Crochet free


2023.10.21 17:14 GloomySalamander8030 CrochetPatternsFree

This is a place to share free crochet patterns that you have created yourself and would like to share with others.

2010.05.15 19:44 strombom Crochet or knitted stuffed toys

This is a subreddit devoted to amigurumi, or little knitted or crocheted stuffed toys.

2008.09.06 15:36 Crochet

This sub is for crocheters to share their work, discuss, swap ideas, and support each other. We like fun contributions and discussion. So, what's on your hook? For questions, please check our sister sub, CrochetHelp!

2024.05.15 17:49 RoseOfChaos20 24/PC/CST Looking for friends

Hi! I mainly play on PC as I don't have the online pass for my other consoles at the minute. I would love to play chill coop games as I am not really a competitive person in games. I mainly do Voicechats on Discord while playing games so please be comfortable in doing that if you can.
Games I have recently played: Stardew Valley, Party animals, BG3, Genshin Impact
Games I want to play with someone: It Takes Two (bought a while back but friend bailed on me so you would only need to do the free friends pass), I would also love to continue playing Halo Masterchief collection if possible but don't worry about it, Unravel 2 (Its remote play together so we can play together that way), along with spiritfarer (also remote play together).
Other things I enjoy: Kdramas, anime, manga, crochet, knitting, reading. So, if you have similar other hobbies that is a pleasant bonus that we could talk about.
If any of these games seem fun reach out otherwise, I am open to suggestions or I might have it.
Also, I don't always get my messages on reddit so I will probably ask for your discord as one of the first things to actually get your messages.
submitted by RoseOfChaos20 to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:42 sockonthetable could i be 9w8?

hi! im pretty new to enneagram and so far i think i might be a 9w8. i filled out the questions in the intro. im hoping to get some help or closure on typing myself. im sorry for the long text in advance lol.
• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself. Im 15 and a girl, ive doubted my gender few times though i dont really "feel" like a girl or anything and i like it when people mistake me for a man, i mostly identify as i girl cause its the easiest for me. im a pretty average student. i used to be "gifted" or something like that but now im just average (im ok with that). i have a few friends and thats pretty much it.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow? no i did visit a psychologist a few times. i stopped because it didnt really help me and i saw no point in it.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it? My biological father was mostly absent from my early childhood (since i was 3) and doesnt live with me. pretty soon my mom got a boyfriend and they got married so ive had a step dad since i was 3. im not very close to either of my parents. we dont really show affection much to each other and so on. both of my parents are atheist and my grandparents on my moms side are also atheist. my grandma is a jehovas witness and used to bring me to "church" with her when i was little. i was always very curious about it and i used to think a lot about whether or not god was real and if i should convert. i always came to the conclusion thats hes not real and im atheist. i vividly remember that when i was little my grandpa asked me if he should be christian or not and i asked him if he had time to go to church to which he replied no so i came to the conclusion that he should be atheist too.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed? if i could send my friends videos and texts sometimes then yes. i dont really mind being alone and i can take care of myself. i can entertain myself on my own. i wouldnt feel lonely or refreshed really since being alone is sort of the norm for me. i spend most of my free time in my room alone.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities? i like crafty activities like knitting, crochet, sewing and embroidery. i also like reading, learning about stuff im interested in. this can be pretty much anything, music, film, fashion, philosophy, religion and so on. im not really good at sports. i can still enjoy them though if its with friends and its not too serious or competitive. im not a very competitive person and i dont like the pressure people can create in team sports. i enjoy cycling because its more individual and i can go at my own pace, i dont have to rely on anyone and no one has to rely on me.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate? im curious but i usually dont ask people many questions, i can satisfy myself with the answer they give. especially if its something personal, if they dont want to answer or are vague theres probably a reason and i dont want to bother them and make them uncomfortable. i have a lot of things i want to do, such as getting better at playing guitar reading and so on. i usually dont really act on this. not for any particular reason i just cant bring myself to do it. im mainly curious about thing like art and fashion history, philosophy and theology, i also find drugs and their side effects and such interesting. i dont really have many ideas. if they are they are usually conceptual such as songs and paintings.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be? i dont really like leadership. i cant imagine myself doing it long term, i wouldnt be able to put up with people that long. i dont like when people complain or ask many follow up questions so that would drive me crazy. although if theres a project or something and no one else wants to lead im willing to do it since stuff still needs to get done. if i was a leader my leadership style would probably be pretty permissive, as long as stuff gets done im okay with pretty much anything.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity? id like to think in somewhat coordinated. although i can be clumsy at times. i like working with my hands. i play guitar and i like to knit and crochet.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer. I like music a lot, i listen to it a lot and it means a lot to me. ive always found comfort in it. when i was younger i really liked melanie martinez and it was basically all i listened to. now i listen to and im open to many different genres. my favourite genre is probably emo and rock though. i also play guitar and enjoy it a lot. sometimes i write lyrics to song too. i used to draw since i was 6 but when i was 13 i stopped because i started comparing myself too much and it didnt make me happy anymore.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them? i dont really care much about the past. whats done is done and i cant do anything to change it. its a waste of time to dwell on it too much. of course it is good to reflect and think about your actions once in a while. i dont really care much about the future either. well not mine specifically. i dont have a specific plan or goal for myself. im just gonna see what life brings me mostly. although i do think it is important to think about the future as a society in terms of climate change and similar issues. i care the most about the present since its what i have the most direct impact on. as cheesy as it might sound i sort of just "live in the moment".
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so? depends on if i can do it and if i like the person. if its something like giving them a napkin or something else thats simple then sure why not. if its something like explaining i usually say no because im not really good at explaining and i often dont understand things myself. if i would help someone its usually because i dont have a reason not to. i think its better to be nice if tou can even you don't necessarily like the person cause you can avoid unnecessary conflict that way.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life? not really. i dont care for things being logical and i dont think everything needs a reasoning or to be logical.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?im not really efficient or productive myself, so i guess not really. of course if something is urgent ill do it as fast as i can. but otherwise i think there are more important things than that. i think the actual of process of doing something can be enjoyable not just what comes out of it.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that? i dont if i control others, im not aware of it at least. i dont think i have that big of an influence on someone else.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them? I like to play guitar because i like music and the feeling of being to engage with it more deeply. i also like to sing. i like reading because i think there are many interesting stories to tell.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses? my learning style is mainly verbal. i like to write things down and say then out loud. i usually explain things to myself or i pretend im presenting or explaining what im learning to someone else. i sometimes have trouble with things involving a lot of math and sometimes even logical thinking. i often times cant grasp these concepts cause i cant imagine it in my head. i struggle with learning environments that have a lot of distractions. but i cant focus if its completely quiet i like to play some kind of background noise such as white or brown noise. i like classes involving creativity the most since i can just do anything i want. i dont have trouble with coming up with new things and creative things to do.
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go? I usually put off things till the last minute so i dont really have time to strategize most of the time. i just do and think of things as i go. usually this works for me and it doesn't stress me out. i do tend to make plans to be "productive" and break up my work into smaller parts this doesnt really work out for me most of the time though.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally? i dont have many aspirations or goals. just standard things like to get into college and stuff i dont really know what i want to do yet. im leaving it up for myself in the future to decide what i should do that will fulfill me. my main goal is just to be happy with myself and where i am in life, nothing really specific.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why? my fear is being completely alone for the rest of my life. and not being happy with myself. although i dont really seek out people and their presence i still like affection and fitting in. i really value my friends and i want to have them along my side. i want to accept myself and who i am. i want to be a version of myself that i like. physical touch makes me uncomfortable, and also verbal affection such as compliments too. i often dont know how to respond. when people hug me i often just stand there and if someone touches me i often immediately try to get away. i dont know how to respond to compliments and verbal affection well, partially because i dont really believe it. i hate dishonest people who cant be themselves and try to be someone else to please others. its very sad for me to watch and i just dont like it in general, it can also get annoying.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like? to be honest i dont think ive ever had a "high". most of the time i just feel mostly neutral. the only "high" i have when im laughing with friends or something.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like? i usually lay in bed all day and dont do anything. i cant even bring myself to shower, eat or brush my teeth. if i eat its usually just plain bread or something that requires no effort. i do have some phases where i cry very often, almost every day. i try to hide either usually and cry when im alone but sometimes its too much and i just cry in front of people. when they ask me if im ok i say yes and i try to deny anything being wrong.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so? i daydream very often. almost every day. if im bored and have nothing to do (i dont have my phone) ill daydream. im aware of my surroundings to some extent. usually im also listening to music while doing this. when i daydream i tend to walk around my room in back and forth. even when im reading a book, watching a film or a tv show i often envisipn myself there and stop watching/reading to imagine myself there and insert myself into the story.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about? i would probably sing to myself and daydream. i dont think i would think about many things to be honest.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it? i havent made many important decisions, but i usually take some time to think it through. i might change my mind afterwards but not do anything about since i already decides and dont want to complicate things. i would probably tell myself its meant to be that way.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life? i usually dont really let my emotions out unless its happiness. emotions are quite important to me. i often base my decisions around them. because i want to be comfortable.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why? usually if i disagree i just dont say anything. i dont agree or disagree. if i dont agree and dpnt want to talk to that person then ill just try to politely exit the conversation. i dont feel the need to please others with what i have to say. people have different opinions and thats ok. if im talking about something friends and i disagree im not afraid to say it though. i do try to be polite about it though to avoid conflict.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why? I dont really break rules. i dont feel the need to. at least i dont do it deliberately. i think authorities should be challenged if theyre unfair and oppressive. if i break rules its because ultimately i can do anything i want. i try to be smart about it and not get in trouble though. if breaking the rules would hurt someone i wouldnt do it.
submitted by sockonthetable to EnneagramTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:30 jh6278 Anyone else decline MTX?

I have mild seronegative RA that effects my hands, and 3 years on plaquenil with occasional Meloxicam have improved my symptoms by at least 90%. I had problems in my hands for over 10 years pre-dx so the fact that I can now lift weights, drive and garden easily and free of pain and even knit/crochet are just miraculous to me.
But. My Rheum does not seem happy that I am almost all better and consistently suggests Methotrexate to get me pain-free. I’ve researched the drug and side effects and for multiple very valid reasons I do not believe it is a good or necessary choice for me. I am so happy with the improved function I have in my hands - that last 10% of stiffness and occasional discomfort doesn’t matter to me! I can do anything I want or need to and don’t experience any pain that rest or NSAIDs can’t help. I know that MTX will be an option is my symptoms worsen or spread to other joints but right now I’m just not interested.
Anyone else been in this spot? I feel like every 6 months I brace myself for this disagreement.
submitted by jh6278 to rheumatoidarthritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:23 AnxiousVersion All the issues - no diagnosis - no help

For the first time in ~10 years, I'm in a mental place where I feel like I don't exhibit symptoms of clinical depression - so yay for that!
For a long time, doctors have attributed most of my issues to said chronic depression - and I concede, the depression was certainly not helping. But the diagnosis of said depression (and also, y'know, being a woman) means that most doctors never believed me that I might have ADHD - I had to beg them to have me complete diagnostic questionnaires.
Every time I take one of these, I score right on the edge between ADHD and neurotypical-ness (same with autism, btw). And next, the doctors say "yep, might be ADHD" and then they do fucking NOTHING. No meds other than anti-depressants, no recommendations what to do next. Nothing.
Now that I can finally see what life feels like with no (or very slight) depression, I can assess myself more clearly. And some issues have stuck:
  1. I have very little energy, even for things I want and like to do. The only thing that doesn't take energy from me is watching YouTube and crochet/knitting. Even my other "safe" hobby, which is video games, sometimes feels exhausting. A movie, audiobook or netflix is too much commitment because I can't stay focused and lose track of what's happening. Social events is something I need to recover from, even if I like them and need them in order to not feel lonely.
  2. I have a very hard time to get started with things, especially with things that require planning / communication with others / multiple steps. I can only do some things when there are deadlines or I'm being forced by an outside factor. That means I can keep up with most things that I have to do (doing the dishes, paperwork, paying bills etc.) but cannot do optional things that would benefit me or that I would like to do (booking a vacation, doctor's visits for stuff that won't kill me, attending a dance class). Even at work, if I don't have an urgent deadline, I work very slowly or not at all. This has cost me a job before and the main reason I don't have issues with my current job is because I now work for my mom.
  3. My only reasonably productive time is from 4pm to 10 pm. On good days, that is. And when I'm being "productive", I feel its still worse than what a "normal" person would be able to do on a normal day. Also, working in the evening is shitty for my social life.
  4. Rejection sensitivity is still going through the roof.
  5. If I manage to get started with something, I need to do it and finish it RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. If I have to take a break, all the motivation and flow is GONE.
  6. On the othere hand, if there is something I have to do but don't like doing, that's a massive emotional burden. I can only do baby steps until I need a break, someone has to watch over me so that I can keep going, it takes five times longer than it should and I feel terrible. As a kid, I used to cry for hours when doing boring, hard or otherwise "stupid" homework. At 27, I cry while filing paperwork.
  7. Sticking to routines is hard. Ever since I finished school, my daily routine has degraded and COVID killed what was left. "Brushing my teeth twice daily and getting dressed within an hour of getting up" has been one of my new year's resolutions. This is the only point where I have noticed some clear improvements lately when my depression get better.
The main thing that has changed with me being less depressed is that I hate myself less for the issues mentioned above. With depression, I beat myself up for these things which makes me feel like a total failure. I'm now pretty convinced that my neurodivergency is a massive factor as to why I am / was depressed in the first place, but most professionals won't really consider this. I now am afraid to even ask for medication, because I don't want to be seen as someone who basically wants to do meth legally.
So, that was my "little" rant. I'm glad I was finally able to write something down in a more or less structured way (even though I'm sure I forgot a lot of things). Maybe that will help me convince psych people at some point. Feel free to comment if you relate or have thoughts.
submitted by AnxiousVersion to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:36 RichTexturesCrochet The Sunny Day Market Bag

The Sunny Day Market Bag
Welcome to week three of the Marvellous Market Bag Crochet Along! This week we will learn how to make the Sunny Day Market Bag featuring pretty double crochet v-stitches! Enjoy! Free Crochet Pattern: #marketbagcal
submitted by RichTexturesCrochet to RichTexturesCrochet [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:35 SlightlyAnonymous87 The Undraftables: Week 6 Update

The Undraftables: Week 6 Update (Going into/during Week 7)
This challenge was initially undertook with the NBA and it was fun, so decided to extend it to MLB as well. The rules are simple: Cannot select any player who has an Average Draft Position (ADP), regardless of how high or low it may be. Even if a player's ADP is 250+, they are off-limits if they have any average draft position. The draft took place on Sunday, April 7th. Admittedly, this was after the start of the season, but my focus had been primarily on the NBA season, leaving me with limited time to prepare for baseball. Nevertheless, managed to squeeze in most of my MLB prep work within a few days/week. This is a standard 12 team head to head category league on yahoo with 6 adds per week. The buy-in was lower than my usual, but not free (inactivity and too easy).
Here was the draft results:
  1. (6) Lance McCullers Jr. (HOU - SP)
  2. (19) Drew Rasmussen (TB - SP)
  3. (30) Dustin May (LAD - SP)
  4. (43) Ronel Blanco (HOU - SP,RP)
  5. (54) Brady Singer (KC - SP)
  6. (67) Paul Blackburn (OAK - SP)
  7. (78) Cody Bradford (TEX - SP,RP)
  8. (91) Chad Green (TOR - RP)
  9. (102) Steven Matz (STL - SP,RP)
  10. (115) Tanner Houck (BOS - SP)
  11. (126) Tyler Anderson (LAA - SP)
  12. (139) Spencer Turnbull (PHI - SP)
  13. (150) Connor Joe (PIT - 1B,OF)
  14. (163) José Caballero (TB - 2B,SS)
  15. (174) Gio Urshela (DET - 1B,3B,SS)
  16. (187) Will Brennan (CLE - OF)
  17. (198) Jake McCarthy (AZ - OF)
  18. (211) Jorge Mateo (BAL - SS)
  19. (222) Dairon Blanco (KC - OF)
  20. (235) Jacob Young (WSH - OF)
  21. (246) Bubba Thompson (CIN - OF)
  22. (259) Trevor Williams (WSH - SP)
  23. (270) Reese McGuire (BOS - C)
Recent Additions from Last Week and This Week (since last update):
Recent Drops This Week and Last Week:
Trades that I performed since my last update:
Current Roster and why I choose to own them:
Continue the grind! I made it through yet another week! I would like to talk about last week's matchup: It was a humbling defeat where I lost 3-6. The few categories I won were SB, Saves, K. We tied in wins with 7 for each of us. (Incredibly high amount of wins) My ERA and WHIP were massive because of my "Aces" not performing like it. Kirby, Gauseman and Ragans all did bad. People made a big fuss about me "winning those trades" a few weeks ago, but actually if I had Lugo and some of those other names I would have won this week.... Still long term I should be just fine. Oh McArthur also inflated my ratios. Walker was useful to help me with those wins. RP Neris somehow got 2 of them? Fedde continues to shine just like his KBO numbers and I'm much higher on him than most others are. On offense I barely got enough SB actually. Then really did NOT hit for high average. The two standouts were Yandy Diaz and Campusano! Ruiz was a terrible add and recently cut him. He hasn't played in 5 games. Time to shake this loss off and focus on the future.
No trades to report on this week. I was slightly less active trading and sending offers out this past week than I usually am. I still intend on selling high on Jon Gray and possibly Crochet (cuz innings limits concerns), and my streamer who just had an awesome start TUES Gavin Stone. Three for 1 package deal of course. I will be going after those buy low SP. I have no issues holding onto Jon Gray or Crochet either.
My matchup for this current week features an opponent who has only 22sb on the season compared to my 39. They only have hit for .243 average compared to my .251 so I feel pretty confident I can win at least those 2 offensive categories. Since we are two days in I'm actually ahead in runs at this moment too, however I doubt that will last since they are 4th in overall runs on the season. For pitching I'm absolutely dominant in the season stats. I am the LEADER in every single category. Pretty awesome considering the way I started at the draft! (It helps that players I took were absolutely incredible to start the year and I have streamed in many strong names). A deeper look on the pitching though they have 7 starts remaining vs my 5. I'm severely ahead thus far though with 4 wins, 26k, 0.94era, 0.70whip. So I absolutely have no real need to stream more SP. This is the manager that I traded some of my former SP like Tanner Houck, Seth Lugo, Jordan Hicks and Spencer Turnbull. They only have 2 closers compared to my 3 so I like my odds there too. I do predict a likely 7-3 victory for me this week.
In terms of the moves I have made already this week and my future moves this week: I secured a real nice speed and contact hitter in Josh Lowe! Feels like he will fit it on my squad perfectly! And it gets rid of my weakest hitter Ruiz. When I added in Dairon Blanco it's purely a speed play really. He may still be replaceable if this weekly matchup is close in runs and I need them later in week. Sal Frelick is an option to re add as well as other leadoff hitters across the majors. (Frelick hasn't been batting leadoff) I'm glad I held the line on Fedde and Crochet. I almost was going to drop them to stream in more starting pitchers. Late in the week I knew it was close in wins and I had no chance to win the ratios so I streamed in a few extra SP and cut Taillon. I certainly could have tried harder to "sell high" on him. Gavin Stone is fine on my roster, but I may actually add a pitcher with higher upside to both dangle in trades and/or just keep on team. I been in talks to obtain Jarren Duran or Brice Turang (both owned by the same manager) so that might be something that happens for the next update!
Bit of strategy talk here regarding my team build. The goal of a punt power build is to win 2 offensive categories (Ideally 3 eventually, R, AVG, SB) and win 4-5 pitching categories. (If you are able to obtain closers you have upside to win 5 pitching cats, if you punt saves then your upside is 4 and you would be more consistently likely to win WINS and K categories) I technically currently have the upside to win all 5 pitching and 2 hitting categories. (If I gain runs value I would even have maximum upside of 8 categories! 5+3=8) Remember that in category leagues you ONLY NEED TO WIN 6 categories folks! This is the benefit of punting! (And technically in h2h playoffs you can have a tie 5-5 and still advance to next round due to season standings and matchup ranking!) I think punting gives you less variance than other builds? Or maybe this less variance is just from having high AVG contact hitters? Discuss? (Could be an ongoing discussion throughout the season)
There is an interesting topic to bring up regarding trading for hitters who fit the "punt power" type of team build. I think buying low on Kwan and Trea Turner now become viable possibilities for my team and other punt power teams that may exist out there! If you have any other names that could be buy low, I'm all ears. Remember to always keep an eye out for prospects coming up who have the skills that you want/need! Sometimes you can trade away your current assets that you have for upgrades at weak positions on your team and then fill those holes of the guys you traded away with prospects who are coming up soon or have already come up. (Or a hot waiver wire bat that will fill in temporarily) In this way you become a team with "less weaknesses" (Of course that advice can apply to all sorts of type of team builds in head to head category leagues). What this means for this Undraftables team is I may be able to flip my pitching assets for hitting upgrades that give the full trifecta of RUNS, AVG, SB. (Corbin Caroll firmly on my future radar) Maybe I should already be sending feelers, hmmm...
Overall, continue to be quite happy with my team's performance and strategy, (despite last week's loss). As mentioned my goal is to win by a score of 6-4 or tie 5-5, but eventually will have upside to win 7-3 or even 8-2. I'm willing to make adjustments for each week and consider player recommendations to achieve that goal. So far, this has gone better than I expected (whereas this was tougher in the NBA)! One of the bigger takeaways you can glean from this strategy is that there are numerous ways to win a category league. I have won with punt power strategy for 3-4 years now so for me it is "proven winner". (Notate that this punt power strategy has NOT been tested in Roto YET. I plan to test that next year. Is this the best way to "punt power"? No, remember this was an "extra challenge" that I set forth upon myself.) You really don't have to go "Undraftables" (hard mode) like I have! A big takeway is that having superstars (or stars) undeniably will help a build like this do even better (Ronald Acuna, Elly De La Cruz, Witt, Corbin Carroll, etc), but you don't necessarily "need" those superstars. Instead you just need to have the right build or combination of players and a focus on your matchups. (In fantasy and MLB) There are various "useful" players with skill sets that are still worthy. You don't always need "The best player" in everything. (At least NOT IN A CATEGORY LEAGUE) If you have suffered severe injuries to some power hitters (like Trout, Casas, Royce Lewis, Josh Jung) you could transition and/or trade into a "punt power build" to try it out? (Or that could be something you consider further down the road in the season too) If you need help on how to do it, I'm your guy!
I'll provide weekly updates on the team's progress, so let me know if you'd like to follow along or have any suggestions! Thoughts on the team? If you want the previous updates on the team with "How I ended up here" and each week breakdown you can find them in a FB group or I can send them to you in a message. (I wasn't able to post early in season because I changed reddit profiles (hated my username) from last year which had bunches of karma!) (Can't post if you don't have enough karma) Additionally, I'm recruiting for next year, (although this is NOT the central goal of this post) where this unique drafting strategy will be the league's standard for each owner.
submitted by SlightlyAnonymous87 to fantasybaseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:36 sirhc0223 [35/M] Toronto, Canada Looking for someone to voice with.

Just woke up and continue to feel sad and lonely. Looking for a sweet gentle voice to help distract me and possibly fall back to sleep. I'm not looking for someone to trauma dump or express myself necessarily, but to just take my mind off things and distract me. If I feel comfortable with you and I find that you're understanding, I could possibly share things with you if that's what you'd like.
A little about me...I'm vegan, I crochet(on hiatus), I exercise, I enjoy concerts and there's more we could find out. I've been described as gentle, kind, affectionate, caring, open and honest. Apparently I have a "nice" voice.
I'd rather not talk about politics and food(I'm vegan) as I would like to feel safe. You're free to talk about school/work, but I won't be talking about that related to me. Besides those things, you're free to literally talk to me about anything and everything. If you're struggling and want to talk about that, you're free to do so. If you just want to have a fun mutually enjoyable conversation, we can do that as well.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to meeting you!
submitted by sirhc0223 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:35 sirhc0223 35M Toronto, Canada Looking for someone to voice with.

Just woke up and continue to feel sad and lonely. Looking for a sweet gentle voice to help distract me and possibly fall back to sleep. I'm not looking for someone to trauma dump or express myself necessarily, but to just take my mind off things and distract me. If I feel comfortable with you and I find that you're understanding, I could possibly share things with you if that's what you'd like.
A little about me...I'm vegan, I crochet(on hiatus), I exercise, I enjoy concerts and there's more we could find out. I've been described as gentle, kind, affectionate, caring, open and honest. Apparently I have a "nice" voice.
I'd rather not talk about politics and food(I'm vegan) as I would like to feel safe. You're free to talk about school/work, but I won't be talking about that related to me. Besides those things, you're free to literally talk to me about anything and everything. If you're struggling and want to talk about that, you're free to do so. If you just want to have a fun mutually enjoyable conversation, we can do that as well.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to meeting you!
submitted by sirhc0223 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:35 sirhc0223 35M Toronto, Canada Looking for someone to voice with.

Just woke up and continue to feel sad and lonely. Looking for a sweet gentle voice to help distract me and possibly fall back to sleep. I'm not looking for someone to trauma dump or express myself necessarily, but to just take my mind off things and distract me. If I feel comfortable with you and I find that you're understanding, I could possibly share things with you if that's what you'd like.
A little about me...I'm vegan, I crochet(on hiatus), I exercise, I enjoy concerts and there's more we could find out. I've been described as gentle, kind, affectionate, caring, open and honest. Apparently I have a "nice" voice.
I'd rather not talk about politics and food(I'm vegan) as I would like to feel safe. You're free to talk about school/work, but I won't be talking about that related to me. Besides those things, you're free to literally talk to me about anything and everything. If you're struggling and want to talk about that, you're free to do so. If you just want to have a fun mutually enjoyable conversation, we can do that as well.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to meeting you!
submitted by sirhc0223 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:34 sirhc0223 35M Toronto, Canada Looking for someone to voice with.

Just woke up and continue to feel sad and lonely. Looking for a sweet gentle voice to help distract me and possibly fall back to sleep. I'm not looking for someone to trauma dump or express myself necessarily, but to just take my mind off things and distract me. If I feel comfortable with you and I find that you're understanding, I could possibly share things with you if that's what you'd like.
A little about me...I'm vegan, I crochet(on hiatus), I exercise, I enjoy concerts and there's more we could find out. I've been described as gentle, kind, affectionate, caring, open and honest. Apparently I have a "nice" voice.
I'd rather not talk about politics and food(I'm vegan) as I would like to feel safe. You're free to talk about school/work, but I won't be talking about that related to me. Besides those things, you're free to literally talk to me about anything and everything. If you're struggling and want to talk about that, you're free to do so. If you just want to have a fun mutually enjoyable conversation, we can do that as well.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to meeting you!
submitted by sirhc0223 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:19 megaamazing Made my first ever crochet top!

Made my first ever crochet top!
Made my first ever crochet top using the free tutorial from For the Frills ( I was quite afraid it wouldn’t fit so I think in the end I made it a little big but it still fits well. I used Caron Simply Soft yarn in Cobalt Blue.
I wanted to jazz it up a little with some pony beads and I made a scrunchie to match with the leftovers. I’ve been knitting for years and have had a few attempts at crochet but only really recently properly learnt to crochet (with some definite thanks to this community!) so very proud of this piece! I will be making a crochet dress next I think 🤔
submitted by megaamazing to crochet [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:08 ConsistentMistake691 Starting a small business in MN questions

Lawyers, small business owners, anyone who could help answer some of my questions welcome please. I also am looking for some support as I feel completely alone in unknown waters. If anyone has walked this path before me or has helpful knowledge I would be very grateful.
(Forgive me if any mistakes, English is not my first language)
-To start a small business of upcycling blankets and other second-hand fabric by sewing. I would also like to knit and crochet pieces too, so it’s an art/ craft but the outcome is accessories such as tote bags and clothing items. I have many art-related ideas too and don’t want to limit myself too much. From what I’ve read, I believe this best would fall under the NAICS (code 44-45) more specifically 458000- clothing, clothing accessories, shoe, and jewelry retailers. (Feel free to correct me)
-I am a woman in my early 20s and I still live at home with my family in a home that we rent. I don’t have any assets, I don’t own a car, and I don’t own a house. The only person wanting to do the business is me alone. I’m taking a break from working an actual job at the moment and want to take a chance on this business idea. I don’t have anything to lose right now. I do not have a home office but only my bedroom that can turn into a space for me to sew which is the main thing I will be doing in the business I start. I have hope in this business idea and want to be able to provide income to help my family more. The hope is keeping me alive and everyone starts somewhere don’t they?
In no way do I plan to use Reddit as legal advice, but any guidance or any input leading me to the right direction would mean so so much to me.
My questions<
1.When starting out should I do a DBA or and LLC?
-I have read up on this a lot the last few months and still can’t reach a conclusion. DBA $30 if I file thru mail, and LLC $135. DBA mentions “principal place of business” and that would be the rental property where I live truthfully. Sec.609.48 of the Minnesota 2023 statutes is scary to me because I would never intend to violate that and end up in jail or paying huge fines. My dad has a dedicated office space, and since cowork spaces exist for businesses, I know I technically could use his address instead of my home address…. but that does not feel truthful since I only would be working and sewing from my room at home so I know it must be wrong.
  1. Sole proprietor?
-Is the best option to just operate under my legal name so no DBA is necessary or LLC? Should I just start? It feels like I am getting ahead of myself. I could rent a P.O. Box and use that as the sending address for items that I sell to protect my home address, right? Do I maybe only need to seek permission from my landlord? Sewing is something so small though, not like I am doing mechanic repairs or metal working on the property.
—— I have read about using a lawyeregistered agent to protect home address paying them yearly, or using a virtual adddress to protect home address, registering at a local cowork monthly, and even renting an actual mail box at the local post office all as options. All have their downsides though and it seems if I am the primary owner of my business my home address may still get out into the world some how though…so is it just unavoidable? Do I just say screw it and register my business with my home address? Maybe there is some solution I am missing…
—What would you do?—
Thank you in advance to anyone who reads this post. I appreciate you taking time out of your day and putting up with a lot of word vomit and no doubt errors.
How do people do it!
submitted by ConsistentMistake691 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:36 Trapped_Mechanic TIFU by offering my dying friend my spare bedroom.

So, I've kind of posted about this in other threads, specifically on askreddit, but by some users request, I will do my best to fully relay this entire tale up to the current point, as well as provide as much context I am able (and will provide missing context if asked in comments).
A friend of mine of 4 years drank himself into liver failure and his wife cheated on him, so I offered him a free room to try and put his life back together, and I was repaid for the thought with a divorce of my own, but honestly, it's probably not that bad.
Me and my wife have been together since early 2014, and married in late 2017. We have been through much together, including two extended deployments, one of which was 10 and a half months long. We have traveled the world together, lived on both coasts of the US, and despite much of our struggles and how things eventually went down, I was always convinced we would work as a team to overcome any issues.
The friend in question was, largely, an online friend. We met playing an MMO during covid and we quickly formed a very tight knit, but small, community that were very close that included me, my wife, my friend, his wife, and 4 other friends. Covid was a wild time and I was surprised how easy it was to form friends in this group and we kept in touch, as a whole, even once quarantine had ended and most of us had moved on from that particular game. This was a group that, while it started online, we have met most of these people several times IRL and had vacations to spend time together and just hang out.
Part 2: His Problems
Fast forward to about January of 2024. My buddy, from here on out I will refer to as Z (and for a quick add, I will refer to my wife as D), contacts us to tell us his condition is dire and he has been diagnosed with stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver as a consequence of his extensive drinking. Shaken, we quickly charter a flight out to visit. Within a week, we're staying with him and his wife and his roommate and a couple members of his family who are taking care of him. This man is bloated, yellow, and probably about 350lbs now. We are worried, but stay supportive and positive that help can be found, especially since he seems keen on changing his lifestyle for the better. Some of his family start a gofundme that we donate to, and many of the people in our gaming circle who have grown close also donate several thousand dollars (One member of our raid team donated 10k. You never know who is stealth rich on the internet I guess). Me and several other friends discuss the possibilities of helping him get on disability and even getting ourselves tested as compatible living donors. Sad, but hopeful, we depart about a week later, and stay in constant touch.
About a month later, I'm getting a call from one of our mutuals letting me know that "Hey, so I may have goofed up." and tells me how Z's wife had visited him and had a 3 way with him and his wife. I am obviously irate at this and turn to back Z up with comments like "So much for in sickness and in health, huh?" I do what I can to stay supportive, and my wife, D, also makes it a point to stay in touch with him as he has found himself banished to the couch of his apartment. Not even allowed to sleep in his own bed and frequently uncomfortable even being in his bedroom to use the PC.
I'm not particularly rich, but I am not poor either. I served in the military and have a high VA rating which means a constant income and have a steady job and a couple side gigs that pay well enough. My love language, in many ways, is gift giving. I pride myself on being able to pick a good gift, even if it's a little early for an occasion such as a bday or christmas, and will often pull the trigger on something if it means a lot or I think it will help. In this case, my brother was selling an old steam deck because he wanted a new OLED model, so I figured "two birds, one stone", and buy the steam deck off him and send it to Z so we can still game together.
In the intervening months, Z and D start playing games that I have no interest in (Disney Dreamlight Valley), but I am happy to play other games and hang out and chat. Really, nothing seems amiss, but since his banishment, me and my wife are both pushing for him to come and take up the spare bedroom we have in our home. Soon enough, I buy him a plane ticket and he arrives with little more than the clothes on his back and we take him in, no cost other than the expectation that he might help around the house a bit (he was a chef, so having a cook and someone to help clean was ideal for me who often did not have the time or energy to handle these tasks as thoroughly as I would like).
Part 3: The Incident
Now, I am skipping ahead a little bit here, but there's not much to be said about the time between. My wife worked part time hours, and when she did go to work, she'd have him tag along just so he wouldn't "Sit and stew with bad thoughts" at the house alone. I will admit that throughout this entire ordeal, I have had several, several times where my brain tried to warn me, but I ignored ALL of those signs because I trusted him, but more importantly, I trusted her with my life.
One new, frequent argument I found myself having with her was she would fall asleep on the couch, and when I finally tried to go to bed, I'd do my best to wake her and drag her upstairs. These became extremely frequent occurrences and I expressed to her how frustrated I was that I had to fight with her just to come to bed so we could sleep (mind you, this is not even about sex. Often I'm taking her to bed at like, 1am and I work at 7, so I really just wanted her to be sleeping in the bed). Hell, one time, I started catching the vibes that the longer I sat and waited for her to be ready to go upstairs, she just never would be, because they were waiting for me to leave so they could talk in hushed tones. On THAT particular night, I went upstairs alone with her finally awake, and she did not join me for another half hour.
Finally, the day arrives. Its Sunday. We are all downstairs hanging out. One of their newest habits I can't really stand but just dealt with is that she'd sit and crochet while he doomscrolled or strummed on a guitar I bought him and listen to music videos on youtube endlessly. Eventually, I grow weary and give my wife a kiss and tell her I'm gonna go upstairs and play some GW2 for a bit.
About an hour passes, and she enters the game room and tells me "I am uncomfortable. I really need to talk to you. Oh, you're dying!" (As she entered the room, I immediately turn face to talk to her and disregard the game, but she decided that my Charr was more important that what was about to happen, so she of course warns me.) We step into the bedroom and close the door.
"You're going to hate me," she says through tears, "me and Z kissed!" At this point, my brain short circuits and I recall one of my first thoughts being "Oh lord, here we go." and just a general desire to not be a part of this conversation. Shock sets in almost immediately. Still with a healthy dose of denial, I talk to her about what had happened and told her that it needed to end. Even at this point, I did not want to send this man home. Was it shock? Denial? Probably a mixture of the two, or some other additional emotional responses. She gets up after some discussion and goes downstairs, promising to shut him down, but comes back about 15 minutes later sobbing "I couldn't do it! I couldn't end it..." (Side note: In my confused haze of a mind, I feel personally threatened, and after she leaves the bedroom, I lock the door and grab a metal water cub I keep at my side and prepare to actually fight if it comes to it, but once she returns, I back off that idea again.)
Talking with her more, I present her with two options; Couple's therapy, or divorce. BOTH of these options are world ending to her, and she even goes so far as to suggest that just because I said the "D word" that it was what I wanted, which was objectively untrue. We talk back and forth about things I don't quite recall at this point, aside from one point where she comes back and locks herself in the master bath and tells me to call 911, she doesn't care, because she's going to take a bunch of pills, but after a couple of hours, Z shows up to the door and knocks and asks if he can come in. I tell him he may enter, and we talk for a bit. After about 5ish minutes, we decide to go downstairs to the living room and continue the discussion.
Once I sit down on the sofa, I immediately feel like I'm being positioned as the bad guy. I'm in the corner of our sectional, and she's on my left, he's on my right. She tells him "He said it's either a divorce or couple's therapy." "Oh, so he gave you an ultimatum?" I continue to argue that yes, those are the two only options. Z tells me "You're not being fair to her emotions. She is telling you there is another option." I am thoroughly baffled at this statement.
D: I didn't think it was possible and I didn't mean for it to happen, but I have fallen in love with another man. My heart has room for two. I truly have two soulmates. I have never been happier than sleeping on the couch next to my two boys.
Z: There is no reason you guys can't stay married, and we can explore what we've found. I mean, look at how happy she has been since I have been here!
Sick to my stomach, I get up to go vomit in the toilet. Now, I wore a silicone wedding ring, and often find even with a hand wash, a little water tends to get trapped under it. After I finish and wash myself up, I come back and am playing with my ring to dry it. She sees this as a sign that I am uncomfortable again wearing my ring, and takes off her ring as I sit back down and hands me her wedding ring.
Me: Uh, excuse me?
D: This is what you want, I can tell.
Me: No? I was washing my hands and water gets stuck under my ring...
D: Oh... I thought... okay. (And she takes back her ring from me)
I tell her, very clearly, the options are to either end things with him, or end things with me. At this point, I'm still in shock, but sober in mind enough to decide that this is not worth fighting over. I will not argue with my own wife my merits or why she shouldn't just pack up and leave with a jobless, now essentially homeless man, and if she cannot figure that out herself then I will eventually move on.
Crying, sobbing, she sits down in front of him and says, "I'm so sorry, I fought for you. I really did. I told you I'd fight for you and I failed. I loved being your girlfriend, but I need to be a good wife and stay."
Z says "Alright." and starts to go gather his things to leave. As he does, she grabs him and says "No, wait! Please don't go. I don't know what I want."
Z: Ok, well if we're getting all this out in the open, I want to say this. I love this girl. I love her with my whole heart, and without her, life is not worth living. I will not leave this house if you (me) tell me to. Only her. You are taking this very well right now, I can tell you want to hit me (Still in shock, no, I can genuinely say that emotion or thought had not actually registered outside of the event upstairs earlier), but this is my stand.
D: OP, we had a good run. I'm sorry.
And with that, I get up and go to get my sandals and leave the house to get some air. As I try to go, she runs to the door and he follows her. She pushes the door closed and says "No wait, please!"
Me: No, this is the deal. I'm going out to get some fresh air. I am not threatening self harm to "win you back".
D: Will you be back?
Me: I don't know.
Z: Man, I'm telling you, you don't understand, you think I am your enemy, but I am not.
And with that, I leave and shut the door.
In the about, hour, I am gone, I drive around near the house and I call my supervisor who I have a very good relationship with (and I did not want to involve direct friends or family yet because I'm afraid it's too early to start spreading this news). I go over to her house nearby and we chat shortly. After our talk, I have at least something of a clear head and go home, with words for both of them.
As I arrive home, there is no one downstairs. I go upstairs. His door is closed. I knock on the door.
Z: Uh, one second.
I wait for about 5 agonizing seconds, but I refuse to be shut out of rooms in my own home and open the door. He is shirtless, and she is hiding in the corner just out of sight of me. I look him in the eye.
Me: Really?
Z: Yep.
Me: Get out of my house.
And with that, they both silently pack their things and leave.
The second I hear the front door close, I start calling people. I am not above pettiness, and the first person I call is her mom, whom I have a good relationship with. She is SHAKEN and immediately calls her. (I find out later that it was a particularly harsh verbal beating by her, but it really doesn't change anything.)
When I come downstairs to check the state of the house, I see her wedding ring on the counter. I call out of work the next day and lay down and hope I die.
Part 4: Her Problems
So, there is some additional context that I did not add in part 1 because a lot of it is red flags I ignored over the course of our relationship that, in the days following, started to become more and more obvious. There are many that I spent much effort playing off or covering her for, but I will try to briefly list much of what I see as glaring issues in the relationship that were never remedied.
This woman is 30 years old and cannot drive. She can drive and HAS driven my vehicle at the start of the relationship (albeit illegally), but after one tiny little accident where she hit a pole and knocked my side mirror off (which she paid for and fixed before telling me, it really wasn't a big deal. I was on deployment), she never drove again. Attempts to get her behind the wheel would end very quickly after they started, and the conditions to get her in the seat were often extremely time limited, scheduled, or something would come up, and every time I told her "okay, this month we're getting your license for sure" it just wouldn't happen and I'd end up feeling like the one who was at fault.
She does not have her Bachelor's degree because she did not turn in her final project for one single class. Not only that, but she has never truly pursued a career with the things she learned from the coursework, or even used her AA.
For half of the relationship, she did not work at all. When she did, it was often part time work, and if she was saddled with full time hours or, god forbid, overtime, it was a world-ending affair. She would come home and constantly be tired from her few hours at work and would do little more than sit around and crochet.
Our agreement when we bought our house was that she was going to work full time and we were going to split household duties, but I would definitely scoop the cat box because she was allergic (but she wanted cats) and wash dishes (because she hated them), and she would do laundry (because I hated it). In practice, all her version of laundry turned out to be was to throw loads in when one of us was out of clothes and just hit wash and then rotate, and then leave all the clothes in a pile on the bed. EVERYONE KNOWS folding the laundry is the worst part! Come on! Men's clothes are easy! I don't wear that much! (When we would fold, I often finished in a third of her time and would just hang out and chat until she was done)
Ultimately, this meant that for many years now, she was working barely more than part time if she was working at all, and would sort-of do laundry. Meanwhile, I am scooping litter, folding laundry, doing dishes, doing all related yard work, doing all the household cleaning, handling all the finances, I did MOST of the cooking, and all of the grocery shopping (often going alone), driving her from work if I could (she'd uber it if not) and picking her up and driving her home, as well as just generally being a chauffeur for her for 10 years, while working a full time job and a side gig online. Many nights I'd have to stop what I was doing to pick her up at closing hours, and then would sit in the parking lot for 30 minutes while she did tasks like vacuum her little crystal shop that she definitely could have done before close so I didn't end up waiting so damn long. Then we'd come home hang out and eat while we watched TV, and then if I wanted to try and go upstairs to do another hobby, I'd be silently guilted about it because she wanted to sit on the couch and crochet.
Part 5: My Problems
I am not perfect, and admit I have flaws. One of her favorite things to claim to our friends now is that I was "emotionally neglectful", and if there is truth to it, I think I can pin down the day. Before I started working full time again, I was going to school on the 9/11 GI bill. I was not a good student in my younger years, but in time, I have become rather good at school. My first two semesters back I easily maintained a 4.0 GPA. Over the summer in 2022, I, woefully, decided to take a Calc 2 class online because I could not find one in person and wanted to be ready for Calc 3 in the Fall to fill a prereq for my bachelor's, and I really liked the instructor for that Calc 3 class. This calc 2 class was painful. The instructor had clearly recorded all his lectures during Covid and we were simply given the full course of videos and given work assignments and said "Email me if you have questions." This is not how I learn, but I figured, hey, it's one class. I'm working again, but one class isn't a huge deal. I can knock this out.
I was wrong.
After the second exam, I had a low C in the class and I knew I couldn't keep up. I withdrew from the class feeling no other option. I tend to be pretty good at math, and ultimately my dream was to work with 3d printing on an industrial scale with a Mechanical Engineering degree- and if that failed I had my military history (which is engineering relevant) and a degree to fall back on and work should come easily. After clicking that withdraw button, I saw those dreams vaporize. After that, I threw myself into my government civilian job full time and slowly fell into depression. By the end of our relationship, with the toll of doing 99% of the work around the house and for her and with my dreams dead and buried, at age 33, I would wake up and pray I died. I would never kill myself, but I wanted to just die. I felt backed into a corner. I still did everything I could to support her and hoped that one day, she would pick up some of the load and maybe, just maybe, I could go back, but that day did not come (At least not in the way I expected).
Part 6: The Aftermath
This post is already too long, and if I include every single detail that has come to light since, I might actually hit the post cap, but I will go over at least some of it here.
I have had my friends come out in droves. Both of them have been effectively exiled, at least from what I can see, from every friend circle we have. After a couple of days, they flew back to live with, I guess, his parents in Vegas while they sorted shit out, because after I spoke with Z's previous roommate, he adamantly explained he was tired of all the "fucking drama" that Z had been bringing into the house and was just done with it.
I have spoken with many, many people and gotten even more context and even receipts of some of each of their conversations to our mutual friends, and some of the shit I read is just hilarious. He is "not ashamed of pursuing happiness, he is just sad that people got hurt". She is "coming to terms with emotional neglect and felt trapped, but now, yes now, she is free."
I got my neighbors to watch the cats, and took my dog up to visit my closest friend of 20 years and spent about a week and a half drinking, smoking, and talking about all this while surrounded by some of the most beautiful nature the US has to offer. Truly, without this man, I don't think I'd have gotten this far as quickly as I have. He really has been a lifesaver and I truly, to my dying day, will always appreciate him.
Paperwork has been filed, we wish to remain on good terms, and one day I still do hope I can be a friend to her, but she is woefully immature and incapable of adequately performing in an adult society. I have quit my job and am returning to school with a much lighter budget and will be getting that degree I desperately need.
It's been hard, real hard. I have put every ounce of my being into this relationship, and I truly felt like she was part of me, and nothing like this could ever happen. But it's that trust that allowed this to happen. I do not hate her, I'm just disappointed. I will pick up my pieces and, hopefully, find myself whole again soon.
Part 7: Rambling anecdotes
These are some stories I wanted to include in the previous body of text but didn't feel like it kept the same flow (if there even is any at all, I'm not proofreading this). If I remember any others after I post, Ill just toss them in the comments.
Early after Z came to live with us, my mother came to the house to drop off a package. I am pretty sure I was at work, but when my mother came to the door, both of them answered the door and the way my mom describes it "First of all, do you answer the door at your friends house? Also, the way he hovered over her made me uncomfortable. They were in the doorway and he was right up behind her poking his head out." She said my wife had told her that I was feeling unwell and was upstairs sleeping. I can't even be sure at this point.
Shortly before all the things happened, my parents were going out of town to celebrate their own anniversary, and I had agreed to dog-sit their 5 month old puppy (who, while cute, has WAY too much energy and was EXTREMELY difficult to handle, and I have raised several dogs at this point). We met up and took the dog, and then ALL of us (including Z) went to dinner. At dinner, my mother looked at my wife and asked, directly "And so how long have you been married? 6, almost 7 years? Well at least you missed that 7 year itch, huh" and my wife shortly followed with a comment about how she was not hungry and did not eat dinner that night.
All of this happened WHILE THIS CRAZY PUPPY was running around the house, and part of me thinks he pushed this to happen when it did because he could not stand having to help take care of this dog any longer (2 days).
About a week after all this happened, my wife did not text or call me, or respond to any messages or emails I sent her (I didn't send many, but they exist). Frustrated, I text her and tell her I need to talk to her about logistics moving forward, specifically about her belongings. She told me "I will talk to you when I am ready." We did not talk for another week. Also, she told me to stop talking to her mom. (I have a good relationship with both of my in-laws and while her step-father tried to remain impartial to the best of his abilities, he gave me some of the best advice I could possibly have gotten at that time, mostly about how to move forward and cope, as he has personally dealt with this with smaller relationships 3 separate times in his life which he gave me details on, and we are still on good terms.)
Their favorite TV show to watch together was Outlander, which, if you aren't aware, is basically a story about a woman who time travels and has two men in her life.
One of our biggest constant points of contention was my friendship with an old high school buddy (who I spent much of the time in the aftermath hanging out with while healing). We believe, with good reason, that she hated this man because after I had almost been hospitalized for psych reasons due to stress, he had told me I needed to talk to her about working again and doing more to help around the house. She figured out, obviously, who was telling me to say these things, and sent a very, very angry text to his wife. They all apparently made up, but I know she never let that grudge go.
One of the fairly recent hobbies I got into was D&D. It seemed like a good fit for all of us. She loved fantasy and gaming, I enjoyed 3d printing and story telling. She needed friends, and a party of people hangin out would give her at least a few connections to start. Every night she "participated" in D&D, she mostly sat quiet and did not do anything. Hell, I tried to get her to participate in 2 different games, and after she left the first one, she asked to just sit quietly in the discord call (This first one was online only, second was in person) and listen, which was super awkward. In the in person game, after 3 months of playing, she did not know how to play her character at all, and mostly spent her time at the table crocheting. (My buddy even made a comment about how at one point, he was proud of how good I was getting at DMing and I was giving particularly good exposition, and she interrupted me to hand another player at the table a dice bag she made. I don't remember it, but I absolutely believe this happened.)
The day of "the incident", she had a meltdown about how a friend of hers had ghosted her. I told her it was okay, she was much younger anyway and people grow apart. She's probably going through stuff and we should respect that path she's on. She cried about how she has no friends.
Also the day of "the incident", we were in the shower together and she told me she had met her sister's new BF on facetime. I asked "why did she break up with her old one?" "Well... she cheated on him." "Oh, that's a shame. Cheating is probably the most cowardly act a person can do to another. If you're going to start a new relationship, you need to grow a pair and end it before starting a new one." She clearly took my words to heart.
One of my biggest pet peeves about cleaning the house is our dog sheds, a lot. If I see a hairball roll through the house it immediately drains me a bit. We had a roomba. She would send that thing home when it started and never start it again. It barely ran. She would not vacuum.
One of the most common descriptors of her I've heard used by many people now that they're "allowed to" is "She was there, doing the thing with us, but it was like she wasn't there."
Something she thought that I apparently hadn't figured out by the time we talked after everything happened was that they had been talking since February. I told her I wasn't stupid and had figured it out already that this wasn't out of the blue.
Z's wife is currently pregnant with the baby of the man she cheated on him with. (And he is also married)
Anything else I remember Ill leave for comments, I know there is much, much more.
submitted by Trapped_Mechanic to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:05 ThineOwnHorror3552 Making my wedding Bouquet

I am planning on crocheting my wedding bouquet, but I have been having a hard time finding a pattern for a Hydrangea. Would anyone know of one (paid or free)?
submitted by ThineOwnHorror3552 to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:59 o0Lilith0o 28F looking for someone to talk to long term!!!

I have a lot of free time currently and looking for someone who has the same general interests. I’m in California. I love reading, video games, crocheting, knitting, baking, movies, and Horse back riding. I watch basketball and football (Mavericks/Cowboys) and play my Switch pretty regularly. DM if you have any questions or think we might get along!
submitted by o0Lilith0o to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:29 cattiecakie 23f looking for her other platonic half <3

i’m 23f, i decided to post as i’m feeling lonely and i don’t have any friends to share my life with): i’m looking for people to chat about our days and hang out together!! i describe myself as a very kind, loving, and giving friend (i will make u cakes for all ur achievements <3)
i just graduated uni with a ba in english! i work part time as a barista, and also as an assistant editor at a magazine (weird combo i know) but i’m kinda just working w things i enjoy rn and saving up to move out :) so i’m definitely a busybody but have loads of time to text
(i love calling too once i get to know someone, i talk way too much)
in my free time i love to bake, make crochet tops and plushies, and work out! i also am an artist, but super burnt out so have not been drawing lately ): would love art buddies for new motivation! and lastly i’m addicted to youtube haha
i am bisexual, but also happily in a relationship—so not interested in anything other than platonic friendships!
male, female, nb, are all welcome to message! the only thing i ask is that ur 20+
some things i love are:
tv shows (just finished baby reindeer and omg), coffee, reading, writing, fashion, traveling, makeup, and plushies :))
tell me some things u love (or hate!) i am so open to talk about anything
submitted by cattiecakie to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:13 DIY-Fluffies Free Parrot Amigurumi Crochet Pattern

Free Parrot Amigurumi Crochet Pattern
Crochet this cute Poco the parrot with my free parrot crochet pattern.
submitted by DIY-Fluffies to Amigurumi [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:02 Building_Normal Skipper Prom Dress

Skipper Prom Dress
Recently started crocheting again.. I gave it up because I can't read pattern very well and it was defeating but since picking it back up I've decided to 'free style' and just do what makes me happy and not nick pick at making it perfect. Wanted to share my first doll dress, requested by my daughter for skippers junior prom.
submitted by Building_Normal to crochet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:56 Katie1501 Why do my roses have less petals even with the same hook, yarn, and pattern?

Why do my roses have less petals even with the same hook, yarn, and pattern?
Hi! I posted here about a week or 2 ago but deleted the post because I thought I used a different pattern, but now I know I didn't. so I've been crocheting on and off for a few months and i finally made a rose about 2 weeks ago, and it came out really well and i was so happy with it i made about 6-8 more but none of the others came out to the same size/amount of petals even though I've checked the pattern so many times ( and I am using the same hook and yarn ) that I can do it off the top of my head( this is the pattern: ) yet they never come out the same as the first rose. My first rose had 19 petals and the new ones only have 9, yet I've made the roses so many times so I'm not sure how this is happening, can anyone help? personally I don't want to make those roses with the gaps in each petal so i haven't switched patterns but if anyone has any good patterns ( that are free obviously ) could you please send them to me or help figure out why this keeps happening?
submitted by Katie1501 to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:44 amethyst353 Is it normal to only have 1.5 hours of free time?

I just tried to make a daily schedule for week days for the first time to see what time I’d have to wake up to start going to the gym. I like to either play video games or crochet after work but it looks like I only have an hour and a half of free time if I start working out.
This is pretty depressing to me. Is this how people live? Less than 2 hours of hobby/relax time a day?
submitted by amethyst353 to TimeManagement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:56 CroFishCrafter Latest project - second project bag

Latest project - second project bag
Just finished up this project bag.
Relatively simple, BLO with drawstrings. The original plans suggested a ribbon or rope, so I decided to crochet an i-cord.
I used this pattern with 3 skeins of this yarn.
submitted by CroFishCrafter to crochet [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:56 zippiehippie 24F Canada - Artsy, outdoorsy bookworm looking for long-term friends!✨

Hi there! 🌿☀️ I’m Michaela, a 24 y/o female from Canada. I work remotely as an editor, so I often have free time throughout the day to chat. Please only message me if you are 18+, thank you 💕
Some of my interests:
History 📚: I have my master’s in art history but I'm also interested in social history. I especially love the Renaissance and the ancient world.
Reading 📖: I'm a major bookworm, and I read a lot of fantasy and romance. I would love to chat about books if you like to read!
Art 🎨: I love painting, drawing, paper crafts, crocheting, and jewellery making. If we become good friends, I will 100% make you things for Christmas/your birthday!
Outdoors/Nature 🍃: I’m a huge fan of being outside but usually prefer to be doing relaxing things in nature. I often go for hikes, canoeing, camping, wildlife watching, and beach combing. I also have massive vegetable and flower gardens along with a bunch of houseplants inside.
Slow Living/Cottagecore 🦉: I'm really into living life slowly and enjoying simple pleasures. I love collecting antiques, baking, preserving fruits/veggies from my garden, going foraging, drinking lots of tea, and practicing mindfulness. I'd love to send you pictures of our chickens and the baked goods and preserves I make!
If you've gotten this far, thank you for taking the time to read this long post! If we have some common interests and you think we might click, feel free to send me a message! Please say more than “hi” and I’d greatly appreciate a little introduction about yourself! I hope you have a wonderful day!
submitted by zippiehippie to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]