Slimband surgery mexico

Discussion & Results of Transgender Surgeries

2016.04.15 09:17 Discussion & Results of Transgender Surgeries

A sub for the discussion of surgeries, surgery results, surgeon satisfaction and the costs incurred by transgender people. RULE 5: THIS SUB IS FOR AND BY TRANS PEOPLE. Partners, caregivers, etc, with a legitimate interest in surgery may post if it's of clear benefit to a trans individual or the community. Intersex people with have related surgical interests may post. **DO NOT POST OTHERWISE.**

2019.06.30 21:45 TimberVolk phallo

A discussion-based subreddit for those curious about, interested in, pursuing, or who have gone through phalloplasty and anyone else who wants to discuss it in a supportive and respectful atmosphere. This sub is not exclusive to trans people, but you are expected to respect *all* gender identities if you wish to participate here.

2018.08.26 18:33 Drwillpowers The personal subreddit of Dr. Will Powers

Dr. William Powers - Family Physician, LGBT care, Transgender Specific Care -- All thoughts are my own and do not constitute a patient-physician relationship. If you are interested in becoming a patient, please visit Pending your needs, I am able to support patients outside of Michigan and international patients in certain situations. If you are not a patient, this subreddit is the best forum to ask me questions in English or Spanish.

2024.05.16 16:20 _rosedarling_ Timeline shift- can we go early? And bring our dogs?

TL/DR pension early + unexpected windfall. Do we have enough? 40k net annual income w/ health insurance. Liquid in 2 million range. 400k in retirement accounts. Mid forties. Health issues. Where to go with dogs?
Original plan was to FIRE in 10 years when husbands pension kicked in. He’s 45, I’m 43.
Have about 400k in retirement though mostly untouchable to us now as primarily 401k. Maybe 50k in brokerage, 70k in cash accounts. Conservatively 550k equity in our house. No other debt beyond our mortgage at sub 3% interest. Which is timed to be paid off in about 10 years as well. We’ve stopped making extra payments on it and have been stashing money in savings instead due to interest rates. Only kid is through college, debt free! (yes we started quite young -he was a happy, but scary surprise). We have 3 cars, a couple motorcycles, and a big farm tractor that would probably net 120k if we liquidated all. Have no idea what we could net on other household items. I do have some inherited artwork that holds some value, and some jewelry. Husband owns every tool in existence I think.
The change is my husband was injured on the job and after nearly a year of recovery, PT, surgery etc it looks now like he will not be cleared to return to work. Will be pensioned off early, and keep healthcare coverage for both of us. Net income with pension approx 40k a year. Cutting his take home about in half.
Simultaneously, my company is being acquired and because of my role, I will not be expected to stay on long post acquisition. Expected to receive 100k in severance at my departure.
And then last week we were offered just a bit more than a million dollars for some acreage we own adjacent to our house.
We would not want to stay in our home next to this development. We picked up this land as kind of a lark a few years ago. It was completely landlocked so very cheap and is just forest. We were able to get special environmental status on it so pay virtually nothing in taxes Mostly we did it to preserve our backyard view and privacy, and to make sure no one else on an adjacent lot on the street next to us, who would be able to provide access, picked it up and tried to develop it. Well that’s what is happening now. A developer is interested in purchasing a neighbors empty 10 acre lot, with street access, if we will also sell. The neighbor is anxious for us to say yes.
So we could not sell the land, I could get a new job post acquisition and stay where we are. But that does not seem smart as we would get more than 20x gain in 5 years on what we paid for that land, though that kind of value is only possible when it’s tied to a neighbors lot with access. Also, with my husbands injuries we have had to take on some additional expense to maintain our property as there are things he can no longer do. Our lot is a couple of acres on its own. I would need to find a job making significantly more to make up for husbands income loss and additional expense and that doesn’t seem likely locally. I’m at about the top of my industry pay scale currently for our location. Obviously I’ll have a buffer with my severance, but I will be lucky to find another position making what I do now. As I had to know about the acquisition early, I got a fairly sizable salary bump to retain me during the transition.
We could sell and move locally or somewhere else in the US I suppose. But the plan had always been to FIRE when he got his pension, and with the revenue from the land it feels like maybe we could do this now?
We’re both social security eligible with sufficient credits, but that’s quite a ways away if it will still even exist then. Approx 3500 a month collectively at age 67, if we stop contributing in the near future per social security website and accounting for WEP.
We’ve spent a lot of time in Portugal, Spain and France and the plan had always revolved around Europe, to be determined largely by tax implications in place at that time.
We don’t love hot, but I’ve been thinking about Mexico as we also have two dogs right now that I can’t imagine parting with. I realize not ideal, but we’ve always been a dog owning family and our plan was to bring no new dogs in the 10 years leading up to his retirement so we would not have this encumbrance then. But with a timeline shift, that plan becomes irrelevant. Anyone drive into Mexico with pets?
I would plan to work some. Probably consulting. I do a little bit of that now on the side and I think part time I could probably bring in 30-40k. But for budgeting I’d rather treat that as bonus money as I don’t know how quickly I can get it set up etc. I don’t know about my husband. All of his jobs and hobbies have historically been quite physical, so this is a major shift for him.
Thinking we were still a ways off I have done enough research to be dangerous. When he got hurt a year ago, I never imagined he wouldn’t eventually go back. I know staying in US, unless we significantly downsize and alter our lifestyle, my husband will feel like he has to do something for work. I don’t want that for him. He has worked incredibly hard, at his primary job and various side hustles to provide a wonderful, stable, financially sound life for a young family that was dead broke when we started out. With this injury, I want him to relax and hopefully continue to heal.
We will have his excellent US health insurance benefits intact, but will likely need to supplement to make sure he can continue to get any ongoing care he needs.
We’re probably going to have make some decisions relatively quickly on the land. We’re good with living a lot more simply, but also don’t want to be in a position where we feel like we’re counting every penny to survive. Should we try this? Where would you go? With pets!
submitted by _rosedarling_ to ExpatFIRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:11 InfiniteOnionz How to Short Cycle for ACL Surgery

Hey y’all. I need reconstructive knee surgery in a few weeks. I’ve done it before on my other knee and one of the worst parts was the muscle loss and atrophy. I typically workout a few times a week. I’m 32M for reference.
I want to speed up my recovery time and prevent muscle loss. From what I’ve read online, Testosterone is something that can help with that over the course of 8 weeks, starting 2 weeks before surgery.
Doctors in the USA won’t prescribe it, so Im going to go to Mexico to pick up the goods. I just need some help knowing what to get, dosing, and how to ween myself without getting bitch tits, frying my sperm, etc, and what other supplements to get to help with this.
Last time I had bloodwork, my levels were in the lower normal range. 322 total, 71 free, 152 bioavailable, and 24 Estradiol.
I haven’t been able to find the best info online. Any help or pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by InfiniteOnionz to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:14 quasiprofesh Am I (46M) leaving her (36F) for good reason? Home massages from a former lover, lies.

I'm mostly asking for reinforcements, honestly. I know my reasons are solid.
TLDR: see title. wife of a very short time was seeing a massage therapist / former lover behind my back. is that alone enough reason for me to leave her?
I met someone last year in August. It was an intense courtship, we moved in together in December and married at the courthouse on Valentine's day. Now it's not even June, and already I have enough reason to pack up and go. There are several other issues, but there was one that was the last straw.
That was how after we'd only been married about two months, she arranged for a private massage therapist to come to our house. He was going to come while I was at work, I only heard about it when he had to reschedule for a time when I might be home. She described him just as 'this guy'. LONG story short, several weeks later, she eventually admitted (after lying about it, at first) that he wasn't just a good friend but also a former lover! From "many years ago", sure, but they began as dating, had sex, broke it off and became friends. I was absolutely livid. Nearly divorced her. She cried, apologized, begged me not to go. I forgave her and we stayed together.
'Many' in this circumstance is maximum 7, by the way. That's when she moved here originally.
Then I realized when reading my journal and looking at old messages; he'd come to her house before. Way back after we'd only been dating a couple months - but were definitely exclusive - I came over one afternoon and there was a guy on her block loading a massage table into his car. He had asked me to come a bit later, was taking a shower - among other signs. It was clear that he'd been there to see her. She has few neighbors and all of them are very poor (this is in Mexico), they couldn't afford it. Once I jogged my memory enough, I realized it was the same guy. Same car, same bag, same table. I had asked her about it that day, wasn't upset, just curious. She got mad at me for asking and called it an 'accusation'.
She still hasn't admitted that she was having him over back then. I no longer trust her at all, and I'm assuming they were probably doing more than professional massages. (They couldn't have been professional, by the way. All massage therapists learn in their first term of school about ethics, and how you should never take on a client you've had a relationship with, especially involving sex, before.)
So, now, I've found an apartment and am planning on moving June 1st. She can't afford the house we're in, but she has family on the US side (we're in a border town) who can help. What really sucks is that she has to take care of her disabled mother who will be recovering from surgery. I'm going to pay the rent for June at this place and my new apartment, just to help her out.
I keep trying to remind myself that I'm being kinder about this than I have to be. What she did was cheating. It doesn't matter if there was no sex or kissing, or even romance. She did something she knew I would be uncomfortable with, multiple times, lied about it, and still is.
There are multiple other reasons, but those issues alone were manageable. I'm just looking for some backup on if this issue alone is enough reason to break it off and go. My reasoning is that since she's refusing to come clean and be honest, after all this, means that I shouldn't trust her in the future. You can't have true love without trust, and it's a shaky bridge made of thin ice I shouldn't cross. I need to get out before this goes any further, definitely before we have a child.
So, what do you think? Am I right, or should I just get over it and move on.
submitted by quasiprofesh to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:05 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 14 2024

DAY: MAY 14, 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 PapaChallenger Do i have a chance ? HELP PLS

Hey everyone,
I'm reaching out today because I really need some advice and a space to vent about what's been going on in my life. So, I'm a 25-year-old guy, and I was in a relationship with a wonderful woman, also 25, for about three and a half years. Unfortunately, she decided to break things off, and it's left me feeling pretty lost. It's a bit of a long story, so bear with me!
It all started back in late 2020 when we matched on Tinder. Right from the start, there was this amazing connection between us. We had so much in common—our love for fitness, travel, music, food, you name it. It felt like we were a perfect match, like two puzzle pieces finally fitting together. But, of course, every relationship has its challenges.
One big issue we faced was our different love languages. See, I'm big on physical affection, while she values quality time together. I tried to show her love in the ways that mattered to her, but I admit I wasn't always consistent, especially when it came to being romantic. Despite this, we didn't have many arguments, and we enjoyed traveling together whenever we could, which was a nice escape from our separate living situations at our parents' homes.
After a couple of years together, she suggested we move in together to have more intimacy, but I wasn't ready financially, being a student with loans to pay off. I thought we should wait until we finished our studies before taking that step. Looking back, This have contributed to some frustration on her part, as she craved more closeness and shared experiences in our day-to-day lives.
By the end of 2023, we fell into a bit of a routine, and I'll admit, I was more focused on our future plans, like our dream of spending a year in Australia followed by a road trip in Asia. She, on the other hand, was craving more spontaneity and attention in the present moment. Things came to a head in November 2023 when she began to doubt our relationship (routine, lack of romance, incompatiblity). Unfortunately, due to my exams and surgery, she didn't feel she could express these doubts to me at the time to work things out.
Meanwhile, I went on a solo trip to celebrate my graduation in January 2024. During this time, I had a lot of time to reflect, and I realized I needed to make some changes in our relationship. I started to see the importance of spending quality time together, trying new things, and being more romantic. I even reconsidered our future plans, realizing that maybe a long trip wasn't what I wanted after all.
However, by the time I returned in March 2024, her doubts had grown into something more serious. We had a heart-wrenching conversation where she expressed her feelings had changed, and she couldn't see a future with me anymore. She didn't wanted to go to Australia anymore and felt like one of us would not be happy especially me. I was shocked and didn't thought about expressing the "shift" that happenned during my trip, i just went home. The same day i texted her and said that we need to meet and talk more in details, we did and she was surprised by this "shift" from my side, she told me that she needed some time to think about it. 3 days after, despite my efforts to show her that I'd changed and that we could work through our issues, she felt it was too late. So we broke up, it was devastating, but I respected her decision. We ended it remembering all our beautiful memories and by a last kiss.
In the weeks following the breakup, I focused on myself, landing a great job and reconnecting with my family. But, of course, I still thought about her constantly. She still had my photos on her instagram, was liking my photos/stories so i thought there was still some open doors. About three weeks after the breakup, I reached out to her, hoping we could talk things through.
I asked her if she would be available for a "date", and she was hesitating and saying that it was too early. During our conversation, she admitted she still had feelings for me, was attached to me, and had a lot of affection. Despite this, she felt it was too early to meet, indeed she was very busy these last days and didn't had time to really feel the breakup, however she was sad and thinking a lot about me. She said she would like to maintain a connection with me but don't know how yet. She also said she couldn't see a path forward, she know that this breakup is sad because it's a lack of timing and she didn't communicated earlier, but in her hearth she feel like it's too late. I ended up telling that I understand her point of view but I would be here if she change mind and want to work on the relation.
Since then, we've had zero contact. She is in a trip with friend in Mexico so i think still didn't have time to think about everything. I unfollowed her on social media to give myself some space. I improved every aspect of my life and i go a lot to gym, eat healthy, sleep well, got good routine. I even want to go to therapy to dig deeper and try to improve some negative aspects i'm not aware of. I really think this relationship is worth it because we are both compatible and that the issues mentionned are temporary and concerning the romanticism my mind has changed.
So, that's where I'm at. Any advice or insights you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for listening to my story.
submitted by PapaChallenger to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:03 ReportsStack Hair Restoration Market Size, Industry Trends & Growth Analysis from 2024 to 2030

The global hair restoration market is anticipated to exhibit a noteworthy compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 15% from 2021 to 2027, having been valued at USD 4.3 billion in 2020. One of the primary drivers of this growth is the rising prevalence of androgenetic alopecia worldwide. Additionally, the increasing consumption of tobacco and alcohol is projected to further propel market expansion. According to the most recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 14% of adults aged 18 and above reported smoking cigarettes in 2019.
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Market Trends:
Technological Advancements: Over the years, there has been a remarkable evolution in the field of hair restoration technologies. Innovations such as robotic hair transplantation systems, which offer precision and efficiency in graft extraction and implantation, have revolutionized surgical procedures. Stem cell therapy and PRP treatments have also gained prominence for their potential to stimulate hair growth and improve overall hair health.
Increasing Demand for Non-Invasive Procedures: As people seek less invasive alternatives to traditional surgical methods, non-invasive procedures like PRP therapy and LLLT have become increasingly popular. These treatments offer advantages such as minimal downtime, reduced discomfort, and lower risk of complications, making them appealing options for individuals looking to address hair loss without undergoing surgery.
Rising Popularity of Hair Transplants: Hair transplant procedures have seen a surge in demand worldwide. This growth can be attributed to advancements in transplant techniques, such as follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT), which result in more natural-looking outcomes. Moreover, the increasing societal acceptance of aesthetic procedures has encouraged more people to consider hair transplants as a viable solution for hair loss.
Expanding Target Demographics: While hair restoration was traditionally associated with older individuals, there's a notable shift as younger demographics, including millennials, become increasingly interested in preventative treatments and cosmetic enhancements. Factors such as heightened social media presence and a desire for aesthetic improvement drive this trend, with younger individuals seeking to maintain or enhance their hair density at an earlier age.
Growing Awareness and Acceptance: With greater awareness about the available treatment options and a reduced stigma surrounding hair loss, more individuals are seeking professional help for their hair restoration concerns. This shift in attitude reflects a broader societal acceptance of cosmetic interventions to address aesthetic issues, contributing to the overall growth of the market.
Market Opportunities:
The hair restoration market presents several compelling opportunities for growth and innovation. With technological advancements driving the development of more effective and minimally invasive procedures, there is a significant opportunity to meet the growing demand for non-surgical solutions. Additionally, expanding target demographics, including younger individuals seeking preventative treatments and cosmetic enhancements, open avenues for market expansion. The rising acceptance of hair restoration treatments, fueled by increased awareness and reduced stigma surrounding hair loss, further contributes to market growth potential. Moreover, emerging markets offer untapped opportunities, driven by factors such as rising disposable incomes, improving healthcare infrastructure, and evolving beauty standards.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Hair Restoration Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the hair restoration market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the hair restoration industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
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Geographically, the hair restoration market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The hair restoration market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Hair restoration market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Hair Restoration Market Segmentation:
By Procedure:
By Therapy:
By Region:
Prominent figures in the worldwide hair restoration industry include Venus Concept, Bernstein Medical, Bosley, The Harley Street Clinic, and Advanced Hair Studio. These companies are actively expanding their market reach through various strategies such as expansion initiatives, fresh investments, service innovations, and collaborative ventures. They are strategically venturing into new territories through expansions and acquisitions, aiming to leverage joint synergies to enhance their competitive edge.
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Key Questions Answered by Hair Restoration Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
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Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: Visit us:
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2024.05.14 05:03 notoriousbck Anyone diagnosed with Gastroduodenal or Jejunal Crohn's that did not show up on MRI ?

I posted about this awhile back and did not get much response but I am gaslighting myself and need people who have gone through this or similar to help me be objective.
I will Try to keep this brief but it's a lot.
-long history of stricturing Crohn's of terminal ileum diagnosed in 2006. First resection Sept 2018, Last resection in April 2022. Surgeon told me he found Crohn's high up in small bowel, could not remove safely, hoped new biologic (Stelara) would take care of it.
-6 month delay in starting Stelara due to GI F up (forgot to send preauthorization)
-July 2022 began having severe upper gastric pain (under ribs and belly button) after even the smallest amount of food, followed by severe nausea and often vomiting. Within half hour multiple liquid BM's undigested food and insane amount of fluid. Began to eat less and less, moved to soft diet, and finally to complete liquids in August 2023
-July 2023-Oct 2023- Weight loss of 20 lbs over 3 month period. Many ER visits needed for rehydration and IV anti emetics and pain meds as could not keep down any oral meds. GI did colonoscopy but only found microscopic Crohn's in anastomosis site (he only took 2 biopsies from that area and nowhere else). CT's done in hospital showed thickening of wall of ascending colon, and collapsed bowel, free fluid in peritoneum. GI dismissed as "not reliable". Fecal Cal slightly elevated. Constant low grade anemia. After 4th ER visit in Oct 2023 they did a high res Ultrasound and I was admitted by surgery department. However, as I was urgent but not emergent, there were no beds available. Was given choice of staying in ER and receiving IV steroids, or going home and following up with GI. Chose home and was given Entocort. Entocort slowed down bowel from 30-50 bm's a day to ten. Did not help pain, nausea, vomiting, lack of ability to eat. After several desperate emails where I begged for help, said I wanted to die-GI ordered urgent MRI, would not change meds or give prednisone without "proof".
-November 2023-Began to experience fatigue like never before. Could hardly keep eyes open. This would be followed by severe upper gastric pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea that went on for days, followed by constipation for 1-2 days and severe bloating, only on the left side of belly which would be rock hard and hot to the touch. Then the diarrhea cycle woud begin again. Always pure liquid, sometimes black, always tons of mucous.
-Went to Mexico to visit my parents for the holidays where I usually feel better but still could not eat. Injecting myself with IM Gravol (anti emetic) just to keep fluids down. I lived off of chicken broth with rice. Saw GI in private hospital. Ordered full workup. Blood found in stool. 3 D CT ordered (could not find a vein for IV after 5 nurses, two doctors, and a radiologist with a vein finder so only had oral contrast) showed inflammation in small bowel, thickening of the ascending colon wall 11 mm, and inflammation of ileum. He wanted to send me to special IBD hospital in Mexico City for MRI but it would have cost 2500$ so I decided to wait till I got home to Canada where it would be free. Treated me with antibiotics for IBS (only available in Mexico and Germany) Zero improvement. I lived off of electrolyte drinks.
-Jan 29th 2024 returned to hospital because I could not keep any oral meds in (pills would be in toilet) also pain was 9/10, high fever, vomiting. Admitted again, but no beds. Left AMA with another prescription for Entocort.
-Feb 12 2024- High fever followed by two days of 40 plus liquid BM's, some of them bloody, all of them black. Husband insisted back to ER where I was admitted immediately. Cortisol levels 11 (close to adrenal failure) very low potassium. Doc said if we'd waited I likely would have died from heart event. Spent 8 + weeks in hospital having every kind of test imaginable. NOTHING showed on MRI, inflammation on CT, lower scope clear, upper endoscopy showed inflammation in esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Negative for H Pylori, negative for celiac. Started on 150 mg of hydrocortisone for low cortisol to rescue my organs. MRI of brain showed small tumour on pituitary. Endocrinologist did ACTH test and was unhappy, kept me on 40 mg of hydrocortisone IV. PICC line insertion went awry when they Discovered I had complete stenosis of veins and needed port catheter surgically implanted. Was on TPN for 5 weeks. Needed pain meds and anti emetics every 4 hours or severe vomiting and diarrhea would ensue. 30-50 liquid bm's continued (they made me write down everything I ingested and every time I had a BM. They tested me for everything. No blood, NO CDiff, no parasites, no infection. High fever 104.5 plus delirium and CRP shot up to 50. Continued Anemia, blood work all over the place, even with TPN I needed potassium and sodium boluses 3 times a day.
-Requested pill endoscopy, GI said no Crohn's, no need for test. Suggested psych evaluation for a fucking eating disorder. Endocrinologist disagreed, said starvation and whatever disease process was causing symptoms was causing my cortisol issue. Psych diagnosed medical PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder (no shit) but NO eating disorder. Fired GI and hired IBD specialist from another city. Re ran all tests, CT showed huge diverticulum on duodenum otherwise clear. Was going to be moved to a ward from a private room. Had a panic attack because I could not share a bathroom and was not about to use a commode. Asked to be discharged after nearly 9 weeks. They were so overcrowded and basically did not know what else to do to help me, so they let me go even though I was still on TPN and NPO. Got a 5 minute instruction on how to insert a butterfly catheter for pain meds, and let go.
-Present-3 weeks later, still on liquid diet, (Boost drinks, blended oatmeal, yoghurt and soup) still on sub q and IM meds. Finally got new IBD doc to order capsule endoscopy and is treating me for SIBO (never been tested) plus set me up with nutritionist and psychologist for support. MRI repeated- totally clear.
I FEEL CRAZY. This is the sickest I have ever felt. It's been almost a year since I chewed food. The pain under my ribs just to the left of my belly button is now constant, whether I eat or not, pain meds barely take the edge off. Sometimes it's so intense I can hardly breathe. I keep passing out on the toilet. I projectile vomit daily, even using Gravol and Pantoprozole, the bile acid is awful. I've been doing tons of research and have learned that GDC and Jejunal Crohn's are extremely hard to diagnose. I have every single symptom and fit the criteria. Does this sound familiar to anyone????
submitted by notoriousbck to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:34 EJC28 Colts 2024 Draft Analysis Compilation

Round 1, Pick 15 - Laiatu Latu, DE, UCLA:
NFL: The run on offensive players stops here with the Colts finding an explosive defender in Latu. It's not always about being the biggest and fastest player when it comes to pass rushers, as the UCLA product has mastered the artistry of getting to the quarterback with his first-step quickness and bag of pass-rush moves. His relentless motor should make him a handful for Indy’s opponents.
CBS Sports: B-. I think there were other options for them in this spot and better edge rushers in my mind. But Latu has good pass-rush skills, although there are some medical concerns. They do need edge-rush help.
ESPN: The Colts could have gone several directions with this pick, but they went with a player they had conviction about versus pinpointing a position of greater weakness. Indianapolis had significant pass-rush production last season, with 51 sacks. But instead of moving on to other areas of the roster, the Colts chose to bolster that unit with one of the most productive defensive players in this draft. The Colts are going to have a huge rotation of edge rushers and might even have to rethink a roster spot or two if there's a trade market. As for his past injury history, Latu said Washington's decision to not allow his return from neck surgery in 2020 "wasn't really handled in the best way.".
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Just wants to sit down and have five minutes to himself.
Round 2, Pick 52 - Adonai Mitchell, WR, Texas:
NFL: After a mini-slide, Mitchell lands in a Colts offense in need of more firepower. He has the length and speed to be a vertical, jump-ball target for Anthony Richardson and showed a knack for clutch performances in college. Mitchell's lean build and his need for more refinement might cap his early-career production a bit, but he's well worth the risk here.
CBS Sports: A. Love this pick for Colts. Exactly the type they like. Size/speed/athleticism specimen. So fluid running routes. Just can have long stretches where he goes invisible. Very minimal YAC. An outside wideout who can win at second and third levels for Anthony Richardson.
ESPN: Unable to trade up for a receiver in the first round, the Colts traded back a few spots in the second and filled the need with an interesting player with significant upside. Mitchell joins a wide receiver unit in Indianapolis that already has several players with defined roles, so what impact he has as a rookie will depend on how quickly he earns playing time. At minimum, the Colts have increased the competition level at the position and, specifically, put pressure on third-year player Alec Pierce with another speedster in Mitchell who turned in a 4.34-second 40-yard dash at the NFL scouting combine.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Bought himself one of those wacky arm inflatables with his first NIL check.
Round 3, Pick 79 - Matt Goncalves, OT, Pittsburgh:
NFL: Goncalves has played both OT spots, taken reps at center and could be tried at guard in Indy. He's a large-framed man with athletic limitations, but his fierce, disciplined style could make him a valuable super-sub on the O-line.
CBS Sports: A-. Has the frame to stick on the edge in the NFL. Impressive athlete for his size and makes a concerted effort to sink the pad level to not get out leveraged at the point of attack. Better in pass pro than for the run right now but the traits and nastiness shine.
ESPN: The Colts could have gone a number of other directions here, but they opted for offensive line depth despite having all five of their starters returning. Indianapolis traded up three spots to make this selection, suggesting they had targeted Goncalves on their draft board. The question remains as to what position he'll play, seeing how he was a full-time tackle during his college career but is viewed by many as a potential interior lineman.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Swore he saw Elvis and Tupac at a Chipotle in New Mexico.
Round 4, Pick 117 - Tanor Bortolini, C, Wisconsin:
NFL: I like this pick for Chris Ballard and the Colts. Bortolini handled his own at the Senior Bowl, keeping his cool after a few defensive linemen tried to ruffle his feathers in some intense practice reps. Although he slipped through the cracks a bit, Bortolini has a chance to make it as a backup center and insurance for Ryan Kelly.
CBS Sports: C+. One of the freakiest athletes at the center spot in the class. Burst, bend, speed out on screens and reach blocks. That’s how he wins. Has to get drastically strong and hang onto blocks longer in the NFL. Hit or miss climbing to the second level. Arms are shorter. Upside is there but project-y. The type Indianapolis gravitates toward.
ESPN: The Colts' priorities, per usual, remain clear. They have always concentrated on the trenches, and they did it again here. Bortolini is the third lineman drafted by the Colts in their four picks, reinforcing general manager Chris Ballard's philosophy. Here, Bortolini gives the Colts additional offensive line depth and provides potentially reliable depth behind Pro Bowl center Ryan Kelly, who turns 31 next month.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: He claims to have a secret telepathic connection with llamas.
Round 5, Pick 142 - Anthony Gould, WR, Oregon State:
NFL: The Colts' search for playmaking potential continues. Gould is a home run threat who plays about as fast as any receiver not named Xavier Worthy in this class. He also brings punt-return ability.
CBS Sports: B-. Small, tiny radius track type. Really flies. May even play faster than his timed speed. Does a reasonable job making grabs through physicality but not a specialty. Overall YAC skill - - contact balance, cutting skill - - isn’t tremendous. But if he gets to green grass, he’s gone. Wants to get North-South. Vertical specialist.
ESPN: The Colts have now taken a couple swings at adding some juice at wide receiver with this pick and the selection of Adonai Mitchell in the second round. Gould projects as a return man for the Colts, especially given the coming shift with the changes on kickoffs planned for this fall. Gould averaged 18.3 yards per punt return in 2022, third best in the FBS subdivision. Gould had two punt-return touchdowns that season.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Went on strict diet of red bull and sour skittles before the combine.
Round 5, Pick 151 - Jaylon Carlies, S, Missouri:
NFL: Notice the position. Carlies was a three-year starter at safety for the Tigers, but his pre-draft testing -- running a 4.5-second 40-yard dash at nearly 230 pounds -- had scouts scrambling back to the tape to see if a linebacker conversion was possible. The Colts clearly think so, and playing closer to the ball might help Carlies avoid some poor angles to the ball he took from deep safety alignments.
CBS Sports: B-. Enormous safety prospect. Would be sizable for the LB spot. And that’s essentially what he is. Labored-ish movements in coverage but showed nice hip flip when sinking. Really attacks run plays because he knows how imposing of a specimen he is. Just needs to play more under control to not miss as many tackles. Speed is good, not great. Length helps him get to the football when it’s in his target area.
ESPN: Carlies was a productive player at safety in college, but he projects as a linebacker in the Colts' defensive system. Indianapolis asks a great deal of its linebackers in pass coverage, so Carlies could be an ideal fit in that regard. The Colts had some success with a "tweener" last season with Ronnie Harrison Jr. shifting from safety to linebacker, so there is recent precedent for a move like this. The Colts' depth was also a little thin at linebacker, so this addresses a need and protects them in the case of injuries.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: [[Muffled scratching and scraping noises]].
Round 5, Pick 164 - Jaylin Simpson, S, Auburn:
NFL: Simpson figures to be tried as a nickel corner given his serious lack of length and bulk, and injuries complicate his forecast, but his terrific athleticism and versatility help his cause.
CBS Sports: A-. One of those pesky, always-around-the-football Auburn defensive backs we’ve seen enter the league over the past five-plus years. Serious suddenness at the safety spot and robs the middle of the field with plus instincts and ball skills. Big hitter with plus long speed despite skinny frame. Traits type with solid production.
ESPN: The Colts got themselves a possible free safety who snatched four interceptions for the Tigers last season and has played in numerous systems under various coordinators and possesses good range in coverage. Indianapolis has so far resisted the urge to address their secondary in free agency, so there exists the possibility for a rookie to come in and push for playing time alongside veteran strong safety Julian Blackmon.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Pretends to be a character when he plays, Captain Insano is his favorite.
Round 6, Pick 201 - Micah Abraham, CB, Marshall:
NFL: Abraham has NFL bloodlines and outstanding production in college, not to mention nice athletic traits. He's yet another undersized nickel CB type, of which there are plenty in this class, but Abraham might be an ideal practice-squad candidate in Indy.
CBS Sports: C+. Reasonable size, bouncy in zone to make plays on the football. Spindly frame. Plenty of ball production. Athleticism will be tested at the next level. Good speed.
ESPN: The Colts have proceeded through this offseason as though they felt secure in their defensive backfield as presently constituted, despite its youth. But this is a pick that gives them a developmental piece to work with, even though Abraham is undersized and lacks ideal physical traits. His bloodlines are more than notable, however. His dad, Donnie, was a nine-year NFL cornerback and his cousin, Tim Jennings, made two Pro Bowls. Both played cornerback.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Loves Synthwave when it gets increasingly more nostalgic.
Round 7, Pick 234 - Jonah Laulu, DT, Oklahoma:
NFL: Laulu might need a year of adding strength and mass, but his length and twitchy athleticism are plus qualities.
CBS Sports: C. Tall, somewhat sleek interior rusher with great length. Can occasionally win with first-step quicks but not a trademark, and he leans into offensive lineman, which can make him susceptible to beaten controlled. Pass-rush plans have to evolve.
ESPN: The Colts appear to be taking a flier on a player with physical traits they covet, a long interior defensive lineman who perhaps can provide depth behind the team's experienced veterans. Laulu played six years of college ball, spending the first four at Hawaii before transferring to Oklahoma.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Wanted to be a skilled street fighter taking on the criminals across NYC.
submitted by EJC28 to Colts [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:58 AlbertPonce1 My dad’s stroke

My dad (63m) suffered an ischemic wake up stroke in the medium arthery of the right hemisphere on april 13th of 2024, we will make a month tomorrow since then.
Even though we arrived to the hospital less than 15 minutes since we all woke up (7am) and saw the symptoms (given that he is an ICU physician and my mom an ICU nurse we realized it was a stroke immediately) we were told at the hospital that there was nothing to be done given that his last hour being well was 2am and it was more than 4:30 hours, the limit to do a procedure to remove the embolum.
Since then, we were told that a swell of his brain would be expected.
I (32m) am a Mexican living in Florida with my wife and kids, my parent just visited us for my birthday and then would return after a week back to Mexico.
The next day we were told in the morning that he was swelling a lot and a craneotomy may be done. So I called my 3 sisters and all of them were able to join us that night, 3 hours before the craneotomy would be ordered and realized.
He came out intubated but we fell that the worse had passed. However the next morning we were told that he had an unusual high swelling of his brain. During the upcoming week we would see him getting better in responding with his right hand yes and nos to our questions.
After 10 days of the surgery he got deintubated and done a tracheotomy.
After some days he was able to brush his teeth, but we were told that morning that they may need to remove brain, because he was getting worse with his swell. And when we thought that we had no more tears, we felt more broken…
Miracolously that very same day he got a PMV valve, that allowed him to speak and began to drink water. Since then he got better and better, till 5 days ago when he began with ICU delirium.
This has been exhausting and extremely sad for me, however I am determined to be with my dad during the whole trip until he gets better, no matter if this takes several years, also I am looking to be a great dad for my 2 kids as he has been with me.
We will make a month tomorrow, and I was just told that we will go to rehab hospital tomorrow.
I am now currently researching on treatments to reduce the size of the damage. We have heard success stories with citicoline reducing the size of the damage. Do you know of this or other treatments that allow this?
Also is great to know other people living similar stuff like my family and I are doing.
Warm regards to everyone. Stay strong.
submitted by AlbertPonce1 to stroke [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:43 Connect_Pension3694 Injured and not sure how (or from who) to get diagnosed

(67 F) I'm 5'2 and was 150 lbs. when this injury happened/white. Had breast cancer (stage 1) 3 years ago-lumpectomy & 10 days radiation at Memorial Sloan Kettering-currently on Aromasin (brand name-not generic). Previously on Femara (brand name). Both these AIs cause a lot of collateral damage. I have 2 more years to go.
Also taking eye drops (Fluoromethenolone) and Acyclovir 800 for herpes in L eye (for 10 yrs). I take MethlyFolate with B, Vitamin D (500), and New Chapter Bone Strength (plant calcium) usually 2 or 4 a day.
I had tick borne illnesses from 2011 -2015.-Babesiosis, Bartonella and Anaplasmosis. I was basically in bed for a few years, but could not get a diagnosis locally until I went to Center for Complex Diseases in CA. I never tested positive for Lyme, but a lot of viruses seemed to reactivate and showed in blood tests at that time (EBV, several Herpes viruses, Parvo, and I think a few others. ) The EBV values were very, very high. If it's important for this diagnosis I will find the bloodwork from 2015. The Mepron was not tolerable and I didn't continue.
I (67 F) handled 3 bags, 40 lbs. each, of chicken feed before leaving for Mexico. I tossed them into the car, then tossed 2 onto a sled and dragged across the grass to the barn about 50 feet away. It was very hard to pull them. The other one I carried. Then I lifted each bag into a metal can.
This was March 6, 2024. The next day (or so) I was hurting in both upper arms (elbows to shoulders) and both upper legs-mostly top of legs at groin, but also side hip pain-which I've had on and off in the past. It felt like muscle pain, not joint pain.
I went to Mexico for 6 weeks and was allowed a break from the Aromasin. I stopped Aromasin March 12 and went to Mexico March 14. (Last year in June I was on Femara and had a 4 week break in Mexico and the joint/muscle pain from Femara all stopped-I was able to walk about 4-5 miles a day-pain free).
This time the pain from the injury didn't subside at all. At its worst I could not push myself out of bed, nor sit or stand without a lot of pain and shakiness. I could not pick something off the floor. At best I could walk around the city a bit-and look kind of normal with just some limping-and a lot rest breaks.
I had a massage from a local woman (not trained in massage at all) and she "cured" my right arm, but not the left arm. To this day my right arm it is almost pain free, left arm is still terrible. I have a short video of me trying to lift toothpaste with left arm (at 45 degree angle) and my arm kind of jerks upward slowly. It was painful to do this.
While still in Mexico I went to a MD who specializes in muscle pain and had 3 ultrasound treatments/ massage of the sore muscles of arms and legs. I got immediate relief from 2 treatments and could walk normally (instead of limping) and function almost pain free for 2 days then it would all come back the 3rd AM. One of her treatments had no effect at all.
I had 3 other massages and got 2 day relief from the less trained woman, and no relief from the trained woman. Again, not sure how this is possible.
In Mexico I had no car so to eat I had to walk to restaurants. Sometimes this helped (like less than 2 miles over the whole day) but if I exceeded this I paid for it the next day. While in Mex I lost 10 lbs. partly because some days I could not walk for food.
Over my weeks in Mexico my Right IT band got stiffer and stairs became difficult.
Now back in US, over 9 weeks later, the pain is the same. It's terrible in the AM and usually a bit better in the afternoon-but not always. Unless I take Advil I'm not really functioning on the bad days and sleep is impossible. I continue with gentle yoga weekly (scaled back from regular yoga and some 5# weight lifting), and acupuncture weekly which was helping with normal Aromasin pain, previous to this injury, but does not seem to help this new pain. I found a pain massage therapist in my town, and the first 2 visits helped a lot and the 3rd massage made things a lot worse. She believes this to be muscular, rather than joint related, and possibly the arm pain is at the deltoid muscle attachment. That matches the area of pain and the ROM limitations I'm reading about. We are also checking on infraspinatus issues. The IT band is a lot better from massage and maybe acupuncture helped.
So I'm doing yoga (tai chi), acupuncture and massage while waiting for other doc visits.
There is also pain in the front of left shoulder but only when I lie on my back. This started prior to the injury so probably not related, but it seems to be getting worse.
I sometimes use CBD or CBD/THC gummies for sleep which don't seem to help with pain might help with sleep. I used CBD/CBG oil in Mexico which dId seems to help (it seemed to have THC in it too). I use CBD salve on L arm which sometimes helps (depending on the brand). I have prescription Lidocaine patches which don't help at all. Tylenol does not seem to help at all.
I went to an orthopedist locally who thinks this is osteoarthritis (but did not evaluate my L arm) but because it happened in one day, is bilateral, there is no crepitus, I think the pain is muscular rather than joint. Also, would massage fix the pain of right arm if this is joint related? Maybe it would, seems more inflammation or muscle.
I have some OK days (pain 3-4) and some horrible days (pain 10 or about equal to "post shoulder surgery" pain which I had for rotator cuff of right shoulder in 2006). On the bad days everything hurts worse (arms and legs) and the pain radiates down to my left thumb. On good days the pain stays in upper left arm.
I kept detailed notes on the pain but didn't see any patterns that could explain what helped and what didn't. It seems hit or miss.
I can't sleep because there is no comfortable position-so now having dizzy /vertigo episodes which are pretty scary.
I don't smoke and don't drink at all (sober 42 years). I only use gummies which I cleared with Sloan. I don't take any rec drugs. We eat fairly clean, but not perfect.
I'm not sure what to do next to get a diagnosis. I'm going to PT on May 16th and Rheumatologist at NYU on May 22. What do you all think? Is there some other specialist I should see? I fear this will be permanent without a correct diagnosis. Any suggestions would help, and thanks in advance to anyone with an opinion.......
submitted by Connect_Pension3694 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:26 TheGreatFlamesblade Goodbye Gallbladder

33F. 127 lbs. USA.
Laying in the hospital with my gallbladder gone. I had multiple small stones that were aggravating and stuck in multiple bile ducts. The gallbladder attacks were becoming more frequent (back go back in one day the day before my surgery!). I tried a low fat diet but that didn't help. Along with other natural remedies, so surgery was my last choice because I really didn't want to lose an organ. My situation was triggerd after giving birth. Never had any issues before.
Anyway, so far so good. I had great care and they're keeping me overnight to monitor my ability to pass a bowl movement and ensure I don't develop any blood clots, etc. I'm a bit sore around my abdomen (which is to expected).
I should add that I have a family history of gallstones. My grandma, who died at 84 yo, had hers removed in Mexico and lived a regular life with food (no issues) and my uncle also had his removed with no issues.
Hope to share my journey and hope it's a successful one! 🙏🏼 😊
submitted by TheGreatFlamesblade to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:19 gigarimbuss [TOMT] [BOOK SERIES] [2010s] Help finding a book series I read in my early teens

I remember reading a 5 book series in my teens but hav ecompletely forgotten the name of that I want to visit for nostalgia sake. I do not remember much plot wise outside of 5 special chosen kids fighting against an army of "old ones" (maybe old gods?) with the first 4 books introducing a new kid (aside from book 3 which introduced 2 twins). Book 1 introduced the main character alongside a helpful adult sort of sidekick figure, I remember this book having a section where the mc attempts to escape a town on bike but the roads he cycles down keeps looping back to one intersection magically. Book 2 I remember taking place in mexico where the mc is on the run and meets another of the children, there was a plot point where the villains wanted to bury them alive (?) but I don't remember much else about this one. Book 3 I remember taking place in a sort of prison break setting? Maybe a private prison but the conditions were rough, there was a section about a punishment for prisoners that involved being suspended in a pit overnight (?). I remember in this book the two twins powers were that they could see into peoples memories (or read their minds?) and im fairly certain i remember them using this for fortune telling or whatnot. The 4th book took place in hong kong and introduced the final member being the only girl. I remember a plot point about a jade object but little else outside of at the end the kids were unable to prevent an apocalypse being started by the old ones and being seperated to seperate corners of the world. The fith and final book I remember being much darker, starting with the protagonist and his older sidekick from the first book in south america attempting to make money to survive by repeatedly selling eachother into slavery and busting the other out once the purchase was complete, this going wrong (?) when the mc is unable to escape and taken to a drug production camp of sorts. There is a plot point where the mc tries to be brave by volunteering for a task but in actuality he volunteers to be spared as later he learns another child who did not volunteer's body was used to traffic drugs in a rather gruesome surgery scene. Another one of the kids has a scene where they meet a airplane pilot in dubai who turned his plane into a makeshift house to play xbox 360 games following the apocalypse. After some plot points the group manages to reconvene via some dream scape of sorts (?) and meet in antartica to head to the old ones base. Some events happen and the mc is captured and the other 4 plan an attack. The sidekick is also captured and its revealed that the old ones plan to repeatedly torture the mc until he dies of old age (yea bit much i know) so the sidekick decides to mercifully kill the mc with a ritual dagger which had some plot point tied to it. The other 4 begin the attack but can't make it past the gates until one of the twins (who i believe had guilt from previously betraying the group at a point) sacrifices himself to open it to redeem himself. I remember after the victory the kids return to the dreamscape place (?) where there are versions of the 2 kids who died.
Sorry for the long wall of text and rambling but my thoughts are very muddled on it. I remember the covers of the books being mainly black space but with coloured patterns and a logo with different colours on each book representing each child.
submitted by gigarimbuss to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 20:06 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 9 2024

DAY: MAY 9 2024
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2024.05.10 19:43 shish711 Confusing Zika Guidelines

My husband and I are about to have our first IUI cycle next month after trying for a year and a half. We're planning a vacation in early July (already cleared dates with my doctor to make sure it doesn't interfere with the IUI) and were thinking of going to an all-inclusive in Mexico, Jamaica or somewhere similar. We sent a message to my doctor about it and the nurse responded and just said "We do not recommend you going anywhere with an active Zika transmission" and that it would delay treatment.
Here's the confusing thing to me -- the CDC only lists countries that have active outbreaks or have a "current or past" Zika case (which is almost every country - USA included). After going through a chemical pregnancy last year, brain surgery in January, and then all the fertility testing, we desperately need a beach vacation. So I'm wondering if any of you have insight into the risk of Zika if we were staying at a beach resort somewhere in the Caribbean? In my mind, the risk is probably the same as if were in Miami or something, but maybe I'm wrong.
submitted by shish711 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:37 Subalpinefur Looking for Recommendations for places in Mexico.

I’m a Canadian who is waiting for bariatric surgery in Canada - current wait is unknown - but probably about 3 years.
I am looking for recommendations for surgeons in Mexico - based on how good and ones with the least complications/deaths.
I have never had surgery before - let alone be in a foreign country - so very nervous.
submitted by Subalpinefur to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 14:35 ReportsStack Pneumatic Tourniquet Market Size, Key Trends & Projected Growth Report from 2024 to 2030

The global pneumatic tourniquet market is anticipated to experience a noteworthy Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) exceeding 7% from 2024 to 2030. This growth trajectory is propelled by several factors, including the rising incidence of accidental injuries, the expanding geriatric population, and the increasing volume of orthopedic surgeries worldwide. Moreover, the growing demand for plastic surgeries is expected to further stimulate market growth during the forecast period.
Market Trends:
· Technological Advancements: Pneumatic tourniquet devices are witnessing technological advancements aimed at improving performance, safety, and patient comfort. Innovations such as digital pressure control, automatic limb occlusion detection, and wireless connectivity are enhancing the functionality and usability of pneumatic tourniquet systems, leading to greater adoption and user satisfaction.
· Shift towards Disposable Tourniquets: There is a growing preference for disposable pneumatic tourniquet cuffs due to their convenience, infection control benefits, and cost-effectiveness. Disposable cuffs eliminate the need for sterilization and reduce the risk of cross-contamination, making them particularly suitable for single-use applications in surgical settings.
· Integration with Surgical Navigation Systems: Pneumatic tourniquet devices are increasingly being integrated with surgical navigation systems to enhance precision and accuracy during orthopedic procedures. By synchronizing tourniquet pressure with surgical planning and navigation data, surgeons can achieve optimal limb occlusion and minimize the risk of complications, resulting in improved patient outcomes.
· Expansion into Ambulatory Settings: Pneumatic tourniquet devices are expanding beyond traditional hospital settings into ambulatory surgery centers and outpatient facilities. This trend is driven by the growing demand for minimally invasive procedures and same-day surgeries, where pneumatic tourniquets offer effective and efficient blood flow control without the need for prolonged hospital stays.
· Focus on Patient Safety and Comfort: Manufacturers are prioritizing patient safety and comfort by designing pneumatic tourniquet systems with ergonomic cuffs, intuitive interfaces, and adjustable pressure settings. Enhanced safety features such as automatic release mechanisms and real-time monitoring capabilities contribute to safer and more comfortable tourniquet use, reducing the risk of complications and improving patient satisfaction.
Market Opportunities:
Opportunities in the pneumatic tourniquet market abound as the demand for advanced surgical equipment and techniques continues to grow globally. One significant opportunity lies in catering to the increasing number of orthopedic surgeries, driven by factors such as the rising prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, sports injuries, and trauma-related injuries. Pneumatic tourniquets play a crucial role in orthopedic procedures by providing effective blood flow control, reducing intraoperative bleeding, and improving surgical visualization, thus presenting a lucrative market opportunity for manufacturers. Additionally, the expanding geriatric population, coupled with the growing demand for plastic and reconstructive surgeries, further augments the market prospects for pneumatic tourniquets.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Pneumatic Tourniquet Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the pneumatic tourniquet market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the pneumatic tourniquet industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion of Global Pneumatic Tourniquet Market
Geographically, the pneumatic tourniquet market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The pneumatic tourniquet market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Pneumatic tourniquet market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Pneumatic Tourniquet Market Segmentation:
By Type:
By Application:
By Region:
Key players in the global pneumatic tourniquet market include Zimmer Biomet, Stryker, Ulrich Medical, VBM, and Anetic Aid. These companies are strategically expanding their market presence through initiatives such as expansion, new investments, service innovations, and collaborations. Additionally, players are venturing into new geographical territories through expansions and acquisitions, leveraging joint synergies to gain a competitive edge.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Key Questions Answered by Pneumatic Tourniquet Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
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2024.05.10 13:28 TroubleVegetable1975 Surgery in Mexico or Dominican Republic ? Any Experience ?

Hey just want to say thanks for taking your time to offer advice and read this. I have recently torn my acl and meniscus (jumped from a wall of about 8 feet) Grade 3 according to mri. I am currently looking at options for surgery in Mexico or Dominican Republic. I’m just wondering if anyone has had similar experience with out of country operation for acl/meniscus and if you would be able to recommend a top tier surgeon for this. I’m not very active and this was a non sports related injury although an injury none the less.
Please if anyone can comment or dm personal experiences and/or please recommend a suitable Docto specialist.
Also having read into this new BEAR implant/ surgery option… I’m going to assume it’s not yet available in either of these countries?
Thanks in advance. The mental strain is more excruciating than anything and I hope whoever reads this is recovering post surgery / and or managing their pre surgery well.
What a disaster haha.
submitted by TroubleVegetable1975 to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:10 ftm_fella nervous about telling my parents I had top surgery, any advice?

I've been out as trans since I was 13, my parents prevented me from medically transitioning until I got to college and still don't use my correct name or pronouns even though i've legally changed it and literally nobody knows me as my old name, it's really weird when they talk about me to people lol. they know i've been on T for a few years, we never really talked about it and I'd prefer not to. they're not like, extremely transphobic, but they're certainly not supportive either. I feel like it's a very don't ask don't tell situation, if that makes sense?
I got keyhole top surgery in august and it was the best thing I've ever done in my life. I didn't tell my parents about it because I didn't really feel like it was relevant to our relationship or something they needed to know. I live a 4 hour plane ride away from them and only really see them around christmas and some school breaks so it hasn't been an issue. however, we are going to hawaii in June and there is going to be lots of beach time, during which i theoretically could take off my shirt. my current plan is to just keep my shirt on, but I'm worried that like when I go swimming it will stick to my body as clothes do when you swim and it will be noticeable that I don't have a chest anymore.
I'm not really sure if I should like, tell them before the trip or just let it happen as it happens? my grandparents, who are moderately more supportive but a little confused, will also be there and I really don't want to cause any more drama and tension than there already will be (my partner and I are going to Mexico end of May and I haven't told my parents that either yet because my mom thinks i'm going to get kidnapped and murdered if I go to mexico lol). My parents do support me by paying my rent right now because i'm a college student, but i have a job and if i HAD to I could manage on my own. thankfully my surgery only cost like $100 bc of good insurance and a hospital financial waiver, so it's not like any of their money went towards it.
idk, what do yall think I should do?
submitted by ftm_fella to FTMMen [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 05:54 Mini-Cthulhu2002 AITA for calling my grandparents pushovers

This is a long one so I apologize.
My (21F) grandparents (I think they are in their sixties) are the kindest people I have ever known. For a bit of context, they are my stepdad's parents and always treat me as their grandchild, when my mom and stepdad divorced I was still part of his family frequently visiting my grandparents. My dad got married to a younger woman and moved 4 hours away, because of this communication became weaker and his relationship with my sisters and I became very fragile. He started drinking and eating terribly and eventually passed away painlessly (I hope) in his sleep when I was 17.
It became apparent that the wife now a widow was trying to move him away for a reason, she took most of his life insurance and only gave my two sisters and I 4K she also held his things captive and tried to sell his quad that he was going to give to me. The quad doesn't run and is worth virtually nothing but means a lot to me, this is irrelevant to the story but wanted to add to show you what kind of person this is. A gofund-me was created to support my dad's spouse, in the bio she said that it was going to the funeral and the leftovers would be given to his children. I did not see a dime and it did not go to the funeral. My grandma had to ask people to "pitch in" for money which I also ended up donating the money I got from his life insurance, I was also getting ready to go to college at that time and was struggling with money.
Now fast forward 6 months my aunt came back from Mexico for surgery, she overdosed on the medication she was given for the pain and unfortunately passed away. Within 6 MONTHS my grandparents lost 2/3 kids and my grandmother was incredibly depressed which I don't blame her for. Remember how I said my sisters and I got 4k from our dad's life insurance? Well my twin cousins and their stepdad split the life insurance equally and each got off with 80K EACH, my aunt was not as well off as my dad and younger, I have mostly gotten over this though but it does irritate me when the subject comes up.
One of my twin cousins (21F) we'll call her Faith, had a baby soon after her mother passed, she was 18 when her son was born. She was not at all ready for a baby but wanted one because her mother frequently talked about being a grandma. Her boyfriend is a wannabe rapper and does have a job but doesn't make enough to support both of them healthily, Faith on the other hand does not have a job or a driver's license. When the baby was born they moved into my grandparent's house rent-free and eventually moved out.
Fast past 3 years my twin cousins and I are now 20. Over the past three years, my dad's widow has been frequently asking my grandparents for money to put towards her house. The house she lives in is huge to be honest and she could easily downsize. During this time one of my twin cousins (21M) we'll call him Fergus, moved in, he does not have a job or license and does not help around the house nor pay rent, he doesn't look like he's trying to get a job either. THEN to top it off Faith (the one with the kid) TOTALLED her boyfriend's car while driving without a license with the kid in the backseat, they asked for my grandpa's van which they gave her for FREE. My grandpa was looking for a new vehicle anyway and when my boyfriend and I went to visit he took my grandpa to look at vehicles but I feel like he should have been compensated for the vehicle he gave away.
My twin cousins are not getting any consequences for their actions. There is more the twins have done but I feel these are the most relevant. One day while visiting my grandparents the incident with the car came up, this was after Christmas last year.
I told my grandparents "I feel like the twins and my dad's widow are taking advantage of them and whether it's intentional or not they should stop helping them, tell them they are shit outta luck and time to grow up."
They responded with the usual they were trying to recover from the deaths of my dad and aunt. I say "It's been 4 years since they passed they should have their shit together by now, you guys still need time to recover from the deaths of your children."
They were affected too and my grandmother is still severely depressed, she's gotten better but her mom passed away last year and her brother is terminally ill. My grandma said that she didn't want to lose the connections she had with her kids by not helping. To her, she thinks that if she doesn't help them they will stop talking to her altogether.
I dropped it but did say that she should stop being a pushover to which my grandfather got mad and I did apologize. I don't know how to go about this as when I do bring things up with my dad's widow she slaps the "you're not his real daughter so you have no right to talk about this" in my face.
To put it in perspective I am 21 and live with my boyfriend, I'm currently in between jobs and struggling with money but I would never ask my grandparents first. I understand Fergus because he doesn't have a good relationship with his dad and doesn't have a spouse, but Faith has a kid and the father is present and he also has parents, where is their support?
I don't know how to continue this conversation without offending my grandparents but they are not able to enjoy retirement as they are taking care of everyone else. My grandpa also had to go back to work full time for enough money and asked my sister to move in to help with expenses.
submitted by Mini-Cthulhu2002 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 05:46 Anexate_tu I’m the first one really? I’m 43 F looking for online or rl friends

Well there’s no one at 40’s posting in here, I guess everyone is on Facebook groups lol 😂
I’m a 43 F looking for friends arround the world or in my country (Mexico), I’m not a social person, sometimes I feel really sad because I have no friends to hanging out or talk, to be honest I’ve been really lazy lately, I passed thru a very traumatic process last year and I’m taking it easy, I’m a substance abuse counselor and I love to help young people with this particular subject, I also like to paint and read.
I’m kinda starting over again in life, i was very reckless in my past and now I want to make the right choices in life like having a health life style, btw I used to be big and had a surgery and now I’m thin, I lost a lot of weight and I’m using to be this way.
So if you want to chat I’m here!
submitted by Anexate_tu to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:26 Maleficent-Sea-2015 Anyone did LANAP surgery in Mexico?

I got a quote for $6500 (my insurance will pay 1500) for full mouth LANAP surgery in Florida, USA. Wondering if I should consider going to Mexico and get it done there to save some money. Did anyone have this before and what was your experience?
submitted by Maleficent-Sea-2015 to PeriodontalDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:08 ReportsStack Smoke Evacuation System Market Size, Key Trends & Projected Growth Report from 2024 to 2030

The global smoke evacuation system market is poised to witness a substantial Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.1% during the forecast period to 2030, with an estimated value surpassing USD 160 million in 2020. Key drivers stimulating market expansion include the rising prevalence of minimally invasive surgeries and the increasing number of cosmetic procedures worldwide. Additionally, advancements in electrocautery and ultrasonic devices, coupled with the rapid growth of the geriatric population, are expected to contribute to a positive growth trajectory in the market.
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Market Trends:
· Growing Emphasis on Surgical Smoke Safety: There is a growing emphasis on the safety of healthcare professionals and patients during surgical procedures, driving the demand for effective smoke evacuation systems. Healthcare facilities are increasingly adopting smoke evacuation systems to mitigate the risks associated with surgical smoke, including respiratory issues and potential exposure to harmful particles and pathogens.
· Integration of Advanced Technologies: Manufacturers are integrating advanced technologies into smoke evacuation systems to enhance efficiency, performance, and user experience. These advancements include the use of high-efficiency filtration systems, intelligent smoke sensing technology, and user-friendly interfaces. Integration with surgical equipment such as electrosurgical devices and lasers enables seamless integration into surgical workflows.
· Focus on Portability and Mobility: There is a growing demand for portable and mobile smoke evacuation systems that offer flexibility and ease of use in various clinical settings. Portable systems enable healthcare providers to effectively evacuate surgical smoke in operating rooms, ambulatory surgical centers, and outpatient clinics, enhancing workplace safety and productivity.
· Customized Solutions for Different Specialties: Manufacturers are developing customized smoke evacuation solutions tailored to the specific needs and preferences of different surgical specialties. For example, specialized smoke evacuation systems for laparoscopic, robotic, and microsurgical procedures offer optimized performance and compatibility with specific surgical techniques and equipment.
· Rising Adoption of Disposable Filters: Disposable filters are gaining popularity in the smoke evacuation system market due to their convenience, cost-effectiveness, and infection control benefits. Disposable filters eliminate the need for manual cleaning and sterilization, reducing downtime between procedures and minimizing the risk of cross-contamination.
Market Opportunities:
Opportunities in the smoke evacuation system market abound, spurred by several key factors shaping healthcare practices and regulatory landscape. One significant opportunity lies in addressing the increasing awareness of surgical smoke hazards and the growing emphasis on workplace safety among healthcare professionals. Manufacturers can capitalize on this trend by developing innovative smoke evacuation systems that offer enhanced efficiency, effectiveness, and ease of use, thereby catering to the evolving needs of healthcare facilities worldwide. Additionally, there is a ripe opportunity to expand market penetration in emerging economies where the adoption of smoke evacuation systems is still nascent but steadily growing due to rising healthcare infrastructure development and increasing awareness of occupational health risks. Moreover, the shift towards sustainable healthcare practices presents an opportunity for manufacturers to develop eco-friendly smoke evacuation solutions that align with healthcare facilities' sustainability goals and regulatory requirements.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Smoke Evacuation System Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the smoke evacuation system market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the smoke evacuation system industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
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Geographically, the smoke evacuation system market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The smoke evacuation system market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Smoke evacuation system market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Smoke Evacuation System Market Segmentation:
By Product:
By Application:
By End-User:
By Region:
Prominent entities in the global smoke evacuation system market include Medtronic, CONMED Corporation, Zimmer Biomet, Stryker, and Ethicon Inc. Notably, in May 2020, KLS Martin Group acquired the core business operations of Stuckenbrock Medizintechnik. These companies are strategically navigating market dynamics through initiatives such as expansion, new investments, service innovations, and collaborations. Moreover, players are extending their reach into new geographical territories through both organic growth and acquisitions, leveraging joint synergies to secure a competitive edge.
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Key Questions Answered by Smoke Evacuation System Market Report:
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