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Who's gonna call?)

2024.06.09 15:42 Axie_The_Axolotl Who's gonna call?)

Who's gonna call?) submitted by Axie_The_Axolotl to mirrorsedge [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:14 DrivingMyLifeAway1 The High and the Mighty - 1954 - SPOILERS

Just finished watching this movie on Amazon Prime and didn’t find any previous posts here with any significant discussion about the content. I’m curious what others think of it, good or bad. I’m going to focus on the bad but others feel free to share what you liked or correct me if I’m out of line with my critical thoughts.
I found it entertaining but also seriously lacking. As you may know, it is considered by many to be the precursor to later airline and other disaster movies, including the comedy Airplane. It does some things well but not enough, in my opinion.
The film starts out with a mild dose of humor as we are introduced to the passengers of the doomed airliner, via a style that I immediately recognized from the tv shows Love Boat and Fantasy Island. We also get the much more serious intro to John Wayne’s character pilot Dan Roman and his losses.
Then as the flight begins from Hawaii to San Francisco, we learn more about the passengers, largely through flashbacks, as more of their stories are told, with some humor and some much more melodramatic, also a precursor to the future airliner disaster movies especially.
But for my purposes I want to focus on the aspects that simply didn’t make sense to me and detracted from what should have been building tension and a feeling of realism which would have made the film better for me. First, while there was later discussion of what was going wrong with the plane and what they needed to do to survive, there were several points where the lack of dialogue among the pilots and navigator seemed unrealistic. Specifically the unexplained vibrations that everyone was feeling but was initially shrugged off. It wasn’t until the stewardess got burned by spilled coffee and told the pilots that they even started to do something to find the cause. They knew there was an oil leak in engine 4 (from the preflight inspection) but that never got mentioned again.
Then, the scene where the passenger with the gun gets up and ends up discharging the gun in the struggle that ensued. Simultaneously, engine one catches on fire and the propeller disintegrates, causing a fuel leak that means they are almost certainly going to have to ditch in the ocean. I had to rewatch the scene four times before I finally concluded that the gunshot had nothing to do with the engine fire and the timing of the two events was purely coincidental!
I’m sorry but that severely damaged the entire credibility of the movie for me because nothing about that made sense to me. A single pistol gunshot seems extremely unlikely to cause an engine to be destroyed but yet that’s exactly how the filmmaker appeared to set it up and lead the audience to believe. But none of the follow through made sense, given that premise. Yes the Swedish (?) passenger took the gun away from the jealous man, but none of the other passengers talked about what had just happened to either clarify that the gun had nothing to do with it or that the guy had nearly or potentially killed them all if the plane crashes. Surely some would believe he was entirely to blame! Or the crew would explain what the facts are and that the gunshot was not the cause. No one even mentions that they have a homicidal man onboard and they all just act like he’s no longer a threat. Even the Swede gives him the gun back when he asks, only to watch him immediately get up with the intention of killing the man he wants to kill in the first place! No one else knows or cares.
This alone ruins any credibility the movie had. But wait, there’s more! After the engine failure, supposedly there are 11 minutes they have to make up to reach San Francisco. And they think they have made it up, until the navigator realizes he made a terrible mistake and got confused about miles vs nautical miles. But then shortly afterwards 11 minutes becomes the magic number again. The only hinted at explanation that is given for how they made this time up is that they flew slightly slower and lower to conserve fuel. If that’s true, why weren’t they doing that earlier? Instead they throw luggage overboard but never discussed whether that helped or not. Apparently it did!
Finally, most of the final scene is ludicrous, with the exception of Dan Roman walking off at the very end whistling the memorable theme, which was perfect. My criticism is of the lack of seriousness concerning the multiple engine fires and fuel leaks. Yeah, the press is there but the passengers disembark as though everything was normal, except for the rush to avoid the press and see loved ones. No emergency procedures. No cautions from the crew, just sauntering down the steps. The PR guy is smoking a cigar! I honestly don’t know what would have been procedure in the 50s for a near disaster. But certainly medical personnel would have been on hand to evaluate any possible injuries, information would have been written down about reimbursement for the luggage, follow up by the FAA, or SOMETHING. And the crew all just says good night and walks away like it was just another flight. Even if formal inquiries were not done in the 1950s, I still can’t imagine they wouldn’t have wanted to talk about what they just survived amongst themselves, even if briefly. Not to mention that the attempted murderer is allowed to disembark normally too!
Also I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the slap scene that obviously plays into the 1980 Airplane. It wasn’t believable in 1954 but gives an antecedent to the hilarious scene in Airplane. Wayne really wasn’t that heroic. He just had to be the voice of reason and calmness in the midst of Robert Stack’s meltdown as the lead pilot.
The movie was too long and 20 or more minutes could have easily been cut. Even drawn out, I was mostly entertained, despite my criticism, and enjoyed seeing where disaster films began.
submitted by DrivingMyLifeAway1 to iwatchedanoldmovie [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:12 Regular_Jimmy LAMB tonight featuring Hollywood's Sabrina Wu!

Also, check out these awesome gifts we give away:
Canada & America’s top, best & funniest comics prepared their best 10-minute sets just for you! Save the date!
Sabrina Wu (Netflix, Joy Ride)
Alan Shane Lewis (The Great Canadian Baking Show, Winnipeg comedy festival)
Rebecca Reeds (Just for Laughs, Winnipeg comedy festival)
Jordan Foisy (Just for Laughs, This hour has 22 minutes)
Dan Curtis Thompson (JFL 42)
Rachelle Lauzon (Winnipeg comedy festival)
Hosted by Andie Hong (Toronto Sketchfest, Toronto Fringe Festival, Don Valley Girls, The Corner comedy club)
ticket here:
Laugh at Me, Baby Comedy Bar
submitted by Regular_Jimmy to Torontoevents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:40 samacora Official - Weekend Free Chat Thread

Good Morning Patriots
Free place to chat and a good place to discuss whatever you like with other sub users

2024 Opponents Set.


Patriots front office tracker


Meet New England’s 2024 Rookie Class.

Patriots updated depth chart


New England Patriots News Catchup Links -Will Pats be all right at left tackle?

submitted by samacora to Patriots [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:58 NoCharacterLmt Context on Olympias' Snake/Dionysus Connection

This is going to discuss an aspect of the most recent episode of HH so if you haven't listened yet and don't want anything spoiled don't read on.
I too have a podcast (a side project that I do in my spare time, very small still but take pride in the quality of info I share) and I'm currently doing research on my next topic which is all centered around some Greek mythology. And it's brought me down several rabbit holes written by well respected academics on the meaning of snakes and Dionysus in the ancient Greek world that most people tend not to understand.
Naturally when Dan Carlin touched on this I was excited. He hedged his bets by saying how creepy it would be to have been married to a woman who was into snakes but that he understands not to impose his modern values to these ancient times. He describes multiple times throughout the episode where the snake and Dionysus were key to both Alexander's mother and Alexander. As usual he picked some great quotes especially around the conception of Alexander and Philip spying on her with a snake. The artwork for the episode even captures this moment. This is also the moment where he beautifully explains how this lore is what makes ancient history so fascinating.
The serpent has deep connections in pre-classical Greek near east religions. Dan will likely discuss this in his upcoming episodes on Alexander but Alexander changed the entire makeup of the world during his reign. The 4th century BC was incredibly disruptive due to Alexander's conquests but the entire region had been in a state of flux arguably since the fall of Assyria and the rise of the Median Empire in the 7th century BC. The Assyrians followed by the Medians and Persians did all of ground work in creating a centralized empire for Alexander to conquer. Through these disruptive centuries Egypt, Lydia, Babylon, and others were subsumed into an increasingly growing block of power whose keys would be handed over to anyone who could defeat the leader. The Medes took the keys from the Assyrians, the Persians took the keys from the Medes, and Alexander took the keys of this power bloc from the Persians before it was divvied up among his generals and once again becoming more regional. I bring all of this up because this changed beliefs in worship a lot! A lot of old ideas disappeared forever during this disruptive time.
One of the beliefs that was almost lost was the concept of the Earth Mother as THE most powerful god. Yes, she does have her role in Greek mythology as a vindictive wife and mother who just wants all of her children to live freely in revised Greek mythology but there is still a lot of evidence uncovered that this was the primary deity to worship all around the region going back into the mists of time. The Earth mother was often symbolized by a serpent and this symbolism was fairly ubiquitous before the age of Alexander. Aspects of her are embedded across all the Greek female deities but particularly Demeter, Persephone, and Artemis, all of whom have rituals and worship related the Earth. Demeter's Eleusinian mysteries were the most practiced mysteries in the ancient world. Another set of rituals known as Thesmophoria had sacred pits of snakes being fed pig parts relating to the story of Persephone's disappearance into the underworld. Artemis' Temple was actually larger than Apollo's. The destruction of her temple seems to coincide with a rewriting of religion with masculine sky deities in power over feminine Earth ones. There is even good reason to believe the early tragedian greats helped cement this new mindset in the public eye and to move away from feminine cthonic worship.
The snake was the most potent symbol of feminine Earth power. It likely has origins in its connection with the ocean and chaos symbolized by the leviathan but ultimately coming to represent cthonic worship and oracular foresight. It is no coincidence that Apollo had to tame Python, a serpent, in order to gain power over the oracular visions, something even the post-Alexander world recognized was first in the hands of Gaea. The Oracle at Delphi was always female as well. Similarly Zeus only comes into power by the help of a series of female deities including Gaea, Rhea, Metis, and Themis. There are also many connections to Greek goddesses of the Anatolian mother goddess Cybele.
Dionysus has connections as well because like Persephone he travels to the underworld and returns (in one version of his stories he is shredded by the titans and resurrected thanks to Athena). Dionysus' cult even had enough power to move into and control Delphi for part of the year where Dionysus' tomb was to be found within Apollo's temple on Delphi. This tomb symbolized the Megara, or sacred underground pit, that are found all throughout the region including inside the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. It was always in these types of places that oracles practiced and the most sacred rituals performed. While this transformation didn't fully allow for the old feminine Earth worship Dionysus played a key role in helping move towards the newer traditions and may be why he even takes on a feminine form at times.
What this all may have to do with Olympias is that Plutarch may have been associating her with the dangers of feminine power or the old ways of cthonic worship that were changing around this time. Dan did a good job of associating these older beliefs with modern ideas of witches or druids who practice forms of earth worship. These beliefs are often looked down at as primitive compared to the Abrahamic sky god the is more popular today.
I have a lot more to say on all of this but like I said I'm doing a whole series related to this but thought this would all be fun context to share in light of the episode.
submitted by NoCharacterLmt to dancarlin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:31 aotato Aita for pushing my brother out of my life?

I 20 m have an older brother 24m. I'll call him Dan for now. Dan and I never really got along well. When we were kids he would often go upto everyone and talk smack about me, and ostracize me from all the kids in my community. Even my cousins and everything. He became my biggest bully in high school, and since he was always horrible to me I always put up many walls to keep him at a distance, but my mother always told him everything that was going on with me to make him feel included because she hates the idea of us not being a picture perfect family or whatever. The last time Dan came back home he got super angry (he couldn't find the TV remote, and then I walked past him nd he bumped my shoulder, so I was petty nd i did the same back to him), and turns out he s picked up a habit of getting physical when he gets angry. Anyways my dad held me back cos my dad is big on "respect Ur elders" and other crap . After that I just got more distant from my entire family, until my mother started getting really sick because I wouldn't talk to her for days, so I patched things up.
But now my mother Nd my sister keep trying to force me to talk to my brother more and have a better relationship with him but I just don't want to? He's a psycho with anger issues who gets a kick out of tormenting me. But they keep saying that he s changed. Yeah mom he's gotten worse .
He s been trying to send me insta reels and stuff to try to get closer but I usually just ignore them. This morning I woke up from this dream where I was in my past back when I'm 6 and my brother is picking on me with like 10 of his friends. This set of this jolt of PTSD in me, and I blocked him from insta. I'm in a different country now so he doesn't rlly have any way of contacting me.
It's been a couple hours, but I do have a slight tinge of guilt because he's been trying really hard and I keep shutting him out. Aitah?
submitted by aotato to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:14 d0or-tabl3-w1ndoWz_9 Israel is a fake country

Twitter post by Caitlin Johnstone
"Everything about Israel is fake. It’s a completely synthetic nation created without any regard for the organic sociopolitical movements of the land and its people, slapped rootless atop an ancient pre-existing civilization with deep roots. That’s why it cannot exist without being artificially propped up by nonstop propaganda, lobbying, online influence operations, and mass military violence.
Israel is so fake that its far right minister of national security Itamar Ben-Gvir has been stoking religious tensions by encouraging militant Zionists to pray on the Temple Mount — known to Muslims as Al-Aqsa. This is an illustration of how phony Israel and its political ideology are because Jews were historically prohibited from praying at the Temple Mount under Jewish law; a sign placed there in 1967 and still upheld by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate reads, “According to Torah Law, entering the Temple Mount area is strictly forbidden due to the holiness of the site.” It’s just this weird, evangelical Christian-like thing that Zionists have started doing in contravention of their own traditions and religious texts to advance their nationalist agendas.
Journalist Dan Cohen explains on Twitter:
“ ‘Prayer’ on the Temple Mount is 100% a Zionist invention in total contravention of Jewish law. Jews don’t step foot onto the Temple Mount, let alone 'pray' there. That’s why the sign below is posted at the entrance non-Muslims use.
“Ben Gvir publicly announced this in order to provoke a reaction to use as a pretext to restrict and expel Muslims from the site, explode Jerusalem and the West Bank, and expand the regional war.
“Ben Gvir holds Netanyahu hostage. Together, they’re leading Israel to self-destruction.”
There’s no authentic spirituality in such behavior. It has no roots. No depth. No connection. It’s the product of busy minds with modern agendas, with nothing more to it than that.
Israel is so fake that Zionists artificially resurrected a dead language in order for its people to have a common “native” tongue for them to speak, so that they could all LARP as indigenous middle easterners together in their phony, synthetic country.
Israel has no real culture of its own; it’s all a mixture of organic Jewish culture brought in from other parts of the world by the Jewish diaspora, culture that was stolen from Palestinians (see “Israeli food”), and the culture of indoctrinated genocidal hatred that is interwoven with the fabric of modern Zionism. The way Israel has become a Mecca of electronic dance music points clearly to an aching cultural void that its people are trying desperately to fill with empty synthetic pop fluff.
Even international support for Israel is fake, manufactured astroturf that has to be enforced from the top down, because it would never organically occur to anyone that Israel is something that should be supported.
The phenomenally influential Israel lobby is used to push pro-Israel foreign policy in powerful western governments like Washington and London. Just yesterday US Representative Thomas Massie told Tucker Carlson that every Republican in Congress besides himself “has an AIPAC person” assigned to them with whom they are in constant communication, who he describes as functioning “like your babysitter” with regard to lawmaking on the subject of Israel.
The Israel lobby exists with the full consent of the western imperial war machine and its secretive intelligence cartel, because western military support for Israel is also phony and fraudulent. The western empire whose strategic interests directly benefit from violence and radicalism in the middle east pretends it’s constantly expanding its military presence in the region in order to promote stability and protect an important ally, but in reality this military presence simply allows for greater control over crucial resource-rich territories whose populations would otherwise unite to form a powerful bloc acting in their own interests. The Israel lobby is a self-funding consent manufacturer which helps the empire do what it already wants to do.
Support for Israel in the media is also phony and imposed from the top down. Since October outlets like The New York Times, CNN and CBC have been finding themselves fighting off scandals due to staff leaks about demands from their executives that they slant their Gaza coverage to benefit the information interests of Israel. Briahna Joy Gray was just fired by The Hill for being critical of Israel as co-host of the show “Rising”, a fate that all mass media employees understand they will share if they are insufficiently supportive of the empire’s favorite ethnostate.
Israel’s support from celebrities is similarly forced. A newly leaked email from influential Hollywood marketing and branding guru Ashlee Margolis instructs her firm’s employees to “pause on working with any celebrity or influencer or tastemaker posting against Israel.” As we discussed recently, celebrities are also naturally disincentivized from criticizing any aspect of the western empire by the fact that their status is dependent on wealthy people whose wealth is premised upon the imperial status quo.
Support for Israel on social media is likewise notoriously phony. For years Israel has been pioneering the use of social media trolls to swarm Israel’s critics and promote agendas like undermining the BDS movement. After the beginning of the Gaza onslaught Israel spent millions on PR spin via advertising on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, and The New York Times has just confirmed earlier reports that Israel has been targeting US lawmakers with fake social media accounts to influence their policymaking on Israel.
In truth, nobody really organically supports Israel. If they’re not supporting it because their lobbyists and employers told them to, they’re supporting it because that’s what they were told to support by the leaders of their dopey political ideologies like Zionism, liberalism and conservatism, or by the leaders of their dopey religions like Christian fundamentalism. It’s always something that’s pushed on people from the top down, rather than arising from within themselves due to their own natural interests and ideals.
Israel is not a country, it’s like a fake movie set version of a country. A movie set where the set pieces won’t even stand up on their own, so people are always running around in a constant state of construction trying to prop things up and nail things down, and scrambling to pick up things that are falling over, and rotating the set pieces so that they look like real buildings in front of the camera. Without this constant hustle and bustle of propagandizing, lobbying, online influence ops, and nonstop mass military violence, the whole movie set would fall over, and people would see all the film crew members and actors and cameras for what they are.
Clearly, no part of this is sustainable. Clearly, something’s going to have to give. Those set pieces are going to come toppling down sooner or later; it’s just a question of when, and of how high the pile of human corpses needs to be before it happens."
submitted by d0or-tabl3-w1ndoWz_9 to LFarchives [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:33 stfjs20 Stormers season retrospective

To say the Stormers have been disappointing this season would be an understatement. Inconsistency, injuries in key positions and some silly play has led us out of the URC in the 1/4s completing our slow backward slide over the last two seasons. So what have we learned from the Stormers this season and how can improve?
All of the above come from a position of complete love for this team. But love also means some introspection needs to happen at times. You can now eviscerate my views.
submitted by stfjs20 to rugbyunion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:03 BabyGirl06301 OPINIONS ON BLAIR AND DAN

I just finished GG for the first time and was just curious if anyone else was as disappointed as I was that Dair was written the way they were (keep in mind, I'm one of those people who essentially rejects Dan as GG). The whole series was, of course, a display of how the UES can be more toxic and insane than those around them, so I understand there'd be some form of ridiculous drama injected into the Dair relationship to keep the tone consistent with so many of the other pairings (not that there are no healthy pairings in the series, but so many of them aren't or are filled with constant fighting), but considering it's a CW show, I wish Dair had been written with a lighter tone.
I mean, they were for a while--which I loved because Penn and Leighton made their dynamic feel like a rom-com--but I feel like it was evident that the plan with Dair quickly became to show that Dan wasn't right for Blair, though Chuck somehow was, and that all of Blair's development was just her being lost because the real her is just like Chuck. Essentially, it's the canon of Dair that I don't like because it feels like wasted potential, especially since the CW was obviously going to forego a more realistic (i.e. depressing) ending in favor of HEA. Instead of having Blair get back with Chuck--an arc which stunted both of their personal growth imo--why not have Blair and Dan grow together to become people who care more about the love they have around them than the status they have in the UES.
Obviously, the answer is that many people wouldn't find that interesting, but I don't know why at least the last few episodes couldn't have been dedicated to taking these characters who have been through and done so many crazy things and instead grounding them so the page on their story can be firmly closed. To me, Dair in S4B was set up to be a pairing that could've had this effect--grounding both characters so it's clear to see how they'd matured and found happiness by the end of the series. The same should've happened with all the characters, rather than many of them seeming like they went back to square one in a lot of ways.
Maybe I'm just too focused on wanting Blair and Dan to have been endgame, but I just feel like they had a lot of potential to not only be a beautiful love story but also have incredible individual development. And if you really, really want Dan to be GG, him falling for Blair would've been an interesting reason for him to shut GG down because he no longer finds "getting in" to be all that important. As it was, the vibe I got from the finale was that Dan was a bit of a supervillain, and at least this hypothetical ending would've put him in a more sympathetic light (even if the things GG posted and perpetuated were so bad that GG probably never should've been revealed at all lest it ruin a character, like it did Dan). I didn't like Dan for the longest time, and him falling for Blair was the first time I thought he could be likable, and it was also the first time I ever thought Blair made huge strides toward bettering herself.
Does anyone else have these thoughts about wasted potential with Dair, or are most people okay with Dan and Blair's character change in S6?
submitted by BabyGirl06301 to GossipGirl [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:58 Zealousideal_Crow841 Sharing Pengalaman Menggunakan Starlink

Sharing Pengalaman Menggunakan Starlink
Hi all, disini gw mau sekedar sharing pengalaman gw pakai Starlink selama berberapa hari ini. Keep in mind gw bukan orang yang teknis banget dan jujur gw kurang peduli. This is for all of us end users yang mau taunya dia kenceng/reliable apa gk dibanding pilihan lokal dan customer servicenya seperti apa. And just in case, I decide to dive into daddy Elon's dish thanks to T*lk0m being very shit at my place (even with Fiber Optic, ffs my mobile got single bars) and they also monopolise my area. M*R*public dkk gk bs masuk so I'll go with Mr. Worldwide instead. #KlGkBsKompetisiLuMendingMati. With that tirade out of my head, on to the actual content.
To start off, untuk kondisi testing dan peralatan yang gw pakai seperti berikut:
  1. Macbook Pro M2
  2. Starlink Standard Package
  3. 3 TP Link Wireless Repeater + Router
  4. DNS Cloudfare
  5. Speedtest
Procurement and Billing
Peralatan gw beli langsung dari pihak Starlink. Gw kemarin sempet iseng cari dan ternyata banyak juga yang jual di olshop seperti Tokped dan Shopee.
Well let me tell you DO NOT BUY IT THERE. Di waktu penulisan post ini di official app/web mereka lagi ada diskon 40% sampai tanggal 10 Juni dan saat sudah habis pasti item yang dijual di olshop dinaikin juga harganya. In total I spent Rp. 5,775,000.00,- to purchase the receiver unit + paket standard unlimited usage household + 30 days trial money back guarantee + FREE SHIPPING. Sementara di olshop gw liat-liat biaya bisa masuk +6jt dan itu belum termasuk paket internetnya.
Downside pembelian di web official Starlink adalah mereka hanya menerima CC/Debit yang bisa direct billing (Ada VISA/Mastercardnya).
Total Billing
Setup unit saat sudah datang lumayan gampang. Dia tinggal di assemble terus di pasang di atap + di bor standnya biar gk ketiup angin.
Untuk setup jaringan sendiri nanti bisa di aplikasinya langsung. Setup wifi name + password bisa langsung disitu + cek juga pemakaian saat ini dkk. Dia kyk aplikasi MyTelkomsel/Indihome but much less shit, bloated, and heavy + bisa di access di web. Dari situ tinggal reset aja semua wireless repeater yang dirumah trs sambungin ke jaringan Starlink.
Actual Usage and Speed Tests
After setting up, everything has been very smooth so far. While yes memang kadang ada sedikit slowdown karena cuaca, gw juga liat untuk router yang dari Starlink kurang begitu kuat untuk transmission powernya. Ditambah lagi dia kalau langsung mau connect ke repeater yang gw punya kurang bisa. So terpaksa gw beli router yang di link atas and then gw connect ke repeater yang lain.
On to the actual speeds, gw pake the ol' reliable Speedtest + yang punya Google jg. Here are the results on a relatively cloudy sky agak mendung dikit, youtube is playing in the background, and my brother is playing Dota 2 upstairs.
Even with all this, I think I have a better way to measure its performace that is relevant to day-to-day use.
Streaming of CornHub content is also a lot more stable compared to local alternatives
Steam Download
TLDR : Yeah its pretty good especially when di tempat gw T*lk0m 1 bar EVEN THOUGH I LIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY AND THE TRANSMISSION TOWER IS VERY CLOSE. I'll update with more details as it comes up in edits. Until then see you at the end of month for my final 30-days overview.
submitted by Zealousideal_Crow841 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:18 Pleasant-Chipmunk-83 "Slow the roll" of cheap tumblers

One of the big issues with the cheap entry level tumblers (Dan & Darci, National Geographic, etc.) is that they tumble WAY too fast. In the video, I have an adjustable power supply that can be purchased on Ebay or Amazon. The terminal it came with fit this tumbler perfectly and the polarity matched as well. If your unit takes 12V with a center positive plug polarity, this thing should work right out of the box. It does come with many adapters that should cover other plug types if necessary.
I started with the supply voltage at 12V, which is what the tumbler came with. As you can see, it tumbles incredibly fast - even on the slowest setting. This results in cracked rocks and poor results in general.
With the voltage adjusted down to 7V, the tumbling speed is very reasonable - fairly close to what I would expect from a professional unit. The digital circuitry and the motor are unaffected by the lower voltage. I haven't felt any sign of the motor running abnormally warm, and the timer seems as accurate as it was at 12V.
If you have one of these entry level tumblers, don't toss it! This adjustable power supply will give you lots of control, which will help tremendously with softer or more brittle rock. I had a batch of fluorite that had a few pieces come out entirely free of cracks! I just dialed the voltage down to about 6.5V and gave it an extra day to tumble in each stage.
submitted by Pleasant-Chipmunk-83 to RockTumbling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:56 Kittylovrrr Kevin Leonardo is from Glendora…

I was watching the most recent episode of the podcast when Dan gave a traffic report on the 210 in Glendora Ethan responded, and I quote “nobody even lives in Glendora” this is an abject lie to which I as a Glendoran must set straight not only am I and tens of thousands of others from Glendora but also Ethan himself has had close contact with a Glendoran you may know, that being Kevin Leonardo, the nair guy. I rest my case
submitted by Kittylovrrr to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:47 ryansmith0123456789 BBUS Winner Ranking (No Season 1 Obviously) Please Sound Off with Thoughts 😀

Plan to make an updated one after rewatching all seasons again
Criteria: Agency, - Clear Intricacy to Game - Repeatability to Prove Skill not Luck Circumstances - Social, Strategic and Comp Abilities - Production Integrity (how much proven interference)
S-Tier (Best of the Best, Could Do It Again)
  1. Dan BB10 (the magic man himself, Dan stands out because of how different it is to the previous three. Far from the clean run throughs like the previous three, Dan faces legitimate adversity almost instantly with his number one ally imploding and suspected number two completely throwing him to the wolves. He recovers from this by proving his unwavering loyalty to the top dogs and mastering the art of threat level in ways that no one else rly had before. When the exact time comes, Dan flips the power structure of the house on its head and somehow manages to make amends with all of his enemies he makes from this to dominate the jury questioning and win in the first clean sweep vote in the shows history. The only thing left was whether or not he could do it again… until he was sitting in the final two chairs four years later that is…
  2. Derrick BB16 (the catalyst behind Cody’s success was ultimately derricks in BB16, one of the very best pure games ever played and never truly faced danger. Had literally everybody believing he was on their side throughout. The question of the repeatability may be warranted because of how big of a name Derrick is to casuals, but we essentially saw the strategy play out again thru Cody 6 years later. All time great at every aspect of the game…
  3. Cody BB22 (Up there with Paul for absolute best strangle holds on a season, while people say pregaming, this always happens in returner szns and literally everyone else could have accessed this as well. One of the very best comp threats ever and just 2nd unanimous winner at the time. Factor in his 2nd place finish and he’s proven he can do it multiple times, matter of fact, that 2nd place finish is the catalyst for this only being 3…
  4. Andy BB15 (In a season with so many big personalities and game players, Andy perfected the floater rat strategy and dominated the end game against the remainder of his alliance. When there are literally montages of everyone believing that they are safe when you win HOH, it’s safe to say you have a shit ton of control and social capital. Best part is much like Drew, I could almost guarantee he could do it again. Some knock for being too passive, but I still believe it’s one of the very best winner games.
A-Tier (Great, Replicable Games without Question)
  1. Will BB2 (may take some heat for this as well, but I see wills BB2 game as somewhat overrated, he actively ostracizes himself early on and continues to antagonize people thru out. Still, this is recognized as the pioneer game and he more than proved he could do it again with an even better BB7 performance)
  2. Drew BB5 (very similar to the game Hayden played but with the opposite outlook, rather than having a showmance at the start and flipping to the four man alliance, Drew takes the opposite route as he excellently pivots to Diane and the twins after riding high with the horsemen thru the first few weeks of power. Before ultimately cutting her for the easier win, not to mention him being picked for the veto every single time in jury solidifying one of the very best social games and most underrated winning games ever.
  3. Hayden BB12 (the ace of the brigade, Hayden works seamlessly thru the game with very little trouble. He works incredibly well in all three major facets of the game and does it using the strategy used so often in modern BB with the plus one. Two things for me place him below the next winner, one being his showmance actively somewhat putting a target on his back, two being his alliance doing so much work that I wonder how he works without them, great player nonetheless.
  4. Nicole BB18 (One of the more underrated games of all time in my opinion, actively positions herself behind the biggest threats aka the men of that szn and aligns herself extremely well rly from start to finish, on top of this we know with 100% certainty with not one but technically two endgame appearances after this)
B-Tier (Good with Questions) 9. Maggie BB6 (One of the more overrated winners from what I’ve seen, put still very good nonetheless. She successfully seals the opposite sides fate thru her excellent manipulation of Howie, and put herself in a good spot in the end, but therein lies the issue of half of the house hating her, just don’t know how well her game would translate and never will)
  1. Lisa BB3 (Very good social player who to me doesn’t get the credit she deserves because of Danielle losing, despite being in such a stacked final 3 I felt as tho she played strongly in her own right. Actively kept her showmance out to better her own chances, sick)
  2. Kaycee BB20 (Pains me to say as a Tyler fan and avid vacation alliance hater from over on MTV, but her game translates to at worst a deep jury run every single time, deducting points for Tyler very much running the game strategically for her as she was completely invincible for the better part of half the szn, but a great social and comp player almost every time)
  3. Xavier BB23 (Strong enough social game, could translate well, very tough to get a true read with so many players within the alliance actively sacrificing their games with moves for the greater good, solid enough tho)
C-Tier (Decent Winning Games, but very flawed players)
  1. Mike BB7 (good enough of a game, but truly lucks out playing next to a Top 3 player of all time as his ride or die doing the brunt of the work, positions himself very well, but i struggle to see his social game working well in other spots because he’s so abrasive to others as we saw twice)
  2. Jun BB4 (might catch some heat for this, but super overrated in my book. Wins largely because of such intense despair for Allison and beats no one else. Credit to her for recognizing this, but she treats people so poorly that it’s tough to see this translating well in different social settings)
  3. Steve BB17 (shows some good instincts for game, but lacks agency for so much of it that I question how repeatable it truly is, positions himself well enough in jury, but strikes me as a social outcast in many scenarios
  4. Jackson BB21 (very flawed winner, who rly gets works himself into an insane comp run with many physical consecutive ones much like Jag, I do like how he works himself into the majority and recognizes the need to flip to Cliff/Nicole, but burns far too many connections along the way, actively abrasive to so many people, tough to see his winning game translating)
  5. Taylor BB24 (another winner easily going home week one if not for the twist/Paloma being Paloma, but not rly her fault in her defense. Shows some social potential, but basically lucks into the majority with the leftovers flip being the other people’s work rather than her own, lacks agency for sure, but certainly not the worst, awesome story arc as well)
D-Tier (takes a ton of good fortune, or potentially poor gameplay otherwise to even get there, decent players but not very repeatable)
  1. Jordan BB11 (overhated as a winner, but still unbelievably lucky to have the house flipped with the qu handed to Jeff, not the worst of winners but seriously lacks agency and struggles in most scenarios to make her own endgame)
  2. Ian BB14 (really not that much unlike Josh’s arc, out week one if not for Mike saving him, actively targeted numerous times and trusted the wrong people aka Dan and Danielle when they were ready to flip on him at every turn, insanely fortunate/luck comp streak to even get there, and again with the Josh comparison, Dan lost because the of jury’s sentiment, not because Ian was better)
  3. Adam BB9 (another week one boot if not for the biggest house pariah of all time, dumb formatting, actively makes poor plays in the jury phase, wins against a bigger numbskull, glad he’s gotten his life together tho)
F-Tier (not repeatable, should not have won in any circumstance, poor social games or other)
  1. Josh BB19 (social liability in every game that’s not BB19 and the watered down modern versions of the challenge, out the first week if not for safety and lucks out because everyone hated the man who had the choice of taking literally anyone he wanted and just happened to pick him, bad player)
  2. Rachel BB13 (not repeatable in nearly any other circumstance, not only handed 5 other vet shields but also her boyfriend being evicted not once but twice over her because of his own deliberate doing, and don’t get me started on the production garbage in the jury phase…great character, horrible player)
  3. Jag BB25 (Literally sent home on a unanimous vote… insanely lucky facing weak competition in a stupid amount of physical comps, ridiculously was handed HoH in consecutive weeks and still fucked it up)
  4. Evel Dick BB8 (Evicted several times if not for America’s Player aka production, literally gifted daughter in the game, bullshit all the way thru)
submitted by ryansmith0123456789 to BigBrother [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:10 CozTheBunny I made this one myself

I made this one myself
Don't ask about the faces, it's a Roblox Rooms reference (specifically interminable rooms and rooms low detailed)
submitted by CozTheBunny to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:31 CoolerDude47 My 2nd FanFilm using Ben Afflecks Batman

Ben Affleck as Batman
Asa Butterfield as Robin (Tim Drake)
Jared Leto as Joker
Dan Stevens as Harvey Dent
Henry Cavil as Superman(post credit scene)
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman (post credit scene)
Idris Elba as John Stewart Green Latern (post credit scene)
Ray Fisher as Cyborg (post credit scene)
Carl Lumbly as Martian Manhunter (post credit scene)
Ezra Miller as the Barry Allen Flash (post credit scene)
Jason Moama as Aquaman (post credit scene)
Henry Cavil as Superman (post credit scene)
Jeremy Davies as Doctor Destiny (post credit scene)
(Read my first movie idea before) This movie takes place after ZSJL
In "Batman 2: Shadows Unleashed," the story begins with Batman training Tim Drake as the new Robin. Meanwhile, the Joker manages to escape from Arkham Asylum and goes on a rampage, spreading chaos throughout Gotham City. During a grand party at Wayne Manor, where Bruce Wayne, Harvey Dent, and many famous and wealthy individuals are in attendance, the Joker sets the manor on fire, creating a chaotic and dangerous situation.
As Batman and Robin try to track down the Joker, they stumble upon a series of crimes committed by a new mysterious criminal who operates in the shadows, robbing banks and terrorizing the city. Despite ruling out Catwoman, who is currently in Rome and they think it could have been caused by some members of the Red Triangle Gang. The duo remains determined to uncover the true identity of this enigmatic figure.
Their investigation eventually leads them to discover that the mastermind behind these crimes is none other than Two-Face. However, they are still unaware of his real name, adding an extra layer of mystery to their pursuit. Batman and Robin engage in a thrilling battle with the Joker and Two-Face outside a hospital that the villains were planning to bomb, putting innocent lives at risk.
In a pivotal moment, Batman finds himself choosing to save Robin or everyone in the hospital… With Joker with the bomb switch, he’s about to press it…and two face with a knife to Robin. Batman decides to run and take out the Joker and then the Batmobile comes and Robin jumps and it hits Two-Face.Together, they manage to apprehend the Joker and Two-Face, sending them back to prison.
Then the third act begins, Batman and Robin realize that there is a bunch of people robbing, mugging and killing people in the middle of Gotham where there is a bunch of stores. They realize the cause of this is the Red Triangle Gang and they know it’s them because there is a bunch of people running around causing chaos dresses as clowns with some of them with red triangle tattos. They think the Joker might be the one who had set this whole thing up but soon find out that’s not the case after defeating them and after Batman chokes one of them up in the air and asks him “Who’s your leader?” the member says “Cobblepot.” Batman then throws him on the ground and the movies ends setting up the Penguin in a later movie.
In the post-credit scene, we see Batman and Robin standing alongside the Justice League after helping them in a fight against Doctor Destiny. Robin expresses his aspirations to join the Justice League, to which Batman responds by telling him that he not only he will be apart of them but he will eventually lead the Justice league. This sets up a teen titans show or movie in the DCEU and possibly Robin becoming Nightwing.
submitted by CoolerDude47 to SnyderCut [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:45 moondust03 The Fall of Honkai Impact 3rd

For the longest time, I thought I would be playing Hi3 for a very long time due to my sheer dedication to the game, but now it seems like the game has fallen from grace after years of being “Hoyoverse’s love child.”
I think the fall of Hi3 began during Part 1’s finale arc, the Moon’s Finality and Origin. I’m not gonna sugarcoat this, the finale kinda sucked. It used lots of complicated and advanced terminologies to describe what could have been simple concepts and included a somewhat unnecessary fourth wall break that only further complicated things. There are parts of the arc that was good, though it’s quite hard to just overlook the glaring issues it had in terms of writing and also character design as well. When they were finally revealed, a lot of people were disappointed with the designs of both Herrscher of Finality Kiana and Herrscher of Origin Mei for being un-Herrscher-esque, i.e. they used that dreaded grayish color palette and didn’t feature things Herrschers would usually have such as a burst mode form. Not to mention that people had a lot of expectations, especially for Herrscher of Finality Kiana, only to be met with an okay design at best.
Then came Part 1.5 which marked the end of the most awaited aspect of every major arc in Hi3, the CG animated shorts. Part 1.5 was decent but not great, in my opinion. The arc fleshed out Seele and Dark Seele’s relationship, sure, and answered things such as where Griseo went, but I feel like Part 1.5 wasn’t grand enough. The bosses were good, but I don’t think they were memorable. I bet people don’t even recall Vita transforming into a chicken. I also felt as though Sa died too quickly and easily. Sa was set up to be this powerful entity that aims to replace the Cocoon only to be destroyed when Kiana went “bang.” Not even a cool cutscene that showed Kiana charging up then shooting Sa.
Now, how am I sure that CG animated shorts ended in Part 1.5? Because nothing happened in Part 2 despite every other Hoyoverse game such as Genshin and Star Rail receiving CG animated shorts. Heck, Genshin got 2 animated shorts while Star Rail got 3. I even made a joke that the funds for Herrscher of Rebirth’s Seele’s animated short went into making Dan Heng’s animated short lol. It’s evident that Hoyoverse has since transitioned into cutscenes for Hi3, as seen with Part 2’s using cutscenes with a few CG animated frames rather than a full CG animated short for Songque’s battle against Perception.
Speaking of Part 2, I think this is where many players, myself included, began quitting the game simply because the new storyline and characters do not incite interest like the original cast. These characters have questionable chemistry, not to mention the inclusion of a self insert MC instead of simply making said MC an actual character with an actual name and an unambiguous backstory. I mean, what does Helia contribute to the story, exactly? Heck, the Shus, whom I argue was Hoyoverse’s attempt in recreating the success of the Flame-Chasers, didn’t even feel that interesting. Literally nobody gave a shit when they died lol.
Honestly, I don’t really foresee a bright future for Hi3. This community has dwindled to the point that all that’s left are those from Room 1, i.e. the lolicons and such. Heck, I wouldn’t even be surprised if they rushed the ending of Part 2 to get into Part 3 in hopes of getting players to come back. In terms of meta, things are also not doing well because every character they’ve released are S-ranks who rely on each other whose signature weapons you cannot skip because Hoyoverse is making new weapon types for each character that releases rather than reusing existing ones lol. Like, did we really need a crossbow weapon when the twin pistol category is right there? Same goes for the staff (lance & javelin) and drive core (chakram).
Sorry if this may seem rant-y and doompost-y, but it was only a matter of time til someone pointed this out. The only thing that could save this game is if they replace the person incorporating their college thesis onto the game’s story and bring back Shaoji lol.
submitted by moondust03 to houkai3rd [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:24 dsabatello Handbrake Cannot load nvEncodeAPI64.dll

After years of flawless use, I now encounter continual errors. Usually convert files to .mkv, somtimes add text/captions. I cannot identify the problem. Can anyone help? I have tried all versions, including those that have worked in the past. I cannot interpret the log. (Attached) *This refers to videos I produce
HandBrake 1.5.1 through 1.8(latest version)
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor
Ram: 32670 MB,
GPU Information:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 -
Screen: 1920x1080
Temp Dir: C:\Users\Dan's PC_2\AppData\Local\Temp\
Install Dir: C:\Program Files\HandBrake\
Data Dir: C:\Users\Dan's PC_2\AppData\Roaming\HandBrake

# Starting Encode ...

[18:20:05] base preset: Fast 1080p30 (Modified)
[18:20:05] Remote Process started with Process ID: 12836 using port: 8037. Max Allowed Instances: 1
[18:20:06] Worker: Starting HandBrake Engine ...
[18:20:06] Worker: Starting Web Server on port 8037 ...
[18:20:06] Worker: Disconnected worker monitoring enabled!
[18:20:06] Compile-time hardening features are enabled
Cannot load nvEncodeAPI64.dll
Cannot load nvEncodeAPI64.dll
Cannot load nvEncodeAPI64.dll
Cannot load nvEncodeAPI64.dll
[18:20:06] hb_init: starting libhb thread
[18:20:06] Starting work at: Fri Jun 07 18:20:06 2024
[18:20:06] 1 job(s) to process
[18:20:06] json job:
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"QSV": {
"Decode": false
[18:20:06] CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor
[18:20:06] - logical processor count: 16
[18:20:06] Intel Quick Sync Video support: no
[18:20:06] hb_scan: path=F:\videos\Memorial Day.mp4
udfread ERROR: ECMA 167 Volume Recognition failed
src/libbluray/disc/disc.c:333: failed opening UDF image F:\videos\Memorial Day.mp4
src/libbluray/disc/disc.c:437: error opening file BDMV\index.bdmv
src/libbluray/disc/disc.c:437: error opening file BDMV\BACKUP\index.bdmv
src/libbluray/bluray.c:2646: nav_get_title_list(F:\videos\Memorial Day.mp4
[18:20:06] bd: not a bd - trying as a stream/file instead
libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable.
libdvlibdvdread: DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
dread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.
libdvdnav: vm: vm: failed to read VIDEO_TS.IFO
[18:20:06] dvd: not a dvd - trying as a stream/file instead
Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'F:\videos\
major_brand : isom
minor_version : 512
compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41
encoder : Lavf60.4.101
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Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(tv, bt709), 1280x582 [SAR 873:872 DAR 240:109], 1149 kb/s, 24 fps, 24 tbr, 12288 tbn, 48 tbc (default)
handler_name : VideoHandler
vendor_id : [0][0][0][0]
encoder : Lavc60.9.100 libx264
Stream #0:1(und): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 128 kb/s (default)
handler_name : SoundHandler
vendor_id : [0][0][0][0]
[18:20:06] scan: decoding previews for title 1
[18:20:06] scan: audio 0x1: aac, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=128687 Unknown (AAC LC) (2.0 ch) (128 kbps)
[18:20:06] scan: 10 previews, 1280x582, 24.000 fps, autocrop = 0/0/0/0, aspect 2.20:1, PAR 873:872, color profile: 1-1-1, chroma location: left
[18:20:06] libhb: scan thread found 1 valid title(s)
[18:20:06] Skipping subtitle scan. No suitable subtitle tracks.
[18:20:06] Starting Task: Encoding Pass
[18:20:06] Skipping crop/scale filter
[18:20:06] [ass] libass API version: 0x1502000
[18:20:06] [ass] libass source: tarball: 0.15.2
[18:20:06] [ass] Shaper: FriBidi 1.0.11 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 3.1.2 (COMPLEX)
[18:20:06] [ass] Using font provider directwrite (with GDI)
[18:20:06] work: track 1, dithering not supported by codec
[18:20:06] work: only 1 chapter, disabling chapter markers
[18:20:06] job configuration:
[18:20:06] * source
[18:20:06] + F:\videos\
[18:20:06] + title 1, chapter(s) 1 to 1
[18:20:06] + container: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2
[18:20:06] + data rate: 1283 kbps
[18:20:06] * destination
[18:20:06] + C:\Users\Dan's PC_2\Desktop\Videos\
[18:20:06] + container: Matroska (libavformat)
[18:20:06] * video track
[18:20:06] + decoder: h264 8-bit (yuv420p)
[18:20:06] + bitrate 1149 kbps
[18:20:06] + filters
[18:20:06] + Comb Detect (mode=3:spatial-metric=2:motion-thresh=1:spatial-thresh=1:filter-mode=2:block-thresh=40:block-width=16:block-height=16)
[18:20:06] + Decomb (mode=39)
[18:20:06] + Framerate Shaper (mode=2:rate=27000000/900000)
[18:20:06] + frame rate: 24.000 fps -> peak rate limited to 30.000 fps
[18:20:06] + Subtitle renderer ()
[18:20:06] + Output geometry
[18:20:06] + storage dimensions: 1280 x 582
[18:20:06] + pixel aspect ratio: 873 : 872
[18:20:06] + display dimensions: 1281 x 582
[18:20:06] + encoder: H.264 (libx264)
[18:20:06] + preset: fast
[18:20:06] + profile: main
[18:20:06] + level: 4.0
[18:20:06] + quality: 22.00 (RF)
[18:20:06] + color profile: 1-1-1
[18:20:06] + chroma location: left
[18:20:06] * subtitle track 1, English [SRT] (track 0, id 0xff000000, Text) -> RendeBurn-in, offset: 0, charset: UTF-8
[18:20:06] * audio track 1
[18:20:06] + decoder: Unknown (AAC LC) (2.0 ch) (128 kbps) (track 1, id 0x1)
[18:20:06] + bitrate: 128 kbps, samplerate: 48000 Hz
[18:20:06] + mixdown: Stereo
[18:20:06] + encoder: AAC (libavcodec)
[18:20:06] + bitrate: 160 kbps, samplerate: 48000 Hz
[18:20:06] sync: expecting 127990 video frames
[18:20:06] encx264: min-keyint: 24, keyint: 240
[18:20:06] encx264: encoding at constant RF 22.000000
[18:20:06] encx264: unparsed options: level=4.0:ref=2:8x8dct=0:weightp=1:subme=6:vbv-bufsize=25000:vbv-maxrate=20000:rc-lookahead=30
x264 [info]: using SAR=873/872
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX FMA3 BMI2 AVX2
x264 [info]: profile Main, level 4.0, 4:2:0, 8-bit
[18:20:06] sync: first pts audio 0x1 is 0
[18:20:06] sync: first pts subtitle 0xff000000 is 0
[18:20:06] sync: first pts video is 1470
[18:20:06] sync: "Chapter 1" (1) at frame 1 time 1470
[18:20:06] [ass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> ArialMT, 0, ArialMT
[18:20:10] [ass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 100) -> Arial-ItalicMT, 0, Arial-ItalicMT

[18:21:18] Worker process exited!
[18:21:18] Worker process exit was not expected.

# Job Failed (-12)

submitted by dsabatello to handbrake [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:23 GreatSpaniard Post-Match Thread: Spain 5-1 Northern Ireland International Friendly

FT: Spain 5-1 Northern Ireland Venue: Estadi Mallorca Son Moix
Auto-refreshing reddit comments link
Unai Simón, Robin Le Normand, Nacho (Aymeric Laporte), Marc Cucurella (Alejandro Grimaldo), Jesús Navas (Dani Carvajal), Rodri, Fabián Ruiz, Pedri (Mikel Merino), Álvaro Morata (Mikel Oyarzabal), Nico Williams, Lamine Yamal (Joselu).
Subs: Fermín López, Martín Zubimendi, Dani Olmo, Álex Baena, Dani Vivian, Ferran Torres, Ayoze Pérez, Álex Remiro, David Raya.
Northern Ireland
Bailey Peacock-Farrell, Jonny Evans, Eoin Toal (Jordan Thompson), Danny Ballard, Jamal Lewis, Trai Hume (Brodie Spencer), Caolan Boyd-Munce (Corry Evans), Shea Charles, Isaac Price (Conor McMenamin), Conor Bradley (Ross McCausland), Jamie Reid (Dale Taylor).
Subs: Paul Smyth, Aaron Donnelly, Conor Hazard, Ciaron Brown, Callum Marshall, Ethan Galbraith, Josh Magennis, Pierce Charles.
2' Goal! Spain 0, Northern Ireland 1. Dan Ballard (Northern Ireland) header from the centre of the box to the top left corner. Assisted by Caolan Boyd-Munce with a cross following a set piece situation.
5' Robin Le Normand (Spain) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
12' Goal! Spain 1, Northern Ireland 1. Pedri (Spain) right footed shot from outside the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Nacho.
18' Goal! Spain 2, Northern Ireland 1. Álvaro Morata (Spain) header from the centre of the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Jesús Navas with a cross.
29' Goal! Spain 3, Northern Ireland 1. Pedri (Spain) right footed shot from the centre of the box to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Nico Williams.
35' Goal! Spain 4, Northern Ireland 1. Fabián Ruiz (Spain) left footed shot from very close range to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Lamine Yamal.
45' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Corry Evans replaces Caolan Boyd-Munce.
45' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Jordan Thompson replaces Eoin Toal.
45' Substitution, Spain. Dani Carvajal replaces Jesús Navas.
45' Substitution, Spain. Álex Grimaldo replaces Marc Cucurella.
53' Substitution, Spain. Aymeric Laporte replaces Nacho.
53' Substitution, Spain. Mikel Oyarzabal replaces Álvaro Morata.
60' Goal! Spain 5, Northern Ireland 1. Mikel Oyarzabal (Spain) right footed shot from very close range to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Lamine Yamal.
61' Substitution, Spain. Mikel Merino replaces Pedri.
64' Isaac Price (Northern Ireland) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
66' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Ross McCausland replaces Conor Bradley.
66' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Dale Taylor replaces Jamie Reid.
72' Substitution, Spain. Joselu replaces Lamine Yamal.
77' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Brodie Spencer replaces Trai Hume.
83' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Conor McMenamin replaces Isaac Price.
Don't see a thread for a match you're watching? Click here to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.
submitted by GreatSpaniard to soccer [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:43 Competitive_Hawk_906 And the standard of the camp of the children

And the standard of the camp of the children of Dan set forward, which was the rereward of all the camps throughout their hosts: and over his host was Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.And over the host of the tribe of the children of Asher was Pagiel the son of Ocran
submitted by Competitive_Hawk_906 to u/Competitive_Hawk_906 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:38 nun_atoll 15

"Hey, man."
Mike plunked himself down at the picnic table across from Deak.
"Oh. Hi," Deak muttered, still focused on his task.
"That your kid or something?"
"Huh? Oh, no. I'm not married. This is my little brother. Hey, David, can you say hi to Mike?"
The kid on Deak's lap didn't move, didn't speak, didn't do anything. He just sat there like a lump, glugging down whatever was in the bottle Deak was giving him.
"He looks kinda old for a bottle," Mike said.
"He's two. He just... He's a little goofy, is all."
"What, he a 'tard or somethin,?"
"No. He's just kind of behind."
The kid looked less "kind of behind" and more "should be locked up somewhere," but Mike let it drop. He knew some folks were real stupid about how 'tards should be handled.
"Your mom too busy to be feedin' him?"
"Sure. Mom's busy a lot. I don't mind though. He's my kid brother, so I take care of him."
"Men don't take care of babies, though. That's for women to do."
Deak shrugged and set the bottle on the table, then was patting the 'tard's back, like to burp him.
"Sure, but sometimes you have to pitch in. Even my dad does stuff to take care of the kids."
"Well then your dad sounds like a Grade A pussy."
"Aw, c'mon. Only a soft-ass soy boy wimp does women's work."
"I... Soy?"
"Ya know. The guys who are all sensitive, and back to nature, and trying to be in touch with their femoid side. Buncha pussies, and they eat soy stuff instead of meat because "the poor widdle animals," and then the soy makes 'em softer, like women."
Deak frowned at Mike hard for a moment.
"Soy's actually a really good source of protein," he said, "and you can eat soy and meat even at the same time. The little crumbles and stuff are great for stretching meals when your food budget's a little tight."
"No shit. Don't tell me you cook too?"
"Well, yeah. Everyone can cook, and I do it a lot. It's a handy skill, and besides, then you can help out the people you care about. I cook, my little brother Dan cooks, my dad cooks..."
"And your mom does what? Sits around on her ass all day, makin' all of you do her work?"
"No. Mom does a lot of stuff. Laundry, cooking, taking care of us. It's just that we figure we ought to all pitch in."
Mike laughed.
"So you're all a buncha pussies and your mom runs shit. Man, what kinda loser lets his woman run him?"
"Mom doesn't run stuff. Dad's the headship, and he makes all the big decisions. It's just we're on the move all the time, so we all do our bit. A family's like a machine, and all the parts have to work."
"Dunno, man. Sounds like ya got conned by the libtards. A man ain't supposed to do squat about kids besides knocking women up with 'em, and if he sticks around, he definitely shouldn't be cooking."
Clearly, Deak had not been paying attention to the world around him. He needed someone like Mike to explain how things were, poor pussy. But rather than seem grateful, he shot Mike a real nasty look and stood up, grabbing the bottle and turning away.
"Nice talking to you. I have to go now."
And then he was stomping off toward his family's RV. Mike watched him go and sighed. Poor guy clearly didn't want to be helped. Too bad.
Plus, he walked like a fag.
14 Table of Contents
submitted by nun_atoll to liulfr [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:30 gabriel31337 Wireless setup for a big family house (mesh/roaming/etc.)

Hi, I am looking for a recommendation for a wireless setup to cover the 3 floor family house.
My idea is to have a wireless AP/router on each floor in the center of the house, where I can have them connected via ethernet cable to a switch right before an ISP router. I do have a Mikrotik hap ax3 devices set up now, but the wireless is just keeping jumping, some devices refuse to connect even if the setup is in compatibility mode where even windows xp devices can connect. Generally, Mikrotik is bad at home wireless.
I am looking for a replacement of these Mikrotik devices. What I need is to have a seamless experience when walking around the house, so I don’t notice I have roamed to a point with better signal, I need 3 SSIDs, each on different subnet (home, guest, IoT).
I was looking into TP-Link solutions, but I believe I don’t need mesh, since I have cables everywhere.
What would you recommend?
submitted by gabriel31337 to wireless [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:23 MatchThreadder Match Thread: Spain vs Northern Ireland International Friendly

FT: Spain 5-1 Northern Ireland

Venue: Estadi Mallorca Son Moix
Auto-refreshing reddit comments link
Unai Simón, Robin Le Normand, Nacho (Aymeric Laporte), Marc Cucurella (Alejandro Grimaldo), Jesús Navas (Dani Carvajal), Rodri, Fabián Ruiz, Pedri (Mikel Merino), Álvaro Morata (Mikel Oyarzabal), Nico Williams, Lamine Yamal (Joselu).
Subs: Fermín López, Martín Zubimendi, Dani Olmo, Álex Baena, Dani Vivian, Ferran Torres, Ayoze Pérez, Álex Remiro, David Raya.
Northern Ireland
Bailey Peacock-Farrell, Jonny Evans, Eoin Toal (Jordan Thompson), Danny Ballard, Jamal Lewis, Trai Hume (Brodie Spencer), Caolan Boyd-Munce (Corry Evans), Shea Charles, Isaac Price (Conor McMenamin), Conor Bradley (Ross McCausland), Jamie Reid (Dale Taylor).
Subs: Paul Smyth, Aaron Donnelly, Conor Hazard, Ciaron Brown, Callum Marshall, Ethan Galbraith, Josh Magennis, Pierce Charles.
2' Goal! Spain 0, Northern Ireland 1. Dan Ballard (Northern Ireland) header from the centre of the box to the top left corner. Assisted by Caolan Boyd-Munce with a cross following a set piece situation.
5' Robin Le Normand (Spain) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
12' Goal! Spain 1, Northern Ireland 1. Pedri (Spain) right footed shot from outside the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Nacho.
18' Goal! Spain 2, Northern Ireland 1. Álvaro Morata (Spain) header from the centre of the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Jesús Navas with a cross.
29' Goal! Spain 3, Northern Ireland 1. Pedri (Spain) right footed shot from the centre of the box to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Nico Williams.
35' Goal! Spain 4, Northern Ireland 1. Fabián Ruiz (Spain) left footed shot from very close range to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Lamine Yamal.
45' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Corry Evans replaces Caolan Boyd-Munce.
45' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Jordan Thompson replaces Eoin Toal.
45' Substitution, Spain. Dani Carvajal replaces Jesús Navas.
45' Substitution, Spain. Álex Grimaldo replaces Marc Cucurella.
53' Substitution, Spain. Aymeric Laporte replaces Nacho.
53' Substitution, Spain. Mikel Oyarzabal replaces Álvaro Morata.
60' Goal! Spain 5, Northern Ireland 1. Mikel Oyarzabal (Spain) right footed shot from very close range to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Lamine Yamal.
61' Substitution, Spain. Mikel Merino replaces Pedri.
64' Isaac Price (Northern Ireland) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
66' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Ross McCausland replaces Conor Bradley.
66' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Dale Taylor replaces Jamie Reid.
72' Substitution, Spain. Joselu replaces Lamine Yamal.
77' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Brodie Spencer replaces Trai Hume.
83' Substitution, Northern Ireland. Conor McMenamin replaces Isaac Price.
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