Could be cuckold

Hypothetical dildo attachments to otherwise non-dildo objects

2016.08.07 20:51 RC213V-S Hypothetical dildo attachments to otherwise non-dildo objects

NSFW, but in a 14 year old at summer camp kind of way. Non-sexual uses for a dildo that you never (or might have, who knows) thought possible.

2022.07.28 23:25 WispyZuccs Images That Could Be Album Covers

This subreddit is for Images that could be album covers. Posts may have a chance to be featured on the twitter account

2020.11.28 06:11 Tyso3600 CouldBeABook

Welcome to CouldBeABook! A Subreddit for writers to show of their short stories and works! People can judge and review whether or not it "Could Be A Book."

2024.05.14 04:45 AdNew1614 Does it make any sense if prostitution exists in a marriage-free matriarchy/matrilineal egalitarian

My worldbuilding revolves around a matriarchal (or matrilineally egalitarian) empire with the marriage-free customs: -There is practically no concept of “marriage”, people are allowed to simultaneously have as much affairs as they want and can manage. The intimacy often occurs in the woman’s home, sometimes in the man’s or at somewhere else private enough (e.g a rented hotel room) -Everyone lives under their mother’s family, with their maternal uncle(s) acting as the father figure(s); biological paternity only makes sense in medical/genetic cases; the majority of property is passed down from mother to the oldest daughter while the remaining is divided between the other daughters and sons; meanwhile, men’s legacy is prioritized to be inherited by the youngest brother(s)/sister(s)/nephew(s)/niece(s)
-The only type of marriage is that a woman coming from a family that lacks sons marry a guy from a family that has redundant sons or a male orphan to her family. Once she’s married, she’s not allowed to bring any other partner to her own home (but it’s still fine if she meets her lover(s) outside); while the husband can have sex with her sisters or cousins-in-law. Only the husband having relationships with women from other families is considered as adultery. The husband will lose all responsibilities at his family then act as the father-uncle figure of all children of his wife and sisters-in-law and the worker for their family. In exchange, he can be shared/inherit social status and wealth from the in-laws and still have the right to pass them down to his maternal relatives.
-Although promiscuity is generally acceptable, the moral standard of this society has never been decadent yet. Sex is viewed less negatively, but is still regarded as a private thing between the two partners. Female sexuality is paid more attention to in a more positive way, but virginity is valuable and women tend to be selective when choosing partners, esp. the one for their first time. Besides, the positions of priestess and nuns (even the patheons for the male gods, since people believe women can interpret deities’ messages better than men) are only for the young virgin women. In real life, intimacies are often developed from contacts in daily routine/some special encounters rather than from arranged dates or matchmaking, thus the standards of understandings, integrity, effort, affection, etc. in relationships are usually high, and almost every affair is expected to prolong as long as possible. Pure, faithful love is still a popular theme in arts and literature despite not being glorified in reality.
-Nudity/Wearing revealing clothes is still a controversial taboo in many contexts; in contrast, how decorative and covered a woman’s clothes are often indicates her social status. Gossiping about someone’s sex life and showing jealousy are seen as rudeness; many sexual kinks (e.g group sex, cuckolding, swinging) and attitudes/behaviors towards sex (bragging about “body conquest”, catcalling, slut-shaming, telling sexjokes/swearing using images of sex, etc.) are considered extremely perverted. Pornographic contents and products are censored very strictly by both government and society.
I’m not sure if prostitution has any reason to exist in a society like this, where free sex is theoretically accessible for almost everyone (esp. the most wealthy, good-looking ones). What is your opinion about that, worldbuilders? If you think sex work can exist in a marriage-free society, could you give me some suggestion about how to justify it and visualize how it will look like? Any help will be appreciated.
submitted by AdNew1614 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:16 siipsy I have an estranged brother, and a kinda messed up family

This all happened when i was about 7-8 years old.I was born in New Jersey.I have a mom and a dad, and a half brother on my fathers side.Long story short, my father was a serial cheater.Me and my mother both think that my dad cheated on his ex-wife with my mother, but we dont really know for sure.Anyway, my dad also cheated on my mom.The fallout was absolutely insane.My dad cheated on my mom with like 7 different women and none of them knew about eachother.There was this one woman that always asked my father to divorce my mother plus take full custody of me, and he always said he would but never did. My father and his favorite affair partner slandered the living shit out of my mothers character.Anyway, his favorite affair partner was a cyber security expert and decided to dig up some info on him.She found basically everything.She told my fathers other affairs, told his boss what he did, and told my mother.He lost a very high paying job, lost his 401k, lost friends, and got into a massive screaming match with my mom for hours in another room in my house.Eventually my half brother cut all of us off, and i was really hurt because i really liked him.After a couple weeks, my fathers favorite affair partner called cps on us because she was told that my mother was absolutely insane.I did sessions with him and my mother everyweek, and i really liked the guy so i was sad when he had to leave.I wasnt taken away from my mother as the cps investigator found no signs of anything wrong.We were dead broke.I got really upset because i was used to having nicer things, and i couldnt have them anymore.Eventually, word got around to the other parents in my school, and i lost some friends, which really sucked.When the school year ended, we had to move to florida so me and my mother could live with my grandparents, while my dad stayed in new jersey.A couple years passed and we moved to another city in florida, which was alright i guess.Then i decided to look up my fathers name on google.There were entire websites dedicated to hating my mother and father.They were calling my mom a slut, and a spiritual maniac, and started listing every sex position she liked, and where she lived in NJ, and so much more, and the same went for my dad.They said that my father liked to be pegged, and that he was a cuckold (i didnt know what it meant, so i looked it up and i was horrified).I really couldnt look at my parents in the same light as i used to for a while.I would pretend i loved them, but i would always feel dirty when i talked to them.Me and my father would call, text, and write letters to my brother, but we never got any response.This all happened about 10 years ago, im 17 now…and cade, if youre reading this, just wanted to say fuck you for leaving all this shit to me.I literally became the family therapist when it all happened.I had to slander both of them to eachother so they would feel better about themselves and i had no help at all.A kid that hasent even hit puberty should never have to be the family mediator.I lost literally everything, and i couldnt bring it up with any of my friends at all.It really wouldve been easier for me if i just had someone to discuss it with at the time.I got really good at lying during this time, because i would hate slandering my mother infront of my father, but i had to do it so he wouldnt go insane…Anyway, i dont want to ramble or anything.I just never told anyone about what happened, so this is the best i got…
submitted by siipsy to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 18:48 dinhiusmaximus Black mirrors.

Ok. I'm starting to wonder this. . .
Phones are basically black mirrors. And because our intentions are everything... I'm now wondering if people are unconsciously projecting themselves through these portals through these phones. . . Which is also why porn is bad because idk perhaps things happen which shouldn't be happening as a result of like staring into these phones and may also explain some sort of voyeurism going on when people scroll through there phone mindlessly as if scrying without realizing it so as such.
So overall. . Intentfully safeguard yourself against these devices and intend it to be so that these actions be not taken against you nor is it to be carried out on your part.
If done so knowingly please turn away. The entire multiverse relies on your commitment to liberation to end our collective suffering.
Sex is sacred and if people are going around astral projecting knowingly or unknowingly or whatever and like some people know this shit and abuse that then that itself is a issue and a invasion of sacred free will.
The best way to secure yourself in purification is to evolve your heart to know right and wrong. . .
And that way, if you do so intend to, come into eternal agreement of marriage with your partner. . You want to do so in health in luv. Otherwise, it would be based off a foundation of lower frequency creation. Corruptible creation.
All rights reserved.
Edit-- Y'all may have heard of the slider phenomena. Where basically people make electronics act strangely.
I believe this may play a part in porn.
Where because porn is meaningless and the ones watching it give it their energy into these vessels through these portals or whatever. . That somehow energies are being entangled as a result in some sort of spiritual orgy.
Probably not good considering the energies connected to it.
These devices are literally creating portals into this realm. . .through black magic and spiritual bypassing.
Edit 2--
Idk how to explain this but it's like when people watch porn it has no meaning in it and it is soul sucking. . It is like it is programming the mind to cuckold itself.
I don't believe what's on screen is always people or that they themselves may be being controlled by a non human intelligence
Like you are imagining two people doing it together when you are not involved but getting off to it. So the mind is sacred in itself.
So it's like in a way when people watch this stuff, the mind is being programmed to manifest basically others to have sex which in a way is like puppeteering them and not then out of their own accord. . So someway somehow this involves then others living through others to experience that experience through others and not they themselves with another.
It's also unknowingly being revealed in others as well that others are needing the energy from others to manifest that intimacy for them which is superficial. Pleasure off unknowingly participating in cuckold. . .that's like the state of society which is to be apparently the apex predator or the big boss or bigger person in terms of materialism and false social media superiority.
This may have some sort of connection as to why people still watch porn while they are with their partner.
It doesn't make sense when you have two beautiful awesome people with each other to even involve that in the relationship. That shit is weird.
Not exactly a superpower. . . I would say either. . .
This may be choppy but it's some sort of strange realization I'm coming towards to.
Not my proudest realization but I say this to perhaps free whatever means that might connect others to purify themselves from any entanglements.
But overall this could explain the state of this reality where it is organized in a certain way for you to manifest for others and not for yourself.
And there is nothing wrong with manifesting for others but it is when you are being forced to do so and against your own will especially when you are put under some spell.
Being cucked. Being pimped. Being prostituted. That is demonic sex magic exemplified in the state of society we live in today. Like cattle just lining up to be slaughtered and eaten willingly because people aren't reading between the lines. They just do what they are told.
But if you knew better you'd do better.
This as a result will reveal who truly has the power.
The righteous. And the righteous are those who respect the land and the animals and all living creatures who live on the earth.
Take your power back. Just don't go insane over power or whatever . . .or even fallinto the trap of abrupt realization of liberation that you go into a frenzy due to prolonged suppression of your awareness.
The spiritual orgy is the representation of uncontrolled and lack of mastery of intentful creation that is pure and incorruptible.
Instead of going that route, bring back all the pieces back together and bring yourself back to the state of masterful intention so that you may put all that tender luving care unto your eternal life partner. . . Where spiritual orgies may be a expression in one way. . . You can just give that all then to your partner knowing it will come back unto itself and outwardly in ways that are deemed incorruptible and good.
Otherwise, the spiritual orgy in itself is something that is insatiable and never to be able to be fulfilled resulting in one living a life of disattisfaction.
Again a representation of the state of society. . Always consuming and always wanting more and never being satisfied. Always needing to prove something. Always needing validation but unable to fulfill itself with the things that which are material and that do not stem from the heart and the greater good of All.
The trap is living through others and not living through yourself. Again a aspect of social media. Luv doesn't need to prove itself. It simply just is.
The trap is believing you don't deserve the best and that sex and luv are seperate things. . .otherwise you are only considering sex as on the same level as objectification and you are telling yourself that it is okay when it is not.
Purify yourself and don't corrupt yourselves.
You are only going away from the All that which is good when you do this and blinding yourself in ways that you are not allowing yourself to able to receive and give that what is incorruptible.
Don't dilute your inheritance.
All rights reserved
submitted by dinhiusmaximus to ParallelUniverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 14:00 Ok-Wasabi7061 Envious and resentful due to my height and face.

I have an overbearing urge to do something terrible one day. I'm not sure what it is, but I want to make sure that someone other than myself will feel the misery that I have been put through. The levels of inferiority, pain and worthlessness that I am forced to experience on a day to day basis is a severe injustice that this world has inflicted upon me, all because of a built in physical characteristic that I have no control over. In fact, this world does not deserve a drop of my empathy or kindness after what it has forced me to go through. I have had all fun and enjoyment taken away from me with no reason as to why, as I watch as it is given to others. Feelings of emasculation and incompetency haunt my every waking hour and I question what I did to deserve this and what others have done to deserve better.
I am sick and tired of the unfair treatment that I am forced to recieve no matter what I do to make up for my height. No personality, status or social skills could possibly make up for my short stature, and especially my face. I guess I am forced to be placed in an eternal cuckold and complete invisibility to others around me because my body resfuses to develop and my genes are useless in modern dating and society.
And then my lackluster appearance in combination with everything else that has gone wrong with me is what would prompt most to question how I have even managed to stay sane. Most people would have already snapped or possibly ended everything if they were placed in my shoes. My life is the worst curse anyone could suffer, and is comparable to hell on earth.
submitted by Ok-Wasabi7061 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 08:15 Silly_Zebra8634 Abraham was a horrible father and a poor example to the world of how to be. Nephi was a murderer, a liar, and thief. Mormon Jesus is mentally unstable, teaching a life of peace forgiveness, healing and inclusion and then going on a 14 city genocide, killing everyone including women and children

Joseph Smith was a manipulative coercive pedophile, adulterer, cuckolder, liar, grifter, conman, thief, and the worst kind of husband.
Brigham young was a racist, a murderer, pedophile, and a psychopath.
This list goes on. It just feels good to say this stuff out loud. So I'm just venting.
Abraham was willing to kill his own son so that he could get the legacy promised him by someone in power. What a douche bag. I'll bet he'd be one of those that would push the button to get a million dollars even though someone in the world would die as a result. That's not love. That's not good. That's greed. Obedience isn't good blind or not.
Sherem was right to question Jacob. Anyone who claims special abilities like telling the future, should be challenged to prove it. Its just reasonable. Asking people to follow the religion they were brought up with was not a horrible thing. Its a weird trick of presentism to get a bunch of people (Christian readers of the Book of Mormon) biased against him because "he denied the Christ" someone they care deeply about. It would have been reasonable to ask what he did. And reasonable to say, until this Christ of yours (Jacob) either comes or you have proof that he will, he doesn't exist. Sherem and all of us reading about this fictional character are victims. Victims of an attempt at mind control to keep you from questioning. Introducing the thought that God just might up and kill you for it. Even if it seems justified to ask. All of us are Sherem. And we're bad ass.
submitted by Silly_Zebra8634 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:39 QuillAndTrowel MacBeth & the Guard

[Guard] My Lord?
[Lord MacBeth] Loyal liege, how now?
[Guard] Good Lord, you had me frightened. It’s so bloody dark out here, I wasn’t sure who it was. Let me get you a torch, Sire.”
[Lord MacBeth] No, no, no. No need a’tall. I shan’t be long.
[Guard] Yes, Sire. No need to worry, your Lady was just here—gave us a little nip to warm the blood—fine Lady, my Lord. Ole’ Scott here,” [motions to guard, passed out in the corner] “he took the whole thing in one gulp. Me, I’m saving mine for later. You know it’s just me now standing watch now betwixt the whole world and King Duncan? How ‘bout that? —Well, me and you, now, I reckon. Scary thought, eh? Good thing the good King has such a man as me. If he knew what a lightweight Ole’ Scott was, he’d have him kicked out the regiment, don’t ya suppose?
[Lord MacBeth] I do suppose, yes. Say, why don’t you enjoy your drink, and I’ll stay up for watch?
[Guard] O! No, my Lord. I could never do that. You know well, Sire, I’m a man of duty. As I says, it’s just me—well, and you, presently—keeping the wolves at the door. No, Sire, I shall keep my faith, guard my post, defend the crown on all that is holy: in the name of the Cross and the Savior and my father all alike.
[Lord MacBeth] Yes, good Liege, very well, I just thought that you might want to celebrate in our great victory over that treasonous limpjack, MacDonwald.
[Guard] Don’t get me wrong, Sire—and please don’t tell Lady MacBeth I didn’t swig it down (like Ole Featherweight Scott here); truly, Sire, I’d rather perish in the darkness, my scream muffled by the swollen black night that engulfs us, than to offend your most sweet and fair Lady. No, I’m looking forward to tipping the cup once the relief comes, certainly—but what kind of guard would I be if I got tottled on the watch? [Turns to sleeping man] No, offense, of course, Scotty. With MacDonwald dispatched we just don’t know who else might be up to mischief, my Lord. Thank goodness for men like me and you, Sire, men who put their life down before the King.
[Lord MacBeth] You are a fine man, Guard. I will commend you to King Duncan, when I see him. But, I think you have nothing to fear tonight. The air surrounding us is so dark not even a snake would sneak from his lair.
[Guard] Yes, I don’t expect to find any snakes outside their lair tonight, my Lord. So, vigilant I will be until my turn has come.
[Lord MacBeth] [aside] What type of man curses me to my face in my own castle and does not even know it? I should slice this blade across his throat only for so much mindless chatter. His words are like daggers in my ears.
[turns to Guard] Tis a fool that saves his inheritance for his funeral.
[Guard] My Lord?
[Lord MacBeth] Your turn has come. The Lady doesn’t tolerate men who turn down her offerings.
[Guard] [groans]
[Lord Macbeth]
Like cuckold waiting up for wife’s last dance,
He ought to have part’d when given the chance.


Follow u/quillandtrowel on Medium & Twitter (links in bio, naturally).
submitted by QuillAndTrowel to flashfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 15:49 Guest_459 What are your guys' thoughts on this?
Normally I agree with Sheikh Assim on most matters, and I agree that we should hide sins, and of course, Allah SWT is most forgiving. What I don't agree with is how the brother was lied to, and after the truth came out, the Sheikh is just expecting him to overlook that. If he did similar haram things himself before mariage, sure, it could be warranted. But I could go into a multitude of reasons of why chaste men are very sensitive when it comes to a woman's past, but let's just boil it down to how having many partners can affect a woman's ability to pair-bond, as well as how Islam requires us to provide for our wives and be committed to her via marriage, whereas other men, sometimes even Kaffir men, had their fun for free without responsibility. One of the things men fear most is being cuckolded, if I'm going to be completely honest. So many Muslims are cheating on their spouses these days, Astagfirullah. So for sisters who read this who might get offended by this, please try to understand where we Muslim Men are coming from. And I know there's chaste women out there too, ofc.
And it's really to be honest a bit frustrating that the women who commit these sins, and their friends and social circles are using the mercy of Allah SWT, not to genuinely repent, but as a cop out to deflect any sort of accountability, saying "past is past," "only he can judge me," etc. While it is true, how can you say with such confidence that you will be forgiven? Like I'm not saying they, or even Muslim Men who have committed Zina for that mettter shouldn't repent, but it's not fair to load that baggage onto a chaste spouse. While as Muslims we shouldn't pry into others' sins, it's also not fair to start a marriage with a lie either.

submitted by Guest_459 to TraditionalMuslims [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:05 Reasonable_Injury121 Chivalry Is On Life Support, Chapter Thirty-Four

On Wednesday afternoon, as I walked back to the English department building from The Corner Cafe’ with Neil’s coffee, I mentally went through the various steps I had read on-line about how to curtsy. I planned to practice later in my office as well as that evening after Brooke and Luke went to sleep. Brooke had given me a new pair white lace fashion tights that morning that I wore under my khakis. The nylon and lace combination against my skin made me feel especially submissive. And I was still wearing the damned choker for the third day in row.
I decided that women’s tights were not designed for long walks; I had to keep pulling them up and adjusting them as I walked (as inconspicuously as possible).
Neil’s door was open when I walked up. I looked around the hall to see if anyone saw me bringing in the coffee (not that they would know it wasn’t mine, although I was not known to be a big coffee drinker — I tended to favor tea or even Diet Coke for my caffeine).
“Hey, pal.”
“Hi, Neil. Here’s your coffee. I also got you a blueberry muffin. I figured you’re not an a diet, so I thought you might enjoy it.”
“Thanks. Muffins are full of carbs and empty calories. But I did swim laps for an hour this morning, so I guess it’s okay. You didn’t have one, too, did you?”
“Are you kidding? I had an apple.”
In fact, I ate my apple sitting across the table from Brooke as she enjoyed the toasted everything bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon I had prepared for her, my stomach growling. I wondered if Neil would offer to repay me for the coffee and muffin. He didn’t, that day or in the future, which surprised me. I continue to genuinely like Neil, although many things about him have turned out to surprise me. Perhaps he thought that not paying me back was all part of enhancing my knowledge of masochism or something.
“Good man. Well, we should probably close the door so you can get started.”
I closed the door. His office wasn’t very large so there was only a small area next to his desk chair for me to work.
“What if someone just comes in?,” I said.
“Everyone always knocks when the door is closed, especially when the light is on. But even if someone did, it’s not like you’re giving me a blowjob.” He laughed. “It’s just a foot massage, no big deal.”
Objectively that was true, I suppose, but I felt that was easy for him to say, as the recipient of the massage. Foot massages were happening in nail salons, spas and massage parlors throughout the country at that very moment, without any suggestion of impropriety or anything sexual. Still, at least to a masochist like me, there was just something so fundamentally submissive about the act of kneeling in front someone and massaging the lowest part of their body. Call it the dirty mind of a masochist, I guess.
And sure enough, as I got down on my knees in front of my colleague, my cock began to throb in its cage. At times such as this, I was actually grateful to be locked up. I looked up at Neil, waiting for him to take off his brown, leather shoes (Rockports, I believe). But, as he made no move to do so – I guess Luke had conditioned him to expect the full service treatment from me – I untied his laces and removed his shoes. Meanwhile, he munched on his muffin. More stomach growls of envy from me.
“Would you like me to do the massage with your socks on or off?”
“Oh, definitely off. Just the way you did it at your place.”
I removed his socks and began doing some warm-up twists, and then rubbing the arch of his right foot. While Neil’s feet did not have the chiseled appearance of Luke’s, they were not unattractive for male feet – although they definitely could use some moisturizer. I made a mental note to bring some with me next week (as much for my own comfort as his).
“Man, that feels good.” he sighed contentedly. “Three back-to-back classes are killer.”
Neil and l actually had a pleasant conversation as I worked on his feet. We spent some time discussing my book. For my chapter covering 19th and 20th century fiction, I wanted his insight on Patrick Hamilton’s novel, Hangover Square, which, while not overtly about cuckolding, was certainly about a serious male masochist. Hamilton’s protagonist essentially becomes a simp to a manipulative failed actress who he is in love with and her fascist boyfriend. Suffering from dissociative identity disorder (and alcoholism), he eventually goes on a murderous rampage against his tormentors.
Some readers of my tale may either needlessly worry, or foolishly wish, that I will go on a murderous rampage against Luke and/or Brooke. That, of course, is beyond preposterous. First, I am not mentally ill. Second, I love Brooke and, but for erotic and obsessive love, I know that she loves me. Third, the relationship I have entered into with Luke and Brooke is one I pledged to do as a condition of marrying Brooke and keeping her in my life. I did it with full free will; I stay in it with full free will. Fourth, I have enough self awareness to know that another reason that I stay in the relationship is because it satisfies some deep masochistic need in me. Brooke saw this need in me before I saw it myself (I’ve always known that she is far smarter than I). Some no doubt believe I am totally devoid of self respect and despise me for my passivity, for not taking dramatic steps to end my subjugation. I would counter that someone who resorts to violence is far more pathetic and lacking in self respect than I.
Paul and Anna are a somewhat different story, as there is an element of coercion involved. But violence as a remedy is still unthinkable to me. And I have to admit that, like Brooke, I too have been caught up in “the game.” My brain is my biggest sexual organ by far (it doesn’t have much competition, admittedly), and I’m excited (both sexually and intellectually) to see how far they will take things. You probably have to be a masochist to understand...
To those readers who are sincerely worried about me and my mental health, I say: thank you, I genuinely appreciate your concern. One never knows for sure, but I think that I’ll be okay. To those handful of judgmental readers who loathe me because I’m not doing what they believe they would do in similar circumstances, who despise me because I don’t conform to their oversimplified concept of manhood – you know who you are – by forcefully taking matters into my own hands in some dramatic manner, I say: get over yourselves. I am not you; I’m me. And I’m probably more of a man than many of you are even when I’m dressed in a garter belt, stockings and a maid’s cap, trying ineptly to curtsy to my superiors. But I digress.
Neil and I also discussed his upcoming tenure process. I assured him that he would have my full support in the consultation and subsequent letter of recommendation. I had just wrapped up his 45-minute massage with gentle squeezes to the tips of each of his toes and was about to put his socks and shoes back on his feet when there was a knock on the door. I quickly stood up and stepped to the other side of Neil’s desk.
“Come in,” said Neil.
The door opened and Paul Betz walked in. Neil’s feet were under his desk, but his shoes and socks were lying in plain view on the floor next to him. A bit odd for a cold December day. Knowing Paul as I was beginning to, I was fairly certain that it did not escape his attention.
“Hi, Professor Lawson. Professor Rollins,” he nodded at me, with a faint smile.
Hi, Paul,” said Neil warmly.
“Hi, Paul. I was just leaving,” I said.
“See you later, pal. Thanks a bunch,” said Neil, as I left the room.
Luke was back Wednesday night, and was actually in an unusually good mood, having signed a letter of intent to acquire a company in Indiana, the next frontier of his expanding empire. I cooked them grilled salmon, asparagus and wild rice, while I had a few pieces of salmon in my salad.
As I served Luke a third Yuengling and Brooke a third glass of wine, Luke said, “That was a damn good dinner, prof. I tell you what. I’m in such a good mood tonight, I’m going to let you have a glass of wine so we can all toast my new deal. Get yourself a glass.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”
After I filled my glass with Pinot Gris, Brooke raised her glass and said, “To Hanover HVAC and Plumbing!” After we clinked our glasses, she said to Luke, “Ok, babe, it’s been three days, and I’m hornier than hell. Take me upstairs now, please.”
“Hold your horses, baby. Let’s finish our drinks first.”
Brooke downed her glass and said, “Okay, I’m done.”
“Think of your husband, here. He finally gets to have a drink with us and you’re rushing him.”
“Since you’re in such a good mood, babe, maybe he could join us – in bed. What do you think?”, Brooke asked him.
“Why not? Cuck, do you have any boxer shorts left?”
“Walter only wore tighty whiteys before I made him switch to panties and tights. I only let him keep two pairs of his old underwear.”
“Go, put on your tighty whiteys, prof, and we’ll meet you in the bedroom. You can take your glass of wine with you.”
Well, this was different. I went upstairs and undressed, removing the fashion tights I had been wearing all day under my pants, and put on a pair of my old underwear.
When they came upstairs, Brooke started laughing loudly when she saw me. ”I’m sorry to laugh, Walter. It’s just that it’s been so long since I’ve seen you in men’s underwear. Even those. It just doesn’t seem natural.” I had to admit, it did feel strange wearing them after all this time. Still, the humiliation of Brooke’s words (and her accompanying smile) caused my cock to throb.
“Kneel down and get the key from Brooke’s anklet and I’ll unlock you.”
I did as he commanded, growing instantly hard the moment he unlocked me and tenting out my tight, white cotton briefs. Meanwhile, they both stripped as well. Luke was completely naked and Brooke was naked except for a pair of white ankle socks. As much as I loved her bare feet, it was incredibly sexy to see her wearing only the socks (and the anklet). Brooke then spread lubricant all over Luke’s hardening cock as she kissed him passionately.
Luke next ordered me to lie down on the bed, and easily picked Brooke up, placing her on her knees over me at the edge of the bed. To be more precise, she faced the other direction from me and her vagina and lovely bottom were right above my neck. Standing next to the bed, he then penetrated her anally, his cock and scrotum inches above my face, causing her to moan.
“Lick my balls, cuck.”
I began licking his balls as he went in and out of Brooke. As she rocked back and forth, she used one of her hands to pull my briefs down, so that her long hair brushed tantalizingly against my liberated cock. It was a wonderful feeling. At one point, Luke pulled completely out of her, and placed his wet, glistening cock in my mouth for me to suck. I couldn’t tell if the evident moisture was the lubricant, Luke’s sweat or Brooke’s anal secretions; it was probably some combination of the three.
I was my usual conflicted self as I took him in my mouth. Humiliated, certainly. Disgusted, no doubt. But also incredibly aroused, and somewhat grateful to be included to this degree in their intimacy – which was highly unusual.
My arousal only increased when Brooke said, “Keep him hard for me.” Following her command, I sucked him with increased fervor.
Whereas I often suffer from premature ejaculation, Luke is the complete opposite. He has the ability to go on and on, and then go on longer. It leaves me in awe, to be honest. Whatever I think of his personality, his character, his politics, his taste in music, etc., I can not help but be in awe of his physical prowess and dominance. I told myself, this man, this cock – which gives my wife so much pleasure, which fulfills some primal need of hers – is worthy of worship, so you better suck it up. Figuratively as well as literally. And that’s what I did.
He next ordered me to get on my knees next to the bed. Reaching his arm under Brooke’s waist, he flipped her over like a ragdoll onto her back, and entered her vaginally.
As if reading my mind, she said, “Yeah, baby, I’m your fuck doll.”
“Lick my fuck doll’s feet, cuck.”
From my knees, I licked her feet all over, listening to her moan in ecstasy as he moved in and out of her. Because of his good mood, perhaps, Luke was less brutal with Brooke than usual. He was forceful, of course, but there was no slapping and only a little hair pulling and nipple twisting. He did tease her, however. Even though I had counted at least three orgasms, I believe she was on the precipice of her fourth, when Luke pulled out of her. He hovered above her, his cock just outside of the threshold of her pussy. She thrust her pelvis up towards it, but he lifted himself still higher, denying her.
“Please baby, I’m so close.”
“You’re are a greedy, little slut, aren’t you?”
“Yes, baby, I’m your greedy, little fuck doll. Please baby, please put your glorious cock back inside me.”
“But you’re getting your feet licked. What about me?”
“Walter! Lick his feet! now! Please baby, please give me more.”
I started licking Luke’s left foot, hanging off the edge of the bed, with the same intensity I had applied to Brooke’s a moment earlier. He continued to tease her, however, inserting the tip of his cock into her and then stopping.
“Oh, gawd, Luke, please. I’m begging you.” She sounded on the verge of crying.
“I don’t know, babe. Maybe if my toes were being sucked, that might motivate me.”
“Walter, suck his toes!”
So, I did, of course. Luke was clearly enjoying the power trip of tying Brooke’s pleasure to my debasement.
Suddenly, he ordered her to get up from the bed. He then sat down on it, and instructed her to sit down on his cock, but facing outwards towards me, so that her legs basically rested atop his.
“Lick your wife’s pussy.” Following his command, I licked her just above where she bounced up and down on his cock, again grateful for the intimacy. Grateful to be included, even in my subservient, supplemental role as oral servant. After she screamed out in what was obviously yet another orgasm, Luke commanded me, “Now lick my shaft.”
After another five minutes or so, during which I dutifully licked him, Luke lifted her off him, stood up and – finally ready to ejaculate – pumped his semen prodigiously onto Brooke’s face.
“Time to kiss your wife, prof.” Which I did, our lips touching through Luke’s mess.
After I cleaned up and the three of us showered, we all watched a thriller on cable, the two of them curled up together on the couch, eating the popcorn I had made. I lied down on the floor at their feet, eating my own bowl of popcorn, occasionally feeling Brooke’s socked foot tousle my hair. All in all, one of the most pleasant evenings the three of us had ever spent together – at least from my perspective. Little did I realize at the time that that would be the last time three of us would spend together for awhile and that it marked a turning point in our – or, to be more precise – in Brooke’s and Luke’s relationship.
That night after they went to sleep, I practiced curtsying in front of the mirror in my bedroom in the basement. Tomorrow was to be my first extended service to Paul and Anna, apparently with my other student, Kelly, and her boyfriend as their guests. The next step in my ever widening public humiliation.
Whether he simply forgot, in the glow of his good mood, or was feeling particularly generous, Luke did not lock me back up that evening. I rubbed myself through my panties as I lay down in bed that night, too timid to actually masturbate lest Luke suddenly realize what he had overlooked.
The combination of my unsatisfied arousal and my anxiety about the next day prevented me from sleeping well that night. Luke was already gone when I woke up the next morning. Brooke was still asleep when I brought her cup of coffee up to the bedroom. I noticed my chastity cage on the floor next to the bed, and quietly took it downstairs to my bedroom, hoping she would forget about it.
She, in fact, did. It is testimony to how muddled my brain had become that I thought that was a good thing at the time. Normally, it would have been, of course. But it wasn’t until the snarky doorman gave me permission to go upstairs – after again announcing myself as the maid – that I realized how fraught with potential danger my situation really was. Because on our prior two meetings, my cock had been locked safely away. This time, I belatedly realized, my cock would be available as another toy for my students to play with, a toy they could use to control and humiliate me like they never had before.
And that, too, is exactly what they did.
submitted by Reasonable_Injury121 to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:13 bai-rouran He’s Not PowerPuff Pantalone, Part 2: Justice for Baizhu?

He’s Not PowerPuff Pantalone, Part 2: Justice for Baizhu?
Part 2 to the Foil Theory is here! (Here’s Part 1 for context.) Today, we’re discussing how it relates to the Commedia dell’Arte, Gnosticism, Greek mythology, historical figures, and the greater plot of Genshin Impact. Fair warning: This is long, and I can’t finish this analysis without addressing other major in-game lore, pop-culture references, and real-world history. Stop reading now if you're concerned with possible spoilers.
“Haven’t You Beaten This Topic to Death Already?!”
The first post only served as groundwork for lore & theories. The symbol attributed to Pantalone on the Harbinger’s Wheel is likely the Globus Cruciger, or the “orb and cross.”
It’s a Christian symbol intended to represent God’s dominion over the world. The orb and cross are sometimes seen alongside the Barmas: a Russian collacrown featuring 7 medallions.
*There’s a misconception these represent “heresy.” That was how they were treated by another videogame developer, not real-world history. Pantalone is wearing the Globus Cruciger as a ring.
Now can we properly discuss Pants. Let's start with Pappus:
The Attelan stock character Pappus may have played a forerunner, or Harbinger, to Pantalone. Given the way formal theatre literature framed this, I chose to investigate Pappus first.
The name Pappus likely originated from the Greek ‘Pappos,’ meaning “grandfather” or “old man.” He was typically portrayed as a fool who was easily tricked by his wife or daughter. He may have been based on Pappus of Alexandria: a Greek mathematician who wrote 8 volumes of mathematical texts featuring Euclidian geometric principles and other subjects (called “Synagoge.”)
What’s Euclidian Geometry? “Euclidean geometry is a mathematical system attributed to ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, which he described in his texts on geometry, “Elements.” Pappus’ own work on projective planes was partly influenced by “Elements.” ‘Elements’ refers to geometric mathematical principles.
The Pappus Configuration is a configuration of nine points and nine lines in the Euclidean plane, with three points per line and three lines through each point.
That’s cool, but… I’m here for the gorgeous banker? Okay, okay. As I researched Pappus, it became evident that some works and terminology associated with him and Euclid may have been repurposed along with Gnostic premises for Genshin Impact’s plot. I’m operating on the assumption Hoyoverse read some of the same formal sources I did, so it feels criminal to omit these details. Moving on…

Commedia dell’Arte Pantalone
He’s consistent in his behaviomannerisms, and his role in the plot. He’s typically an affluent Venetian merchant whose greatest fear is financial loss, and encompasses everything his (proposed) primary inspiration isn’t.
Pantalone is rich, greedy, lecherous, pompous, and prone to mismanaging business and personal affairs. He’s often partnered with Il Dottore in some capacity, sometimes married to La Signora, and often the father of one of the Innamorati. When he plays the father of one of the Innamorati alongside Dottore, they work together to keep the Lovers separated at all costs.
Some players discounted the Commedia dell’Arte influence on the Fatui Harbinger’s lore because it was comedic. However, “our” Pantalone is somewhat consistent with his Commedia dell’Arte image, and there are several Lazzos/background history that seem to have been foreshadowed already. Here’s an amazing example featuring Pulcinella:
-Lazzo of the Inside (Potential Pulcinella Spoilers)
To create the illusion of ferociousness, Pulcinella (hidden behind a door from the Captain) fakes the voices of servants being beaten by him. That’s the entire punchline of this Lazzo.
-Lazzo of Greeting (Potential Pulcinella Spoilers)
“Pulcinella greets the Captain or another character with what seems like great respect. He says, "You are the son of Jove, the new moon, and twice the last name of Alexander!" Then, Pulcinella explains, "The son of Jove refers to Bacchus, who is depicted as a goat. The new moon is represented by horns, and the last name of Alexander is Magno. When repeated twice, it becomes magno-magno. So, the entire greeting means: 'Eat it up, eat it up, you horned goat [cuckold].'"
In Genshin Impact, Tartaglia speaks of Pulcinella as a concerned-grandpa-type looking out for his family, while Wanderer is convinced that Pulcinella’s real message to Tartaglia is something to the effect of “your family’s lives are in my hands.” These Lazzo tells us who’s more likely to be correct. Pulcinella being made out to be as malicious as he’s implied may be an illusion, and he may not share the loyalty/regard to the organization that other members do in spite of his cooperative front. Wanderer’s take on his behavior speaks only to affirming personal biases. (Keep in mind that Wanderer assumes the worst of everyone, and that About voicelines alone don’t necessarily speak to the full truth; only the character’s perception of the truth.)

Lazzo of Pantalone’s Story

“Pantalone begins to tell ridiculous and impossible stories about adventures he has supposedly had with well-known figures from medieval/ancient history.”
The punchline is that he talks about this at great lengths, and nobody believes him. I questioned how Hoyoverse may have used this Lazzo, and came at it from several angles that all felt equally ridiculous. It got messier when I factored in the possibilities behind other popular theories I’ve read. He’s King Deshret, he’s a Vishap-person, he’s Nibelung, he’s Changsheng’s evil segment, he’s Rouran, he’s Ouroboros incarnate, he’s the one who founded the Wangshang Funeral Parlor, he’s Baizhu moonlighting as a Harbinger, he’s a priest who ventured into the Abyss, he’s an Abyss Mage/Lector, he’s the Heart of Naberius, he’s a soldier who fell into the Chasm, he’s Caribert, he’s immortal Clothar Alberich, etc.
In the end, I chose to interpret this as “Pantalone is ancient, and has likely played more than one historical role in Genshin Impact.” Why?
1: Saint Pantaleon/Panteleimon, Christian healer & martyr in Greek-speaking Roman City of Nicomedia:
St. Pantaleon (meaning ‘all things like a lion,) better known as St. Pantaleimon (the all-compassionate) is commonly suggested to have inspired Commedia Pantalone, making Commedia Pantalone a traditional foil to his real-world counterpart. Born and raised with a Pagan education during Diocletian’s persecution of Christians, Pantaleon gravitated to medicine. One day, he happened upon a child who’d been killed by a viper. Saving the child was beyond his power as a mortal physician, and Pagan gods wouldn’t come through. As a test of faith, he prayed to God. The child was revived, & the viper was killed. He’s renamed Pantaleimon, usually upon converting to Christianity.
He went on to treat everyone without charge (including restoring a blind man’s sight to convert his father,) and treated prisoners freely too, many of whom were Christians. Jealous doctors who’d lost patients to Pantaleimon’s goodwill responded by reporting him to Emperor Maximian for healing Christians. Emperor Maximian ordered Pantaleimon to sacrifice to Pagan gods, but he refused and proposed a test of faith. A sick person for whom there was no hope would be brought before them, and each would pray to God/Pagan Gods to see who came through.They brought in a paralyzed man. Pagan Gods didn’t respond. Pantaleimon un-paralyzed the man using the power of God. Now playing “Big Mad,” Maximian responded by killing the unparalyzed guy, and sentencing Pantaleimon to torture. However, the power of God protected Pantaleimon from a ton of your usual Roman violence (boiling, stabbing, etc) so Maximian ordered his execution.
At the site of his execution, God called down to him. The soldier's swords softened upon their attempts to execute him. He forgave the soldiers ordered to kill him, they repented, he told them to off him anyway to protect them, and he was beheaded. However, his body refused to decay.
St. Pantaleimon is the best evidence Pantalone plays a foil to Genshin Impact’s Baizhu, and the best evidence of a potential Alberich/Khaenri’ah allegory.
Baizhu is currently following a path similar to Pantaleimon’s. Though he extorted Pantalone indirectly over the Everlasting Incense (which is extremely funny for reasons I’ll explain later) he’s also known to treat people for free when they can’t afford his help. He’s the pharmacist from Liyue we work with to cure Anna’s illness, and he used his research on Qiqi to save Jialiang from death. He’s currently in pursuit of immortality, which Pantaleimon appeared to achieve in the end, and was ultimately ‘killed’ for.
The narrative similarities to Clothar’s pleas to the Statue of the Seven in saving Caribert are too flagrant to ignore. The Archons don’t answer, but the “Sinner” did, and imbued Caribert with the Loom of Fate (said to be of Primordial Creation) saving Caribert. This story may imply that the “Sinner” is some aspect of the Primordial One.
2: Pantaleon/Pantaleimon Sudzhaksky:
I could only find Bulgarian Orthodox and Russian Orthodox sources mentioning this variation of St. Pantaleimon’s background, and some are conflicting on whether or not healing was involved. He was born into extreme poverty, sent to work in an old shoe shop and doing other odd jobs from a young age to survive. A terrible plague swept across his homeland, and he was left wandering alone, surrounded by endless death. He sought understanding/help, and ended up in a monastery on Mount Athos (an important Greek center of Eastern Orthodox Monostacism.) He inquired persistently as to the nature of life and death, and became fixated on partaking in Holy Communion, believing it to bestow eternal life. He would eventually be expelled for partaking in excess, and went on to become a religious leader whose followers lived in poverty. He believed communion to be their salvation; everlasting connection to God. He was persecuted by the Greek patriarch, and arrested under orders of the Bishop of Adrianople. However, he and his followers would go on to unite with the Catholic Church. He was later venerated in Bulgaria and Russia as Saint Pantaleimon, suggesting multiple “St. Pantaleimon” inspirations. 1 article claims he founded a religion known as Pantaleymonovsty: I can't find anything else to expand on this. I also had to translate sources, so hopefully I haven’t missed important details, but I can’t promise so.
His story is similar to Baizhu’s with the loss of his parents during a plague and pursuit of immortality, but more closely resembles Pantalone’s, given his implied profound experience with destitution, and rhetoric dictated by religion & leadership. This St. Pantaleimon lends more credence to the Foil theory, as well as several Liyue and religion-oriented theories, which leads me to…
3. Holy Prophet Mani, the Zoroastrian Martyr:
I generally avoid using Wikipedia summaries, but when formal sources back them up and I can’t find a better way to summarize info, they’re helpful.
“Mani was an Iranian prophet and the founder of Manichaeism, a religion most prevalent in late antiquity. The exact meaning of the name is a question still unsolved. It may have derived from Babylonian-Aramaic Mânâ [luminescence].” Mandaeans used the term mânâ rabba, which means "Enlightened Lord/King". Ancient Greek interpretations were skeuos (σκεῦος, vessel, instrument) and homilia (ὁμιλία, intercourse, company, communion, instruction.)
Here’s where the Foil theory gets interesting:
Baizhu’s birthday is April 25th. This is also the date commemorating Mani’s birth.
A prophet who blended Gnosticism with Buddhist and Zoroastrian elements, Mani was arrested and martyred by Persian authorities, not unlike St. Pantaleimon. Meanwhile, our Pantalone is looking… An awful lot like a conglomeration of a different Saint Pantaleimon, and Commedia Pantalone.
4. King Pantaleon/Panteleimon:
King Pantaleon was a Greek King and successor to Demetrius I Anicetus the ‘Unconquered,’ who is thought by some to have been his brother. His copper-alloy coins may be suggestive of early Bactrian trade with China. His role is consistent with the ‘ruling with the authority of God’ sentiment behind the Globus Cruciger, and involves production of personalized currency.
5: Rouran Khaganate & ‘Zhongli’ + ‘Xiao’:
Modernization/assimilation (Alatus = Xiao, Deus Auri = Zhongli, Abrax = Aberaku, etc) is a common theme Pantalone may have followed as an ancient entity. Considering this and his connection to Baizhu lends credence to the Rouran coin-replacement-as-warfare theory discussed in the first post. Furthermore, one of the last recorded Rouran was named Furen. If the theory has merit, there’s some interesting misinformation that Hoyo may have been inspired by to explain the similarities to Pantalone’s pose in Winter Night’s Lazzo, and the Harbinger’s cloaks. One historian/linguistic expert claimed linguistic origins revealed ‘Rouran’ may not have been a name, but an ancient term for anyone who defected from their nation/allegiance to serve a charismatic warlord. I say ‘misinformation’ because this was disproven by another historian. (The Rouran Khaganate overall is very misunderstood.) I've included it because I don’t see many formal articles correcting it. It’s possible writers never encountered the correction.
6. Emperor Wang Mang:
Again, because of Baizhu’s connection to Pantalone, we need to consult both Russian and Chinese history for analysis. To that end, recall Zhiyi, Pantalone’s cunning subordinate and the antagonist of Yelan’s Story Quest?
小钱币,值一 , or Xiǎo qiánbì, zhí yī, meaning ‘Small Coin, Worth One’ were introduced as the lowest denomination of a new currency system under Emperor Wang Mang’s rule of China. Wang Mang was considered China’s first Socialist. Zhiyi’s name in Yelan’s Story Quest may be a reference to this, a homonym essentially calling him low value – or as Uncle Tian puts it the EN translation, a “pawn.”
\Please note that there are multiple ways this was translated in different historical sources; if you attempt to use basic translating apps to investigate, you’re probably going to get nonsense-sounding results.*
Emperor Wang Mang was a Confucian ascetic who rose to power through his good standing. Wang Mang secured his position as Regent to the Emperor Ping by arranging a marriage between the Emperor and his own daughter. Later, it’s said that Wang Mang’s son conspired with the Emperor’s Uncles to end his regency. They were all put to death on Wang Mang’s orders for the ‘conspiracy.’ Emperor Ping would later die by unknown causes; whether it was natural, or a matter of poisoning is debated by historians. Wang Mang replaced him. He was known for his efforts to reform society through use of forward-thinking foreign policy, the imposition of taxes on slave owners, and currency replacement, though these efforts didn’t go over well. His intentions in all of this are uncertain; was he sincerely trying to help his people, or did he merely see these methods as a means of securing wealth and control? Whether he was ultimately a tyrant or a benevolent ruler is debated depending on the source.
More conflicting intentions and wealth inequality. He's easily likened to the contradictory impressions of Pantalone behaving like Commedia Pantalone (who also leveraged his child to benefit economically/politically) while wearing symbols related to the ‘all-compassionate’ Pantaleimon, like the Heart of Gold motif. That said, Emperor Wang Mang didn’t use currency replacement as a form of intercontinental warfare or defect to other countries, and other nuances to his background directly contradict Pantalone’s, which is why I concluded the Rouran Khaganate to be the other aspect to the monetary warfare/reform inspiration.
7. Commedia Pantalone
‘Our’ Pantalone and his associates encompass the extravagant and cruel nature depicted in his Commedia role so far. His subordinates are terrified of him, and they tend to operate in very underhanded ways: espionage, sabotage, monopolization of resources, even turning on one another when things get rough to come out on top.
A prime example of the company he keeps? The Rusty Rudder in Fontaine. It’s full of Pantalone’s sketchy associates, including a debt collector who hints at an imminent meeting and forcefully bribes us. You can find a correspondence between criminals in codewords, threatening to make unsuitable business partners wear “cement shoes”; in other words, threatening to tie them up, attach a weight to them, and drown them in the ocean. You can also find a bill referencing the suspicious transaction of 3 mysterious items we accidentally helped Pantalone complete with Landa when we first entered Liyue, as well as an article clipping referencing the fall of the criminal organization “Club Pantaloni di Novela” to the Spina di Rosula, further referencing the tendency of Commedia Pantalone’s plans to fail.
Arlecchino’s voiceline regarding him suggests he’s subtly temperamental; not as controlled as he believes himself to be, which tracks with Commedia Pantalone and Luoxia’s description of Rouran.
Furthermore, he purchased the pelt of an extinct legendary beast to offer as a gift to the Tsaritsa. Yelan stole it and repurposed it as a mantle as payback for Pantalone having stolen one of her Fascinating Bracelets. Both items were ancient (Yelan mentions the technology behind the bracelet is ancient,) but Pantalone seemed to have intimate knowledge to target them as he did, further implying “our” Pantalone possesses “old” knowledge related to Liyue. Traditional theatre instructions of Pantalone, Tartaglia, Dottore, and sometimes Capitano refer to them as “old men.”
8. Pappus:
The Attelan Farce refers to the Roman improvised masked comedies the Commedia dell’Arte was said to be inspired by. There’s a great deal of emphasis on Pappus’ age in the Attelan stock, with his name being the only one derived from Oscan; an extinct Italian language. (Capitano and Pulcinella are also thought to draw direct inspiration from other Attelan characters, though the details are debated.) Pappus’ foolishness is also emphasized like Commedia Pantalone’s, and real-world Pappus’ contributions to Euclidian Geometry as a skilled mathematician contrast against this starkly.
Genshin Pantalone is Baizhu’s Foil Commedia Pantalone is St. Pantaleimon’s Foil Commedia Pantalone is Commedia Il Dottore’s Comic Foil Attelan Stock Pappus is Commedia Pantalone’s Harbinger Attelan Stock Pappus is Pappus of Alexandria’s Foil
9. Enkanomiya Quests, The Legend of Zelda, Domain Murals, & Pantalone’s Design:
The ascending eyelet pattern on Pantalone’s shirt resembles the same eyelet pattern present in Domain murals, Seals, the Spiral Abyss dooportal, and certain sea entities
Be warned that by addressing this, I might be spoiling serious plot points.
“The Pale Princess & the 6 Pygmies” Lisa gives us the first volume at the very beginning of the game, and we haven’t seen another since. Why? Because it holds weighty implications about the creation of the world and how the plot will progress. Some believed this story exclusively referenced Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and I agreed… Until I researched Pantalone, Enkanomiya, and a ton of Greek history. Then I spent a drunken evening saltily pulling it all apart again, with focus on the Night Mother. Why? Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, and Cinderella all took influence from older Greek or Roman mythology. (One example is the story of Chione, or ‘Snow.’ )
An Enkanomiyan Questline titled “Erebos’ Secret” had us endure 3 trials in the corners of Enkanomiya with the help of Eboshi. Finishing this questline dropped major lore. Many assumed ‘Erebos’ & ‘Eboshi’ were references to the assimilation of Enkanomiyans into Narukami culture.
However, the symbol representing the Questline and other World Quests tells a different story, as does the Greek history behind the name Erebos. It just so happens to resemble the brooch Pantalone is wearing, which leads us to:
The Odal Rune’s inversion suggests he doesn’t possess the “natural” right to rule the world, which is how Phanes, the Demiurge in certain Gnostic beliefs, is regarded. Its positioning could be likened to the positioning of Ganondorf’s fragment of the Triforce, and Ganondorf believes himself to be a rightful King.
Yes, I’m likening Pantalone to the Ganondorf in Twilight Princess, representing the Demiurge. If you’ve never played the Zelda series, it revolves around the power of the Triforce, and the incarnations of Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf fighting the same battles of good and evil in different periods/worlds. Ganondorf is a Sorcerer King born with the innate right to rule the Gerudo. Ganon covets Hyrule Kingdom for the light and peace it holds (very unlike the dry, harsh Gerudo Desert) and attacks Hyrule. He’s caught and imprisoned in the Arbiter’s Grounds, sentenced to be executed by the 6 Sages.
However, by some “divine prank,” the Sages are unable to execute him. As it turns out, he possesses the Triforce of Power – equated to the power of the Demiurge, as Din’s Power was said to have “shaped” the world from existing elements in Ocarina of Time.
Sounding anything like Pantaleimon’s execution? The difference is that Ganon is just innately evil; I don’t believe Pantalone is innately evil, otherwise there wouldn’t be repeated hints towards his being in conflict with his emotions.
Moving on, if you research Erebos in the context of Gnosticism (also spelled as Erebus) you’ll learn that he’s Nyx’s counterpart in Primordial Creation. Nyx is a Greek Primordial Goddess born in the darkness alongside the equivalent of God. She has many names across different cultures, and is often likened to Gaea.
One of her titles, “Gogyen Sowhuti,” translates to “Grandmother Spider” in Native American cultures; particularly Hopi, Cherokee, and Navajo beliefs. The Grandmother Spider perpetually weaves and destroys the universe as she spins her web. However, Genshin Impact draws primary influence from Gnostic belief systems.
Per Brittanica, “The Orphic Rhapsodies made her the daughter and successor of Phanes, a creator god; she continued to advise her own successors (Uranus, her son by Phanes; Cronus, youngest son of Uranus; and Zeus) by means of her oracular gifts. Aristotle, in Metaphysics**, Book XII, asserted that some “theologians” derive all things from night. This idea fits the theogony of Aristophanes’** Birds**. Throughout antiquity Nyx caught the imagination of poets and artists, but she was seldom worshipped.**”
Together, they created more primordial entities to found the universe, but Nyx went forgotten. For the “Supernatural” fans inevitably going OH MY GOD right now… Yes, you could liken them to Chuck and Amara. The ending to "Supernatural" was also informed by Greek & Roman mythology, and some Gnostic principles: Fortuna herself grew to believe in Sam and Dean’s self-determined heroism.
Furthermore, in the Book of Genesis, it’s said that in the beginning of creation, God separated the Darkness from the rest of creation to protect it.
“The Separation of Light from Darkness is, from the perspective of the Genesis chronology, the first of nine central panels that run along the center of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling and which depict scenes from the Book of Genesis. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.”
The cruel ‘Night Mother’ is framed as Phanes’ counterpart, and Phanes rose from the Abyss. So yes, this lends credence to the theory that Phanes/Celestia aren’t necessarily purely antagonistic in how they handle Abyssal influence.
Erebos is also “Aether’s” father. I’m referring to the Greek Aether. Pantalone in the Commedia dell’Arte is typically the Father of one of the Innamorati. Before you go “but the Travelers aren’t the Innamorati,” hear me out.
The Innamorati virtually never don masks in the original Commedia dell’Arte, and Genshin Impact went out of its way to make us wear a mask in Mondstadt. This drew players away from the assumption that the Twins represented the Lovers. I felt like it was a misdirection. So I also investigated the Innamorati, and their influence on later storytelling. Many popular stories are thought to have directly spun off of the dynamic between the Lovers.
The key takeaway about the Innamorati's influence ultimately wasn’t that they were literal lovers, but that their pursuit of one another drove the greater plot. A popular example would be Naruto and Sasuke's relationship in Naruto/Shippuden.
The Twins absolutely can be the Innamorati in modern storytelling, which means ‘Pantalone’ has the capacity to act as a ‘Father.’
It’s not a coincidence that the brooch Pantalone is wearing just so happens to feature the same upside-down Odal rune in the same position as the ‘power’ segment of the Triforce when you consider the implications of the Globus Cruciger in godliness and authority to rule, and Genshin’s admission to having taken significant influence from Breath of the Wild. What could this make Pants, given his fixation with the natural rights of humanity? Daddy. The Father. The ‘androgynous’ Phanes – or I should say, a part of Phanes. Which leads us to…

Cosmic Dualism, Baizhu, the Nag Hammadi, Manichaeism, and Phanes

Cosmic dualism relates to Gnostic principles of forces in opposition, similar (but not the same) to concepts like Yin-Yang. Depending on the belief system, it can regard the opposition of the material world and 'evil' God, framed against the immaterial and 'true' God. This is among the reasons why Baizhu is contrasted against Pantalone, and why they both feature black-and-white rhetoric and motifs.
'Cycles' regarding time and history are constants in-game. I suspect Phanes/his Shades ended up subject to Teyvat's ‘cycle.’ I have no idea how/when. So why would I draw this conclusion?
When I was doing my Pantalone/Baizhu analysis, I kept challenging my own take because they share so much in common besides their looks. Baizhu delayed naming Bubu Pharmacy to just start treating patients, and then named Bubu Pharmacy using anti-Gods wordplay. Pantalone complained about naming the Credit Coupons as he hatched the “removing Zhongli’s authority and replacing Mora” plan, and then gave them a similarly symbolic name.
"In Liyue, a form of divination is often used to predict fortune and peril or ask the gods for guidance. The people of Liyue call their particular art Zhanbu. "A name and a message... Then let us send the message that no matter the fortunes of this shop, or the diseases afflicting our patients..." Baizhu picked up the prescription note and faced the rising sun framed through the door. "...Or our fates, we don't need to ask the gods or use divination any longer." In the language of Liyue, "Zhanbu" is divination, but "bu" can also be the word for a refusal or negation. Thus, he chose a name that enshrined his beliefs. The rays of sunlight were shining through the door and the thin paper in his hand, with the words written by his hand clear and confident— Bubu Pharmacy, Baizhu."
So here was my reasoning: -What would you call 2 people who share the same ‘essence’ without being the same person? -What if they share the same soul? That’s a popular concept in many cultures, especially regarding Twins

There are distinct references to this concept in the Nag Hammadi, as well as references from Mani’s belief system.

The Nag Hammadi, an ancient and badly damaged Gnostic text, is full of references to worlds where souls go to be purified. It discusses models and copies of souls being transferred from one “path” to the next. (These obscure passages may also relate to Visions, but that part’s just supposition.)
-“[Souls] are located according to the power they have in themselves, [...] lower are produced by the copies. Those who receive a model of their souls are still in the world. They came into being after the departure of the aeons, one by one, and they are removed one by one from the copy of Exile to the Exile that really exists, from the copy of Repentance to the Repentance that really exists, [and from the] copy of Autogenes to [the Autogenes] that really exists. The remainder [...] the souls [...] exist in a [...] all [...] of aeons [...]
-( …) “He said, "[Zost]rianos, listen about these [...] for the first [...] origins are three because they have appeared in a single origin [of] the Barbelo aeon, not like some origins and powers, nor like (one) from an origin and power. It is to every origin that they have appeared; they have strengthened every power; and they appeared from that which is far better than themselves. These (three) are Existence, Blessedness and Life.”
Meanwhile, Mani taught how the soul of a righteous individual returns to Paradise upon dying, but "the soul of the person who persisted in things of the flesh – fornication, procreation, possessions, cultivation, harvesting, eating of meat, drinking of wine – is condemned to rebirth in a succession of bodies."
“According to biographies preserved by ibn al-Nadim and the Persian polymath al-Biruni, Mani received a revelation as a youth from a spirit, whom he would later call his "Twin" (Imperial Aramaic: תאומא tɑʔwmɑ, from which is also derived the Greek name of Thomas the Apostle, Didymus; the "twin"), Syzygos (Koinē Greek: σύζυγος "spouse, partner", in the Cologne Mani-Codex), "Double," "Protective Angel," or "Divine Self." This spirit taught him wisdom that he then developed into a religion. It was his "Twin" who brought Mani to self-realization. Mani claimed to be the Paraclete of the Truth promised by Jesus in the New Testament."
Paraclete is a Christian biblical term occurring five times in the Johannine texts of the New Testament. In Christian works, the word typically refers to the Holy Spirit, translated as 'advocate', 'counsellor' or 'helper'.”
The ‘Old men’ from the commedia are usually Pantalone, Dottore, and Tartaglia – all of whom have at least 1 additional ‘version’ of themselves canonically confirmed in Genshin Impact. Dottore is almost obsessive about preserving ‘perspectives.’
We find notes on a play “Ajax” was part of as the 2nd strongest member of his alliance from hundreds of years ago, while “our” Ajax exists presently. Dottore has his whole obsession with preserving “perspectives” while taking offense to being called “young.” Baizhu therefor fits as Pantalone’s 'other self,' explaining the implied age gap; Pantalone lived into another cycle while his ‘model’ was incarnated yet again.
In other words, Baizhu isn't Pantalone in disguise: they have unique life experiences and conflicting perspectives while sharing base likenesses because they’re the same ‘essence’ on divergent paths, not unlike the Travelers. Whether or not they’ve met and influenced one another has yet to be seen.

All Roads Lead to Phanes, proposed to be the Primordial One

Here's where it becomes crack-theory territory. Please be kind in your response to these suppositions, because I spent weeks researching academic sources from JSTOR, and my fingers hurt.
I’m not claiming any of this is a guarantee of how Hoyo will treat this dynamic, but I’m struggling to form other conclusions:
Pantalone’s represented by the Globus Cruciger, a Christian symbol representing God’s dominion over the world. There's a ton of symbolism in the stories inspiring Baizhu and Pantalone’s rhetoric regarding religion, martyrdom, healing, economics, and inequality, suggesting they’re connected by far more than their designs. Baizhu and Pantalone’s rhetoric regard humanity’s plights.
...But Pantalone has an inhuman appearance; pointed ears somewhat similar to Neuvillette’s, and eyes hidden, presumably because they reveal something very distinct about him.
I’ve double-checked Baizhu’s model, and his right ear appears normal; the left is concealed by his hair. As for his eyes, we’ve repeatedly confirmed they were altered as a consequence of his contract with Changsheng; both the shape of his pupils and the color of the iris were swapped with Changsheng. So Baizhu’s natural eyes were violet-red and human; Pantalone’s may also be red, but inhuman
-If I stretch, perhaps Vishap-people were a thing during the Roman-inspired empires, they eventually grew to identify with humanity, and our Pantalone may have been reborn as the human-vishap blend Enjou discussed with us in Enkanomiya to repent for what Phanes did to the Sovereigns. Vishap-people are mostly indistinguishable from humans, but with altered pupils. Enjou wasn’t the most reliable narrator, but this Version mentioned the "Traitorous Dragonheirs” in Remuria’s history, Petrichor is based on Italy, Pappus’ name in the Atellan stock implies he’s ancient Italian, Pantalone's rhetoric closely fits Pantaleimon Sudzhaksky's, and Repentance is mentioned repeatedly in the Nag Hammadi.
-The alternate STRETCH is that we shouldn’t interpret the “Christian" reference literally in Pantalone's case, and he’s following the path Enjou implied by joining the Harbingers. Enjou suggested Vishaps evolved in Enkanomiya to infiltrate/sabotage human ranks. He could be Nibelung, King of Dragons himself - or someone who believes in Nibelung’s authority as the King (Pulcinella allegedly has lore-based connections to Nibelung, and he and Pantalone are cooperating on Project Stuzha.) Collection of the Gnoses would reveal the ‘true’ God, and the Sovereigns power was stolen by the Primordial One.
So, would their unity reveal Nibelung or Phanes? It’s unclear how that sentiment’s going to be defined in Genshin Impact. One possibility is that Pantalone is Nibelung’s equivalent, and Baizhu is Phanes’ equivalent. But it gets more tedious when you read Vera’s Melancholy, which implies eyeball-eating-aliens-in-interdimensional-worlds vibes. One of the main characters was Ike, a black-haired boy with glasses + tendency to monologue, and they were from ‘Delphi,’ a real place in Greece.
Teyvat's natural order is draconic. Ouroboros is a persistent theme in-game. It informs Beidou’s design/lore, and it’s also described as a natural ‘phenomenon’ discovered by Enkanomiyans, used to create the Serpent’s Heart. Ouroboros can be depicted as a snake or dragon consuming itself: as a representation of eternal creation and destruction.
You could argue Nibelung, the King of Dragons, would be the “true” God per the Orphic Gnostic belief systems. Ophites (a derogatory term from the Greek Ophis, ‘serpent,' coined by Hippolytus) venerated the Serpent in the Bible because it was seen to have enlightened humanity.
Regardless of how the details are panned out, they are most likely God/Shades in some respect, and they’ve been subjected to the cyclical-incarnational nature of Teyvat. So now for residual thoughts:
On the Baizhu/Pantalone end, there’s potential foreshadowing in Baizhu’s Story Details. Genshin explains that he's in conflict with Hu Tao, but that they and Zhongli all play a part in life and death, as it’s where their empathy/concerns overlap completely.
Zhongli is popularly proposed as one of the Shades. I might agree now. If we contemplate the “Pantalone founded the Wangshang Funeral Parlor” theory I've seen floating around, he’d be double-foiled against Baizhu with Hu Tao as an allegory, and again connected to Zhongli.
I haven’t researched Capitano in depth yet, but some players allege he may have played more than one role in Genshin’s history, too. Similarly, there are some narrative consistencies to suggest that Dottore is connected to Shiruyeh, the Lord of Pestilence; if this pattern is accurate, then Shiruyeh could be a wronged past “self” of Dottore’s. Dottore seems more than intelligent enough to have noticed these patterns himself, given all of “Zandik’s” research across Sumeru. Accordingly, he may be creating segments as a way to ensure he never forgets the truth while he resists the cycle.
Ei & the Raiden Shogun may foreshadow what the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles is: a puppet acting on orders independent of its leader, because its leadeShades have been absent and/or ignorant to their own identities. This may be why Celestia is decaying, and why Baizhu/Pantalone would be related while suffering the very consequences of the cycle of incarnation.

The Takeaway?

Pantalone and Baizhu are a HUGE DEAL in Genshin Impact’s greater plot, the Foil theory is absolutely spot-on, and some popular theories as to Pantalone’s identity are probably simultaneously true for one reason or another. We can’t rule out many theories from this info, as some of it is conflicting. That’s why I came to the conclusion that they were inspired by numerous historical figures, with 'Godliness' being the main consistency.
As before, thanks for reading, share your thoughts, and have a day!
submitted by bai-rouran to Genshin_Lore [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 15:59 ThrowRA462qw My (F32) boyfriend (M27) shared a kink/fantasy. I’m not sure I can move past it?

Some context. I’ve been dating my boyfriend for nearly 9 months. It’s been quite a slow burn in every way - for example we only started being intimate about 4 months in. Despite my age this is actually my first real relationship.
The last time I saw my boyfriend he shared something he’s into for the first time which surprised me a lot, since up until now I believed he was pretty vanilla.
I asked him his thoughts about threesomes since I had an inkling he might have an interest in it. He said he’s not interested in a dynamic where he would be with someone else however he admitted that in a relationship he had a few years ago he said his ex could sleep with another guy (with him there, but without him being involved).
I questioned him about this to try and understand and he said he likes the idea of seeing his partner being turned on by another guy. I didn’t really understand it as he said it’s not a humiliation thing and not a BDSM thing, making me believe it’s not a cuckold thing. He also wouldn’t want his partner to be with someone else and then tell him about it, and basically said anything that wouldn’t involve him would feel like cheating, so I didn’t think it was a ‘hot wife’ thing, though people online are telling me it is?
He wasn’t necessarily suggesting we do it (and I know he thinks it’s weird to do something like that early on) but he kept abstractly saying that threesomes are quite a common thing couples do a few years into a relationship, which makes me think it’s a hope he has for a future. And he did later ask if it’s something I’m interested in and I stupidly said maybe, but I was kind of caught up in the moment and needed time to process and understand what he was saying.
Anyway it’s been a few days since this admission and it’s been affecting me really badly. I don’t mind if he has this fantasy but the fact he would take steps to make this happen makes it feel more seedy to me and makes me see him very differently (even though I know I shouldn’t kink shame and I wouldn’t not want to make him feel bad about this). And the fact that he’d be happy for me to have sex with some random guy off the street essentially is really upsetting and hurtful to me. I 100% am not interested in someone else being involved in my relationship (I wasn’t able to express this to him at the time as I needed time to process it). I just want to be with him and I want him to want the same. So if it’s something he definitely wants to happen then it would have to be over.
Due to his personality I believe it's pretty likely he’ll say he doesn’t mind if we don’t do it. He’s extremely easygoing and considerate to a fault, to the point where I know he’d let me get away with things he didn’t like just so he wouldn’t lose me. But even if he doesn't need to do it I still don’t know if I can get past this for the reasons I’ve said above. I believe him to be really sweet, respectful, considerate and a good person, not to mention essentially being my dream guy and someone who I thought could be my person. We’ve talked about marriage. And when I think of all that I think I would be crazy to let him go just because of a kink. But then when my mind goes back to thinking about the kink I feel completely sick and think I can’t get over it. It also makes me wonder what else he hasn’t shared yet. And I know if I show to him I have such an issue with it and we do get past it he probably won’t share anything else with me moving forward.
It’s also important to add that I believe one of the main reasons this bothers me so much is that, when I was 18, I was in what I believe to be in somewhat of an abusive dynamic with someone a bit older who was very into BDSM and kinks. This person would pressure me a lot to be involved in his interests. This included him very often attempting to pressure me into taking part in a FFM threesome or entering into a three-way relationship. So it kind of feels like a nightmare for me to end up with someone who is interested in a scenario that would involve someone else. I’m trying to tell myself that someone who is caring and considerate towards me having this kink is not the same as someone who was a bad person who didn’t respect me and was always pressuring me to have a threesome. But I don’t know.
How should I approach this? Any insight/advice welcome
submitted by ThrowRA462qw to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 00:08 DaemonaT (Spoiler Extended) From their blood comes the Prince Prince That Was Promised - Rhaena, Alys and Danelle, the Witch Queens of Harrenhal

As most of us can agree, the Westerosi inheritance system sucks, especially if you are a woman, a bastard, or - beyond the purpose of this essay - a dwarf. Moreover, despite reasonable evidence proving that genetic traits, including “magic genes”, are easily pass down the line irrespective of sex or your parents’ marital status, even some of us, modern readers, fail to imagine how the famous Prince That Was Promised can come from anywhere else than a straight line of males and their lawfully contracted marriages.
In response to this BS, the following essay postulates a theory that advances the following ideas: (1) prophecy does not care about names, or gender - only blood; (2) George, who is a genealogy nerd, has likely planned for the Prince That Was Promised to descend from practically every significant Fire and Blood character with known descendants (and from a few without), with the caveat that, legally, the Prince That Was Promised might not necessarily be the same as the rightful heir to the Iron Throne; (3) the eldest potential blood line (yes, more headcanons theories are coming) involves the Prince’s possible direct descent from Aegon the Conqueror and/or Rhaenys through Rhaena, Aenys’ firstborn, the first ever Targaryen to be denied inheritance rights on the basis of lacking a fat pink mast anything close to male genitalia, and last, but not least, the first female openly associated with witchcraft and the cursed castle of Harrenhal; (4) the blood connection to be discussed spreads over 13 generations, mayhaps as a subtle hint to the famous thirteenth Lord Commander; (5) this theory gives little weight to the “house Whent descends from Aemond and Alys” theory - while clearly positing that Alys and Aemond are definitely “Mad” Danelle Lothston’s proud grandparents and, through her, the promised prince’s forebearers - alongside Rhaenyra, Team Green, alongside Rhaenyra - it does not entirely exclude it either, with the caveat if the Whents are somehow related with Aemond and Alys, it has to be through the Lothstons and without any connection whatsoever with the Prince That Was Promised lineage.
For length reasons, not to mention the OP’s life getting in the way of arguing with people on Reddit meaningful interactions, the thirteen generations thus advanced are to be spread across three episodes.
Today’s episode: generations 1 to 5 - from Aegon the Conqueror to Alys Rivers - as following:
  1. Aegon Targaryen and beloved sister-wife Rhaenys/ beloved sister-wife Rhaenys and unknown singer
As many will probably like to notice, I haven’t even started and here comes the first weakness of my theory. Conqueror, dragonlord, enigma… Aegon I is more often than not remembered as… INFERTILE. Nonetheless, even if Aegon is infertile and/or a cuckold, Rhaenys is still a Targaryen while - until proven otherwise - Visenya’s line dies with Maegor. Thus, independent of the Conqueror’s sperm count, it is safe to say a Targaryen has definitely passed down the magic genes of the promised prince to the Conqueror’s legitimate son-and-heir.
Interestingly enough, Fire and Blood reports a special bond between Aegon and his legitimate son-and-heir's oldest child, a daughter:
'It was written that King Aegon himself wept the first time his granddaughter was placed in his arms, and thereafter doted upon the child... mayhaps in some part because he reminded him of his lost queen...'
Arguably, Aegon's affection for Rhaena makes for a nice little piece of character building, yet, can we ignore the symbolism of Aegon physically carrying and doting upon a girl whose name can literally be translated as 'queen'? My gut feeling is… mayhaps we should not, despite the fact this symbolism seems to be missed by Aegon and the incoming generation.
  1. Aenys Targaryen and beloved cousin-wife Alyssa Velaryon
The second king to sit the Iron Throne and the second Targaryen to carry the burden of Aegon’s prophecy - if the show is to be believed- is one of the franchise’s least controversial characters. His legacy, however, is, to put it politely, a hot mess.
Aenys’ oldest child has the misfortune to be born a girl proving how hard it can be to pass down the Conqueror’s genes AND follow local inheritance laws, if you lack a pair.
'As the glad tidings of Rhaena's birth spread across the land, the realm, perhaps, for Queen Visenya. Prince Aenys was the unquestioned heir to the Iron Throne, all agreed, but now an issue arose as to whether Prince Maegor remained second in line of succession, or should be considered to have fallen to third behind the newborn princess.'
Visenya, always the wisest - and, mayhaps, a secret feminist - tried to settle the matter by betrothing her son to Rhaena, only to face the strong opposition of the girl's family. Aenys and Alyssa - who, mayhaps, were not very impressed with Visenya's little psycho - spoke against the match; the Faith, somehow, got to have an opinion on the matter; and last, but not least, Aegon, the man who forced Oldtown to accept incest and polygamy before, did nothing to support an avuncular marriage for his second son. In fact, despite Aegon's genuine affection for his granddaughter, it can be argued the Conqueror was the first to deny Rhaena her birthright, by preventing her marriage to a man who would have probably supported her claim to the throne.
Moreover, Aenys - unlike Aegon, father of none one or two - finds himself the father of six. Presuming that he is acquainted with the famous prophecy, Aenys might find it hard to discern who amongst his kids carries the promised prince’s genes, if not all of them? To somehow solve this issue, Aenys - who not long before has refused to marry Rhaena with her uncle - takes the brave decision to marry her with her brother, Aegon. However, as Aenys does not make use of his dragons to enforce his decision, mayhaps in an attempt to save his dragonless son some embarrassment, the decision backfires so badly it almost costs house Targaryen the throne and Aenys’s children their (Prince That Was Promised) legacy.
In truth, in the aftermath of Aenys’ reign raises to important questions with regard to prophecy. Firstly, how comes the prophecy ends up with Jaehaerys who was never the official heir of Aenys? Secondly, how safe is to presume the magic genes of the promised prince end up solely with Jaehaerys’ line?
At first sight, the fact that Aenys’ breeding four married each other helps a bit with the magic bloodline, and the fact that Rhaena and Aegon’s daughters died without issue of their own helps even better. However, as Fire and Blood suggests, the Targaryen family tree might get a bit complicated if we are in for an uncounted relationship in the third generation.
  1. Rhaena Targaryen and Maegor… Towers
Undoubtedly, Rhaena is tied, in the fandom imagination with Dany, due to the alleged connection between Rhaena’s dragon, Dreamfyre, and Dany’s dragons, who are presumed to have hatched from Dreamfyre’s stolen eggs. But what if Rhaena - the first ever Taragaryen princess to be denied her moral birthright on the basis of gender and the first woman to be openly associated with witchcraft and Harrenhal - plays an even more important part, as the progenitor of the secret blood line meant to give the world its promised prince/s?
The major issue with this theory is, of course, the fact the historians do not ever mention the possibility of Rhaena having more children, besides Aerea and Rhaella, while ONLY Jaehaerys and Alysanne are presumed to pass down the Conqueror’s blood to successful reproductive offsprings. Furthermore, Rhaena is a well established gay woman, who only bred briefly, at her family’s request, but who never otherwise showed any inclination to the “strong” sex.
There is an odd episode in Rhaena’s story, perhaps the most oddest at all, considering Rhaena’s known sexual orientation: in her later years, we hear not of steamy affairs with the local gentry’s daughters, but of a strange friendship with Maegor Towers, the sickly youth she shares Harrenhal with for a while. The story, on itself, has no apparent narrative purpose - and is reported as a mere anecdote by the established biased source that is Fire and Blood.
At the same time, people who are familiar with real world history will probably be tempted, as I was, to consider the parallel between Rhaena and Maegor’s bizarre friendship and the real world case of Archiduchess Sophie and her ailing nephew, the unfortunate Duke of Reichstadt, the legitimate son and heir of Napoleon Bonaparte. As the story goes, the then young princess, trapped in an unhappy marriage, gave the young and ailing Napoleon more than the love and care of a devoted aunt, with people going as far as to suggest one of Sophie’s sons resulted from this affair. See where I am heading on?
  1. Alleged secret daughter of Rhaena Targaryen and Lyonel Strong
According to both Munkun and Eustache, Alys Rivers was the bastard daughter of Lyonel Strong and an unknown woman. Who was this unknown woman, dare I ask, at peril of being reminded that GRRM has not bothered, for what we know, with putting flesh on the bones of high born ladies, such as Ned’s mother.
Yet, this very own theory is based on the fact that GRRM, far from being neglectful with the fair sex, has a very good narrative reason to ignore the women. Firstly, this is due to the fact, that, as in the real world, medieval histories concentrate on men and ignore their ladies. Secondly, women lineages are almost impossible to track in a society which ignores female contribution to genetic pools. So, what more appropriate place to hide a potential primogeniture claim than in the person of a possible illegitimate female child?
One fact is certain. If Lyonel Strong is Alys’ father, which he probably is, the mother is likely to be connected with “an older generation” as per Mushroom’s testimony, who not at all suspiciously, is associating this “older generation” with Alys. But what generation would that be? The generation of the insignificant Towers who held Harrenhal before the Strongs or Rhena’s? For the purpose of this essay, we will say both.
Gay, but childless - or as good as with a septa for her sole surviving daughter - I find it possible that Rhaena, whose daughters have been, in fact, callously removed from her care, tried for another child, one that nobody could take away from her. She had a potential sperm donor in the person of her friend - the ailing Lord Towers - and she had the opportunity to keep a pregnancy secret, due to her reclusion. The child, especially if born without Targaryen features, could have easily been passed as an orphan. After all, Rhaena is recorded, again, not at all suspiciously considering the detail’s apparent lack of relevance, to take Towers’ small household in her service, after their lord’s demise.
Have this child been born - and this theory states it has - she will very likely be 12 or 13 by the time of Rhaena’s own death and, likely, clueless about her dragon blood/Prince That Was Promised heritage. However, with Harrenhal granted to house Strong, the girl could soon find herself in the proximity of a similarly young Lyonel Strong, making thus possible the equation (secret) dragon lady + strong fellow = Alys Rivers, the second woman to be strongly associated with witchcraft and Harrenhal.
  1. Alys Rivers and Aemond “One Eye” Targaryen
If you have reach this far it might have become obvious that this theory clearly posits that Alys Rivers is the secret granddaughter of Rhaena Targaryen and the carrier of the precious Prince That Was Promised genes, through absolute primogeniture. However, considering certain theories that are become popular in the fandom, this is also the point where the reader has to be reminded that, while this theory is not entirely dismissing the “Alys and Aemond are the progenitors of house Whent” theory, it has to be emphasised the Whents themselves are unlikely to prove the missing blood link between Alys Rivers and the Prince That Was Promised. Also, it has to be as well noted that any blood claim in this context comes from Alys and Alys alone, while Aemond, a second son with surviving (bastard) nephews, is to be considered as only a sperm donor, given this context.
For what Alys is concerned, however, this theory notices that, besides the obvious Harrenhal connection, two more themes link her to both her possible ancestor, Rhaena, and her possible descendant, Danelle: witchcraft and children.
Rhaena, whose silver hair turned white by the ripe age of forty hints to the Ghost of High Heart, is feared as a witch by the local peasantry. Alys, “the witch queen of Harrenhal”, who coincidentally or not sees things in fires as other people of known or suspected Targaryen descent do, is presumed to be a woods witch, according to Eustache - again, a possible reference to the Ghost; shows interest to potions; allegedly bathes in maidens’ blood - a very disturbing reference to the real world countess Bathory; and might help people’s heads explode. Last, but not least, the infamous Danelle is remembered as a magic practitioner whose interest in the dark arts brought house Lothston to an end. The discerning reader will undoubtedly notice how the witchcraft theme is employed, in all three cases, to possibly discredit and otherise three women who do not fit the Westerosi female ideal: a lesbian, a poor unmarried woman, and a virago.
The second theme that brings together Rhaena, Alys and Danelle is children… lost children to be more precise. Rhaena is good with kids from her own childhood, when she dots upon her younger siblings, Jaehaerys and Alysanne. Unfortunately, when a mother herself, Rhaena is brutally separated from her daughters, whose destiny is decided by their grandmother, without Rhaena having a say. Alys, the alleged witch who bathes in maiden’s blood, has suffered several miscarriages. Lastly, Danelle - in a parallel with Alys and the countess Bathory - is suspected to kidnap and possibly cannibalise kids, when not bathing in human blood. Again, the discerning reader might notice the “missing children” theme is employed to underline the three women’s “unfitness”: Rhaena is not trusted with her own daughters, Alys cannot birth viable offsprings, and Danelle does unthinkable things to other people’s children.
The truth, by contrast, as this theory claims, might tell three completely different stories of abuse, amongst which the most obvious is Rhaena’s, while Alys and Danelle’s are surrounded by mistery and, in Danelle’s case, by outrageous lies most likely spread by the guys who had a vested interest in robbing her inheritance… yes, I am pointing at the dodgy knights of house Whent, but this is already a story for the next instalment.
TD;LR Rhaena Targaryen, daughter of Aenys, is Alys Rivers' grandmother.
submitted by DaemonaT to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:59 DemolitionMatter Gender inequality has more evolutionary roots than sociogenic roots, research shows.

DISCLAIMER: This post does NOT condone violence or crime, nor does it say that sexism is a good thing, but explains that it is not caused by patriarchy. It is not sociogenic, but part of nature. This does not mean it is good, but that it is not sociogenic, even if feminists say it is.
Feminists argue it was the "patriarchy" or men who created gender inequality or gender roles, and gender roles are often portrayed as evil and oppressive, but feminists reinforce them all the time in a subtle manner. It's actually evolution that caused gender inequality.
Gender equality doesn't necessarily create more happiness.
First, although there is evidence of gender equality bringing happiness, there's no consistent evidence that gender equality causes wellbeing in men or women. One study wrote: "greater gender equality has few significant effects on overall subjective well-being (males and females combined), except for a slight association of more female (relative to male) education with higher well-being." They elaborated:
Most of the gender equality measures do not predict differences between male and female subjective well-being, neither when considering zero-order correlations (Table 1) nor in regression models that control for plausible covariates (Tables 5, 6). Therefore we can confirm the conclusion of Vieira Lima (2011) that greater gender equality or higher female status does not usually benefit women more than men. For example, a higher proportion of women in high-status occupations does not raise the average subjective well- being of all women, although it is likely to do so for the minority of highly ambitious women competing for these positions. High female labor force participation and non- agricultural employment emerge as conditions that appear to reduce female relative to male (or raise male relative to female) well-being (Tables 5, 6). This result confirms and extends the observation of Tesch-Ro ̈mer et al. (2008) of a predominantly negative rela- tionship between relative female life satisfaction and relative female economic activity rate. One possible explanation is that in many (though not necessarily all) countries, the disutility of work is greater for women than men. In other words, women dislike gainful work in a modern economy more than men do.
In fact, the research found that women are happier or more satisfied with life than men in Muslim countries, countries with less Catholic people, and countries without "communist" history. Furthermore, they found that female life satisfaction is higher in countries with more old-school gender roles:
One possibility is that higher female life satisfaction in countries with traditional gender roles is caused by lower female expectations. However, in this case we would expect that traditional gender roles favor higher self-reported female life satisfaction but not neces- sarily happiness. Inspection of Fig. 1 shows this not to be the case.
Additionally, gender equality was not associated with more happiness/life satisfaction, and more female employment, or socializing it, actually reduces wellbeing for women.
The present study is strictly cross-sectional. However, it shows that greater gender equality is not associated with higher subjective well-being of women relative to men. It even suggests that high rates of female employment, or possibly a value system that insists on female employment, have the potential to reduce female well-being. Therefore we need to be aware of the possibility that continued efforts at educating women out of traditional female roles and into traditional male roles can reduce female subjective well-being, as has happened in the communist and ex-communist countries. But is this really surprising? Men would not be happy and satisfied either if they were forced out of traditional male roles and into traditional female roles. Perhaps the implicit belief among many social scientists that male-typical preferences, values and social roles are in some way superior to traditional female ones needs to be re-evaluated.
They concluded this explains why wellbeing for women in the United States has declined in the past few decades as women entered the workforce more. This study found that although gender equality promoted happiness in both developed and developing countries, the effect was stronger in democratic or high income countries compared to nondemocratic or low income countries.
This study, which is far more well-researched than others, shows a nuanced pattern across many countries. When it came to happiness, people in "gender equal" countries were more likely to simply happy but people in "gender unequal" countries are more likely to be very happy. People in "gender equal" countries were more likely to be simply satisfied with life but in "gender unequal" countries, people were more likely to be very satisfied with life. Being simply unhappy or unsatisfied did not differ between countries but being very unhappy/unsatisfied was slightly more common in "gender unequal" countries, but the percentage who were very unhappy/satisfied was minuscule. The vast majority of people in both kinds of countries were at least happy/satisfied with life. Increasing gender equality was mixed in its results:
In gender equal countries, it was seen that increasing levels of gender egalitarianism tend to improve a person’s likelihood to be either very unhappy or at higher levels of happiness than unhappy.
Increasing gender equality in the "egalitarian" countries decreased unhappiness, very slightly increased being very unhappy (very minuscule change), very slightly increased (minuscule change) being very happy and increased being simply happy. In the "unequal" countries, increasing gender equality decreased being very happy, increased being simply happy, somewhat increased being unhappy and made a minuscule decrease in being very unhappy. With life satisfaction, it decreased being unsatisfied or very unsatisfied in both kinds of countries but only made a noteworthy increase in being satisfied or being very satisfied in "unequal" countries and "equal" countries, respectively. Either way, the authors concluded that their research "demonstrates that levels of happiness and life satisfaction have a similar distribution in gender equal and unequal countries overall", and "while the impact of demographic components on happiness and life satisfaction does not vary in gender equal and unequal countries, gender egalitarianism demonstrates diversified patterns of happiness".
Sexism and gender inequality has evolutionary roots.
This is a highly controversial point, but it is true. There's a lot of talk lately about how the hunter-gatherer societies were egalitarian, but this is false (a myth promoted by both the far left and feminists), and women did not hunt as much as men, but that idea was "proven" by research with high amounts of methodological bias.
A study called "An evolutionary life history explanation of sexism and gender inequality" by Nan Zhu and Lei Chang shows that sexism/gender inequality is indeed evolutionary. Contrary to popular belief, sexism was more based on discriminating against men or women or singling them out due to gender roles, and gender roles were important for the success of our species and survival. It wasn't about punishing a gender for their gender. Here's the abstract:
Predisposed to differences in parental investment, men and women are expected to enact different reproduction-oriented, accelerated life-history strategies when facing high extrinsic risks or resource insecurity. Sexual selection processes would strengthen the sex differences in support of such accelerated life-history strategy, causing women to divert more time and energy to reproductive activities and depend more on men's economic provisioning and therefore enforcing sexist attitudes and gender inequality. This paper provides empirical support for this life-history explanation of sexism based on data from the World Values Survey and four United Nations sources. The results generally support our explanation in the following manners: (1) Societal-level extrinsic risks (worries over intergroup violence) were associated with higher sexism. (2) Men were more sexist, and the association between individual-level resource insecurity and sexism was more moderate in countries and regions with greater society-level extrinsic risks. (3) Societal-level extrinsic risks (adult mortality) and resource availability were associated with higher and lower gender inequality, respectively, through the mediating effects of accelerated life-history strategies, indicated by adolescent birth rates and total fertility.
They also cite evidence for how environment affects reproductive outcomes and general behavior:
Resource insecurity, which is related to higher exposure to morbi- dity–mortality risks for offspring in almost all human forager societies (Marlowe, 2000), has been demonstrated to be associated with parental harshness and insecure attachment, which, in turn, are linked to traits of accelerated life-history strategies. These traits include earlier sexual debut and higher sexual activities during adolescence, which are pre- dicted by earlier pubertal development (Belsky, Houts & Fearon, 2010; (Belsky et al., 2010b)). In a longitudinal study, Belsky, Schlomer and Ellis (2012) found that lower income-to-needs ratio experienced during the early years was indirectly associated with higher adolescent sexuality through lower maternal parenting quality in childhood. By con- trast, Ellis and Essex (2007) observed that fewer marital conflicts, higher quality parental care, and higher socioeconomic status predicted later sexual development in girls. Overall, accelerated life-history strategies are in accordance with increased reproductive efforts at an earlier age, which are adaptive to stressful environments that reduce the chance of offspring surviving to maturity, but less so in stable and competitive environments (Del Giudice et al., 2015).
Across countries, men scored higher on beliefs about old-school gender roles (or as the authors described, more sexist) than women. It wasn't because they're the "patriarchy" or "oppressors", but this difference in beliefs was higher in countries with higher extrinsic risks like intergroup violence (e.g.: war).
We found that males exhibited higher sexism than did females and that this trend was stronger in societies facing greater intergroup violence. This is consistent with our extrapolation that the traditional, sexist “protective males” stereotype is more advocated in societies facing an elevated danger of intergroup conflicts. Moreover, given that males have more incentives to escape parenting duties to focus on mating compared with females, males likely gain more reproductive success from sexist gender roles than females do when enacting accelerated life-history strategies. This might explain why the sex difference in sexism was greater in societies with higher extrinsic risks.
Extrinsic risks were associated with accelerated life history strategies (e.g.: having children), which, in turn, is associated with gender inequality. Societal level extrinsic risks (like intergroup violence) were associated with more sexism, and "societal-level extrinsic risks (adult mortality) and resource availability were associated with higher and lower gender inequality, respectively, through the mediating effects of accelerated life-history strategies, indicated by adolescent birth rates and total fertility." Individual-level resource insecurity and societal intergroup violence both predicted more sexism or beliefs endorsing old-school gender roles, but: "society-level intergroup violence may have overshadowed individual-level resource insecurity such that the detrimental effect of resource insecurity was less severe in societies with high intergroup violence".
Rape and intimate partner violence are not caused by patriarchy, but are evolutionary tactics (despite being immoral and evolution/nature being amoral).
This is just like how men committing crimes against men (which is far more common) is also an evolutionary tactic. Nature is amoral and humans are, to an extent, a barbaric species (like any other species). This thread of mine talks about how not only is most sexism towards women benevolent sexism, but actual misogyny is rare among men, and those men were simply full of dark triad traits, and dark triad men and misogynistic men or rapists were two sides of the same coin. Dark triad traits are an evolutionary adaptation to have lots of casual sex, and they caused men to be interested in as many sex partners as possible. When these men have unusually high aspirations about how sexually active they must be, they tend to become misogynistic because they believe they are unattractive to women when they aren't, yet engage in a lot of promiscuity. As a result, these men have committed rape to get sex, but they also have a high amount of consensual sex partners. As a result, rape was found to be an evolutionary mating strategy from dark triad traits, which I elaborated on in that thread (no, it doesn't condone or defend sexual violence).
It is also possible countries with less gender equality, which have more intergroup violence or lack of resource security (which is what causes old-school gender roles and less gender equality), have more dark triad men, and the gender difference in dark triad traits between men and women is bigger. It's not patriarchy that causes dark triad traits in these countries, but intergroup violence and lack of resource security that causes these traits there. It could be intimate partner violence might be more common in these countries and it could be for evolutionary reasons and for the same reasons these countries have gender inequality or old-school gender roles more: the environment.
Although intimate partner violence is a gender symmetrical crime, I don't know if there's evolutionary reasons for why women commit intimate partner violence. There could be, but it has probably less research because society ignores male domestic violence victims. Among men who commit the crime, there are evolutionary reasons or hardwired instincts that cause it. For example, women with boyfriends/husbands who had children from previous partners are far more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence or homicide, whereas stepfather are more likely to be abusive. This is potentially due to sexual jealousy or resentment of the actual father due to knowing their children are not biologically their children. Even other species had intimate partner violence among both males and females:
These cases demonstrate that intimate partner violence is neither exclusive to humans nor exclusive to males. Intimate partner violence is the result of a natural process—Darwinian selection. These cases also call into question the default hypothesis that physical violence between pair-bonded individuals is caused by socialization. Proponents of the socialization hypothesis would not argue that burying beetles and razorbills are socialized to inflict partner-directed violence, and it may be erroneous to assume this default position for human intimate partner violence. In every species studied to date (including humans), intimate partner violence occurs when the actions of one partner (either male or female) threaten the survival or reproduction of the other.
Men also mate guard (guard their partner from other men) when she has high reproductive value or attractiveness, is ovulating, is around other men, or has other traits making her more prone to infidelity. Men's mate retention behaviors and mate guarding about making sure where she was or knowing who she talks to was associated with intimate partner violence perpetration against her. The relationship between accusations of female infidelity and female-directed violence was mediated by non-violent direct guarding behaviors. When it comes to marital sexual aggression, women's risk of sexual coercion by their partner was not related to power in the relationship, like who controls the decision making, and thus, women with a man with the dominant position in the relationship don't experience more sexual coercion from their husbands. A lot of evidence shows that sexual coercion in marriage might be due to paternity uncertainty or worrying the wife is cheating:
Sexual coercion in response to cues of his partner's sexual infidelity might function to introduce a male's sperm into his partner's reproductive tract at a time when there is a high risk of cuckoldry (i.e., when his partner has recently been inseminated by a rival male). This sperm competition hypothesis was proposed following recognition that forced in-pair copulation (i.e., partner rape) in nonhuman species followed female extra-pair copulations and that sexual coercion and rape in human intimate relationships often followed accusations of female infidelity.
Forced in-pair copulation, unlike general forced copulation, is rare in the animal kingdom because many species don't have long-term pair bonding, which is why it cannot occur. Many avian species have long-term pair bonds, as it exists in many of these species. It does not exist randomly, and happens immediately after extra-pair copulations, intrusions by rival males, and female species in some of these species, which leads to male-favoring sex ratio. Forced in-pair copulation right after suspected or confirmed extra-pair copulation in these species is a sign of a sperm competition tactic. Some ancestral women have mated with multiple men within short periods of time so sperm from more than 1 man can enter her reproductive tract. This explains why women are hardwired to cheat or get sexually bored quicker in relationships compared to men. Men who physically abuse or rape their wives had higher scores on sexual jealousy. Women who are victims of marital rape also are more likely to have been unfaithful. If they weren't, they were perceived that way. Because women can't be cuckolded given that they know which child is theirs and men would not bring an illegitimate child into the marriage, but outside the marriage, sexual jealousy and risk of being cheated on was not linked to women committing sexual coercion, but men who worried about sexual infidelity, had a partner who was at risk of cheating or who had a partner who did cheat, engaged in more sexual coercion, and many convicted partner rapists disproportionately had wives who cheated on them. Men's sexual coercion was consistently predicted by female infidelity and this held true even when controlling for men's personalities and controlling behavior (which can amplify the risk under these circumstances). Additionally, this explains why abusive relationships have more sex, and this is true for mates in various species close to humans, including gorillas, baboons, macaques, and chimpanzees.
Obviously, most men won't do these things, but obviously personality traits can still increase the risk along with evolutionary instincts, and so can attachment anxiety. There's also other factors for intimate partner violence and homicide, such as the fact that these offenders often tend to be generally violent criminals and have violent criminal records. There's obviously antisocial men who do tend to be violent in relationships because they're generally violent, but this is talking more about at least situation partner violence/homicide. Not all women killed by their partners were abused by them, even if it's true for most, but it's even more common for them to notice their partners' sexual jealousy or worries about infidelity, which the vast majority noticed for concerns their partner had. Additonally, this thread is NOT condoning violence against women, just like how acknowledging how violence against men is evolutionary does not condone it. Most male criminals harm men, and men usually restrict violence against women to when they commit sexual violence or intimate partner violence, and evolution explains all of this. Men have less evolutionary benefits to committing non-sexual crimes against women outside their relationship, unlike when they commit the same crimes against men.
There's also evidence showing that when the sex ratio has more women (more women than men in a population), men mated with more women than sexual aggression against women declined (rapists do tend to be promiscuous, but they have dark triad traits that make them more promiscuous as an adaptation, especially if women are less available to mate with, like polygamous societies). When there were more men than women, sexual aggression by men against women increased. Another study found that a sex ratio of more men than women increases men's intimate partner violence against women, and even more so when more women are working. They explain the evolutionary reason behind it:
Multivariate regression results furnish evidence supporting evolutionary psychology by demonstrating that a high sex ratio increases male-on-female intimate partner violence. Results also show that male-on-female intimate partner violence is higher in cities where more women work. Such a finding further buttresses the logic associated with evolutionary psychology because participation in the workforce is theorized to afford a woman a greater opportunity to meet and interact with men other than her husband or boyfriend.
There is a lot of evidence that gender inequality or sexism comes from evolution, and as society becomes more economically successful, has less intergroup violence, and becomes more convenient as a whole, this issue in society lessens. There's also evidence that men are evolutionarily hardwired to be more likely than women to endorse old-school gender roles, or sexism, about men and women.
This is in line with my post, which cites a lot of evidence to back its statements up, about how the changes in gender roles, ages of marriage, fertility, etc. were due to changes in environment, and that feminism played no role in it.
submitted by DemolitionMatter to LeftWingMaleAdvocates [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:55 DemolitionMatter Gender inequality has more evolutionary roots than sociogenic roots, research shows.

DISCLAIMER: This post does NOT condone violence or crime, nor does it say that sexism is a good thing, but explains that it is not caused by patriarchy. It is not sociogenic, but part of nature. This does not mean it is good, but that it is not sociogenic, even if feminists say it is.
Feminists argue it was the "patriarchy" or men who created gender inequality or gender roles, and gender roles are often portrayed as evil and oppressive, but feminists reinforce them all the time in a subtle manner. It's actually evolution that caused gender inequality.
Gender equality doesn't necessarily create more happiness.
First, although there is evidence of gender equality bringing happiness, there's no consistent evidence that gender equality causes wellbeing in men or women. One study wrote: "greater gender equality has few significant effects on overall subjective well-being (males and females combined), except for a slight association of more female (relative to male) education with higher well-being." They elaborated:
Most of the gender equality measures do not predict differences between male and female subjective well-being, neither when considering zero-order correlations (Table 1) nor in regression models that control for plausible covariates (Tables 5, 6). Therefore we can confirm the conclusion of Vieira Lima (2011) that greater gender equality or higher female status does not usually benefit women more than men. For example, a higher proportion of women in high-status occupations does not raise the average subjective well- being of all women, although it is likely to do so for the minority of highly ambitious women competing for these positions. High female labor force participation and non- agricultural employment emerge as conditions that appear to reduce female relative to male (or raise male relative to female) well-being (Tables 5, 6). This result confirms and extends the observation of Tesch-Ro ̈mer et al. (2008) of a predominantly negative rela- tionship between relative female life satisfaction and relative female economic activity rate. One possible explanation is that in many (though not necessarily all) countries, the disutility of work is greater for women than men. In other words, women dislike gainful work in a modern economy more than men do.
In fact, the research found that women are happier or more satisfied with life than men in Muslim countries, countries with less Catholic people, and countries without "communist" history. Furthermore, they found that female life satisfaction is higher in countries with more old-school gender roles:
One possibility is that higher female life satisfaction in countries with traditional gender roles is caused by lower female expectations. However, in this case we would expect that traditional gender roles favor higher self-reported female life satisfaction but not neces- sarily happiness. Inspection of Fig. 1 shows this not to be the case.
Additionally, gender equality was not associated with more happiness/life satisfaction, and more female employment, or socializing it, actually reduces wellbeing for women.
The present study is strictly cross-sectional. However, it shows that greater gender equality is not associated with higher subjective well-being of women relative to men. It even suggests that high rates of female employment, or possibly a value system that insists on female employment, have the potential to reduce female well-being. Therefore we need to be aware of the possibility that continued efforts at educating women out of traditional female roles and into traditional male roles can reduce female subjective well-being, as has happened in the communist and ex-communist countries. But is this really surprising? Men would not be happy and satisfied either if they were forced out of traditional male roles and into traditional female roles. Perhaps the implicit belief among many social scientists that male-typical preferences, values and social roles are in some way superior to traditional female ones needs to be re-evaluated.
They concluded this explains why wellbeing for women in the United States has declined in the past few decades as women entered the workforce more. This study found that although gender equality promoted happiness in both developed and developing countries, the effect was stronger in democratic or high income countries compared to nondemocratic or low income countries.
This study, which is far more well-researched than others, shows a nuanced pattern across many countries. When it came to happiness, people in "gender equal" countries were more likely to simply happy but people in "gender unequal" countries are more likely to be very happy. People in "gender equal" countries were more likely to be simply satisfied with life but in "gender unequal" countries, people were more likely to be very satisfied with life. Being simply unhappy or unsatisfied did not differ between countries but being very unhappy/unsatisfied was slightly more common in "gender unequal" countries, but the percentage who were very unhappy/satisfied was minuscule. The vast majority of people in both kinds of countries were at least happy/satisfied with life. Increasing gender equality was mixed in its results:
In gender equal countries, it was seen that increasing levels of gender egalitarianism tend to improve a person’s likelihood to be either very unhappy or at higher levels of happiness than unhappy.
Increasing gender equality in the "egalitarian" countries decreased unhappiness, very slightly increased being very unhappy (very minuscule change), very slightly increased (minuscule change) being very happy and increased being simply happy. In the "unequal" countries, increasing gender equality decreased being very happy, increased being simply happy, somewhat increased being unhappy and made a minuscule decrease in being very unhappy. With life satisfaction, it decreased being unsatisfied or very unsatisfied in both kinds of countries but only made a noteworthy increase in being satisfied or being very satisfied in "unequal" countries and "equal" countries, respectively. Either way, the authors concluded that their research "demonstrates that levels of happiness and life satisfaction have a similar distribution in gender equal and unequal countries overall", and "while the impact of demographic components on happiness and life satisfaction does not vary in gender equal and unequal countries, gender egalitarianism demonstrates diversified patterns of happiness".
Sexism and gender inequality has evolutionary roots.
This is a highly controversial point, but it is true. There's a lot of talk lately about how the hunter-gatherer societies were egalitarian, but this is false (a myth promoted by both the far left and feminists), and women did not hunt as much as men, but that idea was "proven" by research with high amounts of methodological bias.
A study called "An evolutionary life history explanation of sexism and gender inequality" by Nan Zhu and Lei Chang shows that sexism/gender inequality is indeed evolutionary. Contrary to popular belief, sexism was more based on discriminating against men or women or singling them out due to gender roles, and gender roles were important for the success of our species and survival. It wasn't about punishing a gender for their gender. Here's the abstract:
Predisposed to differences in parental investment, men and women are expected to enact different reproduction-oriented, accelerated life-history strategies when facing high extrinsic risks or resource insecurity. Sexual selection processes would strengthen the sex differences in support of such accelerated life-history strategy, causing women to divert more time and energy to reproductive activities and depend more on men's economic provisioning and therefore enforcing sexist attitudes and gender inequality. This paper provides empirical support for this life-history explanation of sexism based on data from the World Values Survey and four United Nations sources. The results generally support our explanation in the following manners: (1) Societal-level extrinsic risks (worries over intergroup violence) were associated with higher sexism. (2) Men were more sexist, and the association between individual-level resource insecurity and sexism was more moderate in countries and regions with greater society-level extrinsic risks. (3) Societal-level extrinsic risks (adult mortality) and resource availability were associated with higher and lower gender inequality, respectively, through the mediating effects of accelerated life-history strategies, indicated by adolescent birth rates and total fertility.
They also cite evidence for how environment affects reproductive outcomes and general behavior:
Resource insecurity, which is related to higher exposure to morbi- dity–mortality risks for offspring in almost all human forager societies (Marlowe, 2000), has been demonstrated to be associated with parental harshness and insecure attachment, which, in turn, are linked to traits of accelerated life-history strategies. These traits include earlier sexual debut and higher sexual activities during adolescence, which are pre- dicted by earlier pubertal development (Belsky, Houts & Fearon, 2010; (Belsky et al., 2010b)). In a longitudinal study, Belsky, Schlomer and Ellis (2012) found that lower income-to-needs ratio experienced during the early years was indirectly associated with higher adolescent sexuality through lower maternal parenting quality in childhood. By con- trast, Ellis and Essex (2007) observed that fewer marital conflicts, higher quality parental care, and higher socioeconomic status predicted later sexual development in girls. Overall, accelerated life-history strategies are in accordance with increased reproductive efforts at an earlier age, which are adaptive to stressful environments that reduce the chance of offspring surviving to maturity, but less so in stable and competitive environments (Del Giudice et al., 2015).
Across countries, men scored higher on beliefs about old-school gender roles (or as the authors described, more sexist) than women. It wasn't because they're the "patriarchy" or "oppressors", but this difference in beliefs was higher in countries with higher extrinsic risks like intergroup violence (e.g.: war).
We found that males exhibited higher sexism than did females and that this trend was stronger in societies facing greater intergroup violence. This is consistent with our extrapolation that the traditional, sexist “protective males” stereotype is more advocated in societies facing an elevated danger of intergroup conflicts. Moreover, given that males have more incentives to escape parenting duties to focus on mating compared with females, males likely gain more reproductive success from sexist gender roles than females do when enacting accelerated life-history strategies. This might explain why the sex difference in sexism was greater in societies with higher extrinsic risks.
Extrinsic risks were associated with accelerated life history strategies (e.g.: having children), which, in turn, is associated with gender inequality. Societal level extrinsic risks (like intergroup violence) were associated with more sexism, and "societal-level extrinsic risks (adult mortality) and resource availability were associated with higher and lower gender inequality, respectively, through the mediating effects of accelerated life-history strategies, indicated by adolescent birth rates and total fertility." Individual-level resource insecurity and societal intergroup violence both predicted more sexism or beliefs endorsing old-school gender roles, but: "society-level intergroup violence may have overshadowed individual-level resource insecurity such that the detrimental effect of resource insecurity was less severe in societies with high intergroup violence".
Rape and intimate partner violence are not caused by patriarchy, but are evolutionary tactics (despite being immoral and evolution/nature being amoral).
This is just like how men committing crimes against men (which is far more common) is also an evolutionary tactic. Nature is amoral and humans are, to an extent, a barbaric species (like any other species). This thread of mine talks about how not only is most sexism towards women benevolent sexism, but actual misogyny is rare among men, and those men were simply full of dark triad traits, and dark triad men and misogynistic men or rapists were two sides of the same coin. Dark triad traits are an evolutionary adaptation to have lots of casual sex, and they caused men to be interested in as many sex partners as possible. When these men have unusually high aspirations about how sexually active they must be, they tend to become misogynistic because they believe they are unattractive to women when they aren't, yet engage in a lot of promiscuity. As a result, these men have committed rape to get sex, but they also have a high amount of consensual sex partners. As a result, rape was found to be an evolutionary mating strategy from dark triad traits, which I elaborated on in that thread (no, it doesn't condone or defend sexual violence).
It is also possible countries with less gender equality, which have more intergroup violence or lack of resource security (which is what causes old-school gender roles and less gender equality), have more dark triad men, and the gender difference in dark triad traits between men and women is bigger. It's not patriarchy that causes dark triad traits in these countries, but intergroup violence and lack of resource security that causes these traits there. It could be intimate partner violence might be more common in these countries and it could be for evolutionary reasons and for the same reasons these countries have gender inequality or old-school gender roles more: the environment.
Although intimate partner violence is a gender symmetrical crime, I don't know if there's evolutionary reasons for why women commit intimate partner violence. There could be, but it has probably less research because society ignores male domestic violence victims. Among men who commit the crime, there are evolutionary reasons or hardwired instincts that cause it. For example, women with boyfriends/husbands who had children from previous partners are far more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence or homicide, whereas stepfather are more likely to be abusive. This is potentially due to sexual jealousy or resentment of the actual father due to knowing their children are not biologically their children. Even other species had intimate partner violence among both males and females:
These cases demonstrate that intimate partner violence is neither exclusive to humans nor exclusive to males. Intimate partner violence is the result of a natural process—Darwinian selection. These cases also call into question the default hypothesis that physical violence between pair-bonded individuals is caused by socialization. Proponents of the socialization hypothesis would not argue that burying beetles and razorbills are socialized to inflict partner-directed violence, and it may be erroneous to assume this default position for human intimate partner violence. In every species studied to date (including humans), intimate partner violence occurs when the actions of one partner (either male or female) threaten the survival or reproduction of the other.
Men also mate guard (guard their partner from other men) when she has high reproductive value or attractiveness, is ovulating, is around other men, or has other traits making her more prone to infidelity. Men's mate retention behaviors and mate guarding about making sure where she was or knowing who she talks to was associated with intimate partner violence perpetration against her. The relationship between accusations of female infidelity and female-directed violence was mediated by non-violent direct guarding behaviors. When it comes to marital sexual aggression, women's risk of sexual coercion by their partner was not related to power in the relationship, like who controls the decision making, and thus, women with a man with the dominant position in the relationship don't experience more sexual coercion from their husbands. A lot of evidence shows that sexual coercion in marriage might be due to paternity uncertainty or worrying the wife is cheating:
Sexual coercion in response to cues of his partner's sexual infidelity might function to introduce a male's sperm into his partner's reproductive tract at a time when there is a high risk of cuckoldry (i.e., when his partner has recently been inseminated by a rival male). This sperm competition hypothesis was proposed following recognition that forced in-pair copulation (i.e., partner rape) in nonhuman species followed female extra-pair copulations and that sexual coercion and rape in human intimate relationships often followed accusations of female infidelity.
Forced in-pair copulation, unlike general forced copulation, is rare in the animal kingdom because many species don't have long-term pair bonding, which is why it cannot occur. Many avian species have long-term pair bonds, as it exists in many of these species. It does not exist randomly, and happens immediately after extra-pair copulations, intrusions by rival males, and female species in some of these species, which leads to male-favoring sex ratio. Forced in-pair copulation right after suspected or confirmed extra-pair copulation in these species is a sign of a sperm competition tactic. Some ancestral women have mated with multiple men within short periods of time so sperm from more than 1 man can enter her reproductive tract. This explains why women are hardwired to cheat or get sexually bored quicker in relationships compared to men. Men who physically abuse or rape their wives had higher scores on sexual jealousy. Women who are victims of marital rape also are more likely to have been unfaithful. If they weren't, they were perceived that way. Because women can't be cuckolded given that they know which child is theirs and men would not bring an illegitimate child into the marriage, but outside the marriage, sexual jealousy and risk of being cheated on was not linked to women committing sexual coercion, but men who worried about sexual infidelity, had a partner who was at risk of cheating or who had a partner who did cheat, engaged in more sexual coercion, and many convicted partner rapists disproportionately had wives who cheated on them. Men's sexual coercion was consistently predicted by female infidelity and this held true even when controlling for men's personalities and controlling behavior (which can amplify the risk under these circumstances). Additionally, this explains why abusive relationships have more sex, and this is true for mates in various species close to humans, including gorillas, baboons, macaques, and chimpanzees.
Obviously, most men won't do these things, but obviously personality traits can still increase the risk along with evolutionary instincts, and so can attachment anxiety. There's also other factors for intimate partner violence and homicide, such as the fact that these offenders often tend to be generally violent criminals and have violent criminal records. There's obviously antisocial men who do tend to be violent in relationships because they're generally violent, but this is talking more about at least situation partner violence/homicide. Not all women killed by their partners were abused by them, even if it's true for most, but it's even more common for them to notice their partners' sexual jealousy or worries about infidelity, which the vast majority noticed for concerns their partner had. Additonally, this thread is NOT condoning violence against women, just like how acknowledging how violence against men is evolutionary does not condone it. Most male criminals harm men, and men usually restrict violence against women to when they commit sexual violence or intimate partner violence, and evolution explains all of this. Men have less evolutionary benefits to committing non-sexual crimes against women outside their relationship, unlike when they commit the same crimes against men.
There's also evidence showing that when the sex ratio has more women (more women than men in a population), men mated with more women than sexual aggression against women declined (rapists do tend to be promiscuous, but they have dark triad traits that make them more promiscuous as an adaptation, especially if women are less available to mate with, like polygamous societies). When there were more men than women, sexual aggression by men against women increased. Another study found that a sex ratio of more men than women increases men's intimate partner violence against women, and even more so when more women are working. They explain the evolutionary reason behind it:
Multivariate regression results furnish evidence supporting evolutionary psychology by demonstrating that a high sex ratio increases male-on-female intimate partner violence. Results also show that male-on-female intimate partner violence is higher in cities where more women work. Such a finding further buttresses the logic associated with evolutionary psychology because participation in the workforce is theorized to afford a woman a greater opportunity to meet and interact with men other than her husband or boyfriend.
There is a lot of evidence that gender inequality or sexism comes from evolution, and as society becomes more economically successful, has less intergroup violence, and becomes more convenient as a whole, this issue in society lessens. There's also evidence that men are evolutionarily hardwired to be more likely than women to endorse old-school gender roles, or sexism, about men and women.
This is in line with my post, which cites a lot of evidence to back its statements up, about how the changes in gender roles, ages of marriage, fertility, etc. were due to changes in environment, and that feminism played no role in it.
submitted by DemolitionMatter to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 05:50 kleenex_single_use When it all comes crashing down.

I guess this is more of a rant than anything, part of the difficulty in my poly journey has been a real lack of people that I can talk to about this stuff, other than my partner.
My partner and I have been together for almost a decade.
A year and a half ago she came to me wanting to open up. She had someone in mind, probably more than one. I had been in poly relationships before, but the stakes were lower because it didn't involve my life partner. So I said yes, with some concern, but with the expectation that we would talk through any problems and let nothing get in the way of our life and relationship. My concerns were about how she would have an endless stream of guys interested in her, and I would struggle to even find a single partner. This has mostly held up to be true. What little interest I have garnered has not been with people I am attracted to. This seems to be a fairly common dynamic and gripe about how one-sided ENM can be.
So she starts doing overnight/weekend trips to see him. She tells me some of the details. I thought it was pretty hot and we had some of the best sex we've ever had. I was okay with it because even though she was the active one, it felt like we were doing it together as a couple - as a project not in a sexy way.
After a few months things fizzle with him, he does/says some stuff that puts her off and puts him into her friend zone.
Not long after she finds someone she had met before, they have chemistry and hook up.
This was a problem for me because the one thing I asked for was no surprises. She travels often and I didn't want the added stress of thinking every time she was out of town she might be hooking up with someone new. This keys into some unresolved, but up until now manageable, anxiety about having been cheated on numerous times. The first relationship worked because it was consensual, this didn't feel that way.
I didn't take that news well, and that is where things started going downhill.
A few days later she uninvited me to go to the next festival, one I was supposed to go to, because he would be there. They hook up again, and have been having what seems like a pretty amazing long distance relationship ever since.
She goes and sees him, usually for a 7-10 days. They have amazing romantic adventures, things that I know really move her, and what appears to be a lot of just fun and NRE. Meanwhile I'm at home, swiping on the apps, alone taking care of our house and our cats.
We have fought a lot, nothing crazy, maybe some raised frustrated voices and a careless word or two that were hurtful. We had never fought before, we always resolved everything by talking through it. When things were bad before we always came out stronger on the other side. We have done a lot of processing, some of it fruitful, some of it just that sort of circular talk where you go back and forth for hours and nothing moves.
She is some shade of demi, the kind where she isn't sexually interested unless things are holistically sound. I don't begrudge her that, I totally respect her sexual autonomy. She says she has lost her connection to me mostly because I don't want to hear about all the awesome things she is doing with him. Without that connection, there is no chance at physical intimacy.
We had sex twice not too long after they hooked up, and now it's been going on 9 months and we haven't even touched eachother in a sexual manner. Like I said above, totally her perogative. But it is killing me. I've seen the bruises and marks when she comes home. She hasn't told me what they get up to, and I'm not sure I want to know, but I know enough that she is having hotter sex with him than she has ever had with me. I've told her that was my guess, she didn't deny it. I can deal with jealousy up to a point, but not when I'm being frozen out and some other person is hurtful in ways I didn't expect. I feel old, fat, unattractive, even if externally those things aren't true, they sure feel that way. My self esteem is at an all time low. I also feel like a bit of a cuckold, which is fine if that's your thing but it isn't a kink I have, it feels like humiliation to me.
So I'm resentful of the sex they are having and we are not. I'm depressed, and frankly I wouldn't want to fuck me at this point either. There is so much pain and water under the bridge at this point that I don't know if we can recover. The kicker is now I don't really want to have sex with her anymore either. I mean on a physical level I do, but I don't think I can even go there without trying to compare it in my head to her other relationship.
There have been other things, but mostly it feels like the universe trying to tell me something. Oh look, her flight got delayed, she has to spend another night with him. Oh look, there is some special thing happening within a few hours drive of him that means it makes sense for her to stay with him, or stretch out her trip. Every single chance for her to spend more time with him she takes, and when you are looking for or manifesting those chances there are a lot of them.
So I just fail at poly. Obviously I still have some issues around jealousy and I haven't done all of 'the work'. But I thought the unresolved parts would be something my partner and I would work together on as couple, with love and support. I thought we could face anything, because up until now we have faced death and loss beyond measure, only to be stronger because of it.
So now, as I'm pushing into middle age I am faced with the reality of walking away from the love of my life. Selling our house, losing the life that we've built together. I'm not suicidal, but the depression is real and honestly I have trouble imagining life on the other side.
I can just swallow the feelings. Pick her up from the airport, hug her, kiss her, pretend like I haven't been miserable thinking about her and him. Don't mention it. Listen to all her stories with support. Maybe if I pretend hard enough it will actually lead to a reconnection. I know that is magical thinking, but I know she loves me and I know I love her. Maybe that is the important thing, the most important thing.
Maybe we can pull it off. I have to believe that.
submitted by kleenex_single_use to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 05:25 Doctor_Arkeville HaremLit Releases for May, Recommendation List for Newbies, Content Guidelines, Discord Link, Authors Link

🔵 HaremLit Discord invite
HaremLit Authors list of authors, their websites, and Patreons.
Current Banner:
Solar Dragons Need Love Too by Virgil Knightley
A large update to the HaremLit Authors post has been made bringing it over two hundred names.
The subreddit rules have been slightly updated with more detail on how they've been enforced.
April 2024 Release Thread
January 2024 Release Thread
December 2023 Release Thread
November 2023 Release Thread
October 2023 Release Thread
September 2023 Release Thread
Moderator Patreon:
​Doctor_Arkeville / Maikeruu - Patreon
May 2024 Releases
Title Author Date
Blades and Shadows Will Stewart April 27
Master Class 4 Virgil Knightley and Annabelle Hawthorne April 30
Warriors of Valhalla 2 Tim Steiner April 30
Backyard Dungeon 15 Logan Jacobs April 30
Eternal Dominion 27 Bern Dean May 1
The Sacred Seed Jack Pinkhunter May 3
Rise of the Necromancer C.S. Darknight May 3
Dragon Spirit Hunter 2 Eric Vall May 4
System Warrior 2 Shane Hammond May 5
Hearthomancy 2 M.E. Thorne May 6
Grimoire Thief 3 Atlas Kane May 6
Dino Tribes Marcus Sloss May 7
Man Made God 006 Brandon Varnell May 7
Returner's Defiance 1 Bruce Sentar May 7
Backyard Dungeon: UK Edition 3 Logan Jacobs May 7
Arcane Lawmaker 1 Dante King May 8
Growth Hero 4 Brent Tyman May 8
There's a Cat Girl in my Cubicle 1-3 Austin Beck May 9
Grand Imperial Prince 1 Kingsley Khan May 9
Cultivating Chaos 5 William D. Arand May 10
Oathbreaker 2 Montgomery Quinn May 10
Goblin Girl Maid Service 1-3 Landon Scott and Marcus Sloss May 10
Son Of The Hero King 3 Hikaru Genji May 12
Mortal Legend 2 Trevor Arctus May 12
Eidolon Master 3 Eric Vall May 12
Arcane Arctic 1 Peter North May 13
Coven King 1 Virgil Knightley and Edgar Riggs May 14
Monster Girl Tamer 1 Edie Skye and, H.P. Holo May 16
Galaxy's Embrace 5 Jon Roberts May 16
Monster Frenzy 1 Nicholas Steam May 17
Isekai Undercover 3 (9-12) Warden Locke May 17
Primal Conjurer 3 Danny Rogan May 18
Powercard R.A. Lichblade May 21
Harem Academy 3 J. R. Hogan May 21
Lord Of The Dragon Riders Marcus Sloss and Turner Tellborn May 21
Otherworld Academy 1-3 Deacon Frost May 24
Royal Blooded 3 F.G. Smith May 27
Annabelle Hawthorne and M.E. Thorne May 27
King of the Gods 2 D. R. Rosier May 28
Isekai Emperor 3 Michael Dalton and Adam Lance May 29
My Secret Portal to a Fantasy World 3 D. Levesque May 31
Audio Book Author Narrator Date
Frontier Summoner 5 Jack Bryce Renée Nolen and Alfie Syme April 27
Nosferatu Academy 3 Virgil Knightley Hannah Blaire and Patrick DuBois April 30
Axe Falls 1 William D. Arand Rozelyn Rader and Lewis Alexander April 30
Apex Ascended 1-3 A.V. Ray Kat Riley and Andrew Pond April 30
Aether's Revival 8 Daniel Schinhofen Andrea Parsneau April 30
Goblin Girls Do It Better 2 Misty Vixen Ellory Lane April 30
Dashing Devil 1-3 G.D. Brooks Hannah Schooner and Giancarlo Herrera April 30
Royal Blooded 1 F.G. Smith Erin Bateman and Andrew Pond May 2
Blackwood Milk Farm 5 Eden Redd Sierra Kline May 3
Weaponsmaster 2 Phil Aerix Kat Riley and Charlie West May 4
Beneath the Ashes 2 Misty Vixen Jessica Threet May 6
Supernatural Travel Agency 1 Dante King Amber Hartt and Jonathan Waters May 6
Dino Tribes Marcus Sloss Cassandra Quinn and Jonathan Waters May 7
Soulbound 2 Cassius Lange Jessica Threet and Gabriel Michael May 7
Princess Master 6 Eric Vall Marissa Parness and Alex Perone May 8
Astral Odyssey Jay Aury and Virgil Knightley Melanie Hastings and Jonathan Waters May 8
Immortal's Guide to Supervillainy 4 M.E. Thorne Erin Bateman and Matt Hicks May 9
Ard's Oath 2 Bruce Sentar Jessica Threet and Chris Boucher May 9
Looting the 13th Floor 7 Eric Vall Sierra Taft and Evan Jordan May 9
Adam and His Eves 3 Logan Jacobs Sierra Taft and JD Tanner May 9
Chronicles Of Empyrea 1-4 Michael Dalton Kat Riley and Byron Ormond May 9
Succubus Summoner 3 Virgil Knightley and Annabelle Hawthorne Faye Bishop and Tom North May 11
Monster Girl Base 7 Logan Jacobs Marissa Parness and Alex Perone May 11
Welcome to Heathen Row 5 Logan Jacobs Sierra Taft and JD Tanner May 11
Goblin Apocalypse 1-3 Michael Dalton Hannah Schooner and Giancarlo Herrera May 16
Heavy Metal Mana 2 Ace Strutton Melisandre Verte and Patrick Dubois May 17
Monsters Mayhem & Misfits 3 Jack Spry and Marcus Sloss Jessica Threet May 20
Lord of the Dragon Riders Turner Tellborn and Marcus Sloss Mia Fothergill and Adam Stubbs May 21
Test Subject A.V. Ray Kat Riley and Boise Blue May 22
Isekai Emperor 1 Michael Dalton and Adam Lance Mandy McCullough and Chris Harbour May 23
There's a Dungeon in My Basement 3 Dante King Anne Marie Lebeaur and Jack Smith May 24
Goblin Breeder 4 Micky Carre Renée Nolen and Alfie Syme May 25
Wings and Tails 1 Isaac Lee Amber Hartt and Exo Lio May 27
Recommended Works For New Readers:
(Authors chosen from community poll.)
(ex = explicit sex scenes)
(ftb = fade to black)
What is a harem?
Harem as a concept can have many meanings, but in terms of fiction it is most frequently used to represent one person having multiple love interests that are primarily focused on them. There are many ways this can be portrayed that in practice might have very little in common with each other outside of that core element. This community has taken to using the term HaremLit to represent a subgenre of harem fiction that fit within certain additional restrictions. These restrictions are not intended to define Harem itself or what is appropriate outside of trying to reflect the interests and expectations of this community. HaremLit readers are often likely to also enjoy other types of harem stories, even ones that directly "break the rules" of this subreddit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that as these rules are designed solely to outline what someone can expect when reading the works posted here. Breaking the rules just means a story does not fit the expectations of this community and should not in any way impact the enjoyment or recommendation of it elsewhere. Keeping the works here closely in line with the rules allows our readers to know, in general, what will or will not be included and help avoid elements that they do not want included when reading these specific stories.
Content Guidelines
This subreddit is for the sharing and discussion of HaremLit stories with an emphasis on both words. harem and stories. If there is no harem there should be no post and if there is no story there should be no post. The primary focus and intent is for text based works and the audio renditions of them. Other formats such as manga and anime can also potentially feature a HaremLit relationship and while the related light novels could obviously be acceptable the visual works are to be kept a distant secondary to text and audio books. The occasional thread on thematically appropriate suggestions is allowed at moderator discretion, but at no point is this intended to fill the subreddit with comics and animation.
This subreddit's niche of harem fiction is where multiple women stay physically and romantically exclusive to the main character and harem relationship. While that predominantly will be a physically male main character there are some works that otherwise fit and are generally aimed at the same audience. While there is comparatively little fiction that would have an all female harem and not a physically male main character, the inclusion of such here is treated much like visual mediums and to be kept to a relative minimum.
Harem members may have had past sexual encounters before being in a relationship with the main character. As long as they are not described or shown in detail, such as in a flashback scene, this does not remove a love interest as a viable member of the harem or break Rule One.
The ways the harem members might interact with each other in the harem itself can vary depending on the characters and story or even change over time in those works. Some might include no intimacy between harem members, some may have active or passive cuckqueening, while others may have harem members being romantically or physically intimate with each other.
Works that aren't fantasy or science fiction are allowed within reason as there is enough overlap in the relationship aspects to be generally appreciated by the same audience, but they are not the primary focus of this subreddit. In part they are not explicitly blocked as our regular authors often explore different areas of the market and in general we are going to want to support their HaremLit works across different settings.
Thirty page "stories" of debauchery with a new woman each chapter are not likely to have any actual harem or romantic aspects and would be particularly unlikely to be appropriate for this subreddit's theme.
When responding to requests for recommendations there will at times be works suggested that are not HaremLit. This can stem from a misunderstanding of what is generally considered HaremLit or perhaps trying to best match a very specific request with similar works. Within reason these kinds of responses to requests are allowed, but should both have appropriate disclaimers and not be dramatically opposed to the other expectations of the subreddit.
Two core elements of HaremLit is that the size of the harem should reach at least three members in a relationship with the main character simultaneously and that all involved are consenting and aware of the shared nature of the relationship. A work may initially have only one love interest and develop more over time, but having only two love interests long term is a different dynamic than three or more for purposes of being considered HaremLit.
Romance and Intimacy
While the vast majority of the works here will fall under fantasy or science fiction nearly all kinds of harem novels can be considered romance or erotica. An individual may have unique tastes and preferences when it comes to romantic or sexual ideals that cover very wide or narrow options in regards to what appeals to them emotionally or physically. In some circumstances those may not even overlap completely if at all. This community isn't about the entire spectrum of what someone might enjoy reading about and is instead meant to embrace a fairly specific niche.
For the romantic side that primarily focuses on the feelings the harem members have for the main character of the work and not having intimate relationships with others aside from them and potentially the other members of the harem. This is not saying that a more polygamous, swinging, or even cuckolding story is in any way inherently wrong outside of recommending it in this specific community. Those kind of situations, even with the full consent and knowledge of all involved, are a very different type of relationship with their own dynamics and expectations.
On the physical side the HaremLit concept is that in the intimate group at most only the main character with the harem can possess male genitalia. This is not meant in any way to describe what does or does not define gender even within the works posted here. It is solely for purposes of the physical preference of not having male genitalia on a potentially intimate partner in the specific story being considered as HaremLit. Outside of that particular detail there are multiple HaremLit stories that include the concepts of gender and identity without those characters having male genitalia while in a relationship with the main character. Other works may explore the physical aspects of gender in ways that would prevent them from being recommended here, but that does not take away from the desires or needs of those characters in those stories.
Again, these points are elements of the kind of romantic or physical characteristics expected by those reading a HaremLit story and not representative of all the nuances of gender and sexuality.
submitted by Doctor_Arkeville to haremfantasynovels [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:07 Reasonable_Injury121 Chivalry Is On Life Support, Chapter Thirty-Three

I thought my Monday was rough. Until I experienced Tuesday. Those who believed that it was important for me to supplement my academic study of male masochism with first-hand experience — Luke, Paul, Brooke, possibly Neil as well — certainly were getting their wish. I less so, although there was no denying the authenticity of it.
I had to wait until Brooke and Luke were asleep to complete my punishment lines. When my alarm went off at 5 AM in Tuesday morning, after only four hours of sleep, I groaned.
As I was driving over to Kevin’s mom’s house, I received a text from him: Get me an Egg McMuffin from McDonald’s on your way here. Text me when you get here so you don’t wake up my mom.
I had dressed in a clean pair of yoga pants and plain black T-shirt (fortunately, at the time, my dresser wasn’t yet full of humiliating shirts, like it is today, and my cuckold horns shirt was filthy), so I was grateful for the drive-thru at McDonald’s. I resisted the temptation to order myself hash browns and instead limited myself to a banana and cup of coffee. I was determined to avoid more punishment on Saturday following my weigh-in.
Although it was to be another unseasonably hot day, the sun was just starting to rise when I pulled up to the house, so it was still fairly cool. Kevin was waiting for me on the porch. He didn’t thank me (let alone offer to reimburse me) for the sandwich, but rather ate it as he walked around his truck, inspecting the work I had already done. Finding fault with the cleanliness of his wheel rims, he instructed me to stop working on the interior of the car and to reapply myself to the wheels and hubcaps. I tried to explain that I had scrubbed these areas repeatedly yesterday, but that some of the blemishes simply could not be removed from the aging vehicle. He stood above me, supervising — as I worked on my knees — pointing to areas that he felt were not sufficiently clean.
“Sir, I can’t get this spot out. I’ve tried several times,” I said, as I strenuously, yet futilely scrubbed a black mark at the bottom of one of the rear wheels. It looked like it had been there for years. Kevin’s filthy plumber’s boots were right next to my face as I crouched down and scrubbed.
“Scrub harder.”
“I’m sorry, sir, but I’m scrubbing as hard as I can. Some of these stains just won’t come off.”
“You’re not trying hard enough. Here, let me try.” He grabbed the sponge from me and bent over to scrub it. It took some effort, but sure enough, he was able to remove the spot.
“See, you’re not working hard enough. Luke will be disappointed.”
“Sir, I promise you that I’m trying as hard as I can. I’m just not as strong as you are, sir. You have really bulked up at the gym since the last time I saw you.” I thought a little flattery might help convince him not to complain about me to Luke.
He flexed his bicep and stared at it admiringly.
“That’s really impressive, sir. Look at mine, by comparison.” I flexed mine, and felt like Popeye without the spinach standing (or, in my case, kneeling) next to Brutus.
“I guess you’re right,” he said. “I’ll tell you what, if you clean my boots and tools, I might not say anything to Luke.”
Have you started to notice a pattern here? A slippery slope of submission. For example, if I hadn’t been forced to clean Luke’s truck that time I was caught by Kelly, I probably would never have met Paul and, therefore, wouldn’t later that day be going to his condo to work as his maid. It seemed that one act of submission and exposure begat another. Where would it end? Would it end? At the time I am making them, however, my concessions always seem like good ideas, given my lack of options.
And so it probably will not surprise you to learn that I replied, “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I think I can use the same soapy water and leather conditioner I’m using on your truck. If you remove them, I can get started right away.”
“Remove them? Why bother? Just do them here,” he pulled down the tailgate of his truck and sat on it. I filled a fresh bucket of soap and water and got back on my knees to begin my task.
“My boots are dirtier than usual. My last job was a real shit show. Literally,” he chuckled.
I tried not to think about how exactly his boots got so filthy, as I used a towel to wipe off the foul smelling, caked-on debris. Kevin had a relaxed, arrogant expression on his face, as if having a guy twice his age kneeling before him to clean his boots was the most natural thing in the world. I heard the unmistakable noise of a photo being taken on a phone and looked up to see Kevin’s iPhone pointed at me.
“What are you doing, sir?”
“I just wanted to text Kaylee. She’ll get a kick out of this.”
What could I say in response? Challenge him and likely face Luke’s wrath? I bit my tongue.
After cleaning them, I applied some of the leather conditioner I had used on the truck’s seats and began buffing his boots energetically with a microfiber towel. It was just at that moment, of course, that Kevin’s mom, Darla, walked out of the house in sweatpants and a jacket, a cup of coffee in her hand. I will confess that my cock began to stiffen the moment I got on my knees and looked up at Kevin; the pure act of submitting stoked my arousal, as usual. But it was when Darla arrived that my cock really began to push painfully against its restraints.
“Oh, it’s you again,” she said looking down at me.
“Wally didn’t have time to finish my truck before it got dark yesterday,” said Kevin.
“Good morning, ma’am,” I said.
Ignoring me, she said, “It doesn’t look like he’s cleaning your truck right now to me. I guess Luke’s new lackey is now your lackey too. I raised some smart boys.” She smiled proudly. “At least this one isn’t wearing a bikini like Luke made his first boss wear when the old guy used to clean this truck back before he gave it to you.” She laughed heartily at the fond memory of one of my predecessors’ humiliations at the hands of her older son. So nice to be participating in the family tradition, I thought.
“Well, it is December. It’s a little cold for a bikini,” Kevin laughed. “Walter, stand up and show my mom the pantyhose, or whatever it is, that Luke makes you wear.”
I did as directed, causing Darla to laugh. “Those are women’s work-out pants, honey. But I can see the bulk beneath them. One of Luke’s signature methods of dominating the husbands he cuckolds. As I’ve heard your brother say more than once, ‘If you really want to own a man, control his cock.’”
“Wally is a college professor. Luke said he studied at one of them Ivy League schools, out East.”
“You can see where that’s gotten him,” she said. “Well, it’s a little chilly out here, I’m going back inside. I have I feeling I’ll be seeing more of you,“ she said to me with a smirk as she walked back into the house.
After I finished cleaning his boots, Kevin directed me to go into his garage, bring his tools out into the driveway and wipe them down with soapy water before loading them into the bed of his truck. He watched me work the entire time, not lifting a finger.
When I finished, he paid me a compliment. A most unwanted one, as it tuned out. “Nice job with my boots and my tools. Now that I’ve got my license, I could really use an assistant. I’m gonna talk to Luke about letting me borrow you sometimes.”
I didn’t respond, hoping this thought was just a whim of his that would soon be forgotten. I hoped in vain; it was indeed the slippery slope again, a continuation of my descent.
After I finished with his tools, I spent another hour finishing cleaning the interior of the truck before Kevin headed off to his first job of the day and I headed off to campus. This time, I did change into my jeans in a fast food restaurant on the way, too wary of facing Darla again to go back into the house.
I still wore the leather choker that day, and was highly self-conscious as I lectured to the 24 students in my Chivalry and Courtly Love In Medieval Literature class.
I had to be and Paul’s and Anna’s by 4 PM, so after my lecture, I walked to the drugstore to buy the Johnsons’ furniture wax and a toothbrush. I was starving. Having only had a banana that day, and having eaten very little besides salads, fruit and low-fat cottage cheese since my disappointing weigh-in on Saturday, I decided to treat myself to lunch at my favorite Thai restaurant in town. Given how hard I had worked and how little I had eaten over the last couple of days (and thinking about the humiliation that lay in store for me that afternoon), I figured that I deserved this one small self indulgence. I ordered seafood Tom Yum soup and beef Massaman curry. A caloric dish to be sure, but how much could it possibly hurt after my spartan diet of the last few days?
I was still savoring my soup when the waitress brought my curry and rice to the table. Just at that moment, I saw Neil enter the restaurant with a female colleague, Annabelle Nash (she taught Shakespeare, mainly). They greeted me as they went to their seats, but I could see Neil scrutinize the dishes on my table and shake his head disapprovingly (if subtly). Self conscious as I was, I nevertheless cleaned my plate (grateful Neil’s back was to me at the table where he and Annabelle sat). After I paid my check, I walked over to say goodbye to them.
Neil said, “Hey, pal, would you mind swinging by my office at around 2:30 for a few minutes?”
“Sure thing, Neil. Nice seeing you, Annabelle.”
When I met him in his office later, Neil closed the door and asked me to sit down.
“Walter, I have a bit of a dilemma that I hope you can help me out with. Luke made me promise to tell him if I caught you cheating on your diet on campus.”
“The restaurant is not on campus,” I smiled, attempting a joke.
“You know what I mean,” he answered, with a serious expression. “Was that beef Massaman curry? Do you know how many calories are in that dish?! And all the carbs in the rice? You should always ask for brown rice instead of white, you know. And you had soup too, I noticed.”
“But I barely ate anything the past three days. And I only had a banana for breakfast.”
“You’re always making excuses. That’s why you’ve basically been stuck at the same weight now for the last few weeks. You’re at a threshold, and to lose more, you need to be super disciplined about what you eat, and exercise more. No more excuses, Walter.”
“You’re right, sir. Please don’t tell Luke,” I pleaded.
“Look, I know what my telling him means for you as a consequence. But I promised him I would. And his methods with you have been successful. I feel I have to honor my promise.”
“Please, don’t. Maybe I can make it up to you somehow. How about a foot massage?”
“Giving me a foot massage isn’t going to burn many calories.” He thought for a minute. “I tell you what. The four days a week that we’re on campus together, how about if you bring me a coffee each day in between my classes? I don’t think that will conflict with your teaching schedule, and the exercise of walking to the Corner Cafe each day will do you good. It’s 3300 steps there and back; I’ve measured it on my iPhone. That way, I won’t feel as guilty for not telling Luke about catching you cheating on your diet today.”
“Yes, thanks Neil. Sir, I mean. That seems more than fair.”
Neil got up and shook my hand. “Deal. And you don’t have to call me ‘sir’ here on campus, pal.”
“Thanks, Neil.”
“But I will take you up on that offer for your amazing foot massages on Wednesdays after my back-to-back classes. You can give me one tomorrow when you bring my coffee.”
“Of course, thanks again, Neil,” I said, as I left his office. And so that is how I came to be Neil’s coffee boy for the balance of the semester (and future semesters, even during my sabbatical). And his foot boy, or reflexologist, or whatever you want to call it. Notice how it went from me offering to give him one foot massage in return for his silence, to me getting his coffee four days a week and massaging his feet once a week. In an instant! I guess negotiation was not one of my strong suits.
As I drove to Paul and Anna’s condo — the next stop on my gauntlet of service and humiliation that day —the Paul Simon song Slip Sliding Away ran through my head, the refrain in particular:
Slip sliding away You know the nearer your destination The more you’re slip sliding away
If old Paul was correct, the further I slid down the slope, the closer I’d come to my true nature. I wondered how much further I had to slip. Would I be the slave to everyone by the time I finally reached the bottom of the slope?
As I parked my car, I did another mental inventory of what I needed for my second visit to the condo. Johnsons’s furniture wax, check. Toothbrush, check. Punishment lines, check. I was wearing sheer, black nylon panties under my jeans. Then I remembered: I had completely forgotten Anna’s directive that I research and practice how to curtsy. All I could do is hope that she had forgotten. If not, maybe I could wing it? Better yet, maybe she wouldn’t be there this time. But did I really want to be alone with Paul?
Carrying a bag that contained my punishment lines as well as the furniture polish and toothbrush, I entered the lobby to find the same obnoxious doorman as last Tuesday, sitting behind his desk.
“I’m here to see Paul Betz.”
“And you are?” He knew perfectly well who I was, but wanted to force me to say it.
“The maid.” I looked down at the floor, ashamed.
He picked up the intercom. “Mr. Betz, your maid is here to clean your apartment. May I send HIM up?” The prick just had to emphasize my gender.
“Mr. Betz said you may go up. Apartment 11B. The elevator is around the corner,” he said, as if I had never been there before, a smug smile plastered to his face.
“Yes, thank you. I remember.”
When I got to their door, I got down on my knees, as Paul had instructed me. Should I have rung the bell first? Should I knock? Or would that annoy them? I had been announced, so they knew I would be coming up the elevator. I waited there for several minutes. The longer I waited, however, it seemed to make less and less sense to ring the bell. Maybe they were busy and not ready for me yet, even though I was very punctual? Maybe they were….having sex? I didn’t want to risk disturbing them. And, so, I continued to wait.
I then heard the elevator door open, with dread. A woman, probably in her mid thirties, walked by me to her apartment across the hall, staring down at me with an amused expression. When she opened her door, I heard her yell to someone in the apartment, “It looks like Paul and Anna have a new one,” before the door slammed shut.
Just then the the door in front of me finally opened. I saw Paul’s feet first.
“You may enter. Remember, on your knees.”
I put my hands down to crawl into the apartment, before he snapped at me: “No! I didn’t say on your hands and knees. I said on your knees.”
I shuffled forward into the apartment, cursing myself for having not purchased knee pads, as Paul had suggested. I told myself that I would have to start taking notes from now on , so I wouldn’t forget things I’d later regret.
“Lines,” he said, simply.
I pulled the several loose leaf pages out of my bag and handed them to Paul. “Here, sir.”
As much as it hurt my hand to write all of those lines, the mental anguish of having to repeatedly write that I would no longer mention academic integrity — a subject that I was passionate about (ridiculous as it might seem to you, coming from a professor about to clean the apartment of two of his students) — was worse. Paul knew that, of course. I was to learn that, despite their many differences in style, like Luke, he was a natural sadist, with an impressive ability to zero in on areas of his victim’s vulnerability or sensitivity to exploit for maximum humiliation. Lucky me.
“I’ll count them and check the neatness of your writing later. Did you bring the Johnsons wax and toothbrush?”
“Yes, sir. Here.” I showed him the contents of my bag.
Anna then came into the living room from the kitchen, munching on an apple. Both were dressed similarly to last time, Paul in sweatpants and Anna in tight yoga pants. Anna was barefoot this time, her pretty, pedicured toes painted a metallic silver color. She caught me staring at her toes, and smiled.
“Don’t worry, Professor Rollins, you will get to know my feet very well. They will be your best friends before long.”
“More like his unattainable crush,” Paul snickered.
“Crushes,” Anna corrected him. “Professor maid will have a crush on both of my feet and on all ten of my toes. He will worship them and he will pine for them. And they won’t give him the time of day,” she said. Then she abruptly said to me, “Obeisance!”
“Excuse me, Princess Anna?”
“Obeisance means assume the position of respect and humility before your superiors,” Paul explained.
“Yes, sir. I know the meaning of the word, but I don’t know what position she means.”
“I don’t like your condescending tone. It reminds me of when you corrected me in class on Monday about the cucking stool. We’re going to teach you not to use that tone with us. Certainly not here, where you are nothing more than a slave. But not in class either. You will be very careful in how you interact with Anna, Kelly and me in class from now on. We are your special students.”
“We are the teacher’s pets, and the teacher is our pet,” giggled Anna.
I certainly didn’t intend to be condescending — I was on my knees, for fuck’s sake — but I guess that quality just naturally creeps into my tone at times, unconsciously. Perhaps an occupational hazard of being a professor? Or at least, a hazard in the situations in which I increasingly found myself.
“Strip,” ordered, Paul.
“Yes, sir. May I stand for a moment?”
Paul nodded his ascent. I quickly removed my shoes, socks, shirt and jeans, and stood before them in my panties and chastity cage.
“Obeisance here means you drop down onto your belly, you clasp your hands behind your back and you slither like the worm you are to your superior’s feet and kiss each one reverently. Obeisance!”
I was standing several feet away from them. I did exactly what Paul described, finding that the only way to propel myself forward from that position was to grind my crotch into the floor. Not only was it incredibly uncomfortable, but I feared that my chastity cage might scratch their hardwood floor. Fortunately, there was an area rug covering most of the space separating us, so I was able to slide myself — indeed, “slither” was the correct word — towards their feet. Figuring ladies first, I planted kisses on Anna’s lovely bare feet, followed by Paul’s socked feet.
Paul asked me, “Where is Luke today?”
Still prostrate on my belly, inches from their toes, I answered, “He is traveling today, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
“What about your wife?”
“She is working tonight.”
“You didn’t say ‘sir.’ That’s one demerit. At the restaurant?”
I had never said anything to them about Brooke’s job, even during Paul’s initial interrogation of me at O’Riordans. His detailed knowledge of my life was unsettling.
“Yes, sir.”
“What time does she get home? Don’t lie, I have my ways of checking.”
“Usually around 10:30 or so, sir.”
Anna interjected, “Good, you can work longer than two hours, then. The condo is a disaster, and we’re having a little get together on Thursday. That little bitch, Chrissy, said her mother is sick. Supposedly. So she wasn’t able to clean on Sunday. You have your work cut out for you, professor maid. Where is your page uniform?”
Oh, no! Another order, I forgot. I didn’t hesitate to lie. “My wife wore the jacket today, princess. She occasionally likes to wear it.” Did Paul have ways of checking on that, too, I wondered.
“Bring it with you on Thursday. Fortunately, I picked out some other things for you to wear today. You’ll find your clothes on and next to the spanking bench in the dungeon. You can change in there and then present yourself to us before you start cleaning.”
“Yes, princess. Thank you.”
As I walked upstairs to the dungeon, I was still trying to process Anna’s extremely troubling remark a moment earlier. Not the fact that I had to work longer than two hours, nor that the condo was especially messy. Rather, it was the fact that they were planning on inviting guests on Thursday, the day I was to spend four hours with them, including preparing and serving them dinner. They had promised me that I wouldn’t be subjected to further exposure. Still, I had to risk asking, at some point, who they planned to invite to their “little get together.”
Expecting to find a maid’s uniform in the dungeon, I was not completely mistaken. Draped over the spanking bench were sheer black, thigh high stockings and a garter belt as well as a white lace maid’s cap. On the floor next to the bench were a pair of what appeared to be brand new, black high heels. Presumably, these were purchased specifically for me and would not painfully pinch my feet like Chrissy’s did.
The garter had a velcro clasp, so was relatively easy to put on. I initially struggled attaching the metal clasps to the thigh highs, but got those on as well. I then put the on the ridiculous cap. Finally, the most challenging part: the heels. They were my size, thankfully, but I was very unsteady in them, even partially twisting my ankle when I first tried to walk in them. Regarding myself in a large mirror hung inside the door to the dungeon, I looked utterly absurd, especially with my bare torso and rock-hard nipples.
Anna laughed loudly when I wobbled my way into the living room, where she and Paul were now reclining on the couch. My cock strained against its cage as I stood before my young monarchs, watching them scrutinize my ridiculously attired form.
“Don’t worry, professor. You’ll get used to the heels before you know it. Now let’s see you curtsy.”
The moment I was dreading. Should I confess to her that I had forgotten her instructions and beg her forbearance? Or should I wing it? I chose the latter, and chose unwisely. Not having a skirt to lift, I sort of mimicked lifting a phantom one and lamely bent my knees before standing straight again. There was no extending my right foot behind my left, no holding my position for two seconds when I bent my knees, no lowering my chin, no maintaining eye contact with my mistress. In other words, my improvisation was a dismal failure.
“That’s pathetic. Did you bother to practice at all?”, asked Anna, with a scowl.
“Yes, princess. Maybe I picked a bad how-to video.”
“You only watched one? You didn’t read anything about the different steps involved? It’s not hard to find instructions on Google. I checked myself. You either are lying to me or you’re a complete bimbo. Is it really true that we can’t leave marks on his ass?”, she asked Paul.
“For now, yes, unfortunately. But I think I’ve figured out some ways to punish him that won’t leave any long lasting marks.”
“Good. He deserves it. Maybe a little pain will help you remember to do what we tell you to do in the future, and to do it properly,” said Anna to me.
“Yes, Princess Anna. I promise to study how to curtsy very carefully before Thursday.”
“You better. Including a deep curtsy.”
“But that doesn’t get you off the hook for fucking up today,” said Paul. “Now get busy.”
I gathered up their dirty laundry first (scattered throughout the apartment), and started a load. The condo was indeed a mess. I later learned that Paul and Anna simply never picked up after themselves. Why should they when they had a seemingly ever increasing stable of menials to do so for them. However, when one of the servants fell ill or for some other reason failed to clean on their allotted days, the next one paid the price, as I did that day. It was quite challenging walking in the heels, but Anna was correct that I got used to them fairly quickly. By the end of the nearly four hours I was with them that Tuesday, I was managing to walk in them reasonably steadily.
As I worked, I caught snippets of their conversation.
Anna said, “It’s a bummer we don’t get to control his cock.”
Paul replied, “I know. But I’m working on that. It’s going to take a little time.”
“That’s good. Without control of his cock, it doesn’t feel like he’s truly our slave, you know what I mean?”
“I do. Just be patient.”
“How do you plan to do it?” Anna glanced at me. “Or don’t you want him to hear?”
“I don’t care if he hears or not. There’s nothing he can do about it. The key is to make friends with Luke. He was willing to lend Rollins to us at the Ren fair when we asked. My guess is he’ll be willing to share him again. And regularly. Besides, Professor Larson told me Luke built a huge pool at his house. I’d love to swim there when the weather gets nice. Indoor pools just aren’t the same.”
I knew that Paul had taken one of Neil’s classes last year, but hearing that they had been in touch since the Ren fair — bonding over their shared love of swimming, no doubt — was concerning. I hoped that there wasn’t anything else they were bonding over.
Anna instructed me to use the Johnsons wax I had purchased to polish the expensive looking coffee table and end tables in their large living room. They watched TV as I worked around them, ordering me as they did last time to serve them drinks. The toothbrush was for me to clean the crevices in the tiled bathroom floor of the master bathroom. Anna said that the crevices made it difficult to thoroughly clean with a mop. That may have been true, but I suspected this was more about humiliation than cleanliness. She supervised me as knelt down and scrubbed the first few tiles, urging me to pay particular attention to those closest to the toilet. She stood in the entrance way, as I bent over with my panty-clad ass sticking out. Although my cock fought against its confines almost the entire time I was there that day, there were certain moments such as this that the throbbing was particularly unpleasant.
As I was mopping the kitchen floor, I heard an alarm go off.
“Get your ass in here!”, I heard Paul yell from the living room. “It’s time for your punishment. Normally, I don’t administer correction until a servant has completed all assigned tasks for the day, but since we can’t leave any visible marks on you for the time being, I’m going to make an exception for you. Five demerits from last week plus one from today. Not to mention your compete failure to learn how to properly curtsy. Get over my knees.”
“But what about the punishment lines, sir?”
“You’re questioning me? They were to address a separate issue: your idiotic obsession with academic integrity.”
“But, sir, didn’t you say that you would address my demerits on Thursday when I would be here longer?”
“That was before I knew you could stay here longer today. I intend to take advantage of it. But I’m also happy to administer part of your punishment today and part of it on Thursday. I’m sure that our guests will enjoy it.”
“Uh, sir, I was meaning to ask you about that. You, you…you and Princess Anna promised you wouldn’t tell anyone or show anyone…” My tongue was tied.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, professor. Our guests are Kelly and Archer,” said Anna.
“Archer, princess?”
“Archer is Kelly’s boyfriend. You two go way back. He saw you cleaning Luke’s truck in a speedo and you cleaned his muddy boots at the Ren fair. That was so much fun!, Anna giggled.
“What are you waiting for?,” Paul snapped.
I walked over to him and lay across his knees. Across the knees of my student, dressed as some fetishized maid. It was a truly surreal moment.
“The advantage of a hand spanking is that it can hurt quite a bit, but it won’t leave marks. The redness will fade in a couple of hours, and I think I know how to go right up to the edge of leaving bruises without actually leaving them. The key is lots of repetition. I’m going to give you twenty spanks for each demerit. Normally, it would only be ten, but that’s when I’m using a paddle, strap or crop. Or cane. We will inspect your cleaning when you’re done, and any additional demerits you earn today will be addressed on Thursday.” Paul rubbed my bottom with his hand as he spoke, a sensual exertion of control that I did not expect.
“Did you ever think you’d get to spank one of your professors?”, Anna asked her boyfriend with almost childlike delight.
“Great to check this one off the bucket list. Someday, I’d like to have a Senator or Governor over my knees.”
“How about the President?”
“You never know. There are submissive cucks and closet masochists in all walks of life.”
And with that observation, Paul’s hand came down hard on my panty-clad bottom. It came down again and again. The first strike hurt, but it was the cumulative effect that really turned this hand spanking into a tear-inducing punishment. I managed to be fairly stoic until about the 30th strike. By around the 50th, I was kicking my legs. Eventually I kicked with sufficient force that both of my heels came off. Although my sheer panties offered next to no protection, about midway through my punishment, Paul pulled them down and struck me on my bare bottom. Around the same time the tears came, I started squirming around on Paul’s lap.
“Stay still!”
I tried, but as the spanks kept coming, I continued to squirm on his lap. Paul then reached between my legs and firmly grabbed my balls. That certainly got my attention.
As he squeezed them, Paul said, “Do you think you can be still now?”
‘Yes, sir. I do!”
Through great exertion of will, I was able to remain still as Paul delivered the final twenty or strokes. He pushed me roughly off his lap onto the floor after he finished.
“Normally, I would now make you stand in the corner with your ass on display for 30 minutes or so, but I want to make sure you have time to finish cleaning.”
I wiped the tears from my eyes and replied, “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”
Anna sat down next to Paul on the couch and, inserting her hand into his sweatpants. said, “That was hot. Did it excite you as much as it did me? Oh, I can feel that it did! Let’s go fuck on our freshly made bed.”
“Sounds good, babe. If we’re quick, he can wash the sheets again before he leaves.”
Which is exactly what happened. Their inspection of my work only resulted in two additional demerits this time.
Before I left, Anna gave me detailed instructions for the meal I was to prepare on Thursday.
It was 9:30 PM by the time I got home. Given that Luke was away, I was hoping Brooke would release me when she got home and give me footjob or maybe even allow me to make love to her like she did on Thanksgiving. As exhausted as I was, I had been in a near constant state of frustrated sexual arousal throughout the day and its myriad humiliations, and I was dying to be released.
Unfortunately, Brooke had a difficult night at the restaurant (two men who hit on her, and one who stiffed her after she politely rebuffed him) and was in a foul mood. So instead of being released, I spent still more time on my now truly aching knees, giving her a long foot massage through her sweaty stockings as she silently watched TV.
That was still the highlight of my long, long day.
submitted by Reasonable_Injury121 to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:06 BackgroundAd4969 Girlfriend will cheat on me – need advice

Hello dear community, my girlfriend and I are both 26 years old. We have been a couple for 4 years and have been living together in a shared apartment for three and a half years. My girlfriend has significantly more sexual experience than I do. At the beginning of our relationship, we had sex, but it was never particularly good. I don't think I've ever brought my girlfriend to orgasm. Often, I ejaculate in the missionary position just as she starts to enjoy herself. For years, I have failed to last longer. We haven't had sex for about a year now. I don't receive blowjobs. Before our relationship, she enjoyed giving blowjobs to other men and had relatively much sex. I enjoy her handjobs a lot, even though I rarely receive them. I am only allowed to ejaculate on myself and not on her. Just before we got together, she had a sexual relationship with another man, let's call him Daniel. They were in the same course at university and had sex regularly. He is exactly her type in terms of appearance, and they had very good sex. He is significantly more dominant and experienced. Last year, I found out that they were planning to meet in a different city. This led to an argument, and the relationship almost broke apart. After two weeks of fighting, we reconciled. My girlfriend didn't want to lose me. She has strong feelings for me. Our relationship has been stable since then, but we still haven't had sex. I have developed a cuckold fetish in the meantime. I masturbate regularly and imagine my girlfriend cheating on me, or us living out a cuckold relationship. However, I have never told her about this fetish. It makes me uncomfortable because the topic of sex is very difficult and hardly finds any space. Today, I discovered new chats. She doesn't know that I have read these messages. She keeps chatting with Daniel, and they are planning to meet again. They talk about what it would be like if they were in a relationship. I am convinced that they will meet this year, whether I like it or not. I don't know if it will be a one-time thing, if it will turn into an affair, or if she will leave me. Actually, I should confront my girlfriend at this point or end the relationship. However, I don't want to rush into anything. I am still somewhat uncertain and shocked. I don't know how to tell her that I have read the messages. She would probably explode. However, I can imagine talking to her about opening up the relationship so she can have sex with Daniel. But I don't know if something like that would work, given that the trust has been so badly damaged. I am aware that this could mean the end of the relationship. She had feelings for Daniel before our relationship. I am still unsure how to deal with the situation. What would you do?
submitted by BackgroundAd4969 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 22:24 Beautiful_Reaction_2 A year later

I was with someone for 5 years. She had a kid that, by the end, loved me very much, and reciprocally. He'd become my step son.
During our relationship she would go out a lot on the weekends and hang out with very specific men and do cocaine until the wee hours of the morning. I was always upset by this, but I tried to be gentle, having a pretty good understanding of substance use disorder. And if I ever asked her if there was anything going on with anybody else she would always tell me no, but with an inflection that implied that I was crazy for even thinking it. So I just dealt. About 3 or 4 months before we broke up she started hanging out with this one guy three or four times a week and drinking a lot with him, assuring me that everything was okay and she was just hanging out with him because they were making music and because she really liked his kids. Like the cuckold that I am, I dealt. Finally she left me. A week later she told me that she had feelings for this guy. But it had only been for the last 3 or 4 days. (Which I found out later was objectively untrue)
Long story short, I ended up talking to her ex-best friend and learned that she had actually been having an affair with this guy for months and has cheated on me many times before.. I confronted my ex and she admitted to the cheating that I called her on, but I'm pretty sure that there was other ones, and that the reason she didn't confess to them is because she still believed that I didn't know about them, which I technically didn't/don't.
Fast forward exactly one year and a bit. I non-consensually took sole custody of our dog. I haven't seen her or her son in a year. But every time I go for a walk with my dog my head is on a swivel. In case I end up seeing him. I still think about this kid everyday, and still think about how I will never hear him laugh again. I also think about her everyday, but with a hatred that could only have been born from the degree to which I loved her.
I've dated a couple people in the last year but nothing has worked out, and I feel like I'm finally completely content being single.
Does this ever go away?
submitted by Beautiful_Reaction_2 to CheatedOn [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 19:51 CoolGuyMemeHead Theory about the Series/Ending

Hey all,
I'm really curious about how this sub would feel about a particular interpretation of the show my girlfriemd and I have discussed.
Could the show be a soft retelling of Troilus and Criseyde (Or Cressida) from the Iliad? The actual events differ quite a bit, but the structure of the narrative is pretty identical IMO. You have Asher and Whitney as Troilus and Criseyde, respectively, in the midst of their cuckold drama. You have Dougie as Pandarus, flippantly encouraging either partner to stir more drama.
This one is much more of a stretch, but Whit's father maps onto Calchas the Soothsayer as a wise cynic.
The most interesting thing about this is, for me, the ending: Asher is sucked up into the sky just as Troilus was stellified (i. e. turned into a star in an allegory for sainthood.)
For Troilus, this comes in battle after he loses Criseyde's love. For Asher, things are obviously less extreme. In place of battle, Asher dies during the birth of his child-- maybe the closest thing a person in Asher's position will ever endure to battle. Without totally leaving him, Whitney seems to have emotionally moved on from their marriage. Recall the scene from the episode before(?) where Asher says something along the lines of 'if you ever don't need me I'll just disappear!'
I'm curious if this is at all coherent. I've watched/read some interviews with Benny Safdie and others and haven't seen anything relating to mythology mentioned, so I'm not sure how intentional any of this is.
submitted by CoolGuyMemeHead to TheCurse [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 12:48 Reasonable_Injury121 Chivalry Is On Life Support, Chapter Thirty-Two

I dreaded entering the classroom for my Male Masochism in Medieval Literature class on Monday morning, as it would be my first time teaching the course since my shameful visit to Paul and Anna‘s condo. They had, of course, promised to keep my subservience to them a secret. However, could I trust them? Could I trust the people who were essentially blackmailing me? In addition, as a close friend of Paul’s and Anna’s, Kelly was also well aware of the situation. If you recall, the enrollment in my class was largely due to her personal intervention with her friends after she and her boyfriend had encountered me washing Luke’s truck in my driveway wearing a pink speedo. Kelly was friends with at least two thirds of the class, and she struck me as a very social, gossipy girl in general, which was not reassuring. However, she had promised me at the Ren fair not to tell anyone about the humiliation I endured there. Paul assured me that she would honor their pledge of confidentiality in return for my servitude. He also suggested to me that she would be an active participant in it.
From my podium, I scrutinized the faces of my students to see if I could discern anything about what they did or did not know. Several of them were exchanging grins and whispers, but that was really no different than usual. Part of that was probably simply a reaction to the article of feminine attire that I was required to wear to each class. That morning, Brooke had fastened a choker collar around my neck. It was a simple, unadorned piece of leather with no metal or anything that overtly suggested a slave collar. Brooke assured me that male chokers had become fashionable. That may have been true for young, edgy GQ models in New York City, but I sincerely doubted that was the case on my college campus, especially for a professor approaching 40. In any case, the choker got a number of stares and double takes from both students and my fellow faculty members that day. It was to become a regular part of my wardrobe, nonetheless, as Brooke was quite fond of the look. My hope was that people simply viewed me as an eccentric, bookish guy with a surprisingly daring sense of style. Being truthful with myself, however, I thought that was pretty unlikely.
It seemed to me that Paul exhibited even more swagger than usual, again arrogantly resting his feet on the desk in front of him. Anna had a subtle, self-satisfied grin on her face as I lectured. Kelly was her usual bubbly self. However, I interpreted everything differently since the Ren fair and since my first visit to Paul and Anna’s home, and was now always on edge. I found it exceedingly difficult to concentrate on my lecture, the subject of which was the liberal use of public humiliation as a form of penance for sinners and criminals in 13th century Europe.
My loss of command of my class only seemed to be accelerating following my own public humiliation. The following exchange during my lecture that morning was particularly distressing:
“Public shaming was sometimes so intense that it was seen as a sufficient form of punishment, so that flagellation was not always considered necessary. Yes, Paul, you have a question?”
“Were pillories commonly used in public punishments in the 13th century?”, he asked with a smirk.
“Yes, they were quite common in the public square. Public shaming events were announced widely so that as many people as possible would come to see the penitent, thus maximizing his humiliation.”
“But wouldn’t the criminal or sinner who was locked in the pillory also be beaten?” asked Paul. I heard Kelly snigger.
“Frequently, yes, of course. But my point was that the public shaming itself was often so severe that flagellation on top of it was considered overkill. Yes, Kelly, you have a question as well?” The two of them rarely asked questions in class, so their inquisitiveness that afternoon was highly suspect.
“Yes, professor. Did public shaming sometimes include the penitent being forced to wear humiliating clothes?”
“Yes, Kelly, sometimes.”
“Were the male sinners sometimes forced to dress as women as part of their public shaming?”, asked Anna. I believe this was the first time she had ever asked a question in class. I heard a few scattered snickers in the room.
“Not to my knowledge. In Germany, shame masks, or schandmaskes as they were known, were frequently used, but more often for women than for men. Such as the scold’s bridle, used to punish, shame and silence mostly lower class women. So really not pertinent to our class on male masochism.”
“What about the cucking stool? Was that when cuckolds were humiliated by being dunked in the water? As if being cucks wasn’t humiliating enough,” asked Paul with a snide chuckle.
Paul was a very bright young man and almost certainly knew that that was not what a cucking stool was. It was clear to me that the purpose of all of these questions was to humiliate me. However, I took some comfort from the fact that all of them came from Paul, Anna and Kelly. I hoped that it was sort of an inside joke between the three of them, although I’m sure other students were picking up on subtexts. As they typically do.
“Of course, not. You know better than that Mr. Betz, I’m sure. Cucking stools, also known as ducking stools, were generally used for scolds or gossips, typically women, in which the penitent was strapped into a chair that was dunked into the water. It was sort of a precursor to waterboarding. Sometimes dishonest tradesmen were also subject to this punishment, but it certainly had nothing to do with cuckolds, despite the name.”
Paul glared at me. I realized too late that I would probably pay dearly for correcting him the way that I did. But what was I supposed to do? I did have a class to teach, after all.
Paul replied icily, “Well, it’s too bad that they weren’t used to dunk cuckolds. They certainly are a lot more deserving of humiliating punishment than gossips or scolds, if you ask me.”
I took notice of his use of the present tense. “An interesting perspective. Well, class is over. I’ll see you all on Wednesday,” I said, eager to bring the class to a close.
Like I said, it was highly distressing. Paul dropped a folded piece of paper on my desk as he and Anna exited the room. I opened it with trepidation: “Had to be cute. Bring 200 additional lines + toothbrush + Johnsons’ furniture polish.” Just cryptic enough to be useless to me as any kind of evidence of coercion. But the message was clear enough to me: I was being punished for having corrected Paul in class and was expected to complete an additional 200 punishment lines that night as well as to buy furniture polish tomorrow. The toothbrush part was a mystery to me. I had managed to complete 450 of my 500 lines so far. It helped that we had just had a long, holiday weekend and that Luke was not around for part of it; even so, I had to do some of the lines in my office at school and some after Brooke and Luke went to bed on Sunday night. Now, I had to complete another 250 lines in just over 24 hours. My fingers ached at the mere thought.
After class, I had a light lunch in my office and knocked out 50 punishment lines before hurrying off to my next trial of the day: washing and detailing Kevin‘s truck.
Because it was early December, I would mercifully not be required to wear a speedo. That said, Luke had instructed me to bring along a pair of light grey yoga pants and my cuckold horns T-shirt to wear while undertaking my chore. I had no doubt that Kevin, snitch that he was, would tell Luke if I wasn’t attired as directed. I really hated the light colored yoga pants in particular, because the bulk of my chastity cage and the small protrusion of my undersized balls (pushed upwards and outwards by the ring of my chastity device) were so obvious through the light, clingy fabric. I considered changing in the restroom of one of the fast food restaurants on the way to the house, but decided against it. I just couldn’t bring myself to face the humiliation of walking through the restaurant back to my car. So, instead, I chose the humiliation of changing in the bathroom at Luke’s mother‘s house, where Kevin still lived. Such was my life now: choosing the lesser of two humiliations. When I had any choice at all, that is.
Luke’s mom lived about 10 miles from campus in a rural area. I pulled up to the curb around 1:15pm and saw Kevin’s truck in the driveway. Apparently, Monday was one of his days off. The truck was indeed filthy; it looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks, if not months. A hand-me-down from Luke, it was not the behemoth that Luke’s truck was, but was still an oversized pickup with four doors. Washing and detailing it would no doubt keep me busy for several hours. I thought it was unlikely that I could finish before sunset. Unsure what Kevin would have on hand, in the trunk of my Prius I had brought with me a vacuum, a bucket, sponges, brushes, wax, leather conditioner, wheel guard and rim sealant, a detail spay, VRP rubber and vinyl shine/protectant and microfiber towels. Not being a car person, I had never done more than a cursory washing of my own car a few times in the pre Luke days. But having washed and waxed his truck at least a dozen times — followed by inspections and immediate sessions with the belt, strap or cane to address any shortcomings —I was now quite the expert in how to do so properly and thoroughly. Still, I had never faced anything remotely as filthy as Kevin‘s pickup.
I approached the front door tentatively, carrying a bag with my change of clothes. Before I could even ring the doorbell, the door was opened by a tall, attractive woman with long, brown hair, probably in her late 40s or early 50s. My guess was that this was Luke’s and Kevin’s mother; there was a clear resemblance.
“Who are you?”, she asked.
“My name is Walter. I’m here to see Kevin.”
“Oh, you must be Brooke’s new husband, right? She certainly didn’t upgrade, did she?”, she laughed derisively. “I never thought she was as smart as she pretends to be. My name is Darla. I am Luke’s and Kevin‘s mom.”
“Yes, I’m Brooke’s husband. It’s nice to meet you.” I started to raise my hand uncertainly.
Rather than respond to me or shake my hand, she simply turned her head into the house, and yelled, “Kevin! Luke’s latest lackey is here to see you.” She then looked at me and said “See you later,” and got into a car parked next to Kevin’s truck. I heard her drive off as Kevin came up to the doorway.
“Hi Kevin, I’m here to wash your truck.”
“Good. It can really use it, as you can see. Luke said he wants you to call me ‘sir’ when you’re working for me. He also said that he wants me to start helping him look after you and Brooke when he’s busy or traveling. So you probably should just start calling me ‘sir’ from now on. He says the two of you are always trying to get away with shit, like disobedient brats. When they were married, Brooke sort of babysat me a couple of times, even though I was in my early teens and didn’t really need one. It’s pretty funny that the shoe’s gonna be on the other foot soon.”
“Yes, sir. I better get started on your car because I need to be home in time to fix Luke and Brooke dinner. May I change in the bathroom?”
“It’s down that hall. When you’ve changed, come see me in the living room before you start.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”
As I was changing in the bathroom, I marveled at what a surreal, absurd situation I found myself in. Here I was, a nearly 40 year-old, tenured college professor under the control of an 18 year-old plumber, the younger brother of my wife’s lover. I felt resentment bubble up inside me. Surely, I could use my superior intellect, my maturity, my experience to intimidate this young man somehow or, at the very least, to reason with him, and make him understand the absurdity of him ordering me around like a servant, the absurdity of him acting as a babysitter of sorts for Brooke and me, as if we needed one.
But I have a shameful confession to make. As I pulled the yoga pants up my freshly waxed legs (I had gotten a full body waxing on Friday) and over my panties and chastity cage, any thoughts I had of trying to assert myself with Kevin quickly evaporated. There is just something about the feel of nylon or spandex clinging to my legs (or, when uncaged, to my cock) that almost instantly triggers profound feelings of submissiveness in me. It is really quite remarkable. This is especially true with pantyhose and tights; the lighter the weight and more sheer the fabric is, the greater my docility and meekness. Even the comparatively thick material of the yoga pants —some type of nylon/lycra blend— was more than sufficient to quell any fleeting feelings of assertiveness I may have had. I am quite certain that Brooke, and Luke, were well aware of the intense psychological effect that sensual, feminine clothing has on me, and took full advantage of it (and that was before I started being required to dress as a sissy maid, which took my feelings of submissiveness to an entirely different level altogether). The combination of the sensual material and the humiliating way it exposed my body (and its deficiencies) was a powerful one two punch (especially when I was the only one dressed that way, which was usually the case).
Thus, my rebellion was over before it even began. As I walked to the living room to face Kevin in my humiliating attire, I instead kept telling myself “go with the flow,” Brooke’s mantra for getting through particularly challenging or demeaning situations. In the living room, I found Kevin sitting on the couch with his girlfriend, Kaylee, playing a shooting video game on an enormous television screen. I had met Kaylee once before during the fall at Luke’s house. I had been raking leaves when Luke, Brooke, Kevin and Kaylee came outside to throw a football around. She barely acknowledged me at the time. Why would she? I was clearly nothing more than a worker or servant, certainly no one worthy of her attention.
I stood awkwardly before them for a couple of minutes as they played, awaiting Kevin’s instructions or at least his blessing to begin my task, but fearful of interrupting their game. The same type of insufferable, resentment-filled country music Luke favored was blaring out of a portable speaker. Kevin eventually paused the game they were playing on his wireless controller.
“Hi, Kaylee, we met in October at Luke’s…”, I ventured, before she rudely cut me off.
“Hi, loser. I remember,” she replied, looking at me with a mixture of contempt and amusement.
“Walter, if you call me ‘sir,’ you can’t call my girlfriend ‘Kaylee’. You need to show her respect too.”
“Would ‘Miss Kaylee’ or ‘Miss’ be accceptale?”, I asked, figuring they could always come up with something worse, so it would be better to preempt them.
“What do you think?”, Kevin asked her.
“That will work, I guess. At least until I think of something better. What do we call him? It doesn’t seem like we should call him ‘Walter.’”
“How about ‘Wally’?” Kevin could not possibly know how much I despised being called Wally. Rather, he seemed to share his older brother’s innate, intuitive talent for humiliation.
“That’s better. Although I might just call him ‘loser.’” She laughed.
As I mentioned before, Kevin bore a strong resemblance to Luke and was only slightly shorter. While not yet the intimidating physical specimen Luke was, he had bulked up considerably even in the five months since I had met first him; clearly, the weightlifting was having an impact. About 5’6” tall, Kaylee has short, dark brown hair and a tomboy appearance, but is by no means unattractive. Both of them were wearing jeans and T-shirts.
“What the fuck is that bulge under his leggings? I know it’s not his dick. And what’s the deal with that shirt?”, asked Kaylee. I was to learn that it was a distinct characteristic of Kaylee’s to almost always speak of me as if I wasn’t present.
“I’m pretty sure that’s his cock cage. Luke tells me that he locks up his cock and that he has to beg him to unlock him so he can beat off.”
“That’s fucking pathetic. You mean he doesn’t even get to have sex with his wife anymore? What’s her name? Brooke?“
“Yeah, Brooke. Maybe sometimes he can, if Luke gives them permission. Luke let him of cock jail on Thanksgiving only after he promised to clean my truck today. You know, Brooke used to be married to Luke. He’s hung like a horse. She must’ve missed it. Wally here is what’s called a cuck. That’s short for cuckold. Someone who gets off on his old lady sleeping around on him. I’m pretty sure that’s what those horns on his T-shirt mean.”
“My mom cheated on my dad, but he didn’t get off on it. He practically killed the guy. He practically killed her too. I don’t think she’d ever dare try it again.”
“Well, your dad’s not a real cuck like Wally. Luke says Wally gets off on the humiliation. He actually watches the two of them have sex. He even writes books about it and shit.”
“He really IS a loser, isn’t he? Isn’t he some kind of professor or something?”
“Yup. Luke calls him a professor of cuck studies. Makes me realize that my mom is right that college is a total scam.”
“Hey, watch it now!”
“Sorry, honey, but you’re studying accounting at community college, which is practical. He teaches at that bullshit liberal arts college. The tuition there is like 50 grand a year. And this is what you get for your money?!,” Kevin said, pointing at me and chuckling.
“Can I see his cock cage? I’ve never seen one before.”
“Pull down your pantyhose, Wally, and show Miss Kaylee.”
“Yes, sir.” I pulled down the yoga pants to my mid thigh, revealing my chastity cage, barely concealed by a pair of sheer, bikini style panties.
“Fuck, he’s wearing panties!”, said Kaylee, laughing. “Look how red his face his.”
This particular chastity cage consisted of a series of metallic rings surrounding my cock, the flesh visible between the bars. Kaylee walked over to me and crouched down to get a closer look. After lowering my panties, she tapped the edge of her plastic gaming controller against the metal of the cage, creating a pinging noise.
“It’s so tiny. And so are his little balls. I guess they make him shave all of his hair off. He’s hung more like a mouse than a horse. I can see why Brooke missed your brother. Check it out, his little cock is twitching! It’s trying to get hard, but it can’t, the poor thing.” She giggled.
Indeed, she was correct. This degrading inspection and conversation was causing my cock to throb painfully against its confines.
“I got no interest in seeing that,” said Kevin, to my relief.
“Sir, miss, may I please be excused to clean the truck now? I have to be home by 6.”
“Bring us both a glass of sweet tea from the fridge first. Then you can get to work,” said Kevin.
After I served them their glasses of tea, Kevin made sure we entered each other’s numbers into our iPhones. He wanted to be able to summon me if they needed anything. Afterwards, they sat back down on the couch, propped their bare feet on the coffee table and resumed their game.
One good thing about them living out in the country was that there was no one nearby to witness my humiliation as I worked. I started off wearing a hoodie over my T-shirt, but the forecast Luke had read last week was accurate. When I checked my iPhone, it was 69 degrees, which is absolutely insane in Ohio in December. I remembered with annoyance his dismissive remark about climate change. Luke is one of those guys who would deny climate change even if (or perhaps I should say, when) palm trees and sunflowers started popping up all over Greenland. In any case, the vigorous scrubbing required to remove the embedded grime on Kevin’s truck caused me sweat quite a lot, so I removed the hoodie. It was so hot that part of me wished I was wearing a speedo. Not only was the outside of the truck a mess, but the inside was full of old bottles, coffee cups and fast food containers.
About an hour into my work, I heard my phone ping from where it was lying nearby (one of the things I hated about the yoga pants Brooke bought me was that they had no pockets). I picked it up to read the following text from the most recent addition to my contacts: “Bring us more tea and a snack. There’s microwave popcorn in the pantry.”
This was unbelievable. Here I was, cleaning every inch of his truck, and he actually expected me to stop, clean my hands, and prepare and serve drinks and snacks to him and to his equally lazy girlfriend. A power play, pure and simple, right out of Luke’s playbook. What nerve! I rubbed my hands briefly against my bottom; the feel of the lycra helped adjust my attitude. I then swallowed my resentment and did precisely as commanded.
Neither of them even bothered to look up as I placed the popcorn and drinks next to their feet on the coffee table, so engrossed were they with their game. I worked on the truck for another 90 minutes or so, but was probably only about two-thirds done by the time the sun set. Not only did I need to be home to fix dinner, but I needed sunlight to finish cleaning properly. When I went back into the living room, quite remarkably Kevin and Kaylee were still absorbed in the same game, with the same type of obnoxious music blaring.
“Shut up, can’t you see we’re in the middle of a game?!”, Kevin snapped.
“My apologies, sir.”
I stood next to them silently for about five minutes before watching one of the figures on the screen collapse to the sound of furious shooting noises.
“Bastard. He got me,” said Kevin.
“I’m done for, too,” said Kaylee, and a minute later, her figure was also apparently shot.
“What was so important that you had to interrupt our game?,” Kevin said to me.
“Again, sir. I apologize, but it’s almost dark and I haven’t been able to finish cleaning your truck. I need light to finish, and I also need to get home to make dinner. I can come back tomorrow to finish up, sir, if that is acceptable to you. I probably will need two more hours.”
“I have a job at 10:30, so need to leave by 10. I’m busy the rest of the day. So you’ll need to be here by sunrise.”
I was completely exhausted, and faced an even more daunting day tomorrow when I had to make my second appearance at Paul’s and Anna’s condo. But what choice did I have?
“Yes, sir. I will see you bright and early.” I then rushed home to begin dinner. I also had 200 more punishment lines to complete.
December was off to a pretty busy start as well. My new normal, apparently.
submitted by Reasonable_Injury121 to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 15:23 BetaWeakling Milestones & Achievements

I have recently hit a few different milestones with my amazing Goddess and it fills me with excitement, satisfaction, and desire to press on to our next major milestone! I also look forward to the special rewards/celebrations that are planned for reaching new heights.
While also being a big gamer, I had a fun little thought to turn some of these milestones into little achievement badges/trophies. I know Throne also have their own little achievement system and I won't deny that this idea was partially inspired by their little achievement system.
Examples of some achievements, I thought of so far:
  1. 6 Months of Servitude
  2. 1 Year of Servitude (Continued years of service can be another achievement)
  3. First 3 digit send
  4. First 4 digit send
  5. Thousand Dollars in Total Sends
  6. Ten Thousand Dollars in Total Sends
  7. First Findom Game
  8. First Drain
  9. IRL meeting
  10. Shopping Spree (Either Online or In Person)
  11. Gamer - Fund a video game related purchase
  12. Thinking of You - Sent just because you wanted to uplift their day
  13. Other Kink based achievements
    1. Chastity- new achievement per milestone (1 week, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, 1 year)
    2. Used Clothing / Content
      1. First sock purchase
      2. First panty purchase
      3. First Digital Content purchase
    3. Cuckold
      1. First Date Funded (new achievement possible on major milestone of dates)
      2. First Experience Story heard/told
      3. Total Cuck (Either saw or heard being cuck live)
    4. Humiliation
      1. Humiliating Post - Make a humiliating post about yourself in one of the many subreddits
      2. Body Writing
      3. Cum eater
I figure these fun achievements could be fun for both the sub and the domme to play and explore with.
Curious on what others think are important milestones or achievements in this dynamic? Also would love any other ideas the community have for achievement ideas. Additionally how have you rewarded or been rewarded for important milestones?

submitted by BetaWeakling to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 18:47 NoIngenuity2860 Actors and Actresses Partners are Cucks

I think that the partners of Actors and Actresses are a bunch of Cuckolds. How could you watch your partner be intimate with someone else and be like "Great Acting" lol 😆. What are y'all thoughts on this ??
submitted by NoIngenuity2860 to PAK [link] [comments]