Hockey drill application draw

M3 vs M3 Pro vs M3 Max

2024.05.16 11:06 PawsomePat M3 vs M3 Pro vs M3 Max

I work primarily in CorelDRAW and Adobe Photoshop. Sometimes Adobe Illustrator.
I use a lot of fonts and work with files that are on the heavy side. My output PDFs are all several hundred MB in size.
Coming from a PC, I get that some applications are coded to use X cores at a time at the most. So, having 16 cores on an M3 Max is pointless if my primary applications don't use more than four cores.
I do want my laptop to be snappy, especially because time is always a critical factor for me, but I don't want to buy something that is not fully utilised and waste money on something that does not get used.
Also, should I wait for the M4 chips to reach the Macbook Pro line-up?
submitted by PawsomePat to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:48 Educational-Guard549 Physics Exam Help - Get Help At Just One Click!

Physics exams can feel highly tricky, with mind-twisting ideas, jumbled equations, and problem-solving questions that often leave students feeling confused.
Whether you're a high school kid struggling with the basics of motion and forces or a college student having trouble understanding magnets and electricity, our top physics exam help service is here to help.
Our team of pro physics tutors knows this stuff inside and out. They're awesome at explaining even the most confusing topics in a way that's easy to get.
With just one click, you'll get one-on-one doubt-solving sessions made just for you, helpful study materials from our pros, and proven tips to ace even the hardest physics exams.
We know - physics can feel like a huge roadblock, standing in the way of your school goals. But with our dedicated support, you won't have to face this struggle alone anymore.
Our tutors are committed to giving you the tools, guidance, and confidence to master physics, one small step at a time. Don't let physics hold you back from reaching your full potential—let our experts show you the way to success.

What Are The Benefits Of Our Physics Exam Help?

Having a hard time with physics tests can feel frustrating, but our physics test help is made to make life easier and help you do well. Here are some awesome things you'll get when you use our help:
Don't struggle with physics alone. Our test help is made to make learning physics easier, more enjoyable, and truly effective. Join today and see the awesome things for yourself!

Topics Covered By “Online Physics Exam Help” Experts!

Our online physics exam helpers know all parts of physics well, so you'll get full help for any topic or idea you're having trouble with.
Whether you need help with how things move, electricity and magnets, heat and energy, light and waves, or modern physics, our teachers have your support. Here are some of the key topics our helpers can help you master:
  1. Kinematics and Dynamics: Understand how things move, push and pull, energy, and momentum work in real situations.
  2. Newton's Laws and Gravitation: Learn to solidly understand Newton's rules of motion and the idea of things falling.
  3. Work, Energy, and Power: Knowledge about the link between work, energy, and power and their applicability in real-life problem-solving processes.
  4. Electricity and Magnetism: Explore the fascinating world of static electricity, electric circuits, magnets, and how they interact.
  5. Waves and Optics: Dive into the study of wave motion, sound waves, light waves, and the rules of geometric and physical optics.
  6. Thermodynamics: Unravel the mysteries of heat, temperature, and energy transfer rules in heat systems.
  7. Modern Physics: Explore the cutting-edge ideas of tiny particles, things moving fast, atomic stuff, and small particle physics.
Our helpers not only deeply understand these topics but can also explain them clearly and engagingly, tailored to how you learn best.
Whether you need help with theoretical ideas, problem-solving skills, or test prep strategies, our online physics test help has you covered. Don't hesitate to reach out and let our helpers guide you to mastering physics!

What Are The Long Term Benefits Of Getting Our Physics Exam Help

Getting expert help for your physics exams can provide long-term benefits beyond just scoring well.
Working with our knowledgeable tutors will strengthen your understanding of key physics ideas and problem-solving strategies.
Building this solid base will make it simpler to keep learning as you take more advanced physics classes later on.
Moreover, developing strong skills in quantitative reasoning and analysis through physics is useful for other technical subjects and careers.
Your problem-solving methods can be applied to engineering, computer science, and research.
Conquering challenging physics concepts also shows your ability to tackle complex, multi-step problems—a valuable strength for future academic and professional paths.
Investing in Physics Exam Help Online today can pay off long into the future by equipping you with a robust skillset and knowledge to draw upon. The long-term benefits stretch far beyond just your current coursework.

Why Do Students Go For Online Physics Exam Help?

Physics can be complicated, with complex ideas and problem-solving methods that require a deep understanding. Many students struggle to grasp the material fully from classroom lectures and textbooks. That's where online physics exam help comes in handy.
One major reason students seek these services is to access expert tutors and instructors. Online providers have knowledgeable physics specialists who can explain ideas clearly, walk through practice problems step-by-step, and provide personalized guidance tailored to each student's needs.
Additionally, online physics help offers great convenience. Students can get assistance whenever they need it from any location with an internet connection. No more waiting for office hours or schedule conflicts - help is just a click away, 24/7.
The online format also allows digital tools like interactive video lessons, simulations, and step-by-step workbook solutions, which make challenging physics problems more approachable.
In simple terms, students turn to online physics exams to get professional-level support that improves their understanding, provides tutoring access on their schedule, and utilizes digital tools—all from a comfortable environment of their choice. Moreover, you can have our Chemistry Exam Help Online, that will help you to score well.

Some Statistics Of Our Physics Exam Help Service!

Here are some of the statistics of our online physics exam help service; let’s take a look:
Success Rates
Tutor Qualifications
Service Usage
Student Satisfaction
These are some exceptional statistics that show the quality of the help we provide to students in the physics exam. Our excellent work has benefitted many students in the past, and we will try to deliver the same in the future, too.Physics exams can feel highly tricky, with mind-twisting ideas, jumbled equations, and problem-solving questions that often leave students feeling confused.
Whether you're a high school kid struggling with the basics of motion and forces or a college student having trouble understanding magnets and electricity, our top physics exam help service is here to help.
Our team of pro physics tutors knows this stuff inside and out. They're awesome at explaining even the most confusing topics in a way that's easy to get.
With just one click, you'll get one-on-one doubt-solving sessions made just for you, helpful study materials from our pros, and proven tips to ace even the hardest physics exams.
We know - physics can feel like a huge roadblock, standing in the way of your school goals. But with our dedicated support, you won't have to face this struggle alone anymore.
Our tutors are committed to giving you the tools, guidance, and confidence to master physics, one small step at a time. Don't let physics hold you back from reaching your full potential—let our experts show you the way to success.

What Are The Benefits Of Our Physics Exam Help?

Having a hard time with physics tests can feel frustrating, but our physics test help is made to make life easier and help you do well. Here are some awesome things you'll get when you use our help:
Don't struggle with physics alone. Our test help is made to make learning physics easier, more enjoyable, and truly effective. Join today and see the awesome things for yourself!

Topics Covered By “Online Physics Exam Help” Experts!

Our online physics exam helpers know all parts of physics well, so you'll get full help for any topic or idea you're having trouble with.
Whether you need help with how things move, electricity and magnets, heat and energy, light and waves, or modern physics, our teachers have your support. Here are some of the key topics our helpers can help you master:
  1. Kinematics and Dynamics: Understand how things move, push and pull, energy, and momentum work in real situations.
  2. Newton's Laws and Gravitation: Learn to solidly understand Newton's rules of motion and the idea of things falling.
  3. Work, Energy, and Power: Knowledge about the link between work, energy, and power and their applicability in real-life problem-solving processes.
  4. Electricity and Magnetism: Explore the fascinating world of static electricity, electric circuits, magnets, and how they interact.
  5. Waves and Optics: Dive into the study of wave motion, sound waves, light waves, and the rules of geometric and physical optics.
  6. Thermodynamics: Unravel the mysteries of heat, temperature, and energy transfer rules in heat systems.
  7. Modern Physics: Explore the cutting-edge ideas of tiny particles, things moving fast, atomic stuff, and small particle physics.
Our helpers not only deeply understand these topics but can also explain them clearly and engagingly, tailored to how you learn best.
Whether you need help with theoretical ideas, problem-solving skills, or test prep strategies, our online physics test help has you covered. Don't hesitate to reach out and let our helpers guide you to mastering physics!

What Are The Long Term Benefits Of Getting Our Physics Exam Help

Getting expert help for your physics exams can provide long-term benefits beyond just scoring well.
Working with our knowledgeable tutors will strengthen your understanding of key physics ideas and problem-solving strategies.
Building this solid base will make it simpler to keep learning as you take more advanced physics classes later on.
Moreover, developing strong skills in quantitative reasoning and analysis through physics is useful for other technical subjects and careers.
Your problem-solving methods can be applied to engineering, computer science, and research.
Conquering challenging physics concepts also shows your ability to tackle complex, multi-step problems—a valuable strength for future academic and professional paths.
Investing in Physics Exam Help Online today can pay off long into the future by equipping you with a robust skillset and knowledge to draw upon. The long-term benefits stretch far beyond just your current coursework.

Why Do Students Go For Online Physics Exam Help?

Physics can be complicated, with complex ideas and problem-solving methods that require a deep understanding. Many students struggle to grasp the material fully from classroom lectures and textbooks. That's where online physics exam help comes in handy.
One major reason students seek these services is to access expert tutors and instructors. Online providers have knowledgeable physics specialists who can explain ideas clearly, walk through practice problems step-by-step, and provide personalized guidance tailored to each student's needs.
Additionally, online physics help offers great convenience. Students can get assistance whenever they need it from any location with an internet connection. No more waiting for office hours or schedule conflicts - help is just a click away, 24/7.
The online format also allows digital tools like interactive video lessons, simulations, and step-by-step workbook solutions, which make challenging physics problems more approachable.
In simple terms, students turn to online physics exams to get professional-level support that improves their understanding, provides tutoring access on their schedule, and utilizes digital tools—all from a comfortable environment of their choice. Moreover, you can have our Chemistry Exam Help Online, that will help you to score well.
submitted by Educational-Guard549 to u/Educational-Guard549 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:19 kaam_24 Hire Candidates in Noida

Hire Candidates in Noida
Finding and utilizing the best workers is crucial for businesses to succeed in Noida's competitive job marketplace. Noida has several prospects for employers and job seekers due to its constantly growing manufacturing and IT sectors. Without a plan, though, handling the hiring process can be quite difficult. The following advice is for companies in Noida who are trying to fill positions:
Recognize the Local Employment Market: Invest some time in learning about the Noida local employment market before beginning the hiring process. Recognize the competition from other businesses, current wage patterns, and the need for particular talents. You can use this information to customize your recruitment approach and draw in top candidates.
Leverage Online Job Portals: To promote your job opportunities, make use of well-known online job portals and professional networking sites. Networks such as Indeed, LinkedIn, and are well-established in Noida and can assist you in connecting with a large number of competent applicants.
Attend Career Expos, Job Fairs, and Networking Events: All year long, Noida is home to several career expos, networking events, and job fairs.
Providing Attractive Benefits and Competitive Salary: In a crowded employment market like Noida, job postings with enticing benefits and competitive salary packages will attract more applicants. Take into account benefits like health insurance, flexible work schedules, and chances for professional growth.
Simplify the interviewing procedure: Streamline the interview process to show respect for the candidates' time. Before setting up in-person interviews, do preliminary screenings of potential candidates via phone or video interviews. To keep candidates interested throughout the process, it's critical to communicate clearly and provide timely feedback.
Employers may streamline the hiring process and draw in top talent in Noida's competitive job market by implementing these strategies. Always remember to be proactive, adaptable, and flexible to satisfy the changing demands of both your local workforce and your corporation.
submitted by kaam_24 to u/kaam_24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:18 puiwaihin Harry Potter is trained by a certain sorcerer

Harry looked over at his mentor sitting up at the position of Headmaster and gave him a nod.
"There will be no interference from anyone. That goes for staff, too. Is that understood?" the Headmaster said with force.
"Yes Professor Tsung," came back the chorus of replies.
Across the Great Hall, Harry faced off with his nemesis. The Dark Lord Voldemort stood with a sneer on his face, wand drawn. "It is foolish of you to send Potter to face me alone. But I will certainly not object. My loyal Death Eaters, you will do nothing until the boy is dead at my hand."
The masked and robed wizards gave their acknowledgments with nods and a few scattered, "Yes, my lord's"
The Headmaster stood and yelled out, "Begin!"
There was a flurry of activity as Harry and Voldemort exchanged a dozen spells in quick succession. It started with bone breaking curses and cutting curses, then got much darker from there.
After a few seconds of being surprised by the fury and skill displayed by the seventeen year old, Voldemort began drawing from his repertoire of magic which he usually reserved for powerful opponents. He conjured a massive snake made of Fiendfyre.
A small smirk tugged at Harry's mouth upon seeing that spell. It was time for him to step up his own game.
In an instant, Harry's form blurred and warped, becoming a bit taller, a bit larger, a whole lot older, and exceedingly more flamboyant. Voldemort looked in shock as Albus Dumbledore stood before him.
'Albus' wasted no time in banter. He quickly twirled his wand, whistling all the while, and a flood of water sprang up from where he alone knew and overwhelmed the fire spell, dousing it before it could gain too much strength. Then the long-bearded wizard began transfiguring the tables and chairs into deadly soldiers, animated suits of armor, and turned the debris around him into deadly spears that hurled themselves at Voldemort unerringly.
The dark wizard screamed in anger, sending a shockwave of raw magic out to destroy the transfigured and conjured threats.
"No, this cannot be! You are dead!"
The form of the deceased Headmaster blurred and shifted, leaving Harry Potter standing there again. "So, he is, but he sends you his regards. He says he'll be seeing you soon."
The self-styled Dark Lord could not take that taunt. He jabbed his wand forward. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"
The green bolt flew towards Harry at an incredible speed, but the younger wizard side-stepped it. Then his form shifted again, this time into the form of his old, hated potions teacher. From his dark, billowing robes 'Severus Snape' pulled a few potions and downed them. He would need every advantage if he wanted to defeat this enemy.
But Voldemort laughed. "Snape? You should have chosen more wisely, Harry. You may have found my old faithful servant to be intimidating, but for me he was just a tool."
Having obtained the benefit he wanted from that form, Harry was all too glad to shed it. While Harry had not found the Potions Master intimidating since he had been training with his mentor, he did continue to loathe the man and being in his form was not at all enjoyable, despite what had happened at the end.
Harry shot off a few curses and dodged a few more, but this was getting him nowhere. He needed an edge. And there was one form he knew would give it to him.
A sudden blurring and Harry stood in a form sure to freak his opponent out. Voldemort's own evil red eyes stared back at the Dark Lord.
"Avada Kedavra!" "Avada Kedavra!"
The two cast at the same time, both barely dodging out of the way at the last second.
"You dare use my own form against me! I will destroy you the way I destroyed your parents you little--"
Harry's form blurred once--but faded into nothing immediately after. Appearing behind Voldemort he stretched out both of his hands and fired off a succession of flaming projectiles that caught the dark wizard mid-sentence.
The Dark Lord tried to rise, but he found it impossible. The attack had ruined him. Voldemort watched as Harry summoned his wand to him and snapped it in half as he strode over to him.
"Fool, you should not have started monologuing in the middle of Kombat," Headmaster Tsang Tsung said as Harry approached his fallen opponent.
Harry glanced up at the head table, careful to keep an eye on his enemy. That had been drilled into his head by his teacher.
"FINISH HIM!" the sorcerer commanded.
Harry grabbed the snaked-faced wizard with one hand, the other he raised above his head. "Your soul is mine!" Harry declared.
Sickly green magic poured from his hands into the man formerly known as Tom Marvolo Riddle, and then the energy poured back towards Harry, with what was left of Voldemort's soul along with it, back into Harry through his eyes and mouth. A ruined husk of withered and greyed flesh was all that was left of Voldemort's final body.
Gasps of shock and revulsion came from the Hogwarts teachers.
Harry rolled his eyes. "What?" he asked with a shrug of his shoulders.
submitted by puiwaihin to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:53 Cyphonelik Create a Pop-Up Message when user tries to paste in workbook

CONTEXT: I'm rebuilding an XLSM workbook that enables people in my workplace to submit amended timesheets to the scheduling team, however the current version of this workbook is notorious among employees for "breaking".
To preface, I work in a Contact Center and submitting this workbook is part of the daily task of anyone who takes calls.
The sheet is not "breaking" - the users are pasting over cells that have formulas pre-written in them.
PROBLEM: I'm trying to ascertain the best way to go about preventing users from Pasting and Cutting in this workbook; Copying is fine but if that has to go too, I take no issue with that.
Most of the VBA I've come across prevents CTRL+V but I haven't encountered anything solid enough to prevent the ability to Copy/Cut/Paste in a workbook when done via mouse navigation, and many employees wouldn't use keyboard shortcuts (non-tech savvy).
I think I'm looking for a watcher macro that undoes the paste action when detected (whether by keyboard shortcut, or by clicking) but am unsure how to go about writing one, or where to find one.
I'm hoping a macro that prevents users from pasting, undoes the action while restoring the intergrity of the cells pasted over, while generating a Pop-Up message calling the user a moron and telling them not to do what they just did may prevent most of the instances where the sheet "breaks".
CAVEATS: There is already a macro that extracts a range and converts it to HTML, and then sends that range as an email to a specific set of inboxes that need the information.
rng.Copy Set TempWB = Workbooks.Add(1) With TempWB.Sheets(1) .Cells(1).PasteSpecial Paste:=8 .Cells(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, , False, False .Cells(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats, , False, False .Cells(1).Select Application.CutCopyMode = False On Error Resume Next .DrawingObjects.Visible = True .DrawingObjects.Delete On Error GoTo 0 End With
EXAMPLE: Set rng = Sheets("Output").Range("B2:G25").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) On Error GoTo 0 If rng Is Nothing Then MsgBox "The selection is not a range or the sheet is protected. " & _ vbNewLine & "Please correct and try again.", vbOKOnly Exit Sub
submitted by Cyphonelik to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:38 Total-Mastodon-6888 The Benefits of Immigrating to Australia

For many Indians seeking a fresh start abroad, Australia beckons with its sunshine-drenched shores, thriving economy, and welcoming multicultural society. At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we understand the allure of Australian life and are dedicated to guiding you through the complexities of the immigration process.
This blog post delves into the numerous benefits that Australia offers to aspiring Indian immigrants, empowering you to make an informed decision about your future.
A Land of Opportunity: A Glimpse into Australia
Australia boasts a unique blend of factors that make it an attractive destination for skilled professionals and families alike:
Unlocking Your Potential: Career Opportunities Await
The Australian job market presents a plethora of opportunities for skilled Indian professionals. Here’s a closer look:
Finding Your Niche:
Researching the Australian Skills Occupation List (SOL) is crucial. This list identifies occupations in demand across Australia, allowing you to assess your qualifications and identify potential career pathways. Our team at Adric Immigration Consultants can assist you in navigating this process.
Sunshine and Success: Embracing the Australian Lifestyle
Beyond career prospects, Australia offers a unique lifestyle that fosters well-being and a sense of community:
Finding Your Perfect Balance:
While the warm climate and laid-back lifestyle are major draws, Australia also offers bustling cities with vibrant cultural scenes. Whether you seek a coastal paradise or a dynamic urban experience, Australia caters to diverse preferences.
Building a Brighter Future: Advantages for Families
Australia is a haven for families seeking a safe and secure environment to raise their children:
Investing in the Future:
A strong education system, coupled with social security benefits and a family-oriented environment, makes Australia an ideal destination for Indian families seeking a secure and nurturing environment for their children’s future.
Beyond the Tangible: The Intangible Benefits
Immigrating to Australia offers a multitude of advantages beyond the readily quantifiable:
Embracing a New Chapter:
Australia offers not just a change of scenery but also a chance to embrace a new way of life, prioritize well-being, and explore exciting opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Taking the First Step: Your Immigration Journey Begins Here
At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we understand the complexities of Australian immigration procedures. Our team of experienced consultants can guide you through every step of the process, from assessing your eligibility for various visa programs to preparing a strong application and providing
Taking the First Step: Your Immigration Journey Begins Here (continued)
providing interview coaching We can help you navigate:
Contact us today for a free consultation and let Adric Immigration Consultants be your trusted partner on the path to achieving your Australian dream. Together, we can turn your vision of a rewarding life Down Under into a reality.
submitted by Total-Mastodon-6888 to u/Total-Mastodon-6888 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:02 PropRatActual The Albino Ep 10

Well, Hi all! again! 4Th Wall here, I figured since I just got power back, I might as well play some catch up on both series. Hope you enjoy this episode!!
Yup, I fucked that up. This is a repost with the correct Episode number, LOL! It's been a while since I've done that.
First, Previous, Next (Patreon)

Benjamin smiled, watching the girls skip ahead of him. Today was a testing day of sorts for him. Unwilling to release firearms into this world haphazardly, yet unwilling to go without them as a backup; he had pulled from one of his sister’s favorite video games. He had “melted down” his bowie knife, repurposing the metal to be used in his latest creation. The final product rode on his hip like a short sword, but Ben was satisfied in the design when the vast majority of the people he passed ignored it as just another adventurer’s blade. Benjamin hoped, that with the existence of Majik, that he would be able to pass off any… peculiarities... as the realm of the supernatural.

The three of them arrived at the tailor’s establishment, and the girls were met with a customary indifference that seemed to present itself when a slave’s “master” was present. The moment Benjamin entered, the seamstress ceased to pay attention to the girls, and instead addressed him directly, “Ah, The Forgemaster’s Protégé. What can I do for you this day.” She said cooly, bowing slightly in welcome. “I’m here commission some clothing for these two, a reward for good service.” Benjamin began. It was technically true; the success of the forge had afforded him much more coin than a mere apprentice could have made. Qort had taken him on as a true partner, and Benjamin earned enough to comfortably afford to cloth his “slaves” in whatever he chose.

Some stigma’s remained however, and the seamstress seemed to glare sideways at the girls as they perused the fabrics adorning the walls. “Is that wise? A slave could lose her place with such gifts.” she asked, her polite tone barely hiding her disapproval. Benjamin sighed internally, ‘oh for fucks sake’ he groaned in his own mind before putting on facad, “I find that proper reward, afforded on the right servant can result in” he paused, projecting a smug expression and blatantly looking the girls up and down. “a profound dedication to their duties” he finished with a satisfied smile as the seamstress covered her mouth with a hand to hide a smile of her own. The gambit worked, and the Seamstress was obviously satisfied that the “Aereesen slave whores” were being properly “used”. “Ah, I understand. What did you have in mind for them.” She practically moaned back at Benjamin. ‘This hag needs a good pounding….’ Benjamin’s inner monologue threatened to crack his facade, “That’s the fun part, my good lady. It’s their choice. The surprise is half the excitement.” He chuckled.

The seamstress openly smiled at him this time before nodding and stepping over to the two girls. Benjamin breathed a sigh of relief as she seemed to treat them at least marginally more warmly. The old racist bag didn’t need to know that Benjamin was secretly building a small nest egg for his girls, or that his sending them out to do errands for him was how he was teaching them about money, value, and the application of Mathematics. She also didn’t need to know that the full Cutlery set that she had purchased last week had been made by Vi’s own hand as her first full solo commission set. Benjamin had stamped his “mark” on them, because slaves were not allowed to own anything, including their own work; but Vi had begun with raw steel and finished with one of the finest cooking knife sets he had seen in this world or his.

Benjamin settled onto a bench outside, using the excuse of wanting to enjoy the morning air to afford his girls some privacy. Now that Viola and Valtrya were eating a healthy diet, and the right calorie amount; they had blossomed into absolute bombshells. Their hair had recovered, and both sported long flowing locks that boasted a silky satin black color and texture that betrayed hints of deep royal purple. The color reminded Benjamin of one of those expensive custom car paints that changed color depending on the lighting.

Their skin recovered almost as quickly as their hair. The sickly, scabbed look was quickly replaced with the same satin quality as their hair to the touch, but with a light grey coloring that almost seemed to tease the edge of hinting at a greyish purple. A dense pattern of Small freckles of the same dark, almost royal, purple as the highlights in their hair frolicked on both girl’s cheeks, and down the sides of their necks. Because of their early lack of understanding on modestly, Ben knew that those freckles traveled much further. The sad truth was that Benjamin understood fully why Aereesen’s were the prize of slavers and brothels, and he silently prayed that he could give them enough self-worth and skill to have a better life than that, once he got them out of the Principality.

A door’s soft creaking broke Benjamin from his thoughts as the two sisters stepped out smiling, “Get everything you need?” he asked standing as the three of them departed the establishment. Val nodded vigorously, and Vi smiled as she spoke, “I think so, but I had to practically beg the woman to stop showing us lingerie… what did you tell her?” Benjamin felt his cheeks heat as he responded, “What I had to. The old hag doesn’t get enough at home. It’s not my fault that your ‘enthusiasm’ is in the forge and your studies, not between the sheets. I didn’t lie to her, I just let her draw her own conclusions, sorry.”

Vi’s eyes twinkled for a second, “Oh,” She smirked, “Thaaat’s why she broke out the silk. Some of her options were..” She blatantly bit her lip at Benjamin. “You didn’t…” He asked in shock, and Vi lifted up on her tippy toes to brush her lips against his ear, “Not telling” she purred, setting Bens senses on fire. She backed up a step, openly smirking at his beet red face. “But your expression is adorable… My Lord” She stated the last two words with a deep sultry tone, knowing that Ben couldn’t scold her in public before taking his hand, “May we visit the bazar next? Val saw some jewelry she wanted to look at.” Benjamin gave her a pointed look, that turned into a smile as she beamed at him, “Ok, sounds good. I need to pick up some food for the week.”

It was later that afternoon when the three of them left the bazar. They found Jukha waiting on the bench in front of their home. “Jukha! How are you!” Benjamin called, clasping the Orc’s hand firmly as the girls rushed inside to put up their purchases. Jukha reciprocated, if somewhat stiffly, to the strange to him gesture. “Benjamin, it is good to see you well.” His tone stopped Ben in his tracks, “What is it. Is your wife, ok?”
Jukha shook his head, “Vilora is well, but I have been tasked with finding you.” He said carefully, “The slaver, the one you dueled for those two,” he nodded to Vi and Val as they stepped back out of the building, “The Heir of The Romoregin house is here. He has lodged an official demand for satisfaction, and he brought a champion.”

Benjamin stiffened, “Another duel? You said an ‘official demand’… what happens if I refuse.” Jukha winced at Ben’s tone, “It is an archaic practice of my people, rarely remembered, and even more rarely demanded. You cannot deny a satisfaction claim, but should you prevail, no further claims can be made upon your person. I am sorry Benjamin, but if you flee or refuse, your life is forfeit; and your property goes to the claimant.” Jukha looked pointedly at Viola and Valtrya. “The young puke has put me in danger as well, if I do not deliver you and them to the duel, I can be detained. If they torture me….” Benjamin’s eyes widened before hardening in understanding. “Jukha…” He turned to find Viola standing next to him, with his musket in one arm and his ammunition bag in the other, and sighed, “Fuck”. He loaded his musket with a single roundball cartridge this time, unwilling to fire buck and ball in the town streets. He pealed the ball out of the paper wading after pouring the poweder, reaching into his haversack to retrieve a small round patch made of pillow ticking. Jukha looked on in mild fascination as Benjamin spit on the cloth patch before wrapping the ball in it and ramming the whole thing down the barrel. It wasn’t much, but it reduce windage, ensuring at least reasonable enough accuracy from the smoothbore to keep from hitting innocent bystanders. It would also virtually eliminate blow-by, upping the chamber pressure and giving him a little more velocity. “I’m ready.”

The four of them entered the small city square to be met with Qort and three Org guards. These soldiers wore different insignia that Benjamin had been taught were the mark of the capital. “Beenjaymen Shayfe” one of them butchered his name, “I am.” Ben nodded firmly, the other guard nodded, “And your two slaves, good. Has Jukha informed you of the proceedings.” Benjamin scowled, “A legalized way to attempt a revenge killing? Yea, I’ve been told.” Ben didn’t bother to hide his vitriol, “So I have to kill a motherfucker for defending myself from his father?”

“Not quite. The Heir has brought a champion. The rules are simple, all forms of combat are allowed” The first guard began as the second one began chaining the wrists of Viola and Valtrya. Benjamin began to move before thinking, only to be held back by Jukha, “Peace albino. They must do this. Fighting them will cause a forfeit.” Benjamin looked at the terrified faces of the two girls. He forced himself to calm down outwardly, but Benjamin could feel the rage building. He had worked so hard to save those two, to get them out.. now some snot nosed brat was going to try to kill him because his father didn’t know when to fuck off. Benjamin stepped out from around the guards. The “heir” was a young Durr. Ben had no frame of reference for age, but the Heir was substantially shorter, and his facial tentacles were almost mere buds. Beside him stood a crimson colossus, the same species as the Hunter he had shot saving Jukha. He was taller than that female, and was wearing plate armor, gilded in silver. He hefted a great sword of some kind and smiled openly at Benjamin. It was not a pleasant expression. “Ah, so You’re the puke I’ll be cleaning from my blade. I am Krastorin. Come here, pale one, I’ll make it quick.”

Benjamin looked him over, subtly shifting into a shooting stance but keeping his musket looking like he was resting the butt of a spear on the ground. “You look accomplished, what makes you do the bidding of the boy.” He asked, blatant scorn on his tone. The Young Durr flinched, his small tentacle buds writhing violently. “H’Dare Yee!” he bellowed, voice cracking with the strain of fury, “Aye’ll ‘ave Yee Head on Me’Wall!!”
Benjamin ignored him, focusing on the Hellirine. The man looked back at the boy with a raised eyebrow, “The young puke promised me one of those.” He pointed at Vi and Val, who had reverted to their former trembling submissive postures that Ben had met them in. “It appears that they are as well kept as claimed. I look forward to sampling them.” He leered. Benjamin looked over at the Young Durr and found his face a mixture of relief and anger. ‘Ah, lied about daddy’s slaves.’ He turned to the soldier standing next to him, “Is the duel on?” he growled.

“Combatants! Begin!” was the Soldiers response, and the crimson mercenary lifted his sword from his shoulders advancing forward with a long confident stride, “at last, let’s get this over wi..” a clap of thunder echo’d through the Feral wood, and most of the crowd cried out in surprise as Benjamin disappeared, seemingly behind a bubble of fire, and brimstone. The single round ball ignored the mercenary’s plate armor. Punching straight through as the soft lead mushroomed out into a ragged disk that measured almost an inch and a half. The mangled projectile, still travelling at almost half the speed of sound, eviscerated the chest cavity of the Mercenary before blowing a one foot wide hole out of the crimson man’s back. The exit wound missed Krastorin’s spine by an inch, but it didn’t matter. The projectile embedded itself into a post, thankfully missing any bystanders by mere inches in some cases. The Young Durr, who was standing just behind and to the side of his champion, was screaming as he pawed at the bits of pale yellow blood, bones, and fragments of internal organs now covering him from head to toe.

Benjamin handed the smoking musket to Jukha, drawing his short sword and walking over to a sputtering, choking, and coughing Krastorin. The Hellirine lay face down on the ground, having fallen that way from the momentum of his initial advance. The back of Benjamins mind was sickly amused as he remembered the old Hollywood trope of bullets throwing people backward, and a pinch of regret sparked in his soul as his opponent death rattled. He stepped up to the Heir, resting the blade against his neck, “Are we done here. Be a better man than your father and learn when to save your own life.” The Young Durr froze, staring up at him in abject terror for several moments as a puddle formed at his feet. Benjamin opened his mouth to speak again when the boy simply passed out, falling into the puddle of his own mess as his mind refused to stay conscious.

Benjamin turned to walk back towards Jukha and the girls. “Unchain them.” Benjamin’s tone could have frozen a raging forge’s inferno. To his surprise, two of the soldiers drew their weapons on him, “You need to come with us. All Touched must be registered with...” Benjamin pointed his short sword at the one talking… and pulled the trigger. The percussion revolver built into the hilt of the short sword was zero’d using a notch Benjamin cut into the crossguard, and the tip of the curved blade as a crude set of open sights. The barrel of the revolver lay along one side of the blade, and was rifled. The speaking soldier orc’s took the smaller pistol round through the forehead, exploding the back of his skull in a cone of dark green and grey mist. The exit wound showered his companion in bits of bone and brains. Benjamin’s thumb found the hammer, and four satisfying clicks echo’d in the stunned silence, “HEAR ME!” He growled, “I, am touched by the Gods. I posses the power to end any life I choose using the power of Hell itself!” ‘if I have to show them a gun, might as well throw them off the trail’ “The violence of the raging volcano obeys my very fingertips.” His revolvesword bucked a second time as another soldier orc made a move to rush him. The smaller pistol round still punched through the orcs armor and out the back, but only left him screaming on the ground. Benjamin re-cocked, and leveled his weapon at the orc holding the chains to Val and Vi. “Now, release them.” This last remaining Orc did as asked, before gathering up his screaming companion as the girls rushed to Benjamin, he pulled them close, whispering, “I’m sorry we wont be able to pick up your dresses.”

The three of them packed up that night. Qort had understood, knowing all too well what the Principality would do to acquire a Touched of Benjamins ability. “Stay safe my friend. I pray our paths cross again.” Jukha snuck them out of the village that night, using his wagon to get them to his home. They stayed a week, laying low while they planned their next move. The girls spent their time learning recipes from Jukha’s wife, and ben took the time to unwind a bit. Jukha and He went on a hunt, and Benjamin was given a run down on the flora and fauna of the Feral wood. The two of them brought back a pair of Stags, and the three women cooked them a feast.

“Dinner’s ready!!” called Viola, setting the last of the sides on the table as the dutch oven roasted meat was brought off of the stove top. It was a simple yet elegant meal. Stag, potatoes, some kind of Kale style vegetable that Benjamin had never seen before. Soon enough, everyone at the table was leaning back, as full as they could make themselves. “So, pinkskin,” Jukha asked, “Where do you plan on going. I wouldn’t mind you staying with me. I could use another hunter, but I suspect that they would notice the extra product I brought to the village.”

Benjamin Hummed, “The Maridian Combine. Qort told me that they banned slavery over a century ago, the girls have learned so much already. It would be easy to find jobs for them.” Vi and Val drooped slightly but hid it well. Jukha noticed it but said nothing. “A good choice, their boarders are well guarded, you would need to free them before you cross, or end up in a dungeon yourself.”

“Good point, I can write up a simple writ of freedom. Something I can sign and give to them.” Benjamin nodded, “I can get started on that to…” he paused as a hand fell on his. He looked to see Viola staring at him, fighting back tears, “Hey, what’s wrong. You will be free…” Jukha nodded slowly and stood. “love,” he said to Vilora, “I need some help with the livestock” The Farie met his eyes in unspoken understanding, fluttering out the front door with Jukha.

“Vi, what’s wrong.” Benjamin asked gently.

“No… go… Val… stay…” Both of them turned to Valtrya in shock. She was trembling, “I wont..leave.”

“You speak?” Benjamin looked in shock, but Viola spoke next, “Benjamin, we don’t want to leave. We want to stay, with you. I…” She paused. Ben sighed, “I want you to stay too.” He said, finally admitting it to himself, “But I can’t own you. It’s killing me that you are my property.” He reached up and wiped a tear from Vi’s eyes, “You are so much more than property. I feel evil, every day that I wake up knowing that I could do anything I wanted to you, or worse, die and have someone else hurt you for the fun of it.” Benjamin bowed his head. Viola reached out, lifting his chin to look into his eyes, “Then come with us.” She whispered as Val stood up and stepped around the table, “yes.. You, come.” She wrapped herself around Ben from the side leaning in until she was resting her head against his shoulder, “I’m… staying.. with you.” she said softly. Viola nodded, “Benjamin, how old do you think we are.”

Ben looked at her in confusion, “I have no idea, I’ve always assumed you were teenagers. 13-14 years old for Val, maybe 16 for you, but that was when you were skin and bones.” He admitted.

Viola’s eyes widened in understanding. “You did not want to bed us because you thought us children.” Benjamin nodded slowly, answering. “And forcing sex on a child is the worst kind of crime on my world”. Viola and Valtrya looked at each other, before Vi spoke. “Ben, my sister will turn one hundred and three in a fortnight. I just had my one hundred and fifteenth birthday last week.” She leaned in, pressing her lips to Bens as she kissed him passionately for a moment. “We are no children,” Viola paused as Valtrya leaned in, kissing Ben lightly on the neck, “You are not forcing us to do anything, but leave.” Viola whispered as she began to close in to a surprised Benjamin for another kiss.

The door to the cabin flew open violently, and the girls pulled back to a more modest distance. Jukha walked in, carrying a panting Vilora. “What happened.” Ben asked hurriedly, hoping he wasn’t blushing as hard as the heat on his cheeks suggested. Vilora waved a hand as Jukha set her down in her chair, “The Vin… My sisters… they reached out… They wish to meet…” The Farie gathered herself, “They also sent a warning. We must leave, tonight… hunters.”
If you made it this far, I very much appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed the episode! If you believe I have earned it, I have a Patreon that is two episodes ahead of the free releases for this series. I hope you feel taking a look is worth it. Either way, come hang out in the comments. Everyone's welcome! I've discovered Im a bit of a "warts and all" poster, so even critical comments are welcome. Hell, You might even teach me something (it happens more than I'd like to admit).
I have heard people off and on reference Royal road, So I am going to give it another shot. I'll be adding the Royal Road link from now on. If you like reading over there, It is on the same schedule as here. I would greatly appreciate a like/review/comment if you feel so inclined. Thank you again for stopping by.
First, Previous, Next (Patreon) Royal Road
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2024.05.16 07:56 ontheballoot Unveiling Rajasthan Royals' Power Hitting Revolution: Learning from Baseball

Unveiling Rajasthan Royals' Power Hitting Revolution: Learning from Baseball
In the ever-evolving landscape of cricket, Rajasthan Royals have embarked on a journey of innovation by borrowing insights from an unexpected source — baseball. By incorporating principles from the American sport, they’ve reshaped their batting strategy to become formidable six-hitters in the IPL arena.

Rajasthan Royals’ Yashasvi Jaiswal (left) and captain Sanju Samson.
Since the IPL expanded to a 10-team format, Rajasthan Royals have emerged as one of the leading six-hitting teams, with an impressive tally of 351 sixes, constituting nearly 29% of their overall count since 2008. What sets them apart is their commitment to staying ahead of the curve, constantly adapting to the changing dynamics of T20 cricket.
Zubin Bharucha, the head of high performance at Rajasthan Royals, sheds light on their journey towards mastering power hitting. He emphasizes the pivotal role of baseball-inspired techniques in enhancing their batsmen’s prowess. By analyzing data and leveraging research, they’ve honed their skills to deliver match-winning performances.
One key takeaway from baseball is the concept of hitting upwards on the ball, a technique proven to increase home runs by 50%. To integrate these principles, Rajasthan Royals even sent all-rounder Ravichandran Ashwin to the USA for hands-on training. Additionally, they’ve encouraged their players to experiment with bat weights and innovative batting drills to enhance their six-hitting capabilities.
Bharucha highlights the evolution of their batting philosophy, envisioning a future where each player strikes at a 150-plus strike rate. This ambitious goal reflects their commitment to pushing boundaries and redefining the standards of power hitting in cricket.
Drawing inspiration from legends like Rahul Dravid, who embraced power hitting in the twilight of his career, Rajasthan Royals are poised to revolutionize the game. With a relentless focus on learning and unlearning, they’re determined to clinch their first title in 16 years and cement their legacy as trailblazers in the world of cricket.
As cricket continues to evolve, Rajasthan Royals’ fusion of baseball-inspired techniques and traditional cricketing wisdom serves as a testament to the sport’s endless potential for innovation and reinvention.
submitted by ontheballoot to u/ontheballoot [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:47 brook_west When will a pending authorization fall off?

I used paypal to pay for online driver license renewal - and the government system didn't disappoint, it gave me a payment error message. Now this amount is forever "pending", "authorization in progress" on my paypal account. Called the office and was told there's no record of my renewal request or application or payment request in their system - so there's nothing they can do on their end.
So my question is - when will it fall off the account? I know it's not actually drawing money from my bank account but this is a thing hanging over me and it's annoying.
EDIT: I should've mentioned it's been there for 3 weeks now.
submitted by brook_west to paypal [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:29 TerribleSell2997 Laser Cutting Machine Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

~Laser cutting machine market~ is anticipated to grow at a considerable CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period (2024-2031). Laser Cutting is a thermal separation method in which many different materials can be cut efficiently, quickly, and precisely without reworking. They can perfectly re-create designs made on a computer in a matter of minutes or even seconds. It is the type of CNC machine (Computer Numerical Controlled) that takes commands from drawings that have been digitized and transformed into a computer language that describes every angle and curve of that design.
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It was seen that automation and customization are becoming the major factors for its demand. Laser Cutting machine's ability to cut through a wide range of materials with high accuracy and speed has driven up the demand for laser cutting machines over the years. Its adoption in industries such as automotive, manufacturing, and aerospace is expected to contribute to manufacturers' profits by providing essential services.The demand for customized products is anticipated to amplify the demand for laser-cutting machines. Furthermore, the eCommerce and online shopping industries have played a major role in market growth in recent years, as consumers are customizing their products and ordering through online portals.
full report of Laser Cutting Machine Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Global Laser Cutting Machine Market by Technology Type
o Fiber Lasers
o Co2
o Solid State
o Others (Semiconductor)
Laser Cutting Machine Market by Function type
o Semi-Automatic
o Robotic
Laser Cutting MachineMarket by End-User
o Automotive
o Metal & Fabrication
o Electronics
o Energy& Power
o Other (Medical)
Regional Analysis
o North America
o United States
o Canada
o Europe
o UK
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o France
o Rest of Europe
o Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o South Korea
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
o Rest of the World
o Latin America
o The Middle East & Africa
Company Profiles
o Trumpf Laser GmbH + Co. KG
o Rofin-Sinar Technologies Inc.
o IPG Photonics Corp.
o Coherent Inc.
o Han’s Laser Smart Equipment Group Co Ltd.
o Jenoptik Laser GmbH
o Lumentum
o LaserStar
o Epilog Laser
o Amada Miyachi Company Ltd.
o Bystronic Inc.
o Kern Laser Systems
o Jinan SENFENG Technology Co. Ltd.
o Mazak Optonics Corp.
o Alpha Laser GmbH
o DPSS Laser Inc.
o Fanuc Corp.
The Report Covers
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
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Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:18 Sufficient_Cancel_14 Mending family ties in immigrant household with depressed video game addicted older brother (25M) and aggressive younger sister (17F)

This is going to be long, I'm sorry. It is my first reddit post, and I feel desperate. I'm just wondering if anyone here has ever mended their family ties?
To give context, me (22F), my older brother (25M), and younger sister (17F) grew up in an immigrant household (my brother and I are immigrants, sister first gen) with both mother and father around. Overall, we had a happy childhood. We had family friends and my mothers first cousin living in the same city as us, with her two children around the same age as my brother and I. Fast forward a couple of years, there was family drama and an ending of the family friend group that we had due to petty fights between moms, and we stopped having contact with these people. I was a pretty extroverted child, as was my sister, but my brother was pretty introverted. He had great interests as a child, he loved astrology, reading, and knew everything about cars. My sister loved drawing (as did I), making slime, and reading as well (she's an excellent writer). I had a good relationship with both of them, sometimes getting into fights, but nothing really abnormal. We would go outside to play all of the time, and I would take my sister to the pool with me and my friends during the summer. My brother then got very into video games in high school. It was more of a hobby then, which I think is good and healthy, his grades were still good and he was on the volleyball team so he was socializing and fit. His work ethic was not good though, as he would wait until the last minute to finish his assignments. When he was applying to colleges I remember he didn't really want to do anything. It was a big fight between him and my parents. He started college as a commuter, but this was a pretty difficult time for him and he got pretty depressed. He still had the same work ethic and studying habits that he had in high school. My mother then started to deal with depression, as she was close to my brother and became socially isolated at this time. Her age didn't help, and she started dealing with sciatic pain. I then felt like I had to help her, so I would help her with the house, my sister, and the garden. I enjoyed these things, as I feel my nature is pretty nurturing. I love children and found a love in gardening during this time as well. I worked in retail when I was 17, and have been working in the restaurant industry for about 2 years now. My brother never had a job. My brother was always the golden child and got most of the attention and praise, which I didn't mind because in a way it was motivation for me to do well and live up to him. I was still close with him and my sister during his college years. He graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering in three years, and everyone was so proud of him. This was the year I started at the same college as him, but for biochemistry as I was pre-med. This was the year COVID started. My sister was 12, and I was 18, and my brother 21. My brother didn't apply to any jobs after graduation and would just sit at home playing video games. He played for a year and a half, and my parents got frustrated at him for just sitting at home doing nothing. I spoke to him during this time, and he said he was severly depressed during college, and on the first day he knew he didn't want to do it and wanted to drop out instead. I couldn't understand him, as I always saw education as a privilege and gaining knowledge/learning was so rewarding for me (THINK MALALA). My parents told him he had to get a job or go for his masters. He ended up applying for his masters in computer science, and finished that in two years. Since then, December 2022, he has just been in his room locked away playing video games all night and sleeping all day. My mother has been dealing with depression since he started college, and it took a toll on me during COVID trying to help her. This in turn took a toll on my younger sister as we shared the same room and we had a very close relationship. I ended up developing an eating disorder during the time of COVID (I think due to bad stress management), and I was depressed and weighed close to nothing. I ended up graduating with my undergraduate degree in Biochemistry a year early like my brother, but at the end of my studies I decided I could not become a doctor. I studied for my MCAT and was working on applications and all that, but looking forward, I felt the path of becoming a physician did not align with what I wanted in life. The four years of medical school was fine with me, as I love medicine and would study it for the rest of my life if I could, but the hours in residency and the non-existent balance between work and life during those years (along with the debt of medical school) was not something I could justify doing. I wanted to become a mother (sooner rather than later (which feels stupid now as I don't even have a boyfriend and the disloyalty i've seen in men (not my father) makes me have trust issues)). I was lost and wasn't in a good mental state to begin with. Then, my best friends (American) turned on me and isolated me which made me feel even worse. My sister then became the person that I trauma dumped to, which I see was not a good thing, and she started to become aggressive and took turns on who she would isolate in my family. First it was my dad, then my brother, then my mother, then me. She had phases of who she would consider a friend, and who she hated. It was hard on my whole family. During June of 2022, my grandfather (mothers side) became ill with sepsis due to an untreated UTI (he was a farmer and hated the doctor), and she went back to our country for the first time in 20 years. I wanted to go with her, but I had to stay back and take care of my sister. When she came back after my grandfather's death and funeral, my grandmother was all alone, so I went back to my country to stay with her as her caretaker until she passed in November. During that time, I worked on myself and became healthier. It was easier because I had so much family around, and I made new and great friends who I could relate to. The culture is a lot less stressful and on-the-go than American culture, so I found myself seeing the beauty in life like I did as a child. I was in the village surrounded by nature, which I love, and I finally felt like I fit in, whereas in America I never REALLY fit in. When I came home, my sister was still not talking to me.
Fast forward to recently, I am in a great place mentally and physically. I am back to my normal weight (although I do have issues with my hormones due to my former ED, which makes me scared that I am infertile). I am in school in a direct-entry masters in nursing program, working as a server on weekends, and volunteering with the elderly community with a few very close friends that I love. I've done a lot of self work, and have the mindset of not letting my past define me or stop me from bettering myself. My relationship with my family members is pretty great, individually. My sister is doing better mentally, as she dropped some friends feeding her depression, made some new friends in high school, is working as a host in the restaurant I work in, and has taken up martial arts. She is a very bubbly and laughy person, but she can be very cold if she "hates" you. Her relationship with my mother and brother are still very rocky. My mother still deals with depression due to my brother's "wasted potential", although I think I have helped since coming back because I feel much stronger and know now what I have to do to stay strong for my family and for myself. I understand my sister with both of them. I was also initially frustrated with my mother around my sisters age, but I understand what my mother is/has gone through. My sister deems her as crazy, which I told her was wrong. Her and my brother were never very close, and I feel for her frustration with him. He is always in his room playing video games, never helping around the house, and gets mad at her when she says mean things to my mother. I, too, was frustrated with him. However, I know now that the only thing I can really do is fix myself, I can't fix others if they don't want to change. I understand him in a way too. I think that he blamed school for his depression, but I think he still deals with it in a way today and video games is his outlet. When me and him were her age, we would not even think about saying half of the things she says to my parents. I caught my siblings in a screaming match one day when they thought I had left the house. He was screaming at her about being a b**** (I hate curse words, I think they feed anger) because she called my mother and brother fat a**** that morning for eating some leftovers we had (which I think is terribly wrong on two fronts, as one should never say this to another person let alone their own family, and all of the food we have is for everyone, not just for one person), and she was screaming at him to tell her what he wanted to say for the past 17 years. I intervened and started telling them that it was wrong to be screaming at each other, and that we have to be there for each other because we are siblings. We are each other's first best friends in life, and no one else will understand what we went through together. My sister and I also recently had an argument because she told me that my mother and father were very hard on her for her schooling as a child and that she remembers my mother about to throw a chair at her because of some bad grade, but that I stopped her from throwing it. I don't remember this happening ever. I remember that me and my brother were disciplined as children, and that I would get the most punishment (because I was a more mischievous child), and they were hard on us for school, but I knew it was for our better (remember Malala?). She was much younger than us, so their parenting changed significantly by the time she was born. As a child, she never got hit. I think that she might believe that this actually happened, and the feeling of fear was probably true, but this scene did not happen. My parents were older when they had her, so they were not as playful as they were with us as children, but they did their best. I would always try and give her everything I never had at her age, buying her food and taking her shopping. However, she now eats some form of fast food every day, takes my dad to buy her snacks that she won't share with us (which I told my dad is not okay, even if it is a bonding moment between them which he clings onto, he should teach her to share), and she has no interest in dressing up like she did as a child (she used to change her outfit three times a day, always fashionable). I don't think the fashion thing is a big deal, but I want to give her all of the clothes I wished for at her age.
ANYWAYS, after all that, has anyone ever dealt with a bright child older brother turning into a video game addict with no drive? and a younger sister with aggression and resentment towards family? I want to believe that my sister will get better. I think she should go on vacation with my mother to our home country this summer, as we have cousins her age, and she can see how happy my mother is in our country (instead of the depressed version she is in America). As for my older brother, can I do anything to help him see that life is far more beautiful with real-world social connections, that work can be rewarding (whatever it is that he wants to do), and that his past does not define him or who he could be (even if it takes a lot of self-reflection and work)? If so, how can I do this? Or is it better for me to just focus on my own life, make the goals I want happen, and pray/hope they can find the contentment I have found in life? I don't want to intrude too much, but I want to help them. Family is a very important value in my life, and I think it is for them as well.
submitted by Sufficient_Cancel_14 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:10 BanosTheMadTitan Stoics and narcissists.

Throughout my life, I’ve only rarely become very close to other people, but the few people I do gravitate towards are usually narcissists. Because of this, I have a ridiculous amount of experience with narcissism. Through all of my interactions, what I’ve come to recognize is that narcissists are in extreme suffering. They almost completely lack a sense of self and feel no purpose drawing them onward. To make up for this, they instinctively fabricate a deeply-woven facade, wielding an arsenal of masks to attract attention and love from others to fill their empty self.
It’s an unimaginably deep rut they’re sunk into, with layers and layers of empty behaviors stacked on each other and intertwined. There’s no universe in which you can simply tell a narcissist what they are and see them change immediately; the thought of letting go of all of that and starting down a new path is unfathomable from down in their pit, and any effort to challenge them with this idea will hurt, making it seem to be a threat. However, I was raised by two narcissists, and believe that I was deeply narcissistic myself. One event ~8 years ago sowed the seeds of self in me, and since then I have made countless extraordinary leaps and bounds in fixing the problem. I’ve learned:
What it means to love somebody, and not just to desire their attention.
The concept and weight of the fact that every person I interact with is experiencing an entire existence equal to mine, simultaneously and right across from me (I believe this was the birth of true empathy in myself).
The way the world is woven, and my inborn roles and responsibilities to it and others.
The value of possessing a purpose, and following it.
Within the last four years or so, I’ve explored many different philosophies from many different cultures. I’ve listened to the stories of various masters of the self, from Marcus Aurelius to Musashi; from Socrates to Jesus Christ. I’ve found value in the ways of Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and finally, Stoicism. I believe Stoicism cuts to the core of the issue and provides routes for achieving the greatest purpose as is possible for oneself.
I finally have reached a point where I am reasonably centered, responsible, genuine, attentive, consistent, and stable. Recently, I’ve been wondering about the application of Stoicism in dealing with and helping narcissists. Considering the issue that plagues a narcissist- an untamed void of the self- I’ve come to think that possibly, a Stoic applying themselves can be of great use in their healing.
Imagine you’re sitting across from a narcissist. They extend their tendrils out towards you, seeking to set the hook and begin reeling you into their game. Your self-control acts as an invisible barrier between the two of you, putting an end to their traps before they’re ever even set. Meanwhile, you see them as they truly are. Your eyes cut straight through to their core. Your attention keeps them there, as they crave recognition first and foremost, and you see them as clearly as anybody ever could. Yet their every attempt to sink claws into your soul is warded off. They are exposed, but not being threatened by anything.
It seems to me that this may be the only way- or at least the best way- to present reflection to a narcissist without causing them to close up further. If true, would it then be virtuous for a stoic to allow narcissists into his life with the intention of helping them, granting that he’s strong enough to remain unaffected by them? The idea of pushing them away and allowing them to suffer eternally seems antithetical to the premise of performing one’s duty in life. If one can help another, then they should, no? I am curious to hear the opinions of others, whether more or less experienced in Stoicism, without my own bias on the issue.
submitted by BanosTheMadTitan to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:01 rmma [Official] General Discussion Thread - May 16, 2024

Welcome to rMMA's General Discussion Thread!
Discuss your favorite fighters, the upcoming card or something you forgot to bring up in this week's Moronic Monday thread.
How to obtain a custom flair:
The rules for the drawing or haiku are simply that it must be a ridiculous MMA-related scenario. If you would like a custom flair, send a message to us with a link to your drawing and your flair request. We'll probably grant it.
Interested in modding? Please fill out the mod application found here. Do not leave a comment about this in the thread. You can send us modmail if you have questions.
submitted by rmma to MMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:00 fintech07 AI can make up songs now, but who owns the copyright? The answer is complicated

AI can make up songs now, but who owns the copyright? The answer is complicated
Artificial intelligence (AI) text and image generation tools have now been around for a while, but in recent weeks, apps for making AI-generated music have reached consumers as well.
Just like other generative AI tools, the two products – Suno and Udio (and others likely to come) – work by turning a user’s prompt into output. For example, prompting for “a rock punk song about my dog eating my homework” on Suno will produce an audio file (see below) that combines instruments and vocals. The output can be downloaded as an MP3 file.
The underlying AI draws on unknown data sets to generate the music. Users have the option of prompting the AI for lyrics or writing their own lyrics, although some apps advise the AI works best when generating both.
But who, if anyone, owns the resulting sounds? For anyone using these apps, this is an important question to consider. And the answer is not straightforward.
What do the app terms say?
Suno has a free version and a paid service. For those who use the free version, Suno retains ownership of the generated music. However, users may use the sound recording for lawful, non-commercial purposes, as long as they provide attribution credit to Suno.
Paying Suno subscribers are permitted to own the sound recording, as long as they comply with the terms of service.
Udio doesn’t claim any ownership of the content its users generate, and advises users are free to do whatever they want with it, “as long as the content does not contain copyrighted material that [they] do not own or have explicit permission to use”.
How does Australian copyright law apply? Suno is based in the United States. However, its terms of service state that users are responsible for complying with the laws of their specific jurisdiction.
For Australian users, despite Suno granting ownership to paid subscribers, the application of Australian copyright law isn’t clear cut. Can an AI-generated sound recording be “owned” in the eyes of the law? For this to happen, copyright must be found and a human author must be established. Would a user be considered an “author” or would the sound recording be classified as authorless for the purposes of copyright?
Similarly to how this would apply to ChatGPT content, Australian case law dictates that each work must originate through a human author’s “creative spark” and “independent intellectual effort”.
This is where the issue becomes contentious. A court would likely scrutinise precisely how the sound recording was generated. If the user’s prompt demonstrated sufficient “creative spark” and “independent intellectual effort”, then authorship might be found.
If, however, the prompt was found to be too far removed from the AI’s reduction of the sound recording to a tangible form, then authorship could fail. If authorless, then there is no copyright and the sound recording cannot be owned by a user in Australia.
Does the training data infringe copyright? The answer is currently unclear. Around the world, there are many ongoing lawsuits evaluating whether other generative AI technology (such as ChatGPT) has infringed upon copyright through the data sets used for training.
The same question is pertinent to generative AI music apps. This is a difficult question to answer because of the secrecy surrounding the data sets used to train these apps. Greater transparency is needed – one day, licensing structures might be established.
Even if there has been a copyright infringement, an exception to copyright called fair dealing might be applicable in Australia. This allows the reproduction of copyright-protected material for particular uses, without permission from or payment to the owner. One such use is for research or study.
submitted by fintech07 to AIToolsTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:59 Small-Swim2486 Unveiling the Mystique of Gloss Meissen Blue Car Vinyl Wrap: A Discussion

Hey there, fellow Redditors!
Today, I want to dive into a topic that's been on my mind lately: Gloss Meissen Blue Vinyl Wrap. It's a color that seems to evoke a sense of intrigue and fascination, and I'm eager to hear your thoughts on it.
Let's start with the aesthetics. Meissen Blue is unlike any other shade of blue I've seen. It's got this captivating depth to it that draws you in, almost like you're peering into the depths of the ocean. But what really sets it apart is the way it shimmers in the light, adding a layer of sophistication and allure that's hard to ignore.
So, what do you think? Does Gloss Meissen Blue have what it takes to make a statement on the streets, or do you prefer something more understated? I'm personally a fan of colors that stand out without screaming for attention, and Meissen Blue seems to strike that perfect balance.
Now, let's talk about the practical side of things. I've heard that Gloss Meissen Blue Car Vinyl Wrap not only looks stunning but also offers some serious protection for your vehicle. From shielding against UV rays to preventing scratches and chips, it seems like the ultimate solution for keeping your ride looking fresh.
But here's where I'm curious: has anyone here actually tried it out? I'd love to hear about your experiences. Did the color live up to your expectations? Was the application process as smooth as they say it is? And perhaps most importantly, did it turn heads when you took it out for a spin?
Alright, folks, the floor is yours. Let's hear your thoughts on Gloss Meissen Blue Car Vinyl Wrap!
submitted by Small-Swim2486 to u/Small-Swim2486 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:55 PotentMojo All these obvious attempts to draw penalties, dives, weak shit and dirty hits and crosschecks to the head. Goaltenders throwing their sticks and shaking their masks off, all this non-hockey bullshit to try to get an advantage has made these playoffs exhausting to watch and has been in every series..

I have been a hockey fan since I was a small child, I used to worship these guys but the honor is gone. It has come to the team that gets away with the most... wins...such garbage.
submitted by PotentMojo to nhl [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:55 GoldWhale Ivan Demidov: The Debate for #2 that Never Should Have Been

Written by u/GoldWhale & u/JD397
Thanks everyone for your patience with us getting this written up. Much appreciation to my co-author u/JD397 for his work, scouting analysis, and comprehensive background knowledge on where Demidov sat compared to historical players, and the international analysis. Please note, this analysis won’t focus on why Demidov>Levshunov. In terms of BPA, Demidov is nearly unanimously over Levshunov based on consolidated rankings. With the Blackhawks publicly saying they want to go BPA, we hope to establish a case as to why Demidov truly stands above the rest, by a good margin. We hope that this was worth the wait, and we haven’t disappointed anyone who may have wanted more. We’re amateurs, give us a small break 😉
When Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly flipped the decisive card to reveal the number one overall pick, Blackhawks fans were disappointed. They were going to miss out on Macklin Celebrini, the consensus number one center and number one overall player in the draft. After winning Connor Bedard the prior year, many fans were hoping for a one two punch down the middle, their own version of McDavid and Draisaitl, Crosby and Malkin; this was not to be.
Despite the initial dismay, fans were still happy. The Blackhawks won the second lottery, and with that, the rights to select a franchise player at number two overall. Immediately, though, there was debate. Swirling on social media there were rumors that the Blackhawks were predominantly looking at two high end prospects: Ivan Demidov (RW/C) and Artyom Levshunov (D). On one hand Demidov is an elite prospect at wing with excellent hands, creativity, and legitimate top line wing with PPG+ upside. On the other, Levshunov is a dynamic offensive defenseman with a stellar shot, solid size, dynamic skating, and most importantly right-handedness.
The Blackhawks, realistically, need both positions. Last year the Blackhawks iced one of the worst offenses in the entire league, scoring the second least goals behind only San Jose. They also had the fourth worst defense, surrendering 290 goals on the season. Neither are acceptable in the push for a playoff spot in the coming years, but ultimately with number two, you can only choose one of the two players. After our hours of analysis, u/JD397 and I believe there is no debate – as good as Levshunov is, Demidov is closer in skill and projection to Celebrini than anyone else in the draft is to him.
So who is Ivan Demidov? He’s an 18 year old forward playing for SKA 1946, a MHL affiliate of SKA of the KHL. Since the 2023 draft the big story out of the KHL was the dominance of Matvei Michkov. This was a kid who destroyed the MHL by putting up 38 points in 22 games and going PPG+ in the playoffs his D-1 Year. Michkov then outperformed Connor Bedard by putting up 16 points in 7 games at the IIHF U18s in 2021. Michkov was, and still is, borderline generational but there was someone else waiting in his shadow. In his D-1 Year, Ivan Demidov put up 62 points in 41 games, and scored 1.3PPG in the MHL playoffs. While putting up a lower PPG pace than Michkov, Demidov’s game was substantially more well rounded and scouts started to take notice of another potential franchise winger in Ivan Demidov.
Demidov exploded in his D-0 Year, putting up a literal 2.0 PPG pace in the MHL the highest pace ever for a player 18 or under, and the third highest PPG in league history. In the playoffs, despite an injury, Demidov posted a ridiculous 28 points in 17 games. This production was unheard of beforehand and bested Kucherov’s 1.87 point pace at 18. Not only did Demidov have better production AND two way play, but he also did it nearly 7 months younger. Demidov remains a bright spot who is able to elevate his play to the competition. Before talking about playstyle, strengths, comps, projections, etc. it needs to be noted just how dominant Demidov was on the scoresheet.
Now that fans know who Ivan Demidov is, let’s address the elephant in the room. Demidov is Russian and with the political climate worldwide, being a Russian is associated with an inherent risk of a prospect not coming over. Rest assured – there is no such concern in this case. Last year, rumors swirled around Michkov not coming over due to three factors:
  1. Michkov did not meet with more than two teams and actively told specific teams he would not play for them.
  2. Michkov was incredibly difficult to get ahold of predraft and it made scouts and front offices skeptical on his character and desire to come to the NHL.
  3. Michkov had 3 more years left on his contract with SKA.
Demidov, on the other hand, is actively engaging with teams. He’s hosting a workout in Florida before the draft for multiple teams to attend, and is actively having his agent coordinate interviews and meetings with interested front offices. Demidov has publicly declared his intention to come over to the NHL as soon as possible, even venturing so far as to say he’s looking at options for getting out of his KHL contract to get to the NHL for the 24-25 season. Finally, Demidov only has 1 year left on his contract so there isn’t long term concern about losing the ability to develop him internally. An interesting note that we found during analysis was that Demidov’s agent, Dan Milstein, is “hated” in the KHL because of how consistently he pushes for his clients to leave Russia and transition them to the NHL. Even if Demidov is stuck in Russia all of next year, there’s almost zero risk he doesn’t come over.
On Demidov, the other large question that looms is his lack of play in the KHL, and SKA’s decision to play him in the MHL. Despite being the one of the best players in MHL history, Demidov only saw action in 4 KHL games and scored a total of 0 points which has also turned off many scoresheet watchers. Let us reassure you – Demidov was predominantly the 13th forward and played an average of 3-5 minutes per game with unfamiliar linemates. He did not have a chance to play enough to succeed, and built no chemistry with the teammates he was playing with in his limited time. SKA is notorious for handling their prospects poorly. Young players are consistently given limited ice time, especially when they’re expected to leave Russia. Michkov, despite his skill, couldn’t crack the SKA roster in his D-0 or D+1 simply because of this bias. All said, this is not a concern scouts have when it comes to the potential drafting of Demidov.
With the Russia question answered, we believe there is no doubt that Ivan Demidov is the pick to make in the 2024 draft. Ivan Demidov is really really good. He is the complete package for what you look for in a franchise winger. Demidov has excellent hands, dynamic edgework, elite hockey IQ, high end compete and energy, a relentless forecheck, creativity in the offense he provides, solid two way play, and finally rapid speed in terms of release and puck control. There is no one like him in this draft who offers such an elite skillset with no obvious flaws in his game outside of his build. He can also play center when needed which gives him additional offensive flexibility and adds even more dynamism to his game.
While analytics don’t tell the full story, they can often be a useful baseline to build from. The first item we want to call attention to is Byron Bader’s model, which projects Demidov as the best #2OA prospect since Eichel.. Let's again be clear, we don’t put much merit into this due to the low gradings of Carlsson and Laine, but it’s important to contextualize how Bader’s model works. It compares prospects to the league they’re in and projects them out. Demidov dominated the MHL to such a degree that the model favorably views him due to being almost untouched in play, and setting multiple records. Continuing with Hockey Prospecting and Bader, who is an active NHL draft consultant, they project Demidov to be an absolute STUD based on production. No forward who they’ve ever given 99%s to has ever been less than PPG+. Demidov has a very comparable offensive game to Celebrini, and is all but guaranteed to be a star due to his production and skillset. Alanen also projects Demidov to be elite in all 3 zones, and gives him a total RARE grade of 100, due to his next level offense and transition, and above average defensive work despite his assignments. Again, analytics aren’t an end all be all by any means. They’re just an exceptional base to build from when scouts, data scientists and NHL draft consultants unanimously believe a player to be elite. From our research, no prospects with comparable profiles have busted or not succeeded in the NHL.
Whilst reading multiple articles, watching videos on Demidov, and going through tape, we compiled the following scouting report.
Physical Attributes:
Demidov is not very physically imposing, or even one of the most physical players in the draft. He’s expected to show up to the combine around 6ft tall and weighing 170lbs. Admittedly one knock that some scouts have for him is his build and need to bulk up. Thankfully, this is easy to build at the professional level. Nonetheless, Demidov has sturdy base that enables him to dominate around the boards and in front of the net due to his rapid twitch movements and lower body power. Demidov is able to outskate and outwork larger and stronger players by being smart with his legs and driving to the inside consistently when in transition. His remarkable agility and lower-body strength allow him to outmaneuver opponents and maintain possession in tight spaces, or separate for quick attacks or desperation back checking.
Demidov's skating is characterized by irregularities; while he exhibits great power on his edges, his transitions suffer due to a wide stance, leading to questionable but explosive pivot work. Despite this, his rapid acceleration and agility enable him to navigate through traffic seamlessly, while his powerful stride generates significant momentum, making him a constant threat in transition. Let’s clear up a misconception; Demidov is not a bad skater. He’s got decent speed, a good handle on body control, power on the inside of his edges and with quick crossovers, etc. His posture and stance need work, but this is something that looks completely fixable at the NHL level. It doesn’t require a rebuild of his skating style, rather a retool that can utilize his edgework as a base. Instead of hunching over at the end of a shift and losing speed and energy, Demidov can rely on quicker small movement cuts on for rapid movement and longer, albeit slower strides while holding himself higher to preserve energy while covering distance. While the 10 and 2 skating that Demidov employs isn’t conventional, it allows him to see a good deal of the ice, and when in close provide breaking speed towards the play. Fixing the reliance on 10 and 2 also offers faster top level skating and easier quick pivoting in a 200ft game, rather than a longer turn. Again, his skating is unorthodox – but it isn’t bad. It’s not mechanically sound, but it can be polished to a high level without a large amount of concern. Because of how unpredictable his skating is now, scouts across the board acknowledge that it potentially even grants an advantage as his body is harder to read.
Scoring Ability:
A natural sniper, Demidov possesses a lethal shot with pinpoint accuracy and a lightning-quick release that catches goaltenders off guard. Whether he's unleashing a blistering wrist shot from the slot or wiring a one-timer on the power play, Demidov consistently finds the back of the net with precision and finesse. One really underrated part of Demidov’s scoring ability comes from the aforementioned elite edgework. Due to how rapidly he can change directions while holding full control over the puck, he can create scoring lanes with almost zero room, and his accuracy is again one of the best we’ve evaluated as amateur scouts in the last few drafts. When there isn’t an immediate opening or shot, Demidov is patient, draws coverage where he wants, and again has no qualms about firing the puck to the net. If there’s one question about his ability to score, it’s his slapshot. He hasn’t had to use it in almost any occasion due to how the offense is structured on SKA 1946, and therefore it’s not as developed as his snap or wrister. This is a relatively minor knock, though. Demidov can take slapshots and find twine without much difficulty, it’s just the least refined part of his goalscoring ability.
Playmaking and Elite Hands:
Demidov has the best hands that we have scouted. Better than McDavid, better than Fantilli, better than Hughes, better than Bedard, better than Michkov, and yes, better than Patrick Kane as a prospect. Yep, that good. Hadi Kalakeche, one of Dobber’s lead scouts says, “…he has THE best handling skill I’ve seen… he’s the closest thing we’ve seen to Pavel Datsyuk since Pavel Datsyuk.” The rapidity of his movement, the purposeful puck placement, the astounding protection rate, and his ability to pull defenders off of him without moving his body is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Again, he has the most individual puck skill and innate offensive talent in the draft. These skills with his hands allow him to become an absolutely next level playmaker. Demidov is crafty, and has a history of faking shots to make a pass, or vice versa to help his team. He’s able to create lanes and take advantage of his puck control by having absolutely next level zone entry to set up the offense on a consistent basis. While his decision making needs some work when it comes to choosing the best move, he almost always makes the right one, and is able to think through solutions when there’s no apparent move forward. Whether it’s a drop pass, running the puck up the boards, a regroup, finding a teammate with a perfectly slotted pass, Demidov has no real ceiling. The only question remains is whether these skills will work as well at the next level. All said though, there’s no real debate between scouts that he’ll be a franchise winger.
Creativity and IQ:
Demidov is electrifying, brilliant, dynamic, innovative, transcendent, and any other adjective you want to use. There is no prospect in this draft with Demidov’s offensive upside, including Macklin Celebrini. As mentioned above, Demidov has been compared to Datsyuk: he is stellar at opening up lanes with his body or finding passes, even if they’re banked off the boards. While Bedard is a guy who was expected to shoot first, Demidov is a passer. This works in his favor, though. Demidov certainly doesn’t lack a scoring touch. His positioning and body will tell goalies and defenders he’s planning to pass and he’s able to quickly change direction using his edges to put a shot on net. His ability to think several steps ahead of the play allows him to execute highlight-reel passes and capitalize on scoring opportunities that others on his team might miss, or simply not have the skill to execute. He’s unpredictable because his vision is at such a high level. He’s got a game reminiscent of Jack Hughes and Patrick Kane, and the way he views the game has scouts absolutely over the moon about his pro projection. There really is nothing that Demidov doesn’t have the ability to do – this year in the MHL he took advantage of the strength of competition and tested it out. Demidov tried different reads, different styles, working more heavily down the middle, shooting, playdriving, etc. We’re blown away by the flexibility that he shows across every facet of the game. A really fun quote to mention from Lassi Alanen, EP’s director of Euro scouting is, “I still have like 100+ unused clips of Demidov's play from this season. He must be the most clippable prospect I've ever watched. Something eye-catching happening almost every shift during his second half of the season.” Demidov’s highlight reel isn’t really a “reel” – that’s just how he plays the game on most shifts that he takes.
Physicality and Defensive Awareness:
Demidov's physicality extends well beyond his height, as he isn't afraid to throw his weight (all 170lbs) around and engage in board battles to win possession. His defensive awareness is equally impressive, as he uses his size and reach to disrupt passing lanes and apply pressure on opposing forwards both in the defensive zone and in the neutral zone, showcasing a commitment to playing a complete, two-way game. As briefly mentioned, Demidov doesn’t exclusively play wing – he plays center too. While he’s not going to be Patrice Bergeron he is capable of handling both ends of the ice, and has consistently improved his defensive play throughout the year.
Work Ethic and Engagement:
While almost all prospects “work hard” to play their best on the ice, Demidov does that little bit more. Despite being a winger, he’s consistently one of the first players up and down the ice. He rarely coasts and drifts around but is engaged rather consistently all around the ice. One thing that’s often hard to teach prospects is how to be aggressive and assertive without being risky. Demidov never worries about challenging his opponents, fighting hard board battles, or giving his all to get back into a play after he’s low after driving to the net. This is something that the Blackhawks LOVE in their players, and should hopefully encourage GMKD to pull the trigger, if everything else didn’t sell him. As we see Demidov continue to improve in skating with NHL coaches, this should only give him more energy to expend in the 200ft game, and improve his engagement across plays. He’s an absolute workhorse, and consistently pushes to improve which evidenced by the massive improvement across this season in the MHL. There’s no reason to think this same drive can’t come through on the NHL level.
Areas to Improve and Questions:
With all the hype around Demidov, it’s hard to initially understand why he’s considered a lower end prospect than Celebrini. Digging in, though, it becomes more clear. While Demidov has the higher ceiling, he also has a much lower floor. The number one factor that limits Demidov is his exposure to higher end competition. The MHL is a good league, but Demidov was ready for the KHL last year. Since he wasn’t exposed to higher end competition there is still question on how much of his skillset will translate when playing higher level men’s hockey. There isn’t an expectation of a problem, but when a player lacks that experience, it undoubtedly makes them more challenging to project. Remember, Demidov didn’t really play meaningful KHL minutes when he got 4 games this year. He got 13th forward exposure and didn’t play with the same linemates that he worked with in the pre-season. Nonetheless, he wasn’t perfect. He did see some questionable decisions while trying to adapt to higher competition. There’s little concern that this is an actual issue, but Demidov needs to grow and play against men, even for a few games, before coming to the NHL. Thankfully, he should have the entire season in 2024-2025, and I haven’t read a single scouting report that expects him to have an issue putting up Michkov+ numbers.
The second factor is skating. Demidov is a good skater, but he’s unorthodox at best. While this skating relies heavily on his edgework which gives him amazing playmaking ability, his pivoting, high end speed, position and stride could all use refinement and improvement. While these are all skating mechanics that are easier to fix, skating is NOT a guarantee. If he’s unable to improve his skating with NHL skating coaches, it could limit his upside. He is still expected to be a top line winger, but it could be the difference between 70+ and 100+ points if skating doesn’t develop. Remember, some scouts view his skating as a “hidden” upside in his game, but improving skating not only gives him more offensive flexibility, but also defensively. There’s room for improvement, and it could be an easier lever to correct to see high rewards from.
The third factor is decision making. Demidov is creative to a fault, but just like in art, not every project works out. With such an advanced toolkit, Demidov needs to work with video coaches to better understand which moveset is appropriate in which scenario and when to deploy it. There’s a difference between decision making and IQ. Decision making is hard to fix when a prospect is set in their ways based on playstyle, but if playstyle is more flexible, then there’s much less of a concern. IQ, on the other hand is uncoachable, and Demidov has arguably the best offensive IQ in the draft. There’s no reason to believe that he can’t fix this, but due to being stuck abroad, and potentially even the MHL again next year, it could take him a bit longer to get up to NHL speed.
The final factor is defense. While it seems that every single forward prospect has a knock on their defense, we can qualify Demidov’s specifics a bit more easily. Demidov is a competent defender, and a very good well rounded player, but again decision making plays a factor in the challenge of projecting him here. While players like Celebrini are dominant both ways, Demidov often doesn’t make the right choice when defending – he has a lot of offensive instincts which have him sit higher on the blue, and while he is always engaged on the puck, he needs to be more responsible in coverage rotations. Off the rush, Demidov doesn’t always read the play correctly, and the inconsistency can create shooting lanes for his opponent. Just like Michkov, he can also cheat on plays where he finds himself a bit further away from a play and loses sight of his defensive assignment. He’s extremely energetic and consistently pushes to get back, but working with him on understanding when to cheat will be important for his development as well. We again want to reemphasize that Demidov plays solid defense and a good two way game, especially for a wingecenter. But there’s room for improvement in terms of bridging the gap between him and other recent prospects like Celebrini, Carlsson, and Johnston.
Pro Projection:
While he doesn’t have the skating that Jack Hughes had, he’s still a great projection and comparable. A smaller but nimble player who isn’t afraid to get involved on the rush, around the boards, or in transition. Demidov’s offensive upside is similar as well – like Hughes, the defense isn’t the best, but he’s able to run an entire offense both on the wing and playing center. He’s creative to a fault, has a great set of hands, and the toolkit to be a consistent top 5 player at his position in the NHL. Pro projections are always hard because you can never guarantee how a player will turn out, whether they’re undrafted or a #1OA, but Demidov is truly all but a sure thing. His creativity rivals players like Nikita Kucherov and Mitch Marner in their ability to think ahead of where the play is, his handling rivals Kane and Datysuk, his defensive play is above average for a winger, he has a great shot comparable to players like Matt Tkachuk, and is a bitch to get off the puck. Even when Demidov is literally on the ground, he’s consistently able to hold possession and find a play with no room left. With a toolkit like his, decent size at an estimated 6ft, there should be no reservations that Demidov should succeed at the next level. Most scouts see his floor around 65-70 points, and his ceiling closer to 120. I stand by the Jack Hughes comp I made earlier. While they differ in skating, they play very similar games, and should expect similar success at the next level.
“He’s got the best hands in the draft… and has made more one-on-one skill plays so far this season than almost any prospect I’ve scouted for any draft. He’s also a pretty engaged off-puck player who keeps his feet moving, hunts pucks on the forecheck, and can turn a steal into a game-breaking play in an instant.”
Scott Wheeler, The Athletic
“Demidov is already a game-breaking forward who can move the puck effortlessly and there’s no question he’d be a fantastic partner to some of the best prospects in the NHL today. His production in the MHL is comparable to Patrick Kane’s 2006-07 season with the Ontario Hockey League’s London Knights… Demidov is a bonafide first-line winger who will score tons of goals.”
Dayton Reimer, The Hockey Writers
“In a vacuum he’s the most talented forward this draft class has to offer outside of Celebrini. Demidov possesses many of the same traits Celebrini does, only his track record is against younger, more unproven talent."
Sam Cosentino, Sportsnet
“The talent of Demidov is impossible to deny. His raw skills might be the best in terms of offense in the entire draft. His puckhandling, shot, passing, and even skating makes him a unique hockey player and prospect. There are many great offensive players, but not many quite like Demidov. Especially who will also have a great drive and motor to play a strong 200 foot game… he could easily be a point per game player in the NHL on most teams first line.”
Frederik Frandsen, Last Word on Sports
“At the end of the day, what you get in a player like Ivan Demidov is a generational offensive dynamo with the mind of a master chess player. Each time he gains possession of the biscuit, his ability to think many steps ahead of the opponent, find creative solutions involving his puck handling abilities, as well as creating tremendous execution at creating space with his skating or precisely hitting the net is considered to be up to par at the NHL level.”
Tyler Ballesteros-Willard, Draft Prospects Hockey
“Any forward that has ever had the type of equivalency we’ve seen from Demidov in his pre-draft year and draft year, going back to the ’80s, has turned into a point-per-game-plus superstar over their careers… You need stars to compete and contend in the NHL, and Demidov is almost guaranteed to be that.”
Byron Bader, Hockey Prospecting
“Demidov is the most dynamic, verstatile, and creative [puck] handler we’ve seen come through the draft in recent years. Elements of his on-puck decision-making remain raw, but his upside as a 100-point top-line winger is supported by decent off-puck and defensive engagement and lightning-quick processing of the game. His elite-level of on-puck intelligence and his trifecta of dynamic handling, playmaking, and goalscoring tools give him the foundation to become an electrifying creative force and offensive driver.”
Sebastian High, Dobber
“Demidov breaks defences. He spots a tiny gap in coverage, bursts right through, and blows it open. He plays mostly a finesse game, but does so hyper-aggressively, attacking everything he can. Demidov succeeds at pulling off plays that most prospects can't. He plans, processes, and anticipates faster than he can stickhandle. He's a pure creator with the puck, making plays out of nothing.”
David St. Louis, Elite Prospects
“Demidov is the more dynamic and flashy prospect [Than Michkov].Demidov is the single-most gifted handler in the entire 2024 class. He projects to be the superior one-on-one attacker…someone who can single-handedly create out of thin air. When it comes to passing ability…Demidov’s ability to chain together handling sequences into following passing plays is second to none.”
Lassi Alanen, Elite Prospects
“It’s a no brainer[at #2OA]. It’s Ivan Demidov all day, every day, 24/7. You run to the stage and pick him… if you ask me, Ivan Demidov is better than Matvei Michkov… He’s the only prospect in our rankings who we gave a 10 grade to for a specific ability. It’s not just the handling skill in isolation it’s the creativity. He comes up with solutions no one can expect.. his motor is underrated, puts in work defensively… it’s a no brainer there.”
Hadi Kalakeche, Locked on NHL/Dobber
Our Scouting:
Clip 1:
As we talked about prior, Demidov has a great IQ and the ability to create lanes and plays out of nothing. Demidov pushes up the ice and enters the zone with pressure closing onto the side. He uses his hands to pull in control, but more impressively, puts his body between the defender and the puck. He uses his edgework and breaking speed to push past the defender, then is patient enough to draw 3 defenders towards him, away from his teammate. When he sees the trailing defenseman waiting, he immediately finds a tight pass for a wide open teammate to capitalize.
Clip 2:
There’s a difference between a safe move, and then there’s an insane move. Watch as Demidov comes up on the left side. He sees that the defender is getting desperate and goes for a large poke. Demidov slides the puck under the Dman’s stick and once again shows off his patience. Instead of going for a quick shot he reads that the other defender is slowly coming across the crease to prevent a passing lane. Instead of just shooting like most players, Demidov baits the goalie into thinking he’s going to run into the defenseman, and in that second, puts the puck in the net.
Clip 3:
Small play, but this is just about how slick his passing is. He slides the puck through a very tight lane while baiting the defenseman into sliding due to not knowing where the play is going to be.
Clip 4:
While we can put on nonstop highlights, it’s also important to see how smart Demidov’s game is. Demidov and the other SKA players move the puck around a bit trying to find an opening until they give it to Demidov. Demidov reads an open play and passes the puck down, but instead of immediately following the puck or staying at his spot, Demidov uses his high engagement to instead move to the other side of the net down low to offer accessory support for his teammates on his anticipated cross crease pass, should there have been a rebound.
Clip 5:
Not every highlight is going to be a goal. One really underrated part of Demidov’s game is how well he’s able to read the offense. As he holds high initially, he’s able to help move the puck out in order to reset the offense when the play fails. His motor keeps him in the play and with his excellent edges, he’s able to make a quick pivot after rushing around in order to step up and create an open shooting lane. While his teammate can’t make the pass to get the puck to him, Demidov read where the play WOULD be, not just where it was. Those IQ aspects really can’t be taught, and are part of what makes him so special. By anticipating the open play rather than following the puck, he establishes himself as a play driver by creating options rather just following and executing structure at a high level.
Clip 6:
We're not even going to analyze this one. It’s just fucking fun. Talent oozes.
Clip 7:
This video has a ton of highlights, which I’d definitely recommend watching, but we’re going to focus specifically on the play at 0:45. We can post clips of Demidov scoring goals, finding breakaways, etc. all day long, but when thinking about translation to the NHL, IQ and decision making is what we’re really drying to drill down on. Demidov arrives in the zone through to middle and pushes the initial F1 to the F3 spot and changes the rotation. The puck is dumped to him and the initial F1 leaves a drop pass for Demidov approaching the goal. As soon as Demidov gets the puck, at 0:47, you can see him primed and in a good shooting position. The bigger defender misread the play and has drifted too far towards the center of the ice, leaving Demidov with a nearly unobstructed shooting lane as the netfront defenseman is also too far toward the middle. Instead of taking the shot, he instead waits to draw over the netfront defenseman, and the bigger defenseman closer towards him, leaving his teammate literally untouched across the crease. Demidov trusts his hands and ability with an extremely quick and accurate pass through the stick range of three defenders to find his teammate wide open. His decision making has been progressively improving and his ability to look off the shot to find an elite pass will translate extremely well to the next level.
Clip 8:
Another play where you can just be excited about Demidov. The puck is wrapped up around the boards and the defenseman sitting at the top of the blue just pushes the puck back into the zone without a clear target, or a player who has an explicit opening to the puck. If anything, the puck is put in the middle of all 5 Karpat skaters. Despite starting on the outside, Demidov’s engagement shines through where he uses his edgework to get a rapid explosive burst of speed, and pushes through both defenders in front of him to gain possession. Once he gains possession, his ability to control the puck, and his handles help to demonstrate just how strong of a prospect Demidov is. Even when the defender is falling onto him, Demidov is patient, makes the netfront defender bite to believe he’s going wide, creating a lane (effectively bypassing 3 separate Karpat players) to get to the goalie unobstructed. Then, his hands come out and he absolutely undresses the netminder with moves that the video literally cannot fully capture. He makes highlights like this look routine, every single game.
Clip 9:
Sometimes when you see a play it’s hard to say anything but wow. Demidov leads the rush through the neutral zone and reads the coverage a much less conventional 1-4 scheme. The offensive rush is a bit unconventional as well, but can offer a smart solution. By having 3 attackers, two concentrated up the middle and one wide, it allows for quick movement up the middle, and post defensive collapse onto the puck, a pass to the outside for a clear entry lane and shot. Demidov passes to his teammate directly across the center of the ice as he expects that teammate to immediately get puck to their teammate on the outside as coverage collapses. Demidov gauges where the openings are pre pass, as evidenced by the head movement. Unfortunately, instead of immediately passing again to the outside for an open lane, his teammate runs into pressure, and panics. He passes back to Demidov who is less than 8ft away and will inevitably will run into immediate pressure as well. Somehow, this is no problem for Demidov. He collects the puck with the literal tip of his stick, uses his body push the defender off, and then pulls the puck in while facing the wrong direction to slip past the defender. Despite being placed in a no win situation his hands and creativity shine through and he creates a clean lane to shoot the puck at the net. It’s almost inhuman what he’s able to do with his hands. When he gets to the net, he’s patient, baits the goalie, pulls wide, and then puts in a clean backhand. Some of these highlights are literally awe-inspiring.
Closing Thoughts:
If this scouting report doesn’t get you excited for Demidov, we don’t think anything will. He’s truly the most electric player in the draft with absolutely ridiculous hands, compete, dynamic play, and highlight reel performance. His IQ is next level, and his hands allow him to do truly amazing things with his skillset and competency. Demidov’s vision is absurd; he consistently makes passes to his teammates without looking, or sends a pass before a teammate has a clean break by using anticipation. These RARELY lead to a turnovers and are often not only creative but unorthodox methods to continue to move the puck up ice. Although his skating is unorthodox, he’s explosive, able to create comprehensive offensive maneuvers due to quick transitions, and make off angle passes with ease due to his edgework. He is elite in transition and able to run a breakout, an offense, and play any of the F1/F2/F3 roles when the situation calls for it. Despite his expected size of “only” 6ft 170lbs, Demidov knows how to use his body and hands. He not only protects the puck on offense but can draw defenders away from his teammates in predictable patterns, once again opening up space for him to capitalize. The same goes for defense where he's able to use his positioning to get the edge on his opponents for a rapid takeaway or a box out off the rush.
As we mentioned earlier, Demidov’s game isn’t limited only to offense, he has a decent understanding of the two way game as well. He’s a relentless forechecker, aggressive on the boards, and also always willing to use his high running motor to jump back into a play that leaves the zone, even if he’s right next to the net. Demidov has the most skill and raw talent out of any player in this draft, including Celebrini. Had Demidov not been demoted to the MHL due to SKA’s poor management, there is almost no doubt that he would be considered nearly neck and neck with Celebrini. As it is now, Demidov is ranked #2 on most boards, and the overall #2 in the consolidated ranking. Demidovs don’t come around often; people last year were genuinely considering whether Michkov was at Bedard’s level. Demidov rivals Michkov if not exceeds him.
You can nitpick the analysis we have of any one single aspect of Demidov. Not everyone buys analytics. Not everyone buys playmaking in a lower league. Not everyone likes irregular skating. Not everyone is on board with the MHL stat sheet, our hype etc. etc. We get it. Really, we do. But at the end of the day, when you step back and appreciate the full body of work, the comps, the analytics, the rave scouting reports, unanimous love, models, stat sheets, skill, work ethic, and more that ALL say that this kid is elite, there’s fire beyond the smoke. Demidov is THE guy. There should not be a debate at #2.
For those of you who made it to the end, thanks for reading! Ultimately we know there will be inevitable debate about a prospect, but we appreciate you hearing us out, and at least letting me, u/GoldWhale, spam the sub over the last few weeks in love of Demidov. Whether or not you agree with our analysis, we encourage you to do your own scouting, read from the authors we've included, watch through all the highlights in the linked videos, and draw your own conclusions!
We appreciate everyone in this community, and will try to answer any questions that you may have in the comments. If you so choose, please feel free to crosspost to other subs, edit, or utilize this writeup anywhere you like (forums/blogs/youtube etc.), just link back to our original post! For those in professional media who have contacted us with the hope of utilizing our writeup, feel free, again just link back to the original post as well. Thanks again!
submitted by GoldWhale to hawks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:40 firefighter_raven Last Charge of the Roanoke

The Terran Union Heavy Cruiser, Roanoke, had spent the last 6 months raiding Naalx supply lines in the Flores sector.
They were finally returning to Terran Space for some much-needed refit and some R&R. But first, they were stopping at the Bateri space station orbiting Emsar IV.
She would be meeting a Terran Union squadron to escort her prizes back to the Couster system. 4 freighters, a massive ore hauler, and a damaged Naalx corvette that answered a distress call sooner than expected.
The Roanoke was one of the new Grenville class heavy cruisers, faster and more heavily armed than the other heavy cruiser classes operating as part of a Terran Union fleet.
They were designed as solo raiders able to operate deep in enemy space, raiding enemy supply lines and facilities.
Their design included several newly developed systems, including a new style of radiator for dumping excess heat.
At 500 m long and painted black as night, she was very intimidating to see on visual screens and even more so at close range. Her CrCoNi (chromium, cobalt, and nickel) hull was covered in 12” of ablative armor covered in a black laser-resistant material able to reduce the effectiveness of enemy sensors and target locks.
The experimental Baxter radiators efficiently released excess heat into space but still left them exposed to radiation detection sensors.
Captain Josef Král had been hand-picked to command the Roanoke when she came into service 18 months ago. He was a popular officer with 20 years of combat experience on just about every ship in the Terran Union’s navy.

He’d also provided technical assistance during its design phase so his familiarity with the ship made him the best choice for putting the ship through her paces. This would be the very first voyage behind enemy lines as a raider.
And it’d been a rousing success, hitting targets deep in Naalx space as reprisal for Naalxian raids on Terran border colonies. The First Naalx-Terran war had devastated both species and left them vulnerable to outside forces. The war wasn’t won so much as winding down to a series of raids and counter-raiding. A gentleman’s agreement to prevent raids and border skirmishes from turning into another full-scale war and the earlier consequences.
And Captain Král was very good at approaching that line in the sand without going over it. Several centuries earlier he’d have been a Privateer sailing the oceans on Earth.
This even led to the revival of the old pirate movies of the 20th century but Captain Král preferred likening it to the submarine warfare of the first half of the 20th century. That didn’t stop his crew from giving him a robot parrot.
He claims to hate it but everyone knows he’s been teaching it his extensive vocabulary of curse words, in dozens of languages, that he loved it.
And if you call him out on him walking around with it on his shoulder, he’ll claim he was just humoring the crew.
Captain Král was relieved to see the Terran squadron had arrived before him and ordered his little fleet to dock. It would be good to be able to get off the ship and move around without weapons.
As Captain Král exited the ship, he was surprised to see Commodore Allen waiting for him. It’d been several years since he last saw his friend and previous XO. Taking his prerogative as a Captain, he skipped the formalities, shook hands, and gave Commodore Allen a friendly slap on the back.
“Mike? What the hell are you doing here? This is escort job is for a Lt. to do” He asked
“I was in the neighborhood and volunteered. I wanted to see this new ship of yours and it’s been too long since we got a drink together.” Mike replied
Captain Král took a glance back to his ship and wasn’t surprised to see his current XO, Lt. Commander Nana Ricci had the resupply well in hand.
With a big grin, Captain Král said, “Let me see to my guests and we can see if we can scandalize the ratings like we used to.”
Captain Král approached the waiting station manager. The Bateri bowed in the formal greeting of her people. Not having the tentacles needed to return the bow, he just saluted her.
“Greetings Captain Král of the Terrans, how may we be of service?” The Bateri asked.
“Greetings Ananu of the Bateri. We request the use of your services,” he replied, finishing the ritual greeting.
“I see you returned successful in your raiding,” Ananu said, “How many bunks will you need?”
Unsurprised that the Bateri knew his mission, he replied “ 72 bunks with 3 more for your med bay, if you have the room.”
One of the most important functions provided by the Bateri was allowing for the return of captives taken in raids. This helped to keep things calmer by freely releasing captives to limit the amount of bad blood created during the raids and conflicts.
Crates of supplies, ammo, missiles, and the various other things needed to keep the ship functioning were being transferred from the smaller Terran ships. With her weapon complement being only slightly smaller than a battleship, she could go through a lot of ammunition. Even without being in serious combat, he liked to run frequent gunnery drills. Some Captains would just let their tactical computers handle operating the weapon systems and just have the gunnery crews handle reloads. But some hard lessons taught him that having the gunnery crews able to take direct control, as needed, was essential. He preferred to use up as much ammunition as needed during training to save lives later in combat.
Seeing everything in hand, he walked back to join his friend for a drink. They caught up on the doings of old friends and Mike’s family, toasts to fallen comrades, and eventually to the Roanoke.
‘How did she operate on her first long-range mission?” Mike asked
Taking a moment to organize his thoughts, Captain Král took a sip of his drink. “She handled better than expected. The new engine behaved itself, surprising for being just off the drawing board, the Baxters were damn efficient.”
Taking another sip before continuing, “ We didn’t use the torpedoes or the turreted railguns in combat but the rest performed as expected. That Corvette didn’t stand a chance so we didn’t get a full test of all the combat systems.”
“Going by the number of munitions I brought with me, you’d think I was resupplying a battleship” Mike joked
“Just about,” Captain Král chuckled. “During the design phase, I had to argue for such an increase of armament.” “It seemed to take forever for them to get it through their thick skulls that we’d be out there all alone and couldn’t call for reinforcements.” “So I convinced them to put the 2 particle beam systems in the bow of the ship and give me the 4 torpedo tubes. They had no problem with the pair at the bow but they couldn’t figure out why I wanted a pair aft. I swear I thought about launching them out of a tube.”

“At least they were starting to get it when I up-gunned the turrets to carry two large railguns. They did get upset at wanting to put on a turret in the middle of the ventral side but were relieved I left the other turret on the dorsal side ahead of the command structures”
Commodore Allen asked,” From the glimpse I got as you docked, it looked like you doubled the usual weapon systems?”
“She still has them 10 secondary batteries but I went with dual medium railguns for them” Captain Král replied, “ I put 4 of the quad-mounted autocannons on each side of the ship.”
“ It should let us save wear and tear on the railguns when we catch unarmed ships or against incoming fighters.”
“ I understand and it also saves on missiles, which with 4 heavy and 8 medium is a lot of missiles to carry.” Commodore Allen replied.
“I’ve also heard you were running tests on a more powerful deflector array to do more than just protect against radiation and small debris. Like maybe actual shields that would work on anything smaller than a battleship?”
“Yeah but not with any success,” Captain Král answered, “Anytime we tried to go past the standard low-power output, it played hell with our sensors.”
It was at that moment when Captain Král’s wrist communicator beeped for his attention.
“Just a second Mike,” he said as he keyed the communicator. “ Král, go ahead”
The sound of Lt. Commander Ricci’s voice came through the speaker, “ Priority message from the bridge Captain.”
“ What is the message?” Captain Král asked, not liking the way Ricci’s voice sounded worried
“ Sensor buoy reports large Naalx fleet dropping out of FTL, 2 million km out,” Ricci reported
Commodore Allen gave Captain Král the same concerned look that he was sure was on his face. “How many?” The captain asked
Ricci hesitated for a moment before answering “37 ships with more arriving every couple of minutes.”
Commodore Allen swore
Captain Král looked at his friend, “How long until you get your crews and get out of here?”
Commodore Allen thought for a moment, “ Maybe 20 minutes at the minimum.”
Captain Král muttered to himself, “They’ll be here before that.”
Both men got up, signaled to any of their personnel in the bar, and started out the door. “I’ll buy you the time but I’ll need to undock as soon as I get aboard my ship, maybe I can catch them off-guard. “ Captain Král
Commodore Allen replied, “That’s a suicide mission, there are too many for one ship to handle”
“Yeah, I know, old friend but if I don’t then we all die.” Captain Král explained, “ Do me a favor, I’m going to send you my non-essential personnel, take them and those still on the station with you. Get them home.”
Reaching the hatch to the docking bay, both men stopped to shake hands. “Of course, Josef.” Commodore Allen replied, “But if anyone can find a way out of it, it’s you, my friend.”
After a final salute, both men parted ways to reach their ship. As Captain Král jogged down the docking bay, he sent orders for Ricci to send all non-essential personnel to Commodore Allen and asked if they had sufficient hands to man all combat stations.
Ricci’s reply reassured him, “ Aye Sir, most of the crew on the station are from the 2nd watch, and the few people from the first watch are non-essential.”
“Be ready to launch as soon as I get aboard.” He ordered.
He passed several members of his crew, en route to join Commodore Allen. He stopped to return their salute. At the disappointed look in their eyes, he told them. “I know you don’t want to leave the ship but the Commodore needs some real sailors to get out on time. You know how those logistic guys are. They’ll get lost trying to find their own bridge”
That look reassured them and after a final salute, they headed down the dock to join Commodore Allen
Captain Král reached the cargo ramp and started up it, calling Ricci and telling her to shove off and he’d be on the bridge shortly.
He sprinted down the corridor, leaping over the lower lips of the vacuum-tight doors.
“Captain on the Bridge!” rang out from one of the bridge techs. Aside from the guards and his XO, the rest of the bridge crew kept working. Nodding his approval at their knowing when to discard ceremony for action. He walked over toward his console before speaking.
“What do we have, Lt. Commander?”
Turning to face him, Captain Král could see just how worried she was. “Current count is 48 ships.” Touching the console’s keys to bring up a list of ships before continuing, “ 18 capital ships and a mix of sub-caps, still trying to ID them.”
“They’re just maintaining position for now.” Ricci finished, her voice slightly puzzled.
“They’re waiting for something or someone,” Captain Král answered the unasked question.
“How many crew did we leave behind?”
“641, Sir” the XO replied
“ Helm, are we clear of the station's shielding?”
“Almost Sir,” The helmsman answered.
“Thank you.” Captain Král returned.
Turning to another tech, he said, “Sound Battlestations”

“Sir,” one of his sensor techs spoke up, “We have 2 more ships arriving.”
“ Thank you, Ensign.” Captain Král returned
“What class are they?” Lt Commander Ricci asked
After looking at her monitor again the tech replied, “1 heavy cruiser and something much bigger, waiting for the computer to ID it.”
Captain Král moved to look over the tech’s shoulder before standing up and facing his XO.
“Fleet Command Ship” he informed the tech and his XO.
Lt. Commander Ricci replied, “What the hell is one doing out here?”
“Good Question.” he answered, “And now that the players are on the field, the game can begin.”
Bringing up the sensor information to his console, Captain Král pointed at the enemy fleet. “They haven’t begun to deploy into battle formation yet.”
“That could be our chance.” Raising his head to look at his XO. “If we jump now we can land close and surprise them. After we land, we drive into the center of their formation and head for that big bastard.” He explained
“But Sir, We haven’t fully tested the jump drive!” the XO exclaimed
“No time like the present, “ Captain Král joked

“We’ll let the railguns and autocannon crews pick targets of opportunity, while we engage the command ship with our particle cannons, heavy railguns, and torpedoes,” he stated
“What about its point defense system, won’t it pick off the torps?” the XO asked
“We’re going to launch all the Hammerheads at it. It should overwhelm the system and let the torps through.” He answered before continuing, “I’m going to save the heavy missiles for now.”
“You’ll need to calculate the launch time of the Hammerheads to hit the point defense system as close to the time for the torpedoes to sneak through.” he ordered, “ But not so far they take out the Hammerheads too soon and let them hit the torps but not so close they set them off either.”
Looking at his XO, “You better get down to tactical Nana, this is going to get ugly, and it’s best we split up.” Captain Král commanded
Exchanging salutes, Ricci simply replied “Aye Sir.” and started for the hatch. Just before stepping through, she turned and said, “Good Luck, Sir.
“What’s the status of the Commodore’s squad?” Captain Král asked
One of his communication techs spoke up, “ They need 10 more minutes”
“Let me know the minute they are clear.” Captain Král ordered
Captain Král turned to comms tech and ordered, “Intraship comms if you please ensign”
“Aye sir” the tech replied before turning to his console and speaking into the mic,” Now hear this, Now hear this. Message from the Captain.”
“ Well folks, this isn’t the fight I wanted but this is the fight we got” Captain Král started
“ I’m sure you’ve heard scuttlebutt about the situation but here it is. We are facing a superior force numbering 49 ships. And we need to give the Commodore’s squadron time to go to FTL and get the hell out of here.” he paused before continuing, “ The plan is to mix it up with the enemy at close range. They aren’t in battle formation yet so we can hurt them.”
“Good luck and let’s make them regret fucking with the Roanoke.”
The sounds of cheers came back over the speakers.
“Helm, are we clear of the station shielding?” the Captain asked
At the affirmative given by the helmsmen, he just nodded
Touching a button on his console, he asked, “Are you in place XO?”
“Aye Sir.” the Lt. Commander replied
“ As soon as we land, be ready to open up with the dual and quad mounts.” He ordered
The XO replied with an affirmative.
“Helm, at my command, jump between 25-50 km to the starboard of the fleet.”
“As soon as we land, hard to port and get us in the middle of them. Be ready for rapid maneuvers, maybe we can throw off their laser battery tracking systems. Might let us survive a little longer” Captain Král ordered. “Aye Sir” the helmsman replied
Taking a quick look around to make sure his crew was ready, he turned back to wait for the signal the jump drive was ready.
At the signal, he ordered “Jump”
He felt the ship lurch forward and shudder. It took less than 5 seconds to jump from the station to within the targeted range, but it felt like forever.
And then they were less than 5 km from an enemy battleship.
“Oh shit!” exclaimed the helmsman and steered to avoid it. Captain Král hid a moment of panic with a joke, “ Someone make note that the jump drive targeting system needs work.”
His joke brought a chuckle from his crew and got them back to focus on the taste.
Stabbing a button on his console, he ordered “XO, fire secondary batteries,”
There was nothing to see or hear from the massive volleys of the secondary batteries coming to life. But he knew the gun crews were already raining devastation on enemy warships. “Helm, Hard to Port!” he ordered, not tearing his view away from the main viewscreen.
Captain Král looked at his console at the images sent to the bridge from the various gun cameras.
He could see the flashes of light from projectiles hitting their shields. He watched as other high-velocity projectiles punched through their hulls. He could just make out the impact of the explosive-tipped slugs fired by the autocannons.
Captain Král turned back to the main viewscreen. “Hard to starboard!”
“Head for that big son of a bitch!” he ordered
The Naalx were slow to respond but they began to return fire with some trying to gain some distance to clear the line of fire of other ships. The helmsman’s evasive maneuvers were also giving the enemy’s gunners fits from repeated misses.
But the damage sensors on the armor told of an increasing number of hits as the Naalx began to respond in an organized manner. The resistance coating reduced the damage from the Naalx laser batteries but didn’t completely nullify it. “Helm, get me a clear shot at the command ship.” the Captain ordered
A bright flash to starboard marked the death of an enemy cruiser. Status reports listed 2 sub-capitals holed and venting atmosphere. Dead or damaged, they were out of the fight.
One capital ship was dead in space with another missing its bow.
5 down too damn many to go The captain muttered
He watched and waited, ignoring damage alarms and the occasional shudder as shots began to get through the armor and explosively decompress a compartment when they penetrated the hull.
He finally saw what he wanted, an unobstructed line of fire to the command ship.
His finger smashed down on the console button. “ XO, Launch Torpedoes. Take the gloves off the main batteries. Drop the hammer!”
He watched the glitter of the particle beams as they bridged the gap between the Roanoke and the Naalx ship. In a moment, he caught sight of the torpedoes' thrusters as they left the tubes and picked up momentum. Holes and brief explosions marked the impact of his weapons. But the sheer volume of Naalxian fire was beginning to take its toll. The armor was failing or had failed in over a dozen spots. 3 autocannon and 1 railgun mount were out of commission.
2 minutes after they launched the torpedoes, the sight of more than 100 Hammerhead missiles was marked by the flare of their drives. Another volley of Hammerheads was launched the moment new missiles were lifted into the racks.
Captain Král called down to tactical, “XO, hold off on another volley for hammerheads.”
Checking his console, “Launch Shrikes at targets of opportunity with no shields, rear tubes target enemy capital ships and hope those torpedoes get through.” he ordered.
Multiple small explosions let him know the point defense systems were taking on the Hammerheads. And a moment later, a pair of massive explosions told him the nuclear-tipped torpedoes had hit their target.
“Captain, The Commodore’s squadron has escaped.” one of his techs announced.
“Thank you,” he answered
“Distance to command ship?” he asked
“ 250 km Sir” was the reply
“Helm, continue advancing on the command ship and pass her on our port side. We’ll give her a broadside and go to FTL after we clear.”
A tech from the damage control position spoke up, “Captain! FTL is down and jump drive is destroyed”
“Ahh hell’ cried the Captain.
“Damage report!” he ordered
“ Ventral turret destroyed, railgun mounts 2 and 5 destroyed, mount 9 damaged but functional. Autocannon mounts 11,13, 23 and 25 destroyed. Hammerhead launchers 3 and 8 destroyed.” The tech checked the screen before continuing, “ Explosive decompressions on decks 3 and 5. Explosive decompression in Med Bay. Ablative armor badly damaged and penetrated in around 20 spots. Engine #3 is down. Power unstable in many areas of the ship”
“FTL down, engineering needs an hour to fix. The jump drive is destroyed. Long-range comms are down” The tech finished.
“Casualty reports!” Captain Král ordered
A different tech replied, “249 dead, roughly 800 wounded with 327 too injured to fight.”
“Thank you.” he returned. Doing the math in his head he had just over 1300 combat effective and 482 of those were his Marines, the other 18 were left behind.
After thinking a moment, “Helm, same course as before but since we can’t go to FTL, circle to the aft of the command ship and lessen the incoming fire for the moment”
Looking over to the comms tech, “ Get me the chief engineer on the horn.”
Tapping the switch on the console, he called down to tactical. “ XO, I’m taking us around to the aft of the command ship and play peek-a-boo.”
“We’ll pass on her port side and I want a broadside from all batteries that can hit it and launch half the Shrikes we have left at it.”
“After we get to their rear, target enemy aft batteries, I want them all hunks of twisted metal.” Captain Král ordered
“Aye Sir.” Lt. Commander Ricci replied. “Ammo count update Sir.”
“Go ahead,” he replied
“Only the two forward tubes are loaded, aft tubes empty, railgun and autocannon are down to 30%. Dorsal turret is at 10% but they are working on transferring surviving ammo from the Ventral turret.
We can launch 4 more full racks of Shrikes and 5+ Hammerheads.” She finished
“Understood. Thank you” Captain Král replied
“Captain, Chief Engineer on the line” a tech relayed
“Route it to my console,” he ordered
“ I need you to place charges on the computer core, all the experimental equipment, engines, and fire suppression control. If we go down, I don’t want them getting a damn thing but blood and pain.”
“Aye Sir.” The Chief replied.

Captain Král turned back to watch as the Roanoke passed the command ship to port. He watched as massive explosions rippled across the enemy flank and dorsal surface. They were too close for the point defense to pick off the majority of the Shrikes.
As the Roanoke got behind and slightly below the enemy command ship, she slowed and allowed her surviving batteries to silence the command ship's aft batteries.
Captain Král called down to tactical, “XO, fire half our remaining hammerheads into her engines.”
“Affirmative,” replied the XO
Captain Král watched as the hammerheads impacted the command ship’s engines and saw the thrust nozzles dim as the engines went offline. The enemy batteries stopped firing and she began to drift.
“Helm, get us 500 km from the command ship and line up to fire our last 2 avalanche torpedoes.” Captain Král ordered
“Aye Sir, 500km bow towards the enemy” the helmsman repeated
The Captain called down to tactical ” Nana, We’re positioning the ship to line up the front tubes and we’re going to kill that bastard. Stay on the line and fire on my order.”
“Aye Sir, we’re ready.” The XO answered
“Helm?” Captain Král asked
“ 3 seconds Captain.” the helmsman replied
Captain Král watched and as soon as he got the angle he wanted, “Fire Torpedoes!” he commanded
The whole bridge crew watched and waited for the impact. Both torpedoes struck amidships and tore massive holes in the hull. As they watched, lines of explosions traveled across the hull and began to rip the ship in half. The bridge crew let out a yell and the rest of the ship after the Captain had the information broadcast over the intercom.

“ Helm, get us the hell out of here. Maybe we can outrun the bigger ships and buy time to fix the FTL.” Captain Král ordered
But before the helmsman could act, there was a massive jolt.
“What the hell?” he yelled
A tech answered, “ We were rammed by a Naalx cruiser and several smaller ships are closing in.“
But instead of ramming the Roanoke, they launched breeching pods.
His finger stabbed down to open the intercom. “ All hands, Prepare to Repel Boarders! Security teams, tactical will relay their access position. “ He ordered
He pulled out his sidearm and checked that it was ready. Several other techs did the same, while his security detachment moved to defensive positions to watch the hatch.
“Target those pods!” Captain Král ordered but he didn’t need to say it, his gunnery crews were on it. Here and there a brief flash of light marked the destruction of a pod.

“XO, fire all remaining missiles. Pick your targets,” he commanded “All batteries, open fire.”
He left the tac net open to track the status of the enemy boarding parties.
He listened to the cacophony of noises coming over the tac net.
“Security team alpha to section 7, level 3. Bravo team section 2 level 1, Charlie team section 12, level 5” Lt. Commander Ricci ordered.
“There’s too many, fall back to position 2…” an unidentified voice ordered
Another voice firmly stated, “Hold your ground, nothing gets past us.”
“Theta team down, a handful of Naalx heading for engineering!” a panicked voice exclaimed
And dozens of others just like it, always with the sound of combat in the background.
“Captain, more breaching pods en route!” a tech exclaimed
“Get me the Chief Engineer!” the Captain ordered
At the Chief Engineer’s response, he ordered “Detonate all sabotage charges except the main computer. Set that one on a manual trigger at my console with a 20-minute timer as a backup. And then set the reactors to overload, we’re not going to hold the ship much longer. And set a charge to breach the hull and decompress Engineering as soon as you are clear”
“Affirmative, Captain. She was a good ship” the Chief replied
Turning to his bridge crew, “Give the order to abandon ship. Have all the pods head for the station.”
The Captain called tactical, “Lt. Commander Ricci, all hands abandon ship. Get as many of them home as you can.”
“ I understand, Sir.” She answered, “I’ll see you at the station.” she said hopefully
“I'm afraid not, Nana. I’m the Captain and I’m going down with my ship.” he stated, “And someone needs to make sure they can’t shut down the overload.”
“Transfer all fire controls to my station and get the hell out of here.”
“Aye Sir, It’s been an honor” the XO replied
“The honor is all mine. You are going to make an excellent Captain. Goodbye my friend” Captain Král finished.
His bridge crew tried to convince him to go with them but he declined and ordered security to get them into the escape pods.
Then he sat and watched as his consoles began reporting each pod as it launched. He also kept an eye on his sensors and concentrated fire on any Naalx ship that was moving to intercept the pods. They knew better than to fire on them but nothing said they couldn’t capture them.
He also prepared a probe with all the ship logs and combat data and fired it toward human-held territory. It would run silently until it exited the system and then begin broadcasting a coded signal for pickup.
He was dismayed at how few pods had left the ship and regretted so many young lives had been cut short.
As he saw the last pod clear the battlefield, he sat back for a moment and then triggered the charge on the main computer.
A hard pounding came from the other side of the hatchway. But there wasn’t enough power to open it. He guessed the pinging on the door was them firing their lasers and trying to blast it open.
He wondered if it would work but a huge rumble, a bright flash, interrupted, and the long career of Captain Král was finally over.
News of the Roanoke’s final battle flashed across news channels on hundreds of worlds. Her courageous and foolhardy charge at a superior force. The damage she did to the Naalx fleet before her destruction. How, of the 1859 members of the crew that went into the battle, only 108 survived.
The videos taken from both sides during the battle played over and over again.
How the Naalx picked up all the escape pods and released them on the station immediately.
And even recovered the bodies of any human they found while gathering their dead.
Naalx losses were the command ship, 2 capital ships, 9 sub-capitals destroyed, and a dozen other vessels damaged in one form or another. Naalx casualties were over 50,000 dead
Only the Naalx’s immense respect for courage, audacity, and bravery in the face of danger kept the skirmish from blowing up into a war.
The Naalx rendered full military honors as they turned the Human dead over to Lt. Commander Ricci.
The Captain Král, A Grenville-class cruiser, was launched 2 years later. Captain Nana Ricci in command.
Authors note- I hope you enjoyed this story. It's based on a historical event. Which according to an idiot on youtube is plagiarism.
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submitted by firefighter_raven to HFY [link] [comments]


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 15, 2024) - Excellon Resources Inc. (TSX: EXN) (OTCQB: EXNRF) (FSE: E4X2) ("Excellon" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that, further to the Company's news releases dated April 4, 2024 and April 15, 2024, it has closed the final tranches of its previously announced non-brokered private placement offering (the "Offering") of units of the Company ("Units"), pursuant to which the Company sold an additional 3,414,555 Units at a price of $0.18 per Unit for additional aggregate gross proceeds to the Company of approximately $614,620. Under the Offering, the Company sold a total of 7,356,632 Units at a price of $0.18 per Unit for aggregate gross proceeds to the Company of approximately $1,324,194.
Each Unit was comprised of one common share in the capital of the Company (each, a "Common Share") and one common share purchase warrant of the Company (each, a "Warrant"). Each Warrant entitles the holder thereof to acquire one Common Share at a price of $0.27 per Common Share for a period of 24 months from the applicable closing date of the Offering. In connection with the closing of all tranches of the Offering, the Company paid cash finder's fees in the aggregate amount of approximately $43,598 and issued a total of 104,210 non-transferable finder's warrants on the same terms as the Warrants to certain arm's length parties in consideration of Units sold to subscribers introduced by such parties.
The Company intends to use the net proceeds of the Offering for advancement of the Company's mineral projects and for general working capital and corporate purposes. In addition, the Company has used a portion of the net proceeds to receive final assay results from the Company's 2,100 metre drill program at the Kilgore Project in 2022, which were announced on May 7, 2024.
The Offering remains subject to the final approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange.
The Units were offered: (a) by way of private placement in each of the provinces of Canada pursuant to applicable exemptions from the prospectus requirements under applicable Canadian securities laws; (b) in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons, by way of private placement pursuant to the exemptions from the registration requirements provided for under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"); and (c) in jurisdictions outside of Canada and the United States on a private placement or equivalent basis. The securities issued pursuant to the Offering are subject to a four-month hold period in Canada pursuant to applicable Canadian securities laws.
The securities offered have not been, nor will they be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act, or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons absent registration or an exemption from such registration requirements. This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy in the United States nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any state in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.
About Excellon
Excellon's vision is to realize opportunities through the acquisition of advanced development or producing assets with further potential to gain from an experienced management team for the benefit of our employees, communities and shareholders. The Company is advancing a portfolio of gold, silver and base metals assets including Kilgore, an advanced gold exploration project in Idaho; and Silver City, a high-grade epithermal silver district in Saxony, Germany with 750 years of mining history and little modern exploration.
Additional details on Excellon's properties are available at
For Further Information, Please Contact:
Excellon Resources Inc. Shawn Howarth, President & Chief Executive Officer [](
All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained, referenced or incorporated by reference in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" and "forward looking information" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as: "actively", "advance", "anticipated", "assess", "believe", "cause", "commence", "completion", "conditions", "consideration", "continues", "development", "due course", "expectation", "exploration", "extend", "extension", "flexibility", "focused", "forward", "further", "future", "if", "implement", "liquidity", "looking", "maturity", "may", "negotiations", "occur", "opportunities", "options", "outcome", "outstanding", "potential", "providing", "reach", "restructuring", "risk", "subject to", "to be", "update", "vision", "waive", "when", "will", and "would", or variations of such words, and similar such words, expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results can, could, may, should, to, will, would (or not) be achieved, occur, provide, result, complete or support in the future or which, by their nature, refer to future events. In some cases, forward-looking information may be stated in the present tense, such as in respect of current matters that may be continuing, or that may have a future impact or effect. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding the timing and ability of the Company to receive necessary approvals; exploration and drilling programs, including the timing, completion and results thereof; potential mineralization; and the Company's objectives, goals and future plans and strategies. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct, and any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future actions, results or performance. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions, estimates, expectations and opinions, which are considered reasonable and represent best judgment based on available facts, as of the date such statements are made. If such assumptions, estimates, expectations and opinions prove to be incorrect, actual and future results may be materially different than expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors which may cause the actual results or performance of the Company to be materially different from any future results or performance expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors include, among others, the "Risk Factors" in the Company's annual information form dated April 1, 2024 (the "2024 AIF"), and the risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors identified in the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis, and accompanying financial statements, for the year ended December 31, 2023, and the Company's other applicable public disclosure (collectively, "Company Disclosure"). The foregoing list of risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors is not exhaustive; readers should consult the more complete discussion of the Company's business, financial condition and prospects that is provided in the 2024 AIF and the other Company Disclosure. The forward-looking statements referenced or contained in this news release are expressly qualified by these Cautionary Statements as well as the Cautionary Statements in the other Company Disclosure. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this news release (or as otherwise expressly specified) and the Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, except as required by applicable laws.
Not for distribution to United States news wire services or for dissemination in the United States
To view the source version of this press release, please visit
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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:48 Glittering_Clock4283 Getting a CTD crash I can’t figure out 💔

I’ve recently just got back into modding Skyrim after getting memory errors which are fixed now but for some reason when I continue to enter fort Dawnguards castle I crash with an unknown error here’s my pastebin of my crash log and plug ins used thanks in advance.
  1. Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF64E1F5845 (SkyrimSE.exe+12F5845) on thread 14616!
  2. FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
  3. FrameworkVersion: 15
  4. FrameworkArchitecture: x64
  5. GameLibrary: SkyrimSE
  6. GameLibraryVersion: 18
  7. ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe
  8. ApplicationVersion:
  9. VersionInfo: Successfully loaded
  10. Time: 15 May 2024 19:11:55.513
  11. Possible relevant objects (4)
  12. {
  13. [ 21] BSTriShape(Name: `Body5`)
  14. [ 92] NiCamera(Name: `WorldRoot Camera`)
  15. [ 135] NiCamera(Name: null)
  16. [ 157] ShadowSceneNode(Name: `shadow scene node`)
  17. }
  18. Probable callstack
  19. {
  20. [0] 0x7FF64E1F5845 (SkyrimSE.exe+12F5845) NiSourceTexture::unk_12F5840+5
  21. [1] 0x7FF64E1F21FE (SkyrimSE.exe+12F21FE) BSLightingShader::Func4_12F2020+1DE
  22. [2] 0x7FF64E2084BE (SkyrimSE.exe+13084BE) unk_1308440+7E
  23. [3] 0x7FF64E2082D3 (SkyrimSE.exe+13082D3) BSBatchRenderer::unk_1308030+2A3
  24. [4] 0x7FF64E1CCF4F (SkyrimSE.exe+12CCF4F) BSShaderAccumulator::unk_12CCE40+10F
  25. [5] 0x7FF64E1CB699 (SkyrimSE.exe+12CB699) BSShaderAccumulator::unk_12CB2E0+3B9
  26. [6] 0x7FF64E1CACAD (SkyrimSE.exe+12CACAD) BSShaderAccumulator::Func43_12CAC90+1D
  27. [7] 0x7FF64E1E4129 (SkyrimSE.exe+12E4129) unk_12E3E70+2B9
  28. [8] 0x7FF64D4B2096 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B2096) Main::Draw_5B1860+836
  29. [9] 0x7FF64D4B1832 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B1832) Main::unk_5B1710+122
  30. [10] 0x7FF64D4B1301 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B1301) Main::unk_5B1020+2E1
  31. [11] 0x7FF64D4B35C7 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B35C7) Main::Update_5B2FF0+5D7
  32. [12] 0x7FFD2DC7ECD9 (hdtSMP64.dll+BECD9)
  33. [13] 0x203E04B9300
  34. [14] 0xD6954F8C0
  35. [15] 0x7FFD2120C6D0 (gameoverlayrenderer64.dll+14C6D0)
submitted by Glittering_Clock4283 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:03 juanpicks Looking for Online Jobs and long term Client

Hello everyone I am here to find some gigs or maybe long term online job. I will be straight to the point, here are my skills:
Also, I'm starting to learn figma to become UI/UX designer, if ever you need someone to train and bw your assistant, please let me know. I'm very willing for this.
If you need anything and you think I will be fit for the job, please let me know. I am willing to learn new skills for the future. I hope to start my frelancing career with you. Thank you!
P.S. graduating student (electrical eng) Philippines
Minimum of 5$ per hour
Contacts Email: Viber or WhatsApp: +639161033407
submitted by juanpicks to onlineservicesPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:02 juanpicks Looking for Online Jobs and long term Client

Hello everyone I am here to find some gigs or maybe long term online job. I will be straight to the point, here are my skills to offer:
Also, I'm starting to learn figma to become UI/UX designer, if ever you need someone to train and bw your assistant, please let me know. I'm very willing for this.
If you need anything and you think I will be fit for the job, please let me know. I am willing to learn new skills for the future. I hope to start my frelancing career with you. Thank you!
P.S. graduating student (electrical eng) Philippines
Minimum of 5$ per hour
Contacts Email: Viber or WhatsApp: +639161033407
submitted by juanpicks to phclassifieds [link] [comments]