Vice president speeches college

Honor the Earth - Reddit for all things Winona LaDuke

2017.04.11 19:45 SymbioticPatriotic Honor the Earth - Reddit for all things Winona LaDuke

Winona LaDuke is best known for her principled dedication to honoring the earth as a water protector, an environmentalist, an advocate for seed diversity and the Green Party candidate for Vice President in 1996 and 2000. In 2016, Winona LaDuke became the first Green Party Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidate to receive a vote in the Electoral College from an elector in Washington State.

2018.02.27 04:29 OneBravePatriot Trumpservative

Supporters of President Donald Trump unite! This is a sub about Conservatives who agree and support Trump's style of conservatism. Aptly named "Trumpservatism" in 2016 this movement is largely unrepresented on Reddit and we welcome debate from all sides. Our mission is make America great again and we are united!

2018.03.05 08:16 Fake College Basketball

Welcome to Fake CBB! You choose a number between 1 and 1000 to play a basketball as your favorite college!

2024.05.14 08:05 quiet_and_tired I grieve the mother that I never got to have after my actual mother died

Tw: family death and emotional abuse/neglect
I hate venting online as it’s futile and embarrassing for me (no one has to feel this way. This is just my own personal view that is mine and only mine) So, I will probably delete this soon for I also hate showing weakness to strangers since it always leads to more abuse it seems and i am often weary of others. So, with this, I’ll try and open up even if it’s temporary.
A bit of backstory I guess. My mother died when I was 7 which left behind a hole that needed to be filled for dad and I. She, the step “mom”, came along to help us for she struggled with a divorce of an abusive ex husband. She had issues, as you would expect, yet here I thought of her as someone I could get along with, to play with, to be around when things got bad, and all the things a little kid would think. At first, everything was fine, I even had silly nicknames for her that she “enjoyed” she responded with kindness to these (one was care bear, another was pumpkin because it was fall and she liked the smell, the others I don’t remember) and I remember how happy I was when she liked the little nicknames. Since it was the beginning, I would want her over often as I wanted someone to become a person I could look for as a mom but not as a replacement to my actual mom who recently died during that time. I liked her. 
Alas these things don’t get a happy ending, as with time, dad got more ill. During this time she would be by his side more (which is totally understandable, I would too for my lover I didn’t show jealousy during this time but support as I got to spend more time with my “sister”) and it slowly evolved to hospital visits. I would slowly pick up being a “parent” for her disabled daughter when I was 9/10/11 (can’t remember exact age, sorry). This was because she would go out with dad to spend time with him, go to the other room to isolate from us (either needing alone time or to help him. Not my business), be with him for hospital stays, etc. I was used to this since I was accustomed to helping my dad with his medical issues and helped him get ready for “life” by the time I was late 7/early 8 due to his own health failing as well.
Hop years later. After problem and after problem I had gotten in with her and vice versa I realize my step mother never genuinely cared about me. I know it takes two to tango and it’s partly my fault, I get where I fell in my faults and I’ve accepted them as my lessons in day to day life. I’m not perfect. As I became more reclusive to her as she showed a lack of accountability (and to this day, she won’t admit and see why it was so wrong for her to do things that were heavily against me) I was then always the scapegoat as she showed love and gushed over her actual kids (this was always a issue, I just didn’t think about it as a little kid and I got “bratty” when I got older as i began to recognize the “unfairness”). My achievements were worthless and often met with a “you should’ve already been good at that”, “you should know better by now”, or “that should already have been done if it was something important to you”. The typical “you aren’t good enough” wearing different clothes.
The feelings of being useless had already creeped in by the time I was 10/11 so this was going on for a long time (along with many other issues that I’m not gonna get into). Even as I got nearly straight A’s in college I was never praised except by dad (who unfortunately died when I was early 19. I miss him to this day). I know I should not have sought out praise, especially if I was grown, but I would’ve loved a “good job” from her… I know that’s silly but it would’ve been nice to be seen as her actual kid worthy of love and being seen that way just a little. I know my pesky teen years didn’t help but I was still her kid in some capacity but I was treated like a punching bag. All because she had her own jealousy and hate for me. (Even her own kids called her out on how she treated me, nothing changed from her.)
Now with no family left except a few aunts, she tried everything she can to ensure I don’t become independent (I don’t wanna talk too much about it, I’m too tired plus this post is getting rather long as it is).
The parts that hurt the most were: She refused my safety from my childhood to adulthood. She never cared what truly happened to me it seems.
Never really paid attention to me unless to berate me which was done usually in the form of gossiping to others. Plus attempting to embarrass me in front of others so when my teenage self got upset she can use my reaction as “proof” and to “justify” herself, sometimes trying to attempt it to adult me as she smiled and snickered about it. Thankfully most adults who were older took pity and even commented on how arrogant and awful she seemed as a person (adult me, they never did anything about teenage me which I get, I fell for her tricks that made me look bad. Happy I learned that lesson young, at least there is that).
She snooped around my room and life to gossip to her kids about me on how much of a failure I was and how disgusting of a person I am. Then got mad when I isolated or kept my life very secretive.
She would find issues with me just to try to make my dad hate me which thankfully it failed. I’m unsure if this was a attempt to further isolate me because I wasn’t a part of her “actual kids”. I don’t know and I’m too tired to know, it’s done and over with I can vent about that in therapy. However she sadly was successful in getting him to yell at me. The worst part of the yelling is that she would watch me cry or go to the other room to listen rather than just leaving me alone. I now realize it was a way for her to “get off” I believe.
When she realized she couldn’t control my life she tried hiding food from me as I was early 20’s because she had “control issues with me” (her words not mine). I didn’t like things going to waste so I’d eat nearly expired foods often and she would get pissy that I was “stealing from her”.
She gossiped to strangers about how I never do anything with myself and suspected I was just a useless failure. (I was in college with a job, thanks.)
When I did finally snap from the times she would treat me poorly she held on to it. I guess to put it, think of me over reacting I get I did wrong and I learned my lesson but when she snapped with a over reaction or something really hurtful she expected to be forgiven.
She also would steal from me and blame me (but would expect me to keep my hands to myself when I was hungry and didn’t have the time or funds to get food… this one still bothers me but I will talk in detail of this to my therapist not here as I’m tired and the post is already long enough).
All I wanted was a mom to care but I guess I couldn’t get that because the one I got died when I barely got to know her. There is more to say but I think that is all of us here, too much to say about someone who was supposed to love us. My apologies if my post is in shambles I never really let anything out like this so I’m sure I kinda sound “childish” but like- I really hate Mother’s Day and I just wanted to let it out, even if I delete this later.
submitted by quiet_and_tired to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:55 Soccer_Ref127 Former Vice President's formulas for musical flow

Al Gore rhythm's algorithms
submitted by Soccer_Ref127 to WordAvalanches [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:52 cynicalmocha Preparing for CAT, do I have the chance to get top IIMs? (asking for a friend)

same as title, I'm asking this on behalf of my friend who doesn't use Reddit. She's General, BBA Second Year Student. She's among the top 10 people in her batch (academic scores wise) and is involved in multiple clubs (is vice president of the finance club in her college). In 10th she got 75% and 57% in 12th. 9.0+ GPA in first year of college. She's been preparing for CAT but has no clue on what basis do people get accepted and rejected and if she should even dream about getting into IIM BLACKIS. What else can she do to improve her profile? Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by cynicalmocha to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:41 EchoJobs Hiring Quality Assurance Engineer - Vice President USD 140k-160k New York, NY US [Python JavaScript Microservices API React Java]

Hiring Quality Assurance Engineer - Vice President USD 140k-160k New York, NY US [Python JavaScript Microservices API React Java] submitted by EchoJobs to ReactJSJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:35 duckowucko [Long-Schall] Jackson Administration (1965-1969) Neoprogressivism

[Long-Schall] Jackson Administration (1965-1969) Neoprogressivism

President Henry Martin “Scoop” Jackson

41st President of the United States
Vice President
Nellie Stone Johnson
Secretary of State: Claude Pepper
Secretary of the Treasury: Maurine Neuberger
Secretary of Defense: William Winter
Attorney General: John Tower
Secretary of the Navy: Arleigh Burke
Secretary of the Interior: Edmund Muskie
Secretary of Agriculture: Hubert Humphrey
Secretary of Commerce: Asa Randolph
Secretary of Labor: Leonard Woodcock
Secretary of Education: Jane Jacobs
Secretary of Health & Welfare: John Gardner (Since March 1965)
Speaker of the House: Charles Halleck (Republican, 1965-1967)/Adam Powell Jr (Labor, 1967-)
Pro Tempore: Lyndon Johnson (Labor)

1964 Election Results

Liberal candidate John Kennedy receives 115 electoral votes
Margaret Smith received 38.57% of the vote
John Kennedy received 20% of the vote
Henry Jackson received 41.43% of the vote
Jackson defied poll numbers
While polling has consistently showed the election as a close race, almost all polls had the incumbent President, Margaret Smith, winning by 1 or 2 points up until the election. The last poll conducted on October 28th had Smith leading by 1 point, and Kennedy far behind both major candidates. Some have already begun to blame the Liberal Party and Kennedy for stealing moderate voters from another Republican victory. Regardless, The ever-ambitious Senator Scoop Jackson will enter the White House come January 20th.
House Results
House Results After Liberal Dissolution (1965)
  • The one Independent is Speedy O. Long of Louisiana
Senate Results
Senate Results After Liberal Dissolution (1965)
  • The one Independent is Russell B. Long of Louisiana

First 100 Days

Revenue Act of 1965
The Revenue Act of 1965 would take a more progressive approach to taxation, increasing income taxes up to 7% in the highest tax bracket; all while lowering income taxes down by 4% for lower income households. The Act would also increase the Social Security Tax to 8%.
House voted 228-207
Senate voted 52-48
Mass Transit Tax Act of 1965
The second Mass Transit Tax Act would lower short range rail and air transport by an average of 5%, while increasing long range rail and air transport by an average of 2%. International flight tickets would be increased as well, by an average of 6%.
House voted 236-199
Senate voted 62-38
Minimum Wage Act of 1965
The long-standing federal Minimum Wage of $0.80/hour has been around since 1949, with no increase on the federal side of things. President Jackson and other Laborites were able to pull their weight and increase the federally-mandated minimum wage to $1.30/hour. Although the Labor Party advocated for a higher hourly wage, others in Congress feared a wage any higher would result in another economic panic following the near-collapse of the National Debt Ceiling a few years prior.
House voted 227-208
Senate voted 52-48
Department of Health Foundation Act of 1965
Founded the Department of Health and Welfare to help administer and regulate various healthcare practices and the distribution of Social Security, medical tax breaks, and more. Though indirectly, Congress soon changes the Executive budget to cut the Department of the Interior's funding by 40%; most of that money going into the new Department of Health and Welfare.
House voted 249-186
Senate voted 64-36
National Environmental and Water Policy Act of 1965 (NEWPA)
Championed heavily by the President and young members of the Labor Party in Congress like Edmund Muskie, NEWPA places greater regulations and laws into place regarding water safety and treatment, water pollution, trash allocation, dump sites, and recycling; unseen since the progressive era of the early 1900s. These regulations are expected to greatly improve the environmental state of decay for decades to come.
House voted 221-214
Senate voted 54-46

Death of former President, Theodore F. Green: May 19, 1966

This morning, former President Theodore Francis Green passed away in his Rhode Island home at the age of 98, marking the oldest President at the time of his death. Green was a member of the Democratic Party and briefly the Anti-Fascist Alliance, taking charge from his previous position as Secretary of State after the sudden assassinations of sitting President Earl Browder and Vice President Upton Sinclair. President Green helped uncover the “Business Plot” orchestrated in part by J.P. Morgan Jr. and Prescott Sheldon Bush Sr, the latter being the father of sitting Texas Congressman George Bush.
President Theodore F. Green led us through the horrors of the second world war after the sudden attack on Pearl Harbor, resigning his post and organizing a special election the year following the conclusion of the war itself. He was instrumental in the foundation of the United Nations and eventual foundation of both NATO and EATO two Presidents later. He was, and still remains a national hero in our hearts. President Henry Jackson, among former Presidents and dignitaries are expected to show up for his public funeral in Providence, Rhode Island. The public has been allowed to pay their respects at his grave site before his proper burial et to take place from May 19 at 9:00 AM to May 20 at 9:00 AM.

Foreign Policy Ventures prior to the 1966 Midterms

Embargo Act of 1965
Supported already by the majority of the country, Scoop Jackson directed Congress to pass a full embargo of all raw and manufactured Cuban goods on entering the United States through any port or checkpoint.
House voted 313-122
Senate voted 76-24
With the law being signed by the President in August that year, he would make a speech in Miami celebrating the passage of the act, glorifying its protections of American, anti-communist goods. Scoop would face some backlash over his anti-communist posturing, as the Labor Party has a small (but noticeable) sect of Communists in their ranks.
The Saigon Summit
In July of 1965, after riots against the French government in Saigon, and the breakout of a guerrilla war in French Cambodia, a summit was called in Saigon to determine the future of the city. President Jackson, President Ho Chi Minh, and President Charles de Gaulle met within the French administrative building to discuss the recent riots in the city and future between Saigon and Vietnam. Although much of Vietnam was granted total independence from French rule in 1950, French Saigon remained a thorn in Vietnam's side. France wished to keep as much of its dying empire as possible, and no one would fight harder at that than Charles de Gaulle himself. President Jackson wished to keep the peace and eventually coerce Vietnam into rejoining EATO.
Talks were messy at times, as yelling could be heard from the chambers the talks were being held in, but the three would come to an agreement. Saigon would be administered by a joint Vietnamese-French government, and policing and law would gradually transition to local and Vietnamese systems. In return, Vietnam would promise to not get itself involved in the Cambodian guerilla war.

1966 Midterms

House Results
7 Third Party/Independents
  • Speedy Long (Louisiana Independent)
  • Edward "Ted" Kennedy (Massachusetts Independent)
  • deLeppes "Chep" Morrison (Louisiana Independent)
  • Spiro Agnew (Maryland Independent)
  • Gus Hall (Minnesota Communist League)
  • Jarvis Tyner (New York Communist League)
  • Charlene Mitchell (California Communist League)
Senate Results
2 Independents
  • Russell Long (Louisiana Independent)
  • Edward Brooke (Massachusetts Independent)

Invasion of Saigon

In December 1966, a clash between Vietnamese and French police during a riot led the Vietnamese side of the Saigon Transitional Government to call on Vietnamese military aid. Within hours, the Republic of Vietnam marched into the jointly occupied city. Rumors immediately began amassing that the Saigon police force worked with the Vietnamese government in order to cease Saigon before the transitional period was up. Although these rumors were just that, President Jackson was surely worried when the news hit him the next morning; alongside the French Ambassador asking for an audience with the President.
French Ambassador Hervé Alphand would share with Scoop three things:
  1. France intends to treat the invasion of Saigon as an act of war.
  2. France is already mobilizing troops to southern Cambodia for a naval invasion of Vietnam.
  3. France intends to call on the force of NATO and EATO to defend “France in her hour of need.”
No matter how Jackson tried to argue, Alphand was keen on these points. Jackson would argue that the incident be investigated by the United Nations to determine whether it was an act of war; while Alphand threatened that American delay on the issue could lead to French withdrawal from both NATO and EATO. Jackson, reportedly furious, refused to be threatened by a “dying empire”. He denied meeting with any French foreign dignitary for the time being until they promised to allow the UN for an investigation.
The French response was quick, with France officially leaving both NATO and EATO on December 18, 1966. The French declaration of war and further campaign into Vietnam began on the 20th. With naval and air landings concentrated around Rach Gia, Can Tho, My Tho, Saigon, and Vung Tau, the Second Indochina War began. Although Australia would provide weapon assistance, the other nations within both NATO and EATO held their breath on what to do. France had left the two most powerful military and economic alliances in the world, and President Jackson could not be more angry.

Glasgow Conference of 1967

With the war having gone on for nearly three months, and French military forces having begun to get bogged down by the Vietnamese harsh tactics; Can Tho remained the only major French-held territory in the young Republic. And although Vietnamese war tactics were questionable at best; much of the world was united in believing the French declaration of war was not entirely justifiable; with President Scoop Jackson and General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev at the forefront of organizing peace efforts within and without the UN. Although the United Nations have begun investigations into both the Vietnamese invasion of Saigon and the French declaration of war, they both had gotten bogged down by the surrounding war effort.
It was agreed upon by several major powers to meet in Glasgow with French and Vietnamese delegates to discuss an armistice. The United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and the People’s Republic of China agreed to enforce the following terms:
  1. Saigon and surrounding territories that formerly made up the French Vietnam Territory following the 1950 Treaty of Manila shall be ceded to the Republic of Vietnam. Saigon and the surrounding territories shall become a United Nations sponsored demilitarized zone until an official peace treaty between the 5th Republic of France and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  2. French military and bureaucratic personnel shall be allowed free and safe passage out of the cities of Can Tho and Saigon; sanctioned by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force. The French and Vietnamese governments must release all prisoners of war; sanctioned by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force.
  3. Saigon officials implicated in the initial invasion of the city on December 16, 1966 must release all official, personal, and private documents to the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs for investigation.
  4. Vietnam must retain its promise from the 1964 Saigon Summit to not aid or abet Cambodian guerilla forces or rebels.
  5. All combat between the 5th Republic of France and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam shall cease and abide by the above rules, the United Nations, and Geneva Conventions.
Although both nations had much to say and change in their favor, the above is the final version of the armistice agreed upon by all parties. The armistice paper was signed by:
  • President Henry Martin Jackson of the United States
  • General Secretary Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev of the Soviet Union
  • Prime Minister James Harold Wilson, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx of the United Kingdom
  • Chairman Mao Zedong of the People's Republic of China
  • Foreign Minister Ernest Charles Lucet of the 5th French Republic
  • Foreign Minister Nguyên Duy Trinh of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Military Aftermath of the Second Indochina War:
  • 57,000 KIA (66% Vietnamese)
  • 12,000 MIA (81% French)
  • 72,000 WIA (52% French)
  • 134,000 Civilians KIA/MIA (89% Vietnamese)
Although the Glasgow Conference was seen as a great triumph of diplomacy between the major powers, Taiwan (the Republic of China) was greatly hindered in its geopolitical influence for the time being. President Jackson had recognized the People’s Republic of China the week prior to the Conference; Communist China would replace Taiwan's spot as a permanent member of the UN Security Council within the month.

The Better Society Plan

Plans drawn up between Pro Tempore Lyndon Johnson, Representative Claude Pepper, and Speaker Adam Powell Jr. would be taken to the President's desk following the first relatively calm year in the administration's history. Although much of the work on marketing the plan would be placed on Scoop himself; Johnson, Pepper, and Powell would act as the main sponsors of each piece in Congress. What would become the beginnings of the “Better Society Plan” would officially pass both houses of Congress throughout mid 1968.
Cheap Food and Housing Act of 1968
A large bill authored primarily by Speaker Adam Powell Jr. and Secretary Hubert Humphrey; the Cheap Food and Housing Act would cover extensive social programs. Although, with weak support in Congress, many Republicans were able to push to soften these programs and add their own agendas on top of them. The final contents of this massive bill were as follows:
  1. A federal Food Stamps program would begin and be administered and funded by the Department of Health and Welfare. Certain imported foodstuffs would receive a 15% higher tariff. All American citizens that either fall below or are less than 6% above the poverty line would be eligible for the Food Stamps program.
  2. Store-bought meat products will receive price controls to fit the monthly income of the average family. The Federal Government will cut 60% funds toward GMO Agriculture, Meat, Fish, and Poultry research.
  3. Houses that take up less than a certain area size will be price capped based county-by-county income. This job is in the hands of State Governments. (Apartments are not covered in this)
  4. Housing discrimination shall be made illegal based on identity.
House voted 241-194
Senate voted 53-47
Medical Bill Reduction Act of 1968
This bill was authored by Representative Claude Pepper and Secretary John Gardner in order to fundamentally reduce medical expenses for the youth, elderly, and medically unable. The bill however was weakened significantly by the Republicans in Congress, only allowing for those receiving Social Security benefits to have reduced medical expenses paid for partially by the Department of Health and Welfare; no matter if the recipient is signed on with private insurance or the Public Option.
House voted 220-215
Senate voted 53-47

Apollo 8: Americans on the Moon in November 1968!

Thanks to streamlined efforts by Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Margaret Smith the past 11 years, NASA and furthermore America were able to place the first men on the moon on November 12, 1967. In a speech made on national television that night in the hour following the conclusion of the live coverage of the moon landing, Scoop Jackson would put much of his thanks on the “Greatest mind our nation has ever had,” referring to Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer, since 1961, has been placed in a secondary charge of the Apollo missions and a potential moon landing until his resignation in January 1967 and death the following month. Dr. Oppenheimer's expertise in theory and former President Smith's dedication for space exploration are likely candidates as to the victory America achieved that night.
State of Asia in 1968
The United Nations has concluded their investigation into the potential legality and coercion in the events leading up to the invasion of Saigon.
“While France has made compelling arguments for the contrary, regarding available documents and other pieces of evidence, the Vietnamese military occupation of Saigon was not a result of coercion, manipulation, embezzlement, bribery, or corruption within the Republic of Vietnam. The invitation of Vietnamese armed forces into the territory limits was done by the legal Vietnamese co-government of said territory, and therefore, is deemed a semi-legal occupation of the city. The United Nations upholds the results of the Glasgow Conference.”

Gearing up for Reelection: A look at Potential Challengers

Notable Republicans that have declared candidacy
Former Vice President, Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon is back at it with his 4th attempt at a Presidential run, and if he wins the nomination or is selected as a running mate, 3rd attempt on a Presidential ticket. He is generally a moderate, but is definitely the wildcard. Despite his past of losing elections, he is somehow the safest, and perhaps most dangerous, to the Jackson administration.
Governor Ronald Reagan
The Governor of California has perhaps one of the most charismatic voices in the nation, and is definitely a threat should he receive the Republican nomination. While he is charismatic, he is also the most Conservative of the major players for the Republican nomination. Reagan has instituted a mix of conservative and liberal policy as Governor of California, but has spouted rhetoric like all the former dixiecrats; just without blatant racism. Scoop believes Reagan is not only a credible threat to his Presidency, but also a threat to minority groups nationwide.
“Draft Jack Kennedy” and “Draft Bobby Kennedy”
Despite neither Kennedy having decided to throw their hat in the ring this year, 1960 and 1964 Presidential candidate John Kennedy has received some support among anti-nixon moderates for the head of the ticket later this year. He has an air of charisma around him, much like his fellow Republican Ronald Reagan, but Kennedy has only commented on the matter stating he is “far too tired” for 3 Presidential runs in a row. The Senator's health is seemingly beginning to fail, as well. Despite the unlikeliness of the matter, Jackson is prepared to deal with Jack Kennedy again if he wins a draft.
Opposed to his older brother, Governor Robert Kennedy has remained Non-Partisan since the fall of the Liberal Party 3 years prior. Bobby has had moderate support from both parties since the beginning of his governorship in 1963. Despite this, and probably with wishes to go against one of his brothers, Bobby Kennedy has denied to run or entertain a draft movement in his name. Scoop has declared Bobby to be of little threat.
Other potential challengers
Senator Russel Long
The long-serving Senator and son of former President Huey Long has walked the line of conservative, liberal, and progressive support throughout his career. In recent years, he has become more supportive of progressive social policies, and definitely leans economically toward Labor; but his reach across rural southerners matches a more populist approach. Long has already declared his independent candidacy for President. If Nixon isn't one, Long is certainly the most dangerous wildcard if he plays his hand right. Scoop will closely watch him.
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2024.05.14 07:31 EchoJobs Hiring Quality Assurance Engineer - Vice President USD 140k-160k New York, NY US [Python JavaScript Microservices API React Java]

Hiring Quality Assurance Engineer - Vice President USD 140k-160k New York, NY US [Python JavaScript Microservices API React Java] submitted by EchoJobs to JavaScriptJob [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:23 EchoJobs Hiring Java Developer, Fixed Income Federal Risk Systems, Vice President, Hong Kong Remote Hong Kong [Scala]

Hiring Java Developer, Fixed Income Federal Risk Systems, Vice President, Hong Kong Remote Hong Kong [Scala] submitted by EchoJobs to BackendJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:23 RottingMan Comparing House of Cards to reality with regard to partisanship and other observations I've made

I tried googling this and found numerous threads discussing the topic but no one commented or posted my perspective. It probably has been discussed before but I couldn't find it so forgive me for posting this if I'm beating a dead horse.
A common discussion is why Frank is a Democrat when his character would stereotypically be a Republican. Whether due to his home state or his politics, regardless of your personal bias, he consistently had conservative ideals; Yet, he was part of the Democratic party.
Everyone claimed it was to allow the viewer to watch the show with impartiality but I believe it actually follows a trend in the show: Things are frequently a reversal of the real world.
For example, Democrats in this show tend to have Republican ideals and vice versa. This is further proven at the end of S2 E3 during the State of the Union Address, where President Walker discusses Frank passing the bill raising the retirement age to 68 (arguably conservative at the time this episode aired but nowadays starting to become a bipartisan topic).
Afterwards, President Walker mentions that they expect the House to pass the bill. While the show accurately portrays the Vice President as the president of the Senate, just like in real life, it reverses the order of the legislative process in Congress, in which the House of Representatives passes a bill to the Senate where the latter then sends it to the President to sign or veto.
Therefore, I believe the show is not trying to make the viewers believe Frank is a Democrat but rather they are simply doing role reversals in general to shift focus from any potential biases the viewer may have to the actual plot of the show.
submitted by RottingMan to HouseOfCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:22 Plane_Appeal_6835 chance me emory ED 1

3.83/4 UW 6 AP’s (school offers 9) 3 College Courses Test Optional (for now) 25th quartile (school does 25,50,75) Intended Business/Econ Major
EC -Co President of Non Profit that teaches STEM to underprivileged youth, over 5K raised, partnered with YMCA
-Baseball podcast host with over 75,000 cumulative streams, guests including MLB players, analyst, influencers with over 3 mil followers
-Varsity Basketball Starting Point Guard and team captain. also runs team social media page.
-founded my own window washing business which brings in 3K/monthly
-founded the first ever YMCA basketball league ages (16-18) and did an internship shadowing the athletic director of all Los Angeles YMCA athletic departments
-founded the business and finance club at my school. hold weekly financial literacy seminars. started school wide stock competition with over 100 members (400 kids in my school)
-VP National Honors Society
-Team Captain Wharton youth, global stock competition (finished top 100 of 5000 teams)
-Tutor local elementary school kids. helped grow club to over 25 members.
-math team vice president
-founded the varsity baseball team via partnership with local club team
Writing personal statement about how in the past I used my neurodivergence as a shield and how i’ve harnessed it to become something I identify with and am proud of. (writing is my biggest strength)
submitted by Plane_Appeal_6835 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:08 MainSituation4875 How to deal with parents who infantilize you at 23

I am the oldest daughter of 3 in a Mexican household. I have good grades, I’m student body president at my college, I work 2 jobs and pay my own bills. I’ve always done what my parents ask me to basically. The only things I do that they don’t like is not cleaning my room and having a boyfriend. I rarely have time to clean since I’m so busy with school and work and as for my boyfriend they don’t like him because he is shorter than me and because he lives an hour away from me. Now for the infantiliziaton part they don’t trust me when I’m out with my boyfriend. We have been dating for 3 years now and I am not allowed to drive to him because it’s wrong for a girl to drive herself for a man and I’m not allowed to go over to his house or sleepover because what will people say? I am planning on attending a uni 1 hour away after finishing my Associates in the fall and my parents are looking into houses in that area so I can still stay with them and be safe .Secondly when I bring up anything they make fun of me by speaking in a baby tone like recently I brought up how I want to be treated more like an adult by driving myself to a university transfer day 1 hour away and my mother was freaking out saying how I don’t have experience driving far away ( I’ve had my license for 4 years now) and how I was going to get into an accident and that she should go with me just to be safe. Any problem I have with them they just chop it up to me being ungrateful or immature.The whole point of this post is basically what can I do to make my parents have more trust in me and let go of their leash on me. Sorry if this post doesn’t make sense I’m just very emotional rn
submitted by MainSituation4875 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:52 grandsunergy ✨ 💡 Wanna know the insights of the 3rd roundtable of the Chinese High-Efficiency Heterojunction 740W+Club? Pls Join us: Driving Innovation, Setting Standards, and Shaping the Future of Solar Technology Together! #740WClub #ChineseHighEfficiencyHJT740WClub #HJT #solarenergy

✨ 💡 Wanna know the insights of the 3rd roundtable of the Chinese High-Efficiency Heterojunction 740W+Club? Pls Join us: Driving Innovation, Setting Standards, and Shaping the Future of Solar Technology Together! #740WClub #ChineseHighEfficiencyHJT740WClub #HJT #solarenergy
With the rapid growth of China's solar industry, the prime time for N-type technology has arrived! On May 11th, the Chinese High-Efficiency Heterojunction 740W+ Club (hereafter referred to as the Club) held its third roundtable meeting in Xuancheng, Anhui province. The ten founding members of the Club gathered to discuss the path towards sustainable development in the heterojunction industry.
Addressing the topic of heterojunction standardization, Tommy Xu, Senior Vice President of Huasun Energy, expressed: "Through this meeting, we aim to establish unified standards for heterojunction modules. This not only helps Club members understand and balance their development levels but also drives the overall sustainable development of the heterojunction industry. Huasheng New Energy has also proposed initiatives to expedite the standardization process for module testing."
Regarding standardization, Zhang Zhongwei, President of the Photovoltaic Division at Grand Sunergy, emphasized: "It's crucial to achieve consensus on heterojunction standardization promptly, forming a set of mutually recognized standards by both suppliers and consumers. Standard formulation requires comprehensive considerations, balancing industry status, market expectations, and individual enterprise circumstances. By aligning common goals while accommodating differences, we can empower enterprise progress and propel the entire heterojunction industry forward for mutual benefit."
Song Yifeng, Director of the Product Center at Risen, added: "Standards can be classified broadly based on reliability and appearance. Strict standards for reliability are essential as they directly impact customer interests and brand reputation. Therefore, prioritizing product reliability while considering cost and yield is paramount."
As a platform uniting top industry players and experts, the 740W+ Club plays a pivotal role in driving sustainable development in the heterojunction and photovoltaic sectors. Through precise agenda items, efficient discussions, and focused attention on product development, material processes, standardization, and market expansion, a consensus has emerged on heterojunction industry standardization and ecosystem development.
submitted by grandsunergy to u/grandsunergy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:43 Odd-Juggernaut3007 Chance me for UMICH in-state CS and other schools

Demographics: Asian male, Competitive public high school, Michigan, not needing aid
Intended Majors: CS, CS+Advertising(UIUC)
SAT: 1550(780 M, 770 RW)
GPA: 3.88 UW
Coursework: 11 APS, 3 Honors, 2 Duel enrollment, 2 Ib
  1. AP Scholar
  2. MHSAA scholar athlete 3x
  3. Quizbowl 2x regional champion, Top 5 at states, national qualifier, top 100 performer in Michigan
  4. Consistent top finisher in several competitive coding websites
  5. Host state qualifier, regional finalist
Extracurriculars(not ranked in a particular order):
  1. Quizbowl: Varsity captain(11,12), JV captain(10), Novice captain(9), OfficePresident(11/12). Created a application that maximizes our studying and practicing efficiency.
  2. Swim: Competitive swimming for 8 years. JV(9,10) Varsity(11,12)
  3. Recreation Club: Co-foundePresident(10,11,12)
  4. Mental Health Club: Officer
  5. Sales associate: highest rated employee for 20 weeks in a row
  1. CS personal Projects: created websites that have been used over 100,000 times.
  2. Created an AI that judges Advertisements and gives responses based on 200,000+ ads.
  3. Freelance: creates websites and advertisements for companies
  4. Social media: have a social media account where I post videos about competitive coding as well as giving tips and tricks on how to get better. 20,000 followers and 500,000+ views
  5. Competitive Coding/ learning different coding languages: compete in a ton of coding competitions online as well as having self taught 4 coding languages at a proficient level.
  1. LOR from AP CSA teacher 10/10
  2. LOR from boss at job 10/10
  3. LOR from counselor ?/10
Essays should be pretty good, I would consider myself as an above average writer.
EA: UIUC(CS+advertising), Northeastern, USC, Georgia tech, Umich(in-state), UW-madison, UM-collegepark, Purdue, MSU(in-state)
Other: I am personally just scared about the fact that I'm only taking AP Calc AB as a senior, which I personally believe to be a little below average for someone pursuing a stem major. But I will have taken 3 CS college courses by the time I have graduated.
submitted by Odd-Juggernaut3007 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:30 theperaltacitizen CoA’s mystery woman: The forgotten legacy of the first female community college president in California

CoA’s mystery woman: The forgotten legacy of the first female community college president in California
“Every semester, incoming Journalism students are instructed to find articles from archives, the internet, or anywhere else they can think of to search for news about the wider Peralta Community College District (PCCD). The goal of this exercise is to assess the ability of each student to gather information about a specific subject. The challenge of the exercise is to find an article that the instructor has not encountered before. I set out to find as obscure an article as I possibly could about PCCD. I decided to rely on google newspapers in order to track down something that had been digitized from print, rather than relying on online articles. I came across a small column in a 1975 issue of The Spokesman Review, reading, “Woman Chief Due at College”. The article is only three sentences long. It states that Dr. Jeanette Poore, President of Everett Community College at the time, would be the first female community college President in California.”
submitted by theperaltacitizen to u/theperaltacitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:28 theperaltacitizen Finalists for CoA President unveiled

Finalists for CoA President unveiled
CoA: The Peralta Community College District (PCCD) has named three finalists in the search for a permanent College of Alameda (CoA) President. Public forums for the candidates are set for Thursday; the deadline to submit questions for the forum is midnight tonight. The three finalists are William "Terry" Brown, the current Associate Vice President for Strategic Operations and Partnership Development at Connecticut State Community College; Melanie Dixon, executive director of Project Attain and former president of American River College; and Rebecca "Becky" Opsata, the current Vice President of Instruction at Laney College.
submitted by theperaltacitizen to u/theperaltacitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:27 theperaltacitizen New Vice President leadership at Laney announced

New Vice President leadership at Laney announced
Laney: On April 29, Laney College President Rudy Besikof announced his selection of Lily Espinoza for Vice President of Student Services and Ashish Sahni for Vice President of Administrative Services, pending board approval. Public forums were held on campus and on zoom on April 8 and 9, where the finalist candidates for Vice President of Students Services and Vice President of Administrative Services were able to introduce themselves and answer questions from the board.
submitted by theperaltacitizen to u/theperaltacitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:25 Independent_Yak_7303 Advice for overcoming shame and social anxiety

Using a throwaway account since this is a pretty vulnerable post.
I'm a female in my early 20s, and I'm about to graduate from college with an English degree (double concentration in literature and creative writing). My tentative plan is to become a Professor of English Literature since I've always been an avid reader and writer. I'm incredibly passionate about learning and media literacy, and there's few things I love more than discussing art and helping others develop a deeper appreciation for it (and vice versa -- I'm always eager to gain a new perspective on something). I have no teaching experience (yet), but I feel like I have a lot of potential in this field.
Here's the thing, though: I struggle with intense feelings of social anxiety and shame. I have very little work experience due to feeling incompetent outside of my wheelhouse in English. Because I'm so anxious in social situations, I struggle to be present and often say/do things that come across as "ditzy" or awkward. I'm very afraid of how I'm being perceived, so I internally freak out -- I'm stuck inside my head instead of being present with those around me (other students, professors, coworkers, acquaintances, basically anyone who isn't in my close circle of friends and family). I feel like I have a reputation of being elusive, isolated, and/or sketchy because I tend to keep to myself and people pick up on my nervous energy (hence the "sketchy" vibes). I have internalized these feelings of incompetency and awkwardness and, as a result, my self-esteem is very low. I have been labeled as socially inept and unintelligent, and I often worry that these things are true. These feelings are made worse by my tendency to compare myself to others. While I know comparison is a losing game, I can't help but observe the accomplishments and talents of others and see the deficit of those things in myself... I recognize that this is an unhealthy mindset and am working hard to change that. I'm often my own worst enemy, so I'm trying to practice self-compassion in order to grow and become a more authentic, uninhibited version of myself. I know that, in order to achieve my goals (e.g., become a better writer, improve social skills, become a professor one day), I need to cultivate more confidence and self-trust. I've carried these feelings of shame for a long time, so it's going to take awhile to deconstruct them, but I'm trying to trust the process and believe in a brighter future.
Also, some context that may or may not be important: I'm in therapy and it's been a great resource. My therapist and I think that I could be on the autism spectrum as well. I'm not currently diagnosed so I hesitate to mention it, but I feel like it explains a lot of my discomfort socializing, the intense "special interest" in my field of study, and my heightened sensitivity (emotional and physical sensitivity -- I get overstimulated easily).
Here are some general questions I have for y'all, but feel free to share whatever insight you feel is appropriate:
What advice do you have for someone struggling with intense shame and social anxiety? How do you detach from other people's perception of you? How do you build genuine, lasting self-esteem?
Also, if there are any professors and/or writers here, what advice do you have for a fledgling undergrad?!
submitted by Independent_Yak_7303 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:07 kolbywg My Fellow (Immortal) Americans: The President gives a speech about a proposed raise in the minimum “time wage” and its effect on those who plan to live forever.

submitted by kolbywg to FreeEBOOKS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:03 squirrelintoronto Racism toward Asians happens at George Brown College

Please allow me to post this message to those from Asian countries going to George Brown College to pursue a career path or study. I want to express my concerns based on my experience as a recent graduate of GBC.
I previously received insulting comments about China from one of the racists in the classroom during the middle of the class, especially during the presentation time. I myself am from Korea and used to live in Japan; however, the racist who spent two years in the same classroom could spit out all hateful comments about China toward me, like the time that COVID happened, even if it was not the individual's fault.
That racist did not apologize or take any action; even the students around them tried to stop them. I asked the professor to make the announcement that racism happened, but no apology came to my end. After reaching out to the professor to talk to them, however, they just sent short and insincere messages, and later rudely poked me and kept insisting that they sent the mail to me, which was obviously not how people apologize to someone.
I contacted the Anti-racist department and the associate dean to escalate the situation. Still, the anti-racist department said that everyone has the freedom to speak what they want, and the insincere and rude email was already a matter. "Teachers took action, so they did their job.".
I have received racism, sexism, and comments against my religious belief in terms of out-of-the-classroom settings from people in the classroom. Still, racism can happen in the classroom, and no one is gonna take responsibility for what they have spoken under the name of "freedom." I know that hate speech can happen anywhere and anytime, and this is not only about Asians but also other ethnicities and races. However, based on my experience, I know that your identity and yourself can be marginalized in the classroom, and no one can help you solve the issue; I sincerely hope that people who are attending GBC are safe from that prejudice. On the other hand, if you just want to be a racist, GBC might be the best place to be yourself.
submitted by squirrelintoronto to georgebrowncollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:02 jor3lofkrypton (Comedy Central) JOHN F. KENNEDY, Jr. For Vice President 2024?! Per QAnon? WTF? . .

(Comedy Central) JOHN F. KENNEDY, Jr. For Vice President 2024?! Per QAnon? WTF? . . submitted by jor3lofkrypton to politicalsoup [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:01 Boring-Suggestions Timers not allowed?

Hey guys!
I’ve taken 3 AP tests so far (stats, APUSH, precal) and on all three tests I haven’t been allowed to use my timer. It’s just a stopwatch and it doesn’t beep. When they read out the speech they have to give, they’ve all said “no timers of any kind allowed” or something like that. Has anyone else had this problem? I’m just so confused because it says I can bring a timer on college boards website.
submitted by Boring-Suggestions to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:43 Right_Treat691 Trump Says He’d Deport ‘Anti-American’ Protesters in Bizarre Rally Speech

The former president also praised the "late, great" (fictional) serial killer Hannibal Lecter during his rally in Wildwood, New Jersey
While speaking about Israel’s war in Gaza during a campaign rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Saturday, Trump criticized the pro-Palestine protests on American college campuses, saying, “When I’m president, we will not allow colleges to be taken over by violent radicals.”
Trump also alleged the campus protesters are being funded by President Joe Biden’s political donors, echoing a Politico story that Rolling Stone debunked. He has previously compared the campus protesters at Columbia University to the Jan. 6 insurrectionists, although he distinguishes the former as destructive and damaging and the latter group as “unbelievable patriots.”
submitted by Right_Treat691 to BreakingPoints [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:30 rusakovic 📩 Vice President, Sales at 🏢 DUPLO. Salary: 💰$100K - $150K. 📍Remote job in 🌏 Worldwide

📩 Vice President, Sales at 🏢 DUPLO. Salary: 💰$100K - $150K. 📍Remote job in 🌏 Worldwide submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments]