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2010.03.05 23:39 777kog Samsung

Community run sub for all things Samsung

2017.11.11 02:19 Eugene1026 iPhone X Wallpapers

Find gorgeous wallpapers for your shiny new iPhone with OLED display!

2009.08.17 03:34 epicRelic Reddit's Goth Community

Reddit's Goth Community, for goth music and subculture! Please check out our Wiki which features the rules and FAQ, and our sidebar which features many resources on goth music, (including recommendations and playlists) fashion, history, and scene. Anything relating to fashion when it's not Fashion Friday, please post in GothFashion and if you are looking for a subreddit which encompasses anything dark and spooky, please visit DarklyInclined. We have gothclub for any alternative tunes.

2024.06.09 13:12 xWrighty22 GeForce Experience driver install issues lead to audio cracking and stuttering, and then finally to needing a full system restore.

I genuinely have no idea how this all happened, but I could only assume it started within the last week when I tried installing the latest driver update, and upon completion it still said I had a driver update available. It kept this up since, at least 3-4 days I want to say?
Fast forward to yesterday, I update the driver again because I figured I’d try to see if it worked or not. In the end, it fucked up my display and the app itself was all skewed. I just turned off my pc until today where I was trying to figure out how to fix it. Eventually, I sorted my display out and everything was fine…
…except my audio started to crackle and pc started to freeze every second or so for a moment. Just what I needed. After at least an hour of going back and forth, seeing what solutions there were and if there was any way for me to fix the issue. I started to run some kind of check for my audio devices etc etc, I can’t exactly remember since it’s all been a little bit of a blur.
I turn off audio enhancements, then all of a sudden my pc just restarts. Loads up as normal, and then after a few seconds after logging in it just blue screens saying there has been an error and they’re collecting data. System restarts again, the same thing happened twice after that. Now I’m running a full system restore with a save point made a few days ago. I’m just hoping to god that this fixes the issues I’ve had and makes it as if I was using the pc perfectly like it was a few days ago.
It all seems like it stemmed from whatever issues I had with the GeForce app and I think I’m just going to try and avoid anything like that until a newer driver update is available.
submitted by xWrighty22 to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:12 Beginning-Designer24 trading garden eggs for these pets!(check body text for more details)

trading garden eggs for these pets!(check body text for more details)
1st row: 1 egg for each(as much as possible I don't want to do just 1 pet as it will be time consuming)
2nd row: 2-3 eggs for 1 each
3rd row 4-5(for the ultra rares) 6 for the dragon
submitted by Beginning-Designer24 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:04 mrpooooopy STDs that cause spotting

If you’re having unprotected sex and believe that you may have been exposed to an STI or are experiencing irregular menstrual cycle issues and spotting, the Everlywell at-home STD Test for women is an easy way to check for six common STIs.
Birth control
If you use hormonal birth control, like birth control pills or an IUD (intrauterine device), spotting is common in the first three months [4]. Known as breakthrough bleeding, this spotting occurs as your body’s new hormone balance changes your uterine lining. You should mention the bleeding to your healthcare provider, but it will likely disappear once your body adjusts to the new birth control.
Implantation bleeding
In the early days of pregnancy, you may experience implantation bleeding (spotting associated with an embryo implanting in your uterus.) This kind of spotting doesn’t look like a period. It may be light—you’ll notice a bit of blood as you wipe—but your implantation bleeding may also have a light, consistent flow. You may even need to wear a liner or pad. Sometimes, implantation bleeding may mix with cervical mucus. It may be red (light or dark), orange, pink, or even brown. Implantation bleeding typically doesn’t last long—it should stop after a few days.
Not every pregnant woman will experience implantation bleeding, but if you do, it will usually occur 10 to 14 days after conception (about the time you’d notice a missed period.) Sometimes, implantation bleeding shows up later in your pregnancy. It is considered normal up to the eighth week of pregnancy. Still, if you may be pregnant and you notice spotting, record the frequency and approximate volume. See your healthcare provider to discuss as well.
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:59 KyluAce OnePlus 12 vs Pixel 8 Pro

Hello everyone, I’ve been using the Pixel 8 Pro (P8P) for about half a year and the OnePlus 12 (OP12) for about a month. I thought it would be a good time to compare these two phones. As an Android Developer with 10 years of experience, I consider myself a demanding user who uses the phone for a variety of purposes including normal usage, fun, and work.
To start with, I purchased the Pixel 8 Pro 12/256 version for 1159€ from the Google Store, which included the Google Pixel Watch 2 as a pre-order bonus. The OnePlus 12 (16/512 version) was bought from TradingShenzhen for approximately 670€. Currently, the Pixel 8 Pro can be purchased for around 850€.
Let’s talk about the packaging. The Pixel 8 Pro comes only with a USB-C cable, which in my opinion, is of really poor quality. I’ve had connection issues with these cables from Google from time to time. On the other hand, the OnePlus 12 comes with a 100W charger, a USB-C cable, and a classic case. Considering the package and price, the OnePlus 12 is a clear winner for me.
Moving on to the battery and charging. The Pixel 8 Pro has a 5000mAh battery while the OnePlus 12 has a 5400mAh capacity. But that’s just raw data that anyone can Google. In practice, I find the Pixel 8 Pro’s battery to be quite disappointing. Despite numerous optimizations, I was only able to achieve around 5 hours of screen-on time (SOT) (with lower resolution, disabled 5G, location and other permissions disabled for most apps, and battery optimizations). On the other hand, achieving 7 hours of SOT on the OnePlus 12 is quite normal without any optimizations. I use both phones with lower resolution and higher refresh rate. The Pixel 8 Pro can be charged at a maximum speed of 30W, but we need a special charger for that (the same is true for the OnePlus, but they provide the charger). I tried charging the Pixel with a bunch of chargers that I have at home, and the maximum speed that I reached was 20W, which is quite poor. The combination of poor battery life and slow charging speed is really annoying. In this case, the OnePlus 12 with its 100W charging speed is the clear winner.
Let’s discuss the screen. The Pixel 8 Pro has a flat 1344x2992 6.70" screen and the OnePlus 12 has a curved 1440x3168 6.82" screen. Both are really great screens. The OnePlus 12 has slightly higher brightness and resolution. However, the main differences for me are that the Pixel’s screen is flat and the OnePlus’s is curved, and the screen color options (Google gives us 2 options and OnePlus gives us 3 options and an additional manual adjust option). The OnePlus 12 is my first phone with a curved screen and I often feel insecure about it. I’ve stopped placing the phone screen down because I’m worried about it. Also, when I look at the screen from a specific angle on the curved side, it looks strange (different colors). But for normal usage, it’s okay, and gestures may be easier. If we are looking at specifications, the OP12 is the winner (higher brightness, higher resolution, and curved screens are more expensive), but for me, both of them are at a really high level.
Performance / Heating When it comes to efficiency and temperature management, the OnePlus 12, powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, completely outclasses the Google Tensor 3 in the Pixel. The Pixel tends to heat up during normal usage on mobile data (LTE), and even more so during gaming, leading to a noticeable drop in performance. On the other hand, the OnePlus 12 only gets slightly warm when unplugged from its 100W charger, and it’s still cooler than the Pixel charging at 20W. Comparing the OnePlus 12’s performance with the Pixel 8 Pro feels like comparing this year’s flagship with a mid-range phone from 2020-2022. The OnePlus 12 is the clear winner here.
Connectivity Connectivity might seem like an odd category, but it’s quite important to me. I have the Chinese version of the OnePlus 12 (without eSIM), and I must say, I was initially worried about network coverage. However, it’s noticeably better than the Google Pixel. Even when testing my Wi-Fi range, the results were shocking. I connected both phones to the same Wi-Fi network and moved to the farthest corner of my home. At this point, the OnePlus still had full range (4/4), while the Pixel was down to half (2/4). Running several speed tests, the OnePlus consistently achieved about 120 Mbps, while the Pixel only managed 20 Mbps - that’s a five-fold difference! The OnePlus also outperforms the Pixel in terms of mobile data coverage.
Camera I’m not a professional photographer. Like most people, I use my phone’s camera to share photos on social media or send them to friends and family. As we know, apps like Instagram, Facebook, and Messenger tend to degrade photo quality, and in 2024, most flagship phones have good cameras whose potential we don’t fully utilize. However, I did notice some differences between the two phone cameras. Both phones have quite good cameras, not the best on the market, but still very good. Pixel photos have more subdued colors, while OnePlus photos are brighter . Both companies should work on video stabilization. The Pixel has a slight issue with maintaining focus on one thing, making other elements a bit blurry. I like both cameras, and it’s hard to choose a better one - they’re different for sure. If you’re interested, I can take some photos and upload them for comparison (we can do a blind test).
System The primary reason I opted for a Pixel was its operating system. I was quite frustrated with certain aspects of Android that didn’t function well, and I had heard that Pixels are akin to iPhones in the world of Android. Although I’ve never owned an iPhone, I found little difference between Pixels and other brands. The same issues persist, such as missing notifications (a significant problem, I believe, with the Pixel 8 Pro), and apps being killed in the background. In my view, the main distinction between Pixels and other brands is the absence of certain features. Brands like OnePlus, Xiaomi, and Samsung have their own software packed with useful features like Samsung Dex, app cloning, floating windows, etc. Thus, when the system/software behaves similarly but offers less, the choice is clear.
Additional Annoyances on Pixel:
Additional Annoyances on OnePlus:
In Summary In my opinion, the OnePlus 12 significantly outshines Pixel 8 Pro, When compared to the OnePlus, the Pixel appears to be a mid-range phone from 2022, albeit with a commendable camera. The OnePlus 12 triumphs over the Pixel in numerous categories, including:
Pixel fight back only in the following areas:
submitted by KyluAce to OnePlus12 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:55 lynxjpan What is the current best phone with expandable storage?

My current Samsung S10e is ready to retire so I'm starting to shop around. I've looked around for what's currently out there with expandable storage. But they seem to be a rare breed nowadays. Best I've seen are Samsung's A series and other brands I've never tried.
For anyone knows about Samsung's A series, will I feel the "downgrade" if I've been using the S series?
Any recommendation for other brands?
I also use my phone as backup device for some of my games so it also needs to have some decent specs.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by lynxjpan to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:52 trial_and_err Documents & Data keeps growing

So this is an issue I’ve had for a while now but I can’t find any solution.
I downloaded the app container through XCode which among others contains my SQLite database (as expected). However the app container is only a few MB large while Documents & Data shows hundreds of MBs of used storage.
So the alternatives are:
I’m not too familiar with iOS so I’ve no idea what’s happening here. Usually I’m quite good at googling such issues myself but nothing really came up.
Any ideas?
submitted by trial_and_err to iOSProgramming [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:48 Crafty_Cheetah_3769 Exchanging the Portal for Android tablet with Remote Play/Chiaki

TLDR: Thinking of exchanging the Portal for an Android tablet, primarily due to bettesmoother remote play picture quality. Has anyone done this? Is it worth it?
Hello, I’ve been playing PS5 games via Chiaki on Windows laptop for a long time, and it has worked flawlessly with zero issues and latency under 80ms.
Having to carry a laptop and a DualSense controller to bed/couch/toilet/outside with me was starting to get old, so I’ve bit the bullet and bought a PS Portal, as it seemed like the perfect device. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t do any prior research on it, as I thought that it being a first party accessory it would work just as good, if not better, than other non-officially supported methods.
As soon as I booted up the first game (spider-man) on the Portal, I’ve noticed that the picture was not as smooth as what I was used to while remote streaming before. Every 10 or so seconds the picture would lag/micro-stutter for a second or two (just as if the fps suddenly dropped to 30). This was especially noticeable while panning the camera. I play every game exclusively in 60 fps performance mode, switching to 30 fps seems to make the periodic stutter way less obvious (but it’s just waay worse experience overall, as the whole thing is a stuttering mess).
I’ve tried every troubleshooting step I found, alas none helped. My PS5 is hardwired, Portal connected to wifi via a separate 5GHz access point 2 meters next to it. I’ve also tried unplugging HDMI, turning off 120Hz/VRR on PS5, disabling HDR, even swapping the Portal for a brand new unit, nothing. It seems like it really is some kind of a software/hardware issue with the Portal itself, which Sony didn’t address for over 6 months now.
Here is my question.
Since chiaki works so well (I’ve also tried it on my android phone), would it be worth it to return the Portal and buy a dedicated 8” tablet with a clamp for the ps5 controller, specifically just for remote play?
Did anyone try this approach? I really wish I could love the Portal more than I do.
submitted by Crafty_Cheetah_3769 to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:48 ViralCrypto28 Discover the Best in Crypto Betting: Hugewin's Casino Games Offer Massive Rewards and Security

If you're into online gaming and looking for an exciting, secure platform, Hugewin’s casino games might be just what you need. This online crypto betting site is making waves for its transparency, security, and rewarding experience. Here’s a deep dive into what makes Hugewin a standout choice for players.

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When it comes to security, Hugewin doesn't cut corners. The platform is fully encrypted, and all transactions are verified through smart contracts. This ensures that your personal and financial information stays safe, providing peace of mind while you enjoy your gaming sessions.

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Explore Hugewin Today
For a fair, secure, and rewarding online gaming experience, Hugewin offers everything a player could want. With its impressive array of games, strong community, and robust security measures, it’s easy to see why so many players choose Hugewin for their crypto betting needs.
Check out Hugewin and start your journey to massive rewards: Hugewin.
submitted by ViralCrypto28 to AltcoinTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:28 layla_official still can’t see the hk round results

hii, it’s me the hk scholar again and after 3 months of no results, i emailed the wsc team. someone did reply but apparently when i click in the link it still says error and i’ve tried using multiple devices already so idk if it’s a country problem or my problem or whatsoever so if any kind person can help me check it would mean a lot!! thank u and bless everyone with jerry !!!
submitted by layla_official to WorldScholars_cup [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:07 Deanzyne Noob Looking at picking up FPV as a hobby to push me outdoors more. Suggestions welcome

I would really like to pick up a hobby that pushes me to spend more time outdoors by myself and with other people , hence looking into FPV
I recently started a new job and would like to save up for a freestyle fpv done to have fun with in my spare time and push me outside more
My budget is 300-500 dollars but I do always try aim for best value for money even if it means bumping up my budget
Would appreciate your guidance to start (I 3D CAD and 3D print for a living if that helps me in any way)
I don't know much about electronics but I'm open to learning
I asked chatGPT to give me advice and this is what it gave me:
Getting into FPV (First-Person View) drone flying can be an exciting venture. It offers a mix of technology, skill, and adrenaline, whether for recreation, professional videography, racing, or exploring new perspectives. Here’s a detailed guide to help you understand the different categories and components involved in FPV drone flying, along with their best use cases.

Categories of FPV Drones

  1. Racing Drones
    • Description: Built for speed and agility, designed to maneuver through complex race courses.
    • Use Case: Drone racing competitions, high-speed flight practice.
    • Features: Lightweight frame, powerful motors, responsive controls.
  2. Freestyle Drones
    • Description: Designed for acrobatic maneuvers and tricks.
    • Use Case: Performing stunts, freestyle flying, aerial acrobatics.
    • Features: Robust build, flexible flight control, durability to withstand crashes.
  3. Cinematic Drones
    • Description: Focused on capturing high-quality video and photography.
    • Use Case: Professional videography, cinematic shots, content creation.
    • Features: Stabilized cameras, smooth flight, longer battery life.
  4. Long-Range Drones
    • Description: Built for extended flight times and distances.
    • Use Case: Long-range exploration, mapping, search and rescue.
    • Features: High-capacity batteries, efficient motors, GPS systems.

FPV Components

  1. Drones (Frames and Builds)
    • Frame Types:
      • 5-inch Frames: Standard for racing and freestyle.
      • 7-inch Frames: Used for long-range flights.
      • Cinewhoop Frames: Smaller, ducted frames for indoor flying and cinematic shots.
  2. Flight Controllers
    • Purpose: The brain of the drone, managing flight stability and control.
    • Popular Models: Betaflight, KISS, INAV.
    • Features: Gyroscopes, accelerometers, firmware customization.
  3. Motors and Propellers
    • Motors:
      • Brushless Motors: Preferred for their power and efficiency.
      • Kv Rating: Higher Kv for speed (racing), lower Kv for torque (cinematic/long-range).
    • Propellers:
      • 2-Blade: More efficient, less thrust.
      • 3-Blade: Balanced thrust and efficiency.
      • 4-Blade: Maximum thrust, less efficiency.
  4. Electronic Speed Controllers (ESCs)
    • Purpose: Regulate power to the motors.
    • Types: BLHeli, DShot.
    • Features: Current rating, firmware options.

FPV Headsets (Goggles)

  1. Analog FPV Goggles
    • Description: Traditional and widely used.
    • Popular Models: Fat Shark, Eachine.
    • Features: Lower latency, more budget-friendly, but lower resolution.
  2. Digital FPV Goggles
    • Description: Newer technology with higher resolution.
    • Popular Models: DJI FPV Goggles, Fat Shark Byte Frost.
    • Features: High-definition video feed, better range, but higher cost.
  3. Box Goggles
    • Description: Larger, more affordable option.
    • Popular Models: Eachine EV800D.
    • Features: Comfortable fit, larger screen, but bulkier.

Controllers (Transmitters)

  1. Standard Transmitters
    • Popular Models: FrSky Taranis, Spektrum DX6.
    • Features: Reliable signal, customizable switches, telemetry feedback.
  2. Compact Transmitters
    • Popular Models: Jumper T-Lite, TBS Tango 2.
    • Features: Portability, ease of use, modern ergonomics.

Best Combos for Different Use Cases

  1. Racing Setup
    • Drone: 5-inch racing frame with high-Kv brushless motors.
    • Flight Controller: Betaflight.
    • ESCs: 4-in-1 ESC with DShot.
    • Goggles: Analog FPV goggles for low latency.
    • Controller: FrSky Taranis.
  2. Freestyle Setup
    • Drone: 5-inch freestyle frame with mid-Kv motors.
    • Flight Controller: KISS.
    • ESCs: Individual ESCs with BLHeli.
    • Goggles: Analog or digital depending on preference.
    • Controller: TBS Tango 2.
  3. Cinematic Setup
    • Drone: Cinewhoop frame with ducted props.
    • Flight Controller: INAV.
    • ESCs: Reliable 4-in-1 ESC.
    • Goggles: Digital FPV goggles for high-definition video.
    • Controller: Spektrum DX6.
  4. Long-Range Setup
    • Drone: 7-inch frame with low-Kv motors.
    • Flight Controller: INAV with GPS.
    • ESCs: High-efficiency ESCs.
    • Goggles: Digital FPV goggles for better range.
    • Controller: Long-range transmitter like the Jumper T-Lite.

Putting It All Together

To get the best combo for your specific needs: 1. Identify Your Primary Use Case: Determine if you’re more interested in racing, freestyle, cinematography, or long-range flying. 2. Choose Compatible Components: Ensure that your drone frame, motors, ESCs, flight controller, goggles, and transmitter are all compatible and suited for your chosen use case. 3. Build and Test: Assemble your drone, calibrate the components, and perform test flights to fine-tune the settings. 4. Join the Community: Engage with FPV communities online and locally for advice, troubleshooting, and to participate in events.

Additional Tips

  • Learn the Basics of Drone Assembly: Understanding how to solder, connect components, and program your flight controller is crucial.
  • Practice in a Safe Environment: Start in open spaces or with simulators to build your skills without risking damage.
  • Stay Updated with Firmware and Regulations: Ensure your components are running the latest firmware, and be aware of local drone flying regulations.
FPV drone flying is a dynamic and rewarding hobby that combines technology, creativity, and skill. By understanding the different categories and components, you can tailor your setup to your specific needs and enjoy the full potential of this exciting activity.
submitted by Deanzyne to fpv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:41 Ok_Control9898 UltraHuman Ring Referral Discount <3

Hey Hey! This ring has changed my life as someone with PCOS/hormonal issues + health anxiety in general and if you are looking for a code to get some $$$ off - see below. I am not affiliated witb the company in anyway - i just wanted to share the luv bc its such a good tool for me to get to know my body!!!
i struggle a lot with consistency and this ring is so easy to use and track my data even while i’m sleeping/busy. i prefer this over every smart device that i have tried bc it’s battery lasys pretty long and it’s cute on my hands 🤗🤓❤️
➡️ I'm gifting you 10% off (that’s ~$35) on Ultrahuman Ring AIR! Use my personal invite to claim your discount:
The Ring AIR has been a game-changer for me! It monitors my sleep, recovery and physical activity biomarkers and nudges me with actionable insights along the way. I can’t wait for you to try it!
submitted by Ok_Control9898 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:40 spdgurl1984 Weird work dreams

Pre pandemic our stores hours were always 7am-11pm Black Friday to Christmas and 8am-11pm the rest of the year but during the pandemic we started closing at 10pm instead and never really went back to 11pm until recently I heard our ETL mention that we might go back to that soon when they were explaining about how we were going to start opening at 7am for the summer (which we started doing a few weeks ago now).
Because I was thinking about our new hours and what that would mean for us as overnight inbound TM’s before I went to bed I ended up having a dream where we were still on the clock when the store was swamped with guests but we weren’t allowed to push freight because we’d be getting in their way so we were forced to zone and push reshop instead and somehow I got my my device to load the game bejeweled on it so I was using that to help pass the time until I could clock out and leave as a form of protest against doing reshop 😂😂😂.
Don’t think about work before bed I guess unless you want to dream about it…
submitted by spdgurl1984 to Target [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:40 Pavitrapavi Drcloudehr: Revolutionizing Healthcare Delivery with a Mobile-First EHR Platform

Transforming Healthcare with DrCloudEHR's Advanced Solutions
The healthcare landscape is undergoing a rapid transformation, with a growing emphasis on telehealth services and mobile-friendly EHR platforms. DrCloudEHR stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering a comprehensive suite of electronic health record (EHR) solutions designed to empower healthcare providers, particularly those specializing in behavioral health.
Leading the Way with Telehealth Services and Platforms
In today's healthcare environment, the importance of telehealth services cannot be overstated. DrCloudEHR provides a state-of-the-art telehealth platform that allows healthcare providers to offer remote consultations, thereby expanding access to care. This telehealth platform is particularly beneficial in regions like Washington, where telehealth solutions in Washington are bridging the gap between patients and healthcare providers.
Embracing Mobile Technology with Responsive EHR Designs
A key feature of DrCloudEHR is its mobile responsive EHR platform. This mobile friendly EHR platform ensures that healthcare providers can access patient records and other critical information on the go. The mobile responsive EHR design adapts seamlessly to various devices, enhancing the user experience and ensuring that healthcare professionals have the tools they need, wherever they are.
Comprehensive Behavioral Health EHR Services
DrCloudEHR excels in providing specialized behavioral health EHR services. These services are tailored to meet the unique needs of mental health professionals, ensuring that they have access to an integrated care EHR platform that supports comprehensive patient management. The EHR software for mental health clinics offered by DrCloudEHR includes features such as treatment planning, progress tracking, and secure communication tools, making it an invaluable resource for mental health practitioners.
Cutting-Edge Cloud EHR Platform
At the heart of DrCloudEHR's offerings is its Cloud EHR Platform. This electronic health record platform leverages the power of the cloud to provide a scalable, secure, and efficient solution for managing patient records. The Cloud EHR Platform ensures that data is accessible from anywhere, facilitating better coordination and continuity of care.
Enhancing Care with Integrated EHR Solutions
DrCloudEHR is committed to delivering integrated care EHR platforms that enhance the quality of care provided to patients. Their electronic health records EHR systems are designed to integrate seamlessly with other healthcare technologies, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive approach to patient management. By offering such integrated care EHR platforms, DrCloudEHR supports healthcare providers in delivering more effective and coordinated care.
Reliable EHR Software for Mental Health Clinics
The EHR software for mental health clinics provided by DrCloudEHR is specifically designed to address the challenges faced by mental health professionals. This software includes features such as appointment scheduling, patient communication tools, and detailed reporting capabilities, making it an essential tool for any mental health practice.
Seamless Telehealth Integration
Drcloudehr seamlessly integrates a robust telehealth platform within its mobile responsive EHR design. This empowers clinicians to deliver high-quality care virtually, removing geographical barriers and increasing access to much-needed behavioral health services and remote patient monitoring telehealth. Imagine a scenario where a patient in rural Washington struggling with anxiety can connect with a specialist through Drcloudehr's telehealth features. This eliminates the need for long commutes and provides convenient access to care.
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Drcloudehr's mobile responsive EHR platform is not just about telehealth. Clinicians can access and update patient records, schedule appointments, and manage tasks from anywhere, using any mobile device. This translates to increased efficiency, improved productivity, and ultimately, better patient care. Imagine a therapist using Drcloudehr's mobile friendly EHR platform to jot down notes during a virtual session or a psychiatrist reviewing a patient's history while traveling between appointments. These scenarios highlight the power of Drcloudehr's mobility.
Behavioral Health Tailored Solutions
Drcloudehr understands the unique needs of behavioral health providers. Our EHR software for mental health clinics includes features specifically designed to streamline workflows and improve patient outcomes in behavioral health settings. From customizable progress note templates to integrated tools for tracking treatment adherence, Drcloudehr offers a comprehensive solution for behavioral health professionals.
Benefits Beyond Mobility
DrCloudEHR's Cloud EHR Platform offers a multitude of benefits beyond its mobile-first design. Here's a closer look:
Integrated Care EHR Platform: DrCloudEHR fosters a collaborative approach to care by facilitating seamless communication and information sharing between various healthcare providers. This integrated approach is especially crucial in behavioral health EHR services, where collaboration with primary care physicians and social workers can significantly enhance patient outcomes.
Enhanced Security and Compliance: DrCloudEHR prioritizes patient data security. The best ehr solutions for illinois clinics are built with robust security protocols to ensure patient data remains confidential and compliant with HIPAA regulations.
Streamlined Workflow and Improved Efficiency: DrCloudEHR's intuitive design simplifies documentation, billing, and coding processes, allowing clinicians to dedicate more time to patient care. Our electronic health record platform and EHR solutions streamline these tasks effectively.
Telehealth Platform: DrCloudEHR offers a comprehensive telehealth platform that supports remote consultations and enhances patient access to healthcare. This is particularly beneficial for providers offering telehealth services and telehealth solutions in Washington.
Mobile Responsive EHR Platform: The Cloud EHR Platform is a mobile responsive EHR platform that ensures accessibility from any device. The mobile responsive EHR design and mobile friendly EHR platform make it easier for healthcare providers to access patient data on the go.
Behavioral Health EHR Services: DrCloudEHR provides specialized EHR software for mental health clinics, enhancing the delivery of care in behavioral health settings.
Drcloudehr is committed to empowering healthcare providers across the nation, including those in Washington. Our telehealth solutions in Washington specifically address the needs of the state's healthcare landscape, making quality care more accessible to all residents.
In summary, DrCloudEHR is a cutting-edge electronic health record platform that excels in providing telehealth services and behavioral health EHR services. Its mobile responsive EHR platform, mobile friendly EHR platform, and mobile responsive EHR design make it an invaluable tool for healthcare providers. With its integrated care EHR platform and status as a leading Cloud EHR Platform, DrCloudEHR offers unparalleled EHR solutions for today’s healthcare challenges. Its electronic health records EHR capabilities and advanced remote patient monitoring telehealth support exceptional patient care and efficient practice management, particularly through its specialized EHR software for mental health clinics and innovative telehealth solutions in Washington.
submitted by Pavitrapavi to u/Pavitrapavi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:36 mysterioustimesmag Witches and Weasels

The link between witches and weasels is a rich element in folklore, deeply rooted in historical beliefs about magic, shape-shifting, and the supernatural. This connection is evident in various cultures and periods, highlighting the complex relationship between humans and the natural world. In European folklore, particularly during the medieval and early modern periods, witches were often believed to possess the power of transformation, or shape-shifting, which allowed them to take on the form of animals.The weasel, with its sleek and elusive nature, was a common animal form that witches were believed to adopt. Stories from Scotland and Ireland frequently depict witches transforming into weasels to conduct their mischief. These transformations were often temporary, allowing the witch to carry out her tasks undetected. For example, a witch might become a weasel to slip into a household, steal items, or eavesdrop on conversations. In German folklore, the weasel was seen as a symbol of cunning and guile. Witches in these stories often took the form of weasels to blend into their surroundings and avoid detection by witch hunters or villagers. During the Middle Ages, the fear of witchcraft was pervasive, and animals associated with witches were viewed with suspicion. The idea that witches could transform into weasels was part of a broader belief in the magical abilities of witches to manipulate the natural world. In some witch trials, accusations included claims that the accused had transformed into a weasel or other small animal to commit their crimes. These testimonies were taken seriously by authorities, reflecting the widespread belief in the transformative powers of witches. The sudden appearance of a weasel in a home or village was often interpreted as an ill omen, particularly in communities that believed strongly in witchcraft. People thought that a witch had sent the weasel to deliver a curse or cause mischief. To ward off potential witchcraft, some households would perform rituals or place protective charms around their homes. These measures were believed to prevent witches in weasel form from entering or causing harm. Weasels were commonly thought to be familiar spirits, or familiars, that served witches. These familiars were believed to assist witches in their magical practices, acting as extensions of the witch’s will. Familiars like weasels were thought to help witches gather ingredients for potions, spy on enemies, and even deliver spells. The familiar’s ability to move undetected and its association with the witch’s power made it a feared and respected creature. During witch hunts, the presence of an animal like a weasel near a suspected witch’s home could be used as evidence of witchcraft. This belief contributed to the persecution and execution of many accused witches. Fairy tales and literary works from various cultures often depict witches with animal familiars, including weasels. These stories serve to reinforce the connection between witches and their animal companions, highlighting themes of transformation and supernatural assistance. In some of Hans Christian Andersen’s tales, animals like weasels play significant roles, often embodying traits associated with witchcraft, such as cunning and deception. The belief in the connection between witches and weasels has influenced many cultural practices and superstitions. In some regions, weasels are still viewed with a mix of fear and respect, and their presence is interpreted through the lens of historical beliefs about witchcraft. More modern portrayals of witches in media and literature sometimes draw on these traditional associations, depicting witches with weasel-like familiars or incorporating elements of shape-shifting. In the story of the Witch of Endor from the Bible, while not directly involving weasels, illustrates the concept of witches having control over the supernatural. In some interpretations and adaptations, witches like the one at Endor are believed to summon spirits in animal forms, including weasels. Irish folklore is replete with stories of witches transforming into weasels. One notable tale involves a witch who, after being wronged by a villager, turns into a weasel to exact her revenge. Her transformation back to human form is discovered when she is caught in a trap meant for weasels, revealing her true identity and leading to her punishment. While in The Weasel and the King a weasel enters the king’s palace causing trouble, only to be revealed later as a witch who had transformed to spy on the court and steal secrets. The weasel’s characteristics—its slyness, agility, and ability to move unseen—make it a powerful symbol of the supernatural and the unknown. In folklore, these traits are often exaggerated to highlight the fear and suspicion surrounding witchcraft. The weasel’s dual nature, as both a real animal and a symbolic representation of witchcraft, reflects the human tendency to personify animals with qualities that resonate with cultural fears and beliefs. The association between witches and weasels can be seen as a projection of societal anxieties. In times of uncertainty, people often turn to supernatural explanations for their troubles, and the weasel, with its mysterious behavior, becomes a convenient scapegoat. The fear of weasels and their connection to witches can be interpreted as a manifestation of the fear of the unknown and the uncontrollable aspects of nature and human behavior. The relationship between witches and weasels in folklore is a testament to the power of myth and superstition. The weasel, with its elusive and cunning nature, became a symbol of the supernatural, embodying the fears and suspicions that surrounded witchcraft. This connection has left a lasting legacy in literature, culture, and collective imagination, illustrating how deeply rooted beliefs can shape perceptions of the natural world and its inhabitants.
submitted by mysterioustimesmag to InterestingToRead [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:30 duicheckpointsfinder Everything You Need to Know About

What is is a website where users can find information about the time, date, and location of the latest and upcoming DUI/OVI checkpoints.
How can this website help you avoid sobriety checkpoints? provides details on where and when DUI checkpoints are happening so you can plan your routes accordingly.
Where can you find the most reliable DUI checkpoint information? is a top resource for finding accurate DUI checkpoint times, dates, and locations.
How reliable is the information on
The information comes from official announcements and reports. While the website strives for accuracy, it’s always good to double-check with local authorities.
Can you submit a checkpoint location to
Yes, users can submit information about DUI checkpoints that are not yet listed on the website.
Is there a mobile app for
Currently, the site is accessible via web browsers on both desktop and mobile devices. A mobile app might be developed in the future.
Does provide legal advice?
No, the website does not offer legal advice. For legal matters related to DUI, you should consult a qualified attorney.
Are DUI checkpoints legal?
Yes, DUI checkpoints are legal in many places and are used to prevent drunk driving. Laws about checkpoints can vary, so know the regulations in your area.
How do you use
Just visit the website and look up the information on DUI checkpoints.
Can you trust the information on
The site aims to be accurate, but it's wise to confirm details with local authorities.
Is using legal?
Yes, using the website is perfectly legal and is intended to help you stay safe on the road.
Is free to use?
Yes, the website is free with no fees or subscriptions.
Can you share with friends?
Absolutely! Sharing the website can help others stay informed and safe.
How often is updated?
The site is updated regularly with the latest checkpoint information.
Can you access from any device?
Yes, the website works on computers, phones, and tablets.
Does track your location?
No, the site doesn’t track your location. It only provides general checkpoint information.
Is available in other languages?
Currently, it’s only available in English, but additional languages may be added in the future.
How can you contact for support or questions?
You can contact them through the website’s contact page for any support or questions.
submitted by duicheckpointsfinder to u/duicheckpointsfinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:24 Warm-Ad3149 my mic will randomly stop working

i have tried everything to fix this issue and nothing has worked. i will be using the mic on my headset while playing and it will be working fine. then randomly my mic will stop working and then sometimes i lose all audio on the ps5. one time it happened in setting the microphone input device said controller microphone instead of controller headset like it should and there was no option to change it back.
the things i’ve tried to fix this issue are
buy a new headset buy a new controller reset my controller reset default settings in ps5 settings do the correct audio output and input
some info that might help
i have a wired headset not bluetooth. the temporary fix to this issue is restart ps5 or turn controller on and off and that will resolve the issue for about another hour or so before it happens again. the headset mic works fine on my computer and this issue still happens withy different controller. i’ve also tried two different headsets and multiple different controllers and it’s the same everytime
if anyone has had similar problems or can help that would be muchly appreciated as it’s really annoying. i don’t understand how my mic works fine then will just stop working but then fix itself once i restart ps5?
and yes my headset volume is full. and it is properly plugged into the controller. my controller is not muted or my headset.
submitted by Warm-Ad3149 to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:05 Normodox UK literary festivals in financial crisis after Baillie Gifford drop all sponsorships

Pressure from Fossil Free Books forced the investment firm to severe sponsorship deals
Baillie Gifford is considering withdrawing support from all literary festivals following vocal protests from an anti-Israel/environmental pressure group.
At least five high profile festivals have severed ties with the asset management firm and a further four festivals have been dropped by the company amid controversy around celebrity dropouts and boycotts.
Cambridge, Stratford, Wigtown and Henley festivals announced on Friday that they had been told that Baillie Gifford was ending its partnership.
Without funding from Baillie Gifford literary festivals are likely to increase ticket prices and reduce their outreach.
Following a coordinated campaign over the asset management firm’s ties to the fossil fuel industry and tangential links to Israel, concerns at the company swelled about the pressure on and safety of staff.
The row first erupted over the Hay Festival in Wales, where comedian Nish Kumar and singer Charlotte Church were among some celebrities who pulled out over the sponsorship deal. Hay eventually caved into the protesters' demands and dropped Baillie Gifford.
Edinburgh International Book Festival also ended its 20-year partnership with the firm, while the Borders Book Festival announced that their relationship with Baillie Gifford had ended following the protests. Stratford Literary Festival stated on its website that its sponsorship deal with the firm will end after this year.
All had been targeted by Fossil Free Books (FFB), a campaign group that called on authors to withdraw from the festivals and threatened to “escalate” if the festivals did not give in to their demands.
The group highlighted Baillie Gifford’s investments in companies linked to Israel’s defence, technology and cybersecurity industries. The campaigners demanded that Baillie Gifford divest from companies with “links” to “Israeli occupation, apartheid and genocide”.
It took issue with firms including Amazon, the semiconductor group Nvidia, and Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, which have links to Israel. These companies are among the most widely held stocks in the world and are hard to avoid in a diversified share portfolio. Most UK pension schemes also include investments in these US tech companies.
FFB used Instagram to promote its campaign calling for divestment from the company's owner.
Last month, more than 700 writers and publishing industry professionals signed FFB’s open letter calling on Baillie Gifford to divest from fossil fuels and cease its links to Israel.
The investment firm said on Wednesday that it was having “ongoing conversations” with the remaining book festivals it supported about its future relationship with them, according to the Times.
UK literary festivals in financial crisis after Baillie Gifford drop all sponsorships - The Jewish Chronicle (
submitted by Normodox to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:40 Forward-Ideal-5789 iOS Push Notifications

Hello guys, I wanted to ask if there’s any shortcuts to getting push notifications on my iOS app. I’ve used the documentation to configure everything and once on firebase, I send a test notification message, but I don’t receive it on the Device.
If you have a good tutorial or you have been in a same situation, please share with us your solutions.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by Forward-Ideal-5789 to FlutterDev [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:38 Big-Bug-2495 Side effects of fin. RLT. Hairtransplant

My partner’s hair is thinning. He has previously tried fin however he had a bad side effect (loss of sex drive and impotence) so he stopped using it. He has not tried any topical treatments. I’m wondering if that would be better? I.e less side effects? Also considering buying a RLT helmet, anyone tried that? I have a RLT face mask and have seen good results on skin. Lastly, if we device to eventually go down the hairtransplant option, how much hair has to be left in order to transplant with good results?
submitted by Big-Bug-2495 to Hairloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:32 NotTheRealPiku The Skeptical Perspective on Ghosts: A Scientific Analysis

The belief in ghosts is a pervasive phenomenon across various cultures and epochs. Stories of apparitions, poltergeists, and spectral phenomena have intrigued and frightened people for centuries. However, scientific scrutiny offers a different perspective, grounded in psychology, physics, and critical thinking. This research paper aims to examine the scientific explanations for ghost sightings and phenomena, debunk common myths, and provide a reasoned argument against the existence of ghosts.
Pareidolia and Pattern Recognition
One of the primary psychological explanations for ghost sightings is pareidolia, the brain's tendency to find patterns, especially faces, in random stimuli. Stephen Hupp, a clinical psychologist at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, notes that pareidolia can lead people to perceive faces or figures in ambiguous environments, such as clouds or shadows in a dark room . This inclination to impose familiar patterns on random stimuli can easily be mistaken for ghostly apparitions.
Misunderstood Phenomena
Various psychological and physiological conditions can contribute to the belief in ghosts. Sleep paralysis, for instance, can cause vivid hallucinations of ghosts, demons, or aliens. This state occurs when a person wakes up during REM sleep and temporarily cannot move, often accompanied by a sense of presence or impending doom .
Scientific Consensus and Physical Impossibilities
The scientific community broadly agrees that there is no empirical evidence supporting the existence of ghosts. The purported abilities of ghosts, such as moving objects, making sounds, or passing through walls, contradict fundamental principles of physics. If ghosts were composed of matter, they would interact with the physical environment in observable ways. Conversely, if they could pass through walls, they would not be detectable by any physical means .
The Comfort of Belief
Belief in the paranormal can serve as a psychological comfort, especially in times of grief or uncertainty. Jennifer Whitson at the University of Texas suggests that people seek meaning amid disorder, which can lead to the perception of structures and patterns that do not exist. This cognitive bias can also give rise to superstitions and reinforce paranormal beliefs .
Inattentional Blindness
Inattentional blindness, or perceptual blindness, occurs when an individual fails to notice an unexpected stimulus in plain sight due to a lack of attention. This phenomenon can explain why people might miss logical explanations for seemingly paranormal events. When absorbed in one task, individuals may overlook environmental cues that would otherwise demystify ghostly encounters .
The Role of Critical Thinking
Robyn Andrews, a psychology student at the University of South Wales, investigated the correlation between critical thinking skills and belief in the paranormal. Her study found that students with higher grades, particularly those in scientific fields, were less likely to believe in ghosts. This suggests that strong critical thinking skills enable individuals to evaluate unusual experiences more rationally and attribute them to plausible, non-paranormal causes.
Common Counterarguments and Rebuttals
  1. "Ghost hunters use scientific equipment to detect ghosts."
    • While ghost hunters often employ devices like EMF detectors and infrared cameras, these tools have not been scientifically validated for detecting ghosts. Their measurements are often misinterpreted or influenced by environmental factors unrelated to the paranormal .
  2. "Einstein's First Law of Thermodynamics proves ghosts exist."
    • This claim misinterprets the law, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but only changes form. After death, the body's energy dissipates as heat and is consumed by decomposers. There is no evidence to suggest that this energy manifests as ghosts .
  3. "I've experienced a ghost firsthand, so they must be real."
    • Personal experiences, while compelling, are not reliable evidence. Cognitive biases, memory errors, and psychological phenomena can all contribute to perceived ghostly encounters. Scientific investigation seeks reproducible and objective evidence, which is lacking in ghost sightings.
The belief in ghosts can be attributed to a range of psychological and physiological factors, as well as a misunderstanding of scientific principles. Critical thinking and scientific inquiry provide plausible explanations for experiences that are often labeled as paranormal. By understanding the cognitive processes and biases that lead to these beliefs, we can demystify ghost sightings and encourage a more rational, evidence-based perspective.
  1. Hupp, S. (n.d.). Interview on pareidolia. Live Science.
  2. Sleep Paralysis and Hallucinations. (n.d.). Retrieved from relevant sources.
  3. Physics and the Impossibility of Ghosts. (n.d.). Various scientific studies.
  4. Whitson, J. (n.d.). Research on pattern perception and superstitions.
  5. Studies on inattentional blindness. (n.d.). Psychological research journals.
  6. Andrews, R., & Tyson, P. (n.d.). Study on critical thinking and paranormal beliefs.
  7. Critique of ghost-hunting equipment. (n.d.). Skeptical Inquirer.
  8. Misinterpretations of thermodynamics in paranormal claims. (n.d.). Scientific literature.
  9. French, C. (n.d.). Research on memory and absorption in paranormal beliefs
submitted by NotTheRealPiku to ParanormalEncounters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:20 ElegantMaterial6058 RevampingIT Your Online Presence: Web Designing Services in Delhi

RevampingIT Your Online Presence: Web Designing Services in Delhi
In today's digital era, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business looking to thrive. A well-designed website is the cornerstone of this presence, serving as the first point of contact for potential customers. At Revamping IT, we specialize in providing top-notch web designing services in Delhi, ensuring your website not only attracts visitors but also converts them into loyal customers.

Why Choose Revamping IT for Web Designing in Delhi?

1. Expertise and Experience Revamping IT boasts a team of seasoned web designers with years of experience in the industry. Our experts are well-versed in the latest design trends and technologies, ensuring your website is modern, responsive, and user-friendly.
2. Customized Solutions We understand that every business is unique, and so are its requirements. Our web designing services in Delhi are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you're a startup, a small business, or a large corporation, we create customized solutions that align with your brand identity and business goals.
3. SEO-Friendly Designs A beautifully designed website is of little use if it doesn't rank well on search engines. At Revamping IT, we integrate SEO best practices into our web designing process. Our designs are not only visually appealing but also optimized for search engines, helping you achieve higher rankings and greater visibility.
4. Responsive Design With the increasing use of mobile devices, having a responsive website is no longer optional. Our web designing services ensure your site looks great and functions seamlessly across all devices, providing an optimal user experience regardless of screen size.
5. Fast Loading Times Slow websites can frustrate users and drive them away. Our team prioritizes performance, ensuring your website loads quickly and efficiently. This not only improves user experience but also boosts your SEO rankings.

Our Web Designing Process

At Revamping IT, we follow a systematic approach to web designing, ensuring every project is executed with precision and professionalism.
1. Discovery Phase We begin by understanding your business, target audience, and goals. This phase involves thorough research and consultation, allowing us to gather all necessary information to create a website that truly represents your brand.
2. Planning and Strategy Based on the insights gathered, we develop a strategic plan outlining the design, functionality, and content structure of your website. This blueprint serves as a roadmap, guiding the entire design process.
3. Design and Development Our talented designers get to work, creating visually stunning and user-friendly designs. We use the latest tools and technologies to develop a website that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional.
4. Content Integration Content is king when it comes to web design. Our team works closely with you to integrate high-quality, SEO-optimized content that engages visitors and drives conversions. We ensure the content aligns with your brand voice and resonates with your audience.
5. Testing and Launch Before launching, we rigorously test your website to ensure it performs flawlessly across all browsers and devices. We check for any bugs or issues, making sure everything is perfect. Once approved, we launch your website, making it live for the world to see.
6. Post-Launch Support Our commitment to your success doesn't end with the launch. We provide ongoing support and maintenance to keep your website running smoothly. Whether you need updates, troubleshooting, or further enhancements, we're here to help.

The Importance of SEO in Web Designing

Incorporating SEO into web designing is crucial for online success. At Revamping IT, we understand the significance of SEO and its impact on your website's performance. Here’s how we ensure our designs are SEO-friendly:
1. Keyword Research and Integration We conduct thorough keyword research to identify the terms your target audience is searching for. These keywords are strategically integrated into your website’s content, meta tags, and headers to improve your search engine rankings.
2. Optimized Images and Media Images and media can significantly affect your website's loading speed. We optimize all visual elements to ensure fast loading times without compromising quality. This not only enhances user experience but also boosts your SEO performance.
3. Clean and Efficient Code Our developers write clean, efficient code that follows SEO best practices. This ensures search engines can easily crawl and index your website, improving its visibility and ranking.
4. Mobile Optimization With a significant portion of web traffic coming from mobile devices, mobile optimization is a must. We ensure your website is fully responsive and mobile-friendly, providing a seamless experience for users on the go.
5. User Experience (UX) A positive user experience is critical for SEO. We focus on creating intuitive navigation, clear calls-to-action, and engaging content to keep visitors on your site longer, reducing bounce rates and improving your search engine rankings.

Why SEO-Optimized Web Design Matters

SEO-optimized web design is not just about pleasing search engines; it's about creating a website that serves your users effectively. Here’s why it matters:
· Increased Visibility Higher search engine rankings mean more visibility for your business. An SEO-optimized website attracts more organic traffic, leading to increased brand awareness and potential customers.
· Better User Experience SEO best practices often align with creating a better user experience. Faster loading times, mobile responsiveness, and easy navigation enhance the user journey, making visitors more likely to stay on your site and convert.
· Higher Conversion Rates An optimized website is more effective at converting visitors into customers. By providing relevant content, clear calls-to-action, and a seamless user experience, you can boost your conversion rates and grow your business.
· Long-Term Success Investing in SEO-optimized web design sets you up for long-term success. As search engines evolve, having a strong SEO foundation ensures your website remains competitive and continues to attract traffic over time.


At Revamping IT, we are dedicated to helping businesses in Delhi create stunning, SEO-optimized websites that drive results. Our comprehensive web designing services are tailored to meet your unique needs, ensuring your online presence stands out in a crowded digital landscape. Whether you're looking to revamp your existing website or build a new one from scratch, we have the expertise and experience to deliver exceptional results. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your digital goals.
For businesses looking to make a significant impact online, partnering with Revamping IT for web designing services in Delhi is the first step towards success. Let us help you create a website that not only looks great but also performs exceptionally well in search engines, driving traffic, engagement, and conversions.

submitted by ElegantMaterial6058 to u/ElegantMaterial6058 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:45 sameed_a how to improve problem-solving with cognitive bias?

It was a typical Tuesday, and I was neck-deep in my work when I suddenly faced a peculiar issue. The problem at hand was trying to figure out why my home Wi-Fi was constantly failing, despite having paid the bills and resetting the router.
Now, I'm no tech whiz, but I decided to tap into my basic problem-solving skills, starting by identifying the issue – the Wi-Fi was down. I then moved onto analysing the signals and even contacted the provider. Yet, the problem persisted.
And that's when I realized I was falling prey to 'confirmation bias', one of the most common cognitive biases. I was so convinced that the issue was with signals or the provider that I wasn't considering any other causes.
So, I decided to step back and reassess. This time, I took into account different variables and scenarios, including whether the problem could be with my devices or if there were too many devices connected, causing the network to crash. And voila, I discovered that an old tablet I'd forgotten about was continuously trying to update software and causing the system to overload.
Just like that, by acknowledging and then eliminating my cognitive bias, I was able to see the full spectrum of possible causes and find the real problem.
P.S.: This tale of triumph over troublesome data is, of course, hypothetical. But it illustrates just how useful mental models like cognitive bias can be, once you understand them. Yes, even for everyday problems like spotty Wi-Fi! So, next time you're stuck, try a mental model – you might surprise yourself with your own Sherlock Holmes-like reasoning skills!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]