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2024.06.10 01:42 Sweet-Count2557 How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?

How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
Traveling with a 5 year old isn't easy. It can be both daunting and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! So How To Travel With A 5 Year Old?
With the right tips and tricks, you can make traveling with your little one an exciting adventure they won't soon forget. As parents who've traveled around the world with our children since birth, we know how difficult (and rewarding!) this experience can be. We'd like to share what we've learned about family travel – specifically when it comes to traveling with a 5-year-old – so that you too can create memories to last a lifetime.
The juxtaposition of exhaustion from planning every detail versus exhilaration from seeing new places through the eyes of a child is something all families should experience. The challenge lies in finding ways to balance these two opposing forces while keeping everyone safe and happy along the way. Being prepared for anything will go far towards ensuring your well-being as well as making sure your kiddo has the best time possible during your travels.
We'll offer up advice on everything from packing lists and snacks to entertainment options that are sure to keep them busy no matter where you're going or how long you plan on being gone. Whether you're taking a short road trip across town or exploring international destinations by plane, train, or boat - there's lots of information here that will help ease any worries and leave more room for fun! So let's get started…
Preparing For The Trip
Traveling with kids can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Planning ahead is key for any successful family vacation and will help ensure that everyone has an enjoyable time. When planning a trip with a five-year-old, there are several important things you should consider to make the experience as stress-free and fun as possible.
Before your departure, research your destination so you know what activities or attractions would best suit your child's age and interests. This will give you ideas of where to go and what to do while traveling with your little one. You may even want to look into kid-friendly restaurants or other accommodations available at your destination. It’s also wise to pack plenty of snacks and drinks, as well as toys or books they like - this way they won’t get bored during long car rides or plane trips!
Finally, when preparing for the journey, don’t forget about safety – both on land and in water. Make sure all necessary paperwork such as passports or birth certificates is up-to-date before the trip begins! Be sure to bring along appropriate swimwear (for swimming pools/beaches) and life jackets if necessary - especially if visiting oceans or lakes. Taking these precautionary steps will ensure that both parents and children feel comfortable throughout their travels together!
Choosing The Right Destination
When planning a trip with your 5-year-old, choosing the right destination is key. It's important to consider what activities they'll enjoy and whether they’re suitable for their age. To ensure everyone has an enjoyable time, think about destinations that have plenty of attractions tailored specifically toward kids. If you choose wisely, it could be one of the most memorable trips ever!
One way to select the perfect location is by looking at travel reviews from families who've already been there. They can provide detailed insights into how accommodating different places are for young children. Reading these will help you make more informed decisions on which sites are worth visiting and where to stay. This can save you lots of hassle when traveling with a 5 year old in tow!
It's also wise to research if any museums or other educational facilities offer special programs for kids. These typically involve interactive stories told through playtime activities such as puppet shows, crafts, and games. Learning about history in this manner can really capture a child's imagination- and yours too! Allowing them to explore a new place while having fun makes getting away even more worthwhile.
No matter where you decide to go, just remember that creating amazing family memories should always come first! A well-thought-out plan combined with carefree moments spent together will guarantee unforgettable experiences along the way - something both parents and children alike will treasure forever.
Packing Essentials For A 5-Year-Old
Traveling with a 5-year-old can seem like an intimidating task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right packing essentials and planning ahead of time, you can make sure your mini traveler stays happy throughout the journey.
The first thing to consider is comfort — remember that even if you're only traveling for a short period of time, kids still need their creature comforts from home. Here's what should always go in your little one's bag:
A favorite stuffed animal or blanket
A change of clothes
Snacks tailored to their tastes
Something fun (like books or games) to keep them occupied during long trips
TipsBuy a new Toy, especially for the trip, and revealed it just after Boarding the aircraft to gain 30 minutes of distraction during the most stressful phase of the flight.
It's also important not to forget about yourself! Make sure you bring items for your own comfort too so that you won't be distracted by discomfort while on the road. This will help ensure a smooth trip overall and make sure everyone enjoys themselves.At the end of the day, travel with a 5-year-old requires planning, patience, and understanding – three things that every family needs when hitting the open road together. With these tips in mind and some extra preparation before embarking on your adventure, even the most novice traveler will find success when exploring as a family unit.
Keeping Kids Occupied During Travel
Traveling with a 5-year-old can be an adventure - and it brings its own unique challenges. One of the biggest ones involves how to keep them occupied during travel, whether that's in a car or on a plane. Thankfully, there are some great strategies you can use to ensure your child stays entertained while they're en route to their destination.
ActivitySupplies NeededColoring/Activity BooksCrayons/Markers / Stickers/StampsStorytelling GamesPaper & Pencils for Drawing PicturesWord Puzzles & QuizzesNotepad for Writing Answers Down
To start off, coloring books, activity books, stickers, stamps, and crayons or markers provide hours of fun for kids (and parents!) alike. Additionally, storytelling games like playing "I Spy" or creating stories together can be very enjoyable not only for children but also for adults who may find themselves reminiscing about their own childhood days. Even something as simple as word puzzles or quizzes can help pass the time quickly - all you need is a notepad and pencil to write down any answers!
When traveling with small children, it’s important to remember that everyone has different needs when it comes to entertainment. Some may prefer more active activities such as drawing pictures or building block towers while others might enjoy quieter pursuits such as reading books or listening to audiobooks. Regardless of what type of activity works best for your family dynamic, the goal should always be to make sure everyone is having a positive experience overall. Taking into account these tips will make traveling with a 5 year old much smoother and more enjoyable!
Tips For Long Road Trips
Long road trips with a five-year-old can be an adventure, but it also requires some planning. Here are some tips to keep your family's journey smooth and enjoyable for everyone involved:
Pack plenty of snacks, drinks, and activities that will keep them entertained during the drive.
Take frequent breaks along the way - stops at parks or rest areas allow them to stretch their legs and get out all that extra energy.
Bring books, coloring pages, or other activities they can use in the car if you're stuck in traffic or waiting times. It'll help pass the time more quickly!
Invest in a tablet loaded with movies, TV shows, or educational games they can play while on the go. This helps make long drives much less stressful for both parent and child alike.
Have fun together - sing songs, tell stories, and create memories as you travel down the highway together!
Remember to take it slow when possible too; there’s no need to rush through any part of this precious experience with your little one. Give yourself permission to savor every moment of quality time spent bonding with each other—you won't regret it! To ensure a stress-free journey from start to finish, bring everything you need so that those inevitable bumps in the road don't turn into major detours from your destination.
Staying Healthy And Safe On Vacation
It's like packing for the ultimate game of survival: you want to make sure your family has everything they need to remain healthy and safe during their travels. Taking a vacation with kids can be an adventure, but it can also bring stress if you don't plan ahead. Here are some tips on how to keep your little ones in good health while away from home:
Pre-Vacation Planning During Vacation Post-Vacation CareGet immunizations up-to-dateBring hand sanitizer & wipesCheck for bed bug bites after returning homePack medications & medical suppliesClean hotel room upon arrivalThrow away used items that may carry germs (towels, pillows)Research any special vaccinations needed at the destinationKeep hydratingWash clothes when back homeVisit a doctor before departureAvoid public pools/lakes without supervisionWatch out for signs of jet lag
Preparation is key! Before leaving, make sure all necessary vaccines or boosters are taken care of - especially if traveling abroad - as well as gather any essential medicines or medical supplies needed. This includes sunscreen and insect repellent – two must-haves when exploring new places! Doing research on what kind of illnesses might be found in certain areas will help inform the kinds of precautions you should take too. Once you arrive at your destination, ensure that everyone washes their hands regularly and uses hand sanitizer often; this is particularly important when visiting unfamiliar places such as museums or amusement parks. It’s also wise to clean surfaces in the hotel room immediately following check-in; many people forget about this step which can lead to bacteria accumulating over time. Lastly, staying hydrated throughout the trip is paramount because dehydration can quickly put a damper on fun activities planned for each day.
When returning from vacation, pay attention to those telltale signs of illness caused by exposure to different environments such as joint pain, fever, rash or stomach issues. Additionally, inspect all luggage carefully upon arriving back home since bed bugs have become increasingly common among travelers these days - yikes! Throw away any items that were used while traveling and wash all clothing pieces thoroughly once inside the house again– no one wants unwanted visitors tagging along post-vacation! Finally, due to possible changes in sleeping patterns experienced while flying between time zones, parents should be mindful of potential side effects associated with jet lag so kids get enough rest until they're adjusted again.
Staying safe and healthy on vacation doesn’t require much effort considering there are plenty of resources available online plus accredited travel agents who specialize in family trips – use them! Knowing what vigilance steps to take prior to departure pays off because nothing beats having peace of mind knowing that everyone stays comfortable and protected during their journey together.
Dealing With Jet Lag
Traveling with a 5 year old can be an exciting experience, but it's not without its challenges. Jet lag is one of them! It doesn't have to ruin your trip though - here are some tips for helping your family cope:
Start adjusting their sleep schedule in the days leading up to your departure. This will make it easier when you arrive at your destination.
Once you’re there, let your little one take short naps during the day and keep them active during the daylight hours as much as possible. This can also help adjust their body clock more quickly.
Avoid sugary snacks or caffeine right before bedtime, which can disrupt their sleep cycle.
By following these simple steps, your kiddo should start feeling better soon after landing in their new time zone. With patience and understanding from everyone involved, jetlag won’t prevent you from having an amazing adventure together!
Making Kids Feel At Home Away From Home
Ah, the joys of traveling with a 5 year old. No matter how much we plan and prepare for our family trip, there's no denying that it can be quite daunting! But let me tell you: if you put in the effort to make sure they feel at home away from home, your little one will thank you later - and so will you!
First things first: pack some familiar items from their bedroom or playroom. This may include favorite toys, books, and blankets - whatever makes them comfortable and helps them settle into unfamiliar surroundings. We often forget about the mundane but necessary things such as nightlights and sound machines too; these are invaluable when it comes to soothing children who don't sleep well on holiday. Don't forget to encourage them to bring along any special souvenirs they've collected over the years too; nothing says 'I'm home' like being surrounded by cherished keepsakes.
Next up are activities: look into what attractions are available nearby that cater specifically towards young travelers – chances are, they'll love exploring new places just as much as adults do (maybe even more!). Activities should be age-appropriate yet still fun enough to keep kids entertained throughout the day. Scheduling regular meals together also ensures everyone stays happy during meal times and builds an atmosphere of familiarity within your group dynamic; something which always feels comforting after a long day out sightseeing.
In short? Traveling with a 5 year old doesn't have to be scary; all it takes is a little bit of planning ahead to ensure that your child knows where they stand in this new place - making sure they feel welcomed, safe, and secure before anything else. With this kind of preparation, your whole family should enjoy a wonderful holiday experience!
Exploring The Local Area With Kids
Once you've arrived at your destination and made the kids feel comfortable in their new environment, it's time to explore! Traveling with a five-year-old can be daunting if you don't know where to start - but fear not. Here are some great tips for exploring the local area with kids:
First of all, plan ahead. Research kid-friendly attractions nearby such as parks or museums before leaving home so that you have an idea of what activities are available once you arrive. Make sure to check opening times and any restrictions on age limits, entry fees, etc., so that everyone is prepared once they hit the ground running.
Secondly, make it fun! Kids learn best when they're having fun - so why not turn your exploration into a game? Set small challenges like finding certain landmarks or collecting interesting items along the way; this will help keep them engaged while also teaching them about their surroundings. Finally, take plenty of breaks throughout the day. Letting your five-year-old rest and refuel regularly will ensure that they stay energized for the whole adventure!
Exploring the local area doesn't have to be stressful; with a little bit of planning and some creative ideas, there's no limit to how much fun you can have together! So take a deep breath and get ready for an unforgettable experience – one that both parent and child won't soon forget.
Building Memories Together On Vacation
Taking a trip with your five-year-old is an exciting adventure that can create lasting memories. It's the perfect time to explore new places and experiences together. To make sure you have a successful vacation, there are some tips for ensuring a great experience for both of you:
First, plan activities ahead of time. Make sure they're age-appropriate and include something each of you will enjoy doing. Don’t forget to research local attractions — museums, theme parks, zoos, etc. — in advance so your child has plenty of options once you arrive at your destination. Consider booking tickets or making reservations beforehand as well; it'll save you from long lines later!
Second, involve your child in the planning process. Let them help choose where to go and what sights to see on the way there. This allows them to take ownership of their vacation and also builds excitement leading up to departure day. Plus, when kids know what to expect each day they feel more secure and engaged throughout the trip.
Finally, be flexible during travel days and while out exploring new places together. Leave room in the schedule for spontaneity since anything can happen when traveling with children — especially young ones! And remember that small moments often become treasured memories down the road — like stopping for ice cream after dinner or taking a detour just because it looks interesting — so don't be afraid to embrace unexpected surprises along the way!
Planning Age-Appropriate Activities
Traveling with a five-year-old can be both rewarding and challenging. Before you go on your family vacation, research age-appropriate activities that will keep your little one engaged while also sparking curiosity in new places. Here are some tips for planning an itinerary full of fun activities for the whole family!
First, plan activities based on what interests your child. For example, if they're into dinosaurs, search for attractions like museums or parks where they'll get to learn about them. Or if they love animals, look for zoos or farms nearby. This way you can make sure everyone enjoys themselves without compromising on quality time together as a family.
Second, consider the physical aspect of activities when choosing things to do on vacation. Five-year-olds have boundless energy and need outlets for it - so opt for things like hiking trails, swimming pools, or playgrounds where they can burn off some steam in a safe environment. You could even plan days at amusement parks or waterparks where they'll explore games and rides tailored specifically to kids their age.
Finally, invest in experiences over material objects during vacations with children this age. That means making memories through interactive exhibits rather than buying souvenirs that may just end up collecting dust at home later on down the road. Your little one will appreciate being able to relive the excitement of these adventures years after the trip has come to an end!
Navigating Different Time Zones
Navigating different time zones within a 5 year old can be tricky, but it doesn't have to ruin your travel experience. The key is to make sure you understand how the time zone shifts will affect them and plan accordingly. First and foremost, try to stay on the same schedule as much as possible throughout your travels. This means that if you are in an area where daylight savings changes occur frequently during the summer months, you should pass this information on to your child so they know when their body clock needs to adjust for these changes.
Second, keep track of what day it is wherever you are - even if it's not the same date at home! Keeping track of which days we had traveled through was a great way for my daughter to recognize our progress while away from home; she felt more connected by knowing just exactly where we were. This gave her security that she won’t get lost or left behind somewhere along the journey – especially important since kids tend to feel insecure in unfamiliar surroundings. It also made her curious about all things new and exciting around us!
Finally, try breaking up long flights into smaller segments whenever possible. If there's no other option than taking a direct flight then break it up mentally by doing activities together like reading books, playing games or watching movies (especially age-appropriate ones!). Explaining the concept of flying across multiple time zones helped her understand why sometimes we arrive at our destination earlier than expected and reassured her that everything else would eventually fall back into place. With a little knowledge and preparation ahead of your trip, navigating different time zones with a 5 year old can be done seamlessly and enhance everyone's overall experience greatly!
Documenting Your Journey Through Photos And Videos
Preserving precious memories of your travels with a five-year-old is easy. With the right tools and techniques, you can document your journey in photos and videos that will last for years to come.
First off, be sure to pack enough memory cards and extra batteries so you’ll never miss an opportunity to capture special moments throughout your trip. This might seem like an obvious tip, but it’s worth repeating! Making sure you have plenty of space available on your camera or phone ensures that each moment is documented without worrying about running out of storage.
Next up – practice patience while shooting pictures and videos with your child. You won't get those perfect shots every time, but don't despair – take lots of different angles and perspectives when capturing images with kids involved; this way you can pick and choose which ones turn out best. Taking the time to place yourself low down at their level often gives the most natural results as well – plus it helps create more meaningful connections between parent and child during photo-taking sessions!
Capture candid memories too – not just posed family portraits! Focus on everyday life experiences along the way: conversations being had around meals, funny faces they make while exploring new places, or even small details like footprints in sand or sunsets reflecting off the water. These small details are what make all the difference when documenting a story from start to finish - these little glimpses into daily life become lasting reminders of how far we've traveled together as a family.
Finding Kid-Friendly Accommodations
When traveling with a 5-year-old, finding the right accommodation can make all the difference. You want to be sure that your little one is comfortable and safe during your trip. Fortunately, there are plenty of kid-friendly accommodations available to choose from.
The first option you may consider is a hotel or resort that caters specifically to families with young children. These establishments typically offer larger rooms equipped with cribs and other amenities for kids such as play areas, swimming pools, and game rooms. Many also provide special activities like arts and crafts classes just for kids, making it easy for parents to relax while their children stay entertained.
Another great way to ensure a family-friendly experience is by booking a Vacation rental. With thousands of properties listed across most major cities in the world, you’re likely to find something suitable for your needs. Not only do these rentals usually come fully furnished but many owners will even supply helpful extras like toys, books, games, and more to keep your child engaged throughout your stay. Plus they often have access to communal spaces where you can meet other travelers who share similar interests - perfect if you're looking for some travel companionship!
Wherever you decide to stay on your next vacation with the kids, remember that having fun together is what matters most! A good night's rest and quality time spent exploring new places makes memories that last a lifetime - so go ahead and get out there!
Post-Vacation Reflection
Traveling with a five-year-old is both an adventure and a challenge, but the rewards are great. Now that our holiday has come to an end, there's much to reflect on about our experience.
The first thing we've realized is that preparation is key for any successful family vacation. We spent time researching destinations, discussing expectations, and packing everything from books to snacks before departure. This helped us avoid surprises during our trip and gave us peace of mind.
We also learned the importance of planning activities in advance. Knowing what activities were available near where we stayed meant no stressful moments trying to figure out what to do next; all we had to do was find something suitable for everyone, including our 5 year old!
As parents, it was wonderful seeing how excited and engaged our daughter became during this journey. She experienced new places, foods, and cultures alongside us - all while broadening her horizons. It made us realize that travel should be a regular part of family life if possible - so it’s already time to start thinking about our next destination!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Way To Keep My 5 Year Old Entertained During A Flight?
Traveling with a five-year-old can be quite a challenge! You want your little one to have an enjoyable experience, but being stuck on a plane for hours isn't always fun. So how do you ensure that your trip is pleasant and entertaining? The answer lies in finding the best way to keep your five-year-old entertained during a flight.
When it comes to keeping a five-year-old occupied midair, there are lots of great ideas out there! From coloring books and puzzles to podcasts and movies, there’s no shortage of options. One thing I highly recommend is making sure they bring their own backpack full of goodies. This will give them something to explore while also providing them with the opportunity to choose what activities they'd like to participate in throughout the journey.
Another important tip when traveling with children is planning ahead. Try researching different games or activities that might work well during long flights so you're prepared before take off. If possible, download some shows or games onto your device - this will help avoid any buffering issues due to spotty internet connection. Additionally, break up the time by having snack breaks or walking around if allowed on board – anything that keeps them engaged and stimulated during those long hours of travel!
It's key to remember that every child is unique and may require different kinds of activities depending on their age group and interests. With proper preparation and creative thinking, though, parents can make flying with their kids as stress-free as possible; allowing everyone involved to truly enjoy the adventure together!
How Can I Keep My 5 Year Old Safe When Visiting A New Destination?
When travelling to a new destination, safety is of utmost importance for any family. For those with young children, this means being extra vigilant and taking steps to ensure their child's safety in an unfamiliar place. When it comes to five-year-olds, parents must be particularly mindful about the risks associated with visiting a new location - from simple things like crossing roads safely to more complex challenges such as communicating language barriers. But there are ways that families can protect their kids while still enjoying their holiday experience.
One way to make sure your 5 year old is safe during travel is by researching the destination ahead of time. Make sure you know the local customs and laws so you can do all you can to prevent any potential hazards they may encounter at your chosen destination. Talk to your child before leaving home and explain what kind of behaviour is expected when out and about in public, especially if you’re going somewhere where English isn't widely spoken. It’s also important to stay aware of your surroundings – always keep a close eye on your little one or designate someone else who will look after them whilst you explore other areas.
For added peace of mind, check whether the hotels or accommodation options have age restrictions for each room type that would apply to your child; some places don't allow unaccompanied minors under certain ages into specific rooms or facilities – not only for legal reasons but for practical ones too (such as pool access). You should also take into consideration how far away attractions are from where you're staying - long journeys could become tiring very quickly! The last thing anyone wants is an exhausted 5 year old running around in unfamiliar territory! Ultimately, planning ahead and doing research can save stress throughout the journey and help create lasting memories that everyone can treasure forever.
By following these simple tips, families with young children will feel safer venturing off into unknown lands together knowing they have taken every precaution necessary – allowing both adults and kids alike to have fun without worrying about unnecessary danger looming over them like a cloud!
What Are Some Tips For Preventing Jet Lag In A 5 Year Old?
Traveling with young kids can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. A big one is dealing with jet lag in a 5 year old. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your family travel adventures:
Have them adjust their sleep schedule before traveling by going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night for 6-7 days prior to departure.
During the flight, have them wear loose clothes and encourage naps if possible. Give them snacks throughout the day that are high in protein such as nuts or hummus instead of sugar filled treats like candy bars.
Try not to plan too many activities when you first arrive at your destination; allow everyone time for rest so they can acclimate more easily to the new environment.
These strategies will help ensure that your little ones - and you! - don't suffer from jet lag while on vacation. You'll want your family trip to be fun, memorable, and stress free so follow these tips and make sure your whole crew arrives feeling rested and ready for adventure. Keeping up with these guidelines will also provide parents with peace of mind knowing their children are well taken care of during long trips. With all this in mind, you're now equipped to tackle jet lag head-on!
What Should I Do If My 5 Year Old Gets Homesick When Traveling?
Traveling with children can be a challenge, and when kids are young it’s especially difficult. For parents that have to travel with a 5 year old, dealing with homesickness may be one of the biggest obstacles they face. Fortunately, there are ways to manage this inevitable emotion so your child has an enjoyable trip!
First off, it's important to remember that homesickness is normal and expected –everyone experiences it at some point in their lives and it doesn't mean anything is wrong. To help make sure your little one feels comfortable while on vacation, here are four tips:
Comfort objects: Pack something from home like a stuffed animal or blanket that will remind them of home and provide comfort during unfamiliar situations.
Talk about home: Letting your child talk about what they miss back home will often reduce feelings of being overwhelmed by everything new around them.
Keep routines consistent: If possible try to keep as many familiar routines intact (bedtime stories for example) as these moments of familiarity can go a long way in helping your child feel more secure away from home.
Show patience and understanding: Homesickness usually passes quickly if you pay attention to how your child is feeling without overreacting or worrying too much yourself; they should sense that you understand their emotional needs before any other concerns come into play.
It’s also helpful to plan activities ahead of time such as museums, parks, playgrounds etc., and involve your 5 year old when planning out the itinerary so they have something exciting to look forward to each day - this will take their mind off missing home for awhile! Be sure not to overwhelm them however; having too many attractions packed into one day could result in exhaustion which won't do anyone any favors!
At the end of the day though, sometimes all it takes is a hug from mom or dad (or both!) for those feelings of homesickness to disappear completely- no matter where you are in the world! With just a bit of extra preparation, traveling with your five year old should still be full of fun memories rather than ones filled with sadness due to being away from home.
What Are Some Activities I Can Do With My 5 Year Old That Are Both Age-Appropriate And Fun?
Traveling with a 5 year old can be both an exciting and challenging experience. To ensure that the journey is enjoyable for everyone, it’s important to plan activities that are both age-appropriate and fun for your young traveler. So what kind of activities should you do?
Take nature walks – A great way to get outside and explore! Nature walks provide lots of opportunities for learning about the environment, spotting wildlife, and discovering new things. Plus, they're easy on the budget too. Pack some snacks or even a lunch so you can make a day out of it.
Visit museums - A visit to a museum can be an educational adventure full of discovery and exploration. Many museums offer interactive exhibits tailored specifically towards children which makes them ideal places to spend quality time together while learning something new. You may even find special programs geared toward younger kids like story times or craft classes.
Check out local attractions - Whether it's going on a ride at an amusement park or exploring a nearby landmark such as a cave or aquarium, there's no shortage of interesting things to do in most cities around the world. The best part is many attractions offer discounts or free admission days making them more affordable than ever before. And don't forget all those photo ops along the way!
No matter where life takes you and your little one, there are plenty of ways to keep them entertained while also having meaningful experiences during your travels together. From nature walks to visiting local attractions, these activities will let your child discover their world in an age-appropriate manner without sacrificing any fun!
Traveling with a five year old can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. With just a bit of planning and organization, you can make the experience both safe and fun for your little one! From selecting age-appropriate activities to finding ways to prevent jet lag, there are plenty of strategies that will ensure your family vacation is nothing short of amazing – so incredible you'll think time itself stopped as soon as you stepped off the plane.
The best part about traveling with kids? Seeing their eyes light up when they try something new or discover a place for the first time. It's truly magical! And if your five year old does get homesick or overwhelmed during your travels, don't forget: from unexpected detours on the way home to packing extra snacks in case of emergencies, being prepared is key for any parent who wants an unforgettable adventure.
So what are you waiting for? Grab your suitcase and pack those bags – it's time to show your adventurous little traveler how exciting the world outside can be! After all, life is too short not to explore…so let’s go see what this big beautiful planet has in store!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:41 Such_Discussion_6531 [WTS] Rhino II w/arm, PYRM, Iris, Tracer Tactical Head Harness

Hi all Have found myself with a few accessories that need new homes . Primarily an eBay and forum seller, bit of Reddit EDC, wanted to try here. US sales only.
Mod Armory PYRM: $80 shipped * I purchased this MOD Armory socket along with a Norotos socket, installed to compare the two and promptly swapped back to the Norotos set up. So gently used. * The PYRM has a set screw that allows you to adjust to compensate for different dovetail tolerances and wear which is a pretty cool feature. * Very well made affordable way into dovetail arms.
Surplus Norotos Rhino II with USGI J-Arm and PVS-14 saver: $75 shipped USPS * Surplus Rhino II I picked up here with a surplus USGI J-arm and a “PVS-14 Saver”. * The J-arm and bayonet socket are luck of the draw match that is very secure with almost no wiggle. So solid I’ve been on a quest for a dovetail and bracket that locks as tightly as this pair. * Includes a PVS-saver recommend for j-arm users. Neat little 3D printed piece that inserts below the J-arms lever making it so you can’t accidentally bump the lever and release the device. * Have moved onto a dovetail set up. * You receive: one each surplus rhino mount, one each j-arm and one each PVS-14 saver.
Tracer Tactical Head Harness Black: $200 shipped * Bought new, assembled and used a few minutes. I ended up getting a helmet. Really well made nylon from a great company but I reach for my helmet almost 100% of the time. * Straps are all full length and never cut. * 23.5” head, it’s very very adjustable to a 50” head I’d imagine but maybe save you some time. * Includes the upgrade optional strap form Praecore Tactical. This allows you to remove counterweight and crank it onto your head allowing for a super low profile set up similar to an improved skull crusher * Includes TT counterweight pouch, chin/neck strap, 2 additional 10mm foam backing plates, battery pack strap, sticker and a retention lanyard I made for it (all US made hardware). * You receive: one each assembled Tracer Tactical Head Harness with shroud, one each Praecore Tactical strap, two each 10mm foam pads and one each TT sticker.
Amazon/Ebay m30-m37 Iris: $45 shipped * Includes Tiffin UV lens and a 37mm pinch cap (w/hook strip). * You receive: one each iris, one each 37mm uv lens, one each 37mm pinch cap.
Payment: PPFF preferred.
Partial/trade items I’m looking for: * Darq threaded phone holder
submitted by Such_Discussion_6531 to NightVision [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:36 Emiliana__ Farewell to my Greatest Hero

It took a village to put a ring on it, and you managed to make it happen. The moment the doors opened and I saw my family, my heart broke and healed all at once, because of you. You have always known me better than I know myself, putting my dreams, my family, and my happiness ahead of your own.
Yet here I am, writing the words that are the hardest I've ever had to find. Through all the years, your love has been a constant, unwavering force. You've given so much, often leaving yourself with just the crumbs. How you do it without a word of complaint, I'll never understand.
I've held onto a change in my heart for too long, a change that tells me I can't be the wife you deserve. The truth is, I am not the 'endgame' you need. It's not about anything missing in you—it’s about me not being able to love you the way you love me, not being able to give you everything you give so freely.
You waited for me, stood by me, and let your life revolve around my chaos. Now, it’s your turn to be free—free to find happiness that matches your incredible capacity for love and sacrifice. It’s your turn to have someone champion your needs, and your dreams, which deserve a fresh start without me holding you back.
The last time I saw you, you were humming “Sa Susunod na Habang Buhay.” That song echoes in my mind, reminding me of what I once wrote to you: that you are the love of my life, this life, and the next ones. Despite everything, I still believe that—but I also believe you deserve a present and a future as full of love as the past we shared.
I don’t deserve you, and I blame myself for the shadows my indecision may have cast on your bright spirit. I’m sorry for all the pain that I brought. My only hope is that one day you will understand that this decision, though painful, is made out of the deepest respect and love I have for you.
You've been my rock, my safe space, and the protector of my heart. But you should be the lead in your story, not just a character in mine. I wish you all the joy and greatness in the world, and more than anything, I wish you love that fills every corner of your life.
Thank you for every moment, every sacrifice, and all the love. You have my heart, forever.
In the spirit of our Thor jokes: As Loki would have it, this isn’t our endgame, but always my hero.
submitted by Emiliana__ to PinoyUnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:36 SuitableRock [OFFER] I will give you a 60 day 1200, 2000 or 2800 calorie meal plan and a fully personalized training plan for 15$

Before we get to the offer I wish to give you some background about myself - My name is Dominik, I'm a personal trainer and a nutrition consultant, as well as a powerlifter. I have been doing this with joy for over 10 years now and wish to share that knowledge further on with as many as I can. I don't find it appropriate to advertise my pages here, but for those who want proof, feel free to snoop my reddit post history.
There you can also find my previous posts here on slavelabour that were all well received, which hopefully provides some form of assurance and credibility that I respond and deliver to everybody as fast and efficiently as I can.
Now back to the topic! I'm offering three 60 day meal plan variations - a 1200, 2000 and a 2800 calorie version. Each day of the meal plans is unique and has 5 meals, so in total you're getting 300 different meal ideas - no two will be completely the same. There are no supplements in the meal plan, so there's no meals like "1 scoop of protein powder".
These plans are made of natural foods that can be found in every decently equipped grocery store, with a couple of 'cheat-ish' ones to add some extra variety. The meals won't be complicated to make, nor won't take a lot od time to prepare, and only require basic cooking and seasoning skills. Every ingredient as well as meal has its macronutrient values precisely calculated to one decimal and of course listed next to it.
There are more complex, as well as very simple meals, and due to an easy to read design it's also very simple to switch meals up if you don't like certain ones.
If you only decide to only get one of the meal plans, It's yours for 5$, file format is PDF.
I can send you a sample day, so you can get an idea on how the full meal plan will look like and to make it easier for you to decide if you'd like it or find useful.
For an additional 10$ I'll also write you a fully personalized training plan for your physique goals. We'll go through a detailed questionnaire about your current situation, lifestyle, goals, injuries to work around etc. Based on the anwsers I'll write and send you a detailed training plan within 48 hours, including;
I always respond to everyone, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. I'll try to respond as soon as I can, but if I don't do it right away it most likely means I'm working with my clients or it's night time here.
submitted by SuitableRock to slavelabour [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 AsherQuazar Week 1 launch lessons. What worked and what didn't

Hey everyone! I launched a debut book June 1st and I wanted to share some lessons I learned for debuting as a complete nobody.
The stats: I sold 22 copies (15 ebooks, 7 physical), got 568 kindle reads (about 1.5 of the book length), and 5 reviews. I hit the Amazon bestseller page for LGBT+ sci-fi a few times, so I am technically an Amazon bestseller!
Pre-game - ARCS
I didn't do any pre-order period because nobody knows who I am anyway, but I did send out ARCs 2 weeks ahead of the launch. I messaged 70 in-genre influencers, 5 got back, and 2 left a review. I expect a few more reviews to come later. A few made social media posts, but there was no bump in sales the day of the posts, and views were low. (If you're paying attention to the social media landscape, views across the board for small and medium-sized influencers are down).
I submitted my ARC to various Facebook groups and Voracious Readers Only. From there I got 1 reviewer who "doesn't do" Amazon reviews and a drive-by 2-star rating.
The rest of my reviews came from beta readers that I personally contacted. I did not ask friends or family for reviews because they don't read this genre anyway.
Lessons learned: Messaging influencers is a ton of work, and returns are minimal. They can be a good source of reviews but don't expect sales from their posts. Additionally, message them early; 1 month at least. ARC groups are mainly populated by people looking for free crap and a good half of them won't even download the file anyway (I tracked clicks). Some will read the whole thing, download your free novella, and then still not leave a review.
Personally sending messages to people on Discord, Reddit, and wherever else is the best way to get those reviews. People say you're not supposed to pester readers, but it honestly returned the best results for me. It seems that the personal element adds some pressure for them to actually write a review. Additionally, they tend to write better-quality reviews than total strangers. I'll keep you updated as more reviews come in.
The package - Cover, content, and metadata
My cover cost $1000+ and took 40 or so hours of my own time to paint the background, balance the colors, and format. This is going to be overkill for most authors, but in the LGBT SFF space, covers with 2 full-body characters are the standard.
The book took me several years to polish and went through two rounds of professional editing. I'm going to be honest, I don't think all the money spent on professional editors had as much of an effect on the final product as all the beta-reading did. Even the proofread was returned with errors despite that I went to a reputable (and expensive) agency. I've now found a personal contact who's an excellent proofreader, but based on my experience, the only person you can trust to do the job right is yourself. Take the time to do the boring work of learning how to use commas, hyphens, and all that, because no one will put as much effort into polishing your work as you will.
For Amazon keywords and categories, I spent days researching and debating. I ended up spreading my categories thin between sci-fi > dystopian, romance > vampires, and LGBT > sci-fi, but I think my most traction has come from the smallest of those three, the LGBT+ > sci-fi category. Additionally, I used nearly all of my keyword space, which got me added to several additional categories like cyberpunk, but after more thought, I realized that trimming off the less-searched terms and concentrating my focus was a better strategy. Additionally, I did use a subtitle, which many people recommend not doing, but adding that subtitle allowed me to rank first page for some critical terms like "gay dystopian" and "vampire dystopian" without even putting those in my keywords.
I set the novel price to $.99 for the first week to lower the bar to entry. I've since raised it to $2.99 to stay below my competitors, and I'll let y'all know how it changes sales.
Lessons learned: Spend those marketing dollars on your cover art first. Take your time planning your meta-data and keywords. A modest sub-title won't get you banned.
Post-launch - Social media marketing
I had big plans for marketing. I bought props, I took a week off of work, and I put my whole heart into it. All my social media efforts resulted in 46 clicks (I tracked this through affiliate links) and one sale--one sale of someone else's book, lol.
Here's an example of one of the several book trailers I made:
I really thought these were going to pop off, but for each one, I got negligible views on Instagram and Facebook, 250 impressions on TikTok, and 1k on YouTube shorts. You can also see that I have a number of low-effort posts on my social media, and they got the same views as my high-effort ones. TikTok especially surprised me, because I made far crappier videos 2 years ago and could get up to 10k impressions.
I think I may have gotten 1-2 sales from recommending my book on Reddit and 1 from someone I talked to in the comments of Instagram.
Lessons learned: Social media marketing is probably a waste of time for a debut. It seems like a place people go to follow you after they've read your book. TikTok is dead for most genres, but YouTube shorts might be a valid route. Instagram is best for static images, but it's a slow-build game. Facebook only works if you already have a network that's interested in your genre (but my demo isn't big on there). Again, any sales will be through one-on-one interactions with people. If you really want to try social media marketing, make bucket-loads of low-effort content. A video with hours of planning and editing will get the same views as a low-effort trope post.
Busting out your wallet - Paid ads
I experimented with Instagram boosts, Facebook ads, and Amazon ads. I didn't bother with TikTok ads or anything that was pay-per-impression. For $2, I boosted a few Instagram posts, which claimed to get me 8 clicks, but my affiliate links did not report those clicks, so I honestly think these may be a scam. I'm still experimenting with Facebook ads, so I'll report back on those later.
As for Amazon ads, I directly targeted about 250 similar novels and 400 key terms. Many of these books and terms are highly-niche and extremely applicable to my novel, but because they are so niche, they never got many impressions. Moreover, I could target a queer sci-fi vampire novel that is a 1-for-1 comp of mine, but if I wasn't willing to pay $.90 for a click, I couldn't compete with the general vampire erotica bidding on that spot. There was one exception, the category LGBTQ+ Science Fiction. General advice is that buying ads on categories is a bad idea, but all of my 3 sales were from this category. I also experimented with UK, Canada, and Australia ads, but they didn't return any sales.
For general statistics, I got 1800 impressions, 12 clicks at $0.40, and 3 sales. For the first three days of activity, Amazon wouldn't give me hardly any impressions, so I basically had to "earn" the right to pay for those clicks.
Lessons learned: Amazon ads on niche terms/books/categories will provide your best cost-per-click. Category ads for niche categories can be a good investment. I think when people search for a category, they don't have a particular book in mind, so it can be easier to close the sale. I've gotten clicks on competitor's books, but never a single sale; I assume the customer just bought the book they were looking for in the first place.
Final takeaways
So, out of 22 sales, I estimate 3 were from beta readers, 3 were from friends/happy ARC readers, 3 were from ads, and maybe 3 were from personal recommendations online. Where did the other 13 come from? My best guess is Amazon itself. My "customers also viewed" is finally getting into a place that makes sense, and I know I've got a super shiny cover. I wish I had more reviews, but I think the fact that the few I have are very detailed is saving me.
This leaves me with one final takeaway: The best use of your time and money is on polishing your Amazon sales page to a high shine. Perfect your blurb and metadata. Spend money on the cover before spending on ads. Create A+ content and a proper author bio before spending time on social media.
Also, remember that you can ask your betas or friends for quotes to put in your product description. Ask them right after they read it too, because if you come back a month later, they might never get around to it.
submitted by AsherQuazar to selfpublish [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:29 ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and Game Over Theory # 2 - TWOW Prologue - 4 of 4

[Part 3]
The new knight approached the base of the wet ladder and began to climb. He reached halfway and stopped to listen above. The thunderstorm roared its fury, and the Blackfish was already speaking.
“What kind of knight threatens a pregnant woman?” Ser Tully voiced his rhetorical question.
“We did not know she was pregnant. She fooled us with her sister. But I am one that follows the orders of his liege lord.”
“You mean the Lannister one that killed his king once? Or the other Frey one that killed his other king too? Or the dead lord who killed Dornish babes? How do the princes of Dorne feel about you cheap-honor Lannisters?”
“You were the ones that rebel against the crown.”
“And it was the Kingslayer that threw Bran Stark out the window in a time of peace! At his own home! Do the Lannisters enjoy killing children and murdering unarmed people at dinner?”
“He is my liege lord.”
“Aye, and you seem like someone who knows his role and shuts his mouth. Do you want to be remembered for the rest of time as the knight that cleans up after his shit? ‘Here lies Ser Forley Prester, the legend that wipes the Goldenhand’s ass,’ will be written on your tomb in gold. Too bad your grave-mark will forget the part where everyday you take his golden-hand, shine it up real nice, turn that piece of metal sideways and shove it up your own candy arse for pleasure!”
The men above laughed as a shriek of thunder rumbled not too far from the Rock.
“You seem like a charming man Ser Brynden, but we are not here to discuss the rights or wrongs of men, knights, lords, kings and princes who are far far away from here.”
“Well here in my garrison I have Ser Olyvar Frey, son to Walder Frey, and a loyalist to his King, Robb Stark. Please ask Ser Olyvar Frey which is right and which is shit?”
Olyvar realized the Blackfish is chatting to buy time for Jeyne to escape.
“Is he a knight now?” A familiar voice that sounded like Edwyn Frey asked. “How did that come to pass?”
“Kill the right people I suppose. And whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to now? What is your name my lord?”
“My name is Ed–“
Giggles tickled the rainy circular drain above Olyvar.
“And aye, I knighted him myself. And his Queen in the North even made him a new coat of arms to differentiate himself from his disgraceful family,” the Blackfish announced to Edwyn Frey.
“And how would I know what cloak he wears now?” Ser Forley’s voice continued.
“Fastened by Queen Stark herself, it’s the bridge of the twin towers with a river flowing underneath, colored Stark grey and Tully red & blue. But every one of my friends here are all championed by our Queen. Are any of you beloved by a queen?”
Ser Forley tried to counter, “A new sigil of water flowing underneath a bridge? Did he make the water flow himself? Is he a plumber?”
“Aye, he may be a plumber knight, but you got shit for honors.”
“My honor is in tact.”
“Was it in tact when you abandoned your army at the Battle of the Camps? Claiming that you have honor is like claiming turtles can grow wings and fly. My plumber knight has more honor than your shit!”
Ser Forley paused … and then exulted, “Will this plumber be cleaning up my shit later?” Quiet chuckles whispered from the higher balconies.
The Blackfish retaliates, “As long as you acknowledge your honor as shit, he will.”
Loud laughter filled the air, but with Olyvar hiding in the hole of the floor, he could not tell if it was from his brothers, from his foes or both. Alive or facing death, one should know better not to trade japes with the Blackfish.
“Enough!” yelled Ser Forley. “You are clearly out manned down there at this courtyard! At least three of my men to one of yours! AND I have the high ground! So I won’t say it again, drop your weapons and I will let your men live!”
“Do you take me for a motley fool? You just don’t want us to loose back when you shoot your crossbows at us. You Lannisters cannot win in a fair fight against us if we are armed, but you men sure do a good job of killing defenseless people and children. And I will not give you that pleasure!”
“I do not know what you heard, but that is not entirely true.”
“Not entirely true? Do you Lannisters fondle the children first before you kill them? Do you give the children a good sniff before you cook them like Mad Danelle Lothson? Mother have mercy!” Ser Brynden teased.
“Enough! I will let your men live if you drop your weapons! I swear it on my hon-“
“We shit on your honor! Are there no true knights among you lot? You men following this shit knight’s shitty order, do you not have any honor yourselves? To chase after and kill a woman who is in labor? To kill a babe? Our king—”
“OUR CHOSEN KING!” Lord Galbart Glover’s voice thundered in before the Blackfish continued.
“—chose to execute his own kin and bannerman for butchering children … Lannister children! Frey children! But your knight here serves men without honor. Ser Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer! Lord Walder Frey the Guestslayer! Lord Roose Bolton the Turncloak! COWARDS! Men who serves hospitality with bloodshed beneath their roofs and massacre innocents! Will you continue to serve these false knights and false men? Are you not fathers, nor aspire to be fathers some day? Well serve your CHOSEN lord’s bidding and be cursed! A predator of children is no lord of mine!” Ser Brynden Blackfish Tully spat and thunder boomed. “The gods will never forgive that, the slaughter at the Twins, the murder, the treason, the mutiny!”
Ser Forley began to scream louder, “You call it what you want! You’re down there, we’re up here! You came into the wrong damn castle Ser!”
“Stand fast brothers!” Ser Tully alerted.
“Gods damn this, I am telling you this one last time. Order your men to drop their weapons to the deck.”
“So you could parade us as prisoners before executing us? I cannot give that order,” defied the Blackfish.
“I am not going to repeat that order!”
“I WILL NOT GIVE THAT ORDER!” Thunder boomed again.
“Ser Forley!” an unfamiliar voice called. “Queen Stark and her group are spotted. They are escaping on a rowboat at sea below. They appear to be heading west,” the watchman said.
Edwyn Frey’s voice commanded, “Archers, to the western edge! Kill them! Kill them all!!”
“BROTHERS! Kill the watcher first and anyone on that western edge!” the Blackfish thundered in the order.
A quick shoosh was heard above and a cry of pain immediately sounded from the west, as a body thumped and squished onto the lower muddy ground.
And suddenly the air was filled with it, as the thunderstorm raged on.
Shoosh shoosh shooosh shooosh shoosh ahhhhhh ahhhhh shoooosh ahhhh shooooshhh shoosh boom doom boom doom boom doom shooosh shooosh ahhhhhhh boom doom boom!
The heavens exploded from above, illuminating Olyvar’s drain instant after instant. Men were heard screaming and dying in agony. Whether or not it was his brothers or his foes, Olyvar couldn’t tell. He caught a glimpse of three bolts speeding above his small hole in different directions, and knew there were a hundred more he could not see. The enemy has the high-ground, Olyvar remembered, all my brothers are probably dying. He was unsure whether to descend down or ascend up the ladder into the chaos. He started to tear up, the cold rain still soaking his face as lightning continued to flashed and thundered through the pit above him.
“GOOSE!!!” Leo’s voice screamed. No!
Men were still crying up there, along with the bass of the approaching storm, blending with the streak of arrows and bolts hitting stone, mud and flesh. Still clung to his ladder, Olyvar looked down cowardly as a teardrop fell off his face. It landed on Alesander.
“You fool, what are you doing here? You left the rowboat?”
“I came back to fight.”
“You are no fighter, you are a singer. Leave here. Escape into the tunnels and save yourself my brother.”
He hesitated to answer, his own tears trickling down. “Aye, I will. And when I leave here, I’ll sing about what has happened today, what is still happening above us.” The screams were not stopping. Bolts, arrows and curses could still be heard flying above. Alesander moved towards a fissure in the cavern wall, spying to the west. “The Queen should be far out of harm’s way. The winds are kind, and the bolts are missing its mark away from the LionsJape.” He walked back to him. “Come with me Olyvar if you want to live.”
“Soon. But not yet. I need to hold this ladder. Leave my brother. Sing about this and immortalize our sacrifice.”
“Don’t go.” He grabbed Olyvar’s leg.
“Just let go of me!” Olyvar winched free.
“If you can escape, escape. I’ll fly away now. Farewell my honorable brother.”
“Wait!” Olyvar almost forgot. “Do you know what it is?”
His brother smiled a smile that Olyvar will never forget. “We have a Stark princess.” His footsteps faded into echoes as Alesander descended into the darkness of the tunnels.
But Olyvar began the climb in his. The hole above was gaping wider with each slow step up, ready to swallow him whole. Olyvar trembled. Besides the flashes of lightning, he could not see what was going on, but he could feel it in the air. He can taste the rain from above. He can hear the music of defiance to House Lannister, the sounds of arrows and loud screams drowning into silence. He can even smell it too. The smell of the Rock cooked with the salt of the sea, the iron of his brothers’ blood, the piss & stool of honorable dead men, staining & stinking the courtyard of Tywin Lannister’s home, leaving Casterly Rock an empire of shit.
He stood on the one rung that exposed his head just above the ground. Bodies. Brothers’ bodies and bolts everywhere. Rain and blood soak the mud, and fading cries of pain filled his ears. He saw the Queen’s uncle and master schemer of this plan, Ser Rolph Spicer, had a bolt in his eye as he died by the kitchen doors. The Seashell Knight was lifeless with his face first in the middle of the mud near Olyvar’s pit. Donal with bolts to his shoulder, stomach, and legs was on one knee shouting & cursing as he continued to loose arrows from three quivers as his brothers Raff & Mikkal laid dead beside him. Lord Glover had two bolts in him and took another in the chest. He paced backwards and fell over the parapet into the sea. A bolt was stuck on Goose’s neck, as he and Leo rested motionless together at the foot of a column, sharing a single bolt that shot through their hearts. The shield that Leo had held up was decorated with a dozen bolts, but it was too late for the other ones that got through.
Olyvar’s soul ached in agony, the clutch of his hand shaking as he clung onto the ladder. A small pile of feathered Lannister men had fallen from the western balcony and onto the courtyard. But he could not feel the victory in it … not now, nor not yet, perhaps never. The rest of his brothers Olyvar could not see from his ladder, but he spotted a few arrows still loosing up to the second floor behind cover, still fighting back. It is so few. Many more bolts were still shooting down from the top. Crossbowmen hid as they reloaded, popping up to release before ducking again.
He spotted Ser Brynden Tully the Blackfish crawling towards him, needled like a red porcupine blowfish. “Olyvar!” He hooted bluntly. “Why are you still here?” Olyvar’s heart quenched at the sight of the blood of Riverrun; his pink life flowing in a thin river and draining out towards his ladder. The water-downed blood reached Olyvar’s fingers. He wanted to help but did not know how, nor know the words. He offered his hand and Ser Tully held it. “Did she make it out to sea?”
“Yes Ser, she should be safe,” Olyvar prayed.
“So, do we have a prince or a princess? Or one of each? Heh!”
“Do not get greedy Ser,” Olyvar jested. “We have a she-wolf.”
The Blackfish smiled a hard smile with blood filling his mouth. “Good, they should be safer this way. And I hope she takes after her fierce grandmother.”
“Which one? Lady Catelyn Tully?”
“Of course heh. That would be a great granddaughter name for our storm-born she-pup … Catelyn,” the Blackfish joked.
Olyvar smiled while Ser Tully reciprocated a red one. “I like the name Adara.”
“Adara? That sounds like a wonderful name. Where did that come from?” Ser Tully asked, tearing and bleeding.
“It was Captain Samullu’s mother’s name.”
“Aye, that is a terrific name. Princess Adara Stark. Tell that to our Queen Jeyne that I concur to the name choice, pass that final message of mine. Now fly along Ser Olyvar, escape here, reunite with your Queen and protect your family. There is nothing left to do here but die, so fly! Let the divine swift winds of winter push Adara to safety. You have King Robb’s spirit within you. The babe does not have a father nor Grey Wind, so you must keep her safe.”
“We are all her fathers,” Olyvar declared.
The Blackfish grinned, knowing Olyvar probably out teased him in his final moments. “No … a band of fathers brothers? That would make us a band of uncles.” He chuckled bloodily.
Olyvar laughed and teared a drop. “That was a very clever. Just don’t tell Lady Mormont.”
“Don’t worry fellow Uncle, I won’t.”
“It has been an honor fighting by your side, Ser Uncle Brynden Tully, the great Blackfish.”
“It has been an honor living by yours, Ser Uncle Plumber Knight,” the legend replied.
He watched the knight’s life wash away, his last breath tasting the rains of Casterly Rock. The legendary Ser Brynden’s last words were for me. Wells flooded in Olyvar’s eyes, beginning to blind. He lets go of his hands.
He takes a few steps down the ladder, and then suddenly stops. What honor is this? Leaving my brothers and my commander like this? Am I a little cowardly rat of a ratty family, hiding in a tunnel? Or am I a brave knight?
The thunder and rain continued, but the arrows have stopped. Nothing but silence, only stares if Olyvar had to guess. His brothers were all dead. I need to get up. One step up and he suddenly stopped again. No, I need to escape and protect my Queen, does that make me a coward?
He checked his pocket and made sure his letter to his father sat below his heart. It was still there. Olyvar’s grip on the rung was firm and quivering.
To flee or not to flee? That is the riddle.
“Soldiers! To the lower floor! Grab their bows and quivers. Get down that ladder, find a boat, chase Queen Stark and kill them! Kill them all!” Edwyn Frey’s voice ordered.
Well, that made answering the riddle a lot easier.
Ser Olyvar Frey ascended from the pit of his ladder, his arms pulling, legs pushing, up and up into the chaos. The thunderstorm loomed above as his soul was escaping into the hole that was gaping wider with every step. He was ready.
At the ground level, he stood up. Cold rain and warm tears danced down his face, his cloak whipping in the air to the winds, his heart and fists began to fill with fiery rage. From up here, he can see the full horror of the slaughter. Brothers with bolts. Was this the same scene of my King’s death? Before he could ponder any further, he unsheathed Honor from his back, the sword was singing off its scabbard just as a bolt of lightning ripped across the sky … its twin mirrored off the steel’s reflection, the blade alive with blinding light for an instant.
Ser Olyvar counted the ill-fitted armored and shield-less men as they came pouring out from the kitchen doors at his level. Two, three, four, five, six … seven. Thin white stripes splits the sky. His heart was thumping and rumbling to the same beat of the thunderstorm that was mumbling in every distance.
I’m going to fight them all, no soldier in any Seven Kingdom army can hold me back!
The distance between the first unarmed man closed. His shocked face eyed Ser Olyvar’s new twin tower sigil on his cloak. Confused, he began to slow down, but Olyvar sped up. He greeted him with a deep slash, ripping him off as the skies flashed again. He darted forward to the next man, allowing the first one to take his time dying behind his back.
The second reached for his sword but was too slow to the draw. Honor found the front of the pink man’s chest and the rear of his back. For a heartbeat, the bloody front half of the exposed steel glowed damped red, while the clean side sparkled in purple. Olyvar pulled back his sword after a twist, and the soldier dropped to his knees to the boom of thunder.
The third drew his sword halfway before Olyvar swung at his head as his steel electrified, emitting blinding light to his eyes. He smelled Honor up close with his nose, as a gash ran from ear to ear while teeth and tongue exploded in the air. Olyvar paid him no more mind.
The fourth with panicked eyes was just a boy. He successfully drew his weapon from his belt and lifted above his head a short wooden stick. A flute? He stared up at his own wind pipe as his sword rested in his scabbard untouched. Between his legs, his breeches began to darken more with moisture, as the rest of his body was frozen like ice. A fLuke? It doesn’t matter. The Plumber Knight began to raise Honor high. The boy cried out, “Mother have mer—“.
“No,” Olyvar cuts him off, his voice was cold as stones. “I am not your mother.” Honor fell in a bright silvery-blue arc as the force of the blade severs the soldier’s right stick-bearing wrist, and splits the skull & brains underneath. Ser Olyvar Frey kicked off the mayhaps-fourth-corpse as its limp body slid from his red wet steel.
The fifth one was ready with his sword, as the sixth and seventh began pincering around Ser Olyvar with theirs. The rain began pouring heavily, cleansing the blood and brains off Honor, ready to shine again.
Olyvar’s wits returned from his blind rage, and began backing up calmly before they could surround him. The rear of his heel tapped a fallen shield that once belong to one of his brothers. Olyvar grabbed it instinctively and raised it up. “Come on you apes! Do you want to live forever? Come at me then!” No one came forward to answer the riddle, so Ser Olyvar went to them.
He charged at the one on his right as Honor slashed and flashed, but the soldier jolted backwards avoiding the swing. The shifty swordsman slipped on the surface with his hop and fell face-first into the mud. The other two took their chances when Olyvar swung and missed. He caught the cut of the left soldier on his shield, as the middle fighter aimed high. To the ground, the knight ducked under, saving his head. The middle slugger lost his balance at his empty decapitating slice, and a crouching Olyvar stroke savagely at his knees in a splash of red and bright purple. He fell face-first too, as the other soldier on his left began hacking at the wooden shield that Olly held up. Doonk! Doonk! Doonk! Before his challenger could swing a fifth time, Olyvar Frey on one knee whirled the apex of his shield viciously at the man’s wrist and sent the sword flying from his hand. Without hesitation, the Plumber Knight stabbed upwards from crotch to brains as the steel surprised the man with shock. Olyvar stares into the white of his eyes as they reflected a flash of lightning. The eyeballs then slowly rolled up into the back of his head. He unsheathed Honor downward from the dead man, as blood and shit fell like loose stool to the ground.
The other fighter with no knees rolled around to face up before he could drown in the mud. He was crying and screaming on the ground. “Nooooo!” But the Plumber Knight jumped on him without mercy. He tried to dart and evade, but forgot he had no knees to push from. Olyvar’s feet stomped the man’s stomach as he thunder-slammed the edge of his shield to kiss his opponent’s mouth, silencing him forever.
The first armed man that dodged his death finally got up from his struggles with the slippery ground, only to meet at it again. Soaking in mud, he began to bull-rush Olyvar, trying to stab or slash an opening with his sword. Olyvar dashed towards him in squishing strides, and took his charging strike at his Brother’s shield as he stepped aside. The former squire of Robb Stark, Olly, instantly planted his foot and twirled. His Queen’s wet cloak spun and smacked his opponent’s head. Suddenly the Plumber Knight had the enemy’s rear and naked. He lifted his King’s sword up, pointing down with both his hands on the grip. Ser Olyvar and thunder roared together as Honor brightly stabbed from above into the mudman’s back with the flash and fury of the gods. “AHHHHHHHHH!!!”
He lifted his sword back up as the seventh corpse fell to the ground, face-first again. Suddenly a mosquito buzzed from behind his ear and a short wooden stick skidded off the flat stone-path in front of him. He then felt a bite in his back, lost a breath and saw another wooden rod. But this one was lodged in his right breast. Red blood slowly began to seep from his black scaled boiled-leather armor as he grunted in pain. He reached for the stick trying to push it backwards from where it came from. Quickly he felt the pain again as he saw another bolt stab the front of his stomach while his Brother’s shield slid off from this left forearm. The third one struck the side of his left thigh, sending Ser Olyvar to the ground on one knee. He braced on his King’s sword to keep him from falling flat.
“Cease fire! Cease fire!” Ser Forley Prester ordered.
Cold rain danced on his face with the warm tears he tried to hide, his cape was flapping in the wind, and his heart was thumping quicker in unison to the beat & the flash of the storm. Ser Olyvar Frey, you honorable fool, why did you rush in? You can’t help yourself falling in love with bloody vengeance for your fallen brothers and King? For an instant, lightning popped again above the Rock and thunder rolled. You should have taken your time killing them as they descended down your pit, instead of you going up the ladder to their chaos. Frey blood, -no … blood of Roses By another name welled from the bolts that had punched him. He had known nothing half gallant and half stupid at the same time for what he just did. Or at least you could have flown away, such a fool! You should of just beat it. No one wanted to be defeated like this. Why did you have to show off how funky strong your fighting skills were? At this point, it doesn’t matter who’s wrong or who’s right … you should of just beat it!
Ser Forley Prester spoke from his balcony above. “You must be the Plumber Knight that the Blackfish talked about, judging by the sigil on your cape. A traitor to your own family. But for the honor of your lord grandfather, let us pass and I will let the maester do his job to save you. Or would it please you Ser, if you wanted some more bolts?”
More? Olyvar twisted his mouth in defying silence, his gruesome wounds spitting out blood. He had a job that he promised to do. He must rescue his pregnant Queen. Little did he know, he had to rescue a princess from this castle too. We all died for Robb’s little girl, there was no more to ask of them. Did these uncles succeed for her safety? He turned around to the west to see as far as his eyes could see into the sun setting sea. Her boat was far enough from any archers, and soon it would be too dark for a chase. The thought brought him joy. Thank the gods for this swift divine wind. We did our duty.
Impatient for a reply, the shit knight said, “I will not ask again. Knight to knight. Let us pass. We need to take back the Queen and her unborn son. I will bring them no harm, you have my word. Drop your sword, bend the knee like you mean it, let us pass … and I will tell Lord Walder Frey what an honorable warrior and a great grandson you are.”
That offer was a lie, a conjurer’s cheap trick. They would just humiliate and shame him before executing him for treason. That was not the song he wanted, not for his despicable old father. Olyvar would rather die sword in hand to the tune of another. He wanted Alesander’s song about the Motherfunker, Ser Brynden “Blackfish” Tully, his real brothers and the band of uncles. And he had one last shot, one last opportunity, to seize everything he ever wanted here. In this one moment, can I still capture it? Or will I let it slip? His palms were bloody, knees weak, arms were heavy … but the Queen and Princess are safe. Mother’s mercy. He was nervous, but on the surface, he looks calm and ready to drop bombs. But he had forgotten what he wrote down in his father’s letter, as the crowds above goes so loud. He opens his mouth but the words won’t come out. He is choking. How? Everyone was joking now.
“Your luck has run out. The time’s up, it is over SER Olyvar. Bow.”
No. I refuse to BOW Ser. And I cannot die yet. There is something I still need to do. Both hands on hilt and pommel, he pushes himself up with Honor, surrounded by the doom above. He can feel his life leaving him. The skies blurred between light and dark, white and grey, with the black slowly creeping in.
“It’s a girl,” Uncle Olyvar said gently as he thought about his princess niece. The Plumber Knight then roared a roar that would put any craven into tears. “AND NO! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” Honor rose and fell, the pointy end of his King’s sword squishing the blood soaked mud and crunching the rocks underneath.
Instantly, lightning and thunder erupted above them at the loudest exploding caliber of the evenfall, blinding the sights of men and gods alike.
Uhoooooooooo! boom doom boom doom boom doom
Suddenly drums were beating, and trumpets were blasting from the east. Lord Gawen Westerling’s diversion! But they’ve come too late to rescue Olyvar and his brothers. The enemy did not divert to their last jape yet … their silent scared eyes still on the dying Plumber Knight. They began to reload their crossbows. This is my moment. The things I do for love, but I’m sorry Jeyne, I can’t do that. I can no longer keep my promise. Robb was waiting and I can finally rest again. We three will meet again together some day, but not today, he thought*.*
The band of drums, trumpets and thunderstorm blended into a sweet sad song that Olyvar wanted. This music is for me, and I will lose myself in it.
Charging up his final energy into his wounded lungs, he began to scream again.
“OUR QUEEN— ” A howl of blood cuts him off from finishing what he meant to say … our Family is safe.
“OUR KING—” A pool of iron filled and choked him before he could declare … we have done our Duty.
Still standing, he dips his chin low to empty his mouth, coughing out his mother’s Rosby blood. He needs to say his final words loud and clear. After the last spoon of blood poured down, he snapped his chin up towards the heavens and reality … ready for the gravity. With all the weight of his life, he pressed his King’s sword deeper into the Rock as the Plumber Knight thundered a roar, “OUR HONORRRRR!!!”
From below, Ser Olyvar of the disgraced House Frey faced off to the sad conflicted look of Ser Forley Prester with his garrison of archers beside him. The darkest gloom of the grey stormclouds had arrived and hovered above them, wet and heavy. The gods want their vengeance for the Red Wedding, he thought. The skies of Casterly Rock began to blacken with the rain of bolts and arrows. The only thing that could be seen is the single golden teardrop of the shit knight, reflected by the last light of the setting western sun.
Thank you everyone for reading! Thank you George for helping me with your clue!
submitted by ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and to asoifaom [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:23 ScarHydreigon87 How to play Yoimiya in D&D

Hello, Yoimiya_Mains! Today I wanted to show you all a fun little guide I made on how to play Yoimiya in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.
Let’s start off with our goals for this build. First, we need Fireworks, and lots of them. Secondly, we need to use a bow, as that’s your weapon of choice, and have a way to incorporate Fireworks into your shots. Lastly, we need to be bright and cheerful to help influence our friends.
For stats, we’ll be using Point Buy. Roll for stats if you want, just keep your Dexterity and Charisma high for Multiclassing.
15 Dexterity, as that’s the stat for bows
15 Charisma, as you have a bright, happy, and cheerful personality that everyone loves.
14 Constitution, as working with and being near explosives requires a bit of toughness.
10 Wisdom, as while you are empathetic, you are easily distracted, and I’m sure loud explosions have affected your hearing.
8 Intelligence, as you are a bit of a scatterbrain
And lastly, 8 Strength, as you are still young.
For race, Yoimiya is a human, and Variant Humans get a Feat. The Sharpshooter Feat is perfect for an Archer. You can shoot at long range without disadvantage, your attacks ignore all but full cover, and you can subtract 5 from your attack roll to add 10 to the damage. Bump your Dexterity and Charisma with your 2 Free points, take Animal Handling for your Skill of Choice, and the Guild Artisan Background for Insight and Persuasion, as you run a shop, as well as Alchemist’s Supplies, as they’re the closest tools in D&D for working with Fireworks.
We’ll actually kick things off as a Bard, as you are a pyrotechnic performer. 1st Level Bards can pick any 3 skills they like. Acrobatics, Performance, and Arcana would be my picks. You get Bardic Inspiration, letting you use a bonus action to give an ally a d6 they can use to add to an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw within the next 10 minutes, an amount of times per long rest equal to your Charisma modifier. You can also cast spells as your Vision does grant you magical abilities. For your Cantrips, take Prestidigitation and Dancing Lights. For your Spells, take Thunderwave, Faerie Fire, Color Spray, and Silent Image.
We’ll then multiclass a bit into Fighter. 1st Level Fighters can pick a Fighting Style, and Archery will add +2 to the attack rolls of your ranged weapons for more consistent shots. You also get Second Wind, letting you heal 1d10 plus your Fighter level as a bonus action once per short or long rest.
2nd Level Fighters get Action Surge, letting you take an additional action once per rest.
3rd Level Fighters can pick a Martial Archetype, and while there is a ranged Fighter subclass in Arcane Archer, that subclass is pretty bad, so we’ll go with Samurai, as Inazuma is based on Feudal Japan. You get Fighting Spirit, letting you use a bonus action to gain 5 temporary hit points, and give yourself advantage on all attack rolls that turn. You can do this 3 times per long rest. You also gain proficiency in either History, Insight, Persuasion, or Performance. Go for History.
4th Level Fighters get an Ability Score Improvement. Bump your Dexterity for better AC, damage, and initiative.
5th Level Fighters get an Extra Attack for 2 attacks per round, or 4 with Action Surge.
Back to Bard, 2nd Level Bards get Jack of All Trades, letting you add half your proficiency bonus to any ability check you aren’t proficient with. You also get Song of Rest, letting your allies add an extra d6 whenever they spend hit dice to restore HP during a short rest. You also get the option of Magical Inspiration, letting an ally who has a Bardic Inspiration die use it to add to the damage or healing of a spell. For your spell at this level, take Comprehend Languages to speak with your friends from other regions.
3rd Level Bards get to pick a Bard College, and we’ll go with College of Lore, as it’ll make sense later in the build. 3rd Level Lore Bards can pick up 3 more Skills. Sleight of Hand, Nature, and Survival would be my picks. You also get Cutting Words, letting you use your reaction whenever a creature you can see within 60 feet of you makes an attack roll, ability check, or damage roll to expend a Bardic Inspiration to subtract from the result. You can also learn 2nd Level Spells, and Pyrotechnics is a no-brainer, letting you either create a 10 foot wide explosion that forces Constitution saving throws on creatures within, blinding them on a failure for a turn, or crating a 20 foot wide cloud of smoke that heavily obscures the area.
Lastly, 3rd Level Bards get Expertise in 2 skills. Go for Persuasion and Performance.
4th Level Bards get another Ability Score Improvement. Bump your Charisma for better spells and more Bardic Inspiration. For your spell, take Shatter.
5th Level Bards get Font of Inspiration, meaning your Bardic Inspiration now recharges on a short rest as well, and it also upgrades from a d6 to a d8. You can also learn 3rd Level Spells. Leomund’s Tiny Hut is useful to help set up shop.
6th Level is why we took Lore Bard, as 6th Level Lore Bards get Additional Magical Secrets, letting you learn 2 Spells from any class. Take the Spells Flame Arrows and Fireball. For your other spell at this level, take Major Image.
Back to Fighter. 6th Level Fighters get another Ability Score Improvement. Cap your Dexterity for the best shots.
7th Level Samurai are Elegant Courtiers, giving you proficiency in Wisdom Saving throws and a bonus to Charisma checks equal to your Wisdom modifier, but that last part is irrelevant since your Wisdom modifier is zero.
8th Level Fighters get another Ability Score Improvement. Cap your Charisma for the most Bardic Inspiration and better spells.
9th Level Fighters get Indomitable, letting you reroll a failed saving throw once per long rest.
10th Level Samurais get Tireless Spirit, meaning when you roll initiative and have no uses of Fighting Spirit, you regain one use. The temporary hit points you gain from Fighting Spirit also increases to 10.
11th Level Fighters get another Extra Attack for 3 Attacks per round.
12th Level Fighters get another Ability Score Improvement or a Feat. We’ll take the Magic Initiate Feat to grab 2 cantrips and a spell from the Sorcerer list. For your Cantrips, take Fire Bolt and Create Bonfire, and for your spell, take Chromatic Orb.
13th Level Fighters get another use of Indomitable.
Our capstone is the 14th Level of Fighter for one last Ability Score Improvement. We’ll actually bump up our Wisdom to benefit a bit more from Elegant Courtier.
Now that we’ve hit Level 20, let’s go over the strengths of this build. First, you deal solid damage at long range thanks to Sharpshooter and spells like Flame Arrows and Fireball. With a Longbow, Flame Arrows, Sharpshooter, and Action Surge for a Fireball, you can deal 3d8+11d6+45 damage in 1 round, or 105 average damage, with Fighting Spirit giving higher chances to crit. You’re also an excellent party face with a +18 to Persuasion and Performance, letting you put on a show and secure those customers. Lastly, you have some good low-level spells, Bardic Inspiration, Cutting Words, and a bunch of Skills for some nice utility.
For Weaknesses, unless you take a melee weapon backup, you’re gonna struggle at close range firing at disadvantage. You’re also vulnerable to Strength and Intelligence saving throws, meaning you can be easily tossed around and brainwashed. Lastly, Fire resistance and Evasion can render your Fire spells less than effective, and your Cutting Words won’t work if a creature is immune to Charm.
submitted by ScarHydreigon87 to Yoimiya_Mains [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:22 ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and Game Over Theory # 2 - TWOW Prologue - 1 of 4

The Winds of Winter
A storm was coming, but that was not part of the plan.
To the east, dark grey clouds and flashes of lightning were seen afar while thunder could be heard mumbling its rage in the distance. Here where they stood, fierce sea-chilled winds blew from the clear skies of the west. Two weather fronts were on course for a collision, and caught in between was a giant rock that mountains above the shoreline, a hard place. The old natural stonewalls of Casterly Rock were half bathed in gold from the even-falling sun, while the other hid in the shadow of the approaching storm. And soon enough, everything will be clouded in black.
The sound of the strong waves smacking into the face of the stony cliffs can be felt from a mile away, as it was no different from the ones crashing into the wooden hull of their galley. Above their rocking swanship, three tall wooden masts sported simple dark black sails, filled with winds from the west, speeding their eastern course towards the home of House Lannister, ready to hug the coastline tight, fast and dangerous.
The Summer Isle captain at the helm shouted his accented announcement, “Awww shittt! Everyone get yo shields and weapons ready. It’s about to go down! Adventurers and avengers, assemble up to the deck of Motherfunker. Be sharp and stay on yo toes! We’re running this so let’s go!”
“With me to the boats!” the legendary stern knight Ser Brynden Tully called out as his fighting men rallied at the starboard rear of their ship, emerging from the cabins below.
“We all chose to be here. If any man wants to back down now, then do so quickly. I would not die in that man’s company. We elected to do this task for honor and for justice. Some of us are here for vengeance and we may even chance to kill some of them. If so, you may enjoy your short moment of pleasure. But what I offer here is the IMMORTALITY of the songs and tales. And when it is all said & done as we return safely home, the singers will sing of this glorious day, our honorable deed, and their shame of a jape. And they will sing it from this day to the ending of the world, and we in it shall be remembered! We few, we brave few, we band of brothers. For he who shed blood with me today shall be my brother forever in song!”
A roar of cheer exploded in the air, loud and thunderous. As the ruckus died down, Lady Mormont proclaimed, “And a sister too!”
“Aye Maege,” said the Blackfish. “But we have always considered you as one of our brothers. Between your legs, your sacs are larger than most men, especially all the Lannister soldiers.”
“Well that is easy to say, all those Lannisters are a bunch of golden eunuchs!” Lady Mormont declared unlady like.
Laughter swept the deck.
The Summer Isle captain above shouted again and prayed, “Today is The Day, and the moment is upon us my friends. Thirty seconds until the drop zone lads! May the gods be with yo!”
On the starboard stern, three small rowboats hung out from the hull, hovering above the rough waves. Attached over the swanship’s parapet was a roped ladder, allowing the fighters to lower themselves down onto their watercrafts. Each one was designed to hold four pairs of oarsmen abreast, and a single coxswain to steer at the rear.
They were twenty good men and Maege. Each one scaled in black boiled leather armor, with a quiver of arrows slung on one back shoulder, and a Summer Isle goldenheart bow on the other. Most fighters had their own selection of close quarter combat weapons that sat on their belts while a round black-painted wooden shield rested at the center of their backs. They wore no sigils and smeared mud spots on their faces to mimic dark ghostly shadows for this stealthy task. They were lightly armored and had fewer weapons, as their goal required speed. If all goes to plan, they would not need any of them. They could accomplish this mission without a soul lost on either side. But this approaching storm was not part of the plan.
The Blackfish made one last heroic call on the deck of the Motherfunker, before he lowered himself on the ladder, “Come with me and take this song!”
Rico added to the cry, “Come on brothers! Do you want to live forever!?!”
They roared proudly again and began their descent as the Summer Isle crewmen assisted the Westerosi to the ropes, sharing firm ebony and ivory handshakes as they told them they will be back.
Ser Brynden Tully reached the rear rowboat LionsJape along with June, Jory, Jess, Fess, Ben and Benjen. Though it was the end boat, it will be the first to fly.
Aboard the middle boat WinterStorm was Lady Maege Mormont, and the other six oarsmen Phyl, Rico, Sam the Shredder, Ser Barnabus the Goose, Scrooge, and Queen Jeyne’s brother Ser Raynald Westerling.
Lord Galbart Glover commandeered the third boat BattleWolf, which hung closer to the center of the swanship. On it were the younger men Donal, Mikkal, Raff, Leo, and Alesander, all merely teenagers.
As he watched from above, Ser Olyvar Frey thought they were little dark turtles crawling down the ladders with their black shields slung on their backs. As the last turtle, Olyvar hugged & kissed his sister Roslin, and then their brother Perwyn. Ser Perwyn Frey was Lady Tully’s sworn shield, charged with her life’s protection, and her unborn child’s too. Though they were all Frey as family, Rosby blood thorns in their veins as well. We were all just sweet Roses By another name, a horrible name.
Olyvar descended. Alesander Frey was waiting for him adjacent to an empty seat on the boat. He was Olyvar’s nephew, but because they were of a similar age, Alesander felt more like a cousin to him, a cousin that felt more like a brother. He wondered what their mothers would have thought if they saw them there now. As Olyvar sat, he stretched his arms wide at the starboard-bow of BattleWolf and the brothers both grabbed an oar each. Alesander sang and japed, “Are you ready to fly this boat to the moon somehow?”
“Nothing is impossible!” Olyvar smiled.
Ser Olyvar Frey never thought he would be on this boat, absorbing the wrath of the big blue watery roads, rocking BattleWolf as it clung to Motherfunker. But his new knightly confidence was so high he could roar at the Drowned God to look at him and tell him to piss off. But he knew better and kept his silence. With his Frey luck, he believed his corpse would be bedding with mermaids down under the sea if he ever cursed the Drowned God aloud.
The owner of the swanship Motherfunker was an exiled prince of the Summer Isles, a big man with a short black beard, shiny bald head and a dark patch over his left eye that he can’t see through. He was Captain Samullu Jaqenssen, but notoriously called the Black Sparrow … though Olyvar had never heard of him until recently. He and his crew were the only sailors that would assist them in their cause, hypnotized to be a part of their upcoming famous Westerosi song. He was to help navigate his galley at high speeds hugging the rocky coast of the Westerlands. With the three rowboats hung to the side of Motherfunker, it would be hard for the sentries on top of the Rock to spot from above. The Motherfunker stayed far away from the coastline to only emerge near their objective at the time of attack. With a single swanship with plain black sails, the Black Sparrow hoped that the Lannister watchmen would pay them no mind as a regular trading galley on its way to Lannisport or wherever, instead of a vessel for an amphibious assault on their castle. And the stronger the winds and the faster the ship, the window of time to be exposed was much shorter. “They had the need for speed, and the speed needed the wind,” Goose had said the night before. The gods have blessed them with strong winds now. They were to come with the sun setting at their backs in the west, blinding any coastal lookout. Because they were cursed with this approaching storm, the plan changed and they had to depart earlier. Olyvar prayed that this would not compromise the mission. Only time will tell.
Racing onto the storm and nearing the rising cliffs, the Captain spun his ship quickly to a southern course and gave the crewmen the signal to dismount. “Ahhhhhhhhh-ah Ahhhhhhhh-ah!”
“Get ready to push!” the Blackfish commanded.
Each oarsman pressed the tip of their long wooden stick onto the hull of the galley, ready to push off. The Summer Isle crewmen began severing the connections of the mothership and its three rowboats. Single-handed axes swung as LionsJape pushed itself off, the first of three. The rowboat plummeted and the waters swallowed it before spitting it back out just as quick. After allowing itself to lose in Motherfunker’s wake, the oarsmen redirected the bow towards the rocks at the Blackfish’s orders.
The WinterStorm followed right after with Lady Maege’s commands, “Push lads! Push! Push!” as it dropped.
Now it was BattleWolf’s turn. “Gods damn it, I’m too old for this shit,” Lord Glover said as he raised a gloved hand and swung it down, giving the signal to cut. At the main deck, the crewmen swung their axes, gleaming gold in the western sunlight as the oarsmen pushed off. For a heartbeat, the fall had taken Olyvar’s breath away as Lord Glover’s BattleWolf floated in the air. Are we flying? Are we on a dragon? His rowboat slammed into the water, splashing chilled wet droplets inside the boat and out. His hair of short black curls flew and fell, dampening at the plunge. The collision almost knocked Olyvar and the men overboard, but they hung on. The Motherfunker left them with a white salty wake as it headed south. Lord Glover then commanded the starboard men to pull their oars, aiming towards WinterStorm. Olyvar pulled. Once aligned, both sides of BattleWolf began to rev hard. The men were howling and roaring with each tension, trying to evade this dangerous zone of being spotted.
Since the Red Wedding and the death of his beloved King, Robb Stark, Olyvar could not sleep. Grief, anger, vengeance, insomnia and drowsiness took him over the days and nights that felt like half-dreams. But the crashing kiss of the water dive had re-woken Olyvar in shock, as he realized what they were about to do was no fantasy he had ever known. Nothing can stop us now, this is really happening. His heart was pounding to the rhythm of the oars and he wanted to scream his battle cry. He could still hear Jaqenssen the Black Sparrow sounding his siren “Ahhhhhhhh-ah Ahhhhhhh-ah!”
We are brothers loyal to the King in the North, the land of ice and snow. We serve Riverrun and Winterfell, where the hot springs flow. And now the divine winds of the gods had driven our mothership to the Westerlands. To fight for honor, the North will sing and the West will cry. Casterly Rock … Winter is Coming! On we sweep with threshing oars, our only goal will be the western shore!
As Olyvar’s oar rose and fell, he looked up to the windows of Casterly Rock’s tall stony towers, searching for the signaling candle light. But it could not be seen this early. Only when the sun was fully set as planned, this candle would replace it as the guiding light. They rowed by rocks and rocks and more rocks. Seagulls flew in spheres above them, chasing one another. The sun still hung in the air, slowly falling to splash onto the western horizon of the Sunset Sea. They then rowed by a courtyard that just floated on the earth forty feet above the sea’s surface. Suddenly on the other side of their boat, they eyed a whale skimming off the glimmering golden ocean. The boys of the vulnerable BattleWolf did not say a word as the monstrous water-beast swam the opposite direction just twenty yards away from them, paying them no mind. It was a good thing I did not curse the Drowned God as I was going to earlier.
Olyvar, Alesander, Leo, Mikkal, Raff and Donal were seated on Galbart Glover’s rowboat, rowing to Galbart Glover’s commands, “Row! Row! Row your boats you son o’ whores!” and taking in Galbart Glover’s cold stare as he eyed the two Freys specifically when he said it. Olyvar’s arms began to tire, but this was not the place to show weakness to his brothers. So he pulled on while keeping their rowboat as close to the stony walls as possible to avoid detection from above.
They trailed the Lady Bear while following the Blackfish. Soon after, Ser Brynden Tully had found his mark and grounded LionsJape onto a small beach. His men exited, flipped the rowboat above them and dashed forty yards straight toward the rocky edge, where a small barred cave was fitted at the base. Underneath the rusted iron, a thin valley of brown watery slush stank & trickled into the sand & sea. Everyone knew what that was when they agreed to participate in the assault. The Blackfish was told back at Riverrun about a sewer path inside Casterly Rock that allowed all the shit and piss to drain out to the ocean. This tiny hole by the foot of the mountain was all and everything for the mission.
When the sprinting men reached the end with their boat, they dropped it at the skirt and pressed themselves against the wall. The façade was conveniently arched outwards as it ascended, making it difficult to be sighted from above. With the waves muffling the noise of speech, any of them can speak freely outside at sea level. From the cliffs above, their human conversations below would only sound like ghostly whispers. No casual listener should be alerted to such. But hearing and seeing are different things, and they must not be seen.
WinterStorm and BattleWolf soon followed. As Olyvar departed BattleWolf, he cringed at the soreness of his arms that the work had left him. His arms will have to ache again as his squad lifted the rowboat above their heads. They stormed towards the barred entrance, with bow and quiver slung on each shoulder, a turtle shell shield at the center of his back. While the others carried shorter lighter personal weapons, Olyvar was equipped with a longsword that once belonged to his King, Robb Stark.
They dropped off BattleWolf when they reached the wall, waiting for a way in. Ten brothers on one side of the cave, and eleven on the other. The closest ones to the door had their small axes and weapons drawn along with their shields, while the further ones notched an arrow onto their bow. Olyvar had his Summer Isle goldenheart bow ready. The entrance was small, the same size as their black shields, guarding the realm of Casterly Rock, and they continued to wait.
This thunderstorm was coming, and it was not part of the plan. It was the Blackfish’s decision to leave Motherfunker earlier before the storm surges would flood the sewers of Casterly Rock. Their forty yard dash from the beach to the gate may be twenty yards if they arrived an hour later … and there may be no more exit by the time they escape back. But Stark loyalists hidden in the woods outside of the castle were told of executing this assault at the exact evenfall of Queen Jeyne Stark’s arrival to Casterly Rock. The Lannister soldier escorts would be exhausted from their march and acquired a false sense of security when they reached the safe comforts of the castle. The Stark land forces led by Lord Gawen Westerling would create a mummer’s farce with trumpets and drums, sending the weary Lannisters to one side, as the Blackfish himself attacked the other from the sea. Evenfall of this day was the golden time to do this, but they arrived an hour too early. With the storm, Olyvar prayed that everyone else would adjust to the plan. He wondered if Lord Westerling would account for the storm surges. But it makes no difference now. They were here, and they cannot turn back.
Suddenly the rusted iron of the barred cave unlocked and swung open, creaking like a loud squealing rat. Emerged was a crouching older man with a short gray beard and a jaw squared like a mason spice jar. “Welcome to the Rock!” Ser Rolph Spicer declared.
Ser Brynden greeted him with a hug, “I’m so glad you came early, we would be sleeping with the fishes if you were late.”
“It was Edmure’s idea to leave early, he said the storm would flood the sewers, and we prayed you would come sooner too.”
“Like that damn Mill again, Edmure acting prematurely? That boy will never learn! Thank the Gods!”
They both chuckled and began entering through the gate. The others soon followed, ducking into the small hole and into the darkness.
Once inside the caves of Casterly Rock, Ser Rolph grabbed his torchlight and lifted it to the air, showing the brothers the vastness. The lobby was an open abyss where the ceiling was fifty feet high. The walls had multiple rocky openings naturally carved in, small and large. Some were wide enough to walk through. Inside were all shadows, saved the areas illuminated by golden sunlight spying in through each seldom hole or fissure. Where the flames can brighten, hard brown rocks glowed and flickered, as well as old metal tracks, mining carts, abandoned tools, ladders, rusty chains and the occasional plant roots that brewed in the darkness of the caves. The smell reeked. Olyvar was sure there would be no real gold here as it was probably mined out over the centuries. Only shit shits down here in the sewers and caves of Lord Tywin Lannister’s home, not gold, Olyvar thought. This was where Lann the Clever started his legend, swindling the Casterly residents out of the castle, cheating them. It was their turn now to write history, these archers from the sea facing off with their own modern Casterly ploy … accomplishing it without being seen, doing it as faceless warriors.
They followed Ser Rolph and his torchlight in single file, going deeper up into the caves, fitting in burrowed hallways that barely fit them, pursuing his decisions at each fork in the paths, squishing their feet on sluggish wet slopes and steps. The very first entrance they encountered required them to descend a few yards before climbing up the rest of the way. It was hundreds of feet in elevation that they must ascend to. At times, the way was lit well enough. But at other instants, the darkness blinds them, only facing the brother in front of them for their flight. I have promises to keep. And steps to go before I sleep. And steps to go before I sleep.
“By now the guards at the top of the Rock should be asleep after I spiced up their ale,” Ser Rolph Spicer said with a cheeky smile. “Before my sister Sybell married into House Westerling, I explored these parts of Casterly Rock in my youth as a smuggler, going up and down many times. Your legs will tire, no doubt about that. But you lads are years younger than I, and I better hear no complaints unless I am the first one to make it.”
“I’ll do my best,” young Leo announced for himself.
“Your best?” Ser Spicer questioned. “Losers whine about their best. Winners rescue crowned queens.”
“Lady Jeyne Westerling-Stark is THE crowned Queen,” Leo replied.
“Is that so?” Ser Rolph gave Leo a sarcastic look with a raised eyebrow, before continuing up the steps inside the Rock.
“I’ll decide the turns and I’ll establish the security checkpoints. There, we can rest for a moment. A few of you will be left there to guard the area as the others will continue to ascend. Those few will wait until we fall back. But remember, the journey down is far less exhausting. For now, let’s go up and up. Ser Olyvar Frey, would you take the honor of watching our rear?”
Ser Olyvar Frey. The name was still queer to him. As much as he liked the ‘Ser’ in his name, he would like to rid the “Frey” in the surname. He had been the most loyal squire a king could have asked for. He would have stayed with King Robb Stark to the end of the world, but his own blood tore that away from him. Olyvar was not blind though. His young king had made grave mistakes, more than Olyvar wanted to count. As much as he would have favored his sister Roslin to marry him, Olyvar knew you cannot choose the people you love. And Robb genuinely loved another, he hoped. Jeyne Westerling was just as sweet as Roslin. Olyvar would have stayed at Robb’s side as his brother-in-law, or some uncle-in-law by Lord Edmure Tully. Though by choosing Jeyne, it slighted Olyvar’s father Lord Walder Frey. But Seven Hells father, did you have to murder him? At my sister’s wedding feast? Under your own roof? Under my roof? Robb Stark was my king. He was brave and good, and Olyvar Frey loved him. And his soul was tortured in sleepless days and nights, knowing he shared the same blood as the murderers … knowing he could have stopped it if it was not for impulse. You are an honorable fool Olyvar. His father had told him of the treacherous plan the day before, but Olyvar cursed it aloud, defending Robb as it was still his duty. You should’ve been smart and played stupid with father. You could have informed Robb while you were still free, breaking this bad dream. Olyvar shouldn’t have tried to bargain with his father. He should have known he made up his mind a long while ago. Olyvar was imprisoned in the dungeons of the Twins during the Red Wedding. The gaolers were japing at him, “Go ahead, do your duty. Save your king!”
My king. The sad memories faded into blurred flashbacks.
[Part 2]
submitted by ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and to asoifaom [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:21 travelingfish My JUSTNOMIL wants to visit, help with reply please

No sharing this post please.
Hello everyone! As the title says my MIL wants to visit. My LO (toddler) has a birthday coming up and she asked to give a present in person. Sounds normal, right? Ofc there's more to it. Mainly venting and background below, but I do need help with a reply to my MIL at the end if you'd like to skip.
Background: I've known my MIL for nearly 10 years. She has put in low effort to get to know me for the first 8 years and it's become even more strained in the last 2 years because I feel she thinks having a grandchild means she can do whatever she wants as a grandma. Yes, distance has played a role in some ways, but our relationship is strained due to toxic behavior. She idolizes her only son, and has made subtle and not so subtle actions and comments to make it known that I'm not as important as her children (I should also note that I'm the only DIL, and none of her other children have dated anyone for years. We are also the only ones to have a child/pregnant.) Some examples, one Christmas she gave me a mug with photos of DH's face all cut out on it and asked him while giggling "Son, what do you think of the gift for DIL? Don't you just hate me?!" She never asked me if I liked it or tried to see what I may like. Another time she opened my mail addressed to me in my name, and claimed she opened it because she thought it was a gift receipt for a gift she sent me (she never sent me a gift, still waiting for it lol). When I called her out on this it lead to a conversation that she wants to be closer but I'm not a daughter or friend, so she doesn't know what relationship to have. She could've started by wishing me a happy mother's day to the mother of her only grandchild, but that would be silly of her! So I know she has no intentions of having a relationship with me. I'm just purely access to her grandchild.
Many of her comments are usually backhanded or mixed in with normal conversations, where I don't realize in the moment how hurtful they are until I take time to process afterwards after feeling off put by them, so in the past I've had a hard time standing up for myself in the moment. They were also the type of comments my DH couldn't see at first as hurtful and could easily give her an excuse for ("oh she didn't mean it like that,...she meant it this way..."). Now it's much better with DH seeing his parents (FIL is even worse, he rated me a 5/10 because he doesn't know who I am as a person after 10 years) actions as hurtful and he's working on standing up more, even though it is hard for him because he's a non conflict personality/people pleaser.
Everything has changed once my first LO was born. I've found my backbone and DH has been a much bigger support. We live across the country from my in laws (which my FIL says all the time he doesn't want to live in the same city as his children) so I've only seen MIL about once a year since we moved back from abroad. FIL has never met my LO and has no desire to, but gets upset if we don't let MIL come visit when she wants to. She's the type of MIL that thinks because in the past she can visit her son or her other children whenever she wants to that she can do the same now (she's booked tickets to visit us before without asking/confirming dates to visit).
Since my LO was born, it is very obvious MIL is regretting or frustrated that she can't have the relationship she wants with my LO. I put my foot down a lot with her because to me, my LO won't grow up to see this is how you treat someone and consider it normal. He will learn that when people (even if they are related) are hurtful, you are allowed to set up boundaries to protect yourself and only allow healthy relationships. With this, I've set up more boundaries and MIL emotionally can't handle it, with my husband backing me up. She has thrown tantrums because she doesn't receive enough videos or photos of my LO or when she's not the first one to see them. For my LO's first birthday we asked for no gifts (we had a "virtual party" since everyone lives far away from us) and live in a small apartment. She sent several gifts with a note reading "sorry not sorry sent the gifts xx" and when we called her out on it she cried saying we are taking the joy away from her from being a grandparent. I've learned that no matter how much we explain or try to reason our side to her, she doesn't care and even uses that to weaponise my words against me. For example, when I explained to her why we can't just send photos on a whim to her because we have a lot going on and the difficulties with PPD etc, she told me "I'm so sorry you're struggling with parenthood. I can only sympathize a small portion when I was briefly a single mother for 2 years." 🙄
Currently: My MIL wants to visit. It's been over a year since she last visited. If it were totally up to me, I would say no 100%, but I do have my DH to think about and am allowing her to be here 1 day (I'm fine with DH spending another day with her, but LO and I will only see her 1 day), working around my LO's schedule. DH is completely on board and supportive. He even said I can say no, but I don't want him to resent me because we do plan on moving countries in the next few years where he will see them even less. I'm also due to give birth in a few months and will not be allowing visitors for a long period afterwards because it's only my husband and I, and I want to make sure I have a full recovery while taking care of 2 kids under 3 without dealing with toxic inlaws. So I figured let's get this visit over with now, as long as things are on my terms.
So I would like help with my reply to make it firm but also gets the point across. I have a tendency to ramble (overthinking and being a conditioned people pleaser doesn't help) and these days I just don't care about being nice anymore lol, so if it needs to be nicer let me know. TIA from an exhausted pregnant momma ❤️
"Hi MIL. If you'd like to visit we are free -date- before I enter my 3rd trimester. LO and I need to get flu shots, so pending on that and as long as everyone is healthy we can keep that date open. If you/FIL or anyone gets sick prior, we will have to cancel (I've had gastro 4x this pregnancy and my immune system is compromised). Will you and FIL be visiting or just you?"
submitted by travelingfish to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:17 lost_library_book [You say he's a murderer, but we're in *love*] My (47F) pregnant daughter (22F) is going to marry an incarcerated man (29M). How can I go about this situation?

I AM NOT OOP. OOP IS u/ThrowRA-sad_mom123
Originally posted on relationship_advice
Content warning: mentions of stalking, domestic violence, homicide
2 updates - mediumish
Original post - June 7th, 2024
Update 2 - June 9th, 2024
Update 3 - June 9th, 2024
My (47F) pregnant daughter (22F) is going to marry an incarcerated man (29M). How can I go about this situation?
I’m concerned for my child. Yes she’s an adult but I feel like she’s making the worst decision for herself. I don’t approve AT ALL.
My daughter had good things going on for herself. She graduated high school, went to college and graduated with her associates, got accepted into dental school and all of its going down the drain because she’s chosen to invest her time and energy into her “soulmate”.
About a year ago, my daughter started writing letters to prisoners as a pen pal to keep them company. At first I was uncomfortable with the idea for many, many reasons (it never crossed my mind that she’d fallen for a criminal) but I still rented a P.O. Box for her so she wouldn’t give out her address.
My daughter was in a healthy relationship with her now ex-fiancé. They’ve been together since her senior year in high school. They just had their first child over a year ago, expecting another, and they got engaged 6 months ago. A month ago, my daughter told me that she and her fiancé were taking a break and two weeks ago she called off the engagement and left him. He’s a complete wreck. He told me it hurts that his family that he created with my daughter is now broken. He feels so blindsided as do I because I believed my daughter was truly in love but she wasn’t, she wasn’t happy.
I’ve been very supportive of my daughter during this whole situation, that is until she told me she was already in a new relationship. I was taken aback. I obviously started questioning her about it and she confessed that she had fallen for one of the prisoners she’s written to, in fact, they’ve been together for 3 months. It makes me sick to my stomach even typing this out right now because I just can’t believe it. She said they’ve been in contact for almost 8 months and since then they’ve fallen more and more in love with each other. She’s visited him multiple times, in fact she’s even taken my grandson to see this man. She’s shown me pictures of them embracing and him holding my grandchild. I’ve done some research and looked up his charges and I’m livid she even brought my grandson, even herself around someone who could do such horrible things. I’m terrified for my daughter and grandson.
I’ve tried expressing my concerns to her but she’s in a whole other world. She told me the last in person visit they had he popped the question and she said yes, that’s when I snapped. I was and am very pissed about this whole situation and she’s hurt that I’m not supportive of her decisions. She defended their relationship and her choices and we started arguing. It got so bad that now she’s not speaking to me or allowing me to see my grandbaby and it breaks my heart. I love my child but I will never approve of this relationship.
I understand that as an adult, she has the right to make her own choices, and l've always been proud of her independence. But as someone who truly loves her deeply, it's hard for me to watch her make a decision that I feel could be harmful to herself and my grandson. I'm scared for her because of what I've learned about this person's past, and I can't shake the fear of what could happen. I don't want to lose her or my grandchild to a situation that seems so risky. I don’t know what else I can do and I feel so hopeless. Please, what else can I do?
TLDR: I'm worried because my daughter, who's achieved so much, is throwing it all away for a prisoner she fell for while being a pen pal. She's left her fiancé for him, and it's hard for me to stomach or support this decision.
Relevant Comments
I would personally give all the information you have on the new guy to the ex and implore him to get to family court immediately and fight for full and sole custody of the kids. You can't stop your adult child from ruining her life and putting herself in danger BUT you can assist in getting your minor grandchild away from this situation and away from her poor decision making. She may hate you for doing this but the safety of the child is more important than her clouded feelings right now and maybe the courts threatening to remove her child might be the wake up call to stop the foolishness
Is the former fiancé fighting for custody? How does your daughter plan to support her two kids? Hopefully the ex will be able to make sure the kids are safe and get CPS involved if they are not. I have a feeling that the exhaustion from single parenting a newborn will have your daughter coming to her senses soon.
How much longer is her partner in jail for?
Her ex fiancé still doesn’t know about her new relationship. When my daughter ended their relationship, he felt completely blindsided because he didn’t see it coming, no one did. If he knew she was in another relationship, especially with a criminal, it would be a living nightmare. I mean he has the right to know because she’s bringing his children to see this man.
For privacy reasons, i will not give out any names. He’s currently serving a life sentence (I’ll let you guess) but he could get out early due to parole. He has a history of domestic abuse and breaking protective orders.
In later replies, OOP reveals that daughter's new beau is in prison for stalking, violation of protective orders, and murder. Mostly that last one.
You need to explain to your daughter now before you take legal action to gain sole custody with the father. She needs it spelt out on paper how this person is literally dropping an atomic bomb on her life while literally being locked up.
This is the craziest post I have ever read. Please update us and I am sorry this is happening.
Updates 1 & 2 - 2 days later
I wanted to start off with thanking everyone that took time to give me some advice. After receiving a lot of comments with suggestions on how i should handle this situation i went ahead and told the father of my grandchildren about what’s been going on. He was my soon to be son in law and I’ve grown to love him as if he was my own. I believe he has every right to know about the wellbeing of his children so I confessed everything to him. Thankfully, I have a family therapist who is a very close friend of mine. She’s been here with us since the divorce between me and my ex husband.
I called her, we spoke about the situation and she agreed to guide me to tell the kids father. I called him over to my home and we all had a very long talk. I let him know everything and he broke down, crying hysterically. It was horrible. He felt so violated not only as a partner to her but as a father to their kids. I made it very clear that I would support him no matter the circumstances, at this point it’s not only about my daughter but my grandkids. We discussed the charges against my daughters new fiancé, and he was beyond livid. He actually suggested himself taking my daughter to court and I agreed with him that it would be the best thing to do. We came to an agreement that he wouldn’t tell my daughter what he knew that way I could get more information to help him plead his case. But yesterday, shit hit the fan.
Yesterday, I received some angry texts from my daughter and it didn’t end well. I posted the texts here :
Text are transcribed below, feel free to skip to where this post resumes.
D = Daughter; M = Mom (OOP)
D: Mom
D: Why aren't you answering me ??
D: Dude Answer your phone *eyeroll* *facepalm*
M: I'm sorry I couldn't answer the phone, I was driving and my phone wasn't connected to the Bluetooth.
M: What's wrong babe, is everything ok?
D: Wht tf do you have me so much
D: Like what the fuck is wrong with you ?? Why are you going out your way to tell my business to [redacted] for ?
M: [redacted] babe I love you but please don't speak to me like this.
M: Can you please try telling me what's going calmly.
D: The fuck do I need to be calm for all you do is stress me out. I'm 7 months pregnant and high risk and you want me stressed for what ?????
M: [redacted] honey I don't want you to be stressed and I don't want to be the reason to cause it.
D: SO why the fuck are you telling [redacted] my business?
M: What do you mean?
D: He's been blowing up my phone all night long.
D: He called me again on his break this morning and said you brought him to see Dr [redacted] and told him that I've been cheating on him throughout our relationship.
D: You told him about [redacted] and that ive been letting him around [redacted]
D: Wtf is wrong with you?
M: [redacted] honey there's nothing wrong with me. I understand why you're upset but babe this man is a very dangerous criminal.
M: He's doing life for a reason. He murdered his ex. He abused her and she went to get an order of protection against him and he violated all of it.
M: I love you and [redacted] with all my heart and I can't imagine a life without you both.
M: [redacted], I'm asking you to please be respectful. I don't deserved to be spoken to like this.
D: [in reply to M: [redacted] honey there's nothing wrong with me. I understand why you're upset but babe this man is a very dangerous criminal.] Dangerous?? You don't even fucking know him
M: Did you skip over the message right after that. He was abusing a poor girl. She didn't feel safe and went to get a protective orders against him and he violated them and ended up murdering her. [redacted] open your eyes.
M: He's guilty and serving time.
D: He's not guilty of a damn thing. You clearly don't understand how any of this shit works.
D: He wasn't found guilty he took a plea deal
D: He still got life but he can still get out on parole
D: He did this to avoid getting life without parole.
D: You don't understand anu of this shit
M: He still killed someone. Why are we not addressing this? He's a murder
D: No he's not. He's a victim that needed to defend himself.
M: Defend himself? He was a grown ass man beating on a woman.
D: So men can't be victims of abuse?
D: The bitch would start fights, hit him and play victim in the end. It was a whole cycle
M: [redacted] can we not do this over text? Please answer your phone.
D: No I don't want to we can talk thru text or don't have to talk at all *grinning smily*
M: What is your issue?
D: My issue is you.
D: You're weird as fuck going behind your daughters back
D: I'm your kid. You should have my back
M: I do have your back, but I also care for the livelihood of my grandchildren. This situation is unhealthy and unsafe for children. You as an adult can whatever you please, but when children are being put in these toxic situations, action needs to be taken.
D: oh so you agree with [redacted] that I'm an unstable, unfit mother *crying-laughing**crying-laughing**crying-laughing*
D: You're such a narcissistic bitch
D: I can see why dad divorced you before he dies.. I wouldn't want to be buried next to you either
M: I've had enough of the disrespect [redacted] I've been nothing but calm and respectful and you've disrespected me over and over.
D: We've been past respect. You told my business to my baby daddy.
D: You disrespected me so I'm returning it *laughing-crying*
M: You've changed. You have become such a nasty individual and it's upsetting that as my only daughter you treat me this way after everything I've done for you.
D: yeah I have changed
D: I had a fucking baby
D: Went through postpartum by MYSELF
D: [redacted] would see me struggling and didn't do shit. I was working to provide for my family. I ahd no emotional support. I WAS BY MYSELF
D: just me and my son. When I found out I was having baby 2 i was by myself. Yeah [redacted] had a job and took care us but he wasn't there to help me
D: I found a man who yes made some mistake in his past but he's making up for it. He finished school, is allowing god to lead him in life, and he's positive
D: He respects me and pushes me to be strong. He motivates me and he provides emotional support. I don't need a mans money because I make my own but I needed love and he provided that for me
D: I don't understand why you felt the need to go out of your way to disturb our peace but I'm happy and very much in love with him and I'm not leaving him.
M: Look at how you're acting [redacted]. You're spiraling. This man is no good.
D: Omg gtfo I'm tired of the back and forth *facepalm*
D: Like I told [redacted], good luck taking me to court *finger*
D: Until then, you won't be seeing me, [redacted], or the baby for the sake of our mental health.
D: You bring nothing but drama and negativity into our lives and we'd be much better off without you. Please don't contact me or your will be blocked
I called the children’s father to ask him what the hell was he thinking and he explained that he wasn’t. He’s been apologizing nonstop but the damage has already been done. I’m at a loss for words. I’m devastated. I’m heartbroken. I’ve ofícially lost my daughter and grandkids and I don’t know what else to do. I can’t imagine not being a part of their lives and it hurts me deeply. What did I do wrong to deserve this? Is there any way I could fix this ?
Relevant Comments
Time. Guarantee this guy has other women on the hook. Why not? He’s got nothing going for him and will never see the light of day again. Maybe it’s possible to hire a PI that can find out if there are others? At some point, she’s going to miss being touched. Dates. Hugs in the morning and at night. Just be there when she crashes because she will. That’s all that you can do. I’m so sorry.
Keep supporting the father. He will get them eventually and you can still be Grandma. Your daughter was lost before you even posted. She may come back but keep in with the Dad. Good luck OP.
He feels really guilty for my daughters reaction but I believe it was only a matter of time before she was going to crash out. At this moment in time, I’m worried for my grandson. It makes me question if my daughter can get so angry with me with something like this, how angry can she get at my grandbaby 💔
Your grandchild's dad can still get custody.
Daughter is making horrible choices.
After rereading her messages, I think it’s possible my daughter was suffering from postpartum depression and by getting pregnant again so soon her body didn’t get enough time to heal. Her hormones are all over the place and her mental is declining.
She wasn’t like this a year ago, she was a happy, respectful, caring soul but all of that’s changed. and I feel horrible. I wish I could’ve seen her behavior myself. I could’ve gotten her the help she needed right then and there 😞
Marked ongoing.
If you have comments, keep them HERE. DO NOT brigade over to the original post to comment. DO NOT harass the OOP with dms or replies.
Stay safe and remember: at least 37% of your after 5 pm beverage sales must consist of mixed/blended call drinks.
submitted by lost_library_book to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:12 John-Sedgewick-Hyde Kids abused at MO boarding school have long sought justice. He's determined to bring it

Kids abused at MO boarding school have long sought justice. He's determined to bring it
PIEDMONT, Mo. -- His voice gets heavy and even starts to crack when he talks about the abuse claims that have engulfed an unlicensed boarding school in his southeast Missouri county.
“I didn’t know,” Wayne County Sheriff Dean Finch says, referring to former students’ yearslong allegations of physical and mental abuse at the school. “I didn’t.”
When in 2014 Finch scooped up a runaway from Lighthouse Christian Academy, the skin on his feet starting to peel away from frostbite, the teen didn’t divulge any abuse. Neither did a boy who ran away from the Wayne County boarding school three years later, the sheriff said. Same thing with the boy who ran away two years ago.
“Kids didn’t say a word,” said Finch, who has been the sheriff since 2013. “I tried to get it out of them, why they were running away. But they never said anything.”
Boys would tell him, the sheriff said, that they were forced to do jumping jacks, intense exercises and stand at the wall for hours as punishment. Or they just didn’t like the school run by ABM Ministries because staff members were mean. But nothing they shared with him, he said, led him to believe a Missouri law had been broken.
Until earlier this year.
After five boys ran away from the secluded boarding school near Piedmont over a three-week period in January, one boy told him something “I could sink my teeth into,” Finch said. And once the sheriff spoke to a former student from more than 15 years ago, “all the dominos started to fall,” he said.
Since March, he’s traveled to 10 states, interviewed about 25 former students and spoken to many others on the phone. In the coming days, he plans to speak with dozens more. Now in their 20s and 30s, many of these men and women are telling the sheriff what they’ve told The Star. They said staff members put them in headlocks and at times hit them, that food and water were withheld and they were made to exercise for hours and work in extreme temperatures.
Others described what they call “emotional torture” at the school owned by Larry and Carmen Musgrave.
“I’m going to investigate this thoroughly,” Finch told The Star in a series of interviews over the past two months. “Every victim will be interviewed. Every victim will have their say, they will be able to tell their story.
“Until the end, I am here. And if there’s charges there, those charges will be filed.”
In early March, Larry and Carmen Musgrave were charged with kidnapping and another staffer faces one count of physical abuse of a student. The sheriff said he expects additional charges.
The couple pleaded not guilty and their attorney did not respond to multiple calls for comment.
Larry Musgrave denied that students were mistreated or abused at the school, Finch said.
“Whenever we interviewed him, he laughed about it,” Finch said. “And he said, ‘That is not going on. That never happened.’”
Soon after the Musgraves were arrested, Lighthouse closed. The husband and wife were released on their own recognizance and required to wear GPS monitoring devices.
“We’re very happy and proud that (the sheriff) is standing up and saying this is wrong,” said Rebecca Randles, a Kansas City attorney who has handled many boarding school abuse cases. “We’ve never had that response from any law enforcement before.”
Indeed, when it comes to boarding schools, many say Missouri hasn’t seen a sheriff like Finch. And they hope his actions will spur real, lasting change in a state that had become a haven for unlicensed boarding schools during the past few decades.
Robert Knodell, director of the Missouri Department of Social Services, said his agency embraces the partnership with Wayne County authorities.
“It’s not always been the case everywhere we’ve had these cases,” Knodell said. “Sometimes local law enforcement is cooperative, and sometimes they’re not. … The ability to address ongoing issues is much greater when there’s full cooperation across the spectrum.”
The Star began investigating Missouri’s unlicensed boarding schools and abuse allegations at Circle of Hope Girls Ranch and Agape Boarding School — located in southwest Missouri’s Cedar County and now closed —in late summer of 2020. Former students at those schools said they had told local authorities for years about the abuse, but nothing ever happened.
Those who attended Lighthouse Christian Academy, most of whom were there before Finch became sheriff, said they hoped to draw attention to the school years ago by posting testimonials on social media. They urged families online to not send their kids there, but the pleas never gained much traction.
Until Finch started investigating.
“We’ve never had anyone pull so hard for us,” said Michael McCarthy, who attended Lighthouse Christian Academy from August 2010 to August 2012. “It feels surreal because we had tried. It’s almost like why now? … It’s almost hard to believe.”
Child advocates have also been surprised by the actions in Wayne County.
“It’s a complete 180 from what we experienced when the schools in Cedar County were revealed,” said Jessica Seitz, executive director of the Missouri Network Against Child Abuse, formerly known as Missouri KidsFirst. “The response of seeking out justice and believing kids is exactly what we would hope for.
“Law enforcement is one of the parties responsible for protecting kids from abuse.”
Concerns of conflict had surrounded the investigation at Agape Boarding School in Cedar County because the son-in-law of the late founder, James Clemensen, was a deputy with the sheriff’s department. That deputy, a former Agape student, had also worked at the school for years and on multiple occasions was sent there to respond to a call, The Star found.
When asked what motivates him in Wayne County, Finch, 62, pauses and speaks slowly.
“Because they’re victims,” the sheriff says, his voice breaking before he apologizes for getting emotional. “Because they were mistreated and because it happened in my county.
“I feel like my department let these kids down, although it wasn’t me. … They deserve better than what they got in the past. They deserve to have their story heard. And it’s just like any victim — they deserve their day in court.
“These kids, dammit, they deserve justice.”
‘Liable to freeze to death’
Finch’s cellphone rang late one frigid night in early February 2014. A call had just come in from ABM Ministries, a dispatcher told him.
A teen boy at the boarding school had run away and been gone 3 ½ hours.
The grandfather of five at the time, who had been sheriff for about a year, called in deputies and alerted the fire department. Search dogs were brought in. The frigid temperatures outside filled him and others with a rising sense of urgency.
“I got a kid out here, that’s run off, out in the middle of the woods and it’s subzero weather,” Finch said of what was going through his mind that night. “He didn’t have a coat. He didn’t have anything. We got to find this boy because he’s liable to freeze to death.”
The sheriff also alerted Union Pacific Railroad, telling officials they had a missing child and “to be on the lookout.” Finch worried the boy could be on the tracks between Piedmont and Williamsville and wanted to make sure the train wasn’t “going to come flying through.”
As the railroad crew moved slowly through the area and looked for the boy, so did Finch and all those he called to help with the search.
“I had search teams in the woods all over,” the sheriff said. “We were all over. Running the roads, running through the woods, looking in the woods.”
A couple of hours into the search, Union Pacific let the sheriff know that a crew had found the boy and was transporting him to a nearby crossing. Finch was waiting with an ambulance.
The sheriff lifted the teen, who was wearing pajamas and a fleece jacket, off the train. He didn’t have any socks on and had lost his flip flops they wore at the school. He had used his jacket to wave down the train, the sheriff said.
“His feet were, in all reality, black,” Finch said. “And the skin had peeled off of them from frostbite.”
When the sheriff first encountered the young teen, he asked why he ran away. He just shook his head, the sheriff said.
“I’m assuming he was just so cold and disoriented that he didn’t talk,” Finch said.
He would try again later at the landing zone with a helicopter waiting, and as first responders tended to the teen’s injuries.
“I was trying to get him to say, ‘Why did you run away?’” Finch said. “‘Just don’t like it. Just don’t like it.’ That’s all he would say. ‘Just don’t like it.’”
The teen was airlifted to St. Louis Children’s Hospital where he was treated for severe frostbite, and according to a news article at the time, his family was told he would face a slow recovery. That article, in the Wayne County Journal Banner on Feb. 13, 2014, quoted the mother as saying she believed her son was mistreated at the school.
“She told the newspaper that her son said the physical and mental abuse was unbearable and that he felt running away was his only alternative,” the article stated.
The teen didn’t speak to the sheriff again. But his mother told a reporter that he had given a full report to the Missouri Department of Social Services.
The sheriff’s office also reported the incident to DSS, Finch said.
In the years since, other students at ABM Ministries have run. In 2017, the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department was called out again. Then again two years ago.
That’s when Finch started to look deeper and have unanswered questions.
“Something is going on here,” he said he thought about two years ago. “Something isn’t right. These kids, there is no reason for these kids to be running away. … But I had nothing to go on. I literally had nothing to go on.”
Until, he said, late January of this year.
Former students tell their stories
After Julianna Davis, of Alabama, heard about the boys who had run away from ABM Ministries earlier this year, she called the Missouri Highway Patrol.
For years, she and other former students had tried to let the public know about what they say they experienced at the school. Now, she thought, maybe someone in authority would listen.
At the southeast Missouri school, Davis said that she had been told not to trust law enforcement, that authorities wouldn’t believe her and other students because they were just troubled kids.
“We’ve tried this for 15 years plus,” she said. “I already kind of had the impression that nobody was gonna listen to us.”
But the patrol sergeant she spoke to did. And then he referred her to Finch.
Something Davis told the sheriff matched what a current student had told him. Because he doesn’t want to jeopardize the case, Finch won’t say what that is. But it did cause the dominos to fall and prompt the investigation that continues today.
“I knew that something had happened there,” he said. “I knew something illegal had happened to a child who was defenseless, who had been sent to this home for rehabilitation, so to speak, or whatever you want to call it. She was sent there by the parents to be helped.”
Davis also told Finch that Carmen Musgrave locked her in a room on her 18th birthday and she was kept at the school for months after. It was Davis’ experience that led to the kidnapping charges against the Musgraves.
“I’ve just been continuously impressed at how hard he’s trying to help,” Davis said of Finch. “But at the same time, surprised in the sense that like, we’ve tried this before, you know, and it just never got anywhere.”
After talking with Davis, the sheriff knew that more former students would reach out. He told dispatchers to expect a few. That grew to 10 or 15. Then 25 to 30.
“I got my 81st call this morning,” Finch said in early May. By the end of that month, he received another six or seven calls.
In-person interviews have lasted anywhere from minutes to hours, he said. A few of the former students attended the school in recent years, but the majority he’s talked with have been gone from ABM for 15 or so years.
“Now I know, looking back at the runaways that we had in the past, and doing this investigation, I now know why they didn’t say anything,” Finch said. “Because they were scared.
“It was instilled in them and drilled in their heads that unfortunately, I didn’t care about them, that they (boarding school leaders) have law enforcement in their back pocket. Well, that pocket has a big hole, and I slipped out of that pocket.”
The sheriff drove to Oklahoma in March to speak with Aralysa Baker, who went to ABM in 2005 when she was 13 and stayed for two years.
For seven hours, over two days, Baker told the sheriff what she was unable to tell an investigator who went to the school during her last year. Her great-grandparents had called Wayne County and asked authorities to do a welfare check. She told the officer she was OK because she feared what would happen if she said more.
Baker told Finch how her life had been impacted because of the school. The nightmares. The flashbacks. And the anxiety over food.
For all of her adult life, she’s feared that there wouldn’t be enough to eat. First, just for herself. And now that she’s a wife and mom, for her family.
While at ABM, she said the owners and staff used food as a punishment. When in trouble, she and other former students said staff would withhold food and sometimes they would go to bed hungry. Several students said they would have to sneak food or water at times.
Baker told the sheriff and The Star that she now hoards food. There are chips and cookies stashed behind her pots and pans. Stacks of canned goods, boxes of pasta, and macaroni and cheese in the garage. The trunk of an old Honda that doesn’t run is full of snacks.
“I always want something stashed away, squirreled away,” she said. “I need to be able to get to it quickly.”
Baker and Davis want people, especially lawmakers, to realize that Missouri must do more to keep abuse, both physical and mental, out of boarding schools in their state.
“I hope they take it seriously and change the laws to make it harder for people to abuse children and not have any consequences whatsoever,” Davis said. “And then, of course, I hope that there’s some sort of justice or closure for all of us. I have been hurt for so long. But I’ll be happy as long as it doesn’t happen again.”
‘They’re just being bull-headed’
Hours before Finch served the arrest warrants on the Musgraves, someone issued him a warning about the past.
Don’t forget about Heartland Christian Academy, he was told, a reference to a decades-old case that to this day haunts those who have tried to place regulations on religious-based boarding schools in Missouri.
Operated by the late millionaire Charles Sharpe, a prominent Republican who made his fortune after founding Kansas City-based Ozark National Life Insurance Co., the Christian school for troubled youth drew national attention in 2001. A call to the state hotline reported students were being forced to stand in ankle-to chest-deep cow manure as a punishment.
Several months later, after receiving two more allegations of abuse, authorities raided the northeast Missouri school and removed 115 children, prompting a series of lawsuits and challenges that took years to wind through the courts.
In the end, felony child abuse charges against five employees were either dropped or the staffers were acquitted. Sharpe and his school also were cleared of any wrongdoing and the state settled with Heartland, agreeing to pay extensive attorney fees and court costs.
Ever since, the Heartland case has cast a shadow over attempts to address concerns inside boarding schools — especially proposals that would require them to be licensed. A law passed in 1982 allows religious-based schools to claim an exemption from Missouri’s licensing requirement.
Randles, the Kansas City attorney who has represented the families of abused children, said the arguments against licensing don’t hold water.
“They’re just being bull-headed over this particular issue,” she said. “We’re not asking them to change their religious affiliation or to change the manner in which they teach their religion. As a matter of fact, I’m a graduate of Southwest Baptist University, and Southwest Baptist University is accredited, it’s licensed, it goes through all of the processes that are required.
“And it doesn’t change the way that Southwest Baptist University delivers its teaching. It’s still a faith-based Christian education university. It can be done.”
In response to abuse allegations at Cedar County schools, lawmakers passed legislation in 2021 to implement some oversight over religious boarding schools but shied away from requiring them to be licensed.
Boarding schools that are abusing children, Randles said, are not Christian institutions.
“That has nothing to do with Christianity,” she said. “And so there’s no reason that the state can’t act on these individuals who are acting well outside the law. Because they’re claiming and cloaking themselves under religious authority. There’s no religious authority that says you can beat children and make them eat their own vomit. There is nothing in the Bible that says anything of the sort.”
Carmen and Larry Musgrave moved their boarding school from the Tennessee and Kentucky area to Patterson in southeast Missouri in 2004, corporation records show. One former student said that the Musgraves loaded students into a blue 15-passenger van and drove them to the Show-Me State.
The Patterson site had previously been home to another controversial boarding school — Mountain Park Baptist Boarding Academy.
That school’s owners, Bob and Betty Wills, were running the Bethesda Home for Girls in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, when a former student sued Bethesda in federal court in 1982. Child welfare officials conducted an investigation, and the Willses closed the school in 1987 after a judge ordered authorities to remove students.
They headed to southeast Missouri and opened Mountain Park Baptist Boarding Academy. The school gained notoriety in 1996 when two students murdered another student because they feared he would reveal their plot to take over the school and escape.
In 2003, the school was sued in federal court by five former students and two sets of parents. They accused school officials of abusing and falsely imprisoning students. The school closed in 2004, and the Musgraves then opened Lighthouse Christian Academy on that property. Lighthouse later moved to its current location near Piedmont, and former students say they were forced to do much of the construction work.
Ginger Koller Joyner, the Wayne County prosecutor who formerly served as the Guardian Ad Litem for the 42nd Judicial Circuit, said seeing what’s happened at Lighthouse has convinced her that a licensing law is necessary to keep children safe in these schools.
“I think both my background in the juvenile system and this experience has strengthened my opinion that there really needs to be a legislative push to regulate these types of places to ensure that there’s uniformity and consistency of care across our state,” Joyner said. “I don’t think we want this anywhere in our state.”
The key, she said, will be for legislators to get involved.
“We can have every sheriff on board, we can have every prosecutor on board, but the bottom line is until we change the legislation about how these facilities are licensed, we’re not going to see the depth of change that’s needed to protect the vulnerable people,” she said.
DSS’ Knodell said he anticipates that Missouri lawmakers will “continue to consider whether they want to go down that road and take that approach.”
“Many other states have,” he said. “I think it’s time to take a close look at it. Absolutely.”
‘Trying to get them justice’
Before the runaways and subsequent investigation, Finch said he didn’t know much about other boarding schools in Missouri. He didn’t follow what happened across the state with Circle of Hope and Agape.
In his decade as sheriff, Finch’s department has called the state’s child abuse and neglect hotline multiple times, he said. And in January, after the runaways, several residents who live near ABM also reported the school. At least two of them said they were told they didn’t provide enough information to warrant an investigation.
After The Star reported that, Knodell said in March that DSS was looking into whether hotline calls about the school were properly handled over the years.
When asked the status of that internal inquiry and what, if anything, came of it, DSS said it was ongoing.
Finch hopes to eventually go to Jefferson City and talk with legislators and share his opinion that “every one of these schools should be licensed.” But first, he said he needs to remain focused on the case in his county.
The sheriff often meets with Joyner, the county prosecutor, to make sure the two are on the same page. He keeps her updated after new interviews with former students.
Joyner praised Finch for his dedication in making sure former students have the opportunity to report what they say happened to them. And she shares that motivation.
“Our law enforcement is committed, I am committed,” said Joyner, who first filled in as the county prosecutor in 2021 and took office in early 2023. “I realized that some of these students aren’t necessarily residents of our county, but they were in our county and we’re dedicated to protecting them and trying to get them justice.”
Many of the students who have come forward alleging physical and emotional abuse attended the school years ago, and their cases may no longer be inside Missouri’s statute of limitations.
“The prosecution piece is going to be, in some cases, difficult,” Joyner said. “That doesn’t mean that we’re not going to try, but you know, I have to abide by the ethics in terms of what I can prosecute. And if I can prosecute it, and believe that I can prove it, then I absolutely will.”
Early last month, Finch was preparing for another week of travel, driving to several states in his Ford F-150 to interview more former students of ABM.
“I’m headed for Colorado Springs, Vail, Colorado,” he told The Star. “And then I’m going to shoot up into Montana, Wyoming (and) come back across into Nebraska, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois and there’s one other one that I’m gonna hit.”
All while he’s in the middle of running for reelection.
On that trip early last month, Finch stopped in a Chicago suburb and interviewed Inesa Kolberg, who attended ABM from late 2005 to June 2007.
“He gave one of the best hugs,” she said. “His hug was so tight, and it was just full of compassion. I didn’t cry during the interview, but (at the end) it brought me to tears because it felt so comforting.
“He has a heart of gold. He is doing God’s work. He is a true example of what a Christian is.”
Finch said what fuels him on the long days and long weeks is knowing that for so long students at ABM were told they couldn’t trust law enforcement, that he and his department were on the school’s side.
“I’m going to tell you something — that’s not me,” the sheriff said. “I don’t give a damn who you are or what your last name is. If you break the law, you break the law and I’m going to come after you.
“Now, in the end, it’s up to the jury and the system. But I am going to do my job. And I am going to bring these people to justice for these kids.”
Laura Bauer, Judy L. Thomas, The Kansas City Star on Jun 9, 2024
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2024.06.10 01:08 wleches Seeking advice on how to handle a friend who my dead best friend did not like

Long story! TW: death
TLDR: In 2021 my mom died, then in 2023, my closest friend died. Between then, I fell in love with my closest high school friend, it didn't work out. Now my high school best friend wants me to be the maid of honor to her wedding but my deceased best friend hated her because of how she treated me. She hid a relationship from me the year before. Looking for perspective/advice on how to best move forward.
So I'm a 27 yr old female, currently wrapping up my degree, all while recently coming out of the top 2 tragic events of my life. In late 2020, my Mother got diagnosed with terminal illness. I took off grad school and went home to be her primary caretaker. These were the most profound 6 months of my life. Her and I always got along, but she raised me to be independent, I left home at 18. This time brought us together closer than I thought possible, and for that I'm forever grateful.
My Dad cheated on her during the last months of her life. I still haven't fully forgiven my father for abandoning us during that time. He was completely absent, emotionally and physically. Never in my life did i have so much stress on my shoulders, but knowing that I was able to provide her the environment to pass in peace means everything to me. As crazy as it was, it has also made me more grateful than ever for my close friends since my family is dysfunctional.
During that time I basically lost contact with everyone except my closest friends. My high school best friend, Liz, was one of them. We always kept in touch throughout the years. Looking back, it was always me who was reaching out, always me who was going to visit her place, and I didn't mind the amount of one sided effort because she was always glad to see me and we always enjoy our time together. Liz lost her sister when we were 16. So, during the time I was taking care of my mom, she offered me some pieces of advice that I took to heart immensely. Her words are what kept me together during some of the toughest moments of that time, and although I had always looked up to her, since those moments I value her deeply. She's also one of the only friends I have who even met my mom.
I made a great friend in my first year of grad school, Ali. We clicked as besties immediately. He had lost his father early on in graduate school, and so when I lost my mother, he one of the few people I felt really understood me. Before and after I came back to graduate school, he was my anchor.ll
Over dinner with Ali in spring of 2022, I said I think I'm in love with Liz, and it wasn't the first time I'd had those thoughts over the years. Ali gave me practical advice: asking if I'm sure, what I'm going to do about it if anything, telling me I plan as if I'm expecting her to say no, and I totally agreed. I told him I wasn't even sure if I was making it all up in my head or not. Liz and I saw each other about once a year since high school, and maybe I was overhyping our perceived chemistry.
I ended up going home for a cousin's wedding and stayed at Liz's apartmemt for most of it. Liz has pretty much always been in back to back relationships since high school. It'd been a few months since Ali and I started talking about my feelings towards her. I told him everything about her, and by the end of the summer I had also told all my local friends, who supported me throughout all this.
Prior to that week, in a previous conversation, Liz said she wanted to end her then current relationship soon. But during that week, I just wanted to get my head straight so I just focused on having fun. I felt more sure of my feelings for her after our time together. At one point we talked about what we're looking for in long term partners, and I even felt like I fit the bill of what she was describing. On the last day before going to back to grad school though, she called me drunk and told me she wanted to confess something. I felt my heart stop, but then she said she wanted to marry her other best friend/roommate, Emily, in some years. I asked her for more info, but she just said she's drunk and hung up.
Emily and Liz had grown up together but Emily had moved out the area during high school and that's when I originally met Liz. Point being, I only know Emily through Liz. They had been living together since college, Emily also came out later in life, and I guess I thought that if something were to happen between them it would have already happened as they've been single under the same roof before. I also felt like me and Liz had a type of chemistry in our interactions that I never saw between her and Emily. After that week, I go back and tell Ali about the phone conversation. He tells me that it sounds like one of those "if we're both single by x age let's get married" type deals. After all, Liz was still dating someone else still, so I really just put it in the back of my mind.
Come Fall of 2023, around October, Liz and her previous partner split up. I asked Emily if her and Liz were getting married after all. Emily said that she didnt know if any that was serious, but, that if anything happens, that I'd be "the first to know".
We're all into cosplay. It's a hobby I got into through Liz. There is one convention that happens around valentines day every year. Liz asked me if I would go with her & her friend group, and I knew right away I wanted to use the oppertunity to confess to her. I figured until she tells me otherwise, I have a shot.
For context, anytime I would call Liz between the previous summer until I confessed, I would make an effort to pask her if she was interested in anyone else, even asking if she had lingering feelings for any exes from time to time. She never indicated even the slightest interest towards anyone (other than the drunk call). I have a side hustle in astrology, so a month or two after Liz's initial break up I told on our mutual friends I'd give them a free reading if they told me anything they know about Liz's love life. They said they didn't know anything, but that she always speaks highly of me, and rooted me on when I told her I'm confessing to Liz. I also told another one of our mutual friends, who spends more time with Liz, and they also cheered me on when I informed them of my intentions.
I took this confession very seriously. I thought my chances were looking good when not even a minute after new years, she called me. We went on about how much we mean to each other & how long we've known each other. Unfortunately, she forgot all about my birthday less thab 3 weeks later and that crushed me. It was really embarassing for me, becuase I always make sure to remember her birthday and have been sending her cards and gifts for years.
I started worrying that I had been putting this all in my head. In the weeks leading up to the convention, I asked her straight up what was going on: if her and Emily are dating. She told me "it's complicated" and said it's easier to talk about it person. I knew at that moment that my odds of her liking me were not good. She wouldn't tell me any more about it. I decided I was going through with the confession anyways, just for my own closure. I had been gearing up to this all year.
I made her a personalized valentines day gift box. I put things I knew she'd like in it, and 2 necklaces. One was one of those "besties" necklaces that comes in 2 peices for if she rejected me, and the other was a nice one with the first letter of her name on it. I had picked out a really beautiful card I thought she'd like when I visited Japan earlier that year, a country she wants to visit someday, and I wrote a heartfelt note telling her I love her, and we should talk about it. The convention happens the weekend after valentines day. I was going to fly in on thr 15th. I wanted to get the package to her on the holiday and then talk with her the next day, ideally.
Well... the weekend was really something. Her and Emily recently moved to a new apartment building so my package was left at the bottom of the stairs in the complex. The 1st night, I quietly snuck downstairs and moved the package into the apartment. The next day she sees it, and she yells "Hey Emily! OP got us something for valentines day!" I panicked and told her "its really just for you, you shouldn't open it now'". She took my panicking as me being bashful, insisted that its fine, her and Emily sat down in the living room to open it. I immediately took the card from her and threw it into her room, telling her not to read it.
Emily was visibly upset. She was apologizing for not getting Liz anything for valentines day. Liz loved everything I got her, which was sweet, and I think the bff necklace made the gift pass as nothing too suspicious in the moment. Emily kept saying how she needed to get Liz something now, and I just started texting my friend Ali figuring out what to do. He told me to talk to Emily one on one and find out what's up. So Emily and I go to run an errand together, and while at the car wash, I ask her if they are dating. She pauses and says "I don't know, I hope so" to which I almost screamed in frustration. I asked what she meant but did not get any more of a clear answer.
During the weekend, one of Liz's closest exes & I ended up talking. I asked them if they knew if anything was going on between Liz and Emily. They told me "no way" and laughed. When I told them that I wanted to confess to Liz, they said that they see me bring out the best in her, and that they're rooting for me. Liz, Emily & I shared a bed, with Liz in the middle. I usually hug my cat or a pillow at night and reflexively woke up having my hand on her waist. She teased me for it in the morning and I felt terrible/think I pushed a boundary too far.
We get back to Liz & Emily's apartment on Sunday. Liz finally reads the letter I wrote her while Emily is out and we have a talk. Liz tells me that she's sorry, that her and Emily are dating, but thanked me while apologizing. I was hurt and sort of pissed off by the whole thing because I dont understand what was so hard about telling me that over text weeks ago. I went outside to walk it off, Ali was the first person I called and cried to. It was a long night. The next day Liz had to work, so Emily took me to the airport. Emily seemed oblivious to my feelings for Liz she actually thanked me for being such a good friend and bringing them (Liz & Emily) together. I guess all my meddling got them to make it official. I told her I'm happy for them and said our goodbyes.
I had a lot of pent up emotions towards Liz following the trip. I typed out a timeline of events into a Google doc, because my confession clearly caught her off guard but I wanted her to know how much thought I had put into it.
She told me she'd call me to talk things over more, but then I didn't hear from her for an entire week. No text or anything. When I reached out, she told me she had simply forgot. I was hurt, but I appreciated the honesty. All that came out of this conversation was that we both value our friendship above all else. I told her I'd need time to get over this. She said she understood, but she then said that she was mad at me for "invading her privacy" by asking our mutual friends about her love life. I told her I find it weirder that she didnt tell anyone in her life about her feelings/relationship with Emily. I think it's normal to talk to your friends about personal things like that, she thinks otherwise. Talking with Ali and all my other friends after, they all told me they think she was crazy for not telling me or anyone else about their relationship. I told them I'm definitely taking a step back from our friendship. I was upset that she didnt feel like sharing any thoughts on of her situation with Emily to me over the past year. I probably called her once a month and check in with her, so I felt blindsided overall.
Fast forward to the end of the summer in 2023. One of Liz's exes, the one I spoke to during the convention, and I start casually flirting back and forth for a few weeks. This is Liz's ex from 2017, from over 4 relationships ago, for context. This is not a recent ex, and they're still good friends with each other so I didn't see a problem with it.
My sister was getting married over the summer. I had originally asked Liz to by my plus one before I confessed to her. She agreed, but I formally invited her and Emily to come since Liz does mean a lot to me and I wanted her there after it all.
When I looked out at the crowd during the wedding I didn't see them there. They showed up late, missed the ceremony, and when I walked them back to their car at the end of the night her ex's name came up organically in conversation. I told her I find them attractive, and I asked her for insight on them.
Liz flipped out. She said we wouldn't be a good match, but wouldn't elaborate why, and even Emily was joining in saying it's a bad idea without further reasoning. I just let it go, but I ended up staying with them later in the week for 2 nights. One night 1, Emily informed me that her and Liz were going to take a shower together and they did. I dont know why she felt the need to announce it to me, but I just took a long walk to ignore it. I dont know any couple that does that when having company over. The next day I asked Liz about her ex again, and told her it's nothing serious but wanted to know why she wouldnt tell me anything. Again, Liz was dodgy, she still seemed mad about the whole thing and said she didn't want to talk about it.
Here's where things take a turn. I get a phone call from her about a week later. She says that i was being "inconsiderate" of "her feelings" by talking to her ex, that I should know how bad that looks, and espeically considering "where I started" the year I "should know better". I was pissed off, becuase I don't think she considered my feelings at all that year. I something slong the lines of "What? You mean when I confessed to you 6 months ago? What do you want me to do! I've been dating around all summer, I've been trying to move on, and your ex knows that, so no one is left in the dark here. We're just casually talking it's not that serious." She called me back some days later, apparently after talking to her Dad she realized she was being jealous, and apologized. I said its alright, and I didn't ask for any clarification on what she meant. But by the end of it, she said that I really am her closest friend. She also said she wants to do better about opening up about her life.
Fast forward to December 3rd 2023. Ali dies, my whole world is flipped upside down... again. He was the closest friend I had.
All of my close friends were reaching out to offer me their condolences and support. I hear nothing from Liz all month. I was very hurt, because she definitely heard the news, liking a post I made about it. But she never reached out. I figured she must be going through her own thing, and tried not to think about it too hard. Well around the 19th she called me and we started catching up like normal. Key word: normal. She didn't indicate that anything big was happening in her life, at all (spoilers: there was!). When I brought up Ali passing, she apologized for not reaching out sooner and admitted that she forgot to, but meant to. I told he it's fine, I understand. Honestly though, that hurt. We talk for a grand total of 10 minutes. I asked her what's new, how things are going, how Emily is doing, all the usual. She says everything is buisness as usual.
Now 3 days later I get a text from her. She sent me a zoomed in picture of a ring in a box. No context, no follow up text, her hand/face is not in the photo, it looks like a Google stock image for all I, or anyone I've shown the photo to, can tell. It was the middle of the day and I just assumed she didn't mean to send it to me. Well around 5pm I open up Twitter and I see Emily posting that they're ENGAGED! I felt my heart drop. I didn't know what to think. Why wouldn't she bring this up when we talked 3 days ago? Why didn't she call today? Why was I finding out through social media?
I texted her congratulations, and threw in a 'why didn't you tell me!' She said she was waiting "for me to reply to the pic" that she sent. She then texts me "You're the maid of honor, just so you know". I was hurt beyond words. Espeically as her 'best friend', I don't understand why she wouldn't have said something to me earlier. I still had lingering feelings for her, but I support their relationship and want her to be happy in all.
However, I couldn't believe she would think that I would be OK with any of this. Considering that less than a year ago she didn't even know if she was dating her fiancé. I can't imagine proposing to someone without consulting my best friend. If any other friend told me they're getting engaged to someone they only dated for ~10 months at our age I'd be concerned. I get that they have lived together for a while, but romantic relationships are a whole different world in my view. My friends were even more pissed on my behalf, asking me if I even want to go to the wedding, or keep being her friend, considering the way she's been treating me.
I told her I wanted to call and talk about detials. She said she would call me the next day, but she never did. So I end up calling her a few days later on Christmas eve. After initial congrats, I started grilling her on why she wouldn't say anything to me as nicely as I could.
She said it's not her fault, that it was a spontaneous, spur of the moment decision. I told her you don't just a ring from nowhere. She said she was walking in the mall and saw this gorgeous ring on sale and just had to get it. She proposed to Emily while they were making dinner. I honestly felt mad on Emily's behalf, because if I knew my fiance got a ring on sale and proposed to me without much thought, I would be upset. She said that she was going to wait, but then decided it'd be better to ask before Emily went home for the holiday. I told her I needed to have a serious word with her, because none of this was OK with me.
I said that while I want to support her and be there on her wedding day, I can't believe she'd ask me (or tell me, really) to be the maid of honor considering I confessed my undying love for her less than a year ago. She said it's because I'm her best friend and that just pissed me off more. I told her that considering she didn't give me an inch of thought regarding Ali's death, forgot my birthday,, and didn't tell me she was going to propose, on what grounds are we best friends? I said I can't be the maid of honor, at least not right now, I told her I need a break away from all this. This sucked to hear right before the holiday. She said she understands and "not to worry" about it. I laughed and told her I'm still not 100% over her how, could she say something like that? But I told her it'll be fine.
She slowly got more upset as she realized how shitty of a friend she's been. Liz said she didn't think about it, she doesn't know why she didn't reach out to me sooner, that she's sorry for not telling me things and that she's so sorry.
When I asked her when they were looking to get married, she also said that they're not getting married for another 3 to 4 years. That hurt me badly too, because if that's true then why the hell did she have to propose now? I just felt like this was just a very raw wound to get carelessly re opened by my 'best friend', and to know that she has never been considerate enough to ever think about me made it that much worse.
It's been 6 months since. She called me on my birthday this year, with Emily on the phone too, and told me how she threw out the valentines day box I initially gave her. I don't think I expected her to keep it, but I don't know why she'd tell me this. They both said happy birthday and I got off the phone as quick as possible.
Since then it's been silent. I'm looking for advice on how to move forward from here. I'm not really sure where to put her in my life. She called me her best friend but has no regard for me, and although I miss her badly I'm starting to think that I have to let this friendship go. Her birthday is coming up soon, I usually call her but I don't know what I'd say to her right now. Since Ali passed I've been struggling to connect with people, and I'm lonlier than I ever thought possible. I could use a best friend again, but I think she'll hurt me again. Ali hated her after hearing about how she showered with Emily when I stayed over, and said I should forget about her until she apologizes/changes. I'm struggling to find peace on everything.
Do I even go to this eventual wedding? Her parents love me and know me well. Her Mom joked about us getting married when we were younger & says things like 'You're the favorite' when I'm talking to them. I'm scared they'll ask me why I'm not the maid of honor if I go. I doubt she's told them anything. I don't even know what she's told Emily. There is no date set yet, so I'm really just fretting and thinking in circles. Thank you to anyone who bothered to read the whole thing. It's taken me months just to be able to coherently journal it all out, lol. Saving up money for therapy.
submitted by wleches to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 MerkadoBarkada COMING UP: PH: Wednesday holiday; PH: AREIT/MREIT div payouts; INT'L: US Fed rate decision; Citicore Renewable Energy has successful IPO; Robinsons Land plans P33.9-B deal with RCR; NexGen Energy has IPO approved by SEC (Monday, June 10)

Happy Monday, Barkada --

The PSE gained 9 points to 6519 ▲0.1%

Shout-out to all the readers who wished me good luck with the weekend of celebrations. I survived with only a multi-day hangover! That's better than I thought would happen. I'm already playing with house money.
A huge thank you to all the readers who wrote in personally to show their support for MB in relation to this issue with disclosure and transparency. I didn't receive one negative message on the topic, just encouragement and appreciation. The two-day coverage of that issue took a lot out of me, but your notes filled me back up and even with a massive weekend hangover I'm back and ready to go.
Thank you all!

In today's MB:

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▌Today's sponsor: DoubleDragon

▌Main stories covered:

  • [COMING_UP] The week ahead... Now that Citicore Renewable Energy [CREC 2.70; unch] has been listed, our market won’t have any scheduled domestic drivers until the BSP’s rate decision on June 27.
    PH: Wednesday is a non-trading day, and with as “meh” as the market’s been, I suspect that I’ll be getting more than the usual set of out-of-office replies. AREIT’s Q1 dividend pays out on Thursday, while MREIT’s Q1 dividend pays out on Friday.
    International: The US Federal Reserve will make its June interest rate decision overnight between Wednesday and Thursday.
    • MB: Nobody that I’ve talked to expects the Fed to do anything this meeting, and while I’m obviously going to be interested in the meeting minutes and the chatter around the decision and the analysis of the minutes, that’s basically the same position that we’ve been in for a long time already. The US has a very strong jobs market (and it has for quite some time) and the fear there is that strong demand for jobs will push up wages and provide inflationary risk.
  • [UPDATE] Citicore Renewable Energy IPOs to a flat finish... Citicore Renewable Energy Corp [CREC 2.70 unch; 100% avgVol] [link] opened its trading life on the PSE on Friday up 1.8% with the first trades going through at ₱2.75/share. The per-share price ticked down slightly through the day and finished at the intraday low of ₱2.70/share, which was CREC’s IPO offer price. A little over 25 million shares traded hands, which is approximately 1% of the total public float. CREC has a stabilization fund.
    • MB: The PSE’s second IPO is in the books! CREC has been raising money like crazy to achieve its ambitious goal of having 5 gigawatts of capacity by 2028; this IPO is only the latest fundraise in a sequence of raises that started in September of last year with the US$100 million financing that it negotiated. CREC continued the spree with a ₱20 billion deal with RCBC [RCB 21.75 ▼0.2%; 68% avgVol] and a surprise sale of ₱5 billion worth of its subsidiary, Citicore Renewable Energy REIT [CREIT 2.82 ▼0.3%; 401% avgVol] to SM Investments [SM 840.00 ▼1.3%; 40% avgVol]. CREC is cashing up to build. CREC’s President, Oliver Tan, said that CREC’s goal is to “become the largest, if not the top three largest power generation companies in the Philippines, not only as a solar developer but also as a power generation company.” So far their actions and words are in alignment.
  • [NEWS] Robinsons Land to sell ₱33.9-B of malls and offices to REIT subsidiary... Robinsons Land [RLC 15.74 ▲0.4%; 55% avgVol] [link] disclosed that its board of directors approved a property-for-share swap deal with its REIT subsidiary, RL Commercial REIT [RCR 5.20 ▲0.2%; 56% avgVol], that will send 11 malls and two office towers to RCR in exchange for 4.99 billion shares of RCR at a valuation of ₱33.9 billion. The implied per-share price of RCR in this deal is ₱6.80/share, which is a 30.7% premium over RCR’s Friday closing price. Once complete, the transaction will make RCR the PSE’s largest mall REIT.
    • MB: This is an enormous departure from RCR’s office-only strategy to this point, and a welcome one for shareholders considering the troubling performance of the commercial office sector in recent years and the lack of good news for any kind of pickup in the short- or medium-term. RCR hopes to get SEC approval for the transaction in FY24, but the SEC has not been very predictable when it comes to the approval times of these property-for-share swap transactions. Some are quick, while others seem to take an inappropriate amount of time to get approved. This transaction will lead to dividend growth, which (all other things being equal) should lead to RCR share price growth to balance out the yield. RCR is one of the cheapest REITs on the PSE in terms of its distributable income to price multiple.
  • [NEWS] NexGen Energy IPO approved by the SEC... NexGen Energy [XGEN] [link] had its ₱500 million IPO registration approved by the SEC. XGEN is a subsidiary of Pure Energy Holdings Corp (PEHC), the energy generation holding company owned by Dexter Tiu that is also the parent company of Repower Energy Development Corp [REDC 5.40 ▲3.9%; 18% avgVol].XGEN operates solar and wind power plants through its subsidiary companies and plans to expand its portfolio to 2.35 gigawatts over the next 10 years. XGEN also plans to get into offshore wind development.
    • MB: The prospectus calls for a July 16th IPO, but we won’t know the actual dates until Mr. Tiu drives the application through the PSE’s approval process. Once the PSE approves, we’ll get a Preliminary Terms and Conditions notice from the PSE that will have all the material terms of the deal, including the pricing, offer, and listing dates. It’s still possible for XGEN to make adjustments at each stage along the way, but each hurdle like this SEC approval that XGEN passes increases the certainty of things. I’ll do a deep dive once we get that Preliminary Terms and Conditions notice!
  • [NEWS] Ayala Corp appoints Erry Hardianto as CEO of AC Logistics... Ayala Corp [AC 596.50 ▼0.3%; 27% avgVol] [link] announced that will appoint Erry Hardianto as CEO of its subsidiary logistics holding company, AC Logistics (ACL), effective July 1. Mr. Hardianto will come to ACL with over 23 years of experience with Maersk in senior positions across SE Asia. AC said he has “successfully managed, grown, acquired and transformed complex multi-country logistics operations across Asia.”
    • MB: I’ve been calling for AC to get serious about logistics for a long time. I think this is just one step of many potential steps that AC could have taken in the right direction, but it’s a logical first step to make. I think it’s interesting that AC made such a big deal about mentioning Mr. Hardianto’s ability to manage, grow, acquire, and transform complex logistics operations. I hope this suggests that they’ve got big plans for this unit that go beyond the tepid organic growth of its logistics interests in AyalaLand Logistics [ALLHC 2.03 ▼1.0%; 59% avgVol]. There are a ton of interesting acquisition targets sitting out there, ready to get rolled up by a deep-pocketed conglomerate with the vision to do so. Lots of conglos have kicked the tires here. Is AC going to be the one to actually do it?
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submitted by MerkadoBarkada to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:01 AutoModerator Weekly Copyright Reminder

This is a weekly reminder post of this sub's stance on potential copyright infringement. This is a serious issue that needs to be kept in mind when creating and listing NFTs.
Original post by u/HurleyBird1
Now that that's out of the way. My credentials are: MBA, with a bit of business law classes under my belt.
I want to give a quick explanation of how copyright works - and I'll do so through quick blurbs n some myth/reality bullets.
Source: (US)
  1. Subject matter of copyright: In general28(a) Copyright protection subsists, in accordance with this title, in original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Works of authorship include the following categories:(1) literary works;(2) musical works, including any accompanying words;(3) dramatic works, including any accompanying music;(4) pantomimes and choreographic works;(5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works;(6) motion pictures and other audiovisual works;(7) sound recordings; and(8) architectural works.(b) In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.
- Myth: I can use any image/song/video/writing I want.
- Reality: No. Not true at all.
- Myth: Well they never said it's copyrighted.
- Reality: Upon publication (and even while a work in progress) a work is automatically protected via copyright under US Law.
- Myth: Well they never sold it.
- Reality: It doesn't have to be commercialized to be protected.
- Myth: Well it was a long time ago
- Reality: Possibly long as the creator is deceased (or if multiple creators, the last living one is deceased) and the required time has passed...although this gets tricky with "estates."
(d) Duration of Rights.—(1) With respect to works of visual art created on or after the effective date set forth in section 610(a) of the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990, the rights conferred by subsection (a) shall endure for a term consisting of the life of the author.
So what's this thing I hear called "Fair Use?"
Straight from the source:
  1. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use41Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors. me translate that please... (here's a decent official translation:
  1. above...if it's non-profit educational use, you're usually good to go...if it's for money or trade (commercial nature) then you're usually NOT...unless YOUR piece is "transformative"
Transformative uses are those that add something new, with a further purpose or different character, and do not substitute for the original use of the work.
- Myth: Well this is paid for in Algos, not USD so it's not "commercial"
- Reality: IT IS commercial. You could even barter for bacon and it'd be commercial. It's an exchange of one good/service for another good/service.
- Myth: My piece with Batman inside a card is "transformative"
- Reality: No, unfortunately, more-than-likely the courts would say it's not. A good litmus test is..."If Warner Bros Entertainment (owner of Batman) wanted to make an NFT/ASA "Batman card" would yours compete with it or be possibly mistaken (by a reasonable person - so in America think 8th grade education) for real merchandise? Probably...thus it's not transformative enough.
"nature" gets a little tougher. This looks at protecting the "creative process." Thus, using other works of art is less-likely to be protected than using factual sources - like historical photographs since it's easier to "create art" and thus "transform" factual pieces than other art pieces. This is also talking to things like "parody." Satire is NOT protected. "Parody" is. What's the difference? LegalZoomputs it well: While a parody targets and mimics the original work to make a point, a satire uses the original work to criticize something else entirely. Another way to look at it is that satire uses another work as a way to comment on something happening in the world that has nothing to do with the original work.
- Myth: I added a different border, extra planets, and some blur effect to MTZ's World of Light - it's a new piece of art.
- Reality: Not likely the courts will see it that way.
- Myth: This guy added a filter, some burn effects, and collaged a bunch of newspaper headlines together - isn't that a violation!
- Reality: Probably not...the courts would probably see this as a creation of art out of factual sources.
amount/substantiality in relation to the whole...this is where using clips of songs that are only like 5 seconds long works! But using more than that...runs into problems. This is tough to decipher some songs are EASILY identifiable from just 5 seconds (Ice, ice, baby) - and thus NOT fair use. But some aren't. Usually you're safe using a very small clip of a song or video - especially if you're adding more to it. But this is a dangerous game to play - and there's places to get free audio (some sources below)
effect of the use - this is probably the biggest one. Courts will look at simply...does YOUR work affect the sales or potential for sales of the copyright owner. Of note...this is looked at at the time of the issue being brought to the court, not at the time of sale. For example, let's say my batman card sells for 10 Algos today, but Algorand BLOWS UP and soon every NFT is on Algorand. And now my OG Batman NFT is seen as one of the first Batman ones and official. Warner Bros gonna sue the shit outta whoever owns it at the time they sue to get the rights to all sales of that NFT. So that person is left holding an empty bag when Warner Bros wins in court.
- Myth: Well they're not commercializing it NOW so I'm safe.
- Reality: Technically, yea Warner Bros probably won't spend the money to go after the OG artist and the hands the asset passed through...HOWEVER, they may. That's their right. Who knows - the Napster days showed us the lengths companies will go to. EVEN BIGGER HOWEVER, the last person holding it when Warner Bros DOES decide to go after that Batman NFT...uh oh for them - they just lost their asset.
- Myth: Well it's been like a year, and no one has brought up copyright. So I'm good.
- Reality: If this was in a normal market...maybe this argument would work. If McDonald's let you sell a Ronald McDonald poster for like a year on Amazon with no issues, some court may say "bro, you took too long to bring this to us." HOWEVER, with cryptocurrency being so new (and Algorand being so little known/discussed), most courts would see it as "reasonable" that a copyright owner failed to exercise their rights within a year - possibly even a decade. (Updated because I realized last example dealt with trademark not copyright :o)
So what am I safe to use?
US Government works (mostly)...any deemed free to use by creator...and any a copyright lawyer says they have your backs on (cuz now they're liable).
Here's some great sources for free use items (please add to this list below if you know of some!!!):
Pictures: (Unsplash is one of my faves)
You'll notice there's a lot of "shoulds" "coulds" "probably" etc. This is because copyright cases are all unique and go to the courts. The best bet is to go with stuff you KNOW is free and fair-use. If not, I'd look up copyright law, consult supreme court cases concerning copyright, and ultimately, talk to a lawyer.
submitted by AutoModerator to AlgoNFTMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:45 AutoModerator Weekly Q&A Megathread. Please post any questions about visiting, tourism, living, working, budgeting, housing here!

Hello, welcome to London!

Visiting us? Moving to study or work? Brief layover? Moving to a new part of London? Any small questions about life here, if you're new or been here your whole life, this is the place!
We get a lot of posts asking very similar questions so this post aims to address some of our most Frequently Asked Questions, and give you a place to ask for assistance.
Your first port of call should be

the london wiki

It includes sections on:
What should I see and where are the non-touristy stuff and hidden gems? We've written about the big must-sees here and we highly recommend TfL's Experiences site. We've listed some of our favourite lesser-known stuff here And the cheap/free stuff here
How do I pay for the Tube/bus, and what's an Oyster card? You don't pay cash. You can use a number of contactless payments systems such as your Contactless bankcard (which is widespread in the UK, but maybe not so much elsewhere), Apple Pay, Android Pay, or you can buy an Oyster card and top it up with credit. See here for more.
Where should I live? What's x area like? Have a look here It includes recommended sites to find places to live and rent, and has a section on what particular areas are like.
How do I get from this place to that place? Use Citymapper. Honestly, we're not shills for them; it's just a really good app and is used by most of the locals on this sub.
Is x area safe? Yes. Bad stuff can happen in any large city, but London is generally very safe. There aren't any no-go zones. Even under the shadow of terrorist attacks, most Londoners feel safe. See our safety page here for more.
Where can I watch the baseball/basketball/football/handegg match? A comprehensive guide to all London football matches in all leagues can be found at Use Fanzo to find pubs showing a variety of sports and see our list of other places here
How do I get a UK SIM card for my phone? Advice on networks and how to get a SIM card is covered here. It also includes suggestions of cafés and other places where you can get free wifi and do a bit of work.
Is the London Pass worth it? Probably not
Other subs that you may find helpful:
  • /LondonSocialClub - Meeting new people for events, activities and/or pints.
  • /IWantOut & /UKvisa - Check if you need a visa and how to get one if you want to work here.
  • /LegalAdviceUK - Good for all sorts, especially for questions about landlords and contracts.
  • /UKPersonalFinance - Another goldmine of sage advice.
  • /AskUK - Great for general questions about UK life that aren't specific to London.
Tips for posting:
Tell us about you - If you want us to suggest things for you to do then you need to give us a good idea of what you enjoy. Don't just say "I like music", say what type of music. Don't just say you want "somewhere nice to eat", say what type of cuisine you like (or don't like). The more specific you are the better, otherwise you'll just get pointed back to the generic guidebooks, blogs and our wiki.
Tell us your budget - If you're on a budget then tell us what it is and we can bear that in mind when making recommendations. There's no point in us coming up with ideas for things to do and places to eat if they'll clean out your wallet within the first 5 minutes. Saying you want something "cheap" isn't really helpful because what's cheap is entirely subjective.
Tell us where you'll be based - Let us know where you'll be staying so that we can give local recommendations.
Asking about hotels or hostels - We have homes here so know very little about what the hotels are like. Look on review websites such as TripAdvisor. However, if you say "I've been looking at these three hotels. Which do you think is the better location?" then that's the sort of thing we can answer.
Non-touristy stuff - There are no secret corners where we hide the good stuff from outsiders! This is one of the most written about cities in the world, so when we want to go to a museum, or gallery, go window shopping, or whatever, we look at the same sources as tourists (listings sites, blogs, etc - see front page of the wiki).
These weekly posts are scheduled to post each Monday at 00:01. If it's late in the week you may want to wait for a new post to appear. Please send us [ModMail]( with any suggested improvements!)
submitted by AutoModerator to london [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:00 Timeraft [A4A] Trespass: The Well of Eternity [Sorcerer Speaker VS Scientist Listener][Rude/mean Speaker][Enemies to something][Part 1 one of ?]

good to monetize and modify!
So I was out with a buddy at one of those small town China buffets and he got a fortune cookie without any paper fortune in it. And I went home and made this. While listening to the album Wasteland to Wonderland by Paddy and the Rats.
It takes place in a world where science and magic coexist. Poorly. (Think S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but with wizards) The city and the countryside are ruled by a being known as the fateweaver. She rules with an iron fist, her command over sorcery absolute. Deep within the city her scientists are working on something. Something insidious. One of these decides that they wont be a part of it anymore. They are exiled from the city with a terrible curse and nowhere to go. There are rumors however of another sorcerer, who lives in an old estate far on the other side of the wastelands.
Bereft of any other ideas, they go. Ready to challenge fate.
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context that changes the audio
The listener has been cursed by a figure known as the fateweaver for refusing to work on a scientific project for them. They have fled from the fate weavers city and sought out a mysterious sorcerer to have the curse lifted
Unfortunately they didn't get very far past the edge of the estate.
Well well well what have my roses caught for me?
A trespasser all tangled up in the thorns. A dime a dozen drifter.
Trespasser trespasser why did come?
Seems you're a little tangled up there. Did you really think you’d just be able to waltz into my sanctuary? You have no idea how much danger you’re in right now.
You’re lucky that my roses judged you to be a good person at heart or their enchantments would have made you into a rat as soon as you pricked yourself on them. Then my cats would have probably eaten you.
So tell me why you came and I’ll cut you down and pretend I never saw you.
What's the matter trespasser? Devil got your throat?
What brought you here? Just what manner of mortal are you?
Oh it seems it can speak after all. Come on now.
You’re stammering. Talk slower.
A scientist you say? Well well well. It's not often I’m graced with the presence of a sage like yourself.
Tell me, child of science, why would you seek out a sorcerer? I don't suppose you came here just to check out my roses.
And what's this on your neck? Seems to my eyes to be a tendril from a curse mark.
Tongue clicking
Ooooh boy, somebody out there must really not like you huh? Why is that?
More stammering
Actually you know what? I’m not interested. Here let me unsheathe my knife and cut you down.
Cuts them down
Now I’m going to close my beautiful eyes for a moment. And when I open them you’re going to be gone. I'm going to go back to sleep and in the morning this will just seem like some silly dream.
Alright sweet pea.
Deep breath
And you’re still here.
Ok let's try again shall we?
Frustrated sigh
Ok I’m starting to get a little bit angry now. You know you woke me up from a really wonderful dream?
I was driving down the coast roads in a long silver convertible. I think it was a thunderbird like from that Marc Cohn song.
I had the top down and the radio on. The sea breeze was tossing my hair just so and I had that lovely salty fresh taste in my mouth. You have no idea how much I long to return to the coast. To feel that breeze for real just one more time.
The sun was going down and the sky was a million radiant colors. Just exploding up from the ocean. I had my arm draped around the shoulder of some lounge singer. It was one of the nicest dreams I’ve had in a long long time.
And right in the middle of it, as my favorite song came on over the radio and that good looking singer started to sing along to it, so softly I could barely even hear. I leaned in for the kiss and what happened instead?
I woke up- alerted to a trespasser into my little sanctum. My hair is a mess and my mouth tastes like morning breath. And instead of some gorgeous singer, I get to spend this cloudy damp little night with you.
So you can see how I might be a little unamused right now. Clearly you’re not going to take the off ramp I so generously provided to you so explain why you’re here. It had better be a really good reason.
Listener stammers again
You know what shut up. Let me see that curse mark. The whole thing.
Shhhhh relax i just need to look. Take off your shirt.
Turn around.
Traces their finger over the curse mark
Oh ohh damn. You’re really up the creek aren't you? You’ve been cursed by the fateweaver herself.
I’ve seen this before. It's a very insidious little curse.
Your energy slowly sapped away. Day by day. Everything around you goes greyer and greyer. And then one day your tank finally goes empty and you sit down somewhere, close your eyes and turn into stone, never to stir again. It's a favorite of hers.
What did you do? You don't seem like the defiant type. I'm guessing it was something like speaking out of turn during a meeting. Something stupid and petty like that.
Ohhh you had some “concerns”? Didn't like the implications of what you were being told to research did you?
I’ll paint the rest of the picture. You shared these “Concerns” with her, but to your incredible surprise (and nobody else's) instead of listening to your ethical concerns she cursed you.
Listener does not deny it
Hehe yeah I knew it.
I can tell you're the type to assume the best of people aren't you. That’s cute. That's why you came out here just assuming I'd lift your curse out of the kindness of my little old heart isn't it? The evil sorcerer in the heart of the wasteland is surely just a caring good Samaritan deep down.
Well why would I lift the curse even if I could? What's in it for me? Me and the fateweaver have an understanding. She gets the city and the mountains. And I get the wasteland. Sure we're enemies, but frankly she's beaten me. And I'm tired, so why Should I rock the boat for some no name labcoat like you? Why risk another confrontation?
So no, I don't think I’ll be helping you.
You can stay right here if you want though. I think a statue would look really nice right over…. There. Right over on that iron bench by the dry fountain. Make sure you strike a good pose when it starts, Sweet Pea.
Maybe sit right there with your head in your hands. Cry a little bit even. It'll give this place a real melancholy vibe. Maybe I'll let the roses grow over you. That doesn't sound so bad does it? Just try not to make too much noise. I need my beauty sleep. See ya in the morning!
Mocking laugh
Oh you look so cute when the light fades from your eyes like that. Whatcha gonna do? Beg? Cry?
Go right on ahead! Sadder stories than yours have failed to move me! But I love a good begging session as much as the next sorcerer! Come on then! Lets see it.
Listener gets angry. In a tranquil way.
Oooh a death glare. Shiver me timb-
Listener sucker punches them in the gut, tackles them and takes the knife. pinning them to the ground with the knife to their throat.
Oh you're a tricky bastard aren't you? I have to admit that I never would have expected you to punch me in the gut like that. And you got your grubby little hands on my favorite knife.
You think you've got the upper hand don't you? Well go ahead try and slit my throat. Take that knife and do it.
Go on. Try it.
The knife won't cut me. I know it. And if you truly know something it can't hurt you. It's killed enough for me that it knows it won't be trusted by anyone else. That's old magic. Nice try though.
Of course you realize that this means war.
Punches listener in the face
Shoves the listener off of them.
They square up with eachother
Come on you fool! Hit me again! Show me that you're made of blood and bone! Show me what you lose if your flesh becomes stone. Stand up for yourself! You deserve to live don't you?
Grunts as they throw a punch. Listener dodges
Well?! Show me that you want it! Show me how bad you want to live!
Dodges a punch
Is that all!? I was just starting to respect you!
Throws another punch and hits the listener. The listener is knocked back and lets out an angry primal yell.
Yeah that's it! Scream! Cry for blood! Get mad! Get angry! Live damn you! Live!
Punches the air
You've got too much to lose to let me stop you! Take your fate into your own hands! You know what you came here for! Take it!
Tries to punch out the listener. The listener dodges and counter punches. Hitting their cheek
You made me bite my cheek, you little piece of dirt. First blood goes to you.
My mouth tastes like blood, but tonight the blood tastes like wine. Images are flashing through my mind. Images of the past and the future. You're something else. Worth getting out of bed for at least.
So you want to live? You're not the only one. I can help you with that, but it'll cost you.
This curse of yours isn't some run of the mill evil spell. It's not a matter of me just waving my hand and casting a good spell to counter the evil one. There's a reason she's called the fateweaver. You turning into stone has literally been written in the stars. It is your destiny, it's part of the great tapestry of the world's fate.
The sun will rise tomorrow, the river will flow to the sea, the moon shall wax and wane, and you will turn to stone. It is your fate.
Ha! There's always a way. I can change your fate, that's what it means to be a sorcerer after all, to change fate. Come with me. To the well of eternity.
Walking and talking
My estate is built around the well of eternity. It is the bedrock of everything I am. The little seed that became the core of my power, and the link that became the chains that bind me. I wasn't always what I am now. I used to be a dental hygienist, but I had a curse of my own I needed to break. I’ll spare you the gritty details but it led me here from my home dimension.
A great man once compared the world to an optometrist trapped on a rail car with one little hole in the wall. Forced to watch the world pass by but being unable to see where the train was going or where it had been, only where it was at that moment.
That is what it is to be bound by fate, but what if I told you there was a way out of the boxcar?
That great hole in the center of the brick plaza? That's the well of eternity.
We'll have to descend the staircase around it. Watch your step, the stairs are slippery and thin.
Conjures a magical fire for light.
A magical fire burning a brilliant shade of [whatever your favorite color is] it will guide our way.
This world of yours and mine is one of many. All that happens here is one way or another driven by a conflict between those who serve the princess of the tower, the goddess of order. And the Witch of the plains. The goddess of chaos.
The fateweaver serves the former, although she doesn't know it. And I served the latter, even though I despised it. All that happens in every universe on the most fundamental level, is driven by their eternal hatred. So if you ever felt like the gods were fools, well you weren't far off from the truth.
Or in any case that's how it has been explained to me. I'll freely admit I don't understand most things as much as I'd like to. I’m a lot less than I appear to be. Most sorcerers are. We’re all smoke and mirrors. Shadows on the wall. Ghost boxes and card tricks.
They are deep in the well. There's a quiet watery ambience.
The well of eternity may look like water, but in truth it is the stuff that makes up the void between universes. If you submerge yourself into the water you will cease to be a part of this world and the forces that command your destiny will have no power over you. Your life will be your own.
Whispers minus the debt you will be owing me
Wait, I want you to understand what exactly you are doing to yourself.
There was a kingdom once where the tribe of the valley and the tribe of the hill were all times at war. There was a trader who sold to both sides and became fabulously rich.
But one night as he was riding through a small city a great storm arrived suddenly.
He went to the valley tribe for shelter, but they had no love for someone who also knew the people of the hills.
He went to the people of the hills but they would not shelter a man who also knew the people of the valley.
Thus the storm descended upon him and he was without shelter. Even of the worst kind. He was never seen again.
Do you understand?
Look into the waters.
I can show you glimpses of the great cities of the multiverse.
Samandar, The Emerald City, Tanelorn, Coruscant, El Dorado, Tooner Flats, Numinor, Detroit.
None of them will ever be a home for you.
If there is a place anywhere in the multiverse for a soul that has been baptized in the well of eternity I don't know of it. And trust me, I've looked. You can't go home again.
If you let me lower you into these waters your fate will be your own, and that can be a terrible thing. For whatever happens this point forward will be your responsibility. And if things go poorly you will have no one you can blame save for yourself. Are you certain you want this? I won't blame you if you turn back. There are worse fates than being stone. Becoming like me for example.
Look me in the eye and tell me you want this. Only you can make this choice.
listener nods
Deep breath
For luck
Splash as they push the listener into the water.
Listener is submerged in the water
Swim up! Swim up!
Fade out
Listener wakes up in inside the speakers home on a couch
Hey. How you feeling?
Head hurts right? And it's not just because of that black eye I gave you last night.
You know you saw a lot of stuff in the waters but you can't remember any of it. That's how it went for me at least.
You'll remember what you saw in time. A little bit will come back to you bit by bit. And It will change you, in ways you might not like. Until then well, ignorance is bliss as they say.
Can you sit up?
Good job, drink this. It's spiced wine, it'll calm your senses a little.
They hand the listener a coffee mug full of warm spiced wine
Like it? I whipped it up while you were napping. It’s not magic. Just calming.
Listener suddenly notices that they have a tattoo of a broken chain on their arm.
Oh yeah I see you just noticed your sick tatt. I did mention something about a debt to me did I not?
Hey! I said my help would cost you didnt I? I mean sure yeah I’m basically a saint, but I still need something in return. That tattoo is just a little forget me not. Something to keep that fresh in your mind. Besides, it looks good on you. Gives you that little bit of edginess you’ve been missing.
The broken chain. It's a symbol of mine. There's thirteen links. One for every second you spent under the waters down there.
You see I’ve been thinking and I’ve decided I need to get more active outside of my garden again and I'm gonna need a….
Hmmm minion sounds a little too hierarchical. So does servant. I mean I’m just an ordinary guy/gal. I can't have a servant. Too rich for my blood.
Let's say I'll need a helper. Yeah helper sounds nice. Somebody to do my leg work while I focus on the more technical stuff. You’ll love it. Give you a chance to get out of the lab and punch something. If this bruise on my cheek means anything you’ve got some pent up energy you need to work out.
Simple proposition really. Every time you run an errand for me a link disappears from the chain. Help me out thirteen times and you’re free to go. Unless you ever knowingly lie to me, that's gonna add another link to the chain. In the meantime you can stay here.
Hey have you ever driven a Hi-Lo? Do you think you could steal one?
Visible confusion
Nevermind, we'll talk about errands later.
Finish the wine and take a nap for a while. You’ve had a rough night. And it won't be your last. For better or worse. You chose to live a life without a destiny.
When you wake up I’ll have an errand you can run with me.
Cheek kiss
Sleep tight Trespasser.

submitted by Timeraft to talkingtalltales [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:58 DiamondVoid149404 The Alphaverse Part 2

Paradox, Viciate, and Lorenzo continued on their descent into the castle to the Well of Wisdom. A sacred place bestowed on the Alphaverse since its creation. A well that possess the most valuable wisdom from across the Megaverse. Paradox had his group stop in one of the chambers for he assumed his prisoners will be awaking from the poison soon. He then had his chains wrap around King Alexander, Venessa, Cross, Tray, Selena, Malissa, Lucrest, Leoped, and Phonix. Viciate deployed several drones that aimed their weapons at the chained prisoners with Paradox standing resolute holding the Matrix of Eternity in his hands. The prisoners eventually woke up one by one and were greeted by crude words and jeers directed towards them. The chains that bound them prevented them from utilizing their powers to break their bonds and even if they did, the bullets from the drones will prove extremely lethal to their weakened state. Paradox ordered the prisoners to be placed in a line on their knees as he snapped his fingers which summoned imps and more infernal warriors to act as guards. King Alexander, "You can't restore the Matrix in the Well of Wisdom, it will shred you to pieces." Paradox smugly, "Maybe, but that's why I'll have each of you go in for me and see who can withstand the Well." Malissa, "He's going to sacrifice us! Where is Joan? Did she escape?" Paradox, "Oh I believe Tray knows the answer to that." Everyone turned wondering where Tray could be until he finally spoke, the others were shock at his new appearance for he appeared otherworldly to them. Tray did not lift his eyes towards the group, but rather hung his head low. Paradox's eyes beamed with sadistic delight as he spoke, "I guess one can say your sister is now very OPEN MINDED!" It took a few seconds for this joke to register in the minds of the prisoners, but when it did, all of them violently shook the chains in order to be free. "Go ahead use all your powers to break those chains, it only transfers your power levels into my soul. Lockjaw was right, all of you are complete fools in underestimating these accursed chains!"
He grabbed Phonix as his victim but stopped when what seemed to be an earthquake began to shake the foundations of the castle. The earthquake only intensified the longer it went, Venessa, "Does anyone else hear bass boosted music?" In a spectacular explosion of dazzling lights and rifts across space and time, Diamond's glowing body appeared in a giant hole in one of the castle's walls while blaring Hit Me Baby One More Time. Everyone was left speechless when they saw Diamond, believing it to be a ghost. "PARADOX!!!!!" In terror Paradox began to back away, "Impossible, I scarred you for life! HOW ARE YOU EVEN STRONGER THAN BEFORE?!" "It is not for you to know the circumstances that brought me here before you today. Regardless I am back. AND THIS TIME THERE IS NO POWER IN THE MEGAVERSE OR THE NETHERWORLD THAT IS GOING TO STOP ME!" Paradox ordered Lorenzo, Viciate, and the rest of his minions to dispose of Diamond as he journeys deeper to the Well of Wisdom. Viciate used his powers to generate clones of his allies as he slowly approached Diamond. Observing this, Diamond began to smile, "How about I even those odds." After finishing his sentence, 20 identical clones of Diamond manifested themselves behind him. Unlike other clones or copies, these 20 were able to act independently as a collective hive mind. The original Diamond attacked Viciate head on while the duplicates attacked the other clones and others attempted to free the prisoners. Viciate attempted in drawing his sword to strike Diamond in an exposed position, but Diamond's intense senses was able to prevent Viciate from using his sword. In a matter of seconds, Diamond punched Viciate to a bloody mess before leaving him stuck on one of the walls.
His abilities alerted him of several imps closing on his position, and in a swift motion, Diamond created a new Sword of Light, which was far longer and sharper to simultaneously decapitate all of the imps that circled around him. While watching all of this unfold before her very eyes, Selena could not help but smile at seeing Diamond restored to his former self, "He's back." A clone of Diamond randomly appeared next to her, "Nice to know I'm no longer on house arrest." The clone was able to free Selena from her chains and started to free the rest of the prisoners. After freeing them, he gave the group a new set of orders, "I may not know all of you, but focus your abilities in taking down those devilish warriors over there. I'll handle Paradox." The clone soon vanished alongside the other copies leaving only the original Diamond left. Just when Diamond started to follow Paradox's trail, Lorenzo used his acidic whip to suspend Diamond in place. Lorenzo was successful in his attack and used this advantage to expel fatal toxins into Diamond's lungs. "Ugh. Dude, you got some serious oral hygiene problems. Here take a mint!" Lorenzo's mouth was open due to him being stunned seeing his foe unphased with his lethal toxin. The supposed mint landed on his tongue, which resulted in a strong electrical shock being sent all over his body causing him to black out. "Nice whip though, I'm for real going to take this for my collection." Diamond bent over and collected the whip before resuming on his mission to destroy Paradox. Paradox was nearly at the entrance of the Well, but felt his body frozen in place, no matter how hard he tried to move. He finally realized he was frozen by Diamond's soul manipulation, yet when he made this realization, Diamond was already floating horizontally whispering into Paradox's audio receptor, "I think I am going to show off my newfound abilities."
Paradox tried to slice Diamond with a chain along his back, but Diamond vanished before he could land a hit. He reappeared behind him and with a simple flick, Diamond sent Paradox crashing through the castle's walls and ceilings. Paradox regained his stance as he morphed into Astros as he stopped a punch from Diamond which sent shockwaves, shattering any neighboring glass. Paradox kicked Diamond at his shin before hitting him with brute force across his face. He summersaulted backwards a few yards as he morphed into the Ice King. He then summoned several frozen daggers and sharp projectiles as he sent them flying towards Diamond at light speed. Diamond noticed the projectiles flying towards him as he achieved speeds that made time around him slow down several seconds. It was if things were occurring to him at a quarter speed, so with a wave of his arm, he took control of the projectiles and had them float around him before resuming time and sending them back to Paradox. Paradox moaned loudly as the projectiles lodged themselves in tight crevasses of his body and interfering with some of the vital mechanisms. The two teleported away from the castle into the depths of the grand city where they continued their battle. Paradox changed into Shen the disgraced Shogun as he desperately tried to slice off Diamond's limbs and head. Diamond casually dodged each attack with ease he summoned the Sword of Light which has grown longer and sharper to reflect his reunion with the Light. The two blades collided with each other, but Paradox was no match for Diamond's swordsman skills.
Diamond noticed Paradox's right arm malfunctioning from one of the ice projectiles and taking advantage of this weakness, he punched Paradox repeatedly in the chest before kicking him to the floor. He then created a revolver from his nanites and fired four bullets consecutively into his weak spot. He knew his bullets succeeded in wounding his opponent, for the sound of loose air began to hiss from broken wires and Paradox's arm glitching by morphing into many different appearances before changing back to its default appearance. Diamond smiled smugly as he released that Paradox was truly terrified in that moment, "Where has your self-confidence gone? Are those appearances not making you comfortable in your mechanical body?" "SHUT UP!" Paradox then changed into Mecha-Diamond as he was able to grab Diamond by his throat and threw him into multiple buildings. The two eventually landed on top of a commuter train before Diamond could free himself. Diamond sliced his opponent's arm to free himself and used his thrusters to fly backwards as he observed Paradox's body shifting gears to re-forge the missing arm. While in the form of Mecha-Diamond, Paradox had four mechanical tentacles grow out of him, which resulted in Diamond activating his suit to grow tentacles of his own. The two opponents had their tentacles wrap around each other as they fired their blasters at each other. Diamond tried to create two clones of himself, but Paradox's tentacles grabbed him and tossed him into one of the train carts as the civilians screamed in terror. He gradually regained consciousness as he prepared to find Paradox, but for a long minute, he could not sense Paradox. It was not until a lady screamed of a large spider approaching them from the other end when Diamond released it is Paradox crawling on all fours with great speed. Paradox shifted back to full height in a most grotesque fashion as his body spun in different ways before his head shifted back to its normal size. Diamond yelled at the passengers to run to the other cart as he dealt with Paradox. While the passengers fled, two extra mechanical arms began to form on Paradox's appearance of Mecha-Diamond as all four of arms ignited red plasma blades. "Attack Diamond!" The four arms began to spin in opposite directions of his body in quick movements as he rapidly approached Diamond that it was impossible to strike him above or behind.
Confused on what his next move should be, Diamond noticed parts of Paradox's chest plate were loose as it was glitching in and out. Out of options, Diamond swung at Paradox which he swiftly blocked with the four blades, but Diamond was able to have his nanotech grow on Paradox's arms as he then had the nanites send an electric shock on the foreign host, which granted him an opening in tearing off the chest plate and firing two blasts from his repulsers into Paradox's chest. This stunned Paradox as Diamond charged at him and began to tear all the vital wires, buttons, and controls that operated Paradox's mechanical body. Paradox's voice box became affected as it began to shift into different tones and voices as he tried to speak, "No, I bested a.....second......time." Paradox was able to gain control of his arms as he threw Diamond out of the train cart out into the city's skyline. Diamond was able to shoot a grapple around Paradox's legs as he pulled both of them out into the air as his body began to glow golden with pure Light. Paradox descended towards him with chains around his body as he prepared to strike fatal blows on Diamond's body. Diamond closed his eyes as he extended his right arm while having his fingers form a finger gun. He whispered silently with firm conviction, "Through the power of Heaven's Light all things are possible......grant me the power to send this foul demon of a man back to the infernal depths where he belongs." Diamond then fired a large blast of pure Light towards Paradox as his enemy screamed in anger, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" The power caused from this blast was so strong and hot that it started to melt the metal on Paradox's body and causing any remaining circuits to fry.
Diamond floated towards the ground as he stared at a ball of fire fall towards the ground as it created a large crater. He stepped forward and saw Paradox's mangled body as his soul still held possession of it. Paradox was still able to manipulate his body to change into whoever he chooses, and as a last resort he changed to Diamond's mother. " could you do me......your own mother.......after all your father and I have done for you this is how you repay us?" "Quit your bull you pathetic character of a soul. If I had the power to judge you in the afterlife, I would create a separate place for sadistic manipulators such as yourself so all you scoundrels can do nothing more than hurt yourselves for your sins!" Diamond then used his power to lift Paradox in the air and was about to crush his body and seal his soul permanently, but as he did so a blazing portal appeared as a pitch-black arm reached out and snatched Paradox before Diamond had time to react. Dumbfounded, Diamond de-activated his suit and left his Light form in order to process what happened. Realizing there was nothing else to do he traveled back to the castle. When he arrived, he saw how the group of heroes easily defeated all of the devilish creatures and were tossing all the dead bodies into a giant pile. Only one thing concerned him, the fact Lorenzo and Viciate's bodies were both missing from the battle. He reasoned they managed to escape, but with the injuries they sustained, it would be a long while before they would show themselves again. After making this assumption, Diamond's family greeted him with open arms and hugs, yet even Diamond did not recognize Tray's new body. Tray had to explain his entire story again to Diamond so he would understand why he looked like "A living glowstick." Hearing Tray's story about Joan made Diamond sorrowful and offered to help in making sure Joan's body receives a proper burial. King Alexander and Diamond hastily organized the funeral and gave Joan's family time to grieve and remember their youngest member that was stolen from them.
While the mourners were conversing with themselves, the king wanted to lead Diamond through the many rooms and wings of the enchanting castle. He wanted to show Diamond the inner secrets and history of this castle, so he very discretely led him down a flight of stairs into an older section of the castle where even most of the king's court were not allowed to enter. The two stepped through two enormous emerald doors and continued on through the darkness. The king ignited a turquoise flame from his hands and led Diamond to a large wall. King Alexander, "Stare at these murals Diamond. Notice the story they tell." Diamond stared at the murals and paintings on the wall trying to understand the history behind them. He saw what appeared to be angels directing two races. To the right were humans with their leader baring a resemblance to Alexander with folded hands in prayer as their eyes gazed at the Heavenly specters, in addition it appeared that swords and shields were descending towards them. To the left were the ancient race of Enders who also had their gaze towards Heaven, but descending towards their hands were scrolls with quills, signifying their role to write and document. At the front of the line of Enders stood none other than Ranfus, although significantly younger. Diamond continued down the wall as the next scene involved the leaders of the humans and enders being coronated with the two leaders' hands being locked in agreement. The next scene depicted what was either a battle or war where many humans and enders were dead, brough to their demise by rebellious humans. It depicted how after the battle Ranfus took the remaining enders away to a place that could supervise the entire Megaverse free from human interaction. The last scene showed the battle worn king of the humans siting on his throne with a tear in his left eye, while his right side remained stoic. His left arm pointed downwards to a decree while his right arm pointed upwards with a grand castle and city floating in the palm of his hand. "The Enders used to dwell with you?" "Indeed, for you see, the king in those murals is actually my great-grandfather. Time goes by very slowly for us here, not only that but we tend to live for thousands of years. Originally, after the first man and woman were created and fell into sin, we were created in the aftermath of that event. We bear the same weaknesses as other humans after the fall, but we were created to protect the Enders, who would document the shifting tide of Creation across the Megaverse. Our special duty connected us more in tune with the messengers of Heaven and we strived to live up to our mission of acting as the second example for the Megaverse, the Main Omniverse being the first. Yet, a few of the humans of my great-grandfather's time were seduced by the powers of evil for the many fallen angels, now turned demons, preyed upon their fallen status and sparked division between human and ender. Eventually a genocide broke out where rogue humans wanted the power of the Enders to themselves and would slaughter anyone who opposed them. My great-grandfather and Ranfus ultimately triumphed, but the damage had been done for the Enders no longer trusted us and collectively agreed humans everywhere were unpredictable and destructive. Ranfus left this Omniverse with the survivors of his race, thus leaving us as the sole inhabitants of this realm. From the ashes of the old kingdom, my great-grandfather led the creation of a new one as you can see here, but the reason why his left side is sad is the fact he did not kill the leaders of the rebellion. He did not want to take their lives, so instead he banished them to the wildness of the Megaverse. After casting them out of this Omniverse, he placed a ban where no one will be able to enter or leave. Using his divine gifts, he was able to practically make it seem like this Omniverse was erased and could not be discoverable unless him or another king wills its borders to open up once again."
"And what happened to the exiled ones?" "Most of them died across the Megaverse but their main leader, Mek'el continued following the path of evil and grew stronger in the powers of darkness. This granted him an unnatural talent of cheating death, but when an event in Omniverse 63,745 occurred when that Omniverse's Celestial had an offspring with that Omniverse's name for an angel, Mek'el sensed the potential of such an offspring." "Hold on, that's the Omniverse the Megaverse Council and I had named Evangelion. Yeah, those creatures they call angels are definitely not real angels, but you mean to tell me that this Mek'el influenced The Devourer?" "No, Mek'el BECAME The Devourer. He transferred his soul into the newborn soul of the deadly offspring, completely fusing with the new soul. In response to this, my great-grandfather on his deathbed, ordered my grandfather to create a device that could end Mek'el once and for all. That device was the Matrix of Eternity. It was hastily crafted before my grandfather sent it to Omniverse 63,745 hoping it could destroy Mek'el there. Unfortunately, it did not fulfill its original purpose due to Mek'el fully becoming The Devourer and traveled across the Megaverse eating the Core of whatever Omniverse he entered. His travels would take a long time to reach his next destination, but nothing could stop him. The Matrix continued to grow with wisdom in Omniverse 63,745 before an apparition of an Ender ordered a singular person to send the Matrix in the direction of the Main Omniverse. Eventually, the Matrix landed in your Omniverse, but was kept hidden for a long time with only glimpses and rumors of such a treasure of untold power being passed on from dimension to dimension. Finally at last, you found it in 2021 just as The Devourer arrived in your Omniverse. Little did you know, but upon his defeat when you unleashed the power of the Matrix, it sent shockwaves across the Megaverse. Myself along with my people celebrated when we felt the destruction of The Devourer, finally knowing a dark piece of our history has been put to rest." "When I traveled to Omniverse 63,745 last summer, it was promoted that they created the Matrix of Eternity." "Their leaders simply changed the story and wiped our part out of their history books, for the select few who told you it was their ancestors that created it are not at fault. For they too believe this error, this is simply a mistake on their ancestor's part and nothing more. Come along now, let's head back up a few stairs back to where there was an intersection, there is more I need to show you."
The king led Diamond to a room with many floating orbs that had different colors symbolizing a different Omniverse. "I am aware that you and the Megaverse Council have a broad idea to all the soldiers at the disposal of our enemy. But I want to show you some specific souls that are.......unique. The person known as The Ageless managed to recruit several corrupted versions of the strongest beings in your Omniverse's hierarchy. Among them consist of a fallen Omniversal Tribunal, Protectors, Insanity Trio, Bad Time Trio, many alternate timeline versions of you, and other powerful individuals from the Megaverse. The Ageless and Demonic Council calls this elite group the Bad End Friends. King Alexander brings forth an orb that displays the souls of those fallen humans. This reveals the true thoughts of their soul and what their soul really says." Diamond leaned forward to hear the cries of their souls and was surprised to hear their souls cry out in unison. "We just wanted to heal but now our nightmares are real, and we'll never wake up for we're torn apart! We want freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" Diamond could not believe what he heard, for it caused him to step back to avoid their cries. "Secondly, I want to briefly touch on the Ageless' story. Thousands of years ago lived a man born with unnatural gifts, he could enter into violent places and leave with minor bruises. He was able to kill the celestials in his world with his mere hands and crude weapons. Yet, he was not satisfied, he wanted more power and more entities to kill, for he enjoyed the bloodlust. This led to him being sought out by the fallen Seraphim now named Black Hat. He offered him more power and an entire place beyond his imagination to live the rest of his days as a butcher. The man agreed and henceforth became an unwavering servant directly to Black Hat. Eventually, he earned a reputation by parading himself as a savior wearing polished white and gold armor, in order to win the trust of many defenders who protected their native Omniverse. Once he won their complete trust and learned their secrets and fears, it would be too late for that Omniverse. For it would be a matter of time before complete carnage would be unleashed on all the helpless souls in that Omniverse. Thus, he was given the title Harbinger of the End.......a human who is an undisputed champion in gladiator battles with a mind to match his muscles.......a man always youthful, laughing at the hands of time........The Ageless."
"The last thing I want to reveal to you is the location of our enemy's base. The Megaverse Council has discovered it and that is Omniverse 6,666,666. That Omniverse had so many events that ran parallel with your Omniverse it was almost an exact copy. However, before your Omniverse was assaulted by Black Hat's forces in 2021, they won a resounding battle in that Omniverse. Everything that could have gone wrong in that final battle, did indeed go wrong." King Alexander used his powers to generate a vision of that fateful day. The scene pans to a bloodied and defeated Diamond with a shattered Sword of the Omniverse with Black Hat towering over him. The two listened intently when Black Hat spoke, "The Initiative has fallen. Its members......lost. You have been deceived......betrayed.........purged." The vision hovers over countless bodies of Initiative members that had died in the battle with some of their corpses disfigured and mutilated they were unidentifiable. "I can feel you are scared of judgement day. You led millions of souls to their grave. Your lukewarm faith shaken due to your pleas and petitions being ignored. So, I offer you a choice. Join us and postpone the judgement day, have all the pleasures of the world handed back to you, and avoid living the life as a failure!" The defeated Diamond raised his teary eyes and spoke, "I......accept!" The crowd around him chuckled as Black Hat stepped away with Alastor taking his place, "It's a deal!" The defeated Diamond shook his hand and became controlled and a vessel for Alastor until his original body could be restored. After this moment a large echo of thunder echoes across the battlefield with a bright light shining in the distance. The Ageless, "What is that?" Black Hat, "The veil of the Main Omniverse has been lifted. We are no longer kept out! We must seize this opportunity before it's too late." Ageless remain here with Alastor's vessel." "Why?" "If things go sour for me and my forces in the Main Omniverse, I want us to still have a strong foothold here in the Megaverse. This Omniverse will be perfect. I will be taking half of our forces with me." "What of the few people who survived this battle, should I find them and use them as prisoners and entertainment?" Black Hat had a sadistic smile, "There are no survivors!" The vision then played the sounds of screams with Diamond begging Alexander to end the vision. "That's enough! I cannot watch nor listen to this vision anymore! Please end this nightmare!"
Alexander ended the vision as the two were brought back to reality. Alexander spoke with sympathy to Diamond, "I did not show you that vision to torture you. I revealed it, because you need to understand exactly what to expect from our enemy and take deep root in your faith." "Why did the pleas and petitions of that Diamond go unanswered?" "Truthfully, that Diamond did not pray for deliverance, he instead wanted more glory and praise. When he was in public and prayed, it was for show, and he was not sincere in the words he said. Even at the last moment, he received a message from Heaven begging him to repent from his prideful ways and deliverance would come. Yet, in that last moment, he refused with his soul saying no it has to be my way and I do not want to change the life I am living and that's final. It was his fault no Heavenly aid came, now he has no one else to blame other than himself for his misdeeds and wickedness." Diamond's body had a series of goosebumps when King Alexander finished speaking. He always wondered what would have happened in the final battle for his Omniverse if there was no intervention, now he wished for this catastrophic example to leave his mind.
After this event, King Alexander led Diamond to a sacred place called the Veil of the Celestial Plane to speak with his angelic friends. Along the way, King Alexander explained to Diamond the difference between True Balance and Perfection. How True Balance is the perfect imperfect form of Perfection, because as mortal creatures that are finite with flaws no person alive can reach True Perfection. He explained how demons fear True Balance and how the demons only focus on temporal goals not eternal, for all that awaits them in eternity is eternal punishment. (This is a footnote, because at the end of this post in the comment section I will share the entire conversation in greater detail, for some reason the Sub-Reddit automatic rules count it as a rating post no matter how hard I rephrased the dialogue. Very weird that happened because it never happened before, but hopefully I will be able to share that conversation in full under this post, because it took a lot of effort in composing the dialogue.)
Filled with courage and zeal from their conversation, Diamond entered into the Veil and soon found himself in a vast empty white plain where numerous figures of light floated around him before manifesting themselves as angelic beings. He observed how each of the nine choirs of angels were present. "The Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. All present here at this very moment." A Seraphim spoke up, "Why do you wish to commune with us?" "I am here seeking advice from my Heavenly friends in these trying times. I'm sure all of you are very much aware and can sense in the Celestial Cosmic Plane that the forces of evil are growing ever so powerful. I can feel it within my being that soon a final confrontation may happen." Saint Michael the Archangel, "You already possess all that you need. You know the prayers for deliverance and aid. Furthermore, you know how your enemy thinks." "With all due respect, this time it is different. Different than the way it was for the fate of the Main Omnvierse. the fate of the Megaverse....of everything that had exist, currently exists and will exist. Please there must be some advice all of you may be able to bestow upon me." A Virtue floated towards Diamond's soul to speak, "These particular demons feast on fear, chaos, and revenge. They want nothing more than to see the righteous fall, yet their common weakness is the sin of pride." Uriel intervened, "Pride, that ancient sin which was the sole root that led a third of our former brothers and sisters into disobedience. Fully rejecting the True Love of the Father and willingly following the arrogance of the fallen light bearer, who now brings darkness and death to everyone." Azrael quickly followed up with Uriel's statement, "When they fell from grace, they still retained their position and powers. Now with their leaders nearly having their bodies restored before their fall, through the power of The Seed, they are more of a threat to the Natural Order."
Diamond came to a sudden realization, "With Cloaked Shadow having control of the Dark and shadows in general, does that mean he was a Power before he fell?" The choirs nodded as Diamond responded with his hands near his mouth deep in thought. "I see, well if pride is their weakness than surely arrogance is a key factor in their personalities. Perhaps if the Matrix of Eternity is re-loaded with the knowledge accessible from the Alphaverse, it could overwhelm them." A Cherub, "Yes! The knowledge from the Alphaverse can restore the Matrix and used to harm the demons!" Saint Gabriel the Archangel, "Do not be afraid in this next step in your journey, Trevor. Since the fall of man, the Devil and his minions have actively been at war with mankind, searching for ways to snatch souls from Heaven. Yet, in the history of not only the Megaverse, but your own world, you know that God conquers all, even in the darkest times. From the persecution of the early Christians under the rule of the Mad Emperor Nero, deadly heresies, scandals, political and religious wars, the French Revolution, Napoleon Wars, Russian Revolution, Mexican Revolution, World Wars, down to the present. The demons worked through man to not only bring ruin to the face of the Earth, but to attack the Church. However, both the Earth and the Church have endured and will continue to endure until the end of time when God will come in all His splendor and glory and reward the just while punishing the wicked. For they will receive their reward." A Throne, "There is one more thing that will surely turn the tide of the war, but only as a last resort." Diamond, "What is it? Please share." A Seraphim, "The hypothesis of you being able to fuse with your friends Ben Tennyson and Xavier is true. If Xavier is fully in tune with his scarab and enter into his phase known as Sacred and Tennyson into Alien X, you three will become the singular most powerful entity in the entire Megaverse." Saint Michael the Archangel, "Be warned for this should only be used as a complete last resort. For there can be no going back when you three become a singular entity. There might be potential for you three to separate from this final form, but if there is, it will be certain death for no mortal can yield that much power. Arise young warrior, take courage, and have total faith on the Lord, He will hear your prayers. Remember we are at your side and every warrior in the final battle will have their guardian angel with them at all times."
The Heavenly beings once again became balls of bright light, which slowly blinded Diamond before he awoke from his vision back in his own body just before the Veil of the Celestial Plane. King Alexander stared at Diamond before helping him to his feet. Diamond, "I know what I must do. I must re-load the Matrix in the Well of the Megaverse." Alexander, "That's suicide. For you to be exposed to so much power and knowledge, it will vaporize you." "Believe me, it will work. Just help me recover the pieces of the Matrix and I will reforge it with the nanotech from my suit." Diamond sprinted with great haste through all the flights of stairs Alexander had them take, back to where the pieces of the Matrix laid. He had Alexander hold the pieces together in their proper position as the nanotech from his suit crawled around the broken pieces and fused the Matrix back together again. During this time the other heroes caught up to Diamond and Alexander and decided to watch as Diamond would enter the Well of the Megaverse. King Alexander led the group to the entrance of the Well where everyone wished him good luck. Diamond transformed into his Light form and entered the Well. This form allowed him to withstand the pressure around him as he opened the Matrix to collect wisdom from all corners of the Megaverse both the good and bad. When he did this, thousands of images and lifetimes flashed in his mind causing him to scream, in order to avoid his mind from overloading he constantly switched to different forms and phases every 30 seconds. Everyone waited anxiously outside after hearing Diamond's screams and began to fear for the worst, but just when their hope wavered, a silhouette started to walk towards them. From the depths of the Well emerged Diamond holding the restored Matrix of Eternity firmly in his right hand. King Alexander, "Welcome back Diamond!" "Thanks. With the Matrix restored and the new alliance your Omniverse has made with the Megaverse Council, hope for our victory has reached an all-time high." The heroes only stayed for a few more hours at the Alphaverse before returning back to the base of the Megaverse Council. Upon arrival, the Council members were stunned to see the return of their leader, and with swift orders, Diamond once again regained leadership of the Megaverse Council.
In a desolate place with abandoned buildings in Omniverse 3. "Volxi, can you head downstairs into our storage to bring some refreshment to our party?" "You got it sis!" Volxi entered into one of the chambers to find a spare stash of spiked beverages but was startled when she heard a voice echo in the darkness. "Time's running out Vol." She leaned over to view where the voice was coming from until her eyes landed on a glowing dark green warrior. She gasped as she recognized it was her old friend from Omniverse 8. "Cayden what happened to you?" "That name no longer has any meaning for me." "You look so different. Your skin is green and your eyes black. You look like......" "A ghost? Phantom? Condemned Soul?! Truly a miserable fate I have fallen into. Given a body constantly degenerating and repairing itself, allowing me to phase between matter but how painful it is feeling my cells destroy themselves before regenerating and repeating the process all over again." "Is this a dream?" "No." "I thought not, if it was there would be something to replenish my throat." Cayden hands Volxi a bottle. "Thanks mate. I still have a cup on me. Here it's on the house." Cayden took a long sip before speaking. "We haven't seen each other since the destruction of your people's original home. A lot has happened since then. Last year a terrible event plagued the Megaverse and I tried to stop it. I made my own device that enabled me to visit other Omniverses. I could sense something sinister causing many Omniverses to die. I took my weapons and went to who I thought was responsible. That man was so strong and talented, he mortally wounded me without taking our fight seriously. I thought at that moment when I laid dying that I would give anything to get a second chance at life. To see my friends and family again. My requests were answered by a figure in black business attire and a top hat."
Volxi groaned for she knew who he was referring to while Cayden continued on with his speech. "I accepted his offer and became what you see before you. The only part that was positive is in our contract, I managed to still own partial control of my soul. Perhaps it is through this partial ownership that causes me to experience great pains and desperately seek liberation." "And you came back to your friend for aid huh?" "No, I came as a messenger." Volxi stared at him with concern. "You struck a deal with him too, Volxi. A deal before your home, the ninth Omniverse was destroyed, causing you and all the survivors to wander throughout the Megaverse." "I forgot all about that deal. It can't happen this soon, he did not even stay true to his promise." "Is that really a surprise?" "DANG IT! Alright I'll wager my way out of it. I always do." "You can't talk to yourself out of this one!" "How long do I have Cayden?" Cayden stepped close to Volxi where he was only a few inches away from her face. "That name has no meaning for me, I'm The Shameful now. You have only a few hours. He will send his terrible leviathan to drag you, your sister, and this entire Omniverse along with you! Already his army sets their eyes on this world, drawn by ravenous hunger, by the one who bears the crimson scar." The Shameful laid his hand on a piece of Volxi's face that was not covered by cybernetics. "Make peace with your losses and may it only be a swift end and not a contract of servitude. Alas, he always comes to collect what is his." In that moment The Shameful vanished from her sight and without a moment to lose, she started running back upstairs into the settlement screaming for everyone to pack their things and prepare to leave. Her sister, Val stopped her, "Did you fall down the stairs giving you that slash across your face? What's coming after us?" Volxi stared deep into her sister's soul, "We need to run as far as we can and get our people to safety before it's too late." From a few hundred yards away The Ageless stood waiting for the perfect time to strike with Maestro Zorro summoning the nightmarish Leviathan.
submitted by DiamondVoid149404 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:42 A_Vespertine I'm Always Chasing Rainbows

When you were a kid, and you saw a rainbow, did you ever want to try to get to the end of it? I bet you did. I did, anyway. It wasn’t the mythical pot of gold that tempted me. Wealth was too abstract of a concept at that age to dream about, and leprechauns were creepy little bastards. I just wanted to see what the rainbow looked like up close, and maybe even try to climb it.
Of course, you can’t get to the end of a rainbow because not only is there no end, but there isn’t even really a rainbow. It’s an illusion caused by the sunlight passing through raindrops at the right angle. If you did try to chase a rainbow down, it would move with you until it faded away. That’s why chasing rainbows is a pretty good metaphor for pursuing a beautiful illusion that can never manifest as anything concrete.
I bring all this up because I think it was that same type of urge that compelled me to chase down the Effulgent One. It’s not a perfect analogy, however, considering that I did actually catch up to the eldritch bastard.
I first saw the Effulgent One a little over two years ago. My employer – who happens to be an occultist mad scientist by the name of Erich Thorne – had tasked me with returning a young girl named Elifey to her village on the northern edges of the county. The people of Virklitch Village are very nice, but they’re also an insular, Luddite cult who worship a colossal spectral entity they call the Effulgent One. I saw this Titan during my first visit to Virklitch, and more importantly, he saw me. He left a streak of black in my soul, marking me as one of his followers. I can feel him now, when he walks in our world. Sometimes, if I look towards the horizon after sundown, I can even see him.
This entity, and my connection to him, is understandably something my employer has taken an interest in. I’ve been to Virklitch many times since my first visit, and I’ve successfully collected a good deal of vital information about the Effulgent One. The Virklitchen are the only ones who know how to summon him, and coercing them into doing so would only earn us his wrath. He’s sworn to protect them, though I haven’t the slightest idea of what motivates him to do so.
Even though I can see him, I usually try not to look, to pretend he’s not there. The Virklitchen have warned me never to chase after him. Before Virklitch was founded, the First Nations people who lived in this region were aware of the Effulgent One, though they called him the Sky Strider. Any of them that went chasing after him either failed, went mad, or were never seen again.
I was out driving after sunset, during astronomical twilight when the trees are just black silhouettes against a burnt orange horizon, when I sensed the presence of the Effulgent One. He was to the east, towering along the darkening skyline, idling amidst the fields of cyclopean wind turbines. I could see their flashing red lights in the periphery of my vision, and I knew that one of those lights was him. I tried to fight the urge to look, but fear began to gnaw at me. What if he was heading towards me right now? What if I was in danger and needed to run?
Risking a single sideways glance, I spotted his gangly form standing listlessly between the wind turbines, his long arms gently swaying as his glowing red face bobbed to and fro.
I exhaled a sigh of relief, now that I knew he wasn’t chasing me. That relief didn’t even last a moment before it was transformed into a dangerous realization. He wasn’t just not chasing me; he wasn’t moving at all. He was still. This was rare, and it presented me with a rare opportunity. I could approach him. I could speak with him.
This wasn’t a good idea, and I knew it. The Effulgent One interacted with his followers on his terms. If I annoyed him, he could squash me like a bug. Or worse. Much worse. But he had marked me as his follower and I wanted to know why. If there was any chance I could get him to answer me, I was going to take it.
“Hey Lumi,” I said to the proprietary AI assistant in my company car. “Play the cover of I’m Always Chasing Rainbows from the Hazbin Hotel pilot.”
With the mood appropriately set, I veered east the first chance I got.
Almost immediately, I noticed that the highway seemed eerily abandoned. Even if anyone else had been capable of perceiving the Effulgent One, there was no one around to see him. I got this creeping sense that the closer I drew to him, I was actually shifting more and more out of my world and more and more into his. The wind picked up and dark clouds blew in, snuffing out the fading twilight and plunging everything into an overcast night.
The Effulgent One didn’t seem to notice me as I drew closer. He was as tall as the wind turbines he stood beside, his gaunt body plated in dull iridescent scales infected with trailing fungus. The head on his lanky neck was completely hollow and filled with a glowing red light that dimly bounced off his scales.
Seeing him standing still was a lot more surreal than seeing him when he was active. As impossibly large as he is, when he’s moving it just naturally triggers your fight or flight response and you don’t really have time to take it all in. But when he’s just standing there, and you can look at him and question what you’re seeing, it just hits differently.
It wasn’t until I started slowing down that he finally turned his head in my direction, briefly engulfing me in a blinding red light. When it passed, I saw that the Effulgent One had turned away from me and I was striding down the highway. Even though his gait was casual, his stride was so long that he was still moving as quickly as any vehicle.
Reasoning that if he didn’t want me to follow him he wouldn’t be walking along the road, I slammed my foot down on the accelerator pedal and sped after him.
That’s when things started to get weird.
You know how when you’re driving at night through the country, you can’t see anything beyond your own headlights? With no visual landmarks to go by, it’s easy to get disoriented. All you have to go by is the signs, and I wasn’t paying any attention to those. All my focus was on the Effulgent One, so much so that if someone had jumped out in front of me I probably would have killed them.
I turned down at least one sideroad in my pursuit of the Effulgent One. Maybe two or three. I’m really not sure. All I know for sure is that I was so desperate not to lose him that I had become completely lost myself.
He never looked back to see if I was still following, or gave any indication that he knew or cared if I was still there. He just made his way along the backroads, his bloodred searchlight sweeping back and forth all the while, as if he was desperately seeking something of grave importance. Finally, he abandoned the road altogether and began to climb a gently rolling hill with a solitary wind turbine on top of it. I gently slowed my car to a stop and watched to see what he would do.
I had barely been keeping up with him on the roadways, so I knew I’d never catch him going off-road. If he didn’t stop at the wind turbine, then that would be the end of my little misadventure. As I watched the Effulgent One climb up the hill and cast his light upon it, I saw that the structure at the summit wasn’t a wind turbine at all, but a windmill.
It was a mammoth windmill, the size of a wind turbine, made from enormous blocks of rugged black stone. It was as impossible as the Effulgent One himself. No stone structure other than a pyramid or ziggurat could possibly be that big, and the windmill barely tapered at all towards the top. Its blades were made from a ragged black cloth that reminded me of pirate sails, and near the top I could see a light coming from a single balcony.
When the Effulgent One reached the hill’s summit, he not only came to a stop but turned back around to face me, his light illuminating the entire hillside. Whether or not it was his intention to make it easier for me to follow him up the hill, it was nonetheless the effect, so I decided not to squander it.
Grabbing the thousand-lumen flashlight from my emergency kit, I left my car on the side of the road and began the short but challenging trek up the hill.
I honestly had no idea where I was at that point. Nothing looked familiar, and the overgrown grass seemed so alien in the red light. The way it moved in the wind was so fluid it looked more like seaweed than grass. The clouds overhead seemed equally otherworldly, moving not only unusually fast but in strange patterns that didn’t seem purely meteorological in nature.
With the Effulgent One’s light aimed directly at me, there was no doubt in my mind that he had seen me, but he still gave no indication that he cared. The closer I drew to him, the more I was confronted by his unfathomable scale. I really was an insect compared to him, and it seemed inconceivable that he would make any distinction between anthropods and arthropods. He could strike me down as effortlessly and carelessly as any other bothersome bug. I approached cautiously, watching intently for any sign of hostility from him, but he remained completely and utterly unmoved.
The closer I got to him, the harder I found it to press on. From a distance, the Effulgent One is surreal enough that he doesn’t completely shatter your sense of reality, but that’s a luxury that goes down the toilet when he’s only a few strides or less from stomping you into the ground. His emaciated form wasn’t merely skeletal, but elongated; his limbs, digits, and neck all stretched out to disquieting proportions. His dull scales now seemed to be a shimmering indigo, and the fungal growths between them pulsed rhythmically with some kind of life. Whether it was with his or theirs, I cannot say. There were no ears on his round head. No features at all aside from the frontwards-facing cavity that held the searing red light.
As I slowly and timidly approached the windmill, he remained by its side, peering out across the horizon. I turned to see what he was looking at, but saw nothing. I immediately turned back to him and craned my neck skywards, marvelling at him in dumbstruck awe. I’d chased him down so that I could demand why he had marked me as one of his followers, but now that I had succeeded, I was horrified by how suicidally naïve that plan now felt.
Many an internet atheist has pontificated about how if there were a God and if they ever met Him, they would remain every bit as irreverent and defiant and hold Him to account the same as any tyrant. But when faced with a being of unfathomable cosmic power, I don’t think there truly is anyone who wouldn’t lose their nerve.
So I just stood there, gaping up at the Effulgent One like a moron, with no idea of what to do next.
Fortunately for me, it was then that the Effulgent One finally acknowledged my presence.
Slowly, he turned his face downwards and cast his spotlight upon me, holding it there for a few long seconds before turning it to the door at the base of the windmill. I glanced up at the balcony above, and saw that it aligned almost perfectly with his head.
Evidently, he wanted to meet me face to face.
Nodding obediently, I raced to the heavy wooden door and pushed it open with all my might. The inside was dark, and I couldn’t see very well after standing right in the Effulgent One’s light, but I could hear the sounds of metal gears slowly grinding and clanking away. When I turned on my flashlight, the first thing I was able to make out was the enormous millstone. It moved slowly and steadily, squelching and squishing so that even in the poor light I knew that it wasn’t grain that was being milled.
The next thing I saw was a flight of rickety wooden stairs that snaked up all along the interior of the windmill. Each step creaked and groaned beneath my weight as I climbed them, but I nonetheless ascended them with reckless abandon. If a single one of them had given out beneath me, I could have fallen to my death, and the staircase shook back and forth so much that sometimes it felt as if it was intentionally trying to throw me off.
When I reached the top floor, I saw that the windshaft was encased in a crystalline sphere etched with leylines and strange symbols, and inside of it was some kind of complex clockwork apparatus that was powered by the spinning of the shaft. Though I was briefly curious as to the device’s purpose, it wasn’t what I had come up there for.
Turning myself towards the only door, I ran through and out onto the upper balcony. The Effulgent One was still standing just beside it, his head several times taller than I was. He looked out towards the horizon and pointed an outstretched arm in that direction, indicating that I should do the same.
From the balcony, I could see a spire made of purple volcanic glass, carved as if it was made of two intertwining gargantuan rose vines, with a stained-glass roof that made it look like a rose in full bloom. The spire was surrounded by many twisting and shifting shadows, and I could perceive a near infinitude of superimposed potential pathways branching out from the spire and stretching out across the planes.
The Effulgent One reached out and plucked at one of the pathways running over us like it was a harp string, sending vibrations down along to the spire and then back out through the entire network. I saw the sky above the spire shatter like glass, revealing a floating maelstrom of festering black fluid that had congealed into a thousand wailing faces. It began to descend as if it meant to devour the spire, but as it did so the spire pulled in the web of pathways around it like a net. The storm writhed and screamed as it tried to escape, but the spire held the net tight as a swarm of creatures too small for me to identify congregated upon the storm and began to feed upon it. But the fluid the maelstrom was composed of seemed to be corrosive, and the net began to rot beneath its influence. It sagged and it strained, until finally giving way.
A chaotic battle ensued between the spire and the maelstrom, but it hardly seemed to matter. What both I and the Efflugent One noticed the most was that the pathways that had been bound to the spire were now severed and stained by the Black Bile, drifting away wherever the wind took them.
The Effulgent One caught one of them in his hand and tugged it downwards, staring at it pensively for a long moment.
“That… that didn’t actually just happen, did it?” I asked meekly. I waited patiently for the Effulgent One to respond, but he just kept staring at the severed thread. “But… it’s going to happen? Or, it could happen?”
A slow and solemn nod confirmed that what he had shown me had portended to a possible future.
“That’s why you marked me as your follower then, isn’t it?” I asked. “You needed someone, someone other than the Virklitchen, someone who’s already involved in this bullshit and can help stop it from deteriorating into whatever the hell you just showed me. If Erich had picked anyone else to go to Virklitch that night, or hadn’t asked me to stay for the festival, it wouldn’t have been me! It didn’t have to have been me!”
His head remained somberly hung, and I hadn’t really been expecting him to respond at all to my outburst.
“Elifey liked you,” he said in a metallic, fluid voice that sounded like it was resonating out of his chest rather than his face. “I would not have chosen you if she hadn’t.”
He twirled the thread in between his fingers before gently handing it down to me like it was a streamer on a balloon. I hesitantly accepted the gesture, wrapping as much of my hand around the spectral cord as I could. The instant I touched it, a radiant and spiralling rainbow shot down its length and arced across the sky. When it reached the chaotic battle on the horizon, it dispelled the maelstrom on contact, banishing it back into the nether and signalling in biblical fashion that the storm had passed. The other wayward pathways were cleansed of the Black Bile as well, and I watched in amazement as they slowly started to reweave themselves back into an interconnected web.
“But… what does this mean? What do I actually have to do to make this a reality?” I asked.
The Effulgent One reached out his hand and pinched the cord, choking off the rainbow and ending the vision he had shown me.
“A reality?” he asked as he held his palm out flat and adjacent to the balcony. “It’s already a reality. All you need to do is make it yours.”
It seemed to me that I wasn’t likely to get anything less cryptic than that out of him, so I accepted the lift down. He took me down the hill and set me down gently beside my car before setting off out of sight and beyond my ability to pursue him.
Even though my GPS wasn’t working, the moment I was sitting in the driver’s seat the autopilot kicked in and didn’t ask me to take control until I was back on a familiar road. I know that windmill isn’t just a short drive away, and I’ll never see it again unless the Effulgent One wants me to. I don’t think I can say I’m exactly happy with how that turned out, but I suppose I accomplished what I set out to achieve. I know what the Effulgent One wants of me now, and why he chose me specifically. If it had been all his decision I think I’d still be feeling kind of torn about it, but knowing that I’ve been roped into this because of Elifey makes it a lot easier to bear.
And… I did actually manage to catch a rainbow. I just needed a giant’s help to reach it.
submitted by A_Vespertine to ChillingApp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:41 szupresszor 21[M4F] Romania/Online - I would love to go to sleep with you in my mind.

Hello there. I am a 21 years old guy from Romania, Europe. Lately I felt lonely and I decided to try my shot here trying to find someone truly special to share my days with. Currently I am working a full time job and I live alone in my own appartment. I am looking for someone to starts things slowly, not rushing it. I would like to talk about our daily routine, work/school, share our days about what happened or how we feel or any random topic we have in our mind. I am open to a long distance relationship. I enjoy videocalls and voicecalls aswell.
Some infos about my personality:
I am an introverted, shy and emotional. As a person I am caring, loving and protective and I give all my attention to the loved ones to make sure they feel good. I value honesty, loyalty and respect.
My appearance is the next:
Slim body type, 190 cm tall (6'2), 80 kg (176 lbs), blondish hair and blue eyes. I am open to exchange pictures too.
My hobbies and interests include the followings:
If you are considering to send me a DM, make a small introduction. Mostly I use Discord to chat, if you are ok we can move there, but Reddit chat is fine too.
submitted by szupresszor to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:35 DragonKnov Kunlun Sect's Weakest Disciple: Chapter 35

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Meanwhile, at the same time as the purple cloud first descended...


A guttural, wheezing cough escaped the goblin's throat as it knelt, thick globs of saliva and mucus splattering the dusty ground.

[>>[QUICK ADAPTATION(E)]<<] The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%! 

In a blur of motion, a razor-sharp jian cleaved through the creature's neck, its wicked edge leaving a crimson wake in its path. The goblin's severed head hit the earth with a dull thump, viridian eyes still wide with shock as its body crumpled lifelessly.

From the roiling miasma of noxious purple mist arose the attacker, a lithe figure wreathed in an aura of deadly grace.

The jian in their grasp glistened, coated in a grotesque mixture of goblin blood and ichor. As they stepped forward, crimson eyes flickered with an eerie inner light, glaring balefully at the remaining goblins struggling to regain their footing.

"I know it's unfair, but you came with an army," the attacker remarked, their voice cutting through the fog like a knife. Their form shimmered and phased in and out of reality, the poisonous vapors parting briefly to reveal chiseled features set in an impassive mask.

One particularly massive goblin, clutching a greatsword nearly as tall as itself, let out a guttural war cry. Veins bulged obscenely beneath its mottled green skin as it charged, each thunderous footfall shaking the very earth.


[>>[QUICK ADAPTATION(E)]<<] The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%! 

With a horizontal sweep of its blade, a fan of virulent emerald droplets exploded outward.

The attacker's body flickered once more, the jian becoming a blur of motion that ended with its razor tip buried in the goblin's throat.

The creature's pupils blew wide, a gargled death rattle its only eulogy as it crumpled bonelessly to the ground in a spreading pool of its own vile ichor.

No sooner had one foe fallen than the attacker had phased through the miasma to engage the next, the jian carving a deadly through the air. A goblin head sailed in a grotesque arc, jaw still locked in a perpetual snarl, before thudding wetly into the dirt.

One by one the goblins that had besieged the village fell, hewn apart by an unstoppable flurry of strikes that left their broken forms littering the ground.

At last, Ji Wuye, the crimson-eyed swordsman whose jian ran slick with vital fluids, came to a halt before the shattered remnants of the wooden palisade wall.

With measured strides, Ji Wuye advanced, right arm extended as the jian's razor edge caught the wan rays of sunlight piercing the miasma.




With each footfall, his form shimmered and phased, leaving a wake of severed goblin heads bouncing across the trampled earth.

His steps slowed as a familiar silhouette resolved itself from the roiling vapors in the distance. "Still indifferent, huh?" he murmured, shifting aside in a single fluid motion.


A fierce gust of wind rushed through the space he had just vacated, momentarily parting the thick purple mists to reveal an elf woman, holding a bow.

A flurry of strikes left a trail of goblin corpses scattered in her wake. The elf woman's strikes were as precise as they were lethal, each blow a calculated expenditure of pure, economical violence.

In her wake, the street lay strewn with broken goblin forms, their viscera intermingling in a grotesque tapestry of greens and crimsons.

Yet amid the carnage, scattered like fell blossoms upon the bloodied cobbles, were unmistakable human remains - severed limbs, torsos cloven nearly in twain, all bearing mute testament to the elf's indiscriminate fury.

She moved on, features an inscrutable mask of indifference, leaving behind a trail of horror - not just the shattered goblin corpses, but the slack, lifeless faces of elderly villagers, eyes still wide with their final moments of shock and pain.

Dirt and mingled blood streaked their pallid countenances in macabre rictus grins.

“Sigh…” Ji Wuye dropped to one knee amid the butchery, throat constricting as he gently slipped his fingers beneath the eyelids of each fallen elder, closing their eyes with a reverence that seemed discordant amid such wanton destruction.

Prying apart the rictus jaws, he sealed their mouths, granting them a semblance of peace in death. When at last the grisly task was done, he rose and bowed deeply to the still forms, holding the stance for a solemn moment of silence.

Humans and elves have developed natural defenses or adaptations that provide some resistance against the lethal effects of the poison.
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Despite appearances, the poison—or rather, the combination of poisons—used to cloud the battlefield was specifically formulated to affect only monsters such as goblins.

Unlike humans, goblins have a distinct respiratory system that rapidly absorbs the poison, leading to swift and lethal effects. Additionally, their skin is more permeable to the specific toxins in the poison, allowing it to quickly enter their bloodstream.

Moreover, due to their smaller size, goblins inhale a relatively higher dose of the poison compared to larger races like humans and elves.

On the other hand, the current reaction in humans involves the poison's psychoactive compounds, which induce hallucinations in humans and elves, even at lower concentrations.

These compounds interact differently with the brain chemistry of non-monster races, causing vivid and terrifying hallucinations without the lethal effects experienced by goblins.

In short, what the non-monster races are experiencing right now is merely how they 'imagine' being poisoned. Each person's reaction varies; one might immediately faint, while the majority have their vision altered to see the scenario they imagine.

"Also, the effect should be gone in a few minutes," he murmured, shaking his head. "Yet I forgot to consider her indifferent view."

A weary sigh parted his lips as Ji Wuye's gaze roamed across the broken corpses once more. It seemed achieving zero casualties hidden achievement was an impossibility as long as the elf remained here.

His plan had been to utilize the noxious purple vapors to incapacitate the goblin horde while the villagers remained safely sheltered, emerging once the threat was neutralized and the challenge cleared.

But the elf's interference had introduced an unforeseen variable, one with tragic consequences.




The sound of raucous coughing and pained shouts snapped Ji Wuye from his morose reverie. Pushing aside this matter, he strode towards the commotion to find a familiar knight surrounded by a knot of goblin assailants.

Though grievously wounded, chainmail rent and weeping crimson life from a dozen punctures, the knight fought on with grim tenacity.

His guard wavered as he was forced to pause, doubling over to expel thick gouts of blood in a spasm of hacking coughs. Under normal circumstances, such a paltry cluster of foes would prove little challenge.

However, the knight's imagination of being poisoned felt overwhelmingly real. Despite there being no signs of poison—only the stab wounds from countless daggers inflicted on his body—the knight acted as weakly as if he had been poisoned with a deadly toxin.

"That's the limit for one person," Ji Wuye muttered, shaking his head as he accelerated into a sprint, jian held low.

Leaping off the spot, he launched himself into the melee in a soaring leap, right arm cocked back as the blade's razor edge sliced parallel to his cheekbones.

Pulse of the Blade: First Move, Gentle Breeze! 

Ji Wuye's lithe form swayed with a dancer's grace, his movements harmonizing with the gentle currents of air as if guided by some unseen choreographer.

The jian became an extension of his being, lashing out in blurred arcs to the left and right. Each strike met its mark with surgical precision, goblin heads toppling from ruined necks to become macabre ornaments skewered upon the blade's slender length.

[>>[PULSE OF BLADE SWORD ART(??)]<<] Your understanding of Pulse of Blade Sword Art has slightly increased! 

The cadence of Ji Wuye's footwork merged with the wet patter of blood striking the ground, composing a perverse rhythm that seemed to goad him into an ever-quickening tempo.

When at last the final goblin fell, its decapitated corpse joining its brethren in a sprawl of broken forms, an eerie stillness descended once more.

[>>[PULSE OF BLADE SWORD ART(??)]<<] Your understanding of Pulse of Blade Sword Art has slightly increased! 

With an almost casual flick of his wrist, Ji Wuye sent the grisly garland of severed heads tumbling free, the gory mass impacting the packed earth with a sickly squelch reminiscent of a dropped barrel.

The Pulse of Blade Sword Art comprised a vast repertoire of techniques, yet Ji Wuye had only glimpsed the opening movement as demonstrated by Song Jia.

Yet, here, thanks to the Tower's system, Ji Wuye could feel each strike and parry, which incrementally deepened his understanding.

A faint smile played across Ji Wuye's lips as this realization took hold. Turning to face the battered knight who leaned heavily upon his blade. "What a great performance, wake up, Knight of Averial House—this poison only works on those monsters."

[!] Congratulations, Climber Ji Wuye, on successfully defending Kenlan Village! 

[>>[INFORMATION]<<] Challenger Ji Wuye, Congratulations on successfully clearing the third floor! 

[!] You've encountered a hobgoblin! A being who should not be involved in this challenge! The gods are impressed by your incredible achievement! 

[!] You have defeated a Hobgoblin, impressing all the gods who are watching your performance! It is truly a remarkable feat! 

[!] You have single-handedly defeated 3/4 of the goblin army, which is an incredible accomplishment! 

[!] Your participation in defending Kenlan Village is unparalleled, and you have accomplished an extraordinary feat! 
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submitted by DragonKnov to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:33 A_Vespertine I'm Always Chasing Rainbows

When you were a kid, and you saw a rainbow, did you ever want to try to get to the end of it? I bet you did. I did, anyway. It wasn’t the mythical pot of gold that tempted me. Wealth was too abstract of a concept at that age to dream about, and leprechauns were creepy little bastards. I just wanted to see what the rainbow looked like up close, and maybe even try to climb it.
Of course, you can’t get to the end of a rainbow because not only is there no end, but there isn’t even really a rainbow. It’s an illusion caused by the sunlight passing through raindrops at the right angle. If you did try to chase a rainbow down, it would move with you until it faded away. That’s why chasing rainbows is a pretty good metaphor for pursuing a beautiful illusion that can never manifest as anything concrete.
I bring all this up because I think it was that same type of urge that compelled me to chase down the Effulgent One. It’s not a perfect analogy, however, considering that I did actually catch up to the eldritch bastard.
I first saw the Effulgent One a little over two years ago. My employer – who happens to be an occultist mad scientist by the name of Erich Thorne – had tasked me with returning a young girl named Elifey to her village on the northern edges of the county. The people of Virklitch Village are very nice, but they’re also an insular, Luddite cult who worship a colossal spectral entity they call the Effulgent One. I saw this Titan during my first visit to Virklitch, and more importantly, he saw me. He left a streak of black in my soul, marking me as one of his followers. I can feel him now, when he walks in our world. Sometimes, if I look towards the horizon after sundown, I can even see him.
This entity, and my connection to him, is understandably something my employer has taken an interest in. I’ve been to Virklitch many times since my first visit, and I’ve successfully collected a good deal of vital information about the Effulgent One. The Virklitchen are the only ones who know how to summon him, and coercing them into doing so would only earn us his wrath. He’s sworn to protect them, though I haven’t the slightest idea of what motivates him to do so.
Even though I can see him, I usually try not to look, to pretend he’s not there. The Virklitchen have warned me never to chase after him. Before Virklitch was founded, the First Nations people who lived in this region were aware of the Effulgent One, though they called him the Sky Strider. Any of them that went chasing after him either failed, went mad, or were never seen again.
I was out driving after sunset, during astronomical twilight when the trees are just black silhouettes against a burnt orange horizon, when I sensed the presence of the Effulgent One. He was to the east, towering along the darkening skyline, idling amidst the fields of cyclopean wind turbines. I could see their flashing red lights in the periphery of my vision, and I knew that one of those lights was him. I tried to fight the urge to look, but fear began to gnaw at me. What if he was heading towards me right now? What if I was in danger and needed to run?
Risking a single sideways glance, I spotted his gangly form standing listlessly between the wind turbines, his long arms gently swaying as his glowing red face bobbed to and fro.
I exhaled a sigh of relief, now that I knew he wasn’t chasing me. That relief didn’t even last a moment before it was transformed into a dangerous realization. He wasn’t just not chasing me; he wasn’t moving at all. He was still. This was rare, and it presented me with a rare opportunity. I could approach him. I could speak with him.
This wasn’t a good idea, and I knew it. The Effulgent One interacted with his followers on his terms. If I annoyed him, he could squash me like a bug. Or worse. Much worse. But he had marked me as his follower and I wanted to know why. If there was any chance I could get him to answer me, I was going to take it.
“Hey Lumi,” I said to the proprietary AI assistant in my company car. “Play the cover of I’m Always Chasing Rainbows from the Hazbin Hotel pilot.”
With the mood appropriately set, I veered east the first chance I got.
Almost immediately, I noticed that the highway seemed eerily abandoned. Even if anyone else had been capable of perceiving the Effulgent One, there was no one around to see him. I got this creeping sense that the closer I drew to him, I was actually shifting more and more out of my world and more and more into his. The wind picked up and dark clouds blew in, snuffing out the fading twilight and plunging everything into an overcast night.
The Effulgent One didn’t seem to notice me as I drew closer. He was as tall as the wind turbines he stood beside, his gaunt body plated in dull iridescent scales infected with trailing fungus. The head on his lanky neck was completely hollow and filled with a glowing red light that dimly bounced off his scales.
Seeing him standing still was a lot more surreal than seeing him when he was active. As impossibly large as he is, when he’s moving it just naturally triggers your fight or flight response and you don’t really have time to take it all in. But when he’s just standing there, and you can look at him and question what you’re seeing, it just hits differently.
It wasn’t until I started slowing down that he finally turned his head in my direction, briefly engulfing me in a blinding red light. When it passed, I saw that the Effulgent One had turned away from me and I was striding down the highway. Even though his gait was casual, his stride was so long that he was still moving as quickly as any vehicle.
Reasoning that if he didn’t want me to follow him he wouldn’t be walking along the road, I slammed my foot down on the accelerator pedal and sped after him.
That’s when things started to get weird.
You know how when you’re driving at night through the country, you can’t see anything beyond your own headlights? With no visual landmarks to go by, it’s easy to get disoriented. All you have to go by is the signs, and I wasn’t paying any attention to those. All my focus was on the Effulgent One, so much so that if someone had jumped out in front of me I probably would have killed them.
I turned down at least one sideroad in my pursuit of the Effulgent One. Maybe two or three. I’m really not sure. All I know for sure is that I was so desperate not to lose him that I had become completely lost myself.
He never looked back to see if I was still following, or gave any indication that he knew or cared if I was still there. He just made his way along the backroads, his bloodred searchlight sweeping back and forth all the while, as if he was desperately seeking something of grave importance. Finally, he abandoned the road altogether and began to climb a gently rolling hill with a solitary wind turbine on top of it. I gently slowed my car to a stop and watched to see what he would do.
I had barely been keeping up with him on the roadways, so I knew I’d never catch him going off-road. If he didn’t stop at the wind turbine, then that would be the end of my little misadventure. As I watched the Effulgent One climb up the hill and cast his light upon it, I saw that the structure at the summit wasn’t a wind turbine at all, but a windmill.
It was a mammoth windmill, the size of a wind turbine, made from enormous blocks of rugged black stone. It was as impossible as the Effulgent One himself. No stone structure other than a pyramid or ziggurat could possibly be that big, and the windmill barely tapered at all towards the top. Its blades were made from a ragged black cloth that reminded me of pirate sails, and near the top I could see a light coming from a single balcony.
When the Effulgent One reached the hill’s summit, he not only came to a stop but turned back around to face me, his light illuminating the entire hillside. Whether or not it was his intention to make it easier for me to follow him up the hill, it was nonetheless the effect, so I decided not to squander it.
Grabbing the thousand-lumen flashlight from my emergency kit, I left my car on the side of the road and began the short but challenging trek up the hill.
I honestly had no idea where I was at that point. Nothing looked familiar, and the overgrown grass seemed so alien in the red light. The way it moved in the wind was so fluid it looked more like seaweed than grass. The clouds overhead seemed equally otherworldly, moving not only unusually fast but in strange patterns that didn’t seem purely meteorological in nature.
With the Effulgent One’s light aimed directly at me, there was no doubt in my mind that he had seen me, but he still gave no indication that he cared. The closer I drew to him, the more I was confronted by his unfathomable scale. I really was an insect compared to him, and it seemed inconceivable that he would make any distinction between anthropods and arthropods. He could strike me down as effortlessly and carelessly as any other bothersome bug. I approached cautiously, watching intently for any sign of hostility from him, but he remained completely and utterly unmoved.
The closer I got to him, the harder I found it to press on. From a distance, the Effulgent One is surreal enough that he doesn’t completely shatter your sense of reality, but that’s a luxury that goes down the toilet when he’s only a few strides or less from stomping you into the ground. His emaciated form wasn’t merely skeletal, but elongated; his limbs, digits, and neck all stretched out to disquieting proportions. His dull scales now seemed to be a shimmering indigo, and the fungal growths between them pulsed rhythmically with some kind of life. Whether it was with his or theirs, I cannot say. There were no ears on his round head. No features at all aside from the frontwards-facing cavity that held the searing red light.
As I slowly and timidly approached the windmill, he remained by its side, peering out across the horizon. I turned to see what he was looking at, but saw nothing. I immediately turned back to him and craned my neck skywards, marvelling at him in dumbstruck awe. I’d chased him down so that I could demand why he had marked me as one of his followers, but now that I had succeeded, I was horrified by how suicidally naïve that plan now felt.
Many an internet atheist has pontificated about how if there were a God and if they ever met Him, they would remain every bit as irreverent and defiant and hold Him to account the same as any tyrant. But when faced with a being of unfathomable cosmic power, I don’t think there truly is anyone who wouldn’t lose their nerve.
So I just stood there, gaping up at the Effulgent One like a moron, with no idea of what to do next.
Fortunately for me, it was then that the Effulgent One finally acknowledged my presence.
Slowly, he turned his face downwards and cast his spotlight upon me, holding it there for a few long seconds before turning it to the door at the base of the windmill. I glanced up at the balcony above, and saw that it aligned almost perfectly with his head.
Evidently, he wanted to meet me face to face.
Nodding obediently, I raced to the heavy wooden door and pushed it open with all my might. The inside was dark, and I couldn’t see very well after standing right in the Effulgent One’s light, but I could hear the sounds of metal gears slowly grinding and clanking away. When I turned on my flashlight, the first thing I was able to make out was the enormous millstone. It moved slowly and steadily, squelching and squishing so that even in the poor light I knew that it wasn’t grain that was being milled.
The next thing I saw was a flight of rickety wooden stairs that snaked up all along the interior of the windmill. Each step creaked and groaned beneath my weight as I climbed them, but I nonetheless ascended them with reckless abandon. If a single one of them had given out beneath me, I could have fallen to my death, and the staircase shook back and forth so much that sometimes it felt as if it was intentionally trying to throw me off.
When I reached the top floor, I saw that the windshaft was encased in a crystalline sphere etched with leylines and strange symbols, and inside of it was some kind of complex clockwork apparatus that was powered by the spinning of the shaft. Though I was briefly curious as to the device’s purpose, it wasn’t what I had come up there for.
Turning myself towards the only door, I ran through and out onto the upper balcony. The Effulgent One was still standing just beside it, his head several times taller than I was. He looked out towards the horizon and pointed an outstretched arm in that direction, indicating that I should do the same.
From the balcony, I could see a spire made of purple volcanic glass, carved as if it was made of two intertwining gargantuan rose vines, with a stained-glass roof that made it look like a rose in full bloom. The spire was surrounded by many twisting and shifting shadows, and I could perceive a near infinitude of superimposed potential pathways branching out from the spire and stretching out across the planes.
The Effulgent One reached out and plucked at one of the pathways running over us like it was a harp string, sending vibrations down along to the spire and then back out through the entire network. I saw the sky above the spire shatter like glass, revealing a floating maelstrom of festering black fluid that had congealed into a thousand wailing faces. It began to descend as if it meant to devour the spire, but as it did so the spire pulled in the web of pathways around it like a net. The storm writhed and screamed as it tried to escape, but the spire held the net tight as a swarm of creatures too small for me to identify congregated upon the storm and began to feed upon it. But the fluid the maelstrom was composed of seemed to be corrosive, and the net began to rot beneath its influence. It sagged and it strained, until finally giving way.
A chaotic battle ensued between the spire and the maelstrom, but it hardly seemed to matter. What both I and the Efflugent One noticed the most was that the pathways that had been bound to the spire were now severed and stained by the Black Bile, drifting away wherever the wind took them.
The Effulgent One caught one of them in his hand and tugged it downwards, staring at it pensively for a long moment.
“That… that didn’t actually just happen, did it?” I asked meekly. I waited patiently for the Effulgent One to respond, but he just kept staring at the severed thread. “But… it’s going to happen? Or, it could happen?”
A slow and solemn nod confirmed that what he had shown me had portended to a possible future.
“That’s why you marked me as your follower then, isn’t it?” I asked. “You needed someone, someone other than the Virklitchen, someone who’s already involved in this bullshit and can help stop it from deteriorating into whatever the hell you just showed me. If Erich had picked anyone else to go to Virklitch that night, or hadn’t asked me to stay for the festival, it wouldn’t have been me! It didn’t have to have been me!”
His head remained somberly hung, and I hadn’t really been expecting him to respond at all to my outburst.
“Elifey liked you,” he said in a metallic, fluid voice that sounded like it was resonating out of his chest rather than his face. “I would not have chosen you if she hadn’t.”
He twirled the thread in between his fingers before gently handing it down to me like it was a streamer on a balloon. I hesitantly accepted the gesture, wrapping as much of my hand around the spectral cord as I could. The instant I touched it, a radiant and spiralling rainbow shot down its length and arced across the sky. When it reached the chaotic battle on the horizon, it dispelled the maelstrom on contact, banishing it back into the nether and signalling in biblical fashion that the storm had passed. The other wayward pathways were cleansed of the Black Bile as well, and I watched in amazement as they slowly started to reweave themselves back into an interconnected web.
“But… what does this mean? What do I actually have to do to make this a reality?” I asked.
The Effulgent One reached out his hand and pinched the cord, choking off the rainbow and ending the vision he had shown me.
“A reality?” he asked as he held his palm out flat and adjacent to the balcony. “It’s already a reality. All you need to do is make it yours.”
It seemed to me that I wasn’t likely to get anything less cryptic than that out of him, so I accepted the lift down. He took me down the hill and set me down gently beside my car before setting off out of sight and beyond my ability to pursue him.
Even though my GPS wasn’t working, the moment I was sitting in the driver’s seat the autopilot kicked in and didn’t ask me to take control until I was back on a familiar road. I know that windmill isn’t just a short drive away, and I’ll never see it again unless the Effulgent One wants me to. I don’t think I can say I’m exactly happy with how that turned out, but I suppose I accomplished what I set out to achieve. I know what the Effulgent One wants of me now, and why he chose me specifically. If it had been all his decision I think I’d still be feeling kind of torn about it, but knowing that I’ve been roped into this because of Elifey makes it a lot easier to bear.
And… I did actually manage to catch a rainbow. I just needed a giant’s help to reach it.
submitted by A_Vespertine to DarkTales [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:31 A_Vespertine I'm Always Chasing Rainbows

When you were a kid, and you saw a rainbow, did you ever want to try to get to the end of it? I bet you did. I did, anyway. It wasn’t the mythical pot of gold that tempted me. Wealth was too abstract of a concept at that age to dream about, and leprechauns were creepy little bastards. I just wanted to see what the rainbow looked like up close, and maybe even try to climb it.
Of course, you can’t get to the end of a rainbow because not only is there no end, but there isn’t even really a rainbow. It’s an illusion caused by the sunlight passing through raindrops at the right angle. If you did try to chase a rainbow down, it would move with you until it faded away. That’s why chasing rainbows is a pretty good metaphor for pursuing a beautiful illusion that can never manifest as anything concrete.
I bring all this up because I think it was that same type of urge that compelled me to chase down the Effulgent One. It’s not a perfect analogy, however, considering that I did actually catch up to the eldritch bastard.
I first saw the Effulgent One a little over two years ago. My employer – who happens to be an occultist mad scientist by the name of Erich Thorne – had tasked me with returning a young girl named Elifey to her village on the northern edges of the county. The people of Virklitch Village are very nice, but they’re also an insular, Luddite cult who worship a colossal spectral entity they call the Effulgent One. I saw this Titan during my first visit to Virklitch, and more importantly, he saw me. He left a streak of black in my soul, marking me as one of his followers. I can feel him now, when he walks in our world. Sometimes, if I look towards the horizon after sundown, I can even see him.
This entity, and my connection to him, is understandably something my employer has taken an interest in. I’ve been to Virklitch many times since my first visit, and I’ve successfully collected a good deal of vital information about the Effulgent One. The Virklitchen are the only ones who know how to summon him, and coercing them into doing so would only earn us his wrath. He’s sworn to protect them, though I haven’t the slightest idea of what motivates him to do so.
Even though I can see him, I usually try not to look, to pretend he’s not there. The Virklitchen have warned me never to chase after him. Before Virklitch was founded, the First Nations people who lived in this region were aware of the Effulgent One, though they called him the Sky Strider. Any of them that went chasing after him either failed, went mad, or were never seen again.
I was out driving after sunset, during astronomical twilight when the trees are just black silhouettes against a burnt orange horizon, when I sensed the presence of the Effulgent One. He was to the east, towering along the darkening skyline, idling amidst the fields of cyclopean wind turbines. I could see their flashing red lights in the periphery of my vision, and I knew that one of those lights was him. I tried to fight the urge to look, but fear began to gnaw at me. What if he was heading towards me right now? What if I was in danger and needed to run?
Risking a single sideways glance, I spotted his gangly form standing listlessly between the wind turbines, his long arms gently swaying as his glowing red face bobbed to and fro.
I exhaled a sigh of relief, now that I knew he wasn’t chasing me. That relief didn’t even last a moment before it was transformed into a dangerous realization. He wasn’t just not chasing me; he wasn’t moving at all. He was still. This was rare, and it presented me with a rare opportunity. I could approach him. I could speak with him.
This wasn’t a good idea, and I knew it. The Effulgent One interacted with his followers on his terms. If I annoyed him, he could squash me like a bug. Or worse. Much worse. But he had marked me as his follower and I wanted to know why. If there was any chance I could get him to answer me, I was going to take it.
“Hey Lumi,” I said to the proprietary AI assistant in my company car. “Play the cover of I’m Always Chasing Rainbows from the Hazbin Hotel pilot.”
With the mood appropriately set, I veered east the first chance I got.
Almost immediately, I noticed that the highway seemed eerily abandoned. Even if anyone else had been capable of perceiving the Effulgent One, there was no one around to see him. I got this creeping sense that the closer I drew to him, I was actually shifting more and more out of my world and more and more into his. The wind picked up and dark clouds blew in, snuffing out the fading twilight and plunging everything into an overcast night.
The Effulgent One didn’t seem to notice me as I drew closer. He was as tall as the wind turbines he stood beside, his gaunt body plated in dull iridescent scales infected with trailing fungus. The head on his lanky neck was completely hollow and filled with a glowing red light that dimly bounced off his scales.
Seeing him standing still was a lot more surreal than seeing him when he was active. As impossibly large as he is, when he’s moving it just naturally triggers your fight or flight response and you don’t really have time to take it all in. But when he’s just standing there, and you can look at him and question what you’re seeing, it just hits differently.
It wasn’t until I started slowing down that he finally turned his head in my direction, briefly engulfing me in a blinding red light. When it passed, I saw that the Effulgent One had turned away from me and I was striding down the highway. Even though his gait was casual, his stride was so long that he was still moving as quickly as any vehicle.
Reasoning that if he didn’t want me to follow him he wouldn’t be walking along the road, I slammed my foot down on the accelerator pedal and sped after him.
That’s when things started to get weird.
You know how when you’re driving at night through the country, you can’t see anything beyond your own headlights? With no visual landmarks to go by, it’s easy to get disoriented. All you have to go by is the signs, and I wasn’t paying any attention to those. All my focus was on the Effulgent One, so much so that if someone had jumped out in front of me I probably would have killed them.
I turned down at least one sideroad in my pursuit of the Effulgent One. Maybe two or three. I’m really not sure. All I know for sure is that I was so desperate not to lose him that I had become completely lost myself.
He never looked back to see if I was still following, or gave any indication that he knew or cared if I was still there. He just made his way along the backroads, his bloodred searchlight sweeping back and forth all the while, as if he was desperately seeking something of grave importance. Finally, he abandoned the road altogether and began to climb a gently rolling hill with a solitary wind turbine on top of it. I gently slowed my car to a stop and watched to see what he would do.
I had barely been keeping up with him on the roadways, so I knew I’d never catch him going off-road. If he didn’t stop at the wind turbine, then that would be the end of my little misadventure. As I watched the Effulgent One climb up the hill and cast his light upon it, I saw that the structure at the summit wasn’t a wind turbine at all, but a windmill.
It was a mammoth windmill, the size of a wind turbine, made from enormous blocks of rugged black stone. It was as impossible as the Effulgent One himself. No stone structure other than a pyramid or ziggurat could possibly be that big, and the windmill barely tapered at all towards the top. Its blades were made from a ragged black cloth that reminded me of pirate sails, and near the top I could see a light coming from a single balcony.
When the Effulgent One reached the hill’s summit, he not only came to a stop but turned back around to face me, his light illuminating the entire hillside. Whether or not it was his intention to make it easier for me to follow him up the hill, it was nonetheless the effect, so I decided not to squander it.
Grabbing the thousand-lumen flashlight from my emergency kit, I left my car on the side of the road and began the short but challenging trek up the hill.
I honestly had no idea where I was at that point. Nothing looked familiar, and the overgrown grass seemed so alien in the red light. The way it moved in the wind was so fluid it looked more like seaweed than grass. The clouds overhead seemed equally otherworldly, moving not only unusually fast but in strange patterns that didn’t seem purely meteorological in nature.
With the Effulgent One’s light aimed directly at me, there was no doubt in my mind that he had seen me, but he still gave no indication that he cared. The closer I drew to him, the more I was confronted by his unfathomable scale. I really was an insect compared to him, and it seemed inconceivable that he would make any distinction between anthropods and arthropods. He could strike me down as effortlessly and carelessly as any other bothersome bug. I approached cautiously, watching intently for any sign of hostility from him, but he remained completely and utterly unmoved.
The closer I got to him, the harder I found it to press on. From a distance, the Effulgent One is surreal enough that he doesn’t completely shatter your sense of reality, but that’s a luxury that goes down the toilet when he’s only a few strides or less from stomping you into the ground. His emaciated form wasn’t merely skeletal, but elongated; his limbs, digits, and neck all stretched out to disquieting proportions. His dull scales now seemed to be a shimmering indigo, and the fungal growths between them pulsed rhythmically with some kind of life. Whether it was with his or theirs, I cannot say. There were no ears on his round head. No features at all aside from the frontwards-facing cavity that held the searing red light.
As I slowly and timidly approached the windmill, he remained by its side, peering out across the horizon. I turned to see what he was looking at, but saw nothing. I immediately turned back to him and craned my neck skywards, marvelling at him in dumbstruck awe. I’d chased him down so that I could demand why he had marked me as one of his followers, but now that I had succeeded, I was horrified by how suicidally naïve that plan now felt.
Many an internet atheist has pontificated about how if there were a God and if they ever met Him, they would remain every bit as irreverent and defiant and hold Him to account the same as any tyrant. But when faced with a being of unfathomable cosmic power, I don’t think there truly is anyone who wouldn’t lose their nerve.
So I just stood there, gaping up at the Effulgent One like a moron, with no idea of what to do next.
Fortunately for me, it was then that the Effulgent One finally acknowledged my presence.
Slowly, he turned his face downwards and cast his spotlight upon me, holding it there for a few long seconds before turning it to the door at the base of the windmill. I glanced up at the balcony above, and saw that it aligned almost perfectly with his head.
Evidently, he wanted to meet me face to face.
Nodding obediently, I raced to the heavy wooden door and pushed it open with all my might. The inside was dark, and I couldn’t see very well after standing right in the Effulgent One’s light, but I could hear the sounds of metal gears slowly grinding and clanking away. When I turned on my flashlight, the first thing I was able to make out was the enormous millstone. It moved slowly and steadily, squelching and squishing so that even in the poor light I knew that it wasn’t grain that was being milled.
The next thing I saw was a flight of rickety wooden stairs that snaked up all along the interior of the windmill. Each step creaked and groaned beneath my weight as I climbed them, but I nonetheless ascended them with reckless abandon. If a single one of them had given out beneath me, I could have fallen to my death, and the staircase shook back and forth so much that sometimes it felt as if it was intentionally trying to throw me off.
When I reached the top floor, I saw that the windshaft was encased in a crystalline sphere etched with leylines and strange symbols, and inside of it was some kind of complex clockwork apparatus that was powered by the spinning of the shaft. Though I was briefly curious as to the device’s purpose, it wasn’t what I had come up there for.
Turning myself towards the only door, I ran through and out onto the upper balcony. The Effulgent One was still standing just beside it, his head several times taller than I was. He looked out towards the horizon and pointed an outstretched arm in that direction, indicating that I should do the same.
From the balcony, I could see a spire made of purple volcanic glass, carved as if it was made of two intertwining gargantuan rose vines, with a stained-glass roof that made it look like a rose in full bloom. The spire was surrounded by many twisting and shifting shadows, and I could perceive a near infinitude of superimposed potential pathways branching out from the spire and stretching out across the planes.
The Effulgent One reached out and plucked at one of the pathways running over us like it was a harp string, sending vibrations down along to the spire and then back out through the entire network. I saw the sky above the spire shatter like glass, revealing a floating maelstrom of festering black fluid that had congealed into a thousand wailing faces. It began to descend as if it meant to devour the spire, but as it did so the spire pulled in the web of pathways around it like a net. The storm writhed and screamed as it tried to escape, but the spire held the net tight as a swarm of creatures too small for me to identify congregated upon the storm and began to feed upon it. But the fluid the maelstrom was composed of seemed to be corrosive, and the net began to rot beneath its influence. It sagged and it strained, until finally giving way.
A chaotic battle ensued between the spire and the maelstrom, but it hardly seemed to matter. What both I and the Efflugent One noticed the most was that the pathways that had been bound to the spire were now severed and stained by the Black Bile, drifting away wherever the wind took them.
The Effulgent One caught one of them in his hand and tugged it downwards, staring at it pensively for a long moment.
“That… that didn’t actually just happen, did it?” I asked meekly. I waited patiently for the Effulgent One to respond, but he just kept staring at the severed thread. “But… it’s going to happen? Or, it could happen?”
A slow and solemn nod confirmed that what he had shown me had portended to a possible future.
“That’s why you marked me as your follower then, isn’t it?” I asked. “You needed someone, someone other than the Virklitchen, someone who’s already involved in this bullshit and can help stop it from deteriorating into whatever the hell you just showed me. If Erich had picked anyone else to go to Virklitch that night, or hadn’t asked me to stay for the festival, it wouldn’t have been me! It didn’t have to have been me!”
His head remained somberly hung, and I hadn’t really been expecting him to respond at all to my outburst.
“Elifey liked you,” he said in a metallic, fluid voice that sounded like it was resonating out of his chest rather than his face. “I would not have chosen you if she hadn’t.”
He twirled the thread in between his fingers before gently handing it down to me like it was a streamer on a balloon. I hesitantly accepted the gesture, wrapping as much of my hand around the spectral cord as I could. The instant I touched it, a radiant and spiralling rainbow shot down its length and arced across the sky. When it reached the chaotic battle on the horizon, it dispelled the maelstrom on contact, banishing it back into the nether and signalling in biblical fashion that the storm had passed. The other wayward pathways were cleansed of the Black Bile as well, and I watched in amazement as they slowly started to reweave themselves back into an interconnected web.
“But… what does this mean? What do I actually have to do to make this a reality?” I asked.
The Effulgent One reached out his hand and pinched the cord, choking off the rainbow and ending the vision he had shown me.
“A reality?” he asked as he held his palm out flat and adjacent to the balcony. “It’s already a reality. All you need to do is make it yours.”
It seemed to me that I wasn’t likely to get anything less cryptic than that out of him, so I accepted the lift down. He took me down the hill and set me down gently beside my car before setting off out of sight and beyond my ability to pursue him.
Even though my GPS wasn’t working, the moment I was sitting in the driver’s seat the autopilot kicked in and didn’t ask me to take control until I was back on a familiar road. I know that windmill isn’t just a short drive away, and I’ll never see it again unless the Effulgent One wants me to. I don’t think I can say I’m exactly happy with how that turned out, but I suppose I accomplished what I set out to achieve. I know what the Effulgent One wants of me now, and why he chose me specifically. If it had been all his decision I think I’d still be feeling kind of torn about it, but knowing that I’ve been roped into this because of Elifey makes it a lot easier to bear.
And… I did actually manage to catch a rainbow. I just needed a giant’s help to reach it.
submitted by A_Vespertine to stayawake [link] [comments]