Imuran crohn s disease

All the toilet humor you can handle!

2019.10.06 03:09 covercash All the toilet humor you can handle!

This is a subreddit dedicated to memes about IBD/Crohn’s/Colitis/etc. It’s the sister subreddit of CrohnsDisease

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2022.02.16 05:17 Meatrition Keto4CrohnsDisease

This subreddit is for discussing the usage of the carnivore and ketogenic diets and the spectrums between them for the treatment and prevention of Crohn’s Disease 🥩 🥚 💩🦠 Science 🧬 and Anecdotes both positive and negative are encouraged. All post types are allowed, including blogs and responsible spam like good science on a health coach site, photos, before and afters, videos of anecdotes or science lectures. Crossposts are great! ketoscience keto4 Keto4IBS zerocarb StopEatingFiber

2024.05.29 06:26 InternalFun1121 Thoughts on magic system: biomancy

Hi :D, I made a crude first draft of my magic system. I don't like it very much, and I was wondering is it actually trash or am I overthinking it? HELP ME REDDIT.
Part 1: Origin and Structure of Bio-Catalysts
●Origin of Bio-Catalysts ○Historical Background: - Ancient Mutation: Bio-Catalysts originate from a rare genetic mutation that has existed in humans for millennia. This mutation was dormant until recent scientific advancements enabled its activation. -Scientific Discovery: Modern scientists discovered these mutations and learned how to activate and harness them. This led to a new field of study: Biomancy.
○Activation Process: -Gene Therapy: The activation process involves advanced gene therapy, where specific sequences are targeted and stimulated to awaken the dormant Bio-Catalyst organ within the body. -Catalyst Trigger: Special chemicals or controlled environmental stimuli (like exposure to certain radiation frequencies) are used to trigger the growth and activation of the Bio-Catalyst.
●Structure of Bio-Catalysts
○Biological Makeup: -Specialized Cells: Bio-Catalysts are composed of unique cells that have properties not found in typical human cells. These cells can store and manipulate energy or matter. -Organ Integration: These organs are seamlessly integrated into the body’s systems, connecting to the circulatory, nervous, and lymphatic systems to draw energy and manage bodily functions.
○Types of Bio-Catalysts:
  1. Luminal Glands: -Location: Typically found near the adrenal glands. -Function: Absorb and store various forms of energy such as light, thermal, and kinetic. Release energy in controlled bursts.
2.Electro-Cores: -Location: Often located near the heart or the spinal cord. -Function: Generate and manipulate electrical energy, create electromagnetic fields.
3.Molecular Nodes: -Location: Scattered throughout the body, particularly in the hands and forearms. -Function: Manipulate molecular structures to alter states of matter or transmute elements.
4.Phantom Veins: - Location: Interwoven with the vascular system, primarily in the limbs. -Function: Allow the user to phase through solid objects by destabilizing molecular structure.
5.Chimera Cells: -Location: Distributed throughout the body, with high concentrations in the muscles. -Function: Enable temporary physical alterations, like growing wings or hardening skin.
6.Regenerative Core: - Location:Typically near the liver or the bone marrow. -Function: Accelerates cellular regeneration for rapid healing and recovery.
Part 2: Powers and Abilities
●Luminal Glands ○Energy Manipulation: 1. Light Manipulation: -Absorption: Absorb light energy from the environment, such as sunlight or artificial light sources. -Release: Emit concentrated light beams or create blinding flashes. -Applications: Can be used for illumination, blinding enemies, or focused laser-like attacks.
2.Thermal Manipulation: -Absorption: Absorb ambient heat from surroundings, cooling the area. -Release: Release stored thermal energy as intense heat waves or fireballs. -Applications: Heating objects, melting barriers, or creating thermal shields.
3.Kinetic Manipulation: - Absorption: Absorb kinetic energy from physical impacts. -Release: Discharge kinetic energy to enhance physical strikes or create shockwaves. -Applications: Enhance physical combat abilities, create forceful impacts, or kinetic shields.
○Electro-Cores Electricity Manipulation: 1.Generation: -Internal Dynamo: Continuously generates electrical energy. -Storage: Stores excess electrical energy for later use. -Applications: Power devices, create electric barriers, or unleash electric shocks.
2.Manipulation: -Control: Precisely control the flow and intensity of electrical currents. -Magnetism: Generate electromagnetic fields to manipulate metal objects. -Applications: Electromagnetic pulses to disable electronics, levitate metal objects, or create magnetic shields.
● Molecular Nodes ○Matter Transformation:
1.State Alteration: - Solid to Liquid/Gas: Change the state of materials by altering their molecular bonds. - Applications: Melt solid barriers, create fog or gas clouds for concealment, or harden liquids into solid forms.
2.Transmutation: - Elemental Change: Transmute elements by reconfiguring atomic structures. -Applications: Turn lead into gold, create new materials on the fly, or neutralize toxins by changing their composition.
●Phantom Veins Phase Manipulation: 1.Phasing: - Pass-Through: Temporarily destabilize own molecular structure to pass through solid objects. -Duration Control: Control the duration and extent of phasing. -Applications: Evade attacks, infiltrate secure locations, or escape restraints.
2.Intangibility: -Partial Phasing: Make specific body parts intangible while maintaining overall solidity. -Applications: Allow projectiles to pass through without harm, phase through walls, or grab objects within solid structures.
●Chimera Cells Physical Alteration: 1.Form Shifting: -Temporary Changes: Grow wings, claws, or other appendages for a limited time. -Applications: Flight, enhanced combat abilities, or specialized tools.
2.Defense and Adaptation: - Hardened Skin: Temporarily increase skin density to resist damage. -Enhanced Senses: Temporarily enhance senses such as sight, hearing, or smell. -Applications: Combat adaptation, environmental resistance, or sensory augmentation.
● Regenerative Core Healing and Recovery: 1.Rapid Healing: -Accelerated Regeneration: Heal wounds and recover from injuries at a rapid rate. -Applications: Quick recovery in battle, reduce downtime from injuries, or assist in healing others.
2.Enhanced Immunity: -Disease Resistance: Increased resistance to diseases and toxins. -Applications: Survive in hazardous environments, recover quickly from illnesses, or assist in detoxifying others.
Part 3: Activation Mechanism
●Energy Requirements ○Energy Sources: -Metabolic Energy: Primary energy comes from the user’s metabolism, necessitating increased caloric intake. -External Energy: Secondary sources include sunlight, electricity, or specific chemicals that can replenish energy stores.
○Energy Management: -Efficiency Training: Users learn to maximize efficiency, minimizing energy waste. -Recovery Periods: Regular rest and recovery periods are essential to prevent burnout and maintain peak performance.
○Control and Training Skill Development: -Basic Training: Initial training focuses on understanding the Bio-Catalyst’s basic functions and simple applications. -Advanced Techniques: Further training involves mastering complex abilities and combining different aspects of the Bio-Catalyst’s power.
○Focus and Precision: - Mental Discipline: Users must develop strong mental discipline to control their powers effectively. -Precision Exercises: Regular exercises to improve precision, such as target practice for energy projection or fine control for molecular manipulation.
submitted by InternalFun1121 to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:25 Vivid_Invite1685 What’s wrong with my monstera?

What’s wrong with my monstera?
Had this monstera for a couple months and everything was fine, it was (and still is) growing very fast, though about a week or week and a half ago I noticed some white marks on the bottoms of some of the leaves. Did some research and I think it’s powdery mildew? But I’m not sure. Then today I went to add a stick to hold it up and to keep from falling, and I noticed these marks. I used the PictureThis app (not sure how accurate it is) and it says it’s disease infected but didn’t give solutions to fix it. Any plant experts here know what’s going on? And is it fixable or is it too late to hold out hope? Any help is much appreciated!
submitted by Vivid_Invite1685 to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:20 dixiesfruitypebbles mourning the living

my family situation is complicated. I have two grandparents on my paternal side that are alive, and one grandparent on my maternal side. my maternal grandmother stole my mother’s inheritance from her father’s will when he passed, and it’s not that my mom cared about the money. it’s just hard to allow someone to remain in your life when they steal from you, especially during such a vulnerable time in your life, as a family member. my paternal grandparents are another story. my grandfather is attentive and comes to every life event, though with his age and one leg, it’s been harder for him to get out in recent years. he is the sole caregiver from my grandma so he is forced to get out daily though. however, he recently broke his back. and my parents and I are her caregivers now. my grandmother is mentally ill, and hasn’t left the house in over 10 years. she missed my high school and college graduation, my sisters wedding, and my sisters graduate and masters graduations. I assume both grandmothers will miss my wedding and graduation from nursing school. for the last few years, my grandpa has been the only reason she had food each day, and clean clothes, despite her being hateful towards him. when I see her, she continuously tells me she wants to die (she is only 78 and is in relatively good health, no cancer, no diseases), auctioning off her items when I see her. however, she doesn’t take care of herself, and has let her teeth rot, her eyesight is so bad that she uses binoculars to see my face, and her toenails are 4 inches long. she won’t let my grandpa help her with her hygiene, and she refuses to do it for herself. the only thing she talks to me about is the news. she will begin with the new gossip, then move onto the wars in the world and end with how it is all the plan of God, and how the end times are upon us. every time. i’ve been holding out, hoping that she’ll change trying to talk sense into her (shower, stop talking to me like i’m an audience, be nice to your husband). I realized that i’m literally mourning her while she is still alive. i’m longing for the grandmother figure I never had. comparison is the thief of all happiness. I can assure you. I compare my grandmothers to my friends’, boyfriend’s and random people on tik tok’s grandmothers. it’s so unfair. I wish I could tell you all about the great memories I have with my grandmothers, and how many life lessons they taught me. but I can’t. for as long as I can remember (23 years), I have never had a conversation that I would consider normal with my grandmothers. i’ve never been able to go to them for advice, or make cookies with them at christmas time, I never wished to go to their houses when I was little, and I truly forgot what my maternal grandmother looked like because she burned her bridges to my family so long ago. I want to give myself permission to mourn the grandmother figures I wanted to have. I want to grieve the image i’ve had in my head all these years to move on from this world of hurt I live in.
submitted by dixiesfruitypebbles to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:20 Acceptable_Tadpole44 Yellowing is normal ?

Yellowing is normal ?
Hello, My monstera’s root system is thriving ever since I repotted it, but the bottom few leafs the tiny ones are turning yellow over the course of several months. But peculiarly one of the larger ones is also Turing yellow. Slowly now about 4 months into yellowing. I have concluded that it is normal just because it has taken so long… or is it a disease ?
submitted by Acceptable_Tadpole44 to Monstera [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:12 GunzBlazein180 Why are Ethiopian Christian’s obsessed with tsebel(holy water)?

One of my worst experiences since I’ve came here is being forced to get washed by holy water. Now I have nothing against it, but my idea of holy water was always that it’s a limited quantity of water blessed by a priest. But when my family(who believe it’s the cure for all diseases) took me to the church, it turns out there’s a faucet and plumbing system where it comes out of. Perhaps the worst part about this practice is that we are expected to walk barefoot in dirty communal shower rooms, where there are no curtains. It reminds me of the stigma in the US about prison showers. Inside you will see men of all ages, children to elderly who are all naked and cramped together waiting their turn to enter an open shower. And shower is a compliment, it’s really just a faucet that pours freezing cold water. There is nothing “holy” about that, in fact it’s borderline psychotic. But if I say that, my family who loves it so much will probably believe I am possessed by the devil. It’s one of the most horrible experiences I’ve had. To make matters worse I’ve gotten sick after doing it. You can just tell these places are rarely cleaned and are high in bacteria. But everyone in family is so adamant of it’s magical healing powers, not just the older traditional family members, but also the highly educated master degree holding younger family members as well. This was such a disappointment.
And that’s not even the most ridiculous part, after we got out, I noticed on the corner of the church there were people who were CHAINED UP. Literally as if they were prisoners. This caught me by surprise, so when I asked my cousin what on earth was that about, they told me “it’s so they won’t leave”. Excuse me?? What do you mean it’s so they won’t leave? It’s a Tuesday morning why would anyone come to church if they wanted to leave? And so what if they wanted to leave? Why should anyone be forced to stay? They only way it makes sense is if they were forced to come, which I doubt, but if it was the case sounds like some serious human rights violations. I feel like as a country we are 200 years behind with our mindsets. It’s okay to be Christan, but to believe this practice is actually useful is nothing short of delusional.
How do I tell my family I’m sick and tired of waking up early in the morning to go to these holy water washings? It means so much to them I know if I try they won’t take no for an answer and I will have to argue with them, which is a problem because I am not an assertive person. What do you guys think? Am I overreacting or is all this holy water and church “jail” area necessary?
submitted by GunzBlazein180 to Ethiopia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:11 GodJihyo7983 Frankly Speaking [Episodes 9 & 10]

submitted by GodJihyo7983 to KDRAMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:54 AstronomerUsual4400 So much wasted time - never again

Sharing because so many posts on this page have and will continue to help me. I read David Cassidy’s last words were “so much wasted time” after struggling so long with this horrible disease. I have a young daughter and I’m trying to let go of the shame and regret for drinking during those precious early years, lost weekends sitting her in front of the TV because mum was too hungover, rushing bedtime stories to get to my wine. It haunts me but I know the worst thing would to go back, be more days or weeks or months or years down the track and wish I had stopped now. I can’t go back but I can stop. I’m on day 5 today and I don’t want to waste more time.
submitted by AstronomerUsual4400 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:42 seastormybear Dealing w Angry part

I have a very strong angry part who can come out and tear someone’s face off (figuratively), but mostly she hides in the moment when justice needs to be served cause other parts fear further gaslighting. So, I see more of Angry part when I’m alone. Trouble is my angry part is so intense I have very high blood pressure (44f - active, 130lbs). I developed an autoimmune disease after a very traumatic event. So my angry part is fierce and exhausting and RUMINATION part keeps angry part well fuelled. I’ve tried taking to her, thanking her, listening to her. She chills in the moment. But she’s triggered just as frequently, just as intensely. Help.
submitted by seastormybear to InternalFamilySystems [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:31 fishy1357 I think my niece could have celiac disease, how to approach her parents?

I wonder if my niece could have celiac disease. She’s 3 years old and has had problems almost since she was born. She has diarrhea regularly, she’s super skinny, always sick, and has problems eating diary.
It really could be anything but because I have celiac disease I really worry she could too. But when I was diagnosed my brother seemed really dismissive. He’s made comments about how he’d rather just eat gluten then ever find out if he has celiac disease. And he’d deal with the consequences. He jokes that he could never give up gluten food. Or that all they eat is gluten. Any tips on how to bring up that his daughter could have celiac disease?
submitted by fishy1357 to Celiac [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:29 ilikemoose42 H: Trades W: The things listed in my post

I am looking for a unyielding, + 1 strength, weapon weight reduction, civil engineer armor.
Maybe good Overeaters, ammo weight reduction, excavator pieces.
Now what I have for trade.
Rare outfits
tattered field jacket
blue ridge caravan outfit and and gas mask
both scout masks
white powder jumpsuit
responder fireman helmet
glowing scorchbeast queen mask
glowing honey bee mask
winter man mask
crazy guy mask
deathclaw mask
brahmin mask
demon mask
hag mask
buffoon mask
raven mask
elders marks
aristocrats, explosive, less vats cost
bloodied, explosive, breaks 50% slower
instigating, explosive, less vats cost
vampire, explosive, faster reload
vampire, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost
enclave plasmas
bloodied, 50 more vats critical damage, breaks 50% slower, not modded
quad, faster fire rate, faster reload, not modded
mod boxes and unrolled weapons
aristocrats, explosive, less vats cost, handmade
aristocrats, explosive, faster reload, handmade
aristocrats, explosive, less vats cost, 10mm submachine gun
aristocrats, faster fire rate, faster reload, gatling plasma
anti armor, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, compound bow
anti armor, explosive, V.A.T.S. critical meter fills 15% faster, radium rifle
anti armor, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, pepper shaker
anti armor, faster fire rate, faster reload, minigun
anti armor, explosive, faster reload, bolt-action pistol/rifle
anti armor, explosive, less vats cost, railway rifle
anti armor, explosive, breaks 50% slower, gatling gun
anti armor, explosive, less vats cost, hunting rifle
bloodied, faster fire rate, less vats cost, ultracite laser gun
bloodied, explosive, faster reload, handmade
bloodied, explosive, breaks 50% slower, fixer
bloodied, faster fire rate, faster reload, minigun
bloodied, faster fire rate, 90 reduced weight, minigun
bloodied, faster fire rate, 90 reduced weight, gatling laser
bloodied, explosive, faster reload, submachine gun
bloodied, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, gatling plasma
bloodied, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, lever action
bloodied, faster fire, rate, 90 reduced weight, radium rifle
bloodied, faster fire, rate, less vats cost, railway rifle
bloodied, explosive, faster reload, ripe rifle/pistol
bloodied, faster fire rate, breaks 50% slower, ultracite gatling laser
bloodied, explosive, breaks 50% slower, gatling gun
bloodied,, rate, +50% hit chance hit target in VATS, less vats cost, gauss rifle
executioner, explosive, less vats cost, fixer
junkies, explosive, faster reload, handmade
junkies, explosive, less vats cost, pipe revolver
quad, 50 more vats critical damage, faster reload, fixer
quad, explosive, less vats cost, pipe revolver
quad, faster fire rate, faster reload, gatling gun
quad, faster fire rate, faster reload, assault rifle
quad, explosive, less vats cost, assault rifle
quad, faster fire rate, less vats cost, assault rifle
quad, explosive, less vats cost, bolt action pipe rifle
quad, explosive, faster reload, hunting rifle
quad, faster fire rate, V.A.T.S. critical meter fills 15% faster, railway rifle
quad, +50 limb damage, faster reload, tesla rifle
tse, less vats cost, pipe bolt action pistol/rifle
tse, faster reload, pump action shotgun
tse, less vats cost, combat shotgun
tse, faster reload, handmade
tse, less vats cost, radium rifle
tse, 90 reduced weight, 50 cal machine gun
tse, 90 reduced weight, gatling gun
two shot, faster fire rate, less vats cost, railway rifle
two shot, 50 more vats critical damage, faster reload, fatman
two shot, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, gauss rifle
two shot, +50% hit chance hit target in VATS, faster reload, auto grenade launcher
vampire, faster fire rate, less vats cost, railway rifle
vampire, explosive, less vats cost, railway rifle
vampire, explosive, faster reload, pipe revolver
vampire, explosive, less vats cost, assault rifle
vampire, explosive, faster reload, combat rifle
vampire, explosive, faster reload, radium rifle
vampire, explosive, less vats cost, pipe revolver
vampire, explosive, faster reload, double barrel shotgun
vampire, 50 more vats critical damage, V.A.T.S. critical meter fills 15% faster, gauss rifle
anti armor, 50 more vats critical damage, less vats cost, chainsaw
anti armor, swing speed, + 1 strength, pole hook
anti armor, swing speed, + 1 strength, shovel
anti armor, swing speed, + 1 strength, shishkebab
aristocrats, power attack, breaks 50% slower, chainsaw
berserkers, power attack, + 1 strength, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, breaks 50% slower, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, 90 reduced weight, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, + 1 strength, chainsaw
bloodied, AP, 90 reduced weight, chainsaw
bloodied, power attack, + 1 strength, grognak axe
bloodied, swing speed, + 1 strength, sledgehammer
bloodied, swing speed, + 1 strength, multi purpose axe
furious power attack, + 1 strength, chainsaw
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, pole hook
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, cultist dagger
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, death tambo
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, chinese officer sword
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, tire iron
junkies, swing speed, +1 strength, pickaxe
instigating, swing speed, +1 strength, super sledge
vampire, +25% damage while standing still, + 1 strength, chainsaw
vampire, power attack, less vats cost, chainsaw
vampire, power attack, breaks 50% slower, chainsaw
vampire, power attack, 90 reduced weight, chainsaw
vampire, AP, + 1 strength, chainsaw
assassins, AP, sentinel, sturdy robot left leg
assassins, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, civil engineer chest
assassins, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, heavy leather right arm
chameleon, ap, sentinel, heavy combat armor right arm
overeaters, AP, cavalier, civil engineer chest
overeaters, + 25 fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, urban scout right arm
overeaters, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, sturdy metal right arm
overeaters, + 1 perception, cavalier, trapper left arm
overeaters, poison resistance, weapon weight reduction, urban scout chest
overeaters, AP, cavalier, trapper left arm
overeaters, 25% disease resistance, weapon weight reduction, trapper left arm
overeaters, 1 strength, cavalier, forest scout right leg
overeaters, hunger and thirst 10% slower, sentinel, heavy leather left arm
overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, wood left leg
overeaters, Fire resistance, cavalier, wood right leg
overeaters, poison resistance, cavalier, heavy combat right arm
overeaters, radiation resistance, AWR, forest right arm
overeaters, poison resistance, AWR, marine right arm
overeaters, Fire resistance, sentinel, heavy combat left arm
overeaters, radiation resistance, weapon weight reduction, sturdy combat right leg
unyielding, radiation resistance, cavalier, marine chest
unyielding, 1 strength, harder to detect while sneaking, forest scout chest
unyielding, 1 strength, sentinel, sturdy leather chest
unyielding, 1 strength, sentinel, heavy metal chest
unyielding, AP, cavalier, urban scout right leg
unyielding, 1 perception, weapon weight reduction, light leather left arm
unyielding, 1 intelligence, sentinel, wood right leg
unyielding, 1 luck, sentinel, light leather right leg
unyielding, poison resistance, cavalier, forest scout left arm
unyielding, AP, sentinel, heavy combat armor chest
unyielding, AP, weapon weight reduction, light combat armor right leg
unyielding, AP, cavalier, trapper right arm
unyielding, radiation resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, marine left arm
unyielding, radiation resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, sturdy left leg
unyielding, 1 luck, sentinel, heavy raider chest
unyielding, 1 intelligence, cavalier, marine right leg
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, sturdy robot right leg
unyielding, 25% cryo resistance, AWR, marine left leg
unyielding, radiation resistance, AWR, forest scout left leg
unyielding, poison resistance, cavalier, forest scout left arm
unyielding, poison resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, trapper left arm
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, heavy robot left arm
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, FDC weight reduction, heavy raider left arm
unyielding, radiation resistance, cavalier, heavy combat right leg
unyielding, radiation resistance, cavalier, wood right leg
unyielding, Fire resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, wood left leg
unyielding, 1 intelligence, weapon weight reduction, sturdy leather chest
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, weapon weight reduction, marine right arm
unyielding, 1 strength, weapon weight reduction, trapper left leg
unyielding, 1 intelligence, weapon weight reduction, trapper left arm
unyielding, Fire resistance, sentinel, heavy metal right arm
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, urban scout right arm
unyielding, 1 strength, weapon weight reduction, heavy combat armor chest
unyielding, receive 7% less explosion damage, sentinel, heavy metal left arm
unyielding, poison resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, heavy combat armor chest
unyielding, 1 intelligence, sentinel, heavy robot right arm
unyielding, AP, AWR, sturdy leather left arm
unyielding, Fire resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, heavy raider right leg
unyielding, 1 agility, sentinel, civil engineer chest
unyielding, 1 strength, FDC weight reduction, civil engineer chest
unyielding, 25% cryo resistance, harder to detect while sneaking, civil engineer chest
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, civil engineer chest
unyielding, AP, harder to detect while sneaking, sturdy metal left leg
unyielding, AP, sentinel, sturdy metal right leg
unyielding, 1 luck, sentinel, forest scout right leg
unyielding, AP, FDC weight reduction, urban scout chest
vanguard, radiation resistance, weapon weight reduction, heavy combat armor chest
vanguard, 1 strength, sentinel, heavy combat armor left arm
vanguard, AP, weapon weight reduction, civil engineer chest
power armor
Overeaters, receive 7% less explosion damage, weapon weight reduction, t45 right arm
Overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
Overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator left leg
Overeaters, poison resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
Overeaters, radiation resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator torso
Overeaters, 25% disease resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
Overeaters, + 1 endurance, FDC weight reduction, excavator left leg
Overeaters, 25% disease resistance, AWR, excavator left leg
Overeaters, 25% disease resistance, AWR, excavator left leg
Overeaters, Fire resistance, sentinel, excavator right arm
Overeaters, + 1 strength, sentinel, excavator left arm
Overeaters, poison resistance, sentinel, excavator torso
Overeaters, poison resistance, cavalier, excavator torso
Overeaters, hunger and thirst grow 10% slower, weapon weight reduction, excavator left arm
Overeaters, 25% cryo resistance, weapon weight reduction, excavator right arm
Overeaters, AP, weapon weight reduction, excavator right arm
Overeaters, + 1 strength, AWR, T60 right leg
Overeaters, + 1 intelligence, weapon weight reduction, ultracite right leg
Overeaters, Fire resistance, weapon weight reduction, X01 left leg
vanguard's, AP, weapon weight reduction, excavator right leg
I have most rare plans such as.
I believe I have all the rare Ultracite power armor plans
dense trapper torso plan
dense marine torso plan
T60 full set of plans
submitted by ilikemoose42 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:28 horse106xbox H: civil engineer pieces W: open to any offer like outfits b also looking for a bol ap wwr rL ce / Arist trapper ap sent LL uny 7led wwr trapper

Uny 25 reduced disease sneak La
Uny ap fire to melee LL
Uny ap fire to melee chest
Uny ap junk ra
Uny ap poison to melee chest
Uny 1 s sentinel chest
Uny 1 s sneak LL
Uny 1 p sneak ra
Assassin ap sneak LL
Assassins ap +5 stims rad rad x
Bol fdc 1 s chest
Bol 25 poison wwr LL
Bol 1i sent La
Bol 7led sent ra
Bol ap cav LL
Bol ap energy to melee LL
Bol 7led sentinel La
Cloaking ap sent ra
Exterminators 25 fire wwr chest
Exterminators 1 s wwr LL
Oe 1 i fdc La
Oe ap receive 15 less limb damage rL
Oe 1 s awr rL
Oe 1 s fdc ra
Oe hunger thirst sent chest
Oe 1 s htd chest
Oe fire wwr chest
Oe 25 rad rest wwr ra
Oe 25 cryo htd rL
Trob 1 s wwr ra
Weightless 25 poison wwr ra
Weightless 25 fire wwr La
Weightless 25 cryo sent rL
Weightless 25 cryo fdc rL
Mutants ap sent ra
Mutants 1 s fdc La
Mutants 25 cryo wwr LL
Mutants ap sneak LL
Mutants 1 s wwr rL
Noc 7led sent ra
Noc 7led sent chest
Noc 25 rad sent LL
Mutants 1 s fdc La
Hunters 1 s wwr LL
Zel ap sent chest
Van 1 luck wwr rL
submitted by horse106xbox to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:20 Key-Direction1598 My friend unfriended everyone in our friend group except me.

We are all 20 and we’ve been a friend group of 5 for like 6 years, these disagreements happen sometimes in our group usually with the same people except for me and I always find myself in the middle being an unhappy “messenger” or some of them asking me to almost be like a double agent. This is the current situation:
“C” is mad at “L” and “E” because she feels like they don’t make enough of an effort to hangout with her which I understand on her part, but she has 2 jobs so it’s hard to find availability with her. Her main gripe is the fact that L and E will hangout late at night amongst themselves or with another girl we removed from the group chat a year ago. L and E stayed friends with her, I’m indifferent to her so I don’t really care. C takes this personally as this girl has done some things that have caused a lot of drama. Like “outing” this DL guy and when the rumors got out around town she played it off by saying she didn’t out anyone, but that L’s boyfriend did; only coming to hangouts when she wanted to smoke and rarely putting down and getting rides from ppl in our group while saying she was broke and didn’t have gas money when her mom was giving her gas money, but keeping it secretly. C pretty much considers her an “opp” and doesn’t like the fact that L and E hangout with her.
C is also ghosting our friend “B” as she feels that their conversations are overwhelmingly negative. He has recently been diagnosed with a chronic disease and it’s been difficult for him to work and sometimes hangout and his mother is toxic so he often complains about her and his health to all of us. C told me she feels like his mother sometimes and she can’t handle all of his problems as she has her own to deal with. To top is all off C is basically subbing everyone on social media.
B is asking me to tell him why she’s ghosting him, but I really don’t want to start anything. If I tell him I’m betraying C’s trust, if I don’t tell B I’m also betraying his trust in a way. This has been going on for a month Ive tried to see if C will talk to the group but she’s really set on unfriending everyone. I really don’t know what do in this situation.
submitted by Key-Direction1598 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:15 adhd_as_fuck What Robert Sapolsky Says about Estrogen (Huberman Labs, 2021)

From Huberman Labs podcast episode "Dr. Robert Sapolsky: Science of Stress, Testosterone & Free Will Episode 35 Huberman Lab" Ignoring the name, this discussion of women, estrogen, and menopause shows up partway through and its fantastic!
Youtube Spotify Apple Podcasts
Robert Sapolsky (34:56):
No, and it’s once again, very context dependent. And if estrogen after giving birth is playing a central role in you wanting to shred the face of somebody getting too close to your kittens kind of thing, we know it’s not just warm, fuzzy, empathic kind of stuff. Estrogen in lots of ways could be summarized by if you had a choice in the matter between having a lot of estrogen in your bloodstream or not, go for having a lot of estrogen.
It enhances cognition exactly as you said. It stimulates neurogenesis in the hippocampus. It increases glucose and oxygen delivery. It protects you from dementia. It decreases inflammatory oxidative damage to blood vessels, which is why it’s good for protecting from cardiovascular disease in contrast to testosterone, which is making every one of those things worse. This brings up this minefield of the question, which is, so what about post-menopausal estrogen?
And all sorts of lab studies with non-human primates suggested that you keep estrogen levels high after a monkey’s equivalent of menopause, and you’re going to keep brain health a lot better, decreasing the risk of dementia, stroke, every such thing. Estrogen is a great antioxidant, all of that. So in the 90s, I think, when Healy, I’m forgetting her name, but when there was the first female head of the NIH, Bernadette Healy, set up this massive prospective human study, what was going to be the biggest one of all times, looking at the pluses and minuses of post-menopausal estrogen.
And tens of thousands of women, and this was great, and they had to cut the study short because what they were seeing was estrogen was not only doing the normal bad stuff that you expect in terms of some decalcification stuff, but it was increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and it was increasing the risk of stroke, and it was increasing the risk of dementia, and this ground to a halt, and everybody, they stopped the study in front page news, and everybody had that point, and nobody could make sense of it who had been spending the last 20 years studying the exact same thing in primates and seeing all the protective effects. And the explanation turned out to be one of those things where, like law of unexpected consequences.
Okay, menopause in women, at last different lengths of time, that may be a factor, let’s get a… You know what? Let’s not start giving our study subjects more estrogen until they’re totally past menopause. And when you’ve got that lag time in between, you shift all sorts of estrogen receptor patterns, and that’s where all of the bad effects come from. All of the monkey studies had involved just maintaining ovulatory levels into the post-menopausal period. And you do that, and you get great effects. Estrogen is one of the greatest predictors of protection from Alzheimer’s disease, all of that, but it needs to be physiological.
Just keep going, keep continuing what your body has been doing for a long time, versus let the whole thing shut down, and suddenly try to fire up the coal stoves at the bottom of the basement, kind of thing, and get that going. There, you get utterly different outcomes. And that caused a lot of human health consequences when people suddenly decided that estrogen is in fact neurologically endangering post-menopausal [women]. . .
Andrew Huberman (38:55):
Wow, that’s fascinating. And I never thought that these steroid hormone receptors could, you know, by not binding estrogen, by not binding estrogen, being devoid of estrogen binding, I should say, could then set off opposite biochemical cascades. Fascinating. I guess it raises the question about testosterone replacement too, whether or not people should talk to their doctor before too long. Men and women, talk to your physicians before too long to avoid these, whatever is happening in these periods where there isn’t sufficient testosterone and or estrogen. Sounds like it could cause longer-term problems even when therapies are introduced.
Robert Sapolsky (39:36):
Two additional miseries slash complications. So, okay, you’re trying to understand, you look at women with a history with or without post-menopausal estrogen replacement, where it’s done right, and you’re seeing 20 years later, estrogen is a predictor of a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s. Then you got to start trying to do the unpacking prospective type studies. How much estrogen?
At which times? Estrogen is just a catch-all term for a bunch of hormones. Estrone, estradiol, estriol. How much of each one of them? Natural or synthetic? Go try to figure all of that out. And the second complication is, it’s often hard to say anything about what estrogen does outside the context of what progesterone is doing. And often it’s not the absolute levels of either, it’s the ratio of the two. This is such a more complicated endocrine system than testosterone.
And because you have to generate dramatic cyclicity that like no male hypothalamus ever has to dream of. It’s a much, much more complicated system. Thus, it’s more complicated to understand, let alone like figure out what the ideal benefits are of it.
submitted by adhd_as_fuck to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:10 wynneingurmom Hypothyroidism as an Athlete

Hey guys, I don’t post on Reddit much, but am super scared for my doctor’s appointment tomorrow. I (F14) have (what seems to be) some form of hypothyroidism. Though my TSH is just slightly above the normal range (4.84), when I got an antibodies test done my T3 and T4 came back normal, but my antibodies were pretty wack. My “Thyroid Peroxidase Ab” was 76, and my “Thyroglobulin Ab” was 394. I don’t know much about what all the blood levels mean exactly, but I was told that I am (most likely) in the early stages of hypothyroidism and have Hashimoto’s Disease. I was then referred to a pediatric endocrinologist, who managed to squeeze me in for an appointment tomorrow. My mom and grandma both have hypothyroidism, so I was bound to get it at some point… I just didn’t realize that it would come so soon! Another important thing to mention is that I’m an elite level age group competitive swimmer, who swims for over 15 hours a week and is ranked in the top 100 (in multiple events, might I add) every year. For the last 18 months, I have been experiencing MAJOR fatigue in both races and in practice. I’ve always been the type of person who is super strong (I’m over 6 feet tall, haha) and can thug it out whenever workouts get hard, especially at the parts in them where others fail— that has NOT been the case, and has honestly gotten wayyyyy worse over time. Though I didn’t realize what these symptoms were at the time, I am now strongly believing that they are associated with hypothyroidism, or my Hashimoto’s Disease. Here are some of my symptoms that follow:
My coaches and mother all thought that I was burned out. I kept on saying “I’m not! I feel motivated, and I absolutely can’t live without this sport!” (I LOVE swimming with all of my heart, and have never doubted that I wouldn’t be wanting to do it anymore.) Well, once the lab results came back… I was finally believed! I’ve changed my workouts to be shorter and all at race-pace (USRPT, if you swim), which has helped a little bit, with me taking a rest after I feel myself get to that same level of fatigued.
Where I’m going with this, is that my mother and older sister don’t believe I’m going to be medicated for this, as my mother wasn’t put on medication until her TSH was well over 10. I can’t express through words how much I believe that being medicated would help me, especially in swimming. My energy levels are impacted everything I do, and I’m sure that if I wasn’t an athlete, it wouldn’t be as big of a deal. The problem is that swimming is my bloodline, and also incredibly difficult— even if you don’t have a thyroid issue! The surplus makes it almost impossible for me to achieve my full potential and go much faster than I am right now.
I’d be surprised if anyone were to have read this through the whole way, but these are my questions: - Will I (more than likely) be medicated after my appointment tomorrow? - If I’m not, should I go to another endocrinologist to see if they will? - Are there any other (serious) athletes on this sub who have gone through hypothyroidism, and would they have any sort of tips for dealing with this issue well?
Thanks again if any of you read this far!!
submitted by wynneingurmom to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:08 Imightkillmy_x Book with character/s fighting with disease

Can you suggest me books(fiction/ non fiction) where character spends time in hospital, battling disease. Also books where MC character is doctor and is in hospital, talks about his job.
submitted by Imightkillmy_x to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:08 sonotessa Please help 🥲

I am pretty desperate for an appetite suppressant that actually works. (I’m sure we all are.) I have had a BED for YEARS, and the only time I’m doing well is when I’m flaring with my Crohn’s disease. It completely changes my brain and I am zero percent interested in food. I can’t explain it, and I don’t think the doctors get it. But obviously, it’s not safe for me to be flaring all the time, and with my injections to help my Crohn’s, all my BED thoughts and behaviors return. I’m sick of yo-yo-ing, I just want something that makes me not think of food all day long. I’m currently on Vyvanse and up until about a week ago, it was going well. Idk what happened.
submitted by sonotessa to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:03 primoclouds Did ideology fuel mass murder in communist states during the second half of the 20th Century?

The extensive use of mass murder under communist regimes from the 1950s onwards is commonly attributed to a combination of ideological extremism, political consolidation, and efforts to eliminate perceived threats to the regime.
These regimes, inspired by Marxist-Leninist principles, often employed systematic violence to achieve and maintain control, leading to some of the most significant instances of mass murder in modern history.
Given the documented atrocities and mass murders committed under various 20th-century communist regimes, how can one reconcile the ideological goals of communism with the historical reality of these human rights violations?
Methodologies for Determining Figures
Estimating the figures for mass murders under these regimes involves archival research, demographic analysis, and eyewitness accounts. Historians and demographers analyze population censuses, government records, and other documents to estimate the number of deaths.
Ideological Extremism and Political Control
Communist regimes, particularly in China and the Soviet Union, adhered to a rigid interpretation of Marxist-Leninist ideology, which justified extreme measures to achieve and preserve a classless society. The resulting political purges, forced collectivization, and cultural revolutions were marked by widespread violence and mass murder.
The Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution in China
Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward (1958-1962) aimed to rapidly transform China from an agrarian society into a socialist industrial power. However, this policy led to catastrophic results, including widespread famine. The Chinese government’s forced collectivization of agriculture and ill-conceived industrial policies caused the deaths of an estimated 30 to 45 million people due to starvation, forced labor, and state violence.
Source: (Dikötter, Frank. Mao's Great Famine: The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-1962. Walker & Company, 2010)
Following the Great Leap Forward, Mao launched the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) to reassert his control and eliminate perceived enemies of the revolution. This period saw mass persecutions, public humiliations, and executions of intellectuals, party officials, and ordinary citizens. The death toll from the Cultural Revolution is estimated to be between 1 to 2 million people, with millions more suffering from torture, imprisonment, and other forms of persecution.
Source: (MacFarquhar, Roderick, and Schoenhals, Michael. Mao's Last Revolution. Belknap Press, 2006)
Suppression of Dissent and Ethnic Cleansing
Modern communist regimes have also targeted ethnic and religious groups, viewing them as threats to national unity and ideological purity. This has often resulted in systematic campaigns of violence and mass murder.
The Cambodian Genocide
Under Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979), Cambodia experienced one of the most brutal genocides of the 20th century. The regime sought to create an agrarian socialist society, leading to the forced evacuation of cities, mass executions, and widespread famine. An estimated 1.7 to 2 million people, nearly a quarter of Cambodia’s population, died due to execution, forced labor, starvation, and disease.
Source: (Becker, Elizabeth. When the War Was Over: Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge Revolution. Public Affairs, 1998; Kiernan, Ben. The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79. Yale University Press, 2008)
The Soviet Union’s Political Purges
Following Stalin's death, the Soviet Union continued to use mass murder as a tool for political control, albeit on a smaller scale. During the Great Purge (1936-1938), Stalin's regime executed approximately 700,000 people and sent millions to Gulag labor camps. This practice persisted under subsequent leaders, who continued to suppress dissent and eliminate political rivals through extrajudicial killings and forced labor.
Source: (Conquest, Robert. The Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the Thirties. Oxford University Press, 1990; Applebaum, Anne. Gulag: A History. Doubleday, 2003)
Defector Stories and Accounts
Chen Guangcheng (China)
Chen Guangcheng, a blind Chinese civil rights activist, escaped house arrest in 2012 and fled to the U.S. embassy in Beijing. Chen had been an outspoken critic of the Chinese government's human rights abuses, particularly forced abortions and sterilizations under the one-child policy. His daring escape and subsequent asylum in the United States drew international attention to the plight of human rights defenders in China. Chen’s story underscores the risks faced by those who challenge the authoritarian regime.
Jang Jin-sung (North Korea)
Jang Jin-sung, a former North Korean propaganda poet, defected in 2004. In his memoir Dear Leader, Jang describes the extreme censorship and indoctrination within North Korea. He witnessed the brutal realities of life under the Kim regime, including public executions and pervasive hunger. Jang’s insider knowledge of the regime’s propaganda machine provides a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the North Korean state and the psychological manipulation it employs to maintain control.
Shin Dong-hyuk (North Korea)
Shin Dong-hyuk is one of the few known escapees from a North Korean political prison camp. His harrowing account, detailed in Blaine Harden's book Escape from Camp 14, reveals the unimaginable brutality of the Kwan-li-so camps. Shin was born in the camp and subjected to torture, forced labor, and starvation. His story highlights the extreme human rights abuses in these camps and the resilience of those who manage to escape.
Yeonmi Park (North Korea)
Yeonmi Park's escape from North Korea is detailed in her memoir In Order to Live. Park fled the oppressive regime in 2007 at the age of 13, crossing the frozen Yalu River into China. She endured human trafficking and witnessed the widespread starvation and public executions in North Korea. Park’s account sheds light on the severe restrictions on freedom and the extreme measures taken by North Koreans to survive and seek freedom.
Sophie Richardson (Cambodia)
Sophie Richardson, a Cambodian survivor of the Khmer Rouge regime, shared her experiences in various human rights forums. She recounted the forced evacuations, starvation, and mass executions carried out by the regime. Richardson's testimony contributes to the understanding of the Khmer Rouge’s genocidal policies and the long-lasting impact on Cambodian society. Her stories are vital for documenting the atrocities and ensuring that the victims' voices are heard in the quest for justice.
The use of mass murder under communist regimes from the 1950s onwards is a testament to the extreme measures these regimes were willing to employ to achieve and maintain their ideological and political goals.
Rooted in Marxist ideology, which emphasizes the necessity of a proletarian revolution and the establishment of a classless society, these regimes viewed violence as a legitimate and necessary tool to eradicate class enemies and secure their vision of socialism.
This ideological justification for violence led to policies of forced collectivization, political purges, and systematic repression of ethnic and religious groups, along with an enforced atheism and religious uniformity that targeted believers as potential threats to the state's control. Forced collectivization, inspired by Marxist principles of communal ownership, often resulted in widespread famine and death. Political purges, aimed at eliminating counter-revolutionaries and ensuring ideological purity within the party, led to mass executions and imprisonment. Additionally, systematic violence against ethnic and religious groups, perceived as obstacles to socialist unity, caused immense human suffering and loss of life.
The suppression of religious practices and promotion of state atheism were also integral to these regimes. Religious institutions were seen as competitors to state authority and were often brutally repressed.
Given the historical record of widespread atrocities and mass murders under 20th-century communist regimes, what arguments can be made to reconcile these actions with the ideological aspirations of communism, and how do modern day supporters of Marxist-Leninist ideology address these human rights violations?
submitted by primoclouds to DebateCommunism [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:54 Hour-Preparation-637 Resources for making abortion less terrifying?

I’m located in MN. I’ve been struggling a lot since finding out about my pregnancy with how I feel about it. I already feel an attachment and bond with this baby and no matter how much I tell myself it’s just the hormones it’s still made me terrified of having an abortion. My reasons for wanting one were that 1. Pre pregnancy, my bf and I had agreed to terminate if I were to become pregnant at this point in my life because 2. I literally have no job, live with my mother, have a genetic disease that makes everything harder, unstable mental health disorders, have no money and just don’t feel ready or like I could successfully support a houseplant much less a child. I read so many people saying they got to be put under for their abortions, or at the very least were given an anxiety med. However everywhere I’ve called says that’s not a thing and I would need to be awake and not medicated if I want one. I genuinely don’t think I can do that, in fact I know I can’t. I went through some serious medical trauma with my history of cervical cancer and I literally need a week to recover emotionally after getting a Pap smear, not to mention I sob and need to be held in place while getting them, because of how badly traumatized I am. There’s just no way I would be able to handle being awake while a bunch of strangers painfully scrape my uterus empty. I also can’t get the at home pill abortion because I’d need to take it by the end of this week and I can’t due to my sister getting married and I can’t be like heavily bleeding and cramping through that. I’m terrified because I know fear of abortion shouldn’t be a reason to have a baby, but if nowhere around me is even willing to give me any ways to make it less traumatic I’m at a loss. I’d appreciate any and all advice or resources, thank you.
submitted by Hour-Preparation-637 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:51 foldoregomi The Jingle Trap

Oh, how it drills, that wretched melody, a jackhammer in my skull, tearing through the tender flesh of sanity.
It's the kind of tune suits ads for soap or cereal, thoughtless jingles, cheap hooks, infectious as a disease, no mercy.
You scratch at your ear, like there's an itch deep inside, but it's not the skin, no, it's the relentless echo, a parasitic dance on the gray matter.
The refrain mocks, as you shower, shave, sit at the bar, drink it down, it swims in the whiskey, won't drown.
You see kindly faces, open mouths, you hear, "Hey, remember that tune?" And inside you cry, because you do, and it knows your name.
On the bus, at work, in bed, it's a specter that loiters, a beggar with its cup, jangling nonsense, unceasing.
An enemy unbidden, playing the strings of your mind, strumming stupidity, grinning a toothy, gleeful grin, while you scheme to silence it, if only for a moment.
But it’s there, waiting in the dark, an uninvited symphony, your mind's tormentor on replay.
submitted by foldoregomi to grittytruth [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:48 rareuser_44 To treat or not to treat?

I'm just looking for thoughts/opinions....
I was diagnosed with ill Crohn's in 2006, and after difficulty with stricturing and bowel obstructions, I had an ileo-cecal bowel resection surgery in 2014. I have had colonoscopies every 1-3 years since then, and remained in remission ever since then, although I went through times of struggling with c. difficile, SIBO and IBS-C issues. I have not been on any Crohn's meds this entire decade, so my disease is obviously slow growing/mild. I began having worsening IBS issues the past several months, so I had blood tests, CT, colonoscopy and fecal calprotectin. My blood shows no inflammation, fecal calprotectin is under 50, and CT looked good. On colonoscopy, my surgery site (anastomosis) looked inflamed, and the biopsy came back saying "chronic active ileocolitis with ulcer." After the colonoscopy my symptoms worsened, but I think it was bacterial overgrowth and I am feeling better after antibiotics (that took a month of feeling terrible to get there.) I've lost about 10 pounds and I'm very tired, but I'm not sure why.
My GI thinks I don't need to treat the Crohn's because my inflammation markers and fecal calprotectin are normal, so how would we measure progress? But this is the first time the biopsies have been abnormal in 10 years. I'm now 65 yrs old so not thrilled about the prospect of biologics but would do it if needed. So, I guess I could do bloodwork, and fecal calprotectin tests every 6 month and watch and wait, get another medical opinion or treatment. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this? Thanks!
submitted by rareuser_44 to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:40 happy-little-atheist I am the same as Ted Kazinsky because I oppose invasive experiments on non human animals

I am the same as Ted Kazinsky because I oppose invasive experiments on non human animals submitted by happy-little-atheist to vegancirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:34 guesswho559 Lost my boy today to IMHA

My boy was 1 year and 10 months old when he passed today. I feel like I’m getting a better understanding of the disease after the vets explanation and reading online. His first blood transfusion brought positive results but after 24 hours he was worse than before. The steroids weren’t kicking in so we put him down after the vet wasn’t to optimistic as his palette count was also very low. Might’ve been Evan’s syndrome.
Should’ve I have given him another transfusion and waited ? He was neutered 1 year ago, why wasn’t this disease detected then when they pulled blood work?
submitted by guesswho559 to AskVet [link] [comments]