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2022.07.26 20:45 TonyMan97 imsiiimone

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2024.05.16 15:04 Designer023 London Marathon Race Report

This is almost a month late! It's taken time to reflect and collect my thoughts, as well as rewrite this 50 times over*! There's a blog post about it with pictures and maps for those interested. Apologies if I'm not allowed to post links!
* see one of my lessons further down about over thinking of things!


This is THE race I have been trying to run for years, and when it finally came, it didn’t disappoint despite a sub-par performance on the day. I accomplished most of what I set out to achieve, and had an amazing day.


  1. 3:20:00 - Fail
  2. 3:30:00 - Fail
  3. 3:40:00 - Pass
  4. Bonus: Experience it - Pass
  5. Bonus: Raise money for WWF - £800+


Time: 3:38:21
Position: 12,670/ ~50,000+ (masses)


It was a bright and sunny, but bitterly cold morning. Wind chill was around 0°C. As I threw off my warm layers, and approached the starting gate, I was at the peak of my anxiety. It had been building for days, probably weeks. Finally, I was only metres from the London Marathon start line and everything I had been working towards over the last 4 months was finally being released. The emotion was palpable. Tears moistened my eyes briefly . I could feel the stress starting to evaporate as I crossed the start line. I knew that this was it. Everything I had trained for, everything I had read and learned all needed to be implemented to the letter if I was to get my marathon PB.
3 hours, 38 minutes and 21 seconds later, I was crossing the finish line without a PB. My anxiety and nerves had been replaced with elation and exhaustion. There was pain and nausea mixed with joy and pride. I had a London Marathon medal around my neck finally! There was a tinge of regret that I didn’t get my PB, but after the last few hours, I was more than happy to have made it to the end, and done it in a good time.
The last few hours had been a rollercoaster of emotions. The whole of London had come out along with my family. This was London on one of it’s best days. But it hadn’t all been smooth sailing.
As I had stumbled over the finish line the first thing I wanted to do was stop, lie down and try not to be sick. I’d spent the last 10km struggling hard when my legs just ran out of energy. I hadn’t been topping up with gels since around 25km after getting at stitch, whilst simultaneously feeling sick and hungry. I didn’t have any reserves left in my legs and kept having to stop, stretch and walk. The support kept me going. Incredible crowds kept me going. “Go on Carl. Keep going!”. High fives kept me going! Knowing I had family out there supporting me kept me going, and having people who had made charity donations on my behalf to the WWF kept me going.
But where did my energy go? This all comes back to the anxiety that had been building over the last few days and weeks. From the Wednesday my appetite had just fallen off a cliff. When I did eat, it was just butterflies and they have next to no carbs! I always get race nerves, but that’s normally on the race morning so it doesn’t really affect the carbo-loading during the previous days.

Let's go!

The start went perfectly. I had said to myself, run the first third with my head, the second with my legs and the third with my heart. I didn’t go off too fast, in-fact I had stuck almost exactly to the 4:44/km pace I needed despite the long downhill in the first few km.
I was actually having fun. High fiving all the kids! Enjoying the atmosphere. It was busy on and off the course. there was almost a fun run atmosphere. It didn’t feel like a race, and my legs felt really good. By the time I arrived at the Cutty Sark, 10k in, I felt like everything had bedded down and I was just gliding along. The only issue at this point was my vest starting to rub, but that wasn’t anything to worry about. Somewhere in the crowds was my wife, Shadia, cheering me on but it was that busy I didn’t see her.
At almost the half way mark, is one of the iconic landmarks on the course, Tower Bridge. I got my phone out to take some photos and was surprised to find myself heading up hill. It’s probably the first uphill on the course that’s noticeable and by the time I was halfway across my HR was in the red zone, but I didn’t really notice until after because the crowd here were electric, and the backdrop was incredible. The course narrows over the bridge as you pass under the iconic towers, and on each side there’s people 5 deep cheering everyone on.
Then before you know it, you’ve crossed over and started towards Canary Wharf. I hit the half way mark with a 1:41:55. I was a little behind target, but my pace was good and I had just ran one of my top 5 half marathon paces. On the other side of the road, the pros flew past which was awesome to see and really makes it feel like a big event being on the same course as olympians and world record holders. They have a head start, so it’s not really fair!
It had all being going well, until it wasn’t. As I got towards 25/26km I started to get the sense that the easy bit was over. It started with a stitch, which meant that I just couldn’t keep up the pace. I put this down to 2 things. Coke, and shortbread. Since I hadn’t managed to carbo-load due to the anxiety over the previous days, I had decided to nibble some shortbread all morning before the start in an attempt to gain some energy. Likewise, before the race I’d needed a drink, and my thoughts went straight to something with sugar. Coke. Now a combo of carbonated sugar, and Scottish biscuits were enacting their revenge!
After backing off the pace somewhat, the stitch mostly went away, but I didn’t want it back, and made the mistake of stopping eating my energy gels or drinking much water. About 5km later, in the low 30km range my pace started to fall away from me. People say that the halfway point in a marathon is about 30km. I now understand why. The last 12km felt like more effort than the first 21km. Every time I looked at my watch I could see my pace dropping and felt my PB attempt slipping though my fingers. I would slow, then a dinosaur or a seagull would overtake me and it would spur me on for 500m, then I’d slow and someone would yell “Go Carl” and it would be another 300m or so.
Even when I arrived at Big Ben and I knew it was 1km to go, it felt like an almost insurmountable task. Flashing back to October last year and the Chester Marathon, the last 1km had been hard, but I still had something in the tank. This was just running on fumes. The only thing I didn’t want to do was to walk that final bit. I could see my time was now looking nearer to exceeding 3:40 and if I walked then my final target would have been missed. I just had to grit my teeth and slog on.
400m to go and it was “just one loop around a track”. That felt like a big ask, but I forced myself with all my remaining effort not to slow or walk. Finally rounding the corner in front of the palace with about 200m to go, the finish line appeared into sight. Can I summon up a sprint finish? No. not even a slight uptick in pace. That’s how empty my tank was. Just put one foot in front of the other and reel it in and try not to trip over the timing mats at the finish line. Then, as suddenly as it had started, it was over. LonDone! Someone placed a medal around my neck and I finally the magnitude of what I’d done finally struck home “I’ve got a London Marathon medal. I’ve actually got one. Wow.”
Almost immediately as I finish, Shadia called me to try and meet up. I’m trying to explain where I am and how we can meet but my brain just doesn’t have the ability. It’s a mess.
It’s hard to describe to someone how f**ked you feel when you finished something like a marathon. It’s not like being tired from doing a 5K when you start out running. It’s not like your first 10K either, or even a half marathon. Your body is just exhausted. Every muscle aches. You have no energy. After 30km your energy supplies have dwindled and you are left tired and broken.
Eventually Shadia gets some sense out of me and we try to figure out a place to meet. A bit dazed and confused I shuffled off towards blankets, Lucozade and the exits. It’s busy, so we change the plan a few times, finally ending in Charring cross for a celebratory beer, before heading back to base. And with that, the London Marathon is done.


It's a pretty well known route (see my linked post for the route map)



Post race I jotted down my thoughts in a mind-map so I could quickly explore how things went. This isn't something I have tried before, but it worked really well to quickly surmise the whole event, training and experience of the London Marathon.

Nutrition and energy

My fuelling pre race, was s**t. I know this. I should have been aiming for 600-700g of carbs a day from the Wednesday onwards and failed hard. This hit me hard in the race. that was the fabled wall. There’s nothing more to say about this.
There’s 2 things I’m looking at to fix this. Other types of gel. Energy drinks on the days leading up to it. I think I can handle them despite the anxiety and it’s a good way to load up some carbs at least!

Training plan and goals

I set out in January a goal to beat my Chester PB of 2023. 3:32:36. For Chester I had done no specific training, although I already had a regime with a lot of base (Z3) runs, ParkRun’s ran as races most Saturdays and a long run each week, with a few bing half marathons. There were about 2 30km+ runs over the 4 months before. I was probably averaging 50km per week.
For the London Marathon I started training on the first of January, following my Garmin Epix’s suggested runs. This pushed me pretty well, and was a good mix of long, hard and easy runs. The problems with this arose when Idris went back to nursery and the germs got him! That meant rubbish sleep, and the suggested runs tried to be nice, which meant it was all short and easy.
I started looking at a range of plans which could push me hard enough, whilst also not taking up every waking hour with running. I can’t remember now, because I didn’t write it down, but the closest I got was Jack Daniels advanced or Pfitz 12/50, but both of these still weren’t quite a good enough match, so the only option was to roll my own.
This boiled down to a simple plan:
Most runs ended up being around 10k in length apart from the long runs. I also dropped ParkRuns on a Saturday so that I could focus on the sprints/intervals and long runs without being too knackered. From February my long runs were around 21km, but during March I started to push these to 33km. All the time this was going on, my predicted Marathon time was improving from low 3:30s towards the low 3:20s. So far so good.
Because of this shift in my predicted time I changed my goal from beating my PB, to going for 3:20. This was probably a mistake, and I should have looked at RunAlyze’s predicted time which takes into account weekly mileage and longest runs over the period. It turned out to be more accurate. I think if i’d gone out of the gate slower, or dropped my pace and continued fuelling when the stitch arrived I wouldn’t have hit such a wall and missed my PB. Lesson learned.

Anxiety and stress

I over think. A lot. Not being at home the lead up added to my stress. Travelling down a few days before and trying to incorporate sightseeing really didn’t help. Add into the mix, trying to do sightseeing with family and help coordinate where to watch was probably the another nail in my PB attempt.
One other aspect around this event was the historic significance of it to me. My previous job, starting 15+ years ago, had revolved around the London Marathon like the earth around the sun. It was seen as one of the pinnacles of the road race calendar. Back then I didn’t even run, but a large part of me started running due to this. Because of Realbuzz I ran my first half marathon and for years I have tried, and failed, to get on to the London Marathon, so to finally be able to run it, and to be in a position where I can run it well (pushing for a PB) was a lot of self inflicted pressure.
My solution is to more races of a big nature. Keeping me out of my comfort zone can only help me get used to it. Mixed in with better planned travel/sightseeing and I might just be race ready. I hope so, because I’m signed up to Chester and Yorkshire marathons in October already!


Remember when you were a kid and did charity fundraising for 5p a length of the pool, or something like that! Well, I hadn't really done any since then. When I signed up for the London Marathon to raise money for the World Wildlife Fund it was always something I kept pushing back to do later. I was a little nervous to ask for donations. When my WWF vest arrived, I knew it was time to grow up and just ask.
The reality is that you have to pester people. Some will love your cause, or your dedication and other’s not so much. You’ll get something from someone and then the ball is rolling. The lesson is, do it ASAP so you have time to ask again, and again in different ways.
Thanks to every who donated, liked and shared my campaign. As one UK supermarket says… every little helps.


I’ve always been worried about running out of water. That was never going to happen if I’d looked at the route maps. Every 5km is plenty. I ran with a vest so I could carry 1 litre of water! That’s excessive and caused my running vest to rub and then bleed. This wasn’t a show stopper until a few days after, but unless I’m out on the trails, or self supporting, then a smaller waist pack should be enough.

It’s not all bad

Family support throughout my training and accommodation for my long runs especially from Shadia. They’ve been flexible and allowed me to have time to do what I needed to do which has massively helped.
In the last month or so I started to add in some strength training. Mainly press ups and sit ups with some stretching also. Unlike last years Chester marathon, it may have contributed to me being able to continue running only days after. Chester crippled me for over 2 weeks.

Final thoughts

I’m doing it again, somehow, some day. While it was a very hard day, especially the second “half”, the sheer atmosphere and emotion just made it epic.
This was THE race for me. While I didn’t get the result I wanted to, it was an incredible, enjoyable experience that I already look back on with fondness and pride. I think there are some valuable lessons to take away from it which I can apply already so hopefully this will be a notable stepping point in my running achievements.This is THE race I have been trying to run for years, and when it finally came, it didn’t disappoint despite a sub-par performance on the day. I accomplished most of what I set out to achieve, and had an amazing day.
submitted by Designer023 to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:05 No-Beginning-95 1st Dead Cow Gully (AUS) attempt, 100.5km! 14 loops

1st Dead Cow Gully (AUS) attempt, 100.5km! 14 loops
My 1st Dead Cow Gully experience:
First backyard/loop format ultra. Longest I'd ever run before this was 37km in one go. About 6 months of training went into this, ave 50kms a week. Was busy and sick so didn't train the month before. My brother and friend were crew. They drank one standard every loop (corona, jack daniels) so were fairly pissed once I finished loop 15.
7am Loops 1 to 5 managed between 45-50mins per 6.7km loop as per my plan. Loops 6-13 basically got slightly slower each time. 8pm Loop 14 it was v dark and my watch died and knee was blowing up and my head light was shite, knew I was getting slower each loop and didnt have the experience so I thought I had timed out. My drunk younger brother met me at a corner with 700m to go and said the clock was at 52mins. Made it in at 55mins.
Started loop 15 knowing I would time out, but wanted to say to myself that I had gone 100kms! Made it in 1hr10mins or so. Piece of wood in pic means 14 successful loops.
Day after I got mild rhabdo so checked myself into hospital, 2 IV bags later I was discharged 👍
I think I'd love to try an A to B ultra next, see how a 50km feels this weekend, then maybe a trail 100km event, but this one was super fun and definitely a great intro to the ultra world!
Hats off to to Sam Harvey (NZ) who won with 69 loops, and his assist Ryan Crawford (AUS)!
submitted by No-Beginning-95 to Ultramarathon [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:02 Federal_Difficulty84 Im-yours-forever mass book drop

please tell me what books sound the best <3 more will be coming in a separate post <3
So im a Wattpad user and I write and read story's, mainly writing now, Im going to be releasing a massive amount of books I think the total is 20 books could be more could be less. But there's a massive range of them so I will list them below:
A GAME OF CHANCE (OUAT BOOK) 18 MAY 2024 - This book is based mainly in neverland but has parts in story Brooke. In this is book where henry is kidnapped but not for the reason they showed in the series, your name is emily you grew up with an abusive drunk of a father and you ran away. After a while of missing storybrooke you return to which your taken in by Emma but someone doesn't like you.
MIRROR MIRROR (OUAT BOOK)19 MAY 2024 - your Regenia's sister, you two fell into the darkness she came out however you never did. She and her new friends try hard to get you into the light side but when Regina finds why you went dark she knows there's only one solution. But will she take the risk or pay the price.
FALLING FOR THEM 17 MAY 2024 - you are a talented young artist who moves from her home town after a brake up in hopes of finding peace. You find peace and love but two men? Is that right ? first time for everything right they will always be my first everything.
MY MAFFIA HUSBAND 20 MAY 2024 - your parents business wasn't going to well and another business offered to help. They gladly excepted after knowing the price they have to pay, you live with them and the other company starts coming around a lot more until one day everything falls into place and the wedding isn't long after that day.
MARRIED TO MY BESTFRIEND 17 MAY 2024- your bestfriend and you have been close ever since birth, you do everything together and your inseparable. Until jack has to help is parents as trouble crosses there path with business, thats when your parents offer you as payment to help the business which they except. You soon learn neither of you had a choice it was set they day you where born.
LOSING YOU 17 MAY 2024 - after your fiancé goes missing you hire a detective and a private investigator, When they give up on the case finding no clues what so ever you deiced to take it into your own hands. On the way to this you uncover your fiancé dark past, that his family knew where he was and this was just a test plus a love game, but can you stay with him after finding out what you have.
TRAPPED BY HIM 17 MAY 2024- you are taken by a sadistic ex of yours he keeps you locked up for months on end torturing you and doing unholy things all the while you scream cry and beg him to stop none can hear you and is anyone even looking for you does anyone even realize your missing?
DETECTIVE DARLA 17 MAY 2024 - your a detective with a high amount of respect you have solved multiple cases of murder and missing persons but now there's a new killer in town who they refer to as the shadow none knows who he is and none can track him down Darla beings to get worried but she begins to find all the answers and when she finds the horrifying truth after being nearly murderd by the shadow she kills the one thing she loves Darla goes into a state of panic and she is put into the mental heath ward in her local hospital when a new killer strikes will she be able to recover? will she find this new murderer?
BROKEN PIECES 17 MAY 2024 - when you come home one night after cleaning the house going to do shopping putting it away loading washing in and out until its time for you to go to work and find your husband doing unspeakable things to your eldest child and youngest child while your middle child watches laughing you go into a state of panic screaming and shouting at them when someone behind you closes the door and puts a cloth over your mouth knocking you out. will she live? will she help her children?
EVIL MEETS EVIL 17 MAY 2024 - when you where a young girl the age of only 3 days old you where taken from your mother and taken to what looked like a prison you are cared for by your brother until you turn 1 years old when your brother the leader of this place deiced you where old enough he sits you on a table and he has you looked over making sure your heathy and how a normal child should be of 1 years old but what for?
WOULD YOU KILL FOR LOVE 17 MAY 2024 - when the prince deiced he needed to be married all the girls in town went crazy all expect you you didn't fancy being married at only 16 so you ignored the whole thing thats until all the girls where to go to the court yard and be seen individually by the prince when he lays eyes on you and chooses you your whole world brakes. when a war brakes out on the kingdom and the prince is in danger you use the skills you leant ages ago to save the one you where to marry have grown feeling for him but will you let him know?
FRIEND OR FOE 17 MAY 2024 - when the whole town turns against magical creatures you have to decided who you can and cant trust due to being one of the hated all the magical beings being afraid you decided to take lead in this war and win equality from the help of a human friend. but will you survive what you decided to end.
SLYTHERIN QUEEN (HOGWARTS BOOK) 17 MAY 2024 - when arriving at Hogwarts for the first time ever you are all in first year and the boys of Hogwarts start taking a liking towards you but not everyone will be able to have you as you have a very specific taste but when you have to share a dorm with the ones you crush on you start to be bratty earning a punishment,
REDWOOD 17 MAY 2024 - the town of redwood is famously known for the redwood surrounding the town none enters or leaves the town through it you have to go by air but when thing start getting strange around the town people panic praying that its just the weather playing up but its far from just weather magic is taking the lives of many but they take the wrong person.
HONEY, HONEY (HOGWARTS BOOK) 17 MAY 2024- when a new riddle enters the school they assume her to be there sister but they are wildly wrong shes their wife yes their as in tom and matteho riddle the three of them get tired of their fathers stupid ways and their wife becomes friends with the golden trio and eventually the rest of the Weasleys. but are they just on a mission for there father of have they changed?
WITHOUT YOU 17 MAY 2024 - after losing your true love you move from your troubled home to new York to start over and you do well as a model and eventually you become rich and along the way there 2 men that have been everywhere you are you thought maybe they are just crazy fans but no. is he really dead?
THE FIRST BLOOD MOON 17 MAY 2024 - imagine being a creature so powerful but having no clue about it when your mum dies your father leaves you after years of abuse and shouting painful words he just leaves but someone comes round to the house knocking on the door for you when you refuse to go with them they kidnap you in the night. but why?
DEATHS BESTFRIEND 17 MAY 2024 - Imagen waking up one day and the worlds population has doubled but only you can see them when you find out that they aren't invisible you question what they could be before realizing they are the dead and you are you alive or dead everyone can still see you but not them?
THE STRANGERS KISS 17 MAY 2024- when you move to new York after excepting a job you go to a bar for a few drinks feeling eyes on you the whole time but you cant seem to find who it is you start the new job and this one guy seems really off he keeps staring at you and wont leave you alone but he is hiding deep secrets.
THE TORTURED 17 MAY 2024 - you've been in one place your whole life this facility they wont let you leave you cant talk and everything keeps getting worse when you are taken from the facility by people who you thought where good but no non of the people have ever been good and it get worse when they take your memories and put you with a bunch of people you have no idea who they are.
thank you for reading this to the bottom I hope when they are released you read them
byeeee <3
submitted by Federal_Difficulty84 to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:16 darth-small Propaganda being filmed at my local store

Propaganda being filmed at my local store
Popped down this morning to get a few bits and found they had closed a large part of the car park to film something.
No big deal. Hopefully they make it look nice for the telly but the organisation was hilarious.
They've put a bunch of staff on the car park to move customers in the right direction. The main doors are off limits and we have to use a small side door. The staff are wandering around fairly aimlessly and weren't really directing people until you were about to wander into 'the set'. That's ok but it would help if they collectively pointed in the same direction as there was no signage. The regular pensioners who float around the store on a daily basis were going off in all sorts of directions!
Good for the shop staff though. It's an easy shift outdoors on a nice day. However, The really interesting part was the security that had been hired.....
You'd think they were guarding a royal palace! Militant would be an understatement!
After the store staff managed to vaguely get us towards the side door, the security took over. They were rude, discourteous and frankly overzealous. I was fully expecting to go through a metal detector at one stage. They made TSA staff look tame! As I walked towards the designated door, I got an 'OI!!! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!!'. I honestly was. I was maybe half a dozen steps to the door at this stage! As I went in, the security continued to chide other customers for walking in the right place!
Everything inside the store was normal until you try to leave and then get filtered through the side door in the cafe by nice staff, only to be greeted by the jacked up security when you go outside.... 'STAY AWAY FROM THE SET, IT'S OFF LIMITS'......I was over 100ft away, had no interest in the set and was walking in the opposite direction. Lmao!
So yep, I hope the advert looks nice.
submitted by darth-small to tesco [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:01 Madi_is_Mad Who is Elica Le Bon, and is that her real identity?

Who is Elica Le Bon, and is that her real identity?


All the information is readily available by google search or was once accessible by the public, therefore public information. Please be respectful of all parties mentioned below. REAL HATE AND DOXXING IS NEVER TOLERATED IN ANY SHAPE OF FORM.
The main subject is a person who goes by "Elica Le Bon" online who has gain some following since 2022 on Instagram, TikTok, and X (formally know as Twitter). She has other platforms that she promotes her artistic endeavors, but they seem to be inactive and had gain little traction. If there may be more public knowledge that gets missed in this post, please feel free to share your sources.

On the surface*

Elica Le Bon is a first-generation Iranian immigrant who according to Piers Morgan and herself was born in Iran, moved to the UK to seek asylum. She does go into further detail an interview with Yasmine Mohammed, where she claim her mother's side of the family fled to the UK during the Iranian Revolution in 1979, whilst her father was doing his PhD at Oxford, which was cut short when the regime cut off his scholarship, forcing him to work at a bar. In that same interview, she also claimed her mother and sister were in Evin prison, (notorious site that hold political prisoners before and after the Iranian Revolution.
and currently living in Los Angeles, where she practices law and runs several large social media accounts that bring attention to the plight of the Iranian people.
Elica garnered her following across most social media platforms during the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement in 2022, in 2022 protest had broke out over the death of Mahsa Jina Amini, after she died from her injuries sustained by the brutal assault committed by the morality police of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) over Iran's strict hijab law. Elica's position against the IRGC and the Iranian Regime has been consistent since up to date. However, it is unclear what her position is when it comes to who shall take power over Iran if and when it does the current regime falls.
When it comes to the topic of Israel and Palestinians, Elica's had acknowledged Palestinians briefly in her Blog titled "My People, Your People" dating back to 14/11/2015. She had also made Pro-Palestinian statements numerous times on her X account (formally known as Twitter), as seen in screenshots below.
In more recently, Elica had shifted dramatically, from being called "Iranian Born, Lawyer, Artist, and Social Media Influencer" who "believes in Palestine and their rights and that there is suffering", by Chris Cuomo on CUOMO on NewsNation to a zionist sympathizer. That shift was described in her interview with Noah Tishby on Israeli Channel 12 where she claimed her friend's immediate support of Palestine soon after the attack committed by Hamas "chilled" her to her "core" because that meant to her that they "must hate me (her) so much". She has also expressed the same sentiment on her X account seen below.
Elica today is now openly sympathizing for Zionists on X, as seen below, smearing student protestors and people who she once was, a Pro Palestinian. She was also on Fox News, bashing on protestors, calling them "a generation that don't know how to think" and "don't know how to process information." She also claims the are "an existential threat to middle eastern community; Israelis, Iranians, Syrians, Palestinians even." She can also be seen on CUOMO on NewsNation, the second time around, to criticized protesters and supporters of Iran's Islamic regime amid recent bombings of Israeli targets, saying they're "supporting a terrorist regime." Elica on Piers Morgan claimed that Hamas started this war due to the attack that happened on Oct. 7th, which is an overused talking points to avoid the conversation of how the oppression and slaughter of innocent Palestinians occurred long before Oct 7th.

Lets dig deeper**

Here are some other interesting public discoveries of Elica upon a deeper dive into her identity pass the surface. If you open her found on her instagram, you can see she has an an email for the public to contact her. If you search that same public email on google, it reveals that the email is somehow linked to 2 other last names that share the same first name, N. Mojtahed-Zadeh and Zadeh.
from Instagram and

Elica Zadeh's Father, Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh***

If Elica "Le Bon" is indeed the same person as Elica N. Mojtahed-Zadeh or Zadeh, which there is not strong evidence to show otherwise, we can she start to uncover who had raised her into the person she is today. A quick google search of her last name, Mojtahed-Zadeh, you can see another notable person that goes by the name Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh. According to his page on wikipedia, you may discover that he has quite the connection to the IRGC. Pirouz has articles ligitimiing the IRI. Even articles argueing for the IRI to have nuclear power. He writes his pieces with a man strongly tied to the IRI. Noteable to add that her father has since tried to burry his past, and posts Monarchist Propoganda on instagram now under the name u/pirouz_mojtahedzadeh
Now previously, Pirouz has publicly supported the IRGC in his social media account, including the statement and video he had posted on X on 07/01/2020. Pirouz in the same video appears to also show support to Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian commander, who was assassinated by an airstrike ordered by former president, Donald J. Trump.
Pirouz has written 3 opinion pieces, all published by The New York Times, listed below. And interestingly, in 2 of 3 of the opinion pieces published by NYT, you can see Pirouz had wrote them with a person name Kaveh L. Afrasiabi. Kaveh was charged for being an unregistered agent of the Iranian Government by the DOJ as reported by the Office of Public Affairs released on January 19, 2021 (Updated July 13, 2022)
For more than a decade, Mr. Afrasiabi was allegedly paid, directed, and controlled by the Government of Iran to lobby U.S. government officials, including a congressman; and to create and disseminate information favorable to the Iranian government,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Bonavolonta. “The FBI will continue to do everything it can to uncover these hidden efforts and hold accountable those who work for our adversaries to the detriment of our national security.”
Although Kaveh received a presidential pardon by President Biden and the pending charges against him were dropped at the pre-trial stage on September 18, 2023, there is no doubt that Elica's father, Pirouz was in close contact with Kaveh where they had share some ties back to the IRGC.
  1. Iran Needs Nuclear Power. By Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh - published Oct. 14, 2003
  2. Iran's nuclear program: Threats are not the way to influence Tehran. By Kaveh L. Afrasiabi and Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh - published Jul 2, 2004 3. Iran's nuclear program: A crisis of choice, not necessity. By Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh and Kaveh L. Afrasiabi - published Aug. 12, 2005

Elica's problematic connections

Moj Mahdara: A problematic Iranian-American for her handling of Beautycon, as reported by The Wrap and WWD. Elica Le Bon, as seen in an interview with Moj on her Reset The Algorithm Podcast, where they spoke about their traumas as Iranian diaspora and their reaction to the Oct 7th attack.
Noa Tishby: is an Israeli ZIONIST. Elica has visited Noa's resident for an interview. Elica has also been called the "Brown Noa Tishby" by other Israeli Zionist.
Gazelle Sharmahd (Daughter of Jamshid Sharmahd): GazelleShe can be seen defending her in her stories against Journalist who had "expose" video on Elica in her instagram as seen in the screenshot below. See Elica calling Gazelle a "friend" on X in the screenshot below. She also Gazelle's story with Elica side by side, almost seemingly AI generated or heavily photoshopped.
from Instagram Story
from Instagram Story
Gazelle's Story on 5/13/2024
Chelsea Hart: The Wombland Saga Matthew Nouriel: Zionist
from Instagram
Mahsa Townsend: Was involved in a contentious civil lawsuit "Jack in the box INC vs Ultra Fun Foods INC" in San Diego, where Jack in the Box employees were allegedly horribly mistreated by Franchise owner, Mahsa and her Husband, Kevin Townsend. Besides the now dismissed lawsuit, Mahsa has been repeated and fearlessly defending Elica Le Bon against Samira Mohyeddin as seen in the screenshot below. It is also alleged in the Reddit Community that Mahsa Townsend had or still has an Iranian Zionist led group chat that work together to slender and bully anyone who crosses Elica Le Bon.
from Instagram

Elica's other connections

Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran: oldest son of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran. He is a zionist who keeps a gift from Hitler passed own by his grandfather. His wife, Yasmine Pahlavi, is seen at pro-israel marches. See below Yasmine, expressing confusion how a political prisoner (Narges Mohammadi) could possibly have communication with someone outside prison. See also photo taken of Reza, Yasmine and the infamous Benjamin Netanyahu altogether below. See also below photo of Elica with Reza, who happens to be wearing the exact same outfit.
It is also noteworthy to point out that Reza's grandfather, Reza Shah, was known to be an admirer of Adolf Hitler. See below image of a photo of Adolf Hitler with his signed autograph with his best wished for Reza Shah Pahlavi.
from Instagram
from Instagram
from Wikipedia
submitted by Madi_is_Mad to WhoisElicaLeBon [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:02 Turduckennn Lorelei and the Laser Eyes - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Lorelei and the Laser Eyes
Trailer: LORELEI AND THE LASER EYES Release Date Trailer
Developer: Simogo
Publisher: Annapurna Interactive
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 87 average - 95% recommended - 20 reviews

Critic Reviews

CGMagazine - Justin Wood - 5 / 10
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes fails to capture its intended mystery-filled story because of having to headbutt against puzzles non-stop and some glaring control issues.
COGconnected - Jaz Sagoo - 80 / 100
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a twisted puzzle adventure like no other. The high-brow approach to gameplay requires you to read pages from books to learn the fundamentals that enshroud the range of conundrums that you’ll come across. Simogo don’t underestimate your ability, leaving you to ponder clues and work out the solution. While this can halt your progress and lead to cycling around the same puzzles, it makes decryption much more satisfying. The game stubbornly sticks to its principles to the detriment of accessibility, however, losing yourself to the deep layers of intrigue makes this an unforgettable trip.
Digital Trends - Giovanni Colantonio - 5 / 5
The cryptic Lorelei and the Laser Eyes may very well be the greatest puzzle game ever made.
DualShockers - Jack Coleman - 9.2 / 10
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a surreal and mysterious puzzle game that executes perfectly on its vision. A potential all-timer for fans of the genre.
Game Rant - Dalton Cooper - 5 / 5
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes can sometimes feel like the Dark Souls of puzzle games, but no one will regret challenging themselves to solve its many mysteries. Players who enjoy analyzing complex stories will have a blast taking apart the many layers to Lorelei and the Laser Eye's bizarre tale, while those looking for an addicting puzzle game will find it to be an incredibly satisfying adventure. Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a must-play puzzle game and one of the genre's best.
GameSpew - Kim Snaith - 9 / 10
Perplexing and often pretentious, yet compelling and wonderfully accomplished, it's safe to say you won't have played anything quite like Lorelei and the Laser Eyes before. Filled with puzzles and mystery at every turn, once you step foot inside the intriguing Hotel Letztes Jahr, you won't be able to pull yourself way.
GamesRadar+ - Rachel Watts - 4.5 / 5
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is an intricate puzzle box of interconnected parts. At times it can feel overwhelming, but ultimately this stylish noir's captivating puzzle design anthology and spellbinding story feels like an entirely new and contemporary kind of puzzle game.
God is a Geek - Chris White - 8 / 10
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is filled with tricky puzzles that require patience, pens and plenty of paper, but can be hugely satisfying.
Hardcore Gamer - Jordan Helm - 5 / 5
A masterfully-orchestrated series of puzzles that are both stand-alone and interconnected alike, a brilliant use of a more-restricted color palette emboldening its art-style and aesthetic. And best of all: one of the most curious, perplexing but ultimately satisfying mysteries to see fully unraveled and revealed in its truest form. Combined, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes stands as Simogo's best work to date. Even with a portfolio as creative as theirs, a release deserving of that most lofty of titles: magnum opus.
Hobby Consolas - David Rodriguez - Spanish - 88 / 100
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a new hit for the creators of Sayonara Wild Hearts. This narrative mystery adventure catches you at the first sign of change and forces you to step out of your comfort zone to face all kinds of puzzles full of imagination.
Nintendo Life - Chris Scullion - 8 / 10
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is one of the most unique-looking games you'll see on the Switch, and it's got the substance to back up the style. Its heavy emphasis on puzzles and its refusal to throw players a bone when they need help may not be to everyone's tastes, but anyone up for a mental challenge in what's essentially an elaborate escape room will love it.
PC Gamer - Autumn Wright - 89 / 100
A thrilling mystery that asks players to rise to its challenges, and rewards them when they do.
Paste Magazine - Elijah Gonzalez - 8.8 / 10
Altogether though, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a game with vision. It wraps intriguing puzzles in a digital gothic framic. It makes the most of its chosen medium as it forces us to navigate the tenuous details of this backdrop. Just about every layer of the experience is creatively risky, from its fragmented narrative to its uncompromising barrage of challenges, but these gambles largely pay off to deliver something with purpose and direction. Crafting this kind of maze isn’t easy; it takes a combination of subtle guidance and faith in your audience. But despite these challenges, Simogo never loses sight of how to stoke curiosity about what’s lurking around the next corner, whether it’s a treasure you’ve been seeking or, conversely, something horrible lurking in the dark.
Press Start - James O'Connor - 9 / 10
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a wonderfully intricate, amazing piece of game design. It's intimidating and challenging, but it rewards all the effort you put into it. One of the best games of 2024 so far.
Screen Rant - Ben Brosofsky - 4.5 / 5
To return to the start, there's still a lot to say about what this game is. It's equal parts literary and mathy. It's elusive but self-aware. It's romantic, in fits. It's something best played with pen and paper, even if it doesn't seem necessary for a while. It's a story told as fantasy, history, parable, and performance. It's Lorelei and the Laser Eyes. And it could very well be the best game that comes out this year.
Shacknews - Donovan Erskine - 8 / 10
Lorelei and the Lasers Eyes delivers challenging puzzles alongside a mystifying narrative. It successfully trains your brain to overanalyze, experiment, and ask questions. All hallmarks of an excellent puzzle game. I was frustrated by some technical design decisions that slowed the pace and led to unintentional errors, but still had a thoroughly good time working my way through this otherworldly puzzle box.
TheGamer - Tessa Kaur - 5 / 5
You should just play Lorelei and the Laser Eyes instead of reading about it. I’ve never seen a game quite like it, and I can’t imagine I’ll see anything like it again anytime soon. It ticks all the boxes for a puzzle game that is just as intelligently and thoughtfully designed as it is atmospheric and fascinating, and I can’t recommend it enough.
Twinfinite - Lewis Rees - 4 / 5
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes isn’t a perfect game. It isn’t a game for everyone, and even fans of puzzle games like the Zero Escape series might find that this isn’t their tastes. In a world filled with Michael Bay, this is Luis Bunuel. It’s a game created with a distinct vision that isn’t out to please everyone. This isn't a game that cares about being liked by everyone: it cares about being loved by a smaller group. It’s a puzzle box where any narrative is almost an afterthought. It’s there, if you dig into it, but the greater satisfaction comes from finding a way forward.
submitted by Turduckennn to Games [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:53 observador_53 Sally Field, Sybil and The Crowded Room

I ended up here because of something related to Sally Field, but in a rather indirect way. It seems to have no connection to the Mandela effect, but I consider it a curiosity that intrigued me enough to share in the group and that I would be better understood here.
Recently, I watched the series "The Crowded Room" on Apple TV+. In the series, which premiered on June 9, 2023, Tom Holland plays a young man named Danny who has committed a crime and will be tried. Apparently, he suffers from psychological problems and receives assistance from the psychiatrist Rya, played by Amanda Seyfried.
The series is set in the 1970s and often references the TV movie "Sybil" from the same era, starring Sally Field. The name "Sybil" has Greek origins and means prophetess or oracle. Keep that in mind. Until then, I didn't find anything strange, until a character of Israeli origin named Yitzhak was introduced, who seemed to be violent, yet a protector for Danny. From that point on, I realized that the series seemed to tell something deeper than just what was on the surface. I also noticed that the plot addressed racial issues in a rather questionable way. If you're bothered by spoilers and plan to watch the series, I recommend stopping reading here.
In a flashback scene, we see the protagonist, Danny, as a child witnessing a racially charged fight, with blood splattering on his face, mouth, and eyes. In the present, adult Danny reflects on the power of blood,
Danny: From ancient Judaism to Shakespeare, blood, especially blood spilled in violence, has magical powers. It can ward off evil or it can summon it.
Rya: Is that what you think? That what happened to you was your fault.
Danny: I mean everything that came after can’t just be a coincidence.
She just looks at him, surprised, even moved, by his pain.
Danny seems to suffer from the same pathology as Sybil, dissociative identity disorder. At one point, one of the personalities, called Jack, the oldest, intellectual, and paternal, talks to the psychiatrist. The dialogue goes like this:
Rya: Jack?
Jack: At your service.
Where's Danny?
He's here.
He's asleep, but he's here.
And before you try to convince me that this is some sort of psychological condition, let me assure you that I am very real.
How is that possible?
Do you understand quantum entanglement?
I'm not familiar with it, no.
Suggests that separation is not what we believe it to be.
It's an emerging theory in particle physics.
The idea that two particles can share characteristics without being at the same point in space-time. (chuckles)
I assume you are not an expert in the sciences.
No, I'm not.
But I... I do know that Danny needs help.
Many could interpret the dialogue as a red herring in service of the plot, but I found it particularly intriguing, especially due to the persistent reference to Sybil and Sally "Field" and its link to the particle accelerator. Finally, one of the most revealing episodes begins with a solar eclipse. The dialogue goes like this:
Rya: Did you see the eclipse?
Danny: No, just the light. It was very strange, though.
Rya: Carl Jung believed that eclipses were harbingers of rebirth.
Danny: Who?
Rya: A psychiatrist. Haven't you heard of him? He's very famous.
And after this episode, the character Yitzhak, after suggesting to the other personalities to adopt Danny's treatment by the psychiatrist, is "killed" by gunshots by the personality Jack. This scene reminded me of the assassination of another Yitzhak.... Yitzhak Rabin, the fifth Prime Minister of Israel, which occurred on November 4, 1995, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords. The perpetrator was Yigal Amir, an Israeli law student and ultranationalist who vehemently opposed Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's peace initiative, particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords.
After watching everything, my interpretation is that what we're seeing is actually an analysis of American society, but not just that. The eclipse and Yitzhak's death seem to make a grim prediction about the terrible events of October 2023 in Israel, which extend to this day, with two extraordinary solar eclipses marking this period.
I haven't been able to watch "Sybil" yet, but I found an interview where Sally Field says that, at the time of the film, she was arrested in New York for being completely immersed in the character, or characters, and being mistaken for a crazy person. Has anyone here watched that movie? What do you think of all this?
submitted by observador_53 to MandelaEffect [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:21 National-Ad-8200 My heart is full. #autismawareness #nonverbal "Love needs no words"

My heart is full. #autismawareness #nonverbal
My son is nonverbal and on the spectrum. We welcomed Jack into our family in December when he was just a week away from 6 months old after our Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix of 12 years passed away Nov 19th. It was too soon for me, but I knew my son needed another pup to love. He was heartbroken and crying daily looking for Eli and taking my phone to watch videos of him.
Enter Jack. His name was previously Atari, but he didn't seem to know his name as he didn't respond to it at all. We named him Jack in memory of Eli (his mix made him look like a Jack Russell puppy even at 12). Jack is our first Boston Terrier and I know Eli brought him to us. He is just perfect. If I tried to list off all of the reasons how or why then this post would be even longer than it is, lol. I know Eli made sure we ended up with Jack. We love you Eli, and we love you Jack!
This photo is from tonight of my son giving Jack his goodnight hug (I didn't catch his kiss in time for a photo)! 🥹🧸💙🐶🐶🪽
submitted by National-Ad-8200 to BostonTerrier [link] [comments]


Context: This roster mock off-season is what I want to happen within the realm of possibility. I tried to keep my moves as realistic as possible, I am no scout or GM so I’m not going to be 100%. Every move you see has had immense research done on it. This includes looking at past trades, media mocks, projected salaries, watching films on prospects etc. This has taken me over a month to make so I hope you guys enjoy it. my former mocks are on my account, nowhere as good as this one but I’ve been working on this for a while, imma nerd I know.
  1. ⁠San Jose Sharks: Macklin Celebrini, C, Boston University (NCAA
  2. ⁠Chicago Blackhawks: Ivan Demidov, RW, SKA St. Petersburg Jr. (RUSSIA-JR.)
  3. ⁠Anaheim Ducks: Artyom Levshunov, RHD, Michigan State
  4. ⁠Columbus Blue Jackets: Anton Silayev, LHD, Torpedo (RUSSIA)
  5. ⁠Montreal Canadiens: Beckett Sennecke, RW, Oshawa (OHL)
  6. ⁠Utah HC: Cayden Lindstrom, C, Medicine Hat
  7. Ottawa Senators: Carter Yakemchuk, RHD, Calgary (WHL) (Big RHD who uses the body well, is very aggressive, fits Ottawa perfectly. Needs to work on this defense but if we pair him with the right coaches he can become part of the core)
  8. ⁠Seattle Kraken: Zeev Buium, LHD, University of Denver (NCAA)
  9. ⁠ Calgary Flames: Tij Iginla, C, Kelowna Rockets (WHL)
  10. New Jersey Devils: Sam Dickinson, LHD, London Knights (OHL)
Trade: Ottawa Senators trade Defenseman Jakob Chychrun to the Winnipeg Jets for Forward Nikolaj Ehlers. The trade is one-for-one. (Ottawa Senators trade Jakob Chychrun to Winnipeg for Nikolaj Ehlers, a pretty simple Hockey trade. Winnipeg needs a top 4 Offensive Defenceman and we need another top 6 forward, works well for both teams)
  1. Ottawa Senators: Dean Letourneau, C, Boston College (NCAA) (6’7 Forward who has a scoring touch. Risky pick but this guy could become something special. Since we have two picks, this guy is worth the risk to me)
Free Agency:
UFA notables
Alec Martinez, LHD, 1 Year x 2,000,000 (Big defender who will slot perfectly into the bottom pairing as a buffer for Tyler Kleven. Elite shot Blocker, will help the team from stopping shots from getting to the net, lessening the load off the defense. Pair him with JBD another elite shot blocker, and that bottom pairing will be up there with one of the best defensive pairings in the league. Alec will also add a vet presence to that blue line.)
Matt Roy, RHD, 4 Years x $4,000,000 (Another Big defender who’s defensively sound, can put up a bit of points but his main responsibility is being responsible defensively. Will be a huge addition to our top 4 and help our goalies perform better)
Cal Clutterbuck, RW, 1 Year x $1,000,000 (Veteran bottom 6 grinder who will play the game right and add experience to the locker room, we need a guy like this in our bottom 6)
Zach Aston Reese, RW/LW, 1 Year x $775,000 (Depth guy who can spend most of the time in the AHL, elite defensive forward, and can be called up when the bottom 6 has an injury)
RFA notables
Shane Pinto, Center, 4 Years x $3,500,000
Angus Crookshank, LW, 2 Years x $875,000
Parker Kelly, LW/C, 1 years x $825,000
John Gruden, Associate Coach, Defencemen Coach / Powerplay Coach (John Gruden was one of the main factors in Boston's historic season last year, he ran the Defence and Powerplay and helped that team break records. He has well-known connections to Steve Staios and Micheal Andlaur so have him brought in as an associate coach and let go of Jack Capuano. Have him run the Defence and Powerplay and hope he can replicate the magic he had in Boston)
Lane Lambert, Assistant Coach, Forwards Coach / Penalty Kill Coach (While this one is probably the most unlikely thing in the mock I think it could be possible. He only had a season and a half as head coach so I’m not sure it’s out of the question he could consider going back to an assistant role, he has worked with John Gruden in the past so there will be familiarity there. Lane Lambert was in control of the forwards and penalty kill on the islanders, he helped that team with their great two-way play and good penalty kill, so hopefully he can do the same here.)
Nolan Baumgartner, Assistant Coach, Defencemen Coach (Travis Green will likely want to bring in some familiar faces and I think this will be his choice, former assistant to him in Vancouver in both the NHL and AHL)
Jay Mckee, AHL Head Coach, Forward Coach (Connections to the front office staff, a good coach in the OHL, would be a nice addition to the AHL Staff)
Marc Methot, Player Development, Defense
Mark Borowiecki, Player Development, Defense
(Both of these signings will help the blue line get better with their defensive responsibilities)
Ottawa: Erik Brannstrom (LHD), Mark Kastelic (C), Anton Forsberg (G), 2025 3rd Round pick (FLA)
Utah: Karel Vejmelka (G)
(Ottawa needs to add a new face in between the pipes, and with Korpisalo on an untradeable contract that leaves Forsberg on the chopping block, now, of course, no one is just going to take Forsberg, so he will need to be packaged with a player who can play in the top 4 if given a chance, and a bottom 6 player, as well as a 3rd round pick in 2025 which could be a 2nd by the time this trade happens)
Opening Day lineup:
Forwards: B. Tkachuk - T. Stützle - N. Ehlers
D. Batherson - J. Norris - C. Giroux
R. Greig - S. Pinto - M. Joseph
A. Crookshank - Z. Ostaphuk - C. Clutterbuck
Defence: J. Sanderson - M. Roy
T. Chabot - A. Zub
A. Martinez - J. Bernard-Docker
Goalies: J. Korpisalo
K. Vejmelka
Scratched: T. Hamonic (NMC or I’d trade him, also Steve Staios said he isn’t considering any buyouts at this time so unlikely he gets bought out)
Cap Space: $953
Opening Day Staff:
POHO / GM - Steve Staios
Vice POHO - Dave Poulin
AGM - Ryan Bowness
DOHO - Tim Pattyson
Senior Advisor - Jacques Martin
Head of Player Development - Daniel Alfredsson
Head Coach - Travis Green
Associate Coach - John Gruden (Defence Coach / Powerplay)
Assistant Coach - Lane Lambert (Forward Coach / Powerplay)
Assistant Coach - Nolan Baumgartner (Defence Coach)
Assistant Coach - David Bell (Defence/Forward Coach)
Goalie Coach - Justin Peters
Video Coach - Micheal King
Video Coach/Eyes in the Skies - Bob Jones
Head Coach - Jay McKee
Associate Coach - Ben Sexton (Forwards / Powerplay)
Assistant Coach - Nathan McIver (Defence / Penalty Kill)
Assistant Coach - Chris Dennis
Goalie Coach - Tyson Teichmann
Video Coach - Frederic Lemay
Player Development:
Daniel Alfredsson
Shean Donovan
Jesse Winchester
Wade Redden
Marc Methot
Mark Borowiecki
Well, that’s that. That’s my full off-season breakdown for the Ottawa Senators, I’m hoping most of these things happen. We need big changes for this team to become a contender.
Feel free to ask any questions about any of the moves I made, I’m open to criticism and discussion :)
submitted by Bassaol to OttawaSenators [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:55 GoldWhale Ivan Demidov: The Debate for #2 that Never Should Have Been

Written by u/GoldWhale & u/JD397
Thanks everyone for your patience with us getting this written up. Much appreciation to my co-author u/JD397 for his work, scouting analysis, and comprehensive background knowledge on where Demidov sat compared to historical players, and the international analysis. Please note, this analysis won’t focus on why Demidov>Levshunov. In terms of BPA, Demidov is nearly unanimously over Levshunov based on consolidated rankings. With the Blackhawks publicly saying they want to go BPA, we hope to establish a case as to why Demidov truly stands above the rest, by a good margin. We hope that this was worth the wait, and we haven’t disappointed anyone who may have wanted more. We’re amateurs, give us a small break 😉
When Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly flipped the decisive card to reveal the number one overall pick, Blackhawks fans were disappointed. They were going to miss out on Macklin Celebrini, the consensus number one center and number one overall player in the draft. After winning Connor Bedard the prior year, many fans were hoping for a one two punch down the middle, their own version of McDavid and Draisaitl, Crosby and Malkin; this was not to be.
Despite the initial dismay, fans were still happy. The Blackhawks won the second lottery, and with that, the rights to select a franchise player at number two overall. Immediately, though, there was debate. Swirling on social media there were rumors that the Blackhawks were predominantly looking at two high end prospects: Ivan Demidov (RW/C) and Artyom Levshunov (D). On one hand Demidov is an elite prospect at wing with excellent hands, creativity, and legitimate top line wing with PPG+ upside. On the other, Levshunov is a dynamic offensive defenseman with a stellar shot, solid size, dynamic skating, and most importantly right-handedness.
The Blackhawks, realistically, need both positions. Last year the Blackhawks iced one of the worst offenses in the entire league, scoring the second least goals behind only San Jose. They also had the fourth worst defense, surrendering 290 goals on the season. Neither are acceptable in the push for a playoff spot in the coming years, but ultimately with number two, you can only choose one of the two players. After our hours of analysis, u/JD397 and I believe there is no debate – as good as Levshunov is, Demidov is closer in skill and projection to Celebrini than anyone else in the draft is to him.
So who is Ivan Demidov? He’s an 18 year old forward playing for SKA 1946, a MHL affiliate of SKA of the KHL. Since the 2023 draft the big story out of the KHL was the dominance of Matvei Michkov. This was a kid who destroyed the MHL by putting up 38 points in 22 games and going PPG+ in the playoffs his D-1 Year. Michkov then outperformed Connor Bedard by putting up 16 points in 7 games at the IIHF U18s in 2021. Michkov was, and still is, borderline generational but there was someone else waiting in his shadow. In his D-1 Year, Ivan Demidov put up 62 points in 41 games, and scored 1.3PPG in the MHL playoffs. While putting up a lower PPG pace than Michkov, Demidov’s game was substantially more well rounded and scouts started to take notice of another potential franchise winger in Ivan Demidov.
Demidov exploded in his D-0 Year, putting up a literal 2.0 PPG pace in the MHL the highest pace ever for a player 18 or under, and the third highest PPG in league history. In the playoffs, despite an injury, Demidov posted a ridiculous 28 points in 17 games. This production was unheard of beforehand and bested Kucherov’s 1.87 point pace at 18. Not only did Demidov have better production AND two way play, but he also did it nearly 7 months younger. Demidov remains a bright spot who is able to elevate his play to the competition. Before talking about playstyle, strengths, comps, projections, etc. it needs to be noted just how dominant Demidov was on the scoresheet.
Now that fans know who Ivan Demidov is, let’s address the elephant in the room. Demidov is Russian and with the political climate worldwide, being a Russian is associated with an inherent risk of a prospect not coming over. Rest assured – there is no such concern in this case. Last year, rumors swirled around Michkov not coming over due to three factors:
  1. Michkov did not meet with more than two teams and actively told specific teams he would not play for them.
  2. Michkov was incredibly difficult to get ahold of predraft and it made scouts and front offices skeptical on his character and desire to come to the NHL.
  3. Michkov had 3 more years left on his contract with SKA.
Demidov, on the other hand, is actively engaging with teams. He’s hosting a workout in Florida before the draft for multiple teams to attend, and is actively having his agent coordinate interviews and meetings with interested front offices. Demidov has publicly declared his intention to come over to the NHL as soon as possible, even venturing so far as to say he’s looking at options for getting out of his KHL contract to get to the NHL for the 24-25 season. Finally, Demidov only has 1 year left on his contract so there isn’t long term concern about losing the ability to develop him internally. An interesting note that we found during analysis was that Demidov’s agent, Dan Milstein, is “hated” in the KHL because of how consistently he pushes for his clients to leave Russia and transition them to the NHL. Even if Demidov is stuck in Russia all of next year, there’s almost zero risk he doesn’t come over.
On Demidov, the other large question that looms is his lack of play in the KHL, and SKA’s decision to play him in the MHL. Despite being the one of the best players in MHL history, Demidov only saw action in 4 KHL games and scored a total of 0 points which has also turned off many scoresheet watchers. Let us reassure you – Demidov was predominantly the 13th forward and played an average of 3-5 minutes per game with unfamiliar linemates. He did not have a chance to play enough to succeed, and built no chemistry with the teammates he was playing with in his limited time. SKA is notorious for handling their prospects poorly. Young players are consistently given limited ice time, especially when they’re expected to leave Russia. Michkov, despite his skill, couldn’t crack the SKA roster in his D-0 or D+1 simply because of this bias. All said, this is not a concern scouts have when it comes to the potential drafting of Demidov.
With the Russia question answered, we believe there is no doubt that Ivan Demidov is the pick to make in the 2024 draft. Ivan Demidov is really really good. He is the complete package for what you look for in a franchise winger. Demidov has excellent hands, dynamic edgework, elite hockey IQ, high end compete and energy, a relentless forecheck, creativity in the offense he provides, solid two way play, and finally rapid speed in terms of release and puck control. There is no one like him in this draft who offers such an elite skillset with no obvious flaws in his game outside of his build. He can also play center when needed which gives him additional offensive flexibility and adds even more dynamism to his game.
While analytics don’t tell the full story, they can often be a useful baseline to build from. The first item we want to call attention to is Byron Bader’s model, which projects Demidov as the best #2OA prospect since Eichel.. Let's again be clear, we don’t put much merit into this due to the low gradings of Carlsson and Laine, but it’s important to contextualize how Bader’s model works. It compares prospects to the league they’re in and projects them out. Demidov dominated the MHL to such a degree that the model favorably views him due to being almost untouched in play, and setting multiple records. Continuing with Hockey Prospecting and Bader, who is an active NHL draft consultant, they project Demidov to be an absolute STUD based on production. No forward who they’ve ever given 99%s to has ever been less than PPG+. Demidov has a very comparable offensive game to Celebrini, and is all but guaranteed to be a star due to his production and skillset. Alanen also projects Demidov to be elite in all 3 zones, and gives him a total RARE grade of 100, due to his next level offense and transition, and above average defensive work despite his assignments. Again, analytics aren’t an end all be all by any means. They’re just an exceptional base to build from when scouts, data scientists and NHL draft consultants unanimously believe a player to be elite. From our research, no prospects with comparable profiles have busted or not succeeded in the NHL.
Whilst reading multiple articles, watching videos on Demidov, and going through tape, we compiled the following scouting report.
Physical Attributes:
Demidov is not very physically imposing, or even one of the most physical players in the draft. He’s expected to show up to the combine around 6ft tall and weighing 170lbs. Admittedly one knock that some scouts have for him is his build and need to bulk up. Thankfully, this is easy to build at the professional level. Nonetheless, Demidov has sturdy base that enables him to dominate around the boards and in front of the net due to his rapid twitch movements and lower body power. Demidov is able to outskate and outwork larger and stronger players by being smart with his legs and driving to the inside consistently when in transition. His remarkable agility and lower-body strength allow him to outmaneuver opponents and maintain possession in tight spaces, or separate for quick attacks or desperation back checking.
Demidov's skating is characterized by irregularities; while he exhibits great power on his edges, his transitions suffer due to a wide stance, leading to questionable but explosive pivot work. Despite this, his rapid acceleration and agility enable him to navigate through traffic seamlessly, while his powerful stride generates significant momentum, making him a constant threat in transition. Let’s clear up a misconception; Demidov is not a bad skater. He’s got decent speed, a good handle on body control, power on the inside of his edges and with quick crossovers, etc. His posture and stance need work, but this is something that looks completely fixable at the NHL level. It doesn’t require a rebuild of his skating style, rather a retool that can utilize his edgework as a base. Instead of hunching over at the end of a shift and losing speed and energy, Demidov can rely on quicker small movement cuts on for rapid movement and longer, albeit slower strides while holding himself higher to preserve energy while covering distance. While the 10 and 2 skating that Demidov employs isn’t conventional, it allows him to see a good deal of the ice, and when in close provide breaking speed towards the play. Fixing the reliance on 10 and 2 also offers faster top level skating and easier quick pivoting in a 200ft game, rather than a longer turn. Again, his skating is unorthodox – but it isn’t bad. It’s not mechanically sound, but it can be polished to a high level without a large amount of concern. Because of how unpredictable his skating is now, scouts across the board acknowledge that it potentially even grants an advantage as his body is harder to read.
Scoring Ability:
A natural sniper, Demidov possesses a lethal shot with pinpoint accuracy and a lightning-quick release that catches goaltenders off guard. Whether he's unleashing a blistering wrist shot from the slot or wiring a one-timer on the power play, Demidov consistently finds the back of the net with precision and finesse. One really underrated part of Demidov’s scoring ability comes from the aforementioned elite edgework. Due to how rapidly he can change directions while holding full control over the puck, he can create scoring lanes with almost zero room, and his accuracy is again one of the best we’ve evaluated as amateur scouts in the last few drafts. When there isn’t an immediate opening or shot, Demidov is patient, draws coverage where he wants, and again has no qualms about firing the puck to the net. If there’s one question about his ability to score, it’s his slapshot. He hasn’t had to use it in almost any occasion due to how the offense is structured on SKA 1946, and therefore it’s not as developed as his snap or wrister. This is a relatively minor knock, though. Demidov can take slapshots and find twine without much difficulty, it’s just the least refined part of his goalscoring ability.
Playmaking and Elite Hands:
Demidov has the best hands that we have scouted. Better than McDavid, better than Fantilli, better than Hughes, better than Bedard, better than Michkov, and yes, better than Patrick Kane as a prospect. Yep, that good. Hadi Kalakeche, one of Dobber’s lead scouts says, “…he has THE best handling skill I’ve seen… he’s the closest thing we’ve seen to Pavel Datsyuk since Pavel Datsyuk.” The rapidity of his movement, the purposeful puck placement, the astounding protection rate, and his ability to pull defenders off of him without moving his body is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Again, he has the most individual puck skill and innate offensive talent in the draft. These skills with his hands allow him to become an absolutely next level playmaker. Demidov is crafty, and has a history of faking shots to make a pass, or vice versa to help his team. He’s able to create lanes and take advantage of his puck control by having absolutely next level zone entry to set up the offense on a consistent basis. While his decision making needs some work when it comes to choosing the best move, he almost always makes the right one, and is able to think through solutions when there’s no apparent move forward. Whether it’s a drop pass, running the puck up the boards, a regroup, finding a teammate with a perfectly slotted pass, Demidov has no real ceiling. The only question remains is whether these skills will work as well at the next level. All said though, there’s no real debate between scouts that he’ll be a franchise winger.
Creativity and IQ:
Demidov is electrifying, brilliant, dynamic, innovative, transcendent, and any other adjective you want to use. There is no prospect in this draft with Demidov’s offensive upside, including Macklin Celebrini. As mentioned above, Demidov has been compared to Datsyuk: he is stellar at opening up lanes with his body or finding passes, even if they’re banked off the boards. While Bedard is a guy who was expected to shoot first, Demidov is a passer. This works in his favor, though. Demidov certainly doesn’t lack a scoring touch. His positioning and body will tell goalies and defenders he’s planning to pass and he’s able to quickly change direction using his edges to put a shot on net. His ability to think several steps ahead of the play allows him to execute highlight-reel passes and capitalize on scoring opportunities that others on his team might miss, or simply not have the skill to execute. He’s unpredictable because his vision is at such a high level. He’s got a game reminiscent of Jack Hughes and Patrick Kane, and the way he views the game has scouts absolutely over the moon about his pro projection. There really is nothing that Demidov doesn’t have the ability to do – this year in the MHL he took advantage of the strength of competition and tested it out. Demidov tried different reads, different styles, working more heavily down the middle, shooting, playdriving, etc. We’re blown away by the flexibility that he shows across every facet of the game. A really fun quote to mention from Lassi Alanen, EP’s director of Euro scouting is, “I still have like 100+ unused clips of Demidov's play from this season. He must be the most clippable prospect I've ever watched. Something eye-catching happening almost every shift during his second half of the season.” Demidov’s highlight reel isn’t really a “reel” – that’s just how he plays the game on most shifts that he takes.
Physicality and Defensive Awareness:
Demidov's physicality extends well beyond his height, as he isn't afraid to throw his weight (all 170lbs) around and engage in board battles to win possession. His defensive awareness is equally impressive, as he uses his size and reach to disrupt passing lanes and apply pressure on opposing forwards both in the defensive zone and in the neutral zone, showcasing a commitment to playing a complete, two-way game. As briefly mentioned, Demidov doesn’t exclusively play wing – he plays center too. While he’s not going to be Patrice Bergeron he is capable of handling both ends of the ice, and has consistently improved his defensive play throughout the year.
Work Ethic and Engagement:
While almost all prospects “work hard” to play their best on the ice, Demidov does that little bit more. Despite being a winger, he’s consistently one of the first players up and down the ice. He rarely coasts and drifts around but is engaged rather consistently all around the ice. One thing that’s often hard to teach prospects is how to be aggressive and assertive without being risky. Demidov never worries about challenging his opponents, fighting hard board battles, or giving his all to get back into a play after he’s low after driving to the net. This is something that the Blackhawks LOVE in their players, and should hopefully encourage GMKD to pull the trigger, if everything else didn’t sell him. As we see Demidov continue to improve in skating with NHL coaches, this should only give him more energy to expend in the 200ft game, and improve his engagement across plays. He’s an absolute workhorse, and consistently pushes to improve which evidenced by the massive improvement across this season in the MHL. There’s no reason to think this same drive can’t come through on the NHL level.
Areas to Improve and Questions:
With all the hype around Demidov, it’s hard to initially understand why he’s considered a lower end prospect than Celebrini. Digging in, though, it becomes more clear. While Demidov has the higher ceiling, he also has a much lower floor. The number one factor that limits Demidov is his exposure to higher end competition. The MHL is a good league, but Demidov was ready for the KHL last year. Since he wasn’t exposed to higher end competition there is still question on how much of his skillset will translate when playing higher level men’s hockey. There isn’t an expectation of a problem, but when a player lacks that experience, it undoubtedly makes them more challenging to project. Remember, Demidov didn’t really play meaningful KHL minutes when he got 4 games this year. He got 13th forward exposure and didn’t play with the same linemates that he worked with in the pre-season. Nonetheless, he wasn’t perfect. He did see some questionable decisions while trying to adapt to higher competition. There’s little concern that this is an actual issue, but Demidov needs to grow and play against men, even for a few games, before coming to the NHL. Thankfully, he should have the entire season in 2024-2025, and I haven’t read a single scouting report that expects him to have an issue putting up Michkov+ numbers.
The second factor is skating. Demidov is a good skater, but he’s unorthodox at best. While this skating relies heavily on his edgework which gives him amazing playmaking ability, his pivoting, high end speed, position and stride could all use refinement and improvement. While these are all skating mechanics that are easier to fix, skating is NOT a guarantee. If he’s unable to improve his skating with NHL skating coaches, it could limit his upside. He is still expected to be a top line winger, but it could be the difference between 70+ and 100+ points if skating doesn’t develop. Remember, some scouts view his skating as a “hidden” upside in his game, but improving skating not only gives him more offensive flexibility, but also defensively. There’s room for improvement, and it could be an easier lever to correct to see high rewards from.
The third factor is decision making. Demidov is creative to a fault, but just like in art, not every project works out. With such an advanced toolkit, Demidov needs to work with video coaches to better understand which moveset is appropriate in which scenario and when to deploy it. There’s a difference between decision making and IQ. Decision making is hard to fix when a prospect is set in their ways based on playstyle, but if playstyle is more flexible, then there’s much less of a concern. IQ, on the other hand is uncoachable, and Demidov has arguably the best offensive IQ in the draft. There’s no reason to believe that he can’t fix this, but due to being stuck abroad, and potentially even the MHL again next year, it could take him a bit longer to get up to NHL speed.
The final factor is defense. While it seems that every single forward prospect has a knock on their defense, we can qualify Demidov’s specifics a bit more easily. Demidov is a competent defender, and a very good well rounded player, but again decision making plays a factor in the challenge of projecting him here. While players like Celebrini are dominant both ways, Demidov often doesn’t make the right choice when defending – he has a lot of offensive instincts which have him sit higher on the blue, and while he is always engaged on the puck, he needs to be more responsible in coverage rotations. Off the rush, Demidov doesn’t always read the play correctly, and the inconsistency can create shooting lanes for his opponent. Just like Michkov, he can also cheat on plays where he finds himself a bit further away from a play and loses sight of his defensive assignment. He’s extremely energetic and consistently pushes to get back, but working with him on understanding when to cheat will be important for his development as well. We again want to reemphasize that Demidov plays solid defense and a good two way game, especially for a wingecenter. But there’s room for improvement in terms of bridging the gap between him and other recent prospects like Celebrini, Carlsson, and Johnston.
Pro Projection:
While he doesn’t have the skating that Jack Hughes had, he’s still a great projection and comparable. A smaller but nimble player who isn’t afraid to get involved on the rush, around the boards, or in transition. Demidov’s offensive upside is similar as well – like Hughes, the defense isn’t the best, but he’s able to run an entire offense both on the wing and playing center. He’s creative to a fault, has a great set of hands, and the toolkit to be a consistent top 5 player at his position in the NHL. Pro projections are always hard because you can never guarantee how a player will turn out, whether they’re undrafted or a #1OA, but Demidov is truly all but a sure thing. His creativity rivals players like Nikita Kucherov and Mitch Marner in their ability to think ahead of where the play is, his handling rivals Kane and Datysuk, his defensive play is above average for a winger, he has a great shot comparable to players like Matt Tkachuk, and is a bitch to get off the puck. Even when Demidov is literally on the ground, he’s consistently able to hold possession and find a play with no room left. With a toolkit like his, decent size at an estimated 6ft, there should be no reservations that Demidov should succeed at the next level. Most scouts see his floor around 65-70 points, and his ceiling closer to 120. I stand by the Jack Hughes comp I made earlier. While they differ in skating, they play very similar games, and should expect similar success at the next level.
“He’s got the best hands in the draft… and has made more one-on-one skill plays so far this season than almost any prospect I’ve scouted for any draft. He’s also a pretty engaged off-puck player who keeps his feet moving, hunts pucks on the forecheck, and can turn a steal into a game-breaking play in an instant.”
Scott Wheeler, The Athletic
“Demidov is already a game-breaking forward who can move the puck effortlessly and there’s no question he’d be a fantastic partner to some of the best prospects in the NHL today. His production in the MHL is comparable to Patrick Kane’s 2006-07 season with the Ontario Hockey League’s London Knights… Demidov is a bonafide first-line winger who will score tons of goals.”
Dayton Reimer, The Hockey Writers
“In a vacuum he’s the most talented forward this draft class has to offer outside of Celebrini. Demidov possesses many of the same traits Celebrini does, only his track record is against younger, more unproven talent."
Sam Cosentino, Sportsnet
“The talent of Demidov is impossible to deny. His raw skills might be the best in terms of offense in the entire draft. His puckhandling, shot, passing, and even skating makes him a unique hockey player and prospect. There are many great offensive players, but not many quite like Demidov. Especially who will also have a great drive and motor to play a strong 200 foot game… he could easily be a point per game player in the NHL on most teams first line.”
Frederik Frandsen, Last Word on Sports
“At the end of the day, what you get in a player like Ivan Demidov is a generational offensive dynamo with the mind of a master chess player. Each time he gains possession of the biscuit, his ability to think many steps ahead of the opponent, find creative solutions involving his puck handling abilities, as well as creating tremendous execution at creating space with his skating or precisely hitting the net is considered to be up to par at the NHL level.”
Tyler Ballesteros-Willard, Draft Prospects Hockey
“Any forward that has ever had the type of equivalency we’ve seen from Demidov in his pre-draft year and draft year, going back to the ’80s, has turned into a point-per-game-plus superstar over their careers… You need stars to compete and contend in the NHL, and Demidov is almost guaranteed to be that.”
Byron Bader, Hockey Prospecting
“Demidov is the most dynamic, verstatile, and creative [puck] handler we’ve seen come through the draft in recent years. Elements of his on-puck decision-making remain raw, but his upside as a 100-point top-line winger is supported by decent off-puck and defensive engagement and lightning-quick processing of the game. His elite-level of on-puck intelligence and his trifecta of dynamic handling, playmaking, and goalscoring tools give him the foundation to become an electrifying creative force and offensive driver.”
Sebastian High, Dobber
“Demidov breaks defences. He spots a tiny gap in coverage, bursts right through, and blows it open. He plays mostly a finesse game, but does so hyper-aggressively, attacking everything he can. Demidov succeeds at pulling off plays that most prospects can't. He plans, processes, and anticipates faster than he can stickhandle. He's a pure creator with the puck, making plays out of nothing.”
David St. Louis, Elite Prospects
“Demidov is the more dynamic and flashy prospect [Than Michkov].Demidov is the single-most gifted handler in the entire 2024 class. He projects to be the superior one-on-one attacker…someone who can single-handedly create out of thin air. When it comes to passing ability…Demidov’s ability to chain together handling sequences into following passing plays is second to none.”
Lassi Alanen, Elite Prospects
“It’s a no brainer[at #2OA]. It’s Ivan Demidov all day, every day, 24/7. You run to the stage and pick him… if you ask me, Ivan Demidov is better than Matvei Michkov… He’s the only prospect in our rankings who we gave a 10 grade to for a specific ability. It’s not just the handling skill in isolation it’s the creativity. He comes up with solutions no one can expect.. his motor is underrated, puts in work defensively… it’s a no brainer there.”
Hadi Kalakeche, Locked on NHL/Dobber
Our Scouting:
Clip 1:
As we talked about prior, Demidov has a great IQ and the ability to create lanes and plays out of nothing. Demidov pushes up the ice and enters the zone with pressure closing onto the side. He uses his hands to pull in control, but more impressively, puts his body between the defender and the puck. He uses his edgework and breaking speed to push past the defender, then is patient enough to draw 3 defenders towards him, away from his teammate. When he sees the trailing defenseman waiting, he immediately finds a tight pass for a wide open teammate to capitalize.
Clip 2:
There’s a difference between a safe move, and then there’s an insane move. Watch as Demidov comes up on the left side. He sees that the defender is getting desperate and goes for a large poke. Demidov slides the puck under the Dman’s stick and once again shows off his patience. Instead of going for a quick shot he reads that the other defender is slowly coming across the crease to prevent a passing lane. Instead of just shooting like most players, Demidov baits the goalie into thinking he’s going to run into the defenseman, and in that second, puts the puck in the net.
Clip 3:
Small play, but this is just about how slick his passing is. He slides the puck through a very tight lane while baiting the defenseman into sliding due to not knowing where the play is going to be.
Clip 4:
While we can put on nonstop highlights, it’s also important to see how smart Demidov’s game is. Demidov and the other SKA players move the puck around a bit trying to find an opening until they give it to Demidov. Demidov reads an open play and passes the puck down, but instead of immediately following the puck or staying at his spot, Demidov uses his high engagement to instead move to the other side of the net down low to offer accessory support for his teammates on his anticipated cross crease pass, should there have been a rebound.
Clip 5:
Not every highlight is going to be a goal. One really underrated part of Demidov’s game is how well he’s able to read the offense. As he holds high initially, he’s able to help move the puck out in order to reset the offense when the play fails. His motor keeps him in the play and with his excellent edges, he’s able to make a quick pivot after rushing around in order to step up and create an open shooting lane. While his teammate can’t make the pass to get the puck to him, Demidov read where the play WOULD be, not just where it was. Those IQ aspects really can’t be taught, and are part of what makes him so special. By anticipating the open play rather than following the puck, he establishes himself as a play driver by creating options rather just following and executing structure at a high level.
Clip 6:
We're not even going to analyze this one. It’s just fucking fun. Talent oozes.
Clip 7:
This video has a ton of highlights, which I’d definitely recommend watching, but we’re going to focus specifically on the play at 0:45. We can post clips of Demidov scoring goals, finding breakaways, etc. all day long, but when thinking about translation to the NHL, IQ and decision making is what we’re really drying to drill down on. Demidov arrives in the zone through to middle and pushes the initial F1 to the F3 spot and changes the rotation. The puck is dumped to him and the initial F1 leaves a drop pass for Demidov approaching the goal. As soon as Demidov gets the puck, at 0:47, you can see him primed and in a good shooting position. The bigger defender misread the play and has drifted too far towards the center of the ice, leaving Demidov with a nearly unobstructed shooting lane as the netfront defenseman is also too far toward the middle. Instead of taking the shot, he instead waits to draw over the netfront defenseman, and the bigger defenseman closer towards him, leaving his teammate literally untouched across the crease. Demidov trusts his hands and ability with an extremely quick and accurate pass through the stick range of three defenders to find his teammate wide open. His decision making has been progressively improving and his ability to look off the shot to find an elite pass will translate extremely well to the next level.
Clip 8:
Another play where you can just be excited about Demidov. The puck is wrapped up around the boards and the defenseman sitting at the top of the blue just pushes the puck back into the zone without a clear target, or a player who has an explicit opening to the puck. If anything, the puck is put in the middle of all 5 Karpat skaters. Despite starting on the outside, Demidov’s engagement shines through where he uses his edgework to get a rapid explosive burst of speed, and pushes through both defenders in front of him to gain possession. Once he gains possession, his ability to control the puck, and his handles help to demonstrate just how strong of a prospect Demidov is. Even when the defender is falling onto him, Demidov is patient, makes the netfront defender bite to believe he’s going wide, creating a lane (effectively bypassing 3 separate Karpat players) to get to the goalie unobstructed. Then, his hands come out and he absolutely undresses the netminder with moves that the video literally cannot fully capture. He makes highlights like this look routine, every single game.
Clip 9:
Sometimes when you see a play it’s hard to say anything but wow. Demidov leads the rush through the neutral zone and reads the coverage a much less conventional 1-4 scheme. The offensive rush is a bit unconventional as well, but can offer a smart solution. By having 3 attackers, two concentrated up the middle and one wide, it allows for quick movement up the middle, and post defensive collapse onto the puck, a pass to the outside for a clear entry lane and shot. Demidov passes to his teammate directly across the center of the ice as he expects that teammate to immediately get puck to their teammate on the outside as coverage collapses. Demidov gauges where the openings are pre pass, as evidenced by the head movement. Unfortunately, instead of immediately passing again to the outside for an open lane, his teammate runs into pressure, and panics. He passes back to Demidov who is less than 8ft away and will inevitably will run into immediate pressure as well. Somehow, this is no problem for Demidov. He collects the puck with the literal tip of his stick, uses his body push the defender off, and then pulls the puck in while facing the wrong direction to slip past the defender. Despite being placed in a no win situation his hands and creativity shine through and he creates a clean lane to shoot the puck at the net. It’s almost inhuman what he’s able to do with his hands. When he gets to the net, he’s patient, baits the goalie, pulls wide, and then puts in a clean backhand. Some of these highlights are literally awe-inspiring.
Closing Thoughts:
If this scouting report doesn’t get you excited for Demidov, we don’t think anything will. He’s truly the most electric player in the draft with absolutely ridiculous hands, compete, dynamic play, and highlight reel performance. His IQ is next level, and his hands allow him to do truly amazing things with his skillset and competency. Demidov’s vision is absurd; he consistently makes passes to his teammates without looking, or sends a pass before a teammate has a clean break by using anticipation. These RARELY lead to a turnovers and are often not only creative but unorthodox methods to continue to move the puck up ice. Although his skating is unorthodox, he’s explosive, able to create comprehensive offensive maneuvers due to quick transitions, and make off angle passes with ease due to his edgework. He is elite in transition and able to run a breakout, an offense, and play any of the F1/F2/F3 roles when the situation calls for it. Despite his expected size of “only” 6ft 170lbs, Demidov knows how to use his body and hands. He not only protects the puck on offense but can draw defenders away from his teammates in predictable patterns, once again opening up space for him to capitalize. The same goes for defense where he's able to use his positioning to get the edge on his opponents for a rapid takeaway or a box out off the rush.
As we mentioned earlier, Demidov’s game isn’t limited only to offense, he has a decent understanding of the two way game as well. He’s a relentless forechecker, aggressive on the boards, and also always willing to use his high running motor to jump back into a play that leaves the zone, even if he’s right next to the net. Demidov has the most skill and raw talent out of any player in this draft, including Celebrini. Had Demidov not been demoted to the MHL due to SKA’s poor management, there is almost no doubt that he would be considered nearly neck and neck with Celebrini. As it is now, Demidov is ranked #2 on most boards, and the overall #2 in the consolidated ranking. Demidovs don’t come around often; people last year were genuinely considering whether Michkov was at Bedard’s level. Demidov rivals Michkov if not exceeds him.
You can nitpick the analysis we have of any one single aspect of Demidov. Not everyone buys analytics. Not everyone buys playmaking in a lower league. Not everyone likes irregular skating. Not everyone is on board with the MHL stat sheet, our hype etc. etc. We get it. Really, we do. But at the end of the day, when you step back and appreciate the full body of work, the comps, the analytics, the rave scouting reports, unanimous love, models, stat sheets, skill, work ethic, and more that ALL say that this kid is elite, there’s fire beyond the smoke. Demidov is THE guy. There should not be a debate at #2.
For those of you who made it to the end, thanks for reading! Ultimately we know there will be inevitable debate about a prospect, but we appreciate you hearing us out, and at least letting me, u/GoldWhale, spam the sub over the last few weeks in love of Demidov. Whether or not you agree with our analysis, we encourage you to do your own scouting, read from the authors we've included, watch through all the highlights in the linked videos, and draw your own conclusions!
We appreciate everyone in this community, and will try to answer any questions that you may have in the comments. If you so choose, please feel free to crosspost to other subs, edit, or utilize this writeup anywhere you like (forums/blogs/youtube etc.), just link back to our original post! For those in professional media who have contacted us with the hope of utilizing our writeup, feel free, again just link back to the original post as well. Thanks again!
submitted by GoldWhale to hawks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:25 Obsequium_Minaris The Vampire's Apprentice - Chapter 11

First / Previous / Royal Road / Patreon (Read 12 Chapters Ahead)

Alain kicked in the door to the gun store, and they all flooded in. There was nobody there, as expected, so that gave them free reign to take whatever they needed. Alain immediately stocked up on ammo for his revolver and shotgun, slotting cartridges into the spaces on his bandoleer and belt. All the other men did the same, and a few of them grabbed an extra gun as well.
"Everyone good?" Alain called. They all answered back in the affirmative, and he motioned for them to follow after him as he sprinted back outside.
The remaining undead had taken notice of them now, and were closing in once more. Their group opened fire as Sable and Az rushed forwards.
"Watch your fire!" Alain warned as rounds passed dangerously close to the two of them.
"What the hell are they doing?!" Rusty called.
"They're clearing a path for us!" Alain shouted back. "Come on, we need to-"
A pair of sickening gurgles from behind him caught his attention. Immediately, Alain turned around, and saw the two sheriff's deputies standing there, their hands thrust through the backs and out the chests of Jack and Redd. Rusty raised his rifle to try and engage, but he didn't get a chance to fire before one of the deputies drew his own revolver and put a round between his eyes. Alain could only watch in shock as he fell backwards, dead.
The two deputies pulled their arms out of their unfortunate victims, then shook them to get some of the blood off as they advanced on Alain and Felix. Both men took a step back as they shouldered their long guns.
"Deputies Timms and Brayton," Felix surmised, looking at each man in turn. "You know, I almost didn't want to believe it when Alain first told me you were involved with all of this. The sheriff put you up to it?"
Timms ran a hand through his beard, uncaring of how the blood and gore from his victim left a trail of slick red through it. "He told us what we stood to gain if we helped him. After learning about that, how could we refuse?"
"And what would that be?" Alain growled.
Brayton grinned, showing off yellow teeth as he twirled his revolver almost absentmindedly. "What do you think would coerce someone to sacrifice other people?"
"I don't know."
"Ah, well… it doesn't matter; you'll all be dead soon, anyway."
"So confident of that, are you?"
"I'm confident enough, we'll say." Brayton turned to Timms. "You take the bartender, I'll handle the drifter."
Timms nodded, and then before Alain knew what was happening, Brayton had rushed towards him. He just barely managed to avoid the incoming arm thrust, the deputy's fingers brushing against his shirt, tearing through the fabric with ease. Alain fell back, discharging his shotgun as he went; the load of buckshot struck Brayton in the chest, opening it enough to expose his blackened heart, and he stumbled back, but recovered quickly.
Brayton let out a low growl, then drew his revolver and began firing off shots. Alain was forced to dive for cover behind a nearby building to avoid the incoming shots. Just as he reached concealment, however, a series of moans from nearby caught his attention. He turned and found several undead moving towards him. Without missing a beat, Alain fired off the remaining shell in his shotgun, taking one out, and then held it in one hand as he drew his revolver and killed the other two with a series of well-placed shots.
Alain wasted no time in reloading his guns once the trio of undead had hit the ground. He broke his shotgun open and ripped the spent shells out, then shoved two fresh ones in and closed the weapon. Before he could cock the hammers back, however, the building behind him erupted in a shower of splinters, and Brayton came marching through.
"I must say, you're not making this easy," Brayton told him.
"I thought you would've learned that by now," Alain replied as he cocked the hammers back on his shotgun. "After all, I did plenty of damage to you two back in the jailhouse earlier."
"A shame it didn't last."
"This will."
Alain shouldered his weapon and fired both barrels in the same motion. To his dismay, Brayton was able to duck back into the destroyed building at the last minute, avoiding most of the buckshot; a few pellets lodged in his throat and face, but it wasn't nearly enough to kill him for good.
It did succeed in getting under his skin, though. Brayton stepped out of the building, a scowl etched across his face. Without missing a beat, he advanced on Alain's position, drawing his revolver and firing it as he went. Several shots rang out, and Alain felt a sudden, searing pain in his left shoulder; he turned and saw a bloody patch on his shirt that was growing more intense with every passing second. He only stared for a second though, then turned and began to run, desperate to put some distance between himself and Brayton.
"There's no point in hiding," Brayton answered as Alain ducked back into Felix's bar, stepping over a small mountain of undead corpses in the process. "I'll find you eventually."
Alain sat down behind the bar, then tore open his shirt to get a better look at the wound. Brayton's round had apparently nicked his artery; it wasn't spurting blood, but it was bleeding heavily. Alain didn't waste any time, instead tearing his cartridge belt off his waist and cinching it tight just above the wound as a makeshift tourniquet. He then forced himself back onto his feet, and with shaking hands, reloaded his shotgun as he looked around.
The undead horde seemed to have been thinned out substantially in this part of town. That led him to believe that Az and Sable had instead moved on to another part of town, most likely closer to the mines, and were working on clearing a path for the rest of them. That meant they'd be of no help to him anytime soon – they were almost certainly too busy fighting the undead to realize him and Felix needed help.
So the two of them were on their own. Alain grimaced as the thought crossed his mind.
He needed to take care of Brayton and Timms, and fast.
Alain vaulted over the bar, wincing when he felt the movement disturb the bullet in his shoulder slightly.
"Not doing anything like that again any time soon…" he muttered as he propped himself up against a wall next to the opening where the door had once stood, then peered out into town.
From here, he couldn't see either of the deputies, but he could still hear sporadic gunfire throughout town, along with the moans of the living corpses that were still walking around. Cautiously, Alain stepped out from behind cover, his shotgun already readied against his good shoulder. He looked around once more, trying to see where either of the deputies or Felix had ended up.
The click of a revolver's hammer being thumbed back struck his ears, and Alain hit the dirt just in time for the bullet to scrape across the top of his head, taking a few of his hairs with it.
There was little time to dwell on that, however, as another round came from out of the darkness soon after that one. Alain rolled to avoid it, and just barely managed to get out of the way in time for it to embed itself into the ground next to him. Dirt, pebbles, and bits of spall impacted against his back, but once again, he managed to avoid serious injury. A vein pulsed in his forehead, and Alain forced himself to stand up before firing off two shotgun blasts towards where he thought the shots came from. He was rewarded with the sound of buckshot impacting against flesh, and knew he'd hit his target.
Before Brayton could have time to recover, Alain slung his shotgun and drew his revolver, then advanced upon his position. Sure enough, Brayton was busy pulling himself up off the ground; Alain emptied his revolver's cylinder into the deputy's head. Blood, bone, and bits of brain arced through the air, staining the ground and the nearby wall with a macabre mixture of crimson, white, and gray. By the end of it, the deputy's head had been sheared almost in half, with the remnants of his brain exposed to the outside world.
Alain stood there, wisps of smoke curling up from the end of his revolver's barrel. That should have been it for Brayton – no mortal would have been able to survive something like that.
Unfortunately, Brayton was no mere mortal. He let out a shuddering breath, then began to lurch forward. His movements were sluggish and slow, and there was a dull expression of pain on his face, but he was still alive. Alain paused at the sight of it, his eyes wide with surprise.
"Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me."
That was all he managed to get out before Brayton raised his revolver once again. Alain dove for cover; the bullet scraped across his lower back, just a few inches away from his spine. He scrambled to his feet, and only once he was back up did he realize that in the confusion, he'd dropped his revolver.
Alain went to reload his shotgun, but found that he was once again out of shells. He let out a muffled curse, then looked around for something he could use. Sable had told him that there were three ways to kill wights – removing the head, destroying the brain, and…
Alain's gaze landed on a nearby lantern hanging from an abandoned shop, swinging precariously from a rope. Even from here, he could see oil sloshing around inside it. A manic grin crossed his face, and he immediately made a mad dash for it. He got lucky – the deputy was caught in the middle of a reload, and was unable to shoot him. Alain ripped the lantern off the building, then hurled it at Brayton; it shattered on impact, coating him with oil. Once that was done, Alain reached into his pocket and retrieved a match.
"Mom always said those cigarettes couldn't be good for me," he said to himself as he struck the match against the building, lighting it. He turned toward the deputy, still coated in oil, and his eyes narrowed.
"I wonder what she'd say if she could see this."
He flicked the lit match towards Brayton, watching as it soared through the air. The flame made impact with the oil-slick deputy, and he caught alight immediately. An inhuman screech erupted from Brayton's throat, loud enough that Alain winced and had to cover both his ears. Brayton fell to the ground, his revolver dropping against the dirt and discharging harmlessly into the air as he rolled to try and put out the fire, but it was no use. In a matter of seconds, his movements stopped completely, his body reduced to little more than a charred corpse.
That wasn't enough for Alain. He sprinted over to where his Colt had fallen, retrieved it, and emptied the cylinder into what was left of Brayton's head, just for good measure. The body didn't even twitch as the rounds made impact, and by the end of it, his head had been reduced to little more than a jawbone still attached to the neck. Alain stood there for a moment, panting from exertion, before letting his arm fall.
Footsteps took him by surprise, and he rounded on them, only to relax when he saw that it was Felix, and he was apparently completely unharmed. The two exchanged a glance, and Felix's eyes widened.
"Shit…" he breathed. "What happened to you? You're covered in blood."
"I killed Brayton."
"Yes, I can see that. But did you have to put yourself through a meat grinder to do it?"
"Is Timms dead?" Alain asked.
"Yeah, he's done."
"How'd it happen?"
"I shot him in the head a bunch with my rifle. Why didn't you just do that to Brayton?"
Alain just scowled. Before he could reply, there were more footsteps – they both looked over and saw Sable and Az approaching. Both of them seemed a lot worse for wear, sporting more grievous injuries than they had before. Still, as Sable approached, her eyes widened when she saw Alain lying there.
"What happened to him?" she asked.
"Got shot," he grunted. "Hey, you needed blood, right?"
"Well, yes, but-"
Alain didn't wait to hear anything else, instead loosening his tourniquet. The blood began to flow once more, and he motioned towards his shoulder.
"Help yourself for a bit."
Sable went red in the face, but her shame didn't stop her. She immediately moved over to him, then latched onto the wound on his shoulder and began to drink. Alain winced when he felt her teeth lock into him and her tongue begin to lap up his blood, but he didn't stop her.
"I'm gonna be sick…" Felix said, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth as he watched the display in front of him.
Thankfully, Sable pulled herself away shortly after latching onto him. Alain turned towards her, and was surprised to see that many of her wounds were healed, though not all of them. Before he could inquire further about that, Sable began tearing strips off her gore-soaked dress, taking care to search for the few clean parts only, then wrapped his wound with them.
"You need a doctor," she declared. "But for now, that'll have to do. You can sit this one out if-"
"Stop," Alain managed to get out. "I'm not missing this. Help me up."
"I said, help me up."
Sable hesitated, but ultimately obliged, pulling him to his feet. Alain stumbled a bit, lightheaded from pain and blood loss, but managed to maintain his footing. He slung his shotgun and reloaded his revolver, then turned back to the rest of them.
"Alright," he said. "To the mines."

Special thanks to my good friend and co-writer, Ickbard for the help with writing this story.
submitted by Obsequium_Minaris to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:19 MechDoll Am I right to feel paranoid if I was being filmed driving?

I was on my way home from work and there was a man (approx 20-30s) who was behind me in one of those big ass work Ram 1500 work vans (of course completely unmarked, but had a work ladder and some other type of rack) & I noticed as I was stopped he had his phone up in front of his face. I didn't think much of it other than he was texting or watching a video. But then I noticed that as I was driving and kept scanning my mirrors dude was still having his phone up. Drivers that do this especially behind me in a big vehicle makes me nervous cause, ya know, people don't pay attention 😅. So then as I'm turning on the interstate the dude is STILL got his phone up. As I move into the next couple of lanes over, dude just HAPPENS to move into the lane right next to mine and as he passes me, his phone is now turned out his driver window pointed at my car and me (I didn't get the license plate) & will be hypervigilant for some time. Naturally my spidey sense is going off and it has rattled me cause I know full grown people get trafficked or people get their cars broken into or jacked. Am I being overly paranoid or is there some validity to this?
submitted by MechDoll to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:48 Nora_Clybourn [RF] Will for Adventure

Part 1
Chicago, 2016. Flinn Gerald is doing his best to make it in the city. Born in Selma, Alabama, he has spent his entire life trying to escape the ever tightening grasp of his small town. But alas, he made it out and is adapting to life in the big city. With a big fancy corporate job, an endless supply of friends, an apartment with a stunning view of the lake, and great distance from his family, what more could he need? Well, there is a lot more (or less) that he needs, but of course that is a story for later.
On a typical Tuesday night at a bar, the regulars crowd in. Flinn is late, as usual, as he stayed late at work (again), but on his arrival, the cheers and hugs from all the friends make everyone forget of the regular inconvenience. Conversation ensued, starting with all the boring finance jargon, but as the drinks flowed, so did the conversation, moving away from work and more into life. This is what everyone preferred.
“Another round, anyone?” asked Raheem, enthusiastically. After a murmur of concurrence, he stood up to make his way up to the bar. “Flinn, care to lend a hand?”
Raheem Bartlett was Flinn’s college roommate and the first person he met outside of his hometown. The pair hit it off instantly despite having wildly different backgrounds. Even in their freshman year, the engineer and the finance major would get into all sorts of trouble together, but eventually they leveled out. Six years later, they still have each other’s backs just like day one.
The pair made their way up to the bar and waited to get the bartender's attention. “What's up with you, bro?” asked Raheem. “You’ve been seeming a bit off.”
“Oh, ya know. Work, life, everything kinda happens so fast. Work has been busy as of late, and the hours long.”
Seeming displeased by this answer, Raheem stared back in concern.
“Really, I’m fine… just long hours.”
“Back in school you’d pull back to back all-nighters and then still make it to a morning class. I find it hard to believe that the mighty Flinn would be so setback by ‘long hours’.”
Flinn took a moment to ponder, staring down at the bar covered in various stamps and postcards beneath the epoxy surface. “I guess, ya know, it's not all it was cracked up to be. I guess I had expected more.” Flinn had mostly dropped his accent, but occasionally it would still slip out.
Despite coming from a long line of mill workers (mostly paper) and farm hands who never ventured further than the Dallas county line, Flinn yearned to leave his small town and conquer the world from a young age. Coming from the poorest county in Alabama, his family always squashed his dreams, labeling them as impossible. But Flinn knew better. Or, at least he knew he could do better. Graduating top of his class a year early and winning a full-ride scholarship to Northwestern University, he had proved everyone wrong and set his own path. The path he was told was impossible became his reality.
“More what?”
“Nothing, really. I mean, what more is there? This is what I always wanted, right? The stable job in the city, never having to worry about money. It’s great, and I couldn’t be more grateful, but… something is missing. Doing the same thing day after day staring at a screen, moving clients money around. I… just hoped it would be more fulfilling, especially after all it took to get here.”
Before he could finish his thought, the bartender came up to take their order: another round for the table, plus a round of shots, plus two more shots.
“What am I saying, really?” added Flinn. “I shouldn’t be complaining. Look at where I am now compared to six years ago. So much has changed. My home, friends, even my diet. I just feel a bit off. Like I need something more to do..
“I get it, bro. Adjusting to your new life can be rough. Enjoy it for a minute or two.” Raheem slides a shot in front of Flinn. “Here, take this.”
Tuesday had become fairly consistent to this point for this group of misfits: Raheem and his girlfriend Amy; Jack; Jasper, from Flinn’s firm, and his wife Max; and of course, Flinn. For nearly two years, these six have been meeting at O’Malley’s every Tuesday night for drinks and trivia. Some nights are more wild than others, but Tuesday has become the staple of the week among them.
Drinks flowed pretty regularly and heavy over the next few hours as the clock approached the end of day. Still going round for round on alternating tabs, the useless debates began to heat up.
“You can’t seriously think Wicker Park is the best neighborhood outside the Loop. Y’all need to get out more,” said Flinn.
“Bro it’s obviously Wicker Park,” argued Raheem.” Right on the blue line, getting to O’Hare is insanely easy, plus you can’t find better music in the city. Besides, Wicker Park has Davenport’s.”
“No one ever says Wicker Park,” adds Jack. “Have you ever heard someone say Wicker Park before?”
“Dude, but you can obviously get to O’Hare from anywhere in the city,” said Flinn
“Sure, but beats walking through that dumb Block 37 Center transfer like you and your red line. No transfer is the way to go, plus the blue line gets you right to the center of the loop.”
“So does every other L line as long as ya don’t mind walking a few blocks!”
“You’re both wrong,” adds Max. “Neither matters because Midway is better anyways.”
“Woah!” the whole table murmurs, sharing shocked looks as if she just confessed to a crime. Flinn rolled his eyes at this notion.
“Who flies out of Midway?” asks Raheem.
“What? Less people, cheaper flights, and more space. Why wouldn’t I fly out of Midway?” said Max.
“Wait, wait, that aside,” interrupts Raheem, “can we go back to the fact that Jasper thinks Sheffield is the best neighborhood? I feel like we moved past that too quickly.”
The debate rages on for many more minutes, until Flinn, seemingly out of nowhere, had enough.
“Can y’all just shut the fuck up! Why does it even matter?” Everyone’s glance quickly shot over to Flinn as a deafening silence overtook the table. Everyone pondered how to respond, and couldn’t seem to find an answer. This behavior from Flinn was unexpected, nay, unheard of. Flinn was the most level headed amongst them by far. Not even Raheem, his best friend of six years, had ever seen him get angry, let alone over an inconsequential friendly argument. “I…” Not even Flinn knew what to say next. “I’m going to go home. Long day tomorrow.” Already on his feet, he quickly walked away from the table and out the door.”
The walk home was fairly brisk, but Flinn had grown fond of the cold. He tucked his hands into his coat pocket and hunched his shoulders forward, only looking down at the pavement ignoring the mostly asleep but still wide awake city surrounding him. His thoughts ran wild and near out of control. Of course, his intoxication did not help with clarity, but the inner dialogue was deafening. Not even he knew what was bothering him, but he was obviously bothered, deeply. He made a fool of himself in a way he never had before, and right now he felt he did not recognize himself. Surely some sleep will help, right?
He slowly made his way down the steps to the platform, carefully watching each step as to not fall, to wait for his train. He posted up against a pillar and stared off onto the dark, empty tracks. What has gotten into me? He did his best to calm his racing, wasted mind searching for some legibility amongst his thoughts.
Once he finally got home, he slumped down on the couch and scarfed down some week-old sushi he found in the fridge. He turned on some old documentary and was asleep before he knew it.
Suddenly, he was woken up by his phone ringing. It usually does not ring this time of night and was less than thrilled to be woken, so he let it keep ringing. It stopped after a couple of seconds, and he glanced down at the screen:
(2) missed calls
(1) missed call
Now concerned, he calls his mom back in a hurry. “Hello?”
“Flinn? Your grandfather, he’s dead.”
Part 2
The wet air engulfed Flinn’s face as he stepped out the airport doors into a warm February day. Six years had passed since he smelled the Alabama air. Even after all this time, it still smells just as he had remembered as if not even a day had passed. The drive to Selma was another ninety minutes, and despite having five days to mentally prepare himself for his arrival, it was not nearly enough time. He had not seen or spoken to anyone from his town, not even family, since he left early that August morning all those years ago. He left everything behind to start his new life. The life so many told him to not start, that he needed to stay. He left anyway and never looked back.
That was, until now. He had little choice in this regard. He knew he would have to make his return someday, but he knew not when nor for what. But today was that day. Flinn and his grandfather (Pops) had always been close. If anyone had been supportive of him, it’d have been Pops, but he was a man of little words. Even when he could talk, he hardly chose to. He was a great listener, and not just because he could not speak. He showed he was engaged and listening no matter what Flinn had to say. At times, he felt Pops was the only one who understood him as if he had been just like him before, but no one would ever talk about his past. All Flinn knew is Pops lost his tongue after a failed lynching.
The familiarity of the scenery zipping past was bittersweet. He had not realized how much he missed the rolling hills and thick forests beneath the unforgiving southern sky. He kept his head pressed against the cool glass of the car window even through the constant bumps in the road. He couldn’t look away. So many memories happened here, and the closer he got, the more plentiful the memories became, and the more potent they were, and the more painful they’d become.
As the dust settled behind him, he stood on the driveway staring at his childhood home still unsure how to process his emotions. It was all so overwhelming. He was thinking everything at once. He took a deep breath, rolled back his shoulders, and swallowed. He reached for the door handle, hesitating slightly, and took a step in. One foot, and then the next.
“Martin!” Flinn smiled as his old friend and childhood dog rushed towards him without hesitation. He knelt down and embraced him as Martin excitedly rustled through his arms seemingly showing more energy than he had in years.
He walked down the hall and around the corner into the living room. There, both drawn to the large television like moths to a flame, he saw his parents sitting beside one another on the couch watching some daytime program with their backs to him. They seemed to pay no notice to the commotion at the front door nor the loud creaking footsteps he took along the old wooden floors. They knew he was there; they just chose to ignore him. He walked into view to greet them. "Mama, dad." His father smiled slightly but caught himself and refrained.
Mama kept a straight face, but seemed to be fighting tears."Howard, help Flinn with his bags, dear."
“No, it's alright, I know where to take them,” said Flinn. “How are y’all?”
“Service is tomorrow at eleven down at the ole First Baptist Church. Make sure to wear something nice.”
“Alright, mama. I’ll... I’ll see you at dinner.”
“Whole family is coming tonight. Dinner is served at...”
“At seven, I got it, just as always.”
“It’s good to see you, kid.” said his dad. “Let me know if you need anything”
He did not expect things to go like that, not that he knew what to expect. He had hoped time would have been more forgiving. Perhaps leaving unannounced in the middle of the night was not the best plan, but at the time he felt as if he had no other choice. Everyone knew he was leaving. That was no secret and had not been for years before any plan had actually been set into motion. No one knew the date or time, except for Pops, of course, but he’d never tell. Of course he wanted everyone to know. He wanted everyone to be proud of him, but it was too big of a risk and commendations were too much to expect. Besides, Mama always had her schemes, and had she known, she would have found a way to stop him.
Not much had changed since he’d been here last. The old wood paneling still lined nearly all the walls, crack in some spots, replaced in others, but all coated by decades of cigarette soot. On the walls were a combination of family portraits from over the years and cheap artwork found at the flea market. Old green furniture, too many house plants to count, and a tacky themed kitchen, it was all still the same.
His childhood bedroom, however, was much different. Hardly even recognizable, what was once his bedroom was now a storage room filled with endless shelves and boxes. He set his things on the lonely cot in the corner, sat down, and took it all in.
Not realizing he had drifted off, Flinn awoke and looked at the clock. 6:55. Convenient. He sat up and brushed his hair down with his hand as he suspected it was sticking up in the usual way. He rubbed his eyes and made his way to the dining room. The whole family was there, probably about twenty people or so, all scattered about throughout the kitchen, dining room, and living room engaged in various conversations. His nana, aunt, and Mama were cooking away putting the final touches on the large meal.
“Well if it isn’t this fucker…” said a familiar voice to his left, laughing. Flinn looked over to see his cousin who’s just a year younger than him.
“DeAndre, how are you?”
“Never thought I’d see you again, even since you left. Thought maybe you ‘ood be dead.”
“Nah,” Flinn laughed. “Still very much alive.”
“I can see dat. Wearin’ your fancy suit and all.”
“Yeah I’ve been doing pretty well. Work has been… good. I have a great job at a finance firm in Chicago. Everything has been… Good. Yeah, good. How about you?”
“Now you ain’t goin’ city on us, are you?”
Flinn laughed. “I think I might already be.”
Just as dinner was finishing up, a line started to form and people found a seat wherever they could, be it at the table, on the couch, near the counter, or outside.
“Flinn!” his dad called out. “I saved ya a seat here at the table, kid.”
Flinn took his seat right next to his dad which positioned him right across from Mama. The table could sit eight, and the seats filled in pretty quickly so he was lucky to get one. Besides his sister, all of the oldest family members took the other four chairs.
The dinner itself was mostly uneventful, except for the food of course which was extraordinary. Flinn had not eaten Mama’s cooking, or anything like it in six years. The southern food in Chicago was alright, but nothing like what you can get down here, and no restaurant is going to have the same quality and taste as a home-cooked meal. By God, he had not realized how much he needed this. It was almost healing, like a part of his soul had been lost and he found it once again. The last week had been incredibly overwhelming, and last Saturday he never foresaw being here now, but he was glad he was, regardless of the looming tension. All the stress from work and life back home in Chicago was now all gone. All he had to worry about was… oh yeah, the family drama. The dreaded interactions, what he had suppressed for so long, that had kept him up at night for years. All those long nights doing homework or anything else beside sleeping. They had not been by choice but rather necessity. He would have slept more if he could, and some of those nights he really needed to, but instead was kept motivated by the pain. The pain of knowing no matter what he did, no matter how successful in life he became, he would never be good enough for his family, good enough for Mama, because he left them.
If there ever was a time to clear his conscience and get everything out of the way, it would be today, or at least over the next couple of days. When else would he have the chance? Not that any of this had been planned, and his therapist would probably advise against it. She did not even know he was here. What would she have to say? Avoiding conflict has always been his choice. He has always been quiet, never been at the center of drama, but some things need to be said. Just, maybe not by him. If he waited long enough, perhaps they would come up on their own. So he decided to wait, but he knew time was limited and he could not wait forever.
“Mama, could you pass the butter?”
Mama just stared back at him. “Get ya own damn buttah, since ya can do everything else on ya own.”
Flinn stands up and reaches for the butter. “I can do everything myself, and I have. I hope you’re proud, Mama.”
“Proud? What do I have to be proud of?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe my job, my degree, everything I have been able to do to build a good life for myself.”
“I don hear anything worthy of praise.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Mama.”
“Oh, so now you’re sorry? You could’ve fooled me. Is that how you felt when you left? Unbelievable.”
“I left because I had no other choice.”
“Oh don go lyin’ to me now. You did have a choice. You had a choice and you chose to leave us. You didn’t say goodbye, and you were just gone in the mornin’.”
“If I had not just left, you would’ve stopped me.”
“Cause you ain’t got no reason to go nowhere.”
“I had plenty of reasons to want to leave, and not because of you. I’ve always had dreams, Mama, ya know that. I’ve always been bigger than just this town.”
“Oh, so now you’re too good for us, city boy? Huh? I don wanna hear no more of it.”
“It wasn’t about that, Mama. Look at all I’ve been able to do.”
“I ain’t see nothin’. You never call and you never visit. How am I supposed to know what you been doin’?”
“I thought you didn’t want me coming around any more?”
“Well, you’ve got that right. Glad to see you still have some brains left.”
“Well excuse me. Maybe it's best if I leave again. Sorry I ain’t make you proud, Mama.” Flinn got up and left the table.
Part 3
Just as the early light began to peak through the blinds, Flinn was woken up by a firm knock at his door. “Flinn, may I come in? It's Uncle Terrence.”
Flinn sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Yep, come in.”
“How are you this morning, kid? Ya know, she’ll never admit it, but ya Mama missed ya.”
“I find it hard to believe.” Deep down Flinn knew it was true, but she was hard as a rock, and arrogant. She would always find a way to be right, even when she knew she was wrong, and she would never let you know she knew she was wrong.
“Well, we’re all proud of you, kid.” Flinn hated when Terrence and everyone called him kid. “Just wish yoo’d come around and see us every once in a while. I know ya busy with all the big city stuff and all.”
“I thought no one wanted anything to do with me any more?”
“At first, maybe, but I miss ya, kid. Ya know who missed ya most of all?”
“Yes, of course. He always wanted to know about ya, every time I’d come round. He couldn’t call, but always wanted me to.”
“I should have called.”
“I think everyone wanted to call, but as time went on, it became harder and harder to push that button. It was already so hard at first, and only got harder.”
“I thought about everyone a lot, especially at first. Leaving was really hard, and I almost didn’t, but I always wanted more. I didn’t want to spend my whole life in this town, and if I had not left when I did I probably never would have. But it was still hard. I wanted to go home so many times, but I convinced myself no one wanted me here no more or that y’all would’ve said ‘I told ya so’ or sum bullshit. No one wanted me around any more and I had left, so I was stuck on the path I chose. And I’m happy, and I’ve done so much, but it’s never been easy.”
“Pops was a lot like you when he was your age. Set on leaving as quickly as he could. Things were different back then, not that they are any better now, but Hank... my brother… Pops, was just like you.”
“What changed?”
“Well, he never did. Just no one talks about it anymore. After what happened on that day, they blamed his behavior. Said he should’ve played it safe and he’d still have his tongue.”
“No one has ever told me the story.”
“And they won’t. It changed the whole family.”
“But you’ll tell me?”
“Only if you promise not to tell. I don need an earful from ya Mama.”
“I promise.”
“Hank couldn’t be confined to Selma, just like you. He joined the army right out of high school, and after he was done in Lebanon, he didn’t go straight home.”
“Where did he go?”
“Everywhere but here. He used the small amount of money he got from the army and went anywhere that would let him in. Across Europe, parts of Asia, Northern Africa, even parts of South America. Of course, a young black man traveling by himself at the time was challenging, but Hank could hold his own pretty well. He still ran into all sorts of trouble. He spent more nights in jail than he would have liked, but he would have done it all again if he could.”
“What happened when he got back?”
“He was much different, but for the better. He couldn’t wait to get back out there again. He had confidence like I had never seen before. That’s what got him in trouble not too long after.”
“How’d he lose his tongue? I’m guessing that is what changed everything.”
“When he got back, he got involved with a girl, I think her name was Susan. She was the mayor’s daughter. They snuck around for a while. Their relationship was not acceptable, especially to her father. If he found out, Hank would be in a lot of trouble, and of course eventually he did find out. He spent about a month in jail in just awful conditions even for the time. They didn’t have anything to hold him on so eventually they had to let him go. About a week after he got out, he was walking downtown and some guys grabbed him. He took him out to a field and tried to lynch him. Luckily, they failed and he survived, but they took his tongue as a warning. He was never the same after that. All of his confidence was gone, and of course he couldn’t speak no more.”
Flinn did not know how to respond. It all made sense now: why the family so desperately wanted him to stay, why they were so hurt by him leaving, and why they’d feared who he was becoming. They were all traumatized and wanted to protect him. They did not want him to suffer the same fate as Pops.
The funeral itself was fairly uneventful and went nearly as perfectly as expected. The church filled in with hardly any empty seats, tears were shed, and speeches were given. Pops touched the lives of almost everyone he met, and they came to show it. After the service was the reception, and yet again, the food was spectacular. Everyone got along just fine today and there was no more residual drama, at least for now. Today was Pops’ day.
After the reception, the family gathered back at Mama’s house for the reading of the will. Pops did not have many possessions, at least not of monetary value, but what he did have was meaningful in other ways. He was very clear on who he wanted to give off, and handpicked what would be most substantial to each person.
Everyone gathered around much as they did at dinner, and the lawyer began his reading:
I, Hank Gerald, a resident in the City of Selma, County of Dallas, State of Alabama, being of sound mind, not acting under duress or undue influence, and fully understanding the nature and extent of all my property and of this disposition thereof, hereby make, publish, and declare this document to be my Last Will and Testament, and hereby absolutely revoke any and all other wills and amendments previously made by me.
The reading went on for some time as there were many beneficiaries. Flinn began to daydream about what could be left for him. Flinn was not a very sentimental person, so trinkets and heirlooms paid him little interest. Perhaps his car, or maybe money. Something that will be useful to him.
To my dear brother, Terrence, I leave my 1964 Pontiac GTO and all tools and parts associated and necessary with/for the running and upkeep of the vehicle.
The further down the list he went, less was given, but this is to be expected. As the end of the list neared, Flinn began to wonder what would be left for him if anything at all. The will had been in order of age, to this point, so he should be up soon.
To my Granddaughter, Nia,...
Nia? She's younger than me… Flinn thought.
I leave her my grandmother’s locket containing a picture of my Grandfather before he left for the Great War. She looked at it everyday to keep the memory of him alive until he eventually returned to her alive.
How could he skip me? Perhaps I should have called, or never left. Flinn got lost in his own thoughts and barely paid attention to the rest of the will. He and Pops were so close, and he never imagined he would be taken out of the will. But that is my own fault, afterall. I left, and I never even care to call. He died, and I never even said goodbye.
Just as Flinn began to accept the consequences of his actions, they got to the last beneficiary listed in the will:
Finally, to my oldest Grandson, Flinn, who is more and more like me than I ever could have wished to have been, I leave my journal. I hope whenever you need the motivation, you read it to find the meaning you are looking for in life.
Part 4
Flinn sat at his desk unable to focus. It was fairly slow for a Friday, but he still had work to do. After a chaotic weekend back home in Alabama, he was ready to settle back into his monotonous routine. The experience had been healing in some regards, but still left a lot unanswered. What did he mean by finding the meaning in life? Flinn wondered as he flipped through the endless pages of Pops’ journal, all filled with endless recounts, drawings, symbols, and pictures from his travels, just as he had since Monday. The journal consumed his whole attention, and nothing else seemed important enough to focus on. He had even ditched his friends all week which he never does.
He is supposed to meet Raheem for drinks tonight, but now he is wondering if he even wants to go. There is just too much in his head right now. He just wants to be alone. 12:37. The clock is moving too slowly. Flinn clears his calendar for the rest of the day and decides to go home.
At home, he still finds himself flipping through the pages of the journal, not even reading them but just looking at them. Again and again, he flips through until he has enough. He drops the journal on his lap and stares off into the distance at the gorgeous view of Lake Michigan. The endless city and skyline take up most of the horizon until it just stops, cut off by the endless ocean-like lake. He stares at it for quite a while until something catches his eye. He has seen this before. Well, of course he has. He lives here and this is his view everyday. But he knows he has seen it somewhere else.
He picks the journal back up and flips through in a hurry. There it is. He holds the journal up to the window to show a matching two-page drawing of this exact view. Well, not exact. It is a slightly different angle, but it was close enough. Pops was here. He would have loved visiting. I should have invited him. This made Flinn sad, and he threw the journal down on the table in frustration.
Just then, that is when he noticed it. There was a page sticking out from the journal, but it was not like the rest. The page was white and pristine, aside from a few wrinkles, as if it was new, whereas the rest of the journal showed its age. He rushed over to grab it. He opened it to find a letter, addressed to him:
Grandson, When you left, I knew that you would accomplish everything you set out to do. I also knew, however, you would find yourself lost someday, returning home for answers. I was hoping I’d be able to give you those answers myself, but as time goes on that seems less likely. I too found myself lost, and I knew not why. I had gone and seen the world, and it changed me, but I was still not fulfilled. I came home still looking for the answers, and it took a while, but eventually I did find them.
Through this journal, I hope to share my findings so that you too, when you are lost, find the answers you seek. Whenever you are ready, follow my journey and the clues I have left for you. Go out and see the world, just as I did. You will find that what you want from life is less than what you expect.
I hope the experiences you have are less harsh than my own, but still be careful. The world has changed a lot, but still not enough. But don’t skip ahead for the meaning may be lost. Take only one step at a time, and when it comes time to take the next step, it will reveal itself.
Seven o’clock rolls around and Flinn walks into the bar to meet Raheem. He hasn’t seen Raheem, or anyone else from the group, since last Tuesday when he had his outburst. He begins by telling the story of the events of this last weekend, but leaves out the parts about Pops’ past.
"Pops left me a hidden letter.”
“What do you mean?” asked Raheem.
“Like in his journal, I found a hidden letter. It was addressed to me.”
“What did it say, bro?”
“He says he was a lot like me when he was my age. He wants me to go where he went and learn what he did.”
“In Alabama?”
“No, everywhere but there. He wants me to start in Western Europe and follow his clues around the world.”
“He traveled?”
“A lot, apparently. I never knew. He was in the army, and after he got out, he traveled… everywhere, basically.”
“Why did no one tell you?”
“They wanted to keep me safe, I guess.
"They wanted to keep the whole family safe after what happened to him.”
“What do you mean, bro. What happened?”
“I can’t talk about it, but it doesn’t matter now anyways. I’m living a different life now.” Flinn never shared much about his past or his family with anyone, not even Raheem. It has always been a mystery. This was the most he had ever shared with him.
“Well, are you going to go?”
“No, I can’t. I have work. It took too much to get here. I can’t just give it away.”
“It’ll still be here when you get back, bro.”
“If only it was that simple.”
“It can be. You have money saved up. Chicago isn’t going anywhere. We’re not going anywhere. Plus, you’ve always talked about traveling more. Why don’t you take some time to do it.”
“I suppose, but I like my life here.”
“If you don’t do it now, when will you? You’ve taken a leap before, why not take another one. You’re smart, you’ll land on your feet, bro. Besides, your grandfather thought it was important enough to not only give you his journal, but hide you a letter for you to find when you needed it most. Maybe now is when you needed it most. You’re way too stressed at work anyways, and I can tell you’ve been off for a while now. Perhaps some change could give you what you need.”
On Monday morning, when Flinn gets to work, he walked straight to his boss's office. He turned in his letter of resignation.
Two weeks later, he took the red line to the blue line to O’Hare. Journal in hand, he boarded a flight to Dublin.
submitted by Nora_Clybourn to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:57 EmmaWatsonButDumber I was camping with my friends. Some of us remember what happened that night differently

The fire crackled softly as we sat in a circle, the darkness of the forest pressing in around us. I glanced at my friends, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames. It was our annual camping trip, a tradition we had kept since high school. This year, we had chosen a remote spot deep in the woods, far from the nearest town.
Everything had been going smoothly until that night.
"Do you guys remember what happened?" Sarah asked, her voice tinged with unease.
I frowned, trying to piece together the fragmented memories. I remembered the fire, the laughter, and the drinking. But after that, things got hazy. "We were telling ghost stories, right?" I said, hoping someone could fill in the blanks.
"Yeah," Mark replied, but he didn't sound sure. "We were, but then... I don't know. It's like I blacked out or something."
Tom, who had been unusually quiet, finally spoke up. "I remember," he said, his voice low. "There was something in the woods."
My heart skipped a beat, a cold wave of dread washing over me. Flashes of the night surged back into my mind—shadowy figures slipping between the ancient trees, their movements fluid and unnatural. The wind carried faint, haunting whispers that seemed to come from all directions, speaking in a language I couldn't understand. An overwhelming sense of dread had settled over me like a suffocating shroud, making it hard to breathe. Each memory felt surreal, like fragments of a terrible dream that couldn't possibly be real, yet the fear they evoked was all too tangible.
"What did we see?" I asked, my mouth dry.
Tom's eyes darted to the dark woods surrounding us. "I know the feeling it gave me."
Sarah shivered, pulling her jacket tighter around her. "I thought it was just a nightmare."
"A nightmare we all had, in unison? I don't think so," Tom insisted, his voice trembling.
A silence fell over us, the only sounds the crackling fire and the distant rustling of leaves. The fear in our eyes was unmistakable, but there was something else—confusion, like our memories were fragmented pieces of a puzzle that didn't quite fit together.
"Wait," Mark said suddenly. "Didn't we run? I remember running through the woods, trying to get away."
"I remember that too," I said, the memory surfacing. Branches whipped against my face, the ground uneven beneath my feet, the sensation of being chased.
"But we didn't all run," Sarah said, her voice trembling. "Some of us stayed behind."
A cold chill ran down my spine. "What do you mean?"
Sarah's eyes filled with tears. "I saw you, Jack. You were standing by the fire, talking to it. Like you were in a trance."
"That's not possible," I said, shaking my head. "I was with you guys. We all ran together."
Tom's face went pale. "No, she's right. I remember that too. You were saying something to it."
Panic surged through me. "But that's not what happened!" I insisted. "I was with you guys!"
"Then how do we all remember it differently?" Mark asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
We sat in stunned silence, the fire casting eerie shadows around us. I could feel the weight of the conflicting memories pressing down on me, each one as real as the other but impossible to reconcile.
Suddenly, a twig snapped in the darkness. We all froze, our eyes darting to the edge of the firelight. A figure stood just beyond the reach of the flames, tall and unnaturally thin. The details were obscured by the shadows, but there was something familiar about its posture, its presence.
"It's back," Tom whispered, his voice trembling.
"Who, who's back?" Sarah responded.
"I... I don't know," I replied, my voice barely a whisper.
Sarah clutched my arm. "We need to leave. Now."
Before we could react, the figure emerged from the shadows and stepped into the flickering light of the fire, revealing a face that sent a chill down my spine. It was me—or at least, it looked like me. But there was something off, something inherently wrong about the way it moved and the expression etched on its features.
Its eyes, once mirrors of my own, now glinted with an unsettling darkness, devoid of any trace of humanity. They locked onto mine with a predatory intensity, and a sickening smile spread across its lips—a twisted, malevolent grin that sent a shiver down my spine.
The resemblance was uncanny, yet there was an undeniable aura of menace emanating from this doppelgänger, as if it were a distorted reflection of my worst fears and darkest desires come to life.
"Some of us remember," it said, its voice a chilling echo of my own. "Some of us don't."
My friends screamed, the sound piercing the night, but I couldn't move, couldn't speak. The creature lunged forward, and the world went black.
When I opened my eyes, I was back by the fire. My friends were gone, the forest eerily silent. The memories of what happened, of what was real, swirled in my mind, indistinguishable from each other. I was alone, but I could feel eyes watching me from the darkness.
As I stood up, disoriented, I saw movement at the edge of the clearing. My friends emerged from the shadows, looking as confused and terrified as I felt.
"What happened?" Mark asked, his voice shaky.
We quickly gathered our things, the sense of urgency palpable. As we packed up, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was still out there, watching us, waiting.
We navigated through the dense woods, the path a barely discernible ribbon in the dim light of dawn. The forest seemed alive, closing in around us with an oppressive, almost sentient presence. Tall, gnarled trees whispered secrets we couldn't understand, their leaves rustling with a language of their own. Every snap of a twig underfoot, every rustle of leaves overhead, sent jolts of panic through us, our nerves frayed and on edge.
The sky slowly lightened, casting a ghostly pallor over the landscape, and our hearts leaped with relief as we finally glimpsed the edge of the woods. The sight of our cars, silent and waiting like sentinels, brought a rush of hope. We didn't waste a moment, throwing our gear into the trunks with frantic, fumbling hands, our only thought to put as much distance between us and that cursed campsite as possible. The forest's grip seemed to loosen as we sped away, but the unease clung to us, a shadow of the night we couldn't escape.
As we drove away, I glanced in the rearview mirror. For a moment, I saw the tall figure standing at the edge of the woods, watching us with an unnerving stillness. Then it was gone, swallowed by the shadows.
We didn't speak much on the drive back. The silence was heavy, each of us lost in our thoughts. When we finally parted ways, promising to keep in touch, I knew things would never be the same.
That night, as I lay in bed, the events of the past two days replayed in my mind. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard a faint knock at my window. My heart pounded as I turned to look, and there, standing outside, was the doppelgänger, its expression blank, its eyes empty.
It smiled, a twisted reflection of my own face, and mouthed the words: "Some of us remember."
What did I stumble upon? What does it want from me?
submitted by EmmaWatsonButDumber to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:57 Dew-Drinker James Symphony of the Night mindrot

When I watched the best Castlevania game episode, its obvious James is not the gamer that you would think he would be, especially towards a franchise he supposedly loves like Castlevania. There's the obvious 8 directional whip jacking off in Super Castlevania 4 segment. In the Bloodlines segment, he actively ignores mentioning Eric Lecarde, who does have the coveted 8 directional attack, though he uses a lance, not a whip. I won't complain about the brief Dracula X segment despite it being my personal favorite of the linear Castlevanias because many people dislike it's difficulty. The Rondo of Blood segment is alright until he treats finding the secret levels as being as cryptic as Simon's Quest as the game leaves graphical hints for the player to find the secret level. Shit hits the fan once he starts going on about how Richter mode is better than base Symphony of the Night because "I don't like the rpg mechanics" despite the game not being deep with its rpg mechanics to the point where if you see a number go up when you equip something its a good thing. Not to mention the video feels completely half assed. To tie the shit in the toilet bowl, idk a shit idiom, he turns it into a 20th anniversary special like he were proud that this episode was the one to be released for 20 years of AVGN. It might be the worst AVGN episode made honestly behind the Kingdom Hearts one where it was obvious he didn't know shit about it. Should I make a schizo rant style video on why his video sucked? I have the energy for it.
submitted by Dew-Drinker to TheCinemassacreTruth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:40 JackkSkyline 21 [M4F] #Scotland #UK #Online #Western Australia #Perth - looking for a gaming duo :)

(I know it's not the main focus in the title but I'd also be super keen to talk to people in the UK, either London or somewhere in England or Scotland around like Edinburgh as there's a near 100% chance I'm moving there this year)
Hi everyone!
My name is Jack, I'm 21 and I'm a recent cyber security and forensics and internetworking and network security graduate, but I hope to go on for a few more years and do post grad studies! (this year my goal is to move to Edinburgh for my masters!)
Hobbies!: For the past few years I've been heavily into formula 1, never missing a race (even the 3 am ones and even worse, the 7 am ones!)
I also enjoy doing photography, I mainly do cars but I have recently started thinking about more landscape/urban photography.
Now for games! My main ones are Destiny 2, and rainbow six siege, (for those wondering my highest rank is diamond 3 (when rank actually meant something lol)), but I haven't been playing them much these days. I play heaps more than that but I can't think of them off the top of my head lol. To try and list some id say project zomboid is one I'm very into as of right now, that and hell divers 2. I really enjoyed elden ring so I want to try more souls like games. Red dead redemption 2 is amazing and my favourite game of all time is probably watch dogs 2.
I love JDM cars and unfortunately haven't been to a car meet in over a year now. My introduction to photography was through cars so if you'd like to see some of my photos do let me know! Most of my part time work went towards getting my dream car so I definitely plan on going to more meets!
As for what I look like I'm 5"11' brown hair that touches my shoulders and never acts normally. I am 75 ish kg and I have brown eyes. That's a basic description of me but if you want a picture that's not an issue.
I'm not really too good at writing these advertisements or making titles or finishing them off so I'll just say if I sound appealing to you or you wanna know more, feel free to shoot me a message! For those in WA I'm down in the Mandurah area but travelling up to Perth isn't an issue for me! And hopefully I see all you Scots later this year!
Thanks for reading! Stay safe people!!
submitted by JackkSkyline to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:42 Greymum Quick Games to Enjoy Before XDefiant Drops in 5 Days

Time really does fly! I've got a whole week off, so I'm looking for some short games to dive into before XDefiant drops, along with Wuthering Waves, which releases the day after.
The Steam Replayability Fest caught my attention today. It’s offering a bunch of fantastic short games to jump in and out of, especially with the demos. I'll be playing Mullet Mad Jack and exploring other games from the fest until then.
I’ve also been enjoying Pixel Gun 3D, especially the rotation event mode and mini-games, which keep things fresh. Besides gaming, I’ve been watching VTubers like Hololive and indies like Saruei. I've already caught up on Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail.
That's about it for now. Thanks for any suggestions! I’ll be playing on PC, PS5, and Switch.
submitted by Greymum to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:41 Sweet-Count2557 Babymoon Adelaide

Babymoon Adelaide
Babymoon Adelaide When it comes to planning a babymoon, Adelaide may not be the first destination that comes to mind, but let me tell you, it's a hidden gem.Nestled between rolling hills and pristine beaches, this charming city offers the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure.From tranquil spa experiences to romantic coastal walks, there is something for every expecting couple to enjoy.But that's not all, because the dining options and adventure activities are equally enticing.So, if you're looking for a babymoon destination that ticks all the boxes, keep reading to discover why Adelaide should be at the top of your list.Key TakeawaysThe Louise in Barossa Valley and Shadow Creek McLaren Vale offer luxurious babymoon accommodations with stunning views, private terraces, spa baths, and specialized packages.McLaren Vale Wine Region and Adelaide Hills provide relaxing spa experiences for expecting couples with spacious baths, wood fireplaces, and onsite massages.Coastal walks in Adelaide, such as the Great Ocean and Henley Beach Esplanade, offer romantic and picturesque settings for babymooners to unwind and connect.Indulgent dining options in Barossa Valley, Robe, and McLaren Vale provide babymooners with gourmet breakfasts, indulgent dining experiences, and charming atmospheres.Best Babymoon Accommodations in AdelaideLooking for the best accommodations for your babymoon in Adelaide? Look no further, because we've got you covered with these top recommendations.When it comes to planning a relaxing and memorable babymoon, Adelaide offers a range of luxurious accommodations that cater to your needs. One such option is The Louise in Barossa Valley, which provides stunning sunset views, private terraces, gorgeous furnishings, and spa baths, creating the perfect atmosphere for your babymoon retreat.If you prefer to stay closer to the attractions, The McLaren Eye in McLaren Vale Wine Region is an excellent choice. This accommodation offers fully equipped rooms with a spacious master bedroom featuring a huge bath. You'll also find yourself conveniently located near the region's renowned wineries and other attractions, ensuring a truly relaxing babymoon experience.For those seeking a truly indulgent babymoon, Shadow Creek McLaren Vale is the place to be. They offer specialized babymoon packages that include onsite massages overlooking vineyards, privacy, a luxurious bath, and top-notch amenities. Pamper yourself and your partner in this serene and picturesque setting.If a cozy and intimate babymoon is what you're after, look no further than Aldgate Valley Bed and Breakfast in the Adelaide Hills. With a wood fireplace, breakfast provisions, and a beautiful location, this charming accommodation provides the perfect setting for a relaxing and romantic babymoon.For those who prefer a babymoon in the heart of the city, the Mayfair Hotel in Adelaide has you covered. Their babymoon package includes a face and body experience at Jurlique, a spacious bath, in-room breakfast, and a movie service. Enjoy luxury and convenience in the bustling city as you celebrate your impending arrival.No matter your preference, Adelaide offers a range of accommodations that will ensure your babymoon is a memorable and enjoyable experience.Relaxing Spa Experiences for Expecting CouplesAs we continue our exploration of the best accommodations for your babymoon in Adelaide, let's now turn our attention to the ultimate relaxation and pampering experience for expecting couples - the relaxing spa experiences that await you. These spa experiences offer a chance to unwind and indulge in a luxurious setting, providing a tranquil escape from the stresses of pregnancy. Imagine soaking in a huge bath, surrounded by flickering candlelight and the soothing scent of essential oils. Picture yourselves snuggled up in front of a crackling wood fireplace, enjoying the warmth and coziness as you revel in each other's company.To give you a better idea of what to expect, here is a table showcasing some of the amenities and locations that these spa experiences offer:AmenitiesLocationsWood fireplacesBarossa ValleyHuge bathsMcLaren ValePrivate terracesKangaroo IslandGourmet breakfastsRobeOnsite massagesAdelaide HillsIn addition to these relaxing spa experiences, many accommodations also provide stunning views and gorgeous surroundings. From sunset views over the vineyards to beautiful landscapes, you'll be surrounded by natural beauty that enhances the tranquil atmosphere.To make your babymoon even more special, some locations offer additional offerings such as baby moon packages, wine tastings, fully stocked mini bars, and Australian continental breakfasts. These thoughtful touches ensure that your babymoon experience is comfortable, convenient, and truly memorable.Romantic Coastal Walks for BabymoonersWe found ourselves irresistibly drawn to the allure of the coastal landscapes, beckoning us to embark on romantic walks that would create lasting memories during our babymoon in Adelaide. The city boasts an array of romantic coastal walks that are perfect for babymooners like us, seeking tranquility and connection before our little one arrives.One of the most breathtaking coastal walks in Adelaide is along the Great Ocean, where the rugged cliffs meet the sparkling blue waters. As we strolled hand in hand, we were captivated by the stunning panoramic views that stretched out before us. The sound of waves crashing against the rocks created a soothing soundtrack to our babymoon experience.Another romantic coastal walk that we enjoyed was along the Henley Beach Esplanade. The soft sand beneath our feet and the gentle sea breeze on our faces created a serene ambiance. We walked along the shoreline, watching the sunset paint the sky with hues of orange and pink, making our babymoon even more magical.The Port Willunga beach walk was another highlight of our babymoon. The crystal-clear waters and the pristine white sands provided a picturesque backdrop for our leisurely stroll. We took our time, embracing the peacefulness of the surroundings and relishing in each other's company.These romantic coastal walks in Adelaide truly provided us with the perfect setting to connect, unwind, and create cherished memories during our babymoon. Surrounded by the beauty of nature, we were able to relax and rejuvenate, knowing that our journey into parenthood was just around the corner.Indulgent Dining Options for Your BabymoonIndulge in a culinary journey during your babymoon with a selection of exquisite dining options available in Adelaide. Whether you're craving a gourmet breakfast, a romantic dinner, or a relaxing meal overlooking vineyards, Adelaide has it all.Here are five indulgent dining options for your babymoon:The Louise in Barossa Valley: Stay at this luxurious accommodation and enjoy private terraces, spa baths, and sunset views. Indulge in gourmet breakfasts and savor the flavors of Barossa Valley.Barossa Pavilions: Treat yourself to a stay at Barossa Pavilions and delight in gourmet breakfasts and cozy wood fireplaces. This indulgent option is perfect for a romantic babymoon getaway.Trader Jacks in Robe: Experience the charm of Robe while enjoying indulgent dining at Trader Jacks. Start your day with a delicious breakfast and unwind by the fireplace in the evening.Shadow Creek McLaren Vale: Relax and rejuvenate with an onsite massage overlooking vineyards at Shadow Creek McLaren Vale. Consider booking a babymoon package that includes indulgent amenities for an unforgettable experience.CABN Tiny Houses: For an eco-friendly and secluded babymoon experience, stay at the Tiny houses at CABN. Immerse yourself in nature while enjoying delicious meals prepared with locally sourced ingredients.With these indulgent dining options, your babymoon in Adelaide is sure to be a memorable and delicious experience.Adventure Activities for the Adventurous BabymoonerFor adventurous babymooners looking to embark on thrilling experiences while enjoying the beauty of Adelaide, there are a variety of adventure activities that will satisfy their craving for excitement and exploration.One such activity is taking scenic walks in McLaren Vale. This destination is perfect for nature lovers, offering breathtaking views and tranquil surroundings. Imagine strolling hand in hand through picturesque vineyards, taking in the fresh air and the vibrant colors of the landscape. McLaren Vale also boasts cozy cottages, providing a serene environment for relaxation after a day of adventure.If hiking and exploring are more your style, the hills near Adelaide offer amazing experiences during this time of year. Lace up your boots and set off on a journey to discover hidden trails and breathtaking vistas. As you ascend, the air becomes crisp and invigorating, and the sense of accomplishment is unmatched. Feel the rush of adrenaline as you conquer each peak, and revel in the beauty of the natural world around you.For adventurous babymooners seeking both relaxation and indulgence, Glenelg is the place to be. Pamper yourself at Endota Spa, where you can unwind with a soothing massage or rejuvenating facial. Take a boat cruise along the coastline, admiring the stunning views of the ocean and the city skyline. And don't forget to indulge in a romantic dinner on the marina, savoring delectable dishes while the sun sets in the distance.If you're up for a slightly longer adventure, Kangaroo Island is the perfect babymoon destination. Here, you can explore the island's abundant wildlife, from adorable kangaroos and playful seals to majestic koalas and colorful birds. Immerse yourself in the island's natural beauty as you hike through rugged trails, relax on pristine beaches, and marvel at dramatic cliffs. Kangaroo Island is a true paradise for adventurous babymooners, offering a unique and unforgettable experience.ConclusionAs our babymoon in Adelaide comes to an end, we're left with hearts full of cherished memories and souls rejuvenated.From the luxurious accommodations to the relaxing spa experiences, romantic coastal walks, indulgent dining options, and thrilling adventure activities, our babymoon was a whirlwind of blissful moments.Adelaide truly provided the perfect setting for us to unwind, connect, and prepare for the exciting journey ahead.As we bid farewell to this enchanting city, we carry with us the promise of a new chapter filled with love, joy, and endless adventures.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:27 Flashy-Feed77 Edge's booking in 2010-2011

Did anybody else feel like WWE's handling of Edge in 2010-2011 was just bizarre?
First Edge returned at the 2010 Royal Rumble after spending the second half of 2009 healing a torn Achilles tendon. Gets a huge reaction from the crowd and ultimately wins the match. From there, Edge is clearly being positioned as a face, a role he hasn't played in five years, and solidifies his turn by challenging ex partner Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania 26. I'm sorry, but this feud did NOT have enough of a build to warrant a Mania world title match. Jericho and Edge were only partners for like a week before Edge got injured. And then we get the 'Spear' chants. That was just cringe. But hey, I get it, this is prime PG Era WWE, so Babyface promos have to be dumbed down to age appropriate levels. Jericho wins the match at Mania, only to lose the title to Jack Swagger a few days later (shudders) and the Jericho-Edge feud continues on without the WHC (which really it never should have had in the first place). Edge wins the feud with a Steel Cage Match at Extreme Rules 2010.
Then things start getting bizarre for Edge. He gets traded to RAW in the 2010 and immediately turns heel again by costing Randy Orton a number 1 contenders match because...reasons? And the promo with Christian a few days later where he justifies the reason didn't get the desired crowd effect either. If you go back and watch Edge mocking the fans for the 'Spear' chants you'll probably hear crickets. Anyway, just like that, Edge is right back in familiar territory. The Orton feud didn't benefit him that much since Orton was so white hot at the time. Then Edge is thrust into the Nexus storyline (keep in mind, this is when the group still had potential). Finally in October, Edge gets traded back to Smackdown after throwing a hissy fit and destroying the Anonymous RAW GM laptop.
So now Edge is once again a face, which pretty much makes the last 4-5 months a complete waste of time. This time it's a more sustained face run, and Edge gets another WHC feud, this time against Kane. The Kane-Edge feud of 2010 gets a lot of slack and rightfully so - tbh these guys have just NEVER clicked together for me - and I think that it just goes to show how bad the PG Era writing was by this point. Their match at Survivor Series ends in a DQ, leading to a fatal fourway at TLC that includes Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio. Edge finally wins the his first World Title as a face, which seemed like their original plans for Edge in 2010. He then ends his feud with Kane with a Last Man Standing Match on Smackdown.
Next Edge moves into a feud with Dolph Ziggler, who is a rising star in WWE (yes, I know that aged poorly). By this point, WWE are beginning to elevate several new talent to make up for their top-tier stars that have either left (Batista), retired (HBK), or been reduced to part time status (HHH and Undertaker). Dolph also has an onscreen relationship with Vickie Guerrero, Edge's ex storyline wife, which is supposed to add a new layer to this storyline. But really, this storyline just felt like Edge feuding with Vickie, especially after Vickie became interim Smackdown GM. Edge retains against Dolph at the Royal Rumble, but gets stripped of the title a few weeks later after a mixed tag team match. Dolph gets awarded the belt the next week, only to lose it back to Edge the same night. Don't worry Dolph, it only gets worse from here.
Then we move onto Edge feuding with the 2011 Royal Rumble winner Alberto Del Rio. WWE banked hard on Del Rio in 2011, and the fact that he was getting a World Title match at his first WrestleMania proved it. This feud gives us an Edge and Christian reunion, which I'm sure us Attitude Era fans can appreciate. Edge beats Del Rio at WrestleMania in what would be his last WWE match for nine years. The fact that this match opened Mania 27 though just shows how far the WHC had fallen in value at this point.
Finally, we get the promo. Edge comes to the ring on RAW and says that his neck problems have finally gotten the better of him. It was an emotional moment, even for me as I'm a huge Edge fan. Edge surrenders the World Title and announces his retirement from wrestling (at least for now).
So that was Edge's final year as a full time WWE wrestler. It was...weird. Between the brand switches and various heel-face turns, there just wasn't much consistency with Edge. Maybe it was the loss of so much star power. Maybe WWE weren't completely sold on Edge as a face after so many years as WWE's biggest heel. Whatever the reason, something just felt off about Edge during this period.
I apologize for the long post, I just thought a full description would illustrate my point better.
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2024.05.15 14:56 silverserpent7 Thank you for everything.

I've been watching these guys since they were in Halo 2, and on an off until AH started, they really got locked into RT's content from the podcasts to RvB and the animated shorts Funhaus to Extra life. I started watching them when i started middle school, and they helped me grow as a person and gave me dreams to folllow from high school to college and into real life.
They molded me a lot more than I would like to think I'm who I am today because of I never really had role models be sides everyone in the company. A decent amount of my jokes and vocabulary is from them from "bleep bloop" to everytime I see a Winnebago in real life or GTA I hear "Jesse we need to cook" in Jacks voice. I loved watching and just using their content as background noise and listening to the podcast with my dad when we went places.
I fell off the past few years due to life and what not, but its always has been a constant in my life for basically half my life and i know its cliche but i feel like a close family member is dying or has past away. But thank you, Rooster Teeth, from a 29 year old guy from PA for helping me become who I am today and getting me addicted to WoW. You will be miss my friends.
submitted by silverserpent7 to roosterteeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:46 feculentjarlmaw A Story About Jack: How a post on reddit forced a malignant narcissist and serial abuser of women to face consequences for the first time.

The internet is a strange place, inadvertently designed to bring out the best and worst in people. People can be whoever or whatever they want to be. For predators and malignant narcissists and who live in their own delusions to begin with, it's like a hunting ground. They can create whatever persona they wish, fill their victims' heads with lies and half-truths that paint them out to be someone they are not, and by the time their victim actually meets them, it's too late - they've already created an image in their mind of this perfect person the narcissist has convinced them they are, and it usually takes time before the curtain comes down, the lies fall apart, and the mask breaks away.
I'm no saint, and I've learned my own tough lessons from the internet. I grew up under not-so-great circumstances, only getting 5 years of education before I turned 18 and was largely raised by a computer screen. Along the way, I catfished a woman in her mid-20's when I was 14-16 years old. It wasn't intentional at first, I told everyone that I was in my mid-20's and I worked as a bouncer at a bar in NYC. I never meant any harm, I was just raised by a computer and spent all my time alone playing MMOs and learned quickly that if I told people how old I was, they'd stop playing with me. So a bouncer seemed like a job I could bullshit about easily enough, and I was a big dude at 6'1 260lbs so I figured I could maybe pass it off as legit if it ever got hectic.
I started playing with this woman in her 20's and her husband frequently. We became friends fast, and soon we were virtually inseparable on the game. Her marriage ended up not working out, and after they separated she told me she had feelings for me. I should've admitted I wasn't who I said I was then, but I was young and dumb and she was the only real friend I had, so I kept up the ruse. Eventually I did come clean, and she broke it off with me not long after. We stayed friends, albeit with my heart hurting pretty bad, for a few months afterwards - until she met Jack.
When she first told me about Jack, he sounded like a great catch. He had his own IT business in Canada, was a couple years older but not by much, and she was infatuated with him. Obviously I was crushed and didn't handle it well, being a practically feral teenager at the time, so not long after they started getting serious she ghosted me altogether. I was around 17 at the time, and shit started going off the rails for me. After I got out of juvie, I started drinking heavily on a near-daily basis and selling and doing drugs. This led to a lot of pathetic, inebriated, desperate attempts to contact her and apologize for how I acted.
After months of being ignored, eventually grief and regret turned to anger, and finally acceptance. When the pain passed and I came to my senses a bit, I had an epiphany and realized that if I loved her as much as I thought I did, the best thing for both of us would be to let her go. I was a high school dropout with no job, selling drugs to get by. She had 2 kids, and what kind of life could I provide for them? She made the right choice, my age and the fact I made a grown woman fall in love with a teenager not withstanding, and as bad as it hurt I realized it was selfish of me not to accept the way things were and leave her alone, so I did.
10 years or so later, I had gotten my shit together. Worked my way up from cleaning dead shit out of swimming pools, to an entry level position at an environmental consulting firm, to a Project Manager at one of the largest firms in the field in the DC area. I'd met someone, got her pregnant, and for some reason I felt a pull to contact her again. Not to rekindle an old flame, but because she had been a tremendously positive influence on my life in a time where I had few. She was the first good thing I had in my life at a time when I was sleeping on old blankets on a hard floor in an abusive home, and what I'd held onto from our time together wasn't our romantic relationship, it was the best friend I'd ever had. And something made me want to tell her that all that work she put into getting my head right wasn't in vain, and I'd finally made it out of the gutter.
So I messaged her on Facebook, and to my surprise she actually responded. We started talking again, and soon it was back to every day. When my baby mama got back on drugs and turned abusive and was putting my daughter's life in jeopardy on a near-daily basis, she was the one who convinced me I could fight for custody - that I had to fight for custody. So I did, and I won, and I've had full custody of of my daughter since she was 6 months old and for the 10 years since.
But eventually we parted ways again. I'd started seeing someone, and part of me knew I couldn't commit to another woman while I was still carrying on with her. Our relationship had started turning romantic again, and she had dropped some hints about old Jack that would come to the forefront later, but she wasn't ready to leave him and I didn't want to be that guy, so I sent her a message explaining why we had to stop talking, apologized, and ghosted her.
7 more years went by after that night. The relationship I abandoned her for soured quickly when I found out that chick was a carbon copy of my baby mama, and I quit dating to focus on my career and raising my daughter. But on the long, 2+ hour commutes each way from work, I often found myself stuck pondering the "what ifs". What if I hadn't ghosted her? What if our age gap wasn't there, and we'd never had to split up to begin with? I knew in my soul I was never going to find someone like her again, but I made peace with it. I imagined her happy life, her kids with Jack, and convinced myself I made the right choice.
Then COVID hit, and near the start of it, I stumbled on a post on reddit about this dude who sent his high school sweetheart a message many years later apologizing for how he treated her and telling her how her presence impacted him, and I thought to myself, "Hey, I did that!". So I started writing a reply, and for the first time told the story of this girl and I. I'd never told a soul about what happened with us, not even my family or closest friends. Maybe it was the stigma of having an online relationship back in those days that carried over, or maybe it was just too personal to share with my friends or family. It got long, so eventually I just decided to start a new thread. When I was done, it was so long I figured no one would ever read it, but I hit submit anyway and put my phone down and got back to work.
Well, I was wrong. People did read it - a lot of people. Soon my phone started blowing up. Thousands of comments, hundreds of DMs, people offering me book deals and asking if they could have the rights for a screenplay or have me on their podcasts. It was fucking surreal, and being generally a private person who tries to fly under the rader, it got overwhelming fast. Eventually I reached out to her again on Facebook, warned her about what happened, and apologized for putting her business out there.
She didn't respond for a couple weeks, and when she did we started talking again almost immediately. And then in mid-April 2020, she told me that she needed to talk to me. She spilled everything, and told me exactly who Jack was. How he would hack into her devices to spy on her, threaten to kill her and her partner if she ever left him, say vile things to her and her daughters, calling the young girls cunts and bitches. How he alienated all her friends and family, and kept them all isolated in the house her parents bought them that he would rarely leave.
And I felt deceived too. All those years I'd convinced myself that she was happy, that she got together with Jack and was living the life she deserved. In reality, Jack intentionally got her pregnant not long after he flew out to her state the first time. He quickly moved into her house, and refused to work or provide not only for her kids or their kids, but for the other 3 children he abandoned in Australia and Canada who he had no relationship with, with 3 different women he victimized in the same manner. When she was 8 months pregnant with their first kid, she was working nights doing hospice care while he sat on his ass playing videogames all night and talking to his ex. In 17 years, this fucking loser with 7 kids by 4 women worked a grand total of 5 weeks, quit his job, claimed he got PTSD from the experience, and somehow manipulated his way into getting SSDI for it. They survived off SSDI and her parents' charity for years.
But Jack was reading all of this, because like I mentioned earlier, he was hacking her devices and watching us talk remotely. Jack knew the jig was up, and slowly started to unravel. She told him she wanted a divorce, and that she was not going to sever her friendship with me again. And he pretended to take that well, going as far as to try to befriend and manipulate me. He tried every trick to keep her he'd done for years - telling her he was going to get help and would change first, then when that failed he made suicide threats and somehow got his therapist to call her and tell her as long as she didn't leave him he wouldn't kill himself, and then he tried to intimidate her. Eventually he went off the rails completely and sexually assaulted her when he thought she was sleeping.
She called me from her parents' house crying the night it happened, and I convinced her to file a police report. She did, and a couple weeks later Jack got removed from the home, served with a protective order, and charged for sexual abuse. This of course did nothing to stop Jack - he broke into their house a couple days later when she and the kids were out to upload a folder of revenge porn to his Google Drive under the guise of wanting to drop off a cake for her birthday.
Then the stalking started. Jack would relentlessly message her all day and night on Facebook, switching between rage, trying to garner sympathy, convince her he would change, and threatening self-harm. We later found out via a cyber forensics report that he was hacking into the laptop she had taken with her while she hid at her parents' and had been so bold as to steal her Victim Impact Statement and send it to all his World of Warcraft buddies as a joke.
And he didn't just stalk her, he came for me too. Constant unauthorized attempts to access my accounts for everything from Windows to my bank, spam calls and emails - shit, the wormy little fuck even got his friends to stalk my social media and pretend to be strangers to gaslight me. I ignored all of it, and he got desperate enough to send me a lovely message attempting to extort and blackmail she and I, claiming he had "all my posts" but wouldn't do anything with them if I called him. The tipping point for me is when he subscribed to my small YouTube channel - which had nothing on it but 3 videos of my daughter. That veiled threat wasn't lost on me.
But Jack fucked up. I don't know if he thought his insane nonsense would scare me off, or if in his delusions he really thought he was the bad mother fucker he convinced himself he was, but Jack didn't know jack about me. I'm a crazy fuck too, and while he was sitting on his fat ass playing World of Warcraft all day every day for the past couple decades, I was selling drugs and hanging with some of the grimiest mother fuckers Baltimore had to offer. I've seen and experienced a lot of real violence outside a computer monitor, and the prospect of a violent resolution to this saga didn't phase me a whole lot. I'd spent years trying to be a better person and avoid conflict, but I sure as shit wasn't afraid of it either. Leading up to this point, I was already trying to calm myself down and talk myself off the ledge and not pack my guns and drive out there to keep watch until the police did their thing and put him away, which took a lot longer than it should have - this fucking guy violated his protective order 80 times in just a couple weeks.
So I called him, and he spent the next 26 minutes crying over the phone like a drunk little bitch, while I tried my best to be kind and to talk him off the ledge. And yes, I did record it, and yes it is hysterical listening to it now in hindsight, and yes I still have the recording. Anyway, I told him he was scaring the shit out of her and the kids, and he promised to leave us alone and I told him if he could chill the fuck out I would try to talk her into giving him more access to the kids. The next day, she got an email from her first ex-husband - Jack had reached out to him with a link to my reddit post trying to get help from him to come after me, which he promptly shut down and sent to her.
The next few weeks were terrifying as Jack descended further into madness and became more scared and desperate. He knew she was gone and not coming back, and he was facing real charges and real jail time, and while Jack is a fucking moron in a lot of ways, I'm sure he knew a fat, greasy computer nerd with a sex offense conviction wasn't going to have a good time in County. Jack was a murder-suicide waiting to happen, the police were doing nothing to stop his stalking, and I felt powerless to help her. Eventually after he sent her $50 over PayPal at 4:00am with what appeared to be a suicide note, I had enough. I called the DA's office, asked them why the fuck this was being allowed to happen, and promised them I'd been taking meticulous notes and if anything happened to her I would be taking it straight to the media. The DA told me if I was going to make threats the conversation was over, but sure enough he was finally arrested not long after.
Ironically we had remained platonic friends through most of this, but the shared experience of dealing with this psycho brought us closer together and things quickly changed. We knew he wasn't going to stop when he got out of jail, I felt responsible for her safety after my stupid reddit post started this chain of events that led to Jack's unraveling, and with the world seemingly coming apart during COVID, decided if we were ever going to meet it felt like it was now or never. So I booked a plane ticket across the country, spent a week with her and her family, and a few days after I came home she flew out to visit me and meet my family.
We went into it with no expectations. I fully accepted we might not click and our relationship would go back to being platonic. For my part, I just wanted the closure of finally meeting this person who had such a profound impact on my life before COVID mutated or something and killed us all.
But we did click, and the next two weeks were life-changing. I met and cooked for her entire extended family the day after I arrived, and it went well. While I was there I got her mom's email address, and after I went home I had an idea. I knew her parents had met in DC, so I emailed her mom and asked her for a list of places that were special to her, and she told me about the church her parents had met in. I asked her to keep our conversation secret so it would be a surprise, and she did.
So when she comes out to the east coast, I take her on a tour through DC and park the car a few blocks down the street from the church. As we're walking by, she notices the church and comments on how beautiful it is.
I keep it cool and respond, "Yeah, that's a pretty important place.".
She looks at me and says, "Oh? Why's that?".
"That's where your parents met.".
She audibly gasps, giddily bounces a bit, starts to cry, and we pulled down our masks (fuckin covid) and kiss. Her reaction is easily one of the greatest memories in my life. What I didn't know at the time, was that her parents had told her about that church since she and her siblings were kids. When the church changed denominations, the church took the angel statue off the top and brought it back to her home state, and her parents had taken them to see it a few times throughout her childhood.
Anyway, getting sidetracked here, the sappy love story stuff is a different story altogether.
A month after we met for the first time, I had quit my job, sold everything I couldn't fit in my sedan, and she flew back out and drove across the country with my daughter and I.
Sounds crazy as hell, and it was, but it worked out better than it should have. I got a good job making more than I did back home right away, her kids loved me, and my daughter loved her and adjusted to her new home fast. And by the time Jack got out of jail for felony cyberstalking, sexual abuse, and Intimidation of a Witness in a Domestic Violence case, we had cameras all over the house, and I had taught my fiancee how to shoot - which she quickly became better than me at.
But Jack's time in jail didn't slow him down, and the 2-10 year suspended sentence didn't deter him at all. As a matter of fact, on his first day out one of the first things he did was start trying to hack her accounts again. He managed to con an elderly couple he knew threw World of Warcraft from a different state into letting him live with them, and from there he spent a lot of time and energy stalking us and hacking our devices to the best of his ability. He also convinced these poor, very stupid elderly people from his videogame to bankroll a lengthy, expensive divorce. Somehow a man who hadn't worked in almost 20 years managed to run us into over $50,000 in legal fees in two years. How a marriage with zero assets turned into a two year battle when both parties were officially in poverty before the divorce, or how the family courts never saw through the bullshit is beyond me.
To Jack's credit, he did a pretty good job remaining a thorn in our side. Largely due to the complete and utter ineptitude and indifference of the police and District Attorney who could and should have put a stop to his bullshit at any point in that time. Old Jack got hit with a permanent criminal stalking injunction and a 10-year protective order along with his probation, and no amount of effort on our part would get the police, DA, or probation to put a stop to it, despite mountains of evidence.
He successfully managed to draw the divorce out right up to the wedding we planned a year and a half prior, with his attorney putting in motion after motion to delay the process. With all our family and friends coming from all over the country and as far away as Japan, we accepted our wedding would just be a celebration and not an official wedding. Until the night before the wedding, she got a call from her attorney - he had made a call to the clerk's office at the court and got her to move the paperwork to finalize the divorce to the top of the pile, and she was officially divorced. Our wedding would be a real wedding after all, and despite Jack's best efforts, he lost again. We had the wedding on a remote ranch that we rented for a week, and foolishly decided to cater and decorate ourselves, which would have been a colossal undertaking without the extra 4 hours to drive into town and get our marriage certificate at the courthouse. But we pulled it off and it was everything we could have hoped for and then some, and we were officially married.
Jack of course didn't stop after the divorce was finalized. The list of shit he tried to do to us before and after that is too long to spell out in an already too long post, but here are some choice bits:
He wrote a demented letter to the oldest of his kids with her who severed her relationship with him, calling my wife and her mother "vipers and cowards" and promising we would "answer for what we've done sooner or later".
He continuously hacked our computers, miscellaneous accounts tied to our emails, and any other devices he could get into - dropping in remotely via Amazon Alexa, phones, etc.
He set up bots to send us thousands of spam emails, sign us up for dozens of international newsletters all at once, and requests for consultations for things like solar panel installations.
He told the kids vile lies about my wife and I, although the most egregious was when he used a court-ordered therapy appointment with his second oldest daughter to accuse me of distributing child porn, told the therapist I am an "evil man", and told him I wasn't safe to be around his daughters. This led to her being forensically interviewed by the police, where she spelled out what happened, but of course they did nothing.
He gave the two youngest children cell phones to sneak into our house, with Google accounts activated and location tracking turned on.
He sent packages to our house 5 times in the space of a few months, one of which was addressed to himself and contained nothing but a bag of Stevia and a pack of gum. These packages generally came to our door the day before his scheduled visitation with the kids.
During this time my bank account was hacked four times in the span of just a few months with nearly identical fraudulent charges. In each of these instances, I had completely changed my bank account information.
He filed false reports with CPS twice, alleging we were beating the children, locking them in the closet, and not feeding or bathing them. This led to a CPS agent coming to our house to investigate.
We brought all this to the police over and over as it happened, and they did nothing. The DA running the case wasted 5 months subpoenaing a fake email address that we told them when we reported it was fake and spoofed. After finding out about that, we went to the DA's office to find out what the fuck was going on. A Victim's Advocate met with us, and was horrified about how the case was handled, looked up the prosecutor assigned to the case, rolled her eyes and said "'s Stephanie", confirming what we already knew - this prosecutor was completely incompetent, an elect3d politician moonlighting as a prosecutor. She called us the next day to tell us the actual DA called a meeting and a warrant was put out for Jack's arrest. For some inexplicable reason, they pulled the warrant back, and the advocate told us it was because the DA was pursuing more serious charges.
Then, they stonewalled us. The Victim's Advocate we had met with that actually tried to help us was moved off our case, and the new one assigned refused to talk to us or return our calls. The few exchanges we had with her, she made it abundantly clear she had the DA Office's interests in mind and not ours. We decided to just stay quiet and let the process play out and hope for the best, up until we received an email on Friday night before Election Day from the Detective telling us Stephanie had closed the case. I assume she didn't want her incompetence coming to light, and didn't want to shut the case down before Election Day knowing we would be on the warpath.
Eventually, Jack caught wind that he was officially under criminal investigation, but clearly had no idea they were never going to press charges. He got quiet for a bit, until he was ultimately let off probation early. We still get the occasional reminder he's out there watching, but his fear of going back to jail and the belief it might happen cowed him a bit. So instead he harasses us through the family courts, filing constant bullshit motions with no evidence to support them, and for some reason the courts let it continue. Somehow a man who makes ~$800 from SSDI and is only paying $30 a month total to support his 3 kids with my wife is able to fund tens of thousands of dollars worth of legal proceedings every year, and no one in the family courts has ever stopped to ask how he is paying for it or why all this money isn't being spent on supporting these children.
But despite Jack's best efforts, his bullshit hasn't worked. My wife and I have been together for four years soon, and married for two. His kids call me dad and hate his guts, only seeing him because the courts force them to. I continue to advance in my career, landing two major promotions in the past 2 years and now running a division in one of the largest companies in my field in this part of the country. I just enrolled in college to go back to school and get a degree in family law with a focus on domestic violence. The most frustrating part of the whole experience with ol' Jack was having no one to turn to when all the institutions who were supposed to keep this from happening ignored us, and even though I'll be well into my mid 40's before I accomplish my new goals, I plan to advocate for domestic violence victims and do everything I can to lobby for change to these laws to keep as many people as I can from going through what my wife and I did. I learned that the only way to beat these people at their game is to play on the same field right along with them, and that's what I intend to do.
My wife went back to work too once she healed from some of the trauma, making $30 an hour as a personal assistant for a fella who's had two movies made about his life. Our kids struggled a bit with school and dealing with all their biological parents' issues, but they quickly turned it around and have been excelling. We're all happy, healthy, and doing better now than ever.
As for Jack? Well, he's pushing 50 and still spending his days alone, playing World of Warcraft and jerking off in this old couple's basement. Nothing has changed there, and now he's too fat, old, and visibly an enormous fucking loser to victimize women in the same way he did in his youth. I have no doubts he'll find another victim eventually, probably when these old weirdos bankrolling his life now finally wise up, but one thing Jack forgets is that karma is a mother fucker, and I have a giant database of evidence that I can and will send out to whoever I please to help pull that mask down and keep him from doing this to someone else. Nothing is more appealing to a potential love interest than hearing their man cry like a drunk bitch for 26 minutes to the man he claims stole his wife, while simultaneously admitting to sexually assaulting said wife.
As wonderful as it would have been for Jack to go to prison where he can't hurt anyone again, there is some catharsis knowing Jack will forever be in a prison of his own making. His children want nothing to do with him, and he'll never see them graduate or walk them down the aisle. Jack will die miserable and alone, and in his narcissistic delusion will still be blaming everyone else for the colossal failure of his life, while continuing to fail to grasp the one thread that ties all his misery together - himself.
And since he somehow manages to find and stalk most of my social media, I'd wager Jack will end up reading this too. I hope he does in all honesty. And Jack, if you are reading this, I want you to know that you can kick, flail, manipulate and lie, cry and complain until you're red in the face. None of it matters. You don't matter. You'll leave this world alone, as sad and bitter as you are now, and the world will be a better place for it.
submitted by feculentjarlmaw to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:06 Content_Call5083 NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep. 72: Love and Jealousy

NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep. 72: Love and Jealousy
The Story of a Family
After his thought provoking visitation, Luigi wound up without a date for Hunter and Tess’s wedding.
He’d asked Amaya, but she bowed out with: “No can do hot stuff, I’ve got the nastiest Itchy Plumbob rash you could imagine. I really don’t feel up to going anywhere I can’t spend most of my time re-applying lotion and using this lovely little roller thing to soothe the itch.”
He tried Noemi too, but since she still wasn’t willing to accompany him to any sort of family event, he had to show up at The Collective solo.
The intimate ceremony was placed between a raging bonfire and a rustic wedding arch crafted by Hunter himself near the front of the property.
The couple had kept the guest list quite small. Besides members of the commune itself, only the cousins (minus Denton, who Hunter was still on the outs with), the couples' parents, and Peppino had been invited.
The immortal scientist mage was a last-minute addition to the party. These days he had a dedicated staff to assist him at the impregnation clinic, but when he’d found out Hunter had booked an appointment, he’d reached out saying he wanted to oversee Steven’s great-nephew’s case personally. The couple had invited him to the ceremony as a thank you and planned to get a jumpstart on their conversation during the reception.
While they waited for the lovebirds Luigi caught up with Cullen and Angeles. Co-habiting was going well for them, and their tales of late-night TV marathons and Cullen’s happy laugh when Angeles teased him about his snoring were adorable. When she followed it up with a kiss and the promise that waking up in his noisy arms each morning was exactly what she wanted, Luigi was unhappily reminded of his lonely room at the boarding house.
Luigi hadn’t thought he was anywhere near ready to get married, but as he watched the happy couple saying their vows, he couldn’t help but consider that Hunter was the exact same age as him and not only tying the knot but planning to start a family!
He tried to imagine himself in his cousins' place but came up short when it was time to decide which girl should be standing across from him.
Once the sim and servo were pronounced man and wife everyone headed out back to enjoy a delicious farm fresh feast courtesy of The Collective.
His father’s old teacher was also minus a plus one and the bride and groom had seated themselves directly across from the pair of singletons. When talk, naturally, turned to pregnancy and childbirth Peppino’s tale of the little alien surprise that had started him down his current path was like something out of a sci-fi novel and had Luigi’s full attention.
Noticing his interest Peppino inquired if Luigi, like Hunter, had any plans to follow in his father’s and grandfather’s footsteps and give birth himself someday. Luigi quickly shook his head: “It’s wonderful that the option exists for sims like my parents, Hunter, and my teammate Beau, but it’s not for me.”
During their conversation Luigi couldn’t help but notice Hunter’s eyes darting back and forth, clearly looking for someone.
Toni and her new boyfriend were seated with Chance and Bianca a couple tables over, but Manny was noticeably absent. Luigi knew he’d been invited and could hardly believe that he’d actually boycotted his son's wedding. He wished he could talk some sense into his uncle, but doubted he’d be able to make a difference. Instead, he gave his cousin’s shoulder a sympathetic squeeze as they all headed off towards The Collective’s nearby hangout.
Luigi was once again surprised to be stopped by Peppino on their way to the dance floor and presented with a box full of simoleons.
The mad scientist explained: “This is for that teammate of yours I helped recently. When I originally billed him, I didn’t know he had a connection to your clan. I love getting to assist sims with making their dreams of parenthood a reality and without your grandfathers book I don’t know if it would have been possible. I have no intention of taking payment from his family or their friends”.
Luigi thanked Peppino warmly on his ex-rival’s behalf. He was sure the money would go a long way towards helping the young family get a good start.
As much as Luigi usually loved to dance, all the happy couples twirling around the floor together made him miss having a partner of his own.
Pulling out his bar to serve drinks would only leave him watching everyone else’s fun from a different angle, so he called it quits. He congratulated the newlyweds one final time before heading back to Britechester and booting up his favorite comfort game. Sadly, the landing page of Sims Forever displayed the smiling faces of his heir and their new bride, which did nothing to calm his nerves about his current romantic situation.
Sighing, he shut the game down and stared off into the middle distance, thinking about the day and his recent conversation with Papa Jack.
As usual papa was right. He didn’t have to jump into marriage or children, but it was time to secure a partner willing to be his own “Sim Forever”.
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