Quotes about not loving boyfriend anymore

Good News

2008.06.12 20:52 Good News

BBL, probably. https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/5/23749188/reddit-subreddit-private-protest-api-changes-apollo-charges Need your fix? You may want to check out one of the up-and-coming federated alternatives to Reddit, including Lemmy (lemmy.ml / beehaw.org), Kbin (kbin.social), and Lotide (narwhal.city). You can also join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/Um5B3JM

2013.04.18 05:07 sithkazar Stories About Paul

A few days ago I lost the only thing that matters. I am broken. I am lost. I can't function and have no idea what to do with my life. I guess I'm afraid. I know that once something is on the Internet it never truly goes away. I want to talk about him, so that he his never forgotten.

2016.07.12 16:24 FThumb Feel The Bern

We don't see politics along a left/right divide, we see politics along a top/bottom divide.

2024.05.15 19:58 Maximum-Government24 WIBTAH if I broke up with my boyfriend for not texting me?

Hi. First post on here. I ((24F)) have been dating my bf ((22M)) for about a month now, but we’ve been talking since February. At first, our conversations were wonderful. Complex, interesting, and he made me feel beautiful, showering me with compliments and praise which I never got from any other romantic partner before. I fell for him, hard, and decided to start dating him. We made it official on Easter Sunday. I bragged about him to anyone who would listen, recounting how he’d make me feel special, beautiful, and like a priority. We changed all our social media statuses. We even had matching profile pictures on Instagram. Things seemed to be going great. But ever since we got together, things have started to change.
For starters, he doesn’t have a car, so I’m the one driving to get him. And it’s hard to set up dates when I’m working 6 days a week with 2 jobs. He works part time, and when our schedules would allow, I’d offer to pick him up so we could hang out for a day. He never wants me at his house, since he lives with his mother’s ex-husband and he ((supposedly)) isn’t a good guy. 90% of any plans I make with him gets cancelled last minute ((and by last minute I mean I am walking out of the door to go pick him up)). Which was okay the first time, since he got called into work. But when it happened again the next week, and again, and again…I’m tired of spending 2+ hours getting myself dolled up just to be told “no” as I’m heading out the door. Just because he didn’t feel like it bc he had a rough day at work the previous day, or bc he was invited to play video games with his friends, or simply bc he changed his mind. I wouldn’t have so much of a problem with this if he would communicate this with me before I got ready, but it’s consistently when I’m about to walk out the door to get him that he flakes out.
Problem number 2, his messaging habits. Now we use to text every day. And where I woke up before him, I would send him a good morning text every morning. As time went on I realized his messages were getting dryer and shorter. Now, I went on vacation this past week and where I was driving all day on Monday, I didn’t have time to message him. When I went to open my phone to message him, I realized yet another thing: he hadn’t messaged me that whole day, even though he was off work that day. My curiosity got the better of me, and I didn’t message him. I haven’t reached out, simply to see how long it would take for him to message me first, because I know he hasn’t messaged me first since that day in February when he hit up my DMs.
It’s been 3 days now since I’ve even heard from him. Three days, I’ve seen him active on discord, viewing my Instagram reels, and yet not once has he messaged me.
Problem number 3, I realized he hadn’t changed any social media statuses, except Instagram, and even then within 2 weeks he deleted that too. Took down everything from his insta saying that he wanted to deactivate the account, which was okay, until he uploaded a new pfp. This is probably petty, but I had him tagged on insta in my bio, and on every social media platform I had, my status said “taken” or “in a relationship”. Not him…
I feel like I’m not valued, like I’m being ignored, like I’m not a priority. Even though I always reached out, reassured him, checked in, took him places and made the plans, he doesn’t seem interested anymore. I’m tired of fighting for someone’s affection, and loving someone the way I want to be loved with the useless hope that it will be reciprocated.
So…would I be the asshole if I broke up with him for not texting me?
submitted by Maximum-Government24 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:57 Comfortable_Day_9867 AITA for not reminding my friend and my older sibling that I was graduating last week?

I’m going to rearrange the school names for this post. I’m 24M. I originally went to college at the “University of Iowa” (not really, went to a comparable school). Due to personal reasons, I dropped out of school and came back home. After a year or so, I started over at a community college and I just completed an Associates Degree this past December. I have now gained acceptance to “Iowa State University” (not really, going to a comparable school) and I have been going there since January.
I told my friends and family that I graduated from community college, that I received my diploma in the mail and that I was walking in May. But after that, I didn’t bring it up anymore. And in result, my best friend and my sister didn’t realize I was walking. They’re upset I didn’t tell them.
A part of me didn’t want to make a big deal about it because it was community college. Another part of me feels like everytime I spoke about school, certain friends and family brushed it off and paid it little attention. For example, my best friend spends like 30-40 minutes talking about his relationships issues with his boyfriend every time we talk extensively and will listen for maybe 2 minutes about things concerning me. I kinda feel like if you’re my sister or my best friend and you know I finished a degree program recently and know that I got my physical diploma and know that I was walking in the spring, then if you cared enough, you would’ve asked what date I was walking. I feel like if I graduated from “University of Iowa” they would’ve been more interested.
Anyway, they’re kinda upset with me because they found out last minute and couldn’t come. My parents and my grandfather came to the graduation. They knew/made sure they knew.
submitted by Comfortable_Day_9867 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:56 ionlydrinkwhiteclaws Capricorn women, how do you feel about Gemini women?

I’m 26 and I noticed that I liked Gemini women more when I was younger. My best friend was a Gemini up until 2-3 years ago because I could no longer tolerate/put up with her BS. I work with another Capricorn who’s 18 and I can tell she’s enamored by our Gemini coworker, follows her around like a puppy and the Gemini girl loves it. Thats why I don’t like Gemini women anymore, it’s so clear to me that they just want a string of people looking up to them/validating them. They’re so arrogant and self absorbed and think they’re the hottest/coolest/most interesting girl in the room, and they convince others of that too. It’s not a secret that most people like/are attracted to Gemini’s on a surface level. Gemini women are definitely man eater types too, because they only care about themselves, they don’t get attached to other people. They can also just be huge bitches, and love to intimidate others and I’m just not with it.
Wonder if yall feel the same or differently
submitted by ionlydrinkwhiteclaws to capricorns [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:56 Depresso_Espresso_8 AITA for not checking up on hubby anymore?

Today my husband is asking for space while I literally am being met over and over again with the silent treatment on top of the repetitive physical distance (like him saying he needs space but only he knows for how long. But all he said is he needs space). This is everytime I voice how I feel that leads up to an argument or whenever I can’t accept things, it has gotten to the point where I have been begging him to stay. After every single argument, just to see him leave.
Last night was the first time where he was sitting next to me after months of neglect and having to deal with my voices and anxiety alone. On top of disrespecting myself in begging him to stay and seeing him leave though the door over and over again in my head. Hence I couldn’t accept it yesterday. I know this is unfair but I can’t help but think “Why now? Why didn’t you do this before? How dare you? Honestly maybe I like being alone more now even if my thoughts are dark.. etc etc” It’s hard… I am aware that we are humans and I want to give myself grace but I keep fighting. Fighting for his love. While I’m empty yet giving unconditional love. Only to see him walk out of the door multiple times to trigger my abandonment issues. Don’t get me wrong now, he went through hell fire in his childhood too. Got bullied in school for years because of both parents abandoning him and him growing up with his grandparents from his mom’s side. Me too, just that my parents were physically there but emotionally so absent that I always wondered why I’m even here and secretly wished they weren’t so I could at least say that they were absent like he does… Now I am not saying mine is bigger or his is. It’s never a competition of pain. But when it comes to him it feels like it is always justified and he once just pulls away cause needs space and I ALWAYS check up on him. Because I’m aware of this trauma and try to accommodate. This time however I vowed to let him come to me first cause I am TIRED of doing so over a year now and being the person to keep pushing despite being done myself. And then getting punished instead of being appreciated for it. And feeling like he just (doesn’t or?) simply can’t be there for me like that anymore. I feel like it’s selfish of him but idk if I can even claim that cause I see how depressed he looks and behaves…. It’s just a lot and I am extremely confused after being neglected for so long even if it’s “justified” from his side… For now, I am just taking time out to spend with my loved ones since I have been neglecting them for a long time in the process. And taking their word for staying quiet just to see if he will reach out first since they’re aware of the situation and me being the person who always does this.
PS: He reached out about paperwork so I gave a prompt but business like response. No idea where to go from here. Hubby sounds like a colleague instead of partner tbh at this point.
submitted by Depresso_Espresso_8 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:54 Accomplished-Cow2717 Father DNA drama

I don't even know how to start this..
I'll try keep it simple as this will be 1 of millions of stories I have to tell eventually.
I (31f) grew up most my life thinking my "1st dad" was my bio dad, he passed when I was 14 (we weren't close, he was a junkie and I hardly ever seen him) I had to close the lid on his coffin, I helped carry him, I helped plan his funeral and everything that came with it. He's in my birth cert, I legally have his last name and even have it tattooed on me. (this adds a bit of context somewhat)..
Fast forward to my 21st birthday, and my NM decided it was the perfect time to "joke" about how my 1st dad might not even be my dad 🤦 I'm hard headed so I instantly started pushing for more info and wondering wtf she was playing at.
She eventually gave me a name of who she thought could possible my Father, I got in contact with him and his now ex wife(there's stories about her too) and we got the process of DNA testing started..
Shock horror, "1st dad" wasn't my bio dad, when "2nd dad" called me with the DNA results I was incredibly overwhelmed, scared and confused as anyone would be..
My NMs reaction when I told her?? " Why are you crying I always told you 1st dad might not be your bio dad" (she never EVER mentioned it before in my entire life even though she'll argue til she's blue in the face that she did tell me)...
She still to this day swears she had always told me that there was a chance but a lot of things over the years that she swears happened or didn't happen I found to be lies so I trust nothing she says anymore.
Since then me and 2nd dad have had an amazing relationship, considering he went from no bio kids, a wife and 2 step kids to no wife or step kids and a 21yr old daughter he handled it like a champ.. his family have accepted and loved me since the day the DNA results came back.. we just all wish we got that first 21 years together too.
Sorry if this is long winded or if anything doesn't quite make sense, I'll happily answer any questions within reason and explain further if needed
submitted by Accomplished-Cow2717 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:54 Fun_Subject_3209 Got dumped, weeks after she's with somebody else. is this it?

Okay, so this is going to be a long one, sorry.
Despite a six-year relationship filled with ups and downs, long-distance struggles, and personal insecurities, my partner and I shared a deep bond. However, misunderstandings and miscommunications led to an abrupt, painful and aribitrary breakup from her end. When I discovered my partner seeing someone new, it left me questioning the sincerity of our past love and struggling with unanswered questions. Now, I'm torn between seeking closure and wondering if there's any hope for us to reconnect or if it's time to let go and move forward. Given that in matter of weeks that we were really good now she is in love with somebody else. Is she acting out of anger, revenge or is this real and sincere?
Ful context:
I had a relationship with this person for almost 6 years. So first, it was like a year we were friends, and then best friends. She had a boyfriend; she is older than me by almost 8 years. She didn't love this guy and wanted to break up with him. I already had feelings for her but didn't think it was possible. It happened; we were together in a long-distance relationship for about a year. A year later, we were great but had some fights due to inconsistency and the distance - nothing serious, really. We reconnected for 3 months before I came back to continue my studies. This time she would move to the same country as me to pursue her master's. We decided to have some time off to think about stuff. I forgot and broke up with her 2 days prior to her arrival. Why? I still don't know why I did that... I guess it was the desire of getting to explore more things and see if I could find someone else, given we were struggling because of some differences in her circle's acceptance. I still kept in touch with her because I knew how hard it would be in a new country with no support. I took some time for myself and realized I still loved her and I was sorry. We got back together formally.
Then during a couple of months, we entered a blurred line; we both loved each other, and we had a relationship, but I started to create barriers because I felt I was hurting her, as I think I didn't love her that much - I did love her more than I can imagine, but I felt insecure. Then we didn't really break things off; we just were friends, but we would occasionally see each other and would have conflicts when we were away. When she came close, I pushed her away, and vice versa. But when we were together, whether intimacy was involved or not, there were no fights, only depth and honesty and vulnerability. We fought every time over chat when we were not in the same place. A year ago, I decided to apply NC after she proved to me I was no longer really important to her. So I decided to cut her off without much explanation, which I regret now. Then 3 months later, I reached out again because I missed her and wanted her to come back. During that time, my intention was to see if I could continue my life without her and if I could avoid being dependent on her. She told me she worked on herself, she had some barriers. But it didn't last long. We again were cool with each other, comfortable. She now said that she had her mindset that this was "physical" and stuff like that, but we both knew it wasn't; it was never physical. Sometime later, we spent NYE morning together; it was delightful. Throughout this time, we did not have any major issues other than the fact that we knew we loved each other but we put up this wall for some reason. During the time I applied NC, she reached out to me several times; I never responded. She thought I was with somebody else; then I responded, said I wasn't and some other things. She told me that it was hard for her if I were to move on too quickly, which I wasn't really doing. We even worked together; it didn't quite help. Now, it has been a while. Since January this year, I knew I wanted to get back with her, but I wasn't sure she would take me. We saw each other every other week quite regularly, and we would talk every day; it's like we've been (we were) best friends. In February, we were on the same page finally; we both agreed but didn't do anything really. Then we went to the movies, saw "Past Lives" together, it made us really sad but connected us deeply. We were closer than ever. Then in March during my birthday, I didn't prioritize her because I was insecure about what my friends would say (I know, it's childish) that resented her a bit, but we fixed it. We hung out 2 more times; it was deep, nice, and we were connected to each other. Then I thought maybe it was time for me to move on but didn't want to act without her knowing the picture and doing the right things so I asked her if "it would be okay if I start seeing other people?". She agreed at first, then it was reluctant. I dug in deep, and that didn't help. I think this made her feel like she was my second plate or that I was already fucking sombeody else or sorts. She in that moment recently moved out on her own and started a new phase. At that initial phase, we got close again about the things we could do at her apartment; we could be free, how much we wanted to see each other and be okay. Then I put up a wall saying that we should stop seeing each other. She got mad and said she did not want to pretend we never knew each other, and it was unfair for me to decide for both when she still loved me and I loved her too. Why did I ask her that? Because I didn't want to date anyone else unless she was okay with that and that wouldn't hurt her because I loved her.
Some weeks later, she was really distant and started treating me poorly, worse than a dog. I knew something was off; I started to pursue her. I was ignored. I told her it's not okay what she is doing, that she knew my emotional wellbeing, and I wouldn't do that to her. She told me I did exactly the same a year ago when I cut her off. It was not true; I still replied to her because I know how bad her anxiety can get. Then I asked, "are you with somebody else?". I insisted; she said yes and not only that but she compared me to him and made me feel like shit. I was frustrated and acted out of desperation; I texted her, saying I'm sorry. But she said I was only using her as an object of pleasure (which as you can tell from the text is far from the truth). She told me all of this was over when I broke up with her years ago, like she was resentful and mad but never really told me. Then I tried talking to her to at least give me closure and let me ask for forgiveness for my negligence and wrongdoing, which was repetitive but never came out of wrongness but from insecurity. She said she didn't believe I love her but was acting out of desperation and then I demonstrated to her it was not the case. Anyways she told me to give her some days to think about talking again. She didn't say a word for about 10-12 days; unintentionally I ran into her 2 times because we live close to each other. Then, I sent her some emails saying since she has not told me anything I will leave a letter at her apartment and gonna continue with my life. She didn't reply. When I went to leave the letters we both saw each other and didn't say a word; I left the letter at reception and left. Next day, her father called me telling he was worried and that I should stop reaching out to her or looking out for her. Ever since, I don't know anything about her other than she is already sleeping with this guy (which she never used to have casual sex before) so I guess they are super serious in a matter of 4 weeks.
Then I found out during our time she made out with some guys, and then I came across some news that confirmed she was sleeping with this new guy. This makes me think really horrible things and most importantly that she is in love with him so fast. Like our relationship an didn't mean anything.
Right now it really hurts because it makes me think she never meant any of the words she said to me. Literally a month or two months ago max, she almost begged to not cut her off out of the blue, that I was the love of her life, she still loved me, and that she would never want to hurt me.
And she did all of that. Also, important to note when I asked her "why don't you at least give me the closure that I deserve If I did nothing wrong and your exes who were assholes you gave them your time?" to which she responded "because I am not strong enough to see you yet. when I saw them I knew it wouldn't affect me, but with you, it would still affect me seeing you." But my frustration is that it seems like she is not over me; she still has feelings for me, and yet she is in a serious relationship with another guy and treated me like shit. Why???
Another aspect which is important. Her previous relationships she has never been alone since she has been 18 uintil now she has never been single for real. Yes, maybe this last 5 years we were not fomally but we were together in a way... She had a boyfriend he was abusive and he had another friend who protected her. So whenever she needed something she would move from one to another. Until she broke off with the absuive guy ended up with the other guy (who she didn't rally love but stick with him as a safe choice). Adn then when she broke up with this other guy, I got into a relationship with her. Although in this time she literally had no feelings with this guy and wanted to break up with him for months.
My question is, is she serious about this person? Why did she behave in such a heartless way? Is there any chance she is coming back, or did I mess up by breaking NC? Or she didn't love me anymore? I really doubt the last one because I would have noticed that because how expressive she is and cmfrotable she was with me even the las time we sa each other.
submitted by Fun_Subject_3209 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:54 Genesis6669 Do Dismissive Avoidants really not feel anything in the end or are they just pretending?

Three years together and in the end she talks to me like we’re just acquaintances. She didn’t even have the consideration to want to meet me in person. We had to break up over text. And I got a very generic goodbye, implying that her behavior at the end was somehow my fault.
I really want to understand if she’s acting like this as a defense mechanism or if she genuinely feels this way. I simply can’t comprehend how someone who was so affectionate at the beginning, who wanted to date me by the third date and who said she’d never leave me, in the end, didn’t even have the consideration to give me a respectful goodbye, as if these last three years meant nothing to her.
I understand that sometimes relationships can end and that love isn’t always forever. But I just can’t understand how someone who filled you with promises and affection, in the end, can’t be straightforward about their feelings and say they’re tired and want to break up.
She simply ghosted me for two weeks and was going to leave my life as if it was nothing. And I still had to chase her to put an end to it, only to be treated coldly and receive a half-hearted goodbye message.
I really want to understand: does this type of person act this way at the end to avoid getting hurt, or did she simply not care about me anymore?
submitted by Genesis6669 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:54 Weak_Spend_317 My partner came out as a trans boy

hi so i am a cis man and i’ve been dating my partner for a year, and he came out to me as a trans boy about a three days ago now, so now he is my boyfriend, he always presented very masculine even when perceived female which is something i always found attractive. i still love him of course, i love him no matter what.. i just want to be a good partner to him, to show him i love him for HIM and that i don’t see him as a girl anymore… but idk how, i don’t wanna mess this up and i’m so scared, i just want to be there for him in his journey and help him feeling good in his body and valid as a man…. but idk how and i’m panicking because i’m so scared to mess it up and hurt him accidentally… i don’t know if i have the right to post here but i’m posting here because i’d want advices…. things i can do to make him feel comfortable to help him feel valid… and things i should avoid, all i want is him to be happy and i’ll do anything, im super stressed because i fear doing something wrong and making him feel bad or insecure.. please i need help.. i want to understand him and what he feels more, i love him so much i want to be there for him…
submitted by Weak_Spend_317 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:53 Longjumping-Ad5662 AITAH for hating my mother because she prevented my step-father suicide?

My father died when I was 4 y.o. I don't remember him.
Year after his death my mother married Jim. And Jim is moron.
When I was 6 my mother gave birth to two my sisters. She got pregnant with second one almost immediately after the first.
I love my sisters. They was the only good thing in my life.
I have very strong relationships with both.
Now about Jim. Jim is abuser, narc, moron, stupid batch and imbecil. He beat my, my mother and my sister. He raped my mother several times, when we all were in the house.
Also Jim is a painter, and ironically he paints paintings for church. His normal life cycle is to paint several paintings with angels or saints, sell them and deeply dive into drugs.
When money are gone then repeat.
He didn't sexualy abuse my sisters only because drugs made him impotent (I've heard his conversation with his friends. And I got beaten badly for that).
My mother tolerate his behavior because, as she said, she lost one husband and doesn't want to lose another one. Despite been beaten every other day.
Police didn't care about some small town kids. School didn't care.
When I turned 18, I found a job at car dump. I didn't leave home because I was worried about my sisters.
I am not big person and very thin. I couldn't defend them all from Jim, but I could take them with me and run out and wait till Jim gets to bed.
One winter Jim broke his main hand and couldn't paint. When he spend all his money, he started to sell the things in the house. But that wasn't enough. Without drugs he turned insane.
One evening I came home earlier, sisters and mother were still in the school and work. As soon as I opened the front door, I saw Jim stood on stool and puts his head into the noos.
I left the house immediately (he didn't noticed me) and, that was my mistake, didn't lock the front door. I decided to wait. He deserved it and I thought that our life would be better without him.
When I walked couple of houses away, I saw my mom coming into the house. Jim's suicidal noises gets her attention and she rushed into the house. I don't know how she managed to call 911 and hold him for 2 minutes, but when I rushed home, police officers came and took him off. After the ambulance came, doctors said that one more minute and jim would be dead. Thanks, mom. You had one chance to improve your life and you failed it.
When Jim returned from the hospital, his health became worse. He has troubles with moving but thanks to his friends he still has drungs. One day he tried to verbally abuse me without any reason. I told him, that the next time I will do everything to prevent someone help him and that I should lock the house this time. My mother heard it. She screamed on me that I am horrible person and I should treat him better. I said to fuck off and left the house.
The owner of car dump gave me permission to on the territory of junk in a van. I took my sisters with me. They are very happy with me. Mom just works and takes care of Jim. She doesn't care about her children. She was worried about losing her narc husband more then about losing her child. And I hate her because of that.
We didn't speak anymore. People think that I hate my mother because of the childhood she gave me.
But no one know the truth.
submitted by Longjumping-Ad5662 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:53 Throwawayacc63860 (22M - 23F) How do we forgive toxic behavior and move on together?

So before we jump into the story, I’m pretty much going to be as transparent as possible in this, so it’s going to be a pretty big read. I’ll start with a little bit about my past and then a little bit about hers.
I was raised in a traditional household, with traditional values, parents that stayed together and loved unconditionally, and I guess was always comfortable in my childhood. Obviously, everyone has their own traumas, and maybe I have some that I’ve unexplored just because I consider myself unbothered by the past. Which is a mindset that has served me well, I think. I forgive and forget very quickly, and I tend to give second chances. I’m also very firm on how a second chance looks and how typically there isn’t a third. Now for the bad, I was exposed to porn at a very young age. I feel like it’s been an addiction all my life. Up until probably about eight months ago, I was severely addicted to porn. And we all know how it works once vanilla stops giving you the dopamine you used to get, you start to crave crazier and crazier things. Eventually, mine got to enjoying watching other men lust over other men’s women. Obviously, I know how wrong that is, and when I started realizing that I did not have a husband mentality, I started to shift my mindset. I still struggle with it to this day, but I wouldn’t say that I’m addicted anymore.
A little about her: her childhood is the exact opposite. But I would say that we came to the same conclusions on life and how a husband and wife should act in theory. She was raised in a very abusive household, her parents separated at a very young age, and then it was just trauma after trauma after trauma. And that’s not to say that she’s bringing it into the relationship, it’s simply saying what she’s been through. Her mindset of what marriage should look like is exactly like mine. Her mindset of what love should look like, I think, is like mine. She tends to run away for periods of time, never cheats or anything, but just prefers to be alone. Every single one of her relationships, she’s claimed that she has to be the mom in the relationship. This dynamic, the partnership dynamic, was weird for her.
Me and her met in November, and the moment we met, we knew that this was either going to be a relationship where we get married or the one to really break us. Two weeks in, we were discussing marriage as a joke. We loved all the same things, we listened to the same underground artists, we think almost exactly alike when it comes to life. We enjoy the same humor, and I can 100% say she is pretty much me in female form. Please don’t take that in a weird way, but that is how I felt. I’ve always felt like she is my other half. Months into the relationship, we started joking around about OnlyFans, and I’m sorry to say that I let those same thoughts in my head. She would joke around about how much money she would make on it, and I would “joke around” about her making one and that I was okay with it. She didn’t know about my porn addiction at this time. Well, little did I know she was simply going along with it because she thought it made me happy and turned me on. But I know she’s also very, very bold. Well, eventually, I started to focus back on my addiction, which made me treat her like absolute crap. We went through a phase of arguments, I would threaten to end the relationship, and then she would actually do it. I stopped treating her like a husband would treat his wife. After we had a talk, we decided that what we have is too valuable to let go of. So she gave me another chance, and I really took it. I went back to acting like a husband would for her. And it’s not that I was just scared of losing her; this is my character, and this is who I was when I met her, and this is who I’ve been in other relationships. Two weeks go by, and I really realize how much that addiction relapse brought back insecurities. Well, instead of talking to her about it, I decided to try and basically trap her into selling nudes to one of my buddies. Looking back on it all, I understand how toxic that is, but if I was going to give it my all, I didn’t want to give it to somebody who was actually willing to do that. And I get that everything we talked about before was jokes, but she always told me that she’d be willing to sell those pictures for money. And I never knew if it was just to make me happy or if she was serious. I was insecure, and I was scared that I was giving for no reason. But it’s not a reason to do what I did, and I’m not trying to justify it. I should have communicated it with her. The worst part about it was that I lied to her for a couple of weeks that I had no idea who that was on her Snapchat asking her to sell nudes. She was super upset at the principle that I was able to lie to her face for so long. Long story short, we broke up for two weeks. I would chase her for those two weeks, trying to do nice things for her, ordering food and trying to make it up. It was like fishing—when she’s angry at me, I let her run, but when she gave me an opportunity to reel in, I really took it. I didn’t just tell her sorry because I knew it wouldn’t mean anything. I changed my behavior to show her that I trusted her and I am not a liar. I didn’t try to justify my behavior; I only gave her the reasons why I did what I did after we started talking again. During those two weeks, I hadn’t seen any other woman, nor did I have intentions of it. She went on a car ride with her ex because apparently there were unfinished conversations. Now, with this ex in particular, I’m not worried about it. And it’s not me being cocky; I just know that after meeting me and the way she compared both of us, I’m simply not worried about him. What upset me was that he tried to kiss her. Well, he did kiss her until she pushed him off. Either way, I was unbothered by it, but I’ll tell you guys that so you can decide if it’s important or not.
So we started hanging out again as just best friends. I pretty much stayed at her house for two weeks straight after being broken up. We literally were best friends, but I could tell she didn’t trust me. Obviously, she trusted me with her body, still trusted me with pictures of her, and she trusted me in practical ways, but I always felt insecure hanging out with her because of the fact that she might leave again. Well, eventually, she did. We decided to take a two-week break of absolutely zero contact. So keep in mind, this is after another two weeks of absolutely zero arguments, us not talking about the past and just treating each other with ultimate respect and love. But she still felt like she couldn’t give 100%. I never stopped giving 100%, and she fully acknowledges this and understands it. I want you guys to understand that this girl is the nicest, kindest girl I’ve ever met, and I mean that. So I ask that any advice given takes that into account. I know she loves me just as hard as I love her. I leave her house and go home. Of course, I’m very upset because I love so hard, but I do not contact her. 4 AM, I get a call from her just absolutely wasted. She ended up going out with her coworkers, and I’ve never seen her drink like this. She was just as upset as I was. So I don’t want you guys to think that she is heartless. She ends up begging me to come over, and I tell her no and make her wait until the morning. At 8 AM, I’m at her house, and she’s pretty much still wasted. Well, apparently, she ended up kissing another dude at the bar while drunk. She was very straight up about it and would never lie to me. Nothing else happened, but that’s something that did happen. Now, take into account we were broken up with both of these instances. We were NOT together. I don’t know how I feel about that line, but y’all decide. Anyways, that day apparently was a click for her. She wrote me a letter and basically said that she doesn’t want to do this without me. She said that she is willing to work on herself within the relationship rather than single, and that’s my mindset. In a relationship, you are able to work on relationship issues that you cannot work on while single. The same triggers do not apply when you are single. Anyways, so we start basically living together. A month straight, pretty much. I mean, we were out and about again. We were working together, we considered moving in and all, but I could tell that she was not giving me her all. She would tell me multiple times that she doesn’t trust me. She would tell me that she’s my wife, but she just needs time to trust me fully. Eventually, after a month, I had enough of being in this situationship I didn’t feel secure in. So I left one day after telling her that if she can’t give me the same treatment and love she gave me when we first met, then I’m done. I proved I was trustworthy, and I proved I was the husband she was looking for. Either way, I left. We had a conversation about wife mentality vs. girlfriend mentality and what that looks like, which I think really changed her mindset. Now, I will say this: here are where things take a turn. I come back, and she decides to go back to giving 100%. And I could tell—she was the girl I met again. I was skeptical, but I knew she was back. Anyways, five days go by, and I notice a certain person wasn’t on her phone. That same ex I told y’all I was worried about. Well, I was curious because I know that she didn’t want to block him, and this, I think, is because she doesn’t want to hurt people. I STILL RIGHT NOW WHILE TYPING THIS do not think he’s a threat. I actually believe they won’t speak again. Anyways, she tells me that “if he’s not there, he must be blocked,” and I knew that that’s a lie because that’s how I lied to her. She, I guess, rubbed off me, and this is the very first time I caught her in a lie. Come to find out, there was a ten-minute phone call between them, and she sent him “progress workout pictures” that she claimed “she never viewed as sexual” etc. Anyways, this was at like 2 AM, so I get in my car and just storm off. I’m going to make this part short because you probably know where it’s going. She begs me to come back, posts a picture of us on her story, makes it official that we are together, and proves to me that she’s a “damn good wife.” I’m still upset, and a day goes by. That day being two days ago. While we were asleep, I was still upset about everything, and I decided to look at her phone without asking. Bad move, I know. We wake up yesterday morning, and I accuse her of something I saw. I was still upset from the lie, and she storms off to work and was very open that how we handled that conversation was toxic. I agreed, and I apologized for even going on her phone. I came to the conclusion that I will never go on her phone again without asking before I went to sleep that night, so it wasn’t under any threat of a relationship ending. She texted me about her thoughts, and then I thought all was fine. She called me while at work and asked about moving into a house together rather than her duplex. By the time she got off work, she said she was done.
She said that “one day I will be your wife, but I can’t do a toxic relationship.” I told her if she leaves now, she will never have the chance of being with me again. I will always be her best friend, but I told her very clearly that I will not be able to trust her through thick and thin. I will not feel secure in any future relationship with her because if things get “toxic” again, and they will because no relationship is perfect, I won’t be able to trust that she’ll be by my side. Should I feel bad for giving her until tonight to make up her mind? Should I be patient?
We love each other so wholeheartedly. We still connect like no one I’ve ever met. She loves me just as much as I love her, and I know she’s just as broken as me with this breakup. In my opinion, her lying to me made her realize that she’s also not perfect, and her reasoning was kinda funny. That’s the relationship we have. I’m over all she did. She WAS over everything I did before I went through her phone, and she wasn’t mad that I went through it; she was upset that the morning convo was toxic. Any advice you give, assume that we really love each other and want to make it work. We have never been in a relationship that we actually consider marriage in. We are still figuring it out, and I just don’t know my move and to her, her only option is ending this.
submitted by Throwawayacc63860 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:53 croissantroastpeach Validating MVP vs. ideal solution

Hi all!
I am about to begin doing interviews to validate problem statements an also get some thoughts on a solution. Generally I wouldn't try to do both in one interview, but due to timelines that is where are.
Background: I was presented with a problem & told to find a solution in a short amount of time. I pushed back to research, was told there wasn't time, and came up with several ideas, eventually settling on a solution everyone internally loved based on competitive analysis & desk research. Then got push back that we never validated this with users and was granted the timeline to do so.
The ideal solution - a lot more dev effort, but would have greater long-term benefits. More of a holistic fix to the problem and in line with what competitors offer MVP - essentially band aid the problem, so it isn't an issue anymore, but doesn't really make things better. Smaller dev effort and can be done quicker.
Leadership wants to know if users would be okay with MVP for now due to dev effort, timeline, etc.
How do you go about validating that in interviews? I don't want to basically ask them to settle for MVP or show them ideal and have them fall in love with it, just to not do it.
I have some questions asking what their ideal solution would be, how they think other systems do it well, etc.
Curious how other people go about this. Happy to answer any questions to clear things up, but have to keep it slightly vague not to give away too much about our product or customers. Thanks!
submitted by croissantroastpeach to UXDesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:53 RevolutionaryCold107 my bf (21m) just dumped me (21f) over text, what do I do? :(

hi yall,
I’ve never posted on here before but I’m really hoping someone can give me some advice here because I’ve been crying for hours.
my (21f) boyfriend (21m) and I have been dating for a little over 6 months after meeting on a dating app. things were great up until about a month ago. we saw each other almost everyday (and were both understanding when the other had plans/work/homework etc), communicated about our problems as soon as we felt something was a problem, and were actively working on fixing our bad habits that bothered the other.
the issue: he’s going to study abroad for a month next week. he cheated on his last girlfriend while they were long distance their first year of college so it stressed me out to think he might do the same. he had explained to me what happened and although I obviously know how awful it is he told me it had turned out they were on a break. anyway I digress; I told him I was really excited for him to go as he’s going somewhere he’s never been, but I was scared he was going to cheat on me. instead of reassuring me he wouldn’t he just said “me too.” thus brings forth the big issue of insecurity.
I’m already super insecure. I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression for a good chunk of my life and have had really close friends talk about me behind my back and treat me poorly before dropping me. we had had plenty of conversations about the way this has affected my attachment style and he promised me on multiple occasions that he wouldn’t break up with me unless it was something major (such as cheating, which just the thought repulses me) or we had a prolonged issue that he told me we would have had to talk about multiple multiple times.
a few weeks ago he seemed really upset for no reason in particular and when I asked what was wrong he said he didn’t know. I asked if he felt something was wrong with us and he said yes and said he “felt numb towards me.” I felt bad, but went to the bathroom and cried my eyes out because ouch. we had a long conversation about how he thinks girls didn’t like him in high school because he was weird/unattractive (he’s extremely conventionally attractive) and he liked the idea of feeling desirable. I understood because clearly there’s validation that comes from someone flirting with you or whatever, despite the fact that I felt really hurt.
we semi-resolved the issue, since there was no real solution, and I let him know that it made me feel really insecure about myself and our relationship. he assured me he loved me a lot and wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, but we concluded that I loved him more than he loved me. this honestly really fucking hurt but what can I do, and he told me “we were reading the same book but I was just a couple chapters ahead.”
yesterday, he went to hang out with a friend of his (who I’m not a fan of because she’s just not a good person, frequently making racist jokes and other things along the line) as well as her friend who he had only ever met once on the phone and never in person. she’s exactly his type (conventionally attractive, tall, blonde hair and blue eyes, while I’m kind of short with brown hair and brown eyes). since I’m insecure when he asked me if I minded him going to her house with her and the original friend I blew up. obviously this is my fault and I know I said a lot of fucked up shit but I told him all I wanted was to know he cared, considering I had told him multiple times prior that this made me really uncomfortable.
I admittedly ended up saying a lot of not nice stuff (saying he didn’t care about me, calling him a hypocrite (since he gets upset when I hang out with or even talk to guy friends I’ve been friends with for years), and saying he made me cry my eyes out) and he still repeatedly told me he was sorry and loved me. when I was at work this morning he texted me saying he wanted to break up and just kept saying he didn’t love me anymore. He refused to answer my calls and told me he wouldn’t talk on the phone about it. what also sucked was that he talked to his 2 friends about it but got upset when I talked to my roommate and best friend about anything that bothered me. I left work early because I started crying and my nose started bleeding and I spent the entire drive home almost throwing up.
he told me he’d talk to me when he gets back from being abroad but to me this just feels over. I just want to be able to talk either in person or on the phone, not over text and he keeps refusing so does anyone have literally any advice on what to do?
tl;dr - my bf of 6 months broke up with me suddenly over text and refuses to talk in person or on the phone. what do I do?
submitted by RevolutionaryCold107 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:51 Dependent_Set7485 I want to divorce my husband for his porn addiction and lack of intimacy.

I (34f) and my husband (35m) have been together since HS and have 3 kids, I've love him with my whole heart and I just wanted to be one of those married couples who last forever but now I don't think it's in the cards for us. We've weathered a lot storms and always made time for eachother and elevated our family out of poverty. But There's a serious problem, I can't fix, he's addicted to porn and no matter what I do or say, he won't stop, he just gets better at hiding it and lies straight to my face when confronted.
I didn't realize how serious this issue was, I've watched porn before and I thought it was "normal" but now I can see how damaging it is to our marriage. He prefers to watch in the bathroom and pretend sex isn't a thing.
I have a very high labito and I want sex almost every day, I am very generous in the bedroom and there isn't anything I'm not willing to do or try. But he prefers juurk off in the bathroom.
Maybe we've been together too long and he just doesn't want me anymore and I don't know what to do or how to cope with the fact that this is my life. It either have to endure his selfish porn addiction and life almost sex-free or divorce him and ruin my children's childhood. What's more selfish? I am honestly heartbroken.
His physical inability to stay hard or last longer than 1-2 minutes is making me feel resentful to my core and the man I use to be obsessed with and deeply in love with, I just feel disgust and repulsed by. He's the only man I've ever been with and now I feel like my life is wasted on someone too selfish to stop watching something that makes him physically inept. It makes no sense to me but I don't even know of I want to understand him anymore.
He can go jerk his little heart off and I can make peace with the failure of our marriage. Our potential to grow old together is down the toilet.
I should add: we did see a MD about his low labito about 5yrs ago and was told to stop watching porn, exercise and try to be initiate daily to increase stamina. He tried literally zero of those things.
I started giving him vitamins daily but he refuses to take them because he doesn't want to.
He won't go to therapy and I am on the verge of filing for divorce and moving on my life. Emotionally I feel like I've failed as a wife and logically I think he's failed as a husband.
So reddit? Am I jumping the gun? Is this even a reason to divorce?
submitted by Dependent_Set7485 to u/Dependent_Set7485 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:51 BigSnekEnergy 5.15.2024 should I tell him or not?

Sonething pretty disturbing happened recently. I hate to bring it up at all because it just makes me sound like one of those douche bag guys who complains about their crazy ex when he was actually the problem. And maybe I was tired from 2019 to 2021 I lived with someone. Things were great at first and then after a few months, they got violent, but I could not afford to leave.
Then they left, but begged to be taken back a few months later, but I said no, and they continued to stalk me on social media and threatening to come over to my house and show up on my doorstep for months. I did with any sensible person would do it, and deleted all my socials, and because I knew they knew where I lived, I moved.
Unfortunately, they found me again. My friend told me that there’s been a weird profile stalking his account And we both looked at it, and it turned out it was that person. This individual got all chummy with my friend after I cut them off, and I think it was to keep tabs on me. Of course, once my friend found out the kind of person this person was, he stopped speaking to them and they deleted their account but now they’re back.
I’ve also been getting a bunch of funny phone calls in the last 3 to 4 days and I have not slept at all because that’s how fucking anxious I am. They’ve been on my cell phone, the phone at the hotel I stayed at and even at work. I don’t know for sure if that’s who’s been calling me all I know is that it had the same area code. Of course I can’t tell anyone how nervous this makes me because they’ll accuse me of making shit up because that’s what they did last time. Nobody believed me.
It’s not just that though. I found out that she relocated to the state I’m currently living in. She’s 45 minutes away. I know that it sounds a little bit narcissistic, but I’m pretty sure she’s doing this to get at me because I was with her long enough to know about her family and she doesn’t have any People she knows here. I seriously doubt it’s job motivated either because she doesn’t work. She always had somebody else to take care of her.
Anyway, my friend thinks that I should tell my boyfriend in case I go missing. I think that I shouldn’t I think the noble thing to do would be to cut off everybody I know and face this person alone because that way nobody else gets involved. After all, it’s my fault she’s like this. I did this to her. I made her act like that. If I wasn’t bi she would not have felt so insecure while we were together.
She accused me of cheating on her at every turn but im bisexual. Can I really blame her for being suspicious and going off the rails? She’s just a girl. And then I had to go and cut her off because why? Because I was pissed she gave broke my nose and kept calling me a f * ggot and putting cigarettes out on me? How petty can I get?
I’m also afraid to tell my boyfriend because what if he becomes a distant with me over this? I’ve had very negative experiences with dating other men. I’m not sure why I did it again. My experience with dating men is that the average man is so focused on his own survival that he doesn’t really care about anybody but himself. This is why men flea at the drop of a hat, and it’s the same reason why when a man’s wife gets cancer, he abandons ship.
Very few men are willing to stick by their partners side in difficult situations.As a matter of fact, the last time I dated a man I came down with the flu for two weeks and he ended the relationship because I was spending more time at home recovering from being sick than I was with him, and he said that he deserves somebody who is young and healthy, even though I got better two weeks later. That alone showed me how little it takes to ruin a relationship with a man.
Honestly, it makes me wish that I was more on the straight side of bisexuality because of how little men care about anything. If something as little as the flu tore apart a former relationship, how could I possibly expect the current one to last, if he knows what’s happening to me? This isn’t a fucking Disney movie.
If my current boyfriend finds out that my stalker is back and giving me a creepy phone calls obviously he’s gonna jump ship. Or else he’ll do that obnoxious thing men do where they stay in a relationship with you but it’s clear they don’t like you anymore because they spend all their time giving you the silent treatment. And even on the off chance that he does care, if I bring it up to him, he could be in danger. So what if I disappear? I don’t really understand how telling him this information could help if something does happen to me so it’s better if I just keep my silence.
submitted by BigSnekEnergy to TheBigGirlDiary [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:50 trailrunninggirl669 A couple Nui Cobalt and Pulp Reviews

Hi everyone! Here with a few quick reviews from Nui Cobalt‘s Critters Collection and two new releases from Pulp!
I made my orders upon each release (Critters on 4/26 and Pulp around Pi Day, can’t find my order confirmation for the exact date.) NC was insanely quick as usual and I received my order on 5/2. Pulp was longer, but the owner did send out an email regarding some delays due to health issues. I appreciated their communication, and the slightly longer TAT doesn’t impact my opinion on their scents.
A but about what I like: incense and resins (I’m a sucker for a good church scent), bready scents, atmospherics, WEED. I adore a good cannabis scent. I can’t partake in it anymore, but I love that chewy-spicy-sticky-herbal-slightly citrus smell. I used to strongly dislike lavender, but NC (and BPAL) have phenomenal lavender notes. I also reall like woodsy, forestry, slightly dirty scents- Haus of Gloi Ploughman is one of my favs for its earthy garden soil smell.
Now, onto the reviews!
Nui Cobalt Critters
Golden Retriever: Sunflower, amber resin, budding dogwood, fenugreek, and fresh-baked bread.
This one has the musky, Frito-like dog paw smell, very similar to Death and Floral’s “Happy as a Corgi on Stilts”- or, you know, taking a whiff of your dog’s paws when they’re trying to sleep. The amber is a great compliment, adding some more warmth and sweetness. There’s a bit of a clean laundry/soap smell in the background, maybe that’s the dogwood? I don’t notice the bread- sad, because I adore a good bread note- but maybe it will come out with a few more weeks of aging.
This is safe, but not in an “opposite of adventurous” way- in a comforting way, like cuddling with your dog on the balcony on a summer morning.
Goat: Sweet labdanum and myrrh resins, Himalayan cedarwood, white grapes, green amber, olive leaf, high-altitude lavender, and lemon verbena.
After a couple weeks of aging this is strong on the lemon verbena when I unscrew the bottle and take a whiff. On first application this is all lavender and olive leaf before a lovely sparkling lemon and white grape appears. This is earthy in the way I imagine myself standing on a Greek or Italian hillside in springtime.
Red Wolf: Skin-warmed suede, sweet cedar resin, saffron, red santal, and glowing ginger.
Wolves are my favorite animal, so of course I had to order this. Did you know wolves have lost 99% of their historic range? While they could once be found as far west as Texas, down into Florida, up to the edge of New York and across the Midwest, they are now found only in eastern North Carolina (at least in the wild).
This is sexy. This is cedar dominant on first application, drying to a lovely woody-ambery scent. I love saffron as a note- it gives a sexy sweet vibe that can pull bubblegum when dominant, here adding just a hint of sweet and floral to play with the wood and amber. I don’t pick up on much ginger- it takes a very big huff to find a tiny grating of it- but this is a beautiful scent.
I’m wearing this at a posh hotel bar, sipping Manhattans and luring men and women in with my passion…for talking about climate change and the importance of biodiversity!
Now onto Pulp!
Ballad: Frankincense, pink pepper, tea rose, sandalwood, white patchouli, garden soil, & musk.
At first sniff on my skin this smells a bit like a nice dry white wine and stays that way on first application, with a hint of clean linen. The garden soil lends a bit of earthy dirtiness to what is otherwise very clean to my nose, and I love that. It dries down to a lovely creamy musk scent, like „my skin but better.“
I think I’m at a garden party at a fancy spa in the countryside, alternating sips of white wine and tea, surrounded by a lovely garden.
Neptune: Clary sage, narcotic jasmine, ambergris, artemisia, palo santo smoke, & a hint of cannabis.
Neptune is truly otherworldly. It starts off woody and musky, herbal with the slightest hint of citrus. Then comes the cannabis! WOW, I expected it to be a lot more subtle, but after an hour of wear it really takes center stage- perhaps not the best to wear to work for its first test drive! But if you, lile me, love Cannabis notes you may also enjoy Neptune. The palo santo comes out at the end, adding a bit of smoke to end your trip around the planet.
There’s a scent by BPAL called Namaste that I often wear during longer yoga practices or particularly hot days; I can see Neptune being a contender for that position in my collection. I’m so impressed by the quality of Pulp’s scents. This is worth a full size.
I’m wearing this in a little sunroom on a second story flat, a room full of orange sunshine, wind chimes and singing bowls and incense burners, engaged in a yoga flow before laying on the floor spinning some stoner metal.
Thanks for reading my reviews! What are your favorite Critters and Pulp scents?
submitted by trailrunninggirl669 to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:50 karmxchameleon 28F, HCOL, Should I sell my second car?

Hello! I'm 28 (F) years old, living in South Florida. I work with my father - we run an architecture & construction company together. I usually decide how much my salary is (due to taxes), last year was gross 100k. From my actual income I save up around 40%-50% of my net income. I have no CC or student loan debt. Only debt is a new car I purchased and a mortgage for a 3BR apartment I purchased last year, but I rent the property out, paying off mortgage and HOA and receiving extra $300 net a month. I live with my partner, and pay half the mortgage, which is only $750. We dont have kids nor intend to in the near future.
Last year I paid off my Volkswagen Tiguan 2016. I was very excited about it, because I've been with this car for almost 6 years now and was happy to not pay any more monthly payments. The monthly payments were pretty low, they were $290 a month. The Tiguan has 110,000 miles currently, but drives pretty well EXCEPT, it is burning oil like crazy. I changed the turbo (which was about $800) mechanic suggested the Turbo was leaking and also changed the tires (came out to about $800) for brand new Pirelli tires. This was all around last year in October. All in all, I think I've spent around $2,000 (including almost monthly oil changes) to maintain it. Someone suggested to change a valve which is pretty inexpensive and that will be the next step. Other than that, the car is in GREAT condition and honestly looks brand new on the exterior.
See link for pictures (https://imgur.com/a/0eD7PSi)
This year I got kind of tired of using the same car and purchased a used 2020 Miata. I always wanted this car and was really looking forward to it. I don't really sit in traffic at all, in fact most days I work from home. I'm loving this new car. The monthly payments are $460. So a bit more than my last car but still within the range I was looking to stay in AND insurance is even lower than the Tiguan at around $102 p/month.
My question IS..... If you were in my position what would you do? I intended the Miata to be a second car, but now I'm not really seeing the point of it. Yes I put away my Miata when Im not using it during the week, but I want to drive the damn car every day now. I could perhaps spend about $300 more to fix up the Tiguan and sell it myself or to CarMax, which I got quoted in person for $9,000. I could maybe get a bit more if I sell myself on Marketplace or something. Saw some on Facebook selling at around $12,000. What I'm worried about is the car depreciating even more and I have no other need for it other than "I paid for it."
What would I do with that money? I would put it in my savings account to buy a second property later this year or the next. The first property I bought last year I remodeled it myself and rented it within 2 months. I want to do the same this year or early next year. I will have the money regardless of me selling the car or not, but maybe I would be able to get it sooner than I planned.
Sorry for long post, I wanted to share my thoughts and circumstances.
submitted by karmxchameleon to financialindependence [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:49 Revolution_Bitter How to stop caring about a job I resigned from

;TLDR: I'm leaving a company after 11 years and the person who is replacing me doesn't seem up to the task thus far. I'm having a hard time not caring that everything is going to turn chaotic after I leave, even though it won't impact me at all anymore. How can I stop caring?
I won't get deep into why I am leaving a company I've been at as Operations Manager for over 11 years, but the long and short of it is that my skills and contributions have been severely taken for granted (nobody knows exactly what/how much I do, despite me defining my role countless times), and then I was subsequently mistreated and discriminated against after having a baby and taking 4 months maternity leave. I had a prime time case for the EEOC, but I don't have it in me to fight them and decided instead to just looked for a new job with the goal of getting out. I'm sorry it ended this way; it's where I've spent the last 11 years and though it hasn't been perfect, it's the "devil I know." I know my job like the back of my hand, love my role, and I just wish they had recognized my worth. Somehow after looking for less than a month, I found a new job and provided my resignation two weeks ago. I'm in the last few days at this company.
I've spent a lot of time here developing and documenting procedures and systems, and have created what I believe is an efficient and fine tuned machine. So, now that I am leaving, I am trying to train someone to take over the bulk of my role and it's just not going well. When she was originally brought on board, I was 8.5 months pregnant and about to go on maternity leave so I didn't have much input on her hire, but I did see many red flags. Now, I just feel incredibly sorry for her that the company has thrust her into this position because of their own ignorance about the importance of my role. I like her, but I just don't think she's the best person to take over my job. I'm not going to delve into the specifics about why I think she's unqualified because it's really not the point of my post, but to any objective observer, it's clear that she will not be successful in the role.
[Important context: The person who could best assume my role, and who covered me while I was out on maternity leave, is someone that I trained over the span of 3 years. He unfortunately cannot take on my job because the day that I quit, another manager sadly died. My maternity leave backup will be filling that hole, instead of the hole that I am leaving.]
I keep telling myself it's not my problem, and it's not. How they fix the massive delta between her and I in terms of institutional knowledge and skills is really not my problem anymore. But I have to admit to myself that it's driving me INSANE. I'm so bummed that everything I've worked so hard to develop over a decade, from procedures to quality customer relationships, is going to disintegrate. I just want to be able to stop caring. Live and let live. Take solace in the fact that it won't take them long to realize how much they goofed up.
I have shared my concerns, but they've fallen on deaf ears, and I think it just really hammers home how little this company values me as the glue that has kept it together. And yet---I STILL CARE!!! What is wrong with me??? Any tips on letting go? This is where I've spent the bulk of my career and so I don't have a wealth of experience in leaving jobs. I don't know if what I'm feeling is normal, or if I'm just a complete weirdo who cares too much about the wrong things. I'm just sad/frustrated that it feels like I've worked so hard for 11 years and it's going to crash and burn.
submitted by Revolution_Bitter to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:48 Amazing_Difficulty37 I 31F Slept with my ex 34M after a year of not talking. He doesn’t find me attractive anymore, doesn’t fancy me and doesn’t want to be with me. How can I change this? Is it possible to change someone’s perception of you?

He is repulsed by me
Can I ever change the way my ex perceives me?
My ex (34/m) and I (31/f) got drunk during the weekend and slept together
We were together for about a year and lives together
We met after a year of not really speaking. Just met up just randomly
We broke up because he didn’t find me attractive anymore and got the ick
I have severe body dysmorphia he said he put him off me because I hated myself so much , but also I am actually quite ugly (just find it hard to accept my ugliness because I used to be ok looking before I got old)
How can I get him to see me romantically again? Is it possible to change someone’s perception of you once they already got the ick?
How can I make him love me again
submitted by Amazing_Difficulty37 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:47 xXPhoenix_FireXx Genuinely want to kill myself.

I'm 18 and 5'3", which is the height I've been since middle school. I'm not gonna get any taller. This is what my genes has to offer; this is the best it's gonna get. From here on out I'll only get shorter due to age. I seriously cannot fucking do this anymore. I graduate high school in four weeks, and I've been told it only gets harder after graduation... by people way taller than me. I can't even imagine how hard it would be for me.
I've never been in any kind of relationship either. I've never even had so much as a hug from someone who wasn't my family member. I barely have any friends either. The only people I have to talk to are my parents and my therapist. Both of which have done fuck all for me. I especially hate talking to my parents about my height; every time it just ends in frustration because I refuse to accept the blue pilled cope shit that they try to shove down my throat. Yesterday my step dad was telling me that I'm overreacting and that his cousin is a 5'2" multi-millionare gigachad who has a beautiful wife and didn't let his height define him and blah blah blah (my step-dad is 6'3"). I asked my step-dad if he'd be as confident as he is now if he was my height, he said absolutely because height doesn't matter.
I fucking hate this shit, I hate being lied to by my own fucking family. I find it especially funny when my mother tries to tell me that girls don't care about height, because not only is her husband above six feet, but her ex boyfriend was 6'4". The only reason why I didn't end up tall is because my mom was forced to marry and have a have a kid with a 5'7" man. If it'd been her choice, she absolutely would have had a kid with someone who could be in the NBA. Oh yeah, and I almost forgot to mention that my mom and dad are second cousins; just another reason why I want to kill myself. If I didn't have family that cared about me, I would've already done it. And if I'm being honest, I kinda wish I didn't have family that cared about me because then I could take my life guilt free, knowing that I didn't cause anyone any pain.
submitted by xXPhoenix_FireXx to shortguys [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:47 loyal_xox My bf cheated on me

my bf cheated on me and im still really sad about it. i already know i will never get over it but im stuck with him for the time being, his name is on the lease and im his surety. if i decide to not be his surety anymore they will make me pay a fine, i dont have the money right now.
i already beat him up after i found out, i spat on him, ripped his shirt honestly if i would’ve hurt him even more he would’ve let me. im super depressed even though he wasnt the best person on paper, he was my person. i feel like everything is ruined now and i have to see him every day.
worst part is im debating getting back together with him, i love him so much at the end of the day. every time i think of my life without him, i get anxious and heartbroken. i dont want anyone else but him but i know hes not good for me. anyone who loves me would never hurt me this way especially when they know i got mental health issues.
i keep replaying the scene in my head: his friend coming in to confront him with other people and jumping him, his friend telling me what happened. him telling me his side of the story and his face. me freaking out and banging my hands against the steering wheel. why would he do that this to me? :(
submitted by loyal_xox to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:47 Imaginary_Company_74 I’m unsure if the message the guy I’m seeing sent me after sex is sweet, weird or a little bit of both

Last year, I (22F) started piano classes and during the end-of-the-year recital, I was freaking out about my first public performance. Ryan (25M) helped calm my nerves, and we hit it off. We began texting soon after and went on a couple of dates in January. However, my dad passed away at the end of January, and since a work remotely, I decided to stay a few months with my mom back home. Ryan was really supportive of this, and we continue text, though it felt more “friend-like”.
Fast forward to April, I moved back, and Ryan and I resumed going out. He spent the night at my place yesterday, and I received this text message after he left earlier this morning:
“Hey babe! I want to talk to you about our sex. I have trouble talking about things that aren't working for me when we are doing it, but I think communication is super important, so I decided to do this via text. Please don't take anything I'm about to say in a bad way, you are amazing in everything you do! It's just that somethings don't work for me. Here are the main points I want to tell you:
If you have anything you want to say, you can tell me! You don't need to answer this if you'd rather just talk during sex, I'm okay to listen.”
I wasn't expecting a text like this. I think it was very sweet but also a little bit weird. Am I just being paranoid? I don't want to talk to my friends because I don't want them to make fun of him. But I need to ask someone lol. What do you think?
Tl:dr The guy I’m seeing sent me a text this morning discussing our sex. I’m not sure if the text was sweet, weird or both and if I’ve been overthinking this
submitted by Imaginary_Company_74 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:46 Ahristic Removal of Lethal Tempo. Opinions?

Okay so real talk now.
Can someone give me a very good reason why they removed Lethal Tempo?
And no I am not a Yasuo/Yone Main. I am a Kayle main, who is very upset about that removal. How am I supposed to play Kayle without Lethal Tempo? She literally scales off of the Attack Speed. Same with Jinx. Or Lethal Tempo Ashe. Or Xayah. I even loved playing Aphelios with Lethal Tempo.
And today I played some Arams with Ashe and Jinx and both with Press The Attack and it was just hands down awful.
Adding to that, now we have lost a viable way of countering tanks. We can't possibly use attack speed for that task anymore and have to play even more with lethality. And tanks will be even more awful to play against. woohoo
submitted by Ahristic to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]
