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Mom Juggling latest post

2024.05.15 23:56 aubrey_ann Mom Juggling latest post

What I learned Day 12 of the Karen Read trial:
1) Auntie Bev calls sidebar to remind Lally he’s prosecuting Karen Read and not a defense attorney for the Alberts
2) Marie Hartnett doesn’t understand how she failed her proficiency exam because she studied David Caruso and CSI Miami for hours
3) Norfolk county breathes a sigh of relief that someone knows how to use evidence tape
4) The swabs sent in from Norfolk county tested positive for pig DNA. Julie Nagel is nervous the Feds will find out she tossed the ham hock she was gnawing on out the window and that was in fact the blob on the lawn and transferred DNA to John’s clothes
5) Today’s no shit Sherlock moment - random plastic containers like red solo cups are not sterile for collecting blood evidence. There goes Helena’s kitchen budget
6) There is a correlation between Liabetes and the Amnesia pandemic overtaking Canton. Those who have taken truth serum have no problem recalling events
7) No one knows why Lally called Ryan Nagel and friends to testify. They hurt the CW’s case
8) Lally caught on hot mic “He’s bound to mess this up”. He was referring to himself in the third person.
9) Ryan Nagel subtlely mentioned the Federal Investigation - not all heroes wear capes
10) Allie McCabe displays all the signs of liabetes. Anxiety, red face, beads of sweat, labored breathing
11) Allie McCabe should be believed because she rescues dogs on random Friday nights. But she couldn’t save Chloe
12) Allie McCabe doesn’t realize that the day changes at midnight. You have to research better before you alter your text messages.
13) Steve Jobs is rolling in his grave to hear Allie deny her knowledge of iPhones
14) Teenagers everywhere are asking their parents to move to Canton where the drinking age is apparently 17
15) Tristan Morris should give Allie McCabe his watch. She can at least tell time
16) Allie McCabe learned today that lying when the defense has your electronic footprint from the Feds isn’t really a great idea
17) Allie listened to her mom when she was advised to start crying if she messes up. She’s up for an Academy Award
18) Allie said “Colin wasn’t in the house when John was there” ummm…….John was there???
19) Colin Albert took his choir boy Halloween costume out of the closet and wore it to court to try to fool the jury
20) Colin can be Tristan’s trivia partner because no one is picking him either

freekarenread #JusticeForJohnOkeefe

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2024.05.13 12:34 AccutaneEffectsInfo How Accutane Changes Your Brain: Dopamine & Cell Death

How Accutane Changes Your Brain: Dopamine & Cell Death


Accutane, also known by its generic name isotretinoin, is a widely used medication primarily prescribed for the treatment of severe acne. Over the years, its effectiveness in treating severe acne has been well-documented, earning it a reputation as a potent solution where other treatments fail. However, alongside its efficacy in treating acne, it has also been associated with a range of potential side effects – particularly in relation to the brain.
The extent of its psychological impact particularly came to prominence during a 2015 murder trial, where attorneys argued that a 15-year-old flew into a homicidal psychosis on account of his treatment by the acne drug. [1] Though this may seem farfetched it isn’t an isolated incident, and the connection between Vitamin A and neurological disorders is one with long historical precedent.
The effects of overexposure to Vitamin A on the central nervous system were first documented in 1856 by Elisha Kane, an Artic explorer who suffered dramatic changes in mood and temperament after ingesting polar bear liver. The many symptoms of Accutane treatment significantly overlap with those of Hypervitaminosis A, given that Accutane exerts its therapeutic effects through the primary metabolite of Vitamin A: Retinoic acid. However, unlike overexposure to Vitamin A, Isotretinoin is able to avoid xenobiotic responses that metabolise excessive retinoic acid, allowing for an even greater intracellular accumulation.[2]
A meta-analysis of 25 randomised controlled trials found that neurological symptoms were amongst the most common adverse effects associated with Accutane treatment – with 24% suffering extreme fatigue and 10% complaining of significant changes in mood and personality. [3] Aside from the many case reports, there’s a good neuroanatomical basis for believing that retinoids are fundamental to cognition and mood.
The enzymes that locally synthesise retinoic acid are highly expressed in regions of the brain that are rich in dopamine, such as the mesolimbic. [4] Dopamine is the neurotransmitter associated with feelings of reward, excitement and pleasure; however dysregulation of dopaminergic system can lead to mania and psychosis. The exact role retinoic acid plays in regulating dopamine is yet to be fully understood, but the evidence shows the two systems are deeply intertwined*.* [5][6]


Beta-catenin is a multifunctional protein that serves as a key regulator in many cellular processes, but most pertinently in stem cell proliferation. Many organs throughout the body rely on a pool of stem cells to draw upon for tissue repair and maintenance, such as the skin.
Beta-catenin signalling is regulated by a ‘destruction complex’, which continuously marks the protein for destruction. When it is unbound from the destruction complex it translocates into the nuclei of cells to signal for the proliferation (increase the number) of stem cells in these given tissues. When beta-catenin is repressed by enhancing the action of the destruction complex, the stem cells in these tissues undergo a process of specialisation called differentiation**.** [7]
Final stem cell differentiation.svg), This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
This process can’t be reversed, and the stem cell pool must replenish in order to preserve future tissue reparative properties. Retinoids are differentiating agents, that repress beta-catenin by enhancing the action of the destruction complex and thus inhibiting stem cell proliferation.
A careful equilibrium must be maintained to ensure that stem cells don’t aberrantly differentiate. The consequences of disrupting this balance are most disturbingly evidence by the foetuses of mothers exposed to high levels of vitamin A, as foetal development is reliant on the proliferation of embryonic stem cells. These foetuses typically fail to develop normal limbs if they survive gestation at all. [8]
Whilst beta-catenin signalling is regulated by retinoids, retinoid signalling is in turn regulating by beta-catenin feedback through the ALDH (aldehyde dehydrogenase) enzymes. ALDH enzymes play a key role in synthesising retinoids, and a regulated by beta-catenin. High levels of beta-catenin trigger an enhance ALDH activity, which in turn leads to greater retinoid synthesis and therefore suppression of beta-catenin.
Alternatively high levels of retinoid signalling, as in during Accutane treatment, leads to suppression of beta-catenin and in turn ALDH activity. However, ALDH enzymes don’t exclusively serve to synthesise retinoids, they also play a vital detoxifying role in metabolising toxic acetaldehydes and lipid peroxides. [9]


There is a mountain of evidence within the scientific literature that points to the diverse and profound effects of Accutane treatment on the brain. The most striking of this evidence comes from brain imaging of patients being treated with Accutane, which indicated a 21% reduction in activity in the orbitofrontal cortex. [10]
The frontal cortex is the region of the brain most developed in humans as compared to other animals and is responsible for higher cognitive processing. The researchers also identified that this reduction in activity was accompanied by headaches, with the severity of the headaches correlating with the degree of inhibition.
The findings of this study corroborate the evidence for Isotretinoin inhibiting new nerve growth in the brain, and even directly causing apoptosis (cell death) of neurons. [11] The prevailing theory for depression is that it is a consequence of reduced neurogenesis (neuronal cell growth), which can be mitigated by neurogenic compounds. [12] It is therefore reasonable to connect the evidence of Accutane induced depression to these neurogenic effects.
As previously established, beta-catenin signalling is needed to maintain stem cell populations in the many tissues that undergo continual growth and reparation throughout adulthood. The brain, and in particular the hippocampus, is one such region. The hippocampus is essential for the generation of episodic and spatial memory. Neuroplasticity in the hippocampus is needed to form new memories throughout adulthood.
It’s been found that when beta-catenin is ablated in hippocampal cell cultures, the synaptic strength is diminished. Neurons lacking beta-catenin became thin and spindly, with reduced amplitude of spontaneous glutamatergic currents. [13] Conversely, enhancing beta-catenin signalling in transgenic mice allowed for greater neuronal growth and even enlarged brains on account of the increase in neural stem cell populations. [14] Understanding the role of beta-catenin is key to explaining the evidence for Accutane inhibiting new cell growth in the hippocampus. [15]


Notably the neurological role of beta-catenin isn’t confined to the hippocampus, as it also greatly impacts synaptic activity in two other regions: the hypothalamus and the amygdala. The hypothalamus is a part of the limbic system that controls the release of hormones involved in diverse processes including facilitating sexual responses, hunger, and circadian rhythms. Hypothalamic cells are also subject to both growth and regulation by beta-catenin which can be guided in particular by oestradiol, which activates the PI3K/Akt pathway.
Poignantly, this action of oestradiol is the exact opposite of the mechanism of action by which Accutane suppresses beta-catenin. The importance of oestradiol is especially relevant for woman with respect to the oestrous cycle, and the periodic changes it induces on synaptic structures. [16] Given this evidence, it is perhaps unsurprising that hypothalamic cells (along with hippocampal cells) are amongst the neuronal cells most vulnerable to apoptosis (cell death) in response to retinoic acid exposure. [17]
Another structure within the limbic system is the amygdala, which consists of two clusters of nuclei in the centre of the brain and plays a pivotal role in regulating memory, emotional response and feelings of reward and pleasure. Like the hypothalamus, the amygdala also appears to significantly influenced by beta-catenin.
There’s evidence that beta-catenin is needed for the transfer of newly formed memory into long term memory, and specific deletion of beta-catenin prevented this memory consolidation. [18] Furthermore, researchers have been able to trigger dysregulation of the amygdala of rats by applying retinoic acid, resulting in heightened fear and anxiety responses.


The Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH) family of enzymes plays a pivotal role in the metabolism of aldehydes, which are a type of reactive molecule within biological systems. It’s a diverse family of enzymes consisting of many isoforms with wide ranging targets contributing to a variety of physiological processes. In particular, ALDH enzymes are known for their critical detoxifying function in oxidizing aldehydes to their corresponding carboxylic acids.
Given that ALDH enzymes have been implicated in cellular protection against oxidative stress, they subsequently play a role in the development of a number of diseases, in particular neurodegenerative disorders. They have a particular relevance to the metabolism of retinoids, as they catalyse the conversion of retinol to retinoic acid locally within tissues. [26] As discussed previously, ALDH activity is regulated by beta-catenin in a negative feedback loop.
The administration of Isotretinoin marks these enzymes for downregulation by interrupting this feedback loop and suppressing ALDH activity. [27] Long term application of retinoic acid downregulates these enzymes through post-translational modifications, potentially giving an epigenetic basis for the lasting nature of Post Accutane Syndrome. [28]
The adverse effects of suppressed ALDH activity are potentially very broad given the diversity of roles they play outside of metabolising retinoids. One of the best attested lasting adverse effects of Isotretinoin treatment is permanent night blindness. Researchers concluded that this is a consequence of the suppression a particular member of the ALDH family, RDH11, which serves to recycle rhodopsins in the retina. [29]


It’s hard to overstate both the importance and diversity of ALDH activity in the body, from the production of neurosteroids, to metabolism of alcohol to detoxification, but the particular focus of this article is their role in neurological functioning and how it relates to the adverse effects of Isotretinoin treatment. The first indication that play an important neurological role that ALDH isoforms are expressed in regions of the brain rich in dopamine. [30]
For example the enzyme retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (RALDH1) is present in the dopaminergic terminals that innervate the striatum from the ventral tegmental area is necessary for the synthesis of RA in these areas. [31] The previously cited neuroimaging study found that the regions of the brain most rich in dopaminergic activity, such as the midbrain and mesolimbic, experience the greatest reduction in activity during Isotretinoin treatment.
This could potentially be explained by the detoxifying role played by ALDH isoforms such as RALDH1 during dopamine transmission, which is likely inhibited by Isotretinoin treatment. The metabolites of dopamine such as DOPAL (3, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde) are neurotoxic, but can be metabolised by RALDH1 to protect dopaminergic neurons**. If RALDH1 is inhibited these dopaminergic neurons within the mesolimbic are more susceptible to cell death.** [32]
This effect is so profound that ALDH inhibitors are even able to induce Parkinsonian like symptoms, which is a type of Alzheimer’s characterised by the rapid loss of dopaminergic neurons. [33] Additionally, the overaccumulation of toxic dopamine metabolites results in negative feedback to acutely inhibit dopamine neurotransmission.
This is why ALDH inhibitors such as Disulfiram can cause a blunted response to stimulants such as amphetamine. [34] Given that dopamine is needed to facilitate feelings of pleasure and, reduced libido is one of the most common complaints of people being treated with Disulfiram, which is a medication used in combatting alcohol addiction.
In fact, it is now believed that Disulfiram is effective in treating addiction by blunting feelings of pleasure that drive addictions, through the negative feedback of toxic dopamine metabolites. [35] The evidence for Isotretinoin inhibiting ALDH expression indicates that Disulfiram could potentially serve as an effective analogue for some of the effects of Isotretinoin treatment.
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2024.05.11 03:17 sappynerd Local corruption in Massachusetts towns and cities seems to be a common theme. The Death of Chris McCallum: A Case of Quincy Police Corruption and Negligence

I'm not sure if posts about other cases are allowed in this sub so if I am violating the rules I understand if this post gets taken down. This case seems particularly relevant in the light of similarly tragic and preventable deaths in the area featuring other police departments. (Sandra Birchmore and Karen Read)
Background info:
Christopher McCallum, a loving father and well-respected member of his local community, died of a traumatic brain injury outside the Nickerson American Legion Post in Quincy while trying to break up a fight. The perpetrator was Matthew Potter, son of a former Quincy Police Detective. He was found guilty after a lengthy investigation carried out by the Norfolk County district attorney's office, the same office responsible for the investigation into Sandra Birchmores death.
Mcallum's family is suing the police for the subsequent alleged coverup following his death.
Here is some relevant information pulled directly from the court documents regarding the case, which I will link below.
"The as of yet unascertained Quincy police officers who responded to the Nickerson VEW Post after the assault on the decedent, Christopher McCallum did not conducta proper investigation, among other things, intimidating witnesses into not identifying Matthew Potter and Steven Potter as the perpetrators, not obtaining a statement from either Matthew Potter or Steven Potter or assessing their levelof intoxication or impairment, not bringing Matthew Potter and Steven Potter back to the scene or inspecting their body and/or hands for physical evidence. 46. The Quincy police officers who responded to the Nickerson VFW Post after the assault on the decedent, Christopher McCallum, as well as the defendant Officer Christopher Bulger, knew that Matthew Potter and Steven Potter were family members of amember ofthe Quincy Police Department and intentionally did not properly investigate their involvement in Christopher McCallum’s death. "
"The defendant, James M. Doherty knew the family of Matthew Potter and Steven Potter, andforthat reason, chose not to call thepoliceorto have them removed from the premises, despite the fact that he knew, or should have known, that their conduct would escalate to violence. 140. knew the family of Matthew Potter and Steven Potter, and fort hat reason, chose not to call the police or to have them removed from the premises, despite the fact that he knew, or should have known, that their conduct would escalate to violence."
Court Documents
Another local incident of police covering for police.
submitted by sappynerd to KarenReadTrial [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 12:23 drea915 Karen Read murder trial: A guide to the key players you need to know (LINK HAS PICTURES TOO)

Karen Read murder trial: A guide to the key players you need to know – Boston 25 News

Karen Read murder trial: A guide to the key players you need to know

DEDHAM, Mass. — The high-profile Karen Read murder case went to trial earlier this month when jury selection began in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham. Opening statements got underway Monday with the prosecution and defense addressing jurors.
Read is charged with running down John O’Keefe, her Boston police officer boyfriend, and leaving him to die in a blizzard in the town of Canton on Jan. 29, 2022. Read’s defense has argued that she is being framed and that O’Keefe was beaten and attacked by a dog inside the home of another Boston police officer.
A buffer zone that includes metal barricades and orange traffic drums has been set up for Read’s trial and no one is allowed to demonstrate with signs within 200 feet of the courthouse.
More than 160 combined witnesses could be called by the prosecution and defense.
The trial is expected to last between 6 and 8 weeks.
Here’s a guide to the key players you need to know as the trial gets underway:
~Karen Read (suspect)~
Read, 44, of Mansfield, is accused of running down O’Keefe in reverse with her SUV after a night of drinking. The state is using Read’s cracked right taillight as evidence.
Read has pleaded not guilty to charges of second-degree murder, motor vehicle manslaughter, and leaving the scene of a collision in connection with O’Keefe’s death.
Read’s lawyers claim she is being framed in a massive cover-up, and that feds have been investigating the probe into O’Keefe’s death.
~John O’Keefe (victim)~
The body of O’Keefe, 46, was discovered during a snowstorm outside a Canton home on Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022.
According to the Norfolk District Attorney’s Office, he was taken to the Good Samaritan Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead hours later.
An autopsy lists his cause of death as “blunt impact injuries of the head and hypothermia.”
O’Keefe had been raising his niece and nephew in Canton after their parents passed away.
Boston police officials said O’Keefe was a 16-year veteran of the force who had served in multiple capacities.
Officer John O’Keefe
~Brian Albert (witness)~
O’Keefe’s body was discovered during a snowstorm outside the Canton home of another Boston police officer named Brian Albert.
It’s alleged that Albert went to “great lengths to dispose of critical evidence by making sure, Chloe, his family dog of seven years, simply disappeared.”
Albert and his relatives told investigators that O’Keefe never came inside the party, and they never saw him. Some of the party attendees are witnesses for the prosecution.
Greg Henning, an attorney for Albert, said in March that his client does not object to releasing his phone records because he has nothing to hide.
Henning also revealed that he spoke with the US Attorney’s Office for Massachusetts and was given permission to tell the court that Albert is not the target of a federal investigation.
In bodycam footage from Read’s arrest in June 2022, she is heard telling an officer, “You’re aware Brian and Colin Albert beat up him (O’Keefe)? We’re all in on the same joke, right? My taillight was cracked, and John’s face was pulverized.”
Brian Albert
~Jennifer McCabe (witness)~
An FBI analysis of a phone belonging to Albert’s sister-in-law, Jennifer McCabe, determined she searched “hos long to die in cold” at 2:27 a.m., hours before she called 911 to report that O’Keefe’s body had been found outside Albert’s home, Read’s attorneys have alleged.
Lawyers for Read also described one of the responding state troopers as having a “longstanding close familial relationship” with the McCabes and Alberts.
O’Keefe’s niece confirmed Read telling McCabe on the phone that she last saw O’Keefe at a bar on the night of his death, according to prior court proceedings.
Read, McCabe and another witness ended up looking for O’Keefe and finding him near Albert’s home.
McCabe said Read had shown her a cracked right rear taillight on her vehicle before they left to search for O’Keefe.
Jennifer McCabe
~Michael Proctor (lead detective)~
Proctor, a Massachusetts State Police detective, was the lead investigator in the Read case.
The Massachusetts State Police Internal Affairs Unit is investigating Proctor for a potential violation of department policy.
Read’s defense has argued that Proctor was not truthful with his relationship with people he has identified as witnesses in the case.
According to the defense, Proctor admitted this to a federal grand jury.
The defense also says text messages analyzed in the federal investigation revealed that one of the other witnesses offered to buy Proctor a gift when the case against Read was over.
Proctor’s attorney has said his client is cooperating fully with the investigation and “remains steadfast in the integrity of the work he performed investigating the death of Mr. John O’Keefe.”
Michael Proctor
~Brian Higgins~
Higgins, an ATF agent, “coaxed” O’Keefe to the Albert house and later destroyed his phone, Read’s defense team has alleged.
A federal investigation found Albert and Higgins spoke by phone at 2:22 a.m., about 3 and a half hours before O’Keefe’s body was discovered, Read’s defense has further alleged.
An attorney for Higgins previously said federal authorities were not targeting him.
Brian Higgins
~Other key players to know~
Judge Beverly Cannone, Karen Read case
Alan Jackson
David Yannetti
Adam Lally
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Karen Read murder trial: A guide to the key players you need to know
DEDHAM, Mass. — The high-profile Karen Read murder case went to trial earlier this month when jury selection began in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham. Opening statements got underway Monday with the prosecution and defense addressing jurors.
Read is charged with running down John O’Keefe, her Boston police officer boyfriend, and leaving him to die in a blizzard in the town of Canton on Jan. 29, 2022. Read’s defense has argued that she is being framed and that O’Keefe was beaten and attacked by a dog inside the home of another Boston police officer.
A buffer zone that includes metal barricades and orange traffic drums has been set up for Read’s trial and no one is allowed to demonstrate with signs within 200 feet of the courthouse.
More than 160 combined witnesses could be called by the prosecution and defense.
The trial is expected to last between 6 and 8 weeks.
Here’s a guide to the key players you need to know as the trial gets underway:
~Karen Read (suspect)~
Read, 44, of Mansfield, is accused of running down O’Keefe in reverse with her SUV after a night of drinking. The state is using Read’s cracked right taillight as evidence.
Read has pleaded not guilty to charges of second-degree murder, motor vehicle manslaughter, and leaving the scene of a collision in connection with O’Keefe’s death.
Read’s lawyers claim she is being framed in a massive cover-up, and that feds have been investigating the probe into O’Keefe’s death.
~John O’Keefe (victim)~
The body of O’Keefe, 46, was discovered during a snowstorm outside a Canton home on Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022.
According to the Norfolk District Attorney’s Office, he was taken to the Good Samaritan Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead hours later.
An autopsy lists his cause of death as “blunt impact injuries of the head and hypothermia.”
O’Keefe had been raising his niece and nephew in Canton after their parents passed away.
Boston police officials said O’Keefe was a 16-year veteran of the force who had served in multiple capacities.
Officer John O’Keefe
~Brian Albert (witness)~
O’Keefe’s body was discovered during a snowstorm outside the Canton home of another Boston police officer named Brian Albert.
It’s alleged that Albert went to “great lengths to dispose of critical evidence by making sure, Chloe, his family dog of seven years, simply disappeared.”
Albert and his relatives told investigators that O’Keefe never came inside the party, and they never saw him. Some of the party attendees are witnesses for the prosecution.
Greg Henning, an attorney for Albert, said in March that his client does not object to releasing his phone records because he has nothing to hide.
Henning also revealed that he spoke with the US Attorney’s Office for Massachusetts and was given permission to tell the court that Albert is not the target of a federal investigation.
In bodycam footage from Read’s arrest in June 2022, she is heard telling an officer, “You’re aware Brian and Colin Albert beat up him (O’Keefe)? We’re all in on the same joke, right? My taillight was cracked, and John’s face was pulverized.”
Brian Albert
~Jennifer McCabe (witness)~
An FBI analysis of a phone belonging to Albert’s sister-in-law, Jennifer McCabe, determined she searched “hos long to die in cold” at 2:27 a.m., hours before she called 911 to report that O’Keefe’s body had been found outside Albert’s home, Read’s attorneys have alleged.
Lawyers for Read also described one of the responding state troopers as having a “longstanding close familial relationship” with the McCabes and Alberts.
O’Keefe’s niece confirmed Read telling McCabe on the phone that she last saw O’Keefe at a bar on the night of his death, according to prior court proceedings.
Read, McCabe and another witness ended up looking for O’Keefe and finding him near Albert’s home.
McCabe said Read had shown her a cracked right rear taillight on her vehicle before they left to search for O’Keefe.
Jennifer McCabe
~Michael Proctor (lead detective)~
Proctor, a Massachusetts State Police detective, was the lead investigator in the Read case.
The Massachusetts State Police Internal Affairs Unit is investigating Proctor for a potential violation of department policy.
Read’s defense has argued that Proctor was not truthful with his relationship with people he has identified as witnesses in the case.
According to the defense, Proctor admitted this to a federal grand jury.
The defense also says text messages analyzed in the federal investigation revealed that one of the other witnesses offered to buy Proctor a gift when the case against Read was over.
Proctor’s attorney has said his client is cooperating fully with the investigation and “remains steadfast in the integrity of the work he performed investigating the death of Mr. John O’Keefe.”
Michael Proctor
~Brian Higgins~
Higgins, an ATF agent, “coaxed” O’Keefe to the Albert house and later destroyed his phone, Read’s defense team has alleged.
A federal investigation found Albert and Higgins spoke by phone at 2:22 a.m., about 3 and a half hours before O’Keefe’s body was discovered, Read’s defense has further alleged.
An attorney for Higgins previously said federal authorities were not targeting him.
Brian Higgins
~Other key players to know~
Judge Beverly Cannone, Karen Read case
Alan Jackson
David Yannetti
Adam Lally
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submitted by drea915 to justiceforKarenRead [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 00:59 PanAmFlyer The Anchorage Cottage - Willoughby

The Anchorage Cottage - Willoughby
850 West Ocean View Avenue (originally 830 Chesapeake Bay Avenue) on Norfolk's Willoughby Spit was built in the early 1900s. It was the summer residence of Arunah Otto Lynch and his wife, Viola.
Mr Lynch was an attorney with an office on Main Street in Downtown Norfolk. He was also the Commonwealth Attorney for Norfolk County for 26 years, and Treasurer for 9 years.
The Lynch's had a primary residence on Victoria Avenue in the Chesterfield Heights neighborhood, but like many families in the days before air conditioning, they kept a cottage at the beach. In those days it was common to give each cottage a unique name and the Lynch's named this cottage "The Anchorage".
In the early 1930s, the Cottage was sold to the American Legion Post No 35. Named in memory of Junius F Lynch, it continues in that use today.
submitted by PanAmFlyer to norfolk [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 07:46 hanas_lin Cordish beats out four other bidders to win Petersburg's casino business, but council reaction is muted

Instead of celebrating the decision, councilors beat a hasty retreat to their cars without saying a word. Only one offered thoughts in an email.
PETERSBURG – City Council unanimously chose a familiar face as its preferred casino vendor Wednesday night, but the choice took a back seat to what happened once the special meeting was adjourned.
Instead of sticking around to talk about the economic potential of that decision or the next steps in the process of pushing the idea to Petersburg’s voters, councilors quickly dashed to their cars in the Petersburg Public Library parking lot. Some of them declined to comment while others walked stone-faced without saying a word as they approached reporters waiting outside for reaction.
The only councilor to comment was Ward 5 Councilor Howard Myers, who made the motion to go with go with Cordish and BSE’s $1.4 billion proposal for 92 acres off Wagner Road in south Petersburg. In an email to The Progress-Index, Myers said he was “ecstatic about the potential transformative opportunities” stemming from the proposal.
“The city of Petersburg has been grossly underrated and disenfranchised for decades,” Myers, also a former mayor, said in the email. He went on to praise Mayor Sam Parham for leading "the drive to accomplish the greatest feats of a city broken by the color of its skin.”
Parham, however, was one of the first to leave the library after the meeting adjourned, followed by City Manager March Altman and City Attorney Tony Williams. Altman and Williams traditionally do not comment to the press about council votes, though.
Ward 6 Councilor Annette Smith-Lee shook her head when asked to comment on the vote by The Progress-Index. Ward 1 Councilor Marlow Jones stared straight ahead as he walked to his car without acknowledging shouted requests for comment. Vice Mayor Darrin Hill and Ward 4 Councilor Charlie Cuthbert also left without reacting.
Petersburg’s media and government relations director Joanne Williams, who normally speaks on the city’s behalf, did not attend the meeting. Asked by The Progress-Index if a statement will be released, Williams responded, “I will ask.”
Cordish/BSE was chosen over Bally’s Corporation, Penn Entertainment, Rush Street Gaming and the partnership of The Warrenton Group and entertainment company Delaware North to get the casino business, which still must pass a November referendum before any shovels can be turned.
Myers shed some light on the decision reached after a 90-minute closed session discussing the casino. He said Davenport & Co., Petersburg’s chief financial advisor, issued a report urging council to choose Cordish.
The five vendors had a chance April 14 to plead their cases in a town hall meeting sponsored by state Sen. Lashrecse Aird, the chief co-patron of legislation establishing Petersburg as the fifth Virginia city to host a casino and nurture Virginia’s foray into the gambling industry. After failed attempts in the last two General Assembly sessions, Aird led the legislative effort for Petersburg to replace Richmond in the original 2019 bill that also named Bristol, Danville, Norfolk and Portsmouth as host cities.
The deal was all but sealed April 17 during the reconvened session when Aird persuaded her colleagues to back Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s request removing House of Delegates-generated language that would have required a second Assembly vote before the referendum could be held.
Aird told The Progress-Index in a statement, “During the reconvened session, the General Assembly took action to move [Senate Bill] 628 forward, which allows Petersburg to be an eligible host city and move towards a referendum on a casino. As a result, the city had the responsibility for the next steps which included the selection of an operator, which they have formally now done.”
Bill Atkinson (he/him/his) is an award-winning journalist who covers breaking news, government and politics. Reach him at or on X (formerly known as Twitter) at @BAtkinson_PI.
submitted by hanas_lin to TriCitiesVA [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 12:37 HashTagFinallyWoke Andra Brown and Xavier Elijah Hudspeth Charged with Home Invasion Robbery of William Irving Moore and blinded Connie Hubbard

Andra Brown and Xavier Elijah Hudspeth Charged with Home Invasion Robbery of William Irving Moore and blinded Connie Hubbard submitted by HashTagFinallyWoke to Justice4Victims [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 20:08 spoiledrichwhitegirl Article: Jury selection in Karen Read trial not complete after 3rd day as proceedings wrap for week

Via Boston 25:
DEDHAM, Mass — The jury selection process in the Karen Read murder trial remains incomplete after three days and the case won’t return to court on Friday.
Two additional jurors were seated on Thursday, but one who was seated on Wednesday was excused for hardship, leaving the current juror count at 12. Four alternates still need to be seated before testimony can commence.
Of the 57 potential jurors in Thursday’s pool, 41 of them told the judge they had heard or spoken about the case, 20 said they had formed opinions, and eight admitted to have formed a bias. Ultimately, just two of them were selected for the trial.
Also on Thursday, DNA analysis from Bode Labs in Virginia was entered by the prosecution, Boston 25′s Ted Daniel reported.
“A piece of hair found on the back of Read’s Lexus SUV was sent to the lab to see if it matched John O’Keefe’s DNA. The defense has been trying to get the results excluded citing a delay in testing. We haven’t seen the lab report yet,” Daniel wrote in a post on X.
Read is charged with running down O’Keefe, her Boston police officer boyfriend, and leaving him to die in a blizzard in the town of Canton on Jan. 29, 2022.
Read’s defense has argued that she is being framed and that O’Keefe was beaten and attacked by a dog inside the home of another Boston police officer.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, 11 jurors were chosen from about 180 people.
Jurors have been filling out a form of 29 questions – wanting to know if they’ve ever been involved in a march or demonstration showing support for law enforcement or demonstrations against law enforcement.
The prosecution plans to call as many as 87 witnesses when testimony begins, including 23 members of law enforcement.
The defense has submitted 77 potential witnesses including John O’Keefe’s father and Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey.
One potential juror, Tony Pardo, was excused Wednesday afternoon.
He said he hadn’t previously heard about the case but was glad not to serve on this trial.
“Well, it’s a big case, you know, and figure I’d be here for a while. It’s probably gonna be a long trial,” said Pardo. He continued, “I kind of got the sense that most people didn’t. Probably about half the people raised their hand when they were talking about having a hot ship or things of that nature.”
The trial will resume on Monday morning.
submitted by spoiledrichwhitegirl to KarenReadTrial [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 03:45 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Local] - Attorneys answer residents' questions about $600 million Norfolk Southern settlement Pgh Post-Gazette

[Local] - Attorneys answer residents' questions about $600 million Norfolk Southern settlement Pgh Post-Gazette submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 03:16 AutoNewsAdmin [Local] - Attorneys answer residents' questions about $600 million Norfolk Southern settlement

[Local] - Attorneys answer residents' questions about $600 million Norfolk Southern settlement submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to PGHPOSTauto [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 00:15 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Local] - Attorneys in the Norfolk Southern settlement clarify some details of the payout Pgh Post-Gazette

[Local] - Attorneys in the Norfolk Southern settlement clarify some details of the payout Pgh Post-Gazette submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 00:06 AutoNewsAdmin [Local] - Attorneys in the Norfolk Southern settlement clarify some details of the payout

[Local] - Attorneys in the Norfolk Southern settlement clarify some details of the payout submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to PGHPOSTauto [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 13:01 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - April 9th

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - April 9th
1974 -The Jackson 5 perform "Let It Be", "Never Can Say Goodbye" and "Dancing Machine" on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson
1975 - The Jackson family returns to the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas for a last series of shows. This time playing 14 nights through April 22nd
1984 - Through the 'Brass Ring Society', an organization which fulfills the wishes of terminally ill children, Michael Jackson welcomes 14-year-old David Smithee to his Encino family home.
Granting Smithee's last wish as he suffered from chronic Cystic Fibrosis. During the afternoon visit, David watches a movie with Michael in his home theater, plays video games and learns how to moonwalk. Of the video games, David later tells a Tulsa Tribune reporter:
"I played two games with him and beat him both times"
The visit was topped off with Jackson giving David the red leather jacket he had worn in the "Beat It" video and a beaded glove he had worn to the American Music Awards, where he collected eight awards. Seven weeks later, Smithee passes away. Michael will remember the boy by dedicating The Jacksons Victory album in his honor.
1984 -Liza Minnelli accompanies Michael to Swifty Lazar’s (talent agent) Oscar Night Party at Spago but after a short stay, they go on to visit Liza’s father director Vincente Minnelli
1988- On his Bad World Tour, Michael plays the 2nd of three shows at The Summit (now Lakewood Church Central Campus) in Houston, Texas
1991- Michael & Madonna go to the Spago restaurant in Los Angeles . Michael asks Madonna to do a duet on the song “In The Closet”
"In the Closet" was originally conceived as a duet. According to a 1992 interview with British journalist Jonathan Ross, Madonna said she worked on some lyrical ideas for the song but when she presented them to Michael, he decided they were too provocative and they decided not to continue with the project
1992 -“In The Closet” Is released as the 3rd single from the Dangerous album. It peaks at #6 on Hot 100 Billboard and #1 on the R&B chart
1996- Michael is on the cover of tabloids magazine, National Enquirer
1998- A Los Angeles Superior Court jury awarded Michael $2.7 million in damages in a defamation-of-character suit against Victor Gutierrez. Michael sued and won with a 9-3 win; the 3 that held out were pushing for Michael to receive more money. The 12 people jury was quoted as saying they wanted to make an example of Victor and send a strong message to the media about erroneous reporting.
Thee lawsuit against Victor was over an interview Victor had with Diane Dimond.
On 1/9/95, Diane Dimond appeared on The Ken and Barkley Show on KABC -AM radio in which she first stated “there was a 27-minute video of Michael having sex with a minor boy". The boy was said to be Jermaine Jackson’s son Jeremy who was 9 yrs. Both Jermaine and Margaret the child’s parents denied the story.
The interviewer even asks Diane if was she 100% sure the videotape existed. Diane replied:
“I am as sure as I can be"
Diane also alleged that the L.A. District Attorney’s office had reopened its investigation of MJ. Later that evening, (Jan. 9, 1995), Hard Copy ran the same story insinuating the tape did exist, however, Diane was sure to mention she never saw the tape and only believed hee liable source Victor.
Michael sued all five for $100 million: Victor, Diane, ABC TV, Hard Copy, and Paramount for perpetuating the slander claim. However, 4 of the cases were dismissed before going to trial because he was unable to prove the other 4 had malicious intent, like Victor who was ordered to stand trial.
After the ruling, Victor fled the US to return to Chile where he originally lived and allegedly remained there until MJichael's death.
2001 - Michael, Grace & the kids spend 2 weeks at Teddy Riley’s home in Virginia where he & Michael work on Invincible. He has visited Virginia at least once before while working on Dangerous. Riley, operates the studio Future in Virginia Beach
After Michael was spotted at a Barnes & Noble near Pembroke Mall in Virginia Beach, radio station WNVZ-FM (104.5) asked listeners to call in with sightings.
Incredibly, someone called up offering the name of the hotel where he was staying, even the specific room number
A newsmen from WAVY-TV Channel 10 managed to finagle what a brief encounter with Jackson. "Oh, jeez, I'm sorry. You've been very kind, but I'm not prepared to answer any questions. I'm very sorry," a very Michael-sounding voice told reporter Carter Evans over the phone. "Tell Norfolk I love them, OK?"
When they leave Virginia, they go back to NYC and check in to the Plaza Athénée Upper East Side.
2009 - Michael goes to Dr Klein’s in Beverly Hills and he visits the antique store Lladro on Rodeo Drive
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 23:34 Nervous-Bullfrog-884 Coupons over Dividends

Coupons over Dividends submitted by Nervous-Bullfrog-884 to amcstock [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 23:49 PanAmFlyer John Ney Sebrell Home - Circa 1910

John Ney Sebrell Home - Circa 1910
630 Redgate Avenue (originally 106 East Redgate Avenue) was built around 1910 and was the home of John Ney Sebrell, his wife, Bessie, and their sons, John, Jr and Joseph.
Mr Sebrell was born in Southampton County, Virginia, in an unincorporated community. The area still known today as Sebrell, after his family. He attended Randolph Macon College, and then University of Virginia Law School and, after passing the bar, he returned home to practice law. He was also elected as the Southampton County Representative to the Virginia General Assembly for two terms.
After finishing his terms in the Assembly, he moved to Norfolk and opened law offices in the Seaboard Bank Building in Downtown. Still a politician he ran for and was elected to Norfolk's Common Council, the equivalent of today's City Council, and eventually he served as Norfolk's City Attorney.
In the early 1900s, men's clubs were the social connections of the day. Mr Sebrell participated in many of Norfolk's most exclusive organizations. Among others, he was Potentate of The Khedive Temple, a member of the Virginia Club and of The Knights Templar.
Mr Sebrell passed away on June 12, 1947 and was laid to rest in Norfolk's historic Elmwood Cemetery on West Princess Anne Road. His wife passed away 4 years later and is interred next to him.
submitted by PanAmFlyer to norfolk [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 18:37 NameIsGermany The Sun Chronicle: State Democrats Gather in Attleboro Emphasizing Importance of November Election

The Sun Chronicle: State Democrats Gather in Attleboro Emphasizing Importance of November Election After a 4 year hiatus caused by the pandemic, the Attleboro Democratic City Committee held their annual brunch yesterday with a packed crowd at the Portuguese-American Club. 19 democratic candidates from the local area spoke to about 130 attendees about the upcoming election. Secretary of State William Galvin spoke to identify the value of mail-in voting. He also warned that there is "not a lot of enthusiasm" for the two presidential candidates so campaigners will have to work hard to turn out the vote this November. Kevin Kalkut of Norfolk said no Democrat has won the state representing district he is running in for 30 years years. But, former Norton Selectman Mike O'Toole said he is running for state representative in a district that has been Republican for 45 years. State Rep. Adam Scanlon, A North Attleboro Rep who also represents Attleboro's North Corner, claimed that until he won his seat, it had been held by a Republican since the American Civil War. State Sen. Becca Rausch, who previously represented Attleboro, said that after several years of steady gains in the number of women in the Legislature, she's found that a large number of the women are suddenly leaving politics. State Sen. Paul Feeney, our current state senator, had the most enthusiastic speech that drew the most applause. He spoke about affordable housing, health care, and support for labor unions. State Rep. Jim Hawkins, the Rep for most of Attleboro, talked about how a homeless shelter he has been working on should open by September. Candidates for governor's council, clerk of courts, district attorney, register of deeds, register of probate also spoke. Bristol County Sheriff Paul Heroux also spoke in one of his first local public addresses since leaving his post as Attleboro mayor. After the event, former party Chairman Steve Grossman treated everyone to ice cream, as he has for the past 15 meetings.
submitted by NameIsGermany to AttleboroMA [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 06:59 JohnPColby Bulldog and Bull Terrier School Attacks (1880 to 1934)

Bulldog and Bull Terrier School Attacks (1880 to 1934)
This is a post about attacks on children at school, or on the way to or from school (a tale as old as time for these "nanny dogs")
Disclaimer: Please see my explanation on the use of the terms "bulldog", "bull terrier" and "brindle bulldog" here


Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Several school children injured (Annie Vandling, Josie Shissler, [unknown] Olsten, Maggie Westaffer, Lizzie Gorden, Alice Orth)
A bulldog broke its chain to follow its owner's child to school. When the teacher tried to put it out of a classroom it became vicious, injuring several children, some severely.
Annie Vandling: severe wounds inflicted.
Josie Shissler: bitten in the face.
Olsten: bitten in the nose.
Maggie Westaffer: left hand lacerated.
Lizzie Gorden: both legs very severely lacerated.
Alice Orth: very badly bitten on the cheek and other parts of the face.
Other children: more or less injured.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
14-year-old girl and two other girls injured (Susan Heller, Bessie Zerfoss, Pable Pusey)
3 young girls attacked in a schoolyard by a vicious bulldog, who broke away from the woman walking it past a nearby drug store, and suddenly attacked the girls
Susan Heller: flesh torn from right thigh, palm of right hand and arm terribly lacerated, and lips and left side of face torn. In a critical condition.
Bessie Zerfoss: left arm lacerated in two places.
Pable Pusey: finger lacerated.

San Francisco, California
8-year-old girl injured (Valentine Goody)
School girl on the way to school attacked by a bulldog/bull terrier which seized her thigh and shook her like a rat. A policeman leaped on the dog and gripped it around the neck and it let go of the girl, only to try to attack another child.
Bitten in the thigh


Norfolk, Virginia
Five male students injured (Vincent Davis, Livius Old, Robert Adkinson, James Cherry, George Keefe)
Bull terrier ran into a public school and attacked five male pupils, biting four and biting the fifth severely. Two of the teachers seized the dog by the throat and choked it until it leg go off the boy.
4 students: bitten in the leg.
George Keefe: very badly bitten.


Cedar Rapids, Iowa
9-year-old boy injured (Glennie Williams)
9-year-old boy on the way home from school terribly bitten by two bull terriers. He managed to save himself by dragging himself onto a hitching post. A nearby telephone man beat the dogs away with great difficulty.
Legs bitten and lacerated in a horrible manner; bitten eight or ten times, will be unable to walk for some time


Atlanta City, New Jersey
3 young boys injured (William Harris, Edward Ward, Louis Bird)
Three boys bitten by a vicious bull terrier. Other children were saved by their Sunday school teachers, who drove back the dogs with sticks and rules until a police officer was able to shoot it.
3 boys bitten and treated at a hospital


Cleveland, Ohio
6 school children injured (Arthur Benroth, Walter Kazimore, Frank Zolenik, Herbert Deimm, John Koliat, Perry Breising)
Six school children bit by a vicious bulldog which invaded the playground. The children who were bit were boys who went to the rescue of other children being chased and attacked by the dog.
Hands and legs lacerated


Brooklyn, New York
10-year-old girl, 17-year-old girl injured (Marie and Nettie Notaro)
Bulldog attacked a 10-year-old girl on the way to school, after it broke its leash. Her old sister attempted to beat the dog away and was bitten. A man struck the animal with an iron bar, stunning it, then a policeman shot it. The dog had bitten nearly a dozen children in the past 3 months.
Marie Notaro: Terribly bitten, with nearly 30 wounds in her shoulders, back, hip, arms, and legs; in a critical condition.
Nettie Notaro: Bitten


San Diego, California
4 young girls ranging in age from 8 to 13 years injured (names unknown)
Four young girls attacked at school by a savage bulldog
All four girls seriously injured


Akron, Ohio
5 school children injured (Alexander Walder, Helen Barr, Harding Christ, Wendell Loomis, Ralph Asor)
Five children bitten when a maddened bulldog entered a school. It first bit students in a classroom, then bit two more children as it fled through the school yard.
Alexander Walder: Possibly fatal injuries.
Helen Barr: Hands and arms lacerated.
Harding Christ: Both legs bitten.
Wendell Loomis: Both legs and left forearm bitten.
Ralph Asor: Bitten on both hands.


New York City, New York
Two 6-year-old girls injured (Sarah Cohen and Mary Catino)
Brindle bulldog ran into a schoolyard during recess and before the teachers could shepherd the students away, two young girls were bitten.
Both bitten


Greenville, Ohio
At least 4 children injured (Mary Agnes West and Jack West, others unknown)
Bulldog ran amuck and is believed to have attacked at least four children before being killed. Two of the children were knocked down in front of a saloon and bitten. The saloon owner kicked the dog, and it then ran into a crowd of children as school was dismissed. It is believed to have bitten two more children. A man crippled it with a gun, and an attorney fired a load from a riot gun. It was shot again and required two more shots. Finally it was dispatched with an iron bar.
Mary Agnes West: Bitten on the right knee and back of the left hand.
Jack West: Bitten in the left arm.


Hammond, Indiana
10-year-old boy injured (Joseph Nelson)
10-year-old boy at a school attacked by a bulldog. Witnesses claim that it was a wonder he did not lose his life. The dog did not appear to be a vicious animal and the owner claimed that boys had been teasing him. He was normally tied up but on that day was released by someone.
Frightfully lacerated


Anaconda, Montana
4 young boys injured (John Grugovich, Lester Walters, Jack Weis, Luke Lucier)
Four schoolboys bitten by a dog that was running at large when school was dismissed. The first boy tried to play with the dog, when it bit him without warning in the foot, then the leg, inflicting fairly serious wounds. Three other boys helped chase the dog off and were also bitten.
John Grugovich: Bitten in the foot and calf.
The other 3 boys: Bitten in the hands.


Oakland, California
10-year-old girl, 12-year-old boy injured (Myrtle Jackson, Tommy Shower)
10-year-old girl attacked in the schoolyard as children attempted to take their ball back off a loose bulldog that had caught it. A 12 year old boy shoved her aside and grabbed the dog, attempting to drag it out of the yard, and being bitten in the process.
Myrtle Jackson: Lacerated, bitten 10 times.
Tommy Shower: bitten 10 times.


Chicago, Illinois
8-year-old girl, 6-year-old girl, 8-year-old boy, 8-year-old boy, 10-year-old girl injured (Corine Friedl, Mildred Kehling, Robert Behler, Howard Mason, Anne Mineham)
Bull terrier bursts into a classroom and bites five students. The teacher throttled the dog, but it escaped.
All bitten

I wonder if people wrote into the respective papers victim-blaming the children like they do on Facebook when pit bulls attack students at school?
As before, I can provide the article text or scans/images if people are interested in reading the articles themselves
submitted by JohnPColby to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 20:51 Busy-Emotion3754 Reckless driving charge has real chance of putting me in jail. What do I need to know about this process.

Speeding 70 in 30mph zone on Hampton Blvd in Norfolk. 40mph over. Dumb. Irresponsible. Unsafe. I know better.
I have spoken with a few attorneys and they say jail time is a real possibility among all of the other painful repercussions.
-I have an otherwise clean driving record.
-Interaction with the Officer was on the up and up.
-Its a brand new vehicle so spedo calibration likely won't help me.
-I am doing a driver improvement class before my court date.
-I'm planning to do 40 hours of community service and would like recommendations for this as well.
I'd like to know:
  1. What are the chances of me doing jail time and how long would that be in jail?
  2. Any hope of the Misdemeanor charges being dropped?
submitted by Busy-Emotion3754 to Virginia [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 22:00 melonkoly81 Contempt case against Norfolk Commonwealth’s Attorney Ramin Fatehi dismissed after apology to judge

A Circuit Court judge who had ordered Norfolk Commonwealth’s Attorney Ramin Fatehi to appear before her to explain why he shouldn’t be held in contempt for remarks he made in her courtroom has canceled the hearing.
Judge Mary Jane Hall wrote in an order filed Tuesday that the hearing was no longer needed because Fatehi had apologized “for the words that he used” during a Feb. 27 criminal court hearing.
“The court has accepted that apology and considers further proceedings to punish the contempt to be unnecessary,” Hall wrote.
Fatehi, who was elected commonwealth’s attorney in 2021, declined to comment Wednesday.
submitted by melonkoly81 to norfolk [link] [comments]

2024.02.28 20:37 melonkoly81 Norfolk Commonwealth’s Attorney Ramin Fatehi ordered to appear before judge for possible contempt of court charge

Norfolk Commonwealth’s Attorney Ramin Fatehi ordered to appear before judge for possible contempt of court charge
The order says that Fatehi “openly insulted and resisted the powers of the court” and engaged in acts “calculated to embarrass, hinder or obstruct the court in the administration of justice.”
submitted by melonkoly81 to HamptonRoads [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 18:15 greatredditusername Are there realistically GS opportunities for spouse of active duty service member in Bahrain?

My husband got a last minute offer for a 2 year accompanied tour in Bahrain. I am a licensed attorney who has not practiced in years other than some remote low level work. I also have significant federal loan debt from law school. I’m desperate to get in the GS system for many reasons, but mostly the possibility of PSLF (hopefully this program remains in place).
My attempts to get in have been unsuccessful so far. I applied to every 1102, among legal/admin type jobs, for two years in Norfolk - always referred, never got an interview.
I’m very flexible about compensation/what sort of work I do, so long as the job is eligible for loan forgiveness. I’m a little hesitant to move to Bahrain with my two girls but if it could get me in we will absolutely do it.
I know it would be better to do my research over time (I have searched the current usajobs postings for Bahrain and run some searches within this subreddit), but we kind of need to make a decision.
If anyone has any experience with this, or thoughts/advice, I would greatly appreciate your guidance.
submitted by greatredditusername to usajobs [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 01:29 PanAmFlyer Captain George Alexander Bew House - Circa 1915

Captain George Alexander Bew House - Circa 1915
1215 Colonial Avenue, in Norfolk's Ghent neighborhood, was built in 1915 and was home to Captain George Alexander Bew, his wife Louise and their daughter Carol.
Captain Bew was a Shipbuilding Engineer and a Branch Pilot. Branch Pilots were trained to captain a variety of ships and certified by the State. They stayed onsite at several places, most notably the mouth of the Chesapeake bay, and took charge of incoming vessels, piloting them through difficult waters to their final destination.
Captain Bew was involved in some controversy in 1926 when he claimed his legal appointment, and the high degree of regulation for his position as a Branch Pilot, made him a state officer. Therefore, he claimed, his income was tax exempt. At the time the Federal income tax was only 13 years old, and there were many test cases in the courts. Captain Bew's case (Bew vs US) made it to the Supreme Court before a ruling against him was handed down.
Captain Bew's daughter, Carol Catherine Bew, attended Vanderbilt University before marrying attorney Daniel McGugin and residing in Nashville, Tennessee. She was part of a group of Nashville women in the early 1950s who persuaded the state to purchase Nashville's historic Belle Meade Mansion. Belle Meade is dedicated to the preservation of Tennessee’s history, architecture, hospitality, and equestrian legacy.
submitted by PanAmFlyer to norfolk [link] [comments]