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2024.06.09 19:37 Chen_Geller Everything we REALLY know about The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum

Everything we REALLY know about The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum


The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum is a film which is due to cover the events of Gollum's life, probably between the trilogies and through to the early parts of The Fellowship of the Ring. It is to be directed (and starred) by Andy Serkis, with Sir Peter Jackson producing and Philippa Byoens, Dame Frances Walsh, Phoebe Gittins and Arty Papageorgiou writing the screenplay.
Set for release in late 2026 (although a delay to mid 2027 is a distinct possibility), it will be the eighth film in the New Line-produced film series, after this year's The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, and is thus unrelated neither to Amazon's show nor to the notorious video game on the same subject. The film focuses on a puzzling but nonetheless intriguing premise, and may entail appearances from some actors from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

Update section (as of June 2024)


The Story

Exactly what the story of The Hunt for Gollum is supposed to cover is not entirely clear: it could cover Aragorn's literal hunt for Gollum across the borders of Mordor, culminating in the capture of the creature on the Dead Marshes, interrogation by Gandalf, and incarceration in the Woodland Realm and subsequent escape during an Orc attack, ending with his becoming stuck inside the Mines of Moria. This would make the film less of a traditional prequel, being that these events take place during the time of Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring, largely between the 32 and 36 minute mark (the film is explicitly meant to be continuous with the previous live-action films).
However, the title is merely a tentative working title and needn't be taken as too concrete an indication as to the exact contents of the film. Recent comments by Boyens, Jackson and Serkis seem to imply a larger scope, possibly as far back as Gollum's first emergence from the Misty Mountains in an attempt to track Bilbo, turning the film into a "bridge" between the trilogies, of a kind that we see more often nowdays in other media series. After arriving at Dale, a hunt after the creature is in fact already initiated by the Wood Elves, but he reaches the Anduin and eventually winds-up in Mordor. These events are ednumbered in The Lord of the Rings under the chapters "A Shadow of the Past", "The Council of Elrond", "The Dead Marshes", "Shelob's Lair" and Appendix B, rounding up some ten pages.
The unruined city of Dale, one of the biggest sets built for either trilogy, could feature in The Hunt for Gollum
Admittedly its hardly the most intriguing concept for a film based on Tolkien's works, but such an expanded premise could doubtlessly utilize Jackson's penchant for non-linear storytelling, perhaps using Aragorn's capture of Gollum and his interrogation by Gandalf as a framing device for the telling of Gollum's earlier adventures, which otherwise take place with no companion with which to run dialogue scenes. This premise also promises far more from a visual standpoint: rather than merely reprising the Dead Marshes or Cirith Ungol, one could see the Woodsmen of Mirkwood, as well as the Woodland Realm, Esgaroth and Dale in better days.
In Tolkien's unabridged chronology, these wanderings extend over multiple decades, allowing for the story of Aragorn's youthful adventures - in Gondor, Rohan and Harad - to ensue in the middle of it all, although unless the film is indeed a two-entry project, it seems unlikely for Jackson to cover both characters' detailed backstories. At the very least, it could reasonably be expected of Jackson to obscure or contract (as he had done in The Fellowship of the Ring and the Dol Guldur storyline of The Hobbit) the timeframe somewhat.
Another potential sideplot could include the downfall of Balin's colony in Moria, precisely because Gollum ends-up stuck behind the closed Western Door of those mines, with the Balin, Ori and Oin long vanquished. Jackson and Boyens previously considred using such a prequel to show Saruman looking for the Ring and falling under Sauron's spell, and while Saruman is almost sure to appear in the animated The Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim, the death of actor Sir Christopher Lee might make his return to the live-action Hunt for Gollum probelmatic.
Frankly, cutting out the the latter storyline might help keep The Hunt for Gollum from "spelling out" too much of the goings-on between the trilogy. This exact kind of interstitial spinoffs set between the two Star Wars trilogies (Solo, Obi Wan, Andor and Rogue One) have done this to a rather demystifying effect, and so keeping some events untold might actually enhance the feeling that sixty eventful years have indeed passed between the trilogies, rather than distiling the events of those sixty years to a film that's bound to feel like it transpires over a more finite amount of time.
While both film series have been criticised for focusing on a concentrated, "limited" timeframe within the context of a vast fictional history, I think Jackson's desire to present a series of films that are tightly-woven together with the same characters, settings and overall conflict running through all of them. Indeed, by the time Jackson completes his second contracted film for New Line, he and Boyens will have had produced an unprecedented nine films of some 26 hours of cinema or more, cementing their already-entrenched vision of Middle-earth. Jackson had spoken before, not unjustly, of gaining a great degree of "sentimental attachment, a kind of ownership to the Middle-earth that's been put on the screen."
It may also help in reducing the risk of the film at "spoiling" the events of The Lord of the Rings trilogy for newcomers, something Jackson had expressed some awareness to with The Hobbit. Gollum's latter-day wanderins take him to the Dead Marshes, Cirith Ungol (where he encounters Shelob), Barad Dur and Moria and these could reduce the impact those places have on the screen in The Lord of the Rings for newcomers after 2026. Exactly how Aragorn could maintain his mystique in the Prancing Pony (admittedly a "card" that the films don't play nearly as long as the book) or the menace of the unseen figure of Gollum, I have no idea.
For the same reason, I would argue against the fan-favourite idea of a framing device, by which an elderly Aragorn relates his sojourn with Gollum. Such a device will not only feel overplayed alongside the framing devices of An Unexpected Journey and The War of the Rohirrim but also "spoil" the outcome of The Lord of the Rings in terms of Aragorn's fate for newcomers.
The "bridge" function of the film can help make the viewing experience of the series a more balanced experience: I've written about how the six films form a coherent narrative structure, but having said that, the midpoint ("One Ring to Rule Them All") comes in a touch early: a 2 to 2.5 hour film could redress that.
The narrative structure of the six films at the present: inserting The Hunt for Gollum before the midpoint could bring it closer to the actual middle of the piece

The Cast

Beside Andy Serkis also reprising his motion-capture role of Gollum (which he also performed recently for his Tolkien audiobooks), its unclear what characters and actors the film will involve: as producers, Jackson, Walsh and Boyens are sure to influence the casting process, as they had for The Hobbit back when it was still a Guillermo del Toro-helmed film, and as Boyens seemed to have done with The War of the Rohirrim, whose cast includes Brian Cox and Serkis' wife, Lorraine Ashbourne. A couple of regulars, like Jed Brophy (who also appeared in The Rings of Power Season One) are almost certain to appear. A cameo for Jackson may also be reasonably expected, and perhaps for Royd Tolkien, as well.
Gandalf is said to appear in the film, with the venerable but active Sir Ian McKellen expressing interest in reappearing in the role. In 2006, Jackson had said he has no interest in making a film with "a Gandalf who wasn't Ian McKellen for instance." Presumably, they could accomodate McKellen by shooting his scenes in the UK, as they had done previously with Sir Ian Holm and an even more-venerable Sir Christopher Lee.
Viggo Mortensen, who was previously considered for a return in his role of Aragorn to The Hobbit and declined an early availability check, had also expressed some willingness to return to the role. Although he predicated such a return on being "right for it in terms of, you know, the age I am now", which would seem to negate the possibility of digitally de-aging the actor, it must surely be left to Jackson's fabled skills of persuasion: admittedly, Jackson and Mortensen had spoken as late as October 2022, but that was seemingly before any plans for The Hunt for Gollum ripened. Ironically, the return of both McKellen and Mortensen was joked about before, in Stephen Colbert's Darrylgorn spoof.
Certainly, Jackson and Serkis - special effects mavericks that they are - will be unlikely to shirk from using digital deaging, a popular technique used by other major film series, especially since the film is due to involve copious amounts of motion-capture anyway. Focusing the story on Gollums' earlier misadventures, in which Aragorn and Gandalf do not feature, could keep the issue at bay to some extent.
The Tolkien series by 2026: The Hunt for Gollum poster is, of course, fan-made
Jackson had also spoken a couple of times before of trying to get Liv Tyler's Arwen to appear in the last Hobbit entry alongside Mortensen. Orlando Bloom, who had reprised his role as Legolas for The Hobbit, conspiciously liked Serkis' social media notices on helming the film: With Legolas' teaming-up with Argorn set-up in the close of The Battle of the Five Armies, and him playing a role in the battle in which Gollum escapes the Woodland Realm, his reappearance is also not unlikely.
Other characters from the Woodland Realm like Lee Pace's Thranduil could also feature. Jackson and Boyens had previously expressed desire to further explore the fate of their original character, Tauriel, but the recent announcement of retirement by actress Evangeline Lilly may or may not confound this: Lilly was also effectivelly retired when Jackson first cast her in that role. If Dale is reappear, so could Bard and perhaps some of the Dwarves.

The Crew

The film is to be directed by Andy Serkis, who had directed a recent adaptation of The Jungle Book, after having started directing with the second unit on The Return of the King and The Hobbit. He is slated to appear this week in a panel for The War of the Rohirrim.
Serkis was picked by Jackson, who wrote and directed all six previous films and will produce this film along with partners Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens. Judging by previous producer outings by Jackson et al (District 9, Tintin, Mortal Engines and The Hobbit prior to del Toro's exit) they are sure to allow Serkis the needed latitude in terms of designing, shooting and editing the film, although as mentioned its likely they'll involve themselves with casting some of the roles.
As before, Walsh and Boyens will also be writing the screenplay along with the scribes of the Boyens-produced The War of the Rohirrim, Arty Papageorgiou and Philippa's daughter Phoebe Gittins. Jackson is not credited as a co-writer, but being that he lives with Walsh, and opposite the lawn from Boyens, its certain he will have an important part in shaping the story.
Since Jackson lives with Walsh (in the house to the right) and across from Boyens (house immediately left of theirs), he's sure to be intimately involved with the shaping of the story
Serkis is also credited as executive producer along with Jonathan Cavendish, who together run the UK studio Imaginarium. Also attached as executive producer is Jackson's agent and The Hobbit executive Ken Kamins. They're unlikely to run into trouble with New Line Cinema, which is currently being run by Pam Abdy, Michael de Luca (who worked on The Lord of the Rings) and Alan Horn, who worked on The Hobbit. Amazon/MGM and the Tolkien Estate are not involved, ensuring no issues in terms of the rights.
Although New Line had approached Jackson, the idea for the film was his own. In fact, Jackson was disappointed that the story of the hunt for Gollum could not be included in The Fellowship of the Ring, and already in 1998 had expressed a desire to film it - at that stage, as additional footage to be spliced into the trilogy. By 2002, these plans turned into a "Lord of the Rings prequel" which was in active development until 2007, and that Jackson and Boyens continued to talk about as late as the director's commentary to The Battle of the Five Armies in 2015.
This film is entirely unrelated to the 2009 fan-film of the same title, now back on YouTube; nor to Daedalic's video-game nadir, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, or to Amazon Prime's controversial show The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power in spite of possible cross-over in the crew. Philippa even admitted to avoiding the show as to not become influenced by it. If anything, news of The Hunt for Gollum, pre-empting the release of the teaser for the show's second season, seem to have dampered the hype for the show, especially given the show's move from New Zealand to the UK and New Line Cinema's forthright resolve to "stop Amazon from blurring the lines" between their show and the films.
Jackson is contracted for a second film: although a recent Deadline piece makes it seem like The Hunt for Gollum will itself be two films, this is unlikely and is not the impression given in previous press releases and interview. If the second film is indeed unrelated to The Hunt for Gollum, its likely Jackson hadn't given it too much thought, but a likely candidate could be The War in the North: Like the Hunt for Gollum, it is a subject Jackson had given some thought to and spoke of his interest in dramatising. Other future films may earn a more peripheral involvement from Jackson or Boyens, but are almost certain to still shoot in their homeland of New Zealand and utilize their facilities and firms.
Concept art for The War in the North, circa 2014.
New Line had ambitiously announced the film for 2026, surely towards the end of the year in what's become a series tradition, although in the latest Variety piece its merely "being eyed for a 2026", and so a slight delay (like those of The Battle of the Five Armies and The War of the Rohirrim) may be in store. Still, if it is indeed a single-film production, a late 2026 release is perfectly concievable, especially as this story is of smaller cope than either The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit.
The Hunt for Gollum is returning not just to New Zealand but Jackson's and Boyens' hometown of Wellington, and will be produced using his companies and facilities: Stone Street Studios (filming studio), WingNut Films (production company), Six-Foot-Seven (art direction company), Weta Workshop (hand-props and creatures), WetaFX (special effects) and Park-Road Post (editing and sound). The Rings of Power, The War of the Rohirrim, the Darrylgorn spoof and the "Beyond the Door" project in the Hobbiton set had all provided more Tolkien-themed work for many of these firms in the interim.
Otherwise, its unknown who the staff of the film might include. Jackson is almost sure to call upon the services of concept artist John Howe (currently engaged with The Rings of Power but almost sure to make time for Jackson) and Alan Lee, who had recently provided work for The War of the Rohirrim. He also has access to a large number of existing and unused pieces of art by Lee, Howe and Weta that can be of use here, a practice already utilized for The War of the Rohirrim.
Jackson had maintained a partnership with the co-editor of The Two Towers, Jabez Olssen, who edited all of Jackson's subsequent films including his recent documentaries. Serkis has a relationship with director of photography Robert Richardson, suggesting a possible candidate for the lensing of the film.
Although Howard Shore could concievably return to score the picture, which is set to feature characters he depicted in music previously like Gollum, Gandalf and probably Strider, the film could also be scored by one of the Kiwi composers who contributed to his scores: Stephen Gallagher (currently composing the score to The War of the Rohirrim) or the Plan 9 ensemble together with David Long. Even in such a case, Shore could concievably contribute themes, and his existing themes could be used at the discretion of the filmmakers.
Thanks to Jackson's involvement, one can also hope for extensive behind-the-scenes, including pre-emptive video production diaries, as had been the custom on all his live-action productions.
submitted by Chen_Geller to lotr [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:36 itssayeed Live Q&A with Oksana, Vlada and Nika (LoD game designer) (09.06)

Question to Oksana: Is there a branch with the horned man, the forest man?
Oksana: I will answer this way. A character who has already appeared will turn to face us, take off his mask, and he will turn out to be the favorite. We have more than one such character.
Question to Vlada: is it possible to hope that there will be more than one intimate scene with Seth?
Vlada replied that she would try not to write inappropriate intimacies, but she could not say anything about the number.
Question to Oksana: is it possible to worsen relations with the characters?
Oksana replied that it would not be possible to bring the character directly to the villain, but with different characters there are certain points that can be reached (to worsen to just friends or just acquaintances, for example).
Oksana said that not all skills in Vampyrus Novus will be worth 2 mastery skill stats.
Question to Vlad: is it possible in other circumstances to remove the mask from the Raven at his will?
Vlada: in the future, without the previous choice, you can remove the mask from the Raven.
Oksana tells us: There are several categories of the undead in history: Ghouls like Peter, who live only by thirst for blood. Their eyes glow blue. They are unreasonable. Classic vampires who are intelligent. They are intelligent and their eyes glow green, like Odette's.
If there is someone else, we will be able to see them in history.
Vlada said that Anastasia's roulette outfit was illogical to wear outside, because not all the LIs could see it, and the reaction to it, like the reaction to Esmeralda's outfit, will be in the next update. Vlada also promised that in the novel itself she would inform when to put it on.
Oksana said that work is still underway on the third book, The Seal of Nostradamus. As soon as it goes to print, Oksana will let you know about it!
Question to Oksana: if you run a double branch with Erich and Nicholas, will there be scenes of jealousy?
Oksana: if we talk about such a triangle, THEN of COURSE, how without it. When you enter the second book, you will see how fiery everything will be there.
Question: Do you read the theories of the players? Have they ever hit the spot? How do you feel about it?
Oksana: I try to read theories. It happens that they are not one hundred percent, but they are very close. This is very pleasant, it means that the players have gone through the story more than once or twice and notice the little things that the author has scattered throughout the story.
Vlada agreed and added that recently in her chat they noticed some little thing about the LoW, that the Triumvirate of the Coven symbolized the Triad worshipped by the knowledgeable.
Vlada noted in one of the answers that the Raven is drawn exactly as it should be.
Oksana noted that there is no canon in visual novels and will no longer buy the questions "what is your ideal ending?".
A question for Oksana: will there be a rapid development of relations with Nicholas?
Oksana: you will immediately feel the tension of an intimate nature between them, but Nicholas became interested in Catalina for completely different reasons, and we will find out about it soon. In general, their branch will be hot.
Vlada noted that as part of LoW, there will be more excerpts from the favorites' faces.
Oksana once again notes that Caleb and Irving have completely different types. Oksana is categorically against putting equality between these characters.
Question to Vlada: what color is the magic of Belogor?
Vlada: Belogor's magic is milky white, and it glows.
Oksana: at the moment, it is impossible to pair the LIs with other characters.
Vlada: a happy ending in LoW is possible on any branch. (Addition to this answer. If you are undecided in your branch for a long time, then perhaps you will not have a happy ending, because it is already going to the third book.)
Nika, game designer: pricing for scenes depends on how many chapters were written in the update and how many were allocated in total for the entire update.
Oksana said that she likes the current pace of writing one story more than writing two in parallel.
Vlada noted that she already has references for her third novel.
A question for Vlada: how do you prescribe the thoughts of an evil Ife?
Vlada: since there are a lot of thoughts and ideas in the novel, I have to prescribe both options. It's morally uncomfortable for me to write it, and if I were a player, I wouldn't play for it.
Question: is it possible to hope for a happy ending with Atsu if he remains human?
Vlada: God or man, it does not affect the character of the Atsu. This only affects the receipt of an important artifact, which affects the plot. And whether Atsu remains a god or not may depend on you.
Oksana: the choice of the personality of the main character does not affect the plot.
Question: a good ending with Odion. Is it possible?
Vlada: let's start with the fact that there is a finale with him. There will be no good ending for evil Ife, along the branch with Odion. Well, we have connoisseurs in the fandom.
Vlada: there will be no voiceover of the favorites (regarding individual phrases), because this may affect the representation of the players. Laughter and moaning are possible.
Vlada said that for Daario's laughter, a whole casting of men was held in the cathedral.
Nika, a game designer, works only with Vlada and Oksana. There are three game designers in the League in total.
Oksana likes to read negative endings more, but not where everyone died. (In short, the punishment finale of the CAD)
Oksana loves to prescribe everything equally. She doesn’t like writing endings that are very unpopular.
Vlada likes to write semi-glass more. And to read finals with some victims.
Oksana says, Erich is not a particularly friendly person. He is secretive, rather irritable, and vampirism has also aggravated this trait.
Vlada says, in the LoW update , several LIs can dress up.
Oksana says, there will be a slow burn branch with Erich.
Vlada: The familiar may become visible to everyone, perhaps sooner than you think.
Oksana: Odette and Catalina: there is some obstacle (quite weighty) that can interfere with their friendship.
Vlada: There will be intimate scenes with all the LIs in LoW.
Oksana won't spoiler anything about the Forest Man.
submitted by itssayeed to leagueofdreamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:35 Beneficial-Ad-8823 I think my sex drive is killing my relationship

Summary: sex drive is high from T, frustrated, gf and I don’t have much sex, doesn’t top me a lot, thoughts about being with others sexually.
I have been on T for 2.5 years now, and one of the biggest effects for me was increase in my sex drive, which still hasn’t settled down. I have been with my gf for nearly 2 years, but the problem is we don’t have a lot of sex. I would say on average once or twice a month, but it’s always me topping her. She would maybe top me 2-4 times a year, which just isn’t enough for me. I have explained to her before that whilst I do enjoy topping her, I would like for her to top me more. She says she enjoys doing it, but whenever I try turn her on or initiate I get turned down. We just go round in circles, where we have no sex, I talk to her about it say it’s upsetting me, we have more sex for about a week, then things go back to the way they were. Her work is quite tiring and she works late so I think this plays a part. She tried taking supplements which did help but she doesn’t commit to taking them regularly. She struggles with her mental health and is on antidepressants, as am I. I do really love this girl, and the rest of our relationship is great. However with my sex drive being so high, and me feeing frustrated that I am not being pleasured, I have started to think about sleeping with other people, men in particular- not sure if I even like men but have been thinking about it recently. I wouldn’t cheat however as I would feel way too guilty. But thinking about having sex with others is starting to weigh me down, and I have been masturbating a lot more because we don’t have enough sex, which only leaves me feeling even more unsatisfied because I just want actual human connection. Any advice? And please be nice!
submitted by Beneficial-Ad-8823 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:35 IrinaSophia Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria (June 9th)

Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, a distinguished champion of Orthodoxy and a great teacher of the Church, came from an illustrious and pious Christian family. He studied the secular sciences, including philosophy, but most of all he strove to acquire knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and the truths of the Christian Faith. In his youth Cyril entered the monastery of Macarius in the Nitreia hills, where he stayed for six years. Theophilus (385-412), the Patriarch of Alexandria, ordained him as a deacon, numbered him among the clergy and entrusted him to preach.
Upon the death of Patriarch Theophilus, Cyril was unanimously chosen to the patriarchal throne of the Alexandrian Church. He led the struggle against the spread of the Novatian heresy in Alexandria, which taught that any Christian who had fallen away from the Church during a time of persecution, could not be received back into it.
Cyril, seeing the futility of admonishing the heretics, sought their expulsion from Alexandria. The Jews appeared a greater danger for the Church, repeatedly causing riots, accompanied by the brutal killing of Christians. The saint long contended with them. In order to wipe out the remnants of paganism, the saint cast out devils from an ancient pagan temple and built a church on the spot, and the relics of the Holy Unmercenaries Cyrus and John were transferred into it. A more difficult struggle awaited the saint with the emergence of the Nestorian heresy.
Nestorius, a presbyter of the Antiochian Church, was chosen in 428 to the see of Constantinople and there he was able to spread his heretical teaching against the dogma about the uncommingled union of two natures in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nestorius called the Mother of God not the Theotokos, but rather Christotokos or “Birth-giver of Christ,” implying that she gave birth not to God, but only to the man Christ. The holy Patriarch Cyril repeatedly wrote to Nestorius and pointed out his error, but Nestorius continued to persevere in it. Then the saint sent out epistles against Nestorianism to the clergy of Constantinople and to the holy emperor Theodosius the Younger (408-450), denouncing the heresy. Cyril wrote also to other Churches, to Pope Celestine and to the other Patriarchs, and even to monks of several monasteries, warning of the emergence of a dangerous heresy.
Nestorius started an open persecution against the Orthodox. In his presence one of his partisans, Bishop Dorotheus, pronounced an anathema against anyone who would call the Most Holy Virgin Mary the Theotokos.
Nestorius hated Cyril and brought out against him every kind of slander and fabrication, calling him a heretic. The saint continued to defend Orthodoxy with all his powers. The situation became so aggravated, that it became necessary to call an Ecumenical Council, which convened in the city of Ephesus in the year 431. At the Council 200 bishops arrived from all the Christian Churches. Nestorius, awaiting the arrival of Bishop John of Antioch and other Syrian bishops, did not agree to the opening of the Council. But the Fathers of the Council began the sessions with Cyril presiding. Having examined the teaching of Nestorius, the Council condemned him as a heretic. Nestorius did not submit to the Council, and Bishop John opened a “robber council”, which decreed Cyril a heretic. The unrest increased. By order of the emperor, Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria and Archbishop Memnon of Ephesus were locked in prison, and Nestorius was deposed.
Soon Saints Cyril and Memnon were freed, and the sessions of the Council continued. Nestorius, not submitting himself to the determinations of the Council, was deprived of priestly rank. By order of the emperor he was sent to the faraway place Sasim in the Libyan wilderness, where he died in grievous torments. His tongue, having blasphemed the Mother of God, was overtaken by punishment -- in it there developed worms. Even Bishop John of Antioch and the remaining Syrian bishops signed the decrees of the Council of Ephesus.
Cyril guided the Alexandrian Church for 32 years, and towards the end of his life the flock was cleansed of heretics. Gently and cautiously Cyril approached anyone, who by their own simpleness and lack of knowledge, fell into false wisdom. There was a certain Elder, an ascetic of profound life, who incorrectly considered the Old Testament Priest Melchizedek to be the Son of God. Cyril prayed for the Lord to reveal to the Elder the correct way to view the righteous one. After three days the Elder came to Cyril and said that the Lord had revealed to him that Melchizedek was a mere man.
Cyril learned to overcome his prejudice against the memory of the great John Chrysostom (November 13). Theophilus, the Patriarch of Alexandria, and uncle of Cyril, was an antagonist of John, and presided in a council in judgment of him. Cyril thus found himself in a circle antagonistic to John Chrysostom, and involuntarily acquired a prejudice against him. Isidore of Pelusium (February 4) repeatedly wrote to Cyril and urged him to include the name of the great Father of the Church into the diptychs of the saints, but Cyril would not agree.
Once in a dream he saw a wondrous temple, in which the Mother of God was surrounded by a host of angels and saints, in whose number was John Chrysostom. When Cyril wanted to approach the All-Holy Lady and venerate her, John Chrysostom would not let him. The Theotokos asked John to forgive Cyril for having sinned against him through ignorance. Seeing that John hesitated, the Mother of God said, “Forgive him for my sake, since he has labored much for my honor, and has glorified me among the people calling me Theotokos.” John answered, “By your intercession, Lady, I do forgive him,” and then he embraced Cyril with love.
Cyril repented that he had maintained anger against the great saint of God. Having convened all the Egyptian bishops, he celebrated a solemn feast in honor of John Chrysostom.
Cyril died in the year 444, leaving behind many works. In particular, the following ought to be mentioned: commentaries On the Gospel of Luke, On the Gospel of John, On the Epistles of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians and to the Hebrews; also an Apologia in Defense of Christianity against the Emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363). Of vast significance are his Five Books against Nestorius; a work on the Most Holy Trinity under the title Thesaurus, written against Arius and Eunomios. Also two dogmatic compositions on the Most Holy Trinity, distinguished by a precise exposition of the Orthodox teaching on the Procession of the Holy Spirit. Cyril wrote Against Anthropomorphism for several Egyptians, who through ignorance depicted God in human form. Among Cyril’s works are also the Discussions, among which is the moving and edifying Discourse on the Exodus of the Soul, inserted in the Slavonic “Following Psalter”.
Today we commemorate the repose of this great Father of the Church. He is also remembered on January 18, the date of his flight from Alexandria.
submitted by IrinaSophia to OrthodoxGreece [link] [comments]


Who the hell did I marry?!!!
This is a long one but please read because I’m going insane!!!
The things I’ve seen, my mouth can not even begin to explain it !!
Please go through my last posts to see how I got here!
So my soon to be ex wants to reconcile after cheating with multiple people, he sent me the password to his phone for the 2nd time in our 6yrs of being married, the first time he gave it to me was when I found out about his cheating and lies last year, and that was his way of regaining my trust back! … he changed it that same day!, I tried it that same night and it didn’t work.
Our marriage went downhill from there, he took many trips to go cheat and lied that it was work, etc etc! .. BACK TO YESTERDAY ! he gave me the password to his phone again as part of his reconciliation tactics like he didn’t already do that before, this time he promised it won’t change, we’ve been separated for months, he spends the weekend with us at my place, I found that was easier for our daughter and honestly he refuses to keep her at his, always making excuses, when he sent me the password I acted totally uninterested and honestly I want to be done with this detective life, it’s emotionally draining and takes away my sleep and peace of mind, but something told me to go through it and I found very weird things I can’t explain !!! But I will try..
  1. He cheated multiple times when he was deployed, when he came home I just knew in my guts! So I went through his laptop, there was a folder named after a girl, who I quickly found online because I’m pretty good at piecing things together, I thought okay this is who he cheated with this time, this folder contained erotic videos and pictures of the same girl, she was on only🪭 as well, the thing about yesterdays discovery that SHOCKED ME is that, I went to his IG and found all his other profiles connected to that account, one of it was the name of the girl and I logged in using that profile instead of the profile I know and follow, there were a total of 4 IG accounts, when I logged into hers, it had her user name which is her nickname then her maybe preferred name, so I thought maybe she logged in using his phone when they were together? But! The content in the account was his though, not the girls pictures, but photos of some trips we took together(not pictures of us) just buildings and places and funny videos etc, BUT, there’s a linktree that took me to multiple links including her only🪭, twitter, and snap chart, when I clicked on the twitter account, it took me to an account with a completely different girls pictures but the user name was his!!!!! As in his @… was his name that everyone knows him as, then the preferred name was a completely strange name(girls name) so now it’s not making sense at all.(Mind you, I’ve seen this females real account before! And what it looks like, it looks like what only🪭 IGs looks like!)
  2. On twitter he was posting girl #2 pictures and writing very normal captions, BUT all his reposts were 🌽 related, very very erotic posts of women, like the kind that twitter blurs and says sensitive until you click on it to open, he was also reposting posts of girl #1 who’s actual profile took me to girl #2, see how it’s not making sense? WAIT FOR IT!
  3. On Snapchat, he logged out ofcus cus he cleaned up realllll good before giving me the password, he logged out of things and passworded apps he didn’t want me to go into, so ofcus there’s girl #3 !!!!!!! On Snapchat, I logged in and most of the friends lists were men, messages were cleaned, etc, through Snapchat I found a number and a name in the name, phone number section, name is very popular female name, avatar is female avatar, I tried looking it up on google, dint find anything, the area code of the number says countries name (which is one of the countries he went to cheat!) says it’s a landline, I logged out.
  4. Went to messenger etc, all archives were empty! Google search history had 🌽 site ofcus! Reddit account was all 🌽 community, very very bad stuff! I WISH I WAS MAKING THIS UP! I took photos of everything!
I always knew my soon to be ex had a sx addiction, in fact I told his mom and have told him because of the kind of things he would do to me! And the things he’s done throughout our marriage! BUT I really don’t understand what all these means! Is he promoting these women? Is he pretending to be them online? WHY? he travels to the normal countries with high sx type situation, “for work” I thought it was just his cheating but this seems so different! PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MEANS BECAUSE I DONT! I’m scared for my child if this means what I think it means !! I’ve contacted a lawyer and waiting for an appointment to make informed decisions, already took many steps to make the D happen. HELP ME PLS, I need advice, non of my family members knows about this, I feel so alone, my head hurts! I feel like my chest is on fire literally!
submitted by Amore010 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:34 Kelly-Atelier Half-Anniversary Events List

Half-Anniversary Events List
We reaching at the 6 Months mark on Atelier Resleriana Global Server, and we getting many events.
Here is a list.

72-hour Limited! Select a Guaranteed ★3 Character Wish!

72-hour Limited! Select a Guaranteed ★3 Character Wish! is a special event of Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator.
This Wish has a step-up system with 5 steps. At steps 2 and 5, you will able to make a free wish where you can select guaranteed character.
This Wish is only available for 72 hours, so don't miss out!
Note: IF you already completed the Tutorial Wish before the maintenance on 2024/06/10, this Wish will be available for 72 hours from the moment your first access the Wish scree after the maintenance. For new users, it will be available for 72 hours after completing the Tutorial Wish.
Steps Date
Step 1 10 Wishes for 3,000 Paid Lodestar Gems
Step 2 1 wish for Free Guaranteed: Receive one ★3 Character of your choice!
Step 3 10 wishes for 2,000 Paid Lodestar Gems
Step 4 10 wishes for 1,500 Paid Lodestar Gems
Step 5 1 wish for Free Guaranteed: Receive one ★3 Character of your choice!
  • You can select different characters at step 2 and Step 5.
  • Steps 1-5 can only be perfomed once each.
  • No Legend Medals will be obtained with the Wishes in Step 2 and Step 5.
  • You can selevt guaranteed characters at Step 2 and Step 5, but not at the other steps.

Legend Medals & LEGEND FES Exchange

Legend Medal are obtained from wishes made using Lodestar Gems.
Legend Medal can be exchanged for ★3 characters using the LEGEND FES Exchange or by visiting Shop > Wish Medal.
Legend Medal never expire.
The number of Legend Medal you will receive is as follows:
  • No Legend Medals will be obtained with the free Wishes in Step 2 and Step 5.


  • This Wish can only be made using paid Lodestar Gems. Free Lodestar Gems and Wish Tickets cannot be used.
  • This Wish will be made available to all players as of the update on 2024/06/10. If you have already completed the Tutorial Wish before the maintenance on 2024/06/10. this Wish will be available for 72 hours from the moment you first access the Wish screen. Be careful not to miss out.
  • After 72 hours have passed or once all Steps have been completed, this Wish will no longer appear on the list of Wishes.
  • If you get a character you already own, it will be automatically be converted to Brilliant Wishing Stone and Pieces for that character.
  • The Guaranteed ★3 Character Wish Gift LEGEND FES will close in conjunction with the release of this Wish. However, players who have completed the Tutorial Wish prior to the start of the maintenance on 2024/06/10 and still have the Guaranteed ★3 Character Wish Gift LEGEND FES available will be able to make use of it up until its 72-hour period expires.
Above players will also be able to use the 72-hour Limited! Select a Guaranteed ★3 Character Wish! concurrently after the maintenance on 2024/06/10.
  • Wish period and content are subject to change without prior notice. Thank you for your understanding.

Half-Year Anniversary Present Battle!

Half-Year Anniversary Present Battle! is a special event of Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator.
Every day for 10 days, you will receive a Half year Anniversary Present Battle Invitation in your Mail that unlocks event boss battle!
At the event Exchange, you can obtain up to 2 SSR Memoria from the ATELIER FES Wish lineup!

Trial Challenge Strike

Trial Challenge Strike is a special event of Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator.
A new limited-time Tower Challenge is coming soon!
Test your mettle in the Tower of Strike with the Trial Challenge Strike!
Complete event missions to earn up to 1,000 Lodestar Gems, 20 x Atelier FES Wish Tickets, and 5 Memoria Exchange Tickets (Half Anniversary)?action=edit&redlink=1)!
Be sure to take on the challenge with your strongest party!

Item War

Item War is a special event of Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator.
The new cooperative event Item War: Part 1' begins soon!
Take on special boss battle and high-difficulty EX Challenges with massively boosted item gauge recovery speed and unlimited item use to earn Lodestar Gems and Experience Candy IV!
Synthesize your most powerful items and dive into battle!

Item War for All

Item War for All is a special event of Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator.
The new cooperative event Item for War All: Part 1 begins soon!
All players who have cleared at lest one quest in the Item War: Part 1, event during the Event Score Battle calculation period will receive Cole and Lodestar Gems based on the combined scores of the top 1,000 players in the EX Challenge.
The top 10 contributing players will also have their Discord usernames and high scores displayed in a ranking on Discord.
Be sure to aim for the highest score you can during the Item War: Part 1 event!

Event Period

Name Date
Item War for All: Part 1 - Event Score Battle Calculation Period After maintenance on 2024/06/10 - 2024/06/24 (UTC+8).
Item War for All: Part 1 - Reward Distribution Scheduled for 2024/06/24 - 17:00:00 (UTC+8)

submitted by Kelly-Atelier to Atelier_Resleriana [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:34 Sure_Constant_2578 Last answer to those who disagree with my apologetics

I have no time to address all the arguments in my previous post so I will write a final apologetics to address some of the common ones.
Argument 1: God is not all loving if He only helps those with a relationship with Him.
Answer: He is already loving towards all humanity by providing the natural resources and the planet called Earth for everyone to reside in. He causes the sun to rise on both good and bad people. That is His all encompassing love and benevolence to all humans. But that does not mean He loves everyone to the same degree. Look at it from a human relationship perspective, it doesn't take rocket science to understand that even the most loving human being would love people in different degrees, he would love his family to the highest degree because they have the closest relationship with him. God is the same in this regard and that does not mean He isn't all loving.
Just because God is God does not mean He needs to be abused by anyone. If a person rejects and hates Him He is not obligated to help or appease this person. No relationship can be forced and a person who has rejected Him should not expect an answer or aid from Him just like you would not expect a human being to do the same if you decide to reject them.
Argument 2: If God is all loving, He would not allow any tragedy to happen to me.
Answer: He allows things to happen for the purpose of education/correction, which ultimately benefits you in the long run and also to test if you TRULY want a relationship with Him. If you choose to abandon Him over a tragedy (which could entirely be man-made) then you never wanted a relationship with Him. People who truly stick to their relationships through thick and thin are the ones who are really into the rrlationsuip, again it's common sense. If you would not want a person in your life who would run away at the first sign of trouble you should understand why God would not want that too. So the tests of adversity are to weed out those who truly want a relationship with Him and those who don't. It is fine to be angry at God, not understand His ways, that is part of being in a relationship, but it is entirely different to just abandon Him because life didn't turn out the way you want.
At the end of the day, trying to argue with me about what God should do or not do would not avail anything because the disagreement is between you and God. If you hold a sincere heart and you approach Him with your questions you will get the answers from Him.
This is my last apologetic and I won't be responding to anymore replies.
submitted by Sure_Constant_2578 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:34 mrfawsta Soft, aggressive shoes for indoor bouldering?

I have two pairs of LS Otakis that fit very well and I resole. I want something softer and more sensitive that is pretty aggressive, mostly for indoor bouldering since the stiffness of the Otaki is nice for outside. Got any recommendations?
For more context, I have a very narrow heel (worst part of the Otakis), high arch, and a wide-ish toebox (mild Greek foot shape). Finding that narrow heel, wide toebox combo seems hard. One problem with some shoes is that my 4th toe seems to have a massive pressure point on the big knuckle when it curls.
Some options I've been thinking: Solution Comp, Skwama, Drago (maybe LV?), Butora Acro Comp, Futuras, Mad Rock Drone CS, Shaman LV (might help with toe issue), some Tenayas idk?
p.s. anyone know what happened to the Evolv Oracle?
submitted by mrfawsta to bouldering [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:33 IrinaSophia Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria (June 9th)

Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, a distinguished champion of Orthodoxy and a great teacher of the Church, came from an illustrious and pious Christian family. He studied the secular sciences, including philosophy, but most of all he strove to acquire knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and the truths of the Christian Faith. In his youth Cyril entered the monastery of Macarius in the Nitreia hills, where he stayed for six years. Theophilus (385-412), the Patriarch of Alexandria, ordained him as a deacon, numbered him among the clergy and entrusted him to preach.
Upon the death of Patriarch Theophilus, Cyril was unanimously chosen to the patriarchal throne of the Alexandrian Church. He led the struggle against the spread of the Novatian heresy in Alexandria, which taught that any Christian who had fallen away from the Church during a time of persecution, could not be received back into it.
Cyril, seeing the futility of admonishing the heretics, sought their expulsion from Alexandria. The Jews appeared a greater danger for the Church, repeatedly causing riots, accompanied by the brutal killing of Christians. The saint long contended with them. In order to wipe out the remnants of paganism, the saint cast out devils from an ancient pagan temple and built a church on the spot, and the relics of the Holy Unmercenaries Cyrus and John were transferred into it. A more difficult struggle awaited the saint with the emergence of the Nestorian heresy.
Nestorius, a presbyter of the Antiochian Church, was chosen in 428 to the see of Constantinople and there he was able to spread his heretical teaching against the dogma about the uncommingled union of two natures in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nestorius called the Mother of God not the Theotokos, but rather Christotokos or “Birth-giver of Christ,” implying that she gave birth not to God, but only to the man Christ. The holy Patriarch Cyril repeatedly wrote to Nestorius and pointed out his error, but Nestorius continued to persevere in it. Then the saint sent out epistles against Nestorianism to the clergy of Constantinople and to the holy emperor Theodosius the Younger (408-450), denouncing the heresy. Cyril wrote also to other Churches, to Pope Celestine and to the other Patriarchs, and even to monks of several monasteries, warning of the emergence of a dangerous heresy.
Nestorius started an open persecution against the Orthodox. In his presence one of his partisans, Bishop Dorotheus, pronounced an anathema against anyone who would call the Most Holy Virgin Mary the Theotokos.
Nestorius hated Cyril and brought out against him every kind of slander and fabrication, calling him a heretic. The saint continued to defend Orthodoxy with all his powers. The situation became so aggravated, that it became necessary to call an Ecumenical Council, which convened in the city of Ephesus in the year 431. At the Council 200 bishops arrived from all the Christian Churches. Nestorius, awaiting the arrival of Bishop John of Antioch and other Syrian bishops, did not agree to the opening of the Council. But the Fathers of the Council began the sessions with Cyril presiding. Having examined the teaching of Nestorius, the Council condemned him as a heretic. Nestorius did not submit to the Council, and Bishop John opened a “robber council”, which decreed Cyril a heretic. The unrest increased. By order of the emperor, Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria and Archbishop Memnon of Ephesus were locked in prison, and Nestorius was deposed.
Soon Saints Cyril and Memnon were freed, and the sessions of the Council continued. Nestorius, not submitting himself to the determinations of the Council, was deprived of priestly rank. By order of the emperor he was sent to the faraway place Sasim in the Libyan wilderness, where he died in grievous torments. His tongue, having blasphemed the Mother of God, was overtaken by punishment -- in it there developed worms. Even Bishop John of Antioch and the remaining Syrian bishops signed the decrees of the Council of Ephesus.
Cyril guided the Alexandrian Church for 32 years, and towards the end of his life the flock was cleansed of heretics. Gently and cautiously Cyril approached anyone, who by their own simpleness and lack of knowledge, fell into false wisdom. There was a certain Elder, an ascetic of profound life, who incorrectly considered the Old Testament Priest Melchizedek to be the Son of God. Cyril prayed for the Lord to reveal to the Elder the correct way to view the righteous one. After three days the Elder came to Cyril and said that the Lord had revealed to him that Melchizedek was a mere man.
Cyril learned to overcome his prejudice against the memory of the great John Chrysostom (November 13). Theophilus, the Patriarch of Alexandria, and uncle of Cyril, was an antagonist of John, and presided in a council in judgment of him. Cyril thus found himself in a circle antagonistic to John Chrysostom, and involuntarily acquired a prejudice against him. Isidore of Pelusium (February 4) repeatedly wrote to Cyril and urged him to include the name of the great Father of the Church into the diptychs of the saints, but Cyril would not agree.
Once in a dream he saw a wondrous temple, in which the Mother of God was surrounded by a host of angels and saints, in whose number was John Chrysostom. When Cyril wanted to approach the All-Holy Lady and venerate her, John Chrysostom would not let him. The Theotokos asked John to forgive Cyril for having sinned against him through ignorance. Seeing that John hesitated, the Mother of God said, “Forgive him for my sake, since he has labored much for my honor, and has glorified me among the people calling me Theotokos.” John answered, “By your intercession, Lady, I do forgive him,” and then he embraced Cyril with love.
Cyril repented that he had maintained anger against the great saint of God. Having convened all the Egyptian bishops, he celebrated a solemn feast in honor of John Chrysostom.
Cyril died in the year 444, leaving behind many works. In particular, the following ought to be mentioned: commentaries On the Gospel of Luke, On the Gospel of John, On the Epistles of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians and to the Hebrews; also an Apologia in Defense of Christianity against the Emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363). Of vast significance are his Five Books against Nestorius; a work on the Most Holy Trinity under the title Thesaurus, written against Arius and Eunomios. Also two dogmatic compositions on the Most Holy Trinity, distinguished by a precise exposition of the Orthodox teaching on the Procession of the Holy Spirit. Cyril wrote Against Anthropomorphism for several Egyptians, who through ignorance depicted God in human form. Among Cyril’s works are also the Discussions, among which is the moving and edifying Discourse on the Exodus of the Soul, inserted in the Slavonic “Following Psalter”.
Today we commemorate the repose of this great Father of the Church. He is also remembered on January 18, the date of his flight from Alexandria.
submitted by IrinaSophia to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:33 SuccessfulLime2850 The website is fraudulent, conns and scams people

The website is fraudulent, conns and scams people. The people behind this Colorado Corporation, named "Airbnb Limited" incorporated May 15, 2024 (ID #20241532257), are impersonating Airbnb’s CEO Brian Chesky to defraud and scam people with part time job offers
The part time job scam involves a salary and commissions for viewing so called Airbnb properties for marketing purposes. The work requires completing a group of 2-3 sets of 30 tasks, each task is to view a property and submit that you had viewed it. Often a task is frozen and additional funds are required to unfreeze the task with escalating funds - $500, $1,500, $5,000, $15,000, where the person is required to add those increasing fund to salvage the previous deposit. If the deposits are not made one after the other, then all is lost, and no withdrawals are allowed until all 30 tasks are completed in a set of tasks.
submitted by SuccessfulLime2850 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 Zarski843 Less than a month out from my first child, anxiety picking up.

I know this is a normal process, but man am I feeling overwhelmed. I was born in Eastern Europe, so I am not one who really spends much time with emotions. I rarely cry, if I feel sad I just deal with it, if I feel anxious I just deal with it. For this situation, I’m having a very challenging time just moving past my emotions. I’m so excited I don’t even have the words to describe how I’m feeling, but at the same time, I’m feeling extremely anxious.
As an adult, if I enter a situation where I’m uncomfortable or don’t know what to do, I have the confidence that I can figure it out and fend for myself. Now, I will be responsible for a tiny human, and shaping them to be a good positive light in this world. That’s part of the root of my stress, the world is dangerous. I worked in corrections for several years, so I know first hand what monsters exist among humans. Then I turn on the TV or load up Reddit, and I see that these monsters are out in the world and most are not locked up. Even beyond the monsters, the way society has changed since I was a kid to grossly accept sexual deviancy is a scary environment to raise a child in. All the while trying to facilitate the bond and secure attachment that children need with their fathers.
Any words of encouragement for a soon to be dad?
submitted by Zarski843 to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 Rare-Group-4364 Embracing Online Continuing Education for Career Advancement

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving professional landscape, continuing education has become a vital tool for career advancement and staying current in various fields. Whether you're aiming for a promotion, maintaining credentials in a profession like Nursing or Pharmacy, or simply wanting to stay competitive, online continuing education offers a convenient and effective solution. This modern approach allows professionals to enhance their skills, obtain necessary certifications, and boost their professional profiles without the constraints of traditional classroom settings.
Flexible and Convenient Learning
One of the primary advantages of online continuing education is its flexibility. Unlike traditional courses that require commuting to a facility and adhering to a strict schedule, online programs provide the freedom to learn from anywhere, at any time. This is particularly beneficial for those with demanding jobs, family responsibilities, or other commitments. Many online courses offer around-the-clock access to materials and exams, making it easier to fit education into a busy lifestyle.
For those apprehensive about returning to school after a long break, online education offers a comfortable and gradual reintroduction to academic life. The ability to study in the privacy of your home or office can make the transition smoother and less intimidating.
Diverse Program Offerings
The range of continuing education and professional certification programs available online is extensive. Fields such as Business (including Accounting), Education, Human Resources, Healthcare (including Nursing, Pharmacy, and Dentistry), Information Technology, Insurance, and Social Work all offer robust online programs. This diversity ensures that professionals from various industries can find courses tailored to their specific needs and career goals.
It's crucial to verify that the online programs you choose are accredited and recognized by your employer or relevant professional organizations. This ensures that your efforts and investments in education are valid and beneficial to your career progression.
Financial Support and Employer Sponsorship
Affording to continue education can be a concern, but many options are available to ease the financial burden. Financial aid is often accessible for online students, similar to those attending traditional institutions. Additionally, many employers recognize the value of a well-educated workforce and are willing to cover part or all of the costs associated with continuing education. This investment benefits both the employee and the organization, fostering growth and development on both sides.
Quality and Legitimacy of Online Education
A common misconception is that online education is less legitimate or enriching than traditional face-to-face learning. However, this is far from the truth. Reputable online programs offer the same level of academic rigor and opportunities for collaboration, independent study, and interaction with instructors and peers as traditional courses. The use of advanced technologies like teleconferencing further enhances the learning experience, making it interactive and engaging. Cont Reading>>>
submitted by Rare-Group-4364 to u/Rare-Group-4364 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 DrivingMyLifeAway1 Lyft GPS Map Sucks

I haven’t seen much, if any, specific comments on the actual Lyft driver app GPS map. I think it sucks as implemented. Why? Because in my area it shows random subdivision names, most of which I don’t know, even relatively nearby where I live. Part of the problem is that there seems to be no logic behind which ones are included. Some huge subdivisions I do know are omitted. As is they don’t do anything to help me get my bearings on the map. I would much prefer community names, major business parks and shopping centers and city boundaries be listed/shown.
Next object of my wrath is the button to display the full route. It’s next to worthless. You can’t see road names, or significant turns. It basically appears as a squiggly line, and because it doesn’t obviously indicate the scale, it doesn’t really help you quickly understand how far there is to go. I’m not sure exactly how to fix it but something to provide more information would help, like main road names or turn by turn or consistent scale all would be a start.
They could also make the traffic controls (lights and signs) stand out more. They need to always display the destination name, not just a street number (if it’s other than a home address). I guess the one thing I do like is the audio navigation; it’s mostly effective although I would like to make some adjustments to it.
What about you? What drives you crazy and what improvements would you make?
submitted by DrivingMyLifeAway1 to lyftdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:31 shaynereinhart how to put nails on my sim in blender? they don’t pose?

okay so i’m a blender dummy and i need help. whenever i pose my sim, her toenails don’t move with her foot. i don’t have this issue with any other accessories. i tried parenting them to her foot, i changed the modifier tab to her name, all my normal troubleshooting things haven’t worked. i’m definitely messing something up. now originally my sim had flat feet of course, so i had to remove her original feet and append new ones. the tiptoes so i could put heels on her. just a little more information in case that impacts your ideas.
submitted by shaynereinhart to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:31 New_Specialist6771 Newbie here. Where should I start?!

Help me out please. Im totally new to reading and the genre.
My experience with fantasy is The name of the wind by Patrick Rothfuss... that's it! And I really love the book but wished there was a little more on the romance there.
I know I like slow burning love stories. I don't know where my tolerance stands on the spice meter thou...
I'm been watching tiktokers recommend different series. ACOTAR is the one that keeps popping up. But I am unsure if it is the best one to start with... Specially on how many books are. I don't want to read three whole books to reach the really good parts...
So I guess what I'm looking for is a stand alone book, or short series, with really nice story and character development, with just enough romance to get me going (not so much I would feel uncomfortable, not so little is just plain fantasy)
Other kind of related tv shows and movies I like are: Harry Potter, Outlander, and Bridgerton!
Thanks! :)
submitted by New_Specialist6771 to fantasyromance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:31 capn_corgi Read Jurassic Park and have some thoughts

For context, I didn’t grow up on the Jurassic Park movies, I was a really scared kid and would run away when things like that were on TV. I only watched the original movie last year and decided to read the book a few days ago. Having finished it I have some thoughts.
  1. The way the book tackles greed, capitalism, and the corporate lack of regard for life was excellent, it was very believably evil without any mustache twirling nonsense. I liked the way that everyone in the beginning refused to expand their thoughts about the new lizards because truly, saying you think dinosaurs are back after millions of years would get you a one way trip to the grippy sock house. The obstinate way the characters on the island think was so perfect because they had all turned into an echo chamber just confirming what they know the others want to hear. Having no systems in place for emergencies, never imagining that evolution and mindless biology could out smart them. The scene with Hammond and Dr. Wu about Dr. Wu wanting to make the dinosaurs dumber and slower was perfect. The part where Dr. Wu explained that their security measures were inadequate and based on earlier models but Hammond refusing to budge saying it would all be fine.
  2. Dr. Sattler is much cooler in the movie. She gets more to do with actively going to look for missing members of the team and being the one to rescue Dr. Malcolm. In the books hardly anyone calls her Dr. Sattler, and she spends a ton of time nursing Dr. Malcolm even though she has no training to do so. One thing that annoyed me about Crichton’s writing is that she snaps at Muldoon for calling her girl when he’s actively trying to help her with the velociraptors. It felt like a parody of women asking not to be called sweetheart, there’s no woman who would bring that up in the middle of a raptor attack. Makes me wonder if Crichton had ever actually met a woman. All the comments about her shorts got old before they even started.
  3. Segues into my next point about the kids. Lex is the whiniest kid but Tim is perfect and does not one thing wrong in the entire book. I’ve seen people say that’s exactly how kids would react and she’s so realistic but if that were the case then Tim would have moments like that too but he doesn’t. It seemed to me that Tim is this bright nerdy kid who isn’t favored by his parents like his sister who is perfectly awful. He’s the wonderfully smart always right person who isn’t appreciated like he should be. Made me wonder if he’s supposed to be Crichton’s self insert and Lex is his sister he always hated. I also hate the general idea that boys are the only ones who have intellectual interests like dinosaurs and computers. It was a great change to give the computer interest to Lex in the movie.
  4. I didn’t like that the aggressive carnivorous dinosaurs all got male pronouns while the prey all got female pronouns. Says some creepy stuff when you think about it. They’re all female per InGen, they don’t even see a male until almost the end. Also on that note, how did Dr. Grant AND Lex identify that the raptor was male? Genitalia don’t fossilize and what human child would be able to immediately sex an animal that’s been dead for 65 million years?
  5. The ending of the book was a giant letdown. The characters really seemed to change when they all got reunited to do the incredibly stupid egg count. In universe, that count made no sense except for Dr. Grant to rag on Gennaro since Hammond had died. Dr. Grant says we need to count the eggs to predict how many raptors there are but 1) eggs break into pieces so how can you exactly say how many you’re looking at, 2) they’ve been on that island for 2 years so multiple hatching seasons have gone by, the eggs from older seasons have biodegraded so how are you going to get an idea of how many animals there are? The raptors spread all over the island while the fences were down, how can they be sure their 37 count was accurate? It’s a big island there could be another nest. Even if they got an exact count, what are they going to do with that information? That doesn’t change the air strike coming, if just two raptors survive they can go and breed somewhere and what does the count do? That part of the book was so stupid that it really ruined my overall experience reading it.
  6. Dr. Malcolm monologuing endlessly about chaos sounds really good until you actually picture what that would be like to experience. The content of his monologues was actually very good and important but the sets up for them were very weak and I actually sympathized with Hammond there because what the hell are you saying.
Overall, it was a really enjoyable book but I do think I prefer the movie.
submitted by capn_corgi to books [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:30 Sufficient-Trifle307 hi, I'm seeking for an Italian girl to date and share something

hi my name is mattia. In writing this post because I'm struggling to find a girl with something in common with me, it's very difficult here in Italy and I feellike I would be capable of forming a relationship with someone who is willing to do so.
This is the part where I talk a little about myself, to anyone who may be interested: I really like music, I recently started playing the guitar (and maybe I would like to start singing), and this love was born thanks to my father who put songs from the 90s on CDs that drove me crazy even as a child. I also like to draw, I'm not very good at it, more than anything I like to draw a few sketches here and there, when I feel inspired. Films, how can we forget films, Fellini is an absolute master. As for the rest, I don't know, character is difficult to describe not because I have a particular character, but precisely because it's intimate and personal so "you have to live it"
If it's not clear, I'm from Italy too, South part it (fa molto caldo, ma troppo)
submitted by Sufficient-Trifle307 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:30 thesilverpoets96 Song of the Week: Losing Lisa
Hello everyone, I hope all is well. Today we are going to be taking a closer look/listen at the song “Losing Lisa” which is the seventh track from Ben’s first solo album Rockin’ the Suburbs.
There’s a couple of songs on this album, including this one, where I feel like they have hints of sounds from the 50’s/60’s despite them being written and released in the early 2000’s. The song starts with this harpsichord sounding keyboard playing a bright G major chord. This intro is cut off with a drum hit and then Ben switching to a normal piano and vocals.
Lyrically, this is song is about the unraveling of a relationship between the character Ben is singing from and his partner named Lisa. Ben sings “she's so sensitive, this shit just happens sometimes.” It seems like Ben is singing this song through the perspective of a typical male who’s blaming the ending of a relationship on the other person. He’s saying how she’s overly sensitive but then in the next line is saying how she’s his “everything” and how she’s his best friend. It’s maybe a little ironic how this song was the only song on that album cowritten by Ben’s at the time wife Frally Hynes.
During this first verse we get some other instruments gradually being added to the mix. First there’s some light percussion, some subtle acoustic guitars and some great bass fills which gives me Beach Boy vibes. And then lyrically, Ben does this smart move where he ends the verse with the lyric “we don't do anything we didn't do the day….” and then starts the pre chorus with the lyric “before you go, you ought to know.” This is great because the word “before” is used as a transitional word between the verse and pre chorus and it’s clever in a way you might not notice on a first listen.
The pre chorus is a nice way to slow things down before we get to the chorus. The move from the E minor chord to E flat chord is smooth and lyrically we have Ben’s character pleading to Lisa that he didn’t mean to hurt her which is a human cliche as old as time. As we move into the chorus we get the drums and piano ramping up in energy on the D major chord to give us the push we need for the chorus.
For me, the chorus is the hook of this song. It’s all fairly simple but it’s so goddamn catchy no matter how many times I hear it. The chorus has such a breezy flow to it as Ben’s singing about heartache with the lyric “black tears are falling down her face and I am wrong.” I’ve always interpreted the black tears being mascara running down Lisa’s face as she is crying. And even though this character understands he’s in the wrong, he’s still complaining that Lisa won’t tell him what he did that was wrong. Maybe the most devastating line is when Ben sings “she’s sitting here beside me then she is gone.” Even though she physically there with him, mentally she’s already checked out. The chorus ends with Ben’s catchy harmonies as he sings “black tears are falling, falling.”
The second verse begins with full instrumentation which adds nice dynamics to the song. This time around, Ben’s character is reminiscing of a time where things were simpler with Lisa and himself. He speaks of loving times when they were laughing and things were simpler. But now she’s no longer happy and he no longer feels anything. And in the pre chorus, instead of the male character listening to what his partner is saying, he’s fixated on her face instead. “I am mesmerized, by tiny lines. I'm watching as the shapes are drawing slowly from her eyes.”
We get another chorus which sounds just as great as the first one. Another reason I love the pre chorus is the movement of the chords after each lyric. Ben plays a B flat, C and a D minor chord which he walks up and then back down again. It’s one element of the chorus that makes the whole song so catchy. That and some of Ben’s vocal melodies really remind me of the Beach Boys, especially the runs that move down in pitch.
After the second chorus the song brings it down in volume as we enter into the bridge. The piano and drums are more delicate as Ben sings the title of the song three times. It’s almost as if he’s finally realizing that he’s lost Lisa and he admits that “there’s nothing I can do.” And it’s right during this realization where the instruments start building up in energy to bring us to the instrumental section. I wouldn’t call it a solo necessarily as none of the instruments really play a full on solo (although Ben does play some tasty licks). Instead we actually get a lot of space where the instruments can breathe. My favorite parts is when you can hear the electric guitars play a couple of old timey strums.
Then the song ends on an outro which a different variation of chords than the chorus. Ben sings “black tears are falling, falling” as he also provides his own backing vocals singing “ahh.” It’s a great little jam section that eventually ends on a B flat/F chord and some tambourine action.
When it comes to this album, this is one of my favorite underrated songs from it. It’s not as flashy as the title track, nor does it have the beauty of a song like “Carrying Cathy.” But it’s just one of those songs that flows effortless and can stuck in your head in a non annoying way. It’s fun to single along to and easy to follow; it’s basically a song where a relationship falls apart because one person is not only ignorant to the signs, but also does nothing to solve any of the problems. It’s a song that was played live on most nights on Ben’s What Matters Most tour. I was ecstatic to hear it and I think Ben’s backing band plus Talk Heights made this song better than it would have been with just Ben and his piano.
But what do you think about this song? Is it an underrated song from Rockin’ the Suburbs? What do you think the song is about? Favorite lyrical or musical moments? And did you ever catch it live?
submitted by thesilverpoets96 to benfolds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:30 thesilverpoets96 Song of the Week: Escape is at Hand for the Travellin’ Man
Hello everyone, I hope all is well. Today we are going to be taking a closer listen/look at the penultimate track from Phantom Power titled “Escape is at Hand for the Travellin’ Man.”
“Escape…” is a fan favorite song from the band. It was voted to be included on the band’s Yer Favorites album, it was also voted as the song fans wanted to hear live the most in 2004 and it was the first song that the band practiced before their final tour in 2016. And the song itself has a pretty rich history.
The song was written for Jim Ellison, the lead singer and guitarist for the Chicago, Illinois band Material Issue. Unfortunately, on June 20th, 1996, Jim committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. This song lyrically, as we will break down, describes the short relationship that Gord had with Jim as well as how Gord grieved over his loss.
But before we dive into the lyrics, we have to talk about the music of this track because the music plays for a full minute before Gord’s vocals come in. Imagine if the outro jam for “The Last of the Unplucked Gems” went on for almost six minutes. That’s close to what we get with this song. Johnny’s drum beat is slightly faster than the Road Apples closing track, not super fast but enough to get your head nodding along. You also have the star of the show (in my opinion) Mr. Gord Sinclair with his phenomenal bass playing. He’s playing these chords in a picking pattern very high up on the neck of his bass. He plays it in a very hypnotic way and does a ton of variations like slides as well and moving all around the fret board. To me, it’s what drives the song and recently he made a short video describing how he came up with the bassline. You can check it out here:
So while you have this extremely tight groove between Sinclair and Johnny, Paul is playing these counter melodies/riffs to the song’s grooving bassline. And then you have Rob who’s playing one of his most interesting guitar parts. Throughout most of the song, Rob is playing these little atmospheric guitar parts that include slides, hammer ons, pull offs and harmonics. But to make this sound even more interesting he set up a delay unit for his guitar with different speeds. This creates different sound with the different speeds every three seconds or so. It’s how his guitar sounds so dreamy on this song.
Once Gord starts singing, the first thing I notice is his vocal delivery. He sings this song in a typical Gord way that is just unique enough that it takes a couple of listens to be able to sing along with him on the verses. He starts off the song with the lyric “it was our third time in New York, it was your fourth time in New York. We were fifth and sixth on the bill.” Although I couldn’t find the exact history, we are to assume that this lyric dives into the history of the Hip playing a show/festival with Jim and his band Material Issue. This may have even been the first time that each band had met each other. It would make sense that the Hip would be fifth or sixth on the bill since they never broke out in the states. I also want to point out the clever way that Gord counts up with the lyrics “third, fourth, fifth, sixth.”
Gord sings about talking to Jim about each other bands as well as their “future plans.” But then he makes it a point that they are not “best” friends. They’ve only met briefly during some sort of music festival and it’s hard to be someone’s best friend in that short amount of time. And right before the band transitions into the chorus, you can barely hear Gord say “why, what did we do?”
The band transitions until the chorus which still keeps that somewhat laid back sound, this time with different chords and Paul being a bit more deliberate with his picking. Gord sings “that number scheme comes back to me. In times beyond our heartbeat.” I think the “number scheme” could be that “third, fourth, fifth, sixth” lyrics that he sings throughout the first verse. And the heartbeat lyric is something he’ll return to later on that we’ll talk about then. Vocally, Gord sings the chorus in a more straightforward way and it’s extremely catchy with Paul’s backing harmonies.
The band goes back into the vibe heavy verse jam with those atmospheric guitar notes from Rob still playing. In this verse, Gord sings about hanging around to the last band performing at this festival and this band happens to be called Escape Is At Hand For The Travelling Man. Of course it’s a fake band name Gord came up with, but oh man is it so good. He also makes up different songs that this band plays such as “Lonely From Rock And Roll”, “They Checked Out An Hour Ago” and “They Checked Out An Hour Ago.” All fantastic names and the last name could have a double meaning behind someone choosing to end their live.
In the second chorus we get Gord singing “those melodies come back to me. At times beyond our heartbeat.” I love this lyric because as I get older, I’ll hear a song and even a specific melody, and it’ll transport me to the first time I ever heard it. Music is the closest thing we have to a time machine right now.
After the second chorus get into the bridge section which sees the guitar take a more typical approach by strumming chords. This gives this section a bit more intensity than the rest of the song and makes it soar instead of drone (in a good way). Gord’s vocals become a bit more lively and passionate as he sings “I guess I'm too slow” which to me is him acknowledging that he was too slow to reconnect with Jim while he had the chance. He sings “you said any time of the day was fine. You said any time of the night was also fine” which is probably what Jim told him when they first met and exchanged numbers. With Paul’s backing vocals this bridge is extremely emotional and hits hard when you understand the context.
In the third verse Gord sings about trying to reach Jim but getting no answer on the seventh floor of the hotel. Gord does a phenomenal job at painting pictures, like of pigeons weighing down a telephone wire or the elevator giving out a low moan which adds to the bitterness of this song. He even sings about a chambermaid singing along to the fake song “They Checked Out An Hour Ago.” At the end of the verse he sings “I kind of chucked” in a similar way that he sung/talked the last line of the first verse.
After a final chorus and additional bridge, the band goes back into the intro/verse jam. But as Gord continues to sing “our heartbeat” (which to me could be about how fragile human life is) we can hear Johnny’s drumming becoming heavier and starts driving the song even more than the bass is. This leads to a euphoric vocal delivery from Gord with the amazing lyric “long conversation or idle chit chat. Maybe dive in or maybe hang back.” It doesn’t matter if it’s a deep conversation or if it’s just casual talk, it’s important to talk and connect to the people you love while you have the chance. And the way Gord sings this lyric really seals the deal. After the building of that last lyric the band quietly but quickly dissolves to end the song in a fitting way.
This song means a lot to a lot of people because of its rich lyrics, its emotional depth and its stunning music. It’s no wonder why it’s a fan favorite and was the band’s 20th most played song live. Before we close out this discussion I would like to post a story that a fan had of this song when it came to a particular live performance;
“Gord said during a live performance of this song on May 11, 2007, that Material Issue had driven through the night in their van to get to this concert in NY. After the show, one of the guys in the band was too sick to sleep in their van, and they had no accommodations. Gord said he and Paul offered the guy their hotel room, he accepted, and that was the last time they ever saw any of them. Material Issue checked out the next morning before saying goodbye to The Hip.”
But what do you think of this fan favorite? Is it one of the band’s best songs? What does the song mean to you? What are your favorite lyrical or musical moments? And did you ever catch it live?
submitted by thesilverpoets96 to TragicallyHip [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:30 chief_buddha31 From industry to consulting (EU) - any tips?

Hi all,
I've decided to start applying in my goal to switch from the industry side to consulting. My last post was just testing the waters as I wasn't aware if I stood a chance but taking the idea of transitioning to consulting a bit more seriously now -
I only have a BA in political science from a top EU university, but I've had 5 years of IT service delivery and PR project management experience at one of the world's largest household names in the energy industry and relevant certificates (PSM, ITIL, SAFE, although the first 2 I havent renewed since getting them). I am looking to go into consulting as I'd hope for an environment where I get to expose myself to other industries beyond enterprise IT and the energy sectors. I've also found working just on IT projects the past 3 years quite long in the tooth and am hoping that consulting would give me the breadth in terms of variety that I'd seek. I'd also like to move away from the pure bread and butter PM work towards more strategy-focused role, having had exposure to that in my current capacity.
Is my assumption/expectation in terms of the professional challenge and opportunities realistic in terms of what I'm looking for? Would my experience and profile get me a foot in the door with MBB? Is brand recognition of my current employer also any value to them? In terms of seniority, would I be targeting consultant or associate consultant level given that I do not have a Masters/does that rule me out from MBB-level firms? Are there any other firms (Wyman, Kearney etc) that I should consider?
TIA, and any resources to read up on would also be very much appreciated!
submitted by chief_buddha31 to consulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:29 monologousmutilation Analyzing the DOOM: THE DARK AGES trailer - lore info and demon redesigns.

A collection of things I've noticed about the trailer after looking through it.
submitted by monologousmutilation to Doom [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 skye__em critiques wanted: I decided to be a pantser for the first time

I have some stuff written on wattpad (link on my profile if you're interested in reading), but not much. I have tried the plotting method of writing, and I feel like I'm spending so much time plotting, and lose my passion for that project and move on to something else. When I finally write, I find that I rewrite the same sentence 3-5 times to make it as polished as I can before continuing.
For the first time I tried being a pantser. I opened up a google document with no plan in mind, no ideas whatsoever, and just started writing. I did this as an experiment, just to see where it would take me. It took some effort not to rewrite my sentences over and over again to make them more polished, but I felt that would be detrimental to the great experiment.
Anyway, this is what I came up with, and I would love to know what people think, general impressions, where you think/hope the story will go, maybe recommendations on a name. I'm not interested in critiques on the grammar and prose, I'm well aware it's not fully refined. That's a problem for later lol.
Genre: Fantasy, with Faeries *Mature themes*
Word Count: 3500 in full chapter, 238 in excerpt
Every full moon revel is the same. The hushed quiet before the ravenous celebration. Music and drink until the sun comes up. Humans milling through the throngs of trolls, ogres, and nymphs; their eyes blank and unseeing due to enchanted words and enchanted food. Everybody dances until the soles of their shoes are worn through, until muscles protest and ache. Kissing strangers, breath reeking of mulberry wine, in various states of undress, even among the crowds. Large tables piled with food and lit with fat candles that drip their wax into puddles.
I watch it all from the branches of a nearby tree, disinterested and vaguely disgusted. But I have an obligation to be here, unfortunately. As the daughter of the War General, I must be in attendance at all royal revelries, even the most mundane ones. Thankfully, this does not mean that I must mingle or pretend to enjoy myself. I fulfilled my obligation when I greeted the faerie Queene, Queen Ravenna, pressing my lips to her bejeweled fingers; and now I sit here, a goblet of watered down elderberry wine in my hand as I while away the hours, hoping something interesting might happen.
There’s always drama among the courtiers of the royal court, the Moon Court; betrayals, affairs, illegitimate offspring. Sometimes there are brawls, sometimes duels, and on the rare occasion there is a frenzied massacre. Bloodshed is inevitable, and the most entertaining of outcomes.
The link to the full chapter is here.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by skye__em to writingcritiques [link] [comments]