Sample contract to take over payment of a car

RoastMyCar: Have your car roasted or roast others!

2016.01.10 19:38 RoastMyCar: Have your car roasted or roast others!

Roast some rubber!

2010.09.20 06:45 darthcaldwell r/CarTalk

The place to talk about your car

2013.04.28 18:55 Jdibs77 Awesome Car Mods

A subreddit devoted to car modifications that are awesome. This subreddit is pretty simple, the title says it all.

2024.06.09 18:38 SnooHedgehogs8338 My family needs help and I just can’t.

I (39f) come from a toxic family and moved out on my own after college. I haven’t visited my family much over the last 14 years and enjoy my life a thousand miles away from them.
Over the last several years, my dad has lost the ability to walk due to untreated diabetes and recently moved into a rehab/nursing facility due to neglect and his consequential health complications.
My mom struggles with her untreated mental illness and is raising my 14yo autistic niece with many other health issues. She pays for her private charter school tuition even though they are very financially unstable, living on social security and credit card debt.
My sister is addicted to benzodiazepines and collects disability, with no hope of ever changing her or her daughter’s situation in life. She has found some stability living in an apartment with her boyfriend and his meth habit, seemingly working under the table when he finds an odd job.
Their problems had always been out of sight, out of mind, as I figured out my adult life out on my own - but now that my dad is all alone, I talk to him on the phone a lot to keep him company. He tells me about the increase in my niece’s tuition, and the car troubles my sister is having (seemingly with no expectation that I help, just to tell me what’s going on). I’m starting to feel like an asshole for not helping them financially.
My mom is a very anxious person and could drop dead of a stroke at any moment (she has “mini strokes” every so often, from what I hear). If my niece needed someone to take care of her, I would absolutely hate to have to step in and help raise her, and don’t feel that it is my responsibility even though my mom has told me that she wants me to. I live a thousand miles away, and don’t ever want kids.
I have only just started saving for retirement and am trying to save 40% of my net income to make up for lost time. I don’t want to end up like my parents (completely broke) and I want to prioritize my own health and happiness, but I feel like I’m supposed to try to help them and I just don’t want to. Am I the asshole?
submitted by SnooHedgehogs8338 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:38 Thirust Reverse Chance a Clueless Rising Junior trying to turn their life around

Aspiring Major: Mechanical Engineering
Demographics: White, Out-Of-State, Mid-Low Income ● Hooks: First-Gen, ROTC, Underrepresented State, Rural Resident, <50% Race at School
Stats: - 11 APs: Psych, Seminar, Lang, Push, World, Physics, Lit, Calc BC, CSP, Research (Capstone), American Gov (Possible Self-Study PreCalc, Stats, CSA to make 14, or 15 w/ Physics CMech) by graduation - 3 CCs: Elementary Spanish I, PreCalc, Stats (Possibly taking INFO#### (PreReQ), Java I w/ AP CSA, CPP I & II to make 7 CCs by graduation) - 12 Honors by graduation - GPA: 3.75UW / 4.5W - PreACT (Freshman): 29Math/30Sci/30Eng/24Read - MAP Math/Read (Freshman): 282/255 - ALEKS Math Placement (Sophomore): 85%
Extracurriculars: - ● Instruments & Composition: - Passionate Multi-Instrumentalist (Drum Set, Piano, Guitar, Cello) and Composer - Wrote, led, and performed a Marimba Duet that won 1st place and an "Outstanding Ensemble" award at local Solo-Ensemble Festival, and a Superior Rating (I) at a District Music Contest, being recognized and commended by judges. - 1x Music Letter (only offered at prior school), Percussion Section Leader, teaching incoming Freshman instruments and nurturing their abilities - Jazz Drummer and Pianist, awarded "Outstanding Solo" on each at State Jazz Festival. Also played guitar and bass guitar in Jazz Band. - Attended, auditioned, and performed at a Jazz Camp at [college], a reputable college with an international jazz program endorsed by many legendary jazz figures/groups such as The Count Basie Jazz Orchestra, Gordan Goodwin's Big Phat Band, and The Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra. - Freelance Musician and Composer for various online projects, primarily in the video game industry. - Music used in two indie films, with one being presented at [state] State Thespian Festival, and winning an award with recognition. - ● TheateMusical: - Inducted Honor Thespian to the National Thespian Society - Played notable supporting roles in Plays and Broadway Musicals, as well as filled tech positions primarily in the design aspect of the production (graphics/publicity, scenery) - Improv Team that competed at State - ● VEX Robotics: - State Finalist Freshman Year - Nationals Runner-Up
Activities: - ● Community: - Speech Campaign: spoke at 6 Schools across the state, 500+ listeners. Posters put up at each, advocating for a break in social norms. Surveyed school and gathered all data for a presentation and medalled at state for an FCCLA STAR Event. - Gave a motivational speech on MLK Day about chasing your dreams that was televised and recognized by the Mayor. - The Pink Lemonade Project: Indie Film+Book project where I created the music as well as designed the videography + video editing, lighting, locations, Characters, and assistance in Story and script writing. This project aimed to expose a local summer camp and the effects of a toxic authoritarian system via abuses and etc. - ● General: - Volunteered at a company that designs, creates, and tests Brewing Machinery internationally - CPR and AED Certified - I intend to commit to the military w/ ROTC Scholarship on a 4-6 year contract following graduation/obtaining desired degree - Non-Competitive Powerlifting, 300 Wilks Score - ● Programming & Roblox: - Self-Taught Luau/Lua5.5+, Python, C/C++, Type/Javascript, Haxeflixel, CSS, very minor html - At the age of 10, I had my own business that operated on Twitter, creating 3D Graphics (via Blender, Photoshop, and After Effects) for individuals and games, such as wallpapers, profile icons, and thumbnails. I then transitioned to a broad spectrum of skills acquired through the passion of game creation on Roblox - Formerly a Lead Developer for an indie game studio known as '[studio]', which was a project known for creating fun games for children, that gathered 1 million group members, and over 75 million game plays through a platform known as Roblox. These games generated a collective $70KUSD over the course of their popularity combined (20% of revenue was cycled back as advertisement funding). Through this community that was developed, we were able to raise over $6.5KUSD to help fund small indie projects from other smaller development groups. - Among many other games I created music for, one in particular is worth noting: 'Doors', amassing 4.9 Billion plays since 2021, has reached the screen of nearly every kid that is playing video games today. - Collaborated with popular online celebrities (YouTube, TikTok) on making games and experiences for their communities, some of which have billions of views and millions of followers. - I am a contributed developer to other popular games and projects with 2.6 Billion collective plays. I fulfilled various roles in these projects, such as game design, Front and Back-End programming (Luau/Lua 5.5+ & Typescript), 3D Artwork/Video Animation (using programs Blender, Photoshop, Premiere Pro/Sony Vegas, and After Effects), Music Design, Character & Object Animation, Architecture, and Voice Acting. Many of these games are a major source of income for the developers involved, such as "My Restaurant!" (of which I did 3D & 2D graphic design for), a game with ~800M plays, created by a studio known as BIG Games, which is the highest grossing development group on the platform. I connected to these groups and Studios through the Roblox Dev Forum, a company known as "Hidden Developers", Twitter, and my personal website. Through these projects, I nurtured my passion to create, and developed several solo passion projects for my own personal enjoyment. - Bug Tested various other games over several years, solving issues for experiences that went on to have hundreds of thousands of concurrent players. I am also a former member of the Official Roblox QA Team (before it was disbanded), which tested upcoming features to the platform. I have since been very active on their Developer Forum, helping all creators (young and old) solve issues and create awesome games. - Although my game development has slowed, I am currently working on a large game that will show the hardship of Schizophrenia and Social Outcasting through intricate storytelling. I intend to release this game on multiple platforms, such as Steam. - Created a Roblox Plug-in that detects Backdoors and vulnerabilities within games, preserving user data and game integrity. This plug-in has been used by nearly 300 developers thus far. - Created my own file syncing program using C++ via Visual Studio Code, that analyzes computer folders for identical information and can delete it or sync data from one folder to another (if not identical). This program has been used by my friends, but I did not publish it online. - Created a Discord Bot with custom commands for the Interbyte Studios Community server (18k members). This application allowed the community to interact and have a recreational token and minigame system for engagement and bonding. This bot was initially created in Python, but was then completely revamped in Javascript via Node.js (with some minor html for some special features.) - Created a customized theme for Canvas and Roblox using the "Stylish" extension, coded in CSS. - Utilizing BetterDiscord, I created my own lock screen for the Discord application to protect my computer from siblings and/or any environment I am working in. This came with a customized theme among other features, such as a built-in Spotify controller (play/pause, skip, and tuning into what others are listening to), and it synced up with my Discord Bot in my own server, allowing me to see the statistics (account age, user ID, etc.), and possible rule infractions of a given user within the community. This was coded in Javascript (Node.js), CSS, and HTML (for embedding purposes). This served to speed up the moderation and disciplinary side of my community, but also improve the efficiency of the Discord application.
Awards & Honor Groups: - x2 Academic Letter, Top PreACT at School - Outstanding Solo-Ensemble Award w/ 1st Place for self-composed, led, and performed Marimba Duet - Superior (1) Rating at District Music Contest for Marimba Duet - x1 Music Letter (only offered at former school) - Outstanding Jazz Soloist Drum Set at State - Outstanding Jazz Soloist Piano at State - Nominated Ambassador of Music (International Program) - All-City Percussion - All-State Jazz & Concert Band Acceptance (Committed to Jazz) - [College w/ International Jazz Program] Jazz Band Performer - State Finalist VEX Robotics (Freshman) - Nationals Runner-Up VEX Robotics (Sophomore) - Honor Thespian
In essays I hope to write about my aspirations to create The Iron Giant and how Robotics is an art. I am also planning to write about how my downfall in Freshman and sophomore years re-shaped the way a school district functions forever, and my recovery and discovery of ambition.
I'd like to know what colleges would accept me (I really want a shot at T30 or so) and what would be good for me. I would also appreciate any and all advice for my resume and what I should do for LORs, or any aspect at all.
submitted by Thirust to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:33 throwfaraway898989 Confusing Myself

I'm wanting others' outside opinions. Sometimes I go back and forth between whether my parents are narcissists are if I'm actually the bad guy. For context, I was the golden child and my older sister was the scapegoat. Over the last 2-3 years I've realized how their raising of me (and infantilizing of me) has affected me to now I just feel like I was only ever a 'project' to them, not an actual person, and that they still and will always see me that way. Here are some reasons I think they may be narcissists:
This is a lot but is by no means all. I've read how, in the long run, the golden child is often the most damaged. I can see that now in my life, how I was never allowed to mature or given real emotional support, my usefulness to them extends only insofar as I reflect positively on them. As far as my being a real person with scars and issues and needs, they basically left me to myself. As my dad literally told me, "you were just so smart I thought you didn't need any advice or help. I thought you could just do it on your own."
submitted by throwfaraway898989 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:33 SnooTangerines8115 ex wife f35 and me m33 Did i make a misstake ?

Hello reddit, am not here to often as i like, but i have to have a opinion made from a nutrual part.
sorry for any spelling errors, i have dyelexia and english is not my first language.
we have 6 kids in total and 3 are with me.
So to begin this story of my 9 year relationship we have had our ups and down like everyone else, my wife has for instant been Captured taking pictures of her self naked to other men 6 times, and i forgave her everytime due to it just was a picture and she never touch the guy. so my jealousy was really bad as we never workt on that trust really, we just went on with our relationship and i was clingy and did not really like her going out to much as we had small kids and they have neurodevelopmental disorders like ahd autisum. as soon as she got a job again she would cheat after 3 months in that job. we had financial problems to loosing jobs getting them back and going in debt due over it.
but the last 3 months i found out that she was talking to someone from my gutfeeling and checkt it out, and i was right, the guy she was talking to she had sent pictures and more to before, they talkt about how much they mean to each other and that they love each other, and sent nudes to. that was her breaking point, i told her what do we do as i stod there and cryed to her why ? and she said i dont know, then all out of the blue she explained she had feeling for the guy, and she is never allowed to go out and drink with friends or hang out with her guy friends as i was jealous, she said give me space and let me see if the feeling disapers, i call the guys wife and let her know what happend and we talkt for about 2h about this and cry to each other, she still tryes to get with the guy and the guy says he wants to be with my ex wife, but then the other wife said that she is pregnant and he came running back to her, i was ready to leave by then, but my wife insist we should just give it time and space to se if the feelings get back to her.
enter friend girlfriend O to my ex wife and me. She told me she would spy on ex wife even tho i said no dont.
so enter our friend K is a 40+ year old friend of both of us, more to the wife tho. K and my ex wife start talking about the situation.
K and my ex still made me jealous as it was a fresh wound and we really did not talk about it.
now my ex wife has to go to her sisters to watch her kids as she is going to a party, and while she is there we talk alot over snapchat and she sends really hot pictures of her to me, and i tell her what i would like to do with her, after that day she comes home and we have sex and try to work on it, but after the sex she is cold as ice after and only hangs with K. she tells me my friends want me to go on a event in the city with live music and drinks, this is a test if ur jealousy is ok if not i will leave she said. i was in terapi about my jealousy by now.
so that day rolls around she goes out with her girlfriend O and have fun and during the night i still talk to her on snap. she says she lost her friend O and lookt for 20mins to find them, and was really sad as the girlfriend O just wanted her to hook up with others and she said no, they went to a pub and drank and girlfriend O wanted to take a taxi home but my ex wife said no and walkt home, i greet her at the door with a hug and say did you have fun and did you get home safe with someone ? as i dont really like her to walk where we live alone. this was my ex wifes story.
she said no we walkt to this pub and took a few drinks and my girlfriend wanted me to hook up with people so i just walkt home alone and called my mom. this is really late at night to.
so que next day after she sleept the rush of, i get a text from the girlfriend O that she was faithfull and she took a taxi home and i had my eyes on her all the time and we did not run in to K at all,
my ex wife then tells me we did run in to K, but i only said hi and we walkt away, and i confront the Girlfriend O how she could lie about taking a taxi and leaving my ex wife to walk alone, and she swears my ex wife took the taxi home with them, i really just wanted her to be safe around these events. later after i push Girlfriend O harder my ex wife tells me she walkt with K home as she did not want to go in a taxi after feeling abit sick,
i tell her why did you just not tell me that right away ? then you would be jealous she said and act angry, i told her no am glad K took you home safe just dont lie about it.
i then later that night text K thanks for taking my ex wife home safe. means alot ur a good guy, and K start going on about the night, how they meet in the crowd and went on rides and did not find Girlfriend O and they went to the pub and had a drink and then Girlfriend O called her and askt where ex wife was, so they meet up in the pub and then we walkt home to you, K lives like 300m away from us so nothing wierd if they walk right ?, i was like ok thanks for taking care of her and next time she might just go with you as she clearly had more fun with you K. and then he dropt a bomb on me, are you guys devorcing or are you still trying ? and i say still trying. and he finds it wierd as he said "because sometimes we talk and type" and "sometimes you and her talk and type" and i call him right away and ask him to be upfront about it, he said he will call in 2h ok fine i think, but my wife is typing like crazy on her phone then, and locks the screen as i get close, another red flag, i call him and ask him to clearfy that statment, and he said no we just talking like about you guys and then sometimes i see you type to her some cute message or stuff, witch i do.
this makes my wife devorce me, and i beg and plead to let us give it a chance again and this time be honest with each other. after alot of work we still devorce but as we have kids we still count as married for 6 months, and we both agreed we would use that time to se if we can find back, as she cant keep the apartment due to debt as we had to get my dad to co sign it. i was ready to move and take me my dad off the contract, making her homeless with 6 kids, witch i did not want to, but as i had debt to and my father wanted to support me and could not stay on 2 contracts he said he will help me.
i think fine but still the feeling of K and my ex wife never leaves, so i rig a webcam at my pc to spy on her as i go out to buy a mothersday gift, she finds the webcam and start to scream and become balistic on me that i never trust her and that i was dissgusting for invading her privacy she permanently deleted the file with Shift Delete. i feel so bad i called my therapist and admitted what i did and she help me formulate a good apology and i go and tell her am really sorry in a really good way and explain why i did it and that it still was not ok, she just gave me the cold shoulder and said she dont feel safe here anymore at all, all i wanted was proof if she was really sending Pictures to K to. ex wife now uses all her free time with K and dont care at all about the kids, i work like 11h weekends shifts as am in health care for disabled kids/adults, so i cant leave they need me, and her 15 year old calls me and tells me she is out with the dog and talking to K and has been out there for 30 mins and the kids are screaming, i call her angry and tell her to get back inside and take care of the kids, and she just tells me atleast am walking the dog. well its her dog so i really dont care to much about animals like that so.
friday that night she walks home to K to drink, K has problems with alchole, i just got off a 11h shift, my youngest kids is sick and keeps waking up so i have to go up and put him to sleep again and again, and i have another 11h tomorrow i have to do, so i call her and tell her to get home, i give my kids some medicin and go wait for my ex wife witch takes about 2h to get home, remember its about a 300m walk. she really just did not want to go home i guess. she talk about how they where drinking and talking to his parents and planing a trip 2h away to K's parents to see if she would miss me she said, i tell her no why ? why cant you just stay at ur moms or other girlfriends ? and she said i already told them i would be going so i kinda have to. week go by and i keep trying to make pysical contact with her in hugs or massaging her feet after work as her feet get really swollen, i cook for her and make time to watch some tv shows that week, and saturday comes around
she is now giving me the cold shoulder again and we get in a fight about her leaving with K, i tell her i will write my name off the contract and leav so u can be with K i dont care, and she starts crying and tells me to wait abit and walks the dog, i look inside her backpack she packed for the trip and find a sexy night gown i bought for her in there, i confront her about that to, and she just says she has nothing else to wear while going to sleep. i give her my t-shirt and toss that night gown away and tell her use this. and i got so angry i started kissing her and hugging her, she leaves, and i type to her that am sorry for kissing you and stuff as we both feelt we needed time to get there the week where we had fun. she tells me it was nice and we should do it more often. she stays the night there at his parents place she calls me and tells me they arrived and everything so i feel good about this as we just kissed, i have been bending my back so hard to clean, work on my self, have the meals ready and stuff, i work almost only weekends so i take care of it as she works on weeks.
but sunday she comes home and we talk about about what she did and if she had fun, she did tell me she really missed me during that time and that gave me hope again, but still the feeling of K did not leave.
she was cold almost 3 days and said she still dont know... mind you this is now 1.5 months in and i have done everything i can to make us work i still sleept in a diffrent room as she was not really that comfortable after the whole webcam insedent. when she got back home i told her to stay with her sister and work this out if she still want to. as she is there i can see her search history and she is looking for bracelets for boyfriends and a bottle of capten morgan witch u can make ur own lable on it that is K's favorit, i call her and ask wtf are you doing, and she said his birthday is comming up and i want to get him something nice, and i tell her but you search for BOYFRIEND, not like Braclets for guys, and she said otherwise just some girly stuff comes up, and i told her no ur looking for Braclet for Boyfriends with i took matters in to my own hands and snaped her and askt right out is there anything betwin you and K and she said yes i have feelings for him, and i think to my self what the **** and she said i have not told him anything at all and u cant do that, so i confront K and ask him if anything happend, he said no and i tell him she has feelings for u, how do u want to do this ? want me to move out so u can be with her ? and K said no, i dont want to get in betwin you guys, i see her as a friend and then i told him then can u back off for a while and dont text snap or call her ? and he said sure... and K wanted to know how we meet, so i told him it was rough, i told him about how when we started the realationship i got a std, a minor one u can just take a pill (Clamydia) and its gone, that her Ex gave her before the brake up. and that sent my wife bannanas, K twisted this story too and told ex that she still has it, and never treated it, so in order now to have contact with her about the kids and not go throu soical services or i had to apolgyse to K about it and say i lied, witch i did, but still the damages was done she is now really done with me i guess as she blocked me on facebook and snapchat and will not awnser any calls or text. she also added back the friends she cheated on me with (just pics no touching) and still staying with friends and have the kids there now. was i in the wrong here to confront him ?
also is there a way to find back even tho she said never even if i got 1m on my bank accoun ?
submitted by SnooTangerines8115 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:32 throwfaraway898989 Confusing Myself

I'm wanting others' outside opinions. Sometimes I go back and forth between whether my parents are narcissists are if I'm actually the bad guy. For context, I was the golden child and my older sister was the scapegoat. Over the last 2-3 years I've realized how their raising of me (and infantilizing of me) has affected me to now I just feel like I was only ever a 'project' to them, not an actual person, and that they still and will always see me that way. Here are some reasons I think they may be narcissists:
This is a lot but is by no means all. I've read how, in the long run, the golden child is often the most damaged. I can see that now in my life, how I was never allowed to mature or given real emotional support, my usefulness to them extends only insofar as I reflect positively on them. As far as my being a real person with scars and issues and needs, they basically left me to myself. As my dad literally told me, "you were just so smart I thought you didn't need any advice or help. I thought you could just do it on your own."
submitted by throwfaraway898989 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:30 Big-Statistician4024 Comex update 6/9/2024

Comex update 6/9/2024
During the past week, the total open interest in platinum was challenging the multi-year high water mark set back in March but succumbed as the week came to a close.
At the same time, the price action was to the down side.
This indicates that the longs were closing their positions rather than the shorts trying to smash the price. This is a bearish sign. Friday's action was exacerbated by the closure of the Asian markets during normal Comex trading hours. Gold and silver also saw similar action last week, but palladium was an exception with shorts increasing their positions. Monday is a holiday for the Shanghai markets so it stands to reason that the downslide will continue for another day. This is not financial advise btw.
July is an active delivery month and the rolls have already started.
Meanwhile, the inactive month open interest has dropped off.
It has been observed that the gold markets have been ravaged by EFT trades over the past few months. Platinum has seen the same action. The last two months have seen 150% of the total global platinum mining output settled via EFP. June is off to the same start.
Palladium is currently in an active delivery month. So far, 90 contracts (9000 oz) have been marked for delivery with JPM customers being the biggest sellers. Interestingly, BofA has not been active this time around as they have been the leading buyer for most of the recent active contracts. There are 4 contracts left to be settled for the June contract. 94 deliveries is far below the monthly average of 160 contracts, yet the open interest keeps growing...
I'm sure this is all perfectly normal. I mean, it makes total sense to have significantly more and more people making investments in palladium each cycle while simultaneously taking significantly fewer and fewer deliveries. The ETFs are the net shorts in this market. Note that the miners are buyers at this time.
The private trades (including EFPs) have been brisk as usual. Even in an active delivery month, they are already 367% of the total available inventory for sell. I don't know about you, but if you are a palladium investor, why not just take physical delivery instead of said metal vs settling for fiat? The answer is because these are market manipulators in action and they are having to take a lot of actions to keep the bus moving with no lug nuts on the wheels.
To wrap, here is where the paper to physical ratios stand at this time- aka, the number of paper claims for each ounce of metal in the vault.
Here is the platinum burndown for the active July 2024 contract.
While it is coming in on the high-side for the number of contracts, it is only slightly to moderately above average for the paper to physical ratio due to a higher inventory on-hand than in past cycles.
submitted by Big-Statistician4024 to wallstreetplatinum [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:29 andrusnow Am I in the wrong here?

Do your clients often not know exactly what they want when they book you for drop-ins or other services?
TL;DR: a client wasn't clear on expectations, then shifted what she wanted, then complained I was too expensive, and then finally ghosted me.
I had someone contact me two weeks ago about doing drop-ins for her three dogs (an older larger breed and two youngish mixes). She is WFH and tied up in meetings all day. She wanted me to come over for an hour 3x a week to "occupy" her dogs while she worked. While she was vague on her definition of "occupy", it sounded reasonable enough, so I scheduled the Meet and Greet.
The dogs were friendly but very chilled out and low-maintenance. During our M&G, she admitted her dogs were lazy and hoped that having someone outside with them would encourage them to get a little exercise. I told her my dog is the same way and the only thing that ever works is a good walk. She was open to doing walks but wanted to try drop-ins first to see how things went. She said she had plenty of toys, but getting them out would be good enough.
On day one I brought the dogs out to the yard and let them give me a good smell and gave them some encouraging pets. I also provided space as I am a new element in their world. We had met before, but I didn't want to push boundaries during our first interaction alone. After a few minutes of introductions, I brought them some tennis balls and a few pull toys. However, all three immediately found a shady spot under some trees and dozed off. I tried engaging with them in a few different ways, but nothing caught their interest. 30ish minutes of failed attempts later, they stood by the door as if wanting to go back in. I got them off the porch and we all spent the remainder of the visit chilling under a tree. I felt slightly judged as I brought them back when the hour was up. The client was between meetings, so I informed her they weren't interested in their provided toys and seemed to prefer napping in the shade. She said that she also has difficulty with play and they are afraid of one of the pull toys. She didn't indicate any frustrations towards me, but still seemed a little let down that all we did was sit in the yard. I brought up walks again and she agreed we could try that next time.
On day 2, I arrived to find the client's spouse in the backyard with the dogs. He said he wasn't aware of his wife's plans to have a dog sitter come a few times a week. On top of that, he said he had just given the dogs chew bones to occupy them while spending time outside. I asked if he wanted me to contact the wife to maybe reschedule and he shrugged me off and told me to join him while the dogs finished their bones. We ended up chatting for 25 minutes - which was very awkward. After the dogs finished, I asked again if he wanted me to take them for a walk and, thankfully, he said yes. We were almost halfway through the visit at this point and I had somewhere to be after the booking, so I don't think I gave them a good one. After wrapping up, I shot another message to the wife explaining what happened and never got a response.
On day three, I finally got them out for a decent walk and the client seemed happy. However, as I was leaving she asked if we could adjust the schedule and services moving forward. With uncertain weather, her and her husband's schedules, and some travel coming up, she wasn't sure if she would need the full three days or even a walk every time I came. I told her that was all fine and to make her adjustments on the app.
A day later she adjusted the schedule and services to just two walks per week. I accepted and planned to head back to her place for a walk a few days later. However, one day after making the booking, she sent me a message saying that the adjusted plan was only $10 cheaper than our 3-day-a-week Drop-In from the week before. I responded with a screenshot of the cost breakdown I received and explained my rates for walks versus drop-ins. I also explained that Rover takes a small but obvious cut of her payment and my profit and asked her if she wanted to take the arrangement off the app. She never responded.
I wish I could have gotten an explanation. At the same time, I don't think this client knew what she wanted and only realized that expectations weren't being met after solidifying the booking and making a payment. If she didn't want to pay my rates, why continue engaging with me? And after I provided some options, why ghost me? Maybe I am reading too deeply into things, but this interaction was a major turn off.
submitted by andrusnow to RoverPetSitting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:27 PsychologicalWay2691 I'm desperately in love with my "abusive" ex boyfriend

I'm desperately in love with my "abusive" ex boyfriend
Cross posting this on a couple of subreddits to hopefully get a good amount of advice.
Hey, I made this account for this and haven't used reddit before so I'm sorry if I do this wrong, and english is not my first language.
This requires a good amount of backstory.
I(19F) am from Louisiana and so is my ex(20M). We met when we were 14 because we were in the same grade at the same highschool. We hit it off immediately and became really good friends. After being friends for about 3 months he got the courage up to ask me on a date, and we started dating. We were together from then until we were 15 and 16, and got back together after I turned 16.
About 2 months into us dating this second time, he had a mental break. I have a lot of trauma that caused me to feel the need to stay with him despite the way he treated me at that time. He never cheated, but seemed to think it was funny or entertaining to do everything in his power to make me think he was, and to make me think it was with some of our close friends. He got distant and snappy and would yell at me over little things a lot. He tried to hit me out of frustration one time but I personally grew up in the hood and do not take lightly to being attacked so he got smacked right back and never tried that again. At this time his parents(they were practically my parents too, mine have never been good to me and they did and still do care a lot more about me then my own do) told me he was having a mental break and that I should leave for my own good but also that they understood why I was staying.
Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and right before the start of our senior year we broke up(both 17). Throughout senior year he would spread rumors about me, a lot being about us having sex, though I was still a virgin and me and him never went farther then me performing oral on him. I distanced myself from him as much as possible but we were both in our schools top band and jazz ensembles as percussionists and were in constant competition with each other.
We ended up going to the same college, and we are now going into our junior year in a few months. I never had friends in highschool, my friends were just his friends and everyone "didn't pick sides" when we broke up. which they just said to me because I wasn't trying to make anyone pick a side but they really did just pick his, except our friend who I'll call Dan. I'll also call my ex Joe. Both are far from their names but I'd like to stay anonymous. Dan told me he understood that Joe was lying and spreading rumors, but felt to bad cutting him off as we all knew he was having a break, as did I.
This year Joe was set to be loving in a dorm right across the hallway from mine. When we had gone home for the summer I made no effort to reach out or see him as our friendship in freshman year of college was just not really there. Though all this time I really have missed my best friend, I've never felt like anyone has been as close to me as he was or understood quite like how he did.
I ran into him during move in day this year. He looked a lot less erratic then he had been the past couple of years and seemed a lot calmer. That night, I was leaving my dorm to go on a midnight walk downtown when I found him sitting on the front of his door in the hallway. He looked like he had been crying. I saw him and decided to quietly sit down next to him and sheepishly ask if he was okay. He said he wasn't, and asked what I was doing, so I invited him to come with me and he did. We left the dorms at about 10 pm, and didn't get back until 6 am. We walked and talked for hours about everything, and he might've apologized for the way he treated me a million times. He explained what happened that caused him to break, and told me he had a realization about it that led to a meltdown, placing him in the psych ward at the end of our freshman year. He was now medicated, healthy again, and finally in therapy!!! I was so insanely proud of him. I called him parents because I wanted to confirm and they confirmed he was telling the truth. From there, we rekindled our friendship and have been back to best friends ever since.
It's been a few months now, and we both have moved back home for the summer, both with plans to love with some friends in apartments starting when fall quarter begins. Recently my mom died in a car accident. She was an abusive neglectful parent who should have never had kids as she truly didn't view me as a human. But despite that, I've been struggling a lot with her death. Joe has been very helpful through this, as he is the only person I've ever told about what happened with my mom throughout my childhood. Yesterday was a particularly hard day for me, and he invited me to do my absolute favorite activity, night drive and smoking.
So now we get to the actual story and where I need advice.
Last night he came and picked me up at about 10. When I got in he handed me the rolling tray and had me roll a blunt for us while he drove to our normal parking lot. This whole time I couldn't stop staring at him and couldn't figure out what it was. When we stopped he turned the music down and faced towards me so we could talk properly and we started smoking and talking. Eventually, this dialouge exchange happened.
Joe - "No it just didn't work out with them so we broke up." Me - "Well what happened?" "Well a lot, but it boils down to they don't understand me in the way I would need my partner to" "How so?" "Well for lack of a better way to put it, the way me and you understand each other"
This lead to us talking about had gone wrong before, and eventually, he told me I looked really pretty and kissed me. I lost my virginity to him in his car last night, and it was more amazing then I ever imagined it could be. I never thought I would be someone who enjoyed sex but I have genuinely been thinking about that and him ever since it happened. When we finished, we took about 5 minutes of laying still and occasionally just muttering out a "Jesus christ that was amazing" before we eventually moved back to our seats. He took me to get ice cream and then brought me home.
I miss him, he's so amazing!!! The sex was great but that's not even what I'm worried about, I just couldn't stop staring at him and I still can't stop thinking about him.
I need advice. I want him back so bad, but is it worth it? He completely destroyed my confidence and love for myself in a way that has not recovered. I truly want to believe he's changed and all signs point towards him changing. I know if I asked him out again he'd say yes immediately. But I'm at a crossroads. Most of me wants to forgive and forget as he truly is the love of my life but that part of me that spent my childhood being abused by my parents has a little Itty bitty voice in my head telling me he isn't actually changed.
Would I be crazy if I went back to him?
submitted by PsychologicalWay2691 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:26 Ninimarmel [25+ F] Looking for Committed Roleplay Partners!

Hi there! Nini here. I'm an over-25 roleplayer with many years of experience not just as a player, but also as a generally creative person who loves crafting worlds, stories, plots, and compelling characters.
I'm seeking a partner for a long-term roleplay relationship, and ideally, someone with whom I can develop a good and healthy OOC friendship. I don’t expect to know your entire lore or become best buddies, but I do hope there’s an interest in friendly chats, exchanging ideas and suggestions. And why not, sharing memes, playlists, themed Pinterest boards, and all those fun little things that make the experience more enjoyable.
Here are some genres I’m crazy about:
* Modern and Contemporary Fantasy
* Urban Fantasy
* Vampires/Werewolves
* Esoteric/witchcraft
* Steampunk
* Cyberpunk
* Dystopian/Post-Apocalyptic
* Dark Academia
I don’t have specific plots in mind; I prefer to start with a simple idea together with my partner, discuss the characters and themes they feel comfortable roleplaying, and decide from there which direction to take. Maybe we can start with a few introductory scenes to set the tone and get familiar with each other.
More about me as a player:
* I prefer to roleplay female characters.
* I write only in third person and past tense.
* English is not my first language, but I strive to do my best.
* I can write long, literate paragraphs.
* I’m moderately active, guaranteeing 1-2 posts a day, depending on the length and scene.
* I have a soft spot for slow-burn romances, but it has to be contextualized and not just for the sake of it.
* I have no issues dealing with strong, delicate, and macabre themes.
* I’m more than willing to put a lot of effort into working on the story and setting, but I appreciate receiving the same level of commitment from my partner.
* You can find me on Discord or Mrpg.
If you think I might be a good match for you, comment or send me a DM: try to introduce yourself and help me understand what you like and what you’re looking for, maybe including a sample of your writing style.
Thanks, and see you soon!
submitted by Ninimarmel to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:25 Longjumping_Mud6031 I took a cab in the middle of the night. What happened, changed my life.

I woke up at 2 a.m., feeling ravenous. The hunger I was feeling was powerful, I couldn’t sleep I just had to get something to eat.
I went downstairs to my disgusting kitchen and opened the fridge.
“Damn,” I thought
The only thing I had in my fridge was a bottle of expired milk. At that time I didn’t know it was expired, so I drank it.
The dreadful feeling of extreme hunger tortured me, I just had to get some food.
I unlocked my phone and ordered a cab. The driver swiftly arrived at my house which did not surprise me, since it was the middle of the night. I walked up to the car and saw a man. Almost everything about this individual was boring and average, but the one thing that stood out was his eyes. They looked dead and were red, he looked like he had just smoked weed.
At first, I was reluctant about getting in, but I ignored that feeling and got inside the car.
“Take me anywhere they food,” I said to the creepy man
“Well, what are you looking for?” he answered.
“Anything,” I said
“What about getting something exotic” the man uttered in a terrifying voice
That sentence horrified me. It was the way he said it that erected that grim feeling in me. After a second I realized that it was probably nothing and that I was making stuff up.
“Yeah, sure” I answered unenthusiastically.
“Great!” The man yelled
That blaring yell almost made me faint, it was all because I got drunk last night playing a drinking game with my friends. The man accelerated and reached a great speed in seconds, I was terrified.
We got about 5 miles from my house before I started getting even more creeped out. Why did we have to drive so far to get to this restaurant? I kept asking the guy about the ETA of this ride, but he kept saying the same thing
“We’ll be there soon” the creep kept on saying
I was beginning to spiral. It only took me a few minutes to start thinking that he was going to kill me. That’s when I got a phone call. It was a private number, I usually don’t answer calls from these types of numbers, but I had to do something to get this situation off my mind.
I answered the call.
“Where the fuck are you! I’ve been waiting for you for 30 minutes. You better believe I'm going to be charging you for this!“ The unknown man screamed
“What are you talking about, I got into a car, like 40 minutes ago” I replied
“I don’t know what the hell you’re on about, but I'm out of here!” he yelled
He hung up.
“Can we please pull over??” I asked the driver
“No” he answered formidably
“What’s going on here? I just got a call from an unknown number insisting that he was my driver” I replied
“Well, he probably was,” said the impostor
That sentence sent shivers down my spine. I completely forgot about my esurient state; the only thing on my mind was getting out of this vehicle.
The only possible resolution at that moment was to attack the man and take control of the car.
I punched him in the head, he didn’t take it well. He lost control of the car and we hit a tree. Thankfully I was fully conscious and I wasn’t injured. I looked at where the driver was sitting and thought he passed out. I was ecstatic and I thought that I was finally free, but that’s when he suddenly woke up and stabbed me in the neck with a syringe.
I passed out almost immediately.

After I woke up I started puking profusely, it was probably caused by either the expired milk I drank earlier or the mixture of chemicals in the syringe. I started panicking, thinking I was going to die, but then the lights came on.
“I know you wanted to try something exotic, so I made you something I knew you would love,” said a familiar voice.
Suddenly the lights turned on, I looked down and screamed with horror.
“My legs! They’re fucking gone!”
The sadistic monster laughed with glee.
“Exactly, they're gone and that’s what you’re going to eat tonight”
“You disgusting creep, how dare you!”
He didn’t respond. He just left.
I sat there, stuck for hours, crying thinking about stuff I could never do again because of this psychopath.
After hours of mental torture, he came back
‘I am going to love this” said the sadist
He walked over to me and put a blindfold around my eyes. He then unblocked the wheels on the wheelchair I was sitting on and rolled me over to a different room.
The man took off the blindfold and what I saw deeply disgusted me. I saw a table full of different dishes that mainly consisted of meat from my legs. I was surprised that I didn’t hurl.
I was frightened, but that was only the beginning.
I started yelling, telling the guy I wasn’t going to eat my legs, but in that moment he whipped out a pistol and told me that if I didn’t eat it he was going to kill me and my entire family.
I reluctantly started eating one of the dishes and ate until I finally saw the look of satisfaction on his face. I told him I was done eating, he seemed pleased with what he had accomplished.
After he put all the dishes back in a different room he walked up to me, put a knife on the table, put a gun in his mouth, and killed himself. The sound of the gun and the sight of a man's brain being splattered all over the wall scarred me for life.
I then remembered that he had left a knife on the table. I pulled myself to the edge of the surface, turned myself around, and grabbed the knife. I was lucky that he had only tied my chest to the chair, but thinking about it now I am pretty sure he did it on purpose.
After I escaped from the chair I crawled over to the exit. After I got out the door I saw that this place was in the middle of a city, the second I came out there was a swarm of people surrounding me.
The one thing that I wasn’t expecting was that I deeply enjoyed eating human flesh. It was more like love. I was obsessed instantly. I never considered myself a bad person and I still don’t think I am, I just have needs that most people don’t and I think that is fine. Sure, most people would think I am a monster, but all of them have never tried the beauty that is human flesh. I want to end this by thanking my unexpected driver, for introducing me to this wonderful world of cannibalism.
submitted by Longjumping_Mud6031 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:22 OilPsychological1080 What to do with my marriage? '43F' '32M'

I have been with my wife for 8 years now we recently had our 7 year wedding anniversary. In the beginning of our marriage and relationship things were amazing. My wife has been married twice before me and has kids with both previous husbands. I have also been married twice before her me mostly being young and dumb and trying to rush life, I have never had children with either of my previous wives. After we were married we decided to have children which I expressed to her I never intended on having children with someone I didn't plan to be with forever. I did not want my children apart of a broken home. Fast forward 6 years, I confronted my wife on the suspicion that she had possibly slept with one of my best friends before her and I ever knew each other this was a friend that we regularly were around and hung with. She assured me several times that she had never slept with him or done anything to him. Well not long after that I over hear my wife drunkingly talking to one of her friends telling her friend that she did sleep with him but didn't want me to find out. I know no one here knows me so I'll start off by saying we all have a past and that's fine I just ask not to be lied to and give and recieve complete honesty. I don't think anyone wants to be hanging out on a regular basis with there spouse hanging around someone they have slept with . I didn't call her out in it immediately but it ate away at me for weeks why would you lie about that I asked myself? Looking me straight in my eyes and lied over and over. A month or so goes by and my wife is drunk and I bring it up to her, once again she denies it but I told her i overheard her telling her friend so I know she's lying. Now I'm not the type of male who is very jealous and I definitely don't play the going through your phone game because I'm committed and I give my wife my trust. Well I when I confronted her on this issue I called her out on some other shady behavior, she was going through one of her photo apps and there was a video of her ex boyfriend masturbating. Clearly by this point I am infuriated. She swears she didn't know it was on there and she thought it was deleted. We are in a public parking lot inside the car when all this goes down she freaks out and jumps out of the car, I beg and plead for her to get back in the car as this is my children's mother and I would never do anything to publicly embarrass her. Well she ends up drawing a lot of attention to herself and gets arrested since she is drunk and not calming down and refuses to get back in the car with me so I can take her home. Fast forward about 3 months. My wife and I had been out to eat and on our way home got into a arguement. Once we arrived home she asked me "doing you like living here"? Which I thought was odd but I replied yes why wouldn't I? We finally have a nice house sitting on a farm with beautiful views it's everything Iv always wanted, she replied with "ok". She said she was going to go for a walk to clear her head and I said ok I was going to use the bathroom. I got out of the bathroom and I couldn't quit thinking why would she ask such a question she knows I love living here. I went to her car because there's a pistol in to glove box and I'm trying to cross the worst scenarios out of my head. The glove box was locked as it usually is and she took her car key with her. I ran inside and got the spare and went back to the car and unlocked the glove box and the pistol is missing. I immediately track her location and see she is in a near field. I jump in my truck and go to where she is at I find her sitting by A brush pile listening sad music with the gun in her lap. I am able to get the gun from her then she takes off running through the field towards our house. At this point it is like my wife has had a complete mental break down and idk what to do I start calling her mom and dad they don't answer I call her daughter who is in the military and In a different state freaking out telling her everything that's happening. My wife makes it home gets in her car and leaves and doesn't come back for hours I can't track her because she left her phone in the field where I found her. By this point I have gotten ahold of her mom and dad no one knows what to do. So we all come together once my wife arrives back home and tell her what ever is going on we want her to get help with it's therapy or medicine we don't care we are here for here and support whatever we have to do. Time goes by and things are starting to get normal again after my wife refuses to take medicine or do anything for help. We did start marriage counseling we had scheduled 4 meetings to start with the first meeting we did as a couple the second meeting I did by myself and the third meeting was supposed to be my wife alone and on the 4th meeting it would be us as a couple again. Well when it came time for my wife to do her meeting she kept rescheduling over and over and I finally called her out on why she wasn't taking this serious. She said she was but she just had this or that going on etc all I heard was excuses. Now since you don't know my wife she is a very successful female that makes great money and is in amazing shape and literally had the perfect body even after kids, you would never even known she's had a kid and built very desirable. I am 6' 2" and I go to the gym 5-6 times a week I have never cheated in any way form or fashion on my wife or done anything morally or ethically wrong towards our marriage I have always loved my wife and thought she was perfect. After these events started happening I started to question a lot of things and I found out my wife is as truthful as I thought she was. I don't believe my wife has ever cheated on me but she does seem to tell a lot of small lies or just flat out lies in general. My wife has in the last few years became psychotically jealous I'm not even allowed to eat with female coworkers and if I do I have to notify her and tell her where they are sitting in relation to where I'm sitting and what if anything they say to me. I have to tell her every time a female calls or text me etc. I do not have any social media but my wife has almost all of them and I don't care but I would like to point out she has male friends on her social media both married and single but I'm not allowed to be friendly or joke or anything even with the people I work with and my wife knows all of them but at the same time my wife also works in a coed environment and I don't limit her on anything she does nor do I ask or care because I love her and trust her. She has recently gotten mad that she shares her location with me but I don't share mine with her, I never asked her to share hers with me she just randomly did one day but since I don't do anything wrong and have nothing to hide I started sharing mine as well. Well that became a problem while we're both at work I would be question about why have I been at a particular location for 10 min or why have I been here or there etc and that got really old really quick. A few months go by and my wife starts a physical altercation with me I have never in my life hit a woman nor did I that night but I did keep pushing her off of me as I tried gathering my stuff for work so I could leave and go somewhere else. Long story short the police showed up I didn't have a shirt on and was covered in scratch and bite marks. Luckily I was able to leave and no one would go to jail, both our careers would've been ruined if either of us would've went to jail. After leaving that night I go to a hotel from that night forward I don't come home for 2 weeks I stay at hotels or family's house still in shock of how all this has came about. How close we were to losing everything we have including our careers over her behavior. I tell my wife I want time away from her to think things through. She tells me after two weeks of not sleeping under the same roof as her I need to come home because our children are asking a lot of questions I was skeptical but I returned and only for my kids I love my kids more than anything and during this 2 week period of being gone from them I would show up as my wife left for work and take them to school and pick them up and still see them and do stuff with them. I started staying back at home for my kids my wife and I still haven't slept in the same bed I am devistated on what to do about my marriage I can't handle a controlling and psychotically jealous wife anymore. This is not all that's going on in my marriage just some of the big things. I feel like I do most of the house work and I do all of the outside work. I clean, do dishes, do laundry etc I hate not having a clean and organized house. Lately things have been getting out of control with spending financially. All of this combined is driving me crazy. I told my wife 3 times I wanted a divorce but she begs me and tells me how everything can and will be better. She did start medicine for whatever is going on with her mentally but honestly not much has changed not like she promised. She still leaves the house and goes drinking with her friends and doesn't come home until late into the night etc. I don't know what to do I am beyond devastated to think about what a divorce would do to my kids 5 & 6. I can't stand the thought of them possibly having another father figure in their future. I have days where I feel strong enough to divorce and I know everything will be ok and be fine and then I have days where I question if I would be able to make it through something like that or not. I feel really confused on what to do my wife's behavior hasn't changed much and the only reason there's been any change at all is because I told her I wanted a divorce and I feel like she's trying to look really good right now and show me this "change". I worry what if I'm never happy again what if I never have this life of fun and happiness like I had before all these issues started happen for the last year and a half. I'm really stuck on what to do.
submitted by OilPsychological1080 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:22 Itsallincode I'm making a romantic thriller visual novel about love and witchcraft!

I'm making a romantic thriller visual novel about love and witchcraft!
Zero-Sum Heart is a fantastical romantic thriller
Hi everyone! I'm Mari, and I (writing/programming), Jenny(artist), and Kala(musician) are an all-women team making Zero-Sum Heart, a visual novel about a high school girl who made a deal with the witch to sacrifice her heart to win everyone's love.
It's a short game, about 2 hours long, with multiple endings, and we are planning to release it by the end of 2024.
A little back story:
Jenny (the game's artist) and I met in high school. She loved drawing, I loved writing, we bonded over the fact that this was what we wanted to do for the rest of our lives, and became best friends. We were a part of the team that made The Rewinder (a pixel-art point-and-click game inspired by Chinese mythology, free on XboxGamePass right now if you have that) and we also made Death Trick: Double Blind (a non-linear detective visual novel set in a vintage traveling circus).
This year, we made a big decision: to start our own games studio. Great timing, I know, the industry is in a tough place right now and it has always been hard for female-led teams to get any funding. So for now it's just the two of us working full-time on this game and taking contracting jobs on the side to make things work.
Stylistically, We were inspired by romantic thriller movies such as Hitchcock's Vertigo, Satoshi Kon's Perfect Blue, Guillermo del Toro's The Shape of Water, something that's mysterious, dark, and blurs the lines between fantasy and reality.
But the story is also inspired by our own experiences. The reason why we chose to set it in high school is I think at that period of my life, I used to be one of those girls that thought makeup and pink things and prom were lame. I couldn't admit I wanted to be loved or desired, because I had internalized the belief that it was shallow and try-hard. So, in a way, I wrote this for 10-years-ago me, about being seen and understood in love, romantically and non-romantically.
A little more about the game:
It's not really an Otome game. I love them! But our game is focused on one romance instead of having a few different love interests you can pick from.
It's not a horror game. There are moments that might be eerie or dark, but it doesn't really have jumpscares, and it's ultimately a romance story.
The game depicts some stuff that might be disturbing or triggering. The premise of the story involves self-mutilation, for example, but in a witchcraft context where it doesn't hurt. Please read the store page for more detailed warnings!
I've always wanted to write a scene where they perform some witchcraft inside of a girl's bathroom stall
If it sounds like something you might enjoy, please give us a wishlist, I'll put the link in the replies :) If you have any questions about the game, about gamedev or starting a business, feel free to ask!
submitted by Itsallincode to GirlGamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:21 25thbamfan Insurance adjuster trying to play me?

Hi guys. I rear ended someone two months car is a ' 17 Audi a4. I had my hood replaced and a few other components after the accident. I noted to insurance that immediately after the accident I noticed the car was over heating as I left the scene and I just got the home until eh insurance approved body shop did their estimate/repairs.
A few weeks after getting my car back my air conditioning goes out. I take the car to Audi to be inspected. And they do a full inspection to find that now my car is now: - leaking hydraulic fluid from motor mounts - leaking coolant - complete loss of all refrigerant
My car never had any issues with any of the above things prior to the accident. The claims adjuster is stating all of the above items are maintenance items. I disagree because I never had an issue with any of those components prior to the accident. I won't claim to know everything about cars but doesn't it seem that my car was damaged from the collision? The hood release latch was broken too. Weird since they supposedly replaced the front bumper and hood.
I have a suspicion that the repair never should've been authorized and been totalled instead. The car was worth less than the initial repair because the initial quote was showing the car with the same mileage from when I purchased it rather than the 20k more miles I put on it since purchase. Anyone agree this damage seems related or am I misunderstanding these types of damages?
submitted by 25thbamfan to askcarguys [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:21 Tricky-Season-7141 Trying To Decide Between Selling And Renting Flat

Hi all
Using a throwaway account here and looking for advice. Happy to be redirected to another sub if not appropriate for this one. I am going to be moving in with my girlfriend later in the year and I am trying to decide what the most financially sound option is. My girlfriend has a mortgage on her flat, I will move in with her and contribute to that so that we can save and buy a place together. This is a serious relationship and we are planning marriage/kids in the coming years.
Background: I (30M) have a 1 bed flat in a desirable area of a large Scottish city. I purchased my flat in Oct 22, home report value was 100k, I borrowed 95k with a 5k deposit but also had to put ca. 22k over home report to get it, this was basically all my savings at the time. Total spent on the flat was ca. 123k. I realise this is a huge amount but it was the norm for flats in the area at the time and I had been outbid on several flats before getting this one. I have friends currently trying to buy in the area and know that properties are still going for upwards of 15% over home report. The flat next door to me is a 1 bed of similar size and layout and recently sold for £125k, I do not know its home report valuation.
I'm currently on a 5y fixed rate mortgage at 3.89% till Oct 27. Monthly mortgage repayments ca. £414, I have not been making over payments, so the total to repay currently is ca. £93k. Early repayment fee is £4,600, going down to £3,600 from Oct 1st.
I have not made any improvements to the flat other than decorating. It has modern interiors, but does not have much scope for physical improvements. I believe that the flat will have slightly increased in value since purchase given that property prices in this area are still going up.
Options: 1 - Wait and sell the flat in Oct once the early repayment fee has lowered and hope that I don't lose much on it. I very much doubt I would make any profit here considering how much I paid over home report. I would hope to roughly break even, and wouldn't be keen to sell for a large loss.
2 - Apply for consent to let (C2L). My mortgage provider allows C2L for up to 2y. I could rent this place for 2y then either sell or potentially remortgage as a B2L if enough equity has built. I am not sure of the minimum LTV needed for my provider. If I did go the rental route then I would do this through Openrent as I know people who rent properties via this method and believe it to be better than using an estate agent due to lower fees etc.
1 bed flats in my area are typically let for £700 - 800pcm. I would hope for closer to £800 as I know of a 1 bed flat in my building that is in terrible condition going for that price. I currently earn ca. £42k, so the majority of rental income will be taxed at 42%. I have done my own rough calculations and know that my flat would not be making me profit over 2 years, but would hopefully have further increased in value over 2 years meaning I would be less likely to make a big loss if selling it.
I am aware there are costs associated with making my flat legally rentable, and also aware that if I do rent it then sell that I would be liable for CGT of 24% on any gains over 3k, and that this percentage/threshold could change under a Labour government.
I don't have any large expenses other than my mortgage, no car etc, and I am currently able to save around £700 per month if being frugal.
In an ideal world I would rent it out, live with my girlfriend to save money and buy a place together while keeping both our flats as rentals. I realise this is a pie in the sky idea, and comes with its own tax implications i.e LBTT etc.
Any advice on the above would be appreciated as I am changing my mind daily as to what the best option is.
submitted by Tricky-Season-7141 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:19 neonkim [WW] As a whale or a dolphin are you worried about the next sensor tower?

I’ve been playing WW as a f2p player and seeing how successful the income of the first week (with all the freebies) was I started thinking about whaling.
My problem is that I’ve seen the game jump up the sales chart only to fall today to Puzzle and Dragons and Fate which is never a good indicator (meaning a quick jump and then a fall)
I honestly believe the game is doing good enough and will have an awesome month in June (July’s Sensor Tower) but I’m worried about July’s (August’s Sensor Tower) income mainly because:
-Honeymoon would be over
-Freebies will slow down as players are already invested and glitches fixed
-ZZZ’s combat is out
-Hoyo learning and taking ideas to improve combat and exploration on GI (they made a rerun of Wanderer -flying unit- plus released a teaser about mounts -even if only in the new region or situational-). But I can see how money will make CEO’s do whatever it takes.
-Azur Promilia in the horizon
So, even tho I think the game is doing good and will keep on performing this month I do see it having troubles from August onwards.
Plus, and this is just my personal feelings, having the ability to quick explore / climb / run is proving to me that I don’t need to use ‘the paths’ or ‘the stairs’ that usually lead me to the nicest views of the open world. And the fact that the first city is China (Honkai 2nd world, GI 2nd area) feels a bit icky… will the next city be the usual European city or Japan? I’ve seen those already, I don’t know if I want to do that a 3rd time.
So, as dolphins or whales do you have concerns about WW performance? Do you care about the long run or do you feel satisfied with the current game in relation to the money spent? Are you going all out or testing the waters?
This is definitely not a question for f2p players since money is not a thing and the game is actually really fun.
Edit: to clarify about my complaints about WW exploration:
I know it sounds silly to basically ask for a downgrade, my point is that open worlds will improve exploration bit by bit forcing you to traverse the area and get in love with the place. For example, you can’t create flying cars at the start of TOTK, can’t glide on Pokémon when receiving the legendary and everything you can do in Mondstadt is glide a little after a slow climb. This makes you appreciate the exploration, unlocking the teleport, improving exploration at some point and overall gives you a different angle towards the place you already walked.
On WW everything feels like DB Kakarot, I can fly from the very beginning so I have no idea how the entrance of the city looks like, I don’t look for paths in the mountain and reaching a place is not a reward.
submitted by neonkim to gachagaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:17 thebrushup Disappointment over Scope of County’s Investigation while More Accusations Target Grant Denton

While a narrow Washoe County investigation has started into the controversial conduct of Karma Box executive director Grant Denton, more ex-girlfriends, former colleagues and supervisors are coming forward with new allegations of what they call predatory behavior in multiple relationships and in work environments.
We’ve also found out there’s been recent change in terms of work which had been previously delegated to Karma Box, the River Stewards program, now passed on to another nonprofit active in helping the unhoused, RISE.
Those speaking out recently against Denton want him kept away from all work in recovery and homelessness spaces, including the Cares Campus safe camp where he is still contracted by the County.
In terms of the River Stewards, some of the statements made related to the current investigation and interviews we did previously with the unhoused indicated there were concerns as to who was chosen by Denton to do the river cleanups, and how people were paid.
“The River Stewards Program has not been active for several years until funding was recently provided to RISE this spring,” Kara Steeland from the Truckee Meadows Water Authority wrote to us. “I believe Karma Box did not have the capacity to apply for funding or manage the program any longer. Under Karma Box, there was a gift card system in place to incentivize people to help clean up along the river. RISE will hire individuals on a contract basis who will work as River Stewards and be paid a living wage.”
The county investigation concerning Denton was started after a former girlfriend made public allegations against him at a county meeting on May 28th that he preyed on women in recovery workout programs. At the same public forum, an advocate for women and the unhoused read a statement on behalf of John Opalinski, a staff member with Bristlecone Family Resources and a board member of Reps 4 Recovery, also denouncing Denton for alleged misconduct.
It was then announced a county investigation would be carried out.
In one email shown to Our Town Reno, Mary Kandaras, the Chief Deputy District Attorney, wrote the investigation would “focus primarily” on the county’s contract with Karma Box to run the safe camp.
County Manager Eric Brown then indicated in a May 31st email that an independent investigator had been brought in “to investigate Grant Denton’s interactions with Safe Camp clients. Grant has agreed to not come to the Safe Camp while the investigation is being conducted,” he wrote, saying this matter would be resolved “in a swift and fair manner.”
The latest 990 Karma Box Project form we could find was from 2022, indicating $82,300 in compensation for Denton. Last year, Denton already garnered negative media attention for not filing required tax forms to the IRS and losing nonprofit status temporarily.
At that time, County Commissioner Mike Clark said he had previous discussions with county management about Denton, concerned as to how the contract could be continued under those circumstances.
“Why are we doing business with somebody who for the lack of a better word is not officially licensed? That would be like the county hiring a plumber who wasn't licensed,” he said.
Clark says he’s been receiving new statements against Denton daily, even hourly. “I’ve asked for a fair, independent investigation,” he said. “I don't know if anybody's guilty of anything but I think we need to look a little bit wider than just what was taking place at the Cares Campus.”
New allegations range from threatening, demeaning and bullying behavior with the people he deals with personally and at work, especially women, in several positions he’s held since arriving in Reno, to being told of a sexual assault allegedly committed by Denton.
We emailed Denton Friday about the accusations in the new statements we were cced on, but have yet to receive a response. In previous correspondence with Our Town Reno related to the initial accusations, he said he wasn’t a “perfect man,” but denied any wrongdoing. In an interview with This is Reno, he called the multiplying accusations a “f****** witch hunt”, adding an expletive to a phrase often used by former President Donald Trump.
Read our full story which includes new statements we have been cced on here:
submitted by thebrushup to ourtownreno [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:16 Leading-End5676 WIBTA for ignoring my “homeless” brother (28M)

Background: my dad has 15 children. Of those 15, I'm (27F) the fourth oldest and second oldest girl. Most of us are in our 20's but the youngest kids are still in diapers.
Out of all of my siblings, I'm the "responsible" one. But I just do what most adults do: I work, live in my own space, pay my bills, try to live within my means. My siblings do...almost everything but. So when they're in a pickle, some of them turn to me. In the past when it was less frequent and less overwhelming, I didn't really mind, but I find myself at this juncture where I’m not comfortable helping them anymore. Especially considering that I'm becoming privy to some of my siblings using me for something or only calling on me for help. I love my family and I admit to being blindly dutiful to them in the past but as of now, I'm just getting sick of it.
And now my dilemma: my older brother (28M) has been calling me more frequently these days. In the past, he’d call for money or rides and when I had it, I’d help him out. But now, my money is funny because I’m trying to save for a house as me and my boyfriend are looking to move closer to his family up north in the coming years. I have strict budgets and do not even have wiggle room for myself, let alone someone else. His last phone call with me was about how his car got repossessed (the monthly payment was ~$700; well over what he could’ve comfortably paid to) and that he was homeless and living in the car. This was news to me so when I heard how quiet his background was, I asked where he was and he just said “f*ck it, I’ll figure it out” then hung up. I didn’t make an attempt to comfort him via text or call him back. My attitude with him has also changed recently as the calls become more frequent. I no longer stick my neck out to volunteer my resources but instead just listen to which works…for now. But my brother posts regularly to Facebook about his disgustingly messy love life (that we’ve all told him to focus less on), has no dependents and works full-time at a gas station. It leaves me to wonder what he’s doing with his money but ultimately, I’m seeing this trend and I want no parts of it.
Yesterday, he called me twice (kinda funny: a friend and I went out for brunch and she publicly Venmo’d me her half of the bill…less than an hour later, my brother called me). No text or voicemail. I’m debating calling him back to see what he wanted and then telling him I’m no longer able to help him. Or just completely ignoring/blocking him all together. But that’s where I feel like I would be the AH or at least a coward. Like I said, I’m seeing the trend so it's sorta why I lean towards the approach of backing away now. As selfish as it sounds, I just have way too many siblings to put myself on the line for.
Tl;dr: adult sibling constantly calling for money or favors. Thinking of sort of going no-contact/ignoring him for the time being. WIBTA?
submitted by Leading-End5676 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:16 Happy_1234321 I'm feeling guilty of hurting my therapist

So it's been 6 months I'm seeing my therapist and she's helped me navigate a lot of things. Like I know I've to maintain strict boundaries with my therapist and I try myself not to attach to her as much as possible although I see my mom in her
So today we were just talking and I'm going through an important phase in my life, we were just discussing about my old conditioning of always feeling like I owed something to others and always putting others in front of me. We went on more than 1.5 hours. Like although sessions are generally 1 hr long , she feels it's okay for clients to take time and she herself asks more questions to give them theuraptic effect. And it was raining outside, so although I was aware it had been 1.5 hours , I continued speaking first of all I can't go out second of all I thought okay let me take some extra time and make payment for another session So it went upto 2.5 hours and I could still hear raindrops hitting hard on the roof. For the very first time my therapist said okay we're good to go and then I was like okay ..
I paid her extra assuming I took 2 sessions and then sent her a text saying Sorry for taking 2 sessions in one go. She immediately transferred the money back and said she considered it as one session. I felt very guilty. I felt if I was disrespecting her my sending money. I had no such intentions. I was just trying to be respectful for her valuable time. And then I did apologize over text saying I am extremely sorry for taking tiur valuable time. She said I'm worth her time.Shes extremely sweet. But as a person who always feels guilty, This thing is guilt tripping me . Was i greedy for extending my session. Was i disrespectful for hurting her and moreover I'm still navigating my emotions and when you hurt a person ( which I'm assuming) who is been a great support to you and you're processing this thought during your important phase and moreover you're seeking support for resolving issue with your one of the biggest support systems is very ironic
How do I face this?
submitted by Happy_1234321 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:15 NotJohnJohnson2334 Dogebonk DOBO BSC

Dogebonk DOBO BSC
Dogebonk DOBO BSC
Sick of Memecoins getting rugged on? Are you trying to find one with moon shot potential? Well look no further. Get your wagie bucks ready and take a look at DOBO.
-Renounced contract
-Great distribution with over 42,000 holders.
-On Binance smart chain with low transaction fees
-10% tax transaction tax - 5% is burned / 5% is distributed to all wallets via reflections. This creates deflation and deters whales from swing trading.
-45% of supply burned and growing
-OG Bonk coin
-Over 5.5 million in market cap
DOBO is the ultimate deflationary coin. Binance is burning BNB every quarter shrinking the overall supply. DOBOs locked burn wallet grows with every transaction because of the burn tax. DOBO benefits from double deflation, with BNB and DOBO being burned simultaneously.
submitted by NotJohnJohnson2334 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:13 Solkre Misdemeanor for driving on suspended registration, mitigating circumstances (hopefully).

A person was pulled over for speeding, and while running registration the police told them the car's registration was suspended and towed the vehicle. They were given a speeding ticket, but also a criminal complaint for
The mitigating circumstance (I hope) is that this person paid for 2 years of registration online. The registration card and sticker were mailed and applied to the car. Then sometime after the payment was returned and the person didn't notice. They also didn't see a letter the BMV says they sent about it. Car was always covered with insurance.
Does this sound like it should be a misdemeanor charge, because to my untrained eye the law sounds like it's for suspended registration for something like lack of insurance?
Would this be more akin to driving with expired plates? The person repaid/fixed the registration the next day and got the car out of impound. BMV was sympathetic and easily resolved.
submitted by Solkre to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:13 iggyg85 KULR EV Automaker News Recap: 2 Years of Awesome

This is a post about a battery safety company that is being incorporated into many automakers. Companies that have created connections with KULR are using NASA rated and approved technology which is of high interest to me. To be clear, I find the technology is interesting and am not soliciting investment.
Scouring through only the last two years (mid 2022-current) of EV automaker announcements by KULR, here is a definitive list of what to look forward to so far. Included are some highlights and working theories pieced together by arguments, conversations and KULR community Due Diligence.
May 29, 2024
Noted as a top Japanese multi-national automaker. The current popular theory is Toyota due to the DD on matching photos in article promotion with designs of Toyota headlights.
May 7, 2024
FTRC testing successful for EV customer.
March 19, 2024
Noted as a leading U.S. automaker.
October 10, 2023
Noted as a top 5 American EV truck manufacturer. An additional link in the article leads to a list of the top 5 at that time: - Ford - Rivian - General Motors - Stellantis (RAM) - Tesla
The popular theory on the KULR Reddit is that this customer is Rivian, although a strong argument could be made for GM.
August 16, 2023
Noted as one of the world’s top-selling automakers. Linked inside this article is a Reuters article from January 29, 2023 that names two companies, Toyota as the top ranked while their second-ranked rival was Volkswagen Group.
November 14, 2022
Noted as the largest automotive manufacturer in the U.S. but not named in the article. A quick google search found the largest at that time to be General Motors (GM).
*GM was confirmed as a customer to an unspecified contract through inclusion on a customer graphic in KULR’s August 2023 Investor slide deck:
September 14, 2022
Currently in 2024 KULR CEO Michael Mo serves on the NAATBatt International Board of Directors alongside automotive representatives from Ford, Nissan North America, Honda, and GM. Of the 300+ other companies not represented on the board, many are reputable automakers giving KULR access and relations to an extensive automotive market.
Additional info quoted from Michael Mo in the 2024 Q1 ER & Q&A, “…well we have a number of PRs about working with automotive OEMs over the last few months. For example, our SafeCASE used by a leading automotive OEM, FTRC test for the world’s largest automotive OEM, as well as an EV truck and SUV OEM. We can’t disclose the name because we’re under NDA with these customers… and by the way, these large customers, well, the larger the customer, the less likely they allow us to disclose the name.”
In a DD search for “the world’s largest automotive OEM” I was able to discover two companies that fit that bill under two different metrics: - Tesla, world’s largest OEM by market cap - Volkswagen AG, worlds largest OEM by revenue
*Given that the August 16, 2023 article mentions FTRC testing and links to VW being the world’s second ranked top selling automaker and they happen to be the largest automotive OEM by revenue, my theory is VW is that customer.
Bonus information for the top working theory companies:
As of March 2024, statista still has the leading worldwide manufacturer by sales listed as:
  1. Toyota
  2. Volkswagen
  3. Hyundai,largest%20manufacturer%20of%20motor%20vehicles.
Current Toyota brands include Daihatsu, Hino, Lexus, and Toyota. They hold a 20% stake in Subaru, 5.1% in Mazda, 4.9% in Suzuki, 4.6% in Isuzu, 3.8% in Yamaha Motor Corporation. One former brand was Scion.
Current Volkswagen brands include Audi, Bentley, Cupra, Ducati, Jetta, Lamborghini, Porsche, SEAT, Škoda, Traton, Volkswagen & Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles.
Both companies have joint stake manufacturers around the world.
*Brand information was taken from Wikipedia so take that as you will.
As of March 2024 GM is still the largest automotive manufacturer in the U.S. by market share.
Current GM brands include Brightdrop, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, GMDefense and Hummer (now absorbed under GMC name). Former popular brands included Oldsmobile, Pontiac and Saturn (among many others).
Rivian: - Amazon incorporates Rivian Vans in their delivery fleet and currently hold 158.36M shares. - Ford still holds a reduced 1.5% stake - There is unconfirmed speculation among some analysts and boards that GM may consider acquiring Rivian.
And there’s KULR’s two year breakdown. I leave the rest for you to discuss and share your theories about KULR and the automotive industry.
submitted by iggyg85 to electricvehicles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:12 justathrowaway12435 AIO - I (30F) didn’t want my boyfriend (28M) to drink anymore as the DD

We all went out the other night after spending all day at a family event. He was driving me and his sister and the others were in other cars. We had ended up at a bar 45 minutes away at around 12am. When we got there we all ordered drinks, including him. I’m not super comfortable with that but I thought it would be fine because we still had time, the bar was set to close around 3am at the latest.
I am always the DD because I don’t really drink and this was the first time in 2 years that I decided to relax a bit and have a drink. At one point everyone wants to take a shot. My BF says to me that he is going to have a shot, it’s 1:30am. I lean to him and say that I’m uncomfortable with that. We didn’t actually know when we were going to leave (we ended up leaving at 2:30), He had been up since 9am, the last time he ate was at 4pm, and the whole thing made me uncomfortable. He gets upset and starts insisting that he’s fine and can handle himself. I insist that it makes me uncomfortable. He kept repeating in my ear it’s fine. I just started ignoring him and stopped drinking/dancing immediately.
I went into survival mode and couldn’t have fun anymore. He eventually relented and said that he wouldn’t take the shot and was mad at ME. He pouted for the rest of the night, and gave me the silent treatment on the way home. I drove to my family home (we both live with our families for different reasons)
The next day he calls and we get into an argument about it (one that I didn’t want to have) and he kept insisting he was right and I insisted I was right. He said that if you ask anyone about the situation, they would take his side. I said “so you’re saying if you went to your mother and asked if what you did was okay, she would agree?” He said yes, I said no. I egged him on admittedly saying fine go ask her. So he proceeded to walk over to his mother and angrily asked “hey, when I’m drinking and out am I responsible? Do I make sure I’m okay?” And I could hear her over the phone saying yes.
This hurt for two reasons:
1) He conveniently excluded my side of the argument when asking a third party. I didn’t say that he couldn’t handle himself. I said I was uncomfortable.
2) He went to his mother to win an argument. Again, I know I egged him on to do it. But this showed me that he is totally comfortable straining the relationship between me and his mother to win an argument. He didn’t want to protect me and my reputation and it feels like at some point in our relationship it will be me vs him and his mother.
She had zero context of what was happening when she answered the question but now I don’t want to build a relationship with his mother anymore. I don’t like to build relationships made of sand and that’s now what it feels like. His ego, a single shot, was more important than my comfort.
submitted by justathrowaway12435 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]