game financially and see how the rest of the community feels. This is also not some propaganda to get you to either not spend money or stop spending money, or in other words by all means keep supporting Shift-Up and their products, do you boo.
  2. I'm not the biggest gacha game player, I've only played two prior to this (Girls Frontline and some Star Wars one), both that I did end up throwing a little money at to support them despite Nikke ultimately being more fun imo (just to show no, I'm not against in game purchases for free games out of principle)
  3. I do enjoy this game and don't imagine I'll stop playing any time soon, as far as phone games go this is probably the most fun I've had (not the highest bar to set, I know).
  4. I understand that ultimately the goal of any game is to generate income, and I don't hold it against any game. Rather I have a problem with how this game "encourages" you to spend money.
  5. I started playing this game during the RE:Zero collab and quickly came to this conclusion, don't know what ultimately compelled me to rant about it (maybe just one too many all blue pulls)
Okay with that out the way let's get to the meat of the issue, which can honestly be summarized to 2 main sins so hell get ready for another list I guess : ^ )
1.The top heavy nature of the roster. "When everybody's special, no one will be"- Angry animated ginger dude (rip in peace). When I first started playing this game and doing some pulls I felt like a superstar, I mean wow I'm pulling all these super rares like it's nothing, even got all my counter girls maxed out and after about ~60 pulls I've managed 2 super super rares! Then I started to notice how all these "super rares" seem to have all hit max limit break and peeked at the Nikkepedia to realize the sad truth of this game. Given my past experiences with gacha I expected maybe something like 30% of the roster to be "SSR", not 95%. What's even more baffling is that the SSR actually does have it's own subcategory of "hey, these are actually the super rare ones" with Pilgrims having a miniscule chance to pull. I didn't want to put a list inside my list ( yo dawg, heard you like lists) but there's a few reasons why I really dislike this, and it was getting more and more "massive block of text" while I typed it so sorry.
-The first and probably most readily apparent issue being that it means you're unlocking new characters at a snails pace. It feels like the intended way to unlock new characters is to throw thousands of gems/ recruit rosters at the slot machine so you can do the high quality mold to actually have a chance (more on this later) to get a new character. I realize luck is a subjective matter, and yeah I've seen posts from people bragging about pulling 4-5 SSR in a pull, but objectively speaking the other gacha games were far more generous with the unlocking of new characters.
-Secondly, and probably what I hate the most, is that these "SSR" are simply not created equally (putting aside the obvious and aforementioned "actual SSR" of the pilgrims). I'm not saying every Nikke has to be an absolute powerhouse (more on this later) but if you want to make Nikkes that are just inferior versions of other Nikkes or have kits that just straight up aren't good, I dunno chief...maybe put them in a lower tier of the roster? Hell putting aside the meta/ actually caring about the kits of your waifus let's just talk about the lore/ backstory of these characters. Matis (my favorite squad, big hearts and kisses especially for Drake), the super star hero squad and best the Missilis company has to offer? Okay sure, makes sense they're SRR. Prima Donna Nikkes in the music industry for some reason? Uh okay not sure why these military bots are making music but they're famous ig so why not, SSR it is. Oh hey Absolute, Rapi's former squad and supposed elite of Elysion now that's a contender for SSR for sure. Maid for you, Nikkes that run a maid cafe...well let's make em SSR. Okay okay I shouldn't hawk on the waifu game having waifus that are character archetypes even if it makes absolutely no sense in the setting of the game but you still get the point right? You have characters that are presented to you as the cream of the crop (in other words have lore friendly reasons to be classified as SSR) thrown into the same category of rarity of characters that work in maid cafes or other random civilian jobs/ hobbies. This all putting aside the actual strength of these character's kits (Matis is pretty good at least, big hearts and kisses) I'm simply referring to the story reasons for characters to be presented as "SSR".
-Thirdly this all just reeks of some system you see in a lot of games where they use certain words to artificially make you feel more accomplished, if that makes any sense. The lowest tier (of absolute garbage) is referred to as "rare", the slightly better but ultimately still useless (<3 u Rapi/ Anne) tier is "super rare", and the bulk of the roster is "super super rare." Fellas, that's not how the word "rare" works at all. I feel like most games at least refer to their filler trash as "common" or the like so why does the game call the, in lore, mass produced no personality foot soldier Nikkes "rare"? This leads back to "SSR" having it's own category of rarity, did they realize "SSSR" would look and sound stupid so that's why Pilgrims don't have their own category? I dunno, could have called it "ultra super dooper cream your pants because you're a real winner rare" or they could have just (alongside making some of the "unworthies" a lower tier) gone with 4 tiers with a more honest and conventional naming system (common- uncommon-rare-epic) but they didn't because that doesn't trigger the dopamine in slack jawed gamer so they like you more and spend more money or whatever reason so many games use terminology that feels like patting you on the back. Almost lost my cool there, sounding a lil schizo huh? Let's move on to the other main point to save face.
  1. The way progression is handled (and how that ties to the roster) "When you come to it and you can't go through it and you can't knock it down, you know that you've found the wall, the wall, the wall." -Mark Henry (still kicking, I think). Gacha games, or really most games, have parts that are for the cream of the crop. The real go getters (or go spenders) who invest a lot of time (or money) into the game and are rewarded for it. Usually these are things like raids or other limited time events, typically speaking though it's not the main story of the game that's the major hurdle for the playerbase to surmount. Typically speaking there's a slow and steady incline of requirements for players to progress through the story of a game, be it skill (let's be honest, not really a factor for gacha games) or equipment/loot, but not here. Instead you have rapidly increasing arbitrary "recommended power levels" (yes, we'll talk about this later) coupled with a massive middle finger in the form of level limit/ limit breaking in a nice package of pain and inconvenience, because I hate you for enjoying and caring about the story we wrote (which the game will proceed to spoil in events, which have a way lower bar of entry) or something idk. Jamie, pull up that list again.
-So pulling a SRR is "accomplishment" enough, pulling the same SRR 3 more times is whack crazy luck, doing that whole process 5 times is insultingly absurd (b-buh muh Kilo tho, because rip anybody who wasn't here for this event). Technically speaking there are systems in place to make this easier, but both of them are still hella rough. You can either use the wishlist feature (on the normal recruitment, and not for pilgrims) to cut out the massive bloat of SRR you don't care about and still pray on that 4% chance or you can grind out 200 total recruits to get mileage tickets to knock out one of 20 pulls you'll need in order to get pass this wall. You've already seen posts either lamenting their luck or singing praises to lord because after months people have managed this, and imo that is not a good system of progression for the main story of your game. I don't have a problem with there being content that encourages you to spend money, for heavens sake they have a "hard campaign" (which is just the same lay out of campaign maps with massively spiked up requirements with the same exact rewards as the normal story, minus the actual story part) so why not just let people enjoy the normal campaign. It comes off as a really cheap and scummy way to encourage people to spend money, holding the story of your game hostage. Just lower the requirements of the normal campaign, I'm sure older players don't have the "naw these new players need to suffer like I suffered" mentality, nobody is going to be mad at you.
-Oh yeah, recommended power levels. A lot of games have the system of "increase your number to keep up with the enemies increasing number" but none of those feels like a slap in the face as this game's system of "you'll either meet this required number or we'll just nerf your damage to the ground" (evidently the exact percentage of this used to be a lot worse before they patched it, further proof that the playerbase isn't against the game being made more accessible). This is probably the part where the Nikke superfan tells me I just have a massive skill issue and it's totally possible to clear these missions at a deficit, and this is absolutely true. I've seem some superstars talking about clearing levels while under 20k or more the recommended amount (I've only managed 10k, all thanks to Crown whom I love and cherish) and you know what the secret to success is? I just hinted at it in those parenthesis but it comes down to pulling "the right" SSR Nikkes. Okay that's a little disingenuous , as there's a little bit of skill/ understanding of the games system involved and grinding out the various resources you need to level said actually good SSR Nikkes, but it doesn't change the fact that there are Nikkes you actually want if you care about progressing through the game and there's all the ones you don't that seemingly only exist to reduce your chances of pulling these Nikkes. Let's backtrack to that "wishlist" system for a bit, which is what is intended to make sure you get the (non pilgrim) Nikkes you want like Liter or Tia. You'll recall that the wishlist doesn't increase your total chance to pull a SRR (makes sense) but just ensures that you only pull the designated SSR, but the problem is this only applies to this normal pulling. It is still my opinion that most of the SSR you're gonna get are going to come from the various molds, which cleverly has no such system of wishliting (because let's be honest, this would probably destroy any incentive to pay money for people who don't care about costumes). So you're either dealing with a system of most likely not getting any SSR from normal pulling or having a slim chance of pulling the SSR you need (assuming you even pull a SSR to begin with) with the mold, neither of which sound too appealing to me
-Speaking of molds, and this probably going to be my most controversial take (or at the least the most demanding), it is blatantly unfair that high quality and company molds aren't a guaranteed SSR. In the case of of the high quality mold the process of getting one is slow enough (I maybe manage 1 a week, outside of events or CD redemption that may give more) and there are enough SSR (putting aside the fact that you want to pull the same SSR multiple times anyway) that I really don't think it would be that bad if you just don't let us get kicked in the gut by pulling Neon after all that effort. In the case of the company specific molds from the tribe towers you are quite literally hard limited to pulling 3-7 a day (assuming of course you have a squad capable of tackling the tower), and you're going to make them have an even lower total chance of a SSR than the normal high quality mold. I'm only half way to my pilgrim mold (I had to wait till crown before I even felt like starting the tower, because even doing the easiest levels is mind numbing with just one Nikke) but I've heard horror stories of going 5 pilgrim molds with no pilgrim in sight, and ngl I may just weep when it's my turn to experience that. If you want to further reduce the acquisition of molds to still encourage some spending that's fine by me, but please let us have some safety net in this ruthless Nikke grind.
That's pretty much it for the rant so I just want to finish with some closing thoughts. I really do like this game, honest, and I wouldn't mind supporting it if it just didn't make me feel so used and abused. There are plenty of games with microtransactions or additional content where it feels like you're buying them because you want to support the dev, not because it feels like they're holding a gun to your head, and I just want this game to feel more like the former. I'm happy to discuss this rant further if anybody has their own ideas and opinions (or even if people just want to defend the game) so let me know what yall think, assuming you even read that blob of text up there.
submitted by Honest-File9357 to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:18 SuperbChair9058 Keratometer: Your Tool for Better Vision

Discover how the Micro Medical Devices keratometer enhances eye care with precise corneal measurements. Ideal for contact lens fitting and refractive surgeries, this portable device ensures accuracy and efficiency in any setting. Explore its benefits and integrative capabilities today!
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submitted by SuperbChair9058 to u/SuperbChair9058 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:14 ruvariosu 3 times failed driver's license test

Throughout my 19 years of life, i NEVER wanted to drive a car, mostly because of my childhood passing by being uninterested in cars like most boys. Peer bullying in my home country, Turkey, is far more dense than any other third world countries. Not to mention the economy is absolutely horrible to which i found an escape, leaving the country legally. About 6 months ago, i got accepted to a university in Germany. Which was a big win for me and i will be leaving my home country in about 3 months from now. As soon as i hit 18, my dearest mother started forcing me into getting a driver's license which i never wanted. In my 19th birthday my mother signed me up to a driver's course without my consent and as you may have realized, that she is a strict mother of some sort. My peers started to bully me by saying "If you cannot get your driver's license on your first try, you are gay." Which didn't made any sense because i wasn't gay. As you can imagine however, being a gay in Turkey wouldn't be easy as i have a gay friend who gets treated like a second class person. I needed to prove myself to my peers in order to stop them from bullying me. I started learning how to drive a car in the lessons and within the glimpse of an eye, the exam day finally came. I failed, which made me enter a depression state because of how i was going to be afraid of what people will think about me. Surprisingly that didn't happen. Everybody was so positive and consolating me by saying "It happens to the best of us" which made me feel a bit better. A month has passed, i've learned why i have failed and my lesson. My depression was kinda over and i entered the exam yet again with positive mindset. I failed again. My parents were worried about me, therefor we bought more private lessons before the exam. Which as you may know, costs a lot of money. I got better at driving, learned my lessons, and ready to the exam yet again. I failed. FOR THE THIRD TIME. At this point i was sure that this wasn't for me at all. All of my peers got their driver's license and i was the only one without it. From time to time i experience unwanted flashbacks which makes my heart beat faster, shutting off my decision mechanism and simply losing all control over my body. This happens almost every day now. I have 2 weeks left to the final exam and this would be my last chance as i will not be able to get it in the tight schedule. My parents apologized for forcefully putting me into this environment which i never wanted to get in and which i've told them long before i even started. The apology doesn't mean anything to me as of now and part of me is telling me to simply not enter the last exam as i know i might fail again, i doubt that my mental health can even put up with this situation. I am crying an experiencing yet another stroke while writing this because even the memories make me dizzy, how come would i be able to enter the exam with no stress? Because i know that only stress is causing all of these problems as i never have made any concrete mistakes within the private lessons. It broke off from the driver's license, even if i successfully finish the exam i wouldn't care about the damned license. Not being able to succeed from the exam makes me feel like a second class person. I don't know how much can i put up with this feeling. Sometimes i want everything to end immediately, even though life is full of battles. This is no longer a battle, but a torture of some sort. Even when i do my best, it's not enough. Being unsuccessful when everybody was believing in me.
submitted by ruvariosu to ptsd [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:11 integral_health Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here

Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here
In the bustling city of Mississauga, where every step counts, maintaining optimal health is paramount. At Integral Health Group, we understand the importance of a holistic approach to wellness, which is why we're dedicated to providing top-tier physiotherapy treatment tailored to your individual needs.
Why Choose Physiotherapy at Integral Health Group?
At Integral Health Group, we believe that your well-being is our mission. Our team of experienced physiotherapists is committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of your treatment journey. Here's why you should trust us for your physiotherapy needs in Mississauga:
  1. Personalized Care: We recognize that every individual is unique, and so are their healthcare needs. Our physiotherapists take the time to understand your specific condition and create personalized treatment plans that address your concerns effectively.
  2. Comprehensive Approach: Our approach to physiotherapy goes beyond just treating symptoms; we focus on identifying and addressing the root cause of your condition to provide long-lasting relief and improved function.
  3. Cutting-Edge Techniques: At Integral Health Group, we stay abreast of the latest advancements in physiotherapy techniques and technologies. From manual therapy and exercise prescription to modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation, we utilize evidence-based practices to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.
  4. Patient-Centered Experience: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. From the moment you walk through our doors, you'll experience a warm, welcoming environment where you're treated with compassion and respect.
What to Expect During Your Physiotherapy Journey
When you choose physiotherapy treatment at Integral Health Group, you can expect a comprehensive and seamless experience designed to support your journey to wellness. Here's what you can anticipate:
  1. Initial Assessment: Your physiotherapy journey begins with a thorough assessment conducted by one of our experienced practitioners. During this session, we'll take the time to listen to your concerns, conduct a detailed examination, and establish goals for your treatment.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the findings of your assessment, we'll develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. This plan may include a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, modalities, and education aimed at optimizing your function and reducing pain.
  3. Ongoing Support and Guidance: Throughout your treatment journey, our team will be there to support you every step of the way. We'll provide guidance on proper technique, lifestyle modifications, and self-management strategies to empower you to take control of your health.
  4. Progress Monitoring: We believe in the importance of tracking your progress to ensure that you're achieving the desired outcomes. Regular reassessments will allow us to modify your treatment plan as needed and celebrate your successes along the way.
Experience Exceptional Physiotherapy treatment Mississauga
At Integral Health Group, your health is our priority. Trust us to provide you with comprehensive, compassionate physiotherapy care that puts you first. Take the first step towards a pain-free, active life by scheduling your appointment with us today. Welcome to Integral Health Group, where your journey to wellness begins.
physiotherapy Treatment Mississauga
submitted by integral_health to u/integral_health [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:11 Rafaelkruger Obliterate Procrastination - The Secret Reasons You Procrastinate and How To Overcome Them

The first thing you have to understand is that procrastination isn’t about laziness and rarely about the task we’ve been avoiding.
Simply put, procrastination happens because of the meaning we attach to certain tasks, and because of this hidden meaning, procrastination becomes a strategy to avoid facing something deeper.
For instance, since I launched my book and I have more people paying attention to me, I started procrastinating on posting about certain topics and telling my stories.
Why? … Because I’m afraid of being judged and not being good enough. This evokes my desire to be perfect, which leads to being identified with my productions and being attached to the outcome.
When I was overweight, I’d constantly procrastinate on buying new clothes.
Why? … Because I’d have to look myself in the mirror. I knew my clothes were getting tighter and I didn’t want to buy a bigger number of pants. I was avoiding facing I wasn’t taking good care of myself.
Recently, I lost my credit card and to get a new one was very simple. All I had to do was make a phone call, but I avoided it for weeks.
Why? … Because the call had to be done in Spanish, and I don’t feel very confident speaking Spanish yet.
This makes me feel insecure, because I feel like my Spanish should be way better now that I’m living in Argentina. Of course, this is all in my head, the truth is that I can already hold conversions in Spanish, but I’m judging myself too harshly.
Do you see? … Procrastination is just a symptom of something deeper.
It’s about the meaning and heaviness we attach to certain tasks and while this is unconscious, they feel much bigger than they actually are. In fact, even using the word “procrastination” detracts us from the real experience as it’s a way to avoid uncovering the real truth.
People believe that just because they know a word they know everything there is to know about something. The truth is that using terms provides an illusory sense of control because now “we know what the thing is”.
However, we have to look for the secret reason behind procrastination, just like the examples I gave you. I wasn’t “procrastinating”, I didn’t want to feel rejected or judged.
When we unwrap the real reason, it becomes conscious and we can finally do something about it. It’s no longer this invisible master of puppets making us feel ashamed and guilty for constantly postponing certain tasks.
The Root Cause of Procrastination
During my practice as a therapist, I understood that procrastination is a very common symptom in people under the influence of a mother or father complex, and this took things to a whole new level.
In very simple terms, these are people who don’t want to grow up and take any responsibility for their lives. Some people know that as the Peter Pan syndrome, but nowadays people call it the man-child or the woman-child. in Jungian Psychology, we call it the Puer and Puella Aeternus.
When I realized that, I understood that the problem of procrastination is something much deeper, it’s not about postponing daily tasks, It’s about postponing growing up and fully living life. New studies are showing that adolescence is extending to 30 years old and people are doing everything they can to remain childish.
Why? … Because this is the easy way out, while you’re childish you don’t have to take responsibility for anything and you can always blame your parents, your family, and society.
All of this passivity and lack of responsibility leads to people feeling lost and having no sense of purpose and direction. This obviously leads to massive amounts of anxiety and depression. Procrastination is just a symptom of something deeper and that’s why simply giving you a list of habits won’t solve it, we have to address the root cause first.
We have to talk about our attitude towards life and what lies underneath procrastination:
For some it’s the fear of becoming independent, truly growing up, and making their own decisions.
Others feel like they’re not good enough to do what they truly desire.
Others procrastinate to avoid disappointing their families or partners.
Others procrastinate because they don’t have the right motivation,
they’re just trying to please someone else. On a deeper, level, they’re living their entire lives with someone else’s map.
Others procrastinate because they lack self-esteem and don’t feel like they deserve to accomplish anything.
Others procrastinate because they’re afraid they’ll be rejected if they put themselves out there.
While others procrastinate because they’re afraid of failure.
The First Thing
If you’re under the influence of a mother and father complex, the first thing you have to realize is that there’s a part of you that wants to remain a child and sabotages all your attempts to become independent and accomplish your goals. This part is also very clever, as it’s a master in creating the perfect excuses to avoid doing all the tasks you have to do.
Now, I know that many people were dealt a bad hand, I had to deal with CPTSD and severe derealization. However, the first thing that ought to be done is to emotionally and psychologically separate yourself from your parents. Until you do so, you’ll never be your own person and you’ll be forever doomed to repeat their stories.
Simply put, psychologically speaking, being under the influence of the parents entails that you unconsciously adopt their worldview, beliefs, fears, and all of their patterns around work, money, relationships, and life in general.
I won’t go into full detail here because I already wrote extensively about it in my Conquer The Puer and Puella Aeternus Series, I’ll focus on expanding these ideas and how they apply specifically to procrastination.
What I’d like to add is that you won’t be able to carve your own path if you don’t take the responsibility upon you to craft your own values and create your unique sense of meaning.
These answers won’t come from anyone else but you, and if you don’t actively engage in this process, you’ll operate with goals and a belief system that have nothing to do with your personality and authentic desires. You’ll be trying to please others and fulfill their expectations instead of following your soul. That’s what most people choose to do and that’s also why they lead meaningless lives.
Just a quick note here, when I say that people have to emotionally separate from their parents some people tend to assume this is a bad thing. But this is not about cutting ties with your family and shutting them off, this is about becoming your own person, it’s about developing your own personality, beliefs, and values.
It’s about becoming independent and letting go of the need for their approval. It’s about individuation, which means carving your own path. In some cases, this will require keeping a certain distance from the family while for others this might not be necessary, you have to discern what’s your scenario and not use your family as an excuse.
Comfort – A Poisonous Drug
Being under the influence of the parental complex means that you either live a life trying to fulfill their expectations or trying to prove them wrong, in this second case, you do everything they wouldn’t approve. Either way, it’s not a conscious decision because everything is done in reaction to the parents, it’s not an expression of your individuality.
Taking things into a procrastination context, the quickest way to realize if you’re under the influence of a negative mother complex is if you’re constantly seeking COMFORT.
In other words, you’re procrastinating because you HAVE the perfect
I know, a bit of a mind fuck…
The problem is that you got used to your current level of comfort and this keeps you stuck. Comfort is one of the most powerful drugs that exists. I love it when I can just brew myself a great cup of coffee and simply stare into the void. I just want to do nothing and pretend that I don’t have any adult responsibilities for a while, lol.
The problem is that people usually fall in love with this “pretending” and it quickly becomes an escapism. Whenever there’s a situation demanding growth, instead of facing it head-on, they choose the easy way out.
When you do that, you also open the door to a mediocre life. This mediocre spirit whispers in your ear, “It’s ok to eat that extra cookie”. “It’s ok to spend all of your time doom scrolling or watching adult videos”.
Quickly, it converts into a master of puppets keeping you hostage of your own “comfort”. The mindset “If I just had the perfect conditions I could start”, perfectly encapsulates it. There’s always one more book you have to read, there’s always one more thing you have to buy, the list never ends!
The first thing you have to realize is that comfort is subjective. You might not think that your current life is objectively comfortable, yet, you got used to it. Worse, you keep lying to yourself saying that everything is ok.
Avoiding making a decision doesn’t make things magically disappear, it just makes the imaginary monster bigger.
Until you admit to yourself that things must change, I’m sorry to tell you, but you’ll just keep wasting your life. This “comfort” is poisonous and will corrode your health, relationships, and all your potential to live a great life.
Now, looking on the bright side.
Once you understand that you’ve been lying to yourself, you also realize that you had the perfect conditions to start all along. Let’s be serious, if you’re reading this right now, I’m sure you have all you need to start whatever you want to do.
Instead of choosing comfort every time, you have to learn how to intelligently apply friction to yourself and we’re gonna explore that in future articles.
I’d like to end with this quoting Kant – “You’re only free when you choose to do what you don’t want to do”.
Many people have this childish idea that if they form a lot of habits they’ll stop having fun and life will become boring, but it’s exactly the other way around. If you don’t develop discipline, your destructive desires will continue to ruin your life.
It’s not fun having bad financial habits and never knowing if you’ll have enough money. It’s not fun not being able to control what we eat, constantly put on weight and feel disgusting when we look in the mirror.
It’s not fun not being able to accomplish our tasks and feel guilty, ashamed, and like a failure. Not only that, when you don’t have good habits you waste a lot of time in meaningless tasks, such as thinking about what you’re gonna eat or wear.
However, when we form good habits everything becomes automatic and we don’t have to think about it anymore, it becomes effortless and this frees a lot of mental energy. We stop being worried about meaningless stuff and we can apply this energy to deep thinking and creativity.
Having good habits and deciding exactly how we’ll spend our time, resources, and energy is extremely powerful and brings immense freedom. It’s time to stop being a slave of your illusory comfort. You’re not lost, you’re afraid of responsibility and carving your own path.
Here’s a deep dive into the mother and father complex – Conquer The Puer and Puella Aeternus
Rafael Krüger – Jungian Therapist
submitted by Rafaelkruger to ShadowWork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:07 integral_health Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here

Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here
In the bustling city of Mississauga, where every step counts, maintaining optimal health is paramount. At Integral Health Group, we understand the importance of a holistic approach to wellness, which is why we're dedicated to providing top-tier physiotherapy treatment tailored to your individual needs.
Why Choose Physiotherapy at Integral Health Group?
At Integral Health Group, we believe that your well-being is our mission. Our team of experienced physiotherapists is committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of your treatment journey. Here's why you should trust us for your physiotherapy needs in Mississauga:
  1. Personalized Care: We recognize that every individual is unique, and so are their healthcare needs. Our physiotherapists take the time to understand your specific condition and create personalized treatment plans that address your concerns effectively.
  2. Comprehensive Approach: Our approach to physiotherapy goes beyond just treating symptoms; we focus on identifying and addressing the root cause of your condition to provide long-lasting relief and improved function.
  3. Cutting-Edge Techniques: At Integral Health Group, we stay abreast of the latest advancements in physiotherapy techniques and technologies. From manual therapy and exercise prescription to modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation, we utilize evidence-based practices to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.
  4. Patient-Centered Experience: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. From the moment you walk through our doors, you'll experience a warm, welcoming environment where you're treated with compassion and respect.
What to Expect During Your Physiotherapy Journey
When you choose physiotherapy treatment at Integral Health Group, you can expect a comprehensive and seamless experience designed to support your journey to wellness. Here's what you can anticipate:
  1. Initial Assessment: Your physiotherapy journey begins with a thorough assessment conducted by one of our experienced practitioners. During this session, we'll take the time to listen to your concerns, conduct a detailed examination, and establish goals for your treatment.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the findings of your assessment, we'll develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. This plan may include a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, modalities, and education aimed at optimizing your function and reducing pain.
  3. Ongoing Support and Guidance: Throughout your treatment journey, our team will be there to support you every step of the way. We'll provide guidance on proper technique, lifestyle modifications, and self-management strategies to empower you to take control of your health.
  4. Progress Monitoring: We believe in the importance of tracking your progress to ensure that you're achieving the desired outcomes. Regular reassessments will allow us to modify your treatment plan as needed and celebrate your successes along the way.
Experience Exceptional Physiotherapy treatment Mississauga
At Integral Health Group, your health is our priority. Trust us to provide you with comprehensive, compassionate physiotherapy care that puts you first. Take the first step towards a pain-free, active life by scheduling your appointment with us today. Welcome to Integral Health Group, where your journey to wellness begins.
physiotherapy Treatment Mississauga
submitted by integral_health to u/integral_health [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:06 integral_health Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here

Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here
In the bustling city of Mississauga, where every step counts, maintaining optimal health is paramount. At Integral Health Group, we understand the importance of a holistic approach to wellness, which is why we're dedicated to providing top-tier physiotherapy treatment tailored to your individual needs.
Why Choose Physiotherapy at Integral Health Group?
At Integral Health Group, we believe that your well-being is our mission. Our team of experienced physiotherapists is committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of your treatment journey. Here's why you should trust us for your physiotherapy needs in Mississauga:
  1. Personalized Care: We recognize that every individual is unique, and so are their healthcare needs. Our physiotherapists take the time to understand your specific condition and create personalized treatment plans that address your concerns effectively.
  2. Comprehensive Approach: Our approach to physiotherapy goes beyond just treating symptoms; we focus on identifying and addressing the root cause of your condition to provide long-lasting relief and improved function.
  3. Cutting-Edge Techniques: At Integral Health Group, we stay abreast of the latest advancements in physiotherapy techniques and technologies. From manual therapy and exercise prescription to modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation, we utilize evidence-based practices to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.
  4. Patient-Centered Experience: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. From the moment you walk through our doors, you'll experience a warm, welcoming environment where you're treated with compassion and respect.
What to Expect During Your Physiotherapy Journey
When you choose physiotherapy treatment at Integral Health Group, you can expect a comprehensive and seamless experience designed to support your journey to wellness. Here's what you can anticipate:
  1. Initial Assessment: Your physiotherapy journey begins with a thorough assessment conducted by one of our experienced practitioners. During this session, we'll take the time to listen to your concerns, conduct a detailed examination, and establish goals for your treatment.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the findings of your assessment, we'll develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. This plan may include a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, modalities, and education aimed at optimizing your function and reducing pain.
  3. Ongoing Support and Guidance: Throughout your treatment journey, our team will be there to support you every step of the way. We'll provide guidance on proper technique, lifestyle modifications, and self-management strategies to empower you to take control of your health.
  4. Progress Monitoring: We believe in the importance of tracking your progress to ensure that you're achieving the desired outcomes. Regular reassessments will allow us to modify your treatment plan as needed and celebrate your successes along the way.
Experience Exceptional Physiotherapy treatment Mississauga
At Integral Health Group, your health is our priority. Trust us to provide you with comprehensive, compassionate physiotherapy care that puts you first. Take the first step towards a pain-free, active life by scheduling your appointment with us today. Welcome to Integral Health Group, where your journey to wellness begins.
physiotherapy Treatment Mississauga
submitted by integral_health to u/integral_health [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:06 integral_health Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here

Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here
In the bustling city of Mississauga, where every step counts, maintaining optimal health is paramount. At Integral Health Group, we understand the importance of a holistic approach to wellness, which is why we're dedicated to providing top-tier physiotherapy treatment tailored to your individual needs.
Why Choose Physiotherapy at Integral Health Group?
At Integral Health Group, we believe that your well-being is our mission. Our team of experienced physiotherapists is committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of your treatment journey. Here's why you should trust us for your physiotherapy needs in Mississauga:
  1. Personalized Care: We recognize that every individual is unique, and so are their healthcare needs. Our physiotherapists take the time to understand your specific condition and create personalized treatment plans that address your concerns effectively.
  2. Comprehensive Approach: Our approach to physiotherapy goes beyond just treating symptoms; we focus on identifying and addressing the root cause of your condition to provide long-lasting relief and improved function.
  3. Cutting-Edge Techniques: At Integral Health Group, we stay abreast of the latest advancements in physiotherapy techniques and technologies. From manual therapy and exercise prescription to modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation, we utilize evidence-based practices to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.
  4. Patient-Centered Experience: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. From the moment you walk through our doors, you'll experience a warm, welcoming environment where you're treated with compassion and respect.
What to Expect During Your Physiotherapy Journey
When you choose physiotherapy treatment at Integral Health Group, you can expect a comprehensive and seamless experience designed to support your journey to wellness. Here's what you can anticipate:
  1. Initial Assessment: Your physiotherapy journey begins with a thorough assessment conducted by one of our experienced practitioners. During this session, we'll take the time to listen to your concerns, conduct a detailed examination, and establish goals for your treatment.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the findings of your assessment, we'll develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. This plan may include a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, modalities, and education aimed at optimizing your function and reducing pain.
  3. Ongoing Support and Guidance: Throughout your treatment journey, our team will be there to support you every step of the way. We'll provide guidance on proper technique, lifestyle modifications, and self-management strategies to empower you to take control of your health.
  4. Progress Monitoring: We believe in the importance of tracking your progress to ensure that you're achieving the desired outcomes. Regular reassessments will allow us to modify your treatment plan as needed and celebrate your successes along the way.
Experience Exceptional Physiotherapy treatment Mississauga
At Integral Health Group, your health is our priority. Trust us to provide you with comprehensive, compassionate physiotherapy care that puts you first. Take the first step towards a pain-free, active life by scheduling your appointment with us today. Welcome to Integral Health Group, where your journey to wellness begins.
physiotherapy Treatment Mississauga
submitted by integral_health to u/integral_health [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:06 integral_health Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here

Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here
In the bustling city of Mississauga, where every step counts, maintaining optimal health is paramount. At Integral Health Group, we understand the importance of a holistic approach to wellness, which is why we're dedicated to providing top-tier physiotherapy treatment tailored to your individual needs.
Why Choose Physiotherapy at Integral Health Group?
At Integral Health Group, we believe that your well-being is our mission. Our team of experienced physiotherapists is committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of your treatment journey. Here's why you should trust us for your physiotherapy needs in Mississauga:
  1. Personalized Care: We recognize that every individual is unique, and so are their healthcare needs. Our physiotherapists take the time to understand your specific condition and create personalized treatment plans that address your concerns effectively.
  2. Comprehensive Approach: Our approach to physiotherapy goes beyond just treating symptoms; we focus on identifying and addressing the root cause of your condition to provide long-lasting relief and improved function.
  3. Cutting-Edge Techniques: At Integral Health Group, we stay abreast of the latest advancements in physiotherapy techniques and technologies. From manual therapy and exercise prescription to modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation, we utilize evidence-based practices to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.
  4. Patient-Centered Experience: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. From the moment you walk through our doors, you'll experience a warm, welcoming environment where you're treated with compassion and respect.
What to Expect During Your Physiotherapy Journey
When you choose physiotherapy treatment at Integral Health Group, you can expect a comprehensive and seamless experience designed to support your journey to wellness. Here's what you can anticipate:
  1. Initial Assessment: Your physiotherapy journey begins with a thorough assessment conducted by one of our experienced practitioners. During this session, we'll take the time to listen to your concerns, conduct a detailed examination, and establish goals for your treatment.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the findings of your assessment, we'll develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. This plan may include a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, modalities, and education aimed at optimizing your function and reducing pain.
  3. Ongoing Support and Guidance: Throughout your treatment journey, our team will be there to support you every step of the way. We'll provide guidance on proper technique, lifestyle modifications, and self-management strategies to empower you to take control of your health.
  4. Progress Monitoring: We believe in the importance of tracking your progress to ensure that you're achieving the desired outcomes. Regular reassessments will allow us to modify your treatment plan as needed and celebrate your successes along the way.
Experience Exceptional Physiotherapy treatment Mississauga
At Integral Health Group, your health is our priority. Trust us to provide you with comprehensive, compassionate physiotherapy care that puts you first. Take the first step towards a pain-free, active life by scheduling your appointment with us today. Welcome to Integral Health Group, where your journey to wellness begins.
physiotherapy Treatment Mississauga
submitted by integral_health to u/integral_health [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:05 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 14 2024

DAY: MAY 14, 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:04 FredSavard GZW Suggestions

GZW is currently top 50 and will soon become the top 1 action game.
It's literally the game I've been waiting for all my life. However, with the game barely in early access Alpha version, it's a typical love/hate relationship.
We must be patient, as the developers are working tirelessly to give us the best possible immersion experience.
I have a few suggestions for the game's development.
  1. Increased stamina, military men have more stamina than a 5-year-old child after all.
  2. Instant travel options. (helicopter never available, wait can be over an hour)
  3. Visible faction identities for PvP.
  4. Environmental experience option on/off (reference to Breakpoint).
  5. Day/night cycles.
  6. No key to continue mission progression (there is the option of kicking a door, but we can't exploit it).
  7. Location of our body in the map when we die.
  8. Squad of at least 8 people. (In Private PvE server)
  9. Private server.
  10. Make silencers more effective, (we get spotted anyway).
  11. Flies are getting really annoying.
  12. A tree branch shouldn't make us jump over it and waste 1/3 of our stamina.
  13. More cosmetic options. (I have many twins).
I have several other suggestions, but here are the ones that mean the most to me!
submitted by FredSavard to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:04 integral_health Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here

Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here
In the bustling city of Mississauga, where every step counts, maintaining optimal health is paramount. At Integral Health Group, we understand the importance of a holistic approach to wellness, which is why we're dedicated to providing top-tier physiotherapy treatment tailored to your individual needs.
Why Choose Physiotherapy at Integral Health Group?
At Integral Health Group, we believe that your well-being is our mission. Our team of experienced physiotherapists is committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of your treatment journey. Here's why you should trust us for your physiotherapy needs in Mississauga:
  1. Personalized Care: We recognize that every individual is unique, and so are their healthcare needs. Our physiotherapists take the time to understand your specific condition and create personalized treatment plans that address your concerns effectively.
  2. Comprehensive Approach: Our approach to physiotherapy goes beyond just treating symptoms; we focus on identifying and addressing the root cause of your condition to provide long-lasting relief and improved function.
  3. Cutting-Edge Techniques: At Integral Health Group, we stay abreast of the latest advancements in physiotherapy techniques and technologies. From manual therapy and exercise prescription to modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation, we utilize evidence-based practices to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.
  4. Patient-Centered Experience: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. From the moment you walk through our doors, you'll experience a warm, welcoming environment where you're treated with compassion and respect.
What to Expect During Your Physiotherapy Journey
When you choose physiotherapy treatment at Integral Health Group, you can expect a comprehensive and seamless experience designed to support your journey to wellness. Here's what you can anticipate:
  1. Initial Assessment: Your physiotherapy journey begins with a thorough assessment conducted by one of our experienced practitioners. During this session, we'll take the time to listen to your concerns, conduct a detailed examination, and establish goals for your treatment.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the findings of your assessment, we'll develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. This plan may include a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, modalities, and education aimed at optimizing your function and reducing pain.
  3. Ongoing Support and Guidance: Throughout your treatment journey, our team will be there to support you every step of the way. We'll provide guidance on proper technique, lifestyle modifications, and self-management strategies to empower you to take control of your health.
  4. Progress Monitoring: We believe in the importance of tracking your progress to ensure that you're achieving the desired outcomes. Regular reassessments will allow us to modify your treatment plan as needed and celebrate your successes along the way.
Experience Exceptional Physiotherapy treatment Mississauga
At Integral Health Group, your health is our priority. Trust us to provide you with comprehensive, compassionate physiotherapy care that puts you first. Take the first step towards a pain-free, active life by scheduling your appointment with us today. Welcome to Integral Health Group, where your journey to wellness begins.
physiotherapy Treatment Mississauga
submitted by integral_health to u/integral_health [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:04 integral_health Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here

Comprehensive Physiotherapy Treatment in Mississauga: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here
In the bustling city of Mississauga, where every step counts, maintaining optimal health is paramount. At Integral Health Group, we understand the importance of a holistic approach to wellness, which is why we're dedicated to providing top-tier physiotherapy treatment tailored to your individual needs.
Why Choose Physiotherapy at Integral Health Group?
At Integral Health Group, we believe that your well-being is our mission. Our team of experienced physiotherapists is committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of your treatment journey. Here's why you should trust us for your physiotherapy needs in Mississauga:
  1. Personalized Care: We recognize that every individual is unique, and so are their healthcare needs. Our physiotherapists take the time to understand your specific condition and create personalized treatment plans that address your concerns effectively.
  2. Comprehensive Approach: Our approach to physiotherapy goes beyond just treating symptoms; we focus on identifying and addressing the root cause of your condition to provide long-lasting relief and improved function.
  3. Cutting-Edge Techniques: At Integral Health Group, we stay abreast of the latest advancements in physiotherapy techniques and technologies. From manual therapy and exercise prescription to modalities like ultrasound and electrical stimulation, we utilize evidence-based practices to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.
  4. Patient-Centered Experience: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. From the moment you walk through our doors, you'll experience a warm, welcoming environment where you're treated with compassion and respect.
What to Expect During Your Physiotherapy Journey
When you choose physiotherapy treatment at Integral Health Group, you can expect a comprehensive and seamless experience designed to support your journey to wellness. Here's what you can anticipate:
  1. Initial Assessment: Your physiotherapy journey begins with a thorough assessment conducted by one of our experienced practitioners. During this session, we'll take the time to listen to your concerns, conduct a detailed examination, and establish goals for your treatment.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the findings of your assessment, we'll develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. This plan may include a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, modalities, and education aimed at optimizing your function and reducing pain.
  3. Ongoing Support and Guidance: Throughout your treatment journey, our team will be there to support you every step of the way. We'll provide guidance on proper technique, lifestyle modifications, and self-management strategies to empower you to take control of your health.
  4. Progress Monitoring: We believe in the importance of tracking your progress to ensure that you're achieving the desired outcomes. Regular reassessments will allow us to modify your treatment plan as needed and celebrate your successes along the way.
Experience Exceptional Physiotherapy treatment Mississauga
At Integral Health Group, your health is our priority. Trust us to provide you with comprehensive, compassionate physiotherapy care that puts you first. Take the first step towards a pain-free, active life by scheduling your appointment with us today. Welcome to Integral Health Group, where your journey to wellness begins.
physiotherapy Treatment Mississauga
submitted by integral_health to u/integral_health [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:04 abombregardless I’m DMing for a group of 10-yr olds who don’t care much about Background. What can I do instead to give them extra Proficiencies & Equipment?

I am a new DM but I’ve learned a lot in a short time. I am running a small campaign for my 10-year-old kid and their friends. It’s their first time playing D&D. Yesterday we were building characters. They’ve been very patient with the process. After an hour and a half of character creation, were almost finished l when I realized I forgot to have them choose Backgrounds. I started explaining what a Background was, but they lost patience and said they didn’t care, they just want to play. I said OK, fine, no backgrounds, and we would start the campaign this Saturday.
I am running a simple one-shot. It will probably last 2 or 3 sessions and doesn’t have much worldbuilding. The kids don’t technically NEED backgrounds to play, and they aren’t going to roleplay that intensely anyway. I want them to experience the fun of D&D without it seeming like homework. So I’m skipping Backgrounds for now.
However, I know Backgrounds confer some extra Proficiencies and Equipment. How should I grant those to the kids in the absence of a Background?
Thanks for the advice. FYI i am also skipping some other stuff…like, one kid wants to be a Cleric but I’m not forcing her to choose a Divine Domain because I’m not going to level them up beyond Lvl 2 in this campaign and I feel like Domains have a lot of choices that don’t affect the early game. Is that OK?
submitted by abombregardless to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:03 Gerryfixir Just wondering what the actual cost to the dentist is

As a former mechanic and someone that’s in the pet care industry now. I know that certain items for cars cost about 12 bucks but the dealership will try and charge people $120 to install it and in the pet industry an item that they can buy for around $15 yet they will try and charge between 70 and 100 to the patient. I know you have the overhead with assistants and stuff. But what is the actual outdoor cost for something like a filling?
submitted by Gerryfixir to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:01 AutoModerator Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for Home Care Agencies - A Primer

21st Century Cures Act supports seamless and secure access, exchange, and use of electronic health information. The rule is designed to give patients, and their healthcare providers secure access to health information.
Successful implementation of EVV at home care agencies will require a complete understanding of #EVV requirements by states and selecting the right partner to meet those disparate and complex requirements.
submitted by AutoModerator to CV_Community [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 No_Moose_3457 How to protect a large molar filling that fell out (appointment in one month)

Hi, I’ll keep it short (probably a lie); I had a bottom right molar filling fall out last week so I saw the dentist. I was a new patient as I was on the waiting list for a host of other places, so I paid to go private (UK) because I couldn’t wait, and they gave me the full checkup and x-rays, and even x-rayed that side again, and my appointment to replace the filling is in one month (Jun 18th).
Problem is it was a pretty substantial filling, so it has left a large amount exposed, and I’m not sure what I can do to make sure the filling doesn’t turn into a expensive RCT and crown or extraction? They’re certain they can save the tooth, I even mentioned it at the time again at the end and they reiterated that, and I’m down for a large filling in that tooth all mapped out on the sheet I was given. But I don’t feel like leaving the insides of the tooth exposed like that for a month is helping.
I’m not sure if sending me on my way like that with nothing is confidence in it all holding up, or just the earliest they can get me in. It’s too awkward a spot for me to even try temp fill it, not that I’d even want to make it more awkward when it comes to the proper job.
Help. It’s bugging me so much, it feels like an open wound I’m just ignoring for a month. How durable exactly is something like that? Can I cautiously still eat on it?
submitted by No_Moose_3457 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 cameolavenders__ Camera specifications for detecting double hits

Hey all,
I want to understand the camera sensor details that are used to detect various fouls in snooker. One particular foul that I’m interested in is the detection of double hits.
Any details pertaining to the camera such as camera resolution, camera frame rate will be helpful.
Few additional details I would like to know: 1. How difficult of a problem is the detection of double hits? 2. Is a specialised camera required for detection of such double hits? 3. Any links to articles describing the algorithms used in the detection of double hits will also be helpful.
Thanks in advance!
In particular I’m referring to the double hit as described here:
3.23 FOULS BY DOUBLE HITS If the cue ball is touching the required object ball prior to the shot, the player may shoot toward it, providing that any normal stroke is employed. If the cue stick strikes the cue ball more than once on a shot, or if the cue stick is in contact with the cue ball when or after the cue ball contacts an object ball, the shot is a foul. (See Rule 2.20 for judging this kind of shot.) If a third ball is close by, care should be taken not to foul that ball under the first part of this rule Link:
submitted by cameolavenders__ to snooker [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:55 zenitklinik Rejuvenate Your Skin: Exploring Botox and Wrinkle Treatments at Klinik Zenit

In the pursuit of maintaining youthful and radiant skin, advanced cosmetic treatments like Botox and wrinkle treatments have gained immense popularity. At Klinik Zenit, we offer a comprehensive range of rejuvenating procedures designed to address signs of aging and enhance natural beauty.
Understanding Botox Treatment
Botox Behandling has become a cornerstone of non-invasive cosmetic procedures. This treatment involves the injection of botulinum toxin into targeted facial muscles to temporarily relax them, reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles such as crow's feet, forehead lines, and frown lines.
Benefits of Botox Treatment
Botox treatment offers several benefits for individuals seeking to rejuvenate their appearance. These include:
Smoothens Wrinkles: Botox effectively softens fine lines and wrinkles, giving the skin a smoother, more youthful appearance.
Minimally Invasive: Botox injections are minimally invasive, requiring no downtime and allowing patients to resume their daily activities immediately.
Natural-Looking Results: When administered by skilled practitioners, Botox injections can achieve natural-looking results that preserve facial expressions.
The Botox Treatment Process at Klinik Zenit
At Klinik Zenit, our experienced practitioners perform Botox treatments with precision and expertise. The process begins with a thorough consultation, during which we assess your concerns, discuss your goals, and develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
During the treatment, Botox is injected into specific facial muscles using a fine needle. Our practitioners carefully target areas of concern while ensuring minimal discomfort for the patient. The entire procedure typically takes around 15-30 minutes, making it convenient for individuals with busy lifestyles.
Post-Treatment Care and Results
Following Botox treatment at Klinik Zenit, patients may experience mild swelling or redness at the injection sites, but these side effects typically subside within a few hours to days. Results become noticeable within a few days, with optimal results appearing within 1-2 weeks.
Maintaining Results
To maintain the results of Botox treatment, patients may require periodic touch-up injections. Our practitioners provide personalized recommendations for follow-up treatments based on individual response and desired outcomes.
Exploring Wrinkle Treatment Options
In addition to Botox, Klinik Zenit offers a variety of wrinkle treatment options to address different types of wrinkles and skin concerns. These may include:
Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers are injectable gels that add volume to areas of the face affected by volume loss, such as the cheeks, lips, and nasolabial folds.
Laser Therapy: Laser treatments stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Skin Rejuvenation: Advanced skincare treatments like chemical peels and microdermabrasion help rejuvenate the skin's surface, promoting a more youthful complexion.
At Klinik Zenit, we understand the importance of feeling confident in your skin. Our Botox and rynkebehandling offer safe, effective solutions for individuals looking to combat the signs of aging and achieve a refreshed, rejuvenated appearance. Schedule a consultation with our expert team to learn more about our treatment options and start your journey to smoother, younger-looking skin.
submitted by zenitklinik to u/zenitklinik [link] [comments]