Online ekg practice rhythms


2013.08.19 14:09 AmbitionOfPhilipJFry EKGs

We are the home of EKG professionals, amateurs, and anyone else interested in interpreting EKGs.

2024.06.09 22:02 Medical-Aide-6211 I’m a 21m loser and a Ioner

l’ve reached a point, where l feeI the loneIiest, I have ever been
Being 21 years old, my social life is practically nonexistent, and everyday existence feels extremeIy tough and incredibly loneIy. I find it hard to bear looking at myself and struggle with feelings of worthIessness and failure. Friendships, romantic relationships, and a family support system are all missing in my life. The profound loneIiness I experience, coupled with social anxiety and autism, creates a sense of detachment as if I'm simply going through Iife watching others live and while I don’t, this feeling like an outsider or alien in my own skin..
The endless feeIing of loneIiness has engulfed me entirely. Throughout the past year, I made countless attempts to break free from it, venturing out to public places like groups and bars, only to end up stuck in a repetitive cycIe of going to college and then back home. Turning to online dating was another effort, but it proved futile as I received no matches. It's awful to realize that even the online world poses challenges. This situation is further compounded by the fact that Iack a close-knit family to turn to, the absence of family only adds to my sense of isolation…
submitted by Medical-Aide-6211 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:41 xxxxrob Would you still play the game if they removed assisted passing, forcing manual?

The game feels completely different on manual controls (versing someone also with manual controls). The pace is reduced. The ping pong is rare and it feels much more like a real game of football.
You win the ball back and have to actually think about your passes so naturally it’s safer to play backwards or safe and compose yourself a bit.
It can be frustrating to pick up at first (the hardest is the ground pass X or A) but with a bit of practice the game feels so much more satisfying and rewards actually having skill and precision.
It is basically a death sentence to try to take manual controls online because you have no time or space and your opponents can easily keep the ball in situations where you might have lost it (eg playing out from the back). And searching for manual controls only will never find you a game sadly.
Would it be something you’d persevere with if it was forced on everybody haha?
submitted by xxxxrob to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:24 Less_Firefighter5097 4/5* Trades

4/5* Trades
Looking for: 5* La Boheme 4* Set Practice 5* Groove On
Available to Trade: 4* Orchestra 4* The Crew 4* Cool Wagon 4* Theramin 5* Melodic Haul 4* Going Viral 4* Big Gig 4* Sweet Rhythm 4* Inkredible 4* Making History
Just trying to complete my first album. Looking for 1:1s
submitted by Less_Firefighter5097 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:23 ConfettiBowl A Note from the Mod "Team"

Hello BlytheDolls Community!
I want to share some updates with you about things happening and things to come for our subreddit
The Blythe Sales Megathread
As many of you have noticed, we are going to eliminate stand alone sales posts within the sub. Going forward we ask that all Blythes for sale be posted in the pinned Sales Megathread using the template provided. With this change, the influx of Blythe-curious traffic from places like TikTok will be able to quickly compare dolls and better understand how custom dolls are priced. The benefit to the existing and established community is to be able to identify which new customizers are following best practices in the creation of their dolls.
We have also started implementing a "Trusted Seller" flair to distinguish sellers who have good feedback. If you would like to be distinguished as a "Trusted Seller," please send me a Modmail with a link to your feedback, and I will review and apply flair as needed.
Moderation Team
You may have noticed that I have posts myself in the Sales Megathread but I am not a "trusted seller." Integrity is very important to me in regard to our community. While I do qualify for the flair, I am not going to award it to myself. I am planning to add a second moderator in the very near future to ensure that we have checks and balances in place and that there is an open dialogue from more than one view point in the community to help us all grow in the best ways. More to come soon!
New Content: From the Community
There is SO MUCH INFORMATION on the internet about Blythe. But not all information is created equally and a lot has changed within the hobby over the decades. With this in mind, we will be curating the best of existing content found around the web and sharing it with the community under the flair "From the Community." This will ensure that we are using the best information to help new customizers and collectors find their way within the hobby.
But wait, the community is all of you! So if you have something that you think would be a good fit and would like to submit it for this section of our subreddit, please send it in a Mod Mail for review.
Misinformation Station
One of the first things I noticed when I became moderator was that the auto-mod feature of Reddit was removing any posts that included links to products online. This has heavily contributed to the misinformation being spread within the subreddit. The thorough, well-written comments from experienced collectors and customizers who were thoughtful enough to provide links and sources were being swept from the site, while short comments with no details or sources were being left.
I want to underline that this community has a wealth of knowledgeable redditors who want to help and that every single comment is now being reviewed by an actual human.
I will be making it a point to distinguish quality comments to encourage interaction. We all benefit from the next generation of artists and collectors having the very best information as they join our community.
What's Next?
I have a vision for our next steps as a growing Reddit community (and we are growing at a rate of over a hundred new users a week!). Here are the next steps:
  1. Assign a second moderator
  2. Implement our new "From the Community" content
  3. Submit our Subreddit to the dolls community - We would be the 3rd largest community under their banner, and would likely see significant member growth from experienced collectors and artists, which is very exciting!
Thank you for reading this very long diatribe. I'm so excited to be part of such a great community, and I know that we are all going to work together to make it even better. I can't wait!
submitted by ConfettiBowl to BlytheDolls [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:06 Aggravating-Pen5968 A more engaging learning experience

Hey UoPeople! Love being a student here, but gotta be real - classes feel like ALL reading, not much sticking. Remember that we learn better by DOING stuff, not just cramming text. The more senses you use to learn something (reading + listening + hands-on activities), the better the outcome!
Also, the workload seems WAAAY off. The estimate says 15-20 hours a class, but it takes me more like 40-60 just to read and do assignments!
Udacity and Coursera are cool for certificates, but a whole university degree should be way more, right? UoPeople has a ton of awesome student programmers and volunteers - what if we all brainstormed to make learning more interactive?
Imagine if UoPeople had a platform like theirs, with practice activities and exercises that check your answers (without grading!). Get it wrong? No sweat, just try again 'til you get it. This way we can actually LEARN, not just memorize. Plus, they have great videos for each lesson!!
Wouldn't it be awesome if employers LOVED hiring UoPeople grads because they're job-ready, not just book-smart? That can only happen if we LEARN by DOING.
UoPeople's got the potential to be an online education rockstar! Let's work together to make it the BEST it can be for everyone.
submitted by Aggravating-Pen5968 to UoPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:06 Mountair im not very good with parts so dont judge but fox 36 floats or bomber z1s

i want some red forks for my bike but dont think that decals for my fox 36s will be enough for my liking. i want somthing like the red bombers but idk if my 36s are better. any help? and if theres any good red forks then that would be much appreciated
EDIT: i had a look online and which is the best fork out of (whichever spec is around same price as rest) : zebs (select i believe for £650) , bomber z1s (£650) , 36 rhythm (£???), lyrik (ultimate for £650)
submitted by Mountair to MTB [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:58 pakuragame Setting Up SNMP Monitoring for HPE1820 Series Switches with Prometheus and Grafana

Hey folks,
I'm currently trying to set up SNMP monitoring for my HPE1820 Series Switches using Prometheus and Grafana, along with the SNMP exporter. I've been following some guides online, but I'm running into some issues with configuring the snmp.yml file for the SNMP exporter.
Could someone provide guidance on how to properly configure the snmp.yml file to monitor network usage on the HPE1820 switches? Specifically, I need to monitor interface status, bandwidth usage, and other relevant metrics. Also, I'd like to integrate it with this Grafana template: SNMP Interface Detail Dashboard for better visualization.
Additionally, if anyone has experience integrating the SNMP exporter with Prometheus and Grafana, I'd greatly appreciate any tips or best practices you can share.
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by pakuragame to PrometheusMonitoring [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:45 catnamedjeep From a previous Anti-Zionist Jew

Thank you, and I’m sorry.
I am on the younger side and I never was one to be that invested in politics. I live in an area where less than one percent of the population is Jewish. There is one other openly Jewish student in my school. Because of this, I was separate from being apart of a big Jewish community. The closest shul is three hours away. I spend holidays alone, or with few other people. I used to live in New York with my family and it hasn’t been till recently that I’ve realized how much I’ve missed that community.
In turn, the place I live in is very left leaning and very pro-palestinian. I have always been more of a Democrat than a Republican, and so I was swept into the pro-palestinian movement. I grieved during October 7th, but was told that was wrong. That it was freedom fighters, that Israel was lying about how many deaths, that there was no evidence for the horrific crimes.
My college has a very small Jewish student union (if that is the right word). Maybe ten people in total— myself and the other jewish student, a few Jewish professors, a few Christians and non religious people who are either curious or want to be supportive. Zionism was topic of conversation before, but is no longer after October. We didnt really speak of the war. Even when my college had an encampment a few yards away. That was our mistake.
Most of my participation in the movement was online. Nothing extreme, mostly “retweeting” and agreeing. Recently on social media websites such as Twitter and Tiktok, people have been more open about how they hate all Israelis and Jews and how they need Israel to cease existing. I thought we were fighting for no more killing and no more wars, not for the complete dissolution of Israel. It was this moment, when I realized that the movement didn’t care about any lives that were being lost but just about Israel ceasing to exist and all Israelis being dead that I was fighting for a movement that hated me. I felt so much shame, guilt and disgust. It was like I snapped back into reality.
That was a month or two ago. I have since educated myself and studied and researched and I know for a fact that I was manipulated and brainwashed. My Jewishness was weaponized— “here, look at a Jew who supports the movement! That must mean Israel is in the wrong.” It was this subreddit and others like it that I found a true online community and realized where I had gone wrong. This past year I had felt so ashamed of my religion and ethnicity, but this subreddit has been an unending recourse and one I will never be more thankful for. So thank you so much, everyone here.
Younger Jews who are anti-zionist are realizing that they have been fed propaganda and lies. That they have betrayed all of their beliefs and values. The minority of a minority of jews who are anti-zionist will become even smaller very soon, because people are realizing. There are no excuses. But they are going to realize soon. Treat them with kindness and patience, that is all I can ask for. But know any anger you feel toward them is also okay. They are advocating against us and against Israel, and that is hurtful. Anti-zionism may not technically be anti-semitism, but in practice it almost always is. I promise you that anti-zionist Jews are in a lot of pain and sadness, and I hope every day they are able to escape it.
I spoke to the other Jewish student. We had a week long conversation. It ended in a lot of crying, grief and guilt. Both of us were wrong and we hurt others because of it. Both of us are thinking about transferring colleges to ones that have a higher Jewish population, but I might stay where I am for any other Jewish kid that come along and needs a helping hand and a community.
I do not want forgiveness. I know I made a mistake and I will work every single day to rectify it. I am so sorry.
submitted by catnamedjeep to Jewish [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:41 Sea_Stranger5323 GMAT prep recommendations

I gave the official GMAT FE practice test. I scored a 585 which is in the 65th percentile on the new GMAT FE(Q82, V79, D76). My Target is 705 which is 99 percentile. I am weak in VA and DI. I have 50 percentile in both of them. Can you suggest some tips and preparation resources to improve my score. I checked online many people recommend using TTP but I find it expensive, any other alternatives for Verbal and DI.
I have few queries regarding OG as well. Should I do just the official OG or QA, DI and VA bundle with the OG?
I have 75 days of time to improve my score.
submitted by Sea_Stranger5323 to GMAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:35 Yurii_S_Kh Archimandrite Nektary (Haji-Petropoulos): “We Serve the People of God and the Church, and All Our Earnings Go to This”

Archimandrite Nektary (Haji-Petropoulos): “We Serve the People of God and the Church, and All Our Earnings Go to This”
Head of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Mexico on faith, life and the mutual support of the community. Part 1
Archimandrite Nektary (Haji-Petropoulos)
The Russian Orthodox Mission in Mexico is very active. Its members help each other and those around them with prayer and words; and those who are in real trouble, with money, medicine, and legal support.
The moving power, heart, and soul of this mission is the abbot of the Russian Holy Trinity Monastery in Mexico City, Archimandrite Nektary (Haji-Petropoulos). When some mutual acquaintances introduced him to me, saying he is a righteous man, I confess I took this as just a personal perception. When I watched a film about the numerous amazing activities undertaken by this monk, I took it as a call for help.
But after a personal conversation with him I suddenly felt as if something had turned in me and I wanted to act. Fr. Nektary himself chose a video interview format, and only later did I realize how important it was for me not only to hear his voice, but also to see this man’s eyes. For over an hour he spoke measuredly and thoughtfully about his path to Russian Orthodoxy, Metropolitan Laurus (Skurla), the Russian Mission in Mexico and its life, and only then did I think: “How has he managed to find time for a talk, with his busy schedule?” Indeed, in order to support the mission he works at three secular jobs twenty-one hours a day seven days a week.
I am sure that Fr. Nektary took it as an obedience to tell an unknown journalist not about himself, but about the church. Only later did I realize that Fr. Nektary had given me no dates, perhaps because he lives for eternity.
I knew that he has repeatedly received death threats from bandits and therefore could not move freely and safely around the country. In this regard, I immediately told him that he could interrupt me any moment if it seemed dangerous. Fr. Nektary nodded, but then… answered all my questions.
This is part 1 of his story: on the life of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Mexico.
Archimandrite Nektary (Haji-Petropoulos)
Father Nektary, you are the head of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Mexico. How did it come into being and what is it like?
—Even before joining ROCOR, I and two other monks had founded a skete in Mexico City. But then we decided that we needed to go somewhere else because we were simple monks and could not do anything.
So I ended up at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville.
In fact, I did not plan to return to Mexico, but Metropolitan Laurus, who was then the First Hierarch of ROCOR, and Archbishop Kirill (Dmitriev) of San Francisco and Western America blessed me to go there again.
There were only three of us—me as a hieromonk and two other monks, and we were faced with the question: how to attract the Russian community and how to bring people to the Church? There were many Russians in Mexico City, but only a handful of them attended the Greek or Antiochian churches. The others didn’t go anywhere.
I contacted the Russian Ambassador in Mexico just to inform him about the existence of a Russian church in Mexico City, and invited him to visit us. He told his employees about us, and things began to move forward.
It all started with two or three people, and at first it was very, very hard. My brethren and I hardly spoke Russian, but we decided to celebrate services in Church Slavonic as it is closer to Russian, and most immigrants from the former USSR could understand it.
As a result, everything began to improve, and over time we were able to start a Russian church choir. Now we can say that all representatives of the diaspora in Mexico City are either our parishioners or at least are aware of our existence. A few years later the skete became very important and many people began to unite around it, so with the blessing of Archbishop Kirill it was transformed into a monastery dedicated to the Holy Trinity—just like in Jordanville. Since we began to visit Russian communities in other cities of Mexico ever more often, the ROCOR Synod established the Mexican Deanery under the Western American Diocese. First I was appointed abbot and then elevated to archimandrite, after which I asked for the two other monks, who had been with me throughout this journey, to be ordained hieromonks.
Over time, our work became a very important part of the Russian diaspora’s life, and the mission has been recognized in the country. We are respected even by the Mexican Government because we carry on active social work and help those in need.
Please tell us how and whom you help.
—Devastating earthquakes often occur in Mexico. There were many of them in 2017, and we helped the survivors with food and medicine. As for spiritual needs, we pastor Russian parishioners, but also try to convert their families to Orthodoxy. After all, our community consists mainly of mixed families—Russian wives and their Catholic husbands. I know from experience that if one in the family remains non-Orthodox, he then leads all the other members away from the Church, and we lose these people. I try to convert them to Orthodoxy, and now there are many Mexicans among our parishioners, most of whom are married to Russian or Ukrainian women.
We give people not only spiritual, but also purely practical help. An integral part of our work is providing legal services. There are immigration lawyers in the community who provide this kind of support to those who need it, especially in matters such as domestic violence or the custody of children. Believe me, these things happen quite often here.
Why does it happen?
—Many women meet their future husbands online, but such marriages are often short-lived. Legal disputes begin, which concern first of all the children, and we help our female parishioners defend their rights in court. We provide them with a lawyer and render other assistance. They have no one here but the Church. Only the Church helps them.
In addition, we have to deal with more delicate issues. Many women fall prey to pimps and are forced into prostitution. We try to help them, but it’s very, very difficult and extremely risky for everyone—for us and for them alike, so we won’t expand on this theme.
The same goes for kidnappings, which are very common in Mexico. Criminals demand ransoms from their victims’ families, but even after receiving them they sometimes kill their hostages. We have to deal with such problems as murders associated with prostitution or when people get into the clutches of perpetrators who turn them into drug addicts.
You see, Mexico is a Latin American country. It has its own culture, which is different from European culture. And Russian people with their white skin and blond hair even outwardly stand out among locals, attracting attention.
Some need financial aid, and we raise funds with the parishioners. All this work has been going on for eighteen years, and people know that the Church will always support them. Not only do we cater to the faithful’s internal needs, but we also try to integrate others into our community. Thus, people come to us, knowing that the Church is about real life—it is a family, a place where you can get help, comfort and right advice, and where you can trust people.
Father Nektary, in my opinion, what you are saying is amazing. But you have only a small monastery, while the whole of ROCOR is by no means a rich Church, and you are not millionaires. How do you manage to help these people spiritually, financially and technically?
—True, we are monks, but we all have secular professions and jobs outside the monastery. For instance, I am a psychiatrist by training: I work in a hospital and a clinic, and teach at a university. One of our priests is a journalist, and we have an icon painter. We receive salaries, and this allows us to pay for everything necessary—for example, the rent of the area on which our monastery is located. We don’t put money into our pockets and don’t save it—everything goes to our community needs. We are monks and have no families—only spiritual children—and we help them because this is our main duty. We serve the people of God and the Church, and all our earnings are for this. When we earn something, everything remains in the Church and will serve future generations.
In addition, we receive support from the Fund for Assistance to ROCOR and other donors. They help us tremendously, but still the main income is our salaries in the world.
Some of our priests coming to Mexico City ask me, “Father, how do you survive?” I answer that I am paid by the hospital, the clinic and the university, I give lessons online, and I give all the money to the Church. Then they ask me the question, “What about yourself?” And I say that I don’t need anything. If one of us gets sick, the Lord will take care of our health. I am a doctor and can provide some emergency aid, give medicine; and if this isn’t enough, we have other doctors in the community who can help. But even if that isn’t enough, the Lord will surely sort things out.
— “If I had more time, I would do more. I try not to waste time because this is a great responsibility before God, the Church and our donors.” These are your words. Listening to you, I can’t even imagine how you can work even harder. After all, you literally work over twenty hours a day and sleep only three hours. What would you do if the day were twice as long?
—Oh, I wish I had more time. Unfortunately, we now have many restrictions: for various reasons we cannot freely visit our communities in other cities of Mexico to provide assistance to them immediately. But we always look for opportunities, and the Lord gives them, so I don’t worry about that. If I am destined to die tomorrow, other priests that I have prepared will come and take my place and they will serve the people. They know what our goal is and what needs to be done. And I’m just a person who serves, pays the bills and tries to transfer our incomes for the needs of the community.
It remains a mystery to me how with such a busy schedule you have found the time to talk...
—I work online and can schedule consultations with my patients at different times. I am usually extremely busy in the afternoon; but you said that this time was the most convenient for you, so I decided to lighten my workload a little. But normally, if people wish to talk to me, it happens around midnight because this is the only free time I have. After midnight I continue to work as well.
When our conversation is over, in Mexico many people finish work. What is the schedule for this ordinary workday waiting for you?
—I will go to the hospital, where several patients will be waiting for me. Then I’ll go and visit a family and ask the lawyers if any help is needed from us. Then I am to bring medicines from a pharmacy to the monastery. I have a list of medicines that need to be bought today to deliver them tomorrow to the sick members of our community. Then we will pray with the brethren, after which we will have a small meal together. After that I will go to my room to hear confessions, consult, and hold online classes. In addition, there is still something to prepare for tomorrow. I expect to go to bed at about three in the morning, and at six I will get up and go to work again.
To be continued…
Dmitry Zlodorev spoke with Archimandrite Nektary (Haji-Petropoulos)
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:35 AlishaTheGreat Exchange 4*

Exchange 4*
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
Monopoly Go Name: TheBESTEver
submitted by AlishaTheGreat to MonopolyGoDiceLinks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:33 AlishaTheGreat Exchange

Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: Monopoly name: TheBESTEver
submitted by AlishaTheGreat to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:33 Psychics4U_net Psychic Test: Reveal the Mysteries of the Mind with These Revealing Tests and Techniques!

Every person has a psychic ability, and there are many examples for this psychic test: when you meet someone that you recently thought about, or had strange dream at night which turned to be real in the morning, or just an unexplained mystery. The little psychic events happen all the time even without our notice.
Would you like to chat with online psychics? check this reddit post:
Further more, there are no random coincidences everything happens from a reason and it is the result from out past actions and our future destiny that always changes. A psychic test will help you to discover if you have these tendencies and if not you can always practice and improve your skill and intuition. In order to do so, you have to decide what you are good in, what attracts you the most. It can be dream interpretation, tarot reading, remote viewing, healing, Ouija boards and many other forms that will help you to see from beyond.

Through the years scientists invented many psychic tests, the basic assumption was that gifted human beings will perform better that the average person in predicting the future. The results have to be more than just guesses and convince that they can keep on doing so consistently for long time with minimum errors. As you know spiritualism is not an accurate science but still when it comes to the numbers and probabilities it can prove to be right in some cases when the results are unambiguous. A famous experiment is the Zener cards test. The cards have different and simple pictures on them and you have to guess what the pictures are without seeing them.

There are other psychic tests which try to discover if you can change things with the power of the mind – Telekinesis. A subject of this experiment sits in front of a machine that dropping ping pong balls from a tunnel to the ground. In the end of this device there is a funnel with intersection so the ball can fall to the right basket or the left one. Now, by the law of nature half of them should reach to the left side and the other half to the right side. It doesn’t have to be exactly fifty- fifty percentages but a number that coming close to this. Someone with psychic power can change these result by concentrating that the majority of the balls will fall to a certain basket, something like 70% or even 80%. In the end only few people managed to do it successfully. But you can try similar test too.

You can also write a psychic journal, a notebook with all the details about what occurs in your daily life; it should be very detailed and encompass everything. This will help you to remember but also to see things that you are not aware of them in the exact moment they happen. It is like having a dream journal that helps you to interpret your thoughts from your deeper mind. Sometimes mystery phenomena come across us and we don’t always feel it and even if we do, we can forget about very fast. So it is a great tool to test and analyze the way you interact with the energies of the universe.

Developing your psychic perception is not easy but it can really be done. You can do it on your own, learn about it from the internet and books. You can also have special training and join few courses, lectures and programs that will connect you much better to the spark of your mystery life.
submitted by Psychics4U_net to freepsychicreadings4u [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:32 Rare-Group-4364 Massage Therapy Education At Udemy

Massage therapy is an art and science that involves the manipulation of soft tissues in the body to relieve pain, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. As the demand for qualified massage therapists grows, so does the need for quality education and training. Udemy, a leading online learning platform, offers a variety of courses that can help you start or advance your career in massage therapy. Here’s a comprehensive guide on where to look for massage therapy education on Udemy.
Why Choose Udemy for Massage Therapy Education?
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One of the significant advantages of Udemy is its affordability. With frequent discounts and promotions, you can find high-quality courses at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional educational institutions.
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Udemy courses are taught by experienced professionals who bring practical knowledge and expertise to their teaching. Many instructors are certified massage therapists with years of experience, providing valuable insights and techniques that you can directly apply in your practice.
Top Massage Therapy Courses on Udemy
Complete Massage Therapist
This comprehensive course is perfect for those starting their journey in massage therapy. It covers the fundamentals, including anatomy, physiology, and various massage techniques such as Swedish, deep tissue, and sports massage. The course includes detailed video demonstrations and practical assignments to ensure you gain hands-on experience.
Deep Tissue Massage Mastery
For those looking to specialize, the Deep Tissue Massage Mastery course delves into advanced techniques for relieving chronic pain and tension. This course is ideal for therapists who want to offer more therapeutic benefits to their clients. It includes modules on body mechanics, client assessment, and effective deep tissue techniques.
Thai Massage: Traditional Thai Massage Therapy
Thai massage is known for its unique approach that combines acupressure, yoga, and deep stretching. This course offers a thorough introduction to traditional Thai massage, providing step-by-step instructions and demonstrations. It's suitable for therapists who want to diversify their skills and offer a holistic approach to their clients.
Aromatherapy Massage
Aromatherapy massage combines the benefits of massage with the therapeutic properties of essential oils. This course teaches you how to integrate aromatherapy into your practice, covering the properties of different essential oils, blending techniques, and safety precautions. It’s a great addition for therapists looking to enhance their services.
How to Choose the Right Course
Identify Your Goals
Before selecting a course, determine your career goals and what you hope to achieve. Are you looking to gain basic knowledge, specialize in a particular technique, or enhance your existing skills? Identifying your objectives will help you choose the right course.
Check Course Reviews and Ratings
Udemy provides reviews and ratings for each course, allowing you to see feedback from other students. Look for courses with high ratings and positive reviews to ensure you are enrolling in a quality program.
Evaluate the Instructor’s Credentials
Review the instructor’s background, qualifications, and experience. An instructor with a solid track record in the field will provide more valuable insights and practical knowledge.
Consider Course Content and Structure
Examine the course curriculum to ensure it covers the topics you are interested in. Check if the course includes video demonstrations, practical assignments, and downloadable resources to enhance your learning experience.
Udemy offers a wide range of massage therapy courses that cater to different skill levels and interests. Whether you are just starting or looking to advance your career, Udemy provides accessible, affordable, and high-quality education options. By carefully selecting the right course, you can gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the rewarding field of massage therapy. Start your journey today and explore the various opportunities available on Udemy to enhance your expertise and grow your practice. Cont to Udemy>>>
submitted by Rare-Group-4364 to u/Rare-Group-4364 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:18 Connect_Arachnid2374 New to the Game. What settings are used for online play?

I’m trying to practice against CPUs for online play. I’m assuming online is expert settings but would like to confirm. Someone mentioned turning on locked on batting. What level should I set that at and what does it do exactly? Anything else I should know or do?
submitted by Connect_Arachnid2374 to MLBPowerPros [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:16 Petitchououou Left chest pain for 2.5 years

Hi all,
I’ve searched this sub (and all subs, to the ends of the earth!) regarding left sided chest pain with clear testing.
I know many of us have this pain AND tachycardia and palpitations, which of course tends to make one feel it must be an issue with the heart. But now we all know that this crap is mainly neurological, even the heart rhythm and rate issues.
Anyway, the chest pain. Who still has it years later? Anything helping?
Has anyone had the theory of it being nerve pain proven? I hate that you can’t see nerve issues in the chest (my neuro said it’s nearly possible to diagnose there) and costochondritis is invisible too. Many of us don’t have traditional Costo symptoms though (doesn’t hurt when you touch the area or when holding weight for the most part).
Mine began after the booster and was crushing for around 7 months, then slowly seemed to become more bone level or just under the skin. I was dx with pericarditis but it was never seen on imaging. Colchicine made me feel 1000x worse so only took it two weeks.
The one thing to help has been massage, particularly pinch rolling from a physical therapist. The backpod and doorway stretches seem to help to some degree. For the most part though, the pain is entirely random and can’t be replicated. Every once in a while I’ll move in a certain way that will activate the pain, which gives me hope that it’s not cardiac but chest wall or nerves. It’s still hard to truly believe.
My pain is just left of my sternum, nipple level, and also sometimes on my left side 3 inches or so under my armpit.
5 echocardiograms showed nothing 4 chest X-rays showed nothing EKGs unremarkable except in the beginning ning when I kept going into SVT, and benign PACs Chest MRI showed nothing Shoulder MRI showed trace fluid, suggesting shoulder bursitis (didn’t get MRIs until two years after the injury) Stress test showed nothing Dysautonomia testing showed mild and patchy SFN in my legs. Tilt table wasn’t as extreme as expected, though I do typically rise 20-30bmp when standing.
submitted by Petitchououou to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:15 strawberi_moon selling these cheap! DM me if you need any of these 💌

selling these cheap! DM me if you need any of these 💌
happy stroll, bias wrecker, and melodic haul are also available!
submitted by strawberi_moon to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:13 rocketsunrise Looking to connect with depressed, ADHD or neurodivergent accountability partners (Online/NYC)

Hey all, I am looking for accountability partners to get some productivity in or share support. I'm a 38M from NYC, freelance software developer, extroverted-introvert and thoughtful/empathetic personality type, suffering on and off for a long time from depression, anxiety, as well as some ADHD symptoms, but keeping myself moving forward as best I can!
I do best one-on-one when I don't have to mask these things and can be honest (without trauma dumping) as well as sharing positivity and energy. I think some will be able to relate to being able to take the mask off since it can get exhausting. Also, I have stopped myself from posting in the past because I was worried about letting someone down, but sharing openly helps set expectations.
Some accountability partner ideas that have worked in the past:
Some of my own goals I would like to work on:
Feel free to reach out and let me know what you are looking for to discuss more and see if we are a good fit, thanks!
submitted by rocketsunrise to GetMotivatedBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:54 Imaginary-Rip9034 Sample prompts you can try

Link : NextGen AI Tutor
  1. "What are the foundational skills I need to learn before diving into AI/ML?"
  2. "Can you recommend some beginner-friendly Python tutorials for AI/ML?"
  3. "How can I improve my understanding of machine learning algorithms?"
  4. "What are the best online courses for learning deep learning?"
  5. "Can you explain the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning?"
  6. "What resources do you recommend for learning natural language processing?"
  7. "How can I start working on AI/ML projects to gain practical experience?"
  8. "What are some good datasets for practicing machine learning?"
  9. "How do I participate in Kaggle competitions?"
  10. "Can you suggest some real-world AI/ML projects for beginners?"
  11. "What are the key mathematical concepts I need to understand for machine learning?"
  12. "Can you provide a crash course on linear algebra for AI/ML?"
  13. "How do I implement a simple neural network in Python?"
  14. "What are the most commonly used AI/ML frameworks and libraries?"
  15. "Can you help me with my AI/ML job interview preparation?"
  16. "What are some common AI/ML interview questions I should prepare for?"
  17. "How do I build a machine learning model from scratch?"
  18. "What are the best practices for evaluating machine learning models?"
  19. "Can you explain how to preprocess data for machine learning?"
  20. "What are some good resources for learning about reinforcement learning?"
  21. "How can I stay updated with the latest trends and research in AI/ML?"
  22. "What are some advanced AI/ML techniques I should learn after mastering the basics?"
  23. "Can you recommend some AI/ML books for beginners?"
  24. "How do I choose the right algorithm for my machine learning project?"
  25. "Can you help me understand the bias-variance tradeoff in machine learning?"
submitted by Imaginary-Rip9034 to NextGenAITutor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:50 NightFolksLobera Question about rally seasons on RSF RBR

I'm pretty new to RSF RBR and I've been wondering if the rally seasons utilize the new NGP from RSF. Been playing a lot of practice/hotlaps but I wanted to try some rally seasons (those from the old menu, the original game) but with new physics engine. If it doesn't utilize the new NGP, is there a mod that I can get to play a full rally season ? I'm aware about the online rally mode, but I wanted to practice a bit on single player beforehand, so I can restart whenever I feel like it.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by NightFolksLobera to simrally [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:47 3sp00py5me Looking for advice. 7 month old won't stop screaming.

He's been fully fed, just woke up from a nap, has had Tylenol and teething drops for his teeth.
When the screaming occurs I believe it's like a form of separation anxiety because it's when he's practicing standing up and I look at him then look away. My problem is I'm literally a frigging foot or two away. He will go for HOURS. I've tried feeding him again thinking maybe he's still hungry. He will scream through the nipple and start to choke on milk or food. I've tried helping him get down and refocusing his attention on other toys. I've tried playing music to try and break him out of the loop. I've tried holding him and rocking. He just wrenches his body out of my arms. Nothing. Works.
Sometimes it feels like the only thing that gets him to stop is me sobbing or never breaking direct eye contact with him.
I'm starting to have breakdowns daily. I don't know how to make my baby happy and I feel like a failure. His screams hurt my ears and hurt my head. I can't just ignore him. Please can someone give nonjudgemental advice on how I can either get him to calm down or at least frigging cope. Last time I looked for advice online like this people lambasted me and told me I was gonna be a terrible mother just because I couldn't deal with my old cats yowling every night when I tried to sleep. Now I'm starting to think they're right.
He's even screaming now. Please help.
submitted by 3sp00py5me to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 MasterSolutions [Hire Me] Experienced Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, Physics, Maths, Statistics, and Calculus Tutor

[Hire Me] Experienced Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, Physics, Maths, Statistics, and Calculus Tutor
ALEKS Spring Session 2024 - Grades
I'm an experienced science tutor and study helper with 4+ years of experience and can help you in:
· General Chemistry I & II
· IB SL/HL Chemistry
· Organic Chemistry I & II
· Biology I & II
· Physics I & II
· Mathematics
· Calculus
· Statistics
· Microbiology
· Anatomy & Physiology
· AP/AS/IGSCE Biology, Chemistry, Physics
· MCAT Classes.

I know the course structure of many different online learning portals e.g., Blackboard, Pearson, Mastering, D2L, Canvas, Cengage, Moodle, WileyPlus, ALEKS, Sapling Learning, TVO ILC, Brightspace, CanAim, E-Learning School, Knewton Alta, StraightLine, Edmentum, and numerous other online learning platforms, and so, can teach students how to be successful on these platforms and excel in their classes.

I can help you with any topic and problem of your course including:
1. Formal Lab Reports/Virtual Labs
2. Assignment
3. Homework
4. Worksheet
5. 3D Model Projects
6. Poster assignment
7. Presentation
8. Case Studies
9. Article Review
10. Culminating Projects
11. Article Summary
12. Discussions/Reflections
13. Exam/Quiz Practice
or any other tasks related to your classes.

I can help you with your chem, bio, physics, microbiology, stats, maths, or calculus coursework and ensure you get more than 90% grades and score A+. With 4+ years of experience, I can show you my vouches, previous work samples and the grades of my previous students.

My rates are negotiable and my services are professional. Reach out to me via chats or add me on Discord (Seerat#1666) whenever you need my services.
submitted by MasterSolutions to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]