Swollen tonsil pictures


2024.02.04 17:20 Slenderman7676RBLX spicycoins

A sub for posting pictures of swollen coin/button batteries.

2019.09.04 06:08 jizznipples95 Like r/popping, but actual popping

This sub is for pictures and videos of popping cysts, pimples, abscesses, hematomas, blisters, blackheads and ingrown hairs. This is not the right sub for: Tonsil stones (tonsilstones) Peeling (pealing) Snot Phlegm Animal pops Food Popping related toys Warts Photos of I popped blisters Photos of little balls of pus Faeces For any of the above please visit popping or notpopping

2024.06.09 21:14 SaltyMarge707 When To Worry?

Here is my story so far. Let me preface this by saying I live in an area with poor healthcare so I haven't really had a GP my entire adult life. Heavy cannabis smoker but I quit about 7 days ago to help alleviate my symptoms.
It started almost two months ago with a very sore throat, small fever, chills, etc. Figure it was a cold. It persisted for 3 weeks and finally I went to Urgent care and was prescribed amoxicillin. They didn't do any tests the doctor there just said that she figured I had strep and was going to treat me for it.
After doing the antibiotics i felt better and even took a small trip. Upon returning, I felt sick again. It is now June 9th and for the last.month I've noticed a persistent swollen reddish white patch in the back of my throat, I can see it when I open my mouth and look in the mirror, as well as swollen tonsils and general discoloration of my throat and tonsils, as well as spitting up mucus and a feeling of something stuck in my throat. I also have some general fatigue and have lost about 10 pounds in the last month. It's hard to know what is from cannabis withdrawals or what could be from something else.
At this point, the only thing that helps is ibuprofen to keep the swelling down. I also have been taking daily allergy medicine just in case.
After 2 visits to the ER (all blood work was normal, no COVID flu or strep, but they didn't scan my anywhere but my chest oddly enough, which looked fine other than my smokers lungs) and 3 visits to Urgent Care the NP at Urgent Care finally said "yeah those look like lumps" and referred me to an ENT. One ER doctor said it might be a persistent bacterial infection but he didn't want to prescribe me any antibiotics because it may cause diarrhea. I thought that seemed a little silly but he's the doctor so I went with it.
Now that I have a referral to an ENT and I'm hoping the wait isn't too long. I've never been sick this long in my life.
Curious if anyone else has had a similar experience and if I should be worried or not.
submitted by SaltyMarge707 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:17 chewie_08 My hair got tied up in a really tight ponytail for an event and now my scalp is swollen

Hello! The MUA tied my hair up really tight and after removing the ponytail, I felt a bump on my scalp where my hair was tied. Every time I touched it, it felt very swollen and would leave some clear and wet residue on my fingers. Took a picture earlier and I’m very worried. What is this and what can I do?
submitted by chewie_08 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:33 SnooTangerines8115 ex wife f35 and me m33 Did i make a misstake ?

Hello reddit, am not here to often as i like, but i have to have a opinion made from a nutrual part.
sorry for any spelling errors, i have dyelexia and english is not my first language.
we have 6 kids in total and 3 are with me.
So to begin this story of my 9 year relationship we have had our ups and down like everyone else, my wife has for instant been Captured taking pictures of her self naked to other men 6 times, and i forgave her everytime due to it just was a picture and she never touch the guy. so my jealousy was really bad as we never workt on that trust really, we just went on with our relationship and i was clingy and did not really like her going out to much as we had small kids and they have neurodevelopmental disorders like ahd autisum. as soon as she got a job again she would cheat after 3 months in that job. we had financial problems to loosing jobs getting them back and going in debt due over it.
but the last 3 months i found out that she was talking to someone from my gutfeeling and checkt it out, and i was right, the guy she was talking to she had sent pictures and more to before, they talkt about how much they mean to each other and that they love each other, and sent nudes to. that was her breaking point, i told her what do we do as i stod there and cryed to her why ? and she said i dont know, then all out of the blue she explained she had feeling for the guy, and she is never allowed to go out and drink with friends or hang out with her guy friends as i was jealous, she said give me space and let me see if the feeling disapers, i call the guys wife and let her know what happend and we talkt for about 2h about this and cry to each other, she still tryes to get with the guy and the guy says he wants to be with my ex wife, but then the other wife said that she is pregnant and he came running back to her, i was ready to leave by then, but my wife insist we should just give it time and space to se if the feelings get back to her.
enter friend girlfriend O to my ex wife and me. She told me she would spy on ex wife even tho i said no dont.
so enter our friend K is a 40+ year old friend of both of us, more to the wife tho. K and my ex wife start talking about the situation.
K and my ex still made me jealous as it was a fresh wound and we really did not talk about it.
now my ex wife has to go to her sisters to watch her kids as she is going to a party, and while she is there we talk alot over snapchat and she sends really hot pictures of her to me, and i tell her what i would like to do with her, after that day she comes home and we have sex and try to work on it, but after the sex she is cold as ice after and only hangs with K. she tells me my friends want me to go on a event in the city with live music and drinks, this is a test if ur jealousy is ok if not i will leave she said. i was in terapi about my jealousy by now.
so that day rolls around she goes out with her girlfriend O and have fun and during the night i still talk to her on snap. she says she lost her friend O and lookt for 20mins to find them, and was really sad as the girlfriend O just wanted her to hook up with others and she said no, they went to a pub and drank and girlfriend O wanted to take a taxi home but my ex wife said no and walkt home, i greet her at the door with a hug and say did you have fun and did you get home safe with someone ? as i dont really like her to walk where we live alone. this was my ex wifes story.
she said no we walkt to this pub and took a few drinks and my girlfriend wanted me to hook up with people so i just walkt home alone and called my mom. this is really late at night to.
so que next day after she sleept the rush of, i get a text from the girlfriend O that she was faithfull and she took a taxi home and i had my eyes on her all the time and we did not run in to K at all,
my ex wife then tells me we did run in to K, but i only said hi and we walkt away, and i confront the Girlfriend O how she could lie about taking a taxi and leaving my ex wife to walk alone, and she swears my ex wife took the taxi home with them, i really just wanted her to be safe around these events. later after i push Girlfriend O harder my ex wife tells me she walkt with K home as she did not want to go in a taxi after feeling abit sick,
i tell her why did you just not tell me that right away ? then you would be jealous she said and act angry, i told her no am glad K took you home safe just dont lie about it.
i then later that night text K thanks for taking my ex wife home safe. means alot ur a good guy, and K start going on about the night, how they meet in the crowd and went on rides and did not find Girlfriend O and they went to the pub and had a drink and then Girlfriend O called her and askt where ex wife was, so they meet up in the pub and then we walkt home to you, K lives like 300m away from us so nothing wierd if they walk right ?, i was like ok thanks for taking care of her and next time she might just go with you as she clearly had more fun with you K. and then he dropt a bomb on me, are you guys devorcing or are you still trying ? and i say still trying. and he finds it wierd as he said "because sometimes we talk and type" and "sometimes you and her talk and type" and i call him right away and ask him to be upfront about it, he said he will call in 2h ok fine i think, but my wife is typing like crazy on her phone then, and locks the screen as i get close, another red flag, i call him and ask him to clearfy that statment, and he said no we just talking like about you guys and then sometimes i see you type to her some cute message or stuff, witch i do.
this makes my wife devorce me, and i beg and plead to let us give it a chance again and this time be honest with each other. after alot of work we still devorce but as we have kids we still count as married for 6 months, and we both agreed we would use that time to se if we can find back, as she cant keep the apartment due to debt as we had to get my dad to co sign it. i was ready to move and take me my dad off the contract, making her homeless with 6 kids, witch i did not want to, but as i had debt to and my father wanted to support me and could not stay on 2 contracts he said he will help me.
i think fine but still the feeling of K and my ex wife never leaves, so i rig a webcam at my pc to spy on her as i go out to buy a mothersday gift, she finds the webcam and start to scream and become balistic on me that i never trust her and that i was dissgusting for invading her privacy she permanently deleted the file with Shift Delete. i feel so bad i called my therapist and admitted what i did and she help me formulate a good apology and i go and tell her am really sorry in a really good way and explain why i did it and that it still was not ok, she just gave me the cold shoulder and said she dont feel safe here anymore at all, all i wanted was proof if she was really sending Pictures to K to. ex wife now uses all her free time with K and dont care at all about the kids, i work like 11h weekends shifts as am in health care for disabled kids/adults, so i cant leave they need me, and her 15 year old calls me and tells me she is out with the dog and talking to K and has been out there for 30 mins and the kids are screaming, i call her angry and tell her to get back inside and take care of the kids, and she just tells me atleast am walking the dog. well its her dog so i really dont care to much about animals like that so.
friday that night she walks home to K to drink, K has problems with alchole, i just got off a 11h shift, my youngest kids is sick and keeps waking up so i have to go up and put him to sleep again and again, and i have another 11h tomorrow i have to do, so i call her and tell her to get home, i give my kids some medicin and go wait for my ex wife witch takes about 2h to get home, remember its about a 300m walk. she really just did not want to go home i guess. she talk about how they where drinking and talking to his parents and planing a trip 2h away to K's parents to see if she would miss me she said, i tell her no why ? why cant you just stay at ur moms or other girlfriends ? and she said i already told them i would be going so i kinda have to. week go by and i keep trying to make pysical contact with her in hugs or massaging her feet after work as her feet get really swollen, i cook for her and make time to watch some tv shows that week, and saturday comes around
she is now giving me the cold shoulder again and we get in a fight about her leaving with K, i tell her i will write my name off the contract and leav so u can be with K i dont care, and she starts crying and tells me to wait abit and walks the dog, i look inside her backpack she packed for the trip and find a sexy night gown i bought for her in there, i confront her about that to, and she just says she has nothing else to wear while going to sleep. i give her my t-shirt and toss that night gown away and tell her use this. and i got so angry i started kissing her and hugging her, she leaves, and i type to her that am sorry for kissing you and stuff as we both feelt we needed time to get there the week where we had fun. she tells me it was nice and we should do it more often. she stays the night there at his parents place she calls me and tells me they arrived and everything so i feel good about this as we just kissed, i have been bending my back so hard to clean, work on my self, have the meals ready and stuff, i work almost only weekends so i take care of it as she works on weeks.
but sunday she comes home and we talk about about what she did and if she had fun, she did tell me she really missed me during that time and that gave me hope again, but still the feeling of K did not leave.
she was cold almost 3 days and said she still dont know... mind you this is now 1.5 months in and i have done everything i can to make us work i still sleept in a diffrent room as she was not really that comfortable after the whole webcam insedent. when she got back home i told her to stay with her sister and work this out if she still want to. as she is there i can see her search history and she is looking for bracelets for boyfriends and a bottle of capten morgan witch u can make ur own lable on it that is K's favorit, i call her and ask wtf are you doing, and she said his birthday is comming up and i want to get him something nice, and i tell her but you search for BOYFRIEND, not like Braclets for guys, and she said otherwise just some girly stuff comes up, and i told her no ur looking for Braclet for Boyfriends with ingravings...so i took matters in to my own hands and snaped her and askt right out is there anything betwin you and K and she said yes i have feelings for him, and i think to my self what the **** and she said i have not told him anything at all and u cant do that, so i confront K and ask him if anything happend, he said no and i tell him she has feelings for u, how do u want to do this ? want me to move out so u can be with her ? and K said no, i dont want to get in betwin you guys, i see her as a friend and then i told him then can u back off for a while and dont text snap or call her ? and he said sure... and K wanted to know how we meet, so i told him it was rough, i told him about how when we started the realationship i got a std, a minor one u can just take a pill (Clamydia) and its gone, that her Ex gave her before the brake up. and that sent my wife bannanas, K twisted this story too and told ex that she still has it, and never treated it, so in order now to have contact with her about the kids and not go throu soical services or i had to apolgyse to K about it and say i lied, witch i did, but still the damages was done she is now really done with me i guess as she blocked me on facebook and snapchat and will not awnser any calls or text. she also added back the friends she cheated on me with (just pics no touching) and still staying with friends and have the kids there now. was i in the wrong here to confront him ?
also is there a way to find back even tho she said never even if i got 1m on my bank accoun ?
submitted by SnooTangerines8115 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:57 Ok_Speaker_1763 HIV risk

Generally I’ve been a sexually active person.After a bad breakup though I was so heartbroken,I couldn’t stop thinking about her and I started visiting escorts.As a cope mechanism.I know it’s bad and all and I now completely regret it.In the past 1.5 years I’ve been with about 15 escorts.Always protected vaginal sex but free oral receive or give with 10 of them.I feel so dirty now.I’m 23 and good looking I don’t know wtf happened to me.Last month I had a swollen tonsil and a bit of sore throat.No swollen lymph nodes or fever.A doctor examined me and found no swollen lymph nodes..I also saw a rash on my neck which was irittaded by sweat.When I didn’t workout and I cleaned the area vigorously it basically went away almost immediately.The health anxiety was the worst though.I took some antibiotics for another infection after which I developed a yeast infection on my penis(balanitis)After 5-6 days I’m completely fine and the balanitis has gotten 90% better.The symptoms are driving me crazy.I have not had sex for about a month and I don’t wish to do it again with an escort.They are a fucking addiction.I feel disgusted with myself.What are the chances of me contracting the hiv virus from oral sex?Reading about hiv drives me crazy.Thank you for reading this.
submitted by Ok_Speaker_1763 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:56 Fragrant_Silver3209 What is this stuff from these cells came out of something left out in the rain that didn't work

These 18650 cells appeared very swollen. But as you can see in the pictures, there are 2 layers of shrink wrapping/plastic around them. After cutting away the outer most layer, there's this black, acidic substance. That I assumed had leaked from the cell. After removing and cleaning off the rest of this unknown substance, the cell appeared perfectly fine, not swollen or damaged much at all. I then cut away the main shrink wrap to inspect for any punctures in the cell that might of caused the black acidic stuff, but it appeared undamaged, not swollen, and they all show ​3.6 volts.
The black substance reacted in baking soda and water, came off mostly in chunks.
These are the pictures I took
submitted by Fragrant_Silver3209 to batteries [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:39 Suebeehoney86 Week 4 Zepbound Journey

HW: 310 SW:302.7 CW: 295.2 GW: 150
In my first month on 2.5mg I lost 7.5 pounds. Id say that’s a win 😊 considering my highest weight was 310 that’s almost 15 pounds lighter. And that to me is something to celebrate.
I made the decision to increase my dosage to the 5mg because I have noticed the food noise is not going away anymore although my appetite has been somewhat suppressed still. Im hopeful that I will get that filled without any issues… I am also hopeful that I can stay on the 5mg for a while and that it will continue to work for me.
Some changes I have noticed are that I generally feel better. I was looking at pictures of myself from a couple months ago and I look swollen and uncomfortable. I used to have chronic hip pain from early onset arthritis due to a surgery from when I was a child and that has gotten so much better. The plantar fasciitis I suffered from all winter has also disappeared. My clothes are feeling looser and it’s been easier to put on shoes and socks too!
And for those of you who may get this: wiping after going to the bathroom no longer feels like a contortionist’s act….💩
I can only imagine things getting so much better for me the more I lose. It’s incredible the changes Ive seen and felt just from losing 7.5 pounds. I’ve got a lot more to go but I’m excited for every part of this journey. It feels good to undo all the years of damage I’ve done to myself and work towards a better, stronger me.
submitted by Suebeehoney86 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:00 ThrowawayL8dyK8y Weird recurring finger rash? Medical professionals unable to diagnose.

31F, medications: birth control, medical cannabis
In April of 2022, I started getting a rash on my right middle finger. Started as a swollen oval shaped rash at the knuckle closest to the tip of my finger, and has been coming and going ever since - sometimes coming back after a month and sometimes after 3 or 4 months. It now shows up near both knuckles on that finger; sometimes just a rash and sometimes with itchy bumps as well.
My dad works in orthopaedics and has been unable to diagnose this, as well as my regular doctor.
I did get a puncture from my cat’s claw around the time the rash initially occurred, nearby to where the rash has been occurring, but I’m not sure if it’s related or coincidence. I did get antibiotics immediately after the initial puncture.
I inquired on whether it could be herpetic whitlow, but there’s no real pain. Just mild itchiness and the bumps/rashes never open up or weep.
Curious if anyone here may have any ideas.
Pictures - (should be newest to oldest; but imagine with a red circle is the first time anything happened) https://ibb.co/3kvbDH1 https://ibb.co/N3tkKFg https://ibb.co/4Y0p3ky https://ibb.co/dPk96CV https://ibb.co/6yLPKxj https://ibb.co/SQtYV4m https://ibb.co/XLfr7vp https://ibb.co/LvPVY54
submitted by ThrowawayL8dyK8y to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:59 Alone-Abrocoma3560 Is this an infection or something I can take care of at home

I’m 6 days post op. My left side looks like it’s gone back to normal (no swelling and no redness, just the white blood clot) but my lower right has been irritating me. I only have a very dull pain in my left that only bothers me when I don’t take the pain meds, with pain meds it goes away, but the right hurts nearly as bad as it did the third day and the inside of my cheek is so swollen my mom says it looks like I’m chewing on the inside of my mouth (from what I know, I’m most likely not, probably because it’s just really swollen) it’s really red in one area next to my gums. There’s also some kind of string that was kinda white now is turning yellow and when I use the monojection thing to clean around there it hurts really bad, I did eat string cheese two days ago so I’m hoping it’s not that but I don’t want to touch it in case it is stitches. In the picture I have to pull back on my cheek to expose everything. When I was doing that I also realized that I can pull the gum off my back tooth 🫠. I forgot to mention, yeah the yellow on my tongue won’t go away I keep scraping at it with a tongue scraper it’s not working. I was also not able to open my mouth too much until literally just a few hours ago. I still cant open it alllll the way. Another thing I forgot. Bad taste in my mouth. Just did a breath check and idk smells like normal breath to me(idk what my breath usually smells like tho). Also accidentally smelt my finger after it was in my mouth and I gagged Sorry for the bad hygiene, I’m bad at brushing my teeth in general plus I have not been able to brush back there for six days.
submitted by Alone-Abrocoma3560 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:26 Sweet-Count2557 Babymoon Ideas Near Pittsburgh

Babymoon Ideas Near Pittsburgh
Babymoon Ideas Near Pittsburgh Looking for a little pre-baby getaway near Pittsburgh? Well, buckle up, because we've got some babymoon ideas that will knock your socks off! Whether you're in the mood for a relaxing spa retreat or an adventure in the great outdoors, we've got you covered.
From cozy bed and breakfasts to indulgent dining experiences, there's something here for every expecting couple. So sit back, relax, and get ready for some well-deserved pampering before your little bundle of joy arrives.
Let's dive into our list of babymoon destinations near Pittsburgh! Key Takeaways
Ocean City, Maryland and Ohiopyle State Park, Pennsylvania are both excellent babymoon destinations near Pittsburgh, offering peaceful beach escapes and outdoor adventures. Pittsburgh is home to luxurious spa retreats specifically designed for babymooners, providing relaxation and rejuvenation through spa treatments, prenatal yoga classes, and indulgent dining experiences. Cozy bed and breakfasts and wellness retreat options near Pittsburgh provide tranquil accommodations for babymooners, offering prenatal yoga classes, guided meditation workshops, and nutritious meals. Babymooners can enjoy outdoor adventures at Ohiopyle State Park, including hiking, biking, fishing, guided snorkeling tours, and sunset cruises, while also benefiting from the safety measures in place for worry-free experiences. 
Romantic Getaways for Expectant Couples
Looking for romantic getaways near Pittsburgh for expectant couples? Look no further! We've got the perfect destinations that offer both relaxation and outdoor adventure activities. Whether you want to unwind on a relaxing beach getaway or explore the great outdoors, these locations have it all.
For a peaceful beach escape, head to Ocean City, Maryland. Just a short drive from Pittsburgh, this charming coastal town offers miles of sandy shores where you can soak up the sun and enjoy some quality time together. Take leisurely walks along the beach, savor delicious seafood at waterfront restaurants, and let the gentle ocean waves calm your mind.
If you're in the mood for some outdoor adventure, consider visiting Ohiopyle State Park. Located in Pennsylvania's Laurel Highlands region, this park is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Go hiking along picturesque trails, try whitewater rafting on the Youghiogheny River, or rent bikes to explore the beautiful surroundings.
After experiencing these thrilling activities as expectant parents-to-be, it's time to indulge in some well-deserved relaxation at one of Pittsburgh's luxurious spa retreats. These serene havens offer pampering treatments specifically designed for babymooners like you. Soothe your tired muscles with prenatal massages, enjoy rejuvenating facials and body treatments, and relax in tranquil settings that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready for parenthood.
With options for both relaxation and adventure nearby Pittsburgh, there's no shortage of romantic getaways perfect for expectant couples like yourselves. Relaxing Spa Retreats for Babymooners
Looking for the ultimate relaxation experience during your babymoon? Look no further than our luxurious spa packages designed specifically for expectant couples like you.
Indulge in a variety of treatments, from soothing prenatal massages that relieve muscle tension and reduce stress, to rejuvenating facials that leave your skin glowing.
And don't forget to learn some babymoon relaxation techniques that you can practice at home, ensuring a calm and peaceful environment for both you and your baby. Luxury Spa Packages Indulge in luxurious spa packages near Pittsburgh for a pampering babymoon getaway. We want to ensure your safety while providing the utmost relaxation and rejuvenation during this special time. Here are three reasons why our luxury spa packages are perfect for expecting couples:
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Our spa offers specialized prenatal yoga classes led by experienced instructors who focus on gentle stretching, breathing techniques, and relaxation exercises tailored specifically for expectant mothers. These classes promote overall well-being and help alleviate common pregnancy discomforts. Couples Spa Packages: Enjoy quality bonding time with your partner as you both indulge in our couples' spa packages. From soothing massages to invigorating facials, our expert therapists will tailor each treatment to cater to your individual needs, ensuring a blissful experience together. Safety Measures: Rest assured that we prioritize your safety and follow strict hygiene protocols. Our spa facilities undergo regular sanitization, and all staff members adhere to proper health guidelines, including wearing masks and practicing social distancing. 
Come unwind, connect with your partner, and embrace the serenity of our luxury spa packages near Pittsburgh during your babymoon retreat! Prenatal Massage Benefits During pregnancy, prenatal massages can provide numerous benefits for expectant mothers. Prenatal yoga benefits the mind and body, but a prenatal massage takes relaxation to a whole new level.
Not only does it help alleviate the physical discomforts of pregnancy, such as backaches and swollen ankles, but it also reduces stress and promotes better sleep. The gentle kneading and stretching techniques used during a prenatal massage can improve blood circulation, which is crucial for both the mother and baby's health. It also releases endorphins that uplift mood and relieve anxiety.
Additionally, prenatal massages have been shown to reduce complications during labor and promote faster recovery postpartum. So if you're looking for ways to enhance your babymoon experience, indulging in a soothing prenatal massage should definitely be on your list.
Now that we've explored the benefits of prenatal massages, let's move on to another important aspect of your babymoon: relaxation techniques. Babymoon Relaxation Techniques One way to enhance your babymoon experience is by exploring various relaxation techniques. Taking the time to relax and de-stress during this special time can greatly benefit both you and your baby.
Here are three relaxation techniques that you can try:
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Joining a prenatal yoga class can help improve flexibility, strength, and balance while also providing a calming environment for expectant mothers. These classes focus on gentle stretches and breathing exercises specifically designed for pregnant women. Mindfulness Exercises: Practicing mindfulness can help you stay present in the moment and reduce anxiety or stress. Try incorporating simple mindfulness exercises into your daily routine, such as deep breathing exercises or guided meditation. Self-Care Activities: Engaging in self-care activities is essential during pregnancy. Take time to pamper yourself with activities such as taking warm baths, getting a massage, or enjoying a soothing prenatal spa treatment. 
Scenic Outdoor Destinations for Babymoon Adventures
If you're looking for scenic outdoor destinations near Pittsburgh for your babymoon adventures, consider visiting the beautiful Ohiopyle State Park. Nestled in the Laurel Highlands of southwestern Pennsylvania, this park offers a plethora of outdoor activities that are perfect for expecting couples. From hiking and biking to kayaking and fishing, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
One popular activity at Ohiopyle State Park is babymoon photography. The park's natural beauty provides the ideal backdrop for capturing those precious moments before your little one arrives. Whether you prefer a serene waterfall or a lush forest trail, there are plenty of picturesque spots to choose from.
When exploring Ohiopyle State Park, it's important to prioritize safety. Make sure to wear appropriate footwear and clothing, especially if you plan on hiking or biking. Stay hydrated and bring snacks to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Check weather conditions beforehand and be prepared for any changes that may occur during your visit.
Overall, Ohiopyle State Park is a fantastic destination for an adventurous babymoon getaway near Pittsburgh. With its stunning scenery and abundance of outdoor activities, you can create lasting memories while enjoying nature's beauty. So grab your camera and embark on an unforgettable babymoon adventure at Ohiopyle State Park! Cozy Bed and Breakfasts Perfect for Babymooners
Looking for the perfect romantic getaway before your little one arrives? Look no further!
In this discussion, we will explore some fantastic options for babymooners, including charming bed and breakfast getaways that offer a cozy and intimate atmosphere.
These tranquil accommodations are specifically designed to cater to expecting couples, providing a peaceful and relaxing environment where you can enjoy quality time together before your bundle of joy arrives. Romantic Retreats for Babymooners For a romantic babymoon getaway near Pittsburgh, you can't go wrong with booking a cozy cabin in the nearby mountains. Imagine waking up to breathtaking views of nature and spending your days exploring scenic trails hand-in-hand.
Here are three reasons why romantic retreats like this are perfect for babymooners:
Privacy: A cabin tucked away in the mountains offers privacy, allowing you to relax and reconnect as a couple without any disturbances. Peaceful Surroundings: Being surrounded by nature's beauty creates a serene atmosphere that promotes tranquility and relaxation, ideal for expecting parents seeking some quiet time together. Romantic Amenities: Many mountain cabins come equipped with amenities like hot tubs or fireplaces, providing the perfect setting for cozy evenings spent cuddling and enjoying each other's company. 
With these romantic options available, it's no wonder couples often choose mountain cabins for their babymoon getaways. But if you prefer something different, let us introduce you to charming bed and breakfast getaways next! Charming B&B Getaways After indulging in romantic retreats, it's time to explore charming bed and breakfast getaways for your babymoon near Pittsburgh. These secluded countryside retreats offer a perfect blend of relaxation and pampering spa experiences. Picture yourself waking up to breathtaking views of rolling hills and enjoying a delicious homemade breakfast on the patio. To help you choose the best B&B for your babymoon, we have prepared a table comparing three top-notch options:
B&B Name Location Amenities
Tranquil Haven Oakwood Private hot tub, couples' massages, organic meals
Serene Meadows Meadowville Yoga classes, outdoor pool, farm-to-table dining
Peaceful Retreat Riverside Jacuzzi tubs, nature walks, gourmet breakfast
Immerse yourselves in these idyllic settings as you prepare for the arrival of your little one. But don't forget to check out the next section on tranquil accommodations for expecting couples where we highlight even more options to consider for your babymoon near Pittsburgh. Tranquil Accommodations for Expecting Couples Immerse yourselves in the tranquil accommodations available for expecting couples and enjoy a peaceful getaway before your little one arrives. Our serene retreat offers everything you need to relax and unwind during this precious time.
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Take part in gentle yoga sessions designed specifically for expectant mothers. These classes are led by experienced instructors who understand the unique needs of pregnant women, providing a safe and nurturing environment to practice yoga. Meditation Workshops: Engage in guided meditation sessions that promote relaxation, stress reduction, and emotional well-being. Learn techniques to quiet the mind and connect with your inner self, enhancing your overall sense of calmness and peace. Safety First: Rest assured knowing that our accommodations prioritize safety for expecting couples. From non-slip mats in the bathroom to easy access to emergency services, we have taken every measure to ensure a worry-free stay. 
Indulge in these soothing activities while enjoying the comfort and tranquility of our peaceful accommodations designed especially for expecting couples like you. Indulgent Dining Experiences for Babymoon Celebrations
If you're looking for a memorable dining experience to celebrate your babymoon near Pittsburgh, check out these indulgent options. As expecting parents, it's important to treat yourselves and enjoy some quality time together before the arrival of your little one. Pittsburgh offers a range of restaurants that cater to all tastes and preferences.
For a romantic evening, consider dining at Altius located on Mount Washington. With breathtaking views of the city skyline, this upscale restaurant offers an elegant ambiance and a menu filled with delectable dishes prepared using locally sourced ingredients. The knowledgeable staff will ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable dining experience.
If you prefer something more casual but equally indulgent, head over to Butcher and the Rye in downtown Pittsburgh. This trendy gastropub combines delicious food with an extensive selection of craft cocktails. From mouthwatering steaks to creative vegetarian dishes, their menu has something for everyone.
Another fantastic option is Alla Famiglia in the Allentown neighborhood. This Italian eatery is known for its warm hospitality and authentic cuisine made from scratch. Indulge in homemade pasta or savor their famous breaded veal chop while enjoying the cozy atmosphere.
Remember, as expectant parents, it's important to prioritize safety during your babymoon celebrations. Be sure to consult with your healthcare provider regarding any dietary restrictions or concerns you may have.
Enjoy these indulgent dining experiences as you create lasting memories on your babymoon near Pittsburgh! Wellness Retreats for Rest and Rejuvenation
When planning a wellness retreat for rest and rejuvenation, you'll find a variety of options available to help you relax and recharge. Here are three fantastic choices that will provide the ultimate experience in self-care and tranquility:
Serene Spa Getaway: Indulge in luxurious spa treatments designed to melt away stress and tension. From soothing massages to revitalizing facials, this wellness retreat offers a range of services tailored to your specific needs. Immerse yourself in calming environments, surrounded by natural beauty, as expert therapists work their magic. Mindfulness Retreat: Escape the noise of everyday life and immerse yourself in mindfulness practices that promote inner peace and clarity. Engage in guided meditation sessions, gentle yoga classes, and nature walks that awaken your senses. Learn techniques for managing stress and cultivating mindfulness that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Wellness Resort Experience: Stay at a top-notch wellness resort where every detail is designed with your well-being in mind. Enjoy nutritious meals prepared with locally sourced ingredients, participate in fitness classes led by experienced instructors, and take advantage of state-of-the-art facilities such as pools, saunas, and hot tubs. 
No matter which option you choose, these wellness retreats offer a safe haven for rest and rejuvenation. Take this opportunity to prioritize self-care while surrounded by serene surroundings that inspire relaxation. You deserve it! Unique Experiences for Memorable Babymoon Moments
Escape to a secluded beachfront resort and indulge in couples' spa treatments, romantic dinners, and relaxing walks along the shore for an unforgettable babymoon experience. At our tranquil oasis, you can unwind and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the ocean waves crashing against the shore. Our resort offers spacious accommodations with breathtaking views of the beach, ensuring that you have all the privacy and comfort you need during your stay.
For those seeking relaxing beach getaways, our resort provides a variety of activities to help you unwind. Take a leisurely stroll hand-in-hand along the sandy shores as the sun sets in vibrant hues of orange and pink. Feel your stress melt away as you lounge by our infinity pool or take a dip in the crystal-clear waters.
If you're feeling more adventurous, we offer exciting babymoon activities for those looking to add a little thrill to their getaway. Explore nearby coral reefs on a guided snorkeling tour or embark on a sunset cruise along the coastline. For nature enthusiasts, there are hiking trails that lead to stunning viewpoints where you can take in panoramic vistas of lush landscapes.
As your day comes to an end at our blissful retreat, let us pamper you with soothing spa treatments designed specifically for expectant parents. Our experienced therapists will ensure both you and your partner feel rejuvenated as they gently massage away any tension.
So whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure for your babymoon, our beachfront resort has it all. Embrace this special time with your loved one as we create lasting memories together.
Now let's explore serene nature retreats for peaceful babymoon escapes... Serene Nature Retreats for Peaceful Babymoon Escapes
Immerse yourself in the tranquility of serene nature retreats, where you can connect with your partner and enjoy a peaceful babymoon escape. These beautiful locations offer the perfect backdrop for relaxation and rejuvenation as you prepare for the arrival of your little one.
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Take advantage of the calming benefits of prenatal yoga classes offered at these nature retreats. Stretch and strengthen your body while also connecting with other expectant parents. The gentle movements and breathing exercises will help alleviate any pregnancy discomfort and promote a sense of inner peace. Babymoon Photography Sessions: Capture the precious moments of your babymoon with professional photography sessions amidst the stunning natural landscapes. These photographers specialize in capturing intimate moments between you and your partner, creating lasting memories to cherish forever. Safety is our Priority: Rest assured that safety is a top priority at these serene nature retreats. From well-maintained trails for leisurely walks to comfortable accommodations that prioritize cleanliness, every aspect is designed to ensure a worry-free babymoon experience. 
Escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and embrace the serenity of nature during this special time in your life. Let these serene nature retreats provide you with much-needed relaxation, connection, and tranquility before welcoming your bundle of joy into the world. Frequently Asked Questions What Are Some Popular Activities for Couples to Enjoy During a Babymoon in Pittsburgh? When planning a babymoon in Pittsburgh, there are plenty of popular activities for couples to enjoy.
One option is to take pregnancy yoga classes together, which can help promote relaxation and flexibility during this special time.
Another idea is to indulge in spa treatments that are safe and tailored for expectant mothers.
These activities not only allow you to bond as a couple but also provide a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for both you and your baby. Are There Any Babymoon Packages Available at the Spa Retreats Mentioned in the Article? Yes, there are babymoon packages available at the spa retreats mentioned in the article. These packages offer a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for expecting couples in Pittsburgh.
The spas provide a range of services such as prenatal massages, facials, and wellness treatments specifically designed to cater to the needs of pregnant women.
It's a wonderful way to unwind and bond with your partner before your little one arrives. Can You Recommend Any Hiking Trails or Outdoor Activities Suitable for Expectant Couples During Their Babymoon? Can we suggest some hiking trails or outdoor activities that are suitable for expectant couples during their babymoon?
Pregnancy-friendly fitness classes and relaxing prenatal massages are great options for staying active and relieving stress.
When it comes to outdoor activities, consider gentle hikes with well-marked paths and beautiful scenery like Frick Park or North Park.
Remember to always listen to your body, stay hydrated, and take breaks when needed to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. What Amenities Do the Bed and Breakfasts Mentioned in the Article Provide for Babymooners? When it comes to babymoon ideas near Pittsburgh, it's important to consider the amenities that bed and breakfasts provide for expectant couples. These accommodations understand the unique needs of babymooners and strive to create a safe and comfortable environment.
From cozy rooms with plush bedding to private balconies or patios where you can relax, these bed and breakfasts offer a range of amenities for your babymoon getaway. Some even provide special packages that include massages, prenatal yoga classes, or romantic dinners. Are There Any Specific Restaurants or Dining Experiences That Cater to Expectant Couples Celebrating Their Babymoon? Restaurants specializing in pregnancy-friendly cuisine and unique dining experiences for expectant couples can be found near Pittsburgh. These establishments cater to the needs of pregnant women, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.
From farm-to-table restaurants offering organic options to cozy cafes serving nourishing meals, there are plenty of choices for babymooners seeking delicious and healthy food.
Whether you're craving comfort food or exploring new culinary adventures, Pittsburgh has something to satisfy every expectant couple's cravings. Conclusion In conclusion, Pittsburgh offers an array of options for expectant couples seeking a memorable babymoon experience. Whether you're looking for relaxation, adventure, or indulgence, this city has it all.
From spa retreats to outdoor destinations and cozy bed and breakfasts, there is something for everyone. Treat yourselves to an indulgent dining experience or immerse in a wellness retreat for ultimate rejuvenation.
With serene nature retreats and unique experiences awaiting you, Pittsburgh is the perfect destination for a peaceful babymoon escape. So pack your bags and create lasting memories in this vibrant city!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:40 Jumpy_Permission_187 Penis Head Expands While Shaft Remains The Same

Why is this happening?
This occurs when performing kegels. Particularly worse after masturbation for various factors I imagine. Edit: in my case it always coincides with partial erection, and won't happen in a truly flaccid state.
I have a vein I'm worried about as you will see if looking at my post history here, and I believe it is the reason that the head is getting so large while the shaft isn't. It looks like an hour glass, which is hf symptom?
I definitely have hard flaccid at times, where my penis is sort of swollen.
I can't find any pictures where the large vein on the shaft actually goes into the foreskin like mine does, and I have looked (seen more dicks than I like to admit fml). So is it time to take this to a doc?
submitted by Jumpy_Permission_187 to hardflaccidresearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:36 icem_elt 48 hours post-op questions.

As the title suggests I'm about 48 hours po. Everything except my ovaries were taken (cervix and tubes included.) My surgery was outpatient so I was home by noon after my 7:30am procedure. The first day I slept most of the day, my partner would check on me and bring me meds, water, crackers, etc then let me fall asleep again, so I didn't notice anything until yesterday when I was awake most of the day.
I noticed that my jugular is painful, like it feels like someone was checking to see if my tonsils were swollen from the outside. I know throat discomfort is normal from the breathing tube but I've never felt this after any of my previous surgeries. Also the back of my neck, near the base of my skull is tender. Has anyone dealt with this or know what it is. I would call my doc but it's Sunday.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by icem_elt to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:56 Sad-Soil-6673 Im actually sick but she force me to come in shift so i lied about having doctors appointment but then she said it’s Sunday.

then said remember what we are doing for you and hung up, the reason she said this because I’m doing hospitality apprenticeship and now i have to show up at work in an hour,how do i deal with this embarrassment at work? Also worried they might fire me and by now everyone at works knows that i tried lying to get off cause she’s a big fucking bitch likes to make other look bad to everyone. Also im actually sick with swollen tonsil and a internal fever, i work at the bar in a hotel plus a restaurant together
submitted by Sad-Soil-6673 to work [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:07 CIsForCorn I just want to give a view point on swollen vs healing gums and things

I just want to give a view point on swollen vs healing gums and things
I understand these two pictures are in different light, but wanted to share my journey a bit. The first picture is by no means the worst my gums and perio were (was too ashamed to ever take a pic at that point), but it’s a part way through and still at critical point of concern image (even if not readily visible). The last is most recent in the last couple of weeks. The idea of swelling and receding can be confusing. Just because you see less tooth in the first picture does not mean my teeth and gums were healthier. They were so swollen.
My dentist regarding the second picture said he was very proud of my work the last six months keeping up with my dental care. I just want to share how strange progress can look. I’m not perio free by any means. But you all got this, little by little, bit by bit.
submitted by CIsForCorn to PeriodontalDisease [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:46 Weak_Armadillo_3050 Strange spots in mouth/throat

Female Age 34 Non-smoker. Hey Docs I really need your help. Last Saturday I looked in my mouth and roof of my mouth has red spots all over it about the width of a pencil eraser head. There’s also white bumps on the roof of my mouth. I also had white specks on my tonsils (don’t have a picture of tonsils because urgent care scraped them for the sample). So Monday I decided to go to urgent care and they immediately suggested Strep and tested for it. The rapid test came back negative so they sent another sample to the lab to check for strep which also came back as negative. My throat hurts and feels grainy. I also have difficulty swallowing so I was started on antibiotics. However I’m still confused what in the world is wrong with me? I posted a photo in the comments. Please help. Thank you!
submitted by Weak_Armadillo_3050 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:30 Exciting-Phrase8863 Kitten Eye

Hi, this is an emergency please help me. I’m a new cat mom and I just adopted a 3 month kitten. After having him for 2 weeks, I couldn’t handle him scratching and biting. I play with him 4 or more times a day, with each playtime lasting about 25 minutes. I even bought him electric toys (which works btw). Still he still scratches and bites my feet, jumping and attacking me. For example, I was sitting completely still watching a movie and the kitten just comes up running at me and bites and scratches my legs (This happens like everyday). So I was planning to return back to the shelter this Sunday at 5pm and advise the people that he needs a buddy to play with, (I can’t afford having two cats).
But this Satudray night I left him in his usually spot (a room filled with his stuff) and left to eat out for 3 hours. Now I came back to him having his eye closed, red, swollen, and teary. (See picture). Now I feel like if I give him back in this bad condition I would look like an asshole. Should I end up keeping him? I feel bad for the cat. But I don’t feel comfortable that im fit to take care of a kitten. What should I do?
I can always offer to pay the vet bills when I send him back to the shelter, but then again I’ll look like an asshole. Help please?
submitted by Exciting-Phrase8863 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:17 Exciting-Phrase8863 New Kitten/Eye Problem

Hi, this is an emergency please help me. I’m a new cat mom and I just adopted a 3 month kitten. After having him for 2 weeks, I couldn’t handle him scratching and biting me for no reason. I play with him 4 or more times a day, with each playtime lasting about 25 minutes. I even bought him electric toys (which works btw). Still he still scratches and bites my feet, jumping and attacking me. So I was planning to return back to the shelter this Sunday at 5pm and advise the people that he needs a buddy to play with, (I can’t afford having two cats).
But this Satudray night I left him in his usually spot (a room filled with his stuff) and left to eat out for 3 hours. Now I came back to him having his eye closed, red, swollen, and teary. (See picture). Now I feel like if I give him back in this bad condition I would look like an asshole. Should I end up keeping him? I feel bad for the cat.
submitted by Exciting-Phrase8863 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:11 Avelion-chan Need help with diagnosis, since my doctor won´t do any tests

Hi I (31F) need help with narrowing what is infection i might have. For the last week i had strong rhinitis with clear mucus. Meanwhile my colleague was scratchy voice(not sure if it´s called this way in english too) since thuesday, saying, that she just got her vocal cords irritated by icy drink. I believed her and we worked together for the rest of the week. On friday, she finnaly got some pastilles for that, but on that day i started to feel sore throat. In the evening, it was already so bad i could barelly swollow without tears(but still able to swallow, no obstruction). That went trough while night. Yesterday it got a bit calmer, but my rhinitis got stronger, producing green mucus(hard to describe, but it smells the way bitter pea taste). I heafeel bubbly noise while blowing my nose. Ears don´t hurt, just feel weird. Temperature 37,8°C, which is weird, since i usually don´t suffer from higher temperatures. Joints, but not muscle, pain. Also, for some reason, slight pain in kidney area. Tonsils are not swollen(at least from the outside). Mild to medium headache. Nausea without vomiting. Today woke up with dry cough. Everything remains the same. Rhinitic treated with Sinupret acut and camomile tea.
Non-acute health problems: Non alergic asthma(treated with inhalation corticoids) and Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency.
Does anyone know what it could be? I´m planning to call my doctor, but don´t want to go visit her, since i don´t really wanna travel 1,5 hour to city while knowing, that she doen´t like to do any other test than looking into my throat and hearing lungs.(yep, no blood or microbiology testing, unless it´s serious) I was thinking haemophilus influenzae, but will be happy for any advice. Anything that makes her not give me just another broad spectrum antibiotics.
Picture of throat from this morning here.
submitted by Avelion-chan to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:05 Avelion-chan What pathogen might be the cause and do i even need antibiotics?

Hi I (31F) need help with narrowing what is infection i might have. For the last week i had strong rhinitis with clear mucus. Meanwhile my colleague was scratchy voice(not sure if it´s called this way in english too) since thuesday, saying, that she just got her vocal cords irritated by icy drink. I believed her and we worked together for the rest of the week. On friday, she finnaly got some pastilles for that, but on that day i started to feel sore throat. In the evening, it was already so bad i could barelly swollow without tears(but still able to swallow, no obstruction). That went trough while night. Yesterday it got a bit calmer, but my rhinitis got stronger, producing green mucus(hard to describe, but it smells the way bitter pea taste). I heafeel bubbly noise while blowing my nose. Ears don´t hurt, just feel weird. Temperature 37,8°C, which is weird, since i usually don´t suffer from higher temperatures. Joints, but not muscle, pain. Also, for some reason, slight pain in kidney area. Tonsils are not swollen(at least from the outside). Mild to medium headache. Nausea without vomiting. Today woke up with dry cough. Everything remains the same. Rhinitic treated with Sinupret acut and camomile tea.
Non-acute health problems: Non alergic asthma(treated with inhalation corticoids) and Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency.
Does anyone know what it could be? I´m planning to call my doctor, but don´t want to go visit her, since i don´t really wanna travel 1,5 hour to city while knowing, that she doen´t like to do any other test than looking into my throat and hearing lungs.(yep, no blood or microbiology testing, unless it´s serious) I was thinking haemophilus influenzae, but will be happy for any advice. Anything that makes her not give me just another broad spectrum antibiotics.
Adding ptoho of the throat from this morning.
submitted by Avelion-chan to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:10 Grouchy_Scarcity66 Comfrey allergic reaction?

Comfrey allergic reaction?
Anyone else get a severe allergic reaction for comfrey from a salve???
I have swollen lips, burning skin, hives, tight throat, dizziness, shortness of breath, headache…
This is my first time ever using.
I’m allergic to shell fish. But that’s it…
Picture of the ingredients.
submitted by Grouchy_Scarcity66 to herbalism [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:55 Tiggersarebest Help!! White spots in my throat, I think it’s chlamydia?

I recently did oral on a new sex parter and 4 days later I woke up with a terrible sore throat. I started developing body aches and chills later that Thursday and when I woke up there were white patches in my throat (1st picture) I went to urgent care and the rapid tested for strep- it came back negative and the told me I had tonsillitis/ tonsil stones (they didn’t test for anything else) Saturday I woke up and the patches had spread more, I’ve had strep, tonsillitis and mono before but nothing that ever looked or hurt like this. I can barely talk, swallow food or water or open my mouth it hurts so bad. I still have a low grade fever, body aches and chills and a headache that comes and goes. I’m wondering if I should go back and get a throat culture done or if it really looks like tonsillitis and I have to just let it run its course. Thank you all !!!
https://ibb.co/9gRDBPP https://ibb.co/ZTW5TnG
submitted by Tiggersarebest to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:20 LambPerson1 I likely have Sjogrens

Hi all. I think I’ve had autoimmune flares my entire life. I have had flares last for years and then go into remission for years. This pattern has been my whole life. Flares are usually caused by intense stress. There’s so much time in between flares that I feel like I’ve lived many different lives. I always say “I’ve died many times.” I often forget that I was/am sick. I go from not being able to get out of bed, hair falling out, 5’10” 130lbs, swollen face, bad skin to 5’11 165lbs, strong, muscular, handsome and full head of hair, chiseled face… with incredible energy. People I knew long ago often do not even recognize me, even family has walked by me on the street. This has been my whole life… misery to bliss, every few years… can even switch by the decade. So much so that I have a diagnosis of DID (multiple personality disorder) I act very different when I am in a flare vs healthy. I am just starting to connect all of this. Most people think it’s all in my head… I hope it is… I don’t want to be sick. I’m turning 40 soon.
One time I went to the dentist, after not going for 10 years, and he said oh you had all of your cavities filled. I said no I did not… he said well whatever you’re doing keep doing it. It’s like my teeth filled back in when I was super healthy for so long. They thought they had the wrong x-rays for a sec… this was a very bizarre experience that happened 10 years ago.
I work very hard and I am successful. I never gave up no matter how hard it got… and it got very hard. Recently, it has gotten very hard again. I went from the picture of health to fragile in 2-3 months seemingly. I was so strong. I’ve lost weight and I am super fatigued. I haven’t slept well in 2 months… maybe 2-4 hours a night, my hair is falling out, my mouth is dry, cognitively I am a mess, anxiety, so so so many symptoms and it seems as if I have been here before… in a past life… so familiar. I have been pulled back. I was moving so fast and I couldn’t slow down … so I got slowed down… I didn’t have a choice.
I thought… I’ll get better, I always do… I’ve been here before. But after two months of not sleeping and terrible symptoms… I had to go to the doctor… I hate to go to the doctor, it takes a lot for me to go, a lot. Went to an urgent care, brushed off. Went to a doctor I went to 10 years ago, bloods are okay, brushed off… went to ER brushed off. I was super desperate…. still am.
I booked an appointment with an endo and they could tell something was wrong. I wrote down a full page of symptoms. I am weak and sickly…. they can see that. They took 6 tubes of blood… I almost fainted hard. She said that if autoimmune stuff comes up, like Sjorgrens, she will send me to a rheumatologist. I had heard of sjorgrens before but I started looking into it and it really fits. I might have other stuff, who knows. Lupus, thyroid… I can’t play that game … I’m not a doctor. I’ve played that game my whole life, on and off. When I feel good, I feel good, nothing bothers me and I don’t care… when I am bad, I am very bad.
I’ve never been on any kind of meds/pharmaceuticals… but I have self medicated quite a bit… I am sober 11 years. I started young… the drink.
Bloods are out and I have an appointment in 2 weeks. I don’t think I want an answer for what I have been battling my whole life. I just want it to go away again so I can be somebody else… someone strong. I have been in bed for weeks. I have no one to talk to, because I don’t want the people I know and care about to know that I am suffering. The past couple of days I am feeling somewhat better… crazy. I have not felt well in months… I just stay in bed and eat. I am embarrassed to be seen the way I look… everyone knows me as a strong, proud man. Wish me luck. Appreciate your listening.
submitted by LambPerson1 to Sjogrens [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:21 AutumnSpecialist Highly suspecting HPylori. Terrified. What do I do?

For a long time, I burp and fart a lot during the day. For the last few months, I have been having abdominal pressure/pain and bloating. Which is normal for me, but this is significantly more than usual.
Starting in March, I get the feeling my throat is closing up like an allergic reaction. Went to the ER and told I was fine; went to ENT a few weeks ago when it acted up again and they said my lingual tonsils were swollen due to allergies (they’ve been bad where I am right now).
Starting a few months ago, my poops still look normal but they smell different and my stomach has been making extremely loud noises.
Starting a week ago, I started noticing I can’t take a full breath sometimes into my lungs.
A few days ago, I started having some loss of appetite and the bloating has gotten worse coupled with nausea. Pooping twice a day instead of the only usual once.
Today, I waited a while to eat lunch and while hungry my stomach was in a LOT of pain, but it got better after several bites of food.
I’m convinced I have HPylori. I have an appointment already scheduled with a gastro next week, but I’m terrified it will progress to me going to the ER or something beforehand or that the testing won’t happen fast enough.
What should I do in the meantime to maybe help it calm down? Am I in danger? What medication can safely help with the pain? I took Tums but it hasn’t really helped. Assuming they’ll test me for HPylori next week, I don’t want to take anything that can interfere. I’m scared. thanks for reading if you made it this far.
submitted by AutumnSpecialist to HPylori [link] [comments]
