Sawbuck plans cutting firewood

Help! Earthwork calculations off buy 167 yd.³ on what was supposed to be close to net zero project

2024.05.16 06:31 Main-Marionberry-811 Help! Earthwork calculations off buy 167 yd.³ on what was supposed to be close to net zero project

Hi, I’m hoping someone here can help me. I am the owner building a new house, my civil plans say that the grading is net zero, the fill is 115 yd.³ and the cut is 115 yd.³ for the whole project which includes a 800 sq ft slab on grade foundation for the house and roughly 58 ft long x 16 ft wide driveway. The slope of the land we’re working on is about 20 %
The civil plans state that civil’s earthwork calculation do not account for volume lost to grub or compaction and it’s the responsibility of the contractor to do their own calculations
My GC has fixed contract with the excavators. They have completed the work for the site for the house and are working on the driveway, which is half cut and half fill, but have run out of material. They said the driveway is at a 3 foot lower elevation from where it needs to be and will require an additional 167 cubic yards of fill, and that I am responsible for the materials, delivery and labor to install it all to complete the driveway
I’ve measured the driveway based on the stakes that the surveyor put up marking the driveway prior to grading, and it is about 6 feet too wide (22’ instead of 16’) and on the side where they did the cut, they cut the driveway at an elevation 1-2’ lower than what was instructed by the surveyor
how could it be this far off? even if you account for the loss due to grub and compaction, that wouldn’t even come close.
They definitely over-excavated, could that be a cause for running out of material?
My GC and the excavator are blaming it on Civil’s plans, and again are saying the entire cost is my responsibility
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
submitted by Main-Marionberry-811 to civilengineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:23 Mdmrtgn Roof racks.

Do any models come with just basic black? I wouldn't mind finding someone to trade with locally my chrome ones are still pretty virgins and I'm not a chrome fan. But I do plan on USING them at some point so should I just upgrade to more durable ones? 1000 static and 500 dynamic sounds like a lot but I haven't exactly weighed all my camping/fishing stuff and the red green guesstimate isn't gonna cut it with how much I paid for that crap, also plan on getting a pod and the weight on those varies.
submitted by Mdmrtgn to 4Runner [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:23 Mysterious_Recover49 Boyfriend's family won't accept me and boyfriend doesn't want to move

TL;DR: My boyfriend (26M) and I (27F) met online and started a long-distance relationship before I moved to his hometown. His large, close-knit family lives nearby, and I'm introverted and recently diagnosed with autism. I want to tell them about my diagnosis, but he's hesitant. Living here is affecting my mental health, but he's reluctant to move. I feel stuck and unsure if I should keep trying to make him understand or if it's time to give up.
My boyfriend (m26) and I (f27) met online through mutual friends and started talking on nightly on the phone for about a year before we met in person, started a long-distance exclusive relationship, and then he convinced me to move away from my family and rural town all the way to his hometown right outside of one of the largest cities in America. So my family is 7 hours away and I don't have any friends or anyone I personally know nearby.
His family is very large and tight-knit and most of them live a few minutes from the house we rent so any one of his many siblings, his parents, uncles and aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews, and his friends could show up at any given moment. We run into them almost every time we go out.
The thing is, I'm pretty introverted and recently learned that I am autistic. My boyfriend's psychologist also thinks he may be on the spectrum too.
We've been learning about masking and how it's awful for mental health and tonight I asked if maybe I could disclose to his immediate family (parents and siblings) about my diagnosis so they know when I'm being distant that it's not anything to do with them, I'm just overstimulated and autistic and sometimes cannot attend every social event or gathering.
My boyfriend says he has already told his family that he's most likely on the spectrum and he claims they were accepting but when I asked if I could possibly open up and let his family know he reacted oddly and essentially kept bringing up how his dad would not understand and would probably make fun of me....
He said his dad and a few of his brothers are immature and wouldn't understand and that just made me feel even more abnormal and broken.
I told him that living here is taking a toll on my mental health, that I'm growing depressed and suicidal, that I feel lonely and isolated and like I can't step outside without fear of running into his family or friends and having to mask constantly is ruining my sense of self. I told him that knowing they wouldn't accept me just makes that so much worse and impossible for me to relax when going to the grocery store or even grab a coffee because no matter what one of his family members will engage with me and expect me to always be perfectly social and friendly.
He doesn't really want to move away from his hometown but he gets emotional and says he doesn't want to lose me. I asked if he could break out of his comfort zone and consider moving even 30mins away and eventually he agreed but he has such a negative attitude about it.
The whole conversation resulting in my crying and locking myself in the guest room because it's impossible to talk to him without feeling like I'm not worth him giving me the same energy I've given him.
I gave up job opportunities, friendship and family, and the safe rural environment I knew. I am not asking him to cut out his family, I'm not asking him for move near mine, I'm just asking we don't live in such close proximity that they're always around everywhere I go.
He really insists that he loves me, says he wants to get engaged and married, constantly talks about our future children, and yet he cannot give me a clear plan or show actual steps towards making life comfortable for the both of us.
I don't know what to do. I haven't told anyone I know because I don't want them to view him poorly or just convince me to leave. How do I help him understand? Is it worth trying? Or should I just give up?
submitted by Mysterious_Recover49 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:21 TheSexyMario777 Theory: The ORIGIN of W.D. Gaster!

Theory: The ORIGIN of W.D. Gaster!
(And in case you're wondering, the answer is yes; we're doin' a sequel. 😎)
Hello Internet, welcome to 😳
Gaster. The most mysterious character in all of Undertale. Nobody knows where he comes from. Nobody knows where he went. Nobody knows who or what he is. We're not even sure on what he LOOKS like. from. Well, my loyal theorists, today I believe I have a theory on EXACTLY who and what Gaster is, where he came from, and where he is now. And spoiler alert, it's NOT from the Underground.
If you're reading this, you're probably wondering: "If Gaster isn't a monster from the Underground, then where is he from?" Some people believe that Gaster is actually the father of Sans and Papyrus. That's ridiculous, of course, because in our last theory, we established that Sans and Papyrus are actually Mario and Luigi, and thus can't be the sons of Gaster. (One loyal theorist by the name of Marfanis788 on fandom concluded that Papyrus might actually be the great Waluigi, but that's a theory for another day.)
Anyways, while this may be a bit of a controversial theory, but I believe that Gatsir is none-other than the GH(ass)T from MINCRAFP!!1! Now, I know what you're thinking: "That's preposterous! There's know way that gatsir is the ghast from minecrap." Well, with this evidence, I bet you'll be thinking differently.
For one, Ghaster and Gast have very similar names. They both originate from indie-games that have left a very significant mark on pop-culture of this generation, including some of the most recognizable characters in video game history. They both live in vast realms underground that have a close resemblance to hell, and they're both monsters. You still don't believe me? Well, consider the fact that BOTH characters are PALE-WHITE. 😱😱😱
Well, how could this have possibly happened? How could the iconic Ghast have possibly gone under such a transformation to become Gaster? Well, before we get into that, I have an announcement to make.
You've all been waiting for it. THAT'S RIGHT! MERCH!!! MERCHANDISE! MARKETING!!!!1! Now, you can get your very own StillBetterThanYouLolz T-SHIRT!!!!
"Why in the world would I ever buy this?" You may be asking yourself right now. Well, I'll have YOU know that this T-Shirt is actually worth more than your ENTIRE BLOODLINE**.** So what are you waiting for? Come on down and sell your soul for some MERCHH!!!1! Only $9,000,000! Link is right here! BUY NOW!!!11!
Now, back to the theory. The Nether takes place in a different dimension than the Overworld. So how would a Ghast get to the Overworld? Well, how does one cross from the Overworld to the Nether? A Nether Portal. One day, the Ancient Builders from Minecraft (get caught up on minecart lore) are exploring the Nether, when one day, a few Ghasts cross through the portal. When the Ancient Builders come back after exploring, they find that the Ghasts had killed their most prized possesion; their Minecraft Dogs**.** All of them. All of the dogs were dead. The builders think that these were Overworld monsters doing personal attacks against them, as they never went to the Nether Wastelands when in the Nether. So, they declare war against all monsters that they find, monsters that they were once at peace with. And yes, the Human-Monster War all started because somebody killed their Minecraft dogs.
The Ancient Builders begin a plan to force all of the monsters undeground, starting with the Ghasts. Most of the Ghasts end up dying out, as they can't survive without the intense heat of the Nether as their climate. However, a few had been able to survive and evolve. They had gotten smaller, and were able to use some of their tentacles as hands. They had also developed critical thinking, similar to that of humans and overworld monsters.
Now at this point, generations have passed, and the Human-Monster War has ended. The next few parts of this theory take place far after the events of Minecraft, as the Human-Monster War is still going on at that point. We know this as monsters still roam the Overworld at this point, and they attack humans on sight, so we know that they're at war. We can also tell that the war is almost over, and the humans are winning, as the monsters are so weak that (with a few exceptions) they can only come out at night time.
Now at this point, there is only one Ghast left. And his name is Gaster. Gaster had blown through most of the Underground, making most of it one massive cave. (Also, one part became really cold and started snowing for some reason, while the other part basically became the Nether because climate change = yes. Also, to help survive, Gaster moved to the Hotlands because Ghasts need that hot climate to survive, as I mentioned earlier. He also built his lab there.)
Anyways, Gaster had been looking for redstone while in the Underground. And after years of searching, he finally had enough to use for his project. Using Redstone Technology, Gaster had created a machine that would turn him into a human so that he could finally leave the Underground and get revenge on the humans who forced him and his people to flee underground all those years ago. Using a tooth from one of the Ancient Builders from all those years ago, he used the DNA to turn himself into a human. However, the experiment went wrong, and his Ghast form instead merged with the human DNA, turning him into a humanoid Ghast.
However, Gaster was not ready to give up just yet; for he had an idea; an evil, cunning plan to build the most powerful machine in existence; so powerful, it could wipe out entire species. He was planning on building a time machine**.** He was going to use this machine to destroy all humans; not just in this dimension, but in every theoretical timeline**.**
Eventually, he was found by Asgore (who we discovered was actually the Evil Koopa King Bowser in our previous theory). After the death of Asriel, the son he had with Toriel (who we also discovered was actually Princess Peach in our last theory), Asgore grew mad with rage, and wanted to destroy all humans for what they had done to their kind and their family. Gaster had presented his idea to the angry king, who liked the idea so much that he appointed Gaster to the Royal Scientist of the Underground.
Gaster worked and worked, until finally, the time machine was finished. However, it was very unstable. The experiment failed, and instead of wiping humans from time, Gaster became time. The time waves also sent back Bowser and Peach back to the beginning of time, so that they could become Asgore and Toriel again, creating a time loop instead of a paradox.
Gaster was witnessed by different characters in four separate (theoretical) timelines. These witnesses scarred the characters, and they instantly started following Gaster. Some of these theoretical characters can be witnessed in the main timeline. They started spreading the story of Gaster to a select few in the main world.
These main world characters then started spreading the story to others, and the story eventually became well known among the Underground monsters. People started calling him Warped Doctor Gaster, or W.D. Gaster for short, as he was warped across time and space.
Still don't believe me? Still think that I fabricated this whole story to sound as ridiculous as possible while still having a kind of coherent plot line? Well, think back to Entry 17. Now, think of Entry 17 being connected to this WHOLE THEORY. "Darker, darker, yet darker. The darkness keeps growing. The shadows cutting deeper." It references Gaster being forced into the Underground by the Ancient Builders; the darkness of the cave consuming him, and the shadows of his past cutting deeper into his mind, piercing him with the trauma he felt on that fateful day.
Now, the next part of the entry reads "Photon readings negative. This next experiment is going to be very, very interesting...." refers to Gaster first working on his time machine, as it took so much energy to run that each experiment he ran on it failed...until it didn't.
Now, the last part of the theory is what stood out the most to me. At the very end of the entry, Gaster says "What do you two think?" Now, many people think that this is Sans and Papyrus. However, in our previous theory in which we proposed Mario and Luigi as Sans and Papyrus, we discussed that Sans and Papyrus would've just been entering the Underground when Gaster got warped. So it can't possibly be them, as the timing just doesn't match up.
Well, who else could it be? It might've been Asgore and Toriel, except that Toriel had likely already divorced Asgore at this point. So what other duo do we know in the game that he could be talking to? Could it be characters we haven't been introduced to yet? Well, you see, I believe that the answer is much more simple than that. I believe that the people he's referring to is actually none other than KRIS AND SUSIE FROM DELTARUNE!!!!!!!!!!11!🤯🤯🤯🤯
But that, my friends, is a theory for another day. 😏
So, there you have it, folks. Gaster is actually a Ghast and the Human-Monster War was started because he accidentally killed the Ancient Builders' dog in Minecraft.
bUT hEY, tHAt'z jUst a tHEoRy, a gaYm thEOrY!!!11!!!
submitted by TheSexyMario777 to Undertale [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:17 shlongbwoner I just recently started at a local gym and me and my coach are having a disagreement

So I just started at this really nice gym close to my house. Everythings been great but sometimes I struggle in sparring against the more experienced guys. So I came up with my own plan to level the playing field. Whenever I'm getting overwhelmed I'll rip a giant fart and kick my opponent in the nuts. It really seems to work for me but everytime I try it my coach always say "what the hell are you doing?" And "bro that stinks" he told me to cut it out but I really feel like its working for me. What should I do?
submitted by shlongbwoner to MuayThaiTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:15 snigherfardimungus I wound up with a Craftsman 8.25" job site table saw, but should I replace it with something higher-end?

I wound up with a Craftsman 8.25
Amazon Link to the thing in question.
I worry about the fence being wonky - getting it square takes quite a bit of effort. The throat plate sits a bit low and narrow workpieces get stuck on the lip. I didn't notice this until I went to start planning out a sled but it only has one sled groove. Is it even possible to build a sled to go with this thing? I'm most of the way through building a 46-inch (wide) by 36-inch (front-to-back) by 34-inch (tall) extension table with raiseable leaves, but I'm thinking I should swap out this saw for something more beefy. Particularly something with a geared fence and a heavy table instead of a sheet metal one. I intentionally designed the extension table so I can upgrade saws any time I like with just a couple quick adjustments and a replacement of the plywood top. Now's the time to make the change if I'm going to do it.
Is this thing going to work for interleaved drawer corners and other precision cuts on a sled, or should I drop this one on Craigslist and pick up something else? There are some nice DeWalt saws out there, but I do need something without its own stand since I have one nearly done.
submitted by snigherfardimungus to woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:02 Choice_Evidence1983 AITAH for not helping my ex wife who cheated on me?

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/BedNormals, account suspended
Originally posted to AITAH
AITAH for not helping my ex wife who cheated on me?
Trigger Warnings: infidelity, psychological abuse, emotional abuse and manipulation
Original Post (rareddit): May 9, 2024
My ex wife (32F) and I (33M) finalized our divorce last year, and she had already moved in with her affair partner. We were married for 5 years and together for 10, and it hurt a lot.
Over the past year, it’s pretty clear that my ex wife’s new boyfriend has been psychologically and emotionally abusing her. It honestly makes me want to beat up the dude, and my ex wife’s mental health has completely tanked.
My ex wife has called me a few times over the last couple of months and it’s obvious she’s struggling. I’ve asked her multiple times to just cut it off with him and pack up her bags and move in with her parents, but she doesn’t want to because she feels isolated from her parents after our divorce. She is also a SAHM to her boyfriend's daughter, and so she feels even more trapped.
She asked me if I could pick her up and if she could stay with me for a while. I am not scared of that dude whatsoever, and if I wanted to, I could just drive over to their house and pick her up right now. But I told her I won’t do that, and she has to get the courage to just step out and go to her parents, or just ask her friends for help.
My ex wife is obviously struggling really bad, but I’m also not a humanitarian, there’s a lot of people in this world who are suffering. I’m not a superman who can save everyone, and I have to pick my own battles for my mental sanity.
AITAH for not helping my ex wife escape from her abusive boyfriend?
AITAH has no consensus bot, OOP was NTA
Least-Weather8703: Buddy, it's time to cut ties with your ex-wife permanently. She made her choices, and it's not your responsibility to save her from the consequences. Focus on your own well-being and let her figure things out on her own.
Pineapple-85: NTA - You need to cut contact. She is trying to drag you into a hot ass mess. It is not your job to fix her mistakes. Sadly, she made her bed, and now she needs to lay in it.
It is disrespectful as hell that she reaches out to you to complain about the life she left you for. She literally could not care less about your feelings.
If you feel you need to. Reach out to her parents. Let them know your concerns and that you do not plan on getting involved. And plan on not having contact with her any longer so they may want to check up on her.
Edit: Is it his responsibility to reach out to her parents? No but it isnt about responsibility.
It is about him being ablen to walk away with a clearer conscience. It gives him the peace of mind that she may not be fully alone and someone outside of him is aware of the situation. Because he obviously still cares. It is about alleviating the guilt he seems to be feeling for not picking her up.
OP posted an update blocked her but chose to not get involved further which is also ok. He needed to do what was best for him.
Update: AITAH for not helping my ex wife who cheated on me? (rareddit): May 9, 2024 (11 hours later)
Original Post:
Thanks for the advice.
I called my ex wife this morning before leaving for work, and told her I was going to cut off all contact with her after the call and block her number. I again told her to please just get out her relationship and just go home to her parents, yes she feels isolated from her parents, but they are her parents after all, and they will accept her in. She was crying really bad, but I told her there isn’t much I can do anymore. I then hung up the call and blocked her.
I think cutting off all contact with her is necessary to protect my mental sanity. I am not going to contact her parents, I am just going to remove myself from this situation entirely. Yes, I am really worried for her, but I can’t help or save everyone in the world, I wished I could, but I can’t. I need to look after myself and move on with my life.
nylonvest: Good choice.
If you ever feel guilty, remind yourself that you already helped her a lot more than she deserved, just by being a sympathetic ear. She really had no right to ask for your sympathy over choices she made that caused you so much pain in the first place.



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:01 Choice_Evidence1983 I(29F) made my step-father(50M) an outsider at my wedding that he paid for. I need to make it up to him but I dont know how.

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/ThrowRA999333
Originally posted to TrueOffMyChest
I(29F) made my step-father(50M) an outsider at my wedding that he paid for. I need to make it up to him but I dont know how.
Thanks to u/queenlegolas and u/Direct-Caterpillar77 for suggesting this BoRU
Trigger Warnings: child abandonment, emotional manipulation, possible exploitation
Original Post: May 6, 2024
I ruined the memory of the best day of my life because I was too blind to see what I was doing was hurting one of the most important people in my life. I got married 2 months ago to the love of my life, and he finally opened my eyes to what I did. He showed me the perspective I didnt understand.
When I was 5 my father left us. Just disappeared without trace. He and my mom were already separated by that point, but he was still living with us. 3 years later my mom started dating Rob. He was quite a bit younger than she was, I belive she was 34 and he was 26. Today he is very wealthy (he wasnt when he met my mom) and he treats my mother like a queen. Whenever she is around him she looks like the happiest person in the world. My younger sister looks a lot like me and mom, but her personality is for sure a reflexion of her dad, always telling jokes and being just a nice person all around while me and my mom are more serious and cold.
As I got older, Rob became more present in my life he got married to my mom and she got pregnant. But it was still pretty weird seeing him as a father figure mostly because people would asume he was my brother all the time. When I was in HS, I was dating this boy, and he broke up with me at my friends house. My mom was on a night shift and I had to ask Rob to pick me up. When he did, he conforted me, took me to get ice cream, and when we got home he told me something like this (without knowing what happened) "whoever made you sad doesnt understand that you are the best girl in the world, and its their loss. Dont beat yourself up because other people are too stupid to see it"
I just said to him "I wish you were my dad". He smiled and said that he wished that too, and he could be if I wanted to. We left it at that. I never called him dad. But from that point foward I saw him as a father and I think he knows it.
I finally reconected to my biological father about an year ago. It happened because I got engaged. When I came to my mom's house one day, he was there and I couldnt even recongnise him. He was way thiner than he was when I was a kid. He struggled for years with depression and substance abuse. My mom and Rob actually helped him get clean and they even paid for his stay at a great reabilitation center. They decided together that it was time for me to finally meet him again.
I dont want to explore much on how this was, but all I have to say is that im glad to have him back in my life and im glad for being able to help him heal. He sufered a lot, he got lost. But now he is at least trying.
Rob and my mother payed for everything at my wedding, and everything was amaizing. The church was beautiful, my husband looked amaizing. The one mistake I made: I chose my biological father over Rob. I chose the man that did abandon me for over 20 years over the one the took me as his own and gave me everything he could when he didnt have to. I chose the man that broke my mothers heart over the one that saved her. I dont know why I did what I did. Looking back on it I feel so fucking stupid. My dad didnt deserve to walk me down the aisle. My dad dint deserve to be in all the pictures with my mom and my husbands parents. It should have been Rob.
I dont know, I think I was compensating for the time lost with my dad. Everything was still so fresh with him. I was helping him out, he talked to me everyday, I felt like he deserved to be back in my life.
When we were deciding who would give speeches, we had to cut some because it was just too many and me and my husband didnt really like the idea of hearing speeches for and hour and a half. So we decided for 5 people each. When I gave the list to my husband he even asked "no Rob?" And I said "yeah, my mom is already doing one". The others I chose were 2 of my bridesmaids, my mom, my sister (she really pushed for it) and, again, my dad. My husband said I should reconsider, He even thought of giving up one of his to put Rob in. I said it was fine, he didnt need to do that. My whole thinking when doing this was that Rob has my sister. He will have his moment. This was the only chance my dad had.
But I went too far. I completly cut him out of the party basically. If you look at the photos it doesnt even look like he went. My mom looks like she is faking a smile in half the pictures. I dont have a single picture with him. He only apears in group pictures, and some with my husband.
I only realised all of this when I texted Rob 2 days ago, asking him about a gift im giving my husbands for his birthday. He anwsered. Then asked about my car that is with a mecanic friend of his. He awnsered. Then I asked him something about my insurance. He did not anwser. A little over an hour later my mom called me. She just said "do you have no shame? Do you not understand what you did?" I just listend and she told me not to talk to Rob for now. I was just so fucking confused. I got home and told my husband and he just said that he knows what she is referencing but he will talk to her first.
Later, he showed me the wedding photos, he went step by step on everything I have listed here. He talked calmly, and broke it down for me. By the end I was crying so much that I had a headache. What an inconsiderate idiot I am. He told me that he and my mom didnt tell me anything before the party because Rob asked them not to. He understood that it was important for me for my father to be a big part of this day and when they protested he said that they should not make me worry about these small things.
I dont know what changed from before the party to now. My mom only tells me that he needs a bit of time and that he will talk to me soon. My husband keeps telling me that I made a mistake but Rob will be understanding and will forgive me. And I know that he will. He 100% has already forgiven me. He probably felt something when I was texting him that day that broke him down. I dont know what I said to trigger him at that moment, but also it doesnt really matter. I did the real damage at the party probably since he apeared to be fine with everything else before it (It was not fine by any means)
I have to make it up to him. I dont know how but I just do. I guess im just writing this here because im a little lost. Im too ashamed to talk about it with anyone else I know apart from my mom and husband. She doesnt tell me anything and my husband keeps insiting that everything will be fine and for me not to worry too much about it. And he is probably right but I feel like me not worrying about this is just being incosiderate to Rob again. I have to worry. I just dont know what to do.
Im now at work, and the only thing I can think about is this. Nothing else matters to me right now.
If someone has any kind of idea of how I can make it up to him I would greatly appreciate it.
Edit: Literally 40 minutes after I uploaded this, my mom texted me saying that Rob wants to speak to me tonight.
Relevant Comments
OOP on the situation of her insurance and Rob
OOP: Actually, Rob does not pay for my insurance. He only helped me set it up. And this is not about money at all, I make more than enough money and my husband is also very well off. Rob and my mom paid for the wedding because they wanted to. They told me it would be their gift for me and they gave me the money to use it on the wedding. My husbands family gave us a sum to help pay for our new house.
But your comment made me realise that this might be the problem, he might think im using him for money. That just breaks my heart. I do not want his money. I would happly take myself out of the my mom's will and his (if he has me in it, which he probably does), if it means I can fix this.
Also, he was not rich at all when he met my mom. He became successful after their marriage. Just to clarify.
OOP on why she didn’t plan the wedding photos ahead of time
OOP: My plan was that I wanted spontanious pictures and the photographer had to be changed last minute. In my head it worked out fine, what I wanted was to have the "important" pictures taken early, bridesmades, groomsman and family and later on have just spontanious pictures.
It was something I was too stuck on, this notion of "wasting time" doing pictures, speaches, etc.
But that was such dumb thinking. Thats what wedding are for.
At the end of the day though, everything went great apart from this disastrous oversight of mine.
Top Comments
RevolutionaryHat8988: I want to hug Rob. We all need a Rob in our lives.
Deleted Commenter: You’re almost 30 and needed all of this pointed out to you?
You made multiple conscious choices to exclude Rob from your wedding and only cared after you brought up an issue with your insurance: another thing he helped to pay for.
At your age you should know that choices have consequences.
I’m not sure there is anything you can do to make up for the choices you made.
Update May 9, 2024
First, I want to say some things before posting:
  1. No, I am not Linda, my biological father isnt dying. Got a DM in here asking.
  2. My sister is mostly just sad, not really mad at me. Just said she understood my situation but it still was really shitty seeing her father taken for granted and sad.
  3. My mother is the person most pissed off at me at the moment. She is the only one that still does not talk to me. I mean she does, but not really.
  4. For the people saying my husband and mother were idiots for not talking to me before: they agree and have told me this. My husband specially. Im not trying to shift blame here, just saying this for the people that talked about it
I was not going to post anything else on here. Not a fan of being called names and for people to keep saying that Rob should leave our family. Although Im well aware that I deserve most of everything that was said about me. The coments saying "the apple doesnt fall far from the tree" in regaards to me and my biological father were the ones that hurt the most as it is a fear of mine and the reason I dont drink much and dont use any drugs or anything that could be addictive. But seing how there are other things that could make us more similar than I realised is really frightening.
The day I posted here, my mom told me Rob wanted to speak to me and to go to their home after work. I went and waited for Rob to arrive. When he did my mom left us alone and he started off by saying that he was hurt by what I did at the wedding, that he knows he is not my father and that he would never try to force that on me, but that he at least thought he had some sort of importance in my life and seeing me just not give him any importance apart from talking to him when I need help with something made him realise that I do not view him the he thought I did.
At this point I was already crying so much that I couldnt even talk. I waited for him to finish and when he did I just told basically what you all saw in the post. That I fucked up bad, that I was incosiderate, that he is one of the most importante people in my life and that what I did was unforgivable.
The only reason I am posting it here is because of something during the conversation. He said something about my time at college and I went "but that was because..." and stoped. He asked me "what? because of what" I just said "nothing, you are right, that was my fault and I should have done better".
He was pretty angry at that point and he started to smile and we talked about me taking responsibility for my actions. Its something I am terrible at, it was an issue at my old job and since then I have been trying to be better at it but not very successfuly. He asked what changed and I told him about the post. Multiple people in the comments said that I dont take responsibility and yes, they read right through me. I showed it to him and reading the post calmed him down.
And no, he did not read the comments, just the ones I showed it to him, I would not let him see what some of you were saying about my mom.
So yes, he told me if I was going to say something else to thank you people for calling me out for not taking responsibility.
We talked about a lot of other things not related to the wedding. At the end I just told him that there were 2 things I wanted to say for him to take away from this conversation: I really did mean it when I was in HS and said that I wished he was my dad. Even now, with my biological dad in my life. I still feel that way. And the second thing is that I know that it will be hard for him to belive it right now because of what happened, but I will try to prove it to him for as long as it takes.
For those interested, I`ve been going to a therapist with my biological father once every 2 weeks since he came back, but I think I need one for myself so I will try to make it happen soon.
I want to thank 3 particular commenters that helped me.
  1. The person that told me to take it slow with Rob and dmed me to stop looking at the thread cause I was spiraling.
  2. The one that said: "People fuck up. Sometimes badly. But in a loving and caring family it's never the end of things as long as you are willing to own your mistakes."
  3. And most importantly the best comment that was fair and gave me the right advice: "You are a spoilt, selfish, childish person. I don’t know that rob will forgive you but you can’t simply wait to see if he does. Write him a letter in which you fully own up to your awful behaviour. Do not say “I wish someone had stopped me” - that isn’t taking accountability for the way you treat people. With him and your mom paying for your wedding and your in laws paying for your house - you need to grow up and reflect very seriously on how you interact with everyone around you."
I guess the post served as the letter in the scenario, thank you, that was the slap in the face I needed to realise that I need to do a lot of work to improve myself and that the wedding was not its own thing, it was a reflection of who I am right now and I dont like what I see when I look in the mirror. Also, Rob more or less told me something similar, just not as a agressive, so this comment made me take his words as not him atacking me, but trying to help me understand my flaws.
Im not sure how I will make up for this. Rob is telling me that over time, just me being how I was before my biological father showed up will be enough for him. I dont doubt him but its not enough for me. I will live with what I did for the rest of my life. I will always remember.
The way I am now I actually need people to call me out for this kinds of things and its not fair to them. I will work on it, I have to. I will try my hardest to not ever hurt anyone I love this way again. Thankfully now I have someone in my husband to help me do that and call me out if needed. Thank you.



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:00 2sunny5 Expect?

So I plan on cutting to beans soon and I kinda know how to take care of them but what should I expect? Or how do i know I have made it to beans?
submitted by 2sunny5 to selfharmteens [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:55 jamesmnk cone crusher manufacturer in india7675989907

cone crusher manufacturer in india7675989907
Driving the Charge in Cone Crusher Fabricating buildmate
At the cutting edge of development and accuracy building, cone crusher producers in India are changing the scene of the mining and development industry. With a enduring commitment to quality, unwavering quality, and proficiency, these producers are not fair making machines; they're creating arrangements that engage businesses to flourish within the most requesting situations.
The Pith of Brilliance:
Quality Craftsmanship and Building Mastery
Cone crusher producers in India are eminent for their tenacious interest of greatness in craftsmanship and designing. Each component is fastidiously planned and fabricated to demanding measures, guaranteeing ideal execution and strength. From strong outlines to precision-engineered smashing chambers, each viewpoint of the cone crushers reflects a commitment to quality that sets the industry standard.
· Advancement at Its Center:
Progressions Driving Mechanical Breakthroughs
Advancement is the soul of cone crusher fabricating in India. These producers are continually pushing the boundaries of innovation to convey cutting-edge arrangements that address the advancing needs of their clients. Whether it's spearheading modern materials, upgrading mechanization capabilities, or optimizing vitality effectiveness, development is woven into the texture of each cone crusher delivered in India.
· Custom-made Arrangements:
Customization for Each Application
· Commitment to Maintainability:
Eco-Friendly Arrangements for a Greener Future
Natural maintainability could be a beat need for cone crusher producers in India. From optimizing vitality proficiency to diminishing carbon outflows, these producers are driving the charge towards a greener, more maintainable future. By contributing in eco-friendly innovations and hones, they're not fair decreasing their natural impression; they're moreover making a difference their clients minimize their affect on the planet.
· The Human Touch:
Customer-Centric Approach to Benefit and Bolster
Past fair conveying best-in-class items, cone crusher producers in India are committed to giving unparalleled benefit and bolster to their clients. From incite specialized help to comprehensive preparing programs, they go over and past to guarantee that each client gets the consideration and care they merit. It's this customer-centric approach that sets Indian producers separated in a swarmed commercial center.
· Conclusion
cone crusher producers in India are not fair providers of apparatus; they're accomplices in advance, driving advancement, maintainability, and fabulousness within the mining and development industry. With a tireless center on quality, advancement, and customer satisfaction, they're forming the longer term of cone crusher innovation, one breakthrough at a time
submitted by jamesmnk to u/jamesmnk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:55 GtrPlyr_83 Question about Bias FX 2 Elite and PC RAM

So, I am running Bias FX 2 Elite on my HP Pavilion Laptop 15-eg0067st, which came with 12 GB of RAM and a 512 GB M.2 SSD for storage. I've noticed that sometimes, even when running in standalone mode, that I get artifacts in my tones, and other times, when I'm really jammin' and playing some heavier stuff the program will go from sounding really great, as it should, to just going off the wall, and getting ugly sounding, and at times will even cut the audio out all together.
I am curious as to what causes this. I guess it's also worth mentioning that I am plugging my guitar in to my Pavilion laptop via a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 audio interface (firmware version 1605) . Sample rate is 44.1 kHz, with a buffer size of 128. My round-trip latency is 15.2ms - (666 samples), and I am in "safe mode". I am getting ready to upgrade my PC since I am going to already be opening it up in order to install a new fan, which it needs just because the original one isn't doing so hot, and I don't like my laptop getting too, well, hot.
I plan on installing a Crucial 32 GB RAM kit (which will consist of two 16 GB sticks), as well as a storage upgrade in the form of a Crucial 2TB M.2 PCle NVMe SSD. These upgrades will obviously work wonders for my trusty laptop (which is about 3 years old at this point in time, and has been a great PC, which I have not had a single issue/problem with throughout the entire time I've owned it thus far) from many different angles, one of the biggest improvements of which, I assume will be my performance when using multiple plug-ins while recording/tracking in Reaper, in which I always only use either Bias FX 2 Elite, or Amplitube as far as my plug-ins are concerned.
I am just wondering if these audio anomalies and such which are occurring as I am playing guitar, might be another item which I might expect to see some improvement upon once I have completed these fixes and upgrades. I learned very early on, that if one expects to be able to play using BIAS FX 2, without experiencing a noticeable amount of latency (or any other plug-in for that matter), that RAM is one's best friend. The more RAM one has, the better these programs will run. More seamlessly, and with less latency. So, I know that I will be improving my usage of BIAS FX 2 Elite, I am just curious as to which ways I might expect to see noticeable improvements, aside from the fact that I should be able to get round-trip latency way down, to a point where it will not be noticeable at all anymore, and more like playing on an actual amplifier.
It's definitely sweet to be able to jam using my computer as a means of amplification. But any considering taking this leap for themselves, who have not already, be warned, it is absolutely NOT, just as simple as purchasing a license, downloading some software, and BOOM, you're in the game! Unfortunately, there is a great deal more involved than that, the main thing being, the fact that regardless whether you are sporting a MAC, or a PC, either way, it must be a relatively powerful machine. Positive Grid's website states that a minimum of 8 GB of RAM is required to run BIAS FX 2. However, based upon personal experience, and the fact that almost all of us are going to have other programs and apps being put to use on our computers, other than just what is necessary to play our guitars - think, DAWs for example... because chances are, if you are interested in playing guitar on your MAC or PC, then you are almost certainly going to want to start doing some tracking/recording as well... and that's still just sticking to the guitar related stuff - , I would highly recommend investing in a desktop, or laptop with absolutely no less than 16 GB of RAM.
submitted by GtrPlyr_83 to PositiveGrid [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:50 RuthlessKhaleesi I (F28) and my (M31) been together 10 years ; he's been constantly searching fb for a specific person, should I be worried?

So in January, my SO brought up to me that he was unhappy in our relationship because we were arguing too much, and I wasn't making time for him. We have a son with adhd, he takes up my patience and time, I'm a full time student, and an office manager. Still no excuse to make someone feel neglected, so I apologized and prioritized my time, talked to my therapist for aid in stress relief (I knew I was in a bad mood often), and cut back on hours. I told him to keep me up to date in his feelings, and if there is something else I can do to work on my end.
Everything has been going so much better and I asked him if he's happy with me a couple times, to which he responded he was never unhappy with me but with how our relationship was. Making the changes I did and being more present has felt amazing for me and I realized like wow, I have my person and I don't feel as stressed anymore maybe I bit off more than I can chew and this just feels good. I excitedly planned our 10 year anniversary, and we're both beyond excited.
Brings me to my issue, I can't shake this feeling off since January when he told me he was unhappy. I overthink and I know that but I can't get out of my head. I worry I'm not doing enough, looking good enough, having enough sex, etc... so we make jokes about our sex life taking a hit when becoming parents, and I make jokes about myself gaining weight, my stomach being different, etc. But he made a couple jokes a week ago and it hurt. It doesn't feel the way it used to because in my head he's not happy and I wish I could change it all and be someone he's proud to have (I gained 40 lbs since my son and have pcos so losing it has been a nightmare).
Fast forward to last week, I got his phone to look up his cousin (to buy a minisplit from them) on Facebook. I see multiple searches for women on it and it made my heart drop. I trust him, I don't think he'd cheat but it caught me off guard because one them is a spitting image of his dream girl. I put his phone down and just let it be. Before I get scolded on here, I know I shouldn't have looked again as it's an invasion of privacy (even though he has told me years ago, I could look through his phone) I never felt the need to and this was just coincidence. But I did, two more times. The old searches for her were deleted. But he forgot to delete the search from yesterday. Now my thing is why search them so often? And why delete it? And apparently, they went to high school together (says on the fb).
My brother is his best friend since 8th grade (how we met) and I was kinda just made apart of the friend group and they have talked about old crushes/flings in the past and the name of the girl he's been consistently searching up has never came up in these conversations so I'm kind of like who is she? Where did she come from?
I guess another thing that is just so bothersome to me about the whole thing is how I've been trying hard, putting in work to this and he's just doing whatever. But told me when I asked how happy he is now and happy about the changes.
Anyway, any advice would be great. And I guess bottom line is, should I be worried about his consistent searches? Should I ask him about it or let it be? Am I too in my head? I don't know.
TLDR; F28, M31 my SO of 10 years is consistently searching someone up on Facebook after telling me he was unhappy in January but now says he's so happy and loves all that has changed so I'm unsure if to bring it up to him or I'm overreacting and in my head.
submitted by RuthlessKhaleesi to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:46 bluethecoloris Brisbane city council plans to cut parking requirements in bid to slash $100,000 from housing costs

Brisbane city council plans to cut parking requirements in bid to slash $100,000 from housing costs submitted by bluethecoloris to TheColorIsBlue [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:46 doubleindemnity22 Cap Corse drive

I’m going to be staying in Bastia and want to do the Cap Corse drive, but I’m a bit terrified of some of the reviews I’ve read of the road on this drive. I’ve read that traveling West to East on D80, while less scenic, is also less nerve racking because you are on the inside and away from the steep drop offs so I’m planning on doing that.
Is there a stretch of D80 that is particularly difficult that I could potentially cut out, such as around Nonza? Would a route such as Bastia—>up the east coast on D80 to D180–>D180 through Luri to Pino—>north/east on D80 and then loop around back to the east coast make sense? Or is D180 just as harrowing as the stretch of D80 between Pino and Nonza?
While Nonza looks amazing I’m happy to cut it out if it means I can have a less terrifying experience and still get to some of the other places (Port de Centuri) I want to see.
submitted by doubleindemnity22 to Corsica [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:45 snotrocketscientist Ann Arbor plans teacher layoffs, buyouts as part of $20M in school cuts - Bridge Michigan

Ann Arbor plans teacher layoffs, buyouts as part of $20M in school cuts - Bridge Michigan submitted by snotrocketscientist to greatlakestate [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:45 snotrocketscientist Plan to cut $20.4 million from budget presented by Ann Arbor Public Schools -

Plan to cut $20.4 million from budget presented by Ann Arbor Public Schools - submitted by snotrocketscientist to greatlakestate [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:45 FatherKarrl [DEVELOPMENT] Miniaturization

As normal, the Defense Ordinance Subcommission was on the regular hunt for researchers and new technologies to present to the State Defense Commission. The agency had become expert in asset acquisition, often giving exorbitant deals that couldn't be refused. When deals couldn't be made, the agency was not above subterfuge and espionage. However, DOSC very much preferred to make deals, usually providing a better life for the families of those it seeks to assimilate into its machine of the eccentric.
In recent years, DOSC had engaged in a massive radio campaign, bombarding the airwaves when and where it could with advertisements highlighting the cheery and exciting surface of the organization. The campaign had been a resounding success and DOSC had hired on dozens of new researchers of various backgrounds and talent levels.
These new employees had come from across the continent and from all walks of life. Most interesting among them were those who now made up DOSC's Computerized Ordinance Board (DOSC-COB). The chief among these researchers were the five affectionately called the Circuit Breakers; Walter Houser Brattain, Gordon Moore, John Bardeen, Mohamed M. Atalla, and Dawon Kahng. All of these men had come from all corners of the former United States. Walter was from Spokane, Gordon from San Jose, John from Illinois, Mohamed from New Jersey, Egypt originally, and Dawon from Ohio, Korea originally.
Between them was the Compact's collective understanding of cutting edge electronic research. Not but a few years ago, Dawon and Mohamed had developed the MOSFET (metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor), the Garden of Eden of electronic components as far as DOSC was concerned, providing a higherspeed, less power intensive, and less hot transistor for more advanced circuits.
This early research and development by Dawon and Mohamed had been joined by the knowledge of the other three, Walter and John having attempted a similar feat way back in the 30s before being thwarted by the US Patent Office thanks to Julius Lilienfeld's work in the mid 20s. The Austrian Jew had stopped either man from continuing further, William Shockley's hold on the industry collapsing not long after as is firm's prospects dried up. However, now both John and Walter had a second chance. Fleeing violent application of black nationalism and seeking a life where he wasn't constantly insulted with the title "Yakubite", John had left Illinois to meet with his former associate, Walter, in Spokane where both were approached by DOSC with prospective job offers.
Much to both gentlemen's surprise, DOSC had also acquired Gordon Moore from San Jose, California. Gordon had played a direct hand in William Shockley's fall from grace, being a member of the "Traitorous Eight" as Shockley would make sure to remind the media. Free of Shockley's authorian approach to teamwork, Gordon was quickly approached by a DOSC agent while enjoying a meal in a San Jose diner. Despite Sherman Fairchild's, the benefactor who encouraged the Traitorious Eight to rebel against Shockley, DOSC's offer couldn't be resisted, securing Gordon, his wife, and his two sons immediate citizenship within the Compact and an all expense paid life in the Great North. DOSC's investment would be quickly returned on, as Gordon became the pièce de résistance to DOSC-COB's efforts.
Utilizing the prior work and minds of Dawon and Mohamed, Gordon became a wizard of the circuit board. Recognizing and expertly applying the massive advantages of the MOSFET transistor, Gordon saw the inevitability of MOSFET's take over in regards to its impressive scalability and unparalleled low power consumption.
It would be from here that Gordon and the rest of the Circuit Breakers would begin not work very closely with Tia Baisho, chief engineer of DOSC's Kinentic Movement Board (DOSC-KMB), per her own request and much to DOSC's excitement. Tia had the type of eccentric idea that DOSC drooled over, that being a radical plan to drastically reduce the strain on combat manpower, opening the military up to greater support personnel potentials. However, to do so, she would need a new field of electronic components and ability that the world has yet to see.
submitted by FatherKarrl to PostWorldPowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:44 vulvarine123 Planning a tile install. How would you cut this 3D mosaic?

Planning a tile install. How would you cut this 3D mosaic?
Hi All,
I’m installing this tile in a rectangular backsplash in the upcoming week as a DIY. With the symmetric pieces and mosaic layout, it might be easiest to cut individual tiles to fill the gaps to abut the ceiling and countertop with the pattern. I don’t own a wet saw, would these tiles work through a wet saw or more of a score and snap approach?
submitted by vulvarine123 to Tile [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:34 Aware-Material507 A Robotic Overmind for a Dungeon 95

First Previous
Peering down into the now exposed cavern, I wondered what was in there and consequently how I would even get down there. Ordering my marauder to back up a bit so that they would not fall though or anything of the sort, I began floating back up to the surface before blipping over to the factory and more specifically the modification station. Flipping through the menu screen, I quickly whipped up a modification to my crabs so that they would have a searchlight sitting on their claw arm so that they would not have such a hard time seeing the mines. Drifting back over to the mining outpost, I began ordering for the on site construction crew to begin constructing the new lights onto a few volunteers. As they began the process of constructing the modifications for my crabs, I began gathering up a few flight capable drones from the factory since I doubt that my hounds and ants would have a very good time climbing down a eighty plus degree slope down to the bottom.
Perhaps I should have a few of the hornets have some of the searchlights as well. Certainly couldn’t hurt to have some extra lights. Thankfully at the factory there was a much more sizable spider drone presence so my hornets were equipped with the searchlights quickly enough and were able to reach the mining outpost just about when my crabs got theirs as well. Ordering my drones to begin venturing down into the mineshaft, I was finally able to properly see down in the mines although I suppose I had not turelly needed to. I wonder if this would help the rest of my drones ability to mine out ores. The lack of light surely hasn’t stopped them so I guess they probably can see better down here that I could. As we ventured through the mineshaft, I took the time to look around and found that the tunnels which had been carved out looked to have many small patches missing, presumably where they had found valuable ores and the like. Before long we reached the opening to the cavern which looked to be somewhat expanded by the marauders sub drone harvesters.
Ordering my newly equipped crabs to use their search lights in order to light up the cavern a little bit, I was able to quickly enough make out the forms of what had to be organic life which was rather surprising. Squinting my eyes, I was able to see the vague forms of large fungus-like shapes covering the entirety of the rather large cavern like a warping forest which seemed to be perfectly fine with growing on every available surface. Looking over to my hornets and vultures who had volunteered to take a look, I ordered them, along with the harvesters from the marauder, to begin flying down and begin looking around the area. Switching my perspective over to one of my hornets equipped with the searchlights, I watched as they began to descend down to the bottom of the cavern and where the dozens and dozens of tree sized mushrooms and fungus sprouted out from the ground and created a canopy of sorts.
As we descended, I was able to see that every available spot on the surface of the floor was absolutely covered in moss and fungus which had taken root in whatever rocky soil which they could find. As we continued to look around the cavern, one of my hornets seemed to have managed to spot some sort of constructs near the far end of the cavern and soon enough the hornet which I was watching through linked up with the rest of my force as they moved towards the buildings. As they approached the structures, I was able to make out the general shape of the buildings which looked to be rather squat with the occasional second floor which I took as a sign that they were either rather small or there was more underground. With the help of the searchlights, I was also able to see that the constructs seemed to be absolutely infested with the fungus and moss along with a large amount of other dark growths which stretched out from the insides of the building.
Huh, maybe this is where all the fungus had come from. Perhaps it’s a research building that’s focused on botany or something. Floating down to ground level with the rest of my drones, I ordered one of my hornets to open the doors leading into the building proper which they promptly did so by firing their spike launcher into the joints of the door which caused it to be blown off its hinges. A bit overkill but hey, I’m not complaining. Sending a couple drones into the breach to make sure that there were not any hostile contacts in the building, I made sure to have the rest of my drones on high alert for any signs of activity as something about this place was making my nerves stand on end. Upon the confirmation of no hostile contacts present, I ordered the rest of my drones to enter the building as well, minus a couple of hornets I decided to leave guarding the entrance while the rest of us began making our way through the maze of corridors.
Entering into the building, I saw that the place looked to be just as abandoned as all the other buildings in the city, however this place seemed to not even be touched by ferals and the like looking for shelter. Sure everything looked to be messed up but I could not see a single trace of activity in the rooms as we moved through the corridors methodically, keeping our spike launchers at the ready at all times. Entering a research room of some sort, I saw a large amount of glass containers which looked to have at one point helped strange plants and funguses although most of which had died long ago whenever this place was abandoned to its fate. I guess this helps confirm that this place was some sort of research building focused on plants and stuff. As we continued to make our way throughout the building, my drones and I found more and more of the black tendrils which covered the ground and were familiar in some way, however I could not place my finger on it.
Eventually after looking through a handful more rooms filled to the brim with plant specimens, my drones and I encountered a stairwell leading both down into the underground and upwards to the second floor. I made note that the downwards stairwell had a larger than usual amount of the black tendrils which snaked out from the stairwell before infesting the rest of the building. Deciding that I did not wish to go down there, I sent about half of my force down while I and the rest of my drones went up the stairs and checked out the second floor where there were noticeably less tendrils. As my hornets clambered up the stairs, noticeably avoiding the black vine like tendrils whenever possible, I noticed that there seemed to be some artificial light coming from above which was strange, I would have assumed that all the power had been disabled for these ruins.
Moving closer to the source of the light, we eventually entered what looked to be a control room with a large amount of screens and control panels, most of which were entirely deactivated and in some cases destroyed outright. All except for one which seemed to be a simple control panel with a large amount of lights associated with various sections of the compound like the power generators and various research rooms. Looking around, I eventually found a key stating which faintly blinking meant what and quickly began transcribing each of the dim lights which were still finding enough power to give off a noticeable glow. First to gain my attention was the power generators which were flashing a red light stating that they were completely down, however looking at the auxiliary power systems, they were glowing a faint yellow which stated that they were still at least partially functioning. Guess that explains where this thing is pulling the power from, the pitance that it is.
Continuing down the line of blinking lights, I see that most if not all of the systems making up the building and a few of the other, much smaller, buildings surrounding this one seemed to be more or less non-functional which should be expected given that this place had been abandoned for at least a couple decades. As I reached a few lights noted as containment units and found that most were deactivated or destroyed, I received a few messages from my drones I had sent downwards stating that they had found something that I should probably have a look at. Slipping out of the hornet I was currently in and transferring over to one of the hornets down stairs before coming face to face with what they had found. Floating around, suspended by some sort of force field was a disgustingly large bulbous black clump of flesh with faint blue marks and bulbs dotting around its body. Why in the seven hells does this place have a rot specimen? Sigh, I guess this explains where all the power which the still functioning generators is being pumped into. At least it hadn’t gotten out of its containment, that would make this ten times wors- … waaait a minute.
Looking down to the ground where the black tendrils snaked across the floor leading to two other containment units which were worryingly not activated and had two, thankfully smaller, iterations of the rot simply laying there, as if hibernating. Shit! Alright maybe if we back up slowly they won’t notice our presence. It was then the two rot clumps and their many tendrils began pulsating before marks and bulbs on their body began to glow a faint blue and some began to move. Alright, change of plans. Everyone RUN! My drones were quick to obey as they powered on their wings and bolted for the stairwell as the tendrils began writhing as if searching for my drones. One even lurched out and grabbed one of my hornets as they attempted to escape the building, dragging the poor drone to the ground and more tendrils moved in to help keep down my struggling troops who fought valiantly which thankfully diverted tendrils which were dangerously close to my other drones to quickly flew up the stairs and out of the building.
A few tendrils attempted to stop our escape however my hornets quickly fired their launchers and pinned those to the walls of the building and my harvester sub drones proved to be rather effective as they cut right through the rot tendrils that got close. Taking to the skies as quickly as they could, I could see that the rest of my drones seemed to have managed to get out unmolested by the rot tendrils which were definitely not as numerous as the ones underground and they were now covering the rest of my drones retreat as they fired their launchers and cut down any tendrils which got close. Linking up with the rest of my drones, my various hornets quickly turned their own spike launchers to bare against the tendrils, managing to land a few shots before I ordered them to fall back as one of the rot tendrils lashed out and nearly swatted another one of my hornets out of the sky which I decided was too close for comfort.
Turning around as we flew back to the mines and the rest of my drones, I watched as the far side of the cavern where the facility was began to pulse blue as the rot emerged from its slumber and began moving through the fungus forest. I have no idea how the rot works but given that they’re fleshy, I suspect that letting them feast off of the mushrooms is probably going to bite me in the ass later. Slipping out of the hornets as the flew back to the outpost, I began scrambling to assemble as many fire beetles as I could from all of my territories as they had been proven to be one of my best anti-rot drones meaning they would be instrumental in fending off those things from escaping the cavern. As it would turn out, I was rather lacking in the fire beetle department as I could only assemble about a dozen of them which means that I would have to wait a bit before I could start deploying them en masse.
Deciding to make the process as quick as possible, I began ordering for the construction of fire beetles from every available small drone works in my territory but it would still take a while for them to all fabricate and be transported over here, especially from places like the warehouse outpost and the newer outposts near the front lines. While I waited, I continued to watch as the rot began infesting the cavern with reckless abandon and from where my crab was standing, I could see as one after another the large fungus trees toppled over to be consumed by the rot. As the fungal forest was being consumed by the now fully awakened rot, I began wondering whether or not they would be able to use their newly acquired food supplies to create more of the damned tendrils or even more rot clusters. At least there’s only two, maybe three, of them down there. Hopefully my fire beetles will be able to burn the forest down before the rot gets a chance to eat all of it.
Speaking of which, my drones, a few of the suicidal drones had arrived from the factory and were already making their way down the mine shaft over to my position. Once they arrived, I gestured to a few of my hornets who quickly picked up the four fire beetles before flying down to the base of the cavern before placing the fire beetles amidst the fungal forest which they promptly began burning down to the ground. Hopefully they would be able to burn down at least half of the mushroom tree before the rot could eat it or to my beetles for that matter. Watching as the cavern began to glow a bright reddish orange, I decided to check up on the rest of my territory as I waited for more of my beetles to finish being fabricated and transported over to the mining outpost. Deciding to check on my forces in Ping’s territory first, I drifted over to the outpost that my forces had helped Ping take back which was now returning to what I was guessing was its full capacity.
Checking up on my drones which I had managed to rescue from enemy territory, I found that most had been repaired back to functionality and were now going about their duties which mostly revolved around helping out Pings drones with the various patrols or, if my spiders deemed them unfit, working to assist with the movement of supplies around the outpost along with some light salvaging. A fair amount of my veteran drones had been sent back to whatever force I had taken the form, mostly the force at Churn’s front line with the occasional drone working in pseudo retirement which garrison or mine work afforded them. After all, they were likely needed more at Churn's front line where active fighting was still occurring on a regular basis rather than in Ping’s territory where the corrupted AI was being pushed back as Ping got their feet under themselves as they began pumping out drones and defenses.
Checking up on the outpost which Churn had lent me, I found that the enemy force had begun moving back into the now destroyed production hub however not in any significant numbers as the outpost was likely deemed to be not worth the effort of putting a large garrison there. The forces present were likely only there to inform them if I was making moves to attack more of their territory so that they could make the proper adjustments. Thankfully this newly established enemy garrison could not stop my stealth hounds as they occasionally sent back a member or two of their number to inform me of what was going on in enemy territory. In Coopers stead, one of the next most senior drone which happened to be an ant had been receiving the most recent of reports from the stealth hounds which mostly consisted with random enemy movements and caravans which did not really affect me given that I was not willing to start sending out my force to being taking the fight to the next enemy stronghold, at least not while my forces in Ping were still criminally understaffed and my resource stocks were at a minimum.
Perhaps once things stabilize and more resources become available I will begin tasking my force with attacking however until then I was content to sit around on the defense. The thought of constructing more stealth hounds until I could start having them raid caravans briefly flittered across my mind but I quickly cut that off and stored it in my head for later use once the whole situation with the rot back in the mines is resolved. Speaking of which, as I finished reading through reports and stamping away thoughts of pressing the attack while my supply lines were strained, I received the message stating that the first batch of fire beetles were now finished construction and were beginning to be collected by the subway system and would soon be delivered to the mining outpost. Good, the longer I wait, the more dangerous those things will probably become. Hopefully my beetles will be able to handle whatever they encounter down there.
Floating back over to the mining outpost and down to the cavern entrance, I could see that the initial four fire beetles had done a good job at burning down what they could as I was able to easily see that well over half of the forest had been light ablaze as the fungal trees caught fire and whatever moisture the mushrooms had were quickly evaporated. Regardless, the rot still continued to feast upon the biomass that they could get their tendrils on and from where I was watching I could easily see that nearly a quarter of the fungal forest had been completely taken over and infested with rot puss as the area where the rot had infected began glowing blue as their residue began to take place and fester. Hopefully the fires will also be able to burn some of the rot along with the mushroom trees before the rest of my beetles arrive and with some luck take down whatever is left. But for now I watched the flames as they spread and burned down everything in its path.
Sorry it’s late, I had to GM a bit of DnD which took priority over finishing up and posting this.
submitted by Aware-Material507 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:34 3vette Extending outlet vs extension cord?

What are the best options for outlet extension / power adaptors? I need a power outlet about 38” from the ground, and originally planned for it to run through a bench build.
Building a L wide bench with a shelf table behind it. It will be open on one side, and have a closed storage cube on the side where the outlet is. I wasn’t planning on cutting the trim or the wall.
I originally thought of just using an extension cord (but which? Since I won’t be able to get back to the outlet for the foreseeable years due to fish tank) on other end.
Then I thought maybe just pull the outlet forward about an inch and tie it into the storage cube but I worry about the wall hole being open (and creepy crawlies).
What’s the best advice?
submitted by 3vette to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:31 Wait_a_minute_1980 Teen gave up on math, harming

Our (43F, 46M) child (16m) has hated school for as long as I remember, especially math but also due to kids (talk about grades, bullying etc). He's had tutors galore since 6th grade and earlier, usually for math, but previously for English as well. Math is his nemesis and he absolutely freezes on tests. Cut to junior year, he has told me to please stop pushing for tutoring and help in any way. I pushed a little anyway at the end of 2023 and got him a tutor, didn't help at all. Then he put his foot down and said he couldn't care anymore.
Some background - he has anxiety and depression, went to a therapist for 2 years (ages 14-15) before he told me he was harming himself. After the second time, the therapist said he needed more help, cut ties and told us he needed an IOP. He refused and said he'd be fine himself, promised not to cut anymore. He has taken many mental health days this year. He has a 504 plan allowing more time for home work and tests as well as copies of notes. He uses it when he needs to.
I just found out he has an F in math and will end up with a D for the year. I tried pushing again and telling him it was only 3 weeks- retake the tests and work with me before any more tests (we did this junior year). I started the conversation talking about his goals and getting into college and to push himself the next few weeks to get there. He got very upset and said he just cannot care anymore other wise he'll go into a depression. He knows what the repercussions of this could be and is more disappointed in himself than I could be (I never said I was disappointed, I said I didn't want him to look back on this and be disappointed). I tried very calmly to reason with him- he isn't required to take math next year, it's only a few study sessions for tests etc. He refused and started crying. I fully believe he's started cutting again.
I am so confused. There is no play book or instruction manual for this. How do we know what to do? How to help him without the enabling him? How is he going to handle life after high school?
I am going to a therapist myself as I have a lot on my plate (father with neurological issues, mother almost dying and repercussions due to a fall) along with handling this situation constantly. We are going to push him to do an IOP this summer as I think he really needs it. What else can we do? I just feel totally helpless.
submitted by Wait_a_minute_1980 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:28 3vette Wall bench - Extend outlet or use extension cord?

What are the best options for outlet extension / power adaptors? I need a power outlet about 38” from the ground, and originally planned for it to run through a bench build.
Building a L wide bench with a shelf table behind it. It will be open on one side, and have a closed storage cube on the side where the outlet is. I wasn’t planning on cutting the trim or the wall.
I originally thought of just using an extension cord (but which? Since I won’t be able to get back to the outlet for the foreseeable years due to fish tank) on other end.
Then I thought maybe just pull the outlet forward about an inch and tie it into the storage cube but I worry about the wall hole being open (and creepy crawlies).
What’s the best advice?
submitted by 3vette to electricians [link] [comments]