Cycle day 21 blood work

The 5:2 Diet

2013.06.22 06:26 PersonOfInternets The 5:2 Diet

FiveTwo is a subreddit dedicated to the discussion of and support for those embarking on the 5:2 Diet or other dietary protocols based on intermittent fasting.

2011.05.25 04:04 Avalon81204 Taking the journey to parenthood together.

This group is for anyone trying for a baby! Come discuss fertility, sex, conception, and learn all about how your body works!

2008.04.20 09:44 SHREDDIT

Shreddit: Heavy Metal

2024.05.17 02:03 Joekibeast Meta-Mutants

I've been working on a game for 25 days now, a game about superheroes and supervillains alike.
I've lost track of how many times I've updated Meta-Mutants at this point, but no matter what I do, it seems like I get no players... Am I doing something wrong? Can anyone check out my game and give me some constructive criticism?
Oh and by the way, once I get 25 players I'm going to add world wide locations into the game like Dubai, Tokyo, and Beijing! I'm going to add these locations because so far I only have United States cities.
submitted by Joekibeast to AIDungeon [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:03 pfresh85 Accredo?

TL;DR: I’ve been forced to use Accredo and am worried by all the negative reviews I’ve seen and the time tables their representatives have mentioned to me. So does anyone have any experience getting Spravato filled by Accredo?
Backstory to the backstory: two weeks ago our area had really bad storm system come through, and a tree in our backyard fell on our garage, destroying it and cutting the power to our house. So we (my wife, our three kids, and I) are currently displaced, living at my parents’ house, and I’m not doing so well as I’m a creature of habit and routines and everything has been disrupted.
Backstory: I started on Spravato in late November 2022 and went through the typical lower dose twice a week transitioning to higher dose once a week and finally transitioning to higher dose every two weeks. From the start until January of this year, a local specialty pharmacy near the psychiatrist’s office had managed my prescription and we had had no issues. I continued using Spravato, as it eliminated my SI and made my depression manageable with therapy.
In January the local pharmacy told us that they would no longer be handling Spravato at all, and so we had to find somewhere else. We switched to Genoa, which I believe is nationwide and has local pharmacies in many areas, and while it was kind of a rough start (I missed one session as everything was being set up), things had been going fine until last week.
Last week I was scheduled to have a session Wednesday morning. Everything was normal until they called me back, where the nurse informed me that Genoa had called them late Monday to inform them that they were closing the nearest location and could no longer serve patients for my psychiatrist’s office (affecting me and about 30 other patients who also used Genoa). The nurse said they scrambled all day Tuesday but were unable to locate a pharmacy that was able to fill the prescription in time for my session. She gave me the name and number of the pharmacy they were trying (AllianceRx, which I believe is run by Walgreens?) and told me to call them and give them whatever information they needed from me (since they already had the prescription and prior authorization from the insurance that the nurse had sent them). And thus began a large trial of my patience and ability to cope.
I called AllianceRx Wednesday afternoon and gave them my info (consent to send medication and Spravato With Me info), and they said to check back Thursday morning. Thursday morning I check on their website and it says the prescription is processing but they need more info from the psychiatrist and it says I should call my psychiatrist to tell them to call AllianceRx back in order to expedite things. So I call and let them know, and about an hour or so later I get a call from AllianceRx informing me that they can’t fill my prescription and that it needs to go through Accredo. At this point, it’s late enough on Thursday that most businesses either are closed or soon will be, so I decide to wait until Friday to make the next call.
Having no idea about how to contact Accredo, I google them and see nothing but negative reviews. At this point I’m over two days past my missed session and feeling a little on edge and stressed, and these reviews make my anxiety spike. So I call my insurance to ask why AllianceRx can’t fill my prescription and why it has to go to Accredo with all its negative reviews. After getting transferred (main line to pharmacy department to specialty pharmacy department), they first tell me I have to fill it at Genoa. When I explain that Genoa is closed in our area, they then say they are not sure but it may have to be Accredo. When I ask why and again mention AllianceRx, they tell me that AllianceRx can call them and request an override so they can be the one to fill it.
So I call AllianceRx back and give them this information, and after they have some phone calls back and forth with my insurance (while I’m on hold), they tell me that they are working on the override and will call me back either that afternoon or Monday morning. Both come and go without a word from AllianceRx. When I check my status on their site late on Monday morning, I see my prescription has been marked canceled. I call AllianceRx and apparently whoever worked on my account late Friday/early Monday didn’t read the notes on my account and tried to process it as normal (instead of an override), which the insurance rejected (telling them it had to go to Genoa).
I go back to my insurance and they tell me Genoa, and so I remind them again that Genoa is closed. So they come back and say Accredo, and when I inquire about the previously mentioned override, they dismiss it as an option. By the time I get off the phone with them, it’s time to meet with my therapist. My therapist (upon hearing all of this) tells me to call my psychiatrist’s office and insist that my doctor act as a patient advocate for me with the insurance. I call and leave a message for my psychiatrist and the RN who runs my sessions, as it this point it’s already after hours on Monday.
First thing Tuesday morning I’m on the phone with my psychiatrist’s office. They got my message and had already called insurance who apparently told them it had to be Accredo and nothing else would work. So my psychiatrist faxed the prescription and prior authorization to Accredo and then called them to also give them the prescription over the phone and to express that this was urgent. My psychiatrist recommended that I call Accredo ASAP and give them whatever info they need and again express that it was urgent that it get filled quickly.
I call Accredo and after being on hold for 20-30 minutes I get a hold of a representative. She takes down the info they need and supposedly mark the order on my account as urgent. She says they are checking my insurance coverage/benefits and will call me back by that afternoon. As expected at this point, no call comes.
Yesterday morning I called Accredo back to inquire about the status and again stress how urgent this was (as now I’m at a week past my missed session). They say it’s still in the same state (checking insurance), but since my order has been marked urgent that it should “only take them 1-2 business days” instead of “the usual 7-10 business days.” I’m a bit flabbergasted by this (as I have no idea why it would ever take so long), but I go along with them when they tell me to check back in the afternoon.
When I call in the afternoon, it’s still in the same state. The representative I talk to though contacts the department that deals with that and finds out that someone actively started working on my account an hour before I called and so it should be at most another 24 hours. She insists they will call me by Thursday afternoon. I bet you can guess what happened.
This morning I logged into my account at Accredo (just to see if anything was there) and saw no indication of any progress. Still I had said I’d wait until the afternoon, so I instead spent the morning on the phone with insurance. I tried to request a patient advocate from them to work with Accredo to try and speed things along, but they said they couldn’t do anything. They said I’d need to call Accredo and deal with it myself.
The afternoon came and went with no call from Accredo, and so here I am now. 8 days past my missed session and feeling a bit like I’m spiraling back into my depressive ways of thinking. Combine that with the whole being displaced thing and it’s not a good time. Even if Accredo calls me back first thing tomorrow and is ready to ship right away, it would likely be mid-next week at the earliest before I could have a session.
So that’s what I’m here. I want to know people’s experience filling Spravato through Accredo. What sort of time table am I looking at, what hurdles will I have to jump, and how much of a pain will it be. I appreciate any and all replies. Thanks.
submitted by pfresh85 to Spravato [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:03 Unique_Poet8792 AITA For Making my wife plan a whole trip, then laughing at her when she failed and rubbing it in her face that i do it better?

Ok, so I guess I didn't really think this whole thing was too serious, but my wife feels hurt by this so I'm just asking here because why not.
So my kids (10M and 8F) and my wife (38F) and I (39M) are taking a short weekend trip down South this weekend. Also realized I forgot to include that my niece (11F) is coming as well.
Usually, I do most of the trip planning. As much as I love my wife, she is a HOLY overthinker, and the last time she tried to plan a getaway, she packed so many bags it didn't fit in the car. Since then i have taken up on this. I do most of the packing, do the bookings, stuff like that.
Well, for this weekend, my wife said she wanted to give it another try. I just let her since it's less work for me. This happened on Monday. Fast forward to this Thursday evening, and my wife has finished packing. As I expected, she packed every single thing known to man. For some reason, she packed 5 different outfits, for a two day trip...
I just gave myself a laugh for a minute then went through every suitcase and took out all the unneccesary stuff. I will be honest, before I started, I did say "This is why we leave this to me. Because I'm better." I said it in a jokey-competitive way that wasn't supposed to make her feel bad.
Well, after I finished all that, she muttered "It's not a competition" before walking out of the room.
AITA? She won't give me anything more than "Whatever" or "It doesn't matter and I'm not upset," now.
submitted by Unique_Poet8792 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:03 BlessedNdDistressed I finally quit - boss’s reaction was as expected

I finally quit - boss’s reaction was as expected
I quit my toxic draining job yesterday. Its a small pet sitting business with less than 15 employees. I worked as a client relations manager but also did events, marketing, advertising, and was sent out in the field to cover for staff. She refused to pay me more than 15 hours per week doing admin work, but frequently reprimanded me for not being available and on call during their working hours from 8-6. I worked at this place for two years. She also gave me pushback when I had surgery and tried to make me work during my medical leave. I would frequently wake up to messages at 6 or 7am when I was off the clock to sceenshots of typos ("you said 'the' twice in this sentence) or how I misgendered a dog in a social media post before it went live or something.
I frequently covered shifts when we were short-staffed, worked off the clock, and went out of my way to make her life easier. But every time, she would take advantage of my efforts, asking me to do more and more while pushing back when it came to paying me. Id give her an inch, she’d take a mile. We would often get into power struggles, and petty arguments over inconsequential issues. From the micromanaging and nitpicking, I felt taken advantage of. Yesterday, 30 minutes before a meeting that should have been an email, I reached my boiling point and decided to quit on the spot, and then immediately drove over to her place, which was 40 minutes away from me to drop off as much company property as I could.
About an hour after dropping her shit off, she messages me pointing out things I missed and demanded they be returned by Monday. After events, my boss would often dump the decorations I went out and purchased for her for me to hang on to, so many of these are dollar store items from events we did months ago. I told her I was busy and would get them to her by next week. She then threatened legal action and told me I was stealing from the company. Work shirts, training gear, and similar items? Totally fair. But perishable items and $1.25 holiday garlands from events from 8 months ago? I find that outrageously petty. This person has over 500 clients, charges exorbitant rates, and pockets 65% of the cost for the services that the pet sitters provide. She often leaves for vacations during our peak seasons. She is by no means struggling, so this is clearly yet another power play she’s trying to pull with me.
I’m going to drop her shit off a day earlier, and just reimburse her for the other items to get her the hell out of my way. I’m so tired.
submitted by BlessedNdDistressed to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:02 bluesasaurusrex Extra long stretchy anywhere??

I'm 21 weeks pregnant (22/24w body size without a passenger) and it's SO nice to wrap my belly up as support while hiking around a hospital all day. But at 21 weeks, I only have a few inches left to finish my wrap with a double knot. I know I'll grow out of what little is left. I believe my current wrap is 5m/200" and Wrapsody brand. It feels less stretchy than a Moby but not as unforgiving as a woven. Wovens will totally be too bulky and hot at work. And I've tried the ring sling technique- but the shoulder holder + underbelly lift technique is SO much more comfortable. Anyone have any solutions/ideas?
submitted by bluesasaurusrex to babywearing [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:02 Fabulous_Opening_765 1st Run, First Life

1st Run, First Life
First time through without losing a life and being revived!
submitted by Fabulous_Opening_765 to Skul [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:02 Fancy-Reindeer-2862 Standing Desk Recommended

Hello guys,
I have seen a lot of Redditors asking questions about which Standing Desk is best to buy. So, to make it easy for them I have compiled a list of top Standing Desk according to what Redditors like the most. I've made this after reading a lot of discussions on different subreddits and I'm excited to share with you some of the standing desks that have received rave reviews for their quality, functionality, and overall comfort.
Whether you're a freelancer looking to boost productivity or someone concerned about their posture and well-being, I hope this list helps you find the perfect standing desk for your needs.
Best Standing Desk:
  1. Flexispot Q8 55-inch Bamboo Desktop with Wireless Charging​
  3. FEZIBO Electric
  4. VIVO Electric
  5. Claiks Electric
  6. ErGear
  7. SHW Electric
  8. VIVO 36 inch
  9. Bamboo Whole Piece Desktop
Flexispot Q8 55-inch Bamboo Desktop with Wireless Charging
The Flexispot Q8 55-inch Bamboo Desktop with Wireless Charging is an excellent choice for those looking to invest in a high-quality, stylish, and functional standing desk. Its combination of built-in wireless charging, durable bamboo surface, and smooth height adjustment makes it a standout option
Rating: 4.8/5.0
Flexispot EN1 Electric Height Adjustable Standing Desk:
This desk offers seamless height adjustment, allowing you to effortlessly switch between sitting and standing positions. It promotes better posture, reduces back pain, and increases energy levels throughout the day. Ideal for those seeking ergonomic comfort and improved productivity.
Rating: 4.6/5.0
FEZIBO Electric Standing Desk:
With its sturdy construction and smooth electric adjustment, this desk caters to individuals looking for durability and convenience. It encourages movement, which can enhance focus and creativity while working. Perfect for those prioritizing functionality and style in their workspace.
Rating: 4.4/5.0
VIVO Electric Height Adjustable Standing Desk:
Featuring customizable height settings and a spacious desktop, this desk accommodates various working preferences and setups. Its quiet electric motor ensures seamless transitions, while its affordability makes it accessible to a wide range of users seeking ergonomic solutions.
Rating: 4.5/5.0
Claiks Electric Adjustable Height Stand up Desk:
Designed for versatility and comfort, this desk offers multiple height options to suit different users and tasks. Its sturdy frame and easy-to-use controls make it a practical choice for both home and office environments. Ideal for individuals prioritizing adaptability and ease of use.
Rating: 4.6/5.0
ErGear Height Adjustable Electric Desk:
Engineered for reliability and performance, this desk combines sleek design with robust functionality. Its smooth height adjustment mechanism promotes user comfort and well-being, while its ample workspace accommodates dual monitors and other accessories. Perfect for professionals seeking a premium standing desk experience.
Rating: 4.7/5.0
SHW Electric Height Adjustable Desk:
This desk prioritizes simplicity and affordability without compromising on quality. Its straightforward assembly and intuitive controls make it accessible to users of all levels. With its reliable performance and ergonomic design, it's a practical choice for anyone looking to improve their workspace without breaking the bank.
Rating: 4.5/5.0
VIVO 36 inch Height Adjustable Stand Up Desk Converter:
Ideal for those with limited space or existing desks, this converter offers the benefits of a standing desk without the need for a complete overhaul. Its compact design and easy installation make it a versatile solution for home offices or cubicle setups. Perfect for individuals seeking a cost-effective and space-saving ergonomic solution.
Rating: 4.7/5.0
Bamboo Whole Piece Desktop:
Crafted from sustainable bamboo, this desk combines elegance with eco-friendliness. Its whole piece desktop design provides ample space for work essentials while adding a touch of natural beauty to any environment. Ideal for environmentally-conscious users seeking a stylish and sustainable standing desk option.
Rating: 4.4/5.0
submitted by Fancy-Reindeer-2862 to u/Fancy-Reindeer-2862 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:02 naughtykitties please help🥹

please help🥹
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by naughtykitties to MonopolyGoHotLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:02 CIAtrackingaccount Xbox “Y” and Triggers not working in game

This is strange. For the last two days, Fallout 76 does not respond to the “Y” button (jump/jetpack) or the trigger buttons in-game.
All three work fine in workshop mode, and they work fine in other games and in the Xbox dashboard
I have an Xbox Series X and the controller updated its firmware as recently as an hour ago (this issue was happening before and after this firmware update).
Is this a known issue? Does anyone know of a fix?
I know there’s a lot of “literally unplayable” memes, but this is one case in which it does actually make the game unplayable.
submitted by CIAtrackingaccount to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 Key_Permit6644 One from the Archives.

Everyone knows that being extra scared of everything is a personality type. You get women who walk about at night with torches, knives and pepper spray and those that don’t and both get home safely. I’m wondering if #MeToo post 2018 has heightened tensions enough that complaining about being looked at or complimented without permission is now a career choice. In the old days it was “Don’t get any ideas now” which said more about who was saying it then who they were saying it to. So I’m guessing the women who feel violated 24/7 are telling us they’re either WISWIGs* or are suppressing a personality trait they don’t want anyone to see. And I know that people experience abuse all the time and it reflects in their personality but young people are also looking for a fight and if they don’t like the look of someone, they could be anything. But not everyone does this you can walk past a different group of people everyday and experience very varied results.
I’ve also noticed that Women seem to devote more time to men either negative or positive then vice versa which tells me that Men have a one track mind Women have a one track life
MeToo turned a bunch of chancers with no imagination a license to act how they want. And it’s always what’s in the news or online. Sometimes it’s Narcissist or Sociopath which the Daily Mail or TikTokers use a lot or somebody is always leering at them or following them which happens too but now it occupies their whole life and in turn makes everyone else paranoid and keeps people indoors and if you stay indoors watch TV and do nothing all day of course your going to be nervous when you leave the house.
People who are extra paranoid or scared is just who they are. It’s their way of making an impression and as recent times have taught us if you can regulate people’s moods and how they feel what you actually say doesn’t matter and I know Feminism works this way too, it’s just noise, but if it makes people feel bad then the jobs done.
It’s a game of two haves between Men and Woman and I’ve also wondered what happens to the women who think everyone is a homosexual and stand on street corners shouting this too. Both are low level criminals but not enough to warrant prison and they’re frustrated as well so I guess they spend it sentenced to housewifery and sellotaped to a husband who instead of facing an argument they look at the side of his head for support.
submitted by Key_Permit6644 to BritishSuccess [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 LostFirefighter2909 What are the strategies to get ur family and fellow?

I know the island event is literally just hoard stamina, but for World Tree is it the same? And is there a floor should you use to grind?
For the guild trade event I've just been trying to find a few I can do a cycle through, but idk if there is a real strategy or if I am doing it.
For Santopia, I've got no idea. I've heard just switching the best relic to each fellow but I only have three ur relics and I don't think they are all different arch types so it would only work for two types of fellows.
That's what I can think of off the top of my head.
submitted by LostFirefighter2909 to Isekai_Slow_Life [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 JOFAJOSE What steps are there to solve poor leadership from below

I apologize for grammar errors. I work as a maintenance technician at a plant and the heads of our department are shady to say the least, to start one of them deadheaded a pipe and told an operator to turn the machine on, the pipe clamp failed when all water pressure hit it and it flew off and hit one of my coworkers in the chest. They told him not to report it because they had an audit coming up and having no lost days was important to them. We all encouraged him to report it and he did…. After he did that they took away everyone’s overtime with no good explanation. Another instance is when no one in our department wanted to fill out a voluntary survey they got a coworker to do it by saying that if he didn’t they wouldn’t allow him to have any overtime. Yet another example is a coworker who genuinely needs to go on short term disability so his back can heal, they told him “if you’re gonna hurt you might as well get paid to hurt.” And discouraged him from taking disability. As well as lying to him and saying he was one point away from being fired. Now to my example…. When I applied I let them know I needed two weeks off for vacation and I wanted it to be paid, they agreed to that and I asked if it would put me in the negative and if it would be ok they said yes and after I started I made sure to double check they confirmed that yes I had the time for it. Well imagine my surprise when I looked at my paycheck this morning and I only got $100 I immediately went to HR who said that none of the things we had agreed to were possible, thankfully I had a text saying that I could have the pto, which forced them to give it to me (it did make me negative til September however) but then they went and wrote up my review and said that I had poor communication skills and wasn’t getting along with my coworkers.
I’m not sure what to do, I have a family so I can’t just up and quit and it’s a well paying job for someone my age (25)
submitted by JOFAJOSE to workplace_bullying [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 fluffy_cloudz When to talk to my neurologist vs my family doctor?

Hi everyone,
I've been lurking a bit, and I'm grateful for this community.
I should give some background. I'm 51, live in Ontario, and was diagnosed with RRMS about a year ago but spent a great portion of it in denial. I felt that my symptoms were mild (numb toes) and my life wasn't really affected. Plus, I'm a single mom to a 17-year-old and didn't want her to worry about me, so I didn't admit to all the symptoms I was feeling. Over time, the numbness moved, sporadically, from my toes to my calves to my knees and then one day to my hip. I finally started Kesimpta about a month ago (4th injection tomorrow).
Now, I'm ready to acknowledge and get help for other symptoms that I can't ignore anymore (bladder, cog fog/memory, fatigue, itchiness). I'm not sure if I should go to my family doctor or my neurologist... I'm guessing my neurologist?
The main reason I'm questioning this is that a few years ago, I had to ask my family doctor for help arranging a stress-related leave from work. I think I might need to request another leave (I go into the office twice a week, and it's a 2-hour commute each way, leaving me exhausted at the end of the day), or some work accommodations. Given my history with my family doctor, I'm not sure which doctor to approach. Maybe both?
Thanks for any thoughts.
submitted by fluffy_cloudz to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 CazOnReddit A Speedrunner's Guide to Bruce Brown - And What Can Be Done on Draft Night (Part 2)

A Speedrunner's Guide to Bruce Brown - And What Can Be Done on Draft Night (Part 2)
Welcome to part 2 of the pre-draft deadline Bruce Brown breakdown. For part 1, we went over a trio of trade partners in the Bulls, the Hawks and Jazz so if that interests you, give it a read. In part 2, and going forward, we'll be taking a look at a single team for the sake of what can be charitably described as me being "brief".
Now that we have finally learned which teams have jumped or dropped in the lottery, let's talk about a team that also officially lost a pick in this year's draft.

Golden State Warriors
Most likely player(s): Chris Paul, Andrew Wiggins, Moses Moody, Trayce Jackson-Davis
Incoming salary: Varies depending on the combination of players coming back/sent out; 26.2 million incoming at minimum, 30 million at maximum. $10.2 million exception from the Siakam trade may be used depending on the structure of a deal
Pick(s) available: 52nd, 2025\ or 2026 1st*
Note: Assets listed above are not a proposed trade package, they are simply a list of players & picks that can be combined in a potential trade worth consideration.
Who here likes multiple choice? Yeah i'm not listing all of their stats for the year, there's too many players for that this time around.
Golden State is interesting as far as trade partners go. As they lost their 2024 1st round pick post-lottery to the Blazers, they have menial draft capital to include in a trade for this year and as far as salary relief goes, the potential loss of Klay Thompson and the declining of Chris Paul's option seem both very real and deserved given the Warriors were perhaps the most expensive 10 seed in NBA history, not to mention their respective play regressing.
To put this into perspective, the Warriors luxury tax bill - for a team that needed to win 2 games to make the playoffs I might add - is estimated to cost Joe Lacob $176 million, more than the entire Raptors roster at $161.9 million post-trade deadline. Changes should be on the horizon no matter what direction they go in the offseason and with Lacob talking about wanting to avoid the luxury tax earlier this year, there's a fairly straight line to connect one dot (no tax) to the other (Klay walks or is signed & traded for a lesser return, Paul's team option declined & either he walks or signs a significantly cheaper deal). We'll ignore that Johnathan Kuminga has likely played himself into an expensive extension and how that could put them close to or over the line the year afterwards for a moment but the point stands: The Warriors don't technically need salary relief when doing nothing can accomplish that...
...but on the other hand, the Warriors still have Steph Curry and that's reason enough to ride out the remnants of the dynasty unless/until the most important/best player in franchise history decides to ask out. Plus, while they did miss on their highest pick since the dynasty formed by selecting James Wiseman over LaMelo Ball or Tyrese Haliburton (Admittedly, Haliburton would have been a stretch for 2 but the Warriors could have traded down), they have managed to land on a few of their lottery picks with the ever productive Johnathan Kuminga and the underutilized Moses Moody in 2021, not to mention they nabbed All-Rookie candidate Brandin Podziemski and the respectable Trayce Jackson-Davis in 2023 with relatively late picks in the 1st and 2nd round.
While none of them scream All-Star upside aside from the Kum Bucket, it goes to show that Golden State has found hidden gems late in the draft to add depth to a top-heavy and typically expensive team that hasn't been afforded free agent signings or access to certain exceptions, let alone the ability to keep together the supporting cast that helped them win a championship in Gary Payton II (They got him back via a controversial 3-team trade involving Wiseman) and Raptors Legend™ Otto Porter Jr.
With the Raptors prioritizing players over picks in their trade of O.G. Anunoby and them turning the worst of the 2024 picks received in the Siakam trade into two rotational players via Ochai and Olynyk, you can see where this is going: Golden State makes sense as a Bruce Brown destination if the Warriors want to kick the luxury tax down the road by deferring a particular player's extension in favor of a new rookie contract while still getting someone who is all but assured to contribute to a playoff rotation, and if the Raptors want to trade out of this draft while still getting a young player on the roster or potentially move in to a stronger draft class such as 2025 or 2026.
Fittingly for the former option, there's one player that makes sense for Toronto in light of Trent's uncertainty as their starting/bench shooting guard as a pending unrestricted free agent, and the Raptors already traded out of this draft twice so it would not be surprising if they did it a third time.
It'd be funny, but not a surprise.

The Player(s)
Of the Warriors youngest players, Moses Moody stands out and not for the reason that someone has likely mentioned in the comments i.e. Scottie and Moody were teammates in high school. For the past three seasons, Moses has been the most consistently disrespected player by head coach Steve Kerr despite quiet improvements to his overall game, frequently benching him to close games in favor of the wildly inconsistent veteran Klay Thompson and in general limiting his minutes compared to the other young Warriors.
This sentiment was perfectly encapsulated in that play-in loss, where Moses played a mere 15 minutes for the Dubs despite arguably being the best player amongst the supporting cast, if not the best player on the floor for Golden State; he scored 16 points on 5/8 shooting (2/4 from 3), grabbed 3 boards and had one dime without not a turnover to his name. In a game where Klay shot 0/10 and may very well have played his last game as a Warrior with a +/- of -12, Moody managed a respectable +/- of +3 in a blowout loss to the Kings.
Both Moody and Kuminga have called out Kerr's questionable granting of playtime - Moody has a stretch this year where he was racking up DNPs - but while Johnathan was given more playtime and even started for a time due to Draymond's jackassery leading to multiple suspensions this season in conjunction with a notable leap in his offensive game, Moody's role on the team has been inconsistent and his playtime equally so. With him and Kuminga up for extensions this offseason, Golden State moving Moses to kick the can down the road by picking up another rookie who can contribute now, Moody's time in a Warriors jersey may be over.
It also bears mention that Moody is the one young player on the Warriors roster whose name has most frequently come up in trade rumors or failed trades. This very season saw Golden State try to trade for Alex Caruso, a deal which is believed to have been centered around Moody but which fell through due to the Bulls wanting Kuminga instead.
Moody is a good player. We'll get into the bad contract that he'd come with in a moment but it cannot be understated the level of frustration that comes from seeing a clearly capable player be sidelined due to favoritism of a past-their-prime veteran. He might not be as good of a shooter as Klay; he's a career 36% from behind the arc and though his volume remains low, on the occasions where he's shot 6 or more more threes, he's around 44% across the 14 games he's been given the greenlight to take that many shots.
It's a limited sample size of an already limited sample despite having 3 seasons under his belt, but you can understand why he isn't feeling that he's been given much of any opportunity when his hands are this hot on increased volume.
Of course, any player on the Warriors' outside shooting has to come with the obligatory asterisk that they are shooting the shots that they've got & thus the 3-point percentage they're shooting at due to Steph Curry's inescapable gravity. A team playing worse without their best player is so obvious a statement that should go without saying, and the sample size of Curry-less Moody games is once again limited but across 44 Curry-less games in his career, Moses Moody only saw a minor dip in 3-point percentage from his career 36% to 33.6% though again, this is on relatively low volume; his attempts have stayed around the same as his career average with 3 per game in those Curry-less games.
The quality of competition is another factor that does need to taken in to consideration along with whomever else was absent but considering that the dip is relatively small and a sizeable amount of teams faced in said sample includes playoff seeds from the 2022/23 season, that's a surprisingly encouraging stat. If there's anything about his overall range that stands out in a negative light, it's that his overall catch and shoot numbers aren't anything to write home about at roughly 36% but I digress.
Beyond his shooting upside, there's a lot to like about Moody. For intangibles, he's highly competitive. For fit as a potential starter, he's a 6'6 shooting guard with a lengthy 7'1 wingspan that's shown flashes of his defensive upside and consistently improved on that end of the floor. He's great at moving off-ball and while he's never going to rack up assists, he's willing to pass up a good shot to let a teammate take a better one.
Jackson-Davis is also worth mentioning as a potential "young" player though one who is less likely to see the Dubs part ways with. The 24 year-old rookie was a productive member of the team's bench with limited playtime and considering he's making the equivalent of a minimum contract, there's little incentive to move him when he won't need to be extended for at least another season.
While Moody for the 19th pick could be an option on its own, we're talking Bruce Brown-centered "salary dump" trades and thus there's two main candidates to consider since it's very hard to see Golden State moving Draymond Green even if a paradigm shift is on the horizon.
Andrew Wiggins is hard to currently evaluate whether he's a truly awful contract or just temporarily undervalued. The Mavericks and Pacers were apparently interested in him at this year's deadline but whether that was serious interest or part of negotiations with the Hornets and Raptors respectively for PJ or Pascal to lower their asking prices is up for debate since Andrew stayed a Warrior after the deadline.
What can be said is that after being a key contributor to the Warriors Final Dance-esque championship run, Wiggins has had a rough duo of seasons; his 2022/23 encore was more of the same for the regular season if he played, though the key word is "if". Owed to an injury in December and personal matters from February onwards, Wiggins only played 37 games for Golden State & while he was generally decent on both ends in the regular season, his return to the playoffs marked a notable shrinking of Wiggins. Going from a terrific 39.6% from 3 on 6 attempts to 29.7% on less than 5 per game and playing with far less intensity on defense, this version of Wiggins would carry on into the 2023/24 regular season where Andrew had arguably his worst season relative to expectations. He did pick things up in the later games of the season, but said second half has done little to repair his current reputation.
Like I said, it's hard to really say if Wiggins contract is viewed as an albatross like former teammate Jordan Poole or the now-expiring Ben Simmons - Andrew is getting paid an AAV of $28 million for the next 3 years - and I don't care to speculate about what was going on in his personal life or if it's still affecting him. What I can say is that while his name does bear consideration, if the Warriors really are determined to run things back, they'll likely hold on to Wiggins and hope whatever personal issues have hindered him for the past two seasons are behind him. When healthy/locked in, he is one of the best wing defenders in the league and as mentioned before, his 3 ball has been terrific in his best seasons with Golden State.
With that in mind, Chris Paul could be considered the option for the main salary ballast. At this stage of his career, "Point God" Paul cannot be asked to be a team's starting PG due to a combination of age and injuries but he's shown some effectiveness as a bench in Golden State and despite a poor reputation around the league, he's been a notable mentor to a slew of younger star players like Shai and Booker and has been noted as a culture setter in their respective organizations.
He's absolutely not worth paying $30 million for that role - there's a reason why his contract isn't guaranteed whatsoever for the season - but for a season? More than likely 2/3 of a single season? One can stomach the price tag to make such a deal work, especially if Toronto somehow manages to flip his expiring contract at the deadline. If nothing else, having Paul on the last legs of his career as a Raptor (potentially passing Jason Kidd for 2nd on the all-time assist leaderboard in a Raptors jersey at that) would make for an interesting playmaking mentor to Quickley and Scottie.
While a straight up swap that includes Jackson-Davis or Moody works financially, owed to the trade exception that the Raptors generated from the Siakam trade which in of itself utilized an exception made via the Anunoby trade, and a 1:1 trade for Brown also works (Moody and Paul on the move would save the Warriors around $7 million in payroll before factoring in the tax), trading Paul for depth in Brown and, say, Chris Boucher - who it should be noted is also expiring and was originally signed as an undrafted free agent by the Warriors - doesn't offer the Dubs long-term salary relief in the same way that moving off of Wiggins would, at least not for the upcoming season.
A deal like this would be an expiring for expiring deal where they would shed a minor amount of salary after going for a "final run" with this current core before having the same issue of needing to re-sign some of their supporting pieces. Not having to worry about paying Moody might help the season after but those pending UFAs and Kuminga would need to get paid or be lost for nothing, meaning they would still be deep in the second apron for the 2024/25 season, barring Klay being re-signed to a very team-friendly deal. It would be a move that screams "delaying the inevitably" but again: They have Steph Curry and considering how bad the Warriors were in the post-Barry, pre-Steph years, it's understandable they'd want to cling on to the current dynasty.
As for draft capital, Golden State doesn't have the largest pool of assets but they do have some to spare. They have a very late 2nd in this draft - 52nd overall - and now that their 2024 pick has conveyed to the Blazers, they do have the option to trade a future 1st in 2025 or 2026. Admittedly, it's hard to see the Warriors parting with their remaining draft capital when they just gave up a late lottery pick to the Blazers and they owe the Wizards a 2030 1st, not without a notable protection on said pick as their team continues to age. For reference, that Washington pick they gave up is Top 20-protected.
A draft pick, young player(s), a vet (albeit one whose significantly overpaid), like I said, Golden State has a fair amount of options in regards to what combination they can put together for a trade on or after draft night without the Raptors trading down in the 2024 draft but I do want to state that - speaking purely as an outsider to Golden State - the Warriors really should not be doing this. They aren't a Brown + Boucher swap away from being a contender even if Steph is still a consensus Top 3-5 player going in to next season.
But they also can't trade an aging Steph Curry to begin rebuild without him being the one to ask out and their overall asset pool is not enough to land a star outside of Kuminga (who, based on the Caruso trade talks, is not available), not to mention the Jordan Poole salary dump saw them ship out a 2030 1st that restricts their draft capital just as much as the new CBA rules do for second apron teams regarding trading out distant draft capital.
Doing some kind of move like this may be a more dignified end to the dynasty but it is the end of their status as a championship-caliber team even if Wiggins bounces back and Klay finally accepts a lesser role on offense (If he returns). Maybe they make it as a Top 6 seed in the playoffs given how close the 6th thru 10th seed were in the West with a touch more depth. Maybe they win a playoff series, but they're not making the Conference Finals, let alone another Finals so long as the Nuggets, Thunder and Timberwolves are going to be in contention, and this is without considering teams like the Spurs or Rockets being on the rise; the Rockets in particular made a noteworthy run for the final play-in spot that the Warriors ultimately were locked in to.
The current Warriors are in a spot similar to the post-championship Mavericks where they're stuck in a lower seed as their aging superstar stays around for the twilight years of their career, along with all the bumps they'll experience along the road. They'll win enough games to qualify for the playoffs or at the very least the play-in now that the 9th/10th seed make it to the postseason, but they're wholly lacking in options to internally improve or make moves to truly return to contender status.
The big difference is the Mavericks failures were self-inflicted i.e. letting core members of that run like Tyson Chandler walk for nothing while trying - but failing (I know they technically signed DeAndre Jordan but that ordeal ended with him returning to L.A., ergo a failure for Dallas) - to sign free agents whereas the Warriors are simply an old team that's only getting older, which is what makes their only shot to their former status being the youthful Kuminga making a massive leap in a short amount of time a touch ironic.


Here's our TL;DR so far:
Team Player(s) Years left on contract Pick(s) [Assuming position stays if in the lottery] Incoming salary (2024) Net salary added to the Raptors (2024)
Chicago Bulls Lonzo Ball 1; player option in 2024/25 11th, 2025 Blazers 1st $21.3 million -1.6$ million
Atlanta Hawks De'Andre Hunter 3 10th, 2025 Kings 1st $21.7 million -$1.3 million
Utah Jazz John Collins 2; player option in 2025/26 8th (Only an option if we keep our 1st), 2025 Timberwolves/Cavaliers 1st $26.6 million +$3.6 million
Golden State Warriors Chris Paul, Andrew OR Wiggins; Moses Moody OR Trayce Jackson-Davis 1 (team option - Paul, Moody), 3 (Wiggins, Jackson-Davis) 52nd, 2025 or 2026 1st $26.2-$30 million +$3.2 to +$7 million (Trade exception to absorb Moody, TJD if included in the trade)
submitted by CazOnReddit to torontoraptors [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 wowgirl22 Restarted my fitness journey and need some guidance

I am currently on a little fitness journey. Eating healthy, working out, trying to get the nice elevens that women get, ect. I am just struggling with eating and exercising. I mainly use the app lifesum. I found it a few years ago and have been on and off and it is the one I am most familiar with. I am about 2 weeks into my calorie counting, exercising, making sure I drink water. But there is not much of a change. I am currently 105.4 lbs and it's weird the heaviest I have been. I'm usually 100 lbs and it's just been like that. The extra is probably the daily McDonald's hotcakes I get lol. I'm not looking to lose weight or anything. What I am trying to focus on is gaining muscle, consistency and finding my abs. I'm still skinny but I would like to be skinny and healthy.
Here is what I have been doing so please give advice on how to change this for the better.
First two weeks: 1400 calories (had the goal set to weight loss because I thought that would help the body fat?). Did a quick 14 minute workout before work (simple full body or popular ab workout). At work I burn around 700 calories there alone, at least that is what my watch says (dog groomer. So on my feet all day, washing, lifting, cleaning). Then come home to get on the treadmill for 20 to 30 minutes depending on how tired I am (calories burned differ since I just pick a random playlist and run depending on the best of the song). My weight didn't really change. I would be slightly lighter in the morning, back to 105 in the afternoon, and by the end of the week still 105 and body fat the same (bought a measuring tape and came with a body fat calibrator. If I did it right I am currently 10% body fat. If I didn't then disregard.)
Eating habits: try to be healthy but not too restrictive. Tried to eat as much things with protein and try to keep fat low but struggled sometimes. No real food plan but did buy fruits and vegetables and have been eating them a lot. Over night oats. Sandwiches with wheat bread because delicious. Drinking water. Haven't really been having snacks, just didn't want them. Found out I like tofu so that is a plus. Bought some protein powder to help in case I don't think I've had enough. Don't like smoothies much but made some nice ice cream. Two cheat days where I got McDonald's.
I just have the normal questions:
Is 1400 enough calories? Am I burning enough calories or should I try for more? Do I need to work out more? Any nice apps for workouts/fitness? Any better foods I should try?
submitted by wowgirl22 to workout [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 ClimbingTreeOfLife A little astral projection guide I put together.

Astral projection tutorial: A-lot of terminology I use will make sense as you go along.
I have read several books on astral projection and skimmed through dozens for actual techniques. And scoured reddit and user reports. This is going to be somewhat a culmination of the data i have found to be helpful myself and recommend.
So one large problem with astral projection is you usually (except for a specific skillset) have to be asleep for it to happen. Or at least teetering very close to sleep. The way this is usually achieved is by people trying to learn meditation by getting in a comfortable position when they have free time and the energy to try this.
Then they try to focus on breathing or doing energy body stimulation (will be described how to later) basically the ability to create the vibrations. Till after 30 minutes or a hour if they are lucky they start to feel the vibrations and use a exit technique. (Will be covered) Then the exit technique can work, and then it goes to tips on what to do in the astral. But i probably won’t cover that in this text.
Yup. That’s it. Fall asleep, use a exit technique, walk or fly around the area you come out at. Sounds pretty simple when stripped to its barest parts… the problem is there are pitfalls where people get stuck not being able to to something. Weather they find it hard to fall asleep and can’t start the exit technique, or they get asleep and notice it and try to project and either nothing happens, or they get to excited or scared depending on the exit symptoms
(TIP 1) if you get to the exit phase you can experience very trippy psychedelic experiences. You can hallucinate smells, sounds, words, visions, shocks, vibrations, a heartbeat that goes incredibly fast, (not your actual heart) some mixture of all these… it can be a intense entry fee. And if you’re not mentally prepared by imagining these things happening you could get scared and think you are dying. Also some psychedelic experiences can prepare you for it.
(semi common for people who haven’t done psychedelics or had a near death experience and know what actually dying feels like) my first experience trying to project, I felt shocks in my face, with the shocks i saw strobe light flashes, i felt vibrations all over, i heard buzzing, my heart felt like it started to gradually increase to the speed of almost vibration… it was pretty intense, and as i felt myself starting to float up I thought for sure i was dying… so I stopped the exit.
After this, i built a block in my head with something in me saying “not ready for this experience yet” and alot of people believe this is the gatekeeper of the astral realm just making sure you are prepared for the wild ride that could happen. So hopefully you will imagine these experiences and prepare yourself mentally for them and not be scared like i was. And build a mindset of saying “heck yeah throw whatever psychedelic experience you want at me I’m ready and not afraid.”
Sorry to make a long part of this about the exit symptoms, and I in no way want to scare anyone away from this experience. But i do want you to be mentally prepared for possible obstacles and know that there is nothing to fear. Nobody is on record dying from astral projection from anything i have read was aware of. So that’s one pitfall covered.
The next will be the problem of feeling like you projected but you fall asleep or “nothing happens” first off,
(TIP 2) keep your first 3 or so trips really short. I follow and believe Robert Bruce’s advice here. Once you get out, scream I projected!! And if that doesn’t wake you up itself try finding your body and jumping in, or closing and opening your eyes, or falling backwards and closing your eyes then moving to get up, one of these should work. If not i don’t really know what else to say besides enjoy the trip and try to keep it as memorable as possible by dancing or something. So “trip short” covers staying too long and falling asleep, and even if you do fall asleep, here comes the next tip,
(TIP 3) learn to remember your dreams. I cannot stress enough the importance of this. If you don’t remember your dreams, you are unlikely to remember your projections. It’s like tying a worm to a fishing line and throwing it out there with no hook. Something might happen, but you can’t bring it back. The way to start remembering your dreams is to first start having more vivid dreams, which can easily be achieved by “oneirogens” drugs or herbs that can improve dreams. My favorite for this is the non wake psychoactive (won’t effect you while awake) herb Silene Capensis.
I love this stuff. It is a root that you can grind in a coffee grinder and measure out .5g or one gram of the herb by weight, and put in a tea bag or filter and put in boiling hot water and steep till warm or luke warm and then drink before bed. This specific herb usually has to be taken for several days before effects start to kick in. Then you should be having more memories and more vivid dreams. Which hugely effect astral projection probability by itself not including the tip after the next.
(TIP 4) is DREAM JOURNAL! get a app or notepad you already have or whatever and write any memory you can when you’re first starting out. As much detail as possible. The easiest way to trigger a memory is to think of common themes in your life or dreams if you remember some of them already is to think of the things you commonly dream about. Once you hit this groove on the record that is your memory there should be a notch there of the most recent memory related to that thing. Snow, your siblings, your spouse, your dog, your job, whatever you dream about. Then once you think of the thing that happened in your last few dreams it can trigger a memory of that dream. Then that can open up to more parts of that dream being remembered. As soon as you pull a piece to memory write it down and keep thinking. Start the dream journal while you’re waiting on your herb to come in.
(TIP 5) Once you have your dream journal for the day, in the middle of the day set a alarm to look at the dream journal and remember the dream or dreams you had. Doing this while more awake will build the gap between asleep memories and awake memories. Keep doing this. Once you remember more clearly only write a few key details at first, (saw friend, saw dog) then after the middle of the day alarm you set use these tips to try to remember the rest of what happened in the dream. Keep doing this consistently with the Silene Capensis (African dream root) I get mine from etsy. And you should be having vivid dreams that you remember in a couple weeks. Then you may start remembering two or three dreams when you wake up. Or more depending on how long you can sleep. That is the memory part.
(TIP 6) learn to lucid dream, then enter a projection from that lucid dream. So doing this method skips right over having to meditate to the point of projecting. Once you learn to lucid dream, all you have to do is fall backwards while closing your eyes in the dream. Then once you start to hit the ground and go black you should feel yourself float down some. This part can very on exactly what happened. Sometimes there’s no gravity and you have to try again or find something heavy to fall with, sometimes your whole perception view changes to third person like a video game and it’s harder to navigate, etc… but anyway, once you are in this point of asleep and fell backwards into darkness, you are in the mind awake body asleep stage in your body. This point comes with the problem of being really easy to be woken up, which is why you need to quickly start building vibrations, or do the rope technique. The ability to build the trigger of knowing the right thing to do goes into tip 7.
(TIP 7) how to start a lucid dream from a dream, learn to fall in the dream on command, learn to do projection techniques once you fall into the darkness, learn to do what you want to pre plan your projection to be, (usually for the first 4 times or at least 2 just short trips of getting out, then shouting I DID IT! then hopping back in. Which is “🌈imagination🌈” you take time throughout your day to do “reality checks” this is a lucid dreaming term that means to test if you are in awake or dream state. So every time you walk through a door is a good trigger, or set a bunch of alarms, or put your phone/smartwatch screen to say “am i dreaming?” Then you test if you are in a dream. Some people cover their nose and try to blow through. If they can then they’re in a dream. Or look at a watch and if it says anything but the right thing you’re in a dream. So you see your reminder or walk into a new room then test if you’re in a dream.
Then you “imagine” if the answer was yes. Then you “imagine” (please don’t fall backwards in reality….) falling backwards and closing your eyes. Once you get this pattern memorized your natural reaction once you realize you’re in a dream you will be to fall backwards. You build a muscle memory. Like when your arm knows what to do to shoot a basketball from a specific place. That place is when you’re in a dream. Then to not spend too much time daydreaming every time you walk through a door you can save the rest of the imagination for when you have a little more free time.
Then you imagine ““I’m in a dream” falling backwards, closing eyes, then imagine the first exit technique you want to use. I would recommend energy body stimulation. Then once you’re vibrating imagine floating up. Imagine bubbles coming from underneath you and lifting you away, or if that doesn’t work the rope technique. Then imagine the astral symptom’s happening. Take a second to imagine each possible symptom. Vibrating, flashing lights, “heart” pounding, etc… then imagine getting out of your body, then imagine shouting “eureka” or I projected!” Or whatever. Then open your eyes and go about the rest of your day till the next time.
If it helps right out your roadmap then rehearse each one in order. (“In dream”, fall back and close eyes, projection technique(‘s), out of body, scream, eyes open.) do this several times a day every day till you don’t have to look at the note or even think of the next thing to do, just “see” it happening in your imagination. See is used lightly for however you experience imaginations.
(TIP 8) Also i have to mention “flow state” and if you have a free day just spend the day looking at nature or whatever, and be 100% in the moment. Don’t think of something else, just perceive every crackle every bird chirp, every smell, (maybe carry something good smelling in a bag) taste something like a healthy apple washed, or something low calorie or your meal, combine as many senses as possible and be fully aware of all of these senses. Be fully aware of the moment and think nothing else but “am i in a dream” and look around and think about if you are.
Be present in the moment as a all day, or long session of a continuous reality check. Your probable best chance storm of the right things pulled together is, do whatever to have vivid dreams, set a alarm for 6 hours, (if you sleep less than 7.5 hours, than do whatever is 1.5 hours before you are supposed to wake up. Then wake up and do the “flow state” of constantly thinking about if you are awake, and chew on something that won’t leave a strong taste in your mouth but that you can clearly taste, then smell something, like a herb bag. Something calming. And look at something pretty, and feel something with your hands, focus on as many of these as you can while being in the state of (“am I dreaming?”)
then after 10 minutes of doing that, (write your dreams down as soon as you wake then do the “flow state” for 10 minutes) go back to sleep, and hope for a lucid dream. Then the rest should take over.
(TIP 9) this is the energy body stimulation method. hold your hand palm up, then start to brush over your hand with the tips of your fingers. Start with hard ish scratches so you can really feel it and swipe back and forth about a second each swipe, then slowly start to scratch more gently, try to notice and be aware as much as possible the feeling of your fingertips scratching your palm. If your palm is too ticklish, use the back of your hand, if that is, use from elbow to wrist. At a steady pace back and forth, really try to feel in the hand you’re not moving the feeling of it being scratched, try to follow along im your mind and kind of predict the feeling of it moving forward, then keep slowly lowering pressure till you are completely off your skin, then you are trying to continue to imagine this sweeping sensation on your non moving hand as the scratching hand hovers above it. Feel the sensation move up and down. This is energy body stimulation. And if you can do it well enough you should be able to trigger vibrations quite easily.
Work on making this sensation go all over your whole body. If you have to use your hand or a brush or something to get the feelings going till you can imagine it in that area. Sweep back and forth in your mind in your foot a little bit, then your shin then your knee to hip, then your hip to the other legs knee, down to the toes, then back to the hip, around the stomach, etc. throughout the whole body. Eventually it should start vibrating and you can build this till you start to float. Don’t stop till you float away. One method is to focus on a tiny area like a big toe, and do it till you feel vibrating.
Another way of creating the vibrations if you have a hard time with imagination, is to try to move a part of your body in the smallest possible distance known. You try to lift your pinky finger but without applying enough force to actually twitch a muscle. This sends focus to that part of your body and energy in turn. Then move the feeling from “lifting” your pinky to lifting your ring finger, again not actually using any muscles, but making a mental effort to move the muscle as small of an effort as possible. Just enough to feel the area, but not enough to move the muscles. This will stimulate the area and after enough practice and trance state cause the vibrations.
(TIP 10) THIS IS NOT A RECOMMENDATION…. But for informational purposes… when i use delta 9 thc edibles (merijuana active chemical) and try energy body stimulation it is almost instant and very easy. I do not recommend at all being high while you try to project because it could take from the real feeling of it and make it seem fake. But for myself I believe it’s a good practice for energy work just to build the vibrations and clear energies. I’d recommend during energy work learning about the chakras and stimulating each energy ball up your spine from your base to your crown. For a better explanation of this read Robert Bruce: “Astral dynamics” or “energy work” astral dynamics will also cover the rope method.
(TIP 11) “the rope method.” (TIP) Basically in my explanation you rub your hand on something resembling a rope. Preferably a rope, lol. and you start pulling gently with your hands so loose that the rope slides through your hands, keep doing this for a while at a steady speed. Then after a while let go of the rope and move your hands like they are going down the rope, this is your baseline for how to imagine this sensation, don’t move a muscle a inch, and imagine doing this same technique, feeling the rope sliding through your hands, till you actually start to feel your arms moving, once your astral arms are moving and you’re sure it’s your astral arms and you didn’t start moving your real arms, grab something near you. ( it will probably still be dark) and pull yourself away from your body gently. Then try to fly or keep pulling till you start to gain vision. And that is the rope technique basically.
(TIP 12) There is another method that is the ear ringing (often called tinnitus) method. Where you get it really quiet enough to not hear anything at all. Gun soundproofing muffs with cotton or earbuds on the inside so you hear absolutely nothing. Then you can start to hear a ringing noise. If you hear it just keep focusing on it till it gets so loud you start to experience projecting symptoms. I don’t recommend ear damage at all! But if you go to a loud concert then go home and meditate you should be able to hear it then. The temporary loss of hearing creates the tinnitus and you can use it.
(TIP 13) not sure if this works as i read it on reddit and haven’t tried it yet but it sounds reasonable. Start saying words that are unrelated to each other. So instead of couch then chair, or house then mansion, something like frog then chair then guitar. Apparently this can keep you conscious enough while also going deep enough into trance.
Well that’s about it for my hopefully helpful tips. Happy travels!
submitted by ClimbingTreeOfLife to SpiritualDevelopments [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 naughtykitties please help🥹

please help🥹
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by naughtykitties to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 Historical_Hold5006 Boss requested me to prepare my two weeks notice today

Throwaway account.
I was approached by my boss via an online meeting where i was asked to submit my two week notice in the coming days. When i expressed desire to remain at my job, my boss stated that it is due to performance issues, as well as misaligned career goals. There have been no formal write ups, performance improvement plans etc. There were 2 informal meetings with my direct supervisor in the past with concerns to the timeliness of my work, where i had explained that due to new items being added to my plate, i had fallen behind on my daily tasks which i absolutely acknowledge. I don't feel as though i should be let go, however i understand their reasoning, and i am not going to argue with them to keep my job as it appears they have closed the door on me.
I have started applying and looking for other employment.
What would you do in my situation at my current job? From everything i have read so far, it seems like waiting for termination to (hopefully) collect unemployment benefits, as well as a small severance package would benefit me better than putting in my two week notice and leaving on my own terms, DEFINITELY unable to get severence and EI. However i am open to being wrong and underestimating how bad being fired can look to future employers.
My other concern is this being labeled as termination "with cause" due to performance issues, and not being able to collect EI if i have a break inbetween jobs.
Thank you in advance for reading.
submitted by Historical_Hold5006 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 ThrowRAincollege Feelings for a guy who went through conversion therapy / religious background

Posting this from a throwaway account for obvious reasons.
I'm 20m, currently a student at a liberal New England-area university. Earlier this year, I met this guy, who I'll call Jack, as we were both elected to the executive board of a student organization. Throughout the year, I had a crush on him, however, I never acted on it as he presents very masculine, and I always just assumed he was straight. A few weeks ago, I accidentally overheard that he was gay (important to note that I was not supposed to know). A week ago, we were at a party together, and drunk me hit on him.
To my surprise, he felt the same way, and was never quite sure if I was gay or not, so never acted on his feelings. We had our first date at a nice steakhouse, and the date was honestly so great. We had made plans for a second before I even dropped him off at his place. However, during the date, he was constantly looking behind him, especially if we were talking about something gay-related.
I had attributed this to first-date nerves. After the first date, and before we were supposed to have the second, he asked if I would meet up with him. We went into a quiet room, and he told me that he couldn't continue seeing me.
Part of the reason Jack and I hit it off so well is that we are both from the South, and actually live only a few hours from each other. (This is a school that has both not many gay guys, and also not many southern people.) I had the fortune of having parents who have supported me through everything, financially, emotionally, etc. So, when I came out, they helped me navigate that and have been there for me. However, Jack comes from a very conservative, very religious family who sent him to conversion therapy, not once, but twice, for being gay.
The night that we went out on our date, he had a panic attack over the possibility of being outed, having to leave school, and potentially going back to conversion therapy. It certainly didn't help that the only reason I knew he was gay was because someone couldn't keep their mouth shut. He reassured me that when he's ready, he wants to try things again with me, because I'm what he wants in a guy. He said that he is in therapy for this, and thought he was ready, but just isn't. We agreed to remain friends, and we've texted and seen each other since then.
Last night he came over and we drank together. Drunkenly, and amongst other things, he mentioned that even as recently as earlier this term, he's tried to make things work with girls. He hasn't in awhile, since he's working on himself in therapy. He also mentioned how much he appreciates having someone he can talk to about this stuff, since there are very few people who understand.
I'm not the sort of person who dates a lot these days. In fact, I haven't gone on a single one this term besides with Jack. I've had enough boyfriends in the past to know what I'm looking for, and, honestly, it's Jack. He is the epitome of my type, and makes me feel a way that I haven't even for guys I've been in relationships with.
However, when I'm involved with someone, even if only to this "one day but being close friends until then" degree, I just don't have it in me to try with other people.
Honestly, I want to stay in this, and let it play out. Am I crazy?
submitted by ThrowRAincollege to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 MarsupialPale1796 Why are they so angry at us if we did nothing wrong? It’s not our fault they hurt us

I thought we would go legit. He thought we would too. He even divorced his wife. Like actually did it. But now he wants to date other women.
I fell in love. 6 months we were together. Not long, I suppose. But we saw marriage to each other. Kids. A whole future. I felt like my wildest dreams were going to come true. And I loved him. Still love him. I couldn’t believe someone like him even existed and that I’d found him and he wanted me too. I want his kid so badly it’s an ache. We were good together. But he felt guilty.
And then the breakup. It happened so quickly… within a couple days. Bliss, to terribleness. I could make excuses for him, and they would all be true and valid. But he’s not a perfect person and his weaknesses have definitely risen to the surface during this period after the breakup
Why are they so cold and angry toward us when we did nothing wrong? I didn’t harm him, I didn’t wrong him. He objectively wronged me and others. He likes me still, just can’t see a future with anyone anymore and wants to date around. He’s scared we won’t work and doesn’t want to try.
Grief is not linear. I remind myself of that today after bawling my eyes out 3 or 4 times. When I woke up. At lunch. In the shower. Probably in a few minutes. I just want to love and be loved. We had that. He never talked to me about any problems and I did everything right. And I know there isn’t really such a thing, except I’m a fucking amazing partner and I know it… and he’s confused about what he wants and doesn’t want my help anymore figuring anything out.
I want us to get back together. He’s said it’s possible, maybe, he doesn’t know, but he said that right at the breakup, and not in any of the aftermath where he’s been so angry toward me. He doesn’t want to talk to me. He doesn’t want to fix this. I’m leaving him alone to the point of detriment.
submitted by MarsupialPale1796 to theotherwoman [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:00 Tx75110 33 [M4F] #Texas/Online - looking for a friendship for now with the potential

Good afternoon!
I’m looking for a friend for now. I’m looking for someone that is sweet and fun to talk to and someone that can enjoy talking all day or as much as possible. Definitely looking for someone that has a career. My career allows me to communicate throughout the day. I’m also looking for someone that is open to voice calls and video chats plus pictures. I definitely wanna trade pictures as soon as possible. If you send a picture in the first message I’ll respond back with one myself.
About Me
What i'm looking for:
Someone who's got a great sense of humor and loves to flirt
Constant or Frequent Communication and active
I'd love to have someone I can share my daily experiences with, discuss random topics, and explore different parts of life together. someone willing to explore the lifestyle with me
18-30 years old
I really want to find someone that I can support, care for and be there for when they need me. I don’t know much as I’m still learning so I wanna find someone that is either new or willing to learn together enough so we can both grow and be happy.
I value both honesty and respect in any kind of relationship, so you can expect a safe and comfortable space to connect with me.
I'm all about having a good time, making each other smile, and enjoying the company of someone who can keep up with my playful nature
I'm a fun-loving and outgoing individual who loves to engage in conversations that range from light-hearted to deeper topics
Let's keep each other entertained with playful banter and flirty exchanges throughout the day
I also Enjoy a little NSFW chats so I'm open to kinks and all as well so I hope we could have some common grounds for kinky bedroom stuff
submitted by Tx75110 to polyamoryR4R [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:00 theamazinganya Question for faithful SRF students

TL;DR: Have you ever "fallen off the wagon" (as in stopped studying and practicing the teachings for some amount of time), and then managed to get back on track?
9 years ago, when I was 21, I studied up until lesson 14, then stopped for the silliest reasons. About 4 months ago I started again, and it was all as fresh as new. I followed well (but with a feeling that my resolve was trying to slip away from me), until a couple weeks ago. I think at the addition of energization exercises my problem started. I was doing the "bare minimum"(breathing>prayer>breathing>10-minute hong-sau>5 minutes of prayemeditation) twice per day, and I didn't feel up to doubling the time with energization exercises just yet. At first I thought "as long as I just add E.E. to my routine by the end of my study of this lesson," but that came and went and each day I was always too tired or too rushed. So I started the next lesson, still without adding e.e., and I have gradually become more and more half-hearted, knowing that I'm not fully following the teachings, and that there really isn't an excuse for my laziness. Now I've gone 3 days without reading lessons or meditating at all, and my momentum is all gone.
It doesn't make sense that feeling bad about being lazy would make me more lazy instead of the opposite, but I'm hoping someone understands (it must be a combination of guilt and all-or-nothing mentality?) or just has encouragement that slacking for a while wasn't the end for them.
submitted by theamazinganya to kriyayoga [link] [comments]