Stopped birth control when period come

All things related to birth control

2011.07.21 04:13 All things related to birth control

A place to discuss birth control methods.

2010.08.14 18:34 Got Periods?

This is a subreddit to talk about all things related to that special time in a lady's life when she really starts to hate everything about it! Disclaimer: This subreddit is not a substitute for a healthcare professional. CHECK OUT OUR DISCORD

2014.02.18 00:00 Contraception

a portal of links to contraception-related subreddits - general and most active sub being /birthcontrol

2024.06.10 01:06 Leenapyt Another rant

My god I post in this sub so much. Sorry for people who are tired of my rants. Currently 7 1/2 months pregnant and SEVERELY over my SO and his two daughters (10 and 12). He is the WORST parent and partner ever and I’d give anything to have the resources to move out right now. He is raising his kids to be the worst people possible. All they do is suck the life out of me. I get used as a free babysitter and maid/chef for his kids but he can’t respect when I tell them to stop doing something or behaving a certain way. These little girls don’t have any chores. They don’t help around the house, they leave messes everywhere. And since I’ve been pregnant I’ve been NACHO and “attempting” to put my foot down. Nothing works in this home unless I keep my mouth shut I am suffering. If I even mention to my SO that the girls need to help around the house more he gets so offended and treats me like shit! And yes before you guys say anything I am saving my money and looking for apartments as I write this! I do NOT want to live with these kids anymore. I’ve grown to hate when they are here and what hurts the most is it wasn’t always like this! In the beginning I liked having them around. Told them I loved them often and did everything for them! My SO has completely ruined this dynamic with his shitty parenting and being a shitty partner! I FULLY regret getting pregnant by him and I can’t wait to get out of here! Until I am able to leave what am I supposed to do to deal with the constant screaming and stomping coming from these kids? They act like 5 year olds! And when I ask them to relax my SO loses his mind! I can’t live like this!
submitted by Leenapyt to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:06 CDNCSY I (19M) am having lots of issues with my girlfriend (19F), specifically regarding jealousy. How should I go about continuing the relationship, or should I at all?

This is my first time ever posting on reddit, so my apologies if this is the wrong place or way to ask for advice and guidance in my relationship. I'll start this post with how we met, state all the problems that I have and have had with our relationship, then go about our current situation.
To start, my girlfriend (We'll call her M) and I met over two years ago, but we were only friends at the time because she was in a relationship with one of my old buddies (We'll call him John). To keep it short and sweet, this buddy of mine cheated on her twice, then lied about cheating both times. Needless to say, she was hurt, and supposedly over that relationship. I chose to pick her side over John's, and I tried to comfort her through the breakup. It started with small dates, nothing serious, trips to the park, getting smoothies and snacks together, etc. I’d say it was like that for a week or two, then we decided to hang out at my house. We were drinking together, listening to music, and overall having a good time. Then it began to storm outside, my mom texted me to stay inside and not drive. This meant that M would have to stay the night as she didn't have her drivers license and still doesn't. One thing led to another and we ended up having sex multiple times that night. We continued to have sex over the next week or two, and I began to develop feelings, I was extremely uneasy at the time, it felt a bit weird and kinda bad to be doing this with her right after she had broken up with John. Then, all of a sudden, she ghosted me, anytime I'd text her asking to hangout she would half ass the replies, and most of time leave me on delivered or opened all day. I was extremely desperate for a response, and I wanted see her so badly. I later discovered through some friends that M was still hooking up with John. I felt frustrated, betrayed, hurt that I had picked her side, and had sex with her. I ended up cutting contact with her, and John, entirely. For a while I felt really sad, I had felt like I had such a strong emotional connection with her. But, needless to say, with time, I got my shit together, understood what happened, and felt a lot better by myself.
A month goes by, I'm doing good, about to head off to college in 2 months, and things are looking up. I felt a small void in me without her, but shrugged it off. She ended up finding a way to text me through discord. An alt account through a server we shared, she told me that she was incredibly sorry, and explained that John had tried paying for and having sex with female escorts. She exclaimed she was distraught, and totally over him. Looking back at it, I definitely should've left it there, blocked her, or denied her plead for affection, but I didn't. I caved in, ended up telling her that I didn't want anything to do with her unless she committed to starting a relationship with me. She agreed, but said it would take time. We resumed hanging out, having sex, she gave me her phone password, location, etc, she seemed entirely committed to gaining my trust after what had happened. It felt good, things went smoothly through college, no arguments, constant reassurement, etc. The long-distance was kind of rough, but we stayed faithful and resilient to each other.
While in college, I started to lack in my studies, I grew bored of computer science, it didn't interest me at all. One thing led to another and I dropped out, moved back home, and spent a lot of time with M. Week after week we spent with each other, it felt almost unhealthy spending so much time with her, but it felt good regardless. One night she was invited to a house party where there were mutual friends with John, I felt uneasy about it, but regardless, I didn't want my trust issues to get the best of me, and trusted her to go to this party under a few ground rules. One, if John happened to be there, she would let me know, and I would come pick her up. Two, she wouldn't splurge out on drinks and get extremely shit-faced. Three, she wouldn't stay too late. It seems controlling right? You might think, "Why don't you just go with her?", I thought the same thing, and asked her before setting the ground rules if I could go with her, she said no, because it would only be her friends there, and it would be uncomfortable for me to be there. I also had no self-respect at the time, and just let her go with the stated ground rules. She texts me while at the party that everything is going well and she'll be ready to leave soon, an hour passes, and I text her, no response, its probably around 12 - 1 AM at the time. I get worried, and call her, no response. My trust issues got the best of me, I felt my heart sinking into my stomach, and ended up driving to the party. I went inside, saw John sitting on the couch with a bunch of people, then later, I found M, extremely shit faced, laying down under a table in the kitchen. At the time, I looked like shit, I had on my pajamas, a pair of sandals, and a paint-stained throwaway t-shirt, I woke her up, and guided her to my car. Not known to me at the time, it looks really weird when a guy who looks like shit drags a drunk girl out of a house party. Her friends came flooding out and basically ripped her out of my car, and then John came out. M was so shitfaced she apparently mistook John for me and started feeling him up (hugging him all over and whatnot) right in front of me. At this point all I felt was rage and anger, I got in my car, stomped on the gas, and sped probably 3 times the speed limit all the way home. When I arrived home, I called my buddy Charlie who I've known since second grade, and cried to him all night, told him all about the night, down to the smallest details. I then got a phone call from John of all people, asking if I had Melanie's phone, I told John no at first, but then quickly realized it was probably left in my car, I told him to hang on and hung up on him. I went outside to my car, grabbed her phone, and without hesitation, with a million different bad feelings running through me, went through it, to my surprise, I actually didn't find anything unsettling or off anywhere on her phone. I called John back only to hear M yelling at him to get her an Uber to my house, by this time it was probably 5 AM, and it seemed she had sobered up. I didn't know how to feel or what to think in the moment so I hesitantly told John it was fine if he got her an Uber to my house. She got to my house and hugged me like nothing was wrong. I explained to her what had happened, and she told me that she had no recollection of the night. She asked her friends what had happened and they all said that she continued to sit under the table until she sobered up.
That whole incident really didn't add up, but I chose to trust that she made the right decision that night, and didn't do anything weird with John. 7 or 8 months have gone by since that night, and things have been rough. This is where my problems begin, we have had so many arguments about my jealousy and trust issues that I can't begin to recall each one. It could be me getting frustrated about her not charging her phone before going out with friends, or her getting shitfaced at parties without me there. To sum things up a bit, we would argue, she would break up with me, and then we would get back together a day or two later. This has happened probably 20 times already. I think she is upset about me not getting over these issues, and that's why these arguments and breakups occur. Which makes some sense I guess.
Sometimes these arguments get really heated, and about a month ago, it was probably our worst yet. We didn't talk at all for 2 or 3 days straight, and I saw that she had John as a mutual friend on Discord. I was infuriated and felt super betrayed, but for some reason, we still got back together. I looked through her conversations with him on Discord and it was mostly all friendly, just catching up with one another, but nonetheless, it made me mad. She told me she knew it was wrong after all that's happened, apologized for it profusely, and blocked him.
Things have gone mostly smoothly since then, very little arguing, until today, literally hours ago. I ended up looking through her phone, and saw that she was entertaining a conversation with a guy who she had hooked up with years prior. It turns out this dude had just broken up with his girlfriend and decided to hit up M on Instagram. He was chatting her up and complimenting M all around. M was totally entertaining this conversation, thanking him for the compliments, and the only thing she said in defense of our relationship was that "he totally had his chance". This got me really mad in the moment, I said it was weird and that shit is unacceptable. She got mad at me for reacting in the way I did, said it didn't matter, and that she was going home and never coming back, we now have each other blocked on everything and haven't spoken with one another.
I don't know what to do. I don't know if I'm the problem, or if I am too controlling. I get really mad when she does stuff like this, but I never raise my voice, I always try to keep my cool. I've explained to her countless times that my trust issues come from the incidents that happened at the start of our relationship, but she says I need to get over it. I'm unhappy, but I'm also madly in love with this girl. We've talked about things like having children together, getting married, sharing an apartment with one another. I've never felt or talked to any woman in my life in this sort of way. I want to continue the relationship, I don't know exactly why, and I don't know how to fix all the problems we both have, I also don't want to get hurt. All my coworkers tell me that I should end things with her, that its not worth it, but everything I do with her feels so special still, I'm still so in love with her even after all thats happened. Any advice on how I should tread forward with this situation and relationship would be incredibly appreciated, and not just saying "Break up with her!"
submitted by CDNCSY to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:05 RetroTimeLady What's better than what I have now? (AKA let the roasting commence)

Coming up on an annual renewal for one of my select few annual fee cards and I'm realizing that my credit card pockets in my purse are, shall we say, an absolute mess, and I know all too well my rewards are suffering for it. Discover's big 5% grocery cashback next quarter is pushing me that much more toward a major changeup. Looking to see what I can change for the better here.
My current main cards:
The Sock Drawer of Shame:
Not included here: a couple authorized user cards I'm on in case of emergencies.
FICO score: 774
Oldest account age: 7 years 9 months for cards that are my own.
Income: $50,000+ pre-tax.
Chase 5/24 status: 4/24 bordering on 3/24 once the Hilton card drops off.
Average monthly spend and categories: * groceries: $200
Open to Business Cards: Not at this time.
What's the purpose of your next card? Cashback or travel. The airline points are there, now what about the hotel points? Or even just cashback for frivolous stuff at home?
Are you OK with category spending or do you want a general spending card? Category spending probably the best at this point -- but I could be wrong!
Last thought: I'm open to an annual fee card, especially if I get rid of the AAdvantage card.
submitted by RetroTimeLady to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:05 dada_metatext Hunger and cravings during periods?

First few days of the period, I tend to be very hungry. For the most part, I have control over my food intake so I don't go crazy on my meals, hovewer, during those first few days I often feel in a need for some extra snack. And usually i crave some kind of sugar+fat combo, like avokados/tahini (or any nut buttenuts) with bananas specifically. Also often find myself craving lots of red fish, even though I am usually pretty much disinterested in meats in general and fatty foods and it's usually something I have to eat out of necessity.
What I don't understand is whether those are emotional cravings or the physical ones. I usually just stop when I am more or less full hovewer having that extra snack just feels so much out of my usual eating schedule. Not sure exactly, should I investigate why those presumably emotional cravings happen and try to do something else instead, or is this hunger a result of hormonal fluctuations?
submitted by dada_metatext to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:05 JamesCodaCoIa I've been shocked with nostalgia lately

Sorry if this is all vague and ill thought out, I'm in a weird place lately.
I've been having some health problems, and just generally having an existential crisis, so I've been comfort watching shows that were popular when I was in college- Community, New Girl, Happy Endings... and I remember that all of those shows are over a decade old. Hell, Community debuted in 2009. Jeff had a Blackberry in the first season, there's references to Bejeweled and President Obama during the show. Those are now out of date, old references. When the movie comes out (if), even the youngest characters will be in their mid-thirties, and Jeff and Shirley will both be over 50.
Last year, a documentary based on the book Meet Me In The Bathroom came out. The Strokes, LCD Soundsystem, Interpol, that whole New York scene is over two decades old now. If someone caught a Strokes show and had a drunken hookup that night, that baby is now old enough to have their own drunken hookups at... I dunno, some Doja Cat concert now.
This is a very personal thing maybe, because a few of my friends are now married parents, and I'm still living in apartments and wondering what I really want to do with my life. My therapist told me he used to overthink and worry like me, then he had kids and now doesn't have time to do that. My old college friends likewise probably don't have to worry about where their dreams went, because little Dany (short for Daenrys) and little Barry have pre-K registration tomorrow.
I'm sort of in a weird place in life. I have a decent job, one that pays enough to pay for rent and bills with some left over... but I'm one of the many who might not ever own property. I've luckily kept my hair, the grey is confined to some stubble and a few hairs on the sideburns, and a decade of hardship has eliminated any potential laugh-line wrinkles. I still wear t-shirts and jeans and my shoe collection is almost exclusively ADIDAS or Vans. I look young-ish... but I'm not young. It's weird going to doctors and hearing about lifestyle changes to avoid what killed your older relatives, whereas before you just shrugged off any illness or injury with "no health insurance, yolo."
I know it's a cliche to think about how our generation had some odd stop-and-start moments, but we really did. We came of age in a decade with terrorist attacks and simultaneous wars and global financial collapses... then aged into a decade that started off promisingly and peaked with the Summer of Pokemon only to watch that collapse into the presidency of a garish Bond villain from one of the crappy Roger Moore movies and a worldwide pandemic that basically cut two years out of our lives and gave generations trauma, cynicism, conspiracy theories, and setbacks still being felt today.
When's our Roaring Twenties? Can we at least get a '90s Redux as adults? I was in school then, but the grown-up world seemed pretty sweet.
submitted by JamesCodaCoIa to Millennials [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 asiied 14.1:75

sorry for all the bad advices, and all the mad scientific notation schizes, and all the weird channelling surprises aswell as all of the following lovely prizes
I'm supppsed to be asleep, I'm gonna be dead
Listen: First released demo, first wroten "song" im happy about, it should get a single release maybe
She's my cherry pie You're my cherry pie 🥧 My cherry pie, so sweet and lovely, oh how cool she is just soothing (*soathing), and she's so cool oh yeah she's cool with all the cute expressions she does that's cool, and I don't think I'm enough for her when I will cry because of her, but I don't know, am I dead? Or am I just blind once again, She's my cherry pie You're my cherry pie She's my cherry pie You're my cherry pie Please don't kill me again, with all the words that can be said, and don't make me hope again, with all the dreams accumulating once again, and I pray for the day to come all day but I don't think it will deliver at all any day And she's, my cherry pie.
. . .
. Tomorrow, 2 weeks, scary, scary, scary, scary scary, PLEASE! PLEASE! work out. Please, work out! I'm begging! Work, work work! Somehow! Stop doing this! Please don't make me do that myself! Please, please! I just want us to be ATLEAST ATLEAST ATLEAST FRIENDS!
I'll probably fail
preferably, I'd want night once again
, Bye weekEnd, Hello mental drainage! This is hard, real hard.
submitted by asiied to sansara [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 MangleCatrat What if All Might and Midoriya already had quirks prior to them receiving One For All.

Hi this is my first post here and I've seen theory's close to this one I'm about to share but not this one. I was watching a video about how Quirks didn't make sense when something occurred to me. From what has been shown in the Show and Manga we get introduced to One For All the Quirk and its Users being - Toshinori Yagi (All Might) and Izuku Midoriya (Deku), Along with One For All's past Users. And at the beginning we are told and shown that both Toshinori Yagi and Izuku Midoriya were born without Quirks.
Well What if they had a Quirk that they were born with that wasn't stolen or caught by the doctors, and that never presented itself in childhood. What I mean is what if they had a dormant Quirk that never showed or presented itself until after they had received One For All. -Like how in the First User of One For All Yoichi Shigaraki case-
The reason behind why I think this is because Horikoshi has stated that Quirks are genetic and can be pasted down from parents. We also know the Quirks of the previous Users of One For All get taken and added to One For All making up what is now One For All. The Quirks being that of Blackwhip the Quirk that allows it's users to make black like whips to attack and weld at one's own will. Float that allows it's Users to float oneself or small objects away from oneself. Danger Sense that allows it's Users to sense oncoming danger around one's self. Smokesreen that allows it's Users to make smoke screens around oneself as a quick get away/cover one's own self. Fa Jin that amplifies attack and speed. Gearshift empowers it's Users to have control over objects. And One For All the Quirk that allow the Users to pass Quirks to others.
That being said we're given examples of how each of the listed Quirks work and how they act. But none of the Pervious Users in this case being none of the Pervious Users after the Eighth User of One For All's Quirks or User's show them getting buff as in Physically/Growing in Muscles or have Electricity coming out of them. So what I am implying is what if Getting Buff and Green Electricity is Deku and All Might's Dormant Quirks. That was amplified and was forced to awaken by One For All.
And the reason I think Electricity might have been Deku's Dorment Quirk is because Inko has the ability to pull small objects to and away from her and she said that Deku's dad can breath fire. What if their quirks mixed and had mutated to make Deku's electricity bolts that form around him. Because if I'm not mentation Horikoshi has stated and confirmed Quirks can mutate. That's just my theory that I wanted to share. -I don't know if it was already a theory or not but I just wanted to share it anyways.
P.s. Sorry it's so long....
submitted by MangleCatrat to MyHeroAcadamia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 DoNotFearTheTruth Food, Gas Prices Up. Will Change of Administration Fix It?

Why are food and gas prices so high? If we elect Donald Trump, will he fix the issue? In a word, NO. No President has a magic wand, and no change of administration is suddenly going to make things better, or the way they used to be in the ‘good old days!’
No President can control things such as droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, fruit and vegetable blights, invasive insects that attack crops, unseasonable cold snaps or withering heat waves.
Think about this for a moment: We’ve seen the devastation that tornadoes in the Midwest have left in their wake. What do you think happened to crops and livestock, not to mention refineries and fuel stations during those same events? Equally devastated!
Eggs: There are three factors at play here. First, there was a bout of bird flu, which took out over 55 million chickens (and the eggs they would have laid). Second, the cost of feed is up. Third, demand during Easter led to a temporary rise, the hurricane season slowed transport in the east, and the cost of transport has risen due to the cost of gasoline/diesel.
Milk: That same bird flu has transferred itself to cows and, while not deadly for them, has infected one out of every five cows. The infected cows must be taken out of the production line and the milk destroyed, until they clear the virus. The costs of feed, labor, fuel, and fertilizer (for the growing of feed) are higher. Some dairies have lowered the number of cows to be able to afford the higher cost of feed and transport.
Meat: droughts and floods, high temperatures, and range fires have meant fewer cattle. In addition, some farmers have cut back their herds due to the high cost of feed, drought conditions, and rising costs of raising and maintaining herds. On the Texas Panhandle, fires burned more than a million acres of range land, affecting 85% of Texas’ cattle. The fires ran as fast as three acres per second, which is far faster than cattle can run. Many died, and many more had to be put down due to burn injuries. The fire broke out during calving season. Also, injured or sick cattle cannot be put into the food chain. Add that to the cost of transport. Prices went up.
Wheat, Corn and Soybean; and other grain crops cost more. There are several reasons for this. The price of growing and shipping is higher. The pandemic caused the supply chain to slow, while demand remained high. Beyond that, there were droughts, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes in growing regions throughout the world, causing yields to be smaller. Trade restrictions, and the War in Ukraine (the “bread basket” of Europe) caused further shortages. Here in the US, we’ve had disastrous tornadoes, floods, and droughts, all of which affect the size of harvests, and the corresponding rise in consumer costs.
This also affects the prices of bread, baked goods, cereal and snacks.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are also prone to diseases like citrus greening disease and other fungal and bacteriological diseases, invasive insects, as well as droughts, floods, freezes and other weather conditions. These reduce the volume of fruits and vegetables, despite demand that is constant for some and seasonal for others.
Gas Prices:
Again, there are multiple factors at play here.
First of all, there is a season for gas. The winter fuel mix, designed for colder weather, is less expensive, and there is less demand for it. The summer blend is more expensive to produce, and is adjusted for the travel season. Supply and demand is also a factor. More people drive in the summer than in the winter, so the price is higher during the summer months, on top of the cost of manufacture.
The extreme cold in the winter conditions of January knocked some refineries offline. That limited supply. We also import some refined oil here in the US.
Another factor is the price set by the Oil Cartel, if/when we buy internationally, which we do for some types of refined oil products.
Member countries include Algeria. Congo. Equatorial Guinea. Gabon. Iran. Iraq. Kuwait. Libya. Nigeria. Saudi Arabia. United Arab Emirates. Venezuela, with Saudi Arabia the largest producer. The international price of oil from member countries is set by the Oil Cartel. They regulate how much oil the Arab nations produce, to keep the price stable and above the cost of production. This can affect the price of oil.
Second, there are three wars going on, which also affect the production, transportation, and processing of oil. They are the war in Ukraine, for which there is an embargo on Russian oil and a cessation of Ukrainian oil, lowering supply. There is war in the Middle east between Israel and Gaza, which affects transport of oil and fuel in that area, as well as the war waged by the Houthi militia around the Strait of Hormuz, which affects, not only the cost of oil, but any and all goods transported through the Suez Canal.
If the US produces more oil, the other oil producing countries produce less to make the price stay at a profitable level. The other factor is supply and demand. More demand in the US means higher prices.
(As a Historical Reference: In October of 1973 through January of 1974, President Nixon gave monetary support to Israel in the Yom Kipper War. The Oil Cartel set an embargo on any oil sales to the US, causing higher prices. We had 10% inflation at the time. Devaluation of the dollar in the early 1970’s also was a factor. Since that time, we have become much less reliant on foreign oil.)
If we move to non-gas vehicles, we will not be as reliant on gas, and the Oil Cartels will have less influence.
Those who drive gas powered cars should be overjoyed at the prospect of the addition of electric and hybrid vehicles, as they use less gas, which should mean lower prices for those driving gas vehicles due to lower demand. However, The American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers have a misleading ad out right now denouncing the increase in production of electric vehicles.
“Don’t Ban Our Cars” ads have been running, extolling the populace to “stop President Biden’s policies aimed at banning most new gas cars. Urge them to do the right thing and vote to protect your consumer freedom.”
Gas powered cars are NOT being banned. They simply are going to be one of three options available to car buyers: gas powered, still the majority of cars until at least 2035, though hybrids, and electric vehicles will be more readily available in the future, and more refined in efficiency, as well as more charging stations.
No one is going around taking people’s existing vehicles, preventing owners from selling new or used gas powered cars, or keeping people from buying a used car that is gas powered. As far as “protecting consumer freedom,” the oil companies don’t want any competition, and are trying to reframe the issue into one of ‘taking away your freedom to choose” rather than lose any revenue to EV’s and hybrids.
If we cease making electric powered vehicles, our market for export will dry up, as the trend in Europe and other places is for electric vehicles. It makes good business sense to make products for export where there is a market for them.
submitted by DoNotFearTheTruth to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 Most_Fennel_481 Ruminating on relationships

I’m on 400mg lamictal and 100mg Zoloft and it’s worked great for me for the past year. I recently got diagnosed with ADHD in addition to bp2 and anxiety and started guanfacine a few weeks ago, I think I need to stop because anxiety/depressive episodes have come back and worsened.
Ruminating on relationships is a huge symptom of mine when my mood is low or high, and I’m just in the trenches right now, can hardly eat or sleep, rethinking everything in my life but resisting making rash decisions in my current state like dropping people from my life. I understand it’s temporary and tapering off my new med may help but it feels horrible. Just needing to vent to folks who might understand this feeling or have tips for this kind of rumination (especially with ADHD).
Big love to everyone with this mental illness, it really sucks sometimes.
submitted by Most_Fennel_481 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 IChopBlow No one is coming to save us

No one is coming to save us. Apps will stay addictive, or get even more addictive. More porn will be made. Better video games will be made. Our attention will be exploited until every last drop is taken from us.
Johann Hari in "Stolen Focus" argues that there needs to be systemic change to combat this beast, but it isn't coming. There is too much data, money, attention, and focus to steal.
Sure they may slap a warning on a cellphone box, or a popup when going on instagram, tik tok, Twitter, etc...​ may warn of its addictiveness. But that won't stop us. Click "agree" and continue to scroll.
This is a fucking war, a war for our attention, and our life.
Only we hold the power within ourselves to fight back. We can reclaim our time, our focus, and our lives. It requires awareness, discipline, and a steadfast commitment to our own well-being.
No one is coming to save us, but we can save ourselves. We are not powerless. We can fight back against these parasites, and reclaim our attention. Our lives are worth it.
submitted by IChopBlow to nosurf [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:02 Omg_Its_Nikki Bogus Eviction- I live in a Complex- B.C Canada. Security camera Laws and no opportunities to tell our side before served.

In the complex I live in directly across from my unit on top of the opposite unit stands a rotating , night vision security camera, AND ITS BEEN POINTED AT MY 8 YEAR OLD SONS WINDOW FOR MONTHS NOW!!! This is a non profit low income housing complex for families with children 19 and under. My Son refuses to sleep in his room and sleeps on the couch. What do I do? Not to mention I am trying to fight a eviction for "cause" because one of my neighbors sent their daughter out to dispose of the garbage and it was far too heavy, with the dumpster being close to my unit in the parking lot, my son's father was on our deck fixing a bike and saw the girl struggling and helped she said thanks , and asked about the bike he was fixing and went home .... All was civil as one would think when talking to a 9 year old child. Within minutes of her going back to her home , her parents came out their back deck which is across the driveway and there's a metal fence that they're now screaming through yelling things like "STOP HARASSING OUR DAUGHTER" "YOU SHOULD GO KILL YOURSELF" My Sons father of course got upset walked over to the fence and yelled back at them "what the F*** are you talking about" offered for the other guy to talk it outta the complex and settle whatever his problem was like a man (which was declined) ... The daughter was standing there with her parents and she obviously knew this was not true, my son's father asked her "what did you say to your parents?!" And the little girl quickly replied "they made me" and ran away! Multiple neighbors saw and as I was telling our sons father to come back home, and forget about these people... They're just trying to get a rise out of you for some reason.(These people are new to our complex , we've been here for 6 years and neighbors that saw have all lived here for 3 - 15 years) Another neighbor started getting mad at them and angrily feeling them " You guys started this, what the hell are you talking about" Literally within minutes of me getting my son's father back to our place , the police rushed in, and REFUSED to listen to 3 separate witnesses that saw what actually happened..... And told son's father that he's being detained, and then 10 minutes later they took him away, put him in city cells, no charges were made and then released him 11 hours later?!?!?! Even though he did absolutely nothing except try to defend himself . If anyone should have called the police it should have been him against those wing nuts. But instead we just went back home and calmed down and it literally felt like we were/are in the Twilight zone.... Literally 2 days later there's an eviction notice for "cause" stating that my son father significantly traumatized/harassed a 9 year old child. Like are YOU KIDDING ME?!?! maybe if the f***Ing security camera weren't pointed directly into my sons bedroom window which is located upstairs, then housing would see the total bullshit that happened that day. I have filed a dispute, but I literally got it in on the last day, I don't have an advocate as there's a month wait list for one. I am on disability for mental health disability, extreme anxiety and social anxiety, which makes dealing with these types of things completely debilitating. I feel like my family is about to be homeless , because of all the paperwork I need to come up with to back up our Innocence. I don't know if it seems so hard because I am beyond overwhelmed with it all , or if the new system is put in place to be that way which coincidentally was just recently updated ON my birthday as of April 16th 2024. (Even my Family support worker who tried helping me out was getting frustrated with the forms, and literally said she doesn't get paid enough for this, but still tried helping because there's no advocates available.) How convenient universe .... Thank you .... Thank you very much. I literally don't even know these other people's names..... And many other neighbors told me they've had problems with them as well. How can the landlord not see that all of a sudden these people move in and are making multiple complaints on multiple neighbors who have all been here years without incident?!?! Like what in the Twilight zone is going on?!? PLEASE DOES ANYONE HAVE CLEAR AND EASY ANSWERS that will help me get though this?!?
Sincerely, Our Family needs help.
submitted by Omg_Its_Nikki to westkelowna [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:02 GerardoDeLaRiva AEW Nations Trios Tournament

A few Dynamites before All In – London, The EVPs of AEW, Matthew and Nicholas Jackson have an announcement. Inspired by the 2024 Paris Olympic games, where athletes from across the globe represent their nations, the EVPs want to hold a tournament for trios wrestling, but with teams representing their nations, not their personal allegiances or business.
The championship will be a tournament of trios matches, where team members will share the same nationality; originally or by heritage. All the matches will be scheduled to one fall, except the finals, that will be an elimination trios match.
Immediately after revealing the tournament, The Elite (Young Bucks & Jack Perry) name themselves the representatives of Team USA! Just to be interrupted by the BCC, disagreeing with that. Yuta, Mox and Danielson want a piece of that, so they’ll face next Collision to represent Team USA.
Meanwhile, other wrestlers come together preparing their teams to represent their nations in the Trios tournament, that’ll start after All Out. Some join together fast, others have matches to determine who’s joining the team. Tournament finals will be held at Wrestledream.
TEAM ENGLAND: Kip Sabian defeats Anthony Ogogo to join Team England (PAC, Kip Sabian & Will Ospreay)
TEAM EUROPE: Miro defeats Nick Comoroto (Miro, Claudio Castagnoli & Malakai Black).
TEAM JAPAN: Konosuke Takeshita defeats Minoru Suzuki (NJPW loan) (Takeshita, Okada & Shibata).
TEAM AUSTRALIA: Kyle Fletcher, Mark Davis & Buddy Matthews.
TEAM PUERTO RICO: Ortiz, Serpentico & Eddie Kingston.
TEAM MEXICO: Rey Fenix, Penta el Zero M & Komander defeat Rush, Dralístico & Beast Mortos to represent Team Mexico.
However, Rush convinces Penta that he’s a best wrestler than Komander, and what really matters is to have the best team possible to represent Mexico, so he gives him a chance to prove himself in a one on one against Komander.
Rush defeats Komander to join Team Mexico (Rey Fenix, Penta el Zero M & Rush).
TEAM CANADA: Christian recruits Angelo Parker and Matt Menard not because he believes in them or loves Canada, but because he wants to win everything because he’s the best. However, they lose a trios match against Top Flight w/Andretti. He beats them down, but comes Adam Copeland for the rescue! They join them to represent Team Canada. They now win a preparation match against Premier Athletes.
But Christian has an ace under the sleeve: he wants to recruit Adam Copeland! Put their differences aside and tag again… with a third member. Someone that’s back into action. KENNY OMEGA!Angelo Parker and Matt Menard aren’t happy about this, so they protest. They also have someone under their sleeve, an old friend: Chris Jericho!
Adam Copeland, Christian & Kenny Omega defeat Angelo Parker, Matt Menard and Chris Jericho to represent TEAM CANADA!
TEAM USA: BCC (Moxley, Yuta & Danielson) defeats The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson & Jack Perry).
However, the Unified Trios champions have something to say about this trios tournament. Yeah, Jay White might be a kiwi (and proud), but the other three members of the Bang Bang Gang also want to represent the USA, and have the right to do that. BCC accepts the challenge.
Jay White defeats Bryan Danielson in a match to heat the feud up.
BBG (Juice Robinson, Colten Gunn & Austin Gun) defeat the BCC (Moxley, Yuta & Danielson) with a Jay White interference.
The Bang Bang Gang will represent TEAM USA!
Team Mexico defeats Team USA with Penta pinning Colten Gunn. Jay White was banned from ringside.
Team Canada defeats Team Puerto Rico with Christian pinning Serpentico (he blind tagged himself in when Kenny already hit the One Winged Angel on Serpentico).
Team Mexico defeats Team Canada in a shocker! Rush rolls over Christian when he was arguing with his team mates. There’s been bad blood between then through all the tournament and that costs them the elimination.
Team Japan defeats Team Australia: Takeshita pins Mark Davis.
Team England defeats Team Europe: Will Ospreay pins Claudio Castagnoli after a Hidden Blade.
Team Japan defeats Team England after Don Callis betrays Will Ospreay to push Takeshita to the Finals! Takeshita pins Kip Sabian while Ospreay is knocked down after Don Callis hit him with a screwdriver.
The bronze medal goes to Team England when Ospreay hits the Hidden Blade on Omega and pins him.
Teams walk down the ramps waving the flag of their countries and with their anthems on the music. The match starts!
Penta pins Katsuyori Shibata 15 minutes into the match.
Takeshita pins Rey Fenix 19 minutes into the match.
Okada pins Penta el Zero M 22 minutes into the match.
Rush pins Takeshita 28 minutes into the match.
Okada suffers an injury in ringside and the match is about to be stopped, but he fights his way into the ring to continue. Despite his injury he pulls an impressive effort, just like Rush wrestling a 1v2 for almost 20 minutes! Rush seems done for, but a masked man attacks Okada. It's MJF! He remembers his feud with Rush where the mexican earned his respect, and MJF is now feuding with Okada! Rush takes advantage of the situation and scores the win!
Rush pins Okada in a 35 minutes epic elimination match!
submitted by GerardoDeLaRiva to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 rioja_king “You will end up being a cat lady!” As though that’s a threat

When women make there standards known online, men will say “you will end up alone” “ you’ll be a cat lady” etc.
The thing is great men do exist, but being single is better than being with a man who isn’t good enough. These men would rather threaten us than learn to be better. This baffles me.
I’m a professional living alone with my new kitten and another kitten soon, for the past 4 weeks, I’m the happiest I’ve been in my adult life. All my happiness has come from my career and my cat(s), not from dating men.
Men should stop threatening women with being alone and with cats and start being threatened by it
submitted by rioja_king to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:59 Nzidk123 Help pls pls pls

I’m 16 years old, I didn’t have the worst childhood I guess, my dad was a junkie who couldn’t control his anger, in and out of jail and my mum had me young so she never really stopped being a teenager, just your average nz lifestyle yk, I’m the middle child so I’ve always thought of myself as the black sheep, my older sisters the high achiever, good at everything, and my youngest sister is my mums baby, her darling. My mums always refused to see it but I think deep down she knows. She was a single mum with 3 jobs so I always tried to go easy on her, and help her out, and understand where she was coming from when she got mad but she continuesly used me as her punching bag, a few years ago, when I was about 12 I think, things started getting bad with my mum, she was always angry at me, she’d find any reason to scream at me and I couldn’t take it so I started cutting myself, stupid reason I know but I was young and stupid, and now that I think of it, when my mum called me an attention seeker, she was right, I started smoking weed and getting in trouble, stealing cars, stealing meat and selling it to drug dealers, stealing clothes because my mum could only seem to afford things for my sisters and herself, running away from home standing people over for there things, I was just a small skinny pale skin girl that was always getting picked on, I wanted people to fear me, and it worked, I wanted to be around people that where like me, that had been through the things I’d been through, people I could fit in with that would be there for me like a family should, instead I got mixed in with people who saw how easily I could be manipulated and they used me, they got me hooked on dope then fucked me over. After all that I was alone, so alone, I started smoking a lot and never left my house, I’d get so angry all the time like I’d be okay one minute then completely loose it, it was like my mind just got so filled with anger that I couldn’t control what I did. I would bash my mum.. I can’t believe I’m admitting to this but my mum would argue with me and provoke me in ways I can’t seem to describe and I tried to handle it and stop myself from touching her but FUCK!!.
I started changing, I got so depressed, I just wanted to smoke all my feelings away and the anger just stopped, I just stopped caring about everything, I stopped being around people and I completely lost myself, I stopped taking care of myself and I started to feel incapable of love, of happiness, recently I’ve been feeling sick, things have been bad at home and I’ve been so stressed out, my body’s been reacting badly to weed, when I smoke my body tightens, my heart pounds and the more I think about it the worse it gets, my left arm goes numb and I forget how to breathe, my mum says I’m just having a panic attack but it feels different, like it’s so scary and it hurts my chest but I don’t know if I’m overreacting, I know I need to quit but it’s so hard, my mums partner is always smoking in the house and no matter how much I tell them I’m tryna quit they keep offering me cones, and when I’m sober my head is so full of thoughts and all the feelings I tried to smoke away comes rushing back and holy shit I can’t take it anymore, I can’t do this shit on my own anymore and holy fuck I am ALWAYS alone.
submitted by Nzidk123 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:59 Front-Translator-168 I (22M) am in 2nd year of college studying biology and i don’t feel proud of my path (TW : self harming, suicide, depression)

The text down below will be very long and i am going to explain my passion for biology during my life and also how i’ve been mentally my whole life.
During the childhood :
Since when was little I always loved Biology. I had books with animals, encyclopedia of animals, books about butterflies (I remember that when I was like 8 or 9 i tried to memorize the latin names of butterflies to search it in google image to look at plenty of pictures of my favorite ones). I always loved plants and spent alot of time watching flowers and collect alot of them. I also had an obsession to classify things such as stones that i found on the ground or nuts that fell from the trees. (When i was a kid i never stopped crying, there wasn’t a week when i didn’t cry during my childhood)
In the secondary :
When i was in the secondary, my passion for science didn’t fade away and when i was 14 in the second year of secondary i could choose more classes between latin, economy/ language and science/math and took science without hesitation. The first year i passed all of my classes without difficulties but when I was in the 3rd year i started to get problems in mathematics and i got my first summer exam. I was so devastaded at this time because i never failed classes before this. My mom took a private teacher to teach me mathematics and i was aweful with him because i kept saying how a piece of shit i was to fail (idk if it’s important to mention but when i was 14 i started to scrathed my harm until bleeding and saying that i was a piece of shit and i kept doing that until y was 18) But despite this i got a 67% on my math exam in the summer. But the next year i have got problems with math again and i hade to make the examn in summer again. I was even more devastated than the previous year. I got the sale private math teacher than the previous year and i said that i was a piece of shit so mich that he got enough and just toke the door and never came back. After this incident i went to a group session with another kids to be helped with math and finally got a 52% in math but i also got bad notes in other science classes such as physics and i was forced to to change the option class for spanish for my two last years of secondary because i quite liked languages (i currently speak 5 languages) and though about being a translator. But with the years i got again good grades in science and math and the last year the grades in science were brilliant (with 18/20, 16/20) and decided to finally go to study biology in college instead of spanish/english (also to mention that i got problems with drinking during two months by going to my room and drink while crying when my parents haven’t come home yet).
During the college :
First year (2020-2021) :
My first year of college started when the covid was there so my classes were mostly online.
It was difficult to me to stay focused and motivaded to intend classes. I woke up at 12 AM and just watched the replays of the classes to raje notes. The first session of exams in january was a huge disaster because i failed all of my exams. I think i cried nearly a week after every note publication because i never failed that much. But i tried to stay positive after that and kept learning with a bit more of motivations. But 2 months later in march my sister killed herself and devastated me completely, i was unable to attend classes and unable to attend my practice work in laboratory. 2 weeks after the incident i tried to catch up my missed classes but endend with 20 missed classes. I tried to take notes of the missed classes but when i finished one replay there was another one that was made by another teacher so it was endless. When i finished to taje all the notes the summer exams began and obviously failed all of them. So my first year i passed zero classes.
The second first year (2021-2022):
Obviously i have to make my first year again to pass my classes because i passed zero classes. The covid calmed down and i was able to go to class physically and helped me alot to stay more focused because i felt forced to attend classes physically instead of staying 24/7 at home. The year was tough and i only passed the half of classes (i passed all of biology classes and i got a 18/20 in biology of organisms and chemistry but failed math and physics ) that i had to pass so again another fail and felt so dissapointes of myself again.
The third first year (2022-2023):
This third first year i forced myself to only attend the second half failed classes to be sure that i would pass them (also for my mental health to avoid a burnout) so i got a year with just the second half classes to pass. Obviously i passed all of those classes because i had alot of time to study them (i got a 17/20 in physics and 15/20 in math). Despite those notes i didn’t feel proud of myself because i just got those notes because i had a whole year to study just those classes but finally i passed al the classes to attempt all the classes from the second year programm.
And yet another problem in my life : my parents got divorced partially because of the death of my sister and sold the house where i lived since i was 6. Also i began to take antidepressives since september 2023
The second year (2023-2024) :
This year i came back to a full normal year with all the classes from the second year programm. I forgot how difficult was to attempt all of those classes and it was difficult to come back to this rythm. Also thos year i got alot of laboratory works such as sequencing a whole genome from a bacteria that we isolated and put in culture in a Petri’s box (i really enjoyed this work despite average note of 10/20) and i only passed half of my exams of january because of the lack of time to study all the exams and i also had a presentation to make about bacterias that grew in a Winogradasky coloms in the middle of ly exam session but i tried to stay positive for the exams of june.
And here we are in june and i spent a whole month to study for a zoology exam that was considerated as a really hard exam because the teacher likes to ask tough questions such as compare the evolution of bones form two different groups of animals and what are the funcion of them and why did they envolve like that,… And i failed this exam with a 8/20 despite learning for this exam a whole month and i feel again dissapointed because i left two exams for the summer vacations for this exam and now i have to make the zoology exam in summer. Also because of this exam i don’t have enough time to learn correctly for the others exams and i fear that i will have to make them also in summer (knowing that i already have 6 exams to make in summer)
Now i don’t know what to do and i just feel so dumb to not be smart enough in science despite the fact that i always loved science since i was a kid. There are litteraly not other studies that interest me beside biology. I love biochemistry and i would line to make a carreer in this subjet but i just feel so dumb knowing that in my year there is a 19 year old that studies at the sale time bioingeneering and there is another student that already discovered a frog that has never been described before and also co-wrote a scientific paper with a scientist
I just wanted to know if someone had a similar path as mine in college and got a brilliant carreer in science
submitted by Front-Translator-168 to college [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:59 famedmae Type me based on the PhantomWithin's questionnaire

L (logic)

* How much time and energy do you spend researching or studying? Do you like researching and studying, and why?
I tend to spend a lot of time studying. Any dead time I experience is usually spent reading whatever I find interesting. I generally like learning just to learn. I don’t necessarily need an end goal. The act of studying is simply enjoyable. Though, I do want to acquire as much knowledge as possible as well. There are nights I’ve stayed up studying math and physics, at times when I have had no practical use for either subject, simply for fun. Though, I suppose part of why I do things like that, is because I generally dislike the idea of other people being superior to me in any way, shape or form (slight exaggeration). I don’t like knowing that someone knows something that I don’t.
* How many of your own opinions do you form? How often do you do actual thinking on your own, more than just finding an existing answer?
I do tend to form my own conclusions about things. I generally don’t believe my conclusions to necessarily be the truth, but I do try to draw connections between everything, and reason out stuff on my own. I suppose my reddit comment history could be relevant here. How embarrassing. I tend to use my reasoning to fill the gaps in my knowledge when necessary, which can have the effect of making me look more knowledgeable than I really am in conversation. I am generally open to other people’s points of views, but I don’t rely on other people’s reasoning or statements, per se. Stuff generally needs to make logical sense to me before I’m able to draw any conclusions. I do also enjoy exploring theoretical matters in dialogue, for various reasons. One would be that other people’s thoughts and responses can spark my own creativity, leading me to understand subjects more thoroughly. There’s also the fact that some people are more knowledgeable in certain subjects than I am. I also just enjoy talking to people. I love seeing people reason. Highly entertaining.
* How often do you talk about concepts or facts? Why exactly do you talk about it, and what do you like talking about most?
Seems I’ve already answered this to an extent. I do like sharing my thoughts and knowledge with other people. I often spam my friends with long rants about whatever I find interesting in that particular moment, whether that be pottery, resin, weaponry, mathematics, typology, theology or ancient history. When I disagree with someone, I tend to interrogate them with “why” questions endlessly, questioning all their reasoning and making remarks like “if that is true, then what about x”, and such, in hopes of guiding them towards what I believe to correct with their own reasoning. I am curious about other people's beliefs in general. I suppose I often ask my friends questions I already know the answers to, just to enjoy their reasoning. Possibly a bit off-topic, but I believe it to be at least somewhat relevant.
* Do you struggle with thinking about things by yourself? Does this bother you, and how much? How well do you handle criticism from others when it comes to your logical concepts or factual knowledge?
I wouldn’t say I struggle to think about things by myself. I rather enjoy brainstorming, actually. Well, I am more fond of engaging in divergent thinking than I am convergent thinking, although I’m not especially insecure in either kind of thinking. As for how I handle criticism, it really depends. There have been moments where criticism has affected me to a significant extent and made me doubt my abilities. I am usually open to criticism, though.
* Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?
I would say that it is a relatively major part of my identity. The topic wasn’t especially boring. I’m fairly adept at finding enjoyment in most activities. I’ve always enjoyed answering questionnaires and surveys, probably because I’m quite fond of categorizing things. This topic isn’t especially difficult to answer.

E (emotion)

* Do you consider yourself a creative person? What do you do that's creative?
I do consider myself a fairly creative person. I often create stories in my head, generally containing relatively elaborate storylines and power systems. I don’t know the exact amount, but I’ve probably made at least 30 full fledged stories, with a proper beginning, middle and end, and there are hundreds of stories drifting around in my head that I’ve never ended up finishing. Though, I am hesitant about sharing my stories with friends. Ideas generally come naturally to me.
* How do you feel about expressing your own emotions? Are emotions part of your decision-making at all? How much of a role do they play in your decisions?
I can be quite expressive of my emotions around friends. I don’t necessarily dislike the act of showing my emotions, but showcasing negative emotions can make me feel weak. I can be fairly reserved in how I present my emotions around people I’m not hugely familiar with, or in large groups. I would still consider myself to be decently expressive though, and I don’t necessarily mind that. As for my decision making, I’m uh, struggling to properly answer that part of the question. My emotions do affect my decisions, of course, but I don’t know to what extent. I consider myself a fairly emotional person. I definitely weigh certain emotions when making decisions, such as shame and fear, along with excitement, and in social settings, I tend to consider other people’s feelings to a fairly large extent.
* How much effort do you put into creating a positive emotional influence on other people? Do you try to do this at all? Do you like exploring the emotions or creativity of others?
Creating a positive emotional influence on other people isn’t my top priority per se, but I do often tell friends and family I appreciate them, and I’ve gotten into the gotten into the habit of trying to make people feel fulfilled emotionally. I do like caring for others emotionally, but it can feel a bit awkward. I don’t always know what to say when consoling others, but I’ve gotten reasonably comfortable comforting others over time. I am very curious about the minds of others. I try to figure out how other people’s emotions and thought processes work, which can often lead me to spamming others with questions. I don’t particularly care for exploring or manifesting the creativity of others, though.
* Do you feel uncomfortable with the idea of sharing your emotions? Do you struggle with knowing exactly how to connect with others on a deeper and more emotional level? Do you struggle with knowing how to go about dealing with and handling your emotions?
I don’t really mind sharing most of my emotions with close friends. Mostly, anyway. Outside of that, I’m not particularly fond of sharing negative emotions, since that can make me feel vulnerable. I don’t like feeling weak or vulnerable. I don’t believe I necessarily struggle with knowing how to connect with people. I do feel like I can connect with people fairly well, although I’m not sure how apparent it always is. My emotions can be bothersome at times. I suppose I don’t really know the best way of dealing with them yet, but that’ll likely come with time. I should already have enough tools at my disposal. When I’m at my healthiest and happiest, I tend to ignore my emotions, the ones holding me back, at least. That isn’t consistently the case, however. A bit off-topic, but I guess it might also be worth nothing that I have rather high stress levels. I don’t mind doing stressful things, though.
* Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?
I found answering the above questions to be reasonably enjoyable. Definitely wasn’t boring. I noticed that talking about expressing my negative emotions made me feel nauseous, which was interesting to see. I do enjoy observing my reactions. My emotions seem to be connected to my identity. I have strangely strong emotions, and I’ve been reflecting on them a lot as of late. I still feel nauseous, actually. Strangely beautiful. I’ve noticed that my attitude towards my emotions might be a bit inconsistent, I guess? I suddenly feel a lot more comfortable sharing my emotions. I suppose insecurities can be overcome.

F (physics / foundation)

* How much time and energy do you put into your physical health? Do you try new healthcare or self-care products often? How often, and what kinds of products do you like trying?
I’m not sure I would call my health a top priority, but I do consistently go to the gym, and I am very particular about wearing sunscreen whenever I go out in the sun. I don’t go out of my way to try new healthcare products. I use moisturizer and sunscreen, and that’s about it.
* How much do you care about your physical appearance, including fashion choices, or decorating the physical environment for comfort? Do you like exploring the physical environment (food, nature, architecture, etc), or doing physical activity?
I do care about my physical appearance, and I can feel insecure if I feel I look bad. I am generally pretty confident in my appearance, though I don’t really do much regarding it. I don’t care much about fashion or physical decoration. I do consider it very interesting to explore new places and environments. I’m a bit too curious in general, leading me to dejectedly mourn the fact that trespassing laws exis- uh. Anyway, I generally just want to explore the world as much as possible. Don’t have any particular opinions about food or physical activity. I suppose I occasionally admire other people’s sense of fashion.
* Do you like talking about your personal tastes often? How often do you explore the personal tastes of others? What about your own health or the health of others? Do you like creating or exploring comfortable environments with others?
Personal tastes? Nothing in particular that comes to mind at the moment. I suppose I’m a bit of an art connoisseur. I don’t really pay attention to my health very much. I do care about my skin health, and I don’t want to get wrinkles, but beyond superficial stuff like that, I don’t really care. Well actually, I do care about my physical strength. I want to be competent, and so I don’t want others to be stronger or faster than me. I pay attention to my hygiene and others’ hygiene. I’m particular about washing my hands thoroughly, and I maintain that others do so as well. I regularly shower and always apply perfume/deodorant. I don’t really care about creating comfortable environments with others.
* Do you stress about what people will think regarding your personal tastes? Do you prefer to follow fashion trends in worry that people may judge your own style? Do you worry about being sick or in poor physical health often? Are you able to take criticism about your health, aesthetic choices, personal tastes, or physical appearance?
I don’t really care if people judge my personal tastes. I’ve never really been the kind of person to care about following fashion trends. I don’t really mind getting sick, as being sick gives me an opportunity to relax comfortably. My ability to focus is also heightened while sick, for some reason or another, so that’s another perk. I don’t especially care about my health, personal tastes and aesthetic choices being criticized. My appearance I can be a little sensitive about, I suppose. I'm not sure I readily take advice regarding my appearance.
* Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?
Answering questions is fun in general, but this topic wasn’t particularly engaging, compared to the other ones. I don’t really consider my physical choices to be a large part of my identity, and I’m somewhat ambivalent about most things relating to this topic.

V (volition)

* Do you know how to get what you want? How much effort do you put into figuring out how to get what you want? Do you just take action and get started, do you plan, do you research or try to get advice from others?
I usually research before doing anything. I’m a naturally indecisive person, but really, taking action is better than being stuck in analysis paralysis. Taking action can be difficult for me at times, but it’s something that I’m getting better at. I don’t really spend much effort trying to figure out what I want, since I already have a fairly decent idea. I have a rough idea of what I want to make out of my life, and the idea of living it out is fairly exciting. My plans aren't especially precise, however. I have been anxious about whether I’ll be able to fulfill my plans in the past, but I’m not worried about that at the moment. I don’t really take advice from others regarding my life, although, I will occasionally discuss my plans with others, but I generally ignore advice that I don’t agree with.
* How often do you feel motivated to work on your future? How often are you busy working on a goal for the future? Do you prefer routine, or often fall into routine? Is your routine making progress on a goal? What makes you change your routine? What makes you start working on a goal?
My motivation is sporadic. While I have ideas for what to do in the future, I don’t currently have any long-term goals that I actively work towards. My goals are more fluid in nature. I tend to abandon routine when doing something that interests me. As mentioned earlier, I often neglect rest if I’m doing something I’m passionate about. Outside of that, I do appreciate having some semblance of a routine, as it does keep me grounded, I suppose. Competition and a desire not to waste my life are my main motivators to work on goals, along with general enthusiasm, of course.
* Do you like guiding or helping people reach their goals? What kinds of goals do you prefer to help people with? Are you a leader, or do you prefer to work in groups where you're an equal? How and when do you take charge, if ever?
I suppose I do try to motivate others to an extent. There have been moments where I’ve attempted to get my friends to better themselves, take initiative, or to think less pessimistically, but that’s about it. I don’t mind motivating others on occasion, but it isn’t a focus of mine. I generally don’t opt for leadership roles, largely because I dislike the responsibilities attached. I don’t like being bossed around, though. I often take charge when working in smaller groups, and that can be nice.
* Do you overwork yourself? Do you worry that you might be lazy or that you aren't progressing quickly enough? Does it feel impossible to find the right method forward? Are you able to take criticism over your choices for working towards your goals? How do you respond to being challenged?
I experienced burnout a little while ago, and during that period, I did sometimes worry about being “lazy”, to the point where I remember someone calling me lazy in one of my dreams. That has lessened as my mental health has improved. Outside of that, I do dislike “wasting time” and not being productive, although in my case, being productive simply means to use my time decisively and purposefully. I don’t necessarily care very much about what most people associate with productivity. What I personally want to do matters more. It depends, but I will often attempt to prove myself when challenged.
* Did you enjoy answering the above questions? Would you say this is a major part of who you are or your identity? Was it boring? Is it a difficult topic?
It was interesting. It was definitely a little harder to write about than physics was. I do consider volition to be important, and it is definitely something that I relate to my identity. I want to control my own life and live it without other people’s influence, and I want to become more assertive. Talking about volition isn’t particularly stressful, it soothes my heart, actually. Though, the topic has stressed me out some amount before, likely because I was dealing with burnout, though.


* Please share any mental or physical health struggles or diagnoses that may affect your answers or how you interact with the world
Asperger’s syndrome.
* You may also optionally share a rough age range to help clarify your current life circumstances for anyone reading
18-20 years old.
* Let us know anything else about you that might affect your answers or how you interact with the world
I am genuinely curious what I'm expected to write here. My other typology, perhaps? Well, that sounds like it would be more fun for you to reason out on your own, so I shall refrain from mentioning it, for I am a varlet.
submitted by famedmae to attitudinalpsyche [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:59 Apprehensive-Fan708 Not sure what's going on

Will be headed to a neurologist soon and I heard an MRI and a CT is not the same thing? I had a CT in the ER and it showed nothing.
Newcomer: Sutter after cannabis OD
New Comer Here looking to make buddies to talk to for recovery motivation.
Male 19 years old. Used weed for the first time out of a bong my friend gave me and overdosed. I had a derealization, passed out when the medics came and had a panic attack while unconscious. I don't know how bongs worked so my friends gave me too many and I took 3 heavy ones which I about 6 "rips".
I thought I died, saw only white and thought I was paralyzed, so I tried to kill myself by holding my breath. It was soothing thinking I was dying as I saw nothing but I did hear the nurses talk, and then saw myself gain consciousness again and felt disappointed I did not die.
I was given benzodiazepine by the medics. I was fully conscious during the period by was unconscious body wise.
I feel the anxiety and the panic attacks that may come. Right now I am trying to figure out why I have a fuzzy numb feeling in my right side of the head.
I am still stuttering, my speech is bad. I have heard recovery is made after awhile.
While I was high I could not think and felt right side of my head as if something was attached to it. My right eye was dented and at a different angle compared to my left eye. I saw everything out of a box.
I have heard people who experienced what I did recover after 4 years. I wonder if I have created some sort of permanent brain damage or something that may lead to a stroke in the feature. Has anyone experienced this?
It has now been 24 hours but still feeling weird. Entering my second day. On Monday I will find out if I have recovered to a degree.
I feel less alone here. My family is all the way back in the mother country.
I am traumatized. I have seen people die in the ER, I have felt the pain and sadness before death. I do not understand, what the purpose of living is. I did not choose to feel all of this pain. 07/06/24
Update 06/09/24
Hi, right now I am back home, had one panic attack in the plane and two doctors on flight made me feel more safe. I was gasping for air and twitching. That’s gone now. I found out that the stuttering is caused by trauma. I feel as if my brain cuts out during the sentence I am speaking.
Sometimes it feels like my brain is shutting down and getting numb. Reading books exhaust me, I am very tired. Sleeping is hard.
I am kind of dazed and feel confused…sometimes I am scared that my brain will fail on me. Sort of like brain dead ish, exactly like it felt while smoking…never again.
I am looking for a friend group to talk to.
submitted by Apprehensive-Fan708 to stroke [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:58 IamKanon Currently trying to make you miss me, instead, I'm missing you

He hasn't been acting very interest in spending time with me, so I decided not to run after him and just not act eager to talk to him either. I thought that maybe that way he'd miss me, maybe that way he'd come after me and say he wants to talk. However, I'm the one who's missing him.
Saw him on a call on discord 2 hours ago, I wanted to enter, just to hear his voice, but I can't do that, I have to control myself. Both for my own sake, so I'm not dependent on his presence and also because it would break the time I've been away from him and then he might not realise that he misses me, that if he does at all...
I also haven't messaged him in 4 days now, usually when on the 3rd day, he already sends me a message asking if everything's ok, but I got nothing till now. Maybe he just doesn't want to talk to me... But why? Or am I being paranoid with this?
I don't know, all I know is I miss him...
submitted by IamKanon to unrequited_love [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:58 No-Tip-1210 AITA to report if I report my neighbours dog

Hello My neighbour (next door) has a small white dog - whenever I walk past her house or get to my car when they're out at the same time - the dog comes and runs at me and barks so much. My 3 and 2 year olds are so scared of it but my neighbour does nothing. Even if we pass her house on the other side of the road the dog will still come and chase us. She never puts it on a leash and she never even tries to help stop the dog from coming at us. She just opens her front door and lets him run wherever. The dog tries to jump in my car when I put my daughter in her car seat and I have to run so fast to the drivers seat that I've hurt my leg a few times. She never apologies and can't even catch the dog herself to stop it from coming to us.
What the hell do I do???? Contemplating calling the council about this or even the police cause my children are scared to leave the house sometimes when this should be their safe space. The dog has never bitten me or hurt me but it pisses me off so much how he's constantly chasing and barking me and my two toddlers and she does nothing.
Would I be the asshole to report her or to threaten her with it atleast?
submitted by No-Tip-1210 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:58 Correct-Maximum-938 **Title: One-Month Review of the 5-Star E-Bike**

 **Title: One-Month Review of the 5-Star E-Bike**
Save $100 with FCE100
Hey everyone,
I’ve owned my 5-star e-bike for a month now, and I wanted to share my impressions. Here’s what I think so far:
Build Quality and Design: The bike has a robust build and a sleek matte black finish that looks great. The frame feels solid and durable, and the overall design is very appealing.
Performance: The performance of this e-bike is outstanding. It has excellent acceleration and can reach high speeds quickly, which makes it a thrill to ride. Fully unlocked, the bike tops out at about 38 miles per hour. The motor is powerful, comparable to more expensive models like the Suron. The power is similar to a Suron in Eco mode.
Battery Life: The battery life has been impressive, lasting longer than I expected. However, due to the high speeds and my frequent use of throttle mode, I’m considering getting an additional battery to extend my rides even further.
Ride Comfort: The ride is smooth, with minimal vibrations, even on rough terrains. The suspension system does a great job of absorbing shocks, making it comfortable for long rides.
Braking and Handling: I upgraded to four-piston Tektro brakes and changed out the calipers. The original brakes needed to be bled when I got the bike, which significantly improved the braking quality. Now, the braking system is very responsive, providing a sense of security, especially at higher speeds. Handling is precise, and the bike feels stable and easy to control.
Handlebars and Forks: I swapped out the original BMX handlebars for Suron handlebars, which made a big difference in comfort and control. I also upgraded to dual crown forks, which raised the bike by about one and a half inches. Despite the increase, the bike's 17-inch frame feels just right. The upgraded forks are a must-have, as they significantly improve ride quality.
Comparisons: I test drove the Wired Freedom before getting the 5-star, and the difference is like night and day. The 5-star feels like driving a Hummer compared to a light-duty truck. The suspension linkage and frame are much more robust on the 5-star, with no rattles and a very solid feel.
Lights and Tires: For night riding, I added a large seven-inch motorcycle headlight, which is a must. I also upgraded to V-Speedster tires with Tannus Armor inserts, making the ride super quiet and giving it a motorcycle-like feel.
Programmable Features: The display is fully programmable, which is a fantastic feature. You can adjust how hard the throttle comes on, set the top speed, and control the speed per pedal assist level. If you’re moderately pedaling with an average cadence, the bike easily goes 25 miles per hour. You can maintain 25-26 miles per hour at around 650 to 700 watts without getting out of breath.
Hill Performance: The bike performs exceptionally well uphill. It can do 30 miles per hour going up a 20-degree grade, and it accelerates up to that speed smoothly.
Weight and Usage: The bike is heavy and not built for single-track trails, but it excels as a commuter. It’s essentially a light motorcycle, offering the performance and feel of a motorcycle in a more compact form.
Overall Impressions: The 5-star e-bike has exceeded my expectations in terms of performance, build quality, and ride comfort. With these upgrades, it's even more impressive. I’d highly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality e-bike.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to ask any questions!
submitted by Correct-Maximum-938 to u/Correct-Maximum-938 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:57 oe6969 Complex breakup

I have a somewhat complicated breakup.
I was the dumpee (30M) to my wife (40f). She has 2 kids, which I have been the quasi dad for for the past 3 years. We were fighting a lot for the past year over a myriad of issues. Im not sure if the issues are relevant here, so will skip over for now.
She is the only person Ive ever been in love with. I had one serious relationship during/post college, then a period of years where I casually dated people (nothing more than 6 months) and then I met her. We fell in love almost instantly. And she was the only person I have ever felt this way about.
I would say that we "officially" broke up in Mid April (that is when I moved out). I moved about 10 mins away. I see the step kids about 2-3 times a week in the morning. If the ex is home, we normally have sex after I drop them off for school (we'll play sports for 30-45 min normally). The reason that Im currently doing this is that they have basically grown on me as my own children and they do not know that we are split up. They are young (both 9) and think that I am just very busy with work atm and that I have to travel a lot for it.
My ex says things like "Im insanely attracted to you and love you, but Im not in love with you and my life is easier without you right now". It is such a mixed signal that I do not know how to take.
I feel pathetic, but Im willing to wait around for her while she figures things out, even if she ends up not wanting to try again.
We have embryos, are legally still together, split health insurance and still have sex 1-2 times a week (most weeks).
She gets very distant and somewhat mean over text, but instantly melts into my arms when we are around eachother in person.
I have no idea if she is dating around, and even if she is, I would probably take her back.
Im devastated because I feel like Ive lost everything that matters to me. I am financially secure, am in shape and healthy. I am close with my family. I do not have a lot of friends, and my ex and her kids meant everything to me. Some days I am good, and other days Im borderline suicidal (not actually going to do anything, but that is the type of pain I feel). On top of me losing them, I feel like Ive completely lost my identity. I used to be a 30 year old married guy with 2 stepkids, now Im a 30 year old single guy. I want to reiterate again, that my dream was to have a loving family and house which I have completely lost
I guess my question - am I just causing myself more pain by seeing the kids and having sex with her still? I would take her back in a heartbeat. rIght now, she has no interest in taking me back.
I feel like if she was completely done with me she would tell her kids the true story, get rid of the embryos and legally cut ties with me. She hasnt yet, which gives me hope. Also, when we hang out in person, its been almost 100 percent positive since the breakup. All the negativity from her comes when we are apart for some reason. When we are in person, we both feel intense love.
My current plan is to wait it out until roughly November. If nothing has changed by then, Ill probably cut ties for my own sanity. However, I love her so much that I feel like the potential pain this will cause me is worth it if we somehow reconcile.
Has anyone gotten back together with an ex like this? Or am I just giving myself completely false hope?
Some other notes: she was in treatment for bpd. She had 3 therapists and kept cycling through. One of them wanted me to come on (she was woke) after her 4th session for a couples session. She basically berated me the whole time. At one point I mentioned her bpd. The therapist went off on me and said I completely made up that diagnosis. That was a turning point where she was basically permanently mad at me
submitted by oe6969 to marriedredpill [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:57 Humble734 Somehow relapsing in my dream made me release IRL (not a relapse). wtf.

I've been fantastic on nofap for the past 3 weeks. I've had zero desire to look at porn and I have felt very pure. I would say I've been 100% strict with nofap hard mode. No peeks, no slip ups, no entertaining lust, nothing.
Last night I had an intense sexual dream in which I was relapsing to porn (not real life, just in my dream). In my dream I ended up releasing and somehow it made me completely release in real life. It woke me up and I tried to stop it but it was too late. I didn't even do it intentionally or consciously and I don't understand how it happened without any physical stimulation. It was similar to how you use the bathroom in your dream and end up wetting the bed IRL. It felt exactly like that.
I feel like complete crap now because my tank is empty. I have zero energy, feel depressed and have to wait days to weeks to get back to how I was yesterday. This shit is so annoying. Even when I do everything right some BS like this happens. This was the best I've ever done on nofap and stupid shit like this comes and just ruins it.
I'm so freaking tired of what PMO has done to my brain. But I'm just going to keep going. I still don't feel any desire to look at porn and I don't consider this a relapse. Just a very annoying setback that I hope never happens again.
Has this happened to any of you? It wasn't technically a wet dream. It was full release caused by my dream.
submitted by Humble734 to NoFap [link] [comments]