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2024.05.15 14:14 Thaddaus26 Some Holy Priest Rework Ideas

Holy priests are arguably one of the more boring healers in Warcraft to the point that people often refer to them as the ‘default’ healer. I’m sure there are more deep, underlying issues that Holy has but I wanted to try tackling them on a purely thematic level with some minor thoughts on a more gameplay-oriented level.
I aim to make more interesting spells that interact in a fun way that gives the holy spec a little more flavor than, “The default RPG healer”.
Quick preemptive self-defense though. This is all in good fun and purely theoretical. It’s always been interesting for me to speculate what a class or spec could be and rather than hoarding it all to myself, I thought it would be more interesting to see some other people's opinions and possibly inspire others to do the same. With that said...
Some of Holy’s biggest cooldowns are Divine Hymn and Hymn of Hope (Renamed to Symbol of Hope now). Singing to help your allies. You’ll notice other spells in the toolkit like shadow WORD pain and power WORD shield. Shadow has a spell called SILENCE for god’s sake. Basically, the implication is that priests are using their voices to channel their spells somehow. Why not...do more of that? Because I can’t lie, having several spells named “Heal” with different variations is killing me inside.
Plus, a bunch of the talent node names already lean into this! A few notable examples are:
Voice of Harmony
Healing Chorus
Gales of Song
Divine Word
Resonant Words
All the Holy Word Spells
Let’s make it so Holy is all about literally singing the Light’s praises. After all, if Shadow and Holy are canonically on two ends of the spectrum with Discipline being the proverbial middle ground, let’s really have Holy Priest’s be truly ‘Devout Feeling’ with their spell names. Double points if the spells end with a sung note or maybe a little arpeggio of a harp or something.
Let’s go through a few examples I’ve thought of and any non-obvious reasons behind each decision.
“Heal” -> “Holy Solo”
“Flash Heal” -> “Divine Etude” (An Etude is a short music piece)
“Prayer of Healing” -> “Holy Motet” (A motet is mainly a vocal musical composition, the name describes the movement of the different voices against one another)
“Circle of Healing” -> “Sacred Cantata” (A Cantata, (from Italian cantare, “to sing”), originally, a musical composition intended to be sung, as opposed to a sonata, a composition played instrumentally)
“Renew” -> “Grace Note” (An extra note added as an embellishment and not essential to the harmony or melody)
And now, I’ve saved my favorite for last. Its effect is decent but the name is so uninspired…
“Trail of Light”? More like... “Light Motif”!
A light Motif is a dominant recurring theme and what’s more dominant and recurring than spam healing?
The point is that there are so many possibilities with having the Holy priest being the spec that heals with singing, and unlike trying to shoehorn bards in as a new class, it makes some sense here.
Ok, so all this stuff so far is just replacing words for other words and I know what you’re thinking…
“This doesn’t do anything to fix the fact that Holy is still quite dull compared to other healers!”
You’re dead right. The Priest’s Discipline spec currently rewards thinking ahead of what the encounter you’re facing will bring while Holy just sits back and collects red solo cups after the party is over. Let’s change that.
My main problem is with its mastery. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very “Good” when you’re thinking about the throughput and the pure numbers but it’s also a very “set it and forget it” style of gameplay and reminds me of the Shaman’s sometimes similarly maligned mastery that dishes out healing depending on how much health is missing. There’s no thinking required and frankly, Shaman have a much more interesting toolkit to justify it.
I think we would all prefer it to be more interesting like how Paladins generate more healing based on how close they are to the action which allows them to get in close with their other melee abilities anyway and encourages them to help out with the DPS. Excellent design decision. Win win win.
So the first thing is to fix the mastery and the new system I am proposing is…
“Mastery: Chord Progression”
To start, your basic heal will apply an effect to a targeted party member. This effect will have a very long uptime which can stack called Holy Note. (I’m personally imagining a buff that has a golden crotchet note with a little wing instead of the tail). Now your first Holy Note merely exists on top of the target and does a small heal over time in a similar being to how the mastery currently works, increasing with how much mastery you have.
A second heal to the target will apply a second stack and increase the stacked effect. This will change the buff icon to be two crotchets, stacked on top of one another. This will, again, increase the heal over time effect.
A 3rd heal to the target will complete the stack and heal the target with an effect called “Holy Chord” that heals more depending upon your mastery stat. Instead of just spamming heals over and over again mindlessly to get that powerful Holy Word spell you want back in case you need it, you instead work up chords on friendly targets. Targets that don’t require constant spamming will have heal over time effects up near constantly whereas targets that are dying and in need of healing will receive direct heals instead!
The effect is largely the same but with a little more thought and interactivity involved. If a target has two Holy Notes ready but is only at, say, 70% health, you can wait and focus on other party members until they drop a little more, and then you complete the chord.
So that’s the base outline of the spec. The long uptime of the buff rewards not finishing off the chord until you actually need it and still makes it usable in PvP.
The best part about it is that if we don’t want to be rid of the cooldown reduction mechanic that Holy is currently working with, it can fit very neatly over the top without changing anything too fundamental. The Holy Words might need some very slight tweaking to work but I don’t see any immediate problems with this system.
Now, Holy needs some new cooldowns. Over the years, Holy has gone from having one of the most well-rounded toolkits to one that looks very limited in comparison. Shaman's can heal by sharing health percentages. Paladin’s have all their auras, Glimmers, and immunities. Evokers can fly and bombard people with healing, heal through stuns and other CC, and reverse recent damage taken. Monks are dashing around like no one's business and healing by punching them in the face. Let’s find some good stuff to give the Holy Priest.
Guardian Spirit stays right where it is. It’s extremely thematic to the spec identity by this point and I think it works well with the Holy Note system since you can leave a target with Guardian Spirit to die while you work on other targets with Holy Notes in the meantime.
Hymn of Hope (Not Symbol, change it back) can also stay because its raid and PvP utility is interesting and works collaboratively with other healers and DPS. A good singer should strengthen and work off those around them, right? It works thematically with this Bard theming we’ve got going on. Plus, having to drop it isn’t nearly as painful as having to quit Divine Hymn early. Speaking of which.
The first thing to change is Divine Hymn itself! Sure, on paper it feels very Holyish and it’s certainly quite powerful but ask any Holy Priest what its main flaw is and they won’t hesitate to tell you. You can’t move and nothing is stopping it from being interrupted from an interrupt, a knockback, a stun, or a pull, etc. There are so many instances I can think of where I wanted to press it so badly but I knew it would do more harm than good. Added that it’s often a dead button for me if I ever decide to try using Holy for PvP since in the rare event that I’m not being trained or chain CC’d, it’s so AOE-focused that it often isn’t strong enough to help anyone outside of a Battleground from behind a rock. It requires a PvP talent to make it more worthwhile which is very seldomly picked anyway.
I had a thought after playing Discipline for a while and having Ultimate Penitence available to me. It’s an incredibly fun spell that does a boatload of healing and/or damage while making you immune to CC effects and giving you a huge absorb shield to delay damage to yourself. It’s balanced by having a long cooldown that you can reduce but only by talenting into the following nodes in the tree.
I can’t be the only one who’s noticed that Divine Hymn is basically Ultimate Penitence but drastically weakened and less cool looking to boot.
My idea was to give it the same ‘un-crowd-controllable’ effect as Ultimate Penitence and make it do generally increased healing instead of a stacking effect to increase further healing afterward. The new ‘gimmick’ of it would either be that it would either expel enemies from within a certain radius once, like Anduin’s big bubble of light from the cinematic, or gently push enemies back from the priest as the center point. This would not completely negate adds or an enemy player’s walking speed having any forward momentum, but it would definitely aid in players trying to kite adds when they’re dying or from enemy players in PvP where that little extra distance would make the difference, and would also reward the priests choice in a central location. You could inadvertently push enemies INTO players, after all.
To top all of this off, I would prefer to have this ability further down in the tree to make it feel a bit more impactful of a choice rather than ‘almost’ mandatory’ where it is smack bang in the middle. A lot of spells in talent trees that are sat dead center in the tree feel like they're meant to be picked and I feel like Guardian Spirit should be where Divine Hymn is at the moment, not as close to the level 10 talents as it is currently. For example, Soul Swap for Affliction Warlocks, Invoke Yu’lon/Chi’ji for Mistweaver, Dancing Rune Weapon for Blood Death Knights, and Pillar of Frost for Frost Death Knights. I could go on but the list is pretty exhaustive.
Another thing I would like to change is very synonymous with Holy Priests but something that I think, overall, doesn’t see as much use as we’d like. Primarily because it relies on the priest dying.
Spirit of Redemption is a cool spell, the problem is that unless you take the capstone talent to make you revive afterward or you take the PVP talent to make it into a cooldown in PvP, you don’t really ‘want’ to trigger its activation requirements or have a reliable way of doing so in PvE when you want its effects. I do enjoy that now it allows you to resurrect an ally if you die so someone else can continue the fight but it’s more of a consolation prize or at worst, a reward for bad skill expression. It is also basically a required talent in Solo Shuffle as, if the priest dies, your teammates have 15 seconds to get a kill of their own to win the match or you take the PvP talent as a way more powerful cooldown.
What I would like to do is make the Spirit of Redemption a bigger cooldown spell but give it an obscenely long cooldown so you cannot feasibly use it more than once per fight. Like the Holy Word: Salvation spell without the possibility of cooldown reduction. Because you are losing it upon death, the gimmick here would be that it would last the full 15 seconds, you don’t use mana while casting and you can resurrect a party member instantly in that form(Outside of PvP). This would make the spell more central to the spec rather than as an add-on, free up a PvP talent choice node, and make the battle resurrection more readily available rather than having to wait for your death to use it.
Another such spell we could make SO much more interesting is Divine Star. The one people don’t like taking because who the hell doesn’t WANT to take Halo, right? Whether it’s effective in whatever format you’re playing in, it’s much more visually interesting and it just FEELS powerful, y’know?
Now to fix this, I’m going to do none of the work and instead do what Blizzard should have done by taking an idea from their own IP…Anduin’s Divine Star in Heroes of the Storm!
Yeah, I know they’ve stopped doing anything with HoTS but still…
In HoTS, it has had a bunch of effects over its tenure depending on the talents you take and most of them would make the spell more interesting in WoW. Maybe when it comes back to the priest, it could explode and heal party members or deal damage as Shadow near the priest since you’re already in close range due to the nature of the spell. Maybe it doesn’t even buff up the healing of the actual spell itself and instead interacts with your other heals by producing a stacking buff per enemy/ally you hit that increases the power of your next Flash Heal or Mind Blast?
We can also improve the lackluster mobility of the Holy Priest outside of always picking Angelic Feather by giving them the reverse Leap of Faith Glyph back as a choice node between the normal Leap of Faith.
The ability to jump to your allies was a worthwhile drawback to not being able to troll people as hard with the Leap of Faith ability when Glyphs were a thing and frankly, I miss it. I find that sometimes I’d rather be able to jump into the fray, especially as a class with an AoE fear effect, and the regular leap of faith doesn’t reward that playstyle as much. I remember back in Shadowlands that having Door of Shadows to jump in, disorient them with the covenant effect, and then Psychic Scream before running back out was actually really interesting and it’s one of the only things I miss from that expansion.
In terms of a new name instead of being a glyph, our new ability “Light Transposition“ will cause you to fly to your friend’s location just like old times. Stick it on a choice node with Leap of Faith and you have two differing playstyles almost immediately.
Now a major problem all healers have to contend with, especially to compete with the Meta of Discipline Priests and Holy Paladins, is providing some level of damage.
Not gonna lie, this is where I’m not sure about this idea since I already don’t ‘love’ the idea of healer’s DPSing and having to work around the base spells of the class now that they’ve been reintroduced has made this a little clunky so I’d love some other suggestions for this part. I’d prefer that healers offered utility that DPS do not have access to rather than extra damage but that seems to be the direction Blizzard is rolling in. Frankly, at the moment, Smite and Holy Fire interact with very little of the Holy toolkit outside of Chastise and Empyreal Blaze and we also have Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Blast. I fear that they will all just be tacked on to the toolbar with no thought and we’ll just have this myriad of spells to randomly fire off when we’re bored.
Personally, as a basic idea, I would consider removing Holy Fire as a button as, in the theme of removing bloat that War Within seems to be addressing, I think having Holy Fire as an add-on effect in the same way as the Monk’s Chi Wave is being remade would be ideal. It could function in the same way as Holy Note in that every three casts of smite would bring down a blast of Holy Fire which would give way to being justified in making Holy Fire feel a bit more impactful. Mind Blast could be used within this to ‘erupt’ the Holy Fire DoT, causing an effect I think I’d like to call “Discordant Notes” on account of mixing the void with the light which would either do additional damage or perhaps cause an extra effect like a slow or AoE damage around the target.
With this in mind, Empyreal Blaze could remain as a talent and cause Smite to proc Holy Fire two additional times when it next triggers its chord effect. Shadow Word: Pain would likely exist as just an extra DoT you can throw on as it is now or it could be applied through Mind Blast to clear up more bar space.
Anyway, those are just some thoughts I’ve had. I’m sure there are flaws in them and I’m looking forward to hearing them but I hope you found them fun to theorise around!
submitted by Thaddaus26 to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:08 mgmzn1222 Self funded PGDL + SQE, would firms still give me a maintenance grant?

Hi all,
As the title states, I’m on my way into self funding my conversion as a non-law grad to gain more commercial awareness, access to law resources/ops, and the vocabulary to strengthen my applications.
Question: Would firms still give me the PGDL/SQE maintenance grant if I had already paid for it?
Some context below:
I wanted to take the usual route of playing the application game until I secured one and getting the company to fund it.
However, a couple of people I know of self-funded + passed their SQE 1 prior to securing a TC. They didn’t have to wait 2 years and will be able to start this September. Plus one of those who self-funded, got offered a paralegal job at the firm in the 2 years before they start their TC.
submitted by mgmzn1222 to uklaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:48 Captain_Jace Full guard Because I'm Bad

So, as of late I've been trying out a bunch of heroes to find who I want to main based on a few criteria. Mostly, what fits my play style and how much fun do I have doing it. Immersion is a big one too. But I'm trying to be flexible on that. But I've was a Viking since release with the exception of a few seasons here and there where I wanted to play with a friend and take territories together ya know? But I have full intentions on siding with the faction my main comes from.
Right now, my top contenders are Warlord, Conqueror, Shugoki, and Jorm. But I've found I prefer heroes with a full guard stance because, quite frankly, my reaction time is bad and so it's easier to just guard in one direction every time and block everything. And I prefer heavies because of their survivability and I only like objective game modes and playing for the objectives rather than kills and stuff (I've won so many games solely because I just sat on a point. No one even showed up lol)
So, I have a few questions about some of the other full guard heroes. Namely
Black Prior Valkyrie (though immersion is hard with female gender locked heroes. Hard to look at a female hero and go "this is me" ya know? But again, trying to be flexible) Kyoshin
Not so keen on Varangian Guard or Aramusha because their full guard has to be timed well.
Mainly, are they worth it? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How do they play?
Keep in mind some things I really like about the ones I'm playing now
Warlord: of course his full block stance, even though he's a "defensive" hero I can play him super aggressive. His headbutt is fantastic at dealing with turtles.
Conqueror: basically everything I said about Warlord. I love his infinite chain which is unblockable when they're heavy. The only thing I DONT like about him is his attacks are slow so I just get parried all day if I don't play SUPER defensive. And I prefer aggression.
Shugoki: it's the hugs. Delayed unblockable heavies are good and all, but giving a guy a hug and throwing him on the ground while my team wrecks him for 80% of his HP is great.
Jorm: Jorm is more of a "I want to get good with him" hero. The aggressiveness of Warlord and the disabling abilities of Shugoki, plus an infinite chain if I use his zone right. He's got everything except that full guard stance. So with him it's more that I want to get better at blocking, parrying, and feinting and then get good with him
submitted by Captain_Jace to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:36 3r_technology The Ultimate Guide to Recycling Your Old Computer

For many of us, our trusty computers become companions, storing memories, facilitating work, and keeping us connected. But technology marches on, and eventually, that once-powerful machine starts to feel sluggish. Upgrading is tempting, but what happens to your old computer? Throwing it away is not the answer. E-waste, or electronic waste, is a growing environmental concern. Luckily, there's a responsible solution: recycling your old computer.
This blog post will guide you through the process of giving your old computer a new life, explaining why recycling is important, how to prepare your data for secure removal, and finally, the fascinating journey your computer takes at a recycling facility.

Why Recycle Your Old Computer?

There are several compelling reasons to choose recycling over throwing away your old computer:

Preparing Your Old Computer for Recycling

Before sending your computer off, it's crucial to take steps to protect your data:

The Recycling Process: Where Your Computer Goes

Once you've prepped your computer, it's time to find a responsible recycling facility. Here are some options:
Now, let's delve into the fascinating world of an e-waste recycling facility:
  1. Sorting: Once your computer arrives, it will be sorted with other electronics. This initial sorting separates different types of electronics and removes any hazardous materials like batteries.
  2. Disassembly: Trained technicians will carefully disassemble your computer, separating components like circuit boards, hard drives, cables, and metal casings. Depending on the facility, some parts may be set aside for reuse if they are still functional.
  3. Shredding: The remaining components are shredded into smaller pieces. This allows for easier material separation in the following steps.
  4. Separation: Powerful magnets, eddy currents, and other technologies come into play to separate different materials like ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, and glass.
  5. Processing: The separated materials undergo further processing. Metals may be melted down and reformed for reuse. Plastics may be granulated for use in new products. Any hazardous materials are treated and disposed of responsibly.
  6. Recycling and Reuse: The recovered materials are then sold to manufacturers who can use them to create new electronic products. This completes the recycling loop, reducing reliance on virgin resources.
By choosing to recycle your old computer, you're not just decluttering your space; you're contributing to a more sustainable future. So, give your trusty machine a proper send-off and let it embark on a new adventure as part of a recycled product!
3R Technology
8002 S 208th St E105, Kent, WA 98032, United States
(206) 582-7100
submitted by 3r_technology to u/3r_technology [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:21 IamBatuKaan Today I tried LoL Ultimate Coke

Hello friends, I am an 18-year-old League of Legends player. And I want to tell you an interesting experience, I'll tell you all in advance. I wish you a good reading. Surprisingly, one of the days One day while playing League of Legends again I alt-tabbed to change the song I opened on Spotify. But when I throw it, what do I see? In the Spotify commercial, I saw that the world's most famous cola company had released a new cola for League of Legends. literally shock I was like dead, the fat-clogged veins of my heart were beating loudly with excitement. My eyes are wide open It was opened. A new Lol coke. This was literally a new LoL coke. It sounded amazing, I've been waiting for this moment for years. I was born for this. I immediately started researching, tapping my greasy fingers on the keyboard. How does it taste? My questions such as where to sell, how to reach I answered. Unfortunately, it didn't give RP like it used to, but since I'm a Lillia main, I still had to buy this LoL-specific cola, even though it didn't give anything. I learned the place and time it was sold and prepared a plan. I was going to buy it from Walmart near my house and drink it. The plan was quite difficult; Very difficult steps such as stepping outside, walking and even communicating with the cashier It was hosting. But I had to. I set off immediately. As soon as I opened the door and went out, the sun It penetrated my skin and made a "ciss" sound. It's been years since I last went out for a Lol Coke. I had no problem with Sunshine. Oxygen felt quite strange. After a few difficult steps Finally I arrived at Migros. You go inside, avoid eye contact with everyone, and grab the cold drinks cabinet at the top. on it, I saw it. It was there... It was shining with gold, it was very majestic. my eyes It was dazzlingly beautiful. As soon as I hold it in my hand, I was the happiest person in the world now. As soon as I bought it, I ran to the cash register, I had the coke in one hand and the money in the other. I gave the money to the cashier, who easily took it through the cash register and gave it to me, and I quickly ran without taking my change. I started. This much social interaction is very hard on my body. It was too much. But it was worth it. I was at the exit now, with a LoL cola in my hand. I succeeded. I raised my hands and shouted: I did it! I DID IT! But then my social anxiety took over and I started shaking. When I stopped shaking, I opened the coke. Even her ccooosss voice was so beautiful, so charming. my mouth I placed it on the opening and started drinking. gulp first sip. But something was abnormal, it wasn't exactly a foreign taste to me. Gulp, second sip, I knew this taste, I could imagine it. gulp third sip. With every sip I take, in my brain Another missing piece of the puzzle fell into place. And before I was halfway through the box, my mind The puzzle was completed. It tasted exactly like the toes of Lillia's right hind hoof. That hairy, noble leg of his, hard, but beautiful hoof that softens as I split it with my tongue... The moment I realized this, my eyes started to spin. It's easy after a while! I realized that I stopped drinking and preferred coke. I was going crazy. As if he was licking Lillia's asshole, her face red with embarrassment, and her tail It was like she was caressing my face. When you say "don't do it, stop", you mean it She was whispering "fuck me all the way to my intestines" as if to my ear. I was becoming an unchained slave to my own passion, my libido. Lillia to fuck loudly My deep desire to be was overtaking my perception of reality. 100% of my brain was working to fuck this side gazelle creature. These thoughts slowly It took over my entire brain and I literally went crazy. Foaming from my mouth She was squirting, my eyes were seeing Lillia's gazelle pussy everywhere. Half cola in the box I stopped thrusting my tongue and forced my dick into the drink hole. Ahahaha! He was covered in blood, but the pleasure I felt was indescribable. As if I had no tomorrow I started to fuck the box. all over my dick It was peeling, my blood covered the entire outside of the box; Some of it had leaked in and mixed with the cola in the box. I could hear Lillia in my ear. She was neighing, "fuck me like there's no tomorrow, "Tear my ass to pieces, my love," he was moaning. I accelerated to satisfy my wife, your moans gigliks took their place. It was the best feeling in the world, I held his hind legs and wrapped his tail around my hand. She was rocking while he fucked her tight asshole In my dream world, She was screaming that I was her daddy. I ejaculated. When I spilled my sperm, which was a sign of my love for Lillia, into the box filled with coke and my blood, I was under the influence of the legendary pressure. The box exploded in my hand. And this love liquid inside was scattered all over the sky. It was pouring like rain. This blessed rain, which for some is the symbol of my lost sanity and for some is the symbol of my epic love for Lillia, is with me and everything around me. He was blessing humanity with his abundance. A lot, but a lot It was beautiful. I found absolute peace at that very moment. Until the day I die, from the real gazelle's pussy. I won't fuck anything else, Lillia. I promise you my love, I love you...
submitted by IamBatuKaan to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:18 IamBatuKaan I love u Lillia 🥵

Hello friends, I am an 18-year-old League of Legends player. And I want to tell you an interesting experience, I'll tell you all in advance. I wish you a good reading. Surprisingly, one of the days One day while playing League of Legends again I alt-tabbed to change the song I opened on Spotify. But when I throw it, what do I see? In the Spotify commercial, I saw that the world's most famous cola company had released a new cola for League of Legends. literally shock I was like dead, the fat-clogged veins of my heart were beating loudly with excitement. My eyes are wide open It was opened. A new Lol coke. This was literally a new LoL coke. It sounded amazing, I've been waiting for this moment for years. I was born for this. I immediately started researching, tapping my greasy fingers on the keyboard. How does it taste? My questions such as where to sell, how to reach I answered. Unfortunately, it didn't give RP like it used to, but since I'm a Lillia main, I still had to buy this LoL-specific cola, even though it didn't give anything. I learned the place and time it was sold and prepared a plan. I was going to buy it from Walmart near my house and drink it. The plan was quite difficult; Very difficult steps such as stepping outside, walking and even communicating with the cashier It was hosting. But I had to. I set off immediately. As soon as I opened the door and went out, the sun It penetrated my skin and made a "ciss" sound. It's been years since I last went out for a Lol Coke. I had no problem with Sunshine. Oxygen felt quite strange. After a few difficult steps Finally I arrived at Migros. You go inside, avoid eye contact with everyone, and grab the cold drinks cabinet at the top. on it, I saw it. It was there... It was shining with gold, it was very majestic. my eyes It was dazzlingly beautiful. As soon as I hold it in my hand, I was the happiest person in the world now. As soon as I bought it, I ran to the cash register, I had the coke in one hand and the money in the other. I gave the money to the cashier, who easily took it through the cash register and gave it to me, and I quickly ran without taking my change. I started. This much social interaction is very hard on my body. It was too much. But it was worth it. I was at the exit now, with a LoL cola in my hand. I succeeded. I raised my hands and shouted: I did it! I DID IT! But then my social anxiety took over and I started shaking. When I stopped shaking, I opened the coke. Even her ccooosss voice was so beautiful, so charming. my mouth I placed it on the opening and started drinking. gulp first sip. But something was abnormal, it wasn't exactly a foreign taste to me. Gulp, second sip, I knew this taste, I could imagine it. gulp third sip. With every sip I take, in my brain Another missing piece of the puzzle fell into place. And before I was halfway through the box, my mind The puzzle was completed. It tasted exactly like the toes of Lillia's right hind hoof. That hairy, noble leg of his, hard, but beautiful hoof that softens as I split it with my tongue... The moment I realized this, my eyes started to spin. It's easy after a while! I realized that I stopped drinking and preferred coke. I was going crazy. As if he was licking Lillia's asshole, her face red with embarrassment, and her tail It was like she was caressing my face. When you say "don't do it, stop", you mean it She was whispering "fuck me all the way to my intestines" as if to my ear. I was becoming an unchained slave to my own passion, my libido. Lillia to fuck loudly My deep desire to be was overtaking my perception of reality. 100% of my brain was working to fuck this side gazelle creature. These thoughts slowly It took over my entire brain and I literally went crazy. Foaming from my mouth She was squirting, my eyes were seeing Lillia's gazelle pussy everywhere. Half cola in the box I stopped thrusting my tongue and forced my dick into the drink hole. Ahahaha! He was covered in blood, but the pleasure I felt was indescribable. As if I had no tomorrow I started to fuck the box. all over my dick It was peeling, my blood covered the entire outside of the box; Some of it had leaked in and mixed with the cola in the box. I could hear Lillia in my ear. She was neighing, "fuck me like there's no tomorrow, "Tear my ass to pieces, my love," he was moaning. I accelerated to satisfy my wife, your moans gigliks took their place. It was the best feeling in the world, I held his hind legs and wrapped his tail around my hand. She was rocking while he fucked her tight asshole In my dream world, She was screaming that I was her daddy. I ejaculated. When I spilled my sperm, which was a sign of my love for Lillia, into the box filled with coke and my blood, I was under the influence of the legendary pressure. The box exploded in my hand. And this love liquid inside was scattered all over the sky. It was pouring like rain. This blessed rain, which for some is the symbol of my lost sanity and for some is the symbol of my epic love for Lillia, is with me and everything around me. He was blessing humanity with his abundance. A lot, but a lot It was beautiful. I found absolute peace at that very moment. Until the day I die, from the real gazelle's pussy. I won't fuck anything else, Lillia. I promise you my love, I love you...
submitted by IamBatuKaan to LilliaMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:16 Different-Jacket5269 We’re not gonna finish it.

We’re not gonna finish it.
I’m sorry, I know it’s another complain post but I just don’t know how Supercell thought it was fair to create an event like this.
1) Club event I mean I know that making it tied to club was to promote social interaction between players but if half the clan gets <30 eggs in the whole event it kinda undermines the ones who actually play to get the rewards, not to mention those who after 15 eggs already have one buzz skin so their gigantic brain thinks that they have the right to not contribute anymore to the club. I for one wasn’t in a club before the event (I took a break some time ago so my club rightfully so kicked me) and I don’t have a lot of friends who play so I entered the first club that seemed active and it kinda is, but half of it stopped playing in the middle of the event.
2) Mutations I love them but Ruff’s and Rico’s were a mistake. In the balance changes they said that they nerfed them but that clearly wasn’t enough, I know they’re not made to be balanced but I want to have fun, not to fight an Undertale boss that thumbdowns you after spending all the match in a corner spamming shots towards the wall. The other mutations are fine, some are clearly better than others and I don’t think that’s a problem, they’re temporary after all, but those 2 are in every match and really difficult to counteplay around, not impossible but man
3) Godzilla mode itself Everyone knows that the Kaiju is ass but it’s still a fun gamemode, OR IT COULD BE IF IT WASN’T FOR THE 2 RICOS I PLAY AGAINST EVERY MATCH, not to mention my randoms that think playing Frank or Hank is a good idea. And the rewards. OH GOD THE REWARDS. WHY DID THEY THINK THAT A RARE STARR DROP AFTER EVERY LOSS WAS FAIR. This is made worse by the fact that underdog matches still count as losses, thank you lvl 8 Otis that didn’t realise the bug was fixed 2 weeks ago. I don’t mind the trophy aspect of the mode, trophies are worthless anyway and even more so with mutations, but the rewards really needed to be buffed or maybe more frequent, because 5 rare drops and 1 egg every 5 days is kind of lame if you ask me.
4) Eggs As today I opened 65 eggs, and I got 37 mutations. Nearly all of them, and I used only Brock’s and Stu’s for some time before dropping the mutated gamemodes entirely because I wasn’t having fun dodging bullets every match (I only use Brock for City smash). Mutations being kicked by eggs rewards was stupid, not to mention that to win the Godzilla mode you NEED to least one good mutation, and the meta for that mode is even smaller than the normal mutated modes. I got 4 mithic eggs and all of them were rare skins, some of them I’ll never use because they’re worse than the base model (and I refuse to be part of the blackbird Edgar gang) and only 1 legendary, which was Robo spike, arguably the worst epic skin in all of the event. I bought 12 eggs because I had some spare gems and wanted to help the club while also getting some extra rewards but that’s a a hell of a mistake. I know I’m unlucky, but maybe the odds needed to be a bit higher, or maybe a threshold for some guaranteed rewards would be nice.
Conclusion, I don’t want to harass supercell for this event, I know they had the best of intentions with it and they aren’t gods that came from space so obviously they can’t predict the future and make everything perfect, I’m just sad that we need to rely on luck to get the rewards more than anything.
submitted by Different-Jacket5269 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:06 reracked377 Like... what if?

She looks like Jennifer Doudna, literally:
What if?
What if the lipo-nanoparticles and the ACE2 gene-silencing CRISPR RNA-gene-drive 'inoculation' program are part of Club of Rome's Odum's "reduce America's population by 2/3rds hopefully voluntarily by 2030?" What if this was and will become Utopia? What if Deagel's 2025 population statistics that accounts for this 2/3rds population reduction, which was sponsored by Kissinger, the Rockefeller foundation and Edwin Deagle Jr., knows more about this?
"The analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 structure in light of the functioning of the CRISPR-Cas9, Cas12a and CasX mechanism suggests that the virus is man-made through genetic modification. [...] Covid is not acting like other viruses and many various symptoms in human body have been observed. [...] The modifications in the backbone’s phosphate group induced by CRISPR engineering create a highly imbalanced state. The entropy and therefore the repulsion forces strongly dominate in this type of virus."
What if they gave you AIDS and sterilized you? What if the optimal CRISPR-Cas9 lock-on markers out of any nGG, ie markers for future gene editing, was part of the plan? And hopefully none of this is sexually transmissible. Sticking a peen in an Extinction Level Event... is it worth the risk? We should ask Ian this. He did look grayer after screwing Jessica.
Utopia (UK):
  • "SARS doesn't exist."
  • "The planet can support only 1 billion."
  • "We leave 5 to 8% unaffected."
  • "Janus consists of protein and an amino-acid." (CRISPR)
I chose my own people."

Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from BOTH Virus and Vaccine mRNA

The modification of mRNA with N1-methylpseudouridine for increased stability leads to the production of spike proteins for months.'

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 - withdrawn (January 2020)

Amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag."
What's the common denominator? European DNA. The injection is ethnically adjusted to deplete ACE2-expression of European DNA but not those carry k26r polymorphism, ie. Ashkenazi J's and the Amish.
Where is ACE2 located? Also in mitochondria, the cell's battery. Why cancer? CRISPR, mitochondria and p53 disruption, oxidative stress. Once modRNA gets into cells, they're released to hijack cell's machinery to produce full-spike proteins, endlessly. Spike proteins downregulate ACE2-protein expression of mitochondrias and silence p53 the guardian of genome. And the CRISPR Cas9/Cas12a awaits for gRNA to act.
An idea of giving cells the instructions to synthesize pathogenic spike-protein to develop immunity is imbecilic in the first place. But urging people to get one without a prescription promising getting back to normal (that's been destroyed for this purpose) - a crime.
But Rockefeller's (Rockefellos) Cub of Rome would never think of doing anything like this. The network in Utopia is fictional, right? Read Kissinger report, read the Jaffe memo!
Rockefeller's Population Council:
"fertility control agent' designed to lower fertility in the society by 5 to 75% less than a present birth rate; to be included in water supply in urban areas." (1969).
You see, just like women refused to smoke in public until they saw it as a form of liberation. Covid is our liberation. If things go to plan. We won't know for many years.
The public would never support the most powerful men working to reduce the numbers of the "lower class" until we saw OURSELVES as a deadly virus to the planet. That's been the goal from the get-go.
In the population control document that Rockefellers sponsored it suggests multiple methods of involuntary sterilization such as adding “fertility control agents” to water supplies, temporary sterilization of all young women “via time-capsule contraceptives,” and compulsory sterilization of men with three or more children.
Those are just ideas they floated, it's not like they ever funded or implemented them. It's not like they made an anti-fertility vaccine! They did.
Its not like they ever went thru with an actual involuntary roll out of this tho, we woulda heard about it!
You might have seen this 2014 story "debunked." In 2014, Kenyan doctors found traces of HCG in Tetanus vaccines being distributed by WHO/funded by Gates. Why is this important?
HCG is the same pregnancy hormone that is used in conjunction with Tetanus in that SAME ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION FUNDED INDIAN INFERTILITY VACCINE. Doctors in the Philippines and Mexico also claimed to have found HCG in their WHO distributed Tetanus vaccines in the 90s (they did). The WHO didn't fund the development of that Indian vaccine (BECAUSE THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION DID)!
It is important to note that this Anti-fertility vaccine has been in development since 1988 thru 2014 to this day.
It does appear as if the Rockefellers have implemented their "involuntary fertility control" and have used Tetanus vaccines as cover to test this pet project of theirs, but that's speculation.
The goal of the network also reminds me of "Children of Men," originally published in 1992 and set in England in 2021.
"Armageddon Begins - Russian Detonates Nuclear Bomb, Kazakhstan Annihilated." The newspaper reads in opening of the film.
Children of Men' (2006) Plot - In the year 2027, after 18 years of total human infertility, war and global depression have pushed society to the point of collapse as humanity faces extinction.
Did you know that "Children of Men" was written by Phyllis Dorothy James, referencing Pat Frank's "Mr. Adam" and "Alas, Babylon" written back in 1950s?
Given the quality of sperm declining due to fluoride, chemical exposure and such, and mRNA-medicine affecting fertility of men and women, that's the exact match.
Joel E Cohen, the Rockefeller University Professor on Population heavily acknowledged the significant drop in fertility rate of white populations in US and EU, explaining driven immigration to sustain the level and boost 'economic prosperity.' As the saying goes, Just as the Egyptians made G‑d’s firstborn (the Israelities) suffer, G‑d punished - measure for measure - the Egyptians’ firstborn. All the firstborn would lose the life-energy that until then kept them alive." This is the 188th Mitzvah and accompanies the gene drive which is Janus to a T. Bye, bye!

Angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACE) play a dominant role in fertility (2013):

To solve population bomb, just sterilize the entire world with:
  • release bioengineered disease binding and exploiting ACE2
  • silence gene expression through CRISPR-Cas9 mRNA
Presented for your viewing:

CRISPCas9 gene drives in genetically variable and nonrandomly mating wild populations (2017)

A drive targeting Ace2 might therefore conceivably be used for direct population suppression.”
DARPA invests $100m in gene-drive technology - new gene-editing technology, which many people fear could lead to deliberate and unintended damage on a huge scale (2017):
Harvard, Wyss Institute - CRISPR-Cas9: Gene-drive:
Little is known about the role of p53 in the regulation of ACE2. An earlier study reported that p53 suppresses the replication of coronavirus through ACE2 degradation in humans.”
And to conclude, Epstein associate George Church, who said arranged marriages using gene sequencing as Haredim have been doing is ideal; Epstein associate Martin Nowak - Evolutionary dynamics of CRISPR-Cas9 gene drives (2016)...
...with Matthew Liao, want to design humans using gene editing.

The Rockefeller Foundation - Bionics, Transhumanism, and the End of Evolution (2019):

Here's the end; how fun it will be, how fun, indeed:
In Grant's drawings it says they put the ghost cell in the buffalo and the man eats the buffalo and rots. People won't physically rot from consuming the food, they'll just be sterilized when they take the vaccine, or they will, because Prions.
Like I'm crazy so don't take too much of what is posted here that seriously, but do if your life depends on it.
Utopia experiments manuscript was the plot for 2025. I'm shaking in my socks.
submitted by reracked377 to utopiatv [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:51 Dry_Contribution_438 M3M Mansion Sector 113 Gurgaon Luxury Apartments

M3M Mansion Sector 113 Gurgaon Luxury Apartments
M3M builders are very popular in real estate. they have a strong reputation for delivering high-quality residential, and commercial properties. they developed their new luxury residential project in sector 113 Gurugram. Sector 113 is a very developed area in Gurugram. They provide so many different things in this project. That's why this project has become the very choicest project in Gurugram. this project is a luxury project that offers you a super luxury apartment in the best location in Gurugram. This project is spread across 10.225 acres of land area. it's a huge area.
Furthermore, M3M Mansion Sector 113 Gurugram provides 2,3, and 4 BHK luxury apartments. the modern design of this project is making it more attractive. this project is to provide your dream house full of a cozy and comfortable life. They provide ample size open space to their residence. they used good construction materials to build this project. The design of this project is very eye-catching. They use some automatic lighting to make it more beautiful. This project is perfect for families because it provides spacious space. The interior of this project is very elegant and beautiful. They use very good quality material in the interior to make it look more luxurious.
Moreover, This project has a good connection with Roads and highways. They use ceramic and vitrified tiles in every single apartment in this project. At the same time, this property has a grid false ceiling. They use premium quality wood in the bedrooms and bathrooms of every apartment. Also, They provide jaguar fittings inside every apartment room in this project. They use only high-standard things in the apartments to make them more premium. They provide anti-skid tiles in bathrooms and balconies for safety purposes. this project is perfect for those families who want to live in luxury apartments That loaded with facilities.

Amenities provided by M3M Mansion Sector 113 Gurugram

  • Clubhouse
  • Swimming Pool
  • Gym and Fitness Center
  • Landscaped Gardens
  • Children's Play Area
  • 24/7 Security
  • Power Backup
  • Car Parking Facilities
  • High-Speed Elevators
  • Maintenance Staff
  • Retail Outlets
  • High-Speed Internet
Location Benefits of M3M Mansion Sector 113 Gurugram
  • M3M mansion sector 113 Gurugram is a well-developed prime area.
  • IGI Airport is very close to this project.
  • At the same time, Dwarka Expressway is also very close to this project.
  • The famous market of Gurgaon Vyapar Kendra is about 10 to 12 minutes far from this project.
submitted by Dry_Contribution_438 to u/Dry_Contribution_438 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:45 Shadormy AFL Pre-Round 10: v Richmond Tigers at the Gabba

Last time/win v Tigers/at the Gabba, Highlights. (Fairly 1 sided. Daniher kicked 5. Lions led by 8 goals at HT and won by 81 points)).
Injury List: Answerth (concussion) test, Robertson (shoulder) test, Bailey (ankle) 1 week, Michael (knee) 1-2 weeks, Starcevich (calf) 3-4 weeks, Ashcroft (knee) 6-8 weeks (finally with a timeline). Doedee (ACL) season and K. Coleman (ACL), Gardiner (ACL) and McCarthy (ACL) all out for the season. Answerth and Robertson should be back this week.
In the Mix:
Noah Answerth is expected to exit concussion protocols and be available. His return would put pressure on Jaxon Prior and Sunday's debutant Shadeau Brain, who were called up to play the Crows. Deven Robertson is also available after missing time with a shoulder injury, while Jimmy Tunstill and Jarryd Lyons are constantly maintaining pressure from beneath at VFL level, but would likely need a player to be rested to get a call-up. – Michael Whiting
Game Day Guide. Usual shuttle busses and free travel 4 hours before and after .
The Long Walk is on before the game (Starts 4:30pm/MC starts 5pm at Flowstate Southbank (not far from Southbank Station). Walk commences at 5:25pm. Need either a ticket to the game or buy one here).
The TAFE QLD open day for the Lions Institute of Business and Sport is happening before the game.
Will be wearing the Indigenous Guernsey this round (maroon one) and next (red one).
Josh Dunkley should play his 150th.
Cameron: "It’ll be a special moment... I get to represent my people".
Six Lions named in Under 18 Allies Squad.
Throwback: Draws over the years. (Shadeau Brain becomes the 2nd Brisbane Lion/Bear to play in a draw on debut, Chris Schmidt in 2007 the other (2 game for the Lions and 18 for the Crows from 06-11)).
For Fitzroy (who had 25 draws): Sid O'Neill in 1909 (only game), Dave Crone in 1915, Bill Byrne and Frank Strawbridge in 1917, George Gibbs and Jack Lean in 1927, Dan Murray and Seff* Parry in 1933, Ray Davies in 1954 (only game) and finally Michael Coates and Bradley Gotch in 1982.
*Seff? Full name Arnold Sefton Parry.
Lions had a bye.
Next game: Lions v Casey Demons at Casey Fields (Melbourne), Saturday May 18th at 11:05 am AEST.
Around the state leagues.
Brisbane draftee Sophie Peters recorded 12 disposals and three tackles.
Brisbane draftee Evie Long played an important role in Aspley's win with 14 disposals and 10 tackles
Brisbane's Jacinta Baldwick was handy in Coorparoo's win with 11 disposals, three clearances and a goal
submitted by Shadormy to brisbanelions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:41 ShadowDragon8685 The protagonist from the last (non-Baldur's Gate) video game you played just got transplanted to your campaign. What happens?

I'll start first, and I'll go high-effort with the last three games I played.

1: Nina, 30XX

Assuming that 30XX hit points translate 1:1 to D&D HP, she's going to be an absolute monster because she starts with 120 of them, and comes equipped with an energy blaster that by rights should ignore worn armor. She can spam fast attacks, or charge up more powerful attacks. Even without any other powers or pickups from her native game, she's a pretty major character in any D&D type game. It's questionable whether her Buster would count as magical for damage resistance purposes, but it probably should be typed as Force damage either way.
Nina is a sweetheart though, and so she wouldn't really get into conflict with the party. She'd probably join them to try to find a way home, and save the world along the way.
She would probably struggle against save-or-suck spells and other magic, though.

2. Misako, River City Girls 2

Misako would be an interesting one. Obviously she's some kind of pugilist, but "discipline" is anathema to her. Sarcastic, loudmouthed, and violent, she would fit right in with most PC parties. Oddly enough not quite a murderhobo in that she seems to always have her fists set to stun and doesn't usually punch first unless the other side is clearly intent on violence... But she absolutely will sarcasm and sass "threatening" encounters into violent ones.
It's a mixed bag about whether or not she'll be able to thrive violently, but probably; she is from a beat-'em-up game, and regularly punches her way through several entire street gangs just going to the shopping mall, which can be foes ranging from violent schoolgirls (who are absolutely dangerous to underestimate) to Terminators sent back from the future. She would not do well against magic, though.

3. The British Empire, Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts

Rule Britannia shall be the order of the day. No sailing ship afloat can withstand the might of the British Empire’s secondary guns, let alone the primaries, which can lob high explosive/incendiary shells well over 35km. Foes below will be depth-charged, foes above will be flakked and shot down with AA guns. (And that's assuming that, like in UAD, powered aircraft are not a thing.)
Magic is powerful, but it cannot withstand an industrial power that's already achieved economy of scale. And frankly, all these fractious, bellicose bastards need some rule of law; they will be made to bow knee to His Majesty George V, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India and [insert name of campaign setting here].
submitted by ShadowDragon8685 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:27 anishalucas111 North America Building Thermal Insulation Market Size, Share & Growth Analysis 2032

North America Building Thermal Insulation Market Size, Share & Growth Analysis 2032
In 2023, the North America building thermal insulation market size achieved a substantial valuation of nearly USD 12.68 billion. Projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.8% from 2024 to 2032, this market is poised to reach approximately USD 19.34 billion by the end of the forecast period. This blog offers an in-depth exploration of the market dynamics, driving factors, and the technological and regulatory landscape shaping the future of building thermal insulation in North America.
North America Building Thermal Insulation Market

Market Outlook

The North American market for building thermal insulation is gaining momentum as energy efficiency becomes a priority for residential and commercial construction. Thermal insulation plays a critical role in reducing energy consumption by maintaining temperature, thus ensuring cost savings and comfort for occupants.

Report Overview

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the North America building thermal insulation market from 2024 to 2032. It examines market size, growth trends, and detailed segmentation while offering insights into the competitive dynamics and operational strategies of key players.

Market Size and Dynamics

Starting from a strong base in 2023, the market is expected to witness significant growth, driven by stringent regulatory standards for energy efficiency and a growing awareness of sustainability issues among consumers and businesses. The increase in renovation and retrofitting activities of old buildings to make them energy-efficient is also a critical driver.

Market Drivers

  1. Regulatory Compliance: Stricter building codes and regulations mandating reduced energy consumption are major growth catalysts.
  2. Rising Energy Costs: As energy prices climb, the demand for effective insulation solutions to cut heating and cooling costs escalates.
  3. Sustainability Trends: Increasing environmental concerns and the push towards more sustainable building practices fuel the adoption of thermal insulation.

Key Market Challenges

  1. High Initial Investment: The upfront cost of high-quality insulation materials and installation can be a barrier for widespread adoption.
  2. Complex Installation Processes: The need for skilled installation to achieve desired energy efficiency standards poses challenges.
  3. Material Innovation Pace: The speed at which new, more effective insulation materials are developed and brought to market can impact overall market growth.

Market Segmentation

By Product

  • Fiberglass
  • Mineral Wool
  • Cellulose
  • Polyurethane Foam
  • Others

By Application

  • Wall Insulation
  • Roof Insulation
  • Floor Insulation

By End Use

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial

By Region

  • United States
  • Canada

Recent Developments

Innovations such as the development of eco-friendly insulation materials and the integration of IoT devices to better manage building climates are recent trends in the market. Companies are also focusing on recyclable and green insulation materials to meet regulatory standards and consumer demand.

Component Insights

Key components in building thermal insulation include material type, insulation technology, and the integration of smart insulation solutions. These components are crucial in achieving higher R-values (a measure of insulation's ability to resist heat flow) and overall energy efficiency in buildings.

End-user Insights

The primary end-users of building thermal insulation are the construction sectors, including residential, commercial, and industrial builders, who are increasingly integrating advanced insulation solutions to meet both regulatory requirements and market demands.

Regional Insights

  • United States: Dominates the North American market due to its large size and the presence of numerous insulation manufacturers.
  • Canada: Follows closely, with stringent building codes and a focus on reducing carbon footprints driving the adoption of thermal insulation.

Key Players

Major players in the North America building thermal insulation market include:
  • Saint-Gobain S.A.
  • Huntsman International LLC
  • GAF Materials LLC
  • Knauf Insulation
  • Owens Corning
  • Anco Products Incorporated
  • Atlas Roofing Corporation
  • Cellofoam North America Inc
  • Johns Manville
  • Roxul Inc.
These companies are leaders in innovation and are continuously expanding their product portfolios to include more sustainable and efficient solutions.

Market Trends

  • Green Building Initiatives: Increasing focus on LEED-certified buildings and sustainable construction practices.
  • Technological Advancements: New insulation materials and techniques that offer better thermal resistance and environmental benefits are emerging.

Industry News

Recent partnerships, acquisitions, and expansions in the building thermal insulation market are focused on enhancing geographic reach and technological capabilities to meet the growing demand for energy-efficient solutions.

Application Insights

Building thermal insulation is used extensively across various applications such as temperature control, energy conservation, and soundproofing in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is driving the North America building thermal insulation market?
  • A1: The primary drivers include regulatory compliance, rising energy costs, and sustainability trends.
Q2: What are the main challenges facing the market?
  • A2: Challenges include high initial costs, complex installation requirements, and the pace of material innovation.
Q3: Which regions are leading in market growth?
  • A3: The United States is the market leader, followed by Canada, due to their advanced regulatory environments and focus on sustainability.
Q4: How are companies innovating in this market?
  • A4: Companies are focusing on developing eco-friendly and highly efficient insulation materials.
Q5: What trends are shaping the future of the building thermal insulation market?
  • A5: Major trends include green building initiatives and technological advancements in insulation materials.
Q6: How does building thermal insulation benefit users?
  • A6: It provides significant energy savings, enhanced comfort, and improved environmental performance of buildings.
submitted by anishalucas111 to u/anishalucas111 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:19 imightbeanasshole29 People with no musical talent genuinely piss me off.

Edit: What Prompted me to ask what other people think, is that other teachers I have asked, have shared a similar experience. Very frustrated with adult students unable to perform basic musical tasks.
I am a music teacher. I love my job apart from one thing. Teaching adults. Seeing full grown adult human beings with full time jobs, degrees, and somehow unable to count to 4 in even intervals... Makes my skin crawl.
For some context, I'm not some prodigy musician. I'm fuckin average AT BEST. I play guitar, bass, drums, keys, vox, and can work a recording/live sound booth. I have solid fundamentals with no issues, and a decent grasp around music theory essentials. Overall I have largely taught myself pretty much all my instruments. In the beginning I learned guitar by just watching guitar covers on youtube and copying them. Before you could slow down videos I would bandicam them and slow it down in windows movie maker. Learned by hand. I hated tabs, and had no issue learning things like smoke on the water, or tnt, or welcome to paradise from one of my older cousins. So my 10 year old brain said that youtube was definitely the most efficient route. Anyway fast forward a couple years my parents said I earned lessons (I had quit most of my other vocations they provided), and I had proved I could stick with a hobby. Learned how to solo, improv with logic, write songs even. Fun time, but at no point was it ever difficult. Yes it took time, that doesn't mean it was difficult to me. I never felt very frustrated, and there was never a moment I didn't understand what was going on. As opposed to every other area of my childhood like school; guitar and rock music was the only thing that naturally made complete and total sense the entire way thorough.
Now for my actual point; I do not understand how in some cases, after 20-50 years, someone could possibly be unable to clap their hands to an 80 bpm metronome. Unable to keep track of the frets when they have markers for every odd number. Going to blank spaces when I say frets like 5 or 7. Going to the completely opposite end of the guitar, and looking at me confused. It seriously baffles me. And I get it yes these people are paying me I should be grateful, but after a certain point... They have such a disconnection to music and art as a whole, that I no longer believe that everyone is capable of playing music. These adult students, feel like some of the dumbest people on the planet that I've ever met. They are completely incapable of even operating the instrument, to a capacity that would even allow them to learn. In some cases, like as if they've never even heard the song they know all the words to, and requested to learn on guitar or drums etc. It's like these people have no ears. I have always been of the opinion music is very primal. To me music, rhythm especially, sounds like english. I don't need to learn it, I've been hearing it so much since birth that I speak it. Every TV show, commercial, public school music class. To me music was literally, "let's just bang on shit and see what it sounds like." And then automatically realizing "oh nice if I put it in a pattern and play it an even number of times it's music, sweet." Yeah did I have to improve technique, learn how to make the sounds I was hearing over time, etc? Well yeah of course, but it was never hard. Each new technique, chord, what have you was a breeze. Maybe because music was so prevalent in the house? But then I remember, these people are also mentioning how important rock music was to the family home when they grew up. Now I'm back to square one. What could possibly be the difference between my dumbass, who failed algebra twice, and the dude working a 6 figure job twice my age?
I keep these opinions to myself, and have no struggles keeping private thoughts private in the moment. I am always positive with them, and never mention that I am floored by their inability to complete the task. I always put emphasis that if they don't understand something; it's on me to find a different angle to explain it. I have 3 adult students who do have their heads screwed on straight when it comes to this stuff. And they are able to learn to play. But at a certain point I don't know if I can help you, if it's going to take over a month to learn to clap your damn hands to the song you listen to every day.
I'm sorry if I sound like an asshole, but this is frustrating to no end. I even feel bad, these people have no chance at being able to play, and are still paying me. Taking it super slow, easy songs, seven nation army, smoke on the water, taylor swift, katy perry, whole notes, fucking whole notes?????? We can only go through this basic stuff so many times, and I think I've exhausted every method of explaining 4/4 and how to use your fingers one at a time. I don't know what to tell these people anymore.
Sidenote: The younglings are a different story because sometimes the parents force their kids to go when the kids aren't even interested. That's really no problem. I always focus on making it about music as a fun art form to consume and think about. Basic songs, no expectations, talking about music history, band recommendation's. The kids that are interested have no issue picking it up. Some are like the adults, where they can't keep a beat to save their life, but since they are young I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt they can still figure it out.
submitted by imightbeanasshole29 to Music [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:59 cmjones0704 Please Help- my friend won't move out of my parents' house, what do I do?

Buckle up because this might be long. My (21F) friend (22F) named G and I have been best friends since freshman year and lived together starting sophomore year, along with our other friends R (21F) and L (21F). We are the all the same age, but G graduated a year earlier than the rest of us. I will try to summarize as best I can (I can give more specifics in the comments) but in the middle of sophomore year G accessed a repressed memory of inappropriate behavior from a family member. This caused her to essentially experience a mental break that manifested in increased outbursts and a slew of destructive decisions, which ultimately resulted in a Bipolar 1 diagnosis.
Throughout junior year the unstable behavior only worsened and it began to affect our relationships. It got to the point that over winter break she decided to move out of our apartment, saying that she was becoming resentful and frustrated with us because she was graduating and at a different stage of life than we were and therefore had decided to remove herself from the situation to salvage our friendships. After moving out, she continued to essentially "live" in our room by lingering around without explicitly meeting up with one of us roomates or leaving her things around the apartment, which made it difficult for us to define the new version of our relationship and set boundaries. We did our best to support her and be understanding through her harsher nature and lack of consideration for others, but R was not as able to see the situation from another perspective. She tended to take G's harsh comments to heart and resentment built throughout the spring semester until the relationship was irreparable, which led to 2 fights between the 4 of us with G blowing up at us.
After G graduated she moved out of state for a job. We hoped that this would naturally settle tensions, but ultimately their relationship wasn't salvageable and it led to the end of L and I's relationship with R as well because we "chose G over her". While G was out of state she spiraled further: she became manic, experienced psychosis, tried to self-admit to the mental hospital, and was fired from her job. After getting fired, she decided to move back to our home state, but because of her extremely strained relationship with her family she asked if she could briefly move into my family's home while I was living at school as a transition while she figured out her next move. This is where the problem arises.
The original plan was that she would stay for around a month or two but she back on her feet by Thanksgiving, however, she is still living there now in May with no plans of leaving anytime soon. No one, including her, realized just how bad her mental state was. As it turns out, most of her personality and habits were defense mechanisms and trauma responses from her childhood, and now that she has lost the ability to "mask" and adapt, it's like she is relearning how to be an aware and active member of society.
She is very easily overstimulated and any slight problem can throw her completely off, sometimes for days at a time. For example, we planned a small trip to visit a friend an hour away for G's birthday. G planned out her outfits with me the night before and then went to the guest room where she has been staying to pack. The next morning when it was right before the time we had decided to leave, I checked on her and asked if she wanted to go load the car, to which she snapped at me, yelled, and proceeded to essentially throw a short tantrum complete with jumping and door slamming. According to my parents this is not an uncommon occurrence- they have heard her throwing things across her room and often experience her outbursts, sometimes becoming the target of them. This has all had a negative effect on our relationship. It has improved over the months, but I have been consistently extremely uncomfortable with her and wanting to distance myself. Firstly, I just don't desire to be around someone who behaves that way. It is constantly like walking on eggshells and it feels like I'm always "on" and working to manage someone else's unpredictable emotions.
Secondly, I have been having a LOT of feelings about her living at my house. This has subsided a lot since the fall, but when she first moved in it was meant to be temporary, and therefore, she stayed in my bedroom. This came to a head when I came home for break to find my room essentially trashed with no effort from her to clean up for me. My room was not in the greatest state when I left it, but I came home to things like the blankets strewn about my bed, her dirty socks buried in my blankets and by my pillows, and half eaten chocolate left on the floor. After this she moved fully to the guest room, which has helped, but she has since started talking about wanting to decorate "her room", which is making me upset because it's not her room to decorate: that would imply that she is a permanent resident rather than a guest.
Thirdly, her behavior towards my family has been frankly unacceptable. Her outbursts have been directed towards both my parents and my special needs sister. None of us are particularly confrontational so it has never been explicitly brought up, but I am extremely offended that she would accept the kindness of my family to house and feed her and to still treat them with such disrespect. She also does not make an effort to be a good houseguest in other regards: only does she not do anything to help with the chores of the household, but she actively adds to the mess (doesn't do her dishes, leaves her packages on the kitchen table, etc). I know that much of this is due to her degraded mental state, but it truly feels like she is a leech. I hate feeling this way.
I believe that she is completely unaware of how any of this comes off to others based on conversations she's had with both me, L, and my mom. She continues to hold grudges and negative feelings about things from months/years ago towards L & I. For example, when she used to live with us, L and I would frequently find food to be missing that we had bought, sometimes containers completely eaten and left empty on the shelf. When we expressed frustration that G would take food without asking and then wait to be caught rather than asking beforehand or notifying us after, she told us that she essentially felt entitled to our food because we could afford to buy food and she couldn't. This is a consistent theme where L and I would have been more than willing to help out if she had asked, but we were upset under a matter of principle because it's still our stuff! I am definitely not completely blameless, but I wouldn't say that I have done nearly as much to harm our relationship. G has an inability to see any other perspective than her own, and she has yet to understand that she is not the only one who has felt hurt in our friendship.
My parents have been at a loss for how to handle the situation. They don't want to throw her out to the wolves (none of her other family is an option), but at the same time, it is almost a year since she moved in, which is 10x longer than they were anticipating. Additionally, her therapist has been telling her that she is not ready to move out on her own and is not ready to work a "big girl job", so she has been working at Starbucks since around October and is likely not financially stable enough to live on her own. There is the potential of finding roomates to live with (she has tried a couple but they have all fallen through), but another issue is I'm not sure if she has been saving her money. She frequently makes purchases on amazon, gets take out food (after my parents buy groceries specifically for her), got a $200 tattoo, and discussed buying $250 concert tickets at the table with my family.
My mom has been especially unsure of how to approach her in a way that won't "set her off", so she recently asked G if she could contact her therapist to ask some questions about how to discuss the future of the living situation, but it is unclear how that will play out (a conversation with the 3 of them, my mom communicating with the therapist, etc).
What do I do in this situation? I do have love for her, but truthfully, it's been diminishing throughout this situation and I want her out of my space as soon as possible. Maybe it's selfish, but I can't fully relax when I'm at home when she's there and I feel guilty for introducing my family to this predicament. I would be a bad friend if I threw her out, but just because she has it worse does that negate my feelings? I feel bad because her family situation is very toxic and she is clearly unpacking her childhood and grieving her lack of parental support, but it feels like it is manifesting in jealousy with my situation and resulting in her feeling entitled to my family, home, and life. It truly feels like she is taking advantage of my family but I also know she really doesn't have another option. At what point does it stop being "their problem"? Please Help! AITA?
submitted by cmjones0704 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:28 Yurii_S_Kh Nikola, the only student at his school: “I mind the goats and play chess”. Travel notes from Kosovo and Metohija.

Nikola, the only student at his school: “I mind the goats and play chess”. Travel notes from Kosovo and Metohija.
Nikola Stankovic
“Have a good trip! Will you be so kind to bring me a chess set the next time you come? A deal?” This is what Nikola Stankovic told us when we parted the last time as we were leaving Slivova near Pristina. This is the place we return to once the opportunity presents itself.
It’s true that we come here often—to the suburb of the once glorious city of Pristina, once the intellectual, industrial, and cultural center of our Kosovo… People used to come here from everywhere, as the city attracted professors, engineers, writers, and artists. Before, Pristina was known for its flourishing cultural life, just as today it’s buzzing with commercial and shopping activity—full of intrusive and aggressive advertising by foreign companies, probably the only ones who benefit from the war. “Nuk ka me Pristine” (Albanian)—“Pristina is no more!” was the title of a novel published on the twentieth anniversary of the “March pogrom“ of Serbs. Serbs remember how yesterday’s neighbors, colleagues, and friends chased them out of their then Serbian city.
Things are no better in the suburbs of Pristina; they are completely cut off from the city. The nearby villages are dying out, standing isolated from the outside world and kept away from the blessings of civilization. Many Serbs were forced to leave or flee their homes. Many of them have died. Many of their houses were burned down… The tiny village of Slivova is a place where you can still hear people speak Serbian.
A Serbian school for a single student
“It used to be so wonderful here before the war! People worked in factories and in agriculture. Our village was bustling with life and there were a lot of children. I had more than twenty students in my class, and we are talking about a village school! But these days, after the war… Consider it a desert; everyone has moved or fled away,” Nikola's father tells us. He speaks of Serbs when he says “everyone,” as with every passing day, more and more Albanians settle into Slivova. For a long time now, the village is more than half Albanian. They come from the city in search of a quiet life and clean air, and they firmly settle here. I asked if there were any clashes. No, he replies, not yet, but who knows.
Basically, why would they want clashes when Serbs are already on the move, leaving their homeland behind. “Soon we will be left all alone. Our children have no future here. My older sons, for example, have long been living and working elsewhere.”
Nikola, the third son and the only school student in Slivova, is in seventh grade. We ask our old friend how he is doing.
“I mind the goats and play chess. Sometimes I look after Dragan, my younger brother (there are four brothers in his family), but he doesn't always listen to me!”
A young shepherd. A kind one
We are walking with our seventh-grader to his school, now located in a house left behind by a Serb. Since 1999, Serbian children never returned to their classes in their old school. It is the result of the “optimization of Serbian education,” the Kosovar way. We “snatched” Nikola for a short while—pulling him away from his herd. His youngest brother Dragan worthily replaced his brother in the line of shepherd duty. We sat down with him on a bench nearby to play a game of chess, Nikola’s favorite pastime. He admitted, embarrassed, that he sometimes played chess with his teacher at his “new” school, as well. But once he entered high school grades, he played against the computer, his main rival. It is not much of a conversation partner, but at least it offers an interesting game of chess.
We met Nikola for the first time three years ago. He won’t make friends with you lightly, or for no reason at all; it took him a while to grow accustomed to us. Village folk are like that. But once they get to know you, you can’t find a better friend. It was the same this time. When he saw us, he didn't say much, but his eyes shone with such joy that no words were necessary. And he is always trying to give us gifts.
“I recently went to a soccer game in Gracanica; my dad took me there. It was really great! Teachers come to the village every day, well, to teach me. So, I'm learning. What else can I do?”
Nikola is one of our “trailblazers”. He took part in the summer school camp organized last year for Serbian children from Kosovo and Metohija by our charity organization called “Kosovo Pomoravlje.” Everything went well, but, as we have noticed, these children couldn’t get enough of playing soccer with their peers from other ghettos. For them, soccer is an important thing, a way to interact, no matter how you cut it. We asked him if he’s going to attend our summer school this year.
“I sure will! Only if you have more soccer time!”
We finish the chess game and say our goodbyes. We leave Nikola with his herd, kings and queens, and a chessboard under his armpit. We already know what we’ll bring him when, God willing, we come here next time: soccer cleats and a football. We wave and honk… and hope that we will be able to bring together the boys and girls from the enclaves of Kosovo and Metohija in our summer school. And yes, they’ll have more soccer time there—we’ve learned our lesson well.
Maria Vasic Kosovo and Metohija Prepared by Peter Davydov
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:24 Sacrifice_a_lamb Ky Slime Review (good and bad) with Pics

Ky Slime Review (good and bad) with Pics
I actually have been waiting to review a few shops, since I think it might be nice to live with the slime for a while instead of writing a review that's just based on what the slime was like when I first got it. But today I got an order from Ky and I've got things to say about it lol!
Rambling preamble (skip to review) First off, I had heard rumblings of discontent about this shop, but also had heard aspersions cast about Sonria and I found her slimes to be pretty good. So, I was open to Ky, especially since she clearly is a master at designing DIY slimes. Her IG is a go-to ASMR source for me and her posts make the slime look irresistible! Seriously, for all you stores out there--make your slimes look good on the internet. You'll have so many more buyers.
While it's definitely obvious that the slimes that are played with on the IG are of larger quantities than what you will be getting when you order, her representation of the product otherwise looks pretty legit and she still has kind of a small, hand-made store vibe, which makes it easier to pay 16$ for a toy that may only last for a few months, right? She also has my dream slime--a neon space unicorns and rainbows sundae-themed slime tribute to Lisa Frank. This thing just looks so incredible. She really nailed the concept.
So, I made a big order because, shipping. there was a 10% discount and the prices didn't seem terrible, even with shipping. I placed my order on the 4th and it arrived today, on the 14th, which ten days feels acceptable for a small business in Hawaii. They didn't go crazy on the packaging, which at first made me glad (I do not feel good about all the bubblewrap so many folks use!) but then I saw that one of the clay containers had gotten smashed and the clay pieces inside were totally flattened. Honestly, nothing else had any damage and the clay was always going to get smooshed, anyway, so I'm not bothered, BUT, I dunno. Use bunched up newspaper or something.
It included a gift of two free "small" slimes. Really, they are like 3-4 ounces. Definitely a decent size for a sample and both slimes were pretty awesome, but I still have complaints...
My rating system is pretty "strict"--I'm stingy about perfect scores, but anything with a score over 15/20 is something I'd consider buying again.

Taro Milk Tea Cheesecake 10/20

Someone else reviewed this recently and loved it. I do not. I had initially hesitated to buy this because I like taro, but sometimes find the smell of taro-flavored things like mass-produced ice-cream disgustingly sweet, and I worried that this slime might smell this way. It does not. To me, it smells like boiled white potatoes with an undertone of glue. Not great.
The DIY kit came in a sealed bag and everything looked in good condition and matched the website photos perfectly. The boba balls slime, however, was so unactivated it was straight-up glue and I ended up having to SCRUB my hands in hot water to remove it. Even so, the assembly experience was fun and mixing was fun, as well. But the result is a mid slime. It is quite tough--so dense, but not terribly stretchy--and isn't much for bubble pops or other ASMR. The bobas are soft and squishy and that's cool.
I'd like it better if it didn't smell weird, OR I'd be fine with smell if I liked the texture of the slime more.

Tangulu 14/20

This came with giant, detailed charms and the giant fimos are beautiful and fun, but the clear slime was quite cloudy and yellow and for the price, that just seems like kind of a bummer. There's a fruity smell but the scent of the glue and maybe the add-ins overwhelms it. By itself, the smell isn't enough to deter me from playing with it. It is a stiff slime that tears easily, but it does stretch quite well if played with slowly. The slime is thick, so there isn't much noise from crunching, but it makes decent bubble pops.
Mainly, I just think there are other folks out there making what is basically this same slime, but I suspect that their versions smell better and maybe the quality of the slime is a little better, too.

Slimereo Mug Cake 16/20

Super fun concept that was realized as a wonderfully detailed DIY kit. The clay oreo was in perfect condition and so detailed! This was a lot of fun to set up and then mix. Initially the oreo smell was spot on, but since I've played with it a couple of times, the chocolate smell has weakened somewhat and, again, there's just a strong glue smell.
The mixed slime is not bad. It is still pretty tough, but it doesn't rip when pulled fast and it gets pretty soft and fluffy with inflation. It's just still a little more dense than I prefer. It has a nice sizzle to it and even makes some pretty nice bubble pops with a bit of effort. It is moderately tacky, but not too bad and I certainly wouldn't add activator for fear of making it too tough.

Boba Creme Donut 15/20

Another DIY kit that came in great shape. The clay donut was soft and everything assembled to make a beautiful, fun and interesting slime. Mixing was fun. The resulting slime is pretty close to that of slimereo Mug Cake, but instead of slakes of snow there are the tiniest mico-floam beads and some squishy bobas. I really like the way both feel and they seem to make this slime more pop-y than Slimereo. No sizzles, though. Bonus: this one doesn't smell bad! It smells like a caramel tea boba drink--lots of brown sugar and sweetened milk tea smells and then that sweet potato smell of boba.
but it's still a tougher slime that doesn't make a ton of noise.

Slime-Brite (jury's still out for me on this one)

This seemed like Ky's answer to Slime OG's steel wool-themed slime and Ky's having it honestly kind of tipped the scales for me buying from Ky instead of OG. Again, the presentation is fabulous--fun charms, great concept that is rendered in a fun, visually-striking way, cool label. The smell is definitely a convincing imitation of, like, Dawn dishsoap, which I like. I also realize that I just really like bingsu in slimes so I'm into this one, but it is still very sticky (I'm too afraid to add activator lest it become tough like other slimes in this order) and it is much tougher than the bingsu slimes I have from Seoul Gage. It's not tough by what I think are American standards, I'm just not used to it. It still makes great, bingsu crackles and I love how it looks and smells. If it gets a little less sticky without turning more tough, I might really love this one.
Which brings me to my next purchase:

My diet starts tomorrow 8/20

Again, super fun concept and so much detail! Everything was similar to the IG photos and in good condition except the clay pieces were a little hard, but it was fun to assemble and the slime components all seemed totally good to go. The smell is fine. The problem was mixing this produced a hard, rubbery slime--no stretch. I guess it was overactivated? I was ready to throw it out, but I had glycerine on hand so added maybe a tablespoon and that helped it, but it is still very tough. It does crinkle and crackle with the bingsu, but my hands hurt after just a couple of minutes of playing with it. Super not worth it, even with the amazing DIY element.

Sandy Beach 15/20

This was the one that had the damaged clay pieces. Honestly, it didn't spoil the assembly experience. In fact, I pulled off the clear slime from the sand crust and first mixed the clay into that and what an awesome expeirence! I really love how it looks to mix colorful clay into a clear slime base. This has a moderate "beachy" smell that isn't bad. I think I just don't like sand in slime. I was expecting something like a pumice slime, but instead it just seems to kill any ASMR effect: no bubble pops, no clicks, no sizzles. The clay pieces were dried out in places so there's also some un-mixed goobers in the slime and the slime is also quite tough.

Birthday Cake Pop 18/20

This one kind of saved the order (and maybe slime-bright) and it was totally one I almost didn't get it. It smells like how it looks--like a super bright, artificial birthday cake smell, which is actually pretty great. I love how it looks--such a loud, happy pink and love the sprinkles and the look of the different-sized floam balls. I'm not sure this is it, but I believe the floam balls being different sizes gives this slime extra bubble pops. This is a shiny slime that I expected to be tough, and it is--but somehow now I like that quality? Maybe it's because there's such a huge ASMR pay-off. Like, I' even getting some whistles when I stretch it.
I'd give this guy a higher score but, again, I have perfect and near perfect (to me) slimes in my collection and this doesn't feel quite at the level. But it's also unlike any other slime I have and I suspect it will end up being a favorite. I whole-heartedly recommend this one!
Free slimes were Lemon Loaf (with no clay piece, which maybe makes it better?) and Java Chip Frappe, also just the base. Again, these were large samples. I'm just grading them out of 10 because...I don't know? they were free and also they aren't, like, the version of the slimes you would be able to buy?

Java Chip Frappe (Jury is still out)

This is supposed to be a "jelly cream bingsu". It seems like a pretty thick, dense jelly with a tiny bit of bingsu. The bingsu are enough to produce some soft cracks and sizzles, so I really want to be abl to play with it, but it is way to sticky. It is already pretty thick, so I've only added a little activator so far, which hasn't helped much. Hoping this stops being so sticky without also turning into rubber. Smells is listed as chocolate chip cookie, but it smells more like khalua to me. At any rate, I like the smell.

Lemon Loaf 10/10

This is my favorite slime of the whole darn order. It is a highly resistant bingsu slime, but it really softens with inflation. Smells like a cake with a lot of artificial lemon flavor added to it, which sounds bad but it actually quite delicious. It looks great: a bright and cheery yellow that is broken up by specks of iridescence from the bingsu. Also, I love the lemon fimos! But, the cherry on top is the micro-floams! I love these tiny micro-floams that she uses. It may be psychosomatic, but I think they actually change the bingsu texture somehow? At any rate, this is a great, stretchy, inflating, crackling, squeezeable bingsu slime and I love it.


I really don't know what to make of this store, guys. I mean, I have only 3 clear "would buy agains" (one of which I didn't even pay for) out of a total of ten slimes, so, objectively, I should not buy from them again, but... I don't know. I definitely would not have spent all this money at this store if I'd seen some of the reviews I've seen since making the order. The complaints seem to be the same as my own: hard clay, tought slime, not great smells.
On the other hand, the Birthday Cake Pops and the Lemon Loaf are so good that I might be persuaded to try Ky again.
I guess, part of me wonders if the slime is this way because she's cutting corners on ingredients or doesn't know how to make slimes well? But then the amount of work and care that goes into designing the slime just makes me think there's no way this person doesn't know what they are doing, so then I guess this is the way the slime is meant to be (not for the Diet one, though--that was straight up bad slime) and it just isn't for me, but who is it for? who likes tough slime that doesn't make much noise?
Would be curious to hear others' thoughts.
submitted by Sacrifice_a_lamb to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:15 deseyfashion Top 10 Corporate Photoshoot Services in Singapore 2024

Top 10 Corporate Photoshoot Services in Singapore 2024
Corporate photography is essentially about taking photos for businesses to help them showcase their brand, products, and services. These photos play a crucial role in building the company's image and promoting what it offers to its audience. They're used across various platforms like company websites, brochures, social media, and press releases. Additionally, they serve individuals who want to build a professional portfolio to highlight their skills and expertise.
Within the realm of corporate photography, there's a diverse range of styles and purposes. The most common type is corporate portraits, which include professional headshots and outdoor portraits. These portraits are often featured on company websites, employee profiles, and corporate directories, giving a face to the company's workforce and conveying a sense of professionalism.
Another popular style is capturing 'business-in-action' shots, which provide a glimpse into the daily operations of the company. These photos showcase employees at work, giving viewers an inside look into the company's culture, values, and working environment. They help to humanise the brand and build connections with the audience.
Group portraits are also prevalent in corporate photography, highlighting teamwork and camaraderie among employees. These photos often feature the entire workforce together, conveying a sense of unity and collaboration within the company.
In addition to indoor studio settings, environmental or outdoor portraits are gaining popularity in corporate photography. These photos are taken outside of the traditional office environment and often tell a story or evoke a specific mood. They provide a more relaxed and natural look while still conveying the desired message or brand image.
In Singapore, the corporate photography scene is thriving, with numerous photo studios offering specialised services tailored to business needs. However, with so many options available, choosing the right studio can be overwhelming. To assist in this process, we've compiled a curated list of the top studios in Singapore for corporate photography, each renowned for their expertise, creativity, and professionalism. Whether you require headshots, product photography, or event coverage, these studios excel in delivering high-quality images that meet the standards of Corporate Photoshoot Singapore. Read on to learn more about the Top 10 Corporate Photoshoot Services in Singapore 2024.

1. Mount Studio

In Singapore's bustling photography scene, Mount Studio stands out for its reliability and creativity. Embarking on its journey in 2017 within the cosy confines of a 1,300-square-foot studio, Mount Studio soon found itself outgrowing its original space, prompting a move to a more expansive locale capable of housing both photo and video studios under one roof.

They offer a wide range of photography services, including corporate, wedding, fashion, and event photography. They also allow others to rent their studios for their own projects.

Key Features:

❖ Mount Studio now operates three studios within a spacious 2,400-square-foot facility.
❖ With over 15 years of combined experience, the founders ensure top-quality service.
❖ Conveniently located near Marymount MRT station, Mount Studio is easily accessible to clients across Singapore.
❖ They have worked with prestigious clients like OCBC Bank, Visa, IBM, Klook, and Philip Morris.

Corporate Photography Services:

Corporate Portraits - Professional photography at Mount Studio includes retouching three selected photos per person and the option for one backdrop. All photos are provided in low-resolution JPEG format for selection, with the final edited high-resolution JPEGs sent via Dropbox within 7-10 working days.

On-location Photography Service: Their services include sending a professional photographer and assistant to the client's chosen location. Clients get up to three carefully retouched photos per person, with professional lighting and various backdrop options. All photos are provided in low-resolution JPEG format for easy viewing, and the final edited high-resolution JPEGs are delivered via Dropbox within 7 to 10 working days.

Outdoor Photoshoots: At your preferred Singapore location, you'll get professional photography with editing. Expect around 30-60 edited photos per hour, all delivered in high-resolution JPEG format via Dropbox within 7-10 working days.

Contact Information:

Address: Foo Wah Industrial Building, 45 Jalan Pemimpin #07-04 Singapore 577197
Phone: +65 8875 8092
Email: [contact@mountstudio.com.sg](mailto:contact@mountstudio.com.sg)

2. Firefly Photography

Firefly Photography is a photo studio in Singapore that offers various services like corporate, family, and wedding photography. It started in 2012 with a partnership with a tech company and introduced outdoor family photoshoots, which were unique at the time. Over the years, it grew, securing contracts with big names like Nestle and Wildlife Reserves Singapore. Since 2014, it's been part of the National Day Parade.

Key Features:

❖ With 10 years of experience, Firefly Photography handles corporate projects for various clients, from government agencies to small businesses and multinational corporations.
❖ They have a fully-equipped studio for corporate headshots, group photos, and commercial shoots. You can also choose to shoot at your preferred location.
❖ Their professional team ensures a comfortable experience during the shoot.
❖ They offer a 360 Virtual Tour service to enhance your brand's online presence.

Corporate Photography Services:

Professional Corporate Photoshoots: Tailored photography sessions designed to meet the specific needs and branding of corporate clients, ensuring high-quality images for marketing and promotional materials.
Corporate Headshots: Expertly captured portraits focused on individuals within the corporate environment, ideal for professional profiles, websites, and marketing materials.
Group Corporate Photoshoots: Sessions designed to capture teams and groups within the corporate setting, promoting unity and teamwork through visually engaging images.
Lifestyle Photography: Photography sessions that capture the essence and atmosphere of the corporate environment, showcasing the culture, values, and daily life of the organisation.
Commercial and Stock Photography: High-quality images suitable for commercial use, including advertising, marketing, and editorial purposes, available for licensing or purchase.
360 Virtual Tour: Immersive virtual tours that provide an interactive and engaging experience, allowing viewers to explore corporate spaces remotely and gain a comprehensive understanding of the environment.
Corporate Video Production: Professional video production services tailored to corporate clients, including promotional videos, training videos, interviews, and corporate event coverage.

Contact Information:

Address: 1 Yishun Industrial Street 1, A'Posh Bizhub, #07-19, Singapore 768160
Phone: +65 9147 3301
Email: [info@fireflyphotographysg.com](mailto:info@fireflyphotographysg.com)

3. Memoire Photography


In the dynamic world of corporate photoshoot, where professionalism meets creativity, Memoire Photography emerges as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Nestled in the heart of Singapore, Memoire Photography isn't just a studio; it's a testament to the fusion of artistry and business acumen. Specialising in corporate photo shooting, as one explores what makes Memoire unique, they invite you on a journey where every picture tells a powerful story of corporate identity and success.

Key Features:

❖ Strategically situated in the bustling heart of Singapore, Memoire Photography enjoys a prime location easily reachable for clients from all corners of the city.
❖ Memoire Photography has a really advanced studio with the latest technology. They're great for corporate headshots, team photos, and commercial shoots.
❖ At Memoire Photography, clients can expect a seamless and enjoyable experience, From initial consultation to the final delivery, they prioritise client comfort and satisfaction, ensuring a stress-free and productive photo session.
❖ With a keen eye for detail and mastery of post-production techniques, they ensure that every image is meticulously edited to perfection, resulting in polished and professional visuals that truly stand out.
❖ Prior to the shoot, clients receive personalised style consultations to ensure that the visual aesthetic aligns seamlessly with their brand identity and objectives.

Corporate Photography Services:

Tailored Corporate Photoshoots: Professional photo shoots are available to encapsulate the essence of any company, ranging from the dynamics of office spaces to discussions in boardrooms, aiming to generate imagery that enhances marketing materials.
Executive Portraits: Catering to companies seeking to exhibit their team's professionalism, expertly captured executive portraits offer an ideal solution, suitable for incorporation into websites, profiles, and promotional materials.
Team Building Sessions: Fostering unity and collaboration, interactive group photoshoots encapsulate the collaborative spirit, whether involving the entire team or specific departments.
Company Culture Photography: Lifestyle photography sessions breathe life into corporate culture by capturing its values, ethos, and daily activities, providing a window into the core of the organisation.
Commercial Imagery: Premium-quality product photoshoot commercial imagery boosts brand visibility, serving various purposes ranging from advertising to editorial requirements, poised to augment marketing endeavours.

Contact Information:

Address: 246 MacPherson Road #02-01 (Betime Building) Singapore 348578
Phone: +65 9686 9665
Email: [contact@memoire.sg](mailto:contact@memoire.sg)
Website : https://www.memoire.sg

4. The Beautybox Studio

Since its establishment in 1998, The Beautybox Studio has been a premier destination for creative and personalised photography services. With a focus on both studio and location photography, the team at The Beautybox Studio is committed to delivering exceptional portrait photography and image styling. With a collective experience of 25 years, they aim to maintain their position as one of Singapore's top makeover and photography studios. The Beautybox Studio offers a comprehensive experience, combining a sense of luxury, visual appeal, and exceptional service.

Key Features:

❖ Their experienced photographers take the time to understand each client's needs, ensuring a tailored experience.
❖ Beautybox constantly explores new angles and expressions to make each image special.
❖ With full-time makeup artists and hairstylists, they offer convenience and expertise to enhance clients' appearance for the shoot.
❖ Their beauty professionals have at least five years of experience, guaranteeing top-notch service and confidence in front of the camera.

Corporate Photography Services:

Headshot Passport: The Beautybox Studio takes professional headshot photos that are great for resumes, applications, and company IDs.
Half-Body Photoshoots: They specialise in half-body photos that show off your personality for business purposes. They offer makeup and hairstyling to make you look your best.
Lifestyle Photography: They also do lifestyle photos that are more casual and friendly, perfect for social media or professional profiles.
Black+White Photoshoots: They offer classic black and white photos that focus on your expressions and presence.
Premiere Photography: With professional makeup and hairstyling, they ensure you look confident in every photo. They take high-quality photos for business use.
Group Photoshoots: They take photos of corporate teams for internal or external use, showing unity and professionalism.
Cabin Crew Photoshoots: They provide studio-quality photos at your office, with expert lighting and backgrounds, perfect for cabin crew and other corporate needs.

Contact Information:

Address: 452 North Bridge Road #02-00 Chan Brothers Bldg, Singapore 188733
Phone: +65 6835 3012
Email: [enquiry@beautyboxstudio.com.sg](mailto:enquiry@beautyboxstudio.com.sg)
Website : https://www.beautyboxstudio.com.sg/

5. Shoot You SG

Highly recommended for budget-friendly professional photo sessions, Shoot You SG was founded in 2017, specialising primarily in corporate photography. Alongside corporate services, the studio extends its expertise to family, wedding, and event photography.

Adding to its offerings, Shoot You SG provides photo booth rentals for corporate gatherings.

Key Features:

❖ Collaborations with renowned corporate entities like AIA, BreadTalk, Smollan, Great Eastern, and IPP.
❖ Flexibility for off-site shoots at locations of your choice.
❖ Esteemed for its prompt and expert photography services.
❖ Spacious and cosy studio setup, including a dedicated area for outfit changes.
❖ The photographer team prides itself on being affable, approachable, and supportive, guiding clients with poses and angles."

Corporate Photography Services:

Corporate Full-Body: Up to 20 images to choose from. 1 selected softcopy (retouched/edited) in full-body & head-crop (from same image) (3600px by 2400px), only applicable for 1 (white, grey & black) backdrop.
Corporate Half-Body: Up to 20 images to choose from. 1 selected softcopy (retouched/edited) in half-body & head-crop (from same image) (3600px by 2400px), only applicable for 1 (white, grey & black) backdrop.
Half-Body Portfolio: Up to 50 images to choose from. 1 selected softcopy (retouched/edited) in half-body & head-crop (from same image) (3600px by 2400px), only applicable for 1 (white, grey & black) backdrop.
Corporate Group Photography: Expertly composed and lit portraits that showcase the unity and professionalism of your corporate team.
Event Photography: High-quality portraits of attendees, speakers, and VIP guests, showcasing their engagement and participation in the event.
Photo Booth for Events: The team begins its process once clients reserve the photo booth session. They tailor logos, fonts, and designs to ensure each one possesses its unique flair, aligning seamlessly with the chosen theme. The team suggests maintaining simplicity and minimalism in the designs to ensure guests remain the focal point of the event.
Contact Information:

Address: Wintech Centre, 6 Ubi Road 1, #06-01 Singapore 408726
Phone: +65 9382 8465
Email: [reachus@shootyou.sg](mailto:reachus@shootyou.sg)

6. Dato Photograph
For over a decade and a half, Dato Photograph has been the go-to destination for diverse photography needs in Singapore. With a rich history of fifteen years, they've solidified their reputation as a trusted provider of top-notch photography services.
Founded by a collective of seasoned professionals with backgrounds spanning photography, modelling, magazine editorial, and event coordination, Dato Photograph brings a wealth of expertise to every project they undertake.
Key Features:
❖ Dato Photograph's portfolio includes collaborations with renowned publications like the esteemed corporate magazine, AsiaX.
❖ Clients enjoy the perk of unlimited shots during their sessions, ensuring every angle and moment is captured flawlessly.
❖ Need to spice up your shoot? Dato Photograph provides a selection of complimentary accessories and themed costumes to add that extra flair.
❖ Convenience is key, as the studio extends complimentary transportation services for location shoots, making the entire process hassle-free for their clientele.
Corporate Photography Services:

Passport Photo: Passport photos serve as a visual identification tool, capturing the essence of an individual in a standardised format, ensuring seamless border crossings and official documentation worldwide.
Corporate Headshot: Skilfully captured portraits spotlighting individuals within the corporate realm, tailored for enhancing professional profiles, websites, and marketing collateral with a distinctive touch.
Location or Outdoor Photoshoot: Capture the essence of your story amidst nature's canvas. Let Dato Photography frame your moments in the breathtaking backdrop of the great outdoors.
Contact Information:

Address 1: 12 Arumugam Road, Singapore 409958
Address 2: 115C Canberra Walk, Singapore 753115
Phone: +65 9484 4344
Email: [datophotograph@gmail.com](mailto:datophotograph@gmail.com)

7. Our Momento
Our Momento, a family-operated photography collective based in Singapore, specialises in providing a range of photography and videography services since its establishment in 2023. Their focus lies in outdoor photography, including corporate portraits, led by Jori Goh and Cynthia Lim, the studio's principal photographers.
Key Features:
❖ Our Momento offers straightforward pricing without hidden fees or extra charges per photo. They also give discounts for regular business collaborations.
❖ Specialising in outdoor shoots, they provide a fresh perspective for corporate portraits, alongside traditional studio options.
❖ Clients can discuss their ideas freely in an initial consultation at no extra cost.
❖ With a turnaround time of 7 to 10 days, clients receive edited photos promptly for their projects.
Corporate Photography Services:

Professional Headshots: Let your team's professionalism shine with expertly captured headshots, highlighting their confidence and approachability.
Team Photoshoots: Showcase your team's unity and spirit with group portraits that capture the essence of collaboration.
Company Events Coverage: Preserve the excitement and success of your company events with comprehensive photo coverage.
Environmental Portraits: Tell your company's story with portraits that incorporate your workspace or industry, adding authenticity to your brand.
Candid Photos: Capture genuine moments of connection and laughter with candid snapshots that reflect your company culture.
Contact Information:

Address: Jurong West Street 42, Block 419, Singapore 640419
Phone: +65 8020 2902
Email: [contact@ourmomento.sg](mailto:contact@ourmomento.sg)

8. White Room Studio
Looking to capture a memorable moment? Look no further than White Room Studio. This family-owned establishment has been a fixture in the photography world since 2009. Their studio is a one-of-a-kind space flooded with natural light, ensuring your photos stand out. Whether it's a corporate event, a family gathering, or a glamorous photoshoot, their creativity and spacious studio are ready to bring your vision to life.
Key Features:
❖ Step into their studio, a quaint shophouse filled with natural light. The absence of harsh studio lighting creates a soft, welcoming atmosphere that enhances every photograph, ensuring a natural and captivating feel.
❖ Their studio isn't your typical sterile environment. It's a space meticulously designed to ignite creativity. Offering a variety of backgrounds and settings, clients can bring their unique visions to life. Whether it's a rustic backdrop or a modern setting, their studio serves as a versatile canvas for creative expression.
❖ Their studio offers a variety of photoshoot options to suit every story. Whether it's a romantic couple shoot or a playful family portrait, they've got something for everyone. Their team works closely with clients to ensure each session reflects their unique style and personality.
Corporate Photography Services:

Headshot: White Room Studio offers corporate headshot photography that's redefining the industry. They specialise in creating professional images that enhance clients' presence on platforms like LinkedIn and within their professional networks. From CEOs and small business owners to fitness instructors, musicians, life coaches, doctors, and recent graduates, White Room Studio crafts headshots that exude confidence and professionalism for individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Corporate Branding: They prioritise listening to clients of all sizes and industries. Whether it's in recruitment, shipping, insurance, construction, hospitality, healthcare, aviation, financial services, or banking, they ensure that every corporate portrait reflects the message represented by the business.
Personal Branding: showcases your unique personality. Whether you aim for a warm and professional attitude or a vibrant and approachable vibe, they tailor your approach to suit your style.

Contact Information:

Address: 219 River Valley Road . Level 2, Singapore 238277
Phone: +65 6235 7037
Email: [enquiry@whiteroomstudio.com.sg](mailto:enquiry@whiteroomstudio.com.sg)

9. Lumiere Photography Pte Ltd

Meet Lumiere Photography – the premier option for partnering with leading corporations, global VIPs, and governmental dignitaries. Renowned for their prowess in crafting striking corporate photo shoot in Singapore, this team is adept at leaving a memorable mark. Their skilled crew, consistently attired with finesse and fluent in English, adds a layer of elegance to each endeavour. Lumiere Photography has adeptly captured prestigious occasions featuring influential personalities, ensuring prompt delivery of impeccable images ideal for urgent press releases.

Key Features:

❖ Lumiere Photography gets your press photos to you quickly, helping you meet your media deadlines without hassle.
❖ They create impressive videos and photos that tell your corporate story in a visually stunning way, ensuring your content stands out.
❖ With a talented team dressed to impress, Lumiere Photography not only captures amazing shots but also upholds your company's image at every event.

Corporate Photography Services:

Portrait Photography: Are you always rushing to find a good photo for your LinkedIn, resume, or Facebook? No need to worry anymore! With lots of experience taking pictures for big companies, Lumiere Photography Pte Ltd will make sure you look great in your suit and tie.

Studio Photoshoot: Lumiere Photography Pte Ltd offers clients the opportunity to indulge their friends and/or family in a delightful one-hour photoshoot experience within the comfort of their studio. They ensure a bug-free, sweat-free environment, allowing everyone to enjoy the session to the fullest.

Contact Information:

Address: 1 Yishun Industrial Street 1, A, #07-19/22 Posh Bizhub, Singapore 768160
Phone: +65 9023 8794
Email: [info@LumierePhotographySg.com](mailto:info@LumierePhotographySg.com)

10. Oh Dear Studio

Established in 2010, Oh Dear Studio in Blair Plain, Singapore, offers expert photography services capturing the city's timeless charm. Led by founder Melody Lin, the studio specialises in corporate and personal portraits, blending professionalism with artistic flair. Set in a charming colonial shophouse, Oh Dear Studio boasts tasteful decor, abundant natural light, and a serene rooftop oasis. Melody's passion for photography and dedication to storytelling ensure that every moment, from family gatherings to corporate events, is immortalised with authenticity and warmth. Oh Dear Studio is more than a photography studio; it's a sanctuary where memories are transformed into timeless treasures. For corporate photoshoots Singapore, Oh Dear Studio offers unparalleled expertise and creativity, capturing the essence of your brand with finesse.

Key Features:

❖ They're experts at taking professional photos for businesses and individuals, having done it for over 15 years.
❖ They specialise in business photos but also do pictures for couples, grads, and families.
❖ People love their work and say great things about it. The studio is in a neat old building with a stylish inside that makes for great photos.
❖ They have a private rooftop with lots of plants where you can take outdoor pictures in a peaceful setting.

Corporate Photography Services:

Professional Corporate: Oh Dear Studio places a strong emphasis on attentive client engagement across a diverse spectrum of industries and company scales. From recruitment and shipping to insurance, construction, hospitality, healthcare, aviation, financial services, and banking, they are dedicated to ensuring that each corporate portrait resonates with the unique identity and message conveyed by the business it represents.

● On-site Outdoor Corporate Photography: Oh Dear Studio endeavours to deliver exceptional professional business images, whether it's an outdoor Corporate Photoshoot or an on-site Office Corporate Photography session. A minimum booking of 2 hours is required, with the flexibility for clients to choose the location or office setting. The package includes the return of all soft copies captured, ensuring high-quality images at 3600 pixels x 2400 pixels and 300 DPI resolution.

Contact Information:

Address: 87 Kampong Bahru Rd, #02-01, Singapore 169381
Phone: +65 9738 3447
Email: [hello@ohdearstudio.com.sg](mailto:hello@ohdearstudio.com.sg)

submitted by deseyfashion to u/deseyfashion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:18 Artic-Flamingo The reckoning

I don’t think this post will last long.
One thing I’ve learned over these past few years is that life isn’t like the movies. In the movies, the widower learns to love again and they walk hand-in-hand into a sunset as the credits role. The trouble is, they never show the scenes in between.
I need to dump an old fashioned rant – it won’t make sense, I just need to say it… because I’m in one of those scenes tonight.
I don’t know what’s happening to me right now. Dotty saw it all over my face earlier and she asked me where I was. She’s so good to me and so kind. She wanted to know if I was okay. I was looking at her as she spoke but I had to look down and stop myself. Because I damn nearly told her that I didn’t know who she was.
It’s a simple relapse, nothing more. It’s just that it’s been a lot this week. And I loved her so much.
I have a rule with Dotty, and I would impose it tonight. It’s a good rule, really, and it works either way. All we have to do is say, “I need to be irrational for a little while,” and off we go - no questions. Though I know she hates not asking questions, but I always let her after.
I think PJ brought his mother closer when we had our rowdy discussion because that’s what he needed to do. Part of the deal we brokered was that he could remember her out loud, any time the moment struck him, and he has. We all talk about his mother every day and have from the moment she left – it’s not that. It’s just different with PeeJ. It’s more personal.
He said things that only he would – because PJ sees the world as only he does. Well, maybe not only. He sees the world like I do. And that’s the hitch.
Nobody tells you that the things you’ll miss the most are the little ones. He misses the little things. And for a while, he told me what they were. He misses, for example, how she always asked, “What am I?” before adding whatever fit the moment.
Mommy, how do geese know when it’s time to fly south?
What am I, and ornithologist?
He misses the way her ankle clicked when she walked, but only in the morning. He misses how she loved to sing, but never got the lyrics right. He misses how she would lead him down wild paths of fantastic stories just to get him to do things, and then blow it all up in the end.
And it was because of that one book report that a young Hemmingway would change the world.”
Wow, really?
No. But my point is…”
Suzie’s memory is alive in this house and will be for the rest of our lives. It’s just that, recently, it’s been less of a cliché. And I wonder if how I feel tonight is the way he’s felt all along. I don’t know if that makes sense. He’s just a boy; his view is different from mine; his world is smaller. But he sees it just like I do.
I come here to be honest because it helps. The things I can’t say out loud, and all that. The trouble is that honesty is a moving target where things don’t always stay true. In the moment, for example, I wish I had let Dotty go, because I want to be alone. I don’t want to have married again, it was a mistake. Tomorrow will be different.
It’s hard to love Dot and not feel as though I’ve betrayed another promise; it’s always in the back of my mind. And it’s hard to have these thoughts and not see Danny’s face that night, when he lost his temper and yelled, “She’s dead, Mack.”
It wasn’t supposed to be this way and I wonder if I've just been playing along.
I’m also conscious that something more is missing. I watched the boys playing basketball earlier and I watched Zach. He’s perfect. I’m fairly convinced that, had Zach not been hurt, I would have simply stopped living that night, in any real sense of the word. I hate me for that thought, but I’ve had it before. And I wonder if I would have been the same father. While Zach needed me, I had a reason – I will always see to the boys. I feel selfish seeing to me.
The moment in the car with PJ yesterday was substantial – I think I called it one of the most significant moments that I’ve ever shared. There’s a void now, where once there was guilt. People dream of being relieved of such a burden, and here I am wondering what to do without it. Typing that now, I think my epiphany is that if the boys are alright, then I have nothing left but to look at myself. I’ve known this, I’ve said this before. I guess it’s just different when the time actually comes.
I never had a moment to say goodbye – I never saw her again, not even after because they wouldn’t let me. I had no time to process it all and maybe that’s why I came here. If it’s true that in some weird way the idea that I didn’t have time to process it all saved me then, it’s killing me now. I think it’s hitting me at last, for as insane as that may seem and for all that’s happened since.
I’ve always been a simple man, astonished by my own fortune and eternally grateful for it. I came from nothing, but I had it all. I want to type “I still do” but losing Suzie breaks the math. And it feels like nobody will ever understand why. She was my life.
I’ve moved on, I’ve held the hands of my son as they moved on and I still do. I’ve found love again and I’ve motored through the transition with sincerity and a dose of frank honesty. I’ll never lie to Dot. And I do love her – more each day in fact. And I am astonished that the world would offer me something as wonderful, twice in a lifetime. But I hope you see that there remain some things that I still can’t say out loud.
Maybe I just need to feel bad tonight.
submitted by Artic-Flamingo to FathersJourney [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:02 anstyteeninmysoul AITAH: Am I wrong for feeling like I’m settling in my relationship? Among other things.

My boyfriend (M23) and I (F21) have been together for almost 2 years at the end of this month. He’s a great guy for the most part, but I can’t help but feel like I’m settling. I see other people’s relationships and how their partner treats them and I get envious. He’s changed a lot compared to who I originally fell in love with. I know that I can’t hold that against him; people are bound to change. But I’m not so sure that this change was for the better. Now, I’ve been in a very unhealthy relationship before this relationship. So I pride myself on taking some time to better myself and heal before I jumped into this relationship. So, in my eyes, I feel as though I have been a good partner. I would hope that I didn’t play a part in this negative change in him. He lost a lot—if not the majority—of his confidence. He’s very emotional. Which isn’t to say that men cannot show emotions. I’m glad that he’s able to express his. However, I feel as though I’m not even able to express my feelings without the fear of making him cry. Over anything and everything. I feel like I can no longer be “soft” and “feminine” when I’m with him. I’ve been told by my friends and family that I’m the one “wearing the pants in the relationship”. It’s getting to be exhausting. I can’t process my own emotions because I’m constantly trying to protect his. He used to be so fun to be around. We have the same friend group, and every time all of us would hang out, it would be so fun. Now, it’s a hassle to get him off of the xbox and out of our room. I can understand wanting to relax after a day of work, but it’s every. Single. Day. Without fail. On the off chance that he does decide to join everyone upstairs (our friend group lives together, our room is downstairs), he’s moody and snaps at everyone over the stupidest things. Quite frankly, I’m ashamed and embarrassed by his behavior because I’m worried that it’s a reflection on me. I’m not a touchy-feely person. I’m also not a very emotional person. I’ve laid this boundary about touching multiple times. He has repeatedly chosen to ignore that boundary, and then makes me feel bad for not wanting to be touched because it’s his “love language”. He is very close with his sister, she practically raised him, which is fine. But it’s gotten to the point that he can’t make any big “adult” decisions without consulting with his sister. And it’s not just asking for advice—he does whatever she tells him to do. He kept her on his bank account until he was 22. He lets her walk all over him, screaming at him to the point of tears. She has said multiple times, “If you would stop buying [me] everything she wants, you would be saving more money.” I do not ask for anything. Money was part of the problem in my last relationship. My ex would offer to buy me something, he would buy it, and then he would use it against me later on. Again, I do not ask my current boyfriend to buy me anything. He offers. He doesn’t hang it over my head, but his sister is apparently not a fan of his spending. I have talked to him about this, and he always defends his sister, never me. Yes, they’re family. But I personally feel like this has gone too far. I’ve talked to him about all of this and more, over and over again. I’m tired of hearing “I’m sorry,” and “I’ll do better.” I’m tired of having the same conversation with no positive outcome. I know that this kind of change doesn’t happen overnight, but this has been an ongoing argument for the past year. Do I risk ending a relationship when I’m scared that I won’t find better? He practically worships the ground I walk on in the times when he’s not moody. But I don’t like the way he treats my friends. I din’t like the way that he’s quick to defend his sister, but will throw me under the bus at the first opportunity. But I’ve also never been treated better.
To make matters worse, I’ve had a crush on my best friend’s (F21) boyfriend (M20) of almost 3 years since before the beginning of their relationship. I never said anything because it was obvious that she had a thing for him. But they’ve been having issues in their relationship, much like I am, so we’ve (the boyfriend and I) found a solace in venting to each other about it. We found a kind of comfort with each other. Let me make this clear: I know that I’m the lowest scum of the earth for this. But let it be known that I would NEVER do anything to jeopardize my friendship or their relationship. It just hurts, seeing them together.
I feel so lost and alone. I don’t know what to do. AITAH?
submitted by anstyteeninmysoul to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:53 SlimeSpree MEGA SIZED Rodem review (with many pics!)

MEGA SIZED Rodem review (with many pics!)
Rodem Slime Shop
7.5oz for $12.99-19.50 Labels are now waterproof! Yaaay! 💪🏻
I was so excited to get into this giant package from one of my favourite stores, and one I really love to support as they deserve it! This was actually a couple of orders I placed over time and Rodem contacted me to ask me if I wanted to combine them which demonstrates their incredibly attentive customer service. Usually the customer needs to contact the store for this to happen.
Included inside was powdered borax, a free gift slime for each order plus one more because it was a large order and they are generous. This exchange with Rodem got us chatting and then something very special transpired but I will post separately about that as I have to cram a lot of slime into this review and have limited space for images!
I had to brew a cup of tea, sit down and take my time going through all of these to make sure I combined all the correct things! It helps a lot that they are all pictured on the enclosed invoice but it would be helpful if they were packaged together. That having been said, separating the heavy pots of slime from the clays is a good idea when the order is this big and heavy so I can't complain!

  • LEMON TART (DIY butter snowfizz, lemon cookie scented)
This smelled OH SO good. The lemon and the cookie notes comes through and were just delicious and very realistic smelling! Sometimes lemon scent is reminiscent of citrus scented cleaning products to my nose but not this, this was an excellent effort. but My clay lemon was a little squished but clay often can be due to being delicate and tricky to package and the issue is not uncommon with any company.
The clay was soooo very soft, moist and pleasant to squish into the base. After you take the base out the pot you are met with a little bit of “caramel” sauce on the bottom of the pie. It’s all very mouth watering. This was the perfect, massively inflatable snow fizz and I was so in love with it. It was super crunchy and had the expected abundance of ASMR fizzles. It was beautifully activated and in every way a perfect slime. Some may find snow fizz a bit pokey but this wasn’t bad at all, the inflation was very cushioning!

  • TEA TIME (DIY clay, strawberry, blackcurrant, blackberry blended fruity scent)
The scent is fresh, fruity and yummy and the charms SO charming and well thought out! This clay was slightly stiffer and a tad dried out but the base extremely moist, silky and jiggly with tons of resistance on the pulls and I didn't end up with any lumps. It becomes extremely light, puffy, chubby and flubbery with massive pops and medium to soft clicks on the pokes which get louder as it inflates. I love Rodem’s take on this texture, it has all the awesome elements of the fluffy slimes I got from Seoul Gage but was more robust with no destabilisation issues (I found the SG ones a little dehydrated and sticky the next time I played.)

  • BUMPER CAR (silica sand x salt, rose scented, also a choice of peach scent if you prefer)
I love rose scent and this was PERFECT! It isn’t a perfume type scent, just pure, sweet rose water like rose Turkish delight or, indeed, actual rosewater. I was utterly obsessed! This was a stunning slime with a beautiful iridescent pink topper and the most gorgeous little pink bumper car charm. It sounded absolutely incredible to crunch and combine. The little pops, sizzles and crackles were out of this world. This was so heavy in silica crystals and yet not pokey as the pieces were quite smooth and small but of course your mileage may vary. I can’t express just how much I adored this slime, one of my all time favourites!

  • YUMMY POPCORN (styrofoam slay, caramel popcorn scented)
The fact this comes with a little paper popcorn bag containing the Styrofoam "popcorn" is the cutest touch ever! I adore Rodem, they think of everything to make the experience so incredibly fun. This smells just like freshly popped caramel popcorn with a tiny hint of sweet corn, I loved it! The two hyperrealistic popcorn charms that comes with it are hilarious!
The base was soft, jiggly, super clicky and fluffy and the Styrofoam really satisfying to crush into it. I just couldn’t get over how spectacular the scent was, it was making me hungry! This slime was a slightly looser slay texture and needed a little bit of activator to aid in handleability but not much. It had a few nice medium pops in it but very little hold, which unfortunately isn’t to my taste but many people love that. I was tied over this slime as the scent was just divine but I prefer more holdable textures. That is a reflection on my personal tastes however, not the slime which was great! If you like jiggly slays you’ll fall in love with this. I may not be a slay person but there is no way this wasn't going be a keeper, it had just too good a scent and crushing the styrofoam is great fun!

  • CAROUSEL (DIY clay, citrus fruit and aloe blend scented)
The scent wasn't bad but just wasn't a hit for me, a personal taste thing again. The clay was a little bit smooshed and it was tricky to tell what it was but extremely, soft squishy and moist. (Incidentally it was, you guessed it, a carousel 🎠)
The base was quite loose and jiggly and called for a little bit of activator but very soft, chubby, quite matte and pleasant in the hands. This combined into a huge, soft, marshmallowy mound of slime with a lovely plush surface. Super stretchy and fun to fold for soft bubble pops and lovely soft sizzles. It was a little on the loose side for my personal tastes but slay lover will again adore this! It was a well made slime.

  • EMMENTAL CHEESE CAKE (DIY clay/butter, savoury cheese cookie scented)
This was a very interesting, fun and unusual scent. A little sweet but notably savoury with a subtle hint of cheese. The first time I played with it I enjoyed the novelty but the second time I wasn’t sure if I loved it enough to buy again. It’s hard to describe but definitely worth trying.
The HUUUUUGE cheese clay came in a sealed package and was so soft and pleasant to squish. It became a ginormous, matte, sort of butter texture, which was both fairly holdable and yet exceedingly soft. It stuck to my play area a bit. It was quite a job to handle it on account of its size and a difficult texture to describe. It didn’t feel sticky at all on my play surface but stuck to my hands when I tried to pick it up and stretch it. When I pressed my hand into it on the surface it didn’t stick or feel sticky but if I picked it up to try and stretch it, it was very gooey and hard to shape. Activator didn’t seem to make that much of a difference. This was a texture unlike any other I’ve experienced. It’s one I’m a little lukewarm on but still enjoyed playing with for an unusual experience and worth it for the mega-sized clay cheese alone!

  • MIXED COFFEE (super gloss thick T&G, mixed coffee and coffee ice cream blend scented)
This was a delicious, very creamy coffee ice cream/frappe coffee creme scent, very rich with subtle notes of chocolate. It was a medium thickness, super clicky, moist glossy texture with decent resistance on the stretch. Very good and elastic with tons of bubble pops and wet crackles. This was an extremely pleasant and easy to play with moist and jiggly glossy slime. The longer you play the looser it gets but not problematically so.

  • FUJI APPLE ICE CREAM (DIY cloud creme, apple scented)
A lovely, fresh, crisp apple scent. The clay apple is so cute with its velvety exterior and so perfectly made. It was amazing fun to squish. This combined to a super stretchy and ultra fuzzy cloud creme. It was extremely light and super sizzly. This was another texture which is familiar and yet very unusual on account of the extreme fuzziness. I loved it and found it pretty amazing to look at!

  • FLAT PEACH CAKE (DIY clay and coated jelly/fluffy snow, peach scented)
The base has an absolutely beautiful fresh peach scent. Another stunningly well made clay which looks so much like a peach with the way they have created the fuzzy surface and peachy-perfect colour shift. It was soft and great fun to combine into the jelly base. The resulting slime was nice and clicky with big, soft bubble pops. It really felt plush and soft-surfaced on my fingers as I stretched it and was very moist, chubby, jiggly and flubby when I set it down. This was ultra inflatable with nice soft sizzles.

  • YAKULT GELATO (DIY snow creme, Yakult scented
A pleasant, mild, fruity yogurty scent. The little scoops of ice cream were so soft, moist and great to squish. This started off with lots of resistance and a nice plush feel as I pulled it. It had moist clicks and soft bubble pops. While it gave a little bit as it warmed up, it did retain a bouncy and elastic stretch with a nice little bit of resistance. This is another fun, boingy, flubby, jiggly texture, which is super inflatable and great fun to play with.

  • MY COSY SPACE (cloud slime, sweet juicy peach/added perfume)
It’s so ironic that cloud slime is my favorite and yet I have so very few of them retained in my collection as I just can’t find ones I love that drizzle perfectly! I was very, very excited for a cloud from Rodem but also anxious as clouds are so rarely perfectly in line with the exact level of drizzle I’m looking for! I absolutely ADORE the aesthetic with the soft little rug that comes with it in the shape of Rodem’s bunny logo and the couch charm, how stinking CUTE! The slime even matches! I think this is the best charm/slime combo I have ever seen, a big standing ovation for Rodem on this incredibly whimsical and charmingly presented slime!
The scent was a relaxing and homely peachy perfume with notes of bubble bath and baby powder. The drizzle was good!! True cloud is a hard slime to make to spec and, in light of that, a lot of companies don’t really bother with it. I’m so happy Rodem did and did such a great job. It was very soft and plush with gorgeous blankety folds and I have everything crossed they make more of this texture soon. I have no idea what I’ll do with the delightful little rug other than treasure it forever! Haha!
Even just looking at these photos as I type out the review I'm smiling again! I wish this slime was my dressing gown! haha!

  • ONIGIRI (white glue foam chip, savoury black sesame.)
Another incredibly interesting and unique savoury scent. This was definitely giving sesame seed/oil, albeit a bit more subtle than the real thing. I would say your mileage may very on this scent, it won’t be for everyone but it is certainly worth trying for a whole new experience.
This was a medium thickness, glossy texture which was very chewy and clicky. The foam pieces were quite hard and angular but crushable if you really go for it. This was a very novel floam texture which made a great change from the usual balls. This was exploding with fantastic crackles and pops, top tier sounds. I think the angular foam is even better for trapping air as this slime sounded like a tiny elephant stampeding in a bubble wrap factory! I got some big air pocket type bubbles from this one too!

  • FRENCH APPLE PIE (white glue/snow/fluffy, French apple pie scented)
The apple and the crust both come through in the scent, as well as a little hint of caramel (which is very typical of a French tarte tatin, well done Rodem!) The little doilies in the bottoms of the clay pots (even though the clay is wrapped) are yet another gorgeous little touch that impress me about these guys, I love their intimate attention to detail.
The clay was again super soft and pleasant to squish into the nice, clicky base. This was a lovely, chubby, stretchy slime. It was a little on the thicker side and created satisfying farty bubble pops.
C'est bon!

  • SAKURA SAND (sand slime, sakura flower scented)
This is an absolutely beautiful scent. A slightly cotton candy leaning sweet Sakura. I love pink, I love sand slimes and I love Sakura scents so this really pleased me! Unfortunately I found it very sticky and loose so added a lot of activator until it was more resistant and was able to get it where it needed to be. Once I did it had great bubble pops and was a very sand-dense and crunchy/sizzly sounding slime, the exact sort of sand slime I like.

  • STRAWBERRY MATCHA SUGAR CAKE (snow fizz, strawberry matcha scented)
A nice scent with both strawberry and Matcha coming through. This was an extremely fluffy, airy snowfizz with tons of fantastic ASMR sounds, so fizzy, sizzly and fun to inflate and tingle-inducing to deflate. It started off feeling like a light, sugary super airy scrub and got denser as I played. Another great slime.

  • TANGHULU BALL (big foam ball, strawberry-ade)
This had a very subtle strawberryade scent. The giant floam balls were a total novelty to me and SO much fun! Who doesn’t love the feeling of big balls in their hands!? 🙊 The base was quite loose and wonderful for plentiful crackles and pops. I really enjoyed this!

  • STEAMED BUN (chewy mochi texture, sweet red bean BingSu)
This was an extremely savoury scent, there is some sweetness there but it was very much umami focused and I really enjoyed it! I was getting notes of red bean with a saltiness.
This is a moist, super clicky, jiggly slime with two large sponges in it that crush like jelly cubes. This is extremely bubbly and full of juicy wet crackles and high pitched big pops. You can create absolutely gargantuan air bubbles with this texture. If you, like me, don’t typically enjoy loose jiggly slimes, there is a damn good chance that you will enjoy this as I loved it! It was just so multifaceted with what it offered. First, you have the unusual scent which is pretty intriguing and different. Then you have the two giant cubes to crush which is always nice. Then you have the joy of the crackles, pops and loud clicks. Finally, you have the enormous bubbles! You just can’t not have fun with this!
That bubble (slubble?) was bigger than me!!

  • PLOP DUCKLING (Snow creme, lemon meringue scented)
This has a gorgeous and accurate sweet and creamy lemon meringue scent. It’s so much fun watching the little duck’s butt slowly dive into the slime when you pop him on there.
This was exactly the texture and scent I fancied finishing on and quite by chance it was! I couldn’t find Rodem’s description for this one’s texture until later so I had no idea what to expect as I had forgotten, what a joy!!! This combined into a really lovely, soft sage green. This is another light, soft, squishy, chewy and chubby inflating texture that ends up airy and puffy. I absolutely loved it! Unfortunately that is one more image than I am able to embed on Reddit so please click here to see it!
With Rodem, nothing is fully predictable and every texture brings with it a nice surprise. This is especially pleasing to experience when you place big orders. There is nothing more disappointing to me than buying a lot of slimes from a company just to discovered there is hardly any nuance between them and the experience is basically a rinse and repeat one, texturally identical and/or predictable. Rodem break the mold and throw in some very unusual elements and scents. Their themes are so well thought out and utterly charming and beautifully presented. They produce so many textures and master them, each one designed with so much love and attentiveness.
I really adore this company and feel they work hard to bring joy and excellence to the slime community. Recently one of the more commercial slime companies was caught using Rodem’s brand as a key word on their google ads to steer business away from them and onto their own website which I thought was in very poor taste. It is however testament to the fact that they knew Rodem was a company slime enthusiasts were talking about. And so we should be! It is my pleasure and honour to continue supporting this wonderful company. I'm so excited to see what they come up with next!
I loved pretty much every slime and the ones I didn’t were more so a personal taste thing than a quality control issue. There were a couple I found less handleable or with activation issues (Emmental and Sakura Sand) but that is pretty damn good going for an order this huge and the sand one was easily fixable. A well deserved 9.9/10
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2024.05.15 05:41 GamingHearts1 Retro Gaming 10’s- Sleeping Dogs: (2012)

Retro Gaming 10’s- Sleeping Dogs: (2012)
When it comes down underrated action-adventure games from the 2010’s decade Sleeping Dogs is quite possibly one of the top ten names that comes to mind. Sleeping Dogs was developed by United Front Games and published by Square Enix. Sleeping Dogs was a game from 2012 that ended up being way better than it had any business being. Since its release Sleeping Dogs has appeared on multiple game systems including PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC. Sleeping Dogs was like Grand Theft Auto if the setting took place in Hong Kong with a predominately Asian cast of characters. The story fort Sleeping Dogs revolved around Wei Shen the main protagonist who gets arrested in order to work undercover as a cop and gain entry into on of the triads in Hong Kong. The game allowed players to do variety of things from threatening people to hijacking cars and fighting rival gangs. The open world environment for Sleeping Dogs looked better than anything you have seen in a GTA title prior to 2012. The brawling mechanics in sleeping dogs looked similar to something you would see in Def Jam: Fight For New York but better. Players could use Wei to travel around in open world environments using parkour and had the ability to hijack vehicles by jumping from motorcycle unto a car.
The gameplay mechanics featured in Sleeping Dogs is something that RockStar Games should have implemented in Grand Theft Auto IV to make it more exciting. In some ways Sleeping Dogs felt like a cross between Yakuza and Grand Theft Auto which was one of the many things that added to its overall appeal. Despite, not becoming a massive commercial success Sleeping Dogs still managed to reach over 1.5 million copies in sales. Even though, we got to see the Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition back in 2014 many people still want Square Enix to make a sequel. The only problem is that the developer for the Sleeping Dogs title United Front Games became defunct back in 2016. While Square Enix still technically owns the intellectual property for Sleeping Dogs it would be difficult to find another developer to make a sequel worthy of the game itself. Sleeping Dogs is a game that developed an unexpected cult following over the past decade and its one of those IP’s that Square Enix should consider reviving with a different developer. Sleeping Dogs was video game that had the potential to have its own series but unfortunately it was not a priority for Square Enix.
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2024.05.15 05:20 kayenano The Villainess Is An SS+ Rank Adventurer: Chapter 239

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Juliette Contzen is a lazy, good-for-nothing princess. Overshadowed by her siblings, she's left with little to do but nap, read … and occasionally cut the falling raindrops with her sword. Spotted one day by an astonished adventurer, he insists on grading Juliette's swordsmanship, then promptly has a mental breakdown at the result.
Soon after, Juliette is given the news that her kingdom is on the brink of bankruptcy. At threat of being married off, the lazy princess vows to do whatever it takes to maintain her current lifestyle, and taking matters into her own hands, escapes in the middle of the night in order to restore her kingdom's finances.
Tags: Comedy, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Copious Ohohohohos.
Chapter 239: Standing Start
A wine bottle rolled against the side of my boot.
Amidst a gallery of stunned faces and open mouths, it was easily the second most lively thing here.
The first was a clockwork doll clutching at her stomach in pain.
“Ahahahha~ ahahaha~ ahah … uck … ack … ughh … ahahaha~”
I pursed my lips.
Still, I said nothing.
For one thing, this was precisely what happened when one ate the mouldy cinnamon rolls combined with any grass growing by the side of the road. If Apple refused to eat something, then so should she.
But for another–
“What … What is this … ?”
It was because the first response was reserved for the baroness.
Her words came out in a quivering tone, matching the disbelief upon her face.
Frankly, she had to do better than that.
Only the wine from the bottle I nudged away dribbled into the soil. And also the line of drool from a comatose farmer. But I didn’t want to think about that.
Still, it was an excellent benchmark. Until her tears could properly overpower the sour aroma from the Château de Riaré Hensoise, I would deem her bawling to be incomplete.
She had a long way to go.
“How … How are you still …” she began, slowly rising from her seat. “This … This is impossible–”
I offered a tidy smile alongside a flick of my hair, relishing in the moonlight adorning my figure.
“I agree. It shouldn’t be possible. But I assure you, my skin is 100% natural.”
“E-Excuse me … ?”
“No magical enchantments. No unicorn elixirs. No witchly glamors. Just a healthy sleep schedule of however many hours I desire and a diet of fresh strawberry shortcakes.”
The baroness mouthed silently at my secrets being revealed.
A strange way of offering her gratitude. Other princesses hounded my door for this knowledge. Given her pale, blotchy skin and lips as dry as a pond in a desert, she should be pleading for more.
Instead, she pointed at the fallen drunk beside us.
“This … This shouldn’t be possible … no, wait … the clockwork doll … did she–”
She suddenly snapped towards Coppelia, her eyes widening.
“Uuh … ahaha … ugh, it hurts ... ahaha … it hurts so much … ahaha … my tummy … aha … oh no … I’m … I’m seeing daisies … aha … I … ugh … I think I need help …”
Coppelia hugged her stomach, writhing like a freshly hatched caterpillar. Her eyes darkened as hiccups of laughter assailed her defeated form.
The baroness pursed her lips.
Then, she turned to Renise instead.
“Did you–”
“A-Amazing! … I … I have no idea what you did … but it wasn’t just wonderful … it was beautiful! The colours! The warmth! It was like a rainbow come to life!”
With a smile worthy of any attendant, the maid brought her hands together in polite applause. Naturally, to be praised for my brushwork was nothing new to me. Nor was the sight of stars shining in her eyes with greater brightness than any in the night sky.
Why, that even came whenever I left my bedroom.
“You … how did … how did you defeat him … ?”
The strands of the baroness’s golden hair began to frizzle as she turned towards me. All I saw were her tonsils. Bright red and healthy. She should be pleased.
“This was … this was no common man … do you know who he is … ?”
Without offering a chance to ignore her, she stamped a foot, pointing at the fallen drunk with maddened jabs. The man offered no defence, now as spent and drained as the bottle beside him.
I raised a brow.
“Indeed, I do. He’s a farmer who made poor life choices. And between leaving his farm and offering his pitchfork to an overly ambitious baroness, the greater was you. My congratulations on being the superior mistake. I acknowledge your triumph.”
The baroness promptly slapped her palms down on the table.
“This man … is Willem of Hagel,” she said, her teeth gritted together. “A man desperate and cursed.”
“Yes, well, to be a peasant is a dire thing. But it could be worse. At least he isn’t nobility.”
A mouth further widened before me.
Indeed, this was a terrible time to realise her affliction. But I was no famed angel of healing for nothing. There was a cure for ambition. And it involved copious amounts of tears.
I was still waiting.
“There is no world in which you should have been able to defeat him … not if half the tales about him prove true … he is a famed opponent … all the while you are … you are …”
Suddenly, her eyes left my face for the very first time.
No longer feeling that my cheeks were in danger of being poked, she swept her eyes upon my person, as though hoping to find some blemish to signify I was as false as a field of corn.
She stopped at the sword by my side.
And also–
“A copper ring,” she said softly.
Suddenly, my 29th house of cards I was subtly constructing collapsed.
… T-The ring!
The blot on my finger! The insidious badge of shame! The symbol of the Adventurer’s Guild!
Why, I’d taken it for granted that my masterful disguise was impervious! But this was no ordinary noblewoman I was seated across!
This … This was one I’d previously sat across before!
I’d made a terrible mistake!
I was mesmerising! A beautiful princess as charming as I was modest!
There was utterly no scenario in which I’d be forgotten!
I … I should have removed the copper ring!
“O-Oho … ohoho … w-what copper ring?” I said, my hands vanishing below the table at a speed con artists could only nod at. “Ah, do you refer to the ruby inlaid ring I often carry on my hand? The one which changes colour depending on the longitude and latitude? In that case, you may very well have briefly spied something which resembled a copper hue. But it is in fact a thing of unparalleled beauty and craftsmanship. Not a disgraceful copper ring.”
The baroness slowly looked up at me, her eyes blinking.
“No. I wasn’t mistaken. I … I recognise that ring. It is a copper ring, the same size and shape as those worn by … adventurers.”
My mouth widened in horror.
At once, I immediately sought a plant pot or a heavy book. Something to immediately erase the past few seconds of her memory.
Why … if she knew my secret, then the shame would haunt me all the way until I’d found something weighing at least equivalent to a standard hardback!
“I see,” she mumbled, as much to herself as me. “I understand now …”
The baroness removed her palms from the table.
She stood up straight, a hard expression upon her face. One which calculated with each passing moment the optimal way to exploit this devastating information.
Then, she took in a deep breath–just as I began assembling the playing cards into a thick pile.
“… it must be a legendary artifact.”
As I began eyeing her temple … I blinked in non-understanding.
“Excuse me?”
She nodded, her frown harsh enough to permanently crease her skin.
“To wear such a plain, ugly and shameful ring … one which utterly demeans your history, your worth and your pride, destroying any semblance of dignity you possess–”
My hand went to my stomach, struck by as much pain as Coppelia had experienced in a single moment.
“–indeed, to wear a ring so easily mistaken as one belonging to adventurers, the vermin of the world … it must be a truly terrifying artifact.”
I blinked.
And then–
“Ohhho … ohoohho! You … You see the truth of it!”
The baroness squeezed her fists by her side.
“I knew it.”
I nodded, my bangs bouncing against my forehead.
“I-Indeed … ! This ring I carry on me … it is a masterful item of supreme quality, passed down along generations of my family! Why, its appearance matching those of rings worn by adventurers is no coincidence! Theirs are based on this very design! Although they have since tarnished it, it was forged back in the first days of the kingdom when copper was greater than gold! Poured within it is knowledge now lost to time! A power beyond compare, called upon from the depths of the Royal Vault!”
The baroness sucked in a hateful breath.
“Then that explains it,” she said with bitterness ringing throughout her voice. “You were able to defeat such a powerful adversary through the use of your family’s ancient heirlooms.”
“Indeed, this powerful ring with a rare ability I cannot disclose defeated a terrifying farmer! Therefore, there’s no need for you to relay any suggestion that I’m anything but a princess, as far removed from the Adventurer’s Guild as hygiene is to their members!”
The baroness gave no response.
A respite which lasted far too short.
“... I see, then it means the plan continues. Different, yes. But I’ll not be deterred.”
She smiled, the familiar sight of aristocratic opportunism mixed with an utter denial of facts shining within her grey eyes.
I could only react with horror.
“Plan?” I replied, convinced she was well and truly several sandwiches short of a picnic. “Do you mean the plan currently lying in a fallen heap beside us? Did you not just say I defeated your farmer? Your only plan now is to decide which part of the ground you wish to offer your forehead to.”
The baroness shook her head with renewed confidence.
“I think not. To defeat Willem of Hagel, you must have expended every effort you had available. Not a crumb of power could be spared, for to underestimate him would have resulted in your certain loss. Meaning …”
Without hesitation, she gave a multipurpose wave of her hand.
“... You’ve nothing left but a sword you cannot wield, and two retainers against all of mine. One of whom is incapacitated. The other a maid.”
She continued to keep her hand raised. Her simple call to arms.
It took several moments before she cared to even look around her.
A sad thing.
If she had, she would have realised the curiosity of her hoodlums was less than their prudence.
She would have noticed the eyes without loyalty, seeing only the fallen figure of a drunk they’d been led to believe was more than a farmer now watering the ground with his drool.
And she would have noticed the state of her dress, as dishevelled as her ambitions as those she relied upon slinked away in search of newer gutters to inhabit, following instincts she could learn as the last of their feet shuffled into the darkness.
The baroness paled.
It was far too early for that. She had no idea Apple was currently resting in her tavern, and wouldn’t be helping her haul all of the goods which needed delivering to a place less damp than here.
But I could sooth her forthcoming backache with a smile, at least for the assistance already provided.
“You have my gratitude,” I said, brushing a speck of … countryside from my lap. “For so long as the nobility continues to concoct slapdash schemes with no hope of success, the kingdom can continue to assign blame on you when all else goes wrong. When the mobs come calling and heads start rolling, it ensures a steady queue of necks can be offered before ours are reached. That is why the nobility continues to exist, you see, despite the ceaseless treason. So allow me to offer a word of advice when next you wish to survive in a position of responsibility. When fleeing, the best defence isn’t to run faster–it’s to trip the person beside you. And this means better hiring practices.”
I glanced pointedly around me.
All this empty space and not even a single eyepatched second-in-command to use as a distraction? An amateur mistake. One the baroness now realised as her mouth opened wordlessly, the realisation of her solitude only now dawning upon her.
Yet all it invited was a newly wrought defiance.
“I do not mean to flee,” she said, her fists tightly clenched. “I am Arisa Sandholt. And even should I be captured here, you would not be afforded a night’s rest. I am not alone. Whether tonight or tomorrow, this kingdom will fall. I am not alone in planning its demise.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Oh, please. Planning my kingdom’s demise is what everyone does.”
“If it’s not being actively planned, it’s because someone’s in the middle of planning how to formulate a plan. And then once they’ve finished planning, they wonder why their plan didn’t work as planned. This is not a cause for concern. It’s a sign the world is still spinning the correct direction.”
The baroness feigned a dignified silence.
It was far too late, of course. By default, nobility had no dignity.
Still, I accepted the effort, and filled the silence with a tidy clap of my hands.
“Now, since you’ve no intention of fleeing, you can be useful instead. I’ll require a full inventory of your stock. I intend to requisition every single item you have in your possession. Every grain. Every crown. And every odd piece of tableware, carpet, candleholder and painting you might have.”
I pointed at the barn. A tragic thing to requisition. But if I was fortunate, it’d grow lacquered tiles and bay windows in the short steps between here and there.
Suddenly, the baroness’s eyes widened. The needless defiance dropped alarmingly from her face.
“Wait … what do you mean by that?”
I paused for a moment, puzzled by her reaction.
This was hardly the complicated part.
“I mean exactly what I mean. This should come as no surprise. I will be emptying every corner of the property you’ve misappropriated, including whatever manner of tunnels you’ve carved for your use. Rest assured, I’ll be employing the talents of my retainers extensively. With or without your cooperation, every single inch of your abode will be inspected by myself for the Royal Treasury’s benefit.”
She blinked between Renise and Coppelia. Although one was dressed as a maid and the other now appeared to be napping on the ground, their skills when it came to matters of unearthing valuables in my kingdom’s underbelly was not one I doubted.
Nor, from the way the baroness gulped, did she.
“I can do it,” she said suddenly.
I looked at her in confusion, uncertain what ploy this was.
“... Excuse me? Do what?”
“The items of value. I can bring them out. There’s no need to personally see to such a thing yourself.”
“While I’m in full agreement, I can hardly trust your reliability in this manner. And besides, I’ll hardly be playing the mule. I shall be supervising while closely assessing every item.”
Once more, the tonsils came out.
An appalling disregard of decorum. There was only one time that nobility was permitted to look so horrified in my presence. And that’s if they were copying my own after I discovered a list of marriage suitors posing as a napkin beneath the dessert spoon again.
“E-Even so … as the one who wronged you, I insist on not troubling a princess any further. If you give me a few moments, I can acquire the most important valuables for you in a fraction of the time you’d spend on finding them.”
“A few moments to hide them, you mean. No, I’m afraid that anything you wish to stuff beneath a floorboard will need to be appropriately examined first.”
I leaned away in mild alarm as a bead of sweat ran down the baroness’s face.
A moment later–
She finally did what only someone in her position could.
Adhering to the instincts of all nobility, she swept up her dress and suddenly dashed away.
Except it wasn’t towards the dark forest, to be lost amidst the shadows and the jaws of whatever awaited her there. It was back towards the barn.
I watched as she stumbled several times before even reaching the steps.
“... A desperate sight, no?” I said, with a sad shake of my head. “To throw away all semblance of the image she’d hoped to craft. Now she flees like a frightened towngirl. She should know that escape is now impossible.”
Beside me, Renise let out a hum.
Far from chasing after the baroness, she collected the pack of cards I’d assembled for memory wiping purposes. She began to build a house of cards.
I looked at her in puzzlement. She gave a strangely pained smile in reply.
“I believe we can offer her a few moments.”
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