Dino friendship bracelet

Bracelet craft

2012.09.22 03:07 thefreedude Bracelet craft

This is a reddit for your bracelet creations (metal, wood, polymer clay, friendship or some combination freestyle) and techniques, as well as the place to learn the craft.

2024.06.09 22:14 Chocolate_Biscuite AITA for not letting one of my friend sign a congrats card for out teacher?

First I just wanna say sorry for any grammar mistakes English is not my first language.
I (17f) and my bff (19f)I'll call her Lily, tarted to talk about what we should give to our teacher for the end our school year. We're in last grade of secondary school. We started to talk about it 3 weeks before we start the finals and were discussing if we wanted to give her a beautiful bracelet or a watch and everyone thought that both were too expensive. We vere thinking that 200€ vas a reasonable price so everyone had to give 11€ or 12€. When we announced this to the whole class (girls have a separate group chat) everyone started to complain about 12€ (There are 21 students in class including me, 14 boys and 7 girls). But Lily somehow convinced some of the boys to give 10€. By this time it was 2 weeks before the finals and a week before we gave our teacher a present. At the end we ended up collecting 150€. I bought a very nice guess watch for 110€. I also bought a handbook, fancy soap, Chocolate box and a card for everyone to sign into. I Also Gave 30€ from my own pocket for a flower box and decorating the present.
This is where another friend of mine comes into play claiming she gave 10€ when she didn't. I'll call her Mia. (Me and Lily decided to let everyone sign who gave the money) When me or Lily asked her, she gave us a different answer ever time. That she gave the money when one of our other friends gave the money, before we even started to announc to the whole class, same day as I started collecting the money. It was impossible because me and Lily were always togethert at this point for obvious reasons. She started to blackmail and gaslight me saying "how could I do that to her? How would I feel if she did this to me? If I wanna ruin our friendship? Saying I had a B+ in mathematics and to count correctly" (she counted 130€ and forgot to count other 20€ in change) my math stands. She also decided it was a good idea to threaten me saying "don't make do something I don't wanna". She blocked me and I moved on with my day. Afterwards she ignored me completely and I was very happy about that becouse I'm not good with confrontations. And here comes the kicker her bestie also a good friend of mine I'll call her Lizzy started to defend her saying to put ourselves (me and Lily) in her shoes, saying she lost the money and doesn't know where she put it assuming it was us. Lily full on told her she (Mia) don't give us anything and to live me alone becouse it was all target at me. And when all was done and finishedt a day or two before we were gonna give the present Lizzy told me it would look stupid and weird that not everyone is signed and that she Mia and one other girl that didn't give the money would tup together 12,5€ per person, together 37.5€ for a bouquet. Of course I said no. Third friend also asked if she was too late to give the money. They had their chance, we said we were collecting money multiple times a day, only day we didn't announce it was the last day to see who would remember. No one did. At the end the teacher was very happy with the present and the three girls decided that they don't wanna be seen in a bad light so Lizzy's mom made the bouquet anyways, it honestly made me disappointed of their behavior. Needles to say I'm gonna be surrounded by fakes for the next two years. We're going +2 program.
I also forgot to mention that Mia is a type of person that always wants to be right and won't back down. Basically making her impossible to deal with at times. And when another teacher put her in her place for another reasons it was a satisfaction.
Am I the a$$hole? Also Charlotte I love your videos, they always make me laugh.
submitted by Chocolate_Biscuite to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:57 cautionheart22 💚brat - Chicago 📟

💚brat - Chicago 📟
okay UPDATE!! so I did it! I accomplished my initial goal of making 50 glow in the dark brat/charli friendship bracelets to hand out at the Chicago show this week! if you see me come say hi and I’ll give you one! is 50 too many? 😅 not enough? I don’t wanna look like a freak lol but I’m having so much fun making them and hope people like them! 😭 (swipe to see them glowing!)✨💚✨
Ps- can you spot the 1 non charli themed one that I had to include because it fit the color palette? lol
submitted by cautionheart22 to charlixcx [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:20 rayerchone I have a seriously pointless talent in making extremely intricate friendship bracelets. Here are the 4 most recent.

I have a seriously pointless talent in making extremely intricate friendship bracelets. Here are the 4 most recent. submitted by rayerchone to craftit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:59 Melinda205 Boston n2 ga line?

Hi I was wondering how early people are lining up for Boston n2(or just times from other shows so I can get a general time). I’m going by myself and have vip I’m planning on getting there early enough for barricade since I’m short. Would love to make lizzy friends since none of mine listen to her and I made friendship bracelets to pass out!
submitted by Melinda205 to lizzymcalpine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:08 katiessalt Am I in the wrong for taking FS to a concert?

Will probably delete this soon because I’m so paranoid about people I know personally finding this.
Hi all, I have one FS who is 8 and bio girls who are 7 and 5. All three kids are Taylor obsessed (courtesy of my eldest girl). My husband got us Taylor tickets at Christmas time with the intention of me, him and our two girls going (this was pre-placement). However, since having our FS and seeing how Taylor obsessed he is (again, all due to my eldest daughter) my husband has decided to step aside and let our FS go, which he is over the moon about.
Unfortunately issue arose when FS excitedly told his mom about the concert. She was very upset and expressed to social worker that she would never have been able to afford the tickets the way our family could. I felt crushed, it was never my intention to make her feel inferior as she is a great mother, and we have done everything in our power to 100% ensure reunification. I explained to her that the ticket wasn’t originally meant for her son, that my husband didn’t want him to feel left out when the girls would go and he’d have to hear all about it. I assured her that I didn’t mean to step on her toes or anything and that he has liked her music lately and that it would be a nice outing for him (plus my husband isn’t a huge Swiftie). She didn’t seem to be pleased and expressed that she doesn’t want him to go.
Foster son will be CRUSHED if I tell him he can’t go (I would never say his mother said no). He has made friendship bracelets, picked out an outfit and has been counting down on his calendar. He has told all his friends in school and has learned off the soundtrack. I’m not sure if I could break his heart like that considering how much his life has been upended lately. Therapist said to me last week that all he has talked about in recent sessions has been the concert, and that it’s a huge motivation for him in school to ‘be good.’ But I can also see his mother’s POV. What do I do? I’m genuinely lost. My husband is insisting he still goes and we just don’t tell FS about his mom’s wishes but I want to respect her. I’m lost. I can completely see where she’s coming from.
Just so everyone knows: I’ve tried and failed to get a fifth ticket so his mom can join. Tickets are like gold dust and we’re sitting, quite impossible.
submitted by katiessalt to Fosterparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:05 Beautiful-Garlic-768 That time swifties bragged about giving friendship bracelets to “swiftie cops”

That time swifties bragged about giving friendship bracelets to “swiftie cops”
They are truly never beating the White America allegations. 👮‍♀️ 🇺🇸
“This is so sweet, the power of Taylor Swift, always brings out kindness and happiness.”
Well yeah, as long as you belong to a certain demographic
submitted by Beautiful-Garlic-768 to ShitSwiftiesSay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:00 saturn782 Selling on Depop to Help with School Fees

I’m going to be posting some new items today!
In addition to my other listed items, I just opened up my custom friendship bracelet commissions on my Depop and will be listing some of my more complicated bracelets separately too.
Would really appreciate any traction my Depop shop can get. All funds go to helping me pay for Army ROTC uniforms, summer school expenses, and housing/food costs, and purchases are greatly appreciated.
submitted by saturn782 to selfpromotion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:07 Danimoshi Dublagens da Discovery parte 4

Dublagens da Discovery parte 4
Oi galera, eu decidi postar as lost mídias do canal Discovery Kids, mas eu decidi falar delas em diferentes fases do canal (que até o momento que estou escrevendo este post, o canal está na sétima fase). Hoje, irei falar da 4ª fase do canal, que foi ao ar entre 2009 a 2013, ao todo teve 44 programas exibidos durante essa fase.
Sem mais delongas, bora pro post(e sim, esse vai ser um dos post dos grandes):
  1. 3, 2, 1 Vamos
3, 2, 1 Vamos (3, 2, 1 Let's Go) foi uma série live-action com fantoches americana-mexicana criada por Sesame Workshop, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 22 de junho de 2009 a 3 de agosto de 2012, contou com 1 temporada de 52 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids.
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no drive.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1oVTriYLQF5qDxRTkuQy5GMr_xsQhrppn?usp=drive_link
  1. Angelina Bailarina: Os Seguintes Passos
Angelina Bailarina: Os Seguintes Passos (Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps) foi uma série animada americana-britânica criada por Katharine Holabird e Helen Craig, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 5 de setembro de 2009 a 13 de novembro de 2010, contou com 2 temporadas e 40 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids.
Disponibilidade: Alguns episódios dublados estavam disponíveis no drive.
  1. As Aventuras de Chuck e Amigos
As Aventuras de Chuck e Amigos (The Adventures of Chuck and Friends) foi uma série animada canadense-americana produzida por Nelvana, Pipeline Studios Inc. e Hasbro Studios, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 16 de outubro de 2010 a 14 de janeiro de 2012, contou com 2 temporadas e 39 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido nos canais Discovery Kids em 23 de abril de 2012 e no canal TV Cultura em 2019.
Disponibilidade: Alguns episódios dublados estarão disponíveis no drive.
  1. Aventuras Com os Kratts
Aventuras Com os Kratts (Wild Kratts) foi uma série animada americana criada por Martin Kratt e Chris Kratt, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 3 de janeiro de 2011, contou com 7 temporadas e 158 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido nos canais Discovery Kids, Disney Channel em 17 se julho de 2011 e no Canal Futura em 13 de outubro de 2014.
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no YouTube.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgOjXvWKc8LHee8ZJo0n5QOJonMPH2h36
  1. Babar e As Aventuras de Badou
Babar e As Aventuras de Badou (Babar and the Adventures of Badou) foi uma série animada canadense-francesa criada por Michael Stokes, baseada nos livros:"Babar the Elephant" criados por Jean de Brunhoff e Laurent de Brunhoff, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 6 de setembro de 2010 a 2 de janeiro de 2015, contou com 3 temporadas e 65 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids.
Disponibilidade: As duas primeiras temporadas dubladas estão disponíveis no drive, faltando alguns episódios.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1GKw82iD-LPs6hTlH4aeIFeyu8_vdrd1J
  1. Bananas de Pijamas (2011)
Bananas de Pijamas (2011) (Bananas in Pyjamas) foi uma série animada australiana criada por Helen Harris, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 6 de janeiro de 2012, contou com 2 temporadas e 156 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids.
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no YouTube.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no YouTube: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DUOZrUvQIEYk%26list%3DPLaerdHbAdrDKbQN2Sgb-yjbYgWCjtTJbn&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1717856230951005&usg=AOvVaw2TMgaRgxAAYv5lXZAf7k53
  1. Dino Trem
Dino Trem (Dinossaur Train) foi uma série animada americana-canadense-singapurense criada por Craig Bartlett, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 7 de setembro de 2009, contou com 5 temporadas e 100 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids.
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no drive.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1Nv39YP52xnaPAGXyn5SDo262k0M2vER0?usp=drive_link
  1. Esquadrão dos Monstros
Esquadrão dos Monstros (Monster Math Squad) foi uma série animada canadense, indo ao ar originalmente em 2011, contou com 1 temporada. No Brasil, foi exibido nos canais Discovery Kids e SBT.
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no drive.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1vRdPrxOmqYonoMNHJjyM_eK0rIHTlgAm?usp=drive_link
  1. Fizzy, o Mestre Cuca
Fizzy, o Mestre Cuca (Fizzy's Lunch Lab) foi uma série animada, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 20 de novembro de 2009. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids.
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no drive.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/13uPdUSPzcej7sMtm4P-a5R1Z984tybaI
  1. Garota Supersabia
Garota Supersabia (Word Girl) foi uma série animada americana criada por Dorothea Gillim, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 8 de setembro de 2007 a 10 de outubro de 2015, contou com 8 temporadas e 130 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids em 2009.
Disponibilidade: Apenas 3 episódios dublados estão disponíveis no drive.
Links: Link dos 3 episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1YZTJOzGJy8jv9qT1SgvIWcFlEv-fMZUW?usp=drive_link
  1. Gaspard e Lisa
Gaspard e Lisa (Gaspard et Lisa) foi uma série animada francesa-britânica criada por Anne Gutman, baseada nos livros de mesmo nome criados por Anne Gutman e Georg Hallensleben, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 1 de maio de 2011 a 13 de junho de 2013, contou com 2 temporadas e 51 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids.
Disponibilidade: Alguns episódios dublados estavam disponíveis no drive.
  1. General Caneca: Treinamento Básico
Não tem informações do show na internet, e isso inclui sua dublagem que é perdida.
  1. Jack e o Show de Música
Jack e o Show de Música (Jack's Big Music Show) foi uma série live-action com fantoches americana criada por David Rudman, Todd Hannert e Adam Rudman, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 12 de setembro de 2005 a 13 de outubro de 2007, contou com 2 temporadas e 26 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido nos canais Discovery Kids, Rede Globo e Nick Jr.
Disponibilidade: Não há registros de sua dublagem.
  1. LazyTown Extra
LazyTown Extra (LazyTown: Action Time!) foi uma série live-action britânica-islandesa criada por Magnús Scheving, sendo um spin-off de LazyTown, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 15 de setembro de 2008 a 28 de outubro de 2008, contou com 1 temporada de 26 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids.
Disponibilidade: Apenas 1 episódio dublado está disponível no drive.
Links: Link do episódio dublado no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1Ktl9GBMh1Kb7nY4IwcI702HELtyotsd6?usp=drive_link
  1. Leão
Não tem informações sobre o show na internet, e esse show não possui dublagem, pois é mudo.
  1. Martha Fala
Martha Fala (Martha Speaks) foi uma série animada americana-canadense-filipesa criada por Susan Meddaugh, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 1 de setembro de 2008 a 18 de novembro de 2014, contou com 6 temporadas e 96 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido nos canais Discovery Kids e TV Cultura em 4 de janeiro de 2010 a 5 de janeiro de 2013.
Disponibilidade: Alguns episódios dublados estavam disponíveis no drive.
  1. Mike, o Cavaleiro
Mike, o Cavaleiro (Mike the Knight) foi uma série animada canadense-britânica criada por Alexander Bar, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 8 de setembro de 2011 a 13 de janeiro de 2017, contou com 3 temporadas e 100 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido nos canais Discovery Kids em 2013, na TV Cultura, no programa Quintal da Cultura, na TV Brasil, no programa Hora da Criança e na RedeTV!, no programa TV Kids.
Disponibilidade: Alguns episódios dublados estavam disponíveis no drive.
  1. Milly e Molly
Milly e Molly (Milly, Molly) foi uma série animada neozelandesa-singapurense dirigida por David Evans, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 1 de setembro de 2008 a 2010, contou com 2 temporadas e 52 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids.
Disponibilidade: Alguns episódios dublados estavam disponíveis no drive.
  1. My Little Pony: A Amizade é Mágica
My Little Pony: A Amidade é Mágica (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic) foi uma série animada americana-canadense criada por Lauren Faust, baseada nos brinquedos e séries de mesmo nome criado por Bonnie Zacherle, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 10 de outubro de 2010 a 12 de outubro de 2019, contou com 9 temporadas e 221 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido nos canais Discovery Kids entre 21 de novembro de 2011 a 19 de agosto de 2020 e no canal TV Cultura em 17 de dezembro de 2018 a janeiro de 2020 e esteve no catálogo do streaming Globoplay.
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no YouTube.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/@MyLittlePonyPortuguesOficial/playlists
  1. Noddy no País dos Brinquedos (2009)
Noddy no País dos Brinquedos (2009) (Noddy in Toyland) foi uma série animada britânica dirigida por David McCamley, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 30 de abril de 2009 a 6 de dezembro de 2009, contou com 1 temporada de 52 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids entre 2011 a 2012.
Disponibilidade: Apenas 1 episódio dublado está disponível no drive.
Links: Link do episódio dublado no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1m5ftFxoDN5PXP250kRP5cGf537-Mx3bR
  1. O Esconderijo Secreto
Não tem informações sobre o show na internet, mas alguns episódios estarão disponíveis no drive.
  1. O Gatola da Cartola tem de Tudo na Cachola!
O Gatola da Cartola tem de Tudo na Cachola (The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!) foi uma série animada canadense-britânica-americana dirigida por Tony Collingwood, baseada no livro:"The Cat in the Hat" criados por Dr. Seuss, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 6 de setembro de 2010 a 21 de janeiro de 2018, contou com 3 temporadas e 80 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids.
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no drive.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1lDSMBWNaDTBpZmoq9Pwg6SZNXRh4cRbG?usp=drive_link
  1. Os Piratas e suas Aventuras Coloridas
Os Piratas e suas Aventuras Coloridas (Pirates: Adventures in Art) foi uma série animada canadense dirigida por William Gordon, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 18 de dezembro de 2010 a 15 de outubro de 2011, contou com 2 temporadas e 44 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids em 2 de abril de 2012
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no drive.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1-YRiT98xTFZUBFLB14MPN-VzcOBJaiwb
  1. Os Tesouros da Franny
Não tem informações sobre o show na internet, mas alguns episódios estarão disponíveis no drive.
  1. Qual É A Resposta
Não tem informações sobre o show na internet, mas um episódio dublado está disponível no drive.
Links Link do episódio dublado disponível no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1wlDfNFZZjJfCdu-_Y9sFZ7ZzUXfPhJjJ
  1. Rob, O Robô
Rob, O Robô (Rob, the Robot) foi uma série animada canadense-simgapurense criada por Manuel Rosen, baseada nos livros de mesmo nome criados por John Magart, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 6 de setembro de 2010 a 25 de fevereiro de 2013, contou com 2 temporadas e 104 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido nos canais Discovery Kids, Rede Bandeirantes, ZooMoo Kids, TV Cultura, SBT e Rede Globo.
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no drive.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1RRyRzy5VFsvb0xzQTYtFrGFpvyLEYOVR?usp=sharing
  1. Sid, O Cientista
Sid, O Cientista (Sid the Science Kid) foi uma série animada americana criada por The Jim Henson Company, indo ao ar originalmente no dia 1 de setembro de 2008 a 25 de março de 2013, contou com 2 temporadas e 68 episódios. No Brasil, foi exibido nos canais Discovery Kids em maio de 2009 e no canal TV Cultura em 18 de abril de 2011.
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no drive.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1LXvEFSR0sd46sRgVyn_ew8DN3flWGPzJ?usp=sharing
  1. VelozMente (Versão Argentina de BrainSurge)
VelozMente (BrainSurge) foi um programa live-action argentino, indo ao ar originalmente em 7 de novembro de 2011 a 2015, contou com 3 temporadas. No Brasil, foi exibido no canal Discovery Kids.
Disponibilidade: Apenas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no drive.
Links: Link dos episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1c2X2k4U7RRRewLUztGFTjicRaB2GXdf2?usp=drive_link
  1. Yummy Toonies
Não tem informações sobre o show na internet, mas alguns episódios dublados estão disponíveis no drive.
Links Link dos episódios dublados no drive: https://drive.google.com/drive0/mobile/folders/1RSnsiEBcM32DTr4p0587PK9JgxCKCYA0
submitted by Danimoshi to BrasilLostMedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:49 riotprof Gaylor friendship bracelets?

Gaylor friendship bracelets?
Have you made Gaylor friendship bracelets? We have made some in preparation for a concert next week. Here are the first ones…long but necessary!
Dress and Maroon are up next.
I’d love to see or hear about yours if you’ve made them!
submitted by riotprof to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:39 HousingFederal6038 I bought friendship bracelet for my riolu. What now?

How do I evolve into lucario
submitted by HousingFederal6038 to poketwo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:23 No-Butterscotch-4767 I’m so confused. Welp!

I’m so confused. Welp!
Am I right …
Website will be ready and only accessible by tomorrow, June 10?
By then, we can register to be a member on that website?
‼️ FAVOUR PLEASE ‼️ I will queu and whether I will be able to get the merch I would still want to get more. If any of you can proceed (and if there’s extra slot)
Please get me (from your slot)
2 more shirts 2 wands 1 patches 1 sticker 1 friendship bracelet 1 photo card holder
And you can choose whether you want a shirt or a wand, my treat! 🙏🏻 Give me your deets.
submitted by No-Butterscotch-4767 to bini_ph [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:41 NoLimiteHater Brazilian first time watching Survivor Marquesas

Ok so no one responded to my Africa post lol but this is the only place that I have to talk about Survivor. My college is on strike so I've finished Marquesas much earlier than I though. Some people from Australia were interesting (found out a lot of them suck in real life), Africa was really good and Borneo felt the most real, almost in a found footage kind of way, but Marquesas was the one I had the most fun watching. Such a great season and in a beautiful place, geography has always been an interest of mine and I love to know more about the Pacific Islands in particular, it has such an unique scenary and culture
This cast was the most reality tv-ish, it was almost like Total Drama they seemed like caricatures of the people from other seasons, John was cartoonish villainous, Gabe talked like a 60s hippie, Neleh and Paschal were like Rodger and Elisabeth but Neleh is fun, Hunter wishing nothing but the worst to everyone, Peter and Zoe are the two strangest people to be on this show, Sean and Rob with personalities made for tv, also Rob has such a strong accent sometimes I couldn't understand what he was saying and Gina being constantly frustrated with everything. This isn't a complain, everyone on this season was memorable (except Patricia who I forgot was there), but it makes me a little apprehensive for the future seasons. On Big Brother Brazil after people saw how much having a good image could bring to them opportunities and money the new participants would start emulating popular players from other years and exagerate so much to the point that they didn't even act like a person anymore (what's worst is that people buy that they are like that in real life), and I hope that this will not happen to Survivor, it is a one two step for a show to prefer casting people who learned what appeals to the general public and put on a fake personality rather than authentic people, I think it will not because they don't depend on what the audience thinks to get further in the game. I really liked that they had a way different point of view of the morality of the game, it really surprised me, though for sure that they would maintain this mentality for a few more seasons. It had 4 key moments of "selfishly thinking" and winning 1 million dollars is more important than being loyal to this person I met 3 weeks ago: Rob and Sean voting out Hunter despite him being the "leader", Rotu voting out Gabe, even though he wasn't there to play the game, Neleh and Paschal not being content with 5th or 6th and going against their alliance and Vecepia making the deal with Neleh seconds after Kathy lost. I wanted so much for Kim Johnson last season or Amber on Australia to do something like that, go against the people you pledged loyalty when you know if you stick to them you will lose, and it frustrated me they didn't and this one had 4. The tribes too had a way more fun dynamic, I learned that I really don't care if a person is lazy or works hard on camp, as long as they are entertaining, last season I sympathized a lot more with the older Samburu members and now on Maraamu Sean, Rob, Peter, Sarah and Vecepia were way more fun. It still baffles me that they managed to lose every challenge, despite living on the beach with more food, having fire since the beggining and the tribe being physically stronger.
I think Vecepia is the best winner so far, she was so sneaky that she managed to be apart of three different tribes where she could survive at least a couple of eliminations, on Maraamu she wouldn't be eliminated before Gina, on Rotu before Rob and Sean and on Soliantu before Sean, Rob and Kathy, and after Neleh and Paschal betrayed Rotu she again was in no real danger until the top 4, Ethan had a similar path, I think he didn't even receive a vote to be eliminated, but it was easier for him, since he was in the majority the whole game, after the swap V was always out numbered and still found a way, also the betrayal on Kathy was so cold blooded I didn't even think she could pull something like that, it was the best decision, Kathy for sure would win, but doing it immediatly after Kathy lost she hadn't even sit yet, the best moment. One think that I though it was odd is the way they edited her, Richard was the only "main character" who won, but still Tina and Ethan appeared a lot and was always shown what they were thinking, nothing Vecepia was doing was shown, rather it was told by Sean or Rob in a confessional, I think she only started showing up after John was eliminated. This connects to another thing that it was so weird to me that everyone who was on screen a lot got eliminated early: Hunter, Sarah, Gina, Rob, John. After John is gone only Kathy and Sean had a lot of screen time and I though for sure it would happen just like Australia after Jerri is gone it becomes boring, but after they made like a "story for the episode" with Zoey trying so hard to pretend that she was never part of the alliance in the weirdest way with her friendship bracelets and telling Tammy she doesn't like her eyes, Neleh offering chewed gum to 6 starving adults and Kathy's decision of either siding with Neleh and Paschal or V and Sean, also I didn't understand the whole argument of Sean and Vecepia having an alliance, I got that they didn't but it was not like they would vote for each other, they just didn't say that but if it was up for Sean to vote against V or Kathy he would eliminate Kathy and V would do the same.
I only have two complans of this amazing season. The challenges still are boring, were they out of budget this time? On the other seasons the challenges were boring too but they always had some kind of structure for them, this one had flying kite, walking on stilts and making popcorn as challenges, which made me like a little for the absurdity, the slingshot, balance on the sea and coconut ones were fun. The other one is the new tiebreaker was so unfair to Paschal, not that I wanted him to win but it is unfair for him to be eliminated on a tribal counsil he didn't even receive a vote
submitted by NoLimiteHater to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:56 sureMOEDesign Warlock armor has become way too feminine looking in the last year or so

Armor covered in friendship bracelets, braided ropes, dress-like chest pieces, flowy underwater reef stuff, sparkles and stars and feathers, boots with high heels, so many weird choices in armor designs. It doesn't feel like the Warlocks are suppose to be the wise sages of the game, it's like they have become the glam-it-up class trying to be runway fabulous. Even the newest raid helmet with the weird ass bee needle on the chin and the giant bar off the arm just looks weird as hell.
Really missing the styles of the older armor sets that were more mechanical, space-like, trench coats, samurai like, old kinght sets...really wishing more of that would come back. Seems maybe only silver buys you that kind of stuff these days.
submitted by sureMOEDesign to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:17 wyrmiewyrm Making Bracelets for Concerts

I'm going to be attending the concert on 6/13, and it'll be my first Crane Wives concert. I'm planning on making some beaded bracelets to take with me to share or potentially trade with others attending. I was wondering if anyone who has been to previous shows has done/seen others do anything similar, or is it just not really a part of their fan culture? I know friendship bracelets have become a pretty common thing at concerts in general here recently, but wasn't sure what the vibe overall is at their shows. Will I be a total weirdo for just offering a bunch of bracelets to people in the crowd? 😅
submitted by wyrmiewyrm to TheCraneWives [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:59 Yaya_Branzino619 Dunk Dive: The Rayssa’s are a perfect shoe and rival the Strangeloves for SB of the decade

Dunk Dive: The Rayssa’s are a perfect shoe and rival the Strangeloves for SB of the decade
The header says it all but here’s my thoughts on why I love these shoes so much:
  • Conceptually they are so well done. A bright, charismatic 16 year old Brazilian female skating extraordinaire brings youthful energy to a classic silhouette. The smiley face motif throughout is simple yet packs such a nice punch from the embossed leather on the side panel, to the friendship bracelet lace locks, and even the back tag of the tongue where there’s normally the Nike trademark paragraph.
  • The concept of the colors is awesome and well done too. The left swoosh on both shoes is magenta and the right is blue, instead of it being an inside/outside consistency. This adds another unique element that also extends to the insoles. And with magenta and blue laces in addition to the white you could extend this concept even further.
  • The “R” side patch. It makes the shoe uniquely Rayssa with a nice pop of color over grey. Think back to all the grail SBs of the 2000s and they almost all have a patch on the side. This gives it a classic SB feel.
  • Quality: the leather is nice and smooth and after decent wear still hasn’t really creased on me. They mix it up with the textured suede overlay and nylon tongue for a nice mix of materials.
Like I said, the only shoe in this one’s league is the Strangeloves for many of the reasons laid out here. They’re both just unique classics that you see and are like “damn I need those.”
I will definitely own multiple pairs of Rayssa’s in my lifetime. Chime in dunk heads.
submitted by Yaya_Branzino619 to DunksNotDead [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:46 Essence_of_Tiff Who went to the New York City concert?? If you saw me & gave me a friendship bracelet or sticker & I didnt get to give you a decorative ticket comment & dm me!!! Ill send you a digital version 🧸 Check out my Instagram & Tiktok @Essence_of_Tiff for more pictures & videos🩵💜

Who went to the New York City concert?? If you saw me & gave me a friendship bracelet or sticker & I didnt get to give you a decorative ticket comment & dm me!!! Ill send you a digital version 🧸 Check out my Instagram & Tiktok @Essence_of_Tiff for more pictures & videos🩵💜 submitted by Essence_of_Tiff to MelanieMartinez [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:31 OutForAWalkB-tch Edinburgh N1 - I can’t get over it, what a night!

This was my first Taylor concert, although i’ve been a fan since Fearless and I just can’t get over what an amazing/emotional/wonderful experience it was that i’ll truly cherish forever.
Before even going in to the venue trading friendship bracelets and handing out 13 temporary tattoos was so wholesome and seeing everyone’s outfits too.. it was just all so lovely!
As soon as i heard “it’s been a long time coming” i was already emotionally gone and by the time it came to All Too Well I was full on crying like a baby (coming home from the bar). There really is something deeply cathartic about singing “fuck the patriarchy” with 70,000+ people.
One super cute interaction was with me and the girl in front who I’d been fan girling with before Taylor came on and during Lover we held hands while cry/sing/screaming “have I known you 20 seconds, or 20 years?”
Also I am extremely blessed for the, very chaotic version of Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve.. I seen someone say “I can’t believe we got would’ve could’ve should’ve 10 minute version” 😂 Seriously though, I almost lost my mind - this would have probably been my second surprise song of choice after Mary’s Song which obviously would never happen so I was absolutely kidding myself. And then for her to have the audacity to play Tis The Damn Season with Daylight??? Arrest her because this is surely attempted murder.
I’m still on such a high, I will never forget this amazing night and will probably be talking about it still when i’ll be 87, she’ll be 89 and i’m still as in awe of her as ever before.
submitted by OutForAWalkB-tch to TrueSwifties [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:08 dark_twisty Eras tour outfits?

Anyone attending the eras tour put a paramore spin on their outfits?
I’d love to see some inspo! I am going to the eras tour in Dublin with my friends who are massive swifties. I’m a fan too but a bigger Paramore fan. I saw someone made paramore friendship bracelets and I love that idea! Has anyone had any ideas of outfits that honour paramore?
I’m so excited to see them! And I love that they’re getting more fans from this tour 🖤
submitted by dark_twisty to Paramore [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:03 Spaceghorl I'm sorry but I think BINI merch is overpriced😭

I'm sorry but I think BINI merch is overpriced😭
Adik naman ng management bat ang taas na agad ng price😭 katanggap-tanggap pa kung 999 lang yung shirt eh. Mas maganda pa designs sa tiktok shop/shopee
submitted by Spaceghorl to bini_ph [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:05 milanesaa I’m making friendship bracelets for the Festival of Seasons this weekend and these are some of the ones I made so far pfft

I’m making friendship bracelets for the Festival of Seasons this weekend and these are some of the ones I made so far pfft
Don’t worry, I’m not done at all lol. Suggestions are welcomed of course! I’m having fun!
(They are stretchy!)
submitted by milanesaa to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:45 Wilde_Astronaute The Art of Taking a Heart

TW: surgical gore, young and tragic death, organ donation I work in surgery. This is the most horrific, sad thing I have ever experienced. Seriously, do not read this if you have a problem with these things or find it triggering. This one is about a soul taken too soon and the greatest gift anyone can ever give.
My mom had just died, Then followed her dad, Her dog, Then Megan, my friend.
That, coupled with this, It will always make me cry.
Let me set the scene, And tell you about that beautiful boy, And his last Halloween.
He, in his kindness and responsibility, Delegated to walk home from the bar; As he had that inebriated fragility.
How was he rewarded? Pinned between the hood of a car, And the guardrail. Instantly broken and twisted.
Hit and fucking run, And just like that, His life was done.
The autonomic brain, And mechanical ventilation, Were the only things, Prolonging his resignation.
You need more context still, The etiology of the injury, Was quite unique, Unusually, leaving the thoracic pristine.
His was the first heart to be taken, In this hospital’s history. I couldn’t afford to be shaken.
In the horror of medicine, They call it a procurement. But I can assure you, For us it is anything but detachment.
I’ll start at the beginning, When I got my assignment, Wrangling Vandy and Mid-America, Prepping for transplant.
And then it was time, For my trek to the SICU, I felt like an angel of death, Scrub cap in lieu of scythe.
I’m not going to intentionally rhyme From here on out I just need to write
I’ve done this before, It comes with the job, But that walk and what followed, Was the hardest of my life.
I tried to avoid the hall, As I have learned to do, But there was no escaping, The crowd this grief had summoned
Easily one hundred, All spectacularly and horribly sad, Looking at me, Knowing it was time.
The silence that followed in my step Was the loudest I have ever heard I will never forget it
Young kids take time To truly grasp these things, One galloped beside me Green Jellycat in tow
My profession offers a disguise It helped me school my features But it did not stop my lips From quivering
This adorable girl She wore a Kelce jersey and a friendship bracelet So of course I knew what I had to do It would help, just a little, to ease them all
You also have to understand The nature of these procedures While the response is swift, There is quite a lot of waiting
I had time
So I said to her And her giant blue eyes “Oh sweetie, I have something for you, I’ll be right back”
I went to my locker I had this amazing Taylor Swift scrub cap It had every era It was so cute
So I went back to her And I had to put it On her green Jellycat
My friends loved that cap I was prepared to tell them I had taken it home and forgotten it Thank god they never asked
Before I could get a new one With a new design Of course I couldn’t bear it otherwise
That girl beamed at me And galloped away And I pretended not to notice The exhale of tension that followed
I’ll pick up the pace a bit This’ll be miles long if I get caught up
As I made my way To that beautiful boy’s bay There was his family, all of them The chaplain and Mid America
There was that UNOS list The dictator Of life and death
There was my ICU doc My partner in this Unfortunately, Many a time
And even she couldn’t hide The glass in her eyes This woman a warrior, hardened, As she called his time of death
What happens next Is a literal whirlwind sprint Down the hall, to the O.R. Past all those people
I think, In all the emergency, I may have seen a speck of green.
And so my ICU doc Bunny-suit clad and all Called his time of death again At the five minute mark
For all of those that fear bias with these, You’ll notice the ICU doc calls it, Not the performing surgeon (who never leaves the O.R), And it is assessed again at 5 minutes To make sure the heart has not restarted
And so incision was made Sternum sawed And somehow We took his heart
It was so, so quick One moment it was there The next being cannulated And then it was iced and out the door
When all was said and done I got a letter months later It really struck at my humanity When I read he had saved 60 people
But I will tell you And be done with the gore That seeing someone Completely drained of blood Changes you forever
That was when I needed someone To come in the room for me for a moment And, oh my god, I cried
But I did come back And see him off One has to honor such gifts
I had also found out later His mother went on To advocate for organ donation Because her son spoke of it so often
She said the O.R. staff impacted her In a way she’ll never forget
Even later than that I saw she had taken a video Of the whirlwind down the hall
And I really don’t know how I look so put-together And somehow sure
I haven’t looked at it since I’m not convinced it was me And, hopefully this makes sense,
But that perspective Outside-looking-in, I never want to see it again.
These procedures are always hard, I remember every single one, But I had to write about the youngest of them.
So this one is for that beautiful boy Victim to senseless cruelty and tragedy I’ll never forget him or his gifts Or the nurse he’s made me
submitted by Wilde_Astronaute to Poems [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:05 hbk58 New Travis Kelce pop

New Travis Kelce pop
Got the new Travis Kelce pop from entertainment earth today, and it has a FRIENDSHIP BRACELET. This was a pre order I did a month ago .
submitted by hbk58 to TaylorSwift [link] [comments]
