Sample 90 day business plan


2008.11.15 00:18 COMMUNISM

For the theory and practice of Marxism.

2009.01.26 02:59 New York City

The Alternative subreddit for New York City!

2015.05.14 23:59 GinkoWeed Dagashi Kashi

Subreddit for all things Dagashi Kashi, where we can post and discuss stuff about the anime and manga. Also pictures or memes are allowed. Dagashi Kashi is a manga series by Kotoyama.

2024.05.15 02:57 Still-Mistake-3621 Sly cooper shit posting

Sly cooper shit posting
Enjoy This took me way too long to draw despite 90% of it traced off the original image
If you can guess what picture this is traced from I don't know if I should be disappointed in you as much as I am myself for making this piece
I'll give you a hint: This and Sly 4 have at least one thing in common, someone erases/erasing the main character's family history and they must find their loved ones to restore the present day and their futures before its too late
Cross posted on my Instagram @vauntedspecialist
submitted by Still-Mistake-3621 to Slycooper [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:56 dopamineparty Four nights in Mexico city

Four nights in Mexico city
The weather will be a high of 90 and low of 60. The clothes with the red dot plus two of the t shirts will be for the flights. I will wear two outfits a day one for daytime and one for going out in the evening.
submitted by dopamineparty to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:56 LarsonDaniel Would it be smart to sleep for a night in a wooded area?

I'm in a semi-save town in DuPage County Illinois and I was wondering since I have blankets pillows and my other things and this is very temporary that I can maybe camp there for a night or two? And then during the day I can work on getting my license back at the DMV. I have a girlfriend that has RMS and a dog with me so I'm not able to get help from local shelters since we have our dog. Luckily we have tons of food and tons of things for her to stay busy. I also have a little bit of cash for my girlfriend and I for food but I keep that for emergencies my mom gave me a little bit of a care package with some snacks crackers peanut butter bread. It is next to a busy street and a gas station that's open 24 hours and I don't think people would see us. Is only temporary until the 23rd since I get paid on the 23rd I just need advice to know if that's smart or not
submitted by LarsonDaniel to StealthCamping [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:55 Darthfader666 AC struggles to turn on midday but works great at night and early morning

live in South Texas, so the hottest parts of the day are 90+ F. During these hours probably 11-5 pm. My Outdoor unit tries to turn on every 30 seconds for this period of time only working maybe once every hour, resulting in the house getting hot. After this time it works flawlessly and cools off the house quick. And feels great. Freon pressure is perfect According to techs.
submitted by Darthfader666 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:55 Ginganinja0987 Humira and Menstral Cycle

I had my period for April on April 28 (ended April 29 maybe a day later) I then started my loading dose of Humira last Tuesday, May 7. Yesterday I ended up getting my period again. I’m not on any BC (actually been trying to get pregnant for almost 7 years now with no luck) My periods generally are normal (give or take a day or two) Has anyone else had this issue? Is this normal on Humira or just a coincidence? I do plan on talking to my NP about it during my appt with her in a month, and mentioning it to my OB soon, but just curious if anyone else had this issue.
submitted by Ginganinja0987 to Humira [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:54 Prudent-Net1496 Does one have to notify anyone if they plan to leave the country?

My son( just turned 18), enlisted, went to MEPS, etc. And is leaving for basic training in July. He wants to go see his father in Mexico before he leaves us for 6-20 years( according to him), His cousins have a 6 day trip planned in June , does he have to inform any officer, or person of auth.from military?
submitted by Prudent-Net1496 to navy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:54 AffectionateLunch625 Amtrak rail pass

Amtrak rail pass
This July a few friends and I are planning on taking the Amtrak across the country and back with bikes (DC->Seattle). You get 10 rides over the course of 30 days, and we plan on going north to Chicago and west through the northernmost states. We’d like to bike from one stop to the other several times along the route. We are somewhat inexperienced and would likely only set goals of 50-80 miles a day along light gravel routes. If anyone knows of good routes that connect stops on the Amtrak along that please let me know. Also any train/backpacking knowledge is greatly appreciated. Really excited about this trip but don’t really even know how to start planning. Thank you!
submitted by AffectionateLunch625 to bikepacking [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:54 Tone_Tone_Tony I need some help finding out what familiar to have for my character and opinions on his back story.

So I’m going to be in my first dnd campaign and I have a pretty good understanding of the lore so far so I wanted to go for something pretty specific. First let me give yall my characters info.
Nexvern Yunali or Nex is a chaotic neutral wizard aspiring to become a necromancer to conquer undeath.
His backstory: Born into power, Nexavern is the blood child of Neronvain, the green wyrmspeaker of the cult of the dragon. He was raised for the first 70 years of his life to study all his father’s ideals as well as the cults. He was no son but merely a tool to be used. His study’s were only to aid the cult In future endeavors. Nexavern had is own plans however. As he studied he wished for nothing more than to harness this great power of undeath for himself, as to one day become so powerful he can achieve his dream. So one day he made his escape. He took some essentials and headed for the underdark where he was sure the cult wouldn’t come looking for him. There he found an abandoned tower filled with knowledge untapped by him. He’s spent the last 30 years there studying in silence only rarely resurfacing to gather food and essentials.
This dream he has is he wants to become a god. 1 for power and 2 to make changes that fits his ideals (to live normally past death in the way you wish) in which he needs power to do. But I don’t want it being known just yet. Has said before he wants to conquer death but he also only wants to turn to lichdom as a last resort as being apart of the cult of the dragon he’s seen first hand how damaging it can be. As for the god part I kinda want to make him the god of possibilities as I don’t believe there is one that exists like that and with is alignment I believe that is a good portfolio.
Now for my main questions. Since he is a part of the dragon cult (or was I should say) I wanted to have him assigned a dragon familiar or even something that could actually die and not be re-summoned so it has more of an emotional aspect. but I can’t do a actual dragon for obvious reasons and I can’t do a pseudo dragon as they are shy but playful and tend to bond with more good aligned people. So what could I do as an alternative as a chaotic neutral person. Also if you have any options ideas or suggestions about the back story please share I am open to absolutely anything in fact it’d be appreciated I want this character as my first character to be as in depth as possible.
Thank you for reading and I am excited to hear y’all’s feedback.
submitted by Tone_Tone_Tony to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:54 honeyventalt im fucked

ever since a long ass road trip to nova scotia, ive hated staying in trailers. theyre so small and uncomfortable and i dont feel safe in them... but now, my parents want me to go to our ""new"" (quotations on new because its a pre-owned one, and its fucking disgusting) for 4 days. ive been up there once before to help with demo work because i thought "why tf not? i like breaking shit." but i very quickly realized that its really grimy and gross up there. even the air felt unclean to me. we have a little tent trailer to sleep in and such, my parents even said i could stay in there the entire time, but to be honest, not having solid walls makes me feel more unsafe. plus i either have to sleep on the folding table to bed thing, or split one of the bigger beds with my older sister. not a big fan of either of those options. i like my sister and we get along well, im just really intimidated by her. i feel like shes always silently judging me even though shes probably not. plus, id probably cry the whole time im there, and i dont want her to have to hear that. also, i have autism, and its a new place and my usual routine will get messed up, and ive been in a horrible headspace the past few weeks, so itd impact me even *worse*. and cant forget to mention my ocd, so i will be too afraid to touch anything :) yay.
my other option is to stay home, but the problem is that id be completely home alone. other times my parents have gone up to the trailer my sister has stayed behind with me, but this time shes for sure going. for several reasons this is a problem. 1. i cant cook for myself. 2. if the cat makes a mess i will not be able to clean it. 3. i will forget to have lunch. 4. fear, anxiety, paranoia, etc... just feeling unsafe with no one else home. im assuming its an autism thing, but when my parents are far away from home for the night i have a hard time. ive been getting better at managing it but i know for a fact i wont be able to take it when theres absolutely NO ONE. and 5. i just need comfort. someone there for me.
i talked about this with my partner and my other friend. my partner, who i will call j so that this is easier (and my other friend will be a), offered to come over and stay the night. my parents have finally let us have sleepovers so this will be the first one iiiiin like 2 years. a even said that maybe she could come over too and we could all hang out. but then j tells me they could probably only stay one night. keep in mind, its *4 nights*. they said a few weeks prior to this that they will be home alone on saturday and sunday, and since my parents leave friday, i thought itd be no problem. their mom could drop them off after theyre done school right... then they also said though that theyd be going to their grandmas. i asked if theres a possibility that they could maybe change plans, because i really, *really* need them right now, but they said probably not. i asked again earlier and they said theyre seeing what they can do, but their mom said they might not even be able to come over at all. my other friend, a, said that she wouldnt be able to stay long either, shes going to see other friends until late saturday, so id still have to spend a night completely alone. and my other friends are always busy with their work.
it might seem like im making this more dire than it is, but really, it is a pretty dire situation for me. because of my mental health being fucking dogshit and the stress from all this, i have gotten back into an addiction and tried to end it already so if i had to go to the trailer id probably shutdown so badly i wouldnt be able to function, but if i had to stay home all by myself id be at risk of hurting myself. i dont know what to do anymore. i talked to my mom about how im not in the best headspace for this rn and she said "well idk its what we're doing". i just kind of feel like im fucked. anyways sorry for rambling. thanks for listening if you made it this far
submitted by honeyventalt to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:53 Additional_Banana_57 New to this…when to first test water/how often?

So we had our pool opened last week and it’s never really been green at all. It now looks completely clear, just still minor debris on the bottom which didn’t even come up even with the Dolphin—is this normal? It’s all at the very deep end too so I can’t really get it up with the net thing, so how do I get it out?? Anyway, I haven’t tested the water yet because it’s been too cold to get in so haven’t worried about it. I plan to take a sample to a local pool store but how soon after opening and adding the salt should I do it?? Then how often from there on out?
submitted by Additional_Banana_57 to pools [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:53 Lityerses1 Legally Separated 3 years, he just halted an uncontested divorce for a second time. What now?

I live in NY and we have a daughter. I hurt his feelings so he halted the divorce again. I left him in 2017 and have been legally separated for 3 years. There is a clause in our separation agreement that I hastily signed when trying to escape him that requires me to live in the same school district. This typically wouldn't be an issue except for the fact that he works for the town and has access to all sorts of my business like info about my home and somehow frequently intercepts information that should be for my eyes only simply because his peers are made to believe we are still together and we share the same last name. I am essentially forced to see him often around town which makes me uncomfortable, I feel like I have been trapped. This is the only thing in our agreement I want to change and is likely another reason for him halting the divorce. Would it be stupid to file for contested divorce at this point? We have now been separated for a whole year longer than we were ever together. He is a psychopath that won't let me move on for seemingly no reason. I am constantly harassed, spoken down to and made to feel like a "bad mother" via endless daily phone calls and texts for years now, typically written in a manner that would be difficult for anyone ignorant of the situation to notice it's derogatory. For example, Today on my way to pick up my dauther from school I received a text from him. It was a picture of him following my car saying "running a little close for our daughter are we?", claiming falsely that I was running late to pick her up. I have given him my old house, I have given him all of my belongings inside the house, I have given him my dog. I allowed him to have the home our child was raised in initially to be her primary residence. We have 50/50 custody I don't plan on ever leaving her, just leaving far enough away from him.
submitted by Lityerses1 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:52 dchekas Plumbing utility pump discharge line into existing drain

Plumbing utility pump discharge line into existing drain
I am installing a utility sink in my basement with a zoeller utility pump. I want to tie the discharge line from the pump into my nearby shower drain. I'm planning to connect into it with a rolled Wye fitting, plus a 45 and 90 degree fitting to get me back vertical into the ball valve shown in the picture.
This is my first plumbing job, so was hoping some feedback before I cut into my shower drain piping.
submitted by dchekas to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:52 Even-Interaction-120 I 29f my 31m partner just told me he didn’t want to start Ivf. N idk what to do?

I 29f and my 31m partner have tried for a child for years. One ovarian ectopic and countless miscarriages later we had finally agreed on IVF. A few years back a doctor told us he was the issue with a very slight low count. We did a failed IUI, n continued to try. We planned to do Ivf after but he was always just weird and nervous about it. He then ended up getting someone else pregnant so clearly he wasn’t the problem and it was me. A little context I have been helping him raise his 11yr old since we got together in 2016. I love this boy like my own and always have even when things are said and comments are made to make it clear that I am not his bio mom. ( she lost custody and we have full custody she isn’t a good person). Needless to say I’ve been his mother for years. Then when my husband got the other woman pregnant I was devastated it was a really nasty situation. The baby is now 9months and on the days we have him I raise him like he is mine and I love him as such. But this doesn’t make the want for my own child go away… when I agreed to get back with my husband we had agreed we would do Ivf and he was ready and really wanted it. I was so happy n so ready I have hated myself and my body for not being able to produce a child naturally and with him have having one on me made it even harder. No matter the love I have for the child doesn’t make the pain of failing over n over easier. So when I came back we agreed to do it. N I was ecstatic and so ready for our journey. For the last few months we have been preparing for the process and I’m set to start my injections in 2 days. Well the last few days my husband has been being really weird about the money making comments about how he has two kids n he doesn’t really wanna do this. N how he doesn’t care that I haven’t been able to have kids that we have two already. He then is mad at me telling me that obviously him n the boys aren’t good enough n how would they feel about me wanting another kid acting like they aren’t enough. He then has been weird about paying any of the money ( we definitely can afford it) He then texts me today (he is out of town) and tells me how he thinks is paying the doctors is dumb and how I want this n he doesn’t care. My entire life I have wanted to be a mom when others had ambitions for their career my goal has always been to be a great mother and wife. I wish I would have never got my hopes up I don’t know what to do. I am hurting so bad inside n I feel so let down. He keeps claiming to understand how I feel but he clearly has no clue. The pain of feeling like a failure as a woman is so hard. Then when you have a chance n to have it ripped from under you again is even harder. I just really am so lost and don’t know what to do… any advice? Or anyone been through this?
submitted by Even-Interaction-120 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:52 BadProof2060 Tips for Tourist in Dubai? Insurance, attractions, potential residency

hi there 👋
i’m a U.S. citizen currently en route to dubai for a little trip. i had a few last minute questions pop up mid-air, as well as some longer-term questions for potential residency/work ♥️
1) health insurance: do tourists usually get health insurance on extended stays/visits? i have a medication i forgot to refill in the u.s. and will run out in dubai. does anyone know if it’s possible to refill medications w/o insurance?
2) attractions: any tourist destinations you recommend?
3) working remotely for u.s.-based company: i work remotely for my company and i think i read online that it is not allowed to work paid or unpaid work in dubai if you’re there solely on a tourist visa. does this only apply to work in dubai (aka dubai-based companies)?
4) tourist visa extension: as a u.s. citizen i see it’s visa upon entry for 30 days. can this extend up to 60 days with multiple entry? if anyone’s done that before any advice? i’m planning only three weeks in dubai but may extend.
5) jobs, applying to residency, & setting up business in dubai: if i plan on staying longer than the tourist visa to reside/potentially set up a small biz, is this possible to apply and get within 30-60 days? has anyone done it & any advice? is it easier to just get work in dubai and receive a work visa first?
6) any general tips/advice for enjoying my time?
thanks in advance :)
submitted by BadProof2060 to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:52 cooleric Patagonia trip logistics questions

Hi y'all, I am planning a visit to Patagonia over the holidays and am trying to figure out some of the logistics. I'm hoping to do the W trek and then spend some time in either Santiago or Buenos Aires (more on that below). I would love any help with these questions!
  1. I've seen talk about direct flights from Santiago to Puerto Natales but haven't been able to find those flights - where/when will those be posted?
  2. If I end up flying into Puerto Natales, is Punta Arenas (and Magdalena Island) worth the side trip?
  3. After the trek, should I spend some time (~5 days, including New Years Eve) in Santiago or Buenos Aires? If Buenos Aires, what is the best way to get there from Puerto Natales/Punta Arenas?
Feel free to give me any other suggestions or tips as well! Thanks in advance!
submitted by cooleric to Patagonia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:51 Dull_Possession_3394 My friend owes me money but keeps flaking

I don’t particularly like posting on reddit, i don’t post on any social media I have, but nobody in my personal life can help me out because they’re also close friends with this person, as am I. I’ll call him Perry.
I’m a beginner at tattooing, im no professional. I’ve been practicing for awhile now. Perry knew this, and he asked for a tattoo, i said yeah but I warned him that I’m new at it and that it won’t look amazing, he said it was fine so we agreed on a day and time for me to do it and we also talked abt a payment plan; his aunt is a piercer and he could get me some free piercings from her that weekend of may 3rd. I was supposed to go over there with him and get it done. That was the exchange, a tattoo for a couple of piercings. It’s been two weeks since the tattoo, time after time we’ve made plans for the piercings to go down but he’s cancelled every time. “Oh my aunt went out of town” “oh I forgot I’ve been really busy” I’ve been trying not to bug him because I understand that he’s busy but it’s been two weeks, im getting incredibly impatient now so yesterday I told him that I’m not getting the piercings because of him flaking so he needs to give me $150 (for a tattoo that takes up his entire shoulder) and he complained that he’s investing in an apartment and a car and that he doesn’t have the money. I was like ok that makes sense, whens the soonest I can get pierced and he said today, may14th, around 5. It’s almost 8 and he posted on Instagram tht he’s at the gym. While my messages are on delivered.
What do i do? I refuse to keep bugging about the piercings because I know it’s not going to happen but he also refuses to give me the money. I feel like I’m stuck. I’m desperate for advice.
submitted by Dull_Possession_3394 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:51 neon_genitals (Rant) Students should be allowed to leave with a BA, B.Com or BBA degree on the completion of the respective course.

I'm currently in the final year of my law degree, which I truly hate, and my time with it has been absolutely miserable. I was pressured into the degree after I somehow randomly cleared CLAT with 20 days of preparation. The idea that I'll get to study BA subjects (especially history) persuaded me to go with it (like if I had a choice in the first place).
But that's in the past; in the end, I went with it, and that's on me. What I really want to rant on is the fact that there is almost no protection from the education system or the bar council itself. You don't study a single BA subject after the completion of your third year, and still, for some reason, you have to complete all 10 semesters to get your degree. This stings even more when the government has provisionally announced that students will be able to pursue a PHD in courses after bachelor degrees of 4 or more years.
So anyone who is in their first or second year and hates the degree and can afford to leave it, please do so. Otherwise, it will be too late. You'll hate yourself even more when you'll see people around you preparing for judicial while you just try to pass exam after exam so you can escape one day without any plans and all the things that you were passionate about getting further and further away from you.
submitted by neon_genitals to clat [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:51 DryYogurtcloset8174 I feel financially forced to play?

I’ve been on this game for years only because I spent a bunch of money as a kid and now I don’t want them to go to waste.
This was the most boring and mid season ever. At first they tried to overbalance all the weapons and have the mythicals be more useful and medals have more utility and less heals. Ok cool, good competitive changes but not very fun
Only 4 new POIs that replace already existing ones in such a huge and empty map was honestly dumb. Then they added the avatar and Star Wars stuff and absolutely ruined the season for me. And the changes they’ve made to XP, I used to comfortably reach level 200 just playing the game. Now I’m consciously playing to finish challenges every session and I’m still only at level 90. So yes overall the game has gotten very stale, the OG season was Peak Fortnite and then just like a dream it was all gone in a blink of an eye.
If you never played during summer 2018-late 2019 you’d definetly like the game as is, but people who know what it used to be very much miss it. No bots, no skill based matchmaking, no triple edits. Just vibes.
Now I’m only playing because I have too many skins and save the world gives me free v-bucks. If I hadn’t wasted my money as a kid I wouldn’t be wasting my time and ruining my discipline for more important things just to play.
It’s a guilty pleasure, I have PS Plus and loads of games, but after a long day sometimes I just wanna shoot some people and crank 90s. The game just isn’t as easy or fun anymore, they’re trying to be too serious and cool and detailed. I miss the old cartoony style and the genuine fear you felt when you had to fight. Now it’s all just everyone in pubs boxfighting and editing on each other for clips, or every fight turns to a war zone and half the map come join me.
I don’t know… I still love the game, but kind of in a Stockholm syndrome type of way. All my money is there so it feels wrong not to
submitted by DryYogurtcloset8174 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:51 Mandapandaroo I need help figuring out how to navigate something with my daughter’s school/teacher.

My daughter brings home workbooks from school, they each have 30-60 pages, and are in various different subjects (math, writing, ect). My daughter is in first grade in a public school for context. When the books come home and I look through them, they are always 80-90% blank. But my daughter is at school all these days. And there is usually less than 5 pages in a workbook that has been graded or has any corrections that needed to be made or feedback of any kind. Some books do not have a single page graded or gone over by the teacher. I have more than 20 workbooks all like this. But when I go to parent teacher conferences, her teacher says she’s doing fine, and has nothing to say or anything I could do to help to work with her on anything. I feel like the teacher just doesn’t care, there have also been a couple incidents this year that made me believe she just didn’t like my daughter or was treating her differently than the others. My question is, is it ok for a teacher to let the kids not do the assignments? When I was a kid that wasn’t an option. Especially at such a young age where they are too young to understand the importance of things or haven’t learned that level of responsibility yet. Am I wrong in thinking the teacher should be telling my daughter she needs to do the assigned work? Or at least inform me of it if she will not do it? I know I need to bring it up, and I definitely am going to, but I want to get some other perspectives first.
submitted by Mandapandaroo to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:50 FinstereGedanken After things got worse, I am trying to build an exit plan.

I'm the one who has a musician SO that doesn't pull his own weight and that recently used my hand inappropriately in my sleep. I delete the most juicy posts because I am scared of my story ending up in YouTube or a Tiktok somewhere.
I'm updating because you all have been very supportive and I just wanted to say it somewhere.
Yesterday we had a fight because I asked him to look into couple's therapy, but he would have to make the appointments and pay for them because I'm done with trying to solve things. So he collapsed and it got ugly. He ripped his clothes off himself, broke stuff, drank beer, threatened to hurt himself, and it was really, really ugly. It's not the first time this happens, so I more or less knew how it would evolve. The problem is that it was during my work hours (I worked from home yesterday). I just got his mother involved. I hate to bring other people into our business, but I'm done with this being my responsibility. I wanted her to know. But he can't know she knows because he would get angrier at me. Also, he was grabbing a small knife that he was using to try to hurt himself, so I tried to take it away, but he had it pointed at me and I got a super bad feeling and ran away. I don't know if he's capable of harming me, but I was not going to find out. His mother has no clue of how bad it can get, but I am attempting to set a precedent and have someone close to him aware of his issues.
If you're wondering why I didn't call the cops or the ambulance, we don't really have those kinds of interventions for mental health in my country. Also, it's not the first time and I know he won't follow through with harming himself. I think he's just deflecting blame.
I swear that I would have left our place if I had somewhere to go. The lease is on my name, I pay 100% of the rent, and we have a cat that I would never leave. Also, TBH I'm scared of leaving him in our place alone because I don't want him to destroy it. But the most important thing is that I have nowhere to go. I'm considering on getting a pet-friendly AirBnB for a week or so as one of my options , but I would have to ask for some permissions at my work, so it's not very immediate and is just a Plan B for now. I also have a Plan C which is borrowing a house. Plan A is not going anywhere and getting him to leave somehow.
I am seriously scared of ending the relationship right now or asking him to move out, so I'm playing it safe.
He finally scheduled therapy for himself on Thursday after I insisted a lot. I scheduled for myself on Friday. I really want him to get better, for himself. Not for the relationship. I don't think there's anything left here. Everything has been fundamentally broken.
I love him and I feel really bad for him. He's seriously ill.
But I feel liberated, because he confessed that he "hates" everyone and that every single day he fights himself because he wants to love me, and does love me, but at the same time he hates me, and he wants not to hate me. Same thing with his mother. Not his abusers, though, those he doesn't hate. Just us, the ones who love him.
So, all this time I thought I was the problem, and that I was wrong for expecting more love than he is capable of showing. But no wonder why this is the shitshow it is. He is not capable of loving at all. So it's not my fault, there's nothing I can do, he's too damaged, and I can't fix it.
Also, I've been reaching out to acquaintances (old friends in some cases), trying to build or rebuild friendships. One of them knows about this.
I don't know how I will get out of this, but I do need to get out and I will be working on it.
submitted by FinstereGedanken to JustNoSO [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:50 lilblusky When to do a pregnancy test after plan b?

Had unprotected sex on may 7 1am, may 7 at 8am my opk was at a peak. ( I know plan b doesn’t work if you’re already ovulating). I took a plan b at 9am on may 7. I usually have a really regular cycle so I’m not sure why my opk was showing peak. I was supposed to get my period around may 11-14. I know plan b delays period. Is it best to just test 14 days after sex in this case it would it still be the missed period day?
submitted by lilblusky to PlanBs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:50 AssignmentHour1072 Is "Free" Really Free? (Are We the Product?)

Hey Reddit! So, "free" is everywhere these days, right? Free apps, free trials, even free Wi-Fi! It's tempting to just grab all this awesome stuff without a second thought. But hold on a sec, are we being a little naive? Is there a reason companies are so eager to give stuff away?
Maybe it's just healthy skepticism, but I can't help but wonder... Is "free" really free? Are there hidden costs we're not thinking about? Like, are we giving up our data or getting bombarded with ads in exchange for these "free" things?
On the other hand, maybe I'm just overthinking it! There are tons of genuinely free resources out there, like libraries and parks. And who doesn't love a good free sample?
So, Reddit fam, what's the verdict? Is "free" a magical loophole or a sneaky marketing tactic?
submitted by AssignmentHour1072 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]