Best friend quotese

witty and creative; funny and exquisite

2012.06.07 18:34 joekerr_tv witty and creative; funny and exquisite

outrageous stories about you and your friends. the good, the bad, and the slightly disturbed.

2021.10.28 14:58 nasir_ran DogIsBestFriend

Celebrate the unbreakable bond between humans and their beloved canine companions. Share heartwarming stories, cute pics, and valuable advice on all things dog-related. From training tips to amusing anecdotes, this engaging community is a global haven for dog lovers. Be part of a passionate group that believes in the power of unconditional love and loyalty. Wagging tails and wet noses bring endless joy here! Embrace the paw-some world of dogs and cherish the friendships that make life wag-worthy

2012.08.07 08:19 PostYourSinks Man's Best Friend


2024.06.09 22:10 Fun_Competition2781 I need 🌟

I need 🌟 submitted by Fun_Competition2781 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:10 Bpdfamilysupport Mourning the fact my family is messed up and ill never have a relationship with my sibling

They just refuse help and feel the world revolves around them. They don’t ever think they are in the wrong and are impossible to get along with. It devastates me bc we were so close as kids. I could have sworn back in the day we’d have the best life in the future and have such fun lives as adults and remain close friends but nope.
submitted by Bpdfamilysupport to BPDFamily [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:09 savvyres Edie, Gaby, Bree are not boss babes, they are morally compromised individuals with rich and pretty privilege. And their owning being horrible to serve their interests and not doing anything to become a good human doesn’t make them any better than those who don’t own it. Not even in the slightest.

The today’s Edie vs Susan poll and the stark results made me realise something.. a lot of people who like Edie (and other horrible ladies) generally think they are supporting badass or boss-babes because they are snarky and “own” the horrible self. But Edie was not even a girl’s girl. Edie wasn’t anything what woman empowerment should look like. She was a predator, neither a good friend, mother or partner, nor respectful to other women. She did not have a single redeemable quality, and yet if she is preferred over a clearly more moral and better human, who was a single mother raising her daughter, after taking a stand for herself by kicking out her cheating partner, is a good friend to her close friends and has a career even if it’s not as high paying as a realtor.. then no one should get fooled by this woman empowerment and bad-bitch nonsense.
Same is the case for Bree and Gaby too, atleast Edie made her own money and took care of herself.. they both couldn’t live a day without a man who will satisfy their physical emotional and financial needs. They didn’t work hard to have all that money and worked the least in the show.. Bree’s business was all due to Katherine’s efforts and recipes and her ex-husbands funds both on whom she cheated.. she couldn’t restart it neither did she have any intention to do that. Working for 5 years in your life and fraudulently taking credit of someone else’s work and earning money is not comparable to working for years over years to make your family financially secure and stable like Lynette, or Susan, who worked across all the seasons, even had a closed mindset for money where they were pinching pennies or acting petty.. that’s what people who fall short of money often have to do. Gaby and Carlos kept getting lucky with money, either someone died at the right time and left them with inheritance or they got settlements from hospitals. Their snarky comments do not make them nice or appealing. You would not want people like that around you in real life and no they are not badasses. They are snarky selfish shits who get away with saying things only privileged people can get away with. It’s not self awareness, it’s the opposite of it.
submitted by savvyres to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:09 creepoet Would I be the Ahole If I don't take my mother's side?

My mother (and my deceased father) have a very old group of friends. So much so that when my father and his friends met, they were still in primary school. When my father died when I was 18, my father's friends were always with me. and I love them all and try to stay in touch. Now that I've explained the background, I can move on to the main event. A month ago, my father's friends' wives and my mother went to spend time at the summer house of one of them. While this was happening, the husbands also went traveling. When they were returning home after this event, my mother and a few other people were in the same car. The person in the vehicle whose name I will call "A" told something about "P" from the group. I don't know what A said, but P somehow heard it and told the others what A had done. Thereupon, the people in the group took a stand against A and his wife. I like them both very much. A's son Y is my best friend. I learned the events from him and I got very upset. He said that they thought it was my mother who distorted what A said and passed it on to P. That's why they don't want Y to see me, but Y didn't mind. My mother has not been very well since my father died, her behavior has changed a lot in the last 3 years. My mother didn't tell me anything and that made me suspicious. Now I'm thinking of confronting my mother about this. Would I be an Ahole if I blamed my mother and asked her to apologize?
submitted by creepoet to WouldIBeTheAhole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:08 clipper_beacon_light 5 Year Relationship Ending and I feel Terrible

Coming to terms with the end of this relationship is very hard. We have been through so much together and I care so deeply about her. About 6 months ago I started to feel like our life goals might not be the same. She had always been so certain about what she wanted in life and I was the one who was unsure. This was the first real intense relationship I had ever had. She was the first and only woman I had ever loved and it took me months to say it out loud. We were on vacation and when the words first left my mouth. I didn't even intend on saying it that day. It just slipped out, but I meant it. It was such a special day and the rest of the vacation felt like a honeymoon. We were best friends from the beginning and even months and years into our relationship we would still chat on the phone for hours, cuddle and were literally inseparable. We had various problems throughout our relationship too, from mental health to communication, but we were always in it together. Cracks started to emerge when we talked about our future together. She was certain she never wanted children and I was always unsure. My views started to change about 6 months ago but I was terrified to tell her. I knew how badly it would hurt and wanted but just couldn't bring myself to say it. Yesterday she asked me and I told her the truth. I know there is no compromise here and we have both taken it really hard. I feel so cowardly and selfish for not telling her six months ago, but I just couldn't bare to break my best friends heart.
submitted by clipper_beacon_light to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:08 iHas2manyKnives Mod options for an old 1377?

One of my friends gave me a 1377 that was laying in his garage for probably 15 or 20 years. Did a full tear down and cleaned off pretty much every part, worked the trigger a bit and have it shooting just fine. I’d love to modify/upgrade it just as a fun little project. Not interested in converting it to .22, I already have a couple other .22 guns. Where would my best choice be for finding a longer barrel, maybe one even threaded at the end? I know Crosman sells the steel breech but I’m really interested in a 12-18 inch barrel for velocity/accuracy purposes. Eventually wanna make this into a carbine with a custom wood stock I will make similar to the one you can purchase from Crosman.
Open to any other bonus mods for these, aesthetic or functional!
submitted by iHas2manyKnives to airguns [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:07 kaytheone1989 Aaron Hernandez/P.Diddy conspiracy

I have a wild one
Soo now that all this happens around p.diddy, I lately heard all of the prison phone calls from Aaron hernandez the football player who murdered people, and in one of them he told his friend that he almost bagged Cassie, and we know Cassie was in a relationship with p diddy who is extremely jealous could it be that he put all of this stuff on aaron? With his massive contact all around and in the government?? Because of jealousy just a thought of mine lol. Sorry my English is not the best
submitted by kaytheone1989 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:07 Early_Pizza_3440 M33 breakup, it’s been three years almost and I’m still not over thinking what could of been - we still talk

Me and my ex broke up almost three years ago because of location.
We had an amazing relationship and I have not one single bad work to say about her.
Anyway, long story short we met up a couple times and we’re both single. For some reason we feel like friends, I don’t feel that sexual chemistry.
It’s really sad we kinda broke up again after dating each other or tried to date each other.
I can’t seem to shake that feeling of losing a best friend almost. Eating me up inside as she is an amazing human, so kind but that time apart something changed.
Has anyone been though this before?
submitted by Early_Pizza_3440 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:07 manateabag Not much better after 7 months NC - tangent

Some history - I've never been lucky in love in my life, first because I was awkward looking until my 20s, and then because I couldn't give what most men want in the casual friendly, fwb desiring, non-mono world of dating in a major city. I've only ever always wanted to settle down and live a happy DINK life. I've always been happy to be a "good girl" with a close, small pool of friends and family I'd die for.
My ex was the best relationship I ever had. He wanted the same things. We weren't perfect (he was a total slob, drank and bar-hopped way too much for my comfort, still lived with roommates in his mid 30s when I had been on my own for a decade, horrible with money and career, questionable friends, etc) but we both felt perfect for each other. I'm sure he spoke of my carreer-obsession, clean-freakness, anxiety perfectionism and introvertedness with the same gloom I speak of his flaws. We all have them! He called me the most supportive girlfriend he ever had. We acknowledged we were each other's forever people.
I loved him at his worst. He is a depression/SSRI lifer. I cleaned his blood, cared for him when he was ill with COVID at the risk to my own health, was his pickup after a procedure where he needed to be put under at a hospital, was patient when he was unable to say "I love you" until a year into the relationship when I was saying it 6 months in because of his issues.
I had a breakdown in front of him last August after being out of work for an extended period of time due to the Hollywood Strikes and running out of unemployment benefits. He left me because of it. Our wonderful relationship came to a violent, abrupt end with tears and screaming and me ending up on antidepressants and working minimum wage to keep afloat as my job still refused to return.
Leaving me at my worst after all I ever did for him was abhorrent. He is an abhorrent person, and he never loved me like I loved him. I have come to terms with that in therapy that he's avoidant, had no reason to blow up an otherwise healthy relationship, and even if my career was fine he'd PROBABLY be the type to leave me if I became seriously terminally ill.
We last spoke 7 months ago. I had tried to repair the relationship because I was so sure he was the person for me. I gave him the space he wanted to consider it, but in the end all he could ever offer me was "friendship", which I could not do. Our last conversation was also violent and awful. He blocks me on all social media. We go NC. I delete his photos, his number, throw away anything he gave me. He's dead in my mind.
So we come to two days ago. Over the last seven months I've slowly been rebuilding my life after losing everything. I'm working in my field in my passion again, my debts are being paid off, I'm close to family and friends who really came through for me during the most tumultuous time of my life, I made new friends during my dark night of the soul at the minimum wage job who are true gems. I'm not ready to date again actively on apps, but open to meeting someone in person if it happened. I think about him every day, usually with rage, but I still cry now and then, but they've been episodes months apart now.
I saw him for the first time two days ago. On the road. My car is VERY distinct because I've cared for it well and made some cute little mods. His is too, because he's still carrying an out of state plate and his car looks like shit. He's dense, but I'm SURE he saw me. I saw him.
It was the worst feeling ever. Because I've been trying to rewire my brain into thinking he's dead. And, I don't want him knowing I'm alive for some reason. I've had a lump in my throat ever since.
Fuck, you'd think I'd be better after 7 whole months of NC...
TL;DR - relationship that I thought would lead to marriage ended violently after abandonment, NC for 7 months, saw him on the road the other day and am still a wreck
submitted by manateabag to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:07 KTIKNA_the_pancake Me convincing my future child that he must be best friends with bro's child (the lore must continue)

submitted by KTIKNA_the_pancake to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:07 Trevor519 A Guide to Counting Scales and Their Uses – Benefits, Applications, and More!

Counting scales are specialized weighing instruments widely used across industries to streamline inventory counts, enhance efficiency, and ensure accuracy, particularly during stocktake periods. These digital scales have become indispensable tools for businesses aiming to optimize productivity and inventory management.
How Do Counting Scales Work?
Counting scales operate similarly to standard weighing scales but are equipped with additional functions for division and multiplication operations, making them ideal for verifying large volumes of identical parts. Calibration is crucial before use, either through calibration weights or predefined procedures.
After calibration, a sample unit is measured to calculate its weight, which serves as the average weight for individual items. Using this average weight, the scale accurately determines the quantity of pieces based on the total weight placed on it. Features like tare functionality ensure consistent accuracy by subtracting the weight of containers or packaging materials.
Who Uses Counting Scales?
Counting scales are prevalent across various industries in North America, including:
How to Correctly Use a Counting Scale?
While specific instructions may vary based on the scale's model and manufacturer, the following general steps can maximize the effectiveness of counting scales:
  1. Set the Scale to Zero: Ensure proper calibration and zeroing of the scale to guarantee accurate measurements.
  2. Place Container and Set Tare: Use tare functionality to subtract the weight of containers or packaging materials, focusing solely on the items being counted.
  3. Weigh a Sample Size: Measure a sample of items to establish the average weight for individual pieces.
  4. Place Total Items & Calculate: Weigh the full batch of items to be counted, allowing the scale to calculate the quantity based on the total weight and average weight of a single item.
Choosing the Right Counting Scale
Consider the following factors when selecting counting scales:
A&D’s Counting Scales for North American Businesses
Explore A&D’s range of counting scales tailored to meet the diverse needs of North American businesses:
Join our community to discover more about counting scales, engage with fellow North American professionals, and stay updated on the latest innovations and best practices in weighing technology!
submitted by Trevor519 to andweighing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:07 Internal_Anteater_22 Dating profile question?

When creating a dating profile, I’ve heard that it’s best to put what you are looking for on your profile I.E. relationship, friends etc... However, I got to thinking, wouldn’t it be smarter to not put what you’re looking for, then just ask the person what they’re looking for when you match with them? That way you’re validating that the person is actually looking for the same thing as you?
What do you guys think?
submitted by Internal_Anteater_22 to u/Internal_Anteater_22 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:06 ViVeT1982 New fan here !

My friend took me to see them live 2 weeks ago in MontrĂŠal, its easily in my top 5 best show i've ever seen in my life and now i can't stop listening to them ever since, i discover a new favorite song every day ,right now its Blood Sport !
submitted by ViVeT1982 to SleepToken [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:05 thr0w4w4733 Because of a concert ticket, I now know it’s best that I cease to exist.

‼️Skip to end for story‼️
⚠️CW: SA, addiction, abuse, neglect, mental health, suicide.
My life has been a damn wreck since before I was talking I assume. My parents were clean from their addictions (alcohol and drugs) before having me, and then relapsed afterwards. They were rather abusive, physically and mentally due to their addiction and mental disorders diagnosed later in life. Not to mention the fact I was neglected as well. I’ll spare you the details but some of my memories from this time had only resurfaced when I was 14. When I was 4, I was placed under the care of my grandparents. It’ll be 13 years since then later in the year.
Now, though things are not as bad at home as they were back then, there are other things that have just fucked me over. Being autistic, being sexually assaulted more than once by different people, including actively by my youngest brother (though the age gap is massive + I’m the eldest of 4, does that even count?), which lead to me becoming hypersexual. Also not even considering the fact I could have lived long enough to start applying to universities, let alone even finishing school. My first attempt was at 10 years old in the school bathroom, though the method was stupid I was really hurting, and that hurt has never left me.
I always have guilt for burdening others; family, friends, my boyfriend/best friend. I’m becoming such a toxic person to be around because of my mental health and abandonment issues caused by the neglect. In the past 3-4 years I have also started hallucinating frequently and having delusions and (what seems to be) manic episodes.
!!!! Though, what really triggered me to write all of this down for Reddit was something that happened yesterday. At a family member’s birthday party in which most people (including myself) were drinking, my brother (13M) was talking to some family and then asked for a private conversation with me. He asked to buy my concert ticket off me, which all of my siblings were offered to be given by my aunts if we payed back the price (£80 + train ticket), which took me months of hard work. This in itself shocked me since he was adamant about not wanting to go, though I asked if he had the money now, since I am saving for a trip with BF to his home country, to which he said no. He sulked and went back to my family. Everyone sided with him apart from BF and grandmother, and even offered to pay that up front now. My aunts seems to encourage him to ask me. This may not seem like something big to most people, but for the past year or so, it’s become apparent that I’m not really wanted around, which makes me so upset. Family means the entire world to me, and to lose my family for a second time may genuinely kill me. It’s almost killed me before so it’s not really out of left field. Idk if I want advice or what but I just had to put this out there. Thankyou for reading!
submitted by thr0w4w4733 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:05 FreudsShowerThoughts Spouse of someone on the spectrum - advice

My (38 f) partner (40 m) and I have been together for almost 15 years, married 10. We have three kids, two of which (the only m and oldest f) are AuDHD. I have LONG suspected hubby is on the spectrum also, although he has never been formally diagnosed (he was, however, diagnosed w/ adhd as a child). I don't want to sound like I'm overgeneralizing, but some of the reasons I think he is on the spectrum:
Autism runs in his family, as he has two first cousins on the spectrum, both of whom are probably more a level 2 in terms of diagnosis (I'm only saying that in terms of context and hopefully not coming across in an insulting manner). I'd say he's more of an aspie, although I realize they don't use that diagnosis anymore. He's successful in his chosen field and has really worked hard to get to where he is now.
Here's the thing - sometimes it can be emotionally exhausting. There are times when he has said things or doesn't seem to understand where I'm coming from. Also, the addition of having two children on the spectrum (one who is high-functioning and takes after Dad; the other who struggles with emotional regulation and needs moderate supports in school) can really drain me at times. We have been thru ALOT with our child who is higher needs: in-school suspensions, undesirable and somewhat abusive behaviors, but it has gotten better in the past year with a new medication regimen.
I am also so grateful for how smart, funny, creative, and unique my kiddos and partner are. We can have conversations that are WAY above our kiddos age level, about politics, social issues, etc., and my husband shares unique views about things that have made us the best of friends.... But ultimately, I'm only human and can feel burned out sometimes when I feel misunderstood, slighted, or not appreciated.
If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading my rambling. I guess I'm just looking for practical advice on how to cope, if that's even the right word to use. Tia
submitted by FreudsShowerThoughts to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:04 Pitiful-Alternative7 Writing and Releasing: What platforms do I use for book release?

I'm lost in a spiral of what the hell do I do now??
I'm an avid writer, and much of my writing has developed over the years, but my current position is that I have around 8 different stories that are in varying degrees of readiness to release into the world... And not a single clue in the world what I'm meant to do with them. Some even have sequels.
I have several issues really, but...
Primarily, I absolutely do not feel like I want to publish under my own name... while I doubt I'll ever reach the likes of John Green or Dan Brown, I don't want to risk any of me being associated with them. I feel the urge to release, but I don't want to risk any sort of renown. Like 0.
Secondly, as I write as a hobby, I work a full time job, as well as raising a family, meaning I do not have the funds to put behind self publishing - like getting an editor. I have a very good friend who owns their own publishing company, but it is very small and mostly poetry. I write mostly fantasy fiction.
As a reader, I've come across several options regarding publishing... but I've got a whole heap of confusion...
Traditional Publishing - but that's tricky and lets be honest, the chances are rare.
Self Publishing (Amazon) - I'm really open to this as an idea, but I'd want to get my stuff properly edited properly first, and well, this is where the financial concerns step in. Plus then there's still advertising, formatting... There will be an incredibly steep learning curve...
Writing Apps - I've been writing some bits based on the stuff I've been reading. Its trashy, sexually driven, but also it's fun, and I enjoy writing it and reading it back, as much (usually more) than the stuff I've been reading on the apps which is often poorly written and formatted. But I do know about the questionable contracts. But also, its potentially some upfront earnings for me to begin funding the self publishing for my other works.
Website creation - this is an idea that's occurred to me recently, why not just create my own website and post it, I could use advertising to help fund it, but I'm fully aware of the risks of this... I open myself of various issues. And I'm not sure I have the constitution to deal with those.
I just don't quite know what to do... I know I would like do something with my works, and ideally earn something from them, because, well, I put some serious work into them... But the what do I do? I'm reading so much information online Writers Beware, Writers and Artists... But I'm still so conflicted and unsure of the best way forward...
Has anyone else got any ideas which I've not considered? Or attempted any of the above and have some advice?
submitted by Pitiful-Alternative7 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:04 SelectionOptimal7348 Banishing the Evil Eye with Blockchain Magic: Meet Our Bitcoin QR Code Maker App!

Banishing the Evil Eye with Blockchain Magic: Meet Our Bitcoin QR Code Maker App!
Hey there, crypto enthusiasts and mystical mavens! Have you ever felt a chill down your spine, like someone’s envious glare is weighing you down? Or perhaps you’re knee-deep in blockchain transactions and wish for a bit of ancient magic to secure your digital assets? Well, guess what? You can protect yourself from the evil eye and enhance your Bitcoin dealings all at once. Welcome to the world of our Bitcoin QR Code Maker app, where the old meets the new in the most enchanting way possible!

The Enigmatic Evil Eye

First, let's unravel the mystery of the evil eye. The evil eye is a malevolent glare believed to cause harm, misfortune, or bad luck. Cultures worldwide have various ways to protect against it, from wearing amulets to chanting spells. It’s been a spooky part of human folklore for centuries, but today we’re blending this ancient belief with modern technology.

Embracing Blockchain Magic

Enter the blockchain—a realm as mysterious and powerful as the folklore surrounding the evil eye. Blockchain technology is the backbone of cryptocurrencies, ensuring secure and transparent transactions. But here’s the real magic: our Bitcoin QR Code Maker app! It’s like a digital amulet that protects and simplifies your crypto transactions.

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Imagine the Bitcoin QR Code as a talisman that secures your digital assets. Our app generates these codes effortlessly, ensuring your transactions are as smooth and secure as possible. Here’s why it’s your new best friend:
  1. Simplicity: Creating a Bitcoin QR code with our app is a breeze. Whether you're a tech novice or a blockchain wizard, you can generate codes in seconds.
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  3. Convenience: Need to pay for your latte with Bitcoin or transfer funds to a friend? Simply scan the Bitcoin QR code and voila! Transaction complete.

Banishing the Evil Eye with Technology

Let’s dive deeper into how our Bitcoin QR Code Maker app is your shield against the digital evil eye:
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A Day in the Life with Our Bitcoin QR Code Maker

Imagine you’re starting your day, and you need to make several Bitcoin transactions. Here’s how our app can help:
  1. Morning Coffee Run: You stop by your favorite café that accepts Bitcoin. Instead of fumbling with addresses, you simply scan the café’s Bitcoin QR code. Your coffee is paid for, and you’re out the door in no time, free from the evil eye of judgmental baristas.
  2. Business Transactions: You’re running a small business and need to send payments to suppliers. Generate a blockchain private key QR code to secure the transaction, ensuring it reaches the right hands without any risk.
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Why You’ll Love Our Bitcoin QR Code Maker

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  3. Universal Appeal: Whether you’re a crypto newbie or a seasoned trader, our Bitcoin QR code generator is designed for everyone. It’s the perfect tool to simplify your crypto life.

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As we hurtle towards a future where digital transactions are the norm, the need for secure, efficient, and user-friendly tools becomes ever more critical. Our Bitcoin QR Code Maker app is leading the charge, combining the magic of blockchain technology with the practicalities of everyday use.
Imagine a world where financial transactions are as simple as a scan, where security is a given, and where the fear of the evil eye (or any prying eyes) is a thing of the past. With our app, this world is not just a dream but a reality.

Final Thoughts

In a world where ancient fears meet modern technology, our Bitcoin QR Code Maker app stands as a beacon of security and simplicity. It’s your digital amulet against the evil eye, ensuring your Bitcoin transactions are swift, secure, and hassle-free.
Ready to banish the evil eye from your crypto dealings? Embrace the power of our Bitcoin QR Code Maker app today. Visit Bitcoin QR Code Maker and start your journey towards a safer, faster, and more magical transaction experience.
So, equip yourself with the best in blockchain protection, and let our app be your guide in the exciting world of Bitcoin. Happy transacting, and may you always be free from the evil eye’s glare!
submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:04 Individual_Ticket189 Pregnant after traumatic birth 10 years ago.

Hello first post ever so I’m nervous about that and the situation. 😅 I am 26 and I got pregnant at 16 the first time I had sex. I married the father at 20 and we are still in love and married today. I recently found out I’m pregnant with our second. I haven’t had a child in ten years. To say I’m nervous is an understatement. I had a very traumatic delivery with my son when I was 16. Specifically because I had literally no say so whatsoever about delivering him or anything else for that matter. My mother and grandmother called the shots. They asked for me to be induced. They induced me on my due date. I was in labor for 4 days, finally things had gotten so grim that I had to have an emergency c-section. The epidural never worked. So I was in and out of consciousness from the pain. When I went back for the surgery, as soon as they made the first incision, I was wide awake and screaming bloody murder. They didn’t have time to put me to sleep and I felt everything. This doesn’t even begin to describe how traumatic that truly was, but just a small description. Now to the question, how do I deal with being pregnant again without being so anxious about the delivery? I am truly terrified. I can’t sleep because I have dreams of my first delivery. I can’t eat because I don’t have the stomach for it from the constant worry.
I’d like to add that when I had my son at 16 his father and I have taken care of him every single day since. We busted our asses to move out at 17 when he was 4 months old and he has always lived with us. He’s always been our sole responsibility and we’ve happily accepted that, cared for him and love him. Our son is truly our best friend. We have had little to no help and it has made the bond we have with him something that is so special. I was told at 15 I could never have kids. And that Dr was absolutely wrong. He was working on literally outdated information. Thank you for read.
submitted by Individual_Ticket189 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:04 EspesciallyEpic I made a bftv episode tier list because I had time on my hands

I made a bftv episode tier list because I had time on my hands submitted by EspesciallyEpic to BestFriendsToday [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:03 Jethro197 Friends said I should pair it down... what looks best? Beard n Goatee or Stache?

Friends said I should pair it down... what looks best? Beard n Goatee or Stache? submitted by Jethro197 to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:03 Substantial-Gas-1965 Part time job opportunity

🌞 Summer Job Alert! 🚐
Hey everyone! As the summer road trips begin & our RV rental business is picking up the pace, we're looking for energetic and detail-oriented individuals to join our team for a seasonal job opportunity that will shine as bright as the sun! ☀️
Position: RV Cleaning & Specialist Location: Painted Post, NY Duration: Summer & Fall 2024 (June - November) Hours: Part-time, Flexible, 2-4 days per week.
If you love the outdoors and have a knack for making things sparkle, we want you! Our team is dedicated to ensuring that every RV looks its best for the summer adventurers. No experience? No problem! We provide all the training and tools you need.
Perks: - Competitive pay - Flexible hours to enjoy your summer - Fun and friendly work environment (no micromanagement) - Get paid at the end of every day!
To apply, message me right here or email us at
Don't miss out on the chance to earn some extra cash and be a part of the summer excitement!
Feel free to tag your friends, teenage kids, or anyone who may be interested.

SummerJob #RVLife #CorningNY #JobOpportunity #SeasonalWork

submitted by Substantial-Gas-1965 to Corning [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:02 Agreeable-Heron-3950 friend keeps getting anxious about me leaving, but says lies and other things that make me not want to be friends with them

Hi guys, this one might be long so I am going to summarize this the best I can. For privacy reasons, I am not stating the age, gender, or names to anyone involved. The main person I will talk about will be called X. I have known X since high school and we became close after graduating. We both have a mutual friend named Y, I hang out with Y more only because we had more classes together in HS and kept in contact more after graduating.
X has been a good friend, but there have been times where X will get mad over stuff and won’t confront the party involved, leaving me stuck in the middle to deal with it. I finished up my last semester of my masters program this May and had a party. X was there (Y had work that day), and ended up talking to a relative of mine. Context: this is not a blood realtive but close family friend over 15 years. X asked where they were from, i messed up the countries and X said “they lied to me, not surprised they are all liars”. I was really shocked by this and called them out saying 1. They met my relative for 2 minutes and I was the one who messed up 2. They made assumptions for no reason.
I was fuming the rest of the weekend, and it ended up seeping into my graduation. I ended up coming home the day before Y’s graduation (X was going to be there). I wasnt sure if I was going to go because of how far it was, Y offered to drive us there. I decided not to tell X that I would be there because I knew that I was still angry at them and my mood would ruin their graduation, I didnt want that. After graduation, Y and I went to get food and called it a night, I ended up posting a congrats post for Y on social media, which prompted X to get mad and text our gc saying that they were leaving social media.
When i asked what was wrong, X got really bad at me and said that they felt left out and that they wanted to hang out with me. I literally explained that I was still hurt with what they said about my relative and I didnt want my mood to ruine graduation. Long story short, they tried to apologize (in person), and I tried to invite them to a trivia night at a bar with my friend. They said no, and I asked if they were sure, they said yes. I also explained in person (the third time I explained), that I didn't want to go to their graduation for obvi reasons.
I thought everything was cleared up, but X sent a message around 10 a.m. yesterday asking if there was anything they could do to fix our relationship and that they wanted us to be friends again. They also talkd to Y and said how they flt left out of trivia night the other night because it was just us (this made me fume because i literally invited them). They were also really upset about us not seeing them at graduation (literally explained this to them).
I feel like im at a standstill with all of this. I don’t know what to do. We were close at one point, but what they said about my relative really hurt me. Im not sure if this is anxious attachment or not. Thank you for hearing me out., p
submitted by Agreeable-Heron-3950 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]