Moshi monsters codes to get items for the game

My Singing Monsters

2013.05.13 04:27 chill_cosby My Singing Monsters

A subreddit for questions, tips, comments, fanart, memes, and miscellaneous content relating to the game My Singing Monsters and its related games!

2018.06.18 23:42 Infinitrize PokemonGoFriends

A place for Trainers to exchange Friend Codes, organize remote raids, and build Friendships.

2012.10.04 16:31 zubrin The Simpsons Tapped Out

This is a community for discussing items related to The Simpsons: Tapped Out mobile game.

2024.05.15 15:37 ADeadMansName 14.10 early item/champ overview

Hi there,
With 14.10 just getting out I went through the super early data by hand and looked for item performances that stand out on the 1st item slot (for other item slots we mostly lack data). I also loocked through some champs and Classes to find out who improved and who didn't:
This is still very early and you will get more intel in my post about the overall impact this patch had in around 2 days. But I wanted to give people some help with their item choices when it comes to the item changes and which item to rush and what is OP right now and what to avoid.
submitted by ADeadMansName to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:37 RationalSchizo812020 *PSA* Real life Street Stars: Possibly a Controlled Influencer Psyop

*If anyone takes the time to read and would like to share, feel free to repost and accept the credit, I don't have enough karma to share anywhere else relevant and could care less. All I ask is that you repost it in full and not cherry pick the information you agree or disagree with or whatever will get the most karma. I would like to avoid exactly what I'm describing in the post below. If any claims I make turn out to be false, I'll update and eat my words.*
(I obscured celebrity and influencer names to prevent fans from seeing the post and flagging it)
I saw someone posted an interview with (O *rlando Brow *n) from the channel Real life street Stars and wanted to put out a little PSA for this community. The channel has recently been growing in subscribers because of a 2020 interview with a 90's R&B artist named (J -aguar W r:ight ), who claims to have suffered abuse of all types that she during her time in the industry, and claims she was blacklisted for fighting back. Now she claims she's been on a mission for the last 20 years to bring down the vast networks of famous sex criminals she has firsthand knowledge of. In her first two interviews she speaks pretty eloquently and drops a lot of facts about the industry. Enough to get people sucked in. You'll see in her latest interviews the lady is clearly struggling heavily with some serious mental health and rumored substance issues.
I truly have empathy for her and (O rland,o B row-n,) because they are obvious examples of the Hollywood machine chewing up celebrities, especially with mental illness, and spitting them out. Both of them have publicly struggled for years, and around 2020, were both homeless and started doing YouTube interviews with obscure content creators where they were paid next to nothing to share their traumas with their viewers and creators who use these traumas to form false narratives and clickbait video titles that either are completely false or that are buried in an 8 hour live stream containing a thirty second audio clip that was stolen and reposted from another exploitative content creator's interview. Not only is it taking money out of their pockets, but also monetizing off their trauma, stealing their content and viewers, and harming their credibility even further due to them being blatantly false or misleading the viewers into thinking their all day live stream talking about the aforementioned video and accompanied by a slideshow is the primary source. One thing I've learned is most people will believe or immediately dismiss most information without even trying to read it. If you choose to go down this rabbit hole you should definitely start with their Insta pages and check out the last couple months. Without people majorly censoring and heavily editing their content, you can tell that they are doing this intentionally to hide the fact they are exploiting trauma survivors for petty cash. If you're still not wary, start with their latest interviews they're both total shit shows. Recently with the (Di +ddy stuff and Ka;tt William ,s) interview going viral, the channel "real life street stars" has blown up. Even more so in the last couple weeks with all the K- Anon stuff attracting people to their channels. If you choose to go down the rabbit hole I just beg you to please research ANY claims from ANY content creator and find a source before sharing. A lot of the time they are spitting celebrity fan fiction juxtaposed with occasional pieces of truth and (Jagua /r Wri /ght) was pretty damn convincing until about a year ago.
A lot of people get sucked in with ( Jag !uar W !right's ) first two interviews because she clearly had them prepared for a long time and was reading from a script. Now she's just exploiting the algorithm and spamming clickbait interviews with the craziest titles possible, thus contributing to the same exploitation she claims to be fighting against. This is not to say all her claims are bullshit, both most are recycled 90s and early 2000's gossip that is new to Gen z mixed with any breaking celebrity news or gossip that is big in the media. To make her stories sound more legit she'll Forrest Gump her way into every story and leading people into believing she was a big time celebrity, but these interviews and her instragram scamming are what she's most known for. The last interview she claims to have taken a boat to Epstein Island where she rescued two young girls who were trafficked and then talks about the Dark Web, "Red Rooms," that are pretty well known to be internet myths because if they were real they'd be invite only and require blackmail to access so no one is gonna talk about it even if they do exist. It amazed how many videos popped up overnight repeating her claims as facts and spreading the virus of media manipulation. If you're still thinking, "Hey, you never know!" She also claims these snuf. f videos and videos of celebrity orgies sell for 500 million dollars, which would be enough to build a whole chain of your own red rooms or throw your own Hollywood sex parties and join the fun. I know some people will probably still be curious, but just watch her 2020 interview the rest are trash, also anything with (O r.lando B,rown) is recycled lies mixed with more lies, with a couple buzzwords he's probably required to say so they can add trending topics to their video tags and get a lascivious title.
Another recent example of blatant manipulation is all the shit with (D j A ^kademics) the past couple days. His court records have been public for months with a vivid description of him and two friends drugging and raping a girl that was obviously premeditated and not his first rodeo. He is also now being sued for defamation because he pretty much told his fans she was drunk and asking for it then regretted it later and went on to say he didn't even know she was at the house until the next morning and blamed it on his friends. Meanwhile the court documents clearly show a rap with an e kit being administered and them finding his spermicide which was the same type found in the r word kit. They also describe video evidence of his two friends doing the same thing while she was unconscious, but he screenshotted a section and posted it in his defense saying clearly she was down. There are also identical allegations to the ones made against (D-rake) stating he has a history of hitting up sixteen year olds and grooming them until they turn eighteen and repeated history of similar drug related s. crimes. It took one post on his twitter and his fans started harassing the poor girl for months. The same thing happened to the lady who was a victim of (N$icki Min _aj's) husband who was doxxed by her fans for not dropping the charges. The next day AK was acting like it was all gravy and if anything gained even more followers. This is a brilliant example of why (Dra! ke's) line about being too famous to be a predator is so stupid. Almost as stupid as blatantly defaming the woman who appears to have more the enough evidence to beat him in a civil suit. Which is almost as stupid as he pretended to be during the (e- bony kin g) livestream where he was obviously ignoring the thousands of comments mentioning anything related to sexual crimes, while talking shit on the guy who successfully blackmailed his handler even after possibly being blackmailed himself on the same stream. This stupidity can only be surpassed by the millions of fans who are still watching his content instead of the news and continue regurgitating the lies of someone so fucking stupid who is most likely a s offender. These are the same ones who automatically dismissed the rumors and instantly believed the dog in the kennel story, the same who believed his alibi, and the same people who are the reason most survivors don't come forward and choose not to accept inconvenient truths right in front of their eyes.
Interestingly enough the site containing A.k's full court documents were offline for hours last night and a certain sight has banned reposting it for fear of doxxing, another great way to quell any dissent amongst the the ranks. Server's crashing often happens when there is a huge influx of web traffic or a site has been a victim of a DDOS attack, which is just an artificial version of the former that uses bots instead of people. I could talk forever about how fucked things are, but this is simply the world we live in. I really want to drive home the point that in order for any movement to retain credibility, everyone needs to stop sharing any type of info unless they're from a verified, reputable source and define the difference between facts and your opinions as clearly as possible. A couple million hits on youtube, twitter memes and tiktoks, and gossip blogs with broad information being deciphered by mostly idiots don't count as credible. Most of these influencers and blogs have been bought and paid for years ago and usually are biased toward certain celebrities based on the perception of whoever's sharing or whoever pays them the most. For a while now rumors have been circulating of influencers doing shady shit in Dubai for the ultra wealthy. Lot's of ties were made to Dra .ke, but have very little supporting evidence. The blind items containing the rumors also made it so anyone could decode the clues, and as soon as these posts made it on to the Kendric kl amar the moderator crew began the "conspiracy," crackdown. It took one mention of q-anon and the majority of the community jumped ship out of fear of association because "Q-anon bad, they're all scizophrenic." Overnight theories that once had been consensus were completely dismissed after being deemed conspiratorial. A couple of days later, the were forced to place a blanket ban on anything them deem, "conspiracies," regardless of it's validity due to their inability to moderate the amount of incoming posts which are almost always spammed at least ten times a day for the next week. This is the exact thing that was done with q, anon and pizzagat, e stuff back in the day. They'd find the nuttiest people to use as an example so they could paint the whole movement in the same light, then dismissed all related information, and completely censored any discussion on most major platforms. I don't subscribe to either, but they were undeniably on to something. The problem was the disinformation campaigns and general stupidity. One was quashed almost overnight because a crazy guy shot into the front window of a pizza shop and it somehow hit their computer and obliterate their hard drive containing possible evidence. The lessons is truth in every lie and it's not hard to find if you know where to look, it's what you do with it that defines who you are as a person. Some people can't handle the truth because it conflict's with their world view and those who do usually suffer because of it. If everyone does their part though, no one would have to die a martyr in its pursuit.
I've noticed a recent pattern of influencers proliferating the spread of false information especially in relation to any sa allegations. This trend really took off when (Kat -t Will/iams's) interview went viral and helped to revitalize his career and reputation. Since then many copycats have come out of the woodworks, hoping to cash in on the trend. Some other common media suppression trends and manipulation tactics to watch out for are synthetic smear campaigns dedicated to destroying the credibility of anyone with alternative beliefs, and it's gotten exponentially worse throughout the years. A great example is all the shit (Y,e). had to deal with through the years, even prior to his antisemitic remarks and all the other famous people who spoke up about their industries and were silenced. (D av+e Chapp? elle) used to talk a lot about the tactics used to humiliate and destroy many influential black men who dared to challenge the system. Another case that's similar to Ak's is the (T/or y La^ne z and M ,egan T (hee Stallio, n) trial. If you look at the court records, it's obvious the shooting was part of a larger altercation. He still might have shot her, but she at the least totally lied her ass off about the actual story to avoid incriminating friends while ensuring they could hit him with a ten year sentence. Not long after (Me ..gan THE" E S !tallion) won three Grammy's and was voted woman of the year, then disappeared off the face of the earth until her manager sued her a couple weeks ago for having sex in front of him and threatening his job over it. There are countless other celebrities and influencers who are clearly wiling to say anything for money, and those who aren't usually have some blackmail on them. There is such an abundance of glaringly obvious disinformation campaigns in the media and most are accepted as gospel without question or are suppressed if they reveal too much, raise too many questions, or start to sway public opinion. Another very common example of this phenomena is the mass release of information that paints a positive image of the celebrity while containing the same buzzwords related to controversies they don't want popping up on anywhere near the top of Google. This keeps any relevant information limited to the most recent AI generated bullshit that plays the algorithm game the best. While doing my investigation, it was unbelievably difficult finding any relevant information from before 2020, and often had to use Duckduckgo to filter out any articles written after 2023. Even then every search engine required extremely specific search terms, which would often still provide me with the exact same results. It got so bad I considered switching to Yandex.
Recently all the things I've discussed have seemingly been kicked into overdrive, especially over the last few weeks. This leads me to believe that a lot more is going down behind the scenes than most realize. I believe the day will come soon when everyone who actively fought to dismiss peoples opinions out of ignorance will be forced to accept these truths whether they like it or not I was a victim myself last week when I shared a detailed, neutral commentary on a rap feud and was shadow banned from a popular subreddit and ignored by it's moderators. This same subreddit is currently deleting any and all information related to the subject I covered. This is why I wanted to raise awareness if this doesn't get suppressed as well. Karma requirements and shadow bans that can sometimes circumvent the use of Vpn's on all connect devices, lead me to believe Reddit as a whole may also be at least partially compromised.
Chances are the same people who promote biased garbage and obvious lies are the same ones who will scroll right past any post containing more then three sentences and the ones who spread any lie they are told without question and accept everything at face value. My personal favorites are the ones who don't read past the title and clog up the comments while obscuring valuable information because they want the spark note version. This is all by design. They are the sheep the government count on to help them consolidate their wealth and power. More and more people are waking every day though. I encourage anyone new to conspiracies to really keep all this in mind going forward, especially with the proliferation of AI powered disinformation bots that dominate your front pages and control the majority of content. If you want to fight against this and keep your freedom of speech, this is a call to arms. To anyone who values the truth, the powers that be will do anything they can to try to censor any public dissidence. Remain steady in your search for truth, and learn how to effectively help other join you in lifting the veil. Stay strong in your convictions and don't allow other's to moderate your options, your beliefs, or your truth.
Thanks for Reading
-The Original Random Moniker
submitted by RationalSchizo812020 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:37 Recklessred7 Baldur's Gate 2 gold "cheat"

Baldur's Gate 2 gold
Do you consider this cheating?
When coming out of Irenicus' Dungeon, you sell all your gear to the fence who appears at night in Waukeen's Promenade. Steal it back. Sell and repeat.
When you have enough dosh you go the Adventure Mart, and buy the Plate of Balduran, which sells for 10k gold to the fence. Rinse and repeat first process.
I've completed this game more than ten times. So I want to get the best items early to make it the most enjoyable experience.
Would be interested to hear people's thoughts.
submitted by Recklessred7 to baldursgate [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:34 Twant TOA Hell May 2024 Rotation

I finished Rank 1 this month. Most seemed to struggle with stage 7 and maybe 9. Thanks to all the people who rushed, it was fun.
If you prefer or need a more f2p approach to Toa Hell rather than a speedrun approach I would recommend you to wait for u/AncientDragon1 guide.
In game and on twitch I am known as sogukpolar. You can see my playthrough here.
Stage 1 Laima
immune to cooldown/no passives
This stage is the easiest as enemy speeds aren't as high. So the restrictions don’t do much. I went with a high damage control comp but you can probably pick whatever as long as you deny the enemy their turns.
Stage 2 Aschubel
Silence at the start/immunity at the start of battle
Annoying restrictions if you do not have Tiana or Giana. Other than that there is not much to say here. Let Vero go first to cleanse the silence the proceed with your stripper. The stats of the enemy monsters arent as high as in the later stages so any stripper should do the trick. Shaman is much better than spectra here damage wise. If you need more sustain pick Tetra instead of Veromos.
Stage 3 Mugwol
immune to inability/immune to cooldown
I went in quite risky for the speed. A much safer option would be Herne instead of Amber for oblivions and heals. Bolverk teams are also a very popular option in this stage and is also viable. It seems much slower though to me.
Stage 4 Odin
Will at start/Counter buff
This stage seems new but I am not quite sure. Anyway, if you want a safer option go with another control unit like cp instead of Amber. I am not sure if this can be Bolverked. There are too many heals for that imo. It also would be quite slow. Control is much easier to handle.
Stage 5 Manannan
+200% crit dmg/counter buff at start
Pretty much the same as the previous stage. Another control unit instead of Amber makes it much safer but slower.
Stage 6 Miles
1 turn debuffs/immune to atb altering effects
Disregard the will runes in the wasves. I took those pictures from another month. Not having the will restriction makes it a lot easier though. This team is op and can be used in most stages where you can't use atb altering effects. Though is gonna do a lot of damage once Shizuka does her 3rd skill because of all the buffs on the field so watch out for that.This probably can be Bolverked as well but I didn't wanna bother with the 1st wave.
Stage 7 Mei Hou Wang
25% chance to stun/15% atb per hit
This seems to be the stage where everbody struggled. I tried different teams and the MVP in the was Water Geralt. Fr his 3rd skill on bosses is nothing less than op because it only has a 2 turn cd on unit you cannot stun. He has def break on 2nd and atk break on 1st skill as well so can set himself up for his nuke quite well. I tried Bolverking it as well but lacked the heal block in the end. Gapsoo does a lot of dmg though with his second skill as well as MHW with his stacks so I am not sure if it is viable. Let me know in the comments if it is
Stage 8 Asima
+40% atk if an ally dies/immune to cooldown
Disregard the silence debuffs. I took those pictures from another month. Having said that without silence this stage is quite easy. There is a bit of rng with with wind monkeys but if you are able to kill the dark poison masters before they get a turn it should be fine. This can be Bolverked for sure. Make sure to bring enough immunity.
Stage 9 Valantis
Immunity at start/15% atb per hit
I Struggled with this stage as well in the beginning until I realized that Haegang is op, not just in RTA but now in TOA as well. You can probably imagine how the fight looked. Strip then cleanse constantly into gaining atb, cutting the opponent and buffing again lmao. He made this stage free tbh. Try it for yourself.
Stage 10 Ath'taros
3000 reflect damage/no buffs
This can be double or triple string mastered but I thought that this was faster. This was aloso the first time I hit 3 oblivions in a row on Douglas lol. Build your dark homunculus very tanky with -light dmg. If you use Bolverk prioritze killing Tetra in the first wave. If Douglas is dead with only Tetra remaining you can't pass the wave. You can't use Bolverk because of the no buff restriction but you alson don't need him because the enemy monsters kill themselves
Good luck and thank you for reading!
If you have further questions feel free to ask.
Everybody is on Violent. Except Tetra and Tiana are on swift, Pontos is on Despair and Shaman on blade swift hp, crit dmd, def.
Q: What skills does your Dark Homunculus have and is she fully skilled? A: Yes, she is fully skilled and has the uppermost skills in the skill tree.
Q: What string master should I use? A: Light>Wind>Fire in that order.
submitted by Twant to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:34 lbabinz [PSN] Digital PlayStation Game Sale

PlayStation Indies Sale
Item Price MSRP % Off History*
2064 Read Only Memories $6.74 $26.99 75% off Lowest price $4.04 on 2021-2-17
3 Game Arcade Bundle $11.19 $15.99 30% off Matches low
502s Arcade $10.79 $13.49 20% off New Lowest
A Hat In Time $19.99 $39.99 50% off Matches low
A Little To The Left $15.99 $19.99 20% off New Lowest
A Short Hike $6.59 $10.99 40% off Matches low
A Space For The Unbound $16.19 $26.99 40% off New Lowest
A Space For The Unbound $16.19 $26.99 40% off New Lowest
Abriss Build To Destroy $18.89 $26.99 30% off New Lowest
Abz $9.44 $26.99 65% off Lowest price $6.74 on 2021-9-1
Adam Wolfe $29.99 $39.99 25% off New Lowest
Adam Wolfe $29.99 $39.99 25% off New Lowest
Adams Venture Origins $1.99 $19.99 90% off Matches low
Air Twister $20.09 $33.49 40% off New Lowest
Air Twister $20.09 $33.49 40% off New Lowest
Aircraft Carrier Survival $6.74 $26.99 75% off New Lowest
Alina Of The Arena Ps4 Ps5 $13.99 $19.99 30% off Matches low
Alisa Developers Cut $19.19 $23.99 20% off New Lowest
Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey $13.37 $53.49 75% off Matches low
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Anglerfish $8.09 $13.49 40% off New Lowest
Anglerfish $8.09 $13.49 40% off New Lowest
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Another World 20th Anniversary Edition $3.84 $7.99 51% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2019-1-7
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Aragami 2 $26.74 $53.49 50% off Lowest price $21.39 on 2023-11-27
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Arcade Game Zone $26.79 $33.49 20% off Matches low
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Dungeon Party $4.39 $5.49 20% off New Lowest
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Evil Nun The Broken Mask $18.89 $26.99 30% off New Lowest
Evil Nun The Broken Mask $18.89 $26.99 30% off New Lowest
Exit The Gungeon $4.04 $13.49 70% off New Lowest
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Fade To Silence $9.99 $66.99 85% off Matches low
Fallen Legion Revenants $18.72 $53.49 65% off New Lowest
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submitted by lbabinz to VideoGameDealsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:31 casefilesofVJ The Love Tunnel

Every kid growing up in Gympie in the early 90- 2000s knew about the Love Tunnel.
The love tunnel was located over the hill from the skatepark on the Riverbank. It was a massive storm water drain filled with spray paint and lore unbound throughout the generations; the glowing dick, whose name is the furthest in, the people who live inside, the bull shark that lived under the bridge just outside, all that fun stuff.
It collapsed in the late 2000’s in a flood and was eventually rebuilt, but it was all fancy, modern, safe and not the same. Back in the day it had decades of graffiti, crumbling cement, jagged metal pole framing bent and jutting out from the sides. You know, real character.
I remember when I was just a kid at the skatepark and I spotted a bunch of other kids at the metal grating of a drain. I joined them and gazed down a few metres to some older teenagers, they had trekked through this “love tunnel” under the massive hill all this way. Badass I thought. LEGENDARY.
I talked about it at school, about this mysterious “love tunnel”. It was in view from the road when I crossed the bridge everyday on my daily commutes from the backseat of mums car.
I would gaze down at the weir and see the top of the love tunnel, sliightly hidden from view by a hill. It fascinated me.
I learned all these mysterious tales; this person slept with this person there, someone took a dump at the entrance and some other girl stood in it and now she had a nickname, someone found needles, another found a homeless woman and she screamed at them. I was pumped for the next weekend. I was going to go see it for myself.
I saw too much.
Early Saturday morning I was riding my push bike through town and toward destination adventure! I started out at the skatepark, met up with a few of the regulars, a mix of 5-19y/o everyone on the half pipes and ramps had a code of comrady that I've never found in a public place anywhere else and you always had someone to hang with.
My usual crew slowly arrived through the morning, a bunch of other 10/11 year old misfits like myself and we headed on our first place on our journey, Hungry Jacks. Now we never technically stole, we found a loophole…
One or two would order a stunner meal, then we'd take privilege of the free refills and fill up the empty plastic 4L juice jugs that we all had prepped in our backpacks. Coke and red Fanta for days.
So we got our supplies and headed behind HJ, past the volleyball courts and headed down a bush track down to the river.
We walked along the banks to loop back down to where the bridge was, we passed a few teenagers fishing and a couple other groups of kids swinging from rope swings into the water or huddled in groups smoking things they shouldn't.
We eventually arrived at the weir and the stormwater drain that I had been so intrigued by. The Love Tunnel.
Climbing up the hill and seeing it up close when you were just a tiny human. It was like staring into the dark abyss of hell.
There was a small stream of water flowing out of the big grey cylinder and it was covered in multicolored quotes and crude pictures that was very eye opening at the time.
Our voices echoed as one by one we climbed up the grassy, eroding clay edging that was the makeshift path into the mouth that probably changed each time it rained. Each of us had pulled out clumps of grass that we thought were handholds. If you fell, you fell down an embankment of slippery jagged rocks poking out from the fast flowing river.
So were inside and began to walk a couple of metres in then around us the light abruptly disappeared into complete darkness. And I remember the way the sounds traveled you could feel it through your chest it was mesmerizing.
I remember bravely stepping into the darkness and taking five or six steps in. That thick darkness was something else, I ran myself back to that entrance and light, heart pounding from the adrenaline.
This turned into a game of who could go in the furthest. This stopped when one of the boys screamed out from the darkness in pain.
He was back in the light teary eyed a few moments later wet on one side and feigning a laugh. He'd slipped down and cut open his knee, it was hilarious. We teased him saying he was going to get gangrene and leprosy and a myriad of other ailments we had no idea actually was.
We decided to bail, we forgot torches, we didn't plan that part out too well, and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon being little menaces.
We met the next day with a game plan, we had an array of various sized torches, from small ones that didn't do anything, one of those giant rectangle ones that was our main light source, a couple of handheld ones, one which flickered and the other stopped working before we even got into the tunnel.
We got in safely and tested out our torches and began walking into the unknown. It was pretty much the same as before, but there were strange things, old makeshift bongs, shopping bags, random shoes, a shopping trolley, a mattress that was all moldy and rotted. I still to this day do not understand how people managed to get that shit in there.
We passed a section where someone had thrown a can of red paint all over the walls, the amount of those ‘S’ symbols was more terrifying.
We saw light up ahead, we were passing our first grate. It was kind of daunting looking up towards it. Even getting on each other's shoulders we couldn't reach. There was an array of broken beer bottles and glass was everywhere, under the grate was a dead snake amongst some debris.
We had a debate whether to go further, we ended up going on at least until the next grate, we came to a fork, one seemed like a smaller offshoot so we stuck to the bigger side.
There were more offshoots and we came to a part where the big pipes split off into three under another grate. We gazed up hoping to get an identifier of our location, but all we could see was blue. We called out to see if we could get anyone's attention.
“Cooooweeee” we shouted in unison, the sound echoing in all directions.
We were laughing and having a grand time until something shouted back, something that still shakes me to my core to this day.
Some yobbo crackhead chick in her fifties with this ratty pink tank top that was all stretched half showing her saggy titties. “What the fuck you think you little cunts doing down here.” This chick screeched at us through her few teeth or something along the lines of that. She just exploded at us with a barrage of threats.
We were shocked silenced moving together to make one mass.
One of the boys screamed when a skinny guy emerged from the darkness. He was covered in tattoos with scraggly hair and a beard, he was all crazy eyed and pantless.
Someone yelled out to run and it was all the motivation we needed.
We could hear them screaming and the guy ran after us, we heard glass shattering behind us, they must have thrown a bottle. We were legging it.
We got split up in our running, I fell down, tripping over some rubbish, one mate stayed back to help me, this left us without a torch. We came across the same kid who slipped over yesterday, he had slipped down again cutting open his other knee. He wore those with badges of honor at school, but he was blubbering like a baby at this point.
He had the flickering torch and it disoriented us more than helped, as it turned on and off every time he took a step. I thought we were lost but we found the other grate, then eventually the entrance.
The others were already climbed down, we were soon by their side panting in the grass and wiping away our tears so the others couldn't see.
We ran back over to the skatepark and immediately told every kid we saw.
That was the wildest shit we had ever experienced. Sure we’d seen crazy up on the street but to have it jump out at you from the shadows in a storm water drain was next level.
By that night one of the other boys had spilled to his parents about our escapades and a couple of other mums got phone calls, three got in trouble, two of us didn't, including me.
I never stepped foot back in that tunnel, I swam at the weir more times than I could count afterwards though and never encountered anyone else too sketchy.
I think only a year or two later I saw on the news people dying in storm water drains somewhere else in Aus, we never realized how dangerous they could be back then. Lol.
Every party or get together afterwards it was a crowd favorite to bring up. It was a good conversation starter and joined the tales amongst my friends of the weird shit that happens in ‘Helltown’.
Growing up and looking back they were probably just homeless drug addicts freaked out from a bunch of children's voices yelling out coooweee from the underground where they thought they were alone. That would have scared the shit outta me if I was them.
Good times.
.VJ - in 2012 two women tragically passed away when they were exploring the tunnels and got swept away when a wild storm cell hit. Pictures of the upgraded version of the 'love tunnel' can be found in corresponding news articles.
submitted by casefilesofVJ to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:18 HybridMemorieZ Buzzing noise or coil whine?

so i upgraded my pc with new psu - graphics card - ram - ssds mother board is the only old thing left in the pc
no buzzing or coil whine when i put the new items in pc
downloaded a demo game from steam start the game then the pc screens freezes and my speakers make a du du du du sound the screens black out for 5 secs then come back on
and now i have really bad buzzing noise in my pc under load light buzzing and gaming loud buzzing some times theres more buzzing when moving the mouse
i had a crash one other time from a game like the one above but that never did any thing to the pc
all the new items are only 3 months old i have put my ear to the psu no buzzing when i have no games on and when i have games on no buzzing coming from it
if i turn off all the fans its there and if i put my ears to the back side i can hear it more
i have put the frame caps to 144hz did the same in games and put vsync on did the undervolt to the gpu the day i got it i have tired ddu many times and its still there and i have tired ddu and taking the card out and putting it back in
i have both 8 pin and 6 pin using there own power cables in the rx 6700 tx
so would the rx 6700 tx just get coil whine from a game crashing the pc or maybe the old mother board has the coil whine
would a clean windows do anything or sould i try getting my self a newer mother board and see if its still there
my pc
submitted by HybridMemorieZ to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:17 Christerpapa Trying to get fixed overlay (on hover) to exit/close on mouse out

Trying to get fixed overlay (on hover) to exit/close on mouse out
Resting state
What its supposed to look like (just hovered over first item)
What happens when you hover over the others
Hi! I am trying to get this effect where I have a bunch of rows (scrollable) and when I hover over them, I get this fullscreen image appearing on top of them, in the same place each time. It’s for a portfolio. I was trying to validate the idea before committing to it.
I tried various methods but was limited a bit as I want to use the cms functionality since I will have a lot of these rows and want them to be filterable, plus manageable in the future.
The best solution I came up with was to use the fixed overlay functionality. Which I can get to “almost” work. As it works on hover as expected and with the CMS. However now the images won’t disappear when I hover away or mouse exit. They just stay there, causing all sorts of chaos. Is there a way to make the overlay close on the mouse exit? I tried making a code override using ChatGPT, but with no luck.
Can anyone help please?
Here is a preview of what is going on and trying to achieve:
Remix link:
Some images above to help visualise.
submitted by Christerpapa to framer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:15 ContentCosmonaut Trying to make separate pieces of text clickable to show hook, click again to hide hook and change text

I am trying to make a piece of text clickable [click to expand] and when clicked, it shows 2 hidden hooks and changes the text to [click to collapse]. Then clicking [click to collapse] hides the previously shown 2 hooks and changed the text to [click to expand]. This way the user can show and hide these hooks whenever.
And to be honest I did get it to work. The problem arises that I can’t just use a general expand/collapse, because it’s very likely the user might have 2 or more instances of expand/collapse items and so I need to be able to tie the specific expand/collapse to the individual items.
I’ve used just naming hooks, click-rerun, change, replace, nth, either, and even cycling links to try and tie the specific hooks to expand/collapse to their items, all with varying degrees of success/failure. I even made the click to expand and click to collapse their own hooks, but that ended with after clicking to collapse, click to expand just disappeared.
My set-up is like this:
Item1 Text text [click to expand] hook1)[] hook2)[]
Item2 Text text [click to expand] hook3)[] hook4)[]
Hook 1 & 2 should only show when Item 1’s click to expand is selected, and only that click to expand be changed to click to collapse.
I’m not at my computer at the moment, but I will update this with my codes that I’ve tried and whatnot as soon as I am. About an hour or so from now. I just thought I would ask while I had the chance and remembered to, since I’ve been meaning to ask this for a couple days.
Edit: idk if it matters, but these clickable pieces of text are within a set macro.
submitted by ContentCosmonaut to twinegames [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 female_wolf Rewatching right now, and I'm not really rooting for Dexter

I don't know if it's because now I know what the ending will actually be, but the first time I watched this show, I was really rooting for him. I was obsessed with the show. I loved the whole premise of the good serial killer who killed all the bad guys and saved future innocent victims.
Now I see it in a completely different light, it's not black or white anymore. For starters, the real villain was Harry, or maybe the psychiatrist who convinced Harry to take this route with Dexter and saw him as a lab animal to test her theories on, instead of a person that needed help. All I'm wondering is, could what Dexter was, have been prevented? We all know he has a concience deep down and can’t hurt innocent people (this goes further than his code), and he goes all in for the people he supposedly “has no feelings for”. I think Dexter was deeply traumatized, and then preyed on and manipulated into thinking he’s a monster who can’t be fixed. He absolutely deserved better.
But it is what it is. No matter the reason Dexter ended the way he was, at the end he was a serial killer. And a lot of innocent people were destroyed because of his actions. Surely he also saved a lot of them, but that still doesn’t make it OK.
I just finished season 2. I found myself rooting for Doakes instead, despite knowing exactly how it would end for him. Sure, he was angry all the time, I couldn’t really stand him or his outbursts, but deep down his heart was in a good place. He was a good man, and he even felt some sort of compassion towards Dexter at the end. He didn’t fake it, I think he saw how troubled Dexter really was and that he wasn’t inherently evil, so he felt sorry for him to some extend. I just don't think he deserved his ending. My first time watching, I was glad he was out of the picture and only saw him as an annoyance, but now I just felt sorry for him.
I think the writers should’ve ended that show right there, instead of killing Doakes. They should’ve let Dexter free, turning himself in, getting in touch with his demons, walking towards the light. This way Debra’s life wouldn’t have been destroyed, Rita wouldn’t have died, La Guerta wouldn’t have been killed, Astor and Cody would still have a mother and Dexter wouldn’t die at the hands of his own son at the end, while living a life in hiding and in regret all alone with ghosts to keep him company. He probably would have had a lot of groupies, like all serial killers do, and he would get the acceptance he so desperately craved without hiding who he actually is. I don’t know if it would’ve been the perfect ending, but as sure as hell it would have been a way better ending than the one we actually got.
I don’t think I can keep watching season 3, I just wish the show ended in a completely different way. It was unfair to the innocent people who got hurt along the way, but mostly it was unfair to Dexter. He was never allowed to be himself, or accepted, or truly loved. I don't know if he would've been loved if everything was out in the open, but it would've been nice to see what would happen if his mask was off.
submitted by female_wolf to Dexter [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:10 Charming-Airport-105 Another question if I may, are you supposed to be this weak after completing the main story?

Just about every monster in the over world can 1shot me lol, I'm guessing this is to force players to do the dragon lair right?
Some monsties I'm interested start to appear post game so I immediately searched them out only to get one shot by a black tigrex XD, all high rank monsters take awhile and hit hard.
It took a few days but I've managed to find some deviants in the overworld that I'm interested in. (took even longer since I look for rainbow eggs mostly... though I assumed most were in coop because of what utube guides mentioned so I was surprised.)
This game has been fun so far and even after beating it. (Though the difficulty spike has me dodging mosters while egg hunting lol.)
submitted by Charming-Airport-105 to MonsterHunterStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:09 gank5031 I turned 30 and started to reminiscing about Runescape.

I turned 30 recently and like a lot of people it's been a weird one for me. I've felt some angst, anxiety over such a big milestone and been very reflective on my life so far. I decided to load up Runescape and as soon as the login music hit, it felt like I was having an out of body experience, I entered into a trance where it felt like 20+ years of RuneScape associated memories and feelings came flooding back to me.
For a brief second I felt that feeling of wonder and curiosity just like when I first started playing the game as a 9/10 year old in 2004. Me and my friends all became hooked to this larger than life games. I remember the memories of wandering around Lumbridge or Varrock taking in every interaction or NPC. We would all discuss the game on the school playground and we would recall stories of dragons and demons lurking around in the wildy. Ways to make the oh so elusive gold coin. Going to a friend's house and see their older siblings who had full rune traversing unknown lands like Karijma and looking up to them as role models as were only pesky level 20s. Flooded with memories of playing the game organically, killing 3000 cows for 3k cowhides and selling them in Al-Kharid bank for 100 gp to any of the dozens of people stuffed into each bank on each world. All so I could finally afford a rune scimitar. I would occasionally stop off at the Al-Kharis scimitar or plateleg shop to window shop. Checking sal's realms calculators in-between cow's to determine how many I needed to kill for x attack lvl.
As many of my friends stopped playing into high school, my passion for the game became stronger. I became absorbed in the RuneScape world and often used it as an escape or a crutch. The feelings of warmth and comfort the game provided me when I had a crappy day at school or at home or just being a hormonal teenager. I had friends on the game who I would talk to about life and growing up for 6+ hours a day, they knew more about my life than my IRL companions. The feeling of joy on a Saturday morning when you saw your best friend log on for a day of fishing lobsters in Karijma or cutting yews in Seers together as you both chased a 99. I'll never forget the conversations and friendships I made. I have specific memories etched in my head from 15+ years ago that make me smile like farming hellhounds for clues with my friends or meeting new friends while skill training.
I feel like a lot of people who still play this game are probably at a similar age to me and have a similar story. It's amazing how Runescape has touched so many people across the world of all different backgrounds. I lost constant with my final RuneScape friend who I knew since 2008 last year and I find myself scrolling down my friends list wondering what happened to the others. I don't get the same joy or rush of excitement when I log onto RuneScape nowadays, nor have I for the past 10 years but I still find myself coming back for stints of years or months or even weeks. I feel sad when I look back on how populated the game felt, you would always encounter a fellow player on your travels or at the local bank. Now, it feels soulless a lot of the time. I have little interaction and often play alone or feel isolated. .
I haven't played this game as consistently as I used to but I think I will now. Something about being flooded with all of those emotions and memories has made me realise what an importance Runescape has in my life. Besides my parents, it might have been the most stable constant in my life.. I've spent 20 years walking down the same paths in Varrock, killing the same monsters and grinding the same skills. It might be bizarre to someone else but to me it's completely normal
submitted by gank5031 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:09 ArashiNoShad0w A series of really unfortunate events

(First of all, this is not a rant, come have a laugh at my woes)
Yesterday, the game won. I've never seen a game actively want me to stop playing it, but that was because of something I did without knowing it would resust in the most frustrating 4 hours of my life in a game.
A little backstory: I only actively started playing during 3.23. Before that, I probably played around 6 or so hours, so there's a lot of things about the game that I don't know about. That being said...
As someone that likes trading in space sims, I started my day by doing that. I don't have a trading ship, but just before 3.23, someone gave me 2M credits so I've bought a Vulture. I took it because my alternative is a Mustang Alpha....
I've tried to go to Jumptown to buy some cargo, but couldn't make a route. I've got slightly frustrated until I realized it's not supposed to be a "know" place, you have to manually find it. After about half an hour looking and opening and closing the map dozens of time to see if I was going in the right direction, I found it, bought the mere 12 SCU of cargo and left to Brio's Breaker Yard, which wasn't far.
Before going that, I've managed to snag a Clean Up mission, which I went on and did in order to get some RMC. Managed to get 1.96 units, almost enough for 2 boxes.
I landed at BBY, but the computer didn't say "Landing complete". "Odd, but sound is usually wonky, so no biggie" I thought, right before heading to the terminal to sell the cargo, not knowing I had just triggered a chain reaction of annoying events.
I've sold the cargo as intended. Went back to the ship, to then realize I landed on top of a small rock, which tilted my ship to the front. As some of you may know, the ladder in the Vulture is not working lately apparently, so the only way to get in the ship is through the back through the cargo bay, buuuuut since it's tilted forward, the cargo bay is too high for me to each. I could open the cargo door, and with a running jump, I could hit my shoulds on the ramp, but the character doesn't actually grab it and pulls himself up, so I couldn't get in. I've tried getting up in the ship "arms" in the front as well, but nothing worked. Eventually I died of something while trying to get in, I think of dehydration.
Woke up at Grim Hex, claimed the Vulture back, went back to BBY to get my stuff (I had some nice armor and weapons). When arriving there, roughly 15 minutes after I died, I found my body there, and my "old" Vulture on top of the rock. Here, I've made the decision that would destroy my afternoon. "That ship has almost 2 units of RMC, I'm gonna shove it and use it instead. Almost 30K worth of material, can't pass it up" (I'm new and poor, don't judge, 30K is a lot for me). So that's what I did, I shoved it a bit, went down, got all my stuff from my body, and jumped into the old Vulture which had RMC on it, and went on my way to other clean up missions in order to get more RMC.
After waiting for a bit, I've managed to snag one. It was an Andromeda. No biggie, went there, everything went as expected. Then I managed to snag a Hammerhead clean up mission, which I know it's not possible to Fracture using the Vulture, but would give nice RMC.
Just before leaving the Andromeda, a bunch of red markers appeared on my HUD. Players? The police? That never happened before while doing these missions, but I knew law enforcers could arrive, at least on risky salvage missions. I never saw it happening on clean up missions.
I've got hit twice, but managed to jump away torwards the Hammerhead. I've noticed that my quantum drive was calibrating SUPER slowly now, presumably because of the missiles I got hit with. Annoying, but no biggie.
Arrived at the hammerhead, filled up in RMC, made 13 boxes, kept scraping it, another 13 boxes. "Holy crap, that's gonna be a NICE payout". I then tried to leave my ship to see if the HH had anything useful, but the "Open" prompt on the canopy wasn't showing. I thought maybe the missiles broke it somehow (Again, new to the game, don't know if that's a thing). I got worried because there wasn't enough space in the back to leave through the cargo door, but thinking it was because of the hits I took, landing and repairing the ship would fix it.
So on I went to Orison. As usual, it took me around 10 minutes to find the place where I was supposed to land, but eventually I found it.
Then I repaired and refueled my ship, only to see I still couldn't open the door.
"Crap... what now?", and to make things worse, my hydrations levels were on 28%. Not great.
Made my way through the back of the ship, trying everything I could to reach the "Open door" button and leave through the cargo door. Crouching, jumping, running, moving the boxes, anything I could do. After becoming one with the boxes a few times, I've reached the button and managed to press it, just to find out the door wouldn't open either and I was locked inside the ship.
"Oh FFS..." I thought, before complaining about it in chat. Some people recommended doing a power cycle on the ship and some other stuff, which required me to "unbug" my way back to the cockpit, which took a bit of time. I've created some new keybinds for stuff like Eject and Unlock all dors, but nothing was working. I couldn't open the outside doors of the ship. By that time, my hydration levels were at 9%.
I was pissed because I was going to miss a payout of roughly 400K because of a bug of some sort, so I rage pressed everything I could on my keyboard. hoping something would happen and I would show up outside the ship.
Now bear in mind - I'm using a big monitor (5120x1440), but since I only have a 3060, it's impossible to play on that resolution, so I was playing on 2560x1440 and keeping a steady 50-60 fps. On that "rage" where I pressed a bunch of keys, I've put the game on full screen, which bumped the resolution to the max and I wasn't managing to get it back down for some reason. When I finally did, the HDR on my monitor was all messed up. Game was fine, and the rest of the windows opened on the background was SUPER dark. To make things worse, game went down to the 20fps zone and wouldn't go back up.
On a last effort, I ran back to the cargo bay to do the same thing and press many keys. Miraculously, IT WORKED, and I was on the floor below my ship.
"OH YEAH LET'S GOOOOOO" I went, to then realize I couldn't run. I could hold Shift, my BPM would go up to the 180s, but my speed wouldn't change. Thought it was the mouse wheel thing, didn't work.
So there I was, not able to run, and playing with like 18fps. SLOWLY making my way to the TDD. Luckily I managed to buy a few drinks just outside the hangar so I wouldn't dehydrate.
I've arrived at the TDD, and lo and behold, my ship wasn't showing up on the terminal. Obviously I went "Pff, servers laggy as usual", so I've waited. And waited. And it wouldn't show up. "Maybe it's too far from the terminal and the game isn't detecting it?" (I never sold on Orison so I didn't know if that was the case), so I SLOOOOOWLY made my way back to the ship. Magically, the cargo door now worked as intended, and so did the canopy door when I checked a bit alter.
I then flew all the way to Area18. I've sold cargo on the TDD there before so I knew it would work. IT WOULD WORK, RIGHT?
I've arrived, managed to normally leave the ship, but was still crawling, both on my legs and in FPS. Again, made my way to the TDD aaaaand... the ship wasn't showing. Got more annoyed, crawled back to my ship.
"I'll try to sell it at Samson & Son's Salvage Center since it doesn't have a landing pad. Maybe it's bugged... on the cities"
Arrived there, ship wouldn't show up at the terminal either.
At this point, I've been wanting to leave the game for like 3 hours, but obviously not before selling all my cargo, so I was super frustrated.
Then it clicked - "Does the game consider this ship as stolen or something like that since I claimed another one, and that's why it's not showing up on the terminals?"
"Ok fine, I'll make my way back to Brio's Breaker Yard, maybe the Vulture I claimed is still there after 3ish hours. I'll just swap the cargo to it and then sell it there", since at this point I didn't want to make all the Orison thing again.
Arrived there, obviously my ship wasn't there. "Ok fine, I'll die here, claim ANOTHER Vulture, come here and THEN swap the cargo and sell it".
So I died, claimed another Vulture, hopped on it, went back to BBY, to find out my body wasn't nowhere to be seen.
At this point, I was extremely annoyed. "FINE, I'LL GO TO THE STATION AND BUY A MULTITOOL AND A TRACTOR BEAM ATTACHMENT AGAIN". Got up there, bought both, equipped both.
Got back in the ship, requested take off. Game immediatelly goes "You're trespassing. Leave in 20 seconds or your vehicle will be impounded, while slowly opening up the doors. I jam my way out of it out of sheer spite, and then the screen starts to fade out since the timer ran out, JUST as I cleared the landing zone in order to not be impounded.
Only for the game to remain completely black. I could open the menu, and see the options. I could fly the ship around and access the mobiglass, but those I couldn't see, because the screen was black.
As I'm about to explode in anger, I used Backspace to once again die and revive at Grim Hex since i have a multitool there, only to realize the screen still wouldn't go back to normal and would remain black, allowing me to do everything, but not allowing me to see anything.
I didn't even Alt + F4, i've straight up turned off my PC and took a cold shower, made some coffee and went to bed. I woke up still super angry, but that's life I guess.
TL;DR: I parked my ship wrong and got the most frustrating 4 hours of my life because I didn't know better.
submitted by ArashiNoShad0w to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:08 Alert_Post_2845 Fun family friendly games plus some zombies referral codes

Gets some discounts here. And thank you for using my codes everyone
Save 25% on many fun games :) enjoy
Please rate my post to help increase savings to others for these games. I highly recommend keep talking and nobody explodes for a game that helps bring a party to life and using the people watching the game be in the game.
For the meta quest headset
A Fisherman’s Tale
Arizona Sunshine
Elven Assassin
I Expect You To Die
Job Simulator
Jurassic World Aftermath Collection
Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes
Propagation: Paradise Hotel
Red Matter
Red Matter 2
Superhot VR
The Last Clockwinder
The Room VR: A Dark Matter
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
Vacation Simulator
Walkabout Mini Golf
submitted by Alert_Post_2845 to MetaQuest_Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:08 WhatCanIMakeToday Operational Efficiency Shares: Rehypothecating 🐇🐇🐇🐇 And Breaking Free Of Chains [WalkThrough] (4/n)

Operational Efficiency Shares: Rehypothecating 🐇🐇🐇🐇 And Breaking Free Of Chains [WalkThrough] (4/n)
From the prior DD in this series [1], we know that ComputerShare can “give” the DTC registered DSPP shares to hold onto for operational efficiency which are then “given back” as shares beneficially owned “for the benefit of” (“FBO”) DSPP Plan Participants at ComputerShare, as illustrated in this diagram:
From The Prerequisite DD
It’s time to explore what “operational efficiency” benefits may be gained by DSPP shares going around this roundabout. At first glance, shares are basically just going in a big circle from DSPP Plan Participants with registered ownership DSPP shares at ComputerShare heading to the DTC, who hands shares to ComputerShare’s broker who maintains those shares for the benefit of ComputerShare who holds those shares for the benefit of Plan Participants. While I think it’s unlikely that shares just go around in a big fat circle for no reason, I do remember people getting onto flights to literally go nowhere a few years ago [CNN, NYT]; so maybe these operational efficiency shares simply miss hanging out at the DTC?
Let’s look more closely… While title is held by a registered DSPP Plan Participant, ComputerShare is giving the DTC possession [1] of registered DSPP shares to the DTC to hold for operational efficiency which then ultimately end back in the possession of ComputerShare’s broker (who isn’t lending out shares) for the benefit of ComputerShare for the benefit of Plan Participants. If we treat the DTC’s operations as a big black box, we see registered shares going into the DTC black box and beneficially owned shares coming out of the black box to ComputerShare for Plan Participants.
DTCC Black Box: Inputs vs Outputs
Investopedia says that shareholders have rights, with a list of 6 main rights including:
  1. Voting power on major issues.
  2. Ownership in a portion of the company.
  3. The right to transfer ownership.
  4. Entitlement to dividends.
  5. Opportunity to inspect corporate books and records.
  6. The right to sue for wrongful acts.
By contrast, beneficial owners only need to have or share 2 of those rights (bolded) according to the definition of beneficial owner in Rule 13d-3: the power to vote and the power to dispose of the security (e.g., sell).
§ 240.13d-3 Determination of beneficial owner.
(a) For the purposes of sections 13(d) and 13(g) of the Act a beneficial owner of a security includes any person who, directly or indirectly, through any contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship, or otherwise has or shares:
(1) Voting power which includes the power to vote, or to direct the voting of, such security; and/or,
(2) Investment power which includes the power to dispose, or to direct the disposition of, such security.
ComputerShare basically confirms this list (except for the right to sue as that’s probably not one their issuer customers would emphasize) and adds that beneficially held shares may be lent by brokers generally (but not by ComputerShare’s broker).
Registered Shareholder Rights vs Beneficial Owner Rights
Maybe you’ve had different experiences from me, but I’ve never known Wall St to deliver more than the bare minimum they’re contractually obligated to. Which means the DTC black box is very likely watering down shareholder rights from the 6 that go in down to the 2 which come out. (And yet, we’re supposed to believe that all shares are equal. 🙄)
Dividends (#4 on the list) [2] may be the clearest example of a watered down shareholder right. Registered shareholders have the right “to directly receive share dividends” [CS FAQ] which means if a company (e.g., GameStop or OverStock) issues a dividend, registered shareholders have the right to directly receive the dividend as issued. If the company issues a crypto dividend (as OverStock tried to do), registered shareholders have the right to directly receive the issued crypto dividend. Beneficial shareholders would get an issued dividend, if available, or a cash equivalent if not. Historically, stock and other dividends to beneficial shareholders could easily be delivered as a cash equivalent, a watered down form. Crypto dividends don’t scale well with shorts (both naked and legal via, for example, share lending and borrowing) because crypto tokens are unique which makes it abundantly clear why a crypto dividend was nixed for a heavily shorted idiosyncratic stock like GameStop; especially given GameStop’s particularly active shareholders.
Ownership (#2 on the list) may be the second clearest example of a watered down shareholder right as more security interests to shares exist in the DTC’s beneficial ownership system than there are shares; with the SEC saying beneficial shares get a pro rata interest in the securities of that issue held by DTC. [See End Game Part Deux: Problems at the DTCC plus The Bigger Picture, particularly the section “The Pie Is Shrinking: Get Out (And DRS) While You Can”]
Voting (#1 on the list) is also an example watered down shareholder right; this one having a long history on this sub with, for example, BroadRidge tossing 7B votes and bragging about it. (Beneficial owners only need to get shared voting rights per Rule 13d-3 above so those 7B “shared” votes just lost out to who they shared with.) Unlike other beneficially held shares, voting rights for DSPP shares are not watered down as ComputerShare sends registered holders their voting forms.

Operational Efficiency Shares, Whatcha Doing In There?

A big black box is a pretty good description of the DTC which does not want us to know the ins and outs of what’s going on. Black holes are a pretty good example of a big black box and, most importantly, we know a lot about black holes even though they can’t be directly observed. Just as we learned about black holes without direct observation, we can similarly learn a lot about the Operational Efficiency shares even though we can’t directly observe them in the DTC habitat.
Even though we can’t look inside the DTC’s big black box, it turns out we don’t really have to in order to identify some benefits from these operational efficiency shares taking their roundabout trip to nowhere.
Locates A few commenters have suggested that OE shares could be used for locates so I’ll address this first. Possible, yes. But I don’t view this as the most interesting use for OE shares. Brokers are supposed to “locate” securities available for borrowing before short selling. [Wikipedia)] Basically, before selling short a broker is supposed to find a source to borrow. The “locate” requirement does NOT require the security to be borrowed before short selling which can result in a legal naked short.
You may be wondering why I don’t view “locates” as particularly interesting for OE shares if short sellers need to locate shares to borrow before shorting. Well, market makers are also exempt from this requirement as long as they’re market making. 🙄 On top of the market maker exemption, remember House Of Cards? In House Of Cards 3 [SuperStonk], we learned about the now 🤦‍♂️ hilarious F**3 key **- yeah, the one on a keyboard. Brokers like Goldman found the locate requirement simply too much work so they would press the F3 key and their system would auto-approve the locate requirement based only on the number of shares available to borrow at the beginning of the day; regardless of whether those shares were still available to borrow or not.
House Of Cards 3
Meaning as long as there were some shares available to borrow at the beginning of the day for their share copying system, brokers could just smash the F3 key to make as many copies of shares as they need. Even if only 1 share was available to borrow at the beginning of the day, a broker could simply smash the F3 key 100 times to approve the locate requirement for 100 shares.
So while OE shares could be used for locates, they wouldn’t need many shares each day to make an unlimited number of copies - even just 1 is enough.
Lending shares on the other hand…
Rehypothecation Rehypothecation is the reuse of customer collateral for lending. Per a 2010 IMF Working Paper, The (sizable) Role of Rehypothecation in the Shadow Banking System,
Rehypothecation occurs when the collateral posted by a prime brokerage client (e.g., hedge fund) to its prime broker is used as collateral also by the prime broker for its own purposes.
This IMF paper defined a “churning factor” to measure how many times an asset may be reused; and then estimated a churning factor of 4 noting that it could be higher because international banks (e.g., HSBC and Nomura) were not sampled. This IMF paper found a single asset may be lent and borrowed 4 times, or more; an average which could be higher globally.
Churn Factor Could Be Higher Globally
How much higher? We may have seen a churn factor as high as 10 for a less idiosyncratic meme stock per my prior post, Estimating Excess GME Share Liquidity From Borrow Data & Churn Factor. Presumably, the idiosyncratic meme stock would have a higher churn factor (but not that important for this post).
More recently (2018), the Federal Reserve published this Fed Note on ​​The Ins and Outs of Collateral Re-use studying how often collateral is reused (i.e., rehypothecated) for Treasury & non-Treasury securities [3] with a beautiful figure illustrating how “for any given moment in time, one security can be attributed to multiple financial transactions” where a share could be posted multiple times through Security Financing Transactions (SFTs) and sold short. [4] Sounds familiar, right?
Figure 6c of this Fed Note shows a Collateral Multiplier over time illustrating how “PDs [Primary Dealers] currently re-use about three times as many securities as they own for non-Treasury collateral and seven times as many securities as they own for U.S. Treasury securities”.
AKA \"Money Multiplier\"
The Fed Note describes their Collateral Multiplier as a “money multiplier” (Seriously, I couldn’t have made this up in a million years.),
In a sense, our Collateral Multiplier is akin to a "money multiplier," as it compares private liabilities created by a firm with the amount of specific assets held to create those liabilities. [​​The Ins and Outs of Collateral Re-use]
And, of course, the Collateral Multiplier aka “money multiplier” ratio goes up when there’s less collateral available and down when there’s more collateral available. (Can I get one of these multipliers?)
Intuitively, we expect the ratio to increase when collateral is scarce and to decrease when collateral is more abundant.
Which means Primary Dealers [Wikipedia has a list of familiar names including Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Nomura, BofA, Citigroup, TD, UBS, and Wells Fargo; amongst others] can simply kick securities around a few extra times (e.g., with SFTs and short sells) to effectively multiply the amount of money and/or collateral they have any time they need it. (Within limits, I hope…)
Thus, rehypothecation is a very interesting use of Operational Efficiency shares from ComputerShare as various primary dealers can simply “multiply” the number of shares they have – a concept that we’re already quite familiar with. As rehypothecation, short sells, and securities financing transactions are all perfectly legal, rehypothecating more GameStop shares provided to the DTC via operational efficiency satisfies Ground Rule #2 [defined in (1/n) in this series],
  1. All parties involved are all generally attempting to operate within the bounds of the laws and regulations wherever possible. (I know we often scream “crime”, but why break a law when money can simply [re]write laws to make activities legal. Regulatory failure is the reason why something that should be criminal, isn’t. And regulatory failure happens when armies of lawyers are paid to create and exploit loopholes so that actions which should be criminal, are instead legal.)
We can update our conceptual model to include rehypothecation to more clearly illustrate how Operational Efficiency shares held in the DTC can be rehypothecated (e.g., with SFTs and short sells) until a watered down share is delivered to ComputerShare’s broker to hold FBO ComputerShare, who holds the watered down share FBO DSPP Plan Participants.
You might notice from this illustration that ComputerShare has been telling the truth satisfying Ground Rule #1 [defined in (1/n) in this series]. Neither ComputerShare’s nor their broker lend or need to lend shares. All the rehypothecation happens “upstream” amongst other DTCC and NSCC Participants until shares are finally delivered to ComputerShare’s broker at the end of the “Churn Chain”. ComputerShare has made no representations about what the DTC can or can not do with the shares in their possession. And, realistically, ComputerShare is in no position to make any representations about what happens within the DTCC system – ComputerShare is only responsible for themselves and, to some extent, their broker.
The Fed Note and IMF paper found assets may be churned and reused 3-4 times (overall market average) which means the end of the chain is typically around D3 or D4. (If my prior DD estimates are correct, there were signs a less idiosyncratic meme stock may be churned up to 10 times ending the chain at D10 which suggests a potentially longer chain for GME, the idiosyncratic meme stock.) If there is no collateral reuse for an asset, the chain would have zero length meaning Operational Efficiency shares go straight from the DTC directly to ComputerShare’s broker. (Programmers almost certainly understand zero length chains very well – go find one if you need an explanation.)
GameStop is idiosyncratic, thus atypical. Per the IMF paper, collateral reuse increases when collateral is scarce and decreases when collateral is abundant (quoted above). If we consider GameStop investors have been direct registering shares (i.e., DRS) and registering shares (e.g., DSPP) thereby removing title and/or possession of shares from the DTC/DTCC/Cede & Co, then GameStop share availability has been becoming more scarce and the “Churn Chain” for GME should be longer than average representing a higher collateral multiplier and churn value.
While we may not know the exact length of the Churn Chain for GameStop shares, we can pretty well surmise that it’s not a zero length Churn Chain where there is no collateral reuse based simply on scarcity. After all, a shortage of available shares is, by definition, required for any short squeeze (including MOASS). Requests by brokers to enable Share Lending [5] is another example indicator that GameStop shares are scarce.
In addition, according to Investopedia [6], “Banks, brokers, or other financial institutions may navigate a liquidity crunch and access capital by rehypothecating client funds” and we’ve seen indicators showing us banks are in deep trouble:
The downside to rehypothecation is the higher leverage increases risks of default and a single collapse can start a chain reaction knocking down others like dominos.
There are also leverage considerations that increase that risk of default. Overleveraged investments often face covenants; when specific conditions are met, trading accounts may receive a margin call or face debt default. As a row of dominos fall after a single collapse, a single margin call may cause other debts to fail their account maintenance requirements, setting off a chain reaction that places the institution at higher risk of overall default. [6]
This risk for rehypothecation sounds exactly like what the Options Clearing Corporation was complaining about to the SEC when the ​​OCC Proposed Reducing Margin Requirements To Prevent A Cascade of Clearing Member Failures [SuperStonk] early 2024. If the OCC can eliminate margin calls, then no dominos get knocked down. (Thankfully, apes have done a phenomenal job in convincing the SEC that this OCC proposal is a very bad idea. Support the SEC’s rejection of this as Simians Smash SEC Rule Proposal To Reduce Margin Requirements To Prevent A Cascade of Clearing Member Failures!)
Most importantly, it may be tough to regain possession of an asset when someone in the rehypothecation chain defaults. Remember from the prior DD the expression about possession: Possession is nine-tenths of the law.
Clients must be aware of rehypothecation as it is technically their own assets that have been pledged for someone else's debt. This creates complicated creditor issues where an investors shares may longer be in their possession due to their custodian's default. [6]
We know assets are rehypothecated 3-4 times on average, GameStop shares are scarce, banks are in trouble, stock loan volume is skyhigh, and the risks of rehypothecation are real. So it’s pretty clear that rehypothecation is happening generally with pretty darn good reason to expect GameStop’s Churn Chain is at least of non-zero length (i.e., GameStop stock is being rehypothecated).

Breaking The Chains

While some may like chains and being tied up, I’m not one of those apes. Especially as a Churn Chain waters down my shareholder rights and may make regaining possession of DSPP stock difficult in the event of a cascade of defaults, as warned by the OCC. (If you like chains, feel free to skip this section.)
As it turns out, we don’t need to know exactly how long the Churn Chain is for GameStop stock. Simply knowing a Churn Chain exists with non-zero length means there is a chain. Where there is a chain, it’s possible to break the chain. (Even if you don’t know how much health) your enemy has in a game, you still try to take your enemy out. Right?)
A churn chain that starts from ComputerShare holding DSPP shares in DTC for operational efficiency can easily be broken as “[a]n investor can, at any time, withdraw all or part of their shares in DSPP book-entry form and have them added to their DRS holding”. [ComputerShare] See also [7]. Quite possibly one of the easiest chains in the world to break as the Churn Chain is weak to DRS. Simply DRS the DSPP shares to take away the head of the chain and the rest of the chain falls apart. (And, DRS-ing "street name" shares cuts chains into pieces too!)
One side effect of breaking a Churn Chain is that all shares attributed to transactions in a broken chain (e.g., SFTs and short sells) need to be reallocated to other chains, effectively making other chains longer and increasing the risks from a default.
Analogy: Think of the shares as a deck of cards. If you deal 52 cards to 4 players (A, B, C and D), each player gets 13 cards. Each stack of 13 cards is basically a Churn Chain. But if you take out a stack by removing the bottom card from A and distribute the remaining 12 cards from A to B, C and D then B, C and D each now have 17 cards. If at any given time a card can cause a player to lose the game, it's better to have fewer cards than more. And, the players who get out early won't lose.
Any party in the Churn Chain who defaults will make it hard for the original owner to regain possession. Longer chains include more transactions and more parties so there’s more risk of default on longer chains than shorter chains. Thus we see another vicious cycle setup where incentives are aligned such that DSPP and beneficial shareholders may want to avoid the impending default and rehypothecation risk from their shares being held in DTC. In order to avoid the impending default and rehypothecation risks, shareholders are incentivized to Directly Register shares to ensure having both title and possession. (Shares held in “street name” have little or no protection from rehypothecation risk and simply registering shares in DSPP doesn’t guarantee possession [1].) As with the other vicious cycle, any remaining shareholders in DTC share a shrinking pie of diluted ownership so it is in their best interest to get out and DRS; thereby shrinking the diluted ownership pie even more which is more reason for remaining shareholders to get out. These vicious cycles will eventually leave few, if any, remaining shares at the DTC for beneficial shareholders. Nobody knows what will happen if this ♾️🏊 happens.


[1] If you haven’t already, please read the prerequisite DD in this WalkThrough Series to understand how ownership of property is separated into two concepts: title and possession. [See, e.g., StackExchange] Understanding the differences between title and possession are particularly important here where it’s worth being extra careful identifying how an entity is in control of an asset.
  1. DSPP is technically different from DRS [WalkThrough] (1/n)
  2. Definitely DIFFERENT "DRS Counts" [WalkThrough] (2/n)
[2] Dividends have been heavily discussed on SuperStonk with many DD posts, including for OverStock and the precedent OverStock set which would have allowed GameStop to issue their own crypto dividend, possibly as an NFT.
[3] Footnote 16 of the Fed Note itemizes various classes of non-Treasury collateral which includes equity which, per Investopedia, is a synonym for stocks.
[4] While short selling is pretty well known, Security Financing Transactions (SFTs) may be more obscure despite discussion of them in the past so here’s some historical SuperStonk links for you (where you may notice some well known OG DD apes):
[5] Simply search SuperStonk for share lending. Don’t make me Google That For You.
[6] REMOVE_FOR_AUTOMOD terms/r REMOVE_FOR_AUTOMOD /rehypothecation.asp
[7] Withdrawing whole DSPP shares into DRS seems to make a lot of sense as doing so guarantees possession. Selling fractionals, less so. If you intend to keep buying, I would think adding to the fractionals to later withdraw whole shares makes more sense. As for the concern about fractionals tainting the whole account, I’ll cover that in another post. For now, you do you.
submitted by WhatCanIMakeToday to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:05 hisroyalbonkess Give me your harshest critiques on the 2018 Remake *Expect Spoilers*

SotC is my FavT game of all time. I love it so much that I can look its flaws in the eye, acknowledge them, and still confidently say it holds up and is amazing. With all the great things the Remake does correctly (getting all items on one save file, photo mode, keeping the physics the same, introducing amazing art to a new generation, amazing out of bounds content), there are things that I find it does pretty poorly:
Hit detection on uneven, off the path terrain is horrendous. Most players may not notice this, but go off the beaten path for a few dozen hours just fucking around, you WILL find areas you get stuck in. Whether it be Wander gets stuck in a crevice you can't bomb arrow yourself out of, or you get stuck in an infinite falling animation, where no parachute can save you. They're EVERYWHERE and it makes searching for secrets way too aggravating at times.
Wander's face. I'm sorry, but his lack of expression is just not acceptable. It's creepy.
16's (Malus') eyes don't turn blue when you jump onto his left hand. It's small, but small things add up. I can't even fathom why this change was made if intentional.
All Photo Mode filters should also be gameplay filters.
In the original PS2 version and PS3 remaster, when approaching the 16th Colossus you are able to jump on the bridge without Agro and the bridge would still collapse. However, in the PS4 remake, there is an invisible wall preventing you from doing so. This dampens the experience a little, as from a design perspective the player isn't thinking, "That doesn't work, what can I do differently?" They're thinking, "The game won't let me."
I think these are all my gripes with the remake. How about you?
submitted by hisroyalbonkess to ShadowoftheColossus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:05 Kosemani2 CodeBuddy, Free Vscode AI copilot

CodeBuddy is a must-have tool for any dev looking to level up their coding game. It provides real-time code analysis and suggestions as you type to help you write cleaner, more efficient code. And it is free., you can install in the market place here.
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submitted by Kosemani2 to Bard [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:03 Kosemani2 CodeBuddy, Free VScode AI co pilot

CodeBuddy is a must-have tool for any dev looking to level up their coding game. It provides real-time code analysis and suggestions as you type to help you write cleaner, more efficient code. And it is free., you can install in the market place here.
submitted by Kosemani2 to OpenAIDev [link] [comments]

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submitted by blacksandsmedia to cryptobonuseshub [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:01 SharkEva AITA being pissed at what my wife said to our niece - Wife responds 10 months later

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/aitata8482828(Husband) and u/No_Card9780(Wife)
posting in AmItheAsshole and AITAH
Concluded as per OOP
2 updates - Long
Original - 10th July 2023
Update1 - 11th May 2024
Update2 - 14th May 2024

AITA being pissed at what my wife said to our niece

My sister and bil were abusive parents to my niece, Charlotte. I always tried to protect her, but my wife and I were only able to get custody threw years ago. We adopted her, and she's a good kid at heart, but she still struggles a lot. She's still in therapy and has come so far, but finds it difficult to accept unconditional love and that kids don't have to be perfect. While she's usually fine with my wife and I, she still sometimes tends to see our daughter (Chloe) as ungrateful and spoilt. I've worked really hard on this, and it's a LOT better, but sometimes it comes up in their teenage squabbles. It's not perfect but the girls generally get along.
Last Friday they had an issue. I was at work, so this is based on what I was told after. Chloe was refusing to do any of her chores, and arguing about it with my wife. Charlotte jumped in and basically called Chloe lazy and said that she should be a better daughter like her. Apparently my wife got pissed off and told her off. She 'reminded' her that she was 'lucky' we were taking care of her and to stay out of it. From there it got bad.
My wife says that Charlotte was extremely rude about Chloe. But she also admits she told Charlotte that we 'didnt have to' take care of her, and that basically unlike Chloe, we can send her back to her parents if she keeps it up. Ignoring the fact we legally cannot, that's just completely fucked up. They ended their fight with Charlotte just going to my parents for that night, and she's been really upset and withdrawn since.
When I got home my wife filled me in, and I was honestly pretty furious. The first thing that came to mind was 'what the fuck is wrong with you?'. Which admittedly wasn't a productive response but I was honestly just floored. The issue is that Charlotte doesn't get that a kid deserves unconditional love even if they're not perfect, so you fucking tell her that you'll kick her out if she doesn't behave? All the progress I worked with her for is gonna be shut back again.
I was mad and we fought about it. I get she can be difficult, but that was inappropriate. However she's still refused to apologise or anything. I've tried to talk to her and explain that we love her, and that it wasn't meant the way it was said. But my wife is just accusing me of babying and favouring Charlotte. Apparently I'm being unreasonable thinking what she did was disgusting. That I should care more about Chloe, as if this is a competition.
I am still honestly pretty pissed at her. While she just claims I'm unreasonable and being a shit dad to Chloe.


NTA your wife said a fucked up thing and really messed up with Charlotte. Your wife needs to apologize and looks like you're gonna have to have individual long talks with everyone
Husband OOP: That's exactly what I think. I honestly don't know how she could say it, let alone keep defending it. I've been trying to talk to the girls about it, but Charlotte is still icing me out other than apologising repeatedly.

I hate to have to tell you this, but I think your wife could say a thing like that because that's how she actually feels about Charlotte, a charity case who should be grateful for scraps. That reaction wasn't a woman mediating a fight between her two daughters, this was her defending her child against this hostile kid she took in. If she spoke in the heat of the moment, she would have been horrified afterwards, not doubling down. It's possible she never wanted Charlotte.

You are correct here. It doesn't sound like you are favoring Charlotte at all. You aren't condoning or excusing her behavior. You issue is with how your wife dealt with the behavior, which I agree was completely inappropriate.
Your wife (and you) ADOPTED the child. She is your child. She can't be given back. And threatening to return her to an abusive situation is basically abuse in and of itself. Your wife should never suggest such a thing and should be ashamed that those words came out of her mouth.
Husband OOP: I agree, thank you. There's no world where I would ever give her back. I love her way too much to ever do that. I honestly don't know why she doesn't see it like you said

Your wife is only going through the motions with Charlotte. I am sure she and Chloe have made sure that Charlotte knows her 'place'.
Husband OOP:As far as I know this is the first time it's come up like this. Charlotte definitely would have reacted obviously in the past.
Chloe and her do get along mostly. I definitely don't think Chloe is a problem, beyond being a typical teenager

Other comments from op apparently shows that he threatened to divorce her if she didn’t adopt charlotte with him.
Oh, and there it is. OP's wife is a bubbling cauldron of resentments and it finally came out in the open. So, all theories that she does in fact view this as her daughter versus the charity case they took in are 100% accurate. They took Charlotte out of a blatantly toxic environment and brought her into one with simmering toxicity beneath the surface. With that kind of ultimatum underlying Charlotte's adoption a moment like this was inevitable.
It feels like OP wants to be the saviour but not do the work. The fact he brought this child into a situation that started with an ultimatum is upsetting. Charlotte doesn’t stand a chance if these are the adults in the situation.

**Judgement - NTA*\*

Editor's Note - In the wife's post Charlotte becomes Kelly and Chloe becomes Sarah. There is now also a son. There is some age differences as well.

AITAH for waking out on my “adoptive daughter” and telling her everything is her fault - 10 months later

So I (36f) have two kids a boy Tom (5) and a Sarah daughter (18) plus my husbands late brothers kid (16f) Kelly who lives with us
14 months ago my husband came home with Kelly and said she would be staying with us for a while, I barely knew kelly because since her father passed away 10 years ago her mom has been struggling with mental health and addiction. Apparently Kelly was in a bad situation at home due to her mother’s new boyfriend being a let’s say not so nice person.
He told me it was only for 3 months while his parents who recently moved aboard got settled than it went to 5 till his sister had her baby just excuse after excuse till I stopped asking. as time went on my husband just acted like she was our daughter even bringing up adoption a few times which I refused even when he threatened divorce. I know I sound like a monster but you have to realise Kelly isn’t easy to deal with and my husband doesn’t allow her to face any kind of consequences
Kelly acts like she is the golden child and my daughter is the black sheep, she has violent meltdowns, she’s threatened our son that my husband will leave us if she tells him because he loves her more which traumatised Tom. she has tried and failed her mind games with me pretending to be a saint, her main target is my daughter she is extremely cruel towards her verbally like she’ll slut shame her for everything little thing like wearing make up or tell her she’s lazy/good for nothing for stupid reasons like sleeping late at the weekends
She’ll take her things ether will loss them or destroy them than cry to my husband who will excuse her behaviour even tho he spends 70% of his time at work. We are all in therapy which isn’t working like group sessions when someone points out Kelly’s behaviour or adoption usually end up with everyone fighting
It all came to a head last month Kelly was in a mood all week because Sarah had a big 18th party with all the attention on Sarah especially from my family which Kelly said mentioned in therapy. myself and Sarah were having a stupid “fight” over a non issue because Sarah used all my shampoo which she didn’t replace or let me know I was out of. Kelly came out of nowhere screaming at Sarah calling her a moocher, lazy, trash and spoiled she than said Sarah was an adult now and she didn’t pull her weight she’d get kicked out
I lost it I told her Sarah was my daughter and If she didn’t change her attitude she’d be the one kicked out, Kelly didn’t say anything just went into her room about an hour later my husband came back than started screaming literally i my face calling me names telling me he wants a divorce so he can protect Kelly. so I said ok I want a divorce and 50/50 custody I get my son he gets his niece now get the fuck out of my house with his niece
They left and have been staying with his brother since, husband now has to deal with Kelly all the time he wants more therapy to fix our issues so we can get back together and be a family again. They both came over yesterday to collect the last of their stuff and Kelly asked me was it her fault I said yes it was just as much her fault as her uncles (husband)
Husband told me I’m being a monster and Kelly is my daughter whether I admit it or not and I’ve abandoned her when she finally had a stable home that she doesn’t mean to lash out due it’s just due to her trauma and if we work together we can help her work through it
Honestly now I don’t know what to do and feel like an asshole


NTA Your husband only wants back with you to dump Kelly on you again. She's a troubled teen and needs some serious help. Your husband is more interested in feeling like he's helping Kelly (not actually doing the real work involved) than in protecting his own kids.
Hire a good Divorce Attorney. Ask about getting child support for your son and possibly to help your daughter with higher education costs, if that's possible. Also, ask about getting a court order that your husband can't have Kelly around your son, given her past threats against him.
OOP Wife: I will be pushing for supervised visits with Tom as of now he had only had him with me or his sister in law present

But specify that these are to be supervised visits without Kelly present. Your husband seems to have blinders on and can't be trusted to make good decisions without a specific court order.
OOP Wife: In my country supervised visits happen in a centre with a social worker and security present I can call multiple witnesses to make sure she won’t be allowed in

In my country supervised visits happen in a centre with a social worker and security present I can call multiple witnesses to make sure she won’t be allowed in
I'm glad you live somewhere where they take child safety seriously.

Update - 3 days later

So yes the divorce is going forward even tho my husband has begged me to stay because he can’t handle the consequences of his actions and yes he is aitata8482828 he did change a few details and yes this isn’t our first follow out with me blowing up kelly isn’t my daughter and I wanted her out due to THEIR mistreated of Sarah we nearly got divorced last year but he used therapy and my emotional abuse as a tool to manipulate me to stay
Sarah hasn’t spoken much to her father since the first fall out because as people mentioned even on his post leaving a lot out about Kelly and just putting down Sarah it was clear who he only cares about. Sarah said she wants nothing to do with him and has warned family to but out. I’m sick of his emotional and mental abuse towards us for his niece and his threats of divorce to get his way so I hope he makes this easy on everyone
Yes Kelly has had a bad childhood and has suffered but she isn’t my problem anymore I want zero contact with her and will make sure she won’t have contact with my son. I’ve plenty of evidence and witnesses to make it happen I can sound cruel but she can fuck right off she isn’t my kid so I don’t owe her a relationship and regardless of how bad her trauma is she has no right to traumatise others. She could of had a life in America with her grandparents but she refused to learn English
As for my husband being her real dad that’s irrelevant to me because I won’t get the truth and would only cause more issues for my kids who’ve been through enough
Thanks to everyone for the advice I won’t be logging in after tonight and as I’ve said in the comments English isn’t my first language


Your ex husband can now deal with Kelly and all her trauma. Good for Sarah for cutting off her father, he clearly sucks at being one for his kids.
So did you legally adopt her or not? That’s a critical detail.
OOP Wife: No he claimed we did I didn’t want to adopt even when he tried to force me

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:01 Kosemani2 CodeBuddy, Free AI powered Vscode Extension

CodeBuddy is a must-have tool for any dev looking to level up their coding game. It provides real-time code analysis and suggestions as you type to help you write cleaner, more efficient code. And it is free., you can install in the market place here.
submitted by Kosemani2 to vscode [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:00 wisdom_and_frivolity Buckler's Boot Camp - Posted every wednesday for questions and training

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