How to get to youtube at school

How To Get There (Philippines)

2018.04.11 17:14 epikotaku How To Get There (Philippines)

Ask the community and get the right directions wherever you like to go: Jeepneys, buses, tricycles, trains, UVs, and more!

2023.04.02 14:25 lordwow HowToGetRichNetflix

Discussion of the show How to Get Rich on Netflix. This is a fan group and is not run or managed by Netflix or Ramit Sethi. Launching April 18th on Netflix, Ramit Sethi charts a path to financial health in this series based on his best seller "I Will Teach You To Be Rich."

2019.12.19 18:13 Liapp_07 HowToGetAGirlfriend

I started this sub randomly whilst learning reddit an this sub gave me conformation; reddit is full of loosers.

2024.06.09 17:11 PreviousStand4181 Kicked out of best friends wedding (groomsmen)

This is a long post….
So my best friend from childhood met a girl moved out of state and married her all within a year. A little background on him and I hate to be this way… didn’t have a Dad, Mom really could care less about him and his decisions, so all the way through school he hopped from couch to couch, stayed wherever, went on every vacation with every family and just hopped and hopped… a bit of a moocher. Now he is marrying (last night) this girl I have never met, super rich family, and forcing him into this new way, which I hope is good for him. We drive 6 hours to the wedding rehearsal Friday night, and me and him talk on the phone every day, I’m a superintendent for a very good paving company, and he is a laborer for a small DBE concrete company, yet he’s on his 3rd job since moving out of state (ironic, kind of why I also call him a moocher, he hops to the best immediate scenario possible without any hesitation). So anyways the Groom had asked me in January to be his co-best man with another guy we grew up with. I was thrilled, wrote a speech, had bought very nice cigars for all the groomsmen, had put $500 into a wedding card, and so on. As the wedding rehearsal starts, he ends up telling me the brides brother was very upset he was not in the wedding, so last minute they squeezed him in, which why would I care? Here’s the kicker, the groom places me last in alignment, and since the late addition of the brother, I’m 7th and also have nobody to walk with at the end. (Kind of irritated me since I went out of my way for this guy for years and we talk in the phone everyday and I literally walk him through anything he needs in the world, especially with work related things since he is trying to become a foreman.) whatever I was fine with it. But I could tell the Bride did not like the uneven look to 6 and 7.
Anyways we all get out of there and go get beer and pizza. I still am yet to meet the bride, and the other groomsmen are just hometown kids who haven’t really done anything with their life, still live in our home town and work small dead end jobs, which is fine, but I don’t like to be alienated because I left the city and made something out of my life. So it’s all very awkward.
Anyways we all got drunk hung out late asked the groom why he placed me last and said it wasn’t like that, I asked if we could move the angle so I could actually see them up there and it was shot down. Woke up the next morning to a text saying “hey man changes were made, we won’t need you standing up there, I’ll call you shortly”. He never called, we had no idea what that meant, so we didn’t even go to the ceremony or reception out of sheer confusion and embarrassment. Not even a text yet a whole day after. How do I go about this? I have 0 affiliation with anyone other than the groom, and to be honest, I have already deleted his phone number and plan on never speaking to him again. Kept the $500 card, and didn’t even get to wear the suit. Total waste of hours of driving and money on hotel and tux rental.
submitted by PreviousStand4181 to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:10 Laskonova Reading these posts from the perspective of an undereducated parent is horrifying...

I was raised in IBLP as a girl after I was pulled out of third grade. My education degraded horribly the second that happened, and when I was thirteen I was shifted to a "character first" education which essentially meant my schooling was done. I am incredibly lucky I was taught to read in public school and have always loved reading, because if I didn't I couldn't have gotten out. I have always been deeply ashamed of my lack of formal education and after I left I tried to make it up by reading as much as I can and learning as much as I can.
I have a kid now who's going into second grade, and of course we are sending him to school. We work really hard with him at home, and I tell him that he is amazingly privileged for getting an education and that not everyone gets one and he needs to take advantage of this opportunity. One of the biggest things I always emphasized was reading. As long as you love to read, you can make up shortcomings in other areas later and the younger grades are where attitude towards reading is developed. We work on it at home a ton. I show him kid books I liked before the cult and I am open about how much I read to set an example. I show him that I'm even stricter with myself about screentime than I am with his when he complains that the other kids don't have to deal with being bored or have limits and explain to him that it's bad that they don't have limits and why I even have to set them for myself. He's been at the top of his grade in the school in reading, and grade level in everything else and I am honestly incredibly proud of him.
I work at amazon, and there are a lot of fresh highschool grads there. Lately, I have been astonished after I have started to be more open with my coworkers about my past, and they are jealous of my lack of education! They wish that they just graded their own tests with the answers like I did while my mom worked one on one with my brother! They just also don't like the religious abuse that came with that. What the hell? I remember crying at night because I knew my textbooks were years behind me because I have uses the same math book for 3 years, and the same "science" book for 5. Yet without any adult involvement I still tried. I graded myself accurately and tried to use stuff like my classic books, bird field guides, and dictionary to learn supplementary things. I failed myself on tests that I took after only being handed a workbook and tried again. And a lot of those jealous people have kids!
I was confused, and didn't know what a school environment was really like so I started looking things up about why all this this seems off. And then I found this reddit and found out it wasn't just the kids at my work or my kid's school. I don't understand. All these kids are intentionally throwing away things I'd have given my right arm for as a kid. Free access to books, learning, adults who will teach them and answer a question about the material if you have one, and the ability to look things up. I don't understand, and it's just upsetting to find out the sheer scale of people throwing away what they could have had, and that the adults in their lives, admin and parents, are contributing so much. As an adult, my wife has helped teach me so much math and I am so greatful that she is so nonjudgmental towards me for it because I have always been so ashamed I didn't teach myself math better and felt like it was my own fault I wasn't past 4th grade math. She helped me really see it was the adults that failed me, and I'm horrified the parents are failing their kids now too.
submitted by Laskonova to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:09 YoLoMaN2510 [REQUEST] [PS5] 30th Attempt for my most wanted game, Horizon Forbidden West

Hello everyone at GiftofGames, how are you all doing!!
I recently graduated from college and I'm struggling to find a job. It's really demoralising for me receiving rejection letters, I'm a big gamer and playing games is the only thing that has kept my morale up during these tough times. My financial situation is pretty dire right now, I can't afford to buy a lot of new games.
I'm currently looking to buy Horizon Forbidden West on my PS5. This is my 30th attempt at requesting for this game. I played the first game on my PS4 and loved it. The complete edition of the game is currently on sale with a 34% discount at $39.59. I'm looking for a $40 PlayStation gift card of US region.
The sequel to 2017's Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West is set in a post-apocalyptic version of the Western United States recovering from the aftermath of an extinction event caused by a rogue robot swarm. The player can explore the open world and complete quests using ranged and melee weapons against hostile machine creatures.
Basically the game takes place in the far future where humanity almost gets destroyed by their advanced robotic creations. But it seems humanity have sort of gone backwards with their primitive clothing, implying that they haven't got the previous knowledge of their ancestors. The first game Horizon Zero Dawn, the protagonist Aloy discovers secrets about what happened to humanity, and its sequel is the continuation of this first game where she explores the far west of modern day america.
The reason why this game appeals to me is the setting. I find it soo interesting how humanity was able to be on the brink of extinction and somehow managed to survive (I can't anymore due to spoilers). And after surviving, civilisation sort of went backwards instead of continuing on from the ancestors. I watch a lot of lore videos on youtube about this game, and there are many different stories hidden in the game world which tells us different perspectives of people on the situation. Even though its humanity that is in trouble, everybody has a different view on how to tackle the problem. But this is only touching the surface, there is also the robot machines created in these giant cauldrons that is a big mystery to this day.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and will give my thanks if I receive the gift card from you. Here is my PSN ID:
Game link:
submitted by YoLoMaN2510 to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:08 Independent-Month905 I’ve had the worst Pride month!

So I’ve had the worst pride month so far and just need to vent, buckle in cause this is an EXTREMLY long one.
Some backstory I (17f soon to be 18) have known I was into women since as young as 13, I had unlimited access to the internet and knew about different sexualities so it was very easy for me, well for the longest while I went by pansexual. I had come out to my mom almost a year ago as her and I were always close, well she just didn’t care and almost pretended like I didn’t. This year however I realized that I was actually a lesbian and came out to her and 2 weeks before pride month, it didn’t go all to well and our relationship is a bit strained but it was fine until this past weekend.
Onto the worst pride month of my life:
Saturday June 1st:
Well comes June first, I worked at 6am and got home at 12, I had a rough day at work and was just ready to relax, well my mom and I step out the car and suddenly I am being cornered by my ex step-father (him and my mom broke up about 6 months ago at this point and he already moved out months ago). Apparently he found my socials which clearly state I’m a lesbian and felt it was his “duty” to tell my mom even though they aren’t together any more 😒. He proceeded to tell her had had screenshots and blah blah blah in case I tried to deny it but obviously I didn’t because my mom already knew.
WELL she threw me under the bust and pretended she didn’t know just to appease him, I was annoyed by this so I just went inside to my room and locked my door. Well about 10-15 minutes later she comes banging on my door and is fuming with me, apparently my ex step-father didn’t want my brothers (I have 4 brothers who are his kids) living with me and was threatening to take them and it was my fault. She blamed me for everything saying I ruined her life (yes HER life, not mine who has just been outed, HERS) she forced me to take down all gay stuff from my accounts and I ended up setting them to private them.
Well later my my ex-stepfather starts calling my phone, I don’t answer obviously so he sends my brother to come call me so we can talk (I later found out he outed me to my brothers as well and asked them if they knew I was a lesbian, not cool dude 😒). Well he surprised me by talking about how he raised me since I was 2, and didn’t care what identified as and loved me regardless (dude never apologized for what he said or did but I’ll give him a pass). Well he was about to say something else, when his mother started CRYING saying him leaving ruined her life, (Yes his mom still lives with us, that’s a whole story in itself) so he left. I had one more fight with my mom about everything and then that was the end of day 1, Yep just day 1, more shit happened on day 2 and 3.
Sunday June 2nd:
So it is now June second and obviously I was pretty upset considering the events on the previous day as not only was it pride month but my 18th was only a month away, I had work that day but called out because after the shit show the day prior I was NOT in any place mentally to go to work (about 80% of my co-workers are apart of the lgbtqia+ community and I knew seeing them all happy about pride month would make me upset). So instead I went out with a friend as we had already prior made plans to go thrifting that day before I had work and after the day I had the other day this was just what I needed. Well it was a fun and eventful day ending with us getting lost and (once again a story for another day). Well I get back home and ex-stepfather is in the kitchen? I say good evening out of respect and head to my room when DAMN I’m being cornered AGAIN, I thankfully got to relax a little before I was attacked but suddenly my mom comes to my room and is furious.
Apparently my ex-stepfathers sister had found out (who lives all the way in Jamaica by the way, and this went down in Canada) and was nagging my mom about it and blaming my ex-stepfather for me being a lesbian and my mom was not happy about it. (Yes she is still in contact with his family, and the reason she blames him is cause he cheated and treated my mom horribly so she thinks he made me hate men 😒).
My mom was mad he was getting blamed for me being a lesbian, and for me being hostile with him the day before and today (yes she still loves him, once again another story, I feel like at this rate I should create a post for these 😂). This starts an argument between us because I tell her he had no right to out me to my brothers or her, even if she already knew (I don’t know if anyone else knows) She once again talks about how she’s struggling with this and I accidentally sigh out loud (I mean common though if you’re struggling then what about me) well one thing leads to another and we end up fighting, she tries to say I can’t be a lesbian because I dated my ex boyfriend (even though he was the only guy I ever dated before realizing I was lesbian and we’ve had numerous conversations where I told her that she made me feel pressured to date him). Well the fight got super heated and I did say something I’m not proud of after she told me to go read a bible, this resulted in her telling my to call my dad to pick me up so I can stay with him for a while (this is legally allowed as he does have part custody of me and I turn 18 in July)
Eventually after slamming doors and me almost calling my father, we calm down and have a talk (I still live with her currently) the conversation didn’t really go anywhere and we did end up fighting again, this time over different religious views and me talking about how I felt pressured by her to date my ex. The conversation ended because we had to pick up my sister from work and we never picked it up again, it’s still feels like she wasn’t trying to understand me, but I was too exhausted to put any more effort in.
Monday June 3rd:
Never fear this is the last day of the saga and it thankfully was happy, in the end.
Well, it’s Monday and I have to go back to school and it’s also my Bio fathers birthday (which I totally forgot about due to the prior days events and felt extremely bad), I thought I was ok but after a couple pride month announcements, I ended up leaving class and had a breakdown in the hallway (I’m ok now, all the weekends events just finally caught up to me that day). Well, I was found by some teachers and was brought to guidance to talk to somebody after I went back to class and and talked to my teacher about everything who offered me her support (she is an absolute sweetheart, and I love her so much🩷).
Well, I made the executive decision to just tell my father because considering the fact that people in Jamaica were finding out he was going to find out at some point and I wanted him to find out from me (I did intend on telling him, just after my 18th in July incase things went south with my mom, which they almost did).
I sent him a text and turned off my phone for the day, thankfully his response was much more loving than my mothers and he told me he loved me regardless, he picked me up from my moms and we ended up spending the day together and later on we picked up my sister and watched a movie together. I didn’t speak much to my mom this day, aside from telling her I was going out with him.
Well this is it so far, it’s been 6 days but I still can’t get over everything so I just wanted to vent. As of right now my relationship with my mom is improving but still strained and I don’t think it will ever go back to how it was before. Especially considering the fact that my father was very accepting of me, and even my ex-stepfather was more accepting of me than her despite the way he initially reacted.
Well, this is it if you somehow read this entire thing and thank WOW and thank you. If anyone wants clarification, feel free to ask and I’ll edit them onto the post. Also if anyone is curious, I am more than willing to talk about some of the other stories of my family (Trust me it gets CRAZY)
submitted by Independent-Month905 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:08 david_thememegod IM SO CONFUSED HELP

Ok so to understand you need to hear the backstory first for the whole picture: Its long sorry but thank you
So, I had been seeing this girl for about 4 months friends for 2 months and dating for 2, good girl I've met in a fat while lol met her family and everything and she met mine. After Valentines the next week we have another small mini date were we went to the mall and gas station and went to a park in the afternoon. Next day she text and I text All fine. Like 4-5 days pass and we haven't texted or called and I wonder if she's ok? so I call her and doesn't answer that night. 2 hours later she posts she's overthinking and posting about it on Instagram notes. I texted her asking what was wrong, but she brushed it off, saying it was just a silly text, which I knew wasn't true. 2 days later I text her saying if she's eaten since she sometimes does eat cause of school and work are so close time wise and takes longer to respond than usual which I found odd.. but thought nothing of it. 3 days later she calls me to play Stardew valley so, we played Stardew Valley, and afterward, she posted again on IG, saying, "I just don't know anymore." I told her we needed to meet and talk but kinda said separate cars since idk why I had a bad feeling (Her friend and her question why i am not picking her up- she told me).
We met up and talked. At first, she tried to change the subject, but I persisted. Finally, she said she didn't know how if she could add me to her life because of school, family, and friends which i sort of understood but the way she said it felt like she saw me as an obstacle so i asked and she said no and so I let her talk more. After hearing her talk I had to ask her how she'd feel if I just left or vanished, and she immediately said she wouldn't care, which stung. A few seconds (like 2-5 sec) later, she corrected herself, saying she would care. I asked if she wanted to continue what we had or just be friends. She implied friends with benefits because she said friends as in how?, but I told her we would be just friends, nothing more most il do is probably a hug, and she agreed. She also told me not to wait for her and mentioned that I shouldn't have left her alone for too long. She asked me to ignore any texts or calls from her later that night(got a can i take it back it was a mistake IG note that night). She also mentioned how she hoped it ended with like making out and stuff I think she meant make up but man after everything she said u know it hurt and to throw away the letter she gave me and (believe said delete pictures i forgot) plus she said she now wont be able to show off her lipstick. . Despite everything, I gave her a birthday gift and a final kiss since her birthday was coming up. (fyi she was on and off about the kiss we we were talking when i mention no more kissing when i drew the line but did offer a final one which she took here) (Ended on good terms)
The next day, I couldn't get our conversation out of my head. It hurt, so I decided, with the help of God, to break it off. Something was telling me it was for the best. I told her I hoped she found someone who could truly make her happy and wished her the best and a sappy speech (not gunna say lol). She cried and thanked me.
The next day, she sent me an apology, saying she didn't want me to deal with her bipolar disorder and her changing feelings about me every day. She said she wouldn't regret being with me and would respect it if I did not be friends and she truly still cares for me and maybe it was for the better. A few days later, I saw her IG notes saying how she hated being bipolar and how "love isn't real (for some)." It didn't make sense to me, but I ignored it. Also she said how she cold now at night cause apparently she has no heater on IG Notes so I texted her saying if she wanted my jacket back since it was very wooly and told her I didn't want to to suffer in the cold for something trivial and she could have it. She replied no it's fine and it's mine anyways. So I left it at that
We became friends again a few days later iniciated by me. She asked me to call her on IG notes. I said I would call at 10, and then she said she didn't want to hurt my feelings anymore. It seemed like she wanted to get something off her chest, but she said no not really. When I called, she hung up and told me "beg" on IG notes. I said just no, and she responded by saying, "your no fun" (I said "ok...and") and "You're just so cute, I can't stay mad at you," and "your warmth is incomparable." I felt like I was being played with, so I ignored it.
We sent each other a few reels on Instagram, but at the end of the month, I went to the store where she works. I sort of ignored her because she looked busy handling pallets. She posted on IG notes, "Not even a hello???" I told her she looked busy. A few days later, I went back to the store for snacks for an upcoming road trip. She approached me to say hi, and we looked at each other awkwardly. Two guys started talking to me, and she walked away. When I was done I went looking for her at her department continue talking but she went in and then left. Later, I texted her saying I wanted to say hi but those guys interrupted she asked if I had her phone number I said yea (I didn't lol) but told her idk what to say to you anymore💀 and so I asked if she wanted to continue playing Stardew Valley, but she said she was busy all day tomorrow so i left it at that. Then, she posted on IG, "I have a stalker," which felt like it was toward me
I waited until the next morning, still up so unfollowed her, and went on my trip. Two days later, she liked my pictures with me in it from the trip. And I'm so confused
We also talked about making it official and what not but she said it can't be in this specific month cause it's her birthday month which was kinda weird cause I haven't heard anyone say that but I said ok.. and then there was one instance where she said she can claim me as hers but I can't claim her as mine which made no sense she said it's a girl thing... Which was odd... But This was before the whole thing happened IK i wasnt perfect either but i did attempt to fix some of my flaws
submitted by david_thememegod to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:08 Ok-Tangerine-3080 I have a crush...... I need help.

Soooo.... Basically I have this crush and I don't know what to do about. I also think that he maybe also like me, idk alot of thinks suggests that but I need outsider's opinion to know and not think that I am deulu, ya know? Soo anyway, we will call him k, for me k is very good looking n he is also kind , I sat next to him Olin class 6 n we talked alot but that's not when my crush started maybe it was around class 7 or 8 n we didn't talk much around that time bcz we didn't sit next to each other. But some things has been happening that the crush thing is the same for both of us's...? . I sound delulu. I will start will last year n the event. I come late to school on this particular day n the first class we have is BT (that is wood work, metal work n technical drawings) n I go to get my work book which I felt in school the day before n I can't find it. I thought that one of the boys took it bcz maybe they thought I wasn't coming, which is sooo annoying but anyway (¬‿¬ ) I go to the lad n sit next to a girl n ask if she could share her wb while also eyeing all the guys that were in the lad n the one's that were coming in n I see k come in class with a wb, I see it n I am like ,"that's mine 🤨y does he have it? "But class starts n I am thinking how to ask for my wb so I don't sound rude or nervous. But after a while k come n asks to the guy in front of me for a compas buttheyd don't have it so he turns to me n ask for it n I say yes bcz I don't have wb so I am not using it, while doing so I ask him if he has my wb n he says no n also goes back n check but still no, I was pretty sure that it was my wb but Okk, I guess.... Class is over n I am walking back my form(in my country we have to walk to class) he stops me n HAND'S ME MY WB WITH THE WORK COMPLETED! Most boys in my class will leave it empty bcz its not their wb n just need to show the teacher that they have the book. Event is lunch n I was standing outside alone bcz myffriend didn't come 😢😔, soo out of boredom I looked in my class n was eyeing my desk when k comes n for some reason leans in over my desk n takes picture out (we didn't need those picture I just had they) also his tuna covered fingers smudged tuna on my book,ewww but ok. Now events from this year I noticed that he keeps looking that direction sometimes n we made eye contact bcz of that too, n also one time in class we had a free period soo I was reading with a friend next to me so we can talk, then I get light on my face like a mirror reflecting light ignore it bcz I think it the guys but my friend asks how am I not annoyed by this , I said if I ignore it long enough then they'll leave me be so she turns around to see who is n say that it k n his friends 🥲also one of his friends has been staring at me a lot, like if It was the whole friend group then u can say that something is up but it's just this one practical dude n it's not a onetime thing either I caught him several times too,weird right? Ok, please help am I right? N want should I do?, I also have a few more thing but I am too lazy right now.
submitted by Ok-Tangerine-3080 to IAmTheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:07 fader_rider93 Right, some advice please

A little summary. So, im a christian but i feel like i have drawn away from my faith and God. I no longer have a stong passion for my faith and doing certain good things.
I was brought up going to church every week. There was a time that i felt i was forced to get baptised by parents and church leaders and i was too embarrassed to tell them, that i have yet to form a strong relationship with God. As i am still young, i feel i havent fully matured both in life and the faith and as ive been repeatedly told my faith is my faith not my parents faith, its mine i have to have a relationship with God for myself and im still hoping for that. Now, i have struggled with sin against ultimately God, but myself and others. I feel like it has drawn me away from God. I feel im not worthy anymore to have a relationship with him. (Sorry this is all over the place) but i feel like ive lost the want to get to know God like i cba anymore ik that sounds so harsh but thats how i feel. I know very well that he wants a relationship, he helps me, hes the one who makes me wake up every morning.
I play bass, guitar and do the sound at church, sometimes i feel like nothings happening. Like one day i was playing and felt God's presence and then the pastor stopped the service to do the notices (like tell ppl bout prayer meeting and youth groups and trips) i felt quite discouraged cos i thought my experiwnce with God was cut off.
Im at school and im the one telling my Christian friends is this what Jesus would have done, or put your trust in God. Eventhough mine doesnt seem to be.
I struggle with readung the bible. i havent picked up my hard copy in months. Ive lost that want, lately ive been listening to a preacher on youtube who tells people to read to the gospels so yk who your believing in. I really want to do that but i cba to open my bible.
I want to draw closer to God but its such a struggle that ive lost that energy to do so.
It's also exam period now so thats a stuggle. But i tell people have faith in God even if it looks hopeless. Im a hypocrite. With school (ita a chriatian skl btw) its kinda hard in the fact i am friends with some atheists, but when we have band, they sing all sorts if songs and thats a struggle with that.
I also have problems with hate and jelously of people that did absolutely nothing to me. I started a disagreement and that hasnt left me in a good state. I feel like i don't need to forgive any1 cos ik im the problem but ik i need to ask forgivness from them.
Lot of problems. I try to thank God that its not worse. (If youve read this far ty for listening to this rant)
I do need prayer and any advice with be most appreciated.
submitted by fader_rider93 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:06 Independent-Month905 I’ve had the worst Pride month

So I’ve had the worst pride month so far and just need to vent, buckle in cause this is an EXTREMLY long one.
Some backstory I (17f soon to be 18) have known I was into women since as young as 13, I had unlimited access to the internet and knew about different sexualities so it was very easy for me, well for the longest while I went by pansexual. I had come out to my mom almost a year ago as her and I were always close, well she just didn’t care and almost pretended like I didn’t. This year however I realized that I was actually a lesbian and came out to her and 2 weeks before pride month, it didn’t go all to well and our relationship is a bit strained but it was fine until this past weekend.
Onto the worst pride month of my life:
Saturday June 1st:
Well comes June first, I worked at 6am and got home at 12, I had a rough day at work and was just ready to relax, well my mom and I step out the car and suddenly I am being cornered by my ex step-father (him and my mom broke up about 6 months ago at this point and he already moved out months ago). Apparently he found my socials which clearly state I’m a lesbian and felt it was his “duty” to tell my mom even though they aren’t together any more 😒. He proceeded to tell her had had screenshots and blah blah blah in case I tried to deny it but obviously I didn’t because my mom already knew.
WELL she threw me under the bust and pretended she didn’t know just to appease him, I was annoyed by this so I just went inside to my room and locked my door. Well about 10-15 minutes later she comes banging on my door and is fuming with me, apparently my ex step-father didn’t want my brothers (I have 4 brothers who are his kids) living with me and was threatening to take them and it was my fault. She blamed me for everything saying I ruined her life (yes HER life, not mine who has just been outed, HERS) she forced me to take down all gay stuff from my accounts and I ended up setting them to private them.
Well later my my ex-stepfather starts calling my phone, I don’t answer obviously so he sends my brother to come call me so we can talk (I later found out he outed me to my brothers as well and asked them if they knew I was a lesbian, not cool dude 😒). Well he surprised me by talking about how he raised me since I was 2, and didn’t care what identified as and loved me regardless (dude never apologized for what he said or did but I’ll give him a pass). Well he was about to say something else, when his mother started CRYING saying him leaving ruined her life, (Yes his mom still lives with us, that’s a whole story in itself) so he left. I had one more fight with my mom about everything and then that was the end of day 1, Yep just day 1, more shit happened on day 2 and 3.
Sunday June 2nd:
So it is now June second and obviously I was pretty upset considering the events on the previous day as not only was it pride month but my 18th was only a month away, I had work that day but called out because after the shit show the day prior I was NOT in any place mentally to go to work (about 80% of my co-workers are apart of the lgbtqia+ community and I knew seeing them all happy about pride month would make me upset). So instead I went out with a friend as we had already prior made plans to go thrifting that day before I had work and after the day I had the other day this was just what I needed. Well it was a fun and eventful day ending with us getting lost and (once again a story for another day). Well I get back home and ex-stepfather is in the kitchen? I say good evening out of respect and head to my room when DAMN I’m being cornered AGAIN, I thankfully got to relax a little before I was attacked but suddenly my mom comes to my room and is furious.
Apparently my ex-stepfathers sister had found out (who lives all the way in Jamaica by the way, and this went down in Canada) and was nagging my mom about it and blaming my ex-stepfather for me being a lesbian and my mom was not happy about it. (Yes she is still in contact with his family, and the reason she blames him is cause he cheated and treated my mom horribly so she thinks he made me hate men 😒).
My mom was mad he was getting blamed for me being a lesbian, and for me being hostile with him the day before and today (yes she still loves him, once again another story, I feel like at this rate I should create a post for these 😂). This starts an argument between us because I tell her he had no right to out me to my brothers or her, even if she already knew (I don’t know if anyone else knows) She once again talks about how she’s struggling with this and I accidentally sigh out loud (I mean common though if you’re struggling then what about me) well one thing leads to another and we end up fighting, she tries to say I can’t be a lesbian because I dated my ex boyfriend (even though he was the only guy I ever dated before realizing I was lesbian and we’ve had numerous conversations where I told her that she made me feel pressured to date him). Well the fight got super heated and I did say something I’m not proud of after she told me to go read a bible, this resulted in her telling my to call my dad to pick me up so I can stay with him for a while (this is legally allowed as he does have part custody of me and I turn 18 in July)
Eventually after slamming doors and me almost calling my father, we calm down and have a talk (I still live with her currently) the conversation didn’t really go anywhere and we did end up fighting again, this time over different religious views and me talking about how I felt pressured by her to date my ex. The conversation ended because we had to pick up my sister from work and we never picked it up again, it’s still feels like she wasn’t trying to understand me, but I was too exhausted to put any more effort in.
Monday June 3rd:
Never fear this is the last day of the saga and it thankfully was happy, in the end.
Well, it’s Monday and I have to go back to school and it’s also my Bio fathers birthday (which I totally forgot about due to the prior days events and felt extremely bad), I thought I was ok but after a couple pride month announcements, I ended up leaving class and had a breakdown in the hallway (I’m ok now, all the weekends events just finally caught up to me that day). Well, I was found by some teachers and was brought to guidance to talk to somebody after I went back to class and and talked to my teacher about everything who offered me her support (she is an absolute sweetheart, and I love her so much🩷).
Well, I made the executive decision to just tell my father because considering the fact that people in Jamaica were finding out he was going to find out at some point and I wanted him to find out from me (I did intend on telling him, just after my 18th in July incase things went south with my mom, which they almost did).
I sent him a text and turned off my phone for the day, thankfully his response was much more loving than my mothers and he told me he loved me regardless, he picked me up from my moms and we ended up spending the day together and later on we picked up my sister and watched a movie together. I didn’t speak much to my mom this day, aside from telling her I was going out with him.
Well this is it so far, it’s been 6 days but I still can’t get over everything so I just wanted to vent. As of right now my relationship with my mom is improving but still strained and I don’t think it will ever go back to how it was before. Especially considering the fact that my father was very accepting of me, and even my ex-stepfather was more accepting of me than her despite the way he initially reacted.
Well, this is it if you somehow read this entire thing and thank WOW and thank you. If anyone wants clarification, feel free to ask and I’ll edit them onto the post. Also if anyone is curious, I am more than willing to talk about some of the other stories of my family (Trust me it gets CRAZY)
submitted by Independent-Month905 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:06 InTheMemeStream Anybody here a Scott’s Bass Lessons “SBL” member?

I’m starting to take bass more seriously and lately I have been picking it up more than my guitar. I really enjoy the instrument and have a lot of fun with it, I’d like to find a structured course to help me develop my skills, something that can take me from newb, to proficient in an easy to comprehend, structured, and enjoyable way.
I’ve been watching Scott’s Bass Lessons channel on YouTube for a while, I generally like his videos and find them helpful. I decided to try out the free trial, and signed up and am going through the introduction and orientation.
I wanted to see if anyone here are members, and if so, how they like the program, and if they really feel it has helped them progress, and indeed if they found the cost was/is worth it?
I’m ready to put my head down and get serious about actually learning to play music, and truly become proficient at an instrument instead of just diddling around. The wife just got me an American Pro P Bass, and Katana Bass 210 for my birthday, so I gotta be serious about learning and having fun or she’ll tan my hide. Lol
Thanks All!
submitted by InTheMemeStream to Bass [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:05 Hip_Hip_Hipporay ChatGPT generated some Malcolm scripts

Uploaded 13 MITM scripts. Asked it to write two scripts: one with a prompt from me and one without.
My prompt:
Reese is a billionaire. Having not showered for a month in an attempt to force a girl to dump him, medical science discovered a cure for cancer inside the mould on his body.
He enjoys being petty and lauding his new success over everyone. Malcolm is assistant manager at Lucky Aide; Craig is his boss. Dewey has some success in music. Francis and Piama have many kids. One was killed after the rocket-powered stroller Malcolm built went haywire and crashed into Lucky aide. Hal is Reese's dogsbody at the mansion.
*The mansion is lavish, but the family’s interactions bring out an absurd contrast. The living room is enormous, filled with expensive decor, and an oversized portrait of Reese hangs on the wall. Lois, now in her early 60s, is sitting on an opulent couch, knitting furiously. Hal, also in his early 60s, is polishing a chandelier awkwardly, occasionally muttering to himself.*
Hal, if that chandelier sparkles any more, it’s going to blind someone.
(balancing on a ladder)
It’s Reese’s orders, Lois. He wants everything to shine, especially his ego.
*The door opens and Dewey, now 33 and dressed in a casual yet stylish outfit, walks in with a guitar case slung over his shoulder.*
Hey Mom, Dad. Just got back from my latest gig. The crowd actually knew the words to my songs this time.
That's wonderful, Dewey. Maybe someday they'll spell your name right on the marquee.
Don't get your hopes up too high, son. Remember when they called you "Dewey Decimal"?
Yeah, that was a low point.
*Reese, 38, enters, wearing an outlandish designer suit. He’s holding a champagne glass and has an obnoxiously smug grin.*
Ah, the smell of success... and the faint scent of cancer-curing mold. How’s everyone doing in my mansion today?
We’re fine, Reese.
*Malcolm, 37, enters wearing a disheveled Lucky Aide uniform, looking defeated.*
Assistant Manager Malcolm reporting for duty. Another day of stacking shelves and avoiding Craig’s motivational speeches.
**CRAIG (O.S.)**
Malcolm, you're late! There are sales figures to review!
(enters, looking chipper)
Malcolm, you need to embody the Lucky Aide spirit! Which, coincidentally, is just like your soul – non-existent!
Good morning to you too, Craig.
*Francis, 42, enters with Piama, 39, followed by a gaggle of children. They look tired but resilient.*
Hey everyone, the gang’s all here. I barely managed to wrangle the kids into the minivan without losing one.
(holding a baby)
Francis, we did lose one. Remember? Little Jamie.
(clearly struggling)
Oh right, how could I forget. Thanks for the rocket-powered stroller, Malcolm.
I was just trying to help...
That’s right! Malcolm’s bright idea to save energy by rocketing Jamie around. Talk about a crash course in parenting.
*Hal finishes polishing and descends the ladder, his back creaking audibly.*
(to Reese)
Is there anything else you need, Master Reese?
Just your dignity, Dad. Oh wait, I already have that hanging on the wall.
*He points to a framed piece of paper that says "Hal’s Dignity" in elaborate calligraphy. Francis tries to gather his children, who are running around the room causing chaos.*
Kids, gather round! Uncle Reese has some... interesting stories about how not to become a complete sociopath.
Careful, Francis, or I might just buy your children and send them to a Swiss boarding school.
*Lois looks up from her knitting, her expression stern.*
Reese, why don’t you show a little humility?
Humility? That’s rich coming from the woman who terrorized us all with her iron fist. Remember, Mom, you raised me to be this way.
*Piama finally speaks up, trying to maintain some normalcy.*
Reese, why don’t you use some of your money to help Francis and me find a place of our own? This mansion is... a bit much.
Why would I do that? Watching you all squirm is the best entertainment my money can buy. Plus, it keeps you all under my thumb.
*The family looks at each other, a mix of resignation and frustration. Malcolm, trying to muster some hope, speaks up.*
You know, Reese, money can’t buy happiness.
(grinning wider)
No, but it can buy a rocket-powered stroller. Right, Malcolm?
*The family doesn’t laugh. They just continue with their tasks, each of them silently dealing with their own absurd reality.*
REESE Oh, come on. You all are acting like I haven't earned this. Remember when I stopped showering for a month to force my girlfriend to dump me, and medical science found a cancer-curing mold on my body? Yeah, when you become a billionaire by accident, then we can talk about humility and charity.
LOIS (grimly) I still can't believe that's what made you rich. It's like the universe played a cruel joke on us.
HAL (to himself) And I’m the punchline...
Francis tries to calm down one of his screaming kids, who is running around the room with a toy sword.
FRANCIS (to the kid) Hey, buddy, maybe Uncle Reese can buy you a real sword next time.
PIAMA Francis, don't encourage him. The last thing we need is Reese arming the children.
REESE (laughing) Now there's an idea. A fully armed and operational battle station... of children.
Lois, unable to take it anymore, stands up and faces Reese directly.
LOIS Reese, this isn't funny. You're sitting on all this money, while the rest of us are struggling. Have a heart, for once in your life.
REESE (mock sympathy) Oh, I’m sorry, Mom. Did you want a loan? Maybe I could throw you a few million to ease your pain?
DEWEY (flatly) How generous of you, Reese. Maybe after you’re done pretending to care, you could actually do something helpful.
REESE (smirking) Ah, Dewey, always the moral compass. How’s that working out for you in the real world?
Malcolm finally speaks up, tired of Reese's constant gloating.
MALCOLM You know what, Reese? Enjoy it while it lasts. Because at the end of the day, you’re just as miserable as the rest of us. Money can’t fix everything.
REESE (leaning forward) Maybe not, but it sure makes it a hell of a lot more fun.
The family continues their tasks in silence, each of them dealing with their absurd lives. The camera pulls back, showing the entire family together, yet worlds apart.
NARRATOR (MALCOLM) (TC) And there it is. Twenty years later, and we’re still stuck in this crazy dynamic. But hey, at least we’re in it together. Even if together means living under the reign of King Reese.
Fade out as the family continues to interact, each dealing with their bizarre lives.
This is the script ChatGPT generated with no prompts from me.
The living room looks lived-in and somewhat cluttered, but there's an air of warmth. Lois, now in her early 70s, sits on the couch, reading a book. Hal, in his early 70s, is trying to fix a broken lamp.
LOIS Hal, if that lamp could talk, it would ask you to stop torturing it.
HAL (holding wires) I'm almost there, Lois. Just a few more tweaks...
The door bursts open, and in walks Dewey, now 33. He's a music teacher with a calm demeanor but still carries a playful spirit.
DEWEY Guess who just composed an entire symphony based on cat meows?
LOIS (smiling) Let me guess, you?
DEWEY Absolutely. And I think the school might actually play it this time.
Reese, 38, enters, wearing a police uniform. He's matured but still has a mischievous glint in his eye.
REESE Hey, Dewey, did you finally convince them to give you real instruments?
DEWEY You'd be surprised how versatile a classroom full of recorders can be.
Malcolm, 37, walks in with a briefcase. He looks every bit the successful professional but carries the weight of his responsibilities.
MALCOLM (deep sigh) Tough day at the office.
HAL You know, I still don’t understand why you didn’t go for that cushy research job in Switzerland.
MALCOLM It’s called ambition, Dad. Plus, the world needs policymakers who understand quantum physics.
LOIS And your father needs someone who understands how to fix a lamp.
MALCOLM (laughing) Let's call an electrician before Dad electrocutes himself.
Francis, now 42, enters with his wife Piama, 39. Francis looks rugged and has clearly embraced his life on the ranch.
FRANCIS Hey, family! Guess who wrangled two wild horses this morning?
PIAMA (smiling) And then tried to convince them to wear cowboy hats.
HAL Francis, you always did know how to talk to animals.
FRANCIS Too bad it doesn’t work on my kids.
Jamie, now 22, enters, holding a baby. He’s grown into a responsible young man, taking after both Lois and Hal in different ways.
JAMIE Mom, Dad, everyone, meet little Lois.
LOIS (teary-eyed) You named her after me?
JAMIE Of course. We wanted her to have a strong name.
The family gathers around the baby, cooing and fussing over her. The doorbell rings, and Reese opens it to reveal Craig, in his late 60s, holding a cake.
CRAIG I heard there’s a family reunion and thought I’d crash the party with cake!
LOIS (sighs) Come on in, Craig. You’re practically family at this point.
CRAIG (placing the cake on the table) I’m honored. So, who wants to hear about my new job at the library?
MALCOLM (smirking) As long as it doesn’t involve you dressing up as a book.
CRAIG Oh, Malcolm, you wound me.
The family laughs, and the camera pulls back, showing the entire family together, enjoying the moment.
NARRATOR (MALCOLM) (TC) Twenty years later, and we're still as chaotic as ever. But I wouldn’t trade this crazy family for anything. Well, maybe for a Nobel Prize... but then again, probably not.
Fade out as the family continues to chat and laugh.
submitted by Hip_Hip_Hipporay to malcolminthemiddle [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:04 gh0uliah AITAH for being mad at my crush

I(16F) has a crush on this guy (16M) and i had it for quite some time now. we are both friends too and we both like each other too. he liked me in freshman year too and now we are in our junior year of hs. before i liked him i had a bf of 9 months (17M). they so happened to be friends, but not best friends just close. last week (may 28) at school he realized i liked him and shot me a text asking if it was true or not, i confessed and said ofc but also backing it up with "its cool if you dont like me back bc of ..... being my ex" he ended up texting me for the rest of the night which had me confused at first but i realized why he did that. he had texted my ex asking for "permission" to start talking to me and even dating. my ex said yes and he didnt have a problem with it cause he was even talking to someone himself, but also did tell my crush he wanted to talk to me one last time before we get serious which i thought it was weird knowing why we broke up (ill get into it soon). after my crush had asked permission we started talking the next day and we've been talking from may 28th all the way to yesterday.
we would be on the phone all night all day, texting, talking, hanging out tg, etc it was going really well we were feeling each other so well we really wanted to date each other we even kissed a couple of times. he treated me like his girlfriend even though we were only just talking. he already was calling me cute names like "love" and "boo" whenever i had called him or anything.
monday, me and my crush was hanging out in one of the practice rooms of our school since school is basically over and we were just talking, i was laying on his lap while we was talking. one of his friends/ex best friend came in and said hi to him and then said "hi to the girl on ....." after he said that my ex had walked in the room, they didnt notice it was me until i moved my phone from my face to see who it was and my ex left the room looking vivid. i ended up leaving so i can meet my friends for lunch and we seperated. as i walked out my ex had gotten mad and threw a hissy fit as if hes 5 years old throwing chairs and stands in the band room. my crush had walked in asking if everyone was cool and my ex started yelling at him saying how its either they fight and argue, he gets my crush ex on me to fight me, or my ex himself comes up to me and confronts me because i was doing all this "on purpose" after my ex had said that my crush brought up the fact that my ex had madeout with his ex and said that was just as wrong and my ex said he didnt care from the start that he did that since they were already done and then my ex proceeded to say that he still had feelings for me, i dont believe him at all. after they exchanged their words my ex started going around telling people that ill be back with him, how i cant be without him, how if he wanted he could get me back and i dont even want my crush i only want him. their whole friend group says my ex is being weird over this especially since he fumbled and broke up with me.
later that same week my ex keeps saying stuff to my ex and even went as far of having ppl telling him to get back with his ex bc they look better tg and leave me alone. my ex has been saying things to my crush making him change his mind about me a lot. the other day we decided to take it slower and continue to talk more since summer is coming up and we wouldnt be bothered if we start dating later than now. give it a couple of days and my crush calls me saying he didnt want to date anymore, i said cool bc we just agreed once again to be in a talking stage. the next day he texts me that we need to talk and its about my ex. i was confused because once i tried to call and text him he didnt answer for that whole day and ended up ghosting me. i called the next day and we talked but he didnt bring up what was wrong so i hung up and went to sleep out of frustation. i woke up to a text saying we should stay friends and i was heartbroken and vivid he really let my ex change his opinion on me in a span of a week all because he cant mature. i said that he basically let my ex win and how thats crazy and he brought up the fact that that is still his friend at the end of the day which i understand, but that is the same ex that he knows cheated on me, played me multiple times, manpiulated me, used over ppl to make me jealous, and lied to me constantly in those 9 months we tg and was also the same one who said he didnt care that he did things with ur ex. my crush knows he did all these things to me too because i would always tell him and cry because we were close. and i gave my ex multiple chances and months to come back and he now wants to come back when i finally moved on? cool.
instead of saying anything else to my crush i decided to just stop texting him and only respond with "ok" im pretty mad like ive been throwing shots at him on ig and everything and hes been seeing them too. all this because my ex said something to him that he wont even tell me what was said , school is literally over in 4 days why does it matter so much? he graduates this year! its not like hes going to hold this grudge for so long he has to get it over it like how he told me to get over him. some people are saying im overreacting and others are saying its cool for me to be mad since i really like this guy and EVERYONE can see he likes me back too. ik this aint really a crazy AITA but i feel like i am
submitted by gh0uliah to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:04 monishathegreat No Snake Oil, Just Gold - Free Shopify tips by a Website Developer

I've reviewed a few shopify websites here and built over 100+ websites, have a star seller etsy shop and work a corporate job. Hello ! I'm a Website Developer with 4 years of training and 3 years of experience :)
Let me tell you, IT'S NOT ABOUT what YOU think looks nice, It's about what YOUR CUSTOMERS think ! actually it's ALL about what your customers think !!
First of all, NAVIGATION - ditch what you think, this is one of the most crucial thing on your website because that's how your customers can roam on your website, so please make sure it is as smooth as possible, don't make it too big or too small, Essential pages like Our Story, Shop, Customer Care, Home, Contact ARE A MUST !!
HOME PAGE BANNER - Listen to me, remove THAT big bulky boring static image from your store that makes it look like your customers have travelled back to 2016 and doesn't even fit on their screen. Go to Canva and UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVITY ! Then add that banner to your shopify store ! Tutorial link - (Just found this on youtube, not promoting)
FONTS AND COLORS - Forget everything, EVERYTHING ! Colors - Should match your branding and especially your logo and product packaging, never use more than 3 colors on your website and THIS DOES NOT MEAN you will use pink-green-blue, big NO NO, something like white-black-beige white-black-blue yellow-green-darkgreen. It must be pleasant on the eyes not just a bunch of colors thrown here & there because YOU thought it looked "nice"
Fonts - Trust me, I've made over 100+ websites and 90% of them had the SAME font on their theme because "it's easier for the customer to read" sweetheart, there are A LOT of fonts out there which are easy and pleasant on the eyes, we are not here to blend-in, we're here to stand out !
Google fonts - How to add custom font to shopify - ( also not promoting, it's just easy and helpful tutorial )
PRODUCT PAGE - Why ?? Why leave it dry ? Add your faqs, add your 5 STAR reviews, add your collections, add email signup, add your story, add why they should purchase this, add what your brand stand for YOU HAVE TO SELL YOUR PRODUCT !
In the end, look at other websites, look at the market leaders, go to Behance, even pinterest, or dribble or etsy or just google " Best hoodie website design ever " Get inspired, add your twist and stand out !
Phew, These might sound basic, but have you heard "small things make a big difference" yeah, exactly ! Please take your business seriously :) Always remember why you started ❤️
You can ping me if you need any more help, it'll def try to reply and help you out :) Best regards, YOU'RE A CHAMP ! YOU'RE GONNA ROCK IT !! Mon xx
(Also feel free to add any advice you have)
submitted by monishathegreat to reviewmyshopify [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:04 Annalouiz Best IPTV Service Provider for Reliable TV Streaming

Best IPTV Service Provider for Reliable TV Streaming
I've always loved watching TV. And over time, Best IPTV Service Provider , I've seen how we watch our shows change. One big change is IPTV or Internet Protocol Television. It's making our TV time way better. By 2024, more people will choose IPTV over cable. S&P Global Market Intelligence says it will have over 33.7% of the market. Why? Because it's easy to use, flexible, and has lots of shows.
Are you into sports, movies, or just flipping through channels? Finding the best IPTV service iptv provide can change the game for you. The IPTV Subscriber Market report looks at what's happening in the world of IPTV. It talks about trends and what to look out for. With so many choices, it's important to pick what fits you best.
A high-quality IPTV service with a large selection of channels and smooth streaming experience.

Key Takeaways

  • IPTV is projected to surpass cable TV as the leading choice for multichannel households by 2024.
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  • Verified IPTV providers like Hulu, Sling TV, YouTube TV, and AT&T TV offer secure and legal streaming services.
  • Unverified IPTV providers may face legal issues and security vulnerabilities, though they tend to be less expensive.
  • A high-speed internet connection of around 25Mbps is recommended for optimal IPTV streaming experience.

Introduction to IPTV

IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, is a cool way to watch TV shows through the internet. Instead of cables or satellites, it brings TV content right to your device. You can watch live TV, catch up on shows whenever you want, and enjoy movies directly on your device. Simply put, IPTV takes the TV signals from the internet and makes them viewable on your screen.

What is IPTV?

IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, is a major way people watch TV nowadays. It's a global service that uses the internet to send TV shows and movies to viewers. This has changed how we watch TV by making thousands of shows available through an internet connection.

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It works for both live shows and ones you can watch later. IPTV lets you do cool things like use an on-screen TV guide, control what your kids watch, pick videos when you want, and see shows in HD. But, the quality of what you watch depends on how fast your internet is. Sometimes, you might also need provider of iptv a special device to help with the TV signals.
A colorful and vibrant screen displaying various channels and shows with a smooth and uninterrupted streaming experience. The IPTV logo should be present in the corner of the screen, adding to the modern and high-tech feel of the image. The overall design should convey reliability, efficiency, and convenience.

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Show a sleek and modern television screen with a glowing "CETIPTV" TEXT IN THE center, surrounded by a halo of vibrant colors. The edges of the screen should morph into abstract shapes and patterns, representing the seamless and immersive experience of streaming TV with a reliable IPTV service provider. In the background, faint images of popular TV shows and movies can be seen, adding an exciting touch to the overall image.

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Sling TV is a top choice for many. For about $30 a month in the USA, you get lots of live TV. This includes sports, news, and fun shows. It's great for those looking to leave cable behind for something more wallet-friendly.

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Hulu, Sling TV, and YouTube TV are all top-ranked for good reasons. They offer secure and trusted streaming. It's no wonder they're among the best IPTV choices out there.

Best IPTV Service Provider

Overview of Top IPTV Providers

Today, many IPTV services stand out, each with its special perks. CetIPTV has a vast channel selection and top-notch streaming. IPTVRockers offers varied entertainment and a smooth platform. If you love sports, IPTVPick shines with its sports programs. SwapIPTV, however, focuses on content from around the world, perfect for diverse preferences.

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Providers vary greatly in what they offer and cost. VisualiseTv boasts 24,000+ live channels and 120,000 movies in stunning quality. CetIPTV has premium channels, movies, and PPV options. HONEY BEE IPTV gives over 21,000 channels and a full money-back deal. CatchON TV provides 20,000+ channels, VODs, and promises a 99% uptime. KEMO IPTV's annual $65 plan includes 20,000+ channels and more what is the best iptv service provider

User Reviews and Ratings

User feedback is crucial in choosing the right IPTV service. Many services let users try them free, up to 7 days, to get a feel and leave feedback. Legal IPTV offerings can be found on platforms like Amazon and Google Play, showing they're safe and real. But, unverified services bring legal and security risks, so using a VPN is smart for safety.

Unverified IPTV Services: Risks and Legalities

The IPTV industry is growing fast. It's expected to beat cable TV by 2024 as the top choice for multichannel households. But, there are dangers with unverified IPTV services. They raise big legal and safety concerns.
These unverified services aren't in popular app stores. They seem cheaper than legal options. But, they might not have the right to stream content. This can lead to legal issues and risks like data theft. They may also violate your internet service's terms.
The laws around IPTV are getting stricter. The UK's Digital Economy Act of 2017 means up to 10 years in jail for illegal IPTV. In the US, the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act makes streaming felonious. Operators of these services could face up to 10 years behind bars.
When choosing an IPTV service, look at the subscription cost and payment method. Check the content and streaming quality. Also, see if they have ads, good customer support, and official apps. This is key to knowing if the service is legal and trustworthy. Go for services you can find in official app stores to stay safe and legal.

Setting Up Your IPTV Service

Getting ready to explore IPTV needs some steps for a smooth experience. We'll talk about what's important when starting your IPTV journey.

Internet Speed Requirements

For IPTV to work well, you must have a fast internet connection. You need about 25Mbps for watching live channels in full-HD without interruptions. If you want to watch in 4K or need SD quality, you'll need more speed. Over 75Mbps might be needed for excellent 4K quality.

Compatible Devices

Using a device that can handle IPTV well is key. Android systems or Amazon Fire Stick are great options. They make it easy and convenient to watch various IPTV apps and services.

Installing the IPTV App

Getting your IPTV set up means picking a provider, getting their plan, and putting the app on your device. After logging in, you can start watching live channels and on-demand shows. It's usually simple, with instructions from your provider to help.

Enhancing Your IPTV Experience

Getting more from your IPTV means personalizing it to your liking. You can do this by using a VPN for extra security or by picking only the channels you enjoy. Accessing parental controls is another useful way to customize your experience. We'll look into each of these ideas.

Using a VPN for IPTV

A VPN, though not always a must, adds a layer of protection. It encrypts your internet use and protects your privacy. It can also let you watch shows from other countries by bypassing their viewing restrictions.

Customizing Channel Lists

Customizing your channel list can turn your IPTV experience into just what you want. You get to pick the channels you love. This is especially handy with a lot of channels. Some services even offer guides to help you find what you're looking for easily.

Parental Controls and Restrictions

IPTV services make it easy to keep your kids away from shows they shouldn't watch. You can set controls to block certain content and manage when they watch. This keeps the whole family's viewing safe and enjoyable.

IPTV vs. Traditional Cable TV: The Future of Television

Many have turned to IPTV and satellite bundles for their TV needs. IPTV provides Live, Time-Shifted, and Video on Demand services. It tends to be cheaper than cable or satellite TV. This is because IPTV services offer various affordable plans.
IPTV lets you do more than watch TV. You can pause, rewind, and fast-forward live shows. There's on-demand content and shows picked just for you. The future for IPTV looks bright. More and more people will switch to it from traditional TV. This is because it's flexible, offers lots of shows, and saves money. Technology will make IPTV even better. We'll get smoother streaming, quicker starts, and more cool features. Plus, we'll have more shows to pick from, including ones from around the world and special ones just for you.
For years, cable and satellite TV have been the main way we watch TV. But now, IPTV is making a mark. It's a cheaper and more adjustable option. IPTV is known for clear, reliable shows with less waiting and in high definition. Over-the-Top (OTT) services let you watch on different gadgets and save money. IPTV even has cool features like DVR, pausing live shows, and guides. OTT is great for its unique, top-notch shows.
The TV world is changing fast. Soon, IPTV and OTT will blend in with smart homes. It will be easy to pick what to watch with your voice. Also, things like 5G and better internet will make TV even more amazing.
Live TelevisionVideo on Demand (VOD)Time-Shifted TV Subscription-Based Services (SVOD)Ad-Supported Services (AVOD)Transactional Services (TVOD)
Generally more expensive due to bundling with other services and hardware requirements More cost-effective and accessible on a variety of devices compared to IPTV
Boasts quality and reliability due to managed networks, resulting in minimal buffering and high-definition quality streaming Offers flexibility in viewing, accessibility on multiple devices, and cost-effectiveness
Presents interactive features like DVR, pausing live TV, and interactive program guides Known for producing high-quality original content not found on traditional TV
Services are tied to specific locations and devices, limiting mobility compared to OTT services Might require multiple subscriptions for desired content, leading to content fragmentation
The future looks bright for TV. IPTV and OTT will get even better with new technology.


The digital age has changed how we watch TV. IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, is now popular. It's a good choice instead of cable or satellite.
IPTV offers a lot of channels, from about 15 to over 54,000. It's also affordable, with prices between $15 to $30 a month. You can watch TV on smart TVs, phones, tablets, and more. This makes watching TV better for everyone.
In the USA, using legal IPTV services means you're watching content from licensed sources. This makes sure you're watching without any copyright issues. When choosing an IPTV service, think about the shows they offer, channels, price, and how they help you if you have a problem.
The way we watch TV is changing thanks to IPTV. Soon, more people will watch TV this way. It offers new features and an improved way to watch. Plus, it's all done the right way, making sure artists and creators are supported.


What is IPTV?

IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. It brings TV shows and movies through the Internet to your devices. This is different from using cable or satellite dishes.

How does IPTV work?

To watch TV using IPTV, you need an internet connection. This connection sends TV shows to your device. You can watch IPTV on smart TVs, set-top boxes, or your phone.

What are the benefits of IPTV over traditional cable TV?

Unlike traditional TV, IPTV is more flexible and lets you choose what to watch when. You can see shows and movies from all over the world. Plus, it's often cheaper.

What should I consider when choosing an IPTV service provider?

When picking an IPTV service, think about what channels you can watch and how clear the picture is. Also, check if it works on your devices and how easy it is to use. Make sure they are a legal provider for your safety.

What are the risks of using unverified IPTV services?

Using IPTV services that are not verified can lead to legal troubles. They might not have the rights to show the content they stream. Although these services are cheap, they may not be safe or reliable.

What internet speed do I need for IPTV?

For watching live HD TV through IPTV, you should have around 25Mbps speed. High-speed internet is best to avoid pauses while watching.

What devices can I use to access IPTV services?

You can watch IPTV on many devices like smart TVs, set-top boxes, and mobile phones. This includes systems like Android or Amazon Fire Stick.

How important is customer support for an IPTV provider?

Good tech support and customer service are very important with IPTV. They can help you fix any problems you have while watching TV.
submitted by Annalouiz to u/Annalouiz [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:02 Particular_Age_4655 Not sure how I’m gonna live with myself after I get out.

Mornin ladies and gents,
I’m no one special, I barely made it out of high school and genuinely thought the corps would be where I found my purpose in life. It’s not, maybe it could’ve been and I’m just not the right person for it. I’ve got less than a year left of my enlistment and it’s brought about some self-reflection on how I’ve spent my time in. I won’t lie; I’m a shitbag and no, I don’t wear it like some sort of badge of honor. I’ve never excelled at anything within the corps MOS or Greenside. I’ve fucked myself over so much that no one will take me seriously. Hell, most of the time I feel like me getting my EGA was just some big fluke and somebody should have sent me home before I started. 4 years and I still can’t put my finger on the why I wasted my, and other people’s time being essentially a shame to this organization that I want to believe in. Apathy? Depression? Plain laziness? All of the above maybe? I’ve spent a stupid amount of time trying to figure where my malfunction is and I still don’t know. I don’t think my command is that bad, nor can I say most of my direct leadership is toxic. So it must be me, right? I’ve been told it’s just first enlistment BS but I doubt it would get better with time.
I don’t want to reenlist, I doubt I could even if I wanted to. I KNOW I want to just go home and get to figuring out what to do with the rest of my life. I guess my mistake is assuming the corps would consume my world the way I thought it would. Don’t get me wrong, I love this gun club. It brought me structure and taught me lessons that I sorely needed as a younger man, and of course I’ve made some wonderful connections with my fellow Marines throughout the years, connections I know I’ll look back on fondly far into the future. However I also know I brought nothing to the table, I was never the guy anyone needed at work. I am tolerated at best and avoided at worst. I became the one you warn your juniors not to be. You have all given me so much and I feel like I’ve let everything we stand for down.
I guess I just don’t want to feel like I signed away 5 years of my life to do nothing but be subpar.
Sorry for the pity party, I just don’t think I can bring this up with anyone else without being called a whiny bitch, and letting it fester with nowhere to go didn’t seem like a good course of action.
submitted by Particular_Age_4655 to USMC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:01 International_Ad1679 Kinda confused after the breakup...

Hello everyone! I apologize for the spelling mistakes, but English is not my first language..
Do you think that a relationship can end just because of one person's fault? I only ask this because I'm a little confused and hurt because the other one keeps blaming me for my mistakes, but I know that when a relationship ends both partners have a fault even if not equally... Okay now I don't know the other person's perspective in total amount and maybe I'm talking some nonsense without realizing it, but I want to open up a little so maybe I won't feel as guilty.
For a start, we're both 17 (we were probably immature because of our age) and we have a lot in common, which is why we've become so attached very fast.
We started talking in the autumn of 2023, around the end of October. It was a long distance relationship. For almost 2 weeks it was all very nice and we understood each other perfectly, I felt that the happiness we carried in our hearts at that time could not be true, especially as I didn't want at all to give love another chance after a disappointment that took place almost a year before; but here begins the first bad period of us. He told me that a good friend of his (girl) fallen in love with him and I couldn't argue, it seemed logical to me that he should choose her being from the same town and the same high school as him. Their relationship ended in December after she left him for another boy. I don't know if this somehow made him go crazy, but all the girlfriends he had before me cheated on him after around 2 months together and he kept jumping from relationship to relationship, I think that because in September he had another girl. Maybe he has traumas from them...
After this I wanted to give him a second chance because something in me told me that it would be okay, and he regretted badly what he had done because he admitted to me that he was walking down the street with her but with me in his head. We got back together and it was all good, but "us" only worked for 5 more months, the last two of which we just fought all the time.
These fights probably happened because we both have different lifestyles, different dreams, different traumas, different families, many other different things.
We would argue even if I didn't do what he wanted or didn't agree with what he said. He once told me he would buy me a pair of underwear just because he liked the way it looked (my guess is that if he showed me a picture of one of his exes dressed up in that underwear and that could have meant that he wanted to buy it for the thought of her, maybe it was just my opinion).
When this happened he would actually yell and keep saying that I was just lying him, that I just wanted to make fun of him, that I didn't want to change at all, I don't want to repeat how he used to call me. He also spoke to me in sarcasm, even though I explained that I didn't understand it and I didn't like it. That's why he also left saying he was tired of how complicated I can be and would rather go to another girl than fix it with me.
To be honest, this is what destroyed me the most and I can't get over it. Maybe I'm being narcissistic in saying this, but I feel that if he really cared he would have helped me heal my trauma, get rid of the problem with thinking and paying attention if he noticed that I couldn't do it alone. I tried going to a psychologist and practice alons but the problem keep apearing around him.
As an honest idea I will tell you that I loved him most sincerely and forgave him everything, I accepted the fact that he had problems, he had problems with his past and I accepted that too, I prayed to God for him and his family, I let him spend time with his friends (lately he spent more time with them than with me), all those just so I wouldn't lose him.... I know I was extremely demeaning myself as a girl and future woman, but I was thinking with my soul but not with my brain in those moments, I felt that he was different... He also told me that I was the only one who loved him so sincerely and much, stayed by his side and really cared for him.
We still kept in touch but he started to be changed, he still cares about me but he started to keep telling me words like: if you wanted to you would do it, from me you don't get any other chance, we could have been fine but you didn't didn't wanted to do what I asked you to do, fix yourself and many of these... He was very sweet at the begging... It's worth mentioning that we broke up 3 days ago.
In the future he said he would give me another chance but every time I try to show him that I realized my mistakes and now I really won't make them again he keeps telling me it's too late and that I'm a fool. He also keeps passing me around and telling me to go to other guys and find a better one but it seems in all the guys I see him and I don't want to ruin an innocent boy just because he wasn't able to love me and I'm left with trauma. He probably only acts like this because of his trauma. He broke my heart that day and it made me feel guilty for everything that happened and regret...
It's probably all my fault that it's come to this... But I have this bad behavior where I get attached quickly because I didn't get much love as a child and I just wanted to give him everything I didn't have got... I also felt bad for his past... I tried my best to love him and make him feel loved... We had made so many plans for the future and it really hurts that we can't realize them...
Thank you so much to those of you who have made the effort to read all of this text! I wrote here so that at least here I can open up to other people.
submitted by International_Ad1679 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:00 Outrageous_Yak_4381 My psychologist friend pointed out that my upbringing may be the reason i have such bad confidence

Ive always been timid and uncertain, even growing up. I’ve always chalked it up to general shyness and awkwardness and said it would go as i got older.
Im a chef by trade (this is relevant), and a few weeks ago i had some friends over at my parents place for pizza. As they were eating they all agreed that it was one of the best pizza’s they ever ate. My dad however, said that it could be much better. A friend of mine who knows me very well and studies psychology later brought this up in private conversation suggesting it could be a reason why i’ve always had low confidence. I didn’t think much of it at the time as i’m not one to be sensitive over someone’s opinion and generally like to hear feedback. But it did get me thinking about a few things.
I grew up with a traditional father. During this time i don’t really remember a single moment where my dad congratulated me, admitted he was mistaken, or made me feel like i was good enough. My mistakes were always pointed out. When i was in school, i didn’t study hard enough, if i was caught spending some of my free time enjoying personal hobbies, i was scolded for wasting time.
Being a businessman, my father also questioned my choice in pursuing hospitality.
When i started working, i never worked hard enough. If i confided in him regarding problems at work, my dad always found a way to blame me for my issues. And while i appreciate the accountability that it’s given me. I have also developed the habit of letting people walk all over me because I always figured i never had a good enough reason not too.
I love what i do but no matter how hard i work or how many people tell me my food is good. It never satisfies me, i’m never fully happy with what i do. It’s like the idea of being “good enough” is in front of me but i can never reach it.
My entire life it’s like I’ve had a second voice at the back of my head doubting every single thing i do. Telling me that is not good enough and i can do better or questioning whether i can do something . And the older i get the more it sounds like my dad.
Even when i got my degree and graduated at the top of my year. All i got was a luke warm “nice”.
Im flying home to visit my parents and was discussing with my father over which route might be best to get there. And the response i got was “i can’t believe i have to explain to my 23 year old son how to book a flight” . In the same disappointed tone that ive heard all of my life.
I’m not normally sensitive. But something about the way he said it hurt as i started to think of all the times i was convinced that ill never be good enough.
submitted by Outrageous_Yak_4381 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:58 g3thic [F4A][Literate] Attack on Titan!

I honestly feel like the AoT fandom has died lately, where are all the fans at? Seriously lol I haven’t heard anyone mention it in forever. But I’m still here! I’d love to do an AoT roleplay with somebody. The story is beautiful, even if it is quite gruesome and sad. There are still aspects that still shine out, one of the main reasons as to why it’ll always hold the place of favorite anime in my heart.
To start things off, a small introduction on my part. You can call me Hina or Hinata and I’m from Japan. I’m currently in the GMT+1 timezone temporarily for vacation but I usually am in the PST timezone. I’m mentioning this because sometimes time zones can matter or change the roleplay/roleplay friendships. I don’t mind what timezone you’re in, honestly, as long as we can talk things out without a longggg pause. I have been writing since I was 9 when I joined a writing campaign and a story competition held by my school which sparked the writeroleplayer in me and I am currently 22 years old. To finish my introduction off, I am someone who listens to goth music/vkei (i LOVE plastic tree. i’m so happy to see they got some of their popularity back on tiktok), I like to play and watch basketball, I watch anime and I am currently rewatching bluelock as a refresher, and.. I also play many video games.
Now onto things I’m looking for roleplay-wise. I mentioned something about Attack on Titan but I didn’t talk about anything really specific. That’s the thing. I don’t mind what story we do. It could be something modern AU with the original characters, another story of Mikasa and Eren, maybe even an OC with one of the characters in a more modern setting. It could also be something done in the original timeline. Going through the events of becoming a scout and the rumbling as two other oc’s or one OC and one original character. I’m honestly down for anything! Just hit me with it.
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:57 zuchinimeanies Guy I’m seeing won’t put a title on our relationship

I (F25) have been seeing this guy (M29) for a little over 3 months. The attraction was instant from our first date and we want the same things: to go to school, get married, have children, etc. He’s in the military but at a disabled unit/LIMDU. When I met him I learned he had a disabled knee and was waiting for a knee replacement surgery that would put him on bed rest for up to a year. That didn’t bother me whatsoever.
Since we’ve met we’ve been on multiple dates, come over each others house all the time, met each others friends, met some of my family, and text daily. Haven’t been a “fight” but have had conflict discussions and have always come to a common ground. Overall I really like him and can easily see a future for us.
Only downside is he hasn’t put a title on us and is scared to due to future circumstances. He got his surgery a few weeks ago and is now recovering but in October his orders at his unit will be up and if they evaluate him and determine he’s good to go back full active duty (I highly highly doubt it tbh) he can be stationed anywhere. If they don’t determine him good to go back out he’ll most likely be medically separated (his hopes). I asked him about us a couple days ago and he said he’s scared to put a title on us due to the uncertainty of the future and initially i understood but now I feel frustrated. Life is full on uncertainties and if we try to plan we could be waiting forever. I’ve been in situationships before and I don’t want to potentially be in one again. I’ve made it adamant I’m not going anywhere and I support him during this time. How should I go about this?
submitted by zuchinimeanies to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:56 rafe1990 Gamming laptop that runs solid works and other CAD applications.

Hello I'm planning to get back to school at the end of the next year. The plan is to sell my ps5 and use the money to buy a gamming laptop that can optimally run CAD applications so I can practice for my classes and play games in quality equivalent or higher than the ps5 so I can relax in my free time.
What should be my start point and how much should I be prepared to spend?
submitted by rafe1990 to Laptop [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:54 Cars_and_guns_gal I think I have survivors guilt, and it's so frustrating

I (23f) grew up with a sister and brother. We were all "homeschooled" and when I was around 20yrs old we all figured out the covert narcissist nature of our mother and enabler father (more like we knew what to name it). I moved out at 20, got married and now have almost 5 month old daughter and have been NC with parents since my daughter was 2wks old. My siblings however are a different story.
My brother (25m) has job hoped, ruined really good paying jobs, ruined his driving record, has a lot of depression and blames his whole life on my parents. We have tons of conversations how to improve his life and move out (yeah he's living in his car on their property) he's very smart but he'd rather sit at home all day, not work and just blame his life on how they screwed us.
My sister (18f) also lives with them, she works at a really bad job, gets paid under minimum wage, her boss is verbally abusive and actually insane, my sister and her coworkers hide from her. She actually pees on her patio and sh*ts in her bed, she has tried to choke a gardener there. My sister won't leave tho because of her lack of schooling (we were "homeschooled" but my sister basically has a 3rd grade education because my mom did nothing and then blamed us older kids that we didn't teach her) she's afraid to get another job. I told her to get her education up to speed and she says she's not afraid of doing doing the work but she's infuriated why she has to (my mom). But she still isn't doing it! Then if I tell her to study she gets mad at me like I'm attacking her when I'm trying to help. She's young and kinda ignorant and doesn't see the big picture. She went from one bad place (home) to another.
In short, I told them if they are so mad at my parents and have zero respect for them (rightfully so) I don't get why they stay!? They don't need too, my sister I can understand more but my brother? I want to smack both of them, ALL of our conversations always lead back to this topic and they're answers are always the same. "My life was so bad, I'm screwed, its all their fault" then we make plans and they never follow through and it leads to nothing. We all grew up in the same house, yet I got out. All their excuses just seem to be that.
Can't anyone else relate? Advice? I've always been a mom figure to them since kids since my mom wasn't and I love them but now with my own family and their lack of effort to help themselves I'm feeling very frustrated and drained. I don't know what to do.
submitted by Cars_and_guns_gal to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:53 techDapr My First PC build, some observations

Did the build yesterday, took quite a while to finish. I live in Ireland so I ordered everything from amazon Germany. I have been watching PC build videos for years now and I think that did help me out. Couple of things that I noticed and want to share: - Try to get opinions from other people, my build is completely different from how it started. I got most of my help from reddit and Ltt forums. - Always consider shipping price, for me Amazon added it at the end during checkout and that was a surprise. - It's better to bios update before building (flashback if your board allows) especially for AM5 builds cause I have seen a lot of people running into issues on multiple subs. - You will never find a component where people haven't run into issues. Buy components that fits your budget, research and pray that nothing goes wrong. - Read the motherboard manual. Don't just follow random YouTube build guides. Use those guides as supplementary help but read the manual. - PSU cables are really tight, I saw YouTubers yanking them out easily all the time but in reality you need to go slow and wiggle it out carefully. - GPU sag is real, use anything at all to help your GPU. I used a piece of wood. It ain't pretty but it does the job. - Try to test boot your system before putting it in the case. Saves you a lot of time. - New cases have tight screws, I spent a lot of time figuring out if the screws were right but they will be.
I would also like your suggestions on my build, here's the parts: Mobo: Asrock B650M-HDV/M.2 CPU: Ryzen 5 7600 RAM: 2x16GB Corsair Vengeance CL36 GPU: XFX Speedster Qick319 RX7800XT Case: Fractal Focus 2 I plan on getting a thermalright peerless assassin 120, a wifi card, and another case fan later. Also I might tidy up the cable management a bit more, it's just that I was tired after 3 hours of this build. My Mobo has no RGB header so I went with non RGB components. Only downside is that I have a lot of RGB cables dangling from case fans and I might lose 10FPS because of no RGB but I can live with that.
submitted by techDapr to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:53 FunReasonable9024 Ex-friends are truly troublesome.

I had a close friend at school and we spent a lot of time together. We were always together in class and talked a lot. She used to be part of a very close friend group who I was also friends with, but they had a falling out because she said some hurtful things about them to someone else and one of the friends heard. After that, she became closer to me but I was wary of getting involved in their friendship drama. Later, I found out that she was talking negatively about her old friends and my friends to her new group, which made me uncomfortable. Apparently, her old friends were waiting for her apology. So I decided to distance myself from her to see how she would react(which was a bad idea on my part). During that time, she barely spoke to me as well. Since then, we have stopped talking.
Now her new friend group believes it was my fault that we're no longer friends, even though it was technically both our fault since she barely spoke to me . Sometimes her friend group would ask me about the situation right in front of her which I don't like at all😑. But either way, I find this troublesome.
submitted by FunReasonable9024 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]